Mattia Bravin portfolio 2013

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Mattia Bravin - M.Arch

PORTFOLIO Architecture

ABOUT ME I am Mattia Bravin, a dynamic and hard worker Italian student of Politecnico di Milano. I am back to Europe after an exchange period at the University of Technology in Sydney where I started my final thesis of MArch about the identity crisis of the Museum of Contemporary Art in Sydney’s opera house area. I attended an international Postgraduate coursework at my own university Politecnico di Milano and a year exchange in Spain during my BArch. During my university’s education I had the opportunity to have good professors, to attend important lectures given by a large number of known architects and to participate to international workshops. Thanks to these experiences my architectural knowledge has grown up with a strong base given by my school and at the same time I had the opportunity to experiment other different architectural approaches and methods that helped me to improve my design skills and thoughts. I graduated at the Bachelor with professor Alessandra Zanelli with a research thesis regarding the development of the use of textile materials applied to the façades; this thesis was born as a comparison between the experience of the last few years, especially during Shanghai expo 2010, when a large number of projects that used this technology become important. I started an investigation about the opportunities we can have using this materials from a technical and aestatical point of view. Architecture for me is the way to know the outside world, a possibility to know different countries, populations and cultures. It is an important tool of comunication and a unique opportunity to create social cohesion.I really believe in the necessity to travel and see by your own eyes the masterpieces and the opportunities that this world offer you.

CONTACT Mattia Bravin via Moretto da Brescia 32 20133 Milano (Italia) 25.04.1988 Italian nationality IT. (+39) 3403224492 SKYPE: andale8References upon requestT

WORK EXPERIENCES | COMPETITIONS \\May 2012- today: collaboration with “Fabrizio Leoni Architettura” firm role: architectural intern|collaborator for competition contact: arch: Fabrizio Leoni_ email: \\May 2012: private Competion Capo Ceraso Resort restoration result: 1st place, project under construction About the competition: \\September 2011-April 2012: collaboration with “Streetstudio” firm role: architectural intern|organizer of events contact: arch. Alessia Ferrè_ email: \\September 2011: international summer school competition result :2nd place About the project: \\September 2010-November 2010: Internship at “Studio Architettura e Urbanistica role: architectural Intern

EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND \\AUGUST 2012- DECEMBER 2012: University of Technology, Sydney Exchange experience at the faculty of Architecture DAB UTS Sydney (Australia) \\MARCH 2011 - TODAY Politecnico di Milano MSc Architecture (taught in English) Faculty of Architecture and Society \\SEPTEMBER 2009 – JUNE 2010 Escuela Tecnica Superior de Arquitectura ULPGC Exchange experience at the faculty of architecture: ETSA ULPGC , Las Palmas de G.C. (Spain) \\SEPTEMBER 2007 – FEBRUARY 2011 Politecnico di Milano Undergraduate student at the faculty of “Architecture and society” 22nd february 2011 Bachelor’s Degree Thesis “Textile façade: technical develpments or aestetic evolution?” \\SEPTEMBER 2002 – JUNE 2007 Liceo Scientifico A.Volta, Milano School leaving certificate with mark: 79/100

CURRICULUM VITAE LANGUAGES \\ITALIAN: native speaker \\ENGLISH: speak fluently and read / write with high proficiency \\SPANISH: speak fluently and read / write with high proficiency

SOFTWARE \\Office pack \\Adobe pack: Photoshop,Illustrator,Indesign \\Technical Drawing: Autocad \\3d Modeling: Rhinoceros, Archicad, Revit, Sketchup \\Render: Artlantis+ Maxwell render, Cinema 4d Vray, Rhinoceros Vray \\Photography: Lightroom \\VIdeo: Premiere \\Energy: Casanova \\Prototype: Laser cutting

EXHIBITIONS | PRESENTATIONS \\INDEX 2012, Sydney, Australia \\BEAMS FESTIVAL, Sydney, Australia \\Presentation at casa Italia, Italian Embassay of Istambul, Istanbul, Turkey \\Helper on the mounting of the CARWAN GALLERY , Fuorisalone 2012, Milano, Italy \\Presentation of the project THE GREEN LINE to the design team of MILANO EXPO 2015 \\Atelier Forte, The Sleipnir, Politecnico di Milano, Italy \\COSTRUIRE REVERSIBILE PER L’ABITARE TEMPORANEO, Milano, Italy

WORKSHOPS \\September 2011: international summer school “Open city:From Landscape to exterior design” \\September 2011: Miaw 2.0 “ the Forest” MIAW.2.html \\February 2010: Workshop Internacional de proyectos arquitectonicos: Paisaje y Residuo Urbano


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SUMMER SCHOOL | Open City: from landscape to exterior design

WORKSHOPS | MIAW 2.0 the forest

EXHIBITIONS | Beams Festival



CAPO CERASO HOTEL|private competition


PRIVATE COMPETITION - Revitalization of CAPOCERASO RESORT HOTEL TEAM: Fabrizio Leoni, Guillem Lacoma Huerva, Luca de Stasio, Bravin Mattia, Daniele Creamaschi, Matteo Zorzi, Valerio Guidi, Ceren Sipahioglu RENDER: Matteo Aimini, Gilles Berrino STATUS: winner of the competion, project under construction Role: graphic, drawings, schemes, render,model Youtube link:

The project was about the riqualification of an existing resort in costa Smeralda (Sardegna) that have been abandoned for almost 15 years and had to be reconstruct keeping the actual structural system. The main aims of this project were the dematerialization of the building body, the relationship with the nature and sardinian’s value that have to be translate in architecture. This values were translated inside the project, giving a new power to the building in order to distinguished it from the others similar resorts of the area. The nature and the craftworks are the main topic used to design the covering mesh, a new tool to disgregate the original shape and the weight of the building.This mesh is designed as an element in Vimini(wicker) typical of the local tradition, that is done to be colonyzed by the nature and to feed the nature. The resort works both in winter and in summer season and host private apartments and hotel’ suites. All the facilities are designed to work either for the people of the building either for the people of the sorroundings.

Masterplan N

Daily view

second floor’s plan N

North Elevation


Entrance & main Hall

Design process

Final outcome





4. 1.Apartments 2.Suites 3.Swimming Pool & Relax 4.Shops

Longitudinal section



Construction elements of the faรงade 1. glass handrail 2. anchoring system 3. Teak floor 4. Fretted metal sheet 5. External skin 6. Steel frame 7. Unit

Swimming pool and relax area

Render night view

Cross section

Ground floor N

First floor



POLITECNICO DI MILANO - Accademic year 2011/2012 1st year second semester Msc Architecture-Faculty architecture and society

BUILDING TECHNOGY STUDIO - Milano Expo 2015 Office headquarters

Professors: J. Di Pasquale (AM PROJECTS),A Tartaglia,G. Muciaccia, M. Manfren Supervisor: Matteo Gatto (coordinator Team Expo) group project role: graphic, drawings, schemes, building physics

ABOUT THE PROJECT The theme of this course was the creation of an alternative design for the office pavilion in EXPO MILANO 2015. The main problem were related to the schedule and the dimension of the area that were very strict and precise. Another important issue in this kind of project was the relation of the building with the after expo, how this building could improve the future development of this area, and how could become a new keypoint and attractive point also after expo. We decided to start from the nature (Main topic of expo) and recreate a visual relationship with the new mountain situated in the oposite head of the decumano street; a decision to create something strong that had to become the new center of the after expo situation. The flows of people along the decumano designed the shaped of the public platform that had to host all the activities related to the expo (main square, multimedia hall, Auditorium, Conferences room..ecc).Above this element two bodies of the offices growth in vertical following the exposition to the sun and the winds, giving a perfect performances to this building. The Faรงade was the main aim of the studies in order to improve the quality of the building.

Masterplan N


Design Process

After Expo configuration

Vertical system

Main entrance from the Expo Decumano


Render from the entrance of the Expo

Longitudinal section

Groundfloor N

Offices plan N

Main Faรงade

Construction detail

Construction detail

Night view


Parco Residenziale ECO 8

POLITECNICO DI MILANO - Accademic year 2011/2012- 1st year second semester Msc Architecture-Faculty architecture and society

TOWN PLANNING STUDIO - Rehabilitation of Bicocca’s area Professors: C.Morandi Lina Scavuzzo, Federico Jappelli

group project role: coordinator, graphic, drawings, schemes, speaker

ABOUT THE PROJECT The city of Milano is a monocentric system made of circular “circonvallazioni” and radials, the project is situated in the north-east part of the city inside the quite recent project of Gregotti for the new Bicocca.Inside of the area we have two main crucial point signed by the PGT as Areas in trasformations that are in the both side of the existing railway line. The Area is next to the north boundary of Milano and the presence of the vertical axis (two main roads and railway) cut complitely the area in vertical stripes. The Public transportation system is under developing but is possible to improve this system giving more order and especially working on the horizontal connection. We started to design the 2 masterplan according to the horizontal connection, trying to enphasize the relationship between new and prexistance, and trying to give a new green identity to the neighborhood. The idea was to recreate on one side a new neighborhood for the students of the university from one side, and on the other give a new area of facilities and attractor points for the people of the sorroundings.

Masterplan N

South view of the Residential surroundings

East view of Bicocca Area

Horizontal link and masterplan development

1) Finish the urban texture


2) Focus on the main corridor and the main connection to the park

3) Possibility to build up an eco village in the park

Different Context scales

1) Big scale_ Entrance from bicocca’s huge scale

2) Medium scale_ precotto (first sorrounding neighborhood) ‘ scale

3) Small scale_ eco village in the park

Focus Area Masterplan N

Focus Area Concept

Accessability Car access Pedestrian access

Main nodes’ detailed plans

Main nodes Section


Bicycle path

Public green

Pedestrian path

Decreasing speed intervention


Park analysis



Grass Sport

Agricoltural Field

Eco village configuration


Marchiondi Spagliardi Art Museum

POLITECNICO DI MILANO - Accademic Year 2010/2011- 1st year first semester Msc Architecture-Faculty architecture and society

ARCHITECTURAL PRESERVATION STUDIO Marchiondi Spagliardi Contemporary art museum Professors: Canziani Andrea (secretary DO.CO.MO.MO italia) ,Maffeis Rodolfo, Monteleone Cosimo Group project:responsable project, building construction, graphic

ABOUT THE PROJECT The theme of the course is a preservation project of “Marchiondi Spagliardi’s Institute” of Vittoriano Viganò, icon of the modern movement and one of the few examples of brutalism architecture in Italy. In addition to the classical part of analysis and survey, the course required a specific project of reuse of the building.The building has recently been purchased by Politecnico di Milano. The new function request for this building was a contemporary art museum: In the last few years the people speak more about the importance of the container and not just about the content, so what is better than Marchiondi Spagliardi’s Institute (the model is showed at M.O.M.A.) to host this kind of activity? We developed a new Masterplan for the museum, and later on we focused the attenction to the ex primary school’s area. The primary school can be used to host medium size masterpieces (statues or paintings). The flexibility that we gave with our intervention regards some tricks related to the kind of illumination and distribution of the spaces. Before to design the new spaces we made a deep investigation based on the Riegl’s method and analysis of the values.

Built up Masterplan N

Museum’s masterplan

Entrance Building Open space Relationship inbetween open spaces and the building

Concrete’ structure

Focus area

Longitudinal section

Main elements Loads and bearing system

Enclosure elements

Decay analysis

Studies about the exhibition

Red and Yellow section

Red and Yellow plan

Red and Yellow details


Museology studies








1. 5.


















Politecnico di Milano - Accademic year 2008/2009 - 2° semester second year

Corso di laura triennale in scienze dell’architettura, Facoltà di Architettura e società. CORSO DI COSTRUZIONI - the temporary leaving

Professors Alessandra Zanelli, Carol Monticelli, Tiziana Poli group project role: design process, graphic, drawings and layout

ABOUT THE PROJECT The main theme of this studio was the temporary and movable architecture. The request by the professors was to design a temporary pavilion mountable, with dry methods in a relatively short time, and functional from the climate’s and wellenss point of views. According to this we designed a mobile structure that had no constraints linked to a specific places but that have to be adaptable in any place with different climate’s conditions. The newness of topics for this kind of intervention was the main important discovered during this semester: The possibility to create something different from the typical house project was a very important factor during the design process and especially the opportunity to use unusual construction method grew my interestest in this topics. These kind of structures are mostly built taking into consideration the timing of construction.

Section and plan

Working and flexibility of the Movable Floating Bridge




4. 1 STEP_ START: the PMG is link to the facility cellar.Inside there are an exhibition space, a bar, a storage, a toilette and a relax area 2 STEP_ TRAVEL: the PMG on travel is like a boat with a cubic shape. It needs a boat to carry it to next station. 3 STEP_ ADAPTABILITY: once reached the desire station the MFB 4 STEP_ CONCLUSION: The MFB is ready to be used again as an exhibition space or connection point.

Rythm given by the frames

The main characteristic of the Movable Floating Bridge is the movement. Thanks to the two pavilions, you can create a route along a navigable channel. The project consists in two independent bodies that can work as one: -A floating pavilion (the bridge) that is used as link or exhibition space -A facilities module that plays a secondary role The MFB can be used on one side in urban contexts regarding exhibitions’ or fairs’ events (ex. fuorisalone), on the other as requalifing element for problematic contexts (ex. parco Lambro) The bridge is able to adapt to different heights and widths of the banks: this is possible thanks to a system of winches, pistons, cables and cranes. The winches allow the lifting of the frames and the floor; the pistons have the task to separate the pillars and consequently also the frames. The last portions of the floor are not fixed and can rotate around a pivot, lie on the ground on the basis of the slope required.

Adaptability to the river bank

Plan of the exhibition configuration

Structural frames

Inner view

Details of the movable beam

Mounting process of the support unit

Construction details of the support unit

Flexibility of construction

SUMMER SCHOOL |from landscape to exterior design Masterplan with no overflood N

Piacenza is an historical river city in Emilia Romagna that lost completely this configuration; we based our project on the use of the water to regive to the city the possibility to use the river as an opportunity and not as a dangerous area with problem of overflood; for this reason we designed different masterplan according to the height of the water and the abbandoned highway it is a very good space to provide new facilities and public spaces to the citizen of this dense medieval city.

New image of the city from the highway

Program of the intervention

New aquatic connection from the city to the river

Focus on the requalification of the abandoned highway

Intervention elements

WORKSHOPS | MIAW 2.0 the forest

Sleipnir da Silva Politecnico di Milano Duilio Forte is an architect, designer, carpenter and blacksmith; he uses the steel and the wood to recreate fantastic characters of the scandinavian Mithology. I learnt how to use the wood and to work with it, in order to obtain living spaces.

EXHIBITIONS | Beams festival

FLYING JELLYFISH The idea was born from the interactivity of the works of Laszlo Moholy Nagy, professor of photography at the Bauhaus, who is the first to bring the time factor in his works. The role of the light is so important to achieve this resolte and to stimulate an interactivity with the visitor.We wanted to create something touchable and unconventional in order to stimulate different reactions into the people. The Ehibition had a great succes and we were so happy about the happiness of kids playing with our work.


Handmade models materials: cardboard, foam, paper, steel, methyl methacrylate, pvc, and wood.

Mattia Bravin - M.Arch

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