.Mattia Luchetti .Architecture Portfolio

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Mattia LucchettiPortfolio


WORK EXPERIENCES: External collaborator at Studio Tecnico Ing. Mancini Mauro March2017-present Architectural design. 3D modelling, Rendering Collaborator at Studio Panni Design, Via De’ Rusticucci n°1 Fano (PU) june-august2017 Detail design for a project located in Lagos, Nigeria Translation of skype conferences and documents.

Name_ Mattia Lucchetti Address_ Strada Comunale Roncitelli 152, 60019, Senigallia (AN), Italy Telephone Number_ +39 3392587348 E-mail_ mattialucchetti@gmail.com Nationality_ Italian Date of birth_ 26/07/1990 Place of birth_ Senigallia Skype name_ mattia.lucchetti

Design and construction of eARThouse2016 and Opoku’s house projects june-november2016 Co-founder of LOAD (load-project.com) Designer and builder Collaborator at Cipiua architetti Senigallia: sept.2015-march2016 Collaborator in the studio activities. 2D and 3D graphic design, render, reports Internship at GravalosDiMonte Arquitectos, Zaragoza: february-june2015 Collaborator in the studio activities. Internship at Ensamble Studio, Madrid: june-august2014 Participation to construction activities of experimental building site held by Ensamble Studio and MIT-Pop Lab

PROFESSIONAL HABILITATION as ARCHITECT June-September2015 UNIVERSITY STUDIES: 2009-2014 grade 110/110 Università degli studi di Ferrara, Faculty of Architecture, “Laurea magistrale a ciclo unico”

ERASMUS PROGRAM: february-june 2013 CVUT in Prague, Faculty of Architecture Attended courses: Architectural design_Edible urbanism design studio Lansdscape architecture - technology Microclimate and architecture HIGH SCHOOL STUDIES: 2004-2009 grade 92/100 Liceo scientifico statale: Enrico Medi, Senigallia

WORKSHOPS, COURSES AND COMPETITIONS: Participation to ESBG 20171 ”000x1000” competition: April 2017 European Strawbale Gathering Project design as LOAD in collaboration with Archética eARThouse shortlisted project at “Premio internazionale Architettura Sostenibile” Fassa Bortolo. 2017 Project designed and built with LOAD association GREB course held by Associations Edil Paglia and ARIA Familiare Rimini2: 15-18/12/2015 Practical and theoretical activities Earth and straw plaster course held by terraepaglia craft construction company 12-13/05/2016 Practical and theoretical activities Participation to “Homeless cover design” competition by Rethinking design competitions 12/2015 Design of a n emergency cover for homeless people

Participation to “Regeneración urbana del entorno del albergue y la plaza Glorieta de Vivonne, Maella”: march 2015 Winner of the competition with GravalosDiMonte Arquitectos.


AutoCAD Rhinoceros

Participation to Archiprix Italia 2015_thesis design project: Professional 3D Modeling: july 2015 “Autorecupero di ambiti rurali periurbani” project selected for the University of Ferrara Participation to “Moved to Care” competition by Building Trust international: february 2014 The aim of the competition was to design a healthcare facility in southeast Asia which was safe, secure and able to be relocated with relative ease. Competitor with Lorenzo Conti Participation to the workshop “AdiCittà”, Rosarno (RC): september 2012 Urban regeneration festival, low cost design of urban forniture, art installations and urban design in collaboration with locals and external participations. adicitta.wordpress.com Constuction_LAB traditional techniques: february 2010 Construction of a shelter with traditional materials

Rhinoceros 3DSmax, AutoCAD Google Sketchup

Professional Adobe suite user:

PhotoShop InDesign Illustrator Premiere

Professional use of rendering softwares:

BIM softwares:

Rhinoceros 3DSmax CINEMA_4D

Nemetschek Allplan , Revit

Professional knowledge of Microsoft Office suite Technical hand drawing and sketching skills PERSONAL SKILLS AND COMPETENCES: Mother toungue: Other languages: Job related skills:


English: independent user Spanish: independent user

Team work skills Problem solving skills Model craftmanship skills (various materials) Creativity Flexibility

HOBBIES: Creating objects and furniture from recycled materials, Traveling, Photography, Climbing, Playing the drum and guitar, cooking VOLUNTARY ACTIVITIES: IAI_international association for house right Voluntary interpreter Spanish to Italian AVIS_associazione volontari italiani sangue Blood donor from 2011 ADMO_associazione donatori midollo osseo Donor from 2012

INDEX BUILDING SITE ACTIVITIES . eARThouse 2 . Opoku’s house 4 . Las Matas, Madrid, ENSAMBLE studio 5


.Studio Panni Design, Fano 6 .CipiuA, Senigallia 7

COMPETITIONS . 1000x1000

.ESBG 2017 9


THESIS PROJECT .REagricultuRE .Autorecupero di ambiti rurali periurbani



.Flows .Florence, Le Piagge


.Rotterdam, Lijnbaan .Pordenone

16 18



.urban regeneration in Rosarno .ARIA familiare and Edil Paglia .terraepaglia

22 23 23


.Dialogue with the surrounding .Sustainable family housing


. Leisure center

WORKSHOP AND COURSES . A di città . GREB course . Clay and straw plaster


a house for the arts Project with LOAD Member of the design and building team Location: Abetenim Arts Village, Ashanti Region, Ghana Time schedule: from July to November 2016 Main partner: Nka Foundation Overall cost: 9616 â‚Ź Consultant: Mantey Jectey-Nyarko (Ph.D), Artistic consultant, Department of Art, KNUST University, Kumasi

The project is the first step of a process which aims to lead rural Ghanaian communities to an economical independence fostering activities which enhance the local heritage, developing employment in arts and crafts production, while training a skilled team on innovative building solutions. eARThouse is designed to host up to 6 local and international artisans, as a platform for cultural exchange, activating vocational courses for unemployed young and adults. Volumes come from the traditional patio house in order to provide a familiar environment, while local available materials properly respond to tropical climate issues. Using natural materials combined with reproducible innovative solutions, the project aims to improve living conditions through simple changes.


Opoku’s House

rammed earth dwelling unit Project with LOAD Member of the design and building team Location: Abetenim Arts Village, Ashanti Region, Ghana Time schedule: from october2016 (ongoing) Overall estimated cost: 850 â‚Ź Consultant: Mantey Jectey-Nyarko (Ph.D), Artistic consultant, Department of Art, KNUST University, Kumasi

The project aims to develop a reproducible building system using available materials on site and that can give a real chance of improvement even towards people living in disadvantaged areas. Opoku is the first villager in Abetenim willing to build his own rammed earth house. When we met him the foundations were completed, but he ran out of money when he was about to buy the wooden formworks. Since we designed metal formworks as a tool for the community, we thought it could have been a great chance to verify its actual usefullness. We thus offered Opoku to continue together the construction. Any decision was taken according to Opoku’s budget only and developing user-specific solutions. The construction site is still in progress thanks to international volunteers coming to the village.


Internship at ENSAMBLEstudio, Madrid: june-august 2014 Las Matas, Madrid, ES The workplace was an experimental work dealing with superstructure, managed by Ensamble Studio and MIT-POPlab. Enrolled as collaborator to construction activities.

The building activity was held during an erasmus placement internship. The working site was a intern based building site and the construction purpose was to define an alternative use in architecture of light pre-fab modular metal profiles. The project was developed by ENSAMBLE studio and MITpop LAB, as an experimental site where the purpose was to develop an easy to build system to densify metropolitan areas.

Collaborator at Studio Panni Design: june-august 2017 Via De’ Rusticucci n°1 Fano (PU) Detail design for a project located in Lagos, Nigeria Entrance porch detail drawings. Various scales.


Collaborator at Cipiua Architetti: sept.2015-march2016 Corso 2 Giugno, Senigallia (AN)

Galli Enoteca, Senigallia Via Pisacane Rehabilitation Interior Design 2015

Collaborator at Cipiua Architetti: sept.2015-march2016 Corso 2 Giugno, Senigallia (AN) Atelier civicocinque, Jesi (AN) Interior design 2016



European Strawbale Gathering 2017 Project design with LOAD association in collaboration with ArchĂŠtica A thousand buildings for a thousand municipalities. Design of a NZEB (nearly zero energy building). Structure to be attached to an existing school.

Thesis project


autorecupero di ambiti rurali periurbani Mentor Prof. Arch. Nicola Marzot Academic year 2013-2014 Team project with Maria Novella Caramazza

The theme of the thesis investigates a new method of intervention within the rural areas of peri-urban zones of the city of Bologna. The development of this method stems from the desire to compete, starting with the principle of subsidiarity, with the difficult economic situation in which we find ourselves. The process of partitipatory recovery is a new procedure in which relationships and responsibilities between citizens and government are redifined, allowing to regenerate the “urban community goods� and at the same time to enhance private initiatives and create new occupation. To delineate a possible way for this new method is necessary to deal with the identity of the peri-urban and rural areas, recognizing their vocation and interpret new forms of community that criticize the established order by rising social, ecological, economic and aesthetic alternatives. The project is a systemic project, whose ultimate goal is to devise a method of intervention exportable to similar contexts to the thesis one.



26 Architectural design III


Florence, Le Piagge Prof. Arch. Sergio Zanichelli_Architectural design Prof. Arch. Paolo Iotti_theory and techniques of design Academic Year 2011-2012, winter semester Team Project with Riccardo Maroso and Marco Tacchini

GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION: Le piagge, north-west peripheric neighborhood of Florence, along the Arno river, south of Pistoiese street. ORIENTATION: North-South stongly oriented area LOCATION CHARACTERISTICS: Residential area characterized by inhomogeneous and disconnected urban development. GREENERY: Green existing areas are low frequented and degraded. CONNECTIONS: The most direct connection with the city center is the Arno river park, born from the recovery of a relevant a mount of the areas around the docks. CONCEPT: The purpose of the project is to saw this spaces together to reach a continuity which now is totally lost, paying attention to the site and urban morphology. TARGETS: .recreate a continuity between the parts of the neighborhood .morphologic and functional riqualification of the whole design area .design mantaining a respect distance from the central lake which is the habitat of some local endangered species .redefine the relationship between the area and the Arno river .increase the value and promote the use of the river park as a real connection from Le Piagge to the city.


Design studio II

Dialogue with the surrounding

“costruire nel costruito�_Rotterdam, Lijnbaan

Prof. Arch. Nicola Marzot Academic Year 2010-2011, spring semester Team project with Riccardo Maroso Multiple user dwelling in Rotterdam. The purpose of the design is based on a 25sqm base unit, which aggregates to realize different plans and volumetric solutions according to various users needs and targets.

The location has been chosen with the idea of following a reconversion and regeneration process of the area, and of the whole city, already started by the municipality. The base idea is to promote and support a new idea of the city as a fertile ground for creativity and sperimentation with an international point of view, favouring the younger generation through the provision of adequate living conditions and services. The unsolved nature of the green enclave existing nonperceived by the community as an area surrounding the neighborhood or similarly subject to any form of spontaneous appropriation by citizens, it offers the opportunity for a full restructuring hypothesis of planning and building, which also reconcider the role of urban development of the Aert van Nesstraat. TARGETS: .design new houses targeted to a creative and young population .design a dense residential area .integrate professional and commercial spaces to the residential ones .give a new stronger identity to the bublic space included within the area .maximum indicative builted area 31.500 sqm .abitative units should be multiple of 25sqm


second oor

�fth oor

third oor

fourth oor

sixth oor

seventh oor

eighth oor



From the base cubic module of 25 sqm we reached a raw dense generic mass. The height has been reduced to the

sixth oor

shape, obtaining at the end an speciic dense volume, and orientate it as it is creating a volumetric dialogue with the

removing base modules from the mass. The commercial

seventh ground oor oor and the underground parking area have been

maximum of the surrounding buildings in order to integrate already existing buildings of the block. To solve the probwith the neighborhood without just imposing a alien object. lem of the lack of light of the interior fronts and to crumble In that sense we also decided to assume the terraced steps the monolithic appearance of the volume we started

designed in order to ensure a more continuous use of the area during the all day and to recreate the relationship between people and the public space inside.

eighth oor

Design studio I


Prof. Maria Alessandra Segantini Academic year 2009-2010, spring semester Individual project

LOCATION CHARACTERISTICS: Plain area of northern Italy close to Pordenone. Covered area 130sqm Solar Radiation And Incidence: 21st of june, 23.6° zenith 21st of December, 70.4° zenith Winds: Dominating from north Temperature: Cold and humid in winter, hot and humid in summer Precipitation: High levels in winter and summer The purpose of the studio is to design a building based on the principles of sustainability, which is the main parameter of the design process. Targets: .Integration between the project and the public spaces of the neighborhood. .Reduced energy consumption of the building .Support solar heating incomes during the winter .Protection against cold winter winds .High winter comfort .Thermal comfort during the summer .Best uniform surface temperature .Possibility of enlargement of the family, provide multifunctional space such as studio/working, wellness/ fitness, guest room.



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Pencil hand drawing Pencil hand drawing


Architectural design and building technology I.


Puglia, southern Italy

Prof. Arch. Graziano Trippa Prof. Arch. Ph.D. Paola Boarin, Prof. Arch. Andrea Rinaldi Academic Year 2010-2011, winter semester Individual project

LOCATION CHARACTERISTICS: WINDS: Cool evening breeze from the south-west. PRECIPITATION: Warm winter poorly rainy, windy, dry summer. RELATIVE HUMIDITY: Low in summer GEOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS: Homogeneous soil consistent with the presence of surface water. TEMPERATURE: Hot and dry in summer, warm in winter.

Since the goal was to design a public space and a leisure centre connected together but at the same time independent from each other, facing and relating with the outside, the design aim to translate into forms this two principles. Two mirrored shapes, based on a square module, are hugging each other creating a common space in the middle (the expo area). The two spaces share a common module and a common level in order to maximize mixed functions and relations. All the technical solutions aim to maximize the use of natural derived materials and achieve a sustainable design.



West-East section

Design and build Workshop

A di città_urban regeneration in Rosarno “Case Nuove” neighborhood Rosarno, RC, Italy Participation of COllectif ETC, CITER_urbanism department of the university of Ferrara, University of Reggio Calabria, Municipality of Rosarno. Urban Art section: Guildor, Ivan, Spy, Florian Riviere 23-28 september 2012

The workshop was part of a festival focused on urban regeneration. “Case nuove” the neighborood object of the workshop, is characterised by an high density and a lack of well organized public spaces. The workshop site was an abandoned water tank which was last used as storage place by the municipality. The idea of the “Collectif” Etc. (workshop leaders) was to create a public space protected from the car trafic, accessible to evertone and, after the workshop, managed by municipality services. Edged by a perimetral wall, this new space would allow childrens to play safely under adults supervision. The structure of the water tank sugested an radial subdivision of the space, eight different spaces with different functions were created, trying to use as much as possible the stored materials doned by the municipality and other surpluses and scraps from local factories. Each sector was assigned to a team which designed and built its purpose. Diagrams and some photos are from the web site of the collectif ETC http://www.collectifetc.com/workshop-a-di-citta/


GREB course held by Associations Edil Paglia and ARIA Familiare Rimini2: 15-18/12/2015 Practical and theoretical activities regarding the GREB technique introduction to post and beam technique

Earth and straw plaster course held by terraepaglia craft construction company

12-13/05/2016 Practical and theoretical activities

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