Mattie Overmyer Interior Design Portfolio

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EXPERIENCE LE AH BA ILE Y IN T ERI O RS I n t e r i or Designe r | June 2020 - Present


ATTIE OV ER M YER +1.469.426.9090




B .F. A . IN T ERI O R D ESI 一


a v anna h Co ll ege o f Art and Design May 2020 Graduate G°¸ 3.8 | Dean’s List


CA D La c o s t e , F r an c e

March 2019 - May 2019

CA D H o ng K o ng eptember 201 8 - ovember 201 8 S

SO F T WA RE InDesign | Photoshop | Illustrato Lightroom | Figma | Revit | Lumio

Enscape | Sketchup | AutoCAD Microsoft Suite | Studio Designer

SKI LL S Concept Development | Stor5 Telling Research + Anal5sis | Brand Identit4 Graphic Visualization | Space Planning Rendering | Hand Drafting | Sketching Construction Documents | Pro'lem Solving

Directed and assisted projects through schematic, design development and construction phases with budgets ranging up to $5 00K. Created innovative design concepts through utilizing spatial solutions, furnishings, materials, and lighting . Prepared and processed project inventory, q uotes, and purchase orders . Directed and facilitated meetings with clients to manage selections, budgets, and expectations. Managed and coordinated purchasing inventory, mar k eting and merchandising for the showroom. Responsible for content creation and mantiaining social media platforms.

A ssais t an t I n t e r i or Designe r | August 2019 - June 2020 Produced renderings and architectural drawings for residential project s using Revit and E nscape . Assisted in project installations and maintained library.

PERKINS + WILL Corpor a t e I n t e r i or s I n t e r n | ovember 201 8 - January 201 9 E xecuted Revit construction drawings of floor plans, furniture plans, elevations , millwor k , demolition, details and reflected ceiling plans . Created client presentations, FF &E selections and material trays. I n t e r i or s I n t e r n | June 201 8 - eptember 201 8 Responsible for site visits, field verification, tes t fits, and overseeing construction . Maintained material library including providing assistanc e with sourcing, cataloguing, updating, and meeting with vendors.

KEY PROJECTS HERMÉS Design Team | January 2020 - March 2020 CADpro collaboration with

ermès. Confidential Project.

KESSLER COLLECTION Design Team | eptember 2019 - December 2019 CADpro collaboration with |he Kessler Collection x Jk Marriott. Assisted in the research and development for the branded visitor experience in the historic Power Plant enerator all in avannah, A.

PARC NATURÉL REGIONAL DU LUBERON Design Team - Lead | March 2019 - May 2019 CADpro collaboration with Parc aturel R­gional du ©uberon. Assisted in the research and development of innovative interio¤ design concepts and revitalization for the Maison du Parc in Apt, France.

Tabl e of C onte nts | S el e c te d Works

c e n t r a l m a r k e t



hong kong

+ honorable mentions

a Obj e c tive How c an Inter i or D es i g n fo ste r a c ol l ab or at ive ex p er ie nt i a l env i ron ment t hat prov i d e s b ot h c re at ive and ment a l supp or t for ar t ist s i n S av an na h , G e org i a ?

T h e P ro b l e m Numerous clinical studies claim artists and creatives have a higher incidence of mental health issues than the general population.

Type C ommunit y Sp ace For Ar t ists

Total S.F. 18,000

T h e S ol u t io n Develop a place where artists flourish and feel inspired during the creative process. By providing unique ways to interact with art and the people around them to create

L ocation O ne, We st Park Avenu e S av an na h, GA

S ki l l s Applie d R e v it , Photoshop, E ns c ap e, Lu m ion , In D e si g n , I l lust rator, Mo d els, Sketching

the support they need to be successful.

T h e M ission Foster a community environment for artists focusing on improving mental health and the creative process.


C onc ept | Fl our ish Cre at i on Much like nature must undergo an organic process to achieve its true form, the individual must endure a metamorphosis in itself to fully flourish. We create will foster a space of self discovery through the creative process, while supporting and promoting mental health. By providing art therapy, coworking, and networking opportunities, the artist will have many opportunities for the support they need to flourish and achieve their most true to self form. Directly inspired by the process of photosynthesis and how the natural light produced by the sun creates energy and growth. Experiential space evokes growth through discovery by biophilia.

C l i e nt | T he We C omp any Expanding off of The We Company’s values of “a place you join as an individual, ‘me’, but where you become part of a greater ‘we’. Community is our catalyst.” We Create will be the newest branch, focusing on fostering a space one goes to discover and express. Savannah, Georgia’s artists community is rapidly growing and is the perfect location for We Create.

To explore, discover and express one’s strongest power.




L e vel 01 | Sp a ce of Dis cover y R e cept i on

L obby

L ou nge

C afe

E xhibit ion

Located in highly trafficked pedestrian area directly off of Forsyth Park, the first floor is intended to be a completely public space to invite and entice people in as they pass with glimpses into conversational and experiential areas. Featuring local artists murals and installation art showcasing the culture of Savannah, GA. Derived from initial concept models, interactive instillation art representing the veining of photosynthesis and growth of metamorphosis can be seen in the main hall leading to the roating local artist gallery.

L e vel 02 + 03 | Sp Studio


Creating more semi-private and pri

through the space. Providing space

like minded people to network wi

process is key to them fully flourish

environment to create a third plac

through attention restoration the floor will inspire artists to stay

pace of Expression Therapy


ivate spaces as you elevate further up

es for the artists to meet with other

ith and work through their creative

hing. Fostering a collaborative work

ce for the artists is key. Reinforced

eory applied throughout the third focused, inspired and supported.


Obj e c tive R einforce Pat agoni a’s brand + mission in t heir ne w he adqu ar ters lo c ate d in Savanna h, GA

Patagonia is an environmentally responsible and eco-conscious outdoor company who strives to make saving the planet their primary mission. They are relocating their corporate headquarters to the charming city of Savannah, Georgia. Savannah is a city that offers multitudes of outdoor activities due

Type Of f ice D esig n He adqu ar ters

Total S.F. 13,800

L ocation 2 2 9 M L K Jr. Blvd. S av an na h , G e org i a

to its close proximity to the beach and the numerous parks located throughout the city. Focusing on the members of Patagonia being actively woven into creation, their new headquarters will invent a space which sparks inspiration for the users to become immersed in their everyday life. The user’s work life will complement their various personal adventurous hobbies. By embodying a playful, functional design while incorporating moments of connection between human and nature, this space will emphasize the organic forms.

S ki l l s Applie d

The interwoven aspects of nature, “work” and the

R e v it, Photoshop, Il lust rator, InD esig n

outside lives of the employees will enhance the harmonious space.


C oncept | Ac t ively Inter woven Actively interwoven emphasizes how all aspects of life should be balanced and integrated into one another. The notion of being actively interwoven will invent a space which sparks inspiration for the users to become immersed in their everyday life. The user's work life will complement their various personal adventurous hobbies. By embodying a playful, functional design while incorporating moments of connection between human and nature, this space will emphasize the organic forms. The interwoven aspects of nature, "work" and the outside lives of the employees will enhance the harmonious space.

I n t e r woven

Travers e

Vitalit y

Interconnected Elements

Personal Journey

Continuance of Life

D iv is ion 0 1 | Welc ome R e c ept i on

L obby

L ou nge

C afe

Mu lt ipu r p os e

Visitors are welcomed to the Savannah Patagonia Headquarters with rolling mountain motifs, lush greenery, natural wood and stone materials. The use of many natural and recycled materials supports Patagonia’s fundamental belief and guiding principle that all life on earth is under the threat of extinction unless we work together and take action to reverse this. The lobby space offers functional yet playful design features such as unconventional seating options, swings and a rock climbing wall for an interactive experience.

Div is i on 0 2 | C ol l ab orat ion Work sp a ce

C ol l ab or at i on

C on fe re nc e

At the center of the program are the workspaces. Built around the existing structural columns, each row of adjustable desks has a planter at one end with a live wall up the column and at the other end a collaborative desk for two workers to pull up their chairs for a quick meeting. Lining each of the exterior walls are booths that stretch along the entire wall allowing the workers to have a comfortable spot by the windows to find inspiration and work from there.

D iv is i on 0 3 + 0 4 | O pp or tun it ies Me e t i ng

C on fe re nc e

C afe

Each space was designed with a specific type of interaction in mind. The meeting spaces range from a stand single person nook to a 10 person conference room in this division of the building. The cafe space is open to the public and directly adjacent to the main entrance of the building. Creating a space for the user to want to stay and socialize and eh=nhanceworkplace culture.

Obj e c tive Cre ate a p op-up store fe atur ing Miu Miu’s ne w b e aut y line and limite d e dit ion pro duc ts to b e showc as e d at Ar t B as el

Type R et ai l D esig n Pop-up

Total S.F. 2,214

Miu Miu is traditionally a very playful, colorful, avante garde brand while also evoking a sense of elegance and luxury. The store was designed to showcase the limited edition products that have been designed by our team. The circles, curves and spheres used throughout the design help achieve a subtle elegance in the space. Launcing the Miu Miu beauty brand extension, the pop-up will bringing a new generation of customers to the brand. Miu Miu Beauty can penetrate nationally

L ocation Washington Ave & 8t h st Mi ami B e ach, Flor id a

S ki l l s Applie d R e v it, Photoshop, Il lust rator, InD esig n

and globally and raise brand awareness This will be the first Miu Miu store with a Beauty Bar where patrons can sample and experience the prestigious brand. Located in the fashion, food and art district; close to Ocean Drive South Beach and The Park, the store will gain many visitors.

The p op-up In collaboration with Fashion Marketing, User Experience, Industrial Design, Graphic Design and Architecture students. The focus on integrating a beauty line into the Miu Miu brand was the main focus, while creating limited edition Art Basel products to introduce at the opening of the Miu Miu pop-up store. Exclusively sold at the Miu Miu Beauty popup, the Art Basel inspired Matélasse bag was an inspiration to the interior. The colors, and shapes seen in the bag strongly influenced the layout and product displays as well as the materials and furnishings. Miu Miu’s existing brand interiors typically select a monochromatic or limited color pallet and play with textures with inspired the use of light pinks.

Integ rate d Te chnolog y For ease of service, touch screen self check out services will be available. These screens will also showcase nearby Art Basel events Miu Miu is partnered with. As well as other Miu Miu products that are not being sold in person in the popup, to help

showcase the entire brand. A mobile application will be launched

two weeks before the Miu Miu beauty pop-up used as a promotional tool as well as an omnichannel and e-commerce tool. During the pop-up the app can be used for in-store pick-up, as well as scanning features that allow customers to see swatches and videos + photos of the products with different skin tones.

B e aut y B ar The Beauty Bar was designed for in store testing of the products. Creating an experience where the user feels pampered, while informing them of the different products available that are compatible with them. The new line of products was inspired by the Art Deco architecture in Miami.

Or ig ina l R ender This project was completed in 2018 and needed an update with material selections and lay out. The attached new renders are under process and are being completed with love and a lot of photoshop. Stay tuned.

Obj e c tive To w iden t he comp any’s c ustomer b as e by enter ing a ne w indust r y and int ro ducing ne w s er v ices, w hi le maint aining t he brand’s c ur rent aest het ic.

Type C ommunit y Sp ace For Women

Total S.F. 11,734 s q.

L ocation 1830 R itten hous e S q Phi l adelphi a, PA 19103

S ki l l s Applie d R e v it, Photoshop, Il lust rator, InD esig n

The Wing brand extension is a women le d communit y sp ace for more t han just cowork ing . D ep ending on t he memb ership, t he mont h ly fe e includes sp a s er v ices, b e aut y b ar s er v ices, sp e ci a lize d f it ness cl ass es/ t raining , wel lness sp aces, and s o much more. This sp ace is desig ne d to emp ower women by cre at ing a st rong and s afe communit y, w hi le prov iding t hem w it h e ver yt hing t he y ne e d to b e he a lt hy inside and out. The go a l of t he brand extension to cre ate an env ironment w here women fe el comfor t able b eing vu lnerable, t ransp arent, and accepte d.

Div is i on 0 1 | T C owork i ng

B e aut y and Wel

Creating a space for all women that combines t

industry through a membership-based commu incorporate numerous beauty/wellness services

this community is not simply centered around

for women, but to create a space where wom

their sense of belonging. All of the amenities ar

which is an emotional space for women to rech

The C om mu nit y

l l ne ss Sp a

He a lt h C e nte r

the coworking industry and the beauty/wellness

munity. Currently, women are far too busy to into their monthly routine. The overall goal of

d creating a convenient and efficient experience

men can be emotionally fulfilled, and regain

re an incredible perk to what the space truly is,

harge themselves in a space that feels like home.

Div is i on 0 2 | T C owork i ng

B e aut y and Wel

Offering a brand new assortment of services an

offered at The Wing. Combining their current busi

wellness services, intruding them into an entirely ne

with then intent to empower women to be their mo

and comfortable experience for absolutely all wom

classes (i.e. cycling, yoga, pilates, dancing). Bea

vanities, and beauty products offered by partnered

design inspiration from rococo art emphasizing th

T he Amen it i e s

l l ne ss Sp a

He a lt h C e nte r

nd membership packages that are currently not

iness model of a coworking space with beauty and

ew market and industry. With these spaces designed

ost authentic self. The health center offers a perfect

men. It will have fitness gear/equipment, specialized

auty rooms to freshen up with showers, dryers,

d brands. The spa offers nail, hair, and body. With

he color pallet as well as feminine design elements.

c e n t r a l m a r k e t hong kong

Obj e c tive Cre ate a Wel lness C enter in cent ra l Hong Kong to es c ap e and fo c us on t heir ment a l and physic a l he a lt h

Type Mu lt ipur p os e Wel l ness

Total S.F. 5,000

L ocation 93 Q ue ens C ent ra l R o ad Hong Kong

S ki l l s Applie d R e v it, Photoshop, Ens c ap e, InD esig n

C ent ra l ly lo c ate d in t he hust le of Hong Kong’s bushiness dist r ic t, t he sp ace w i l l of fer a s anc tu ar y to es c ap e t he he c t ic re a lit y of t he sur rounding cit y. By emb o dy ing a lig ht, rel axing at mosphere t he us er w i l l have t he opp or tunit y to b a l ance b ot h t heir physic a l and ment a l he a lt h.

The layered space will give the user the opportunity to create their own experience and focus on what will benefit their personal health. Including private meditative spaces, open yoga studio, and cafe are all available for the user to experience.

c e n t r a l

m a r k e t

Mind and B o dy Yo g a

Me d it at i on

A centralized floor plan around an open air court yard, views of nature can be seen in juxtaposition to the surrounding sky scrapers on the outer windows. Natural materials were selected to compliment the organic curvature seen throughout the space. A neutral color pattern was chosen to entice a relaxing and soft experience. With the goal to focus on both mind and body, the space will act as a hidden oasis in the midst of the city.

+ honorable mentions

maison du parc



factors cultivated

the audrey

mattie overmyer Designer

Thank you.

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