Spotlight November 2018
Employee Benefits
Surviving or thriving? Taking steps to improve your mental wellbeing Over the last couple of years there has been increased attention on mental health issues and how they impact on individuals, their families and friends. A lot of credit for this focus falls to the younger members of the royal family, who have been willing to talk publicly about their personal experiences. This in turn has encouraged others in the public eye to discuss openly how mental health issues have affected them, with the result being that both mental health and wellbeing should very much be part of a nationwide “conversation”.
Looking at things differently A significant change in the general attitude towards mental health has been the examination of exactly what it is. Before recent developments most people – if asked what they thought a mental health issue is – would probably refer to something like psychosis, schizophrenia, bi-polar and anorexia. However, in the current environment, the public’s definition has considerably widened to include stress, anxiety, OCD, phobias, PTSD, substance abuse/addiction, sleep issues and more. The Mental Health Foundation estimates that 16 million people in the UK experience a mental health problem each year, while the UK Government report Thriving at Work1 found one in four people will be diagnosed with a mental health problem during their lifetime. The same report also pointed out that individuals’ mental health isn’t as simple as ‘well’ vs ‘sick’, rather that it can be anywhere on a continuous loop – from ‘thriving’ through to ‘struggling’/’surviving’ before finally landing on ‘sick’.
What about me? So, with this greater awareness of the scope of poor mental health, what is it you do to maintain or improve your mental wellbeing? (continued)
Welcome Welcome to Employee Benefits Spotlight, created by your benefits provider Mattioli Woods to bring you need-to-know information on pensions, finance, health and wellbeing. In today’s fast-paced world, we are all busy, but it is important to grab yourself some relaxation time. Therefore, why not take five minutes and have a read, starting with our piece on how to improve your mental wellbeing. Are you thriving as well as you think? If you have any queries on anything you read, get in touch with your HR department. Saira Chambers Employee benefits director Mattioli Woods