RFP Response

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Kawashima | Keith | Kavadas CRP 430: winter 2013



Woodland General Plan Update

January 28, 2013

Community Development Department City of Woodland 520 Court Street Woodland, CA 95695 Subject: Woodland General Plan Update Request for Proposal (RFP) Response

Dear Woodland Community Development Department, On behalf of our entire team at GK3, we are pleased to enclose a response to your request for a general plan update for the City of Woodland. As discussed in the following response, our firm has extensive experience in preparing and updating general plans across California. While our firm is based in Davis, CA, many of our team members make their home in Woodland and have extensive knowledge of the city. Our familiarity with Woodland will expedite the process while ensuring comprehensiveness and precision in the update. GK3 offers exemplary service that is reliable and comprehensive while always meeting client deadlines. GK3 understands that all jurisdictions are unique and works to understand each jurisdiction and its needs. GK3 strives to find a vision for every municipality which it works alongside and Woodland is no exception to this philosophy. The City of Woodland is in GK3’s own backyard- figuratively and literally. Our bonds to the city run deep, and go far beyond the material desire of other consulting firms. Our vision for Woodland is one where the small town character coexists with the planning principles of tomorrow. The high quality of life currently found in Woodland is something to preserve and protect without compromising the needs of the next generation. We, GK3 can accomplish this through the General Plan Update discussed below. Thank you for your time and consideration, we hope to extend our services to you. Sincerely,

Matt Kawashima Partner GK3

Megan Keith Partner GK3

William Kavadas Partner GK3

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Woodland General Plan Update

FIRM DESCRIPTION AND KEY STAFF GIBBONS, KAWASHIMA, KEITH, & KAVADAS (GK3). For 45 years, GK3 has assisted municipalities with everything from preparation of environmental documents to general plan updates. GK3’s projects have accrued numerous awards of excellence and have been recognized nationally by the American Planning Association. Our firm’s commitment to excellence and innovation, and our dedication to clients is reflected by clients continuing to return to us for our services. Matt Kawashima, AICP, GISP Partner GK3 Education Masters in Regional Planning, 2015, Cornell University Masters in Environmental Information Science, 2015, Cornell University Bachelor of Science, 2013, California Polytechnic State University Experience 2013-2015: GIS Technician, City of Ithaca, New York 2015-2018: GIS Analyst, City of Compton 2018-2025: Director of Department of Technology ,City of San Francisco 2025-Present: Partner GK3 Civic and Professional Affiliations 2010-Present: APA Member Honors 2023: National Planning Award for a Planning Pioneer (APA) Megan Keith, AICP Partner GK3 Education Masters in Planning, 2016, UC Berkeley Bachelor of Science, 2013, California Polytechnic State University Experience 2013-2016: Assistant Planner at Urban Planning Partners, Oakland, CA 2018-2019: Deputy Director at SPUR, City of Oakland 2019-2025: ICLEI Regional Executive (Bay Area) 2025-Present: Environmental Planner/Partner at GK3 Civic and Professional Affiliations 2010-Present: APA Member 2023-Present North Oakland Headwaters Land Conservancy Board Member Honors 2020: National Planning Excellence Award for Best Practice (APA)

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William Kavadas, FAICP Partner GK3 Education Masters in Public Administration and Urban Planning, 2020, USC Bachelors of Science, 2013, California Polytechnic State University Experience 2013-2018: Assistant Planner, City of Los Angeles, CA 2018-2017: Community Development Director, City of Los Angeles, CA 2025-Present: Partner GK3 Civic and Professional Affiliations 2010-Present: APA Member 2017-LEED Certified in Neighborhood Development Honors 2020: The National Planning Excellence Award for a Planning Advocate

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Woodland General Plan Update



Woodland General Plan Update

SCOPE OF PROJECT The following section discusses the scope of services provided in order to update and provide revisions to the City of Woodland’s General Plan. The GK3 team has broken the work down into different tasks to be accomplished over the following months. Here, discussion is provided regarding the desired content discussed in the Woodland General Plan Update RFP. Specified deliverables to be presented to the Woodland Community Development Department are discussed at the conclusion of each task.

Task 1.1 General Plan Design In this task, GK3 staff will work closely with City of Woodland staff to develop a format that is most suitable for the city. Graphics, maps, and additional visuals will be developed to support all text to ensure a userfriendly document. Additionally, discussion regarding a digital format that is best suited for the city will take place.

Task 1.2 Element Preparation As discussed, the following tasks are broken down by elements in the Woodland to be updated and revised by the GK3 team. A brief discussion of the scope of work associated with each element is provided and then followed by the products of deliverables to be presented to the City of Woodland upon completion. Task 1.2.1 Land Use GK3 will update the City’s Land Use Element which will reflect comments and concerns raised during public outreach efforts regarding Woodlands land use goals and policies. Based on this public input, GK3 will provide updated policies and goals addressing citywide issues. Attention will be placed on opportunity areas such as Downtown Woodland and East Street Corridor during the community outreach efforts. GK3 will analyze the updated Urban Limit Line voted on by Woodland citizens to determine the land uses that are best suited for this land. Specifically, the types of uses that will complement and enhance the City’s economy while protecting the high quality of life experienced by Woodland residents. The intensity of land uses will also be a consideration when establishing policies. Great attention will be placed on ensuring that the updates to this element are consistent with other elements in the General Plan and work together to seamlessly enhance the overall quality of life. GK3’s extensive experience working with SACOG Metropolitan Transit Plan, SB 375, and the Sacramento Region Transportation Land Use Plan will ensure that updates and modifications to the Land Use element are consistent with these documents. Additionally, the California Office of Planning and Research (OPR) General Plan Guidelines assist municipalities and planning consultants with preparing and updating General Plans by outlining suggested topics to be discussed under each element. This landmark document will serve as a valuable reference for updating the Land Use Element. GK3 will ensure that the Land Use Element is updated in a manner that is consistent with OPR guidelines while relevant and specific to Woodland now and in the future. Deliverables:

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Woodland General Plan Update

• Urban Limit Line Study • Growth and build-out alternative Plan

Task 1.2.2 Housing GK3 will perform all statutory requirements of the Housing Element to ensure a strong, comprehensive, and legally defensible document. As per the RFP document, research will be conducted analyzing the impact of the recent economic downturn on housing; specifically, the impact on the city’s ability to provide a diverse range of housing options. GK3 will also examine existing policy and develop new policy that encourages development to occur within existing residential specific plan areas to prevent housing development from sprawling into new development areas. The Housing Element will be updated in a timely manner to meet the October 31, 2013 deadline. GK3’s extensive experience and innovative approaches in community outreach will ensure public contribution to the process and would begin immediately. Deliverables: • Housing Element Revision (completed by October 31, 2013 deadline) • Economic downturn Impact Study

Task 1.2.3 Circulation The update of the Circulation Element will comply with AB 1358 and plan for Complete Streets. The size of Woodland and the definition of an Urban Limit Line enforce the concept of a smaller scale community that focus on infill and redevelopment. This will ensure that the use of alternative modes of transportation have an impact on local transportation methods. GK3 will look into the feasibility of bike lanes and multi-modal trails which will help to connect the city by more than just the automobile. Level of Service will be evaluated and a section on Induced Demand will also be included in our report. This idea is making headways in the both the planning and engineering worlds as the future of auto-oriented planning. This idea says that if you make more room for the automobile it will be easier for people to drive thus putting more cars on the road and once again exacerbating the problem. Level of Service will be looked upon in this new light and ensure that movement of goods and movement of people can coexist peacefully. Deliverables: • Bike and Trail Concept Plan • Complete Streets Guide for Woodland • Level of Service Report

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Woodland General Plan Update

Task 1.2.4 Public Facilities GK3 will do an in depth study into the wastewater program within the city limits and research the best ways to move forward with a modern wastewater system. Studies will include site visits to the water treatment plant and case studies into other modern wastewater systems in place around California. A study into public safety service levels will also be an integral part of the Public Facilities update. GK3 will research various categories such as response time, total force size, and average officers per person. These will be compared to various jurisdictions and state standards and averages to assess adequacy Deliverables: • Wastewater Systems Update Plan • Public Facilities Conditions Report

Task 1.2.5 Environmental Resources An update shall be prepared for the City of Woodland Environmental Resources Element. This update will identify and revise a variety of issues, including those listed within the existing Environmental Resources Element: water resources, fish and wildlife habitat, vegetation, open space and natural resource preservation, and air quality. GK3 shall work to coordinate and update the Environmental Resources Element with the existing Parks and Recreation Master Plan. Additionally, this element will address the potential expansion of recreational opportunities including trails and open spaces. A more technical analysis will be conducted to assess air quality measurements. Within the Environmental Resources Element, air-quality will be used to develop strategies that reduce emissions as well as to ensure compatibility with reduction targets and other General Plan elements. Deliverables: • Create/upgrade maps using GIS that display: o Vegetation/ecosystems o Open space and natural resource areas o Wildlife habitat areas and movement corridors o Watersheds and water resources • Monitor and update previous air quality measurements

Task 1.2.6 Health and Safety Issues currently contained within the Safety Element include: Page | 6



Woodland General Plan Update

• Seismic and Geologic Hazards • Flood Hazards • Fire Hazards • Aircraft Crash Hazards • Hazardous Materials • Emergency Response • Noise As discussed in the RFP, GK3 will focus on updating the Flood Hazards section of the element; specifically, legislation passed since the last update and modification of the element in 2002. Legislation that will be addressed in the update will include: AB 162, AB 70, AB 5, AB 156, and SB 17. GK3’s technical team of biologists will analyze and the impacts of flooding to Cache Creek’s 200 year flood plain. This update will also incorporate the new FEMA map and all relevant changes associated with this addition. Additionally, Geographic Information Systems (GIS) will be utilized to develop maps illustrating the severity and location of each of these hazards within the City of Woodland. Updated policies and goals for this element will reflect aforementioned recent legislation and will be developed to reduce the risk of these flood hazards on both existing and future development. Deliverables: • Cache Creek flooding impact study • Updated Health and Safety element maps and graphics

Task 1.2.7 Economic Development This task will establish methods and means of enhancing the local economy of Woodland based on market research and public outreach efforts to determine the wants and needs of residents and visitors of Woodland. Goals and policies will be developed to ensure long-term financial health and success of Woodland. Policies will be aimed at attracting new businesses and maintaining existing businesses while preserving land use goals. GK3 will ensure that the Land Use Element and Economic Development Element are tied closely together in order to provide this business-friendly environment while preserving land use goals. Elements of Woodland’s Economic Development Strategic Plan will also be incorporated and tied into this element. This element will look at the potential of new development in opportunity areas such as Downtown and the East First Street Corridor. Incentives will be developed for these opportunity areas to further enhance the business climate in the area, while continuing to provide all the necessary amenities for residents of Woodland. Research will be conducted to determine cost-effective means of developing infrastructure and programs to give Woodland a strong and unique sense of identity while improving the aesthetics within the City. These policies will help to make use of Woodland’s assets such as its close vicinity to Sacramento and the San Francisco Bay Area, close location to major arterials; I-5 and SR 113, and its close Page | 7


location to UC Davis. Deliverables: • Fiscal Analysis Report • Updated Economic Development Strategies

1.2.8 Sustainability The additional sustainability element in the City of Woodland General Plan will include goals and policies to help create a more energy-efficient community. The Sustainability Element will overlap with objectives described in the Woodland Climate Action Plan. The Sustainability Element will work in conjunction with other General Plan elements to create a cohesive strategy to reduce CO2 emissions in the Woodland area. Goals will be created that guide future development in the following areas: • Land Use • Circulation and Linkages • Economic Development o Local jobs o Green job creation • Food System (Local food production) • Housing • Energy Efficiency o Green buildings o Renewable energy • Natural Resource Preservation o Air Quality o Water Quality/Conservation o Landfill waste reduction Deliverables: o Sustainability Element o Supplemental GHG reduction strategy measures

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Woodland General Plan Update



Woodland General Plan Update

Task 1.3 Economic Analysis As the process moves forward and the consultant team learns more about the City of Woodland and its desires for the future, an economic analysis will be conducted. This economic analysis will be done in conjunction with the process to ensure that any ideas for future growth are not out of a reasonable range of feasibility. Studies will include a review of city budgets to assess the cities means for growth.

Task 1.4 Project Management/ Public Outreach Task 1.4.1 Public Workshops Public Workshops will be held throughout the process to keep the public up to date with all the information that has been gathered and the consultant team with the up to date thoughts on what the citizens of Woodland want to see their city become. Public Workshops will be held for different section of the General Plan update. Meetings will be held for the areas of Land Use, Circulation and Housing; Public Facilities and Health and Safety, Environmental Resources and Sustainability; Economic Development. These workshops will be approximately 4 hours each and will be open to the public. This will allow the comments and information to flow freely between the public and the consultant team. These meetings will be held every four months. The first set of workshops will be conducted towards the beginning of the process to familiarize the public with the scope of the project. The second set of workshops will be held towards the middle of the process to both inform the public of where the process is currently situated and receive feedback from the public on the plan updates. The final set of workshops will take place towards the end of the project and will ensure that final feedback is received from the public to create a unified document with input from member of the public from all parts of the project. Task 1.4.2 Stakeholder Meetings There will be roughly three sets of stakeholder meetings. These stakeholder meetings will be held with key organizations from the community, which deal with each specific area of the General Plan Update. Following the set of workshops set up for the general public, there will be three sets of workshops which take place at the beginning, middle, and end of the process to allow the stakeholders to share their ideas and receive up to date information on the project. Task 1.4.3 Study Sessions Three Study Sessions will take place with the City Planning Commission and the City Council. These meeting will be held to discuss their views for the city moving forward and to present the work of the consultant group through the progression of the project. These meeting will be roughly two hours long and take place at the beginning, middle, and end of the process.

Task 1.5 Environmental Review Page | 9



Woodland General Plan Update

Task 1.5.1 Initial Study/ Negative Declaration Based on the proposed strategies and amendments to the Woodland General Plan elements, GK3 will prepare an Initial Study (IS) under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). This document will be broad in scope and address all potential environmental issues related to the proposed updates to the General Plan. Task 1.5.2 Public Meetings/ Hearings GK3 shall coordinate with the City of Woodland to organize and conduct public meetings. The focus of these meetings will primarily be to solicit public comments regarding the issues to be included in the EIR. Preparation for this meeting will include: • Preparing public notices • Review with City of Woodland staff • Preparation of meeting materials o Handouts for community members highlighting the scope and purpose of the project o Handouts that cover general information about CEQA and EIR process o Public Opinion surveys to identify primary areas of environmental concern o Maps and other display materials Task 1.5.3 Draft EIR GK3 shall also prepare an Environmental Impact Report (EIR). This report shall be prepared in anticipation that the Initial Study will determine subsequent environmental effects within the general plan. This EIR will focus on specific issues not previously addressed by other environmental analysis and will consider impacts associated with the full lifetime of the General Plan update. Technical analyses of potential impacts shall be examined by GK3 in compliance with established CEQA thresholds. Preparation of this EIR and IS shall ensure the legal defensibility of the updated Woodland General Plan. Task 1.5.4 Final EIR The scope of preparing these documents requires a Notice of Preparation, a public meeting, a Draft EIR, and a Final EIR. GK3 will be responsible for managing the EIR process including: managing time schedule, monitoring adherence to budget, adherence to City of Woodland policies, representation of EIR at public meetings, and compliance with CEQA. Additionally, GK3 shall prepare all required documentation, distribute required documents, and organize public workshops. Page | 10



Woodland General Plan Update

The EIR prepared by GK3 will address impacts made within each category of the updated General Plan: • Land Use • Housing • Circulation • Public Facilities • Environmental Resources • Health and Safety • Economic Development • Sustainability The Final EIR shall also contain written responses to comments received during Draft EIR public meetings. These responses shall consist of both oral comments noted during the meetings as well as comments received from online and letter submissions during the comment period. Based on content of comments, GK3 shall conduct necessary research to adequately respond to comments received. Estimates of budget and timeframe may need to be adjusted to accommodate additional work for this section. GK3 shall amend the Final EIR to contain any necessary additions, corrections, or revisions determined both by public comments as well as comments from the City of Woodland. Task 1.5.5 Consistency with Climate Action Plan All updates made to the City of Woodland General Plan shall be consistent with the Woodland Climate Action Plan (CAP). Proposed amendments to elements of the General Plan will be coordinated with policies in the CAP. Internal consistency shall be ensured by: Aligning policy implementation measures and goals Adapting General Plan Elements to reflect consistent temporal goals and greenhouse gas reduction targets Referencing the Woodland CAP (where appropriate) in the General Plan Update Deliverables: • NOP newspaper notice • 50 copies of Initial Study and NOP • 3 copies of Draft EIR • 2 copies of Final EIR

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Woodland General Plan Update

General Plan Preperation 1.1 General Plan Design 1.2 Element Preparation 1.2.1 Land Use 1.2.2 Housing 1.2.3 Circulation 1.2.4 Public Facilities 1.2.5 Environmental Resources 1.2.6 Health and Safety 1.2.7 Economic Development 1.2.8 Sustainability 1.3 Economic Analysis 1.4 Project Management/Public Outreach 1.4.1 Public Workshops 1.4.2 Stakeholder Meetings 1.4.3 Study Sessions 1.5 Environmental Review 1.5.1 Initial Study/ Negative Declaration 1.5.2 Public Meetings/Hearings 1.5.3 Draft EIR 1.5.4 Final EIR 1.6 Miscelaneous Costs 1.6.1 Transportation Costs 1.6.2 Printing Costs TOTAL



Billing Rates -->







Cost 45





220 110 90 50 150 170 75 160 106

$33,000 $15,000 $10,800 $6,000 $24,000 $24,000 $11,250 $24,900 $12,900

180 60


120 75 40 6

20 50 90 50 50 50

216 108 36

$32,400 $16,200 $5,400

75 100 875 80




45 100

72 36 12

72 36 12

72 36 12

$13,500 $17,100 $133,500 $12,900

10 250 10

75 80 350 50

10 275 20

$100 $1,500 $401,200




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1.5.4 Final EIR

1.5.3 Draft EIR

1.5.2 Public Meetings/Hearings

1.5.1 Initial Study/ Negative Declaration

1.5 Environmental Review

1.4.3 Study Sessions

1.4.2 Stakeholder Meetings

1.4.1 Public Workshops

1.4 Project Management/Public Outreach

1.3 Economic Analysis

1.2.8 Sustainability

1.2.7 Economic Development

1.2.6 Health and Safety

1.2.5 Environmental Resources

1.2.4 Public Facilities

1.2.3 Circulation

1.2.2 Housing

1.2.1 Land Use

1.2 Element Preparation

1.1 General Plan Design








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Woodland General Plan Update

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