Recent Projects | Matt Kohman

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matt kohman recent projects

fall 2020


common assets

a dreary day for a timber skyscraper


Masters of Architecture, University of Pennsylvania Class of 2021 Bachelors of Environmental Design, Texas A&M University Class of 2015

Working for others

Michael Hsu Office of Architecture, 2016-2018, Project Designer. Key projects: The Line Hotel Austin, Gowda Residence, Shake Shack UTC. Reference: Maija Kreishman, Partner, Studio Roland Snooks, 2015-2016, Designer & Teaching Assistant Key projects: NGV Gallery pavilion, Hawthorn Public Art, Full Blown Reference: Roland Snooks, principal,

Self organized projects

Visualization Services, 2018- , Principal Visualization studio producing images and videos for award winning architects. Key projects: M-K-T Houston, Sentosa Masterplan, Tiny House Design Build, 2018-2020, Designer and Laborer A self build, self financed, summer side project and our current home. Penn Praxis Design Fellow, 2020Stages of Learning Public Art Research and Design Work


Academic positions

Teaching Assistant, 2020First Year Graduate Studio Teaching Assistant for Eduardo Rega Reference: Eduardo Rega, Lecturer UPenn, Proficiencies

Modeling/Drawing Rhino, Sketchup, Grasshopper, Revit, Zbrush, Maya, Autocad, Bad Miro Sketches Representation

Vray, Photoshop, Enscape, Indesign, Illustrator, After Effects, Keyshot Physical

Light Frame Construction, 3d printing, Model Making, Woodworking

Recent Awards

fall 2020

The Atkin Fellowship Towards the Study of Place E. Lewis Dales Traveling Fellowship For Portfolio Submission Frank Miles Day Memorial Prize Top Essay in a Theory Course HOK Futures Competition 2020: 3rd place, for Common Assets

Shenk Woodman Competition 2019: 1st Place for Adaptive Access Weitzman School Top Merit Scholarship All Years. Pressing Matters Published Projects: All Years.



index Postured Natures

06 - 21

64 - 71

Deep Textures and Social Living

Maters of Disposal

22 - 35

72 - 77

Representing Others

A Very Small House

36 - 45

78 -83

Strays and Leftovers

Common Assets

46 - 53

Cooperative for Building Components

54 - 63


Postured Natures oscillates in a building/ecology paradigm Matters of Disposal fills empty monuments Cooperative for Building Components is a near opposite to Deep Textures and Social Living Common Assets synthesizes competing ideas A Very Small House re-institutes the architect craftsperson Adaptive Access, Manayunk’s Underline plays with urban infrastructure


Representing Others considers the power of image. Strays and Leftovers wallows in the discourse

fall 2020


Postured Natures oscillates in a building/ecology paradigm considering non-human agency

project overview

in the context of performance

postured natures (2020) collaboration with Paul Germaine McCoy Instructor: Simon Kim The project is a set up of three ideas that construct a palpable speculation of a new conservatory and performing arts center for Socrates Park in Queens: Posture as a means to engage the site’s ground condition and natural poche. Wood as a technique to exhaust structural specificity and aesthetic affect. Enfilade as a strategy to sequence experience between the wild and the curated.

postured natures

fall 2020

7 hinged section

Legend A. Twins Theater B. House of the Bookkeepers C. Thornless Theater D. Undergrowth Theater E. Convervatory F. Tickleish Theater G. A Restaurant Floating Away



E2 D

E1 E3

postured plan



(top) The ensemble of theatrical and conservatory spaces imply the ephemeral qualities of a changing shoreline and program development of Socrates Park, while the nine square grid is used to challenge the linear sequence of the theater program typology. (right) The project nests itself in a copse of trees, recomposing existing greenery as a means of oscillating between the curated and the wild while maintaining all existing public space on site.

postured natures

fall 2020

9 nested siteplan and details

postured section

We drew a series of rooms that could touch, teeter, or slip away with deep implications on performance and the temporal quality of space.

postured natures

fall 2020


partition schedule

A partition schedule gives the postures unique characters that react to one another and their surrounding. Laminar shingles curl in the humidity. Integrated gutters shed water or redirect it into the interior.

postured natures

fall 2020

13 section details

planting details

Planting Details highlight the transmuting of existing context and engage in a postured ungrounding.

postured natures

fall 2020

15 section details

chonk detail

Chonk is a drawing that considers objectness, and part-ness over whole. An unfolded sequence of section, detail, plan, and elevation.

postured natures


fall 2020



(top) Enfilade is reconsidered through obfuscating spacial continuity and depth. Architecture is furred out to accept roots while vines erode its joints (right) A sunken theater redirects performance upward towards vines and roots in the conservatory above.

postured natures

fall 2020

19 a theater under a tree

postured natures

textural vs spacial

fall 2020


Matters of Disposal considers empty monuments

project overview

and the consumptive objects that make and fill a city

matters of disposal (2020) collaborative with Paul Germaine McCoy Instructor: Ferda Kolatan & Caleb Ehly Humans are just a tiny portion of all material objects that make and fill the city. Engaging a paradigm of empty architecture within New York’s Trinity Center, Matters of Disposal reimagines this Neo-Gothic monument to speculative real estate as a conservatory for objects no longer in use, institutionalizing object value beyond hyper-consumptive capitalism. In the era of COVID-19

matters of disposal

fall 2020

23 object calling power

Trinity Center Qualities

The conservatory operates through a hybrid of an object distribution system and Neo-Gothic surface articulations that alter the conceptual and material edges between three actants: the human, the building, and the object. The latent edges of this new monument engage the calling power of objects, their edges and their stylistic representations, to implicate that discarded value is the contemporary condition. The human, the object, and the building are valorized as assets released from the hyper consumptive ecology that occupies the city.

matters of disposal

roof garden

fall 2020


hybrid elevation and chutes

fall 2020


alley entrance

matters of disposal

fall 2020

29 object egress diagram

roof garden

Humans and returned objects meet at the roof garden. Strange edges emerge as they stroll , their walkways co-mingling as potential latent matter further flattens object-human relations. In the lower level of the garden, the actants may prolong their visit and become a part of the permanent collection, displayed in the vitrine to the neighboring buildings

matters of disposal

fall 2020



matters of disposal

fall 2020

33 distribution

lawyers club

matters of disposal


fall 2020


A Very Small House Reframes the architect as laborer and craftsperson Removes excesses

Project Overview

Considers alternate modes of density

a very small house (2019 -2020 ), colaboration with Starla Schmidt A self build, self financed, side project operating out of grandma’s backyard. This 250 sqft house on wheels reconsiders the often compartmentalized spaces of the tiny house typology under a double curved corrugated metal roof. By anchoring both ends of the trailer with program (bath and kitchen) a generous living space opens up with direct connection to the adjacent loft. The exterior is clad in reclaimed cedar and white corrugated metal. 3

a very small house


fall 2020

37 cladding / structure / context

ROOF LVL 11' - 6"

LVL 2 7' - 3"

LVL 1 0' - 4 1/4" T.O.S. 0' - 0" GROUND LEVEL -1' - 8"

Longitudinal Elevation


Very Small Elevations


ROOF LVL 11' - 6"

LVL 2 7' - 3"

LVL 1 0' - 4 1/4" T.O.S. 0' - 0" GROUND LEVEL -1' - 8"




a very small house

Transverse Elevation



fall 2020

39 Framing Context

In Progress


fall 2020




fall 2020


In Season


fall 2020


Common Assets synthesizes competing ideas The typology of a hyper-speculative pencil tower

project overview

undermined as a public asset

common assets (2020) collaboration with Paul Germaine McCoy HOK Futures Competition An asset tower in Old City that reconfigures its private-public relationship and misreads familiar typology to optimistically re-imagine a Philadelphian Market Street wiser with age.

common assets

fall 2020

47 philadelphia context


The site’s “missing corner� is designed in the lineage of the old Gimbels department store through the reappropriation of familiar facades made strange by a contemporary paradigm of program, construction, and surface quality.

common assets

site plan

fall 2020


6 - Kiosk Cooridor 7 - Lobby 8 - Service 9 - Loading Dock 10 -Parking Access

market plan

1 - Portico 2 - Entry Node 3 - Storefront 4 - Anchor Restaurant 5 - Skylight Zone

Rising above, a mass timber tower reframes the luxury pencil typology as an urban asset interlaced with public floors, a plausible fantasy made tactile and functional for the future of Philadelphia.

fall 2020


common assets

program section

fall 2020

53 city context

Cooperative for Building Components is bottom up, guerrilla architecture. Operating in rigorous optimism

project overview

towards a more equitable socio-spacial landscape

cooperative for building components (2019) Instructor: Eduardo Rega The Cooperative for Building Components produces architectural assemblies in partnership with grassroots organizations as physical experiments of alternative modes of land ownership and economic development throughout the city. Design sequence as follows.

cooperative for building components

1. Grassroots Organizations Actor Network Research 2. Socio-Political Site Research 3. Commonspoly Hack and Play for Generative Outcomes 4. Temporal Proposals for alternative economic modalities and political optimisms.

a game

a proposal

commonspoly game and project book

some players

fall 2020




Existing organizational infrastructure informing programmatic considerations and providing funding through municipal grants towards.

Organizational economic structure and hierarchies for WCRP, Youth United for Change, Vision 2020, and Greenspace.


Festival deployment throughout city on vacant lands 1



Successful festival facilitates communal ownership and activation of vacant lands as proof of concept. 2 9


building component generator



Organizations aggregate and unify under the cooperative land trust framework as a generator for urban components.

Commonspoly precedent studies for spacial tactics and programmatic integration.



Cooperative Land Trust established, optimizing generation of components for broader network

Cooperative Land Trust established, optimizing generation of components for broader network

Components deployed on mass transport to vacant lands locally and regionally



A building component generator (Actor Network) The cooperatives for building components partners and architecturally activates grassroots organizations as a generator for common owned community models integrating spacial tactics and grassroots organizing to establish a temporary occupation, festival and strategy for sustainable development in Manayunk, Pa

cooperative for building components




fall 2020


Architecture’s Political Autonomy: Commoning Manayunk | Rega Studio | PennDesign | Spring 2019


Architecture’s Political Autonomy: Commoning Manayunk | Rega Studio | PennDesign | Spring 2019





1 Housing Profile

2 Farming Profile


2 Farming Profile

walls and profiles

3 Component Profiles Vertical Generator Produces Vertical Generator Produces Component Profiles




(above) The phase 1 building yard is arranged as a walled urbanity in the legacy of Aldo Rossi’s Locomotiva and Dogma Studio’s ‘A Simple Heart,’ an isolationist strategy to incubate new urban operatives. However the wall in Cooperative for Building Components engages porously to erode barriers in the urban condition creating an accessible building yard operating in production and as a park.

cooperative for building components

1 3




(right) Building components are produced with active form and programmatic needs based on hybridized typological profiles which can be assembled and arranged in tactical strategies related to site and socio-political condition.

fall 2020

59 building component sections

the cooperative

(top) Detail of The Cooperative for Building Components after year five.

cooperative for building components

(right) Through a process of ad hoc fabrication and guerrilla construction practices, the site becomes a building yard producing component profiles that can be assembled and deployed in a variety of spacial and programmatic relationships as required.

fall 2020

61 temporal buildup

cooperative for building components

fall 2020

63 the cooperative year 5

Deep Textures is top down architecture within a formal paradigm engaging reuse, history and socio-spacial implications,

project overview

color and lots of stairs

deep texture and social living (2019) This innovative housing reuse of the lower east side’s Sunshine Theater considers novel spacial and programmatic organizations through an embedding and layering of urban textures. These spacial continuities explore messy, emergent housing conditions from multi-generational arrangements to couch surfing culture and aim to capture and expand on the textural qualities of an area in transition from an artistic neighborhood to one of commerce.

deep texture and social living

Homes for the Lower East Site Sunshine Theater Adaptive Reuse.

lower east side textures

Homes for the Lower East Site Sunshine Theater Adaptive Reuse.

fall 2020


unit floor plans

7th Floor Plan

Singe Unit Plan

deep texture and social living

Nested Unit Plan

social living

(top) Spacial textures as shared patios with exterior stairs. (left) Upper floor housing is organized as semi-detached Miesian units connected in enfilade through a sequence of circulatory seams which create deep, spacial pockets within the structure.

fall 2020


public floor plans

Ground Floor Plan

(right) Counter to typical on site strategies of juxtaposing new and old, the Sunshine Theater’s iconic facade is preserved by embedding it into the primary floor public volume, carving out a plaza/performative space to engage adjacent Houston st. The plaza builds a continuous circulation system that extends through the ground floor amenities to each home. (adjacent) Site Plan

deep texture and social living


fall 2020


view to the lower east side

(top) Unit view of the lower east side. (right) Public plaza with continuous circulation to public amenities

deep texture and social living

fall 2020

71 dusk at the inset theater

Representing Others how image is agency often squandered

representing others

image making in the weeds


The (semi) professional production of architectural imagery affords a rare creative autonomy from conception to completion, while simultaneously being furiously entangled in a multiplicity of actors, interests, and market forces difficult to overcome. These images build idyllic imaginaries and can be seen as a bell-weather for the condition and objectives of architectural practice, speculation, and cultural production. Pushed beyond purely consumptive exercises, and inviting deeper readings, perhaps the agency of image can be can move beyond its more carnal uses.

fall 2020



sisters overlook for Logan Architecture

p6 for Michael Hsu

representing others

mkt for Michael Hsu

buffalo speedway for Michael Hsu

ngv pavilion for Studio Roland Snooks

cielo for Michael Hsu

untitled project for Chioco Design


sisters overlook for Logan Architecture

fall 2020



cliff house for Michael Hsu

sentosa masterplan Grant Associates

representing others

untitled masterplan for Grant Associates

ikon 3d printed plan for Logan Architecture

cielo for Michael Hsu

untitled for Chioco Design

katy trail for Michael Hsu


mkt for Michael Hsu

fall 2020


competition proposal

strays and leftovers (2019) collaboration with Cathy Youn, Levi Faber A pop up infrastructure that turns a bridge into rooms

adaptive access

fall 2020


slippages, gems, and rose windows slippages, gems, and rose windowst

strays and leftovers (top) slippages, gems, and rose windows (right) just another artifact in the kolumba museum

strays and leftovers

fall 2020

81 kolumba orthographic set

strays and leftovers (2018-2019) Drawings and visual exercises, wallowing in the discourse. (top) a research center in a ruin (right) profile mapping as formal entanglement

strays and leftovers

fall 2020

83 profiles and mapping


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