King's Foundation Botswana 2010

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King’s Foundation Botswana Annual Report 2010

Presented by The King’s Foundation November 2010

“I am very happy about the continuing development of King’s Foundation in Botswana and I look forward to seeing increasing numbers of children and youth benefit from the efforts of local leadership.” Richard Holmes, CEO The King’s Foundation UK



ince 1992 the King’s Foundation has been working to positively influence the lives of children and young people in Botswana, and everyone involved with the wider King’s family sees our mission as a privilege as we seek to work globally to make a difference. We are hugely encouraged by the increasing local sustainability of our work in Botswana. From the humble beginning of a UK team of volunteers running a holiday sports programme in Old Naledi to the fully established, registered and locally managed organisation that works throughout Botswana today, there is much to celebrate.


ing’s Foundation plays an important role in the lives of children that feel like there is nothing to look forward to. I have seen King’s Foundation transform hopelessness into hope; then into excitement for the prospect of the future. King’s Foundation has done well to empower children. I enjoy ser ving on the board of King's Botswana because it is something that I strongly believe changes lives of people and adds value to their outlook on life.

Jillian Sigamoney, Chair The King’s Foundation Botswana

Our work, however, is ongoing and the need for positive programmes and role-modelling has never been more important as children and young people face an increasing variety of distractions and temptations that prevent them from reaching their potential. Now more than ever, we need to raise leaders of good character and we are confident that our work will play a critical role is doing this in Botswana.

Richard Holmes, CEO The King’s Foundation UK


Executive Summary


n recent years the government of Botswana has vocalized concern over the deteriorating social values in the country, both traditional and Christian. It has urged, in this regard, the necessity to address such problems as domestic violence, rape, child abuse and youth indiscipline. It’s widely accepted that children that engage in regular physical activity are more likely to develop into healthy and responsible adults. The school holidays and after school hours are times when children and young people can lack structure and purpose, often leading to negative behaviour and habits.


Following successful programmes in 2008 and 2009, The King’s Foundation engaged in various activities, ranging from school rallies focused on health risks associated with substance abuse and sexual promiscuity, to regular community sports outreach initiatives targeting Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVCs). All of our programmes are designed to provide structure and positive activity in a safe environment and to see young people reach their full potential in life. This report has been prepared by King’s Foundation personnel for project partners to describe for them the service that’s been provided and the measured outcomes via qualitative and quantitative feedback from various stakeholders.

Income breakdown 2010 Charitable Income

3% 10% In- Country grants



International support King’s Camps Other

Decreased Dependence on International Support Over the last three years (2008-2010) our charitable income has increased by 65%. This has allowed us to conduct more programmes and engage more children. International support now represents 25% of our total charitable income as opposed to 75% in 2008.


Key Statistics Non-state Actors Capacity Building Programme Department of Social Services

Non-state Actors Capacity Building Programme

We were able to extend the reach of our Leadership Training Initiative and Community Outreach Programmes to include rural communities throughout the country.

Has provided stability to our King’s Camps project this year.

475 leaders trained

12, 600 children reached

50 local coaches provided with part-time employment,

450 child places on our holiday activity camps

20 rookie coaches trained

PSI Botswana

We strengthened our relatively new Behavioural Change Initiative called “Impact”. Our team conducts one-onone sessions with community leaders, small group sessions with youth groups and church / school rallies.

114 church leaders attended sensitization workshops 327 one-on-one sessions with different individuals 1 438 youth engaged in group sessions


3 240 people reached through rallies

Our Impact Team


atswana youth are facing increased pressures and struggle with alcohol and drug abuse, irresponsible sexual behaviour etc. Given our ability to connect with youth and work closely with a wide range of organizations in Botswana over the years, we began to incorporate a “Behavioural Change” component to our work. This componet is carried out by tbe ‘Impact’ team, whose goal is to see individuals making better decisions for themselves, see lives transformed, to motivate youth to recognize their God-given self-worth and be positive role models in their communities.

We are often asked why we call this segment of our overall work “Impact”, when the commonly used terminology for such initiatives in Botswana is “Behavioural Change”.

Education and awareness in matters of substance abuse and sexual behaviour do much in combating behaviours that contribute to the HIV and AIDS pandemic in our country. But we believe that the only way for an individual’s life to be truly ‘impacted’ and realize long term behavioural change is through a relationship with Jesus Christ and living out moral standards as prescribed in the Bible.

Our Impact team desires to have a real impact in people’s lives and see individuals reach their full potential by choosing to live lives that are not controlled by promiscuous sexual behaviour or addicted to alcohol.


Leadership Training


ur leadership training programmes and follow up visits provide practical methods of engaging children, and offer support to organizations in rural areas. Our presence is most welcomed by organizations that feel under-resourced and overlooked for whatever reason. We not only equip groups with necessary skills, but we also encourage individuals, who are actually carrying out programmes, to continue to be diligent in their efforts.

“King’s Foundation is indeed a resourceful organization in the development of youth leaders through sports.” Chris K. Moseki Assistant District AIDS Coordinator, Sowa

“The programme is the best we know of in Botswana and is bringing all kinds of

Our commitment The King’s Foundation is committed to developing leaders and strengthening organizations that can in turn work with and develop children in Botswana on a regular basis. In 2010 we conducted 15 separate leadership workshops throughout the country. Delegates who attended our workshops represented no less than 70 different child-focused organizations.

opportunities to individuals who would not otherwise have the chance to become involved in sports and games.” Stella Rundle Director, Supa-Ngwao Museum Centre

List of places visited in 2010 Gaborone



















About King’s Camps


ing’s Camps is the UK’s leading provider of sport and activity camps for children, and has been operating in Botswana since 2006. King’s Camps use dynamic, fun and rewarding activity sessions, as well as competitions, themes and prizes to create a great week for children aged 4-17 years.

King’s Camps is dedicated to providing high quality sport and activity day camps that will have a positive impact on children from all walks of life, offering hundreds of children the chance to develop and have fun in a healthy, positive and safe environment. Our activity camp sessions are dynamic, energetic and fun, ensuring that children of all interests and abilities have an awesome time and enjoy all the sports and activities they love.


Our aim is to provide a quality service for working parents, to employ local coaches, and to inspire and motivate children so that sport is enjoyable and rewarding, whatever their ability. We work hard to ensure that every child who attends King’s Camps progresses, whether that be developing confidence and independence, learning a new skill, or understanding the benefits of an active lifestyle. Children of all abilities find King’s Camps absolutely the best way to spend their holidays and many come back year after year.

About The King’s Foundation


he King’s Foundation Botswana is a Botswana registered charitable company established in 2002 to develop children through sport. Based on Christian values, we work with children and young people across the social spectrum and in a variety of settings throughout Botswana. We believe that sport gives children the opportunity to develop into mature, responsible adults and we ensure that our programmes are fun and enjoyable as well as having structure and purpose. Our regular community outreach programmes use sport to develop young people’s physical, emotional and spiritual capacities that they may grow to full maturity as individuals and members of society. We use our expertise and experience to enhance the work of other well known organizations that have responsibility for children. We enjoy partnering with organizations that specialize in specific educational areas: healthy living, HIV/AIDS prevention, psycho-social and emotional trauma etc., so that the children under our care receive the best possible support.

We already are impacting large numbers of young people living in underprivileged areas of Botswana. Our programmes provide a consistently safe place for children to have fun, connect with trusted youth volunteer coaches, and learn valuable life lessons. Older youth volunteers are being empowered, given purpose and beginning to receive part-time employment through our growing number of incomegenerating initiatives and project associates. Entire communities are impacted as children and youth are being kept busy and being equipped with skills necessary for becoming responsible individuals who contribute to society. Our programmes have facilitated unity and a sense of pride as we link with like-minded institutions and involve community stakeholders in our initiatives.


Schedule for 2011


he King’s Foundation is committed to providing community outreach programmes for Orphans and Vulnerable Children, leadership development training for youth-leaders and child-focused organizations throughout the country, school holiday activities for children of all backgrounds, and positive role modeling interventions combating the spread of HIV and AIDS in Botswana.

These past few years have seen our credibility as an organization increase. We know this because we have had respected organizations request our assistance in equipping social workers representing districts throughout the country with additional skills to engage the children under their care. Local government bodies have also called upon our services during National health campaign launches.

Monitoring and Evaluation trips are presently being carried out to sites where we have conducted leadership workshops throughout the year. In various villages we have left sets of sports equipment so that regular programmes for children can take place. It is important to monitor progress of such partners and evaluate how resources are being used.

Due to this success, there is the knowledge, will, and resolve to continue to develop all of our services further (King’s Camps, Impact and Outreach). In this way we will have an influence on Botswana to the greatest extent.

Meetings with key project partners and stakeholders are taking place as we attempt to identify weaknesses in our overall delivery and, agree on improvements for all of our initiatives in 2011. Strategic partnership agreements with other like-minded organizations and potential financial donors are being discussed and finalized.

Our charitable mission and conviction is to make a difference in children’s lives by providing high quality, positive experiences and living out Christ-like characteristics in everything we do. We believe that by working alongside partners like the Department of Social Services, we are delivering our mission and meeting a national need. We look forward to serving Botswana and developing future leaders that will positively impact it’s future as a country over the coming years. Matt Loewen, Country Director The King’s Foundation Botswana


The King’s Foundation would like to thank the following *people for their co-operation and support in delivering our programmes in 2010. Masego Thamaku, National Coordinator Amy Amico, US Peace Corps Volunteer

Ark n’ Mark Trust

John Curtin, Volunteer Mike Krause, US Peace Corps Volunteer

Mother Theresa Resource Center

Mike McCarthy, Principal Kevin Hambidge, Principal

Northside Primary School Clifton Primary School

Olemme Lekgoko, Chief M&E Officer Ratanang Ngwako Balisi, NGO Coordinator

Department of Social Services

Ophana Mathumo, District AIDS Coordinator Ketshepile Nthomiwa, Assistant District AIDS Coordinator

Francistown District Administration

Getinet Gadena, Grants Expert Orison Chaponda, Assistant Grants Expert

Non-State Actors Capacity Building Programme

Yvonne Kgwarae, Training and Quality Assurance Coordinator PSI Botswana Beauty Mogasha, Senior Coordinator Programme Mgt Gaone Tidimane, Finance Assistant Jillian Sigamoney, KFB Board Member Peter Bell, KFB Board Member Mike Mafa, KFB Board Member

Baratang Holdings Church for All Nations/Seapro Bank of Botswana

Allan & Lindy Rootsey, Pastor Desmond Henry, Pastor Vincent Katongo, Pastor Martha Mungure, Pastor Moatlhodi Matala, Pastor Frank Nubuasah, Bishop

The Rock Church Open Baptist Church Restoration Church New Covenant Church Community Church Catholic Vicariate of Francistown

Ghaddrah Gonzalez, Volunteer Girish Ramakrishna, CEO James Ewane, Branch Manager Moshia Moalusi, Coordinator Susan Nyeko, Director Melanie Quinn, Missionary Ron Fish, Retired Bank Manager

Happy Home Old-Naledi Botswana Cricket Association Environmental Heritage Foundation I AM Special Woman of Destiny Mennonite Ministries Deaf Center/Rotary Club

* The names are in no particular order


Contact Information for The King’s Foundation The King’s Foundation Plot 5083 Ext.10 Gaborone, Botswana PO Box AC 107 ACH Tel/Fax +267 3951239 Registered Company No. CO2008/4484

Matt Loewen – Country Director Diana Mberengwa – King’s Camps Coordinator Darius Chiseni – Outreach Coordinator Bazwadzi Kenosi – Impact Team Coordinator

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