Violination across the universe

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V i o l i n a t i o n

a c r o s s t h e u n i v e r s e

Notes – Violination across the universe – Matteo Maria Salvo

The piece starts in medias res. Is like it has always existed somewhere in the universe. The music flows, hypnotic, like wind rushing through the trees, suddenly blowing at regular intervals..and again..and again until a leaf falls off the tree and begins to dance...and dance..lonely in the sky, up and down across the universe. The universe is represented by the string quartet (and then by Violin II, Viola and Cello) while the dancing leaf is the Violin I. The word violination suggests action and movement.

The piece develops on two levels, two layers of space and two layers of time. While the violin is part of the string quartet at the beginning, suddenly stands out with its uniqueness and own character creating a parallel world which is only one of the infinite possibilities of time through space, of life. New parallel ways come to life with the Viola and the Cello intonating a indolent chant, while the violin transform itself in a dreamy melody, annoucing that the rain has suddenly come.

ON THE EVEN BARS FINISH THE BAR HERE, ON THE C (instead of arriving at the real end)

The Vln. I will sing this melody, starting just few seconds after the last arpeggios. Should not end exactly with the other instruments, before.

out of the blue

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