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European Leadership Academy

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Join the European Christian Endeavor Leadership Academy April 30 - May 3. CE exists to inspire, equip, and encourage local churches to Biblically develop young people as followers of Christ. The Leadership Academy uses interactive teaching methods to reach people with various learning styles. The majority of the materials focus upon Biblical leadership development principles. People in any Christian ministry setting or Christians in the business world will beneÞt from learning to effectively apply these principles. Along with these insights, participants will invest a session learning about Christian Endeavor and how this process can transform the way your church develops its young people for Christ.


Who Should Attend: Pastors or Christian ministry leaders; People working with children, teenagers or young adults in the local church; Business professionals looking to gain insights for Godly living in the workplace

When: Beginning April 30 at 3PM and concluding late Thursday May 2. Add one extra day for a touring day or ßy out late on May 3 to enjoy this excursion to see the beautiful castles, landscape and other attractions of the Conwy, Wales area.

Where: The Beechwood Christian Endeavor Holiday Centre in Conwy, Wales, UK.

How Much: £165(€190) includes three nights lodging, meals during your stay, and your Program materials booklet. Stay one extra night including meals for an additional £30(€35). The cost for the touring day is still being determined and will depend upon interest.

Please contact snoel@CEworks.faith with any questions regarding this event.


New Armagh & South Tyrone President challenges us about our walk with God Armagh & South Tyrone Pudding Evening

I have 2 granddaughters who go to Loughgall Presbyterian JCE so I was invited to go to their pudding evening on Friday 16th March. I was earnestly told that it was “only for pudding. I was to have my dinner at home.” Only for pudding? I have never seen such an array of desserts: – all homemade, all laden with calories and all absolutely delicious! I refuse to admit to how many I sampled!

In true CE style we were welcomed by the children and young people, who also opened in prayer. After we had eaten more than was good for us, we sang ‘I’m in the Lord’s Army.’ The JCE members told us about the armour of God, then we sang ‘God, You’re good to me.’ Emma gave an illustrated talk on the work of Fields of Life, and the retiring offering was for this work. One of the leaders closed in prayer.

This was a very enjoyable evening, so thank you to leaders and parents and JCE members for all their baking.

Armagh & South Tyrone Union met at First Portadown Presbyterian Church hall for their annual Presidential Rally on the Monday 23rd April 2018.

Retiring President, the Revd Maurice Laverty led the meeting and spoke of how he was greatly blessed throughout his year in Office. Ballygawley Praise Group led us in songs about our walk with God.

Our incoming President, Mrs Sandra Busby was installed as the Union President for the year 2018/2019. Sandra’s theme for the year is, “Our walk with God”; a challenge to all of us. Do we follow God afar off or are we following him closely?

A number of other people from various Societies within the Union took part and the Irish Union Presi-dent, Mr Mark Crawford, brought a message concerning how we use our tongues and asked if we are using them to glorify God. Mr Crawford encouraged us to build one another up. First Portadown Seniors, once again, provided a lovely supper for everyone who attended.


Enthusiastic Ballygawley & Ballyreagh Juniors organised a successful coffee morning after hearing all about Abaana

Ballygawley/Ballyreagh Junior CE boys and girls have been busy collecting their brown money (1ps & 2ps) for this year’s CE Project Abaana. On Tuesday 6th March Neville Jones, from Abaana, came along to CE to tell us all about the project. He started off by hiding plastic bottles throughout the hall and then asked the boys and girls to find at least 1 or 2. He had given the leaders some 2p coins to give to the children as they handed in the bottles. They took their 2p coins into the kitchen to get pancakes with various topping prepared by our jun-ior helpers.

As the boys and girls took their seats Neville explained that the reason for the game was to show what the boys and girls in Africa did to get money to help them buy small biscuits like a pancake. He showed slides of some of the orphanages and schools that Abaana help with in Africa and one of the children from the Abaana choir spoke about her house in Africa.

The children really enjoyed the evening and were very enthusiastic in asking questions about the project. The following Saturday a coffee morning had been arranged by CE and with the help of some of our junior members coffee/tea, traybakes and scones were served to members of congregation and CE family and friends. The Abaana team joined us by holding their meeting in the church hall and coming down for some coffee. A very enjoyable morning was had by all and a total of £510 was raised which will go to the Abaana Project.

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