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New YP/YA Convenor
Irish CE has appointed a new YP/YA Convenor.
When asked to share, a little about herself, with our readers, this is what she had to say. Thank you so much, Sharon for your contribution.
My name is Sharon Wilson, I come from outside the village of Lisbellaw, I live on a farm in which I was brought up, and I always enjoyed living on the farm and help out still whenever I can.
From a young age I have been a member of CE, from Lisbellaw Juniors to Young People’s and now a member of Young Adults’ CE. CE has been something that I have looked forward to going to each Friday night and then all the activities that are planned throughout the year.
One of the main events of my summer holidays from school was the summer camp. I loved this week normally up at the north coast, meeting other young people and learning about God having a relationship with him. Once I was the age I began attending the camp as a leader instead of a camper, I really enjoy this week with the young people, it is amazing what I learn from them each and every year that I go; and working along with the other leaders to lead quiet times, and study the Bible with the young people.
For a few years the YPCE in Lisbellaw wasn’t meeting but last September a group of us have restarted the CE which has 14 members now and meet every Friday night. As leaders we are blessed to be a part of this group; encouraged each night by the young people and their relationship with God and also how they have a friendship with each other.
After I completed my A Levels I completed my health and social care course and began working in childcare. After 4 years I found myself in a manager role in the setting but after being there for a total of 6 years I felt it was the right time to change and this summer I applied to be a playgroup leader in a local community in which I was blessed to get this position. A Bible verse which I turn to on many occasions: most recently before YP camp and my new job is Joshua ch. 1 v 9
“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go”.