Useful Information You Should Know About Fireworks If used carefully and correctly, fireworks can be fun. However, they can be dangerous too. For example, each year a lot of people are injured as a result of these devices. This therefore calls for caution and immense care when using fireworks. Before we look into the tips on how to use these devices safely, it is important to look at the different types or classifications of these devices. Class A fireworks This class of fireworks includes things like dynamite and TNT. For you to purchase this type of fireworks you will lead a permit. This therefore means that owning or being in possession of this type of fireworks is illegal. It also requires special training for you to properly handle this type of fireworks. Class B special Fireworks These are the display fireworks that you see when you go to large public events. However, depending on the laws and legislation of the country you are in, you may need a permit to purchase this one. For example in the United States of America, for you to buy this type of fireworks (1.3G) you must have a valid permit from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives. Class C consumer fireworks These are common fireworks that anyone can buy. You can buy them by simply demanding to be given the consumer type. This particular type is intended for general public use and you require no special training or legal document to have one. Safety measures The safest way to enjoy a display of these devices is by simply going to a professionally organized occasion. However, not each and everyone can attend such occasions. In case you planning to have a fireworks display, the following are some of the safety measures you need to put in place. Purchase the right device There are different classes or types of fireworks. However, members of the public can purchase and set off two classes of fireworks these are; class B fireworks also known as display fireworks and class C fireworks or the consumer fireworks. Carefully read the packet and ensure that the fireworks you purchase are suitable for the purpose and place you are going to set them off. Keep them away from children Children are curious by nature and they may be tempted to set off these devices on their own without supervision. Therefore ensure that these devices are kept away from children and in case you want you set off fireworks in the view of the children, ensure that you keep your children safe as they watch. Protect your animals Animals including your pets can be scared by the noise and lights from the fireworks. Therefore, in order to ensure that your pets and animals are safe, keep them protected at all times. Adequately prepare the place or venue, do not drink alcohol if you are about to set off fireworks and ensure that every one stands a distance. In summary, for you to enjoy setting off fireworks, it is important to exercise caution. But the safest way to enjoy fireworks display is by going to a professionally organized event.