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Haiku Helen

“When I have a difficult decision or concern, I call Helen. She helps me ‘see’ through ‘real eyes’ what resonates with who I am at the soul level. I find joy is an experience of path intertwining with the soul. Helen shines a light that helps me see both.”

- William Greenleaf


“If you are asking yourself anything at all, need advice or find yourself rumbling through your head of how to handle something, give Helen a call. She listens beyond the voice, not only to you but from another place that holds the wisdom of how to navigate through your life in a more peaceful, productive and fulfilling way. She is one of the wisest shamans I know. In addition to her wizardry she has a huge loving playful heart.”

- Chef Teton

“Wow, years of trauma eliminated in one session. What a relief! Thank you Helen!”

- T. R

By Judy Levy

When people come to my home for crystal sessions, spiritual counseling or for a “crystal tea party” in my garden with girlfriends, they are always so fascinated to see all the treasures in my little temple. Everywhere you look are crystals and sacred objects. My walls are covered with sweet, positive statements and affirmations from Louise Hay, a great “Shero” of mine.

Statements like, “I remind myself that the more I love myself, the younger I look,” and “I take care of my body. I cherish and revere the temple I live in.”

They remind me to stay high-minded; “I am compassionate and understanding. I forgive and forget.” Also, “I live in the paradise of my own creation!”

I do my Ho’oponopono forgiveness prayer.

I have realized that I’m a “Color Junkie!” Seeing beautiful colors around me all day, from every window, keeps me smiling! My closet is full of colorful clothes, hardly any are black in there.

When I have any disposable income, I buy plants for my garden, veggies, and of course, flowers of many colors so I can always see splashes of color everywhere. This fuels my soul. My garden is truly my happy place.

I’ve studied metaphysics for over 40 years, attended numerous workshops and read many uplifting books. Abraham-Hicks, a powerful teacher for 30 years, reminds me, “Nothing is more important than that I feel good, as it’s only when I feel good that I can be of any service to someone else.”

This is my foundation: “Stay positive – no fearful thoughts!

Judy Levy, Maui’s crystal lady, invites you to her Haiku crystal and gift boutique. She offers crystal layout sessions, with an Inner Child reading and tea, by donation. She organizes the Mystic-Holistic Wellness Fairs: next on Sunday, August 27, at Wailea Healing Center, and Saturday, September 16, at Temple of Peace. Call 808.269-7762

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