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Wurst's Picks
By Barry Wurst II
has no edge. This was made during the company’s animation renaissance, when the animated features (namely “The Little Mermaid,” “Beauty and the Beast,” “Aladdin” and “The Lion King”) were groundbreakers, while the live action films were either “Who Framed Roger Rabbit” or middle of the road guilty pleasures like this. A fun fact about this movie that I’ve been carrying around for decades: Regis Philbin and Kathy Lee Gifford were offered the roles of Pauly Shore’s parents and turned Disney down. According to Philbin, “We could’ve saved that movie!”
The Bourne Legacy (2012)

Disney’s “Encino Man” (1992) is not one of the great comedies of the 1990’s but has made a bizarre return to pop culture. Now that Brendan Fraser and Key Huy Quan are Oscar winners, all eyes are on this somewhat charming, mildly funny and dopey hit they made together decades ago.
Fraser stars as an unfrozen caveman teenager who goes to high school, along with his pals, played by Sean Astin and Pauly Shore, in search of “major babes.” That’s it for the plot. There’s very little wit, as nothing here is as truly funny as the “Unfrozen Caveman Lawyer” skits commandeered by the late, great Phil Hartman on “Saturday Night Live” during this era. A few real chuckles can’t overcome the awful wannabe “Quest For Fire” opener, relentless sexism, and a makeover scene set to Right Said Fred (any guess which song?).
In the same way Link the Caveman thawed and returned to the human population, this mid-range hit has become a blockbuster on streaming services and major nostalgia fodder. Why? Now that the film’s stars have become Hollywood royalty, boomers and millennials are willing to return to an ancient time (The Clinton Years) to either revisit or newly discover this carefully preserved slice of teen movie cheese.
Everyone here has done better, even Shore, whose “Son-In-Law” (1993) is his “Citizen Kane.”
Fraser’s awesome commitment to material this silly is better served in “George of the Jungle” (1997) and Quan’s role is too small for someone so talented. Considering how Quan provided the emotional center of the unpleasant “Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom” (1984) and was a key scene stealer in “The Goonies” (1985), its’ unfortunate that the first act of his Hollywood film career initially ended here. Thankfully, “The Whale” and “Everything Everywhere All at Once” demonstrated how far both have soared since appearing in “Encino Man.”
Aside from the frequent use of the word “gazoongas,” this Disney attempt at a “Teen Wolf”
“Encino Man” is less a nostalgia kick then you-had-to-be-there lark, comparable to the cinematic works of Yahoo Serious (if that name draws a smile of recognition, then you are, indeed, the audience for “Encino Man”). Anyone who remembers the movie year of 1992 will agree that “Wayne’s World,” released a few months earlier, is a masterpiece in comparison.
It’s not difficult to understand the appeal of rewatching something so mindless after disposing it decades earlier. Yet, if the draw is seeing Fraser and Quan working, thirty years before their deserved career comebacks, then there are a few worthier alternatives: for Fraser, seek out “School Ties” (also released in 1992) and “Gods and Monsters” (1998). Quan’s scene midway through “Temple of Doom,” where his pained “I love you” and a sudden thrust of a flaming torch represents both the ultimate sacrifice and the fruition of the father/son bond his character shares with Indiana Jones, is still moving.
If there’s a lesson here for upand-coming film actors, it’s that, in order to work toward Oscar glory, sometimes you have to start at the bottom and make something like “Encino Man.”
While Jeremy Renner recovers from his unfortunate accident, let’s give another look at this mostly stand-alone, underrated and Matt Damon-less entry in the Jason Bourne series. Renner’s Aaron Cross battles a wolf in the first act and choke slams a lot of villains in this smart, thrilling entry. (on Netflix)
Nobody’s Fool (1994)
The best movie ever made about small town life. Paul Newman’s magnificent performance as a worn-out construction worker who cares for the oddballs in his life is deeply felt and very funny. The supporting turns by Jessica Tandy, Melanie Griffith and Bruce Willis (in one of his best performances) couldn’t be better. I revisit this one every year. (on Paramount+)
Giorgio Moroder’s Metropolis (1984)
Fritz Lang’s 1927 masterpiece, about the need for unity between different classes, is the most influential sci-fi film ever made. Moroder, a once popular 80’s musician and composer, made the film his own in this one-of-akind cinematic mix tape: the story remains, but now with splashes of color, a shorter running time and a cool 80’s soundtrack. Not definitive, but the most approachable way to watch Lang’s essential epic for the first time. (on Kanopy)

MAY 19
Maui musician Micah

Manzano is the featured artist for this month. A captivating entertainer, and truly unique artist, Micah has a keen ear for sound, which has allowed him to perfect his skills with a looper pedal board. With just his vocals, guitar, and pedals, he is able to add in bass lines, beats, and harmonies, to authenticate the sounds of a full band. Benny Uyetake and the Kalama Intermediate School ʻUkulele Band will open the show. 6:30-8pm. Queen Kaʻahumanu Center (Kahului); Queenkaahumanucenter.com
Walk 2023
The 44th annual Visitor Industry Charity Walk, hosted by Maui Hotel & Lodging Association’s is one of the largest single-day fundraisers in the state. Held simultaneously on Kauaʻi, Oʻahu, Maui, Molokaʻi, Lānaʻi and Hawaiʻi Island. Those interested can sign up online. War Memorial Sports Complex (Wailuku); Charitywalkhawaii.org
Simrit Kaur returns to share her critically acclaimed hypnotic, haunting, mystical groove based music. With her full band Salif Bamakora, Shannon Hayden, Jared May and Devon Ashley for their 2nd annual concert. 4:30pm. Napili Kai Beach Resort (Napili); Simritkaurmusic.com
MAY 13
By Shan Kekahuna
Seabury Hall Craft Fair
For shoppers, the fair features some of Hawaiʻi’s best artists, jewelers, and crafters, flower arrangements, potted plants, a silent auction, live music, food, and treats. Children will enjoy the Keiki Zone area and the famous waterslide. 9am3pm. Seabury Hall (Makawao); Seaburyhall.org
MAY 13 & 14
See Maui’s youth ages 15 years and younger compete during the 19th annual surf contest. Additional activities to take part in at the event include creative exploration through art, music, and cultural activities along with educational centers for kids to learn the importance of being environmentally friendly and sustainable. Ho‘okipa Beach Park, Menehunemayhem.org
MAY 20
The popular ‘Brews & Food’ event, will again showcase over 68 craft brews from more than 28 breweries in Hawai‘i and the mainland. During the festival, attendees will enjoy ‘ono grinds from many local restaurants and caterers, while enjoying live entertainment. Maui Arts & Cultural Center (Kahului); 808-244-SHOW; Mauiarts.org
MAY 20
The 21st annual multi-cultural entertainment festival will offer hands-on activities for children. During the event Maui County Art Contest students winners will be recognized. 10am1pm. Queen Kaʻahumanu Center (Kahului); Mauimatsuri.com
MAY 27
(The kalo that feeds is my parent). This is a different kind of cooking class for those who want to go beyond poi, laulau, and kulolo. Hawaiian Cultivars Manager Namea Hoshino will be leading hands-on preparations of leaf, corm, and stem and sharing recipes for all three. Bring your apron and your own kalo recipes to share! 9am-2pm. Maui Nui Botanical Gardens (Kahului); 808-249-2798; MNBG.org
MAY 27
Launched in 2022 to help celebrate the unveiling of Wailuku Wings by sculptor Bobby Zokaites, this year's second annual event will introduce "Glow in the Garden” as a new feature. Artists of all ages selected works will be exhibited throughout the 6 acre-property transforming the Garden with light and color for the festival. Sunset-9pm. IMUA Discovery Garden (Wailuku); Smalltownbig.org
CINCO DE MAYO 2023 - MAY 5. Bust out the ponchos and dust off your sombrero for the biggest sombrero contest. There will be lunch & dinner specials and $10 Micheleada’s all day as well as DTH branded sarape blankets. Down the Hatch (Lāhainā); 808-661-4900; DTHmaui.com
Bring your favorite Cinco dish! 5:30-11pm. Kahale’s (Kīhei); Kahales.com

Share the annual Lei Contest in person, come celebrate! Entertainment by Jordan Soon, Kū I Ka Wa, and Uncle George Kahumoku. Lei making with Noʻeau, Aunty Doll + Friends, and Kalena Mahoe! Shop at local vendors! ʻOno mea ʻai with Tru Grindz and Haniʻs Donuts.The Gift Shop and Museum will also be open! 2-7pm. Hale Hōʻikeʻike at the Bailey House (Wailuku); Mauimuseum.org
LEI DAY CELEBRATION - MAY 6. Bring the ʻohana to celebrate Lei Day! The center will mark the occasion with a relaxing morning filled with live entertainment and hula performances by Halau Hula O Keola Ali‘i O Kekai under the direction of Kumu
Hula Aunty Iola Balubar and Kamehameha Schools Middle School ʻUkulele Group under the direction of Rama Camarillo. 10am. Maui Mall (Kahului); Mauimallvillage.com
5. Do some shopping in preparation for Mother’s Day or take mom out for the evening. Local vendors, handmade goods, decor, food and much more! 3-6:30pm.