20.18 Elmer Cravalho The Giant, October 13, 2016, Volume 20, Issue 18, MauiTime

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October 13, 2016 ✚ Volume 20 ✚ Issue 18 ✚ FREE




OCTOBER 13, 2016

OCTOBER 13, 2016


Contents VOLUME 20 ✚ ISSUE 18




THIS WEEK’S QUESTION: What book would you like to see made into a movie? Publisher: Tommy Russo (808) 283-0512 / tommy@mauitime.com @tommyrusso on Twitter Small Island


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Culinary, Lifestyle & Business Editor: Jennifer Russo (808) 280-3286 / jen@mauitime.com @jenrusso on Twitter Pandora's Star Advertising Executive: Sarah Gerlach (808) 283-3260 / sarah@mauitime.com Fourth Realm Trilogy Art Director & Production Manager: Darris Hurst artdirector@mauitime.com / darrishurst.com


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Makeup on Maui!


Examining Elmer Cravalho, Maui's most important political leader. Photo Courtesy: Honolulu Star Advertiser

Editor: Anthony Pignataro (808) 283-1308 / anthony@mauitime.com @apignataro on Twitter Whistle


October 13, 2016 ✚ Volume 20 ✚ Issue 18 ✚ FREE

Graphic Designer: Jenn Carter The entire Nancy Drew series

Cover Design By: Darris Hurst



Photographer: Sean Michael Hower mauiweddingmedias.com / howerphotography.com Da Jesus Book


Contributors: Jenn Brown, Caeriel Crestin, Suzanne Kayian, Andrew Miller, Alex Mitchell, Ron Pitts, Chuck Shepherd, Barry Wurst II Admin Executive: Shannon Kekahuna (808) 244-0777 / shan@mauitime.com Proofreader: Dina Wilson Dinner at the Homesick Restaurant


MauiTime is published every Thursday by MauiTime Productions, Inc. Its contents are Copyright © 2015 by MauiTime Productions, Inc. All rights reserved. Subscriptions are available at $110 per year. Reproduction or use without permission is strictly prohibited. MauiTime may be distributed only by MauiTime’s authorized independent contractor. MauiTime is valued at $.50 per copy and permits one complimentary copy per person. No person may, without written permission of MauiTime, take more than one copy of each weekly issue. All opinions expressed throughout MauiTime are those of the authors and not necessarily the same opinions as MauiTime Productions, Inc. and MauiTime. MauiTime 16 S. Market St., Ste. 2K, Wailuku, HI 96793 office (808) 244-0777 www.mauitime.com @mauitime on Twitter Deadlines: Display Advertising: Friday Noon Classified: Monday 4pm Calendar: Monday Noon Circulation: 18,000 copies of MauiTime

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OCTOBER 13, 2016


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The Giant Using newly declassiďŹ ed documents, we examine the achievements, controversies and mysteries of Elmer Cravalho, Maui County’s most important political leader. By Anthony Pignataro

1946 Goes to work as Upcountry schoolteacher



Elected Speaker of the House

Maui County Charter changes go into effect/ Cravalho becomes Maui County Mayor



Maui County Chairperson Eddie Tam dies/Cravalho returns to Maui

First elected to Territorial Legislature


Elmer Cravalho Born


ILWU Longshore strike in Honolulu/Territorial Legislature passes Dock Seizure Law

Statehood/Cravalho tells Jack Hall he wants to return to Maui, Hall says no


1959 Backs repeal of Dock Seizure Law, which fails, but attracts attention of U.S. Army

1957 6

OCTOBER 13, 2016

Becomes Maui County Chairperson


1967 Goes missing for 18 days




lmer Cravalho was a rare individual who made a mark on both Maui and Hawaii history. A man of considerable intelligence and energy, he wielded tremendous power on state and county stages for 25 years. But in the days following his death on June 27 at the age of 90, the obituaries for Cravalho that appeared in The Maui News and Honolulu Star-Advertiser amounted to thin hagiography. They lacked both context and color, though both publications possessed decades worth of archives they could have mined for expansive obituaries that explored Cravalho’s achievements and controversies–both of which were plentiful in his life. A Speaker of both the Territorial and State House of Representatives in the 1950s and 1960s, Cravalho eventually became Maui County’s first mayor. Though a powerful lifelong Democrat, one of his closest friends through the years was Hannibal Tavares, a committed Republican and giant in his own right. “He was brilliant at managing people and money,” Dick Mayer, who had been appointed to the Maui Planning Commission by Cravalho, said shortly after Cravalho’s death. In his 1991 oral history that’s archived at the University of Hawaii, former Maui County Supervisor and Councilman Richard Caldito called Cravalho “the

1978 1972 A New Newspaper? Prints bizarre stories against Cravalho, attracts attention of FBI

Cravalho says he won’t run for reelection, then runs and wins


Maui County Council asserts itself in budget negotiations



Elmer Cravalho Dies

Runs for Maui County Mayor, loses to Linda Lingle


? Cravalho suddenly resigns, gives no reason


Votes for A&B water rights as Maui County Board of Water Supply Chairperson


AUTHOR’S NOTE I could not have done this story without the treasure found at UH Manoa’s Center for Oral History. Many of their oral histories, recorded by some of the most important and powerful figures of Hawaii history in the 20th century and containing much valuable information I haven’t seen published elsewhere, are online and free to access (Elmer Cravalho’s oral history is sadly not online, but is accessible at UH Manoa’s Hamilton Library). For more information, go to Oralhistory.hawaii.edu.

OCTOBER 13, 2016


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OCTOBER 13, 2016

In his oral history, Yokouchi was very careful to avoid saying that Yoshinaga had “recruited” Cravalho. “But I’m sure he played a role in encouraging them, like Elmer Cravalho, for instance,” Yokouchi said. “Elmer [had] the ambition. And Elmer Cravalho, nobody recruits him. Elmer Cravalho is Elmer Cravalho. So, Najo

U.S.–including those who ran law enforcement agencies like the FBI–considered the union to be a front for Joseph Stalin and the Soviet Union. Maintaining close ties to the ILWU carried some element of risk. “Elmer was beholden to the ILWU,” former Lieutenant Governor and territorial and state Representative Thomas Gill re-

“I don’t want to use the word ‘hate,’ but the thing that people do not like [about] Elmer is that if you do not favor him or work for him, he will never appoint you to anything or never do you any more favors after that.” PHOTO COURTESY MACC

- Richard Caldito

Pundy Yokouchi

full biography of Cravalho, virtually none of what you’re about to read appeared in any of his obituaries. Be warned: this story raises questions we may never answer. Political pollster and columnist Daniel W. Tuttle anticipated this in his oral history, which he recorded back in 1990. “He deserves his place in history,” Tuttle said. “He’s a giant… [but] Elmer’s well known for keeping his cards very close to his chest.” Theresa Browning, Cravalho’s only surviving sibling, chose not to comment for this story. “Enough has been said after his passing,” she said. “He was very private. He would not want any more articles written about him.” I: GETTING ORGANIZED Elmer Franklin Cravalho was born in Paia on Feb. 19, 1926. He attended Keokea School, Maui High and the University of Hawaii, though he never got a college degree. Like many of the Hawaii Democrats who went on to shape state history in the latter half of the 20th century, Cravalho entered politics in 1954. Though he was a school teacher by trade (he taught 7th and 8th grade in Kula, Paia and then Haiku), he was also ambitious, as longtime Democratic Party figure Masaru “Pundy” Yokouchi made clear in his 1989 oral history. “In fact, Najo [Nadao Yoshinaga, another powerful Maui Democratic Party official who eventually got elected to the state Senate] called us one night, told us about this young, promising guy Upcountry, that he was very impressed with,” Yokouchi recalled. “And in order to give him some exposure, because he wasn’t well known on Maui, he said, ‘Let’s make him party chairman.’ So, in 1954, they named Elmer Cravalho, who was a real freshman in politics, as a party chairman. And ever since then, you know, Elmer led the ticket.”

called in his 1988 oral history. “They used to scare the hell out of him, and in fact, he mentioned that a couple of times. So he went where the [power] was.” The Cold War paranoia at the time was excessive, even by the standards of the time (see ‘Big Jim Mclain’ on page 11 for more on how Hollywood portrayed the fight against communists in Hawaii). Proof of that arrived in the form of a two-page document, released as part of a Freedom of Information Act request I sent to the FBI immediately following news of Cravalho’s death. The very existence of this document is an affront to anyone who cares about civil liberties.


greatest leadership that Maui ever had.” Howard Nakamura, who served as Cravalho’s planning director in the early 1970s, echoed that point. “There’s no question he’s the single most important person in the history of Maui County,” he told me. Though Cravalho entered politics opposing Big Business, he was also a builder. Go to the Kalana O Maui building that houses the highest offices of county government today and look at the dedication plaque: of all the names listed, Cravalho’s dwarfs them all. In their 1985 book Land and Power in Hawaii, George Cooper and Gavan Daws explained why Cravalho was so unique–a reason that resonates with us to this day: “Of all mayors in the history of contemporary Hawaii, Cravalho was among the most insistent on large landowners and developers providing substantial community benefits as a price of getting county support for their projects.” But Cravalho could also be temperamental, ruthless, even vindictive. “Elmer… hurt a lot of people, too,” Caldito recalled in his oral history. “I don’t want to use the word ‘hate,’ but the thing that people do not like [about] Elmer is that if you do not favor him or work for him, he will never appoint you to anything or never do you any more favors after that. There are a lot of politicians that forget about things like that after the election, but not Elmer.” Now, using extensive newspaper, oral history and library research, as well as newly declassified documents from the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and U.S. Army obtained through the Freedom of Information Act, I’ll attempt to provide a more thorough look at Cravalho’s tremendous impact on Maui and Hawaii history. It’s a story of high and low drama, full of anti-communist paranoia, incredible ambition and vicious extortion. While this doesn’t come close to a

recognized his talents right away. And that’s how he asked the people to support him for party chairmanship.” Cravalho got himself elected to the Territorial House of Representatives that year. He wouldn’t lose another election for nearly 40 years. That year, 1954, was a landslide, shifting power in the state away from the Republicans–a defeat from which they’ve never recovered. Cravalho was out front from almost the beginning, due to his intelligence, ambition and ties to the International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU). These days, we think of the ILWU as any other union in Hawaii, but in the early 1950s, many in the

Thomas Gill

OCTOBER 13, 2016



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Created on March 1, 1959 and classified CONFIDENTIAL (meaning the Army considered the release of the document to the public could reasonably be expected to harm national security), the document is a “Domestic Intelligence Summary” written and distributed by an intelligence unit within the U.S. Army’s 25th Infantry Division. The document summarizes Cravalho’s ties to the ILWU, which apparently the U.S. Army considered a potential threat to national security. In 1972, the U.S. Senate’s Judiciary Committee strongly criticized the U.S. Army for spying on civilians–an outrageous and dangerous violation of its charter. “Individuals described in these files have, at least until January of 1971, included some public officials, including Congressmen and Governors,” states the committee’s 104-page Army Surveillance of Civilians report. ““[T] he size of the files confirms other reports that the surveillance dates back not to the Newark and Detroit riots of 1967, but to the reestablishment of Army counterintelligence on the eve of the Second World War… “[I]t appears that the vacuum-cleaner approach of

In 1949, the ILWU led a massive strike on the Honolulu docks. Longshoremen, long infuriated at the fact that their West Coast counterparts were making far more money than they were, finally walked off the job on May 1. Though workers promised to continue to unload relief ships, they didn’t extend their good grace to liners like the SS Lurline, which docked at Pier 11 in Honolulu on May 9, according to historian Sanford Zalburg’s 1979 book A Spark Is Struck! The ship would remain there for 157 days. “The 1949 Longshore Strike that lasted six months and crippled the Territory’s economy was the greatest single battle in that campaign,” states an essay on labor history produced by the University of Hawaii’s Center for Labor Education and Research. “The employers and their spokesmen in the media seized upon the popular fears of the day and tried to portray the unionists as communists.” By Aug. 6, 1949, the Territorial Legislature had enough and passed the Dock Seizure Act. Two years later, the FBI arrested ILWU leader Jack Hall, as well as six other union officials,

Elmer was beholden to the ILWU. They used to scare the hell out of him, and in fact, he mentioned that a couple of times. - Thomas Gill collecting all possible information resulted in great masses of data on individuals which was valuable for no legitimate (or even illegitimate) military purpose.” Though the political witch hunts of Republican Senator Joseph McCarthy had long ended by 1959, Cold War fear of communism was still spurring federal and military surveillance of potential subversives–especially those in organized labor. “CRAVALHO has actively supported measures favorable to the ILWU,” states the intelligence summary. “On 18 April 1957, CRAVALHO, [name redacted] and Nadao Yoshinaga, all Democratic representatives from Maui, introduced House Bill 754. This bill was intended to repeal the Dock Seizure Law, which allows government seizure of waterfront facilities in the event of a crippling dock strike. House Bill 754 was a key objective in the 1956-1957 legislative program. In point of fact, the repeal bill was defeated, and the Dock Seizure Law is still in effect.” Let’s unpack this. It was during World War II that the ILWU first presented serious challenges to the big plantations that ran Hawaii. “[B]asically between 1944 and 1947, the International Longshoremen’s and Warehousemen’s Union (ILWU) successfully organized the Hawaii sugar and pineapple plantations industry-wide, as well as the waterfront,” states Land and Power in Hawaii. “The result was momentous. From then on, big business in the Islands had big labor to contend with, in the form of an organization that was Hawaii’s first multi-racial union, Marxist-oriented, tightly organized, led by men who were highly motivated, capable and militant, with a membership that grew to a peak of 37,000.”

for the crime of allegedly advocating the overthrow of the U.S. government. A federal court eventually convicted Hall, but an appellate court later threw out the conviction. This was the environment Cravalho–as close an ally to the “working man” Maui has ever seen–stepped into when he rode the ILWU’s coattails into the Territorial House of Representatives during the 1954 revolution. Though there is no evidence in the files released to MauiTime that surveillance from the Army ever harmed Cravalho, its very existence infringed on his civil rights. We can only speculate on how many others seeking social and economic justice were under similar surveillance by the army.

II: SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE Cravalho moved up fast in the Territorial House, though he quickly found that he had to scramble when the Legislature wasn’t in session. “[B]etween sessions I worked as a janitor,” Cravalho recalled in his own oral history, which he recorded in 1977, while he was still Mayor of Maui County. “Got $50 a month. That paid for my water, electricity, rice, bare essentials. Raised my vegetables in the backyard.” During his second term, he got a job as officer manager at Mutual of Omaha making $225 a month. In any case, Cravalho got himself chosen to be Vice Speaker of the House in just two years, then Finance Committee Chairman in 1957. Then in 1958, Cravalho managed to win the speakership, through a complex maneuver that involved building a coalition of Republicans to topple then-Speaker O. Vincent Esposito–an event discussed in some detail in the confidential 1959 Army intelligence summary on Cravalho.

“In December 1958, CRAVALHO was one of the so-called [Jack] “Burns/ILWU” faction of the Democratic Party of Hawaii who bolted the party caucus,” states the report. “CRAVALHO, together with 14 colleagues, rebelled when it became apparent to them that the majority group of O. Vincent Esposito intended to omit their faction, as well as the Republican minority, from important committee positions. As a result, CRAVALHO and [name redacted] negotiated with the Republican Party of Hawaii and formed a coalition out of which CRAVALHO emerged as Speaker of the House.” It was a brazen, risky move. But it also worked. Cravalho would hold the speakership for eight years. His time in office bridged Hawaii’s transition to statehood–indeed, it was Cravalho who took the famous call from then-Representative Jack Burns in Washington on Aug. 21, 1959 and then announced to his House colleagues that Hawaii was now the 50th state in the union. According to the late political analyst and columnist Daniel Tuttle (he died in 2006), Governor Jack Burns–and really, the whole state–owed Cravalho a great deal. In fact, Tuttle even described Cravalho as having been a “tower of strength” for Burns. “He contributed a great deal to Burns’ career,” Tuttle told his oral history interviewers in 1990. “He supplied the New Hawaii Program for Jack Burns. When Jack Burns’ administration, ‘63, ‘64, ‘65 period, was faltering, Elmer stepped in with a legislative program. Jack Burns would get up and address the legislature in his state of the state address, talk only about destiny and dreams, but have nothing practical. So, who had to pull a Democratic program together again, a Ia ‘54? This was, see, a decade later after the ‘54 period, so he [Cravalho] had to pull together a program for Democrats, which he duly labeled–he owes me a little debt ‘cause he picked up a phrase out of one of my columns–the New Hawaii Program. He sold it as such, and Jack Burns adopted it, and pretty soon Jack Burns was talking about the New Hawaii Program. (As a result), in 1966 [election], and again in 1970 [election], Jack Burns still had things to talk about.”

‘BIG JIM MCLAIN’ During research for this story, Professor William Puette of the University of Hawaii’s Center for Labor Education And Research recommended that I check out the 1952 film Big Jim Mclain, which starred John Wayne and James Arness as heroic investigators for the House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) sent to Hawaii to root out dangerous communist subversives. The film is laughable, even for its time (costar Nancy Olson, who plays the love interest to Wayne’s McLain even though she was 21 years younger than him, reportedly hated the script but accepted the part because it meant spending six weeks in Hawaii and making a picture with the famous John Wayne). Though confusing and ridiculous–the commies, which are led by a vaguely European man who speaks in an unidentifiable accent, act more like spies and saboteurs, which means the investigation should have fallen into the jurisdiction of the FBI–the film does show (without irony, of course) the casual intermixing of civilian and military surveillance. In fact, real-life U.S. Navy intelligence officer Commander Edwin Layton played himself in the movie, though to be honest I missed the part of the movie that explained why the Navy was involved in a HUAC investigation in the first place. As a time capsule, however, the movie is priceless. HUAC was a dangerous star chamber that ruined the lives of countless innocent people, most of whom were in organized labor or Hollywood itself, and its portrayal as a vital defender of liberty exemplifies the right-wing’s simplistic world-view. The film also contains a scene where Wayne and Arness visit the USS Arizona, which at the time of filming was still a decade away from the large white Memorial that exists there today–though completely irrelevant to the movie’s plot, it’s kind of neat to see today. -Anthony Pignataro

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OCTOBER 13, 2016


Adam “Bud” Smyser, another longtime newspaper columnist, talked about Cravalho in his 1990 oral history. According to Smyser, Cravalho was all-powerful in the House.

“Never lost [a] vote on anything that I wanted,” Cravalho said. “In eight years?” “In eight years,” Cravalho said. “On anything that I really want, I never lost a vote.

He knew where people were, what ‘crimes’ they had committed–I’d put that crimes in quotes–in other words, he maintained his control, in large part, ‘cause he had a ‘little something’ on practically every member of the house. - Daniel Tuttle

12 OCTOBER 13, 2016

Because I would never put anything on the floor that I wasn’t sure of.” While Rep. Gill’s earlier description of Cravalho as “beholden” to the ILWU was mostly true, Cravalho grew so powerful that he did


“Elmer Cravalho is a name to be reckoned with,” Smyser said. “He simply ran the House so efficiently that if he sat across from you, as I’m sitting across from you, and said, ‘The House will pass that bill,” that was as good as a vote on the vote.” But such power came at a price. Indeed, Tuttle described Cravalho’s vote-wrangling methods as near Lyndon Johnson in both their effectiveness and brutality. “His method was quite effective, and also-I thought we talked about this before–it was almost ruthless,” Tuttle recalled. “He’s a single (unmarried) person. He didn’t waste any of his time. He didn’t go out to all the night spots. The other members of the house did. He knew where people were, what ‘crimes’ they had committed–I’d put that crimes in quotes–in other words, he maintained his control, in large part, ‘cause he had a ‘little something’ on practically every member of the house. If they’d get out of line, (he could say), ‘Hey, buddy, if you don’t want this to be known, you’re going to come along with me.’ In other words, Elmer was not above using a little bit of intimidation or a little bit of threats.” In his 1977 oral history, the writer Daniel Boylan asked Cravalho about something that Pundy Yokouchi had told him–that Cravalho was like a “stiletto” who “played violent politics.” “I would say that we played to win,” Cravalho said. “Not to lose. And once a decision is made–I’m speaking about myself–I pursue it. And I do not get derailed or detracted… The storm may come and I plant my feet firmly and I sway, and the leaves may get torn off and some limbs may break but the root system is still there.” Cravalho was clearly being modest, because a few minutes later, he bragged to Boylan about how he’d once punished former legislator Frank Loo (“He was always the person that you couldn’t trust”) by eliminating his district from that year’s Capital Improvement Budget. Cravalho told Boylan that his strengths in the House were “listening and tight organization.” He said he read every bill that came out of committee–“I didn’t trust staff alone,” he said. I read it to see if there was anything there [that] was going to ruffle anybody.” He also said he never lost a vote. “Never lost a vote?” Boylan asked.

on Lower Main Street in Wailuku and urged the Supervisors to award the contract to Tanaka [the second low bidder].” Five days later, ILWU officials called Tam at his home and urged the same thing. But in the end, the supervisors voted 4-3 to award the contract to F & M Contractors, the low bidder. As it turned out, War Memorial had been a battlefield in an inter-union war, as the Select Committee eventually concluded. “Your Committee believes that one of the purposes of the ILWU is to win out in an organizational battle with AF of L-CIO for the right to represent employers of the construction trades on Maui,” the Select Committee eventually reported. “Such a victory would be enhanced if F & M Contractors Inc., one of the largest construction firms on the island, could be deprived of this contract. The inter-union battle is a matter of common knowledge on Maui.” From the Territorial (and later State) House of Representatives, Maui must have seem very far off to Cravalho. In fact, even at the time his own Select Committee was exposing his union benefactor’s heavyhanded tactics in Wailuku, Cravalho was plotting to return to the Valley Isle.

Hannibal Tavares

challenge the union on one memorable occasion that dealt directly with Maui politics. In 1961, “Speaker Cravalho ordered a House Select Committee to investigate a report of undue ILWU pressure exerted on Maui officials,” Sanford Zalburg wrote in his biography of Jack Hall. “The incident, which touched off the investigation, was the delay in the award of a contract to build the Wailuku War Memorial-Convention Hall.” Cravalho could easily have chosen to ignore the matter. But instead, he put the ILWU in the spotlight. According to Zalburg, the Select Committee held four hearings on the contract. Among the witnesses called were Tom Yagi, the ILWU’s top man on Maui, and Maui County Chairman Eddie Tam. The committee discovered clear evidence that the ILWU was going out of its way to steer county supervisors away from the lowest bidder. In fact, as Zalburg wrote, on Feb. 16, 1961, “Yagi and other ILWU officials met with the Maui Board of Supervisors at the ILWU Hall

III: MAUI’S FIRST MAYOR Though Cravalho served as Speaker of the House until Eddie Tam’s death in 1966, he started planning his return to Maui as far back as 1959. As Zalburg recounted in his book on Jack Hall, in 1959, Cravalho, Tom Yagi (the ILWU

against Eddie Tam for Board of Supervisors chairman. According to Cravalho, Hall wasn’t happy, but he remained calm. “He went through all the factors and the needs of the community and where he needed strong leadership, at least in one level of the Legislature. He said, ‘We prefer–if we had our druthers.’ It was not abrupt, nothing like that.” But according to Yagi, Hall was furious. “Yagi said Hall looked at Cravalho coldly,” Zalburg wrote. “‘I don’t want you to run against Tam,’ he said. ‘I want you to stay on as Speaker of the House.You have a big job ahead of you. You run for chairman [of the Maui County Board of Supervisors] –over my dead body!’” According to Yagi, Hall then walked out. Needless to say, Cravalho didn’t return to Maui in 1959. But Tam’s death in 1966, and the need for a special election to fill in the remainder of his term, was too much for Cravalho to pass by. He resigned from the House a few weeks after the end of that year’s legislative session. Cravalho narrowly won the special election, squeaking by Manuel Molina with just 139 votes to spare to become Maui County’s Chairman. Cravalho’s more than a decade as Mayor (changes to the county charter in 1968 reordered local government and created the Maui County Council and office of the Mayor) saw some of the biggest growth in island history. In his 1984 book Kalai‘aina: County of Maui, Wailuku historian Antonio Ramil noted that the year Cravalho returned to Maui, the island had 1,456 hotel and condo rooms. About 189,000 tourists visiting the county that year. A decade later, the number of hotel and condo rooms had multiplied to more than 7,000, with more than a million visitors streaming into Maui. “Palm trees, kiawe trees and old wooden homes on once sleepy beachfront lands in Lahaina, Kaanapali, Napili and Kapalua on West Maui, and in Kihei, Wailea, and Makena on the South Shore, many of which used to be havens for weekend or holiday fishing trips or outings by local residents, gave way to concrete, imposing hotel or condominium buildings,” Ramil wrote. “Lands which used to sell for 25 cents per square foot went up as much as $25 per square foot. It became difficult to find a condominium unit for less than $100,000. Some were selling for as much as half a million dollars.” Cravalho’s time in the Maui Mayor’s office was marked with great contrasts. On the one hand, someone like Hannibal Tavares–a lifelong friend and power-broker who served as Maui’s Mayor in the 1980s–could point out how rude Cravalho could be to Alexander & Baldwin (A&B) executives. In 1972, Tavares went

“I would say that we played to win. Not to lose. And once a decision is made– I’m speaking about myself–I pursue it. - Elmer Cravalho official from Maui) and Hall met at the Wagon Wheel Restaurant on Kalakaua Ave. in Waikiki (Tiffany & Co. is near there now). Cravalho said he wanted to return to Maui and run

to work for A&B as their Maui lobbyist, and he took a few of his bosses with him when he visited his old friend Cravalho to tell him the news.

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“The things he accomplished,” said Howard Nakamura, his former planning director. “Economic development, infrastructure development, expanded our economic base, affordable housing. He was mayor when all of the county’s affordable housing projects were implemented. He had tremendous vision, and a great love for Maui County.” Of course, you can’t have this much social change without stirring up controversy–especially when the guy at the top is as liberal and outspoken as Cravalho. And in the spring of 1972, Cravalho found himself the target of a series of vicious attacks by a tiny upstart newspaper run by two guys who had recently moved to Maui. Though The Maui News largely ignored the attacks, the big Honolulu dailies covered it extensively–and that attracted the attention of the FBI. I know this because shortly after I heard about Cravalho’s death, I mailed a copy of his obituary to the FBI, along with a written


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Tavares and Cravalho went way back. Both had been teachers on Maui. They were friends, even though Tavares was a Republican who lobbied for big business (before he went to work for A&B, Tavares had lobbied on behalf of the Hawaiian Sugar Planters Association). But as Tavares recounted in his oral history, Mayor Cravalho was furious at his friend’s new job. “He looked at me and looked at [then President Allen] Wilcox, and said, ‘Well, all I can say is that it’s a very good deal for A&B. I don’t know whether it’s a good deal for Hannibal,’” Tavares said. After ushering the A&B execs out of his office, Cravalho then took Tavares aside. “I know they need you,” Tavares said Cravalho told him, “but you don’t realize you’re working for a bunch of people that I don’t have a lot of respect for. These guys are double dealers. You can’t take them at their word; they’re not honest...” Though Cravalho seemed “angry and adamant,” Tavares said he defused it by playing

Undated Maui Historical Society photo of Cravalho

to the Maui roots they shared: “When he got through, I said, ‘Well, Elmer, I look at it this way. If us two Pordagees can’t work this out, neither of us is worth a damn.’ And that just hit his funny bone. He just roared–I thought he was going to fall off his chair. He just laughed, and laughed, and laughed.” Apparently they did work it all out, because A&B started building the massive South Maui development we now know as Wailea during Cravalho’s time in office. Granted, what eventually went in was a fraction of the massive town originally set to house 50,000 residents that A&B initially promised, but it was built, and Maui’s never been the same since. Indeed, Wailea would never have been built in the first place were it not for Cravalho arranging for the construction of a massive pipeline to carry fresh water from the Iao Aquifer to South Maui–an achievement that did make his obituaries. Cravalho may not have liked A&B’s executives, but they shared a goal: build up Maui’s tourist industry. And build it they did, creating conditions for an entire service industry to bloom, and eventually supersede Maui’s still largely agrarian economy.

14 OCTOBER 13, 2016

request under the Freedom of Information Act for any and all records they might have on him. It’s a common request journalists make when someone of note dies (at which time, the privacy restriction on any FBI files on them gets lifted). In response to my request, the FBI said they had discovered 24 pages of records on Cravalho, of which they sent me 22 (they withheld the remaining two for a variety of reasons, mostly dealing with law enforcement methods; they also forwarded my request to the Department of the Army, which declassified and released the intelligence summary I discussed earlier in this story). The files the FBI sent me were entirely press clippings– Honolulu Advertiser, Honolulu Star-Bulletin, Maui News. The released files included nothing actually generated by the FBI on the 1972 incident, or any other incident, for that matter. In any case, the controversy all started on April 6, 1972, at a Maui County Civil Service hearing. There, a private investigator named Roger Marcotte got on the stand and made a sensational claim: that two years prior, he had met with Cravalho and told him that if he didn’t assist two Maui Police officers with their employment troubles, he would

“expose him as a homosexual,” according to a partial transcript the hearing later obtained and published by a Honolulu paper (which was included in Cravalho’s FBI file, but the clipping contained no identifying mark as to which paper published it). The hearing transcript should have been secret, but somehow an upstart little publication called A New Newspaper? obtained it, then published it (along with Cravalho’s statement that Marcotte was a “damned liar”). The paper was the work of two men: James Franklin and Jack Stephens, who had recently moved to Maui and decided to start a paper attacking Cravalho. Franklin especially became the subject of newspaper stories at the time (which, again, were included in the FBI file). By itself, the story in A New Newspaper? probably wouldn’t have gotten as much play as it did in Honolulu. But on May 10, 1972, Maui County Attorney (the precursor to today’s Corporation Counsel) Arthur T. Ueoka did something stupid: he wrote a letter to A New Newspaper? Publisher Jack Stephens warning him not to publish the Marcotte transcript, saying it would only “serve to do substantial irreparable harm and injury to Mayor Cravalho’s character and integrity” (the Honolulu Star-Bulletin later reprinted the letter in its entirety).

way to Kaho‘olawe accidentally dropped a 500-pound bomb on some of Cravalho’s land. The bomb didn’t detonate, but the incident infuriated Cravalho, who had already opposed the Navy’s use of the island as a target range. In any case, by 1978 the sleazy A New Newspaper? stories were six years in the past. County Attorney Ueoka’s warning to Jack Stephens back in 1972 had proven groundless–Cravalho’s reputation on Maui was solid. In 1978, Cravalho easily and overwhelmingly won re-election, beating his opponent–Al Rodrigues–by more than 12,000 votes. He was effective, popular and in charge. “Cravalho had entrenched himself as the undisputed political leader in the County of Maui,” Ramil wrote in Kalai‘aina. “There were occasions when he would humor his listeners at gatherings by observing that in the County some people thought that ‘god’ was spelled ‘E-L-M-E-R.’” Or so he thought. Just seven months after his re-election, Cravalho shocked the county by announcing that he was quitting. He gave no reason, but made clear that there was no turning back. Accounts of Cravalho’s resignation announcement made for dramatic reading in The Maui News. “Saying in a quaking voice that there would be ‘no changes, no second thoughts,



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- Howard Nakamura Cravalho denied asking Ueoka to write the letter. He also denied asking Maui Police officers to remove copies of A New Newspaper? from newsstand racks, though that too apparently happened on at least two occasions. But the damage was done. “The administration’s overreaction to the New Newspaper is indicative of the Mayor’s growing frustration over a rash of criticism he has encountered in recent months,” Honolulu Star-Bulletin writer Dave Shapiro wrote in a June 9, 1972 story. “Cravalho, a statewide political power, sees all the criticism as a conspiracy to stop him from becoming governor in 1974.” According to Hannibal Tavares’ oral history, Cravalho was in fact considering a run for the governor’s office in 1974. He certainly had the experience and namerecognition. Why he ultimately stayed out of the race isn’t something Cravalho ever explained publicly.

IV: ‘I’M GOING TO RESIGN’ In 1978, Cravalho was at the height of his power. And he was a long way from having to work as a janitor. In the oral history he recorded a year prior, Cravalho talked with great satisfaction of the controlling interest he held in one of the island’s largest cattle ranches. “We have, I’d say about 20,000 acres of land under lease,” he said in his oral history. “And we run about 4,000 head of cattle. And we make money.” Cravalho had an interest in so much land that in 1969 a U.S. Navy aircraft on its

no regrets,’ Mayor Elmer Cravalho announced Tuesday that he would quit his office Sept. 11,” The Maui News reported on June 20, 1979. “Each success, each achievement… left me with less time to be where I wanted to be, doing what I wanted to do,” Cravalho said during the 2pm press conference he’d held on June 19, 1979, according to The Maui News. “I know that many will question my motives… and advance many reasons for my action which are not contained in this message. But there are none… ” According to The Maui News, Cravalho gave no explanation for his sudden and surprising resignation, then ended his press conference without taking questions from reporters. “The mayor was emotional throughout the speech,” The Maui News reported. “The usually feisty, confident mayor held a tight grip on the podium in front of him, his voice nearly cracking with emotion during certain parts of his speech.” Cravalho had often threatened to walk away before, but as Ramil pointed out in his book, he always came back, ran for reelection and won. One time in 1971, he’d even apparently vanished from the island itself–with no explanation. “Mayor Elmer F. Cravalho has been ordered to rest by a doctor and will be ‘unavailable for at least the rest of the week,’ according to Acting Mayor Shigeto (Mus-

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“No, I’m sick and tired of taking all this crap,” Cravalho said, according to Tavares. “These people simply will not follow what I’m trying to do. I’m going to resign.” Tavares then said that Cravalho told him to “get ready.” “What do you mean?” Tavares said he asked Cravalho. “Well, if I resign, I think you’d be the logical guy to take my place,” Cravalho said, according to Tavares’ oral history. “Well, I haven’t given it any thought at all,” Tavares said.

the office for 11 years–the longest time in office of any Maui County mayor. Tavares chose not to run for reelection in 1990. Instead, Cravalho saw an opportunity for a comeback and offered himself as a candidate. Running under the slogan “A mayor for all the people,” he won endorsements from the United Public Workers union and SHOPO. He also turned on his old friend Hannibal Tavares. “I had a lot of trouble with Elmer because he decided, for whatever reason, to zero in on my administration and was very

“No, I’m sick and tired of taking all this crap. These people simply will not follow what I’m trying to do. I’m going to resign.” - Elmer Cravalho “Well, start thinking about it, because I think that’s going to happen,” Cravalho said. Though Cravalho said he’d quit on Sept. 11, 1979, he actually left office much earlier, on July 24. “He said he looked forward to relationships with his friends and neighbors that would ‘no longer depend on the presence or absence of a title,’” according to The Maui News story that ran the day after Cravalho left his office for the last time. “There is no anger, no animosity, no hard feelings, no nothing,” Cravalho said, according to the paper. He was 53 years old, still relatively

critical of my administration,” Tavares said in his 1991 oral history. “And I thought, hey, I’m not his opponent. That’s a mistake. And I told him so. But by that time, I guess too much had happened.” Of course, Tavares had fired his own shots at Cravalho. He publicly blamed him for leaving a big mess at the Lahaina Sewage Treatment Plant that he had to clean up and even released a letter from the EPA to the press that contradicted Cravalho’s claim that the federal government had exonerated his administration of wrongdoing. Cravalho’s campaign raised more than $206,000 that year, and spent nearly


tard) Murayama,” The Maui News reported on Aug. 26, 1971. “Cravalho has not been at his office since last Thursday [Aug. 19, 1971]. He is believed to be off the island but his exact whereabouts is not known.” Cravalho never publicly explained where he was that week, and The Maui News published no follow-up that we could find. Instead, the incident just passed into local lore, an example of Cravalho’s sometimes mercurial temperament. It was the same for Cravalho’s 1979 decision to leave politics. Cravalho never publicly gave a reason for his sudden exit (and his obituaries made no attempt to explain his sudden exit from office). For many years, it was Maui County’s greatest political mystery. But in his 1991 oral history, Hannibal Tavares offered a compelling explanation of Cravalho’s exit–one that’s still surprising, even to this day, though it is in line with Cravalho’s personality. “He put up some trial balloons for governor [in both 1974 and 1978],” Tavares told his interviewers. “And that didn’t pan out the way he wanted it to be. He didn’t have enough assurance. Then he started having trouble with the council.” According to Tavares, Cravalho had enjoyed an easy time with the Maui County Council for much of his tenure as mayor. But by the time of the negotiations over the fiscal year 1977-’78 budget, that was no longer true. At the time he announced his resignation, Cravalho told The Maui News that recent problems with the council over his budget played no role in his decision to resign. But to paraphrase Tavares, the council was no longer so keen on spelling god “E-L-M-E-R.” “They [the council] had changed it drastically,” Tavares recalled. “And the changes they made angered him quite a bit. When it came back to him, he did a whole number of item vetoes, with a veto message that went back to the council. The council overrode every one of this vetoes, and that was the first time that he had ever had something like that happen to him. And that annoyed him to no end. He could not believe that the council would not follow his leadership, especially in budget, because he was very good at that. He was very good at finance.” Add to that trouble from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) over the building of the Lahaina Sewage Treatment Plant, which wasn’t going well. According to Ramil’s book, the EPA “had threatened to withdraw all or a part of a $10 million grant for the construction of the Lahaina sewage treatment plant, which was behind construction schedule by two years.” Indeed, just four days after Cravalho announced his resignation as mayor, The Maui News reported that county sewer head Kenneth Y. S. Kong was “suspended,” though Public Works director Wayne Uemae “denied that the suspension came about as a result of the county’s problems with the Lahaina Sewage Treatment Plant.” It was all a big headache to Cravalho, according to Tavares. “[H]e became kind of disgruntled,” Tavares said in his 1991 oral history. “And when he told me that he was planning to resign, I didn’t believe it. I said, ‘No, you can’t do that. You have to finish your term, Elmer.’”

The Kalana O Maui building’s dedication plaque

young for a politician, but Cravalho would never hold elected office again.

V. THE LATER YEARS Cravalho’s exit handed the mayorship to Managing Director Claro Capili. But he merely kept the office occupied for Tavares, who easily won the special mayoral election later that year. “[H]is 14,110 votes exceeded the combined total votes of the other 17 candidates,” Ramil wrote in Kalai‘aina. Tavares would hold

$145,000 of it. By contrast, Maui County Councilmember Linda Lingle, his leading opponent, raised $207,000, but only spent $80,000 or so. In the end, Lingle beat him by seven percentage points. Immediately after the election, her campaign attributed her victory in part to voters’ queasiness over Cravalho’s final months in office as Mayor. “Lingle felt a big gap existed in the information that had been given to the voters regarding Cravalho, [campaign manager

Sheri] Lowsan said, in areas that included the questions surrounding his resignation from office in 1979 and his record of managing construction of the Lahaina Sewage Treatment Plant,” The Maui News reported on Nov. 4, 1990. Though that was Elmer Cravalho’s last election, he didn’t stay out of the public eye. He spent his last decades running the Kula Credit Union–which he’d help start back in the early 1950s. There, he held court for the next generation of Maui public officials who sought his advice and insight. He also found himself back in politics. In the early 1990s, he chaired the Upcountry Community Plan. Then, after Lingle got herself elected Hawaii’s first Republican Governor since William Quinn’s 1959 victory, Mayor James “Kimo” Apana appointed Cravalho to the Maui County Board of Water Supply. He was still progressive, but in 2000 Cravalho found himself in the curious spot of not only defending a county Memorandum of Understanding with Alexander & Baldwin over its water rights, but getting it approved and signed by the board before the public had a chance to comment on it. When resident Mark Sheehan (who would later help found the SHAKA Movement), attempted to testify against the MOU, Cravalho ruled him “out of order,” according to a story that ran in the July 2000 issue of Environment Hawaii. “You wish to express thoughts on the agreement?” Cravalho, then the Board Chairman, asked Sheehan, according to the Environment Hawaii story. After Sheehan said yes, Cravalho told him no. “The chair will have to deny your request,” Cravalho said, according to the story. “The reason for that is that it’s taken out of order. Your opportunity to express yourself will be given immediately after the signing of the agreement.” He was Elmer Cravalho, a living legend on Maui, telling Sheehan that he could only comment on an agreement after the Board had taken action on it–an insult to the democratic principles that Cravalho had championed his entire adult life. Once a dedicated, energetic enemy of Big Business he had become in his final years a staunch defender of the status quo. Once considered so “beholden” to the “communist” ILWU that the U.S. Army had kept a file on him, Cravalho was now swatting away citizen complaints against a county deal with mighty Alexander & Baldwin. It’s certainly possible that Cravalho’s views on companies like A&B had mellowed by this time; indeed, this might be the fate of everyone who spends a lifetime in politics. The revolutionary who wins must inevitably become the ruler, and that means compromising. There are ways to do it that don’t trample civil rights, of course, but in the end, no one in charge in a democracy gets everything he or she believes in. Looking over his two dozen years as an elected official, it’s clear that Cravalho fought a lot, and won a lot. We all may not agree with his ideological evolution, but we can’t deny that his actions changed Maui and Hawaii. Whether that change, on balance, made us better is a question that remains very much open.

Research provided by Deborah Rybak ■ editor@mauitime.com + @apignataro For more news articles, visit: mauitime.com/news

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by Alex Mitchell

This Week's Picks THURSDAY, THURSD DA AY Y, OCT. 13 LEUKEM FUNDRAISER – This is a fundraiser for Ken LEUKEMIA Ta Tacderan at Rock & Brews in Paia. He’s fighting Leukemia, and his friends and family want to raise funds for his medical and household expenses. There will be a silent auction and 15 percent of all food sale proceeds will be donate ed to him. 5pm. Rock and Brews, (120 Hana Hwy., Paia); 808-579-9011; Rockandbrews.com. Photo courte courtesy of Facebook/Rock&BrewsPaia

AIR SUPPLY – Air Supply will perform at the Maui Arts rock duo– and Cultural Center (MACC). The iconic soft-rock ell and lead that would be singer/songwriter Graham Russell vocalist Russell Hitchcock–shot to fame in the 1980s. At their ar chart-topping Maui show they’ll play some of their most popular 25 in advance; hits like “Lost in Love” and “All Out of Love.” $70-125 ees). 7:30pm. $10 increase day of show (plus applicable fees). Maui Arts and Cultural Center, (1 Cameron Way, Kahului); 808-242-SHOW; Mauiarts.org. Photo courtesy of MACC

FRIDAY, FRIDAY YO OCT. OC CT 14 HAWAII FOOD AND WINE FESTIVAL – The annual Hawaii Food and Wine Festival starts this Friday, Oct. 14 and goes through Sunday, Oct. 16. This year, foodie fans and professionals can watch world-class culinary talent at five separate events throughout the Ka‘anapali resort. For more information and to purchase tickets, visit hawaiifoodandwinefestival.com. Photo courtesy Hawaii Food and Wine Festival

BENTO BOX MAKING – Chef Yanagida will present a Bento Box Making Workshop at the Maui Food Innovation Center at UH Maui College. There will be a hands-on demonstration, food tasting and a class on preparing fresh fish for sashimi and making recipes for a traditional Makunouchi Bento Box. The workshop will feature a short history lesson, tips on artistic presentation and how to handle raw fish and recipes. $109. 6pm. Maui Food Innovation Center at UHMC, (310 Ka‘ahumanu Ave., Kahului); 808-984-3690; Maui.hawaii.edu/foodinnovation. Photo: Flickr/ SaskiaBoschvanRosenthal

FRIDAY, OCT. 14 PHOTOGRAPHER MICHELLE DREVLOW – Photographer Michelle Drevlow will be the featured artist at the weekly “Fresh Squeezed Fridays” event at Down the Hatch in Lahaina. Check out the Lahaina Second Friday Town Party, then head to Down The Hatch for dinner, drinks, a DJ and a silent auction that benefits Lahaina Art Association’s Youth Outreach Program. Free. 5pm. Down the Hatch, (658 Front St., Lahaina); 808-661-4900; Dthmaui.com. Photo courtesy of Facebook/MichelleDrevlowPhotography

KA LIMA O MAUI JOB FAIR – In honor of National Disability bility al Awareness Month, Ka Lima O Maui will hold their fifth annual d Job Fair. Founded in 1955, Ka Lima O Maui is a community-based s. vocational rehabilitation program for Maui adults with disabilities. sThey provide job training and job placement in grounds and cuspe todial services, commercial janitorial work, commercial landscape luku work, paper shredding services and more. Free. 9am. Wailuku 502; KaCommunity Center, (395 Waena Pl., Wailuku); 808-244-5502; limaomaui.org. Photo courtesy of Facebook/ Ka Lima O Maui

SATURDAY, OCT. 15 BIG WAVES BIG DREAMS – The anxiously awaited “Big Waves Big Dreams” art event will take place at the Jawz House. There will be a private unveiling of art made in the theme of Big Waves Big Dreams. This North Shore Maui event will feature live music, food from Three’s Bar & Grill, an art contest and awesome views. Proceeds will benefit the Malama Family Recovery Center. $125. 4pm. Jawz House, (Haiku-Pauwela); 808-579-8414, ext. 8102; Malamafamilyrecovery.org. Photo courtesy of Flickr/JeffRowley

MAUI FIL-AM HERITAGE FESTIVAL – October is Filipino-American Heritage month and that means we can celebrate the Maui Fil-Am Heritage Festival at the Maui Mall. The family-friendly festival will showcase Filipino culture on Maui with the Master P-noy Chef Cook-Off, speedy Balut eating contest, fashion show, parol-making contest, live entertainment and more. Free. 10am. Maui Mall, (70 E. Ka‘ahumanu Ave., Kahului); 808-871-1307; Mauimall.com. Photo courtesy of Maui Filipino Chamber of Commerce

SATURDAY, SATU TU RD TURD TU R DAY AY, OCT. 1 15 F FULL MOON YOGA – There’s a full moon yoga gathering at the Maui Yoga Shala. Attendees can celebrate celestial happenings with yin yoga, buti yoga, meditation, fire spinning, hoop dancing and live music. The Island Fresh Cafe will serve tasty treats, coconuts, smoothies and kombucha. Price TBA. Maui Yoga Shala Paia, (381 Baldwin Ave., Paia); 808-283-4123; Maui-yoga.com. P Photo by Luc Viatour/Wikimedia Commons

MOHALA MAI – Celebrate “20 Years of Na Le Love” with Mohala Mai at the MACC. Kumu Hula Napua Grieg-Nakasone will lead the Halau Na Lei Kaumaka with Hawaiian hula, oli and song. Robert Uluwehi Cazimero will also appear, making this a wonderful celebration of Maui’s Hawaiian culture. $36. 7:30pm. Maui Arts and Cultural Center, (1 Cameron Way, Kahului); 808-242-SHOW; Mauiarts.org. Photo courtesy the MACC



BLOOD BANK OF HAWAII – Blood Bank of Hawaii will hold a Maui Blood Drive at various island locations from Monday, Oct. 17 to Thursday, Oct. 20. Blood donors should be in good health, weigh 110 pounds or more and must be 18 or older. Bring a valid photo ID. Monday, Oct. 17, 9am: King Kekaulike High School in Kula; Tuesday, Oct. 18, 8am: UH Maui College; Wednesday, Oct. 19, 10:45am: J. Walter Cameron Center; Thursday, Oct. 20, 9am: Kamehameha School in Makawao. For more information, visit Bbh.org. Photo courtesy of Flickr/BryanJones

POWER OF ATTRACTION & SPIRITUALITY – Have you ever wanted to learn more about the power of attraction and spirituality? There’s a free workshop covering that and more at the Unity Church of Maui. Haven’t been to a spiritual workshop in a while? Here’s your chance to get back in the groove and learn more about yourself with an interactive presentation by the Know Thyself Soul Foundation. Free. 6:30pm. Unity Church of Maui, (483 S. High St., Wailuku); 808879-0871; Knowthyself.org. Photo courtesy of Flickr/TarcioSaraiva

TUESDAY, OCT. 18 MAUI AIKIDO CLASSES – Maui Aikido is hosting a new round of classes. Taught by Fincher Sterling, the classes will teach an overview of Aikido training to new students. They will cover the basics of Aikido, relaxation, breathing, meditation, Ki development exercises and techniques. Course fees include a copy of KiAikido on Maui: A Training Manual by Christopher Curtis, Chief Instructor of the Hawaii Ki Federation. 4-week course fee is $40. 8am. Mayor Hannibal Tavares Community Center, (91 Pukalani St., Makawao); 808-572-1479; Mauiaikido.com. Photo courtesy of Flickr/Javier Montano

WELLNESS DAY – It’s time for Wellness Day at the Four Seasons Resort in Lanai. This is a perfect time to take the ferry to Lanai to enjoy a health and wellness workshop on the Pineapple Isle. The event will feature guest speakers, writer, artists and wellness professionals in an open Talk Story setting. Speakers include Renate C. Hume, Susan Page and Olelo Pa‘a Faith Ogawa. Light refreshments will be served. $35. 3pm. Four Seasons Resort Lanai, (1 Manele Bay, Lanai); 808-565-2088; Fourseasons.com/lanai. Photo: Forest & Kim Starr

OCTOBER 13, 2016 19


by Barry Wurst II

'The Girl on the Train' Though well-acted, the movie never really gets out of the station ★★★★★ Rated R / 112 Min.


he opening scenes of The Girl on the Train place emphasis on three women: Rachel (played by Emily Blunt), an alcoholic; Megan (played by Haley Bennett), an unhappy nanny; and Anna (played by Rebecca Ferguson), the “other woman” who married Rachel’s ex-husband (Justin Theroux). The women are profoundly connected, both in proximity and the self destructive ways they’ve carried out their lives. When one of them turns up dead, the sad, defeated Rachel appears to be the most obvious suspect. Blunt’s superb, discomforting performance elevates this somewhat unsatisfying thriller, based on the popular bestseller by Paula Hawkins. A key problem is the often lackadaisical approach by director Tate Taylor, whose previous work was The Help. Resembling the structure of the novel, The Girl on the Train has multiple flashbacks, halting the narrative with sudden title cards announcing events that occurred months or years ago. Taylor should have created a visual

style that discerns the many flashbacks from the present day scenes. As is, every scene is shot in the same drab, overcast and unappealing manner. Comparisons have been made to Gone Girl, which is similarly about domestic horrors but is a vastly different film. In terms of the filmmaking, acting and storytelling, David Fincher’s take on Gone Girl is superior. Taylor’s film has strong qualities but is nowhere near as erotic, brilliantly crafted and truly shocking as Fincher’s. The mystery of The Girl on the Train is a good one, though too many characters are on hand to provide a red herring and few of them have inner lives. The sharpest quality is how the story, both overtly and in terms of metaphor, is about our invasive society. We see how, in today’s definition of modern relationships, stalking someone online, recording unfortunate conversations and attempting to break someone’s password is commonplace. So is the way Rachel views the world from a train: she’s scanning people she doesn’t know, living vicariously through imagery that isn’t her own and not partaking in her own life. Rachel is a voyeur, in the same way the internet

Wait, I know you! You were in The Devil Wears Prada!

makes us all peeping toms into the lives of others and, oddly enough, our own. Rachel’s eventual growth is revealed to be looking at the journey ahead and not gazing hungrily at the lives of those the train passes. It’s a worthwhile subject matter that isn’t fully developed. Instead of the central whodunit revealing a shocking culprit, the resolution underwhelms. Since all of these characters are vaguely sinister, fairly unlikable and flush with secrets and lives of moral compromise, just about any of them could be the murderer. The final confrontation is likely nerve-rattling on the written page but, on film, it’s not as thrilling as it should be. It helps that the cast is so well chosen. Mission: Impossible-Rogue Nation scenestealer Ferguson is exceptional as Rachel’s

personal nemesis and Lisa Kudrow is especially strong. Another stand-out is Danny Elfman’s effective score, which is both beautiful and dread-inducing. There’s an unguarded quality to Blunt’s acting. She’s not reaching for an Oscar or showing off. This is a brave turn that displays the tortured layers to her haunted character. Rachel both drew me in and made me uncomfortable, a testament to Blunt’s effectiveness. The performances by everyone are excellent but the characters are mostly one-note and thinly crafted. There are compelling scenes throughout, a fairly engaging mystery at the center and Blunt’s phenomenal performance to recommend it. Still, The Girl on the Train is never as stylish and engrossing as it needed to be. ■


- SBrooksie






20 OCTOBER 13, 2016

FIVE STAR REVIEWS! “We read a number of reviews and we weren’t disappointed. The fish tacos were delicious and the staff were very friendly. The location was prime as we were staying in Kapalua. Lots of parking in the strip mall! We happened to be there at Happy Hour and enjoyed single tacos and beers at half price! Pineapple salsa is a must. It’s a hidden gem. Don’t go to Lahaina When you can go here for a quiet beer and yummy food. Win win win!”

#MAUITACOS * 8 Hawaiian Locations


by Alex Mitchell


Young Frankenstein (1974)-NR- TUE 7:00. Kevin Hart: What Now?-R- 2D THU 7:00 9:20, FRI (11:30 2:30 4:50) 8:00 10:20, SAT (11:30 2:30) 4:50 8:00 10:20, SUN (2:30) 4:50 8:00 10:20, MON (11:30 2:30 4:50) 8:00 10:20, TUETHU (11:30 2:30 4:50) 8:00 10:20. The Accountant-R- 2D THU 7:00 10:00, FRI (12:30 3:30 4:00) 6:30 7:00 9:30 10:00, SAT (12:30 3:30) 4:00 6:30 7:00 9:30 10:00, SUN (12:30 3:30) 4:00 6:30 7:00 9:30 10:00, MONTHU (12:30 3:30) 6:30 9:30.

The Birth of a Nation (2016)- 2D THU 12:00 1:50 5:10 7:00 10:20, FRI (11:30 1:50 4:30) 7:00 9:50, SAT (11:30 1:50) 4:30 7:00 9:50, SUN (11:30 1:50) 4:30 7:00 9:50, MON (11:30 1:50 4:30) 9:50, TUE-THU (11:30 1:50 4:30) 7:00 9:50. The Girl on the Train- R- 2D THU 11:30 2:10 4:40 7:30 10:10, FRI (11:40 2:20 5:00) 7:40 10:20, SAT (11:40 2:20) 5:00 7:40 10:20, SUN (11:40 2:20) 5:00 7:40 10:15, MON (11:40 2:20 5:00) 7:40 10:20, TUE-THU (11:40 2:20 5:00) 7:40 10:20. Masterminds- PG13- 2D THU 11:30 2:50 4:40 8:00 9:50, FRI (11:40 2:30 5:00) 7:50 10:20, SAT (11:40 2:30) 5:00 7:50 10:20, SUN (11:40 2:30) 5:00 7:50 10:20, MON (11:40 2:30 5:00) 7:50 10:20, TUE-THU (11:40 2:30 5:00) 7:50 10:20. Deep Water Horizon- PG13- 2D THU 11:40 2:20 5:00 7:40 10:20, FRI (11:30 2:10 4:40) 7:40 10:30, SAT (11:30 2:10) 4:40 7:40 10:30, SUN (11:30 2:10) 4:40 7:40 10:30, MON (11:30 2:10 4:40) 7:40 10:30, TUE-THU (11:30 2:10 4:40) 7:40 10:30. Miss Peregrine’s Home For Peculiar ChildrenPG13- 2D THU 12:40 3:40 6:40, FRI (11:30 1:50 5:00) 7:20 9:50, SAT (11:30 1:50) 5:00 7:20 9:50, SUN (11:30 1:50) 5:00 7:20 9:50, MON (11:30 1:50 5:00) 7:20 9:50, TUE (11:30 1:50 5:00) 7:20 10:20, WED-THU (11:30 1:50 5:00) 7:20 9:50. 3D THU 11:30 2:00 4:50 7:20 9:40 10:10, FRI-SUN (1:00), MON (1:00 4:00) 7:00 10:00, TUE (1:00 4:00), WED (1:00 4:00) 7:00 10:00, THU (1:00 4:00) 10:00. The Magnificent Seven- PG13- 2D THU 1:10 1:40 4:10 7:10 10:00, FRI (11:30 2:00 4:50) 7:20 10:10, SAT (11:30 2:00) 4:50 7:20 10:10, SUN (11:30 2:00) 4:50 7:20 10:10, MON (11:30 2:00 4:50) 7:20 10:10, TUE-THU (11:30 2:00 4:50) 7:20 10:10.


dramatization of the deadly 2010 oil rig disaster of the same name. 107 min.

Everything changes for a Ugandan girl when she learns how to play chess. 124 min.

THE ACCOUNTANT - R - Action/Crime - Ben Affleck stars as an accountant who kills people, or maybe he’s a killer who does accounting. Anyway, it all stars Anna Kendrick and that guy who played Juno’s dad. 128 min.

THE GIRL ON THE TRAIN - R - Mystery/Thriller - A recently divorced woman gets embroiled in a missing persons investigation that changes her life. Stars Emily Blunt and Haley Bennett. See this week’s film review. 112 min.

STORKS - PG - Animation/Adventure - These days, storks deliver packages, not babies. But when there’s a mix-up and an order for a baby appears, hilarity ensues. 89 min.

KEVIN HART: WHAT NOW? - R - Comedy Comedian Kevin Hart does stand-up in front of 50,000 people in Philadelphia. 96 min.

KUBO AND THE TWO STRINGS - PG - Animation/Adventure - A young boy must find the magical suit of armor worn by his late father in order to destroy a dangerous spirit. 101 min.

KA‘AHUMANU 6 Queen Ka‘ahumanu Shopping Center, Kahului. 1-800-326-3264 (Matinees: every day until 4pm) Max Steel-PG13- 2D THU 2D FRI-SAT 10:30

11:45 12:45 2:00 3:00 5:15 7:30 9:45, 2D SUNTHU 10:30 11:45 12:45 2:00 3:00 5:15 7:30. The Girl On The Train-R- 2D THU 11:30 12:30 2:00 3:00 4:30 5:30 7:00 8:00 9:30 10:30. 2D FRI-SAT 12:35 3:00 4:30 5:30 7:00 8:00 9:30 10:20, 2D SUN-THU 12:35 3:00 4:30 5:30 7:00 8:00. Middle School: The Worst Years Of My Life- PG2D THU 11:00 1:15 3:30 5:45 8:00 10:15. 2D FRI-SAT 11:00 1:15 3:30 5:45 8:00 10:15, 2D SUN-THU 11:00 1:15 3:30 5:45 8:00. Miss Peregrine’s Home For Peculiar ChildrenPG13- 2D THU 10:30 11:30 1:15 4:00 5:00 7:15 10:00. 2D FRI-SAT 11:30 2:15 5:00 7:00 7:45 9:45 10:20, 2D SUN-THU 11:30 2:15 5:00 7:00 7:45. Storks- PG- 2D THU 11:15 1:30 3:45 6:00 8:05 10:10. 2D FRI-THU 10:30 12:35 2:45 5:00. Barcelona A Love Untold- NR- 2D THU 2:15 7:45 10:30.

MALL MEGAPLEX Maui Mall, Kahului, 808-249-2222 (Matinees: M-Th until 6pm, F-Su until 3:30pm) Kirk Cameron’s Revive Us- NR- TUE 8:00.

KIRK CAMERON’S REVIVE US - NR - Religious Event - The star from Growing Pains is doing an old-fashioned Bible revival meeting. 120 min. MAX STEEL - PG13 - Action/Sci-Fi - A teen named Max and an alien named Steel joined forces to become a superhero who fights some sort of alien menace. 92 min.

NOW PLAYING THE BIRTH OF A NATION - R - Biography/ Drama - Thirty years before the Civil War, a literate slave named Nat Turner leads an uprising against southern slaveholders. Directed by Nate Parker. 120 min. BRIDGET JONES’S BABY - R - Horror - Bridget Jones (Renee Zellweger) is back, and this time she’s pregnant, though she’s not entirely certain about the identity of the father. 122 min. DEEPWATER HORIZON - PG13 - Action/ Drama - Kurt Russell and Marky Mark star in this

THE MAGNIFICENT SEVEN - PG13 - Western - This remake of a remake of a samurai picture stars Denzel Washington as a gunmen who gathers some friends to help a poor town fight off thieves. 132 min. MASTERMINDS - PG13 - Action/Comedy - An armored car night guard organizes a massive bank heist. Stars Kate McKinnon, Kristen Wiig and Jason Sudeikis. 94 min. MIDDLE SCHOOL: THE WORST YEARS OF MY LIFE - PG - Comedy - A creative teen conspires with his friends to break every rule in their school. Stars Griffin Gluck and Lauren Graham. 92 min. MISS PEREGRINE’S HOME FOR PECULIAR CHILDREN - PG13 - Adventure/Fantasy - Jacob (Asa Butterfield) finds himself in a mysterious world populated by mysterious people with mysterious powers. Of course it’s directed by Tim Burton. 127 min. QUEEN OF KATWE - PG - Drama/Biography -

Queen of Katwe-PG- 2D THU 1:00 3:50, FRI (12:00 2:10 5:10) 7:40 10:20, SAT (12:00 2:10) 5:10 7:40 10:20, SUN (12:00 2:10) 5:10 7:40 10:20, MON (12:00 2:10 5:10) 7:40 10:20, TUETHU (12:00 2:10 5:10) 7:40 10:20. Bridget Jones’ Baby- R- 2D THU 11:40 2:20 5:10 7:40 10:30, FRI (11:30 5:10) 10:30, SAT (11:30) 5:10 10:30, SUN (11:30) 5:10 10:30, MON-THU (11:30 5:10) 10:30. Sully-PG13- 2D THU 11:40 2:30 5:00 7:50 10:30, FRI (11:30 2:20 4:30) 7:30 10:20, SAT (11:30 2:20) 4:30 7:30 10:20, SUN (11:30 2:20) 4:30 7:30 10:20, MON (11:30 2:20 4:30) 7:30 10:20, TUE (11:30 2:20 4:30) 10:20, WED (11:30 2:20 4:30) 7:30 10:20, THU (11:30 2:20 4:30) 7:30. Kubo And The Two Strings- PG- 2D THU 2:30 7:50, FRI-SUN (2:50) 8:00, MON (2:50) 8:00, TUE-THU (2:50) 8:00. To Joey, With Love-NR- MON 7:00. Snowden-R- 2D THU 11:30 4:50 10:00. Sausage Party- R- 2D THU 11:30 4:30.

WHARF CINEMA CENTER 658 Front St., Lahaina, 808-249-2222 (Matinees: Tue all shows, until 6pm every other day) The Accountant-R- 2D THU 7:05. FRI 1:00 4:00

7:00 10:00, SAT-SUN 1:00 4:00 7:00 10:00, MON 1:00 4:00 7:00, TUE 1:00 4:00 7:00 10:00, WED 1:00 4:00 7:00. The Girl On The Train- R- 2D THU 1:20 4:15 7:15. FRI 1:20 4:15 7:10 10:05, SAT-SUN 1:20 4:15 7:10 10:05, MON 1:20 4:15 7:10, TUE 1:20 4:15 7:10 10:05, WED 1:20 4:15 7:10. Miss Peregrine’s Home For Peculiar Children2D THU 12:45 7:00, 3D THU 3:50. 2D FRI-SUN 3:50 6:50 9:50, MON 3:50 6:50, TUE 3:50 6:50 9:50, WED 3:50 6:50. 3D FRI-WED 12:45. Deep Water Horizon- PG13- 2D THU 1:15 4:00.

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SULLY - PG13 - Drama/Biography - Pilot Chesley Sullenberger (Tom Hanks) somehow saves all of his passengers and crew after ditching his airliner in the Hudson River. Directed by Clint Eastwood. 96 min. YOUNG FRANKENSTEIN - PG - Comedy - Special screening of the 1974 classic horror spoof starring Gene Wilder and Madeline Kahn. 106 min.

LAST CHANCE BARCELONA A LOVE UNTOLD - NR - Drama/Romance - A young man trying to get over a breakup meets a young woman running away from her past. 100 min. SAUSAGE PARTY - R - Animation/Comedy - A sausage searches for the meaning of life. Stars Kristen Wiig, Seth Rogen and Jonah Hill. SNOWDEN - R - Biography/Thriller - Oliver Stone’s look at Edward Snowden, the former NSA contractor who blew the whistle on America’s massive, illegal electronic surveillance methods. 134 min. TO JOEY, WITH LOVE - NR - Documentary - The story of Joey Feek as she battled cancer. 90 min.

OCTOBER 13, 2016 21


by Alex Mitchell & Shannon Kekahuna

Da Kine Calendar BIG SHOWS DOLO MC - Thu. Oct 13. Request Music is presenting Maui’s own mic slayer DOLO MC. He’ll be live in-store performing songs off of his album Devotionals. There will also be live paintings by Dylan Kauz and more special guest performances. Free. 4:20pm. Request Music, (10 N. Market St., Wailuku); 808-244-9315; Facebook.com/RequestsHawaii LAHAINA 2ND FRIDAY TOWN PARTY - Fri. Oct 14. Stroll Front Street and take in the restaurants, galleries and merchants. Friday night in Lahaina is also Art Night, so check out all the beautiful works as you take in the stunning Maui sunset. Free. 4:30pm. Lahaina 2nd Friday, (Front St., Lahaina); 808-270-7710; Mauifridays.com FULL MOON LIBRA DANCE PARTY - Fri. Oct 14. Head to South Maui for a Libra-themed full moon dance party. Dance the night away to DJ mixes as you meet new friends. Everyone is invited. 21+. $510. 9pm. Kono’s on the Green, (470 Lipoa Pkwy., Kihei); 808-633-4220; Konosonmaui.com KEIKI UKULELE CONTEST - Sat. Oct 15. The contest will be a who’s who of musicians. Keiki first through twelfth grade will compete for great prizes and bragging rights at this long-running contest. There will also be a short performance by Kamaka Fernandez and one lucky audience member will win a prize package from KoAloha Ukulele. Free. 10am. Hula Grill, (2435 Ka‘anapali Pkwy.); 808-667-6636; HulaGrillKaanapali.com DARREN LEE AND THE BURNING LOVE BAND - Sat. Oct 15. Enjoy an “Unleashed” dinner show and a rockin’ selection of all-time Elvis hits. $3545. 4pm. Mulligan’s on the Blue, (100 Kaukahi St., Wailea); 808-874-1131; Mulligansontheblue.com MAUI PRANKSTERS - Sat. Oct 15. Head to Paia to celebrate the music of the Grateful Dead. 21+. $10. 9:30pm. Charley’s Restaurant and Saloon, (142 Hana Hwy., Paia); 808-579-8085; Charleysmaui.com LIP SYNC BATTLE - Sun. Oct 16. Hosted by DJ Casey Jones, the event will feature a tournament style lip sync battle with elimination rounds. Pre-register by email; include your name, contact info and lip sync battle song choice. Get into character, bring your own props and add your flare to outshine your competitors. Free. 8:30pm. Down the Hatch, (658 Front St., Lahaina); 808-661-4900; Info@breakwallmaui.com

HAWAII FOOD & WINE FESTIVAL HAWAI’I FOOD AND WINE FESTIVAL ROY’S ANNUAL GOLF CLASSIC - Fri. Oct 14. This tournament adds gourmet foods, beers, cocktails and dinner at the 19th hole prepared by Roy’s. The benefit for Imua Family Services has raised nearly $765,000 in 18 years. Featured chefs include: Henry Adaniya (Hank’s Haute Dogs), Peter Merriman (Monkeypod Kitchen), Heather Love (Cow Pig Bun), Joey Macadangdang (Joey’s Kitchen), Scott McGill (TS Restaurants) and Bernardo Salazar (Royal Lahaina Resort). Tickets: $600 per person/$1,500 for a team of three. 12pm. Ka‘anapali Golf Course Resort, (2290 Ka‘anapali Pkwy.); 866-454-4653; Kaanapaligolfcourses.com GROWN ON MAUI FARMERS MARKET - Sat. Oct 15. Maui’s farmers and food producers will showcase locally grown goods at this open-air market by the beachwalk in Whalers Village. Highlights include Hula Grill 20th annual Maui Youth Ukulele Players Contest, happening next door. The music will fill the farmers market. Free. 7:30am. Whalers Village, (2435 Ka‘anapali Pkwy.); 808-661-4567; Whalersvillage.com SCANDAL! THE DARK AND STORMY UNDERBELLY OF COCKTAILS - Sat. Oct 15. Mixologists Jen Ackrill of SKY Waikiki and Fairmont Kea Lani’s Aaron

22 OCTOBER 13, 2016

Alcala-Mosley shake up the spirits scene with the greatest scandals in cocktail history and an indulgent menu of foie gras, Chilean sea bass, chocolate and more by Westin Ka‘anapali Chef Francois Milliet. $75. 11am. Westin Ka‘anapali Ocean Resort Villas, (6 Kai Ala Dr., Ka‘anapali); 808-667-3200; Westinkaanapali.com

‘BURN’N LOVE’ - Mon, Tue, Thur, Fri. Maui Theatre’s Burn’n Love brings back the golden era of Elvis in Hawaii. Starring Darren Lee, relive the days of Blue Hawaii with the best Elvis impersonator in the world. $60-110. 7:30pm. Maui Theatre, (878 Front St., Lahaina); 808-856-7900; Mauitheatre.com

KA‘ANAPALI: A CHEF’S PARADISE - Sat. Oct 15. This event highlights Maui’s fresh seafood, meat and produce with a culinary grazing event on the resort’s Anuenue Lawn. Thirteen chefs will participate including Ming Tsai (Blue Ginger, Wellesley), Graham Elliot (Bistro, Chicago), Elizabeth Falkner (New York), Ben Ford (FFS L.A. LIVE, Los Angeles), Rory Hermann (Sprout, Los Angeles), Andrew Sutton (Napa Rose, Anaheim) and local favorites Bev Gannon (Bev Gannon Restaurants), Greg Gaspar (Sheraton Maui) and Michelle Karr-Ueoka (MW Restaurant). Tickets: $200, VIP: $300 (Early entry at 5pm). 6pm. Sheraton Maui Resort and Spa, (2605 Ka‘anapali Pkwy.); 808-661-0031; Sheraton-maui.com

‘THE HOUSE OF YES’ - Fri. Oct 14 - Sun. Oct 30. Based on Sex, Obsession and Family Values, written by Jim Oxborrow, this dark comedy takes place during a hurricane on Thanksgiving of 1983. Marty’s coming home, and his family eagerly anticipates his visit. Then they discover he’s brought his fiancee. ThursdaySaturday shows at 7:30pm and Sunday at 3pm, with special Kama‘aina rate for the Thursday show. $10. 7:30pm. ProArts Playhouse, (1280 S. Kihei Rd.); 808-463-6550; Houseofyes.yapsody.com

HAWAIIAN AIRLINES PRESENTS SOARING PALATES - Sun. Oct 16. This six-course dinner feature six chefs and fine wine pairings by Southern Glazer’s Wine and Spirits Hawaii. Featured chefs include Kentaro Chen (Shisen Hanten, Tokyo), Jose Garces (Garces Group, Philadelphia), Greg Grohowski (Hyatt Maui), Francois Payard (Francois Payard Bakery, New York), Alessandro Stratta (Prado, Scottsdale) and Jonathan Waxman (Barbuto, New York). Tickets: $250, VIP: $500 (Early entry at 5pm). 6pm. Hyatt Regency Maui Resort and Spa, (200 Nohea Kai Dr., Ka‘anapali); 808-661-1234; Maui.hyatt.com

STAGE SHOWS ‘BOEING, BOEING’ - Fri. Sep 30 - Sun. Oct 16. Maui OnStage presents the classic comedy Boeing, Boeing. Bernard has Italian, American, and German fiancees–all airline hostesses with frequent layovers. When unforeseen schedule changes land all three in his Paris apartment on the same night, Berthe, his maid, advises Robert, a visiting college buddy, to “Drink up, it’s going to be a bumpy night.” Performance times are Fridays and Saturday at 7:30pm and Sundays at 3pm. $20-40. 3pm. Iao Theater, (68 N. Market St., Wailuku); 808-242-6969; Mauionstage.com KUPANAHA MAGIC SHOW - Tue-Sat. Watch “Maui’s Magical Family” team up with the Kupanaha dancers. See scintillating hula interpretations bring spectacular illusions, charm and culture to the stage. $65-99. 4:30pm. Kupanaha Magic Theatre, (2525 Ka‘anapali Pkwy.); 808-667-0128; Kupanaha.com WARREN AND ANNABELLE’S MAGIC SHOW - Mon-Sat. Warren Gibson, one of the country’s premier sleight-of-hand magicians, treats you to the best “close-up” magic and comedy in a beautiful 78-seat venue! Annabelle, their resident ghost, will entertain you while you dine, enjoy cocktails, appetizers, and yummy desserts. $64-104.50. 5pm. Warren and Annabelle’s, (900 Front St., Lahaina); 808-667-6244; Warrenandannabelles.com ‘ULALENA - Mon, Tue, Thur, Fri. Delight in the richness of Hawaiian history and culture through authentic Hawaiian music, dance and over 100 instruments played live in a dynamic, colorful, emotional, and entertaining theatrical performance. Embark on this powerful journey, and leave with a deeper understanding of island culture, and the true essence of aloha. $29.99 Keiki / $59.99 Adults. Children 5 and under are free. Kama‘aina and military rates, and dinner partner offers are available. 5pm. Maui Theatre, (878 Front St., Lahaina); 808-856-7900; Mauitheatre.com WILLIE K AND THE WAREHOUSE BLUES BAND - Thu. Oct 13. Willie K captivates audiences around the world with his astounding performances and remarkable array of musical styles. $60 Dinner and Show, $25 Show Only. Call for reservations. 6:30pm. King Kamehameha Golf Club, (2500 Honoapi‘ilani Hwy., Waikapu); 808-249-0033; Kamehamehagolf.com

COMEDY AND MAGIC WITH HOLDEN MOWAT - Sat. Oct 15. Join Maui magician Holden Mowat with his interactive, all-ages magic-comedy performance on the mall’s center stage. 11:30am. Lahaina Cannery Mall, (1221 Honoapi‘ilani Hwy., Lahaina); 808-661-5304; Lahainacannerymall.com FREE RANGE COMEDY PRESENTS CHILDREN OF THE CORN FED HENS! - Sat. Oct 15. Channel your inner Poultrygeist and get ready for Halloween with the Free Range Flock! Bring a can of food for the Maui Food Bank or check in on Yelp for a $2 discount. $10. 7:30pm. Temple of Peace Maui, (575 Haiku Rd.); 808-575-5220. ‘AN EVENING WITH MARK TWAIN’ - Sun. Oct 16. Actor/director Rick Scheideman will perform his one-man show at the historic Pioneer Inn Courtyard. Enjoy pre-show dinner and happy hour from 3-6pm. Drinks are available for purchase throughout the show. Reservations recommended. $22. 6pm. Pioneer Inn Maui, (658 Wharf St., Lahaina); 303-507-0987; Rickscheideman.com POWER UP COMEDY WITH CHINO LAFORGE - Tue. Oct 18. Stand-up comedy with Chino LaForge live on stage. 5:30pm. Three’s Bar and Grill, (1945 S Kihei Rd.); 808-879-3133; Threesbarandgrill.com BRENTON KEITH AND HIS BAG O’ TRICKS Tue. Oct 18. High-energy comedy and magic show! Fun for all ages with Brenton Keith and his Bag O’ Trick at Mulligan’s. Free. 6:30pm. Mulligan’s on the Blue, (100 Kaukahi St., Wailea); 808-874-1131; Mulligansontheblue.com NA LIO KEIKI DAY - Wed. Oct 19. Bring your family to a fun evening with Na Lio Iki and their miniature horses, Julio and Freedom. This is a theatrical production with horses that tells the story of the Hawaiian Cowboy. Everyone will have an opportunity to take pictures and brush the minis. There will be games, crafting, coloring and refreshments. We will end the evening with a raffle for the Keiki. Free. 5:30pm. Na Lio Gift Shop, (335 Keawe St., Lahaina); 808-270-2255; naliomaui.com FOUREVER FAB SHOW - Wed. Oct 19. Fourever Fab and its founding members have been performing the hits of the world’s most-loved lads, The Beatles, for over 20 years. 6:30pm. Maui Theatre, (878 Front St., Lahaina); 808-856-7900; Mauitheatre.com GEORGE KAHUMOKU JR.’S SLACK KEY SHOW - Wed. Oct 19. Enjoy Hawaii’s Renaissance man, Grammy Award-winner George Kahumoku Jr., perform in concert with Master of Hawaii’s Music at the Aloha Pavilion. Hosted by George and his Slack Key Show Ohana, Peter deAquino, Sterling Seaton, and Wainani Kealoha. Pre-show dinner package also available for Sea House Restaurant, advance purchase required call or go online. $37.99. 7:30pm. Slack Key Show at Napili Kai Beach Resort, (5900 L. Honoapi‘ilani Rd., Napili); 808-669-3858; Slackkeyshow.com

MAUI FOODIE GANNON’S OKTOBERFEST - Sat. Oct 1 - Sat. Oct 15. Gannon’s will celebrate Oktoberfest through Oct.

15 with special German-inspired menu items and, of course, cold, frosty beer. The Oktoberfest menu will be offered in addition to Gannon’s regular dinner and bar menus from 5:30-9:00pm daily. Oktoberfest is even sweeter when enjoyed with Gannon’s Kama’aina Discount with 30 percent off all food on the Dinner Menu. Kama‘aina discounts are available with a valid Hawaii ID and may not be combined with any other discount or promotion. 5:30pm. Gannon’s, (100 Wailea Golf Club Dr.); 808-875-8080; Gannonsrestaurant.com MAUIWINE LOCAPOUR: DRINK LOCAL WINE WEEK - Tue. Oct 11 - Mon. Oct 17. MauiWine is inviting the local community to visit the winery and enjoy free tastings at the King’s Cottage from 10am-5:30pm and historical tours of the estate and wine cellar at 10:30am and 1:30pm daily. In support of Drink Local Wine week, MauiWine is offering a special Kama‘aina discount with 30 percent off all wines purchased at the winery. Complimentary tours of the Old Jail, and tastings of the estate wines at 11:15am and 2:15pm daily. 10am. MauiWine at Ulupalakua, (14815 Pi‘ilani Hwy., Ulupalakua); 808-878-6058; Mauiwine.com HALI‘IMAILE KAMA‘AINA SUMMER SPECIAL - Wed. Oct 12 - Thu. Oct 13. Monday-Friday Kama‘aina who buy one dessert will get one free with the purchase of lunch entree from 11am-2:30pm. Also receive 20 percent off dinner entrees every day from 5:30-9pm with valid Hawaii ID. Not valid with any other discounts or promotions (valid through Nov. 20). 2am. Hali‘imaile General Store, (900 Hali‘imaile Rd., Makawao); 808-572-2666; HGSMaui.com HALE KU‘AI OPEN MARKET - Thu. Oct 13. Features fresh assorted fruits and vegetables open to the public. Free. 11am. Hale Ku’ai, (1977 Main St., Wailuku); 808-984-2156. KING’S VISIT WINE TASTING AND TOUR - Thu. Oct 13. Maui’s only winery is now offering the King’s Visit Wine Tasting and Tour. This is a great opportunity for wine lovers and for those wanting to learn more about grape production. The tour includes visiting the Old Jail, tasting small-production single varietal Ulupalakua Vineyards estate wines, a walk through the vineyard grounds and opportunities to talk story about the history of Rose Ranch. $50. 3:30pm. MauiWine at Ulupalakua, (14815 Pi‘ilani Hwy., Ulupalakua); 808-878-6058; Mauiwine.com PAU FOR PINK - Thu. Oct 13. Meet Pau Maui Vodka and distiller Mark Nigbur and enjoy a cocktail demonstration by mixologist Joey Gottesman of Young’s Market Maui. Proceeds will go towards the Breast Cancer Research Foundation. $30. 5pm. Cane and Canoe, (1 Bay Dr., Kapalua); 808-662-6681; Caneandcanoe.com KAPALUA SUNSET DINNER - Thu. Oct 13. Tuesday-Saturday. Sit back, relax and take in the beautiful Maui sunset while enjoying a special three-course Sunset Menu which includes a glass of sparkling wine and an amuse bouche from the chef. $50. 5:30pm. Banyan Tree Restaurant, (1 Ritz-Carton Dr., Kapalua); 808-665-7096; Ritzcarlton.com/banyantree CASTAWAY’S SEAFOOD NIGHT - Fri. Oct 14. Friday. Enjoy a seafood extravaganza with fresh fish, clams, shrimp, crab leg cluster, Portuguese sausage, new potatoes, corn on the cob and garlic bread. $47.95. 5pm. Castaway Cafe, (45 Kai Ala Dr., Ka‘anapali); 808-661-9091; CastawayCafe.com BRIGIT AND BERNARD’S OKTOBERFEST - Fri. Oct 14. Enjoy an Oktoberfest all you can eat buffet and wash all down with an Oktoberfest Beer with a live Oohmpah Band “The Dorfmusikanten” playing original Oktoberfest music. $40. 5pm. Brigit & Bernard’s Garden Cafe, (335 Ho‘ohana St., Kahului); 808-877-6000. BLACK ROCKTOBERFEST - Fri. Oct 14. Sheraton Maui invites all beer aficionados to celebrate Black Rocktoberfest with a special beer-pairing menu on tap at the resort’s signature restaurant every Friday during the month of October. The three











10/17 -10/19


AMBROSIA 1913 S. Kihei Rd. - 891-1011

Service Industry Night w/ DJ Firefly, 10pm

Frisky Friday w/ DJ Firefly, 10pm

Le Grind w/ DJ Blast, 10pm

Sundaze Sessions w/ DJ Firefly, 10pm


MON-Movie 7pm & Music 10pm, TUE- Tequila Tuesdays w/DJ Firefly,10pm, WED-Wine Down Wednesdays w/DJ Firefly,10pm WED- Famous Ladies Night with DJ Kurt, 10pm $10

1188 Makawao Ave. - 572-0220

Mark Johnstone & Lenny Castellanos, 6:30-8:30pm no cover

We Want the Funk w/ DJ Blast, 10pm $10

Maui Pranksters 9:30pm $10

Sunday Brunch & Bloody Mary Bar! 7am NFL Sunday Ticket

MON- Open Mic 7-10pm, TUE- Tom Conway 6:30pm, WED-Ryan Robinson, 6:30pm

Will Hartzag 7:30-10pm; no cover

Johnny Ringo 7:30-10pm; no cover

Dave Carroll 7:30-10pm; no cover

Justin Phillips 7:-9pm; no cover

MON - Da Ukulele Boyz, 7:30-9:30pm, TUE - Jazz at the Cat 7:30-10pm WED-Benny Uyetake 7-9pm; no cover

NFL & SIN, 9pm

DJ $Mike, 10pm

NFL & Gina Martinelli Band, 7pm

MON- NFL, TUE & WED- Pool League

Pub Quiz 7pm, DJ Jamo 10pm



SIN 9pm

MON- MA’s Mix, 10pm, TUE- Ladies Night 10pm, WED- Jessica & Kanoa, 10pm

Jon Kanekua 11-1pm, Industry Night w/ DJ Illz Sol, 10pm

Noa Zeb 11-1pm, Fresh Squeezed Friday w/ artist, 6-10pm

Jon Kanekua 11-1pm, Flip Coin Night! 10pm

Jon Kanekua 11-1pm

MON- Noa Zeb 11-1pm, Bingo Night 8:30pm, WED- Noa Zeb 11-1pm

744 Front St. (Rooftop), Lahaina - 669-6425

Kaniela Q 2-5pm, Paul Johnson 7:30-9pm

Kaniela Q 2-5pm, Houseshakers 7:30-9pm Late Night Happy Hour w/ DJ Gary, 9pm-12am

Paul Johnson 2-5pm, Ryan Robinson, 7:30-9pm

Paul Johnson 2-5pm, Ryan Robinson, 7:30-9pm

MON-Kaniela Q 2-5pm, Black & Gold 7:30pm TUE- Kaniela Q 2-5pm, Cole Sulenta 7:30pm WED- Kaniela Q 2-5pm, Cole Sulenta 7:30pm


Rampage, 9pm

Rick G 4pm, Dat Guyz 9pm


Karaoke Industry Night 8pm

MON-Karaoke 8pm, TUE-Rick G 4-8pm, Karaoke & $1 Tacos, WED- Open Mic 9pm




CHARLEY’S 142 Hana Hwy., Paia - 579-8085

COOL CAT CAFE Wharf Cinema Center, 658 Front St #160, Lahaina - 667-0988

DIAMONDS ICE BAR 1279 S. Kihei Rd. - 874-9299

DOG & DUCK IRISH PUB 1913 S. Kihei Rd. - 875-9669

DOWN THE HATCH 658 Front St., Lahaina - 661-4900


1913 S. Kihei Rd. - 891-8010

HARD ROCK CAFE 900 Front St., Lahaina - 667-7400

course menu marries flavors from delicious local ingredients with beer tastings. $55. 5:30pm. Black Rock Kitchen at Sheraton Maui, (2605 Ka‘anapali Pkwy.); 808-921-4600; BlackRockKitchen.com CANE AND CANOE SUNDAY BRUNCH - Sun. Oct 16. Featuring an enhanced a la carte menu created by Executive Chef David Viviano, Sunday Brunch will be a celebration of savory and sweet culinary delights. Enjoy a “Build-your-own Bloody Mary Bar” with an assortment of liquor, mixers and all the trimmings to make a most decadent libation. 7am. Cane and Canoe, (1 Bay Dr., Kapalua); 808-662-6681; Caneandcanoe.com SUNDAY HAWAIIAN MUSIC JAM SESSION - Sun. Oct 16. How do you take Sunday Brunch and make it better? By listening to Hawaii’s Most Talented Musicians of course. $50/adult $25/children. 10am. King Kamehameha Golf Club, (2500 Honoapi‘ilani Hwy., Waikapu); 808-249-0033; Kamehamehagolf.com TAVERNA’S PRIME RIB SUNDAY’S - Sun. Oct 16. Every Sunday enjoy chef’s house-spiced rubbed slow roasted 14-oz prime rib accompanied with whipped potatoes, asparagus and horseradish cream sauce. $25. 5pm. Taverna, (2000 Village Rd., Kapalua); 808-667-CIAO; Tavernamaui.com HALI‘IMAILE PRIME RIB SUNDAY - Sun. Oct 16. Sundays enjoy a three-course Prix Fixe succulent, fresh-roasted Prime Rib of Beef Dinner for $38, also available a la carte. Not valid with any other discount or promotion. (valid through Dec. 18). 5:30pm. Hali‘imaile General Store, (900 Hali‘imaile Rd., Makawao); 808-572-2666; HGSMaui.com OCEAN’S BURGERS N’ BREWS - Mon. Oct 17. Featuring a selection of burgers using locally sourced meats and produce paired with Maui Brewing Company beer. 5:30pm. Ocean Pool Bar and Grill at Westin Ka‘anapali Resort, (6 Kai Ala Dr., Ka‘anapali); 808667-3200; Westinkaanapali.com/dining/oceanpool CASTAWAY’S DATE NIGHT - Wed. Oct 19. A perfect destination to bring your sweetheart with ocean front dining and couple specials. Enjoy entrees, house or Caesar salad and a bottle of wine for $49.95 per couple. 5pm. Castaway Cafe, (45 Kai Ala Dr., Ka‘anapali); 808-661-9091; CastawayCafe.com LUAU DINNER SHOW - Wed. Oct 19. Ka‘anapali Beach Club is proud to announce their new Luau Dinner show ‘Huaka‘i–Journey through Polyne-

sia. The luau festivities include traditional games, woodcarvers, cultural demonstrations, and fantastic Luau buffet. The hula performances are beautiful, and all will enjoy the fire knife dance finale. 5:30pm. Ka‘anapali Beach Club Luau, (104 Ka‘anapali Shores Pl.); 888-582-8858; Huakailuau.com

ART SCENE MALAMA WAO AKUA, A NATIVE SPECIES EXHIBITION - Fri. Sep 9 - Thu. Nov 10. Hui No‘eau Visual Art Center in collaboration with East Maui Watershed Partnership brings you a juried art exhibition celebrating the native species of Maui Nui. All Maui artists of all ages are invited to explore the watershed and use their creative talents to raise awareness about the value of native species. 4pm. Hui Noeau Visual Arts Center, (2841 Baldwin Ave., Makawao); 808-572-6560; huinoeau.com HAWAII NATIONAL PARKS 2016 CENTENNIAL JURIED EXHIBITION - Thu. Oct 13. This unique exhibition will highlight an appreciation for the skills and creativity of artists and the essence of Hawaii’s National Parks. Artists were asked to submit new work inspired by Hawaii parks and monuments that conveys their personal interpretation of environmental, ecological, cultural, and political ideas. Free. 10am. Schaefer International Gallery, (1 Cameron Way, Kahului); 808-242-SHOW; Mauiarts.org FRIDAY NIGHT ART NIGHT - Fri. Oct 14. Lahaina Printsellers Ltd. invites you to visit their gallery for live music and Mai Tais while they showcase their artist of the week. Free. 6pm. Lahaina Printsellers Ltd., (764 Front St., Lahaina); 808-667-5815; Printsellers.com ELLEN LEVINSKY - Sat. Oct 15. Ellen Levinsky’s creations will be featured in the Banyan Tree Gallery through October but today’s a reception for her. Her show will feature decorative feather jewelry and art. 11am-4pm. Lahaina Arts Society Banyan Tree Gallery and Old Jail Gallery, (648 Wharf St., Lahaina); 808-661-0111; Lahaina-arts.org REACHING OUT: OPENING RECEPTION WITH THE ARTISTS - Sat. Oct 15 - Wed. Nov 30. A select group of artists were invited to create and explore the endless possibilities that may arise from a collaboration with someone in the community. Enjoy the open reception on Oct. 15,

then view their work through Nov. 30. 5pm. Viewpoints Gallery, (3620 Baldwin Ave., Makawao); 808-572-5979; Viewpointsgallerymaui.com ROBIN CAMERON - Tue. Oct 18. Robin Cameron works include fine art photography, with special interest in oil painting and ceramics. 12pm. Maui Hands Paia, (84 Hana Hwy., Paia); 808-579-9245; Mauihands.com SARAH VOYER - Wed. Oct 19. Sara Voyer is fascinated by color and light relationships and enjoys learning new techniques. 1pm. Maui Hands Paia, (84 Hana Hwy., Paia); 808-579-9245; Mauihands.com JEANNE YOUNG - Wed. Oct 19. Come by the gallery to meet Jeanne Young and watch her technique every Wednesday in October. 4pm. Maui Hands Hyatt, (200 Nohea Kai Dr., Ka‘anapali); 808-667-7997; Mauihands.com

CALENDAR OF EVENTS THURSDAY, OCTOBER 13 GET THE DRIFT AND BAG IT! 2016 - Thu Oct. 13 - Sat. Oct 15. The 31st annual campaign is an opportunity for residents and visitors to join in a global volunteer effort to remove litter and debris from the coastal environment. While the global effort takes place on a single day, data is accepted for cleanups that take place within 30 days of the event. You can participate any time through Oct. 15 and your activity will be counted. 8am. Malama Maui Nui, (E. Camp 5 Rd., Kahului); 808-877-2524; MalamaMauiNui.org MAUI’S ENERGY FUTURE COMMUNITY FORUM - Thu. Oct 13. Panelists from the County of Maui, Maui Electric, Maui Tomorrow, Rising Sun Solar, Maui Solar and MEDB will hold three panel discussions regarding the future of Maui’s energy. 5:30pm. Kaunoa Senior Center Paia, (401 Alakapa Pl., Paia); 808-270-7308. YOGA FOR EVERY BODY - Thu. Oct 13. Gentle yoga, all levels of experience welcome. Enjoy ocean breezes, surprise rainbows and occasional whale sightings while breathing intentionally and increasing your strength and flexibility. Taught by certified yoga teachers Sandy Callender and Gylian Solay. Cost is agerelated. Senior discounts are available. $8. 7:30pm. Waipulani Park, (S. Kihei Rd.); 808-214-2766 MAUI COMICS COLLECTOR’S SWAP - Thu. Oct

TUE- Evan Shulman 7-10pm

13. Bring your comics and collectible items for a night of trading and talking story with your local comic book lovers. 8pm. Maui Comics and Collectibles, (333 Dairy Rd., Kahului); 808-868-0219; Facebook.com/MauiComics HALAU HULA KAULUOKALA KUMU ULUWEHI GUERRERO HULA CLASSES - Thu. Oct 13. Halau Hula Kauluokala, under the direction of Kumu Uluwehi Guerrero, is opening classes for adults who cannot make a full halau commitment but still want to have hula in their lives. No fundraising, performance, or protocol commitments. Must have knowledge of the hula basics. These are not beginner classes. $30. 5pm. Maui Arts and Cultural Center, (1 Cameron Way, Kahului); 808-242-SHOW; Mauiarts.org HOW NOT TO DIE - Thu. Oct 13. Michael Greger, MD has scoured the world’s scholarly literature on clinical nutrition and developed this new presentation based on the latest in cutting-edge research exploring the role diet may play in preventing, arresting and even reversing our leading causes of death and disability. Sponsored by the Vegetarian Society of Hawaii. The event is free. Refreshments courtesy of Down To Earth. Free. 7pm. J. Walter Cameron Center, (95 Mahalani St., Wailuku); 808-244-5546; Vsh.org

SATURDAY, OCTOBER 15 FREE LEARN-TO-SWIM SESSIONS - Sat. Oct 15 - Sat. Nov 26. Participants will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. The six-week sessions include one class per week, with space limited to six children per class. Level 1 classes are for children ages 4 to 6 on Mondays and Fridays from 3-3:30pm (parent participation may be required). Level 2 classes are for children ages 5-8pm on Wednesdays and Saturdays from 9-9:30am (child must be present at registration for a swim assessment). 9am. Upcountry Pool, (90 Pukalani St.); 808-572-1479; Mauicounty.gov/aquatics PAIA TOWN BEACH CLEANUP - Sat. Oct 15. Join the monthly beach cleanup and help take care of Baldwin Beach. Cleanups are free and participants receive lunch provided by Flatbread Company and refreshments afterward. Just bring a hat, sunscreen, a reusable water bottle and a great attitude. 9am. Baldwin Beach Park, (Alawai Rd., Paia); Paiamaui.com THIRD ANNUAL DOMESTIC VIOLENCE AWARENESS FAIR - Sat. Oct 15. The County of Maui Committee on the Status of Women is host-

OCTOBER 13, 2016 23


The Chart-Topping Duo

Air Supply


0ŇKDOD 0DL &HOHEUDWLQJ 20 <HDUV RI 1ć /HL /RYH SAT October 15 7:00 pm Castle




6:30PM-8:30PM • NO COVER

FRI | 10/14




9:30PM • $10

SUN | 10/16


FRI October 21 7:30 pm Castle







SUN October 23 5:00 pm Castle GALLERY

Hawai‘i National Parks 2016 Centennial Exhibit Through Nov 6 Tue-Sun, 10-5, FREE

24 OCTOBER 13, 2016

THURS | 10/13



TUES | 10/18


6:30PM-8:30PM • NO COVER

WED | 10/19


6:30PM-8:30PM • NO COVER 142 HANA HWY a PAIA a 808.579.8085











10/17 -10/19


Mike Madden, 7-10pm (acoustic 70s-90s)

Fulton & Paul, 7-10pm (jazz)

John Bowser, 7-10pm (guitar)

MON- Soundlab (classic rock) 7-10pm, TUE- Nino Tascano (guitar) 7-10pm, WED- Paul & Fulton (jazz) 7-10pm

Natalie Nicole, 8pm

DJ Blast Ladies Night

DJ Orion

Brandt Quick, 8pm

MON-Brandt Quick, TUE- John Grover 8pm, WED-Maui Blues 8pm

Ma’a, 6:30pm

Willie K 9-11pm, $5

Ma’a, 6:30pm

Benny & Rock, 6-8pm

MON-Benny & Rock, 6-8pm, TUE & WED- Sam Ahia 6:30-8:30pm

Karaoke w/ “Auntie” Toddy Lilikoi, 9:30pm; no cover

Karaoke w/ “Auntie” Toddy Lilikoi, 9:30pm; no cover

Jim Spector, 5:30pm

Fantabulous Friday’s LGBTQ w/ DJ Shea Butter Boom

Neto, 5:30pm

Island Soul, 5:30pm

TUE- Tantalizing Tues w/Gina Martinelli & Friends 5-8pm, WED-Jim Spector, 5:30pm

Live Music, 6-9pm

Live Music, 6-9pm

Live Music, 6-9pm DJ, 10pm

NFL 7am-closing

MON-Live Music 7-10pm, WED- Open Mic/Karaoke 9pm-close

1 Bay Club Pl., Kapalua - 669-6400

Ranga Pae 5:30-8:30pm; no cover

Ranga Pae 5:30-8:30pm; no cover

Ranga Pae 5:30-8:30pm; no cover

David Wolf 5:30-8:30pm; no cover

MON - David Wolf / TUE - The Benoits WED - Ranga Pae (all 5:30-8:30pm)


Ron Kuala’au, 6:30-8:30pm

Soul Kitchen Big Band, 7-9pm

Darren Lee & Burn’n Love Band, 7-8pm

Derek Warfield & The Young Wolf Tones, 7-9:30pm



Thirsty Thursdays w/ DJ Kai, 10pm (downstairs)

Salsa Night & Hot Fridays w/ DJ Mike

RAFAGA, 10pm-2am

Juke Box, 10pm

MON-Open Mic10pm-close, TUE- Mellow Sounds w/DJ Matt Lane 10pm, WED-Reggae w/ DJ Irie Dole, 10pm

JAVA JAZZ 3350 L. Honoapiilani Rd. - 667-0787

KAHALE’S 1913 S. Kihei Rd. - 875-7711

KIMO’S 845 Front St., Lahaina - 661-4811

KOBE STEAKHOUSE 136 Dickenson St. (Lounge Area), Lahaina - 667-5555

KONO’S ON THE GREEN 470 Lipoa Pkwy, Kihei - 633-4220

LULU’S LAHAINA Lahaina Cannery Mall - 661-0808


100 Kaukahi St., Wailea - 874-1131

2291 Kaanapali Pkwy, Lahaina - 662-3700

ing its Annual Domestic Violence Awareness Fair. The event is designed to provide information about domestic violence, as well as the support and resources available to the community. Participating organizations include Women Helping Women, PACT (Parents And Children Together), Child and Family Services, the Office of the Prosecuting Attorney, Victim Witness Program and Maui Police Department’s Domestic Violence Unit. 10am. Queen Ka‘ahumanu Center, (275 W. Ka‘ahumanu Ave., Kahului); 808877-3369; QueenKaahumanuCenter.com ECO FARM TOURS - Sat. Oct 15. Join us for an educational tour of permaculture design features. Our goal is to create whole systems which produce healthy food sustainably. Rather than depending on outside inputs which have a carbon footprint and often carry toxic components such as heavy metals and antibiotics, we strive to grow needed amendments right here on our land. $20-25. 4pm. Ahimsa Sanctuary Farm, (4505 Hana Hwy., Haiku); 808-283-8057; Ahimsasanctuaryfarm.com FRIENDS OF HOT RODS AND CLASSIC CARS - Sat. Oct 15. Join Maui Friends of Hot Rods and Classic Cars on the third Saturday of every month at Queen Ka‘ahumanu Center’s parking lot. Talk story with car enthusiasts and view some of the most fabulous vehicles on Maui. Free. 5pm. Queen Ka‘ahumanu Center, (275 W. Ka‘ahumanu Ave., Kahului); 808877-3369; QueenKaahumanuCenter.com MOONLIGHT MELE CONCERT - Sat. Oct 15. The Maui Historical Society is excited to announce its Moonlight Mele concert. Featuring Uncle George Kahumoku and Friends along with the UH Maui College Institute of Hawaiian Music and the makua and kupuna of Halau Na Hanona Kulike O Pi‘ilani. Concert admission is $5, and free for children under 12 years of age. 5pm. Hale Ho‘ike‘ike, (2375 Main St., Wailuku); 808-244-3326; Mauimuseum.org GO GREEN RECYCLE - Sat. Oct 15. Malama Maui Nui and the Rotary Club of Lahaina continues a major collaborative effort to bring convenient residential recycling to West Maui! Every third Saturday through June 2017, residents may bring recyclables to bins set up in the parking lot. Recyclables will be accepted at no charge, there will be no redemption payments for HI-5 recyclables dropped off at this site. 9am. Lahaina Cannery Mall, (1221 Honoapi‘ilani Hwy., Lahaina); 808-661-5304; MalamaMauiNui.org

SUNDAY, OCTOBER 16 HULA BY HA‘A HEO O MAUI - Sun. Oct 16. Enjoy a traditional Hawaiian hula performance of Hula by Ha‘a Heo o Maui on the mall’s center

stage. 11am. Maui Mall, (70 E. Ka‘ahumanu Ave., Kahului); 808-871-1307; Mauimall.com

lani Smythe 5:30-8:30pm; (1 Bay Dr., Kapalua); 808-662-6681; Caneandcanoe.com

6-9pm; (2435 Ka‘anapali Pkwy.); 808-667-6636; HulaGrillKaanapali.com

ISLAND SOUL DANCE PARTY - Sun. Oct 16. Enjoy your favorite old school, new school, rock, funk and blues music with the Island Soul Band. $5. 5pm. Kono’s on the Green, (470 Lipoa Pkwy., Kihei); 808-633-4220; Konosonmaui.com

CAPTAIN JACK’S ISLAND GRILL - Thu, Jonny Ringo 2-5pm; Fri, Will Hartzog 2-4:30pm; Mon, Will Hartzog 2-4:30pm; Tue, Jonny Ringo 2-5pm; Wed, Tori Dixon Band 2-5pm; (672 Front St., Lahaina); 808-667-0988; CaptainJacksMaui.com

SOUND BATH MEDITATION: FULL MOON RELEASE AND RELAXATION - Sun. Oct 16. Join Los Angeles-based sound healer, professional musician and yoga and meditation teacher Fawntice Finesse as she leads your transformation with sound at “Full Moon Release and Relaxation” sound bath meditation. $20. 7pm. Temple of Peace Maui, (575 Haiku Rd.); 808-575-5220.

CHEESEBURGER IN PARADISE - Thu, Brooks Maguire 4:30-10:30pm; Fri, Harry Troupe 4:3010:30pm; Sat, Scott Freeman 4:30-10:30pm; Sun, Brooks Maguire 4:30-10:30pm; Mon, Mark Burnett 4:30-10:30pm; Tue, Scott Freeman 4:30-10:30pm; Wed, Harry Troupe 4:30-10:30pm; (811 Front St., Lahaina); 808-661-4855; Cheeseburgerland.com

JAPENGO - Thu, Nightly Entertainment 6-8pm; Fri, Nightly Entertainment 6-8pm; Sat, Nightly Entertainment 6-8pm; Sun, Nightly Entertainment 6-8pm; Mon, Nightly Entertainment 6-8pm; Tue, Nightly Entertainment 6-8pm; Wed, Nightly Entertainment 6-8pm; (200 Nohea Kai Dr., Ka‘anapali); 808-667-4727; Japengomaui.com

MONDAY, OCTOBER 17 HISTORICAL BOTANICAL TOUR - Mon and Wed. The historical botanical tour showcases the horticultural artistry of Haiku Mill. The tour take guests around the Haiku Mill property, where they will learn about Hawaii’s prosperous sugar era and its impact on the cultural makeup of the islands, as well as its diverse tropical flora. Guests will also enjoy the spectacularly restored sugar mill ruins. Group and Kama‘aina rates available. $18. 10:30pm. Haiku Mill, (250 Haiku Rd.); 808575-9994; Haikumill.com

WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 19 SOUTH SIDE BIKE RIDE - Wed. Oct 19. You’ll need more than a beach cruiser for this bike ride. Riders pedal an average 15-mph from Kihei to Iao Valley and back. Road bikes recommended. Free. 6:55am. South Maui Bicycles, (1993 S. Kihei Rd.); 808-874-0068; Southmauibicycles.com OUTLETS OUTDOOR MARKET - Wed. Oct 19. The Market will feature chef demonstrations, live music, hula show and cultural activities. Maui farmers and artisans will feature locally-grown produce, handmade goods, creative crafts, apparel, island artwork and more. The Outlets retailers will also host a sidewalk sale with special sales and promotions. 4pm. Outlets of Maui, (900 Front St., Lahaina); 808-661-8277; Outletsofmaui.com

LIVE MUSIC WEST MAUI CANE AND CANOE - Thu, Piilani Arias 5:308:30pm; Fri, Kapali Keahi 5:30-8:30pm; Sat, Daniel Querubin 5:30-8:30pm; Sun, Joseph Chee 5:30-8:30pm; Mon, Kincaid Kipahu 5:308:30pm; Tue, Brian Haia 5:30-8:30pm; Wed, Ka-

COOL CAT CAFE - Thu, Will Hartzog 7:30-10pm; Fri, Johnny Ringo 7:30-10pm; Sat, Dave Carroll 7:30-10pm; Sun, Justin Phillips 7-9pm; Tue, Jazz at the Cat 7:30-10pm; Wed, Benny Uyetake 7:3010pm; (658 Front St., Lahaina); 808-667-0908; Coolcatcafe.com DOWN THE HATCH - Thu, Jon Kaneakua 11am1pm; Fri, Noa Zeb 11am-1pm; Sun, Jon Kaneakua 11am-1pm; Wed, Noa Zeb 11am-1pm; (658 Front St., Lahaina); 808-661-4900; Dthmaui.com

JAVA JAZZ AND SOUP NUTZ - Thu, Rick Glencross 7-10pm; Fri, Guest Performers 7-10pm; Sat, Fultone Tashombe and Paul Bunuan 7-10pm; Sun, Jon Bowser 7-10pm; Mon, Soundlab 7-10pm; Tue, Nino Toscano 7-10pm; Wed, Fultone Tashombe and Paul Bunuan 7-10pm; (3350 L. Honoapi‘ilani Rd., Napili); 808-667-0787; Javajazz.net KIMO’S - Thu, Ma’a 6:30-8:30pm; Sat, Ma’a 6:30-8:30pm; Sun, Benny and Rock 6-8pm; Mon, Benny and Rock 6-8pm; Tue, Sam Ahia 6:30-8:30pm; Wed, Sam Ahia 6:30-8:30pm; (845 Front St., Lahaina); 808-661-4811; Kimosmaui.com

DUKE’S BEACH HOUSE - Thu, Ben DeLeon 3-5pm; Thu, Da Ukulele Boys 6-8:30pm; Fri, Garrett Probst 3-5pm; Fri, Damon Parrillo and Tim Osbourne 6-8:30pm; Sat, Damon Parrillo and Ron Hetten 6-8:30pm; Sat, Danyel Alana 6-8:30pm; Sun, Keali’i Lum 3-5pm; Sun, Damien Awai 6-8:30pm; Mon, Keali’i Lum 3-5pm; Mon, Danyel Alana and Guest 6-8:30pm; Tue, Ben DeLeon 3-5pm; Tue, Roy Kato and Guest 6-8:30pm; Wed, Garrett Probst 3-5pm; Wed, Puhi Ko 6-8:30pm; (130 Kai Malina Pkwy., Ka‘anapali); 808-662-2900; DukesMaui.com FLEETWOOD’S ON FRONT ST. - Thu, Kaniela Q 2-5pm; Fri, Kaniela Q 2-5pm; Sat, Paul Johnson 2-5pm; Sun, Paul Johnson 2-5pm; Mon, Kaniela Q 2-5pm; Tue, Kaniela Q 2-5pm; Wed, Kaniela Q 2-5pm; (744 Front St., Lahaina); 808-669-6425; Fleetwoodsonfrontst.com HARD ROCK CAFE - Tue, Evan Shulman 7-10pm; (900 Front St., Lahaina); 808-667-7400; Hardrock.com/maui HULA GRILL - Thu, Kealii Lum 2-5pm; Thu, Damon Parillo and Jack Stone 6-9pm; Sat, Kawika Lum Ho 2-5pm; Sat, Danyel Alana 6-9pm; Sun, Josh Lum 6-9pm; Sun, Kealii Lum 6-9pm; Mon, Ma’a 2-5pm; Mon, Kealii Lum 6-9pm; Tue, Kawika Lum Ho 2-5pm; Wed, Danyel Alana 2-5pm; Wed, Ernest Pua’a, Roy Kato and Kamuela Hamakua

CALL IN YOUR ORDER FOR FAST PICK UP 808.495.0259 26 N. MARKET ST. wailukucoЄeeco.com

OCTOBER 13, 2016 25


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10/17 -10/19


PLAYMAKERS SPORTS BAR 928 Lower Main St., Wailuku - 244-4084

SANSEI - KAPALUA 115 Bay Dr., Lahaina - 669-6286

SANSEI - KIHEI 1881 S. Kihei Rd., Ste. KT116 - 879-0004

SOUTH SHORE TIKI LOUNGE 1913 S. Kihei Rd. - 874-6444

STEEL HORSE SALOON 1234 L. Main St., Wailuku - 243-2206

STOPWATCH SPORTS BAR 1127 Makawao Ave. - 572-1380

THREE’S BAR & GRILL 1945 S Kihei Rd. - 879-3133

TIFFANY’S 1424 L. Main St., Wailuku - 249-0052

WATERCRESS Waiehu Beach Center, Wailuku - 243-9351

LAHAINA PIZZA COMPANY - Thu, John Kane 7:30-9:30pm; Fri, John Kane 7:30-9:30pm; Sat, Joseph Chee 7:30-9:30pm; Wed, Scotty Rotten 7:309:30pm; (730 Front St., Lahaina); 808-661-0700; Lahainapizzaco.com LAHAINA YACHT CLUB - Sat, Gina Martinelli Band 6-9pm; (835 Front St., Lahiana); 808-667-6211; Lyc.us LEILANI’S ON THE BEACH - Thu, Josh Kahula and Dave of ‘Nuff Sedd’ 3-5pm; Fri, JD and Friends 3-5pm; Sun, ‘Kilohana’ Merv Oana and Duane Feig 3-5pm; Wed, Jarret Roback, Josh Kahula and Roy Kato 3-5pm; (2435 Ka‘anapali Pkwy.); 808-661-4495; Leilanis.com LONGHIS - Thu, Wilmont Kahaialii and Shawn McLaughlin 5-7pm; Fri, Brian Massa and Meryl 5-7pm; Sat, Steve Grimes and Gang 5-7pm; Tue, Tori Dixon and Shawn McLaughlin 5-7pm; (888 Front St., Lahaina); 808-667-2288; Longhis.com LULU’S LAHAINA SURF CLUB AND GRILL - Thu, Far West 6-9pm; Fri, Na’o Ah Puck 6am9pm; Sat, Daesha Dee and Cody 6-9pm; Mon, Nestor and Kale 7-10pm; (1221 Honoapi‘ilani Hwy., Lahaina); 808-661-0808; Luluslahaina.com MERRIMAN’S - Thu, Ranga Pae 5:30-8:30pm; Fri, Ranga Pae 5:30-8:30pm; Sat, Ranga Pae 5:30-8:30pm; Sun, David Wolf 5:30-8:30pm; Mon, David Wolf 5:30-8:30pm; Wed, Ranga Pae 5:30-8:30pm; (1 Bay Club Pl., Lahaina); 808669-6400; Merrimanshawaii.com/kapalua OCEAN POOL BAR AND GRILL AT WESTIN KAANAPALI RESORT - Fri, Live Music 4-7pm; Mon, Live Music 4-7pm; (6 Kai Ala Dr., Ka‘anapali); 808667-3200; Westinkaanapali.com/dining/oceanpool PACIFIC’O ON THE BEACH - Fri, Vincente Cacal 4:30-6:30pm; Sat, David King 4:306:30pm; (505 Front St., Lahaina); 808-6674341; Pacificomaui.com PAILOLO BAR AND GRILL AT WESTIN KAANAPALI RESORT - Thu, Live Music 6-9pm; Tue, Live Music 5-8pm; Wed, Live Music 5-8pm; (6 Kai Ala Dr., Ka‘anapali); 808-667-3200; Westinkaanapali.com/dining/pailolo PAU HUAKA‘I TIKI BAR - Fri, Josh Sumibcay 5-8pm; Mon, Kawika Ortiz 6-8pm; (180 Nohea Kai Dr., Ka‘anapali); 808-662-1000; Kaanapalibeach.hyatt.com PINEAPPLE GRILL - Fri, Paul Johnson 3-6pm; (200 Kapalua Dr.); 808-669-9600; PineappleGrillMaui.com PIONEER INN - Thu, Greg di Piazza 6-9pm; Mon, Kalani 6-9pm; Tue, Ah-Tim Eleniki 6-9pm; (658 Wharf St., Lahaina); 808-661-3636 / 808-2704858; Pioneerinnmaui.com

NFL Breakfast (7am), $2 Sunday Nights

MON-NFL & Naughty Bingo w/Miss Misha 7pm, TUE- $2 Taco Tuesday, WED- Free Darts & Prizes

Tom Conway 4-6pm, DJ Kamikaze 10pm

Viva La Rumba 4pm, Sunday Lounge w/ DJ Joralien, 10pm

MON - Kanoa 4pm & DJ Big Mike SIN 10pm, TUE - Jon Bowser 4-6pm, DJ Salvo, WEDNatalie Nicole 4pm, DJ Lobstah, 10pm

Kaina Kountry Band, no cover

Ladies Night- Drink Specials & Free Pool, no cover

NFL all day & SIN w/ Stacey 9pm-close

MON-Martini Monday, TUE- $2 Tuesday w/ free pool, WED- Karaoke & free pool, 6pm

Hot Apple Pie, $4 cover, 8-12pm

FREE Karaoke w/ Dudley 9pm-12am; no cover

NFL, Thirsty Thursdays

College Football w/ Brant Quick 7-11pm

Free Karaoke 10pm-1am; no cover

Free Karaoke 10pm-1am; no cover

Free Karaoke 10pm-1am; no cover

Free Karaoke 10pm-1am; no cover

Free Karaoke 10pm-1am; no cover

Jamie Gallo, 4-6pm, DJ Big Mike, 10pm

Randall Rospond 4-6pm, DJ Gemini & Ynot, 10pm

Margarita Thursdays w/ Lady Dlishz, no cover FREE Karaoke w/ Dudley 9pm-12am; no cover

Salsa Night w/ Barbara & Ernesto, 8pm-no cover

College Football & Ladies Night 9pm

Capt Dan, 6:30-8:30pm

TUE- Power Up Comedy Tour 9pm,

Karaoke, 8:30pm-close

Karaoke, 8pm-close

Karaoke, 8pm-close

Karaoke, 8pm-close

MON-WED-Karaoke, 8pm-close

$3 Thursdays

Ladies Night, 10pm

City & Country Band, 10pm

Free Karaoke & Drink Specials

TUE- Free Karaoke & Drink Specials, WED- Dinner Music 6-8pm

RELISH OCEANSIDE BAR AT WESTIN MAUI RESORT - Thu, Braddah Keoki Ruiz 6:30-9pm; Fri, Braddah Keoki Ruiz 6:30-9pm; Sat, Braddah Keoki Ruiz 6:30-9pm; Sun, Braddah Keoki Ruiz 6:30-9pm; Mon, Braddah Keoki Ruiz 6:30-9pm; Tue, Braddah Keoki Ruiz 6:30-9pm; Wed, Braddah Keoki Ruiz 6:30-9pm; (2365 Ka‘anapali Pkwy.); 808-6672525; Westinmaui.com/dining/relish-oceanside SANGRITA GRILL AND CANTINA - Thu, Live Flamenco Music by Indio and Avi 6:30-8:30pm; (2580 Kekaa Dr., Ka‘anapali); 808-662-6000; Sangritagrill.com SEA HOUSE RESTAURANT AT NAPILI KAI RESORT - Thu, Phillip Stevens 7-9pm; Fri, Phillip Stevens 7-9pm; Sat, Fausto Allosada 7-9pm; Sun, Albert Kaina 7-9pm; Mon, Albert Kaina 7-9pm; Tue, Albert Kaina 7-9pm; Wed, Fausto Allosada 7-9pm; (5900 L. Honoapi‘ilani Rd., Lahaina); 808-669-1500; Seahousemaui.com WHALERS VILLAGE - Thu, The Benoits 7-8pm; (2435 Ka‘anapali Pkwy.); 808-661-4567; Whalersvillage.com

SOUTH MAUI BOTERO LOUNGE - Thu-Wed Contemporary Hawaiian Music 5-10pm; (3850 Wailea Alanui Dr., Wailea); 808-875-1234; Grandwailea.com/ experience/dine/botero-lounge CHEESEBURGER ISLAND STYLE - Thu, Mark Burnett 5:30-8:30pm; Fri, Brooks Maguire 5:308:30pm; Sat, Brooks Maguire 5:30-8:30pm; (3750 Wailea Alanui Dr.); 808-874-8990. DIAMOND’S ICE BAR AND GRILL - Sun, Gina Martinelli Band 7-7pm; (1279 S. Kihei Rd.); 808874-9299; Diamondsicebar.com KONO’S ON THE GREEN - Thu, Jim Spector 5:308:30pm; Fri, Sal Gutierrez Band 5-8pm; Sat, Neto Peraza 5:30-7:30pm; Sun, Island Soul Dance Party 5-8pm; Wed, Jim Spector 5:30-7:30pm; (470 Lipoa Pkwy., Kihei); 808-633-4220; Konosonmaui.com LUANA LOUNGE - Fri, Live Entertainment 7-10pm; Sat, Live Entertainment 7-10pm; (4100 Wailea Alanui Dr.); 808-875-4100; Fairmont. com/kea-lani-maui/dining/luana MAUI BREWING COMPANY KIHEI - Thu, Yum Yum Beast 5-8pm; Fri, Lewis and Louis 4-7pm; Mon, Johnny Ringo 5-8pm; Wed, Damien Awai 5-8pm; (605 Lipoa Pkwy., Kihei); 808-213-3002; Mauibrewingco.com MONKEYPOD KITCHEN - Thu, Dat Guyz 1-3pm; Thu, Levi Poasa 4-6pm; Thu, Mike Finkiewicz and Craig Soderberg 7-9pm; Fri, Stay Easy 1-3pm; Fri, Tom Conway 4-6pm; Fri, Alika Nako’oka 7-9pm; Sat, T-Flatz and The Highlights 1-3pm; Sat, Randall Rospond 7-9pm; Sun, T-Flatz and The Highlights

1-3pm; Sun, Ohana Groove 7-9pm; Mon, Kanoa and Ryan 1-3pm; Mon, Tom Conway 4-6pm; Mon, Joshua Kahula 7-9pm; Tue, Louis and Lewis 1-3pm; Wed, An Den Duo Damien Awai and Brian Haia 1-3pm; Wed, Alika Nako’oka 4-6pm; Wed, Jarret Roback 7-9pm; (10 Wailea Gateway, wailea); 808891-2322; Monkeypodkitchen.com/wailea MULLIGAN’S ON THE BLUE - Thu, Ron Kuala’au 6:30-8:30pm; Sun, Murray Thorne 7-9:30pm; Sun, Derek Warfield and The Young Wolfe Tones 7:30-9pm; Wed, Joel Katz 5:15-6:15pm; Wed, Willie K 6:30-8:30pm; (100 Kaukahi St., Wailea); 808-874-1131; Mulligansontheblue.com

tini and Jazz 6:30-9:30pm; (2500 Honoapi‘ilani Hwy., Waikapu); 808-249-0033; Kamehamehagolf.com SEASCAPE MA‘ALAEA RESTAURANT - Fri, Kaulike Pescaia 5-7:30pm; (192 Ma‘alaea Rd.); 808-427-1245; Mauioceancenter.com/dine WHOLE FOODS MARKET - Fri, Aloha Friday Music Jam 11:30am-2:30pm; (70 Ka‘ahumanu Ave., Kahului); 808-872-3310; Wholefoodsmarket.com

UPCOUNTRY MAUI CAFE DE AMIS - Mon, Mark Johnstone 6:30-8:30pm; (42 Baldwin Ave., Paia); 808-579-6323; Cdamaui.com

OHANA SEAFOOD BAR AND GRILL - Thu, Contemporary Island Music 4-8pm; Fri, Contemporary Island Music 4-8pm; Sat, Contemporary Island Music 4-8pm; Sun, Contemporary Island Music 4-8pm; Mon, Contemporary Island Music 4-8pm; Tue, Contemporary Island Music 4-8pm; Wed, Contemporary Island Music 4-8pm; (1945 S. Kihei Rd.); 808-868-3247; Ohanaseafoodgrill.com

CAFE MAMBO MAUI - Tue, Brant Quick 4-8pm; (30 Baldwin Ave., Paia); 808-579-8021; Cafemambomaui.com

PITA PARADISE - Sat, David Wolf 5:30-8pm; Sun, Benoit Jazzworks 6:30-9pm; (34 Wailea Gateway Center); 808-879-7177; Pitaparadisehawaii.com

FLATBREAD COMPANY - Thu, Randall Rospond 5:30-8pm; (89 Hana Hwy., Paia); 808579-8989; Flatbreadcompany.com

CHARLEY’S RESTAURANT AND SALOON - Thu, Mark Johnstone and Lenny Castellanos 6:30-8:30pm; Mon, Charley’s Live Band 7-10pm; Tue, Tom Conway 6:30-8:30pm; Wed, Ryan Robinson 6:30-8:30pm; (142 Hana Hwy., Paia); 808-579-8085; Charleysmaui.com

SOUTH SHORE TIKI LOUNGE - Thu, Jaime Gallo 4-6pm; Fri, Randall Rospond 4-6pm; Sat, Tom Conway 4-6pm; Sun, Viva La Rumba 4-6pm; Mon, Kanoa 4-6pm; Tue, Jon Bowser 4-6pm; Wed, Natalie Nicole 4-6pm; (1913 S. Kihei Rd.); 808-874-6444; Southshoretikilounge.com THE RESTAURANT AT HOTEL WAILEA - Fri, Mark Johnstone 7-9pm; Sat, Mark Johnstone 7-9pm; (555 Kaukahi Rd., Wailea); 808-8792224; Hotelwailea.com/rhw THREE’S BAR AND GRILL - Sat, Live Solo Guitar With Cpt. Dan Saunders 5:30-9pm; (1945 S. Kihei Rd.); 808-879-3133; Threesbarandgrill.com



BEACH BUMS - Thu, Kenny Roberts 5-8pm; Fri, Mike Finkiewicz and Tom Cherry 5-8pm; Sat, Kenny Roberts 5-8pm; Sun, Mark Burnett 5-8pm; Mon, Kenny Roberts 5-8pm; Tue, Randall Rospond 5-8pm; Wed, Mark Burnett 5-8pm; (300 Ma‘alaea Rd.); 808-243-2286; Beachbumshawaii.com KAHULUI ALE HOUSE - Thu, Local Live Music 5-8pm; Fri, Local Live Music 5-8pm; Sat, Local Live Music 5-8pm; Sun, Local Live Music 5-8pm; Mon, Local Live Music 5-8pm; Tue, Local Live Music 5-8pm; Wed, Local Live Music 5-8pm; (355 E. Kamehameha Ave., Kahului); 808-877-9001; Kahuluialehouse.com KING KAMEHAMEHA GOLF CLUB - Thu, Willie K and the Warehouse Blues Band 6:30-10pm; Mon, Mar-

OCTOBER 13, 2016 27


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by Caeriel Crestin


Sign Language LIBRA (SEPT. 23-OCT. 22)

More studies are implying that calorie deprivation may extend lifespan. Eat less (while maintaining nutrition) and you just might add years to your life. It seems to work for rats, mice and monkeys. This is the kind of equation that’s pleasing to Libras. However, what about those sacrifices whose payoff isn’t a sure thing? What good does it do you to be kind to some stranger, for example? This week is full of uncertain formulas, where your actions have unknowable consequences. In those cases, you can’t be guided by self-interest. However, don’t despair; it’s still quite simple: Do what’s right, whether it’ll obviously help you or not.


You’re teetering on the edge of control freakhood. I know you’re just trying to be careful and protect yourself, but your diligence and vigilance is about to backfire. No one likes being kept on a short leash, and you’re about to hear about it unless you release your death grip, right now. The opposite extreme– turning a blind, faithful eye to everything that might be going on–would be just as bad; seek, instead, a middle path balancing caution, freedom and trust. It may be hard to let go and give the one(s) you love some breathing room, but you’ll find that once you do, you’ll be able to breathe easier, too.

Tattoos tattoosbybyJeremy RachelLifseyG


People pretend all the time. They pretend to know what they’re talking about when they taste a wine; they imagine they’re experts on politics, or world change, or morality. But most are dilettantes at best and self-deluding jackasses at worst. When you meet someone who really knows their shit, it’s obvious–often because they’re so cool and low-key about it. They know what they know and how many other people get it (or don’t) can’t change that. You don’t need to prove yourself either, so don’t bother trying–it just drags you down.

Asian honeybees, when defending their hives against rapacious wasps, cook them to death. They surround the wasp with dozens of bees, vibrating to produce 113 degrees or more of heat. Emulate their example. Sometimes you’ve got to take a tremendous risk to gain what you need or want. This is one of those times. If you’re not willing to lay it all on the line, whatever you do risk won’t be enough to accomplish whatever you want done. Are you willing to chance self-annihilation to achieve a beloved aspiration? How important is this goal to you, ultimately? Very important? Then prove it: Don’t hold anything back.


You of all people should know how suddenly and completely things can change. What seems on Wednesday a hopelessly intractable situation can flip on Friday, becoming a scenario where your prospects are actually bright. Of course, the reverse is also possible, in which a stellar future becomes a grim one overnight. In any case, don’t get too comfortable this week, as sudden reversals like these are the name of the game. You can, of course, adapt to whatever your new circumstances are–as long as you’re not too busy congratulating or berating yourself for whatever’s happened. CAPRICORN (DEC. 22-JAN. 19)

This week could be a camel-back-breaking straw. Capricorns are generally pretty careful about taking too much on, so even though you’re ambitious, you’re also efficient and good at time management. You’ve got a full schedule, but then you’re asked to do one more tiny thing, then another, and before you know it, you’re in nervous breakdown town. It’s hard to feel okay about saying, “No, I actually can’t pick up the drycleaning,” or “I’m so ridiculously busy I don’t have time to meet for lunch.” Nevertheless, given your present circumstances, that’s probably what you ought to do. AQUARIUS (JAN. 20-FEB. 18)

I’m sensitive to caffeine. So I give my body breaks–a few months drinking coffee, a few months off. You, too, can choose what poisons to put in your body, and how much, and how often. Don’t act as if you have no choice. You’ve been a bit of a victim of your cravings (both physical and emotional) when we’d all prefer you take control. Finding a way to manage them (perhaps by eliminating them entirely, or perhaps by creating a sort of balance, as I have with coffee) is this week’s most important task.


Last night I dreamt you had brain surgery–physicians gruesomely sawing through your skull and all. It was pretty horrible, but you were up and at ‘em later that day, climbing the five flights to your apartment without help and grumbling about what a hassle it was. I interpreted it as indication of your current ability to bounce back quickly from things that would lay others out for weeks. You’re so flighty and distractible that people see you as a featherweight, without often noticing your quirky strength and resilience. This week, you’ll have a chance to demonstrate just those qualities. CANCER (JUNE 21-JULY 22)

Sexual relationships change or they stagnate and die (or often continue in half-dead zombie stasis for years). Toys and accessories only carry you so far; ultimately renewal and regeneration, coupled with acceptance, are the only way to make things last. Acceptance that they’ll ebb and flow, and a willingness to re-fall in love with your partner every time they become someone new. Your instinct is to always try to make things “like they were,” but it’ll get you nowhere. Go for making things “like they’ve never yet been,” and you’ll have a far better chance. LEO (JULY 23-AUG. 22)

I babble when I get drunk. Put a few glasses of wine in me and I’m off and running, carried on a wave of enthusiasm that’s–for a little while, at least–virtually unstoppable. Luckily, the people I hang out with are fairly tolerant (and often downright amused) by this kind of thing. That’s why I enjoy their company. Why are you trying to force your quirky ways on people who just don’t appreciate them? They’re nothing special, and there are many other people who treasure your idiosyncrasies, after all–if this clique doesn’t get it, screw them.

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Show me a Pisces who enjoys being rushed or hurried, and I’ll show you someone whose birth certificate’s got a typo–they must actually be a Virgo or an Aries. Unfortunately, you’re sometimes subject to schedules and itineraries that aren’t at the pace you’d prefer; this week is, regrettably, chock full of rushing, deadlines, and anxious bosses, dates, and friends who are likely to dig the spurs in a bit too often. However, there’s nothing for it except to get your ass in gear and just plain hurry–or risk the job or relationship in question. Do your best. If you’re able to speed yourself up with grace, you’ll have a good chance–in a few weeks–of getting those harrying you to finally slow down.

VIRGO (AUG. 23-SEPT. 22)

The cure for piracy isn’t better encryption or law enforcement; it’s empathy. You can’t feel empathy for a massive corporation that takes the lion’s share of the money from your purchase. Take the evil recording industry out of the picture, though, and suddenly you’re robbing your rock idol–something that’s not as easy to do. Record companies are screwed; as long as they’re around, dipping their long dinosaur fingers into whatever money’s left in the industry, piracy will flourish. Well, same thing goes for your current situation. Rethink that, and your problem’s solved. To contact Caeriel send mail to sign.language.astrology@gmail.com

OCTOBER 13, 2016 29

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