20.35 The Wave She Rode, Surfer Paige Alms February 9, 2017, Volume 20, Issue 35, MauiTime

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February 9, 2017 ✚ Volume 20 ✚ Issue 35 ✚ FREE




Hanging out with












Maui’s big-wave world champ

Christopher James “Footzhoppner” Leone February 24, 1969 - January 4, 2017 Chris Leone, in the loving embrace of family, friends and the angels of Hospice Maui, at his own home in Makawao, peacefully is gone from our sight and is missed but not forgotten. Chris is survived by many friends and loving family in Hawaii: His parents, Bobbi Leone of Mountain View, Tony Leone of Makawao, his brother Michael Leone of Makawao, his nephew, Bryson Leone of Pukalani, his niece Shayla Collins, her husband Trevor and their children, Zayden and Ella of Kahului. From Michigan: his great aunt Rose Sabatini, aunt Gail & uncle Jim Leone, aunt Kathi J. Moore. From Iowa: uncle Joe Moore and aunt Cathie. Chris was also blessed with many caring and loving cousins and friends around the world.

Chris attended Puunene School, Paia School and Maui High School (Class of 1989) while a resident of Kihei, Sprecklesville, Kahakuloa, Kula & Makawao over the course of his 39 years on Maui. For many years, a competitive swimmer, Chris held the State Special Olympics Gold Medal in the Individual Medley and ButterÆy. This was for Chris, one of his proudest achievements as a swimmer. Participant, Volunteer, Fund Raiser and Good Will Ambassador for organizations and events such as: Easter Seals Hawaii, IMUA Camp, ARC of Maui, Laakea Foundation, Maui Film Festival and most joyful, Lokelani Ohana Farm in Waihee and Maui Special Olympics.

A CELEBRATION OF LIFE is planned for Baldwin Beach Park on Chris’ Birthday February 24, 2017 | Friday 11AM to 4 PM | Lifeguard Ceremony planned 3PM Please come and bring your favorite photo or memory and share with us the advancement of this kind soul. Lunch and beverage will be provided and please bring your favorite dish to share if you like. In lieu of Æowers, please make your donation to Maui Special Olympics. Chris would like that.

To participate, receive more information or share a memory: Call Tony (808) 572-6280


FEBRUARY 9, 2017

Contents VOLUME 20 ✚ ISSUE 35


THIS WEEK’S QUESTION: What is your favorite romantic tale?

February 9, 2017 ✚ Volume 20 ✚ Issue 35 ✚ FREE

Publisher: Tommy Russo (808) 283-0512 / tommy@mauitime.com @tommyrusso on Twitter



Editor: Anthony Pignataro (808) 283-1308 / anthony@mauitime.com @apignataro on Twitter WALL-E

Graphic Designer: Jenn Carter Pepe le Pew Photographer: Sean Michael Hower mauiweddingmedias.com / howerphotography.com The Princess Bride



4 10 13 15 17 19 21 22 23 28 29 31









Maui’s big-wave world champ

Art Director & Production Manager: Darris Hurst artdirector@mauitime.com / darrishurst.com The Shining

Proofreader: Dina Wilson

Photo By: Scott Winer

Hanging out with

Advertising Executive: Sarah Gerlach (808) 283-3260 / sarah@mauitime.com Pitch Black

Admin Executive: Shannon Kekahuna (808) 244-0777 / shan@mauitime.com The Best Buds Budweiser commercial

Cover Design By: Darris Hurst


Culinary, Lifestyle & Business Editor: Jennifer Russo (808) 280-3286 / jen@mauitime.com @jenrusso on Twitter

Contributors: Jenn Brown, Caeriel Crestin, Suzanne Kayian, Andrew Miller, Alex Mitchell, Ron Pitts, Chuck Shepherd, Barry Wurst II

Paige Alms The Wave She Rode



MauiTime is published every Thursday by MauiTime Productions, Inc. Its contents are Copyright © 2017 by MauiTime Productions, Inc. All rights reserved. Subscriptions are available at $110 per year. Reproduction or use without permission is strictly prohibited. MauiTime may be distributed only by MauiTime’s authorized independent contractor. MauiTime is valued at $.50 per copy and permits one complimentary copy per person. No person may, without written permission of MauiTime, take more than one copy of each weekly issue. All opinions expressed throughout MauiTime are those of the authors and not necessarily the same opinions as MauiTime Productions, Inc. and MauiTime. MauiTime 16 S. Market St., Ste. 2K, Wailuku, HI 96793 office (808) 244-0777 www.mauitime.com @mauitime on Twitter Deadlines: Display Advertising: Friday 5pm Classified: Monday Noon Calendar: Monday Noon Circulation: 18,000 copies of MauiTime



FEBRUARY 9, 2017



February 2, 2017 ✚ Volume 20 ✚ Issue 34 ✚ FREE
















ATTACK OF THE BROCIALISTS Not sure why you have chosen to continue attacks on Tulsi, seemingly when she does something that gets wide press (“What was Rep. Tulsi Gabbard Thinking When She Went To Syria,” Feb. 2, 2017). Perhaps [former Congressional candidate] Shay [Chan Hodges] is urging you on. Regarding your latest effort, on Syria, I notice you rely heavily on Human Rights Watch (HRW) reporting for your judgment. Here is an excerpt of a letter, signed by at least 100 respected scholars and peace activists who find faults with HRW reporting. “The issue of Human Rights Watch (HRW) and their close links to the US government has been highlighted by a recent letter sent to Ken Roth on behalf of Nobel Peace Prize Laureates Adolfo Pérez Esquivel and Mairead Maguire; former UN Assistant Secretary General Hans von Sponeck; current UN Special Rapporteur on Human Rights in the Palestinian Territories Richard Falk; and over 100 scholars. The letter focuses on HRW’s closeness to the US authorities and the “revolving door” phenomenon whereby key personnel revolve between HRW and the US government. Undoubtedly, HRW is wedded to an interventionist agenda which minimises the importance of social and economic rights and which sees US bombing as the answer to human rights problems.” You go on to close article with a considerable rant for peace and justice which will supposedly be furthered if only Tulsi would condemn more people more often, particularly Assad. So far, this tactic has not worked very well for

our government. Instead, it appears to have aggravated the situation. (This could open up a long discussion on the Russian role in Syria, a country near to its southern border, which appears to reflect other US/ NATO activity on its northwestern border. A common factor is US State Dept actions under Hillary and her diplomatic mentors, but that is another story.) I do not think, given the sum of USA involvement in the Middle East since the 1950s, that we can be said to have made things better- rather, sharply to the contrary. We have now escalated our crimes and interference with Iran to a level that Trump may be planning to justify nuclear warfare. Regarding Tulsi’s meetings and statements in Syria, I think it is fair to say she knows more about policy and results of USA military involvement in the Middle East, our war on terrorist groups and how support to locals has worked out than you or I do. Maybe best if you let facts speak for themselves, and not cherry pick them for interpretation. -Daniel Grantham, via email

What are YOU thinking? You like Human Rights Watch because they’re “not selective, because they’re not trying to favor any one regime over another.” But you object to Tulsi meeting with both sides to try to stop the civil war? You don’t like Assad because he’s a brutal dictator. Do you like our allies the Saudi princes who decapitate more more people than ISIS? And, by the way, what are we doing in Afghanistan besides protecting our allies the Opium Warlords as they smuggle opium to Pakistan and then heroin to Turkmenistan and on to Europe and America? Are we mad at Iran because their oil pipeline to Pakistan is in competition with the Russian Trans Afghan Pipeline going to the same customers in Pakistan and India. What are we doing there? Why don’t we leave? Tulsi’s right, it’s time to come home.

News & Views

Feb. 1. According to a Feb. 2 news release from park officials, how many cars arrived on the morning of Feb. 1 without a reservation? A. 20 B. 25 C. 30 D. 35 E. 40

3. Senate Bill 520 is one of the bills 1. In his Feb. 3 announcement that the State of Hawaii would sue President Donald Trump over his Muslim immigrant ban, Attorney General Doug Chin said an attorney and former Obama Administration Acting Solicitor General of the U.S. was advising his office. Who is the adviser? A. Ian Gershengorn B. Don Verrilli C. Neal Katyal D. Elena Kagan E. Edwin Keedler

recently introduced in the Hawaii state Legislature by the Women’s Legislative Caucus. What does the bill do? A. Limits initial prescriptions for opioids and benzodiazepines to a maximum of seven consecutive days. B. Creates the Hawaii Working Family Tax Credit. C. Amends insurance coverage requirements for in vitro fertilization to allow for expanded applicability. D. Establishes a six-week paid maternity and paternity leave policy for government employees. E. Requires that three commissioners on each police commission have backgrounds that include equality for women, civil rights and law enforcement.

2. Haleakala National Park instituted its new sunrise reservation system on

See answers, page 29


Ku‘uipo (sweetheart) in Kapalua.

-Ed Felien, via email

Anthony Pignataro responds: The point of my story, which seems to have been lost on the above individuals, was that it’s possible for a person to both oppose American military action in Syria and refuse to grant legitimacy to Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad. That’s it.

by Anthony Pignataro

QUIZ understood


Reader Feedback

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Send your feedback to editor@mauitime.com, MauiTime 16 S. Market St., Ste. 2K, Wailuku, HI 96793, twitter.com/mauitime, or facebook.com/mauitime. We reserve the right to edit feedback. Views expressed do not necessarily reflect those of MauiTime.


FEBRUARY 9, 2017





News & Views

by Anthony Pignataro


Coconut Wireless

Malama Pregnancy Center of Maui

HAWAII LEGISLATURE TAKES UP ‘CRISIS PREGNANCY CENTER’ BILLS The Hawaii Legislature considered two bills this week that would slap new rules on limited service pregnancy centers (so-called “crisis pregnancy centers”). These operations, though they sound like medical centers, are in fact offices that give anti-abortion information and advice to the women who go to them. For that reason, organizations like Planned Parenthood have denounced them in pretty strong terms. “Crisis pregnancy centers often pretend to be real health care providers–but many are not,” states Planned Parenthood’s website. “These fake clinics often trick women with false advertising. They may make women think they will be offered unbiased information and a full range of health services. Crisis pregnancy centers also sometimes try to trick women by using names that are similar to the names of real reproductive health centers in the neighborhood. Many times, the crisis pregnancy centers are located very close to real reproductive health centers. This makes it easy for women to go to the crisis pregnancy center by mistake.” Last week, House Bill 663 and Senate Bill 501 came up for hearings (Feb. 2 in the House Committee on Health and Feb. 3 in the Senate Committees on Commerce, Consumer Protection and Health as well as Judiciary and Labor, respectively). Both bills take a hard line towards the centers. “The purpose of this Act is to ensure that Hawaii women are able to make personal reproductive health decisions with full and accurate information regarding their rights to access the full range of health care services

that are available to them,” states the text of HB663 (the companion bill, SB501, is virtually identical). “Because family planning decisions are time sensitive and care early in pregnancy is important, Hawaii must make every possible effort to advise women of all available reproductive health programs.” Among other provisions, the bills require these centers provide a whole host of health information, including on the legality and availability of abortion, to all women they serve. They also have to post the following notice: “Hawaii has public programs that provide immediate free or low-cost access to comprehensive family planning services including all FDA-approved methods of contraception, prenatal care, and abortion for eligible women. To determine whether you qualify, contact the appropriate MedQUEST division eligibility office.”

Testimony on HB663 is split fairly evenly between supporters and opponents. Laurie Field, Planned Parenthood’s Hawaii Legislative Director, offered testimony. “Anyone seeking health care should receive comprehensive, accurate, unbiased information in a confidential setting,” Field said. “Reproductive health care is no different. When women are fully informed, they are better able to make the best decisions for themselves about their personal health.” One individual, Ghazaleh Moayedi, a physician at the University of Hawaii, John A. Burns School of Medicine, Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Women’s Health, offered particularly strong support for the bill: “As a physician that also provides abortion care, I have many patients who fall victim to these pregnancy centers,” she testified. “I re-

Overheard CHILD [singing]: “Doo dee doo doo.” WOMAN: “Shhhh.” CHILD [singing]: “Sooo sooo me.” WOMAN: “Shhhhhh!” CHILD: “AFLAC!” Restroom in Ka’anapali, Feb. 3

cently had a patient that received an ultrasound at one of these clinics for pregnancy dating. When she asked for the ultrasound report so that she could obtain abortion services, the clinic refused to provide her records to her. Another patient of mine had been raped, became pregnant, and presented to a local limited service pregnancy center for pregnancy options counseling. instead of offering her referrals for sexually transmitted disease testing, emergency contraception, and rape survivor’s counseling, she was subjected to a ‘counseling session’ on why she should not have an abortion. This purported health center re-traumatized my patient.” In opposition to the bills, a variety of Christian organizations, as well as various limited service pregnancy centers in Hawaii (including Malama Pregnancy Center of Maui), submitted testimony on HB663. “[W]e believe all life is sacred,” stated Walter Yoshimitsu, executive director of the Roman Catholic Church in the State of Hawaii. These organizations rejected the view that the bills deal with medical issues, but instead offered that they limit their freedom of speech and freedom of religion. “The underlying truth of this bill is not difficult to identify. H.B. 663 specifically targets Christian life-affirming nonprofit and privately funded pregnancy centers to; silence their voice and First Amendment right to oppose abortion, encourage potential clients to seek state funded programs that promote abortion, and lastly to force the center and its staff and volunteers to violate their convictions by referring clients for an abortion,” said Joy Wright, executive director of Malama Pregnancy Center of Maui, in her testimony against the bill. “It is a bias[ed] bill in that abortion providers and primary care clinics are excluded from the mandate. If lawmakers in Hawaii are proposing this bill, shouldn’t abortion providers post a sign notifying their clients of their rights, and alternative programs such as pregnancy centers that would allow them to exercise their reproductive right? Women are smart and deserve the opportunity to be informed regarding pregnancy decisions including the choice carry the preborn to term and to parent. Pregnancy centers do not charge for their services and clearly relay that they do not perform or refer clients for abortions. Thus, the client is not mislead regarding services offered. Many pregnancy centers including the Malama Pregnancy Center of Maui are transitioning to operating under a state licensed Medical Doctor with a licensed nurse on staff. Pregnancy centers are nonprofit life-affirming faith based ministries that care about women holistically, the preborn, men, and the family unit. Pregnancy centers should be afforded their First Amendment rights per the United States Constitution.” At its Feb. 2 hearing, the House Health Committee deferred HB663 until Feb. 7. There’s no word yet as to what the Senate committees decided on SB501. ■ editor@mauitime.com + @apignataro For more news articles, visit: mauitime.com/news

FEBRUARY 9, 2017



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FEBRUARY 9, 2017

News & Views

by Deborah Caulfield Rybak

The Paia Deal A&B quietly sells 339 acres of old Northshore sugar cane land


aia Town has a new neighbor–a big one. In December, Alexander & Baldwin quietly sold a 339-acre parcel of land that cups the entire west side of Paia to a California bus for just $9.9 million, or a little more than $29,000 per acre. Located across the street from the Paia Youth & Cultural Center, the parcel runs along the Hana Highway from the west boundary of Baldwin Beach to the Paia Bypass Road, then up the bypass to Baldwin Avenue and then to the old sugar mill. Although it was previously used to grow sugar cane, the land is by not limited to agricultural use. Under the Maui Island Plan, some of the land could be used for commercial and residential purposes. That’s what makes the selling price so surprising. By comparison, the County of Maui paid A&B $9.5 million for the 267 acres near Jaws–and that will remain undeveloped green space. The Paia deal, which closed on Dec. 20, came as a surprise even to some at the County of Maui, which had hoped to have a discussion with A&B about turning some of the land adjacent to Hana Highway into green space, according to County Communications Director Rod Antone. “The mayor has plans to develop a North Shore Regional Park that would connect Baldwin Park and Lower Paia Park on that parcel that A&B gifted to the county a couple of years ago,” he explained. “As part of that plan he had wanted to ask A&B for a greenway across the street from the parkland about the size of a football field, so that when people drive into Paia Town there would be green on both sides. “By the time we learned about this purchase it was already in escrow. We are still hopeful that we can work with the new owner about obtaining a greenway for the community,” Antone added. Last July, the parcel went into escrow with Paia businessman Michael Baskin, who has been fighting his own battles with the county over the Paia Inn and other properties he owns or manages in town. According to Baskin, those problems squelched his ability to close the deal and he flipped the property to Northern California businessman Sam Hirbod, 48, who purchased it under the entity EC Paia, LLC. It’s hard to know what Hirbod plans to do with the land. EC Paia is registered to the same address in San Ramon, CA as a number of other Hirbod businesses, most notably Eagle Canyon Capital. He’s the former president and CEO of Pacific Convenience & Fuels, which at one point operated nearly 600 gas stations and convenience stores. A glowing 2010 article written in the industry trade magazine Convenience Store Petroleum marveled that Hirbod–a rela-

tive unknown at the time–was able to acquire most of those properties from ConocoPhillips for a reported $800 million in 2008 amidst the rubble of the real estate meltdown and a “catastrophic financing environment.” Hirbod was described in the piece as a former “welterweight and avid kickboxer,” and “the kind of guy you want to have in your corner, not coming at you from the other side.” Revenues from Pacific’s operations were described as “just short of $4 billion in 2008.” But Hirbod has his fingers in a lot of corporate pies these days. Among his other companies registered in California, according to the CorporationWiki website: Expression Coffee West, Eagle Canyon Holdings, Golden Canyon Partners, Ramona Street Development and Buon Hospitality, which franchises several Corner Bakery Café restaurants in Northern California. Also registered at his San Ramon business address is the Seamms Foundation, established in 2013 to provide financial assistance to children under 18 with life-threatening diseases. Last November, the real estate information group CoStar reported that Eagle Canyon was putting a Bethesda, Maryland office building back on the market nine months after acquiring it out of foreclosure, but no word on a sale. Other entities registered at the Eagle Canyon Capital address are a number of commercial buildings in Northern California, ECC Macon, ECC Manchester & ECC Statesboro in Georgia, and ECC Berlin VT in Vermont, but it is unknown what these properties represent. Also listed at that address (and another in Pleasanton) is Eagle Canyon Management which promises to “work with you from the moment you discover our properties. We’ll help you identify the appropriate space, design your offices, create a plan for growth and expansion, and carefully manage the tenant improvement process.” Hirbod lives in Danville, CA and, according to Maui online property records, is also the registered owner, with Shereen Hirbod, of a home overlooking the Wailea Blue golf course. He did not return calls for comment. Calls to Eagle Capital and Eagle Canyon Management went straight to voicemail. Interestingly, the Los Angeles-based law firm Hobson, Bernardino + Davis lists Hirbod’s Pacific Convenience & Fuels as a client on its website. Partner Jason Hobson and fellow HBD attorney Mark Chasan are the driving forces behind TEACH (which we wrote about in our Dec. 1, 2016 cover story “For Lease: $1”), which has put forth a controversial proposal to develop the Old Maui High School property on the other side of Paia in Hamakuapoko. ■ editor@mauitime.com\ For more news articles, visit: mauitime.com/news

News & Views

by Suzanne Kayian



Labels can be good

PUKALANI SUPERETTE ADDS HAWAIIAN PRODUCT LABELS Pukalani Superette is supporting Kamehameha Schools’ students in their effort to advance Hawaiian cultural traditions and language through the use of ‘Olelo Hawai‘i labels on many of its store products. The Ola Na Iwi Club on the Kamehameha Schools Maui Campus is dedicated to perpetuating Hawaiian culture and language; in Hawaiian, ‘Olelo Hawai‘i means Hawaiian language and, while it takes just one generation to lose a language, it takes three generations to recover it. Club members believe that the active use of ‘Olelo Hawai‘i labels is one way to keep the Hawaiian language alive. Ola Na Iwi Club leader Kumu Kehau Lucas was inspired to put Hawaiian language labels to use at the Pukalani Superette after seeing them used at a KTA store on the Island of Hawai‘i. “Mahalo nui to Pukalani Superette for allowing our haumana this opportunity to spread ‘Olelo Hawai‘i outside of the classroom walls,” said Kumu Lucas. “These labels allow ‘Olelo Hawai‘i to become a part of the linguistic landscape of the Upcountry community and provide a fun way to learn basic Hawaiian words.” The labels, which were introduced at the Superette in December 2016, feature the Hawaiian word for the product on one line with the English translation below. Also appearing on the labels are QR codes, which when scanned with a smartphone, provide an audio recording of the correct pronunciation of the word and its usage in a sentence “As a local business serving Upcountry Maui for over 61 years, I feel this is a good way for the community to learn what our products are called in Hawaiian and how to pronounce them,” said Pukalani Superette General Manager Jerry Masaki. “I found that I didn’t know the Hawaiian name of many products, so it will be a good learning tool for all of us.”

KO HIRES NEW GENERAL MANAGER Chris Hong has been named the new General Manager for Fairmont Kea Lani’s restaurant Ko.

Hong brings more than 20 years of progressive restaurant management and hospitality experience to his role at the Kea Lani. He previously held food and beverage leadership roles at the Hyatt Regency Maui, Grand Wailea and Ruth’s Chris Steak House where he oversaw the operations as well as sales and marketing. “We are elated to welcome Chris to lead Fairmont Kea Lani’s signature restaurant, Ko,” said resort General Manager Charles Head. “Chris’s extensive background in restaurant management along with his customer focused drive for excellence will propel Ko to great success.” Hong began his career as a chef and holds a degree in Culinary Arts from the Le Cordon Bleu Scottsdale Culinary Institute. In his new position at the Kea Lani, he will manage all operational aspects of Ko as well as the private dining venue, Ko Garden. The award-winning Ko says it offers cuisine inspired by the vast ethnicities brought together during Maui’s sugarcane plantation era. The menu–originating from the kitchens of Ko chefs’ tutus and aunties–was designed to allow you to taste generations of local cuisine deep rooted in the island’s culture and history. And more than 90 percent of fish, beef and produce are sourced locally, making the flavors authentic and sustainable.

schools in Maui County were invited to submit a mikoshi design based on this year’s Honolulu Festival theme: “Cultural Harmony, a Journey to Peace.” In addition to showcasing the mikoshi, the annual Honolulu Festival features a weekend of free arts and cultural displays and entertainment performances. The students involved in creating the mikoshi design won a trip to Oahu sponsored by the Honolulu Festival Foundation, Hawaiian Airlines, the Japanese Cultural Society of Maui, Outrigger Enterprises Group, and Maui Ocean Center to showcase their winning piece. The mikoshi was created under the guidance of Maui High School teachers Casey Watanabe and Richard Pacheco. Maui High’s mikoshi will be displayed at the Hawaii Convention Center on Saturday,

unity. Some key components of the winning design include a roof design that consists of green ‘tiles’ of Konbu Maki (seaweed herring), which symbolizes a wish for scholarship and culture, with a yellow center, subasu (lotus root), which symbolizes an unobstructed future. The flag on the mikoshi was inspired by the Japanese flag. The bento box design draws influence from the flag through a cluster of roe surrounded by seasoned rice. The walls represent a diverse mixture of different foods coming together into a bento box to create cultural unity. The koi in particular, combined with a pineapple is strategically placed in the front of the mikoshi symbolizing the idea of putting ‘cultural unity’ first. The banner’s background of the Japanese cherry blossoms represents the coming of spring and blossoming life. And the veranda

MAUI HIGH WINS MIKOSHI DESIGN CONTEST Maui High School has won the 14th annual Maui Mikoshi Design Contest. The students’ winning cultural artwork will be on display before tens of thousands of residents and visitors at the 23rd annual Honolulu Festival, March 10-12. “Maui High School has developed a beautifully designed mikoshi that carefully ties together the unique cultures of Japan and Hawaii in a well thought-out way,” said Tsukasa Harufuku, President and CEO of JTB Hawaii. “We applaud the students for creating design elements that strengthen and bridge cultural diversity.” A mikoshi is a decorative float unique to specific prefectures in Japan that is carried by groups of celebrants during festivals. High


March 11, and then carried through Waikiki in the Grand Parade on Sunday, March 12. This will be the fourth winning design by Maui High School since the contest began in 2004. Drawing inspiration from the festival theme, Maui High School’s mikoshi connects both Hawaiian and Japanese culture in an elaborate way, tying in symbols that represent forms of “cultural harmony” and worldwide

features the Hawaiian eel and the Japanese sea dragon, together representing the theme’s cultural harmony as both were considered sea gods in the respective cultures now dancing together in a unified spiral. ■ editor@mauitime.com For more news articles, visit: mauitime.com/news

FEBRUARY 9, 2017


alchemy | maui

by Chuck Shepard

News & Views

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John Bubar, 50, was arrested in Parsonsfield, Maine, in November after repeatedly lifting his son’s mobile home with his frontend loader and dropping it. The father and son had been quarreling over rent payments and debris in the yard, and the father only eased up after realizing that his grandson was still inside the home. And the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission reversed itself in December and allowed Mary Thorn of Lakeland to keep her 6-foot-long pet alligator (“Rambo”) at home with her despite a regulation requiring that a gator that size needs a more spacious roaming area. Thorn and Rambo have been together for over a decade.

Jasper Fiorenza, 24, was arrested in St. Petersburg, Florida, in November and charged with breaking into a home in the middle of the night. The female resident said she awoke to see Fiorenza and screamed, but that the man nonetheless delayed his getaway in order to pet the woman’s cat lounging on her bed. And in December, Durham, Ontario, police officer Beth Richardson was set for a disciplinary hearing (“discreditable conduct”) because, earlier in 2016, after being called to intervene at a drug user’s home, she had noticed the resident’s cat “cowering” in a corner and had taken her to a veterinarian, but without asking the owner’s permission.

UNCLEAR ON THE CONCEPT QUESTIONABLE “I’m [as] tired of hearing the word JUDGMENTS ‘creep’ as any black person or gay person is of hearing certain words,” wrote Lucas Werner, 37, on his Facebook page in December after he was banned from a Starbucks in Spokane, Washington, for writing a polite dating request to a teenaged barista. Managers thought Werner was harassing the female, who is at least the age of consent, but Werner charged illegal “age discrimination” and made a “science” claim that “age gap love” makes healthier babies.

David Martinez, 25, was shot in the stomach during a brawl in New York City in December. He had inadvertently initiated the chaos when, trying to park in Manhattan’s East Village just after Saturday midnight, he moved an orange traffic cone that had obviously been placed to reserve the parking space. He apparently failed to realize that the parking spot was in front of the clubhouse of Hells Angels, whose members happened to take notice.



Taylor Trupiano grudgingly paid his $128 “traffic” fine in December, issued by a Roseville, Michigan, officer who caught his car warming up unattended -- in his own driveway. Police routinely issue such tickets (five to 10 each winter, based on a town ordinance) to send drivers like Trupiano a message that unattended cars are ripe for theft, which burdens Roseville’s police department. (A police spokesman said the driverless warmups are illegal even for locked cars.)

An unnamed pregnant woman convinced a reporter from Jacksonville, Florida, station WFOX-TV in December that the “positive” urine tests she was advertising on Craigslist were accurate and that she was putting herself through school by supplying them (making about $200 a day). The seller claimed that “many” pregnant women market their urine for tests–even though the main use of the test seems to be “negotiation” with boyfriends or husbands. ■

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FEBRUARY 9, 2017

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Send anonymous thanks, confessions or accusations, 200 words or less (which we reserve the right to edit), changing or deleting the names of the guilty and innocent, to “Eh Brah!” c/o MauiTime, 16 S. Market St, Ste. 2K, Wailuku, HI 96793 or send an e-mail to



h, helicopter all up in my business. You may think it’s all good to fly so low because you’re in Kaupo and no one’s gonna see you out here, but I see you. And guess who hears you? My sleeping keiki. I know when the rains come, you make big bucks showing off the waterfalls, but why don’t you try to come down here next time and do some real work? Like, maybe help quiet these crying babies who are scared from the loud noise you’re making? Or do some real work on the farm instead of admiring my hard work from your invasive throne in the sky? ■

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FEBRUARY 9, 2017





Hanging out Hanging out with with


Maui’ Maui’s i’s big-wave bi big-wave world world ld champ champ By L By Lantana antana Hoke Hoke PHOTO BY ERIK ADER


t the Women’s March on Maui on Saturday, Jan. 21, Paige Alms was moving through the crowd of thousands gathered to speak up for women’s rights and equality and against the authoritarianism of Donald Trump when she saw herself. It was a large photo of her surfing Jaws, posted on a sign with the words “Action is Power.” Alms went up to the woman holding the sign and asked if she could take picture with her. “Suuuuure…” the woman told her, clearly not recognizing her. “You have me on your sign,” Alms responded. “No big deal.” The story is surprising, given Alms’ superstar status in the surfing world, but also not surprising. Though famous around the world for her big wave surfing skills, she’s also an authentic, down-to-earth Maui girl. She’s Paige Alms, and whether she believes it or not, she’s a very big deal. Last November, with all of Maui at her back and the wind in her face, Paige Alms paddled her way into giant waves and a historic moment. For the first time, women were invited to compete at the Peahi Challenge held at the famous big-wave surf spot Jaws on Maui’s north shore. Alms was one of a dozen female competitors. With crowds lining the cliffs and her team cheering her on, Alms secured the win, becoming the first ever big-wave women’s world champion. It was especially sweet for the Haiku surfer, who won the contest in her own backyard. It was an extraordinary accomplishment for the young woman. Alms is one of the first of

10 FEBRUARY 9, 2017

her kind, women among men proving that they have what it takes to compete in waves that tower several stories high. There are only a handful of women (indeed, people) in the world able to do what she is doing, and that day, she marked herself as the best. Though Alms has been well-known around Maui for over a decade, growing from a talented grom into a fixture in the local surf community, it wasn’t until last year that she went viral in the larger surfing world, when she caught everyone’s attention with a huge barrel she snagged at Jaws. Since then, she’s gathered a list of unique and solid accomplishments, including taking home the Women’s Best Overall Performance Award at the 2015 WSL Big Wave Awards and being the subject of a film about her life, The Wave I Ride, which premiered at the Maui Film Festival. It was early in her career that she strayed from the traditional path of the pro-surfer. After trying out the pro tour, which she found expensive and unsatisfying, Alms tried a different track. As a teen, she began pursuing bigwave surfing, including paddling into Jaws. Despite her accomplishments in the water, she’s still genuine, and her attitude has earned her the respect of the surf and Maui community. I know this because I’m a part of that community; Alms and I both went to Haiku School, and I’m one of those who’ve watched her grow from a firecracker grom and ace soccer player into the young woman with focus and heart that she is today. On a sunny afternoon in Haiku town, after the dust had settled from her win and the holidays, we sat down at the taco stand to talk


not my personal goal. I want to ride them, not just survive them.” Alms also works hard outside of the gym and water. Unlike most professional surfers, who have a big-name sponsor that funds their travel, contest entry and gear, Alms has largely funded her own endeavors through manual labor. She currently works at the Paia Fish Market and repairs surfboards for a living. “I think when you have to work and be a professional athlete, you have to think in a lot of different ways,” Alms says of her hustle. She’s been creative in designing and financing her career in a way most pro surfers don’t have to. She also largely funds her own travel, through a mix of work and sponsors and odd jobs, like lifeguarding at Tavarua. “People are always asking, doesn’t it suck that you don’t have a major sponsor?” she said. “Well, yeah, but I’m super grateful for the sponsors

big wave surfing, but Alms was quick to point out the many remarkable male bigwave surfers who are. A group of women, spearheaded by Alms’ friend and fellow bigwave professional Bianca Valenti, spoke up. Valenti helped form the Committee for Equity in Women’s Surfing, and they lobbied the California Coastal Commission, which issues permits for the contest. The Commission required the organizers to include women in order to get their permit, so they begrudgingly did. But the organizers didn’t comply with the request to make a longterm spot for women in the contest. In a petty, bullying retaliation, the organizers did not invite Valenti to compete (though after several invitees were injured in the Peahi contest, she is now invited). Alms, however, was offered a spot right away, but she views the honor with mixed feelings.

what we’re doing now, setting up events, speaking out, talking to the right people,” she said. “We’re setting it up for the next generation.” Having received mentorship from some of the top women surfers, including Keala Kennely, Alms is acting in kind. Next weekend, Alms and a few of her friends are hosting an all-girls “learn to surf and SUP day” that they’ve done for four years. The girls are coming from the organizations Women Helping Women and Hawaii Family Services, “so they’re all girls that need to get in the water,” she said. It will be a quiet event without a lot of fanfare and advertising. Not that she needs to advertise much. Already a well-known face among Maui people, Alms’ win has brought on a bit of recognition in her day-to-day life. People recognize her all the time. Last week, a Canadian woman stood in the long Fish

Though Alms possess an obviously rare physical talent, even among advanced surfers, she also trains hard. “I think everyone in professional surfing has gotten more serious about training over the last 20 years,” she said. The physical preparation she does in endurance, strength and breath-holding is key to making her faster, better and safer in the water. “It’s always scary,” she says of dropping into mountain-sized waves. “The older I get, the more fearful I’ve become, because I realize what could happen.” Injury is an almost unavoidable peril of surfing big waves. Alms has enduring shoulder and hamstring injuries that sidelined her for months. “I take more calculated risks, where before I would be like, I got this,” she said. But she has a mature attitude toward surfing critically large waves: “I’m not trying to catch the biggest wave of the day; that’s

I do have that help me do what I’m doing. You have to look at it as a positive.” In light of how crowded the Maui surf scene has gotten, she’s been traveling to more remote spots. “I’ve been trying to go on surf trips where no one is around,” she said, showing me a pictures of a secret island paradise with coral and water so bright and crystalline it looked fake. Still, it’s not hard to notice the discrepancies between her situation and many of the male big names in surfing, who often secure big-name, big-money contracts. In fact, the disparity came to a head last year during controversy over whether women should be invited to another famous surf competition, the Titans of Maverick’s contest (it’s tagline is “Men Who Ride Mountains”). The organizers did not want to invite women. Not everyone an ally to women’s

So while Alms’ win, and the invitation to Titans of Maverick’s, which will include a onehour heat for six women, is clearly a step in the right direction, equity is a long way off. “Yeah, I won $15,000, but it should have been a $150,000, and hopefully it will be in the next five to 10 years,” she said. ‘My goal is to help set that up.” To be the best in the world at something, but not think wholly in terms of your own success, especially in an individual sport like surfing, is pretty remarkable. Alms is in good company; there’s a history of Maui surfers, like Ian Walsh and Kai Lenny, who give back to the community. “To be the best big-wave surfer in the world? That’s cool, but that’s self-fulfilling,” said Alms. “It’s not looking at the bigger picture.” She and her friends are focused on leaving a solid trail behind for others. “That’s

Market line just to get her autograph. “People will come in and say, ‘I read in Surfer Magazine that you work here!’” she laughs. After her win, Maui residents were bursting with pride for her, and she couldn’t go to the grocery store without running into someone congratulating her. “I told my boyfriend, babe let’s go to the other side for a date!” she joked. “It’s fun, though people are nice.” Alms’ journey, and her win, are symbolic and powerful and decisive. “I truly believe that winning that contest was for Maui, for women’s big wave surfing and for surfing in general,” she said. She’s definitely a pretty big deal after all. ■


about her journey and the state of women’s big wave surfing. Friendly and funny, she’s easy to talk to about a wide range of subjects. Over fish tacos, we talked about equity in women’s surfing, her thoughts on the future of her sport and the turtle-seeking tourist problem at Ho‘okipa. We ranted a bit about our love of travel, the insanity of Donald Trump and her love for ABC’s Scandal. We also found time to reminisce about when we were kids, a simple time when fish tacos were $3 and the lineup at Ho‘okipa wasn’t crowded. It was a typical Haiku scene, with a toddler and a dog tangling around our feet, a dubious looking man wearing patchwork bell-bottoms hanging around and, somewhat confusingly, hookah smoke floating by. Alms was fresh from a workout at Deep Relief Peak Performance, where she works out four to five days a week with her trainer and friend, Samantha.

editor@mauitime.com For more surfing articles, visit: mauitime.com/surf-sports

FEBRUARY 9, 2017



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12 FEBRUARY 9, 2017

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Food & Drink

by Jen Russo

'I Just Want People To Have Fun'



The Dirty Monkey Crew, our server with Matt Rob and Amber Meade

THE DIRTY MONKEY 844 Front St., Lahaina 808-419-6268 Thedirtymonkey.com




spin through the kitchen and it was immaculate, with a gorgeous fresh caught Mahi getting broken down for their blackened fish tacos. “We try to make all our food shareable,” says Robb. “We call it modern American share plates. If you’re here with friends, grab some drinks and share some food. The Corn Lollipops are our version of Mexican street corn. The Slap Burger is our rendition of an In and Out Burger, you can add bacon, you can add egg. The shrimp and avocado salad is one of my favorites. The ceviche we wanted to have to feature local fish.” I dug into the shrimp and avo salad and shared it with our party–there was plenty to pass around. I also enjoyed the Slap Burger: it was a nice size with a soft warm bun and really fresh garnishes. The corn lollipops were delicious and messy. I didn’t try the pickle chips, but they’re up next time I visit. The evenings here have been going off. Besides hosting a merry pau hana, the bar has sports games and happy hour with live music from 2-5pm daily. Happy hour features $2 off select cocktails and food. The bar stays open until 2am daily and they have DJs and dancing on


ahaina just got fun again. The Dirty Monkey is a proper bar, restaurant and late night club all wrapped up into one second level balcony location across the street from Lahaina Fish Co. It’s good to see that Alen Aivazian, Brandon Bradford, Ryan Sweeney and Matthew Robb saw the potential to breathe new life in this space that was legendary for getting nuts on the Westside. While the old Moose McGillycuddy’s in Lahaina has been put to rest, The Dirty Monkey will hail a new era of amusement in its place. I trekked to Lahaina to meet up with operating partner Matt Robb and marketing and events coordinator Amber Meade. They said it wasn’t easy opening The Dirty Monkey. They had to rip out everything and start anew. It took years. “We wanted a bar in Maui,” said Robb. “We looked for five years. Nothing ever comes available on Front Street. So when we got wind that this place was coming available we hopped on it. There were some big players that were

coming after it, too! Hard Rock wanted a spot, Cabo Wabo was looking. We have eight bars in the greater LA area–the Blind Donkey, the Little Bear, the Surly Goat, they all have different names. This is the first Dirty Monkey, and the first outside of LA. We wanted to use 60 percent of existing electrical and plumbing here. But as we started digging into it, we saw that all the electrical was not up to code. We had to go in and completely rip everything out. All the electrical and plumbing. There is not an old piece of plumbing or electrical in these walls. And then it took us nine months to get the permits.” When you enter, the main bar is to the left and stretches out around the wall in an L shape with lots of seating. This place is device-friendly, and every seat at the bar has a charging station. The balcony is lined with high tops, and there are cushy booth seats and tables, too. The bar has dark charcoal walls, and a fresh new look. Flat screen TV’s are elegantly installed. The bar needs to be big to display more than 200 different whiskey and bourbons. “I walked this space every day for the last year,” says Robb. “I would envision the bar. I fine-tuned along the way. I really went through the functionality at the bar. We have all of the same type of TVs. Everything is 4K. We’re a

sports bar when there is sports. At night when the games are over, we go to old school movies and surfing videos. We like it dark and sexy at night. Dimmed down and very approachable.” When you’re faced with a selection of so many whiskeys, it may seem difficult to choose. But the staff will help you. According to Robb, they’re creating new whiskey fans every day. “We work with Maui Stone and Young’s Market,” says Robb. “We have New Belgium Blue Paddle exclusively and we’re going through 10 kegs of it every week. The bourbon selection alone is crazy. I have 215 now, and by the end of March I will have 265. We have some higher-end stuff coming, too. We already went through a bottle of Pappy Van Winkle, and we were only allotted one so we’re trying to get another bottle. We decided to really educate the staff so they can educate the patrons. What we have found is there are a lot of locals in this town that have not had the chance to try these, and they’re experiencing a different world. The response is insane. Everyone is here at pau hana trying an E.H. Taylor or Knob Hill or trying the Yamazaki. They’re saying it’s amazing.”

The Penicillin, its like a flu shot made with Black Grouse Scotch

I couldn’t resist having a Paloma at a whiskey bar, but that’s just me. I had to try the grapefruit liqueur with Espolon Tequila, and it was very refreshing. They have an exquisite craft cocktail list with a good balance of rum, gin, vodka and whiskey cocktails. But this is also a craft brew bar, and they have an extensive selection of craft beer from around the country. “We have a 16-tap system with glycol chilled lines,” says Robb. “Basically, when it leaves the cooler it continues at 30 degrees all they way ‘til it hits the tap and comes out cold. It’s all state-ofthe-art nitro-infused. The beer doesn’t set in the lines. There’s nothing worse than having warm beer. Beer is the heart of our company. The whiskey is the face, and the beer is our heart.” As for the food, the menu is short and simple. Dishes like pub chips, pickle chips, ceviche, wings, corn lollipops, taro burger, slap burger, quinoa and kale salad, shrimp and avo salad and fish tacos round out their offerings. It’s easy relatable American/Californian cuisine. I took a

the weekend, with shuffle board and gaming at the back bar. Kama`aina get 20 percent off, except at happy hour. Live music Fridays will feature the Easy this Friday, and this Valentine’s Day will have a Onesie/Pajama Singles Party. “We have been doing DJs on Fridays and Saturdays, and we’re going to bring in some live bands,” says Robb. “Lahaina used to be a hotbed for live music. It’s gone to the wayside. There’s no outlet for these guys to come play. So we’re hoping to launch a live music Fridays and have a live act on Fridays with a DJ on Saturdays. As we get into February and March, we want to do an industry night, and do some other things to keep it fresh. I was in Vegas for five years I opened the XS nightclubs. My state of the art JVL sound system is incredible–it’s loud but people can still stand here and have a conversation. I just want people to have fun.” ■ jen@mauitime.com + @jenrusso For more foodie news, visit: mauitime.com/food-drink

FEBRUARY 9, 2017 13

T H E T E R R AC E 3-Course Menu to Share Includes a glass of champagne; $88 per person; 6pm – 10pm FIRST COURSE Seafood Tower for two including Shrimp, Lobster Tail and Oysters SECOND COURSE *MVI 6SEWXIH 8SQEXS 7SYT [MXL 7YV½ RK +SEX (EMV] 'LIIWI 'VSYXSR THIRD COURSE To share, choice of: &SRI MR &VEMWIH 7LSVX 6MFW 36 4EGM½ G 7EPQSR *MPIX 36 8VYJ¾ IH 1YWLVSSQ 6MWSXXS CHOCOLATE DESSERT LOUNGE *SYV 4EWXV] 'LIJ %GXMSR 7XEXMSRW 'LSGSPEXI 'EOIW 'LIIWIGEOIW 1EGEVSSRW &SRFSRW 8VYJ¾ IW %RH QYGL QSVI

ONE NIGHT ONLY IN PAIA VALENTINE'S DAY PARTY Tuesday, February 14th • 9PM at Info & Tickets: DovePresents.com / $35 Presale, $40 Door 142 Hana Hwy - Paia • 808.579.8085 • www.CharleysMaui.com

14 FEBRUARY 9, 2017


Complimentary Valet Parking


By Shan Kekahuna and Jen Russo

How to celebrate Valentine's Day on Maui PHOTO COURTESY PEGGY2012CREATIVELENZ/FLICKR

KENSU JEWELRY TRUNK SHOW - Sun. Feb 12 & Mon. Feb 13. For Valentine’s Day, shop for a holiday gift for yourself or someone special. Maui-based designers Kendra and Suheiwa will be showcasing a range of unique and inspired pieces. All jewelry are made by hand with real semi-precious stones and gold or silver. 9am6pm. Montage Kapalua Bay, (1 Bay Dr., Kapalua); 808-665-8282; Montagehotels.com/kapalua-bay ‘AN AFFAIR TO REMEMBER’ - Sun. Feb 12 & Wed. Feb 15. Just in time for Valentine’s Day, An Affair to Remember, one of the screen’s most memorable romances, returns to theaters as part of the TCM Big Screen Classics Series. Celebrating its 60th anniversary, the film classic starring Cary Grant and Deborah Kerr makes the perfect Valentine’s celebration for movie lovers. 2pm & 7pm. Maui Mall Megaplex, (70 E. Ka‘ahumanu Ave., Kahului); 800-326-3264; Mauimall.com

Love, Maui style


upid’s got nothin’ on you! Family card making, comedy improv, puppy love and locally made bon bons are just some of the sensational activities Maui has in store for Valentine’s suckers. Hook up your loved one, lover, lover-to-be or just hook it up at any of these Maui Valentine’s Day adventures.

GIVE HER WHAT SHE REALLY WANTS Screw chocolate! Shop with your heart, the most passionate organ in your body. This week at the Love Shack, enjoy free gift wrapping on all adult gifts for your Valentine’s Day pleasure. The Love Shack Maui, (1913 S. Kihei Rd.); 808-875-0303; Loveshackmaui.com FIND YOUR CASANOVA - Romance is in the air. A romantic Italian dinner at Casanova’s of your choice is a classic Valentine’s Day dinner destination. Casanova (1188 Makawao Ave.); 808-5720220; Bistro Casanova (33 Lono Ave., Kahului); 808-873-3650; Casanovamaui.com LOCAL LOVE POTIONS - Looking for a love potion that is all natural, edible, and made on Maui? The Queen Bee Lover’s Kit is just what cupid ordered. This little box of love has a hand-blended aphrodisiac and lots of other lover’s goodies. The Honey House, (1169 Makawao Ave.) Queenbeemaui.com SEE’S CANDIES FOR VALENTINE’S DAY GIFTS - Until - Fri. Feb 17. See’s Candies Shop, will be open for the Valentine’s Day Season. The retail chocolate shop features a candy counter, where you can create your very own custom mixed box of chocolates and candies. Along with its famous boxed chocolates, truffles, nuts and chews, lollipops and sugar-free candy. Queen Ka‘ahumanu Center, (275 W. Ka‘ahumanu Ave., Kahului); 808-877-3369; Queenkaahumanucenter.com MAUI ORCHID SOCIETY VALENTINE’S DAY EXHIBIT - Thu. Feb 9 - Sat. Feb 11. What’s more everlasting than a box of chocolates on Valentine’s Day? An exotic orchid that will keep on giving year after year! The sale offers the best of the best for that sweet someone in your life. 9am. Maui Mall, (70 E. Ka‘ahumanu Ave., Kahului); 808-871-1307; Mauimall.com FIND YOUR VALENTINE PARTY - Fri. Feb 10. Come find your Valentine or bring a date for some pre-Valentine’s Day turn up. DJs Illz and Kai K playing everything from hip hop, house, trap, twerk, booty shakin, dancehall, old school, mashups, bass, edm, remixes and more. 21+. $10. 10pm. Charley’s Restaurant and Saloon, (142 Hana Hwy., Paia); 808-579-8085; Charleysmaui.com

WEEKEND OF ENCHANTMENT - Each day, indulge and renew at Maui’s favorite retreat. Feb 11. Salon Service: A complimentary deep conditioning treatment with any hair service. Feb 12. All-Day Retreat: Two for one spa facility passes. Feb 13. Retail Therapy: Reserve a spa service and receive 10 percent off any retail purchase. Feb 14. Gift for You: Purchase any Jacqueline Piotaz facial and receive a complimentary gift. Call for reservations. 6am-7pm. Montage Kapalua Bay, (1 Bay Dr., Kapalua); 808665-8282; Montagehotels.com/kapalua-bay CHOCOLICIOUS - Sat. Feb 11. QKC and UHMC present Chocolicious, culinary students create magnificent Valentine’s chocolate displays for this amateur competition. Maui’s own celebrity judges will determine the winner based on creative design, theme and taste. Valentine’s Day gifts will be available for sale. Aunty Ruth will provide free Valentine’s Day crafts for keiki 12 and under. 10am. Queen Ka‘ahumanu Center, (275 W. Ka‘ahumanu Ave., Kahului); 808-877-3369; Queenkaahumanucenter.com S.LAP! STRIPTEASE AND LAP DANCE WORKSHOP - Sat. Feb 11. Just in time for Valentine’s Day: make your sweetheart sweat. You’ll grind, groove, nudge and nibble your way through the art of giving good lap in this two-hour striptease and lapdance combination workshop. Limited space available, call or go online to reserve space. 1pm. The Pole Room, (142 Kupuohi St., Lahaina); 808-283-2606; Thepoleroom.com

VALENTINE’S DAY TEA LOVE AND CUPCAKE LADIES POP-UP SHOP - Mon. Feb 13. Tea Love will be introducing several exclusive Valentine’s inspired beverages just in time for Valentine’s Day. Specials for the day will include their handcrafted Strawberry-Mint Iced Black Tea and Chocolate Love Hot Cocoa. The pop-up will also feature a variety of Valentine-themed cupcakes. Receive a complimentary 20-ounce Strawberry Mint Iced Black Tea for every dozen you pre-order online by Feb. 10. 3-6pm. Maui Mall, (70 E. Ka‘ahumanu Ave., Kahului); Cupcakeladieshi.com/valentines LOVE IS IN THE AIR - Mon. Feb 13. Uplift Maui, a fitness and wellness provider, announces a unique partner mat and aerial yoga class in time for Valentine’s Day. In addition to the class, guests can enjoy aphrodisiac mocktails and an all-natural Lover’s Kit from local company Queen Bee Maui. $125. 5:30pm. Hotel Wailea, (555 Kaukahi St., Wailea); 808-495-7154; Upliftmaui.com IMPROVALENTINE ONO - Mon. Feb 13. Free Range Comedy appears for a One Night Only performance of comedy improvisation! Be prepared to offer suggestions or even be an audience volunteer! Fun for the whole family. Free. 6:30pm. Iao Theater, (68 N. Market St., Wailuku); 808-242-6969; Mauionstage.com VALENTINE’S CHOCOLATES AND PASTRIES - Mon. Feb 13 & Tue. Feb 14. Beautiful and delicious handmade chocolate bon bons and pastries will be on sale for Valentine’s Day at the Culinary Arts Pa‘ina Building. 9am-3pm. University of Hawaii Maui College, (310 Ka‘ahumanu Ave., Kahului); 808-984-3500; Maui.hawaii.edu

TIME TO MAKE VALENTINE’S - Sat. Feb 11. Are you ready for Valentine’s Day? Come to Makawao and make Valentines cards! Drop in and join the fun. All supplies will be provided at this free craft program for all ages. 2pm. Makawao Public Library, (1159 Makawao Ave., Makawao); 808-573-8785; Librarieshawaii.org

LOVE IN WAILEA - Tue. Feb 14. Enjoy a special Valentine’s dinner with oysters on the half shell, Oysters Rockefeller, roast whole Maine lobster, cast-iron roasted filet mignon, butter poached lobster, Love in a Jar dessert for two and more. 5pm. Gannon’s Wailea, (100 Wailea Golf Club Dr.); 808-875-8080; Gannonsrestaurant.com

TIME TO MAKE VALENTINE’S - Sat. Feb 11. Are you ready for Valentine’s Day? Create your own Valentine’s Day cards; all supplies will be provided. Free. 2pm. Wailuku Public Library, (251 S. High St., Wailuku); 808-243-5766; Librarieshawaii.org

MY SWEETHEART SPECIAL - Tue. Feb 14. Enjoy a four-course Prix Fixe Valentine’s Menu for $79 per person. Suggested wine pairings priced separately. Each course is available a la carte. Hali‘imaile General Store, (900 Hali‘imaile Rd., Makawao); 808-572-2666; HGSMaui.com

WEEKEND OF LOVE - Sat. Feb 11 & Sun. Feb 12. Surprise her early. Featuring a special Valentine’s Day menu with gorgeous sunset and harbor views of beautiful Ma‘alaea. 5pm. Seascape Ma‘alaea Restaurant, (192 Ma‘alaea Rd.); 8085149-3071; Mauioceancenter.com/dine ASSISTANCE DOGS OF HAWAII VALENTINE’S BENEFIT - Sat. Feb 11. This will be the 9th Annual Valentine’s benefit for Assistance Dogs of Hawaii (ADH). There will be silent and live auctions, fabulous jazz quartets and lots of puppy love. 5:30pm. Four Seasons Resort at Wailea, (3900 Wailea Alanui Dr.); 808-874-8000; Fourseasons.com/maui

VALENTINE’S EVENING AT PAINTBOX - Tue. Feb 14. Enjoy a night out and let Montage take your children (ages 5 to 12) on their own adventure for Valentine’s Day, while you enjoy your romantic time together. A 24-hour advance reservation is required. 5-9pm. Montage Kapalua Bay, (1 Bay Dr., Kapalua); 808-662-6628; Montagehotels.com/kapalua-bay UKULELE WITH ANTHONY PFLUKE - Tue. Feb 14. On this Valentine’s evening, come enjoy the warmth and romance of the islands via a musical journey with a talented young musician. Free. 6:30pm. Kihei Public Library, (35 Waimahaihai St., Kihei); 808-875-6833; LibrariesHawaii.org

SPA VALENTINE’S DAY SPECIAL - Tue. Feb 14. Treat your sweetheart to a special Valentine’s Day spa experience. Offering a Chocolate-Dipped Strawberry Manicure and Pedicure and a Ku‘uipo Couple’s Massage. The Ritz-Carlton, Kapalua, (1 Ritz-Carlton Dr., Kapalua); 808-665-7212; Ritzcarlton.com/kapalua SPECIAL VALENTINE’S MENU - Tue. Feb 14. Sansei Kapalua, (600 Office Rd., Lahaina); 808-669-6286; Sanseihawaii.com SURF AND TURF VALENTINE’S DINNER Tue. Feb 14. Enjoy paradise with a Surf and Turf Valentine’s dinner special: four-ounce lobster tail, three coconut shrimp, a 12oz ribeye steak, garlic mashed potatoes, veggies and a Champagnesoaked strawberry and Bailey’s cream parfait. $39.99. 4pm. Paradise Grill, (2291 Ka‘anapali Pkwy.); 808-662-3700; Paradisegrillkb.com CELEBRATE YOUR LOVE AT KIMO’S - Tue. Feb 14. They’ll have lots of Valentine’s Day specials. Starters: roasted butternut squash soup and seared scallops; entree: Duo of Fish (seared sesame crusted Ahi and grilled snapper); dessert: Love Potion Number 9 Hula Pie. Speciality items will be offered a la carte. Full menu will be available. 5pm. Kimo’s, (845 Front St., Lahaina); 808-661-4811; Kimosmaui.com VALENTINE’S DAY DINNER - Tue. Feb 14. Under a canoe hale with views of the Pacific, experience romance at their signature restaurant on Valentine’s Day. Prix fixe dinner entree selections include Prime New York Strip, Dungeness Crab Stuffed Mahi Mahi, Surf & Turf and Ricotta & Spinach Gnocchi. $85 per person (with wine pairing–additional $45). Children’s menu (12 and under) available. 5pm. Cane and Canoe at Montage Kapalua, (1 Bay Dr., Kapalua); 808-662-6681; Caneandcanoe.com VALENTINE’S DAY DINNER AT THE TERRACE - Tue. Feb 14. Bring your sweetheart to Kapalua and enjoy a memorable evening of romance. This special three-course dinner features a seafood tower for two, entrees, sides, a chocolate lounge and a glass of champagne. $88. 6pm. The Terrace at The Ritz-Carlton Kapalua, (1 Ritz-Carlton Dr., Kapalua); 808-665-7089; Ritzcarlton.com/kapalua SAY VALENTINE’S WITH DINNER AND MUSIC - Tue. Feb 14. Bring your sweetheart to Waikapu and enjoy a four course dinner with Champagne service. Music will be performed by duo Brian and Meryl followed by HAPA. $125. 6pm. Kahili Restaurant, (2500 Honoapi‘ilani Hwy., Waikapu); 808-866-5025; Mauiliveevents.com SWEETHEART SPECIAL FOR 2 - Tue. Feb 14. Valentine’s Day oceanfront dining, perfect for sharing with starters, salads, pizza, pastas and a special dessert. Music provided by DJ Zinn. $45. 6pm. Pi Artisan Pizzeria, (900 Front St., Lahaina); 808-667-0791; Pi808.com VALENTINE’S DAY WITH DONAVON FRANKENREITER - Tue. Feb 14. See Donavon Frankenreiter’s “Made For Lovers” Hawaii Tour 2017. $35 pre-sale tickets available online or $40 at the door. 9pm. Charley’s Restaurant and Saloon, (142 Hana Hwy., Paia); 808-579-8085; Dovepresents.com BROKEN HEARTS CLUB VALENTINE DAY PARTY - Tue. Feb 14. Singles on the mingle or couples loving it up, you’ve all had a broken heart before, so whether it’s broken, on the mend, looking, lusting or swelling with LOVE, celebrate that you’re all a part of the club. DJ Sweets in the mix, Valentine’s games with CUPID, pictures with Maui Island Photo Booth and drink specials. 9:30pm. Down the Hatch, (658 Front St., Lahaina); 808-661-4900; Dthmaui.com ■

jen@mauitime.com + @jenrusso For more A&E news, visit: mauitime.com/entertainment

FEBRUARY 9, 2017 15


at Paradise Grill Tuesday, February 14th ENJOY OUR SURF & TURF SPECIAL WITH YOUR LOVED ONE 4oz Lobster Tail 3 Coconut Shrimp 12oz Ribeye Steak Garlic Mashed Potatoes Vegetables Champagne Soaked Strawberry & Bailey’s Cream Parfait




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by Alex Mitchell

This Week's Picks THURSDAY, FEB. 9 ROSIE HERRERA DANCE THEATRE – The Rosie Herrera Dance Theatre will be at the Maui Arts and Cultural Center (MACC). The diverse ensemble hails from Miami, Florida and is known for showcasing Miami’s best performers in drama, art, opera, drag and contemporary ballet. For their Maui debut, they’ll perform “Cookie’s Kid” and “Dining Alone.” $35-45. 7:30pm. Maui Arts and Cultural Center, (1 Cameron Way, Kahului); 808-242-SHOW; Mauiarts.org. Photo: Adam Reign

KAMA‘AINA GOLF & GRUB – There’s a new Kama‘aiana aiana Golf Brunch at ugh April 1, kama‘aina Kapalua Golf Resort’s Pineapple Grill. Valid through olf promotion. Kapalua with a valid Hawaii ID can enjoy a special menu and golf ournament of ChamGolf resort is famous for the annual PGA Hyundai Tournament otion excludes alcohol. pions and the Kapalua Golf Academy. The promotion $99. Kapalua Golf Club Course (200 Kapalua Dr.); Golfatkapalua. com; 1-877-Kapalua. Photo courtesy Pixabay

FRIDAY, FEB. 10 PROJECT COCKTAIL – Project Cocktail is happening at the Fairmont Kea Lani’s Luana Lounge. This is a cool event for wine and spirit industry professionals and those who are somewhat infatuated with mixology culture. There will be creatively themed cocktails and concoctions, live music and entertainment. Free. 7pm. Luana Lounge at Fairmont Kea Lani, (4100 Wailea Alanui Dr.); 808-875-4100; Fairmont.com/kea-lani-maui/dining/luana. Photo courtesy Jennifer Miller

‘THE CEMETERY CLUB’ – You can see the play The Cemetery Club at ProArts Playhouse in Kihei on Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays from Feb. 10 through Feb. 26. This awesome and dramatic stage show portrays a monthly gathering of four Jewish women. Directed by Lee Garrow, The Cemetery Club features Sandra Bowes, Anne Jenny, Lina Aiko Krueger, Kristi Scott and Francis Taua. Friday & Saturday 7:30pm, and Sunday at 3pm. $26. ProArts Playhouse, (1280 S. Kihei Rd.); 808-463-6550; Proartsmaui.com. Photo courtesy ProArts Playhouse

FRIDAY, FEB. 10 BILL PORTER – Author Bill Porter will be in the Merwin Conservancy’s Green Room at MACC. Porter is also known as “Red Pine” to his fan base, and is a renowned translator of Chinese literature, poetry and Buddhist and Taoist texts. His Maui presentation is titled “The Search of Solitude: China’s Hermit Tradition,” so get ready for a lot of critical thinking. After Porter speaks, there will be a Q&A, book signing, book fair, live entertainment, desserts and refreshments. $10 for students. $25. 7pm. Maui Arts and Cultural Center, (1 Cameron Way, Kahului); 808-242-SHOW; Mauiarts.org. Photo courtesy of the Merwin Conservancy

RAS GABRIEL AND SHOSHANA B. WITH THE 4WORD BAND – Ras Gabriel, Shoshana B and the 4Word Band will perform at Casanova. The evening will surely be exuding reggae vibes, and will be hosted by Irie Dole of Jah Warrior Shelter HiFi and Q103. There will be opening performances by Maegan and Hayden of the Island Allstars. 21+. $10. 10pm. Casanova Italian Restaurant and Deli, (1188 Makawao Ave.); 808-572-0220; Casanovamaui.com. Photo courtesy of Facebook/ Ras Gabriel

FRIDAY, FEB. 10 JAKE SHIMABUKURO WITH THE MAUI POPS ORCHESTRA – Here’s a rare treat: Jake Shimabukuro will play alongside the Maui Pops Orchestra at the MACC. Shimabukuro is world famous for his fast and complex finger work on the ukulele. If you’re a music lover, this is definitely not a night to stay home to Netflix and chill. $45-85. 7:30pm. Maui Arts and Cultural Center, (1 Cameron Way, Kahului); 808-242-SHOW; Mauiarts.org. Photo courtesy the MACC

MYSTIC FLOW FEST – Maui’s Mystic Flow Fest will take place at the VFW Building in Kihei from Friday, Feb. 10 to Sunday, Feb. 12. It’s a chance to take part in festivities with a dedicated and diverse spiritual community. There will be live music, workshops, drum circles, games, ceremonies, performances, yoga, meditation and lots of healthy food and sunshine available. $150/$175. 1pm. VFW Maui, (2110 Uluniu Rd., Kihei); Theflowfestival.com. Photo courtesy of Facebook/Flow Festival

SATURDAY, SA S ATU T RDAY, FE F FEB. E B. 11 SERVSAFE 20 2013 FDA FOOD CODE UPDATE – Edventure’s ServSafe FDA Food Code Up Update Certification and Exam will happen at UH Maui College. This certification program is for food service managers and provides relev evant training in food safety. Upon completion, managers will receive a ce certificate stating that they are a ServSafe Food Protection Manager. Course fee includes textbook and an online exam voucher. $169. 9am. Co Edv Edventure at UH Maui College, (310 Ka‘ahumanu Ave, Kahului); 808-984-3231; Edventuremaui.com. Photo courtesy of Facebook/ServSafe 808-984

COOKING ON MAUI WITH CHEF LEE – Cooking on Maui with Chef Lee: The Best of Beef and Bourbon happens at Sugar Beach Events Saturday, Feb. 11 and Sunday, Feb. 12 (each class is the same). Learn how to pair steak with bourbon in this 3.5 hour class. The fee includes all ingredients and one bourbon drink. Reservations required. 21+. $95. 5:30pm. Sugar Beach Events, (85 N. Kihei Rd.); 808-856-6151; Sugarbeacheventshawaii.com. Photo: Jon Sullivan/PDPhoto.org

SATURDAY, SA ATURDAY FE FEB. E B 11 KLUBHAUS PARTY AND DRAG SHOW – The annual Klubhaus Party and Drag Show will take place at Kono’s on the Green. Support Maui’s LGBTQ community with a night of great music, dancing, positive vibes and more. The Myssfits will perform two shows and DJ’s Poundtown, Love and Kurt will be in the mix. 21+. Free. 10pm. Kono’s on the Green, (470 Lipoa Pkwy., Kihei); 808-633-4220; Konosonmaui.com. Photo courtesy of Flickr/rizzi paola

BUBBLE RUN – The Maui Bubble Run will commence at Keopuolani Regional Park. The Bubble Run is not a competitive race–it’s more of a fitness party with foam and post-race party favors. The goal is all about having fun with your family and friends while celebrating a healthy lifestyle. The race is free for kids four and under with adult registration. $50. 8am. Keopuolani Regional Park, (700 Halia Nakoa St., Wailuku); Bubblerun.com. Photo courtesy of Facebook/Bubble Run


SUNDAY, FEB. 12 SIMRIT SONGS OF RESILIENCE – The 2017 Simrit “Songs of Resilience” Global Unity Tour happens at Makawao Union Church. Simrit is internationally known for her haunting voice, musical talents and an ability to transmit deep humanity and pure love through sound. This is an ideal event for those who love to attend spiritual events on Maui. $35. 7pm. Makawao Union Church, (1445 Baldwin Ave., Makawao); 808-579-9261; Makawaounionchurch.org. Photo courtesy of Facebook/SIMRIT Live on Maui

OLD MAUI HIGH SCHOOL COMMUNITY COLLABORATION – There’s an Old Maui High Community Collaboration with TEACH LLC at the Paia Community Center. The TEACH Center folks say they want to listen and learn from the North Shore in this “Vision Gathering.” This should definitely be an interesting meeting! Free. 4:30pm. Paia Community Center, (Hana Hwy., Paia); Facebook.com/TEACHmaui. Photo courtesy of Facebook/TEACH Center

FEBRUARY 9, 2017 17



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18 FEBRUARY 9, 2017





by Barry Wurst II

'Rings' Take the movie’s own advice and skip this one ★★★★★ Rated PG-13 / 102 Min.


he opening scene of Rings takes place on an airplane, as a young man is gripping his arm rest during a turbulent flight. An attractive young woman sitting next to him tells him not to worry. Instead of thanking her, he suddenly asks her if she’s seen a movie so horrible, “it will kill you if you watch it.” I thought he was asking her about Suicide Squad, but he’s actually referencing the events of the 2003 Gore Verbinski-directed The Ring (itself a solid remake of the Japanese horror film Ringu). Anyway, instead of hitting the flight attendant button and requesting a taser, the young girl humors the guy and listens to his monologue, intended to get her (and audiences too young to remember The Ring) up to speed. He explains that he came across the cursed video tape and managed to find a VCR to watch it. This was when I started laughing uncontrollably: where the heck did he find a VCR? It’s easier to track down a Nintendo Power Glove! From this point, allegedly “spooky” things happen aboard

the flight and it’s all very Snakes on a Plane absurd and kind of fun. The dopey start of Rings is rife with unintentional hilarity but this so-bad-it’s-good B-movie devolves into another dull, ugly horror movie about women being tortured in captivity. Johnny Galecki (looking like a morose Jack Black) stars as a college professor who knows the reason why watching the infamous videotape results in death and has a system to keep himself and other victims safe. Attractive newcomers Matilda Lutz and Alex Roe play a couple trying to solve the mystery of the long-haired, TV-set hopping Samara; let’s hope their careers survive. Galecki seems appropriately embarrassed to be here, while the often-brilliant Vincent D’Onofrio alarmingly does not. The logic of everything here is beyond sketchy. Although the “rules” of the tape are the same as in the original (you watch it, you get a creepy phone call and you die in seven days), characters are constantly re-watching it, as though it were the Zapruder film. Wouldn’t that mean multiple death sentences or the seven days reduced to a five day week? There’s also no mention of Naomi Watts’ character from the first two movies, though I

Hey, we warned you not to watch this movie

imagine Watts is grateful for this. We’re offered a brief glimpse of a Ring club, in which viewers of the tape hang out and partake in a loophole to keep them alive. It’s the most clever idea in the movie and it quickly sails by unexplored. As a commentary on uploading creepy YouTube videos, passing asexually transmitted disease or living in an age of fear, nothing sticks. The slight update in technology doesn’t fit with the antiquated concept of the mysterious tape. All of this was thoroughly and satisfactorily spoofed in Scary Movie 3. Another thing about that airliner-set sequence that opens the movie: it looks suspiciously like it used to be the end of the movie and has been reconfigured as the opener. Much of this seems like a collection

of re-tooled, half-considered scenes that only kind-of fit together. It’s no mystery why Rings has missed multiple release dates and was pushed out of last year’s Halloween release slot (an ominous sign for a horror movie). The filmmakers should have kept pushing it back until, Samara-style, the movie got dropped into the deep, dark well of the Wal-Mart $5 DVD bin. “Jump scares” are usually cheap and heightened by loud sound effects but here, we’re supposed to be startled by an umbrella opening. While the 2003 film was unsettling in its sustained intensity, this feels like a much-too-late Final Destination sequel. The message of Rings is oddly on point: if someone says there’s a horrible movie that will kill you if you watch it, just say no! ■

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by Alex Mitchell


Showtimes KA‘AHUMANU 6

A Dog’s Purpose- PG- 2D THU 12:30 3:20 9:30,

Fences-PG13- 2D THU 8:00.

Queen Ka‘ahumanu Shopping Center, Kahului. 1-800-326-3264 (Matinees: every day until 4pm)

2D FRI-WED 11:30 2:30 4:40 7:10 10:30. Split-PG13- 2D THU 12:30 3:20 6:10 9:30, 2D FRI-WED 11:50 2:40 4:30 8:00 10:40. XXX The Return of Xander Cage-PG-13 - 2D THU 1:40, 3D THU 12:30 5:30, 2D FRI-SAT 4:40 7:20 10:10, SUN 4:40 10:10, MON-WED 4:40 7:20 10:10. Monster Trucks- PG- 2D THU 3:00 4:10, 2D FRIWED 11:40 2:10. Hidden Figures- PG- 2D THU 1:20 4:10 9:20, 2D FRI-WED 1:00 3:50 6:40 9:40. Sing-PG- 2D THU 1:00 3:50 9:30, 2D FRI-SAT 11:40 2:00 4:30, SUN 2:20 4:50, MON-WED 11:40 2:00 4:30. Rogue One- PG13- 2D THU 1:30 3:00 6:00 8:50, 2D FRI-WED 7:30 9:30. La La Land- PG13- 2D THU 12:50 3:40 6:30, 2D FRI-WED 12:50 3:40 6:30 9:20. Silence-R- 2D THU 12:30 3:30 6:20 8:50. The Comedian-R- 2D THU 12:50 3:40 6:30 9:10.

Gold-R- 2D THU 12:40 3:30.

Fifty Shades Darker- R- 2D THU, 2D FRI-SAT 11:00 12:00 1:40 2:40 4:20 5:20 7:00 8:00 9:40 10:40, 2D SUN-THU 11:00 12:00 1:40 2:40 4:20 5:20 7:00 8:00. Rings-PG13- 2D THU 12:00 2:30 5:00 7:30, 2D FRI-SAT 12:00 2:30 5:00 7:30 10:00, 2D SUNTHU 12:00 2:30 5:00 7:30. A Dog’s Purpose- PG- 2D THU 11:45 2:20 4:50 7:15, 2D FRI-SAT 11:45 2:20 4:50 7:15 9:30, 2D SUN-THU 11:45 2:20 4:50 7:15. Moana- PG- 2D THU 1:30 7:00. 2D FRI-SAT 11:25 2:00 4:40 7:15 9:45, 2D SUN-THU 11:25 2:00 4:40 7:15. The Space Between Us- PG13- 2D THU 11:15 2:00 4:40 7:25, 2D FRI-SAT 11:15 2:00 4:40 7:25 10:00, 2D SUN-THU 11:15 2:00 4:40 7:25. Hidden Figures-PG- 2D THU 11:00 1:45 4:30 7:15. XXX-The Return of Xander Cage-PG-13-2D THU 4:15. Resident Evil: The Final Chapter- R- 3D THU 11:30 2:00 4:30 7:00. Moana Sing Along- PG- 2D THU 11:00.

WHARF CINEMA CENTER 658 Front St., Lahaina, 808-249-2222 (Matinees: Tue all shows, until 6pm every other day) John Wick: Chapter 2-R- 2D THU 7:00, FRI-SUN (1:15) 4:15 7:15 10:00, MON (1:15 4:15) 7:15, TUE (1:15 4:15 7:15 10:00), WED (1:15 4:15) 7:15, THU (1:15) 4:15 7:15 10:00. Lego Batman Movie- PG-2D THU 5:00, FRIMON (1:00) 7:00, TUE (1:00 7:00), WED (1:00) 7:00, THU (1:00) 6:45. 3D THU 7:30, FRI-SUN 4:00 9:45, MON (4:00), TUE (4:00 9:45), WED (4:00), THU (4:00) 9:30. The Space Between Us- PG13- 2D THU (1:00 3:50) 7:00. FRI-SUN (12:45) 3:45 6:45 9:30, MON (12:45 3:45) 6:45, TUE (12:45 3:45 6:45 9:30), WED (12:45 3:45) 6:45, THU (12:45 3:45). Resident Evil: Final Chapter-R- 2D THU 1:15. La La Land- PG13- 2D THU 12:45 3:40.


An Affair To Remember-NR- 2D SUN 2:00 7:00,

WED 2:00 7:00. Lego Batman Movie-PG- 2D THU 4:30 7:00, 3D

THU 6:00 9:20. 2D FRI-WED 12:00 1:50 4:50 7:10 9:50, 3D FRI-WED 11:30 2:20 5:20 7:50 10:30. Fifty Shades Darker- R- 2D THU 7:00 9:40, 2D FRIWED 11:30 1:00 2:10 4:00 5:00 7:00 10:00 10:30. John Wick: Chapter 2-R- 2D THU 6:40 9:00, 2D FRI-WED 11:30 2:00 4:50 7:30 10:20. Rings- PG13- 2D THU 12:30 7:00 9:30, 2D FRIWED 11:30 2:20 5:00 7:40 10:20.

AN AFFAIR TO REMEMBER - NR - Drama/ Romance - See a special TCM screening of this classic 1957 story of a couple who met, fell in love and agreed to meet again in six months. Stars Cary Grant and Deborah Kerr. 115 min. FIFTY SHADES DARKER - R - Drama/Fantasy - More crazy sex between some chick and a demented billionaire. 118 min. JOHN WICK: CHAPTER 2 - R - Action/Thriller Former hitman John Wick returns to the criminal underworld, where he discovers there’s a price on his head. Yawn–been there, done that. 122 min. THE LEGO BATMAN MOVIE - PG - Animation/ Adventure - Lego Batman (voiced by Will Arnett) struggles colorful Lego criminals, his own Lego loneliness and the Lego boy he adopted. 104 min.

NOW PLAYING A DOG’S PURPOSE - PG - Adventure/Drama - A dog discovers the meaning of life over the course of many lifetimes (NOTE: PETA unearthed footage that appears to show a dog being mistreated on the set, so if you just want to skip this one, be our guest). 120 min. HIDDEN FIGURES - PG - Drama - The story of three female African-American mathematicians who played a crucial role in early NASA space missions. Based on a true story. 127 min.



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Maui Mall, Kahului, 808-249-2222 (Matinees: M-Th until 6pm, F-Su until 3:30pm)




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Lego Batman Movie opens this week

LA LA LAND - PG13 - Drama/Musical - A pianist falls for an aspiring actress in Los Angeles. Then crazy stuff happens. Stars Ryan Gosling and Emma Stone. 128 min. MOANA - PG - Animation - In this new Disney film a young navigator (voiced by Auli‘i Cravalho) sails to a fabled island, with the demigod Maui (Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson) accompanying her. 113 min. MONSTER TRUCKS - PG - Animation/Action A high school senior builds a monster truck that has an actual monster living in it. Woo!!! 104 min. RINGS - PG13 - Horror - A young woman gets cursed and now she has a week to live. Hey, we warned you that Trump was going to repeal Obamacare. Did you listen? Noooooo… See this week’s film review. 102 min. ROGUE ONE: A STAR WARS STORY - PG13 - Sci-Fi/Action - The evil galactic empire has built a Death Star (paid for, undoubtedly, after privatizing Medicare and Social Security), and a plucky group of rebels want to steal its blueprints. Hmm… I wonder if they’ll succeed… 133 min.

SPLIT - PG-13 - Horror/Atrocity - Of course M. Night Shyamalan directed this reprehensible picture that demonizes people with dissociative identity disorder (DID). Of course he did. Stars a bunch of people who should have known better. 117 min. XXX: THE RETURN OF XANDER CAGE - PG13 - Woo! Vin Diesel! Super-duper badass whatever-he-is Xander Cage (Vin Diesel) returns to blow up bad guys and such. Did I mention it stars Vin Diesel? 107 minutes of hot Vin Diesel action.


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LAST CHANCE THE COMEDIAN - R - Comedy - A look at the life of an old insult comic. Stars Robert De Niro and Leslie Mann. 119 min. FENCES - PG13 - Drama - Denzel Washington and Viola Davis star in this story about an African-American family trying to survive in 1950s America. 138 min. GOLD - R - Adventure/Thriller - A prospector and geologist set off to dig for gold in Indonesia. Stars Matthew McConaughey and Edgar Ramirez. 121 min.

SING - PG - Animation/Comedy - A koala wants to restore his theater to glory by holding a singing competition. Voices by Matthew McConaughey, Reese Witherspoon and Seth MacFarlane. 108 min.

RESIDENT EVIL: THE FINAL CHAPTER - R - Horror/Sci-Fi - Milla Jovovich is back battling zombies in what’s being marketed as the last film in the series. Yeah, right. 106 min.

THE SPACE BETWEEN US - PG13 - Adventure/Romance - A young man who was born on Mars travels to Earth for the first time, where he meets a girl (because whatever). 120 min.

SILENCE - R - Drama/History - Martin Scorsese directs this epic about two Catholic priests who travel to Japan to find their mentor. Stars Andrew Garfield and Adam Driver. 161 min.


FEBRUARY 9, 2017 21


by Alex Mitchell & Shannon Kekahuna

Da Kine Calendar BIG SHOWS BOB BASH ‘17 - Sat. Feb 11. Enjoy a happy birthday tribute to Bob Marley featuring an all-Maui lineup of island and reggae music artists: Jordon T, Hawaiian Home Boy, Rampage, Tflatz and Tano from Kohomua. 21+. 8:30pm. Casanova Italian Restaurant and Deli, (1188 Makawao Ave.); 808-572-0220; Casanovamaui.com

STAGE SHOWS KUPANAHA MAGIC SHOW - Tue-Sat. Watch “Maui’s Magical Family” team up with the Kupanaha dancers. See scintillating hula interpretations bring spectacular illusions, charm and culture to the stage. $65-99. 4:30pm. Kupanaha Magic Theatre, (2525 Ka‘anapali Pkwy.); 808-667-0128; Kupanaha.com WARREN AND ANNABELLE’S MAGIC SHOW - Mon-Sat. Warren Gibson, one of the country’s premier sleight-of-hand magicians, treats you to the best “close-up” magic and comedy in a beautiful 78-seat venue! Annabelle, their resident ghost, will entertain you while you dine, enjoy cocktails, appetizers and yummy desserts. $64-104.50. 5pm. Warren and Annabelle’s, (900 Front St., Lahaina); 808-667-6244; Warrenandannabelles.com ‘ULALENA - Mon, Tue, Thur, Fri. Embark on this powerful journey, and leave with a deeper understanding of island culture and the true essence of aloha. $29.99 Keiki / $59.99 Adults. Children 5 and under are free. Kama‘aina and military rates, and dinner partner offers are available. 5pm. Maui Theatre, (878 Front St., Lahaina); 808-856-7900; Mauitheatre.com NA LIO DINNER - Thu. Feb 9. Sit back and enjoy the story of the horse in Hawaii and discover how the Hawaiian Cowboys, and the horse became a part of Hawaiian culture. BYOB. $99. 5:30pm. Na Lio Gift Shop, (335 Keawe St., Lahaina); 808-270-2255; Naliomaui.com BURN’N LOVE - Thu. Feb 9. Mon, Tue, Thur, Fri. Maui Theatre’s Burn’n Love brings back the golden era of Elvis in Hawaii. Starring Darren Lee, relive the days of Blue Hawaii with the best Elvis impersonator in the world. $60-110. 7:30pm. Maui Theatre, (878 Front St., Lahaina); 808-856-7900; Mauitheatre.com ISLAND RHYTHMS SUNSET COCKTAIL CRUISE - Fri. Feb 10. Get onboard for lots of fun, food and dancing with local reggae star Marty Dread. This cruise includes delicious appetizers, Mai Tais and other cocktails. Book online and save 10 percent. Additional savings for PWF Members and Kama’aina. 21+. 5pm. Pacific Whale Foundation, (Ma‘alaea Harbor Shops); 808-249-8811; Pacificwhale.org MAGIC ON MAUI WITH SETH GRABEL - Sun. Feb 12. Sundays and Wednesdays. America’s Got Talent star Seth Grabel is on Maui. Grabel is a magician, illusionist and headlining entertainer. Direct from Las Vegas, he brings to Maui a hilariously skillful show that is fun for all ages. Tickets start at $49 for adults and $24.50 for children under 12. Special VIP meet-and-greet packages, Kama‘aina and group rates are available. 5pm. Maui Theatre, (878 Front St., Lahaina); 808-856-7900; Mauitheatre.com


HISTORIC MAKAWAO UNION CHURCH SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 12 @ 7:00PM Historic Makawao Union Church 1445 Baldwin Ave. — 579-9261

$25 CASH ADVANCE TICKETS AVAILABLE Get Tickets at MacNet in Kahului OR Maui Kombucha in Haiku Online Tickets at www.SimritKaurMusic.com/events ents


22 FEBRUARY 9, 2017

‘AN EVENING WITH ALBERT EINSTEIN’ - Sun. Feb 12. Maui actor and director Rick Scheideman will perform this one-man show. Enjoy Pre-show dinner and happy hour from 3-6pm. Drinks are available for purchase throughout the show. Reservations recommended. $22. 6pm. Pioneer Inn Maui, (658 Wharf St., Lahaina); 303-507-0987; Rickscheideman.com FREE RANGE COMEDY JAM! - Sun. Feb 12. It’s time to JAM again with Free Range Comedy! They’ll put names in a hat, games in a hat and draw! You’ve never had this much fun! Plus, Free Range will unveil a new piece at this event! Something to do with the S.S. Minnow. $5. 7:30pm. ProArts Playhouse, (1280 S. Kihei Rd.); 808-463-6550; Proartsmaui.com FOUREVER FAB SHOW MAUI, THE BEATLES TRIBUTE - Wed. Feb 15. Fourever Fab and

its founding members have been performing the hits of the world’s most-loved lads, The Beatles, for over twenty years. They continue to perfect their performance with sound-alike vocals and the original instruments to pay tribute to the songs that defined a generation. Ticket start at $59.99 for adults and $29.99 for children (age 5 through 11). Ten percent discount for Kama‘aina with Hawaii ID. 6:30pm. Maui Theatre, (878 Front St., Lahaina); 808-365-7535; Foureverfabshow.com GEORGE KAHUMOKU JR.’S SLACK KEY SHOW - Wed. Feb 15. Hosted by George and his Slack Key Show Ohana, Peter deAquino, Sterling Seaton, and Wainani Kealoha. Pre-show dinner package also available for Sea House Restaurant, advance purchase required call or go online. $37.99. 7:30pm. Slack Key Show at Napili Kai Beach Resort, (5900 L. Honoapi‘ilani Rd., Napili); 808-669-3858; Slackkeyshow.com

MAUI FOODIE KING’S COTTAGE TASTING ROOM - Thu. Feb 9. Built for King Kalakaua in 1856, the King’s Cottage is where you can taste complimentary MauiWine varieties, also offering free historical and cellar tours. 10am. MauiWine, Ulupalakua Vineyards, (14815 Pi‘ilani Hwy., Ulupalakua); 808-878-6058; Mauiwine.com KING’S VISIT WINE TASTING AND TOUR Thu. Feb 9. Maui’s only winery is now offering the King’s Visit Wine Tasting and Tour. This is a really incredible opportunity for wine lovers, and for those that want to learn more about grape production on Maui. This exclusive tour includes visiting the Old Jail, tasting small-production single varietal Ulupalakua Vineyards estate wines, a walk through the vineyard grounds, and lots of opportunities to talk story about the history of Rose Ranch. $50. 3:30pm. MauiWine, Ulupalakua Vineyards, (14815 Pi‘ilani Hwy., Ulupalakua); 808-878-6058; Mauiwine.com CELEBRATE CHINESE NEW YEAR - Thu. Feb 9. Honoring the Year of the Rooster, Spago will turn into an elaborate night market. Join Executive Chef Peleg Miron in an all-you-can-eat Chinese BBQ-themed event including traditional dim sum, noodles, BBQ brisket and more. Guests will also be entertained by live Chinese cultural entertainment. $75. 5:30pm. Spago Maui at Four Seasons Resort, (3900 Wailea Alanui Dr.); 808-874-8000; Fourseasons.com/maui KAPALUA SUNSET DINNER - Thu. Feb 9. Tuesday-Saturday. Sit back, relax and take in the beautiful Maui sunset while enjoying a special three-course Sunset Menu which includes a glass of sparkling wine and an amuse bouche from the chef. $50. 5:30pm. Banyan Tree Restaurant at The Ritz-Carlton, Kapalua, (1 Ritz-Carton Dr., Kapalua); 808-665-7096; Ritzcarlton.com/banyantree WILLIE K AND THE WAREHOUSE BLUES BAND - Thu. Feb 9. Enjoy a prime rib and seafood buffet followed by a remarkable array of music. $70 for dinner and show. $30 for 8pm show only. Call for reservations. 6:30pm. King Kamehameha Golf Club, (2500 Honoapi‘ilani Hwy., Waikapu); 808-249-0033; Kamehamehagolf.com ALOHA FRIDAY SUNSET GRILL NIGHT - Fri. Feb 10. Grill Night is a casual and fun way to celebrate Aloha Friday on the scenic point overlooking Kapalua Bay while enjoying the picture-perfect sunsets over Molokai with live entertainment. A variety of BBQ selections will be featured each week with such favorites as Huli Huli Chicken and Kalbi Ribs as well as specialty cocktails and drinks. The regular pool bar menu will also be available. 5pm. Hana Hou Bar at Montage Kapalua, (1 Bay Dr., Kapalua); 808-662-6600; montagehotels.com/kapaluabay/dining/hana-hou-bar CASTAWAY’S SEAFOOD NIGHT - Fri. Feb 10. Enjoy a seafood extravaganza with fresh fish, clams, shrimp, crab leg cluster, Portuguese sausage, new potatoes, corn on the cob and garlic bread. $47.95.













AMBROSIA 1913 S. Kihei Rd. - 891-1011

Service Industry Night w/ DJ Skinny Guy, 10pm

Heart Beats w/ DJ Blast, 10pm

Ras Gabriel, Shoshana B. & Friends 10pm $10

Bob Bash w/ Jordan T., T. Flatz and more 8:30pm, $15+

Find Your Valentine w/ DJ Illz & DJ Kai K, 10pm $10

Hitzig Brothers, 8pm no cover

Brunch & Bloody Mary Bar 7am

MON- Live Band & Open Mic 7-10pm, TUE- Donavon Frankenreiter 9pm $35/$40, WED- Randall Rospond, 6:30pm

Johnny Ringo 7:30-10pm; no cover

Dave Carroll 7:30-10pm; no cover

Justin Phillips 7-9pm; no cover

MON-TBA, TUE- Jazz at the Cat 7:30pm WED- Benny Uyetake 7pm

Bob Markey Birthday Celebration!

Mix Music Time TBA

Gina Martinelli Band, 7pm

MON- Corona Day, TUE & WED- Pool League



Trivia Night 7pm




MON- MA’s Mix 10pm, TUE- Ladies Night 10pm, WED- TBA

Live Music & Late Night w/ DJ Illz

Corey Rezner 11-1pm, Late Night w/ DJ Casey

Jon Kanekua,11-1pm

no music

MON-Jon Kanekua 11-1pm, TUE- V-Day Party 9:30pm, WED- Corey Rezner

Gretchen Rhodes & Houseshakers, 6:30-9:30pm

I-Drive 6:30-9:30pm

I-Drive 6:30-9:30pm

Ryan Robinson 6:30pm

MON- Corey Rezner 6:30pm, TUE- V-Day w/ Mick Fleetwood & Friends, WED- Donavan Frankenreiter 9-11pm

CASANOVA 1188 Makawao Ave. - 572-0220

CHARLEY’S 142 Hana Hwy., Paia - 579-8085

Mark Johnstone & Friends 6:30pm, no cover

COOL CAT CAFE Wharf Cinema Center, 658 Front St #160, Lahaina - 667-0988

DIAMOND'S ICE BAR 1279 S. Kihei Rd. - 874-9299

Service Industry Night Time TBA

DIRTY MONKEY 844 Front St., Lahaina - 419-6286

DOG & DUCK IRISH PUB 1913 S. Kihei Rd. - 875-9669

DOWN THE HATCH 658 Front St., Lahaina - 661-4900

FLEETWOOD’S ON FRONT ST. 744 Front St. (Rooftop), Lahaina - 669-6425

5pm. Castaway Cafe, (45 Kai Ala Dr., Ka‘anapali); 808-661-9091; CastawayCafe.com JAPANESE TEA CEREMONY - Sat. Feb 11. In part with the Celebration of Hawaii 2017: Diversity. Enjoy Japanese tea, followed by hula and sweet treats from around the world. 4pm. Viewpoints Gallery, (3620 Baldwin Ave., Makawao); 808-572-5979; Viewpointsgallerymaui.com KOLEA MAUI GRAND OPENING IN KAHANA - Sat. Feb 11. Everyday Restaurant Group, the people who brought you Slappy Cakes, announce the opening of Kolea Maui in the Kahana Gateway Center. Kolea is a Southeast Asian inspired Pacific Rim restaurant featuring family-style small plates, craft cocktails and a relaxed contemporary setting. 5pm. Kolea Maui, (4405 Honoapi‘ilani Hwy., Kahana) HAPA DINNER SHOW - Sat. Feb 11. Enjoy a fun filled evening of awesome Hawaiian music and dine from a select menu of exceptional entrees, pupus, and cocktails. $35 in advance, $40 day of show. 6pm. Kahili Restaurant, (2500 Honoapi‘ilani Hwy., Waikapu); 808-866-5025; Mauiliveevents.com CANE AND CANOE SUNDAY BRUNCH - Sun. Feb 12. Featuring an enhanced a la carte breakfast menu created by Executive Chef David Viviano, Sunday Brunch will be a celebration of savory and sweet culinary delights. Enjoy a “Build-your-own Bloody Mary Bar” with an assortment of liquor, mixers and all the trimmings to make a most decadent libation. 10am. Cane and Canoe at Montage Kapalua, (1 Bay Dr., Kapalua); 808-662-6681; Caneandcanoe.com HAWAIIAN MUSIC JAM SESSION - Sun. Feb 12. Willie K and friends will entertain while you enjoy Sunday Brunch. $50. 10am. King Kamehameha Golf Club, (2500 Honoapi‘ilani Hwy., Waikapu); 808-249-0033; Kamehamehagolf.com WINE SOCIAL - Sun. Feb 12. Sundays and Mondays. Join in an intimate wine and food pairing with restaurant and wine list manager Jim Hansen. His thoughtful selections paired with light bites by make for a wonderful pre-dinner experience for wine enthusiasts. 4:30pm. Pulehu, an Italian Grill at Westin Ka‘anapali Resort, (6 Kai Ala Dr., Ka‘anapali); 808667-3254; Pulehurestaurantmaui.com KO’S SUNDAY NIGHT LAULAU - Sun. Feb 12. Enjoy Chef Tylun Pang’s healthy and modern take on a traditional Hawaiian dish, the special seafood laulau includes Maui fresh catch fish, shrimp, scallops, spinach, mushrooms and baby bok choy, all

wrapped in ti leaf, steamed, and served with jasmine rice. 5pm. Ko at Fairmont Kea Lani, (4100 Wailea Alanui Dr.); 808-875-2210; Korestaurant.com CASTAWAY’S DATE NIGHT - Wed. Feb 15. A perfect destination to bring your sweetheart with ocean front dining and couple specials. Enjoy entrees, house or caesar salad and a bottle of wine for $49.95 per couple. 5pm. Castaway Cafe, (45 Kai Ala Dr., Ka‘anapali); 808-661-9091; CastawayCafe.com

ART SCENE 2017 HUI NO‘EAU ANNUAL JURIED EXHIBITION - Until - Thu. Feb 16. This prestigious exhibition offers an opportunity to view current work of local artists in all media. The guest Juror this year is Duncan Dempster, a Honolulu-based artist and educator working primarily in print media. 9am. Hui No‘eau Visual Arts Center, (2841 Baldwin Ave., Makawao); 808-572-6560; Huinoeau.com CELEBRATION OF HAWAI‘I 2017: DIVERSITY Until - Wed. Mar 1. The entire gallery is transformed into a comprehensive display of new works in a wide variety of media by a selection of Hawaii’s most celebrated fine art artists. 5pm. Viewpoints Gallery, (3620 Baldwin Ave., Makawao); 808-572-5979; Viewpointsgallerymaui.com AKIHIKO IZUKURA: THE WAY OF NATURAL TEXTILE EXHIBIT -Until - Sun. Mar 19. Master textile artist, Akihiko Izukura of Kyoto, Japan, current philosophy of “zero waste,” creates work that honors sustainability and symbiosis with nature. His project will fill the expanse of the gallery with a fiber installation made entirely of handwoven, naturally dyed silk, produced by silkworms. Free. 10am. Maui Arts and Cultural Center, (1 Cameron Way, Kahului); 808-242-SHOW; Mauiarts.org BROKEN = ART BROKEN OR BROKEN OPEN GROUP SHOW - Until - Wed. Mar 1. Grab a tasty bite to eat, sip on something yummy and feast your eyes on heart themed art works from this talented group of Maui artists. 7am. Wailuku Coffee Company, (26 N. Market St., Wailuku); 808-495-0259; Wailukucoffeeco.com QUEEN KA‘AHUMANU BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION-STUDENT ART CONTEST - Thu. Feb 2 - Sat. Mar 18. In preparation of this momentous event, students from K-12th grade are asked to participate by submitting art in any medium 8.5”x11” in size. Entries will be accepted at the QKC Guest Service desk from Mar. 13-Mar. 18 by 10:30am. Winners will be announced at the Center Court Stage at 2pm. 10:30am. Queen Ka‘ahumanu Center, (275 W. Ka‘ahumanu Ave.,

Sundaze Sessions w/DJ Firefly, 10pm

MON- Movies, Games & Music 10pm, TUE- It’s A Love Thang w/ Live music 9pm, WED- Wine Down Wed w/ Bar Mix,10pm

Frisky Friday w/ DJ Firefly, 10pm

WED- New Ladies Night, 10pm $10


Kahului); 808-877-3369; Queenkaahumanucenter.com ANGEL MELODY - Fri. Feb 10. Join in an evening of art featuring local artist Angel Melody and “Fresh Squeezed” cocktails, prepared by house craftsmen Adam Rio and Bree Richardson. Angel will have one of her pieces for silent auction, benefiting the Lahaina Art Association, Youth Outreach Program. Followed by the “Official Art Walk After Party,” featuring a local DJ. 5:30pm. Down the Hatch, (658 Front St., Lahaina); 808-661-4900; Dthmaui.com ANNA KEAY - Tue. Feb 7 - Mon. Mar 6. Anna Keay creates brilliantly colored close-up studies of the exotic tropical flowers found on Maui. Searching for that unique detail in nature, she replicates each petals vibrant beauty, delighting the eyes and soothing the soul. Her exhibit will be on display in the Old Jail Gallery. 1pm. Lahaina Arts Society, (648 Wharf St., Lahaina); 808-661-0111; Lahainaarts.com THE CROSSROADS USO EXHIBIT - Thu. Feb 9. MHM commemorates the nearly 200,000 Navy, Marine, Coast Guard and Seabee servicemen and women who trained and took leave in and near Makawao, Maui during World War II. Displays depicting the USO from it’s opening in January 1943 until the war ended in 1945 include original artwork, historical stories, and memorabilia from the Crossroads USO that took place in the building that is now home to Casanova restaurant, up the street from the museum. Free. 10am. Makawao History Museum, (3642 Baldwin Ave., Makawao); 808-572-2482; Makawaomuseum.org FRIDAY NIGHT ART NIGHT - Fri. Feb 10. Visit the gallery, for live music and Mai Tais while they showcase a new artist of the week. Free. 6pm. Lahaina Printsellers Ltd., (764 Front St., Lahaina); 808-667-5815; Printsellers.com STEVE MATSON - Fri. Feb 10. Academy Award winner Steve Matson will appear during Friday Night Art Walk in Lahaina. See breathtaking creations and meet Mr. Matson in person. Free. 6:30pm. Lahaina Galleries – Lahaina, (828 Front St., Lahaina); 808-856-8030; Lahainagalleries.com SANDRA GREENBERG - Sun. Feb 12. See a collection of her marine life photographs from around the Hawaiian Islands. 10am. Maui Hands Lahaina, (612 Front St., Lahaina); 808-667-9898; Mauihands.com LUANA KAMA - Tue. Feb 14. Luana Kama enjoys painting with watercolor and finds it fascinating to see the pigments and water flow on paper, her favorite subjects to paint are people and flowers.

Come by the gallery and see this charming artist paint. 4:30pm. Maui Hands Lahaina, (612 Front St., Lahaina); 808-667-9898; Mauihands.com MIXED MEDIA ARTIST, KATHY MCCARTNEY - Wed. Feb 15. Kathy paints “Tropical Expressions” of underwater sea life, landscapes with turquoise waters, heavenly moon, sunbeams and rainbow bridges that connect heaven to earth. Come to the gallery and meet this talented artist. 1pm. Maui Hands Paia, (84 Hana Hwy., Paia); 808-579-9245; Mauihands.com

POLITICAL EVENTS MAUI THROWDOWN THURSDAY RALLY Thu. Feb 9. Join for the advancement of human rights for yourselves, communities and the world. Rallies are a partnership between Organizing for Action-Maui Chapter (OFA) and the Women’s March on Washington–Maui Team. 4pm. University of Hawaii Maui College, (310 Ka‘ahumanu Ave., Kahului); 808-984-3500; Maui.hawaii.edu MNHCOC MEMBERSHIP DINNER - Wed. Feb 15. Native Hawaiian cultural practitioner Kimokeo Kapahulehua will explain his vision for the Kimokeo Foundation. Ho‘apili Ane will cater the buffet dinner. $25/$30. Reservations are required. RSVP deadline is Monday, Feb 13. 5:30pm. Maui Tropical Plantation, (1670 Honoapi‘ilani Hwy, Wailuku); 855-364-6622; Mauitropicalplantation.com

CALENDAR OF EVENTS THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 9TH RADIANT BODY, DIAMOND MIND - Wed. Feb 8 - Sat. Feb 11. Maui Kombucha presents a live music Kundalini Yoga Experience featuring Yogi and teacher Jai Dev Singh, renowned chant artist Simrit and cello virtuoso Shannon Lee Hayden. $35-108. 4pm. Lumeria Maui, (1813 Baldwin Ave., Makawao); 808-579-8877; Lumeriamaui.com HALAU HULA KAULUOKALA KUMU ULUWEHI GUERRERO HULA CLASSES - Thu. Feb 9. Halau Hula Kauluokala under the direction of Kumu Uluwehi Guerrero is opening classes for adults who cannot make a full halau commitment but still want to have hula in their lives. No fundraising, performance, or protocol commitments. Must have knowledge of the hula basics. These are not beginner classes. $30. 5pm. Maui Arts and Cultural Center, (1 Cameron Way, Kahului); 808-242-SHOW; Mauiarts.org

FEBRUARY 9, 2017 23

THURS | 2/9


DJ ILLZ & DJ KAI K 10:00 pm • $10 SAT | 2/11


Celebrated Modern Dance Ensemble

Rosie Herrera Dance Theatre

TONIGHT 7:30 pm Castle


The Merwin Conservancy Presents Author Bill Porter In the Green Room FRI Feb 10 7:00 pm McCoy

SUN | 2/12

A Special Evening With




MON | 2/13



9pm • $35 Presale • $40 Door TICKETS AT WWW.DOVEPRESENTS.COM

Jake Shimabukuro

& The Maui Pops Orchestra SAT Feb 11 7:30 pm Castle The Spirit and Energy of the Country’s Best Young Dance Talent

Ailey II

THU Feb 16 7:30 pm Castle Dim Mak 20th Anniversary With

Steve Aoki & Friends

WED | 2/15

FRI Feb 17 6:00 pm Events Lawn



6:30PM-8:30PM • NO COVER 142 HANA HWY



Akihiko Izukura: The Way of Natural Textiles

Through March 19/Tue-Sun 10-5/FREE

24 FEBRUARY 9, 2017













HAUI’S LIFE’S A BEACH 1913 S. Kihei Rd. - 891-8010

JAVA JAZZ 3350 L. Honoapiilani Rd. - 667-0787

KIMO’S 845 Front St., Lahaina - 661-4811

Karaoke, 9pm-close

Dat Guyz, 9pm-close

Island Reggae, 9pm-close

Karaoke Industry Night, 8pm-close

MON- Karaoke 8pm, TUE- Karaoke & $1 Tacos, WED- Open Mic 9pm

Rick Glencross, 7-10pm (acoustic guitar)

Mike Madden, 7-10pm (acoustic 70s-90s)

Fulton & Paul, 7-10pm (jazz)

John Bowser, 7-10pm (guitar)

MON- Soundlab (classic rock) 7-10pm, TUE- Nino Tascano (guitar) 7-10pm, WED- Paul & Fulton (jazz) 7-10pm

Ma’a 6:30pm-8:30pm

Willie K 9-11pm $5

Ma’a 6:30-8:30pm

Benny & Rock 6-8pm

MON- Benny & Rock 6-8pm, TUE- V-Day Dinner Special 5pm, WEDSam Ahia 6:30-8:30pm

Karaoke w/ “Auntie” Toddy Lilikoi, 9:30pm; no cover

Karaoke w/ “Auntie” Toddy Lilikoi, 9:30pm; no cover

Jim Spector, 5:30pm

Sal Godinez, 5-8pm

Neto, 5:30pm

Island Soul, 5:30pm

TUE- Tantalizing Tues w/Gina Martinelli & Friends 5-8pm, WED-Jim Spector, 5:30pm

Ranga Pae 5:30-8:30pm; no cover

Ranga Pae 5:30-8:30pm; no cover

Ranga Pae 5:30-8:30pm; no cover

David Wolf 5:30-8:30pm; no cover

MON - David Wolf / TUE - The Benoits WED - Ranga Pae (all 5:30-8:30pm)

Pat Simmons Jr., 6:30-8:30pm

Soul Kitchen Big Band, 7-9pm

Makai Jazz, 6:30pm

Celtic Tigers, 7pm

MON- Joyce & Gord 6:30pm, TUE & WED TBA




Thirsty Thursdays & Free Pool

Karaoke, Free Pool & Brant Quick 7-11pm

Holm vs. Randamie UFC, Ladies Night w/ specials 9pm

KOBE STEAKHOUSE 136 Dickenson St. (Lounge Area), Lahaina - 667-5555

KONO’S ON THE GREEN 470 Lipoa Pkwy, Kihei - 633-4220

MERRIMAN’S 1 Bay Club Pl., Kapalua - 669-6400

MULLIGAN’S ON THE BLUE 100 Kaukahi St., Wailea - 874-1131


2291 Kaanapali Pkwy, Lahaina - 662-3700

PLAYMAKERS SPORTS BAR 928 Lower Main St., Wailuku - 244-4084

HULA LESSONS - Thu. Feb 9. Want to learn hula? Drop by the mall’s center stage for a free lesson with Jan Kitaguchi. Free. 5pm. Lahaina Cannery Mall, (1221 Honoapi‘ilani Hwy., Lahaina); 808-661-5304; Lahainacannerymall.com

FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 10TH PAU HANA AND LIVE ENTERTAINMENT - Fri. Feb 10. Pau Hana celebrates the end of the work week with live musical performances by Maui’s talented up and coming artists as well as Maui’s more well established musicians. Meet-up with friends and co-workers or gather the family together and start your weekend on a beautiful note. Free. 4pm. The Shops at Wailea, (3750 Wailea Alanui Dr.); 808-891-6770; Theshopsatwailea.com

SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 11TH PICKLEBALL CLINIC AND ROUND-ROBIN TOURNAMENT - Sat. Feb 11. Tournament players are encouraged to bring their own paddles, however DPR will provide paddles for those who don’t have their own. 8am. Maui War Memorial Complex, (Ka‘ahumanu and Kanaloa Ave., Kahului); 808-270-6157; E-CYCLING - Sat. Feb 11 & Tue. Feb 14. Items accepted at the E-Cycling program include computers, televisions, microwaves, cell phones, stereos, copiers, fax machines and other items with circuit boards. The service is provided free of charge; the public is asked to be courteous by not leaving any items at the gate after hours. Sat 2/11 8am & Tue 2/14 1pm. E-Cycling Program, (901 L. Main St., Wailuku); 808-264-6460; Mauicounty.gov/recycle ECO FARM TOURS - Sat. Feb 11. Join in an educational tour of permaculture design features. Their goal is to create whole systems which produce healthy food sustainably. $20-25. 4pm. Ahimsa Sanctuary Farm, (4505 Hana Hwy., Haiku); 808-283-8057; Ahimsasanctuaryfarm.com CRUISE NIGHT WITH NOCTURNALS CTC - Sat. Feb 11. Cruise with Maui’s Car and truck club and their friends as they showcase their low riders and lifted vehicles in the parking lot. Free. 5:30pm. Queen Ka‘ahumanu Center, (275 W. Ka‘ahumanu Ave., Kahului); 808-877-3369; Queenkaahumanucenter.com OFFICE MANAGEMENT SKILLS - Sat. Feb 11. This class gives you tools, techniques, and strategies to confidently complete your work as you utilize the “Three Office Rules of Success.” $159. 9am. Edventure at UH Maui College, (310 Ka‘ahumanu Ave., Kahului); 808-984-3231; Edventuremaui.com RESTORE YOUR CORE: YOGA WORKSHOP SERIES - Sat. Feb 11. Come back to your center and tap into your power. Learn strength and stillness in this three-part yoga series taught by Rachel G of Body Alive Yoga and Megan of Vitality Wellness. Workshop

dates are: Feb. 11, 9-11am, March 11, 9-11am, April 8, 9-11am $24 per session, or $60 for all 3. 9am. Outdoor Location on the North Shore; 808-276-9490. WEST AFRICAN DANCE WITH QUINCEY - Sat. Feb 11. Live Drumming! Have fun following the beats of the drums, learn new steps and moves with this great teacher. $10. 11:00am. Pahu Creations, (870 Hali‘imaile Rd., Makawao); 808-385-2642; Pahumaui.com LAUNCH LAB - Sat. Feb 11. Maui Science Center welcomes young engineers ages 7 and up to this hands-on event. Build flying sculptures and sail-cars using common recycled materials, test your creations at the Launch Lab. Free. 10:30am. Kihei Public Library, (35 Waimahaihai St., Kihei); 808-875-6833; LibrariesHawaii.org YU-GI-OH CARD SESSION - Sat. Feb 11. Free card session at Maui Toy Works. 3pm. Lahaina Cannery Mall, (1221 Honoapi‘ilani Hwy., Lahaina); 808-661-5304; Lahainacannerymall.com WORLD WHALE FILM FESTIVAL - Sat. Feb 11. The Film Festival’s theme “Conservation in Motion” showcases multi-media works by visual storytellers, including seasoned professional filmmakers, photographers and digital artists, as well as up and coming conservation advocates. Cost TBA. 6pm. Ka‘anapali Beach Hotel, (2525 Ka‘anapali Pkwy.); 808-661-0011; Kbhmaui.com

SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 11TH HUI! LANAKILA - Sun. Feb 12. Enjoy a traditional Hawaiian hula performance by Hui. Lanakila on the mall’s center stage. 11am. Maui Mall, (70 E. Ka‘ahumanu Ave., Kahului); 808-871-1307; Mauimall.com

MONDAY, FEBRUARY 12TH OUTDOOR YOGA - Mon. Feb 13. Sandy Callender, a registered yoga teacher, will show how using traditional yoga postures and breath work and practice brings you greater flexibility and strength, a deeper connection to your wholeness and turns on your “relaxation response.” Donation. 8am. Waipulani Park, (South Kihei Rd.); 808-214-2766; Easyyogamaui.com SALSA DANCE CLASS - Mon. Feb 13. Maui dance enthusiasts and Latin music lovers can take Salsa Dance Classes with Demian and Lasensua, singles and couple welcome. Beginners class starts at 6pm with Intermediate class to follow at 6:45pm. $10 per class, $15 per couple. 6pm. Makawao Union Church, (1445 Baldwin Ave., Makawao); 808-579-9261; Makawaounionchurch.org

TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 13TH CULTURE BASED LEADERSHIP - Tue. Feb 14. Learn how to apply culture-based awareness directly to leadership and management practices with resource management, interpersonal communications, devel-

MON-TBA, TUE- Valentine’s Dinner 4-9pm, WED-TBA Dart Tournament, NBA & NHL

MON- Free Pool, TUE- $2 Taco Tuesdays, WED- Specials & Dart Tournament, 7pm

oping your leadership philosophy, strategic planning, employee relations and community partnerships. $199. 8am. Edventure at UH Maui College, (310 Ka‘ahumanu Ave., Kahului); 808-984-3231; Edventuremaui.com

Osborne 6:30-8pm; Fri, Scott Baird 6-8pm; Sat, Larry Golis and Hollis Lee 6am-8pm; Mon, Larry Golis 6-8pm; Tue, Scott Baird 6-8pm; Wed, Scott Baird 6-8pm; (2605 Ka‘anapali Pkwy.); 808-661-0031; Cliffdivegrillmaui.com

DOMESTIC VIOLENCE SUPPORT GROUPS - Tue. Feb 14. Child and Family Services in Wailuku offers weekly domestic violence support groups for survivors, teens and children every Tuesday. Please call for more information. Registration is required. 5:30pm. Child and Family Service, (392 N. Market St., Wailuku); 808-877-6888; 808-357-8260; Childandfamilyservices.org

COOL CAT CAFE - Thu, Will Hartzog 7:30-10pm; Fri, Johnny Ringo 7:30-10pm; Sat, Dave Carroll 7:3010pm; Sun, Justin Phillips 7-9pm; Tue, Jazz at the Cat 7:30-10pm; Wed, Benny Uyetake 7:30-10pm; (658 Front St., Lahaina); 808-667-0908; Coolcatcafe.com

UKULELE LESSONS - Tue. Feb 14. It’s never too late to learn how to play the Hawaiian Guitar. Free. 5:45pm. Lahaina Cannery Mall, (1221 Honoapi‘ilani Hwy., Lahaina); 808-661-5304; Lahainacannerymall.com

WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 14TH OUTLETS OUTDOOR MARKET - Wed. Feb 15. The Market will feature chef demonstrations, live music, hula show and cultural activities. Maui farmers and artisans will feature locally-grown produce, handmade goods, creative crafts, apparel, island artwork and more. 4pm. Outlets of Maui, (900 Front St., Lahaina); 808-661-8277; Outletsofmaui.com

DOWN THE HATCH - Thu, Live Music 11am-1pm; Fri, Corey Rezner 11am-1pm; Sat, Jon Kaneakua 11am-1pm; Mon, Jon Kaneakua 11am-1pm; Tue, Noa Zeb 11am-1pm; Wed, Corey Rezner 11am-1pm; (658 Front St., Lahaina); 808-661-4900; Dthmaui.com DUKE’S BEACH HOUSE - Thu, Ben DeLeon 3-5pm; Thu, Garrett Probst and Guest 6-8:30pm; Fri, Garrett Probst 3-5pm; Fri, Damon Parrillo and Tim Osbourne 6-8:30pm; Sat, Danyel Alana 3-5pm; Sat, Damon Parrillo and Ron Hetten 6-8:30pm; Sun, Keali’i Lum 3-5pm; Sun, Damien Awai 6-8:30pm; Mon, Keali’i Lum 3-5pm; Mon, Danyel Alana and Guest 6-8:30pm; Tue, Ben DeLeon 3-5pm; Tue, Roy Kato and Guest 6-8:30pm; Wed, Garrett Probst 3-5pm; Wed, Malanai 6-8:30pm; (130 Kai Malina Pkwy., Ka‘anapali); 808-662-2900; Dukesmaui.com

KEIKI ALOHA HULA CLASS - Wed. Feb 15. Keiki Aloha Hula brings the aloha, and the love of Hawaiian dance to the kids ages 7 to 12 of upcountry in a noncompetitive, creative, nurturing environment. This is a fun class where students will learn the basics, and fundamentals of hula movement, as well as language and culture appreciation. 4:15pm. Wisdom Flow Studios, (95 Makawao Ave.); 808-205-0908; WisdomFlowYoga.com

LIVE MUSIC WEST MAUI AUNTIE’S KITCHEN AT WESTIN KA‘ANAPALI RESORT - Fri, Live Music 4-7pm; Mon, Live Music 4-7pm; (6 Kai Ala Dr., Ka‘anapali); 808-667-3254; Westinkaanapali.com/dining CANE AND CANOE AT MONTAGE KAPALUA - Thu, Piilani Arias 5:30-8:30pm; Fri, Kapali Keahi 5:30-8:30pm; Sat, Daniel Querubin and Dayan Kai 5:30-9pm; Sun, Joseph Chee 5:30-8:30pm; Mon, Kincaid Kipahu 5:30-8:30pm; Tue, Brian Haia 5:308:30pm; Wed, Kalani Smythe 5:30-8:30pm; (1 Bay Dr., Kapalua); 808-662-6681; Caneandcanoe.com CAPTAIN JACK’S ISLAND GRILL - Thu, Jonny Ringo 2-5pm; Fri, Will Hartzog 2-4:30pm; Mon, Will Hartzog 2-4:30pm; Tue, Jonny Ringo 2-5pm; Wed, Tori Dixon Band 2-5pm; (672 Front St., Lahaina); 808-667-0988; CaptainJacksMaui.com

CALL IN YOUR ORDER FOR FAST PICK UP 808.495.0259 26 N. MARKET ST. wailukucoЄeeco.com


FEBRUARY 9, 2017 25

There are over 100 things you could be doing today on Maui. Go to mauitime.com for complete weekly calendar listings, and find something to do today.

26 FEBRUARY 9, 2017













SANSEI - KAPALUA 115 Bay Dr., Lahaina - 669-6286

SANSEI - KIHEI 1881 S. Kihei Rd., Ste. KT116 - 879-0004

SOUTH SHORE TIKI LOUNGE 1913 S. Kihei Rd. - 874-6444

STEEL HORSE SALOON 1234 L. Main St., Wailuku - 243-2206

STOPWATCH SPORTS BAR 1127 Makawao Ave. - 572-1380

THREE’S BAR & GRILL 1945 S Kihei Rd. - 879-3133

TIFFANY’S 1424 L. Main St., Wailuku - 249-0052

WATERCRESS Waiehu Beach Center, Wailuku - 243-9351

Free Karaoke 10pm-1am; no cover

Free Karaoke 10pm-1am; no cover

Matagi 10pm; no cover

Free Karaoke 10pm-1am; no cover

Free Karaoke 10pm-1am; no cover

Free Karaoke 10pm-1am; no cover

Jamie Gallo, 4-6pm, DJ Big Mike, 10pm

Randall Rospond 4-6pm, DJ Gemini & Ynot, 10pm

Tom Conway 4-6pm, DJ Kamikazee 10pm

Viva La Rumba 4pm, Sunday Lounge w/ DJ Joralien, 10pm

MON- Kanoa 4pm, DJ Big Mike 10pm, TUE- Jon Bowser 4-6pm, DJ Salvo 10pm, WED- Natalie Nicole 4pm, DJ Lobstah 10pm

Lady Dlishz’s Maragarita Specials

Just Us 808 no cover

Free Pool & Drink Specials

Mary’s & Mimosas, SIN

MON-Martini Monday, TUE- $2 Tuesday w/ free pool all day, WED- Karaoke & free pool 6pm-close

Karaoke w/ Dudley 9pm-12am; no cover

Jerry Caires Jr. Band, $4 cover, 8-12pm

Karaoke w/ Dudley 9pm-12am; no cover

Karaoke, 8pm-close

MON-WED-Karaoke, 8pm-close

Salsa Night w/ Barbara & Ernesto, 8pm-no cover

Capt Dan, 6:30-8:30pm

Karaoke, 8:30pm-close

Karaoke, 8pm-close

Karaoke, 8pm-close

Thirsty Thursdays



HULA GRILL - Thu, Kealii Lum and Friends 2-5pm; Thu, Damon Parillo and Friends 6-9pm; Fri, Derick Sebastian 11am-1pm; Fri, Ma’a 2-5pm; Sat, Kawika Lum Ho 2-5pm; Sat, Danyel Alana and Friends 6-9pm; Sun, Josh Lum 2-5pm; Sun, Lahui 6-9pm; Mon, Ua Aloha Maji 2-5pm; Mon, Keali’i Lum and Friends 6-9pm; Tue, Kawika Lum Ho 2-5pm; Tue, Wili Pohaku 6-9pm; Wed, Danyel Alana 2-5pm; Wed, Ernest Pua’a, Roy Kato and Kamuela Hamakua 6-9pm; (2435 Ka‘anapali Pkwy.); 808-667-6636; Hulagrillkaanapali.com

PI ARTISAN PIZZERIA - Fri, Danyel Alana 6-9pm; Mon, Scot Freeman 6-9pm; Wed, DJ Zinn 6-9pm; (900 Front St., Lahaina); 808-667-0791; Pi808.com

JAVA JAZZ - Thu, Rick Glencross 7-10pm; Fri, Guest Performers 7-10pm; Sat, Fultone Tashombe and Paul Bunuan 7-10pm; Sun, Jon Bowser 7-10pm; Mon, Soundlab 7-10pm; Tue, Nino Toscano 7-10pm; Wed, Fultone Tashombe and Paul Bunuan 7-10pm; (3350 L. Honoapi ilani Rd., Honokowai); 808-667-0787; Javajazzmaui.com

RELISH OCEANSIDE BAR AT WESTIN MAUI RESORT - Thu, Braddah Keoki Ruiz 6:30-9pm; Fri, Braddah Keoki Ruiz 6:30-9pm; Sat, Braddah Keoki Ruiz 6:30-9pm; Sun, Braddah Keoki Ruiz 6:30-9pm; Mon, Braddah Keoki Ruiz 6:30-9pm; Tue, Braddah Keoki Ruiz 6:30-9pm; Wed, Braddah Keoki Ruiz 6:30-9pm; (2365 Ka‘anapali Pkwy.); 808-667-2525; Westinmaui.com/dining/relish-oceanside

KIMO’S - Thu, Ma’a 6:30-8:30pm; Fri, Willie K 9-11pm; Sat, Ma’a 6:30-8:30pm; Sun, Benny and Rock 6-8pm; Mon, Benny and Rock 6-8pm; Tue, Sam Ahia 6:308:30pm; Wed, Sam Ahia 6:30-8:30pm; (845 Front St., Lahaina); 808-661-4811; Kimosmaui.com LAHAINA PIZZA COMPANY - Thu, John Kane 7:309:30pm; Fri, John Kane 7:30-9:30pm; Sat, Joseph Chee 7:30-9:30pm; Wed, Scotty Rotten 7:30-9:30pm; (730 Front St., Lahaina); 808-661-0700; Lahainapizzaco.com LEILANI’S ON THE BEACH - Thu, Josh Kahula and Dave of ‘Nuff Sedd’ 3-5pm; Fri, JD and Friends 3-5pm; Sun, ‘Kilohana’ Merv Oana and Duane Feig 3-5pm; Wed, Jarret Roback, Josh Kahula and Roy Kato 3-5pm; (2435 Ka‘anapali Pkwy.); 808-661-4495; Leilanis.com LONGHI’S - Thu, Summer Macedo and Shawn McLauglin 5:30-7:30pm; Fri, Brian and Meryl 5:30-7:30pm; Sun, Two Cats 6-9pm; Mon, Chad Kaya 5:30-7:30pm; Tue, Wilmont Kahaialii and Shawn McLaughlin 5:30-7:30pm; (888 Front St., Lahaina); 808-667-2288; Longhis.com MERRIMAN’S KAPALUA - Thu, Ranga Pae 5:308:30pm; Fri, Brian Massa and Meryl Yecies 3-5pm; Fri, Peter deAquino 3-5pm; Fri, Ranga Pae 5:30-8:30pm; Sat, Gabe and Austin 10am-1pm; Sat, Ranga Pae 5:308:30pm; Sun, Peter deAquino 3-5pm; Sun, David Wolf 5:30-8:30pm; Mon, David Wolf 3-5pm; Mon, David Wolf 5:30-8:30pm; Tue, Brian Massa and Meryl Yecies 3-5pm; Tue, Phil and Angela Benoit 5:30-8:30pm; Wed, Peter deAquino 3-5pm; Wed, Ranga Pae 5:30-8:30pm; (1 Bay Club Pl., Kapalua); 808-669-6400; Merrimanshawaii.com PACIFIC’O ON THE BEACH - Fri, The Armadillo 4:30-6:30pm; Sat, David King 4:30-6:30pm; (505 Front St., Lahaina); 808-667-4341; Pacificomaui.com PAILOLO BAR AND GRILL AT WESTIN KA‘ANAPALI RESORT - Thu, Live Music 6-9pm; Tue, Live Music 5-8pm; Wed, Live Music 5-8pm; (6 Kai Ala Dr., Ka‘anapali); 808-667-3200; Westinkaanapali.com/dining/pailolo PAU HUAKA‘I TIKI BAR - Fri, Josh Sumibcay 5-8pm; Mon, Kawika Ortiz 6-8pm; (180 Nohea Kai Dr., Ka‘anapali); 808-662-1000; Kaanapalibeach.hyatt.com

Early Bird half-off for Kamaaina 5:15pm; TUEV-Day Menu

PINEAPPLE GRILL - Fri, Johnny Ringo 3-6pm; Sat, Guest Musician 3-6pm; Sun, Codae 3-6pm; (200 Kapalua Dr.); 808-669-9600; Pineapplegrillmaui.com PIONEER INN - Thu, Greg di Piazza 6-9pm; Mon, Kalani 6-9pm; Tue, Ah-Tim Eleniki 6-9pm; (658 Wharf St., Lahaina); 808-661-3636 / 808-270-4858; Pioneerinnmaui.com

SANGRITA GRILL AND CANTINA - Thu, Live Flamenco Music by Indio and Avi 6:30-8:30pm; (2580 Kekaa Dr., Ka‘anapali); 808-662-6000; Sangritagrill.com SANSEI - Sat, Matagi Trio 10-10pm; (600 Office Rd., Kapalua); 808-669-6286; Sanseihawaii.com SEA HOUSE RESTAURANT AT NAPILI KAI RESORT - Thu, Phillip Stevens 7-9pm; Fri, Phillip Stevens 7-9pm; Sat, Fausto Allosada 7-9pm; Sun, Albert Kaina 7-9pm; Mon, Albert Kaina 7-9pm; Tue, Albert Kaina 7-9pm; Wed, Fausto Allosada 7-9pm; (5900 L. Honoapi‘ilani Rd., Napili); 808-669-1500; Seahousemaui.com

SOUTH MAUI BOTERO LOUNGE AT GRAND WAILEA - ThuWed, Contemporary Hawaiian Music 5-10pm; (3850 Wailea Alanui Dr.); 808-875-1234; Grandwailea.com/experience/dine/botero-lounge CHEESEBURGER ISLAND STYLE - Thu, Mark Burnett 5:30-8:30pm; Fri, Brooks Maguire 5:30-8:30pm; Sat, Brooks Maguire 5:30-8:30pm; (3750 Wailea Alanui Dr.); 808-874-8990; Cheeseburgernation.com DIAMONDS ICE BAR AND GRILL - Sun, Gina Martinelli Band 7-9pm; (1279 S. Kihei Rd.); 808-874-9299; Diamondsicebar.com GANNON’S WAILEA - Thu, Ricardo Dioso 5:307:30pm; Fri, Fulton Tashombe 5:30-7:30pm; (100 Wailea Golf Club Dr.); 808-875-8080; Gannonsrestaurant.com KONO’S ON THE GREEN - Thu, Jim Spector 5:30-8:30pm; Fri, Sal Godinez Band 5-8pm; Sat, Neto Peraza 5:30-7:30pm; Sun, Island Soul Dance Party 5-8pm; Wed, Jim Spector 5:307:30pm; (470 Lipoa Pkwy., Kihei); 808-633-4220; Konosonmaui.com LUANA LOUNGE AT FAIRMONT KEA LANI - Fri, Live Entertainment 7-10pm; Sat, Live Entertainment 7-10pm; (4100 Wailea Alanui Dr.); 808-875-4100; Fairmont.com/kea-lani-maui/dining/luana

MAUI BREWING COMPANY - Thu, Yum Yum Beast 5-8pm; Fri, Kanoa 5-8pm; Sat, Daniel Shishido 5-8pm; Sun, Randall Rospond 5-8pm; Mon, Johnny Ringo 5-8pm; Tue, Elaine Ryan 6-8pm; Wed, Damien Awai 5-8pm; (605 Lipoa Pkwy., Kihei); 808-213-3002; Mauibrewingco.com MONKEYPOD KITCHEN - Thu, Dat Guyz 1-3pm; Thu, Levi and Chad 4-6pm; Thu, Louis and Lewis 7-9pm; Fri, Stay EZ 1-3pm; Fri, Tom Conway 4-6pm; Sat, Ron Kualaua 1-3pm; Sat, An Den 4-6pm; Sat, Randall Rospond 7-9pm; Sun, T-Flatz and The Highlights 1-3pm; Sun, Dat Guyz 4-6pm; Sun, Ohana Groove 7-9pm; Mon, Tom Conway 4-6pm; Mon, Josh Kahula 7-9pm; Tue, Stay EZ 4-6pm; Tue, Ohana Groove 7-9pm; Wed, Damien and Brian 1-3pm; Wed, Alika 4-6pm; Wed, Jarret 7-9pm; (10 Wailea Gateway Center); 808-891-2322; Monkeypodkitchen.com/wailea MULLIGAN’S ON THE BLUE - Thu, Pat Simmons Jr. 6:30-8:30pm; Fri, Soul Kitchen Big Band 7-9pm; Sat, Makai Jazz Group 6:30-8:30pm; Sun, The Celtic Tigers 7-9:30pm; Mon, Joyce and Gord 6:30-8:30pm; Wed, Joel Katz 5:15-6:15pm; Wed, Willie K 6:308:30pm; (100 Kaukahi St., Wailea); 808-874-1131; Mulligansontheblue.com OHANA SEAFOOD BAR AND GRILL - Thu, Contemporary Island Music 4-8pm; Fri, Contemporary Island Music 4-8pm; Sat, Contemporary Island Music 4-8pm; Sun, Contemporary Island Music 4-8pm; Mon, Contemporary Island Music 4-8pm; Tue, Contemporary Island Music 4-8pm; Wed, Contemporary Island Music 4-8pm; (1945 S. Kihei Rd.); 808-868-3247; Ohanaseafoodgrill.com

PLAYMAKERS SPORTS BAR - Fri, Brant Quick 7-11pm; (928 L Main St., Wailuku); 808-244-4804; Facebook.com/Playmakers-Sports-Bar SEASCAPE MA‘ALAEA RESTAURANT - Fri, Kaulike Pescaia 5-7:30pm; (192 Ma‘alaea Rd.); 808-5149-3071; Mauioceancenter.com/dine WHOLE FOODS MARKET - Fri, Aloha Friday Music Jam 11:30am-2:30pm; (70 Ka‘ahumanu Ave., Kahului); 808-872-3310; Wholefoodsmarket.com

UPCOUNTRY MAUI CAFE MAMBO MAUI - Tue, Brant Quick 4-8pm; (30 Baldwin Ave., Paia); 808-579-8021; Cafemambomaui.com CAFE DES AMIS - Mon, Mark Johnstone 6:30-8:30pm; (42 Baldwin Ave., Paia); 808-579-6323; Cdamaui.com CHARLEY’S RESTAURANT AND SALOON - Thu, Mark Johnstone 6:30-8:30pm; Mon, Charley’s Live Band 7-10pm; Wed, Randall Rospond 6:30-8:30pm; (142 Hana Hwy., Paia); 808-579-8085; Charleysmaui.com FLATBREAD COMPANY - Thu, Randall Rospond 5:30-8pm; (89 Hana Hwy., Paia); 808579-8989; Flatbreadcompany.com NOURISH HEALTH BAR AND CAFE PAIA Sat, Live Acoustic 6-8pm; (161 Hana Hwy., Paia); Facebook.com/pg/NourishHealthBarMaui

PITA PARADISE - Sat, David Wolf 5:30-8pm; Sun, Phil and Angela Benoit 6:30-9pm; (34 Wailea Gateway Center); 808-879-7177; Pitaparadisehawaii.com SOUTH SHORE TIKI LOUNGE - Thu, Jaime Gallo 4-6pm; Fri, Randall Rospond 4-6pm; Sat, Tom Conway 4-6pm; Sun, Viva La Rumba 4-6pm; Mon, Kanoa 4-6pm; Tue, Jon Bowser 4-6pm; Wed, Natalie Nicole 4-6pm; (1913 S. Kihei Rd.); 808-874-6444; Southshoretikilounge.com THE RESTAURANT AT HOTEL WAILEA - Fri, Mark Johnstone 7-9pm; Sat, Mark Johnstone 7-9pm; (555 Kaukahi Rd., Wailea); 808-879-2224; Hotelwailea.com/rhw

CENTRAL MAUI BEACH BUMS MA’ALAEA - Fri, Mike Finkiewicz and Tom Cherry 5-8pm; Fri, Mark Burnett 5-8pm; Tue, Randall Rospond 5-8pm; Wed, Mark Burnett 5-8pm; (300 Ma‘alaea Rd.); 808-243-2286; Beachbumshawaii.com KAHILI RESTAURANT - Wed, Ron Kuala’au 4-5:30pm; (2500 Honoapi‘ilani Hwy., Waikapu); 808-866-5025; Mauiliveevents.com KAHULUI ALE HOUSE - Thu, Local Live Music 5-8pm; Fri, Local Live Music 5-8pm; Sat, Local Live Music 5-8pm; Sun, Local Live Music 5-8pm; Mon, Local Live Music 5-8pm; Tue, Local Live Music 5-8pm; Wed, Local Live Music 5-8pm; (355 E. Kamehameha Ave., Kahului); 808-877-9001; Kahuluialehouse.com

FEBRUARY 9, 2017 27


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by Caeriel Crestin


Sign Language AQUARIUS (JAN. 20-FEB. 18)

Life should start to feel significantly lusher this week. That’s a good thing after the kind of bare bones winter you’ve had. Enjoy your suddenly much more rich-feeling surroundings this week, but please don’t overindulge. All that abundance after the Spartan existence of your most recent chapter could make you sick. And the last thing you want is to be miserable because your life has gotten better. So go ahead and enjoy the improvements that have come your way– but go slow. Savor them slowly–and make them (and your enjoyment of them) last that much longer. PISCES (FEB. 19-MARCH 20)

You suck at making decisions to a timetable. So what? When you’re left to your own devices, this isn’t a problem. It’s only when you’re required to conform to somebody else’s schedule that you run into trouble. As hard as you try, you sometimes encounter an unavoidable, seemingly impossible deadline. Every Pisces needs a strategy for dealing with these situations effectively. I know some who simply flip a coin (a few times) and abide by whatever the result is, despite their own misgivings. They’ve recognized that they’d have misgivings–or at least mixed feelings–either way. What’s your tactic? Don’t have one? Work on that, this week. ARIES (MARCH 21-APRIL 19)

Many Rams have trouble seeing long-term (and occasionally even short-term) projects through to fruition. They feel compelled to sample many different experiences, and move on to new ones quickly. This is absolutely fine–as long as it doesn’t become a lifelong habit. Members of your tribe are usually very successful, once they’ve learned to rein in that intense (but ever-shifting) focus. The ones who learn to stay excited long after the honeymoon glow has faded are the ones who get rich, married, and famous. The ones who don’t–well they don’t get much of anywhere. TAURUS (APRIL 20-MAY 20)

Taureans rarely seek the easy way out. You don’t often shrink from unpleasant realities, or hesitate to work your way out of a hole. That’s why when there’s a simple route to success, absolution, or happiness, you don’t trust it–frequently you don’t even notice it! Of course, there’s no such thing as a free ride, so I don’t expect you to fall for any of the sucker trips that nail some of the more naïve signs. However, keep your eyes peeled for a realistic shortcut this week, because one is very likely to present itself. I know I’m fond of reminding people that the journey is more important than the destination, and I still stand by that. But I also believe that a good journey isn’t necessarily the one that takes the longest way around.

Take things at face value–without imbuing them with hidden meanings–or don’t take them at all. LEO (JULY 23-AUG. 22)

You really can’t keep a good Leo down. Now that you’re free of the dampening influences of some of those who were holding you back (mostly without meaning to, to be fair), you can go ahead and thrive in ways you haven’t been able to in many months. Concentrate on rediscovering the parts of yourself that you’d nearly forgotten about, and certainly haven’t–in recent memory– expressed. Remember what’s great about you? I’ll give you a hint. One of the things I admire about Leos is their bold, unabashed, honest directness. You used to say shit most other signs just don’t have the guts to say. Isn’t it time you started again?



The convoluted, exhausting hoops you make others jump through are nothing compared to the obstacle courses you make yourself suffer. Why do you do this to us and to yourself? Your eagerness to leap to concrete conclusions based on a broad spectrum of ever-shifting emotions only makes life more unpleasant for you and everyone. “Because of this and that and this, it means they don’t love me.” Shit like that, whether it’s “true” or not (and it’s probably not), isn’t the least bit helpful and only makes it more likely that you’ll manifest the scenario that you dread. Please keep that in mind this week.


...to questions from page 4

1: C–Neal Katyal 2: D–35 3: E–Requires that three commissioners on each police commission have backgrounds that include equality for women, civil rights and law enforcement.

RESTORE YOUR CORE: Yoga Workshop Series Come back to your center and tap into your: power, strength, creativity and stillness!

VIRGO (AUG. 23-SEPT. 22)

When I encounter someone who’s gung-ho to tear astrology a new bumhole with their well-honed skepticism, I pop their philosophical hard-on by cheerfully agreeing it’s all bullshit. When I meet someone more open-minded, however, I’m usually happy to indulge their curiosity and even share whatever advice or guidance I can come up with. I know you tend to trust your own instincts over others’ insights, but this week I suggest you sheathe your cynicism; it’s not currently doing you any good. You need someone who’s objective to help you with this one–preferably a stranger. If you ask nicely, they might give you the advice and guidance you need.

Classes will combine Yoga, Core Work, Meditation & Breath Work With Megan from: & Rachel G from

LIBRA (SEPT. 23-OCT. 22)

You’ve been feeling as out of place lately as a fashionista trying to buy an outfit in an auto parts store. You’ve had plenty of resources, but nothing to spend them on. Luckily, this week you should find yourself more in your familiar element. That doesn’t mean you should go on a spending spree, though. Sure, treat yo’self. But don’t go crazy. There are plenty of rainy days ahead, so keep something aside so you’re able to get yourself a new umbrella when they hit. SCORPIO (OCT. 23-NOV. 21)

If you give a dog treats all the time, they cease to be treats, really. They come to expect them, and they’re suddenly more likely to be a source of disappointment (when they don’t get one) than pleasure. That’s not to say they don’t enjoy them every time you offer one, but they’re no longer quite so special. You see where I’m going with this, right? This is not, of course, a reason to start withholding (from yourself or anyone) the basic pleasures of your existence. But choose at least one special thing that you’ll strive to keep that way, and not ruin with overindulgence. SAGITTARIUS (NOV. 22-DEC. 21)

You’re gorgeous, darling. You’ve been lovely all along–only this week people are more likely to actually notice. That ought to feel good after feeling more or less invisible the last few months. Don’t let it go to your head, though; part of the reason people are looking at you with a new eye is because of the kind of humility or modesty you’ve acquired during this last chapter. Don’t start showing off now. Quiet confidence is the way. Go ahead and bask in this overdue spotlight of attention, but please resist the urge to perform in it.

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Yeah, you could just wipe your hands of the whole thing and walk away. It doesn’t technically have anything to do with you, after all. But it’s happening in your neighborhood, so to speak. Most of the time, you’re right– you’d be better off leaving well enough alone. But in this case you actually have the power to do something about a situation–if not make it right, at least improve it. I confess, I buy into that whole “with power comes responsibility” thing, so if I were in your shoes, I’d feel some kind of obligation to try. Don’t you? CAPRICORN (DEC. 22-JAN. 19)

It’s not that there aren’t many layers to you; it’s that you’ve got them so well compartmentalized and under control–each one emerges when it’s appropriate–that most people think of you as an incredibly consistent, excessively-focused, and slightly boring person. They don’t get to see all the other sides of you–except maybe this week, when it might be in your best interest to allow some cracks, at least, to appear in the façade. Hell, while you’re at it, just rip off your business suit, stripper-style, and show off what you’ve got underneath. I mean, if you’re going to do it, why not do it with some kind of flair? To contact Caeriel send mail to sign.language.astrology@gmail.com

FEBRUARY 9, 2017 29

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