22.34 Health & Wellness Issue 2019, January 31, 2019, Volume 22, Issue 34, MauiTime

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JANUARY 31, 2019 ✚ VOLUME 22 ✚ ISSUE 34 ✚ FREE

Health & Wellness Maui's Mind-Body-Spirit Guide PG.12



JANUARY 31, 2019

Contents VOLUME 22 ✚ ISSUE 34

What are you doing for your mind-body-spirit in 2019?


Advertising Executive: Sarah Gerlach (808) 283-3260 / sarah@mauitime.com Puppies Art Director & Production Manager: Darris Hurst artdirector@mauitime.com / darrishurst.com Less Hippies Graphic Designers: Albert Cortez, Brittany Skiller (More time with God)

Thursdays at 6:30PM

Maui's Mind-Body-Spirit Guide PG.15

Admin Executive: Shan Kekahuna (808) 244-0777 / office@mauitime.com Podcast

Saturday, March 9th at 10AM

Cover Design By: Darris Hurst


5 12 19 20 21 22 23 29 30 31


April Ki Principles Classes Thur, Fri. at 6:30PM

May Meditation/Ki Breathing Classes Wed at 6:30PM

June Introductory Ki & Aikido Course Thursdays at 6:30PM

July Special Meditation Workshop Saturday, July 6th 10AM

August Ki Principles - Workshop

Saturday, Aug 24th 10AM

September Beginning Aikido Classes

Pukalani Tuesdays at 8PM

October Ki Principles Classes

Thur, Fridays at 6:30PM

November Meditation/ Ki Breathing Classes

Photographer: Sean Michael Hower mauiweddingmedias.com / howerphotography.com Surfing more Contributors: Jenn Brown, Caeriel Crestin, Lantana Hoke, Suzanne Kayian, Andrew Miller, Alex Mitchell, Ron Pitts, Chuck Shepherd, Barry Wurst II

March Self Defense Workshop

Welcome to the 2019 Health & Wellness Issue

Maui Ki-Aikido

Culinary, Lifestyle & Business Editor: Jennifer Russo (808) 280-3286 / jen@mauitime.com @jenrusso on Twitter Smiling more

February Introduction to Ki & Aikido

JANUARY 31, 2019 ✚ VOLUME 22 ✚ ISSUE 34 ✚ FREE

Health & Wellness

Publisher: Tommy Russo (808) 283-0512 / tommy@mauitime.com @tommyrusso on Twitter Yoga Editor: Axel Beers (808) 283-1308 / editor@mauitime.com @axelbeers on Twitter Writing more

2019 Class Highlights


Maui Ki-Aikido


Join Us in Practicing the Art of Ki-Aikido

Wednesdays at 6:30PM

MauiTime is published every Thursday by MauiTime Productions, Inc. Its contents are Copyright © 2019 by MauiTime Productions, Inc. All rights reserved. Subscriptions are available at $110 per year. Reproduction or use without permission is strictly prohibited. MauiTime may be distributed only by MauiTime’s authorized independent contractor. MauiTime is valued at $.50 per copy and permits one complimentary copy per person. No person may, without written permission of MauiTime, take more than one copy of each weekly issue. All opinions expressed throughout MauiTime are those of the authors and not necessarily the same opinions as MauiTime Productions, Inc. and MauiTime. MauiTime 16 S. Market St., Ste. 2K, Wailuku, HI 96793 office (808) 244-0777 www.mauitime.com @mauitime on Twitter Deadlines: Display Advertising: Friday 5pm Classified: Monday Noon Calendar: Monday Noon Circulation: 18,000 copies of MauiTime

Children’s beginner classes are held

Saturday 8:30AM & Tuesdays 5:30PM 6yrs+

Training the mind and body through the art of Ki-Aikido

mauiaikido.com • 194 S. Market St., Wailuku call 357-5172 or email MauiKiAikido@gmail.com

JANUARY 31, 2019



JANUARY 31, 2019

News & Views

By Deborah Caulfield Rybak

It's the Water, Stupid Mahi Pono hasn’t told the public what it plans to plant, but demands the water to do it anyway






of bills Mahi Pono really needs help with. Without them, the farming venture is at grave risk, as is the future of farming here on Maui. And failure isn’t an option,” he added ominously. Lester also took a shot at the Sierra Club (akin to kicking Grandma), saying that he heard the organization opposed the bills. when an open community meet“Why? Who knows...” He suggested the ing might be held. Still no answers.] nonprofit’s stance could “cause great harm [Also, political junkies may be scratching to Maui’s farming future.” their heads at the strange bedfellows these Lester’s email so irritated one Maui resident that he proffered a new nickname for the two- bills are making. Stalwart A&B supporter J. Kalani English supporting an anti-big agrimonth old corporation: “Maybe Pono.” culture bill? Oy.] Community activist Lucienne de Naie We’re not alone in asking questions: was quick to describe the bill’s intent. “It’s a blank check,” said de Naie, the conservation DeCoite, one of the few farmers serving in the state legislature, said she’s perplexed by chair of Sierra Club’s Maui chapter. “A&B’s Mahi Pono. “There are a lot of gray areas that version was, ‘We need every drop of water Mahi Pono needs to clarify,” she said. “They we can get. We can’t possibly have anything interfere with these revocable permits.’ Mahi haven’t answered many questions. They keep saying, ‘Just trust us.’ And I say, ‘Trust no one.’ Pono is asking for the same thing.” De Naie isn’t the only one troubled by Mahi Pono’s push for unfettered access to water. After seeing the bill, Rep. Lynn DeCoite drafted HB1573 (Sen. J. Kalani English sponsored the companion Senate Bill 1488) which is pretty much the polar opposite of the Mahi Pono initiative. DeCoite’s bill simply prohibits “any water use permit that authorizes the diversion of water from East Maui streams for commercial purposes.” “I drafted the bill because constituents in my area have grave concerns about these water permits,” said DeCoite, whose District 13 covers East Maui, Lana‘i, and Moloka‘i. Rep. Tina Wildberger supports DeCoite’s bill “They have been waiting for their water for a long time. If they have to wait for their Not until you get all the facts.” water, then nobody gets permits first.” She Newly elected South Maui Rep. Tina added, “Look, if you live Upcountry and Wildberger also supports DeCoite’s bill. you want a water meter, you have to generate a farm plan. Where’s [Mahi Pono’s] farm “It’s not my desire to subvert Mahi Pono’s efforts,” she said in an interview. “But I also plan showing what it’s going to grow and don’t want to greenlight the A&B-style ‘take what its water needs will be? If it doesn’t everything and leave nothing.’ I promised have a farm plan, then get one.” my community that I would not be an When contacted, Lester said he wasn’t automatic ‘yes’ person to the establishment bothered by the reaction to his email. and the old ways of doing business.” “Whatever is going to be happening with However, resolving these diametricallythe large purchase like this is going to opposed bills will probably involve an ageupset some. I’m more than happy to meet old method of doing political business: the with any groups that have questions.” backroom deal. Those familiar with the situ[Not to put too fine a point on it, but ation say Mahi Pono wants to know what it’s MauiTime has repeatedly asked Lester and his boss Shan Tsutsui for details on the kinds going to take to keep the opposition at bay. Such a negotiation will most likely require a of crops Mahi Pono intends to plant, for an lot more transparency on Mahi Pono’s part explanation on the seeming difference in in outlining exactly what the corporation has the company’s stated Hawai‘i growing phiplanned for Maui – and its water. ■ losophy (food security) and parent compadeborah@mauitime.com ny Pomona Farming's California commodity crop activity (almond trees), for detailed For more news articles, visit: maps of the land purchased, for interviews mauitime.com/news with company principals, and for details on SERIES

First a bit of background. East Maui’s water has been the source of contention and legislation since the first water lease was granted by King David Kalakaua in 1876. Big growers like Claus Spreckels and Alexander & Baldwin demanded cheap water for Central Maui sugarcane and took it; East Maui farmers needed water for more traditional crops like kalo, as well as other cultural practices, and lost it. Over the years, constant sugarcane-related diversions emptied streams and ruined the ecosystem. In 2018, a 17-year water diversion battle ended when the state water commission ordered the full restoration of water flow Lester’s email raised eyebrows in the community to ten East Maui streams, plus limited or no diversions from another seven streams so that [MauiTime first broke the story of the habitat could be restored. sale of Alexander & Baldwin’s old sugarcane It was a big victory for kalo farmers, fishlands in November 2018. Our ongoing ermen, hunters, and cultural practitioners -Changing Maui: Mahi Pono series investiat least on paper. Restoring the streams has gates the new owners of these massive land been slow going. A&B dragged its corporate holdings and the changes they will bring to feet implementing the state-mandated Maui. It is part of Changing Maui, a larger changes, but still wanted its water permits series on the changes facing Maui County.] renewed – even after it stopped growing sugarcane. Arguments continue over the ell, the Mahi Pono charm way the state has continued to grant “revooffensive is over. Just five cable” one-year water permits to A&B, even weeks after buying 56,000 though the company hasn’t fully complied acres of Maui farmland and with the requirements for getting those perwatershed for $262 million, the Californiamits. And the three-year limit on the revocontrolled, Canadian pension fund-bankcable one-year permits expires this year. rolled corporation apparently is through In short: It’s an unholy mess. with its cursory “listening” tour. An email Enter Mahi Pono (meaning “to grow or from social activist-turned-Mahi Pono cultivate properly”) which began wooing consultant Sean Lester recently made the lawmakers on the first day of the 2019 sesrounds in Maui agricultural and environsion. The results of that effort were immedimental circles, and – to put it mildly – eyeate. Bills were rapidly introduced by Sen. Gil brows were raised. Gone was the “We are Keith-Agaran (D-Central Maui) in the Senate stewards of the land” mask. Underneath? A (SB 1116); and Upcountry Rep. Kyle Yaslavering Lord of the Rings Gollum whose mashita was among supporters of the House “Precious,” in this case, is water. Lots and version, HB1326. The identical bills amend lots of East Maui water. an existing water lease statute by basically sweeping away any time constraints or challenges that might slow the granting of “revocable water permits” to companies like, well, Mahi Pono. To boost this water campaign, consultant Lester fired off a strident email demanding support, liberally employing caps and boldface: “ANYONE WHO WANTS A FARMING FUTURE AND FOOD SECURITY FOR MAUI NEEDS TO STRONGLY SUPPORT THIS BILL IN ANY WAY POSSIBLE NOW.” In the email, Lester maintained that Mahi Pono’s success depends on “a long-term solid water source… what a blessing this will be for all of us.” DeCoite’s bill stops commercial water diversion He wrote, “This is the set

JANUARY 31, 2019


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JANUARY 31, 2019

News & Views

by Axel Beers


ment: “At what point do we as a society see the connection between [violent hate crimes] and the religious bigotry being fomented in our society? We must all stand for religious freedom and call out this bigotry whenever it raises its ugly head.” Look, I’m all for religious freedom. Frankly, it’s policy and leadership that matters most to me in any politician. But when a candidate comes fresh out the gate, misrepresenting a valid critique rather than debating ideas, that shows neither of those qualities. I say we must stand for critical thinking, and call out BS whenever we smell it. [As of press time, Rep. Gabbard and Soumya Shankar did not respond to a request for comment.] Gabbard's comments are being used to attack Senate Democrats

TULSI GABBARD PENS NEW OP-ED, MISREPRESENTS CRITICISM Presidential candidate Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-2nd District) penned another oped over the weekend affirming the importance of religious liberty and denouncing bigotry. The Jan. 26 editorial for Religion News Service, titled “Religious bigotry is un-American,” echoes the call of her previous opinion piece in The Hill, “Elected leaders who weaponize religion are playing a dangerous game.” Whereas Gabbard’s piece in The Hill was interpreted as a response to Sen. Mazie Hirono’s (D-HI) questions regarding a Trump judicial nominee’s Catholic background in relation to his stance on abortion, the latest piece includes veiled references to a Jan. 5 article in The Intercept, “Tulsi Gabbard Is a Rising Progressive Star, Despite Her Support for Hindu Nationalists.” “While the headlines covering my announcement could have celebrated this historic first [of a Hindu presidential candidate], and maybe even informed Americans about the world’s third largest religion,” Gabbard wrote for RNS, “some have instead fomented suspicion, fear and religious bigotry about not only me but also my supporters.” “That Hindus – alongside countless Christians, Muslims, Jews, Buddhists, agnostics and atheists – support me should not be newsworthy,” Gabbard continued. “But some media outlets have chosen to craft a false narrative of intrigue by profiling and targeting all of my donors who have names of Hindu origin and accusing them of being ‘Hindu nationalists.’” Her comment points to a sentence that was retracted by The Intercept on Jan. 25 with a note from the editor: “A previous version of this article included a parenthetical sentence about donations to Tulsi Gabbard from individuals with names of Hindu origin, as identified by an expert. The sentence was intended to show Gabbard’s broad base of support in the Hindu-American community, given her standing as the

first Hindu in Congress. We did not intend to question the motives of those political donors. We apologize for any such implication, and we have removed the sentence.” The fact remains, however, that Gabbard is misrepresenting the Intercept article and its methodology. As author Soumya Shankar wrote for The Intercept, “We cross-checked the names of Gabbard’s donors against opensource materials linked to Sangh organizations [a network of groups subscribing to a Hindu-supremacist ideology], such as event announcements and the groups’ websites. According to our analysis, at least 105 current and former officers and members of U.S. Sangh affiliates, and their families, have donated hundreds of thousands of dollars to Gabbard’s campaigns since 2011.” Gabbard does not address this data, and misses Shankar’s broader point that “Her progressive domestic politics are at odds with her support for authoritarians abroad, including Modi, Sisi, and Syria’s Bashar al-Assad. As right-wing nationalism rises across the globe, it is beginning to be recognized as an existential threat to a world order rooted in liberal democratic values, and Gabbard, an Iraq War veteran, is now being pushed to choose sides.” Rather than discuss these points in her op-ed, Gabbard waxed further about religious liberty, including this urgent state-

HAWAI‘I HOTEL REVENUE CLIMBS DESPITE TURBULENT YEAR, DO WE GET A CUT? Two major storms, a historic hotel-worker strike, floods, and active lava flows – through all that happened in Hawai‘i’s tempestuous 2018, one thing held fast: Hotels thrived. According to a hotel performance report released Friday by the Hawai‘i Tourism Authority, annual revenue for Hawai‘i’s hotels increased from 2017 to 2018 by 4.6 percent, to a total of $4.36 billion last year. Hotels in Maui County saw a total revenue gain of 8.2 percent, from $1.25 billion in 2017 to $1.35 billion in 2018. Despite a slight (0.7-percent) decrease in Maui’s hotel room demand from 2017 to 2018, revenue rose due to increases in average daily hotel rates and revenue per available hotel room, the report stated. Among competitive “sun and sea destinations” examined by the report in 2018, Maui County ranked third in revenue per available room and average daily rate, behind the Maldives and French Polynesia. In spite of the slight decrease in hotel occupancy, O‘ahu, Kaua‘i, and Maui ranked in the top three competitive sun and sea destinations when it came to occupancy percentage. That is all to say what you already knew: Maui no ka ‘oi. We can be battered by storms and tempered by fire, and still come out on the top of worldwide tourist destination rankings.


61% - No

Last week we talked about the Wailuku Civic Complex. We asked readers on Facebook and Mauitime.com if they support the Civic Complex as currently planned. 61% of you voted “No.” This week we ask: Do you think the county should raise the hotel real property tax?

Vote online at mauitime.com or facebook.com/mauitime Send comments to editor@mauitime.com

But while hotels continue to see revenue gains, the story looks different for locals. Last year, it took hotel workers at Sheraton Maui, and other Kyo-ya-owned hotels across the state, 51 days on the picket line – on strike and without pay in the months leading into the holidays – before settling on a contract that ensured better pay and working conditions. Data compiled in December by the Hawai‘i Department of Business, Economic Development, and Tourism revealed that the median household income for the highest earning census tract on Maui has increased while the median household income in Maui’s lowest earning tract has decreased, deepening income inequality between areas. And the Realtors Association of Maui reported that the median price of a home on Maui in 2018 was $710,000. These are signs of the all-too-familiar struggle for working locals, and given the toll the tourism industry has on our way of life – from crowded beaches and parks, to increased traffic, infrastructure pressure, and ecological stress – the question remains: Is the prosperous hotel industry paying its fair share? In his State of the State Address, Governor David Ige said that he would ask the legislature to remove the cap on the transient accommodations tax and allocate a straight percentage of TAT funds collected to the counties. The TAT revenue would include “monies earmarked to maintain our state parks, trails, beaches and waters to the benefit of both residents and visitors,” he added. That’s a start, and his bills, HB198 and SB1209 would help to inject more money into the county that could be used for the public’s benefit. Other proposals that are still alive in the State Legislature include HB1173 and its companion SB198, which would allow counties to further stick the bill to tourists with an additional surcharge tacked onto the TAT. At the county level, an oft-debated topic is the fact that Maui County has the lowest hotel and resort real property tax rate of any county in Hawai‘i. Real property tax revenue represents the most significant form of income for the county, and raising the tax rate on the growing hotel industry could be an effective way to offset the cost of services, affordable housing, and environmental protection – while placing more responsibility on the corporations that commodify Hawai‘i. Many politicians campaigned last year proclaiming the need for environmental protection, affordable housing, social services, and providing opportunities for the youth – and yes, these things cost money. With Maui’s fiscal year 2020 budget sessions just months away, time will tell if the council puts its (our) money where their mouth is. And if anyone says cash is the problem, I have a clue where they can find it. ■ editor@mauitime.com + @axelbeers For more news articles, visit: mauitime.com/news

JANUARY 31, 2019


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JANUARY 31, 2019

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News & Views

by Suzanne Kayian


into streets around the globe. “Our goal is to learn from their very seasoned team of artists and collaborators and incorporate any challenges and successes into the forthcoming implementation of Small Town, Big Art,” Wade said. A call-to-artists for the Small Town, Big Art pilot program will be distributed online this month, with its first round of artists selected in February. The selected artist(s) will be commissioned to present an innovative work of public art that aligns with ‘olelo no’eau (wise sayings) preselected by Hale Ho‘ike‘ike at the Bailey House/Maui Historical Society and addresses the town of Wailuku’s distinctive sense of place, history, and culture. Wailuku El. mural by Noble Richardson. More murals coming soon


Maui’s Great Whale Count by Pacific Whale Foundation was coordinated to commence on the same day as the 2019 Hawaiian Islands Humpback Whale National Marine Sanctuary Ocean Count on Jan. 26. This is the first year that both counts are coordinated on the same days, ensuring the data from all main islands is collected simultaneously. It is also the first year that Pacific Whale Foundation is expanding their Great Whale Count on Maui from one month to three. The annual Great Whale Count brings volunteers together to count whales from shore as part of a long-term survey of humpback whales in Hawai‘i, with 12 survey sites on the shoreline of Maui. This event provides a snapshot of trends in relative abundance of whales, and is one of the world’s longest-running citizenscientist projects. Both counts will take place three times during peak whale season: the last Saturdays in January, February, and March of 2019. More than 572 volunteers gathered

KIHEI CHARTER GENERATING POWER TO LIGHT UP THE PATH TO LEARNING Kihei Charter School is installing solar panels which are expected to generate 90 percent of peak power needs for the school. The panels, shown being wired at the Kihei Charter School Pavilion by Lawrence Baisa, will be connected to the Maui Electric Company power grid once the wiring is completed. The panels are part of a total of 1,250 panels that are part of a system also installed over the parking lot and on the flat roof of the school building. The system is expected to be operational by the end of February. More information about the solar panel system is available at Kiheicharter.org. ■ editor@mauitime.com For more news articles, visit: mauitime.com/news


World-renowned artists from Hawai‘i and around the globe are painting several murals over the course of 10 days at four sites within the Wailuku Redevelopment Area and locations throughout Central Maui, beginning Jan. 28. The murals are part of a public art program through PangeaSeed Foundation, an international nonprofit that has created 300 murals in 14 countries with a roster of more than 250 professional artists. PangeaSeed Foundation travels the world creating large-scale public murals and installations through the “Sea Walls: Artists for Oceans” program to promote the importance of long-term sustainability of natural resources. Discussions between the foundation and County of Maui began over the summer 2018 as the county presented its Small Town, Big Art pilot program for grant consideration by the National Endowment for the Arts; Small Town, Big Art – which launches later this year – aims to position the arts as a catalyst for neighborhood revitalization in Wailuku. “Wailuku is a place imbued with rich history,” said Tre Packard, founder and executive director of PangeaSeed Foundation. “With Maui being home to such a unique marine environment deserving of protection, we look forward to enriching Wailuku’s urban landscape by further beautifying the town and creating a real sense of pride and community ownership.” Maui-born artist Matt Agcolicol is coordinating the mural project, which involves approximately 20 artists, many of whom are from Hawai‘i. At least four artists from Maui are participating in the mural project: Noble Richardson, Amanda Joy Bowers, Kirk Kurokawa, and Elmer Bio Jr. “We were lucky to cross paths with Matt and the Sea Walls team during the research phase of our new Wailuku Town pilot public art program, Small Town, Big Art,” said Project Coordinator Kelly

McHugh. “In welcoming their artists to Maui, we encouraged them to work with Wailuku communities to focus their stories on our local issues.” The mural project provides a unique opportunity for local artists to interact and learn from internationally acclaimed painters, while providing their own teachings gained in Hawai‘i, according to organizers. Maui artists have supported the collaboration and look forward to painting Wailuku and Central Maui. “I’m born and raised in Wailuku,” Richardson said. “The moment you drive past the wall we are painting on, it opens up to a small town called Happy Valley that is wedged into the Wailuku Valley with a river that descends from the second wettest place in the world and flows through the center of the town. That already seems geographically unique to the world. It is unique to me because it is where all my early imprinted memories originate from. This valley is where my artistic interests were born, it is where lifetime family members were made, and it is still the place I come to when my mind needs clarity. It is unique to me, because this is where my sister and I took root, and this is where our children’s roots are taking its place.” Maui Redevelopment Agency, the Office of Economic Development, Pacific Whale Foundation and other organizations have partnered to fund the project. OED Director Kay Fukumoto said the reason her office helped fund the program was to examine the ways in which artists and communities can come together to bring awareness about environmental protection. “From Mauna Kahalawai, to Main Street to Rivermouth, our actions impact the native ecosystems and watersheds,” Fukumoto said. Erin Wade, Maui Redevelopment Program planner and director of Small Town, Big Art, lauded PangeaSeed’s outstanding work through its public art program, which brings messages of conservation


data from the shores of O‘ahu, Kaua‘i, Hawai‘i and Maui islands during the first event of this year’s count. Combined, volunteers collected data from 51 sites across all the main islands. On Maui, the Great Whale Count volunteers collected data from 12 sites during timed intervals between 8:30am and 11:50am. A total of 359 whales were seen throughout the day, with 72 whales counted during the 8:30am to 8:45am time period, the most of any time period throughout the day’s count. Preliminary data detailing Sanctuary Ocean Count whale sightings by site location are available at Oceancount.org/ resources. Pacific Whale Foundation’s Great Whale Count data may be found at Mauiwhalefestival.org/greatwhalecount with additional information at Pacificwhale.org.

Hookin’ it up!

JANUARY 31, 2019


News & Views

by the Editors at Andrews McMeel

News Of The Weird FIRST-WORLD SOLUTION When Victoria Amith, 18, headed to college last fall, she couldn’t take along her beloved cats, Tina and Louise. And her dad, Troy Good, 43, couldn’t keep them at his new apartment in San Jose, California. So rather than abandon them, Good did what any doting daddy would do: He rented them an apartment of their own. Tina and Louise now live the good life in a 400-square-foot studio apartment behind the Willow Glen home of David Callisch, who told The San Jose Mercury News: “They’re very quiet, obviously. The only problem is they stink up the place.” Good pays $1,500 a month rent, and Callisch stops in every day to feed and play with the kitties. Sounds puuuurrrr-fect.


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10 JANUARY 31, 2019

On Jan. 1, Curtis Brooner filed a lawsuit claiming a Burger King in Wood Village, Oregon, reneged on its promise following a traumatic incident on Dec. 15. KATU-TV reports Brooner was having lunch at the fastfood joint that day when he became locked in the restroom. Employees provided him with a flyswatter to use to wrench the door open, but Brooner cut his hand on it, and the lawsuit says employees laughed at Brooner from the other side of the door. It wasn’t until an hour later, when a locksmith arrived, that he was set free. “To make things right,” said Brooner’s attorney, Michael Fuller, “the Burger King manager offered (Brooner) free food for the rest of his life” at that restaurant – and followed through for a few weeks. But eventually the regional manager stepped in and ended it. Brooner’s suit seeks damages of $9,026.16 – the price of one burger meal per week for the next 22 years. “There are funny elements of the case,” Fuller told KATU, “but there is nothing funny about being locked in a dank bathroom for an hour.”

GREAT ART! Namibian artist Max Siedentopf, 27, has placed an installation in the ancient Namib Desert, consisting of six speakers attached to an MP3 player projecting the song “Africa” by Toto – over and over and over, for all eternity. The song, released in 1982, has enjoyed a resurgence of popularity, and was one of Spotify’s “Top Throwback Songs” in 2018. Siedentopf told the BBC that solar batteries will keep the song playing forever: “I wanted to pay the song the ultimate homage and physically exhibit ‘Africa’ in Africa... but I’m sure the harsh environment of the desert will devour the installation eventually.”

‘I’VE SEEN WORSE’ Mmmm, breakfast! Around 7am on Jan. 6, at a McDonald’s in San Francisco, a man carried a dead raccoon into the restaurant and lay it on a table, then sat down with it. Restaurant patron Chris Brooks captured the spectacle on Facebook Live, recording as the man stood from his seat and walked around

the restaurant, talking with people. Another man, wearing gloves, then picked the raccoon up by its tail and took it outside to a garbage can, trailing blood on the floor. Fox News reported San Francisco police responded to the restaurant and released the unidentified raccoon owner after speaking with him. McDonald’s closed the store immediately and reopened two hours later after sanitizing the dining room. One patron wrote on Twitter: “I’ve seen worse than a dead raccoon at that same McDonald’s.”

LOVE GONE WRONG It was love at first... arrest, for 27-yearold Ashley Keister of Nanticoke, Pennsylvania, when she was apprehended by a West Wyoming, Pennsylvania, police officer last year. Ever since, Police Chief Curtis Nocera told the Associated Press, Keister had been harassing the officer with sexual messages on social media and would call 911 just to talk with him. On Jan. 7, police said, Keister took her infatuation a step further, using a large cigarette butt receptacle to break through the door of the West Wyoming police station around 1am, where she rummaged through filing cabinets. Keister was caught on surveillance video and was charged with aggravated assault on a police officer, burglary, and vandalism.

CRIME REPORT Isaias Garcia, 30, of Garland, Texas, pleaded guilty in a Bridgeport, Connecticut, courtroom on Jan. 10 to reduced charges stemming from a bizarre kidnapping scheme last April. Garcia had abducted a 21-year-old Fairfield man and was demanding $800 in ransom, the man’s aunt and father reported to police on April 6. Police told the aunt to request a photo to guarantee the young man was still alive, and when the photo arrived by text, ctpost.com reported, it showed the victim lying facedown in a bathtub with a 3-foot-long alligator on top of him, mouth open. In a subsequent phone call, the victim told his aunt: “Titi, man they got this alligator on me and they saying that if no money is given they are gonna have him chewing on me.” Police and the FBI were able to trace the phone calls to a hotel room, where Garcia was apprehended. He faces a year in prison.

BRIGHT IDEA In Williamson County, Texas, Sheriff Robert Chody has employed a new cadre of deputies to help deter speeding. Interestingly, they all look alike. The cardboard cutouts, which Chody has placed along roads where speeding is common, depict one of the department’s real-life deputies pointing a radar device at the roadway. “It’s a creative way to solve the problem without really working the problem,” he told KTCB-TV. “Slow down because you never know if it’s the real deal or not,” he warned. The sheriff said he tested the idea in school zones and, “We didn’t get one speeder.” ■

Send anonymous thanks, confessions or accusations, 200 words or less (which we reserve the right to edit), changing or deleting the names of the guilty and innocent, to “Eh Brah!” c/o MauiTime, 16 S. Market St, Ste. 2K, Wailuku, HI 96793 or send an e-mail to



o the fella at the Keali‘i Reichel show at The Shops: You stood in front of a family of people and then blocked a lady in a cast. You yelled in my ear and refused to stop when I asked. Then you had the nerve to tell me you “live pono.” You are an inconsiderate lout (look it up) and need to know you are not the only one in the world who matters. Grow up and show some manners and respect for others. ■

Illustration by Ron Pitts mauiartistronpitts.com




JANUARY 31, 2019


Health & Wellness

by Jen Russo & Alex Mitchell

A Look at Whole-listic Health on Maui PHOTO COURTESY JODY MOUNTAIN

Lineage of Light is based on Maui’s North Shore. Mountain offers a variety of lomi lomi offerings including private sessions, workshops, retreats, and trainings. Mountain says “the people who seem to benefit most from private sessions of ancient lomi lomi are those on a spiritual path. Some may be in search of healing, clarity, restoration, or integration. They can inspire a sense of clarity, release, inspiration, wonder, possibility, resolution of the past and wholeness of being.” In addition to lomi lomi, Mountain also offers a variety of massage to her clients: Polynesian backwalking, myofascial release, deep tissue, Thai massage, craniosacral, sports massage, and neuromuscular therapies. For more information about Lineage of Light, visit Lineageoflight.com

Ancient Lomi Lomi


We made it to 2019 so it’s time for a collective pat on the back. A lot of us start the year with resolutions to keep up the mental, physical, and spiritual energy we need to thrive. No matter where we are in this journey there is a network of people on the island with the know-how, faculty, and strength to keep us going. Our annual Health and Wellness issue shines the light on those practitioners and practices helping us spring forward in the new year. These Maui professionals are all part of a long game perspective to well-being.

Dr. Eva L. Ross Maui Healing Center At Maui Healing Center in Kula, Dr. Eva Ross performs acupuncture, drug-free herbal therapies, metabolic and nutritional testing, and Chinese medicine in her family practice. Her assistance with orthopedic issues to manage acute and chronic pain is well regarded. “I am a strong advocate of patient education in order to cultivate excellent and sustainable health,” says Ross. “In my 15 years of working with patients I have learned that the key to holistic health is a fairly simple formula. We normally don’t see the effects until the body moves from an anabolic state of youth to the catabolic state which begins after the age of 25. As adults living in the post-industrial era of the 21st century, we must make a concerted effort to revitalize the body in order to outpace the effects of cellular breakdown brought on by technology, a sedentary daily existence, and lack of vital nutrients in our food source.” Ross’ knowledge of both Eastern and Western medicine ensures integrative care for her clients. She received her Bachelor’s of Science in Botany at Humboldt State University, then graduated from Emperor’s College of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Santa Monica, with a Master’s Degree in Traditional Chinese Medicine. “I use the art of pulse diagnosis, the cornerstone of Chinese medicine, to diagnose the function of the body at all levels; the

12 JANUARY 31, 2019

Jessica Quinn function of the digestive system, immune system, cardiovascular system,” explains Ross. “That is the starting point for every visit. More often than not, I see patients who are depleted and running on empty but push through each day. Chinese medicine evolved through thousands of years to fight common ailments and disease but also optimize longevity. The emperors of China strived to live long, productive years with optimal vitality. Chinese medicine focused on this goal as well as the conditions that affected the less affluent members of Chinese society. This produced a medicine that can broadly treat all aspects of health comprehensively and holistically.” Maui Healing Center is located in Kula at 4230 Lower Kula Rd. For more information, call (808) 878-2059 or visit Mauihealingcenter.com

Jody Mountain Lineage of Light Jody Mountain has over 25 years of experience as a licensed massage therapist and practitioner of a multitude of healing modalities including ancient lomi lomi, therapeutic lomi lomi, and core and cellular healing. Mountain studied ancient lomi lomi with Kahu Abraham Kawa‘i Aua‘ia Maka‘i‘ole Uliama. Through her study and experience as a lomi lomi nui practitioner, she incorporates a modern form of ancient Hawaiian ho‘oponopono. “My training and experience have brought me to the understanding that body, mind, spirit, emotions, memory, energy, hopes, and dreams all are circulating as one system, in intimate relationship with each other,” says Mountain. “We cannot affect one aspect without affecting all the others. At the core of this deeply interconnected whole, is the mystery that animates all of life – the grass, trees, stars, and oceans. This consciousness is always communicating, responding perfectly to the conditions it is given, in order to maintain balance, health, and well-being. Our job in holistic health is to open pathways of listening and responding to the mystery of wholeness that exists in every cell.”

Be Nutritious Ayurvedic science follows the 5000-yearold traditions originating in India designed to balance the body through diet and lifestyle according to your dosha. Quinn has been on the forefront of ayurveda on Maui with her business Be Nutritious. “First, we must become aware that the elements in nature like air, fire, earth, water, and ether, exist within our bodies in unique individual proportions,” says Quinn. “This is why we all look and act so differently at times. Secondly, we must learn how to balance these elements within our bodies in perfect harmony with nature. By doing this, we will achieve vibrant health.” Quinn has an Ayurvedic Kitchen Studies certification from Samata Retreat Center in India, an Ayurvedic Health Counselor certification from California College of Ayurveda, and an Ayurveda Correspondence Program certification from The Ayurvedic Institute. Her services include ayurvedic nutritional consultations, seasonal cleanse programs, Shirodhara, ayurvedic workshops, cooking classes, and catering and chef services. She also offers custom spice and herbal tea blends. “I wholeheartedly believe that when making a shift in lifestyle towards a more balanced and empowered state of being, work with a practitioner you fully trust. Good health is related almost directly and proportionally to proper lifestyle and state of mind. Hence, what we eat and breathe, how we move and speak, and what we feel and think must be observed and understood.” For more information about Ayurvedic Nutrition with Jessica Quinn, visit her website at Jessicaquinnayurveda.com

Dr. Emeke Okwuje RevitalizeMaui RevitalizeMaui opened just two years ago and has quickly established itself as a cutting-edge medical day spa with Dr. Emeke Okwuje at the helm. A graduate from the University of Pritzker School of Medicine

in 1997, Okwuje completed three years of post-graduate surgical training and a fouryear residency in anesthesia. He specialized in pain procedure and regional nerve blocks, and conducted clinical research in plastic and reconstructive surgery focusing on wound healing and skin regeneration. “We focus on listening to our patients first, and combine this with diagnostic testing to see the full picture before designing any treatment plan,” says Okwuje. “All of our treatments are custom-tailored to ensure that the entire experience is highly personalized. After advanced testing and analysis, we design treatment plans for our patients that include lifestyle and diet changes, hormone replacement, supplementation, and nutrient therapies to treat deficiencies, imbalances, and their symptoms, as well as address other factors affecting the patient’s longevity.” RevitalizeMaui offers a wide range of services that lead towards improving health, including a series of detox and energyboosting IV-vitamin treatments, injectable neuro-modulators, dermal fillers, medical aesthetics, PRP therapies, and hormone replacement (male and female) protocols to improve energy, vitality, youth, and more. “Know that changing your lifestyle is a process, which may present opportunities to conquer unique challenges,” says Okwuje. “Set clear goals in all areas of your life and find knowledgeable practitioners to assist and guide you. No matter what your lifestyle goals may be, certain elements are a must to achieve optimal health, longevity, and happiness: sufficient sleep, proper nutrients, strong social support, and exercise.” RevitalizeMaui is located in Kihei at 300 Ohukai Rd., B321 For more information, call (808) 419-7445 or visit RevitalizeMaui.com

Dr. Nat Erlich Ola Ha Holistic Health Clinic Dr. Nathan Erlich started practicing naturopathic medicine on Maui in 1988. He founded the Ola Ha Holistic Health Clinic on Maui a year later and began his emphasis on regenerative medicine. “The focus of my practice is in natural physical medicine concentrating in regenerative medicine,” says Erlich. “Naturopathic physicians are trained in natural healing modalities with an emphasis on nutrition and lifestyle. In general I believe that the majority of the food we Americans eat should not even be consumed by humans. As a result our bodies try to find a way in which to reestablish an altered homeostasis that results from foods that are exceedingly high in sugar, salt, and fats.” Erlich graduated from the National College of Naturopathic Medicine in Portland, Oregon where he obtained his Doctorate of Naturopathic Medicine. He also has a Bachelor of Science in Psychobiology from Albright College, and a myriad of work experience. Dr. Nat provides his clients with a host of naturopathic services and modalities: prolotherapy, autologous adipose cell therapy, bone marrow aspirate concentrate, platelet rich plasma


Health & Wellness

Ayurveda FTW

therapy, perineural injection therapy, nerve hydrodissection, and MSK ultrasound. “We naturopathic physicians believe that the body heals itself and our role in this as physicians is to identify the obstacles to this process and work with the body to either remove those obstacles or stimulate the body to heal itself more effectively,” says Erlich. “As the focus of my practice is mostly in regenerative medicine and orthopedic, musculoskeletal issues, I harness the power of regenerative biologic agents such as platelets and use injection techniques coupled with real-time ultrasound imaging to assist the body in overcoming injuries and degenerative problems. It is a way of using modern technology to maximize and focus the healing power of nature.” Ola Ha Holistic Health Clinic is located at 225 Elilani Street in Makawao. For more information, call (808) 572-1388 or visit Drnat.com

Carter Evans Rolf Method Maui

Sara and Alan Schroepfer 808 Wellness Center The 808 Wellness Center is a unique South Maui clinic offering acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine, massage, craniosacral, shamanic healing, reiki, light therapy, astrology, life coaching, intuitive readings, medium readings, Akashic Record readings, private yoga and meditation sessions. Sara and Alan Schroepfer are the founders and together they offer a variety of wellness services to fit all client needs. “A huge reason for creating 808 Wellness for my husband and I was to offer a refuge and holistic shelter stemming from what we learned on our own healing journeys,” says Sara. “We have traveled the world learning different healing traditions and studied at the feet of countless masters. Our focus is to create a health and wellness destination for seekers so that they can find multiple answers and modalities under one roof. For those ready for a lifestyle change, I recommend listening to that little voice within and where it is guiding you to go. If you would like some guidance, we offer a complimentary wellness consultations with myself or Alan to listen to where you are at and your questions and make personal recommendations for you based off of what you shared and what we think would be a good fit for you.” Sara is a practitioner of healing arts, a Certified Shamanic Practitioner, Certified Reiki Master Teacher, massage therapist and Bodyworker. A graduate of University of Minnesota, she volunteers at Tibetan monasteries and medical camps, and has studied in a variety of ashrams and Buddhist Meditation Centers, with Peruvian shamans, and public teachings with the Dalai Lama. Sara promotes both personal and

Claudie Imperato Body Therapeutics Body Therapeutics is a massage therapy clinic serving the North Shore from Pa‘ia, founded by Claudie Imperato who has been in the industry since 1991. She has cultivated her team of 12 highly experienced therapists so clients get the best possible custom experience. “Because we have a large team we have a lot of varied experiences and philosophies,” says Imperato. “Our primary one is to help people maintain or exceed whatever physical and mental goals they may have. Over time, strain and injury can defeat our health, strength, and wellness. This can deeply affect mental wellbeing. Through custom bodywork, we strive to help people stay healthy and injury-free but most importantly learn to optimize their physical and mental well-being.” Body Therapeutics has a wide variety of therapies offered: backwalk, sports massage, deep tissue, trigger point, neuromuscular massage, lomi lomi, reiki, polarity, gus-sha Zen shiatsu, four-handed massage, foot

scrubs, hot oil hair treatments, Taiwanese style foot reflexology, Swedish massage, ashiatsu, structural integration, and hot stone. “My personal advice to an individual wanting to change their lifestyle toward a more holistic approach would be to lay the groundwork in before making any physical changes,” says Imperato. “I believe it’s vital to know why you’re wanting to change. It’s easy to figure out how. Spend a week or two with a clear start date in mind and invite in some soul searching questions, goals, and reasons. Be gentle and loving with yourself. Change is hard until one day it isn’t! Also, I feel it’s vital to get into the habit of moving one step closer to your goals and vision each and every day. Some days it’s a huge leap and other days it’s making your bed and being kind to another. Sometimes quickly, sometimes slowly. Keep working for it!” For more information on Body Theapeutics go to 71 Baldwin Ave, Pa‘ia, or Bodytherapeuticsmaui.com

Mary Allana Holmes Cosmic Channels Soul readings, guided reiki, land and home clearings, and collaboration are the realm of services you will find at Cosmic Channels wtih Mary Allana Holmes. Her experience stems from her certificates in Reiki Levels I and II, Entity Removal, and Healing Touch Level 1. Holmes found she possesses a longstanding sensitivity to energy consciousness that has turned into a strong ability to connect with and communicate with higher levels of intelligence. “My spirit has integrated at a high level of universal intelligence which translates into my sessions with clients,” says Holmes. “The information offered is of the best intention and greatest ease for integration into a client’s life. I think whole-istic health means to integrate all the different elements of oneself in balance and for vitality, growth, and radiant engagement with joy. It’s really all about consciousness. My sessions are held with compassion, acceptance, and a willingness to work with an individual exactly where they’re at, because every person presents a face of the divine, and we are our own best healers.” For more information on these sessions go to CosmicChannels.com ■ jen@mauitime.com + @jenrusso For more news articles, visit: mauitime.com/news


The process of Rolfing is part massage and part breaking down chronic patterns in the muscle that do not serve you. Carter Evans takes his practice to the next level at Rolf Method Maui, where clients experience “structural integration” to balance body with gravity. “The technique itself involves a cycle of deep manual intervention in the elastic soft tissue structure of the body also known as myofascia. It deals with the physical, but in practice considerations of the physical are inseparable from the psychological,” explains Evans. “Structural integration is powerful; the resultant changes are far-reaching because we do not aim for change alone, we wish to induce change towards balance.” Rolf Method Maui is a private practice situated in the heart of Lahaina Town. Evans’ professional education began during his studies at the University of Montana, and continued with massage therapy instruction at the Maui School of Therapeutic Massage in Makawao. Due to his own injuries, and his desire to learn more about alternative bodywork techniques, Carter continued his training by learning and practicing Rolfing at the Guild For Structural Integration. “If one does not address the “Whole” – physical, psychological, spiritual aspects of oneself – when dealing with acute or chronic imbalance of symptoms, one cannot truly cure the problems and issues,” says Evans. “The best advice I can give someone is to listen to

their intuition and to trust the inner wisdom we come into this body with, regarding all aspects of life. To take both science and holistic insights and meet them in the middle.” It may look like a sports massage technique at first, but it’s more than that. A Rolfing practitioner will look at how a client’s body has compensated to “chronic patterning.” Sessions with a Rolfing practitioner include identifying unique physical compositions, and then stacking a set of visits based on structural integration techniques. Rolf Method Maui is located in Lahaina at 505 Front St., Suite 203. For more information, call (808) 201-1979 or visit Rolfmethodmaui.com

planetary transformation for her clients. Alan is a practitioner in massage, energy and bodywork, craniosacral therapy, acupuncture and chinese medicine. Alan graduated from the Maui Academy of Healing Arts School of Massage, and has a Master’s Degree in Traditional Chinese Medicine from the American Academy of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine. By integrating acupuncture, massage, counseling, and Chinese herbs, Alan creates customized plans to bring his clients back to a state of optimum health. “Start small, think big!” says Sara. “Change can be challenging. If we set the bar too high too fast, it may lead to a downward spiral if we don’t see immediate results. Holistic care is not a quick fix, although it can be at times! Typically, there is a time commitment and a mental one to make in order to see overall progress if someone has a serious condition. I can’t tell you how many times I have heard, “I wish I had found you guys sooner!” So many people rely solely on allopathic care and only come to us when they are desperate. They then realize if they had been doing preventative care before their injury or crisis, than they would not be in such a state.” 808 Wellness Center is located at 2439 Kihei Rd., Suite #206-A. For more information, call (808) 875-4325 or visit 808wellness.com

808 Wellness Center in Kihei

JANUARY 31, 2019 13

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14 JANUARY 31, 2019

Health & Wellness

by Jen Russo

Four New Ways to Worship Your Body


Maui is a vortex for yoga, water sports, and other body-first training movements. With our year-round tropical weather, people can take advantage of the outdoors for a healthy lifestyle. Here are four women on the island who are offering Maui their own slice of fitness and health.

Amy Lohr

Soulasana Yoga Amy Lohr had always wanted to open a yoga studio of her own, having practiced and taught for more than 10 years. She jumped at the chance to open her dream spot at Maui Mall. “When I turned 40 last April I had an epiphany that I wanted my life to have real meaning and purpose and show my children to always follow their hearts and live life with purpose and altruism,” says Lohr. “So after a lot of hard work and soul searching Soulasana was opened. Everyone is welcome and our intention is to not only nurture the physical aspect of our asana practice, but to go deeper and create expansion and lightness in our soul: Soulasana.” Soulasana is an interesting studio that has a worldly feel, and offers a lot of unique classes and therapies not found anywhere else. Lohr offers a class created by a Brazilian chiropractor named Kaiut, and numerous styles of yoga at all levels. “We have a community keiki class for parents and children on Fridays, and a babywearing class every Friday as well,” Lohr says. “My children are two and three-and-a-half, and family-friendly yoga is important me. An in-house psychic comes every Monday and Wednesday for Akashic Record and psychic healing readings from 12-3pm for $1 a minute. We have a very strong workshop program offering sacred ceremonies such as full moon ceremonies, special masterclasses on Akashic Record, tarot card reading, etc. The last Sunday of every month we offer a yoga and West African dance class with live drumming, and we continually offer sound bath ceremonies and reiki trainings. Upcoming workshops include a five-week Kundalini course by Ruby Wong, a three-week course on how to read and create natal charts using astrology, and weekend workshops on magic of crystals and crystal grids.” Soulasana is located at Maui Mall. They have an intro special of 30 days for $30, or various monthly and drop in passes. See their schedule at Soulasanayoga.com

Alyssa Davis Fit 4 Maui Alyssa Davis was thrilled to be surrounded by world class water athletes, holistic healers, and health food stores when she moved to Maui’s North Shore, and decided to make that her professional focus after teaching scuba diving in St. Thomas and on the West Side more than 30 years ago. She has her licenses in stand-up paddling instruction, massage

therapy, and health fitness. She developed her own superfood powders for daily health, and her business as a wellness and lifestyle coach along with her online superfood store keeps her busy with clients of all ages that come from all over the world. “I created Lifeguard Greens and Lifeguard Reds after a long and frustrating search for the perfect superfood powders to add to my own daily regimen,” says Davis. “There’s a supplement company in San Diego that is familyowned and operated. I worked with them in years past and when I noticed the green drink I was repping was started to go downhill, I approached them to help me formulate my idea of the perfect superfood powder. I wanted mega-powerful antioxidants, super green vegetables, pre- and probiotics, liver cleansers, blood sugar balancers, fiber and digestion help, anti-inflammatories, and immune boosters – and of course 100 percent organic, vegan, non-GMO, and gluten free. Sounds like a lot to ask but they did it! I know I feel the difference when I drink it.” Her superfood powders come in two versions, Lifeguard Reds and Lifeguard Greens. They each have different superfoods contained within, but both are meant to just simply mix with water or almond milk as a drink. “There is so much scientific evidence to support the importance of eating seven to 10 servings of fruit and vegetables every single day,” says Davis. “Nearly all modern diseases of aging are diet and lifestyle related. When people change their diet to plant-based and mostly vegan, their health improves. Many Americans are not going to go that route, so Lifeguard Greens fills the gap between eating the standard American diet, and eating a nutrient-dense plantbased diet. Many green drinks taste terrible and that turns people off right away. Lifeguard Greens was created with that criteria in mind. We call it compliance: if it doesn’t taste good, they are not going to stick with it. I created Lifeguard Reds for those who can’t get past the green color, like kids, or some people like myself, who want even MORE antioxidant power in their bodies.” With Fit 4 Maui, the key to helping clients is keeping it simple, focusing on self-care, and creating a plan that her clients can be excited about that includes the mental to the physical. “Many people want to tell me their age and make that an excuse for their poor health,” says Davis. “While it’s great to start taking care of yourself younger, it’s never too late. I think 50 is a real turn around point for a lot of people because they start losing friends to cancer, diabetes, and other modern diseases of aging, and it scares them. A lot of this self-sabotaging stuff is in the mind so it’s important to stop with those thoughts and understand, if you take good care of your body with movement and nutrient dense superfoods, you need not age very quickly physically or mentally. I am nearly 50-years-old and a grandma, and most people think I’m in my 30s. That’s not magic. That’s a clean and active lifestyle with self-care at the center and the right powerful superfood supplements. I live and breath it. I

believe in it. It works.” For more information on Fit 4 Maui and Lifeguard Greens go to Fit4Maui.com

Kalimaya Eva Herrera Self Love Self Defense Kalimaya Eva Herrera was born in the Philippines and immigrated to California then to Maui. Her path to health and fitness was unconventional, working in the banking industry and as a welder, and raising two sons who went into the military. Herrera found her passion when she began taking classes in martial arts earning her first black belt in 1989. “My martial arts training and my strong discipline, enthusiasm, and motivation to take care of my body have won me dozens of awards and trophies, and a world championship,” says Herrera. “I am a survivor of domestic violence, bullying, and other sexual attacks. I am grateful of my commitment to martial arts training. My bottom line passion is helping and teaching keiki to build self-confidence, self-defense, and positive assertiveness – empowering girls and women with attitude, behavior, and character (ABC) foundation.” Herrera teaches self defense, ribbon dance, creative martial arts, family martial arts, and personal fitness. Her upcoming Self Love Self Defense course teaches practical self defense and tactics using the natural weapons of your body to target areas of your attacker, plus how to use a stick weapon for protection, disarming and releasing locks, and various offense and defense grappling moves. “For turning 71 this year, I’m more flexible, stronger, motivated, and balanced in body and mind. I workout daily and read empowering books, and practice deep breathing. Spirit, faith, gratitude, and enthusiasm are my first thoughts in the morning. It takes meditation, stretching, 35-50 minutes of committed cardio daily, sauna, plenty of water, dance, mindfulness, chi balance, and lots of deep breaths. My formula is SSCCPP: sauna, stretch, cardio, computer, pray, and play” Herrera’s next Self Love Self Defense class will be offered March 9 at the Wailea Healing Center. Her Keiki Kix class is offered on Fridays at 4pm. For more information or to register go to Waileahealingcenter.com/events/

Megan Nolan Vitality Wellness Megan Nolan has been a personal trainer and yoga instructor for more than 14 years. She has worked with hundreds of clients and students with a common issue: sitting at a dreaded desk for hours on end. Nolan noticed this created a host of issues like chronic aches and pains. She also noticed the positive effects yoga practice can have on reversing these issues. She put two and two together began offering onsite yoga workshops and trainings called Workplace Wellness, where she travels to enterprise environments to teach people health strategies right in their offices.

“The great thing about yoga is that there are so many stretches and techniques. I can create sessions to meet all of the needs, goals, and requests of the wide range of teams that I work with,” says Nolan.”Working with a variety of clients such as Maui Electric Company, Sae Design, Maui County Federal Credit Union, Wailea Golf Club, and Ceramic Tile means that we can explore so many of these tools together. The best part of this work is that by taking yoga out of the studio and into the community, so many more people are experiencing yoga that perhaps wouldn’t have. We all spend so much time at work, often seated and using computers, that it has become absolutely essential that we learn how to care for ourselves and manage the impact that our work can have on our bodies and minds.” She focuses on what the job duties are then optimizes exercises that will help people keep their bodies in balance by stretching out areas of tension and strengthening muscles that may be weakening from lack of use. Her success with her workplace sessions led to her next project, an online class series called “Yoga at My Desk.” “I created this online series so that people could take yoga breaks whenever it works best for their schedule,” says Nolan. “With our busy lifestyles, it can be hard for people to get time for exercise before or after work, and getting away from the office midday can be challenging for people. I wanted to make it as easy as possible for people to be doing yoga more often, so the sessions are only 10 minutes long and can be done in work clothes. Each lesson uses different stretches, exercises, and techniques to work on one theme or area of the body such as neck and shoulder release, building core strength, lowering your stress level, and boosting your energy.” The class is available online through her site Vitality Wellness, and once you have signed up for it you have access for life. Nolan offers the course for $95 and it includes two hours of yoga, three bonus videos, and ongoing live support for the series in her Facebook group. It is accessible via laptop, tablet, and mobile devices. “In our day-to-day lives we are constantly engaging with the world around us: our work, our phone, our friends, and social media,” says Nolan. “However in yoga we use the breath to focus our mind and draw it inwards. In this way yoga teaches us how to pay attention to ourselves and to learn more about what makes us who we are as well as our unique habits and patterns. As we develop this self awareness on all levels: mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual, we become attuned to what we need to do to feel our best inside and out. I believe that this makes yoga a practice of self-care, selfacceptance, and ultimately self-love.” To find out more about Workplace Wellness or Yoga at Work video series visit VitalityWellnessMaui.com ■ jen@mauitime.com + @jenrusso For more news articles, visit: mauitime.com/news

JANUARY 31, 2019 15



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Health & Wellness

by Jen Russo

Ho‘ola Pu‘uwai Maui’s First Ornish Program ance,” explains Latorre. “Then they will go through a screening process with our team prior to starting the program to ensure they meet criteria and are motivated to make serious changes. Each cohort is a group of eight to 15 people that will experience the nine-week program together. They meet at our facility for four hours, twice a week. A total of 72 experiential on-site hours must be met. Each one of the four hours are dedicated to the components of the program, so one hour of nutrition, stress management, fitness, and group support. They also must do a required number of hours of the components at home and track their time, nutrition and diet, etc. We all have access to an online portal to oversee the data is being put in by participant every week, and their overall adherence.” There are a few qualifications for the program depending on family history of heart disease, high blood pressure, and other chronic health issues like depression, obesity, diabetes, or other risk factors. Medicaid and Quest will cover participants fully, and Medicare and other providers have a partial coverage. HNKOP also has a sliding scale fee some can apply for. “This program has been proven to undo heart disease by dealing with the root causes and not just its effects,” notes Latorre. “The combined effect of all four lifestyle elements makes the transformative difference. Participants see improved health and well-being rather quickly. Disease and conditions regress; symptoms and pain disappear. We anticipate it to be challenging for most people to make the switch to a plant-based diet, plus spend a bit more time and money in planning meals and integrating the diet into their everyday routine. For those folks who aren’t accustomed to sharing thoughts and emotions openly, group

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What if I told you that you could correct your heart disease in 72 hours? It sounds like a wild claim but the folks at Maui’s first Ornish program take that number to heart. Dr. Dean Ornish, the namesake of the lifestyle medicine program, developed the program after 37 years of research. The research of his nonprofit Preventative Medicine Research Institute has shown that his program of lifestyle changes can reverse chronic diseases and turn on health-promoting genes. “On August 12, 2010, after 16 years of review, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services began providing Medicare coverage for my intensive lifestyle program for reversing heart disease under a new benefit category, ‘intensive cardiac rehabilitation,’” Ornish says in a June 2015 Scientific American article. “Many insurance companies are also providing coverage. My colleagues and I have been training and certifying teams of health care professionals at leading hospitals, clinics and health systems in this lifestyle program for reversing heart disease.” Maui very own Ornish Program is at the Hui No Ke Ola Pono Health Center. Their community-based family practice is one of five Native Hawaiian Health Care Systems created under the Native Hawaiian Health Care Act of 1988. Their mission is to improve the health of Native Hawaiians in an integrated manner with its clients learning how to become their own health advocates. The clinic focuses on the Native Hawaiian community however it will not turn anyone away. Michelle Latorre works at the clinic in their Ornish program called Ho‘ola Pu‘uwai meaning healing hearts. “Participants are referred by doctor, and they need to meet certain medical criteria or number of risk factors to be covered by Medicare, Medicaid, or private insur-

Group Support with Ornish

support can also be challenging at first.” Yet the results of learning together with a group is one of the key components to the program. “The success of the program also carries on after the nine weeks as most participants continue the Ornish lifestyle for the rest of their lives,” says Latorre. “The bonding within the cohort is also very strong, and an alumni group is formed after each cohort ‘graduates,’ so they all stay in touch maintaining an incredible support system and strong relationships.” The idea behind lifestyle changes are to reprogram and reboot body systems, but the results are seen in the science. “You can start making lifestyle changes immediately, whether it’s integrating healthier foods, or beginning a daily 10-minute meditation practice: baby steps,” says Latorre. “Of course the more

severe your disease or condition is, the more dramatic changes you should consider making. The research done from Ornish participants over the past 37 years shows that once participants notice their physical and emotional health improving, disease reversing, and even their relationships with others at home and work improving, they end up wanting to make even bigger changes and adhere to them.” HNKOP also runs Simply Healthy Cafe at its campus in the Cameron Center. The cafe has affordable and healthy cuisine that falls in line with their values. For more information on their Ornish program or other offered wellness services, call (808) 244-4647 or visit HNKOP.org ■ jen@mauitime.com + @jenrusso For more news articles, visit: mauitime.com/news

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18 JANUARY 31, 2019


by Alex Mitchell

This Week's Picks THURSDAY JAN. 31 HUI NO‘EAU 2019 ANNUAL JURIED EXHIBITION–Until Feb. 15. This juried exhibition is highly selective and showcases new works created by both Maui and mainland artists. This year, you can see 66 pieces selected from 262 entries, and the Hui welcomes Ed Lane and Jennifer Owen as the esteemed jurors. Free. 9am-4pm daily. Hui No‘eau Visual Arts Center, (2841 Baldwin Ave., Makawao) 808-572-6560; Huinoeau.com Photo courtesy ofFacebook / Hui No’eau

HAWAIIAN MUSIC SERIES PRESENTS ENTS BROTHER NOLAND–Considered the “Father of Jawaiian Music,” Noland is a multiple Na Hoku Hanohano no Award-winning performer. What a treat to see him live in n an outdoor setting in West Maui! Limited seating, please bring blankets and low backed beach chairs. Free. 6pm. kenson Baldwin Home Museum, (120 Dickenson restoration.org St., Lahaina) 808-661-3262; Lahainarestoration.org Photo courtesy of Facebook/Noland K. Conjugacion onjugacion


FRIDAY FEB. 1 HENRY KAPONO ARTIST 2 ARTIST CONCERT SERIES– S– For the first of this concert series, Kapono will be joined by Robi Kahakalau, a multiple award-winning singer, songwriter, and one of Hawai‘i’s most popular entertainers. Sistah Robi’s music is a blend of Hawaiian, reggae, pop, folk, jazz, R&B, and rock balladry. Here’s a cool jam session at the MACC. $35-$65. 7:30pm. Maui Arts and Cultural Center, (1 Cameron Way, Kahului) 808-242-SHOW; Mauiarts.org Photo courtesy of Facebook/MACC

MAUI OPEN STUDIOS OPENING CELEBRATION–Taking place at the Pa‘ina Culinary Arts Center, here’s your chance to view all of the participating artists before their February Open Studios weekend events. Pick up the MOS guidebook, enjoy food, wine, and live music, and meet the artists. Free. 5pm-8pm. University of Hawai‘i Maui College, (310 W. Ka‘ahumanu Ave., Kahului); Mauiopenstudios.com Photo courtesy of Facebook/Maui Open Studios

SATURDAY FEB. 2 KEKAULIKE MATSURI: JAPANESE FESTIVAL AND BON DANCE–This event will feature entertainment by Maui Taiko, Makawao Kendo, and King K’s Na Ali‘i Big Band. There’ll also be Japanese music, dancing, demos, games, and lots of ‘ono food. Proceeds benefit high school programs. Free. 5pm. King Kekaulike High School Cafeteria, (121 Kula Hwy., Pukalani) 808-727-3500; Kingkekaulike.com Photo courtesy of Flickr/lisa borbely

STORYTIME WITH AUTHOR GILL MCBARNET AND KID PAN ALLEY–Presented in conjunction with the Maui Whale Festival, enjoy entertaining whale education with a Pacific Whale Foundation certified naturalist. There’ll also be a reading from The Whale Who Wanted to be Small with Kid Pan Alley. Free. 10:30am. Kihei Public Library, (35 Waimahaihai St.) 808-249-8811; Librarieshawaii.org Photo courtesy of Facebook/PWF

SATURDAY FEB. 2 BEACH CLEANUP–The public is invited to help clean up Ka’anapali Beach. Volunteers are asked to park at The Whaler and meet at the beachfront Pool Hale. Cleaning supplies and snacks will be provided. Free. 8am. The Whaler on Ka’anapali Beach, (2481 Ka‘anapali Pkwy.) 808-661-6003; Aquaaston. com/hotels/aston-at-the-whaler-on-kaanapali Photo courtesy of Facebook/The Whaler Kaanapali

RUN AND WALK FOR WHALES–Participants can join in on a 1-mile, 5K, 10K, and 10-mile race. All proceeds go to ongoing research, education, and conservation projects with PWF. There’ll also be free breakfast, awards, door prizes, and live entertainment. $35-$65. 7am-11am. Pacific Whale Foundation, (300 Ma‘alaea Rd.); Mauiwhalefestival. org Photo courtesy of Facebook/PWF

SATURDAY FEB. 2 THE HUKILAU: PULLING TOGETHER FOR MAUI’S RESOURCES–This event is Malama Maui Nui’s first fundraiser and all proceeds will go to environmental stewardship for Maui Nui. There’ll be a buffet, live music, a silent auction, games, photo station, and many chances to view marine life at Maui Ocean Center. $150. 6pm-9pm. Maui Ocean Center, (192 Ma‘alaea Rd.); Squareup.com Photo courtesy of Facebook/Malama Maui Nui

WILD & WONDERFUL WHALE REGATTA– Taking place after Walk for Whales, the regatta is a fast-moving watercourse featuring miniature toy whales. Guests can enter one or more whales to win the race and prizes. 11am. Ma‘alaea Harbor Shops, (300 Ma‘alaea Rd.) 808-249-8811; Mauiwhalefestival.org Photo courtesy of Facebook/PWF

MONDAY FEB. 4 COMMUNITY MEETING FOR NEW KULA PARK PLAYGROUND– The Maui County Department of Parks and Recreation invites the public to a community meeting in the school cafeteria to discuss concepts for the new Kula Park Playground. Fukumoto Engineering is the design consultant, and they’ll be there to present the public their playground structure ideas and layout options. Free. 6pm. Kula Elementary School, (5000 Kula Hwy.); 808-270-6158; Kulael.k12.hi.us Photo courtesy of Facebook/Troy Hashimoto

TUESDAY FEB. 5 POLANUI HIU COMMUNITY MANAGED MAKAI AREA–This group is comprised of community members, scientists, and marine professionals with a goal to protect and restore West Maui’s reefs and ocean quality. The public is invited to join them and learn more about their projects and goals. Free. Lindsey ‘Ohana Hale, (393 Front St., Lahaina); 808-276-5593; Polanuihiu.com Photo courtesy of Wikipedia

WEDNESDAY FEB. 6 MAUI TECHOHANA–Micheal Powers will be the guest speaker. Powers contributed to the creation of YouTube, and he was the founder of six internet startups that were later acquired by Google. Here’s a great opportunity for Maui techies and entrepreneurs to network and learn. There’ll also be pupus and refreshments. Free. 5:30pm. Maui Research and Technology Center, (590 Lipoa Pkwy., Kihei); Mauitechohana.com Photo courtesy of MEDB

AMY HANAIALI‘I–Catch this show every Wednesday until further notice. Not only is Hanaiali‘i one of the most popular female musicians in the Hawaiian music genre, she’s also been nominated five times for a Grammy, and is an 18-time Na Hoku Hanohano award-winner. Enjoy dinner with your family and friends, and appreciate an intimate live music experience in South Maui. $35$65. 6:30pm. Nalu’s South Shore Grill, (1280 S Kihei Rd.) 808-891-8650; Nalusmaui.com Photo courtesy Amy Hanaialii

JANUARY 31, 2019 19


by Barry Wurst II

'The Favourite'? Not Quite The touted Oscar-contender doesn’t live up to the hype ★★★★★

Rated R / 92 Min.



t happens every year. Of the dozens of movies that open between November and January that are touted as “The Year’s Best, Oscar-Bound, and An Instant Classic,” there’s always one in the pack that doesn’t live up to its hype. In fact, it’s usually a film I dislike so passionately, I wonder what on Earth my colleagues were raving about. Last year, it was Three Billboards Outside Ebbings, Missouri (seriously, have you seen it more than once? If so, why?). This year, its Yorgos Lanthimos’ The Favourite. During the 18th century, Queen Anne (played by Olivia Colman) ruled England during a time of war. According to the film, Queen Anne relied on her most trusted colleague, Lady Sarah (played by Rachel Weisz) who was constantly at her side and calling most of the shots. The sudden appearance of the desperate Abigail (played by Emma Stone) shakes things up, as Abigail makes a power play for Queen Anne’s attention and challenges Lady Sarah’s authority for the Queen’s favor and approval. Lanthimos has a distinct cinematic voice and, certainly by design, his films are unforgettable. His breakthrough was Dogtooth, about parents raising their children in an unorthodox, quite sadistic manner. Then there was The Lobster, the fantasysatire that began with a novel premise than lumbered off into a pointless, cheerfully vile, art house self-parody. I kind of like The Killing of a Sacred Deer, his chilling and nearly impossible to describe Colin Farrell and Nicole Kidman-led examination of the literal sacrifice a doctor must make to save/ destroy his family. Lanthimos allows for

But at least there’s an endless supply of visuals

discomforting humor, revolting imagery, and intellectual musings to drive the narratives of his work. He’s a striking filmmaker and deserves his ever-growing cult following, but allow me to be even more firm in my honesty: He’s talented but I’d rather be in line at the DMV for three hours than sit through any of his movies again. Like Lars Von Triers when he’s trying too hard to shock, Lanthimos is an enthusiastic provocateur and his films, as fun as they are to discuss, are endurance testers. The Favourite boasts an impressive production but is too self-consciously grotesque and on-the-nose in its observations. I loved Colman’s excellent, layered performance. Colman’s take on Queen Anne is intriguingly child-like and the character progresses in unexpected ways. Colman’s work is the best thing about the film overall. Weisz, on the other hand, is ser-

viceable at best and mostly one-note. I’ve liked some of Weisz’s work in the past but someone more dynamic should have been cast as the villainous Lady Sarah. Stone is good and holds her own. However, like Weisz, Stone doesn’t shine as brightly as she should. Although she’s a recent Oscarwinner (as is Weisz), Stone is still hit-andmiss with her film choices and the consistency of her work. Coleman alone powers the film and creates a lingering fascination. Robbie Ryan’s cinematography offers fish-eyed lenses, brisk pans, and natural lighting but, despite how unusual Lanthimos’ approach to a period piece is, Stanley Kubrick’s Barry Lyndon did all of this far better. So did Stephen Frears’ Dangerous Liaisons, still unbeatable as a naughty and nasty costume drama on the ill-mannered behavior of spoiled power-grabbers. The screenplay stumbles through excre-

ment-tainted mud (sometimes literally) for too long and feels endless. It’s all too obvious where this is going from the very beginning, and it’s all too happy to kill time by filling up yet another chamber pot. As a commentary on the wealthy abusing the poor, The Favourite is as obvious and familiar as its by-the-book revenge tale turns. At least Merchant Ivory films had layered characters and lush visuals to distinguish their famous period pieces; all Lanthimos has is an endless supply of gross visuals and the rawness of the dialogue to distinguish it. While this plays like an enthusiastic middle finger to refined works like The Young Victoria or Elizabeth, Lanthimos always finds ways to put-off and distance viewers every time interest grows. Of all the highly touted, would-be Oscar contenders to come out this season, this one is my least favourite. ■






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by Alex Mitchell

Showtimes KA‘AHUMANU 6 Queen Ka‘ahumanu Shopping Center, Kahului. 1-800-326-3264 (Matinees: every day until 4pm)

The Girl in the Orange Dress-NR- 2D THU 12:15 2:35 4:55 7:15. 2D FRI-SAT 12:15 2:35 4:55 7:15 9:35, 2D SUN-WED 12:15 2:35 4:55 7:15 . Glass-PG13- 2D THU 1:20 4:10 7:00 9:45. 2D FRI-SAT 10:30 1:20 4:10 7:00 9:45, 2D SUN 1:20 4:10 7:00, 2D MON-WED 10:30 1:20 4:10 7:00. Greenbook-NR- 2D THU 10:45 1:35 4:25 7:20. 2D FRI-SAT 10:45 1:35 4:25 7:20 10:15, 2D SUN 1:35 4:25 7:20, 2D MON-WED 10:45 1:35 4:25 7:20. Aquaman-PG13- 2D THU 10:25 1:30 4:30 7:35. 2D FRI-SAT 10:25 1:30 4:30 7:35 10:30, 2D SUN 1:30 4:30 7:35, 2D MON-WED 10:25 1:30 4:30 7:35. On The Basis of Sex-PG13- 2D THU 11:25 4:40. 2D FRI-SAT 11:25 2:00 4:40 7:20 10:00, 2D SUN-WED 11:25 2:00 4:40 7:20. A Dog’s Way Home-PG- 2D THU 10:35 12:50 3:00 5:15 7:35. 2D FRI-SAT 10:35 12:50 3:00 5:15 7:35 9:50, 2D SUN 12:50 3:00 5:15 7:35, 2D MON-WED 10:35 12:50 3:00 5:15 7:35. Jack Em Popoy-NR- 2D THU 2:00 7:30.

MALL MEGAPLEX Maui Mall, Kahului, 808-249-2222 (Matinees: M-Th until 6pm, F-Su until 3:30pm)

How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World-PG- 2D SAT 3:00.

Met Opera: Carmen- G- 2D SAT 12:55. Miss Bala-PG13- 2D THU 7:10 9:55. 2D FRIWED 1:40 3:55 7:10 9:50. The Least of These-PG13- 2D THU 7:00. 2D FRI-WED 1:15 4:00 6:45 9:30. Serenity-R- 2D THU 1:20 4:00 6:40 9:30. 2D FRI-WED 1:30 4:20 6:55 9:45 The Kid Who Would Be King-PG- 2D THU 1:15 4:05 6:55 10:00. 2D FRI-WED 1:05 4:20 6:30 9:20. Glass- PG13- 2D THU 1:10 3:50 6:55 9:35. 2D FRI-WED 1:15 3:45 7:00 9:35. The Upside-PG13- 2D THU 1:05 4:10 6:50 9:55. 2D FRI-WED 1:00 4:15 6:45 10:00. Stan & Ollie- PG- 2D THU 1:25 4:20 6:45 10:00. 2D FRI 4:05 9:25, 2D SAT 9:25, 2D SUNWED 4:05 9:25. Aquaman-PG13- 2D THU 1:00 1:30 3:30 4:00 7:00 9:20 9:50. 2D FRI-WED 1:10 4:10 6:50 9:40. Bumblebee-PG13- 2D THU 1:00 4:35 7:10 9:50. 2D FRI-WED 1:25 4:15 7:15 9:55. Second Act-PG13- 2D FRI 1:20 6:35, 2D SAT 6:35, 2D SUN-TUE 1:20 6:35, 2D WED 1:20. Mary Poppins Returns- PG- 2D THU 1:15 3:55 6:40 9:20. 2D FRI-WED 1:10 3:55 6:40 9:25. Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse-PG- 2D THU 1:20 4:05 6:45. 2D FRI-WED 1:45 4:30 7:05 9:40. The Favourite-R- 2D THU 1:30 3:55 9:15. 2D FRI 1:20 3:45 6:35 9:00, 2D SAT 6:35 9:00, 2D SUN 3:45 6:35 9:00, 2D MON-TUE 1:20 3:45

6:35 9:00, 2D WED 1:20 3:45 6:35 9:25. A Star is Born-R- 2D THU 1:05. Vice-R- 2D THU 4:10. A Silent Voice: The Movie- 2D THU 7:00.


Meat Me in Little Itally... y

REGENCY KIHEI CINEMAS 1819 S. Kihei Rd., 808-891-1016 (Matinees: every day until 5pm)

Glass-PG13- 2D THU 1:00 4:15 7:30. 2D FRISAT 1:00 7:30 10:25, 2D SUN-TUE 1:00 7:30. The Upside-PG13- 2D THU 12:45 3:50 7:15. 2D FRI-SAT 12:45 3:50 7:15 10:05, 2D SUNTUE 12:45 3:50 7:15. The Favourite-R- 2D THU 11:30 2:20 5:00 7:40. 2D FRI-WED 11:30 2:20 5:00 7:40. Green Book-PG13- 2D THU 11:30 2:10 5:10 8:05. 2D FRI-SAT 11:30 2:10 5:10 8:05 10:20, 2D SUN-WED 11:30 2:10 5:10 8:05. Border-R- 2D SAT 10:30, 2D WED 7:30.

WHARF CINEMA CENTER 658 Front St., Lahaina, 808-249-2222 (Matinees: Tue all shows, until 6pm every other day)

Glass-PG13- 2D THU 1:30 4:30 7:30, 2D FRI-SAT 2:00 5:10 8:10, 2D SUN-WED 1:30 4:15 7:30. Aquaman-PG13- 2D THU 1:15 7:45, 2D FRISAT 1:30 7:45, 2D SUN-WED 1:00 7:15. Green Book- PG13- 2D THU 1:00 4:15 4:45 7:15, 2D FRI-SAT 1:45 4:45 5:00 8:00, 2D SUNWED 1:15 4:15 4:30 7:15.

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NEW THIS WEEK BORDER - R - Drama/Fantasy/Romance - A fear-smelling customs officer develops an unusual attraction to a strange traveler, while working on a police investigation that calls the whole thing into question. 110 min. MET OPERA: CARMEN - NR - Stage - Opera’s ultimate seductress returns. 201 min. MISS BALA - PG-13 - Action/Drama/Thriller - Gloria will need all of her newfound strength, cunning, and inventiveness to survive the dangerous world of cross-border crime. Stars Gina Rodriguez. 104 min. SERENITY - R - Drama/Thriller - A steamy noir flick about a fishing boat captain who battles his past and a present where nothing is as it seems. Stars Matthew McConaughey and Anne Hathaway. 106 min. STAN & OLLIE - PG - Biography/Comedy/Drama - Laurel and Hardy embark on their last tour, a grueling visit to post-war Britain. Stars John C. Reilley and Steve Coogan. 98 min. THE LEAST OF THESE - PG-13 - Drama Based on the true story of Graham Staines, an Australian missionary who illegally converted leprosy patients in India, and the journalist who got entangled in the story. Stars Stephen Baldwin. 112 min.

NOW PLAYING A DOG’S WAY HOME - PG - Adventure/Family - A dog travels 400 miles in search of her owner in this film that you won’t admit made you cry. Stars Bryce Dallas Howard and Ashley Judd. 96 min. AQUAMAN - PG-13 - Action/Adventure/Fantasy - Arthur Curry (played by Jason Momoa) is the heir to Atlantis and becomes Aquaman. Stars

Amber Heard and Nicole Kidman. 143 min. BUMBLEBEE - PG-13 - Action/Adventure/SciFi - Bumblebee, a transformer, is on the run and finds refuge in a California beach town, aided by a coming-of-age young woman. 113 min. THE FAVOURITE - R - Biography/Comedy/Drama - Set in 18th-century England, Lady Sarah is endeared to a new servant, Abigail. Stars Emma Stone and Rachel Weisz. 119 min. THE GIRL IN THE ORANGE DRESS - NR Comedy/Romance - A Filipino film (English subtitles) about a celebrity who wakes up in bed with a woman who treats him like a “normal” person. Stars Jericho Rosales. 100 min. GLASS - PG-13 - Drama/Mystery/Sci-Fi - An M. Night Shyamalan crossover film bringing together characters who have tapped into their full supernatural potential. Stars Bruce Willis, James McAvoy, Samuel L. Jackson, and Sarah Paulson. 129 min. GREEN BOOK - PG-13 - Biography/Comedy/ Drama - An Italian American bouncer becomes a driver of an African American pianist in South during the 1960s. Character development ensues. Stars Viggo Mortensen and Mahershala Ali. 130 min. THE KID WHO WOULD BE KING - PG - Adventure/Family/Fantasy - Harry Potter meets King Arthur in this story about a boy who must embark on an epic quest. Stars Patrick Stewart. 120 min. MARY POPPINS RETURNS (2018) - PG Adventure/Family/Fantasy - The magical nanny floats back into the Banks siblings’ lives and helps a new generation through a tough time. Stars Emily Blunt and Lin-Manuel Miranda. 130 min. ON THE BASIS OF SEX - PG-13 - Biography/ Drama - The story of Ruth Bader Ginsburg and

her struggle for equal rights on the path towards becoming a U.S. Supreme Court Justice. 120 min. Stars Felicity Jones and Armie Hammer. SECOND ACT - PG-13 - Comedy/Romance A middle-aged woman in a dead-end job (Jennifer Lopez) makes some “creative edits” to her resume and lands a new career. Will her street smarts be enough? Also stars Vanessa Hudgens. 103 min. SPIDER-MAN: INTO THE SPIDER-VERSE PG - Animation/Action/Adventure - Peter Parker isn’t the only Spider-Man in the multiverse. Meet Miles Morales, Spider-Gwen, and Spider-Ham. 117 min. THE UPSIDE - PG-13 - Comedy/Drama - A quadriplegic man (played by Bryan Cranston) is helped by an unemployed man with a criminal record (Kevin Hart). Also stars Nicole Kidman. 125 min.

LAST CHANCE JACK EM POPOY - NR - Action/Comedy/Thriller - A team of three charismatic and adventurous cops called the “Puliscredibles” battle crime. 115 min. A SILENT VOICE THE MOVIE - PG-13 - Anime - A young boy bullies another only to realize his wrongs as he enters a painful adolescence. 145 min. A STAR IS BORN - R - Drama/Music/Romance - A seasoned musician falls in love with a struggling artist and helps her find fame even while his own life spirals out of control. Stars Bradley Cooper and Lady Gaga. 135 min. VICE - R - Biography/Comedy/Drama - Some vices are more dangerous than others. This flick about Dick Cheney tells the story of the man who quietly shaped the world we live in today. Stars Christian Bale and Amy Adams. 132 min.

JANUARY 31, 2019 21


by Alex Mitchell & Shan Kekahuna

Da Kine Calendar SUPER BOWL LIII SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 3RD CHARLEY’S RESTAURANT & SALOON Catch the Big Game on Maui’s North on the huge screen. Bloody Mary bar, and breakfast starts at 8am. (142 Hana Hwy., Pa‘ia); 808-579-8085; Charleysmaui.com DOWN THE HATCH - Two MASSIVE screens and three BIG screens above the bar with stadium-style seating. Get buffalo or BBQ wings, and represent your Super Bowl team spirit with a “Brady Tea Party” or “RAMarita” cocktail special. (658 Front St., Lahaina); 808-661-4900; Dthmaui.com MAUI ARTS & CULTURAL CENTER - Head on over to the MACC house and watch the BIG game! View indoors on the big screen or outside on a high-tech LED screen. Why shop for snacks? Why cook? Why clean up? Hot and cold beverages will be available for purchase including a full bar, and food trucks will be on hand selling ‘ono grindz and snacks. There’ll also be live music before and after, featuring uncle Willie K. All ages welcome. Free. Gates open at 12pm. (1 Cameron Way, Kahului); 808-242-SHOW; Mauiarts.org MAUI BREWING COMPANY - A Tasting Room Super Bowl Sunday Party. Ticketed entry includes: your first beer and all-you-can-eat hot dogs, pizzas, salads, and nachos for the duration of the game. Additional beer will be available for purchase, as well as a la carte items with both teams in mind. $35. Open at: 12:30pm. (605 Lipoa Pkwy.); 808-213-BEER; Mbcrestaurants.com PAIA BAY & COFFEE BAR - Touchdown on Maui’s North Shore for the BIG Game! (115 Hana Hwy.); 808-579-3111; Paiabaycoffee.com STOPWATCH BAR & GRILL - Don’t miss a touchdown! An Extravaganza with door prizes, a free pupu buffet, and all the action. Open at: 11:30am. (1127 Makawao Ave.); 808-572-1380; Stopwatchbarandgrill.com THE DIRTY MONKEY - Football, beer, food... what more could you ask for? Who will take home the title? Go to the Monkey to find out! (844 Front St., Lahaina); 808-419-6268; Thedirtymonkey.com

BIG SHOWS FLAT JACKSON - Fri. Feb 1. Flat Jackson is ready to inspire your booty to shake in previously unfathomable flights of fancy... Bring it. Sing it. Shake it. 21+. $10. 9:30pm. Charley’s Restaurant & Saloon, (142 Hana Hwy., Pa‘ia); 808-579-8085; Charleymaui.com WAILUKU 1ST FRIDAY - Fri. Feb 1. February brings the theme I HEART WAILUKU, and features entertainment by Kualoa, Luna Overdrive, Get Up and Dance, and Emperado Dance Fitness. There’ll also be free showings of The Magic of Kamishibai, and the PangeaSeed Foundation will feature a Sea Walls Mural: “Small Town. Big Art.” Food booths and trucks, local artisans, and pop ups. Free. 6pm. Wailuku Town, (Market St.); Mauifridays.com ANDONIMUS AND SCOTT CLAY - Sat. Feb 2. Andon Hiltner of Andonimus and Scott Clay hit Maui’s North Shore to share an evening of great ambience and song. 5pm. Paia Bay Coffee & Bar, (115 Hana Hwy.); 808-579-3111; Paiabaycoffee.com BIO-LUMEN-ESSENCE - Sat. Feb 2. Dress to impress, transform to a luminationary experience and evolve into the night. Get your body moving with DJs Illz, Kurt, and Deviant. The bioluminescent visuals will be provided by Audacious, and the glowing environment will also offer light-up gifts, UV face and body painting, and delicious elixirs. 21+. $10. 10pm. Wai Bar, (45 N Market St., Wailuku); 808-214-9829; Waibarmaui.com

22 JANUARY 31, 2019

SILENT DISCO - Sat. Feb 2. There’ll be two DJs spinning, and you choose which one to kick it with. Also, the kitchen will be open until midnight, and there’ll be drink specials. Down the Hatch, (658 Front St., Lahaina); 808-661-4900; Dthmaui.com MAJA SALVADOR - Tue. Feb 5. Regarded as the “Dance Princess,” see Maja Salvador live on Maui. Widely known for her roles in “Nagsimula sa Puso,” “Minsan Lang kita Iibigin,” “Ina Kapatid Anak,” “The Legal Wife,” “Bridges of Love,” and “Wildflower,” she will be joined by RK Bagatsing and Pooh The Comedian. $50-$75. $125/VIP (includes meet and greet with artist plus a group photo), $150/VIP (includes M&G with artist plus a solo photo). 6pm. Maui Arts & Cultural Center, (1 Cameron Way, Kahului); 808-242-SHOW; Mauiarts.org

STAGE SHOWS KARAOKE AND OPEN MIC NIGHTS - Thu. Jan 31-Wed. Feb 6. Come out for a karaoke or open mic nights. Monday nights have karaoke from 8pm-close with happy hour prices; Tuesday nights have karaoke from 9pm-close with $1 tacos and drink specials; Wednesday nights are Open Mic Night from 9pm-close; Thursday nights have karaoke from 9pm-close, and Sunday nights are Karaoke Industry Night from 8pmclose, welcoming all friends from the food and beverage industry. Haui’s Life’s A Beach, (1913 S Kihei Rd.); 808-891-8010; Mauibars.com WARREN AND ANNABELLE’S MAGIC SHOW - Thu. Jan 31-Wed. Feb 6. Warren Gibson, the country’s premier sleight-of-hand magician will treat you to the best close-up magic and comedy show while resident ghost Annabelle entertains you. $64-$104.50. 5pm. Warren and Annabelle’s, (900 Front St., Lahaina); 808-667-6244; Warrenandannabelles.com FAMILY MAGIC WITH HOLDEN MOWAT - Sat. Feb 2. Join Maui magician Holden Mowat with his interactive, all-ages magic-comedy performance on the mall’s center stage. Free. 12pm. Lahaina Cannery Mall, (1221 Honoapi‘ilani Hwy.); 808-661-5304; Lahainacannerymall.com FREE RANGE COMEDY - Sat. Feb 2. Join Free Range Comedy for a high energy evening of laughs in their 75-seat venue. All ages welcome, and a $2 discount is offered with a food donation for the Maui Food Bank. $8-$10. 7:30pm. Maui Coffee Attic, (59 Kanoa St, Wailuku); 808-250-9555; Mauifreerangecomedy.com BRENTON KEITH MAGIC SHOW - Tue. Feb 5. See Brenton Keith, aka the “Master of Magic!” His high-energy comedy and magic show is enjoyed by all ages. Brenton will amuse and amaze the audience with his bag-o-tricks. $5. 7pm. Mulligan’s on the Blue, (100 Kaukahi St., Wailea); 808-874-1131; Mulligansontheblue.com

MAUI FOODIE DRUMS OF THE PACIFIC LUAU - Thu. Jan 31-Wed. Feb 6. Experience a journey throughout the islands of Polynesia. Hear the sound of the conch, the beating of drums, and the echoes of Hawaiian chant. Enjoy authentic dance and music of Polynesia, and an unforgettable fire-knife dance finale. Indulge in the exotic flavors of native Hawaiian cuisine, complete with a traditional imu ceremony. Offered daily. Hyatt Regency Maui, (200 Nohea Kai Dr., Ka‘anapali); 808-667-4727; Drumsofthepacificmaui.com MAUIWINE TASTING AT KING’S COTTAGE - Thu. Jan 31-Wed. Feb 6. Take yourself on the self-guided tour of this historic Ulupalakua estate where King Kalakaua once took leisure time when it was called the Rose Ranch. Now you can taste a selection of MauiWine bottled on the property,














WED - Ladies Night w/TRVR & Kurt, 10pm, $10

1188 Makawao Ave. - 572-0220

CHARLEY’S COOL CAT CAFE Wharf Cinema Center, 658 Front St #160, Lahaina 667-0988

DIAMOND'S ICE BAR 1279 S. Kihei Rd. - 874-9299

DIRTY MONKEY 844 Front St., Lahaina - 419-6286

DOG & DUCK 1913 S Kihei Rd,, Kihei - 875-9669

DOWN THE HATCH 658 Front St., Lahaina - 661-4900

order small bites, and enjoy the lovely botanical grounds. 10am. MauiWine, (14815 Pi‘ilani Hwy., Ulupalakua); 808-878-6058. MAUKA MAKAI FIRE UP THE FUN - Thu. Jan 31. Join Chef Ikaika Manuka for an extraordinary interactive culinary event. Sample his favorite dishes while learning more about local island cuisine and what it takes to cook them. $25. 4:30pm. The Westin Nanea Ocean Villas, (45 Kai Malina Pkwy., Ka‘anapali); 808-662-6300; Westinnanea.com SIP TO SUPPORT - Thu. Jan 31-Feb 6. Bottoms up! Choose from their Sip to Support craft cocktail menu, and support local charities on Maui. The “Chai Mango Lassi” is made with Ocean Vodka, fresh mango puree, sweet coconut cream, and a chai tea concentrate. Available daily during dinner services. 5:30pm. The Westin Nanea Ocean Villas, (45 Kai Malina Pkwy., Ka‘anapali); 808-662-6300; Westinnanea.com FIRKIN FRIDAY - Fri. Feb 1. Maui Brewing Co. and Luana partner so you can drink ale the old school way. Cask ale and firkin keg tapping is poured straight from the keg using good ol’ gravity. Keg is let loose right at 4:30, don’t miss the reveal! Live music will keep the party happening until late. 4:30pm. Fairmont Kea Lani, (4100 Wailea Alanui Dr.); 808-875-2210; Fairmont.com FRESH SQUEEZED FRIDAY - Fri. Feb 1. Super fresh just like the name says! It’s all about the handcrafted cocktails on Friday nights. With a new menu each week based on seasonal local ingredients, there is always a thirst-quenching surprise in store for you. Free. 6pm. Down the Hatch, (658 Front St., Lahaina); 808-661-4900; Dthmaui.com FRIDAY NIGHT PAINA DINNER - Fri. Feb 1. Hawaiian fare and all your local favorites are served in this luscious buffet. Join in favorites such as like banana steam island catch, chicken katsu, kalua pork, a poke station, and much more! Live entertainment will get the party started. $45. 5:30pm. The Westin Nanea Ocean Villas, (45 Kai Malina Pkwy., Ka‘anapali); 808-662-6300; Westinnanea.com OLD JAIL WINE TASTING - Fri. Feb 1, Sat. Feb 2 & Sun. Feb 3. The Old Jail Tasting tour includes a fun lesson about grape production on Maui, as well as a history of the Rose Ranch. Taste through the lovely estate wines with palate cleansers, and walk through the production grounds. Reservations are recommended. $40. 11:15am. MauiWine, (14815 Pi‘ilani Hwy., Ulupalakua); 808-878-6058; Mauiwine.com AN INTERACTIVE DINING EXPERIENCE - Sat. Feb 2. Dive into a multi-course menu


MON - Live Band & Open Mic Hosted by Nick Sickles, 7-10pm

Guest Musician 7:30-9:30pm, no cover

MON- Garret Probst, 7:30-9:30pm, no cover TUE- Jazz at the Cat, 7:30-9:30pm, no cover WED- Jason Tepora, 7:30-9:30pm, no cover

Flat Jackson, 9:30pm $10

142 Hana Hwy., Paia - 579-8085

Peter DeAquino, 7:30-9:30pm, no cover

Johnny Ringo 7:30-9:30pm, no cover

Soul Easy, 10pm

DJ Dubs, 10pm


DJ Illz, 9pm

DJ Casey Jones, 9pm


TUE- Karaoke w/ Casey Jones 10pm

Trivia, 7-10 pm

DJ J.Mo, 10pm-close

Like Minded, 10pm-close

SIN Night DJ Jay-C 10pm-close

TUE- Soul Easy, 10pm-close, WED- Live music w/ 2 Leaf Clover, 10pm-close

Industry Night w/ DJ Love, 10pm

DJ CPNess, 10pm

Silent Disco w/ DJ Gary O’Neal, 10pm

SUPER BOWL Trivia Night w/ Professor Fincher, 10pm

MON- Fooseball Tournament 10pm, TUE- DJ Ron, 10pm WED- DJ Andrew Dana, 10pm

of dishes inspired by chefs’ personal stories, told through Maui’s seasonal ingredients. A combination of high-quality ingredients paired with creative minds and innovative techniques results in a unique culinary experience. Guests are encouraged to get up out of their seats, come to the “Chef’s Table,” see the action, take pictures, and get to know the chefs. 6pm. Maui Chef’s Table, (1670 Honoapi‘ilani Hwy., Waikapu); 808-270-0333; Mauichefstable.com FLANAGAN AND GILLIOM DINNER SHOW - Sat. Feb 2. Locals and visitors will enjoy delicious dining with great Hawaiian music by multiple award-winning artists Barry Flanagan of HAPA and Eric Gilliom. Opening sets by Anthony y A Pfluke. $55/dinner and show; $25/show only. ckett will go to a Maui $5 donation from each ticket outh h Shore charity. 6:30pm. Nalu’s South ); Grill, (1280 S Kihei Rd.); 808-891-8650.

Dave Carroll 7:30-9:30pm, no cover

MON- Kanoa & Friends, 9:30pm TUE- Pool League, WED- Happy Hump Day

4pm. Kahului Shopping Center, (65 Ka‘ahumanu Ave.); 888-948-MFTC; MauiSundayMarket.com

5pm. Lahaina Arts Society, (648 Wharf St.); 808-661-0111; Lahainaarts.com

SUNDAY NIGHT LAU LAU - Sun. Feb 3. Traditional Hawaiian cuisine gets a makeover with Chef Tylun Pang’s interpretation of lau lau. His special lau lau includes Maui fresh catch fish, shrimp, scallops, spinach, mushrooms, and baby bok choy, all wrapped in ti leaf, steamed, and served with jasmine rice. Happy opu guaranteed! 5pm. Fairmont Kea Lani, (4100 Wailea Alanui Dr.); 808-875-2210; Fairmont.com

ART MAUI - REGISTRATION - Until Wed. Feb 6. Registration is open for this year’s Art Maui Exhibit. Receiving day will be Feb. 22. Art Maui is pleased to announce Lisa A. Yoshihara, Transit Arts Program Administrator at the Honolulu Authority for Rapid Transportation will be this year’s juror. Find applications, eligibility rules, installation proposal information online. $25. 10am. Schaefer International Gallery, (1 Cameron Way, Kahului).

BEERCADE TUESDAYS WITH DJ SALVO Tue. Feb 5. Get down to reggae, club hits, and old school tunes. There’ll also be drink specials and Nintendo. 10pm. South Shore Tiki Lounge, (1913 Rd 808-874-6444. S Kihei Rd.);

TIKI TUESDAY - Tue. Feb 5. Enjoy vintage tiki cockta made by Luana mixtails o ologists. Tiki cocktail culture was a mid century craze, and fueled the fire of exotica music and design. Come for a boozy lesson in OUT K C where Hawai‘i’s most CHE EK m made drink, the mai tai, AN WE C E g its roots. 4pm. Fairgot TH YOU F . O mo mont Kea Lani, (4100 KS E 19 PIC PAG Wai Wailea Alanui Dr.); 808N O 875-2 875-2210; Fairmont.com


ISLAND BRUNCH WITH LIVE MUSIC Sat. Feb 2. Enjoy the North Shore with brunch items including; banana bread french toast, eggs benedict Pacifica, and Mediterranean scrambled eggs. Local musicianss die Brian Mansano and Eddie Tanaka will entertain you with porary traditional and contemporary m. Island Hawaiian music. 10:30am. A P ‘i ) Fresh Cafe, (381 Baldwin Ave., Pa‘ia); 808-633-2770; Islandfreshcafe.com

DUKE’S WEEKEND BRUNCH - Sat. Feb 2 & Sun. Feb 3. Spend a relaxing morning with beautiful views of the Pacific and yummy breakfast options, accompanied by live Hawaiian music by Keali‘i Lum on Saturday and Garrett Probst on Sunday. 11am-1pm both days. Duke’s Beach House, (130 Kai Malina Pkwy., Lahaina); 808-662-2900; Dukesmaui.com LUNCH ON THE ROOF - Sat. Feb 2 & Sun. Feb 3. Spend an afternoon on the roof for lunch with favorites like the Greek-style lamb sliders and the Lahaina burger. Guests will be treated to live music by Anthony Pfluke on Saturdays, and Eric Gilliom and Barry Flanagan of Hapa on Sundays. 12pm. Fleetwood’s on Front St., (744 Front St., Lahaina); 808-669-6425; Fleetwoodsonfrontst.com MAUI SUNDAY MARKET - Sun. Feb 3. This popular event is presented by the Maui Food Technology Center and features island vendors (crafters, artisans, food purveyors, and more), entertainment, food trucks, and activities showcasing Hawaiian Cultural traditions and practices. Free.

CASTAWA CASTAWAY CAFE DATE W d Feb 6. Sweet deals with NIGHT - Wed. your sweetheart. Let your romantic ocean view dinner begin! Entrees, salad options, and a bottle of wine for for two, just $49.95. 5pm. Castaway Cafe, (45 Kai Ala Dr., Lahaina); 808-661-9091; Castawaycafe.com HUAKA‘I LUAU DINNER SHOW - Wed. Feb 6. Greeted with a lei, guests will be treated to a Hawaiian luau buffet while enjoying hula performances and music. There will also be traditional games, Hawaiian crafts, wood carvers, cultural demonstrations, and a fire knife dance finale. 5:30pm. Kaanapali Beach Club Luau, (104 Ka‘anapali Shores); 888-582-8858; Huakailuau.com

ART SCENE KATHY MCCARTNEY - Until Mon. Feb 4. Inspired by visual wonders, Kathy McCartney’s art is an expression of what the island experience means to her. Her multimedia paint and metal art will be on display in the Banyan Tree Gallery. For information on when Kathy will be in the gallery, contact LAS. Open daily, 9am-

SURFING HAWAI‘I - Until Sun. Feb 17. This exhibition explores our most popular water sport beginning with Native Hawaiian history and knowledge of he‘e nalu and the evolution of surf culture in the islands today. The story is told through traditional stories and the Native Hawaiian cultural, spiritual, and recreational relationship to the ocean, as well as from archives, ephemera, and surfboards from private collections. Invited artists from Hawai’i include: Carol Bennett (Kaua‘i), Mark Cunningham (O‘ahu), Pete Cabrinha (Maui), Peter Shepard Cole (O ‘ahu), Charlie Lyon (Maui), Wayne Levin (Hawai‘i), and Noble Richardson, (Maui). Free. 10am. Schaefer International Gallery, Maui Arts & Cultural Center, (1 Cameron Way, Kahului); 808-242-SHOW; Mauiarts.org VINTAGE HAWAII AND NOSTALGIA SPECIAL EXHIBIT - Thu. Jan 31. The Story of Hawaii Museum will feature the works of vintage Hawai‘i artists of the 1920s-’60s and contemporary artists of similar styles. Exhibit Hours: Thur, Fri, Mon, and Tue. 12-6pm Outlets of Maui, (900 Front St., Lahaina); 808-661-8277; Outletsofmaui.com FRIDAY NIGHT ART NIGHT - Fri. Feb 1. Visit the gallery for live music and mai tais while they showcase the new artist of the week. 6pm. Lahaina Print Sellers Ltd., (764 Front St.); 808-667-5815; Printsellers.com ART=MIXX: ECOEVOLUTION - Sat. Feb 2. Come and find your inner artist during the popular ArT=Mixx series, themed ECOEVOLUTION. Tied to the current exhibit, Surfing Hawai‘i, which explores the exhibit on ocean ecology and the evolution of species and earth cycles, the event will feature music by DJ Maui UBF, video projections by Astral Nomad, live performances by Fuzz Box, and installation art by Maui Art Life. Attendees are welcome to come dressed for the occasion (costumes are encouraged) and to have fun as they mix, mingle, and connect to the arts. Food options include Let’s Eat, Pele’s Pizza, and Maui Tropsicles. 7pm. Maui Arts & Cultural Center, (1 Cameron Way, Kahului); 808-242-SHOW; Mauiarts.org

JANUARY 31, 2019 23

1/2 OFF

Weekend Wine Down 1/2 Price Bottles of Wine


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24 JANUARY 31, 2019













FLEETWOOD’S ON FRONT ST. 744 Front St. (Rooftop), Lahaina - 669-6425

HAUI’S LIFE’S A BEACH 1913 S. Kihei Rd. - 891-8010

JAVA JAZZ 3350 L. Honoapiilani Rd. - 667-0787

KAHALE’S 36 Keala Pl., Kihei - 875-7711

The Houseshakers, 7-10pm

The Houseshakers, 7-10pm

Pat Simmons Jr. Band, 7-9:30pm

Paul Marchetti Duo, 7-10pm

MON- Levi Poasa 6-9:30pm TUE- Kendall Dean 6-9:30pm WED- Johnny Ringo, 6-9:30pm

Karaoke, 9pm-close

Dat Guyz, 9pm-close

DJ Double K, 9pm-close

Karaoke Industry Night, 8pm-close

MON - Karaoke 8pm-close TUE - Karaoke 9pm-close WED- Open Mic & Karaoke 9pm-close

Rick Glencross, 7-10pm, no cover

Brian Mansano, 7-10pm, no cover

Ori Aviv, 7-10pm, no cover

Jon Bowser, 7-10pm, no cover

MON - Jon Bowser TUE - Nino Tascano & Paul Bunuan WED - Rick Glencross, 7-10pm, no cover

Juke Box Madness, 8pm-12am

TBA 8pm-12am

TBA 8pm-12am

Jeff & Josh Country Jams, 8pm-12am

MON - TBA TUE & WED- Juke Box Madness 8pm-12am

Karaoke w/ “Auntie” Toddy Lilikoi, 9:30pm; no cover

Karaoke w/ “Auntie” Toddy Lilikoi, 9:30pm; no cover

Aqua Dance Party, 10pm

DJ at 10pm

Latin Karaoke

MON- SIN 10pm


TUE- Open Comedy Night, 9-11pm WED- Willie K Dinner Show

KOBE STEAKHOUSE 136 Dickenson St. (Lounge Area), Lahaina - 667-5555

LAVA ROCK BAR & GRILL 1945 S Kihei Rd. - 727-2521

Latin Night w/ DJ Grace, 10pm

MULLIGAN’S ON THE BLUE 100 Kaukahi St., Wailea - 874-1131

ARIEL QUIROZ AS ARTIST IN RESIDENCE Sun. Feb 3. Fine artist Ariel Quiroz creates with oil paints as well as pastels. A large selection of his original paintings and prints will be on display. A very talented portrait artist, he can also create an image of you and your loved ones while you are visiting. Come meet Ariel and watch him create. Free. 4pm. Maui Hands Hyatt, (210 Nohea Kai Dr., Ka‘anapali); 808-573-2021; Mauihands.com KEIKI O KA ‘AINA GIFTS AND CRAFTS FESTIVAL - Sun. Feb 3. Formerly at King Kamehemeha III School, come to the new location. We have new educational fun and games for the youth, plus free hula lessons. Support local and shop local from our eclectic artisan vendors. 9am. Campbell Park, (680 Front St., Lahaina). MAUI GIFT AND CRAFT FAIR - Sun. Feb 3. Check out the largest arts and crafts fair in West Maui, with over 50 vendors and lots of free parking. Featured vendors include jewelry, unique island crafts, fine art, photography, and more. 9am. Lahaina Gateway Center, (305 Keawe St.). STACY VOSBERG AS ARTIST IN RESIDENCE - Sun. Feb 3. Acrylic painter Stacy Vosberg’s process of creating art comes as naturally to her as spoken language. Her exotic travel venues inspire and enhance her creativity. Stop by, meet Stacy, and see her painting techniques. 11am. Maui Hands Pa‘ia, (84 Hana Hwy.); 808-579-9245; Mauihands.com MORT LUBY AS ARTIST IN RESIDENCE Mon. Feb 4. Oil and watercolor artist Mort Luby has painted in workshops with America’s greatest living artists. He has won more than 40 awards in various local, regional, and national competitions, and his work has been displayed in dozens of venues. Stop by and meet this engaging and collectable artist. 2pm. Maui Hands Makawao, (1169 Makawao Ave.); 808-572-2008; Mauihands.com SANDRA GREENBERG AS ARTIST IN RESIDENCE - Mon. Feb 4. Photographer Sandra Greenberg’s collection of photographs from around the Hawaiian Islands will be on display. Stop by and view her wonders of nature, beauty, and movement. 10am. Maui Hands Lahaina, (612 Front St.); 808-667-9898; Mauihands.com

CALENDAR OF EVENTS THURSDAY, JANUARY 31 FREE HULA LESSON - Thu. Jan 31. Want to learn hula? Drop by the center stage for a free lesson with Jan Kitaguchi. 5pm. Lahaina Cannery Mall, (1221 Honoapi‘ilani Hwy.); 808-661-5304; Lahainacannerymall.com HEART AND SOLE WALKING CLUB - Thu. Jan 31 & Tue. Feb 5. All walker levels are welcome and walking groups are encouraged. Registration is free and prizes will be distributed to the registered

walker with the highest number of laps. Please note that running is not permitted. For more info go online or visit Guest Services. Free. 10am. Queen Kaahumanu Center, (275 W. Ka’ahumanu Ave., Kahului); 808-877-4325; Queenkaahumanu.com HORSEMANSHIP FOR VETERANS PROGRAM - Thu. Jan 31. Open to all U.S. military service members including active duty, disabled, and retired veterans. 808-572-9129; Hbcriding@ gmail.com; Haku Baldwin Center, (444 Makawao Ave.); 808-572-9129; Hakubaldwincenter.org. PUB QUIZ - Thu. Jan 31. It’s five rounds of fun with Laura and AL for interactive trivia night. Questions will appear on all six TVs and the answers come with funny pictures broadcast. Following is Power Hour with half-price drinks for anyone in the bar. 7pm. Dog & Duck Irish Pub, (1913 S Kihei Rd.); 808-875-9669. SACRED PLANT MEDICINE YOGA - Thu. Jan 31. Experience what ancient yogis knew a thousand years ago. Sacred plant medicine in the form of cannabis with yoga helps heal the body and mind, allowing you to feel and release what you no longer need. See how cannabis combined with yoga helps break up energetic, emotional, and physical patterns allowing you to move, think, and love with greater freedom and vitality. $16. Thursdays at 6pm and Tuesdays at 4pm. Wailea Healing Center, (120 Kaukahi St.) 808-205-2005; Brewolf.com SHANTI SACRED SOUND BATH AT SPA MONTAGE - Thu. Jan 31. Relax to sacred metal Tibetan singing bowls created by Nepalese artisans and infused with blessings by Himalayan monks; crystal quartz pyramids, singing bowls, and gongs will be used to spiritually sweep you away on a transcendent sound journey. $30. 6pm. Montage Kapalua Bay, (1 Bay Dr.); 808-662-6600; Shantiyogasound.com VOLUNTEERS NEEDED AT PACIFIC PRIMATE SANCTUARY - Thu. Jan 31. Seeking volunteers for animal caretakers, support staff, office assistant/creative project development, and groundskeeper/handyperson. Retirees welcome. Also looking for pet carriers. Not open for public visitation. Contact the sanctuary. Pacific Primate Sanctuary Inc., 808-572-8089; Pac.org

FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 1 ENHANCEFITNESS - Fri. Tue. & Wed. Improve strength, flexibility, balance, cardiovascular health, and social engagement for elderly 50+. Suggested contribution of $20 per month to help offset the cost of the program. Registration required, contact Lori Tsuhako at the Maui County Office on Aging at 808-463-3166. 9:30am. Hale Mahaolu Ehiku, (56 Ehiku St., Kihei); 808-891-8588; Halemahaolu.org

SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 2 BALDWIN BLOCK PARTY - Sat. Feb 2. Bear PRIDE! Baldwin High School’s fifth annual Block Party will be held on the campus front lawn, cafeteria, Banyan Courtyard, and the library. This fun event will

feature live entertainment, a game zone, Da Bounce bouncy castles, crafts, and a Barnes and Noble book fair, along with food booths and trucks. All proceeds raised will benefit BHS clubs, sport teams, and organizations. 4pm. Baldwin High School, (1650 W Ka‘ahumanu Ave., Wailuku); 808-727-3200. GENTLE YOGA FOR CANCER SURVIVORS Sat. Feb 2. This class is available to all cancer survivors, no matter what stage of treatment you’re in or past treatments. Build strength, flexibility, and balance in a safe way. Stimulate the immune system and build bone density. But most of all, build community, gratitude, and hope with people who get it and who are on the same journey as you. Free. 9am. Imua Physical Therapy, (411 Huku Li‘i Pl., Kihei); 808-879-0077; Imuapt.com HAWAII NATURE CENTER VOLUNTEER CLEAN UP - Sat. Feb 2. Individuals, businesses and civic groups are needed to spruce up the Maui campus that includes site beautification, landscaping, and light construction projects. Lunch will be provided. RSVP to volunteermaui@hawaiinaturecenter. org. Free. 9:00am. Hawaii Nature Center Iao Valley, (875 ‘Iao Valley Rd., Wailuku); 808-244-6500. KEIKI HULA SHOW - Sat. Feb 2. Enjoy a true Hawaiian hula show from various hula halau, such as Na Kamali‘i Nani O Lahaina, Halau Hula O Keola Ali‘iokekai, Te Tiare Patitifa, and Hui Lanakila. Free. 1pm. Lahaina Cannery Mall, (1221 Honoapi‘ilani Hwy.); 808-661-5304; Lahainacannerymall.com

at this free session at Maui Toy Works and be the first to drop your opponent’s life points to zero. Free. 3pm. Lahaina Cannery Mall, (1221 Honoapi‘ilani Hwy.); 808-661-5304; Lahainacannerymall.com

SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 3 SUPER SENIOR SUNDAYS - Sun. Feb 3. Stop by the shelter on Sundays and name your adoption fee on any senior pet ages 7-years-and-older. For more information, call, go online, or stop by the shelter between. 11am-6pm. Maui Humane Society, (1350 Mehameha Loop); 808-877-3680; Mauihumanesociety.org TE TIARE PATITIFA - Sun. Feb 3. See Te Tiare Patitifa at the Center Stage. 1pm. Lahaina Cannery Mall, (1221 Honoapi‘ilani Hwy.); 808-661-5304; Lahainacannerymall.com

MONDAY, FEBRUARY 4 FOOSBALL TOURNAMENT - Mon. Feb 4. Tournament is one-on-one, winners advance. More details and rules to come on the day of the event. 21+. 10pm. Down the Hatch, (658 Front St., Lahaina); 808-661-4900; Dthmaui.com PA‘IA MOVIE NIGHT - Mon. Feb 4. This week’s outdoor movie in the tropical garden cafe is “Bohemian Rhapsody.” Check out a foot-stomping celebration of Queen, their music, and their extraordinary lead singer Freddie Mercury. There’ll also be free coconut oil popcorn. 5:30pm. Paia Bay Coffee and Bar, (115 Hana Hwy.); 808-579-3111; Paiabaycofee.com

LATINFUSION DANCE CLASSES - Sat. Feb 2. Learn how to dance soothing Latin rhythms with instructor Nannette from Cali. Learn the basics of salsa, bachata, merengue, cumbia, cha cha, rumba, samba, and more. All levels welcome. $5$15. Maui Coffee Attic, (59 Kanoa St., Wailuku); 808-250-9555; Mauicoffeeattic.com MEDIATION TRAINING: PART 2 - Sat. Feb 2 & Sun. Feb 3. Take an introspective look at how nonviolent communication practices can be integrated in Maui County justice systems and academic school programs. Presented by Nonviolent Communication for the Next Generation, the training will feature Jim and Jori Manske, trainers, mediators, speakers, and facilitators. Begin a dialogue on creating peace in classrooms and community. Training is from 9-5pm on both days. Cost is $250, scholarships available. More info and register at: 682-3022247; Info@nvcnextgen.org; Nvcnextgen.org SANCTUARY SATURDAYS - Sat. Feb 2. How many visitor centers let you watch humpback whales breaching right from their doorstep? Whale watchers and nature lovers can hear stories, experience crafts, and learn about humpback whales, nature, and more. 10am. Hawaiian Islands Humpback Whale National Marine Sanctuary, (726 S Kihei Rd.); 808-879-2818; Hawaiihumpbackwhale.noaa.gov YU-GI-OH CARD SESH - Sat. Feb 2. Not sure when to play a monster or a trap? Get Yu-Gi-Oh skills

JANUARY 31, 2019 25

Thursday 1/31/19 Thursday Nights with MarkJohnstone & Friends 6:30 – 8:30PM • No Cover!

Friday 2/1/19 FlatJackson 9:30PM • $10

Saturday 2/ 2/19 Saturday Night at Charley’s Just Good Fun No Cover!

Sunday 2/3/19 Catchthe BIG GAME on our HUGE screen Breakfast & Bloody Mary Bar 8AM!

With Jai Dev & Simrit A Live Music Kundalini Yoga Experience Featuring Salif Bamakora February 13-16, 2019 Makawao Union Church Hall Jai Dev and Simrit return to Maui for their epic 5th Annual Live Music Kundalini Yoga Experience. The workshops are taught by Jai Dev with live music by the phenomenal Simrit experience, featuring Salif Bamakora. At the base of the spine resides great power. At the top of the crown is profound awareness. Yet, it is in the center of the chest where the power of the human and the magic of the heavens unite. At the nucleus of every being, and in the center of all creation is the force of supreme Love, of unbiased compassion. When this greatest of all powers is unlocked at the heart center, everything changes. In this special workshop, taught by Jai Dev and featuring the transporting live music of Simrit, we will open the lock of the heart center and activate the power of the Infinite within. You will exercise the body, move the life-force, elevate the spirit, and unlock the force of heroic compassion.

Schedule Wed. February 13th, 4pm-7pm Thur. February 14th, 4pm-7pm Fri. February 15th, 4pm-7pm Sat. February 16th, 9am-12pm Pricing Single Session Two Session Three Session Full Retreat

$50 $100 $130 $150

Open To All Levels Online Registration at

www.jaidevsingh.com Cash Only At The Door

(if space remains)

Makawao Union Church Community Hall 1445 Baldwin Avenue Please bring your own yoga mat, towel and wear clothing suitable to practice in

26 JANUARY 31, 2019

Monday 2/4/19

Charley’s Live Band Open Mic & Jam Hosted by Nick Sickles 7 -10 PM • No Cover!

Tuesday 2/5/19 Tom Conway

6:30-8:30 PM • No Cover!

Wednesday 2/6/19 Justin Morris & Nick Sickles 6:30 – 8:30 PM • No Cover!
















SANSEI - KAPALUA 115 Bay Dr., Lahaina - 669-6286

SANSEI - KIHEI 1881 S. Kihei Rd., Ste. KT116 - 879-0004

SOUTH SHORE TIKI LOUNGE 1913 S. Kihei Rd. - 874-6444

STOPWATCH SPORTS BAR 1127 Makawao Ave. - 572-1380

Free Karaoke 10pm-1am; no cover

Free Karaoke 10pm-1am; no cover

Free Karaoke 10pm-1am; no cover

Free Karaoke 10pm-1am; no cover

Free Karaoke 10pm-1am; no cover

DJ Big Mike, 10pm

DJ Gemini & Ynot, 10pm

DJ Kamikaze 10pm

Sunday Lounge,10pm

Karaoke w/ Brant Quick 9pm-12am; no cover

Sunburn, $5 cover, 8-12pm

Karaoke w/ Brant Quick 9pm-12am; no cover

SUPER BOWL Industry Night, 9pm

Flash Back Fridays w/ DJ Big Mike, 9:30pm; No Cover

Xclusive Saturdays DJ Big Mike & Guests, 10:00pm; No Cover

Passion House Party w/ Pash_Sean & Baby Monk Seals, 9pm-late

FourPlay Friday w/ DJ Kurt, 9pm

Saturday Smash w/DJ Collelo, 9pm

Rap Open Mic SuckaFree Sundays, 9pm

MON- SIN w/ Poundtown 9pm TUE- Comedy Open Mic 7-9pm & Poundtown 9pm, WED- Hump Day w/ BLKSHP & Baby Monk Seals, 9pm

Hip Hop Thursday’s 7-12am

Live DJ, 9pm-2am

Bio-Lumen-Essence 10pm, $10

Queer Night, 7-11pm, no cover

MON- Karaoke w/DJ Jeff 7pm-midnite (no cover) TUE- Get Wild Tues (no cover) WED-Chillaxin (no cover)

TANTE’S MAALAEA 300 Maalaea Rd. - 868-2148

THREE’S BAR & GRILL 1945 S. Kihei Rd. - 879-3133

VIBE BAR & NIGHTCLUB 1913 S. Kihei Rd. - 891-1011

WAI BAR 45 North Market St., Unit B, Wailuku - 214-9829

TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 5 FREE ‘UKULELE LESSONS - Tue. Feb 5. It’s never too late to learn how to play the Hawaiian guitar! Stop by the center stage for some musical fun. Free. 5:45pm. Lahaina Cannery Mall, (1221 Honoapi‘ilani Hwy.); 808-661-5304; Lahainacannerymall.com GEEKS WHO DRINK TRIVIA - Tue. Feb 5. Bringing the nation’s best live hosted pub quiz in eight rounds of audio, visual, and live-hosted trivia. Free to play; prizes are given for answering bonus questions and gift cards awarded for top teams at the end of the night. Gather your smartest six friends and head over. Free. Kohola Brewery, (910 Honoapi‘ilani Hwy., Lahaina); 808-868-3198; Koholabrewery.com

WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 6 STUDIO PRODUCTION CLASS - Wed. Feb 6 and on Feb 8, 13, & 15. Creating a TV program from scratch is a fun and exciting challenge. This class will provide participants with a basic understanding of all the roles involved in putting on a show. Topics include lighting and audio equipment, cameras and teleprompters, graphic generators and switchers. Certified graduates of this class are invited to become Akaku Producer Associate members and reserve Akaku’s Studio A to produce their own programs for cable cast on Akaku’s community access TV channels. $100- $200. 4pm. Akaku Maui Community Media, (333 Dairy Rd., Ste 104, Kahului); 808-871-5554; Akaku.org WAHINE WEDNESDAY LIVE MUSIC - Wed. Feb 6. Celebrating women’s empowerment, with a feature wahine sharing her talents, thoughts, and spirit for the evening. Come cool down with a refreshing drink and enjoy the show. There will also be kama‘aina drink specials. 5pm. Paia Bay Coffee and Bar, (115 Hana Hwy.); 808-579-3111; Paiabaycoffee.com

LIVE MUSIC WEST MAUI CANE AND CANOE - (1 Bay Dr., Kapalua). Thu, Pi‘ilani Arias 5:30-8:30pm; Fri, Kapali Keahi 5:308:30pm; Sat, Gary Larson 5:30-8:30pm; Sat, Dayan Kai 6-9pm; Sun, Gary Larson Duo 9am12pm; Sun, Joseph Chee 5:30-8:30pm; Mon, Kincaid Kupahu 5:30-8:30pm; Tue, Brian Haia 5:30-8:30pm; Wed, Kalani Smythe 5:30-8:30pm. CAPTAIN JACK’S ISLAND GRILL - (672 Front St., Lahaina). Fri, Garret Probst 2-4:30pm; Sat, Aaron Booth 2-4:30pm; Tue, Johnny Ringo 2-4:30pm; Wed, Howard Ahia 2-4:30pm.

MON - DJ Big Mike, 10pm, TUE - DJ Salvo, 10pm, WED - DJ Lobstah, 10pm

Salsa Night w/ Barbara & Ernesto, 8pm; no cover

COOL CAT - (658 Front St., Lahaina). Fri, Johnny Ringo 7:30-9:30pm; Sat, Dave Carroll 7:309:30pm; Mon, Garret Probst 7:30-9:30pm; Tue, Jazz at the Cat 7:30-9:30pm; Wed, Jason Tepora 7:30-9:30pm; Wed, Peter DeAquino 7:30-9pm. DOWN THE HATCH - (658 Front St., Lahaina). Thu, Damien Awai 10:30am-12:30pm; Thu, Jeremiah Kahn 3-5pm; Fri, Brant Quick 9:30-11:30am; Thu, Jeremiah Kahn 3-5pm; Sat, Scott Baird 9:3011:30am; Sat, Dave Kresy 3-5pm; Sun, Damien Awai 9:30pm-11:30am; Mon, Brant Quick 3-5pm; Mon, Jason Tepora 3-5pm; Tue, Jason Tepora 9:3011:30am; Tue, Lawrence Alva 3-5pm; Wed, Brant Quick 9:30-11:30am; Wed, Aaron Boothe 3-5pm. DUKE’S BEACH HOUSE - (130 Kai Malina Pkwy., Lahaina). Thu, Ben DeLeon 3-5pm; Thu, Garrett Probst and Keali‘i Lum 6-8:30pm; Fri, Damon Parrillo and Guest 6-8:30pm; Sat, Keali’i Lum 3-5pm; Sat, Damon Parrillo and Guest 6-8:30pm; Sun, Keali’i Lum 3-5pm; Sun, Damien Awai 6-8:30pm; Mon, Keali’i Lum 3-5pm; Mon, Danyel Alana and Don Lopez 6-8:30pm; Tue, Ben DeLeon 3-5pm; Tue, Roy Kato and Danyel Alana 6-8:30pm; Wed, Fausto Allosada 3-5pm; Wed, Malanai 6-8:30pm. JAPENGO - (200 Nohea Kai Dr., Lahaina). Thu, Jimi Canha 5:30-7:30pm; Fri, Margie Heart 5:307:30pm; Sat, Brian Mansano 5:30-7:30pm; Mon, Jason Arcilla 5:30-7:30pm; Tue, Kanoa Kukaua 5:30-7:30pm; Wed, Craig Soderberg 5:30-7:30pm. KAANAPALI BEACH CLUB - (104 Ka‘anapali Shores Pl.). Thu, Mondo Kane 4-8pm; Fri, Braddah Larry Golis 4-8pm; Sat, Evan Shulman 4-8pm; Sun, Edgar and Sean 3-7pm; Mon, Braddah Larry Golis 4-8pm; Wed, Mondo Kane 4-8pm. KIMO’S - (845 Front St., Lahaina). Thu, Luau Stew 6:30-8:30pm; Fri, Shawn Mac Band 8-10pm; Sat, Luau Stew 6:30-8:30pm; Sun, Benny Uyetake 6-8pm; Mon, Benny Uyetake 6-8pm; Tue, Sam Ahia 6:30-8:30pm; Wed, Sam Ahia 6:30-8:30pm. PACIFIC‘O ON THE BEACH - (505 Front St., Lahaina). Fri, The Armadillo 4:30-6:30pm; Sat, David King 4:30-6:30pm. PI ARTISAN PIZZERIA - (900 Front St., Lahaina). Mon, Scott Freeman THE DIRTY MONKEY - (844 Front St., Lahaina). Tue, Kendall Dean 4-7pm; Wed, Johnny Ringo 4-7pm. THE POUR HOUSE ITALIAN KITCHEN AND WINE BAR - (700 Office Rd., Kapalua). Sun, Nino Toscano 6-9pm; Mon, Nino Toscano 6-9pm.

SOUTH MAUI DIAMONDS ICE BAR AND GRILL - (1279 S Kihei Rd.). Thu, Soul Easy 10pm.

FAIRMONT KEA LANI - (4100 Wailea Alanui Dr.). Fri, Contemporary Live Music 6-8pm.

Daniel Shishido 7-9pm; Sun, Pete Sebastian & Ricardo Dioso 7-9pm; Wed, Kerri O’Neill, 7-9pm

GANNON’S WAILEA - (605 Lipoa Pkwy.). Thu, Ricardo Dioso 5:30-8:30pm; Fri, Nevah Too Late 5:30-8:30pm; Sat, Jim Spector 5:30-8:30pm.


HAUIS LIFE’S A BEACH - (1913 S Kihei Rd.). Fri, Dat Guys; Sat, DJ Double K 9pm.

CHARLEY’S RESTAURANT AND SALOON - (142 Hana Hwy., Pa‘ia). Thu, Mark Johnstone & Friends 6:30-8:30pm; Tue, Tom Conway 6:30-8:30pm; Wed, Justin Morris & Nick Sickles 6:30-8:30pm.

KAHALE’S - (36 Keala Pl., Kihei). Sun, Jeff & Josh Country Jams 8-10pm; Tue, Bluegrass and Beyond 8-10pm. MAUI BREWING COMPANY KIHEI - (605 Lipoa Pkwy.). Thu, Micah Manzano 4-6pm; Thu, Matthew Del Olmo 6:15-8pm; Fri, Aaron Boothe 4-6pm; Fri, Peter Hamilton 6:15-8pm; Sat, Jason Arcilla 4-6pm; Sat, Keith Sardinha 6:15-8pm; Sun, Randall Rospond 6-8pm; Mon, Damien Awai 4-6pm; Mon, Pete Sebastian 6:15-8pm; Tue, Natalie Robles 4-6pm; Tue, Jamrock 7pm. MONKEYPOD KITCHEN WAILEA - (10 Wailea Gateway Pl.). Thu, Island Time 1-3pm; Thu, Levi and Chad 4-6pm; Thu, Kanoa and Jessica 7-9pm; Fri, Stay EZ 1-3pm; Fri, Tom Conway 4-6pm; Fri, Live Music 7-9pm; Sat, Mike Stills 1-3pm; Sat, An Den 4-6pm; Sat, Dat Guyz 7-9pm; Sun, The Shockaz 1-3pm; Sun, Dat Guyz 4-6pm; Sun, Love Sound 7-9pm; Mon, Kanoa and Ryan 1-3pm; Mon, Josh Kahula 7-9pm; Tue, Elua 1-3pm; Tue, Stay Easy 4-6pm; Tue, Mike Stills 7-9pm; Wed, Damien Awai and Brian Haia 1-3pm; Wed, Elua 4-6pm; Wed, Ohana Groove 7-9pm.

CAFE MAMBO MAUI - (30 Baldwin Ave., Pa‘ia). Tue, Brant Quick 4-8pm.

PAIA BAY COFFEE AND BAR - (115 Hana Hwy., Pa‘ia). Thu, Dave Elberg 5-8pm; Sun, Mark Zion 5-8pm. ROCK AND BREWS - (120 Hana Hwy., Pa‘ia). Tue, Brant Quick 2-5pm. STOPWATCH SPORTSBAR - (1127 Makawao Ave.). Sat, Brant Quick 9pm-12am;

CENTRAL MAUI BEACH BUMS MA‘ALAEA - (300 Ma‘alaea Rd.). Tue, Randall Rospond 5-8pm. SEASCAPE MA‘ALAEA RESTAURANT - (192 Ma‘alaea Rd.). Fri, Anthony Pfluke 6-8pm; Sat, Live Music 5-7:30pm; Sun, Live Music 5-7:30pm; Sun, Kaulike Pescaia 5:30-7:30pm.

MULLIGAN’S ON THE BLUE - (100 Kaukahi St., Wailea). Thu, Brooks Maguire 6:30-8:30pm; Sun, Celtic Tigers 7-9pm. PITA PARADISE - (34 Wailea Gateway). Sat, David Wolf 5:30-8pm; Sun, Phil and Angela Benoit 5:30-8pm. SOUTH SHORE TIKI LOUNGE - (1913 S Kihei Rd.). Thu, Jamie Gallo 4-6pm; Fri, Randall Rospond 4-6pm; Sun, Kevin Leonard 4-6pm; Wed, Jon Bowser 4-6pm. THE RESTAURANT AT HOTEL WAILEA - (555 Kaukahi Rd. Fri, Mark Johnston, 4-8pm THE SHOPS AT WAILEA - (3750 Wailea Alanui Dr.). Fri, Randall Rospond 4-6pm. THREE’S BAR AND GRILL - (1945 S Kihei Rd.). Thu, Mark Harvey 9am-2pm; Fri, Cpt. Dan Saunders 4-9pm; Sat, Hoaloha Westcott 4-9pm; Sun, Rose 4-9pm; Mon, Jim Spector 4-9pm. WAILEA KITCHEN AND TAP - (131 Wailea Ike Pl., Kihei). Fri, Hamilton and Sebastian 5:30-8:30pm. WHAT ALES YOU - (1913 S Kihei Rd.). Thu, Jason Arcilla 7-9pm; Fri, Rose Renee 7-9pm; Sat,

JANUARY 31, 2019 27


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28 JANUARY 31, 2019

by Caeriel Crestin


Sign Language AQUARIUS (JAN. 20-FEB. 18)

Because you’re gifted with a keen sense of fairness, it especially hurts when you get shafted, particularly if it’s because of stupidity or shortsightedness. It’s likely to be very hard for you to forgive or forget this shit, even if there’s some effort made to make things right. Some people are petty, and unless you act grateful for the effort they made to correct their own screw-ups, they’re not likely to bother next time. It goes without saying that this would be a bad thing, since these people are likely to mess up again. PISCES (FEB. 19-MARCH 20)

This week you’re likely to wake up with sore muscles in unusual places. Whether that’s because you helped someone move, or experimented with a few new positions in bed, it’s tangible evidence that you’re willing to go beyond the routine. Use it as a reminder to push yourself even further. There’s a lot of room for expansion right now on all fronts, but it requires a bit of stretching and pushing on your part. Imagine if you could add a new room to your apartment just by shoving the walls back. Right now – metaphorically, at least – you can. ARIES (MARCH 21-APRIL 19)

When you discover someone’s been spraying bullshit at your face, you’re likely to react in one of two ways: explosive anger or a lust revenge. Either response would be a mistake right now. What you need to do is defuse the situation. Being pissy or vengeful would only seal the situation in cement. I don’t know how you can get the liar to start telling you the truth, but I do know that that it needs to be the top of this week’s agenda.

conceivably be put to brilliant constructive use, instead of piling up in some mental landfill of things you’ll try to never think about again. You could hire someone, I suppose, to sort through your physical trash for you, but that doesn’t quite work inside your head. In this case, I’m afraid, you’ll simply have to roll up your sleeves and get down to this distasteful task on your own. VIRGO (AUG. 23-SEPT. 22)

Bedbugs are back. They’re infesting America, living in couch cushions, between sheets, and hitching rides to new homes on people’s pants cuffs. This is the kind of thing likely to fill some Virgos with panic, but I hope you can stay calm. Bedbugs are as hard to keep out of your life as unwanted ideas. You can certainly practice caution – not picking up discarded futons from the street, for example. But worrying won’t do you a whit of good when faced with invasion by physical or mental pests. May I suggest a well-exercised sense of humor instead? It’ll serve you better in either scenario. LIBRA (SEPT. 23-OCT. 22)

Stop punishing yourself. You may claim you haven’t been, but that’s only because you’re not obvious about it. Hair shirts and self-flagellation are not your style. You’re more likely to torture yourself in subtle, only semi-conscious ways, ways you might not even notice until you’ve been practicing them so long they’ve become hard-to-break habits. How insidious! Whether or not you ever deserved the chastisement you’re giving yourself, you’ve certainly “done your time” by now. You deserve a clean slate and a fresh start. Do what you have to do to give that to yourself – even if that means you have to call in outside help to identify and quell your devious means of self-torture.


There’s a golden opportunity here that you’re missing, and it’s not because you’re not looking for it. It’s probably because you’re virtually incapable of seeing it. You’re essentially colorblind in this situation, and this message is written in red letters on a field of green. You need to have someone else point it out to you, which – because of the less than gracious way you’ve occasionally received unsolicited advice before – you’ll need to specifically ask for. Doing so could be very lucrative. GEMINI (MAY 21-JUNE 20)

You could walk around the car you’re thinking of buying, kicking the tires and pretending you know what the hell you’re looking at. But that, my dear, would be quite stupid. People who do know what they’re doing can see through pretenders without trying. You need to recognize your own shortcomings and find some way to compensate for them – bring along your auto-obsessed buddy, for example. Don’t bumble around blindly this week, feigning expertise. Figure out who can compensate for the holes in your knowledge, and ask for their aid. CANCER (JUNE 21-JULY 22)

You just couldn’t stay away could you? Even after you decided that you were done with so-and-so or suchand-such once and for all, you found yourself called back. It’s even more embarrassing because of your dramatic declaration that you were through with the situation forever – anyone who spots you now will judge you not only weak-willed, but a drama queen, besides. What, though, are you going to do? This time, you may have to simply slink back into the situation you declared you were finished with and eat the sardonic comments about the stink you made when you left. Next time, though, you might remember that how you feel today isn’t always the way you’ll feel tomorrow, and wait before you tell everyone about the new status quo. LEO (JULY 23-AUG. 22)

You have trouble with recycling, not because you hate the environment, but because dealing with petty details like sorting your trash is so not your style. This goes for emotional garbage as well as the real life stuff. Unfortunately, there’s a lot you need to get rid of that could


A house constructed of fieldstone and rough-hewn beams might not look as sturdy as one made of concrete and finished lumber, but it’s quite likely to be more than solid enough for your purposes, and have character, besides. Don’t be overly captivated by the new, the flashy, and the perfect. The rough edges are more interesting and have likely already withstood quite a bit of abuse. Where do you want to live, after all? In the standard prefab bullshit everyone else is occupying? Is that really your style? I can’t imagine you’d find it more comfortable, ultimately, than the unconventional, unique, imperfect, scrappy place off the beaten path. When it comes to choosing between the two this week, keep that in mind. SAGITTARIUS (NOV. 22-DEC. 21)

Don’t be lazy. Filleting that fish might be tedious, messy work, but it’s better to be slow and careful than to let someone choke on a fish bone because you couldn’t be bothered to do the job properly. You’re in a position to benefit many people (who won’t bother to thank you, I’m afraid) by doing your job correctly and well, or to screw over many more, by slacking off. The people whose lives you inconvenience or derail, by the way, won’t have any problem calling you out on your sloppiness, even if they wouldn’t have bothered expressing their gratitude for a job well done. In other words, stay sharp. Being great may not net you appreciation, but it will certainly spare you grief. CAPRICORN (DEC. 22-JAN. 19)

You’re the zodiac’s most reasonable, cool-headed and rational people – except when you’re not. Very occasionally (usually in regards to love), you go off the deep end and become what can only be called obsessive. Surely you realize that your maniacal, stalker-like behavior will only terrify people, but sometimes it seems impossible to stop yourself, or you rationalize that it’s not as bad as it seems. I hope you recognize that there are times when your usual clearheaded perspective becomes way too skewed to be trusted, and you get someone you have faith in to give you the reality check you desperately need. To contact Caeriel send mail to sign.language.astrology@gmail.com

JANUARY 31, 2019 29





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