Radiology 6
Coolers 13
Wormtongue 18
Kinoshita 11
Thursday, January 2nd FINE LINE Reggae Friday, January 3rd PRANKSTER Saturday, January 4th TONY RAY BAND
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JANUARY 2, 2003
COVER STORY 8 Constructing The Vision
How are you going to play that hand, Arakawa? by Don Gronning
Academy Screenings on Maui Once Again...The Best Place on Earth to Enjoy Great Films this Holiday Season!
NEWS 6 Maui Radiology Consultants
3 Days & Nights of 8 Award-worthy Films plus The CandleLight Cafe Castle Theater = Maui Arts & Cultural Center
Opens New Women’s Imaging Center by Lydee Ritchie
SURF & SPORTS 11 Matt Kinoshita
8 of the films showing this week:
Kazuma Surfboards Owner & Coach by Sara Artman
by Mat Seavey
Thurs., Jan. 2 - 5:00pm
by Jennifer Jay
Thurs., Jan. 2 - 7:30pm
DAY&NIGHT 17 this week’s picks
First Light Mini-Reviews Movie Capsules & Times The Grid Da Kine Calendar
Sat., Jan. 4 - 5:00pm
Sat., Jan. 4 - 7:30pm
658 Front St., Ste. 126A-7278 Lahaina, HI 96761
Barry & Stella Rivers and Family, and Ginny Kiick and Chew Qi the Wonder Dog
office (808) 661–3786 fax (808) 661–0446
Cartoons: Ted Rall, Max Cannon
Director of Advertising: Jeff Onderko jeff@mauitime.com Art Director: Rudi King rudi@mauitime.com Classified Advertising: Sara McDonald sara@mauitime.com
Contributing Writers: Travis Henderson, Cole Smithey, Mat Seavey, Chuck Shepherd, Sara Artman, Amy Alkon, Lydee Ritchie, Tang Li Wheebs, The Mole, Don Gronning, Jennifer Jay Photography: Sean M. HowermauiphotoR4U@aol.com, Sara Artman, Kirsten Guenther
Calendar Editor: Samantha Campos sam@mauitime.com
Distribution: Pacific Isle Circulation
Production Assistant: Lisa Lappe
Web Design: Liko Resources webmaster@likoresources.com
MauiTime Weekly is published every Thursday by MauiTime Productions, Inc. Its contents are Copyright © 2002 by MauiTime Productions, Inc. All rights reserved. Subscriptions are available at $70 per year. Reproduction or use without permission is strictly prohibited. Maui Time Weekly may be distributed only by MauiTime Weekly’s authorized independent contractor. MauiTime Weekly is valued at $.50 per copy and permits one complimentary copy per person. No person may, without written permission of MauiTime Weekly, take more than one copy of each weekly issue. All opinions expressed throughout MauiTime Weekly are those of the authors and not necessarily the same opinions as MauiTime Productions, Inc. and MauiTime Weekly. Deadlines: Display Advertising: Friday Noon Classified: Monday 4pm Calendar: Thursday 5pm Circulation: 11,000 copies of the MauiTime Weekly
Sun., Jan. 5 - 2:00pm
Mahalo for your support of FirstLight 2002! Happy New Year!
Editor: Jennifer Spector jen@mauitime.com
Sat., Jan. 4 - 2:00pm
The Lord of the Rings: Two Towers ( ) by Cole Smithey
Publisher: Tommy Russo tommy@mauitime.com
Arakawa P. 8
DINING 13 Lahaina Coolers A&E 17 Soulive FILM CRITIQUE 18 Gandalf Lives! 19 19 25 20
Sun., Jan. 5 - 5:00pm
Sun., Jan. 5 - 7:30pm
Tickets & FastPass:™ Single Tickets $10. Kids under 12 - $5. Available at MACC one hour before showtime. FirstLight 4-Film VIP FastPass™ - $40. Saves time and assures great seats! Available now at the MACC Box Office (242-SHOW) or Borders Books & Music in Kahului.
Complimentary FirstLight admission for: Active members (and a guest) of AMPAS, DGA, WGA, SAG (Nom. Comm. only), HPFA, PGA, ADG, ASC, BAFTA-LA, BAFTA-NY, CDG, MAHG, MPEG, MPSE, VES, ACE and CAS. RSVP to 579-9244 or arrive 30 min. before showtime.
For more info call 572-3456 or visit www.mauifilmfestival.com DA KINE CALENDAR
JANUARY 2, 2003
Fine Shops
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JANUARY 2, 2003
While reviewing Alan Arakawa’s pre-election campaign promises, I was heartened to see that he supports exploration of alternative energy and the creation of a recycling facility on Maui. This makes me very hopeful. Maui is in a unique position to create a model of environmental and economic sustainability. We don’t have to wait until we run out of fossil fuel before becoming energy self-sufficient. We can begin planning our future today. I dream that we’ll use the abundant sun and wind to power our beautiful island as opposed to shipping 7 million barrels per year of nonrenewable foreign oil across the Pacific. In my dream, we’ll consume less, waste less and have more time to enjoy our lives. I’m aware of the diverse group of people who share my dream. I see them backing away from a lifestyle fueled by nearly 60 barrels of oil per person each year. Many of us wish to wean Maui from dependency on the mainland. Others feel our current level of energy consumption is obscene when compared with the world average of only 9.5 barrels per person per year. Some are trying to recapture the simplicity of a bygone era. All who dream of environmental sustainability look forward to Alan Arakawa’s plan with hope that it will help steer us away from dependency on fossil fuel and promote legislation to encourage the use of renewable energy. Camille Armantrout, Makawao
In a recent issue of Maui Time Weekly, there was one story that caught my eye. It seems that our beloved president has just signed a bill giving him the power to execute someone who has committed a crime without giving him/her a trial or jury. Basically he is taking away our constitutional rights. I find this a little ridiculous. President Bush is Mr. Pro-choice himself. He campaigned against abortion during the election because he doesn’t feel a woman has the right to take the life of her unborn child. Well, now he is doing just that. The key term here is hypocrite. I’m not much for politics, especially coming from Hawaii where corrupt Democrats surround us. I just can’t help but be a little concerned about the man who is running our country. It makes me a little upset. Here we are, being tormented by terrorists, and we have a two-faced president sitting in the White House. It’s not like this hasn’t happened before. There have been many messed up presidents in the past, but without them, who will run the country? We sure can pick them. President Bush needs to get off his thrown and take a look around him. He is letting his country down. This country has enough things to worry about. The last thing they need to worry about is how their president is running the country. Jaime Jackson, Lahaina
READ LABELS! Do not buy anything made with artificial colors or flavors. Human beings must eat only real food made with all real ingredients. Common Sense! All artificial ingredients enter into the body with the real food, but it cannot be digested or eliminated. It is stored in the body and may need to be cut out in the future. Its all because of money. For instance artificial vanillin costs %5 for _ gallon. Pure vanilla costs $5 per ounce. Pay attention to what you consume. Red coloring is cancer, and all artificial colors are bad too. Name withheld by request
VOTE GREEN ON SATURDAY This Saturday, on January 4th, 2003, the voters of the 2nd United States Congressional District in Hawai’i will be going to the polls to fill the unexpired term of the late Patsy Mink in the United States House of Representatives. This is a day in which Hawai’i voters have an opportunity to once again make history by electing the first member of the Green Party to the United States House of Representatives. The state Democrat party is in disarray and who knows what they stand for anymore, except to stay in power. I urge all disgruntled Democrat voters, and members of the other major party and independents alike, to consider a viable alternative to the power brokers and to consider who will truly champion them and their needs; it is time for voters to take a second look at the Green party and my candidacy. Voters should break with the mindset of the two major parties and realize there is another Party which truly represents them and their needs - the Green Party. We need new legislators who will fight for clean money, public financing of elections as now exists in four states and the rights of average people, while being a champion by saving our environment from rampant over-development. Among my main concerns are inspections, not war, on Iraq; free universal single-payer health care; strengthening social security, Medicaid and Medicare; increasing funding for prevention and treatment while ending the failed and corrupt "war on drugs"; quality education for all; lower taxes for workers and the middle class; protection of worker and union rights; mandating corporate accountability by new laws, better regulations and tougher penalties against corporate greed; economic support and assistance, including tax breaks and incentives, for small businesses; energy independence for Hawai`i; support for renewable energy sources; strengthening and enforcing environmental regulations, including restoring the Clean Air Act standards; protecting Hawai`i from rampant over-development; assistance for the maintenance, promotion, and support of agriculture; secure an acceptable Native Hawai’ian structure from the federal government while maintaining continued support for Hawai’ian cultural protection; continue and expand education and medical benefits for veterans; public financing of elections; promoting progressive voter initiatives, including same-day registration and instant runoff(ranked) voting(irv). Nick Nikhilananda
DOOR TO DOOR IN BAGHDAD Holy shit, we now have a human clone living amongst us. Or more precisely, we now have a human clone living in an undisclosed country. Supposedly, her name is Eve and she was created by a French man who calls himself Rael and who also says he is a direct descendant of aliens who created life on earth through genetic engineering. He fronts a religious cult that supposedly financed the research and development of Eve. And get this; the mother from whose DNA the baby was cloned was an American. Which would make the baby an American. If it’s true, things are starting to get just a little too freaky. I feel like I’m living a real-time version of novels I read as a kid. Only back then, the stuff was called science fiction. Now it’s called…. Reality? After someone cloned a sheep and named her Dolly, we all knew it was only a matter of time. But this is no sheep. This is a real human. Or is it? The questions this raises are endless. But the answers are going to be a long time coming. Even if she is confirmed as real, the true affects of her existence won’t be known for decades. But once again, the question is; is she real? Does she feel pain like the rest of us? Does she feel love? Hate? Fear? If she does feel these emotions, can the next batch be bred – or maybe I should say programmed – to feel more of one emotion or less of another? The military would have a field day with an army of clone’s bred to feel no fear, experience no pain, but with a healthy dose of pure hatred thrown in for good measure. President Reagan brought us Star Wars, maybe President Bush wants to keep in the tradition and bring us Attack of the Clones. What if scientists can speed up the aging process so that infants can reach
maturity in weeks, or even days? Forget about attacking Baghdad right now. Saddam Hussein wants us to go door to door to maximize our casualty rate. We’ll just wait until scientists can breed with hyper-speed a few thousand pure American psychos. Then you can bet we’ll go door to door in Baghdad. "Knock, knock" says Mr. American Soldier Clone. "Who’s there?" says Mr. Soon to be Dead Iraqi Republican Guardsman. "It’s just little ol’ me, Mr. American Soldier. And you can bet your ass I ain’t here to sell Avon." If this really does turn out like the science fiction books I used to read as a kid, we’ll soon find that Rael is really a cover name for a disgruntled scientist who fell out of the good graces of the American government. Better yet, he probably didn’t even fall out of good grace. The American government just knew they could never introduce this kind of thing to the American public from inside the U.S. So they went to an "undisclosed" location. What better way to test America’s opinion? If it does go wrong, they can just blame it on some wacky foreigner. And if it works out, they’ll just reveal the location of the baby. I wonder where this "undisclosed location" might be, anyway. Can anyone say Area 51? Hell, that would make sense. Rael calls himself a descendant of aliens and Area 51 is where the aliens landed in the first place, right? Listen to me. I’m sounding like a conspiracy theorist. But regardless of whether Eve is real or not, a human clone is probably not too far off. And as humans, we take pride and comfort in our uniqueness and authenticity. Now that there is someone among us without the "proper credentials", the comfort and pride that comes from our faith in the inherent decency of our humanity will be compromised. Ironically, it is those who already make us question our faith in the inherent decency of humanity that the first clone soldiers will seek. But if you have ever questioned whom you can trust, just wait until a few more successful cloning operations. Then you really won’t know.
Class! t y r o t c llmen trodu o n I r n E E E h FR rm wit o f i n U FREE ng
i ickbox K o i o d g • Car , Kenp u F Trainin g s n n u o K p , a e te • Kara fense W e D f l e eek istic S ys a W a D • Real 7 Adults fered f r O o f s s e asse • Class oup Cl r G & te 5 & up • Priva r o f s e i Class • Keik e Welcom s r o t i s • Vi
EH BRAH! Send anonymous thanks, confessions or accusations, 200 words or less, changing or deleting the names of the guilty and innocent to “Eh Brah!” c/o Maui Time Weekly, 658 Front Street, Ste. 126A–7278, Lahaina, HI 96761
I work in a popular upscale restaurant on the north shore. Last night this dude came in, and proceeded to be rude and demanding to one of our nicest waitresses. The pretty local woman he was with was not pleased by this boor’s behavior, so she proceeded to order off the menu with great abandon – then got up and left him there (with the food and the check!). I heard her tell him that his ego should be enough to keep him company! She actually got applause form nearby tables. To you sister – you’ve got class – come in again sometime, and we will “buff you out.” To you, rude dude – don’t come back anytime soon. The food might not be to your “liking.” Wait in hell. Waitpersons are humans too
JANUARY 2, 2003
GOLF PASS NO MONTHLY DUES NO CART FEES For more info, call our friendly pro shop staff
Internet Cafe and Stop I got
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Maui Radiology Consultants opens new Women’s Imaging Center First in Hawaii to offer latest MRI technology
242-GOLF(4653) 2500 Honoapi`ilani Highway (Hwy. 30) • Waikapu, Maui
INTERNET CAFE in Wailuku 242-1896 On Market and Main
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Maui Radiology Consultants (MRC) recently opened its MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) & Women’s Imaging Center located in Kahului, Maui in Triangle Square on Hana Highway by Dairy Road. The brand new clinic is designed especially for women, offering services such as mammogram, bone densitometry, and ultrasound examinations. These procedures are implemented by using the latest, state-of-the-art technology, handled by highly-skilled technicians and read by reputable, specialized radiologists, all of which sets MRC apart as a unique, cutting-edge facility in medical diagnostic imaging. Higher Standards At the new facility, MRC is setting higher standards not only in medicine, but in service, and delivery. It offers many comforts and conveniences for clients, such as hassle-free parking, easy registration, as well as having coffee available all day long. Doctors from other medical groups can now send requests to MRI and receive patient studies within a day or two. Furthermore, the clinic’s friendly professionals provide services within a warm and esthetically pleasing environment enhanced with local artwork. With all this said, the big news about MRI & Women’s Imaging Center is its acquisition of the world’s latest technology in medical diagnostic imaging. First island in the State to receive most powerful scanner on the market “Maui should be proud to have a facility that features the most powerful GE (General Electric) scanner on the market,” says MRC neuroradiologist Michael May, M.D. “Only 120 of these MRIs are being delivered to different sites in the country and MRC is the first in the State of Hawaii to acquire this powerful magnet, which is called the GE Signa Infinity 1.5T MRI scanner.” MRC also has the first non-hospital based outpatient MRI in Hawaii. The new Signa Infinity system includes a newly developed software program and a high-powered computer that allows the magnet to scan patients four times faster and to acquire four times more information. The system features the most comprehensive clinical capabilities in the industry. It not only performs routine MR procedures like brain and spine orthopedic imaging, it also has the ability to perform
JANUARY 2, 2003
advanced applications like vascular, cardiac, and spectroscopy. The new software can also create three-dimensional images, and then can spin the holographic image around to be studied from all angles. “Images have higher resolution, thus are sharper, therefore allowing the radiologists who read these studies to evaluate disease with much greater accuracy than ever before,” says Roy Burt, MRI’s Chief Technologist who operates the new scanner. “Patients will be scanned much faster, so there will be less of a chance for them to feel claustrophobic within the scanner,” adds MRI Technologist Dana Dattalo. “It’s important for us to help make patients feel safe and comfortable in this procedure. I actually tried it out and it felt quite cozy because the large window gives the scanner a much more open feel.” MRI’s contribution to the community “This new MRI system strengthens our commitment to provide the most advanced care for Maui’s people with cost-effective technology, as well as to stay on the forefront of medical imaging for years to come,” says Dr. May. He adds that the center serves as a backup facility to Maui Memorial Medical Center’s inpatient MRI. “We will have the ability to transfer hospital patients here for their imaging needs in the event that the hospital’s MRI unit is not functioning. We are working closely with the hospital and referring physicians to make sure that patients are directed to the appropriate facility for each examination.” Maui Radiology Consultant Partners MRC is a private Limited Liability Corporation currently comprised of five partners: Gene Wasson, M.D. (managing partner); David Heeney, M.D.; Geoffrey Murrish, M.D.; Christopher A. Neal, M.D.; and Michael May, M.D. The company has been in existence for nearly 25 years on Maui. The partners of the group developed the concept of the MRI & Women’s Imaging Center a year ago. The project was spearheaded by Dr. May. MRC is an established leader in diagnostic imaging. Services include obtaining and reading images produced by the following: X-ray, ultrasound, nuclear medicine, mammography, bone densitometry, computed tomography (CT) and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI). Maui Radiology Consultants' centers are located in Kahului (Maui Clinic and Triangle Square), Wailuku, Kihei and Makawao. For information call MRI & Women’s Imaging Center at (808) 873-9551.
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Maui Radiology Consultant's neuroradiologist Michael May M.D. with Malia Doyle, radiology clerk, (acting as patient) at the new GE Signa Infinity 1.5T MRI scanner. Only 120 of these MRIs are being delivered to different sites in the country and MRC is the first in the State of Hawaii to acquire this powerful magnet. MRC also has the first non-hospital based outpatient MRI in Hawaii. The new clinic, MRI & Women’s Imaging Center, opened earlier this month in Kahului. What is Magnetic Resonance Imaging? An MRI scanner is able to produce images of any part of the human body with such high detail that they look like pictures in an anatomy book. There is no radiation used. The image is produced by a magnetic pulse sent through the body, a procedure that cannot be felt by the patient in the scanner. There is minimal risk in performing this study.
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You are cordially invited to attend… Mayor-Elect Alan M. Arakawa and his Administration request the honor of your presence at their Official Inauguration Ceremony on Thursday, January 2, 2003 3:30 pm to 7:00 pm at Ichiro “Iron” Maehara Baseball Stadium Kanaloa Avenue, Wailuku (Rain venue – War Memorial Gymnasium)
How is it helpful in medicine? The MRI scanner is used to evaluate parts of the human body. It is commonly use to look for abnormalities, injuries, or damages made to the brain, spine, wrist, shoulder, knee, ankle, foot, abdomen, pelvis, and even the heart. For example, radiologists can look at MRI images of blood vessels anywhere in the body to find blockages, aneurysms, or any other vascular abnormality. For those with gallbladder problems, the MRI can scan the drainage system of the liver, as well as the gallbladder and pancreatic duct. MRC also evaluates patients with acute strokes.
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JANUARY 2, 2003
ARAKAWA PLAYED HIS CARDS RIGHT AND WON MAUI COUNTY'S TOP JOB Now budgeting and finding the money to make new charter amendments work will be his problem. How you going to play that hand, Mayor Arakawa? Over the years, Alan Arakawa, 51, has been dealt a lot of hands. Both literally and figuratively. He is a Life Master bridge player and the card game is one of his passions. "There is a lot of strategy in bridge," he says. "It's a simple game, but in its simplicity, it's difficult." In a way, the same could be said about running the county. It's simple, really, just provide government services for 130,000 people and millions of visitors. And, oh yeah, you're going to have to reorganize five departments and submit a $270 million budget to the county council. The budget is due by March 15. And by the way, while you were a county council member, by law you couldn't make administrative decisions until you officially take office as Mayor January 2. So that's the hand Arakawa will be playing now that he pulled off the stunning defeat of the incumbent mayor, James "Kimo" Apana. Arakawa beat Apana 20,887 to 19,784, winning by only 1,103 votes after trailing during most of election evening. It was a re-match of
JANUARY 2, 2003
the 1998 election, where Arakawa lost by 2,500 votes. But in the 2002 version, Arakawa was outspent 5-1, with Apana raising over $750,000 in his bid for re-election. People who have watched Arakawa over the years knew he was persistent. He was determined to be mayor and if it hadn't been this year, he likely would have been back in 2006. He ran twice for council before being elected in 1994. Arakawa says that he doesn't take his political defeats personally. He says that he views elected office as public service and that when he loses an election, he seeks other ways to serve. "If you don't win, you continue to do community service in a different way," he says. But you also keep trying to get elected. One of the reasons Apana was defeated was that for four years he had Arakawa on his heels. Just about every time there was anything controversial involving Apana's administration, Arakawa was there, publicly commenting how he thought the Apana administration was failing. Keeping his opinions to himself hasn't been
Arakawa's style. He first came to public prominence as a whistle blower in a high profile pollution case when he worked in the county's wastewater division in 1991. Over a two-year period, Arakawa saw millions of gallons of wastewater dumped on the ground at the county's site, within about 100 feet of Kahului Bay. Though his boss said it was permissible, Arakawa didn't think it was right and wrote to the state to find out if it was legal. It wasn't, and the county, under the Lingle administration, eventually paid $870,000 in state fines, but not before a messy investigation and court fight. "It was a brutal time in our lives," says Arakawa. "Many times I was worried if I would have a job." Arakawa eventually spent 10 years working in the wastewater treatment division. He rose from being a plant worker, to being the supervisor of the wastewater plant. Like many on Maui, Arakawa has had a variety of jobs in his working life. An allergy to chemicals forced him out of farming, so he sought other ways to
support his family. He was selling insurance for Augustine Garcia and the Equitable Insurance Company when he first started playing bridge. "He required two things of all his employees," says Arakawa. "They had to learn to play bridge and golf." Arakawa didn't spend as much time golfing but he did take to bridge. Garcia, his boss, was an internationally rated player. Arakawa enjoys the competition and gamesmanship of bridge, but he also enjoys the companionship of people in the bridge community. He likes to socialize and talk story with fellow bridge enthusiasts. As a youngster, Arakawa had only a younger brother, Wallace, but many cousins and at a young age he became adept with the give and take of family life. He was born the eldest child of Edward and Irma Arakawa, who, among other things, owned and operated the Sukagawa Store in Wailuku. The family moved to Wake Island for a time, before returning to Maui, establishing a farm in Kula, where Arakawa lived with his family, including aunts
and uncles and cousins. He has fond memories of growing up in Kula. He remembers the kerosene lanterns and the open spaces of Upcountry Maui. And he remembers the sense of community he felt there. "Kula is a very tight community," Arakawa says. Families supported one another, shared vegetables and labor. The Omapio Ku is one example of a community organization that helped people then and still exists today. Arakawa graduated from the old Maui High School and went on to the University of Hawaii, where he studied business management in order to run the family farm. He didn't graduate from the U of H, but he did do another thing that turned out to be important in his life. He met Ann Matsui, who later became his wife. They met in 1969 and were married seven years later. Their first child, Jan, was born in 1978 followed by her sister, Jodi, in 1979. Fast forward to today. Arakawa is finished with his third council term and is now taking the reins as mayor. While the council and mayor positions are officially non-partisan now, Arakawa is a Republican. He was first elected to county council as a Republican and ran for mayor in 1998 as a Republican in an overwhelmingly Democratic state. While he also worked to get President George W. Bush elected, Arakawa says there is a difference between national and local politics. He says there are Bush policies he likes and others he doesn't. He is less ambivalent about Linda Lingle, Hawaii's new Republican governor elect. Lingle served two terms as Maui's mayor and Arakawa says he has a good relationship with her. "She helped me get elected the first time," he says. "We go back a long way." He says Lingle's familiarity with Maui will be an asset to the county. "She knows the needs," he says. At the national level, critics say the GOP doesn't seem to take environmental concerns seriously, especially the Bush administration and the House of Representatives. The easing of clean air requirements is one recent example. But at the county level, "non-partisan" Republicans have been credited with standing up for the environment, particularly in the face of rapid development. Council members Joann Johnson and Wayne Nishiki, both Republican leaning, are particularly quick to ask pointed questions and try to halt development they think is unwise. Democrats have their share of environmental credits, such as the Apana administration's open space fund -- money committed to buying and preserving open space -- something that is of particular interest on islands. But people like Rob Parsons, who ran for mayor this year, saw which way the wind was blowing. After keeping both candidates in suspense a while, Parsons eventually endorsed Arakawa. Parsons finished a distant third in
By Don Gronning Photos By Sean Hower
the primary, but his 3,000 votes may have been the difference in a general election decided by only 1,100 votes. Parsons was viewed as an environmental candidate, endorsed by the Sierra Club and Maui Tomorrow, a grassroots organization that has opposed and stopped big development projects. Arakawa has reciprocated. He named Parsons to the new post of environmental coordinator. More significantly, he appointed former Maui Tomorrow board member Mike Foley head of the Department of Planning, a post currently held by John Min. Foley is viewed as a highly qualified planner, with 35 years experience planning in northern California. Other Arakawa appointments include George Tengan as head of the department of water. Under a new charter amendment, the water department will now be controlled by the county. The county council will have to approve three of his appointments: corporate counsel, planning and water. In addition to Tengan, he has named Brian Moto to corporate counsel. Tengen and Moto both come from within those departments. Beyond that, he will have to go to the council to get approval for money to fund positions that are required by new charter amendments passed in the general election. Successfully working with the council is one of his top priorities. "The administration is only as good as the legislative body allows it to be," he says. Tight deadlines and money needs will require cooperation between the council and the Arakawa administration. While Arakawa says he won't be a micro manager, he says more guidance is needed than was provided by the Apana administration. "Details matter," he says. It remains to be seen how an Arakawa administration will handle those details. If the appointments made so far are indicative, the county will see quite a change in direction as Arakawa takes over as mayor. Time will tell whether it is the right direction. There is a lot riding on how Arakawa plays this hand.
JANUARY 2, 2003
NEWSOFTHEWEIRD LEAD STORIES A spokesman for the Internet site offering "Kaboom: The Suicide Bomber Game" (the more bystander-victims, the more points) told The New York Times in December that the game had been played by computer users about 875,000 times since its introduction in April and is but one of several of the site's questionabletaste games based on contemporary events, including "Extreme WTC (World Trade Center) Jumper," "Sniper's Revenge" and "Pico's School" (modeled after the Columbine, Colo., tragedy). Said the site's Web master, "People ... need to lighten up and realize there are far worse problems in the world than what games people are playing." Singapore neurosurgeon Keith Goh and his colleagues said they would decide by the first of the year whether to attempt the unprecedented head-separating surgery requested by 28-year-old Siamese twins in Iran. Laleh and Ladan Bijani are law school graduates who claim to need the separation because they have grown apart psychologically. "We have different lifestyles," said Ladan (the more extroverted). "We think very differently about issues."
CREME DE LA WEIRD In a still-unfolding story from Kassel, Germany, a man identified only as Armin M., 41, gave police a videotape in December showing him killing a 42-yearold companion who had answered Armin's Internet ad reading, "Gay male seeks hunks 18-30 to slaughter." Armin allegedly admitted that he is a cannibal and that he froze parts of the victim's body for later meals. According to police, the victim (an upscale professional) had methodically put his financial records in order before leaving his Berlin home to meet Armin, and according to one newspaper, the men are shown on tape eating the victim's penis, after he consented to castration. Armin also reportedly told police that he would never eat a woman because "they are too important for the survival of mankind." Stunned police investigators reportedly had to undergo psychiatric counseling after viewing the tape.
QUESTIONABLE JUDGMENTS In Bennington, Vt., in October, Nicholas Perotta, 18, was charged with traffic violations that resulted in minor injuries to himself and two passengers in his Dodge pickup, caused when he collided with a utility pole. Perotta told police that there was a short-out in one of his stereo speakers and that he deliberately ran off the road seeking something to bump into in order to jar the speaker back into working order. According to testimony at the trial of Anastazia M. Schmid in Lafayette, Ind., in October, a motive for Schmid's having
JANUARY 2, 2003
murdered her boyfriend, Tony Heathcote, was that she snapped during a consensual sexual bondage session with him when he allegedly suggested, "I'll be the daddy, you be the little girl." Unfortunately, Heathcote allegedly made that suggestion only two days after Schmid had learned that Heathcote had been accused of molesting Schmid's own 6-year-old daughter. (She was convicted.) In August (in Kenora, Ontario) and September (in Albuquerque), good-Samaritan motorists decided to pull over and offer help to police officers involved with traffic stops at the side of the road. The 27-year-old (unnamed) Ontario man was cited for DUI after he backed into the patrol car while parking, and the other Samaritan, Eddie Trujillo, 55, was cited for DUI after he badly slurred his earnest offer of assistance to the patrolman.
UNCLEAR ON THE CONCEPT John Perkyns, 48, who in September pleaded no contest to charges of destroying homosexual-themed books at two San Francisco libraries, also allegedly vandalized as part of the same rampages books by authors Gay Talese and Peter Gay and a book of poetry about the airplane that dropped the atomic bomb on Hiroshima (the Enola Gay). An 18-year-old, Winnipeg, Manitoba, high school student (not named in a Canadian Press report) was let off easy on drug charges by Judge Cathy Everett, in that she sentenced him merely to write a report on the evils of the drug Ecstasy. In December, he handed in a 24-page essay that began with the foreword, "All I ask is that (the judge) keep an open mind while reading this paper," and continued with a trashing of the concept of teaching drug abstinence (because it's only natural to be curious) and with detailed suggestions on how to take Ecstasy safely and in moderation. The evertolerant judge ordered a rewrite.
RECURRING THEMES Matt Boswell of Dallas apparently became the latest victim of thieves who make bad guesses about the value of packages they believe are worth swiping. In December, Boswell reported spotting a man rummaging through his truck, and when Boswell yelled, the man grabbed two containers and fled. As Boswell later explained to a Dallas Morning News reporter, the containers held pickups from customers of Pet Butler, Boswell's pet waste-removal service (advertised by signs on both sides of his truck).
THINNING THE HERD A 19-year-old man was fatally shot in the forehead by his 17-year-old brother after sneering that the kid didn't have "the guts" to shoot him (and mock-commanding him, "Shoot me, you (expletive deleted in the original story)") (Albuquerque, September). And a 23-year-old man, who had opened a van's sliding door and begun pelting cars and mailboxes with rocks as the van drove by, was killed when he fell out and hit his head (Clark County, Ore., August).
Matt Kinoshita
“I enjoy doing good things,” explains Matt Kinoshita, the extremely successful owner and shaper of Kazuma surfboards, a full-time fire fighter, a surfing coach to many of Maui’s and Hawaii’s young and very talented surfers, as well as a full-time husband and father of two adorable children. By doing what he loves on a daily basis, he enriches the lives of all he comes in contact with. For Matt Kinoshita, tackling 3 very commending jobs means, “living his dreams.” The patience he exudes, combined with his experience and understanding of the technical aspects of surfing, make him a purveyor of Hawaii’s young surf talent and future professionals. His flourishing surfboard business, with worldwide clientele, keeps him busy shaping quality boards for all. The fire department was a dream he waited 6 years to commence and he says, “There is nothing more thrilling than working with the fire department, it was my dream!” The description “good” is an understatement and could not come close to describing the ways Matt Kinoshita has given back to our community. The world would be a better place if only more people could have the same hard working attitude, giving nature, and aloha spirit. With over 20 years surfing experience, including many contests and travels to far away places, Matt Kinoshita knows first hand what it takes to be the best and how to succeed. Professionalism in surfing has been redefined and new standards are set for today’s youth. With the encouragement of people like Matt Kinoshita, kids today are more driven and professional, as he explains, “When I was young, surfing was more play than a profession.” Coaching and shaping for over 12 years has allowed him the opportunity to help kids take surfing to new levels. “I coach any kids who want to learn and desire to be the best!” says Matt Kinoshita, who has been the coach of the Hawaii world team for 6 years now. Because of his understanding of the technique of surfing, what the self-taught surfer accomplished in 10 years, he’s coached some kids to be at that same level in 2 years. Feedback from the kids he coaches indicates where the future of surfing is going. The kids explain what they want to do and where they plan on surfing with the boards. Combining the feedback with his knowledgeable shaping ability creates an unstoppable dynamic. It’s no wonder that some of the most talented and smartest young surfers, such as Fred Pattachia and Ian Walsh, are a product of guidance and boards designed by Matt Kinoshita. Having lived at the same address in Haiku for 31 years, it only seems fitting that Kazuma Surf Board company is situated next to his home. From the over 12,000 boards he’s shaped, the shaping rooms are a second home to Matt Kinoshita. Over 12 years ago, Roger Anderson was the initial person to teach
Firefighter, Coach and Shaper Matt Kinoshita
him to shape, then Ben Aipa became his shaping coach, which pushed and taught him many aspects of shaping that are applied today with his very successful business. With an immensely busy schedule, Matt Kinoshita makes time to go surfing everyday, sometimes accompanied by his wife, Anne, and their 2 kids, Chaz (6 years) and Daize (2 years). Having accomplished his dream to be a fire fighter, he has proven once again that anything is possible, if the motivation is there. Firefighting is one of the most admirable and selfless professions. It takes a huge amount of courage and desire to save lives to even begin becoming a firefighter, which is not an easy process by any means. He is a perfect model for the kids he coaches, and an inspiration to anyone. He has fulfilled 3 lifetimes of dreams in 31 years, driven by the desire “to do good things” and to make the world a better place to be. I would like to thank him for the help he gave me in finding the perfect dimensions for my new Kazuma board which puts a smile on my face everyday!
TIDES&TIMES Tide times set for Honolulu - adjust as follows: Kahului -1hr 41min. Hana -1hr 23min. Makena -0hr 32min. Kihei/Ma`alaea -0hr 22min. Lahaina -0hr 40min. 2 Sun R 7:09A Thur Set 6:02P
H 4:01A 2.6 L 11:27A 0.1
H 3:45P 0.6 L 9:05P -0.3
3 Fri
Sun R 7:10A Set 6:02P
H 4:42A 2.6 H 4:35P 0.6 L 12:09P 0.1 L 9:47P -0.2
4 Sat
Sun R 7:10A Set 6:03P
H 5:22A 2.5 H 5:25P 0.6 L 12:50P 0.1 L 10:29P -0.1
5 Sun
Sun R 7:10A Set 6:04P
H 6:02A 2.3 L 1:30P 0.1
H 6:20P 0.6 L 11:11P 0.1
6 Sun R 7:10A Mon Set 6:04P
H 6:40A 2.1 L 2:10P 0.1
H 7:23P 0.7 L 11:57P 0.3
7 Tue
H 7:17A 1.9 L 2:48P 0.1
H 8:37P 0.8
Sun R 7:11A Set 6:05P
8 Sun R 7:11A Wed Set 6:06P
L 12:53A 0.5 L 3:24P 0.1 L 7:54A 1.7 H 9:57P 1.0
SURFREPORTS WEBSITES hawaiiweathertoday.com www.surfline.com buoyweather.com
PHONE National Weather Service 877-3477 Hana Highway Surf 871-6258 (NALU) Hi-Tech Surf Sports 877-3611 MAUI TIME WEEKLY
JANUARY 2, 2003
JANUARY 2, 2003
Lahaina Coolers One thing about radio advertising: it follows you around whether you like it or not. While there are plenty of good ads on the radio, there are some that just drive me crazy every time I hear them. The Lahaina Coolers ad campaign of the past few years falls into the latter category, and yet I listen through each painful second every time, cringing at their cheesy sense of humor. So what happens when I find myself in Lahaina at 10:30 at night with a rumbling stomach? I head to Lahaina
pages of pupus, salads, entrée salads, burgers, pizzas, pastas, entrees, and desserts. This menu covers all kinds of ground, too. Just look at the pupus alone. Sizzling Skillet Garlic Shrimp or Clams, Crab Wontons, Steak Poki, Escargot, Nachos, Tempura Calamari, Spinach and Feta Cheese Quesadilla, Artichoke Hearts on Crostini, Kalua Pig Tacos, Fresh Fish Tacos, and Da Kine Soup. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a menu where nachos follow escargot! We tried the Sizzling Skillet Garlic Shrimp, which did indeed arrive sizzling with lots and lots of garlic sliced into little
with Pine Nuts, Poached Pears and Passion Fruit Vinaigrette. The Shrimp and Watercress Cobb is what I want to try next, with bacon, rock shrimp, avocado, watercress, chopped boiled egg, blue cheese crumbles, and ranch dressing. How about a Philly Cheese Steak Pizza, Meatloaf Pizza, or Evil Jungle Pizza with Spicy Thai Peanut Sauce? The Evil Jungle Pasta that I’ve heard about so many times on the radio is very tempting for me. I love that spicy stuff! But wait, there’s a whole other page of steaks, chicken, and seafood. What to do?
444 Hana Hwy. Kahului, HI 96732 Corner of Dairy Rd. & Hana Hwy.
s te on m . .. es t de r n e t T he
i ll
a re
Celebrate Happy Hour At THE BLUE LAGOON TROPICAL BAR & GRILL 3PM-9PM DAILY Mai Tais & Margaritas - $2.50 Draft Bud / Coors Light - $1.50
Coolers at 180 Dickenson St. because I know they serve a full menu ‘til midnight and I know half of it already. How do I know these things? Because they’ve been insidiously planted into my subconscious under the guise of bad humor. Quite effective, I’d say. I expected a huge, rambling Hard Rock Café kind of place, so I was pleasantly surprised to find a comfortable open air dining room with lots of courtyard seating. The place is probably about forty percent full and everyone looks happy and relaxed. Our waitress arrives quickly to take our drink order and drop menus. They weren’t kidding about having a full menu! There are lots of options here with four
chips, just the way I do at home. The Tempura Calamari was tender and crisp and perfectly matched with the rich, deep flavor of the Gorgonzola Herb Dip. The Steak Poki was a must try because I’d never heard of it before. It came sliced thin and tossed with onion, mac nut, sesame oil, and a touch of lemony spice. It’s a beef lover’s adaptation of Ahi Poke, and it works! I like it, and my compliments to Chef Willie Munder for going out on a limb and doing his own thing. The Chef’s unconventional touch is evident throughout the menu. He’s got a Soba Noodle Salad with Marinated Grilled Tofu, Tamarind Chicken Salad with Mandarin Oranges, Furikaki Chips and Chipotle Orange Vinaigrette, and Fried Brie on Kula Greens
The Coolers Waimea Pork Chop jumps out at me, and I know my decision has been made. It’s marinated in secret asian spices and is billed as the “tenderest... monster pork chop you will ever eat”. That’s definitely for me. The chop was indeed a monster, leaning against a wall of mashed potatoes next to a cluster of French beans. The marinade was very good but didn’t penetrate very deeply, and I think I have had a pork chop more tender, once or twice. All in all a good meal though, just a ladle-full of sauce away from being excellent. Lahaina Coolers serves all this food until midnight, every night. Stop on by and check them out at…well, you already know, don’t you?
15% gratuity will be added to total amount of check before discount, 5-7pm only
Full menu and appetizers from 9AM-10PM Casual Dining & Affordable Prices Catering • Banquets • Buffets Group Discounts Across from the Banyan Tree in the Wharf Cinema Center
658 Front Street, Lahaina • 661–8141
JANUARY 2, 2003
DININGLISTINGS CENTRAL MAUI Ale House - Wide selection of food with sports and games all around. 355 E. Kamehameha Ave. 877–9001 Aloha Grill - 22 different burgers including veggie styles, plus all the extras. kids meals. Dairy Road Marketplace. 893–0263 Bangkok Cuisine - Casual setting featuring exceptional Thai food with plenty of crisp vegetables and fresh seafood. Lunch, dinner, or take-out. 395 Dairy Road, Unit F. 893-0026 Biwon Restaurant - Fresh and flavorful, authentic Korean food. Open 10am to 10pm, lunch and dinner. 752 Lower Main 244-7788 Cupie’s Drive-In - Local lunch take-out. Open Monday thru Saturday. 134 W Kamehameha Ave. 877-3055 Dunes Restaurant - Adventuresome revisions of local and American breakfast, lunch, and dinner favorites. Maui Lani Golf Course. 877–7461
Hale Imua Internet Cafe - Espresso bar, deli sandwiches, salads, real fruit smoothies, and iced blended coffees. 1980 Main St. Wailuku. 242-1896. Ichiban Restaurant and Sushi Bar - Breakfast, lunch and dinner featuring modestly priced Japanese and Local cuisine. Kahului Shopping Center. 871–6977 Manaña Garage - Latin American cuisine. Chicken Tortilla Epozote, vegetarian enchiladas and paella. 33 Lono St., Ste 150. 873–0220 Maui Coffee Roasters - Ono grinds and freshly roasted coffee in a fun and casual atmosphere makes this the place to ‘take five’. 444 Hana Hwy. 877–CUPS Piñata’s - Fresh and wholesome Mexican food from the Kitchen Sink burritos to quesadillas ala carte. Casual dining, pinatas available too. 395 Dairy Rd. 877–8707 Ramon’s - Contemporary Mexican, full sushi bar, awesome desserts. Banquet area available. 2102 Vineyard St. 244–7243 Ruby’s - Walk down memory lane at this fabulous fifties cafe. Quintessential American dining morning to night. Queen Ka`ahumanu Center. 248-7829 Saeng’s Thai Cuisine - Vegetarian, meat, & seafood Thai entrees in a casual garden setting. 2119 Vineyard 244-1567 Saigon Cafe - Wailuku’s hidden secret! Delicious and affordable Vietnamese cuisine with excellent service. 1792 Main 243-9560 Shakalaka Fish ‘N Chips - Mahimahi, Ono, Shrimp & Calamari in a light, crisp batter with homemade tartar sauces. Yum! 2010 Main St. 986-0855 Sheik’s Restaurant - Local favorites including Loco Moco and Shoyu Chicken. 97 Wakea Ave. 877-0121 Stillwell’s Bakery & Cafe - Specialty cakes and desserts, breads and pastries, with sandwiches, sal-
ads and soups for lunch. Open 6am-4pm Mon-Sat. 1740 Kaahumanu Ave. 243-2243 Tasty Crust - Local style cuisine for Breakfast (try their famous hotcakes!), lunch & dinner. Serving Maui since 1944. 1770 Mill 244-0845 Tokyo Tei - Lunch and dinner featuring teriyaki beef and fish, tempura, datsu, saimin and more. 1063 E. Lower Main St. 242-9630 Wow-Wee Cafe - Unique candy bars, ice cream shakes, bagels, coffees, great sandwiches, soups, and an oxygen bar. 333 Dairy Rd. 871-1414 <www.mauiwowwee.com>
SOUTH MAUI BadaBing! - Homey Italian haven, award-winning thin crust pizzas, veal, calamari or chicken picatta. 1945 S. Kihei Rd. 875–0811 Bocalino Bistro & Bar - Affordably priced Mediterranean cuisine. Open for dinner, pupus served until 1am. Live entertainment and dancing 10pm ‘til 1am. 1279 S. Kihei Rd., #314. 874-9299 Capiche? - Contemporary Italian with a twist; extensive wine list. Commanding ocean views from every table. Diamond Resort. 879–2224 Cyberbean Internet Cafe - Gourmet coffee, espressos, cappucinos, lattes, sandwiches, smoothies & salads. 1881 S. Kihei, #112. 879-4799 DeanO’s Maui Pizza Cafe - Top quality pizza with traditional toppings, full menu with salads, pasta and sandwiches. 2439 S. Kihei Rd. 891–2200 Dick’s Place - Incredible all-you-can-eat food specials, free pool playing with purchase. 8 pool tables. 2463 S. Kihei Rd. 874–8869 El Restaurante Pasatiempo - Authentic homestyle Mexican food, with a wide range of dishes and meats to choose from. Azeka’s Plaza II. 879–1089
Steaks & Seafood
“Best Mahi”- Kama’aina Hot Spots “Best Steak of Maui”- Maui News Readers “Award of Excellence”- Wine Spectator “Best Steak”- Taste of Lahaina GREAT VALUES PENNY’S FAMOUS LASAGNA $9.95 CHICKEN FRIED STEAK $9.95 EARLY BIRD SPECIAL SPAGHETTI & MEATBALLS $7.95
We invite you to discover what makes Reilley’s the best restaurant on Maui
We are conveniently located at the entrance of Ka`anapaali 667-7477
WE’RE NOT FUNKIN’ AROUND! “Da Kahuna introduces the $5 PLATE!” Everyday a different special for only $5 including a drink! As always, “Show your local ID and your Drink is FREE” NOW Delivering in LahainaTown (FREE on Front Street) LAHAINA MARKET PLACE CORNER OF LAHAINALUNA & FRONT STREET
JANUARY 2, 2003
Five Palms Beach Grill - Local produce and fish featured in Pacific Rim cuisine. 2960 S. Kihei Rd. 879–2607 Greek Bistro - Moderately priced Greek and Continental Cuisine. Open for dinner 5-10pm. Kai Nani Village, 2511 S. Kihei Rd. 879-9330 Harlow’s Restaurant - Enjoy fine dining among the cozy and chic furniture and great sunset views. 2511 S. Kihei Rd. 879–1954 Horhitos Mexican Cantina - Burritos, salads, appetizers and “Food for Gringos”, too! Located next to Hapa’s Nightclub. Open 5pm to 2am Mon.-Sat. Lipoa St. 891-MEXI Jabba’s Place - Family restaurant featuring homestyle cooking at a great price. Specials nightly. Azeka’s Plaza I. 891–0989 Kai Ku Ono - A tapas-style menu, where everything is ala carte, special late night menu. 2511 S. Kihei Rd. 875–1007 La Creperie - French cuisine in a stylish and comfortable atmosphere. Serving escargot, ratatouille, and many other dishes. 1913 S. Kihei Rd. 891–0822 Life’s a Beach - Food & drinks in a fun atmosphere. Best Mex, nachos, burritos, prime rib, and grilled mahimahi are just some of the specialties. 1913 S. Kihei Rd. 891–8010 Lobster Cove - Varied menu of seafood including fresh island fish. 100 Ike Dr. 879–7677 Longhi’s Wailea - Seafood, meat and pasta entrees with many not listed on the menu. Ask the server for details. 3750 Wailea Alanui Dr. 891–8883 Ma`alaea Grill - Reasonably priced fine dining overlooking the harbor from the Maui Ocean Center. Ma`alaea Harbor Village Shops. 243–2206 Ma’alaea Waterfront Restaurant - Seafood and Continental cuisine. Open for dinner daily from 5pm. Milowai Condominium, 50 Hauoli Street. 244-9028 Marco’s South Side Grill - A lavish and beautiful setting, compliments the hearty Italian food and excellent wines. 1445 S. Kihei Rd. 874–4041 Mulligan’s On the Blue - Maui’s authentic Irish pub, plenty o’Irish food, whiskey and beer. Breakfast is served till 3PM. 100 Kaukahi St. Wailea 874–1131 Nick’s Fishmarket - Fine dining in open air and elegance with amazing seafood dishes and fresh fish preparations. Kea Lani Hotel. 879–7224 Pita Paradise - Good food, fast. Serving up a mean Mediterranean-style “gyro”, salads or wraps, Kihei Kalama Village Center. 875–7679 Roy’s Kihei Bar & Grill - Mouth-watering Hawaiian Fusion entrees in a spacious and upbeat atmosphere. Open nightly from 5:30 to 10pm, Fine dining, reservations recommended. Piilani Shopping Center, 303 Piikea Ave. 891-1120 Sansei Restaurant - Japanese based Pacific Rim dining, sushi bar and late night menu. Award winning
• 12 Gourmet Styles • Burgers, Salads & Hot Sandwiches • Vegetarian Meals • Outdoor Seating Open 11am-8pm, Fri & Sat til 2:30am
1913 South Kihei Rd. • 874-6444
DININGLISTINGS cuisine, early bird and late night specials. 1881 S. Kihei Rd. 879–0004 Sarento’s on the Beach - Contemporary dining near the water’s edge. Private VIP table available. 2980 S. Kihei Road. 875–7555 Sausage Shack - Homemade sausage in meats or veggie style on fresh baked buns, with every condiment you could desire. 1913 S. Kihei Rd. 874–6444 South Shore Grinds - Delicious and healthy plate lunches, burgers, dinners, desserts and more. 362 Huku Li`i Place #101. 875–8472 Spago - Gourmet cuisine as presented by world-famous chef-owner Wolfgang Puck, oceanfront dining at its finest! Four Seasons Resort Wailea. 874-8000 Spices - Steak, seafood & more! Open for breakfast, lunch and dinner. The Maui Coast Hotel, 2259 S. Kihei Rd. 891-8860 Stella Blues Cafe - Healthy, quality food in a casual, homestyle setting. Breakfast, lunch and dinner with daily specials. 1215 S. Kihei Rd. 8743779 Taj Mahalo’s - The only Indian restaurant on Maui, homemade curries and naan, chicken tandoori, wraps, lots of vegetarian delights. Lipoa Center. 874–1911 Tommy Bahama’s Tropical Cafe - Relaxed island luxury in ambience and cuisine, with ocean views and live music. The Shops at Wailea. 875-9983
Cakewalk Paia Bakery - High quality baked goods, sandwiches & specialty cakes. 2 Baldwin Ave., Paia. 579-8770 Casanova’s - First class service, first class food. Fine Italian dining at night and Makawao’s favorite deli by day. 1188 Makawao Ave., Makawao. 572–0220 Charley’s Restaurant & Saloon - Hankering for some grub? Charley’s serves it hearty and healthy from breakfast to dinner. 142 Hana Hwy., Pa`ia. 579–9453. Cow Country Cafe - Homestyle breakfast and lunch in a decidedly bovine atmosphere. 7 Aewa Pl., Pukalani. 572-2395 Hali`imaile General Store - Gourmet dining in a charming atmosphere. Chef Beverly Gannon’s awardwinning menu. 900 Hali`imaile Rd, Hali`imaile. 572–2666 Hana Hou Cafe - Hawaiian homestyle cooking with aloha-filled ambience and local musicians. 810 Haiku Rd., Haiku Cannery. 575-2661 Island Tacos - Taco stand with fresh, made-to-order fish, beef, and chicken tacos. Daily, from 11am-4pm. 810 Haiku Rd., Haiku Cannery Jacque’s Northshore Bistro - Tropical yet festive atmosphere, with a sushi bar, indoor and lanai dining. 120 Hana Hwy, Pa`ia. 579–8844 Kitada’s - Saimin for breakfast is a standard. Teri beef, hamburger steak, tofu and hekka all available. 3617 Baldwin Ave., Makawao. 572–7241 Kula Lodge & Restaurant - Upcountry’s familystyle restaurant with sweeping views of the island. Open for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Haleakala Highway. 878-1535
Cafe Des Amis - Charming cafe with delicious sweet & savory crepes and Mediterranean fare. 42 Baldwin Ave. 579-6323
Lynne’s Cafe - Affordable homestyle local food including breakfast, plate lunch, chow fun & more! Catering available. 810 Kokomo Rd. 575-9363 Makawao Steak House - Classic and comfortable menu with daily fish preparations and salad bar. 3612 Baldwin Ave., Makawao. 572-8711 Mama’s Fish House - Fresh island fish with fresh local ingredients at “Maui’s favorite restaurant.” 799 Poho Pl., Kuau. 579–8448 Maui’s Best Tamales & Local Food - Authentic, fresh & tasty mexican cuisine along with local favorites. 81 Makawao Ave/Pukalani Square 573-2998 Milagros Food Co. - South American cusine with an island influence. Best people watching spot in Pa`ia! 3 Baldwin St. 579–8755 Moana Bakery & Cafe - Pacific rim dining for vegetarians and meat eaters. Bakery provides wonderful goodies for the sweet tooth. 71 Baldwin Ave., Pa`ia. 579–9999 Pa`ia Fish Market - By serving fresh local Hawaiian fish daily, they are the hot spot for seafood lovers without the upscale pocket. 100 Hana Hwy., Pa`ia. 579–8030 Picnics Restaurant - Home of the famous Spinach Nut Burger. Breakfast & Lunch. 30 Baldwin Ave. 5798021 Polli’s Mexican Restaurant - Paniolo country’s premier Mexican cantina, with nachos, burritos, ensaladas & more! 1202 Makawao Ave. 572-7808
WEST MAUI Athens Greek Restaurant - Affordable and authentic gyros, shish kebabs, falafels and more! Ya’Sou! Lahaina Cannery Mall 661-4300 A&J Kitchen, Deli & Bakery - Choose from American, Hawaiian, Korean and Chinese cuisines.
Bakery with cakes & cookies. Lahaina Center. 667–0623 Banyan Tree - “Eclectic Pacific Cuisine with a Hawaiian Twist.” Lodge atmosphere, ocean views. Ritz Carlton Kapalua. 669–6200 BJ’s Chicago Pizzeria - Deep-dish specialty pizzas and homemade Pizookies with live music nightly. 730 Front St. 661-0700. Blue Lagoon - Casual dining with local grinds, surrounded by waterfalls and palm trees. Wharf Cinema Center. 661–8141 Bubba Gump Shrimp Co. - Fine Southern foods, with Forrest Gump movie memorabilia and logo wear. 889 Front St. 661–3111 Cafe O’Lei - Oceanfront dining featuring light and healthy yet hearty gourmet lunch and dinner. Delicious salads and Focaccia sandwiches. 839 Front St. 661–9491 Cafe Sauvage - Gourmet, hearty, satisfying fare in an unpretentious setting. Extensive beer and wine menu, after-dinner cordials, and desserts! 844 Front St. 661–7600 Canoes - Casual yet elegant dining serving a combination of island-inspired contemporary and traditional cuisine.1450 Front St. 661–0937 David Paul’s Lahaina Grill - Fine dining in the intimate dining room on the ground floor of the Lahaina Inn building. 127 Lahainaluna. 667–5517 Gaby’s Pizzeria - Casual Italian dining with pizza and pasta from $6-$25. Open 11am to 12am daily. 505 Front Street, 661-8112. Gazebo Restaurant - Full breakfast and lunch menu, casual atmosphere, beautiful oceanside setting. 5315 Lower Honoapiilani Rd, 669-5621. Gerard’s - Fine French dining in Lahaina. Rich,
JANUARY 2, 2003
DININGLISTINGS flavorful yet light foods await your taste buds. 174 Lahainaluna. 661–8939 Fish & Game Brewing Co. & Rotisserie - Featuring steak, seafood, and ambience, with a special cigar room for connoisseurs! 4405 Honoapiilani Hwy. 669-3474 Fleming’s On the Green - Fine dining, on the golf course. Delicate raviolis, to the Filet Mignon, wonderful sauces. 2000 Village Rd., Kapalua 665–1000. Hard Rock Cafe - Good American food at decent prices amongst rock ‘n roll memorabilia. Love All-Serve All. 900 Front St. 667–7400 Honokowai Okazuya & Deli - Gourmet plate lunches, sandwiches and pastas prepared as you order. Take out available. 3600-D Lower Honoapi`ilani Hwy. 665–0512 House of Saimin - Ono homemade Saimin, chicken sticks, and Haupia pie are just some of the local favorites here.Old Lahaina Center. 667–7572
great food, ecclectic atmosphere, loungey ambience. Open for breakfast, lunch & dinner. 3350 Lower Honoapiilani Rd. 667-0787 Kahuna Kabob - Healthy food, low price! Soups, brown rice, veggies & kabobs, will deliver. Lahaina Marketplace. 661–9999 Karma Kafe - Coffee drinks, specialty smoothies, tea drinks and fabulous vegetarian food. Zen garden and internet access. Anchor Square. 662–1258 Kimo’s - Fresh fish, prime rib, and their famous Hula Pie, oceanside dining. 845 Front St. 661–4811 Lahaina Coolers - Off the beaten path “surf bistro”, Good food, good quality, late night menu. 80 Dickenson St. 661–7082 Lahaina Fish Co. - Chef’s Signature Pacific Rim Specialties prepared with fresh island fish, and seafood, dine on the oceanside lanai. 831 Front St. 661–3472 Leilani’s On The Beach - Relaxed beachfront dining, specializing in fresh seafood and Pacific Rim cuisine. 2435 Kaanapali Parkway. 661-4495
macaroni salad. Napili Plaza. 665–6262 Maui Brews - Daily specials, great appetizers salads and entrees in large portions. Lahaina Center. 667–7794 Maui Mama’s - A quaint shop serving coffees grown throughout the islands. Light food, souvenirs, internet access. 578 Front St. 667–7700 Moose McGillicuddy’s - Great value, large portions, all you can eat specials and merry atmosphere. 844 Front St. 667–7758 Nachos Grande - Fresh mexican food fast. Vegetarian too. Honokowai Marketplace. 662–0890 Nalu Sunset Bar & Sushi - Sushi rolls, sashimi, various Japanese appetizers, sandwiches and more. Maui Marriott. 667–1200 ext. 51 Outback Steak House - Quality steaks, shrimpon-the-barbie, and the Bloomin’ Onion in a casual and lively atmosphere. 4405 Honoapiilani Hwy. 6651822 Pacific’O - Elegant oceanfront award-winning contemporary Pacific cuisine. 505 Front St. 667-4341.
Hula Grill - Barefoot Bar and beachside dining in a 1940’s style. Menu is a seafood lover’s delight. Whaler’s Village. 667–6636
Lemongrass - Serving ala carte to the seven course traditional Vietnamese dinner. Reasonably priced and full of flavor. 930 Waine`e St. 667–6888
Pancho & Lefty’s - Delicious and spicy appetizers, traditional and specialty Mexican food. Wharf Cinema Center. 661–4666
i`o - Pacific Rim cuisine among awesome sunset views, and indoor or outdoor dining. 505 Front St. 661–8422
Longhi’s - Elegant fine dining, freshest ingredients, pasta, seafood and steaks. 888 Front St. 667–2288
Penne Pasta - Mark Ellman’s inexpensive Italian bistro with homestyle pasta, pizza and salad. 180 Dickenson St., Suite 113. 661–6633
Java Jazz - Coffee bar and restaurant with
Mama’s Ribs & Rotisserie - Serving ribs and roasted chicken, BBQ baked beans, cole slaw, and
Plantation House Restaurant - Hawaiian Mediterranean cuisine. Breakfast, lunch & dinner daily. 2000 Plantation Club Dr., Kapalua. 669-6299 Reilley’s - Known for their choice award winning beef. Gourmet steaks and seafood overlooking the Ka`anapali Golf Course’s 18th hole. 2290 Ka`anapali Pkwy, 667–7477 Roy’s Nicolina Restaurant - A quiet ambiance suffuses this dining experience, enhanced by the Pacific Rim cuisine. 4405 Honoapi`ilani Hwy, upstairs. 669–5000 Rusty Harpoon Restaurant and Tavern Quench thirst, satiate hunger, and watch sports. Large parties welcome. Whalers Village. 661–3123 Sansei Seafood Restaurant and Sushi Bar D.K. Kodama has combined the highest quality sushi bar infused with Hawai`i’s cultural flavors. 115 Bay Drive #115., Kapalua. 669–6286 Sea House Restaurant - Looking out over incredible Napili Bay, dining is an amazing experience here under the direction of Chef Michael Gallager. 5900 Lwr. Honoapi`ilani Hwy. 669–1500
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JANUARY 2, 2003
Sir Wilfred’s - Lahaina Cannery Malls gourmet coffee house and cafe. Soups, Salads and Sandwiches grace this simple menu. Lahaina Cannery. 667–1941 Spats Trattoria - Step into old Northern Italy. Tables are private, the Antipasti serves two. The Hyatt Regency. 667–4727 Sports Club Kahana Grill - Upscale, healthy restaurant inside Sports Club Kahana. Breakfast, lunch & take-out. 4327 Lwr. Honoapi`ilani Rd. 6693539 Swan Court - One of the top ten romantic restaurants in the world, extensive list of contemporary fine wines. Hyatt Regency Maui. 667–4727 Thai Chef - Thai food like you’ve never had it, curry, pad thai, summer rolls and more. Old Lahaina Center. 667–2814 Tropica - Enjoy the fire and ice-themed restaurant where the cold food and drink bar is tucked between two “volcanoes.” The Westin Maui. 667–2525 Whale’s Tale - All open-air lanai dining. Casual dining, specials, large portions. 672 Front St. 667–4044
Silver Valley Vineyards 2001 Reserve Merlot - $11.99 This week’s pick is Silver Valley Vineyard 2001 Reserve Merlot. It is an island choice that has some relation to our Valley Isle. Two Maui residents, Andrea and Steve Clark, are the owners of Sandwich Isle Cellars, a wine distributor in Hawaii based in Maui, and are also wine negotiates and owners of Silver Valley Vineyards. A wine negotiate is an individual who buys the best grapes or readymade juice that they find from growers, then blend, bottle and label their own brandname. Silver Valley Vineyards bottles traditional varietals - Chardonnay, Merlot and Cabernet Sauvignon - with California style; ripe, rich, fruit forward smoothness that all Californians seem to prefer. Merlot is the choice for the week. Very similar to Cabernet Sauvignon, the name means “little blackbird” - and is easily confused in blind tasting. The most famous region for Merlot is Bordeaux, France, where it is the leading grape in terms of production, although Merlot is grown throughout the world; California, Chile, France - Bordeaux, Languedoc and the Roussillion- and Italy, in the Tre Venzie region (N.Italy). Bordeaux and California grapes are often said to be soft and fleshy. Silver Valley Vineyard 2001 Reserve Merlot is a great example of ripe, soft, rich California Merlot.
NIGHT A&E pg. 17 Film Critique pg. 18 Movie Times pg. 19 THE GRID 25, 26, 27 Da Kine Calendar 20-24
Happy New Fear.
Soulive One of the best bands from the New York City live music scene finally comes to Maui! Soulive will be gracing Maui for a much anticipated and unforgettable five nights in January. These guys are in the “epicenter of a new music revolution, combining Funk, Jazz, Soul, Hip Hop and R&B into a soiree of groove oriented melodic artistry". Soulive’s music had my grandmother tapping her toes and doing her shimmy, and my nine-year-old nephew dancing around the house! These guys put the jam into your peanut butter sandwich, and the fuzz on your peach… Soulive is a hard working East Coast road band that plays everywhere from small urban clubs to huge stadiums. They're a Hammond B3 organ trio with "serious groove sensibilities", who have toured relentlessly on the Mainland, Europe and Japan for the better part of the past four years. On the last Japan tour they sold out an amazing 14 straight shows at the Blue Note club in Tokyo. The band formed in the spring of 1999 after Eric Krasno and Neil Evans connected at the Berklee School of Music. The very first time they jammed together, drummer Alan Evans recorded the session which included his brother Neil on Hammond B3 and Eric on guitar. This raw live recording was soon released as "Get Down" on the Velour label run by president and Eric’s brother, Jeff Krasno. In 2001 the band was signed to the Blue Note label and busted out with "Doin' Something" which featured tasty funk horn arrangements by the great
Fred Wesley of James Brown fame. On the tour that followed, Soulive opened for the Dave Matthews Band at a string of sold-out stadium shows. They would go on to open for Dave Matthews again in 2002, with Dave introducing Soulive as, "The best band I've ever seen!” Their latest Blue Note release "Next" was recorded in 2002 with guests Black Thought of The Roots, Talib Kweli, and Amel Larieux. The tracks include a version of Ani Di Franco's "Joyful Girl" sung by Dave Matthews. The fall of 2002 culminated nicely as Soulive became the only instrumental band to open for the Rolling Stones on their "40 Licks Tour", which will result in a new live record to be released on Blue Note this year. Recently, I was able to catch up with guitarist Eric Krasno on the phone in bitter cold New York for a quick interview about life on the road and the upcoming "Soulive Maui Adventure": Jennifer Jay: Is there any message you'd like to get out to the fans on Maui before you arrive? Eric Krasno: I just hope you bring all your
friends [to the shows], that we can all have a good time and everyone will get down! I doubt many people on Maui have heard us before, so I'm hoping that people will be curious enough to come check us out. JJ: You've collaborated with quite a few great musicians and bands this year, any stand out moments or any favorites? EK: (New Orleans) Jazz Fest was pretty cool; we had a horn section and Joshua Redman which was a lot of fun. Doing stuff with Dave Matthews again was cool. Getting to sit in with him and having him perform with us were both cool moments. There's been quite a few, but there is this singer from Seattle named Reggie Watts who came on tour with us. He performs with a group "Mak Tub" (mach-tube), and he's a really talented vocalist that is coming up right now. We really chill out with him, so that's cool too. JJ: Of all the musical talent out there these days, what single artist would you most like to jam with on the same stage? EK: Prince, who is definitely one of my favorite artists of all time, as well as George Benson which would be a major dream come true. JJ: You've done many live shows with DJ Logic, how has your sound together evolved over time? EK: The cool thing about playing with Logic is like we've gotten to know each other pretty well at this point, and we like to change it up as much as possible, we love that improvisational aspect. A lot of DJs out there really need a structure of what's going to happen next and he's always willing to flow with the moment. "The "1st Annual Soulive Maui Adventure" shows are going to rock the island from side to side! On the Upcountry side, catch them live at Casanova’s Friday and Saturday, Jan.3-4 at 10pm, at Hapa’s on the Kihei side Thursday, Jan. 9, or at the Royal Lahaina Resort on the West side Friday and Saturday, Jan. 10-11.
Funk & Jazz Groovemasters from New York City, SOULIVE
PICKS NOT TOGETHER AGAIN Just to let you know, the Tim Conway & Harvey Korman show at the MACC this Friday has been cancelled...please call 242SHOW for more info on this disappointing newsbreak...
FRESH MEAT, MUSICALLY Hey! We’ve got new blood in the way of a series of live music performances from an imported funk-n-groovin’ band called Soulive! Fortunately for us, they’re giving us lazy Mauians many chances to experience their ultra-cool sound. This week, they’ll be at Casanova on Friday and Saturday, showtime at 9:45pm. Read the article - believe the hype!
SONGS OF THE SEA? 9am Saturday. You know, I’ve been meaning to dig up my “Songs of the Humpback Whales” tape that I used to like to put on during romantic, candlelit dinners by the sea (okay, not really)... Alright, dripping sarcasm aside, if shrimp scraping and whale screeching is music to YOUR ears, head on down to the Pacific Whale Foundation offices in Maalaea and they’ll hook you up for sure.
EVEN THE BITTERSWEET SEEK PEACE SOMETIMES Although I may feel like my head & heart are in a perpetual B&D tournament, I do have the grace to be ashamed that I am not continually contributing to the pure peace of the universe. A good start may be to discover how peace begins with your own philosophy of personal freedom and unity. And then, like me, you can pretend to happen-to-be walking by Miracles Bookery in Makawao on Friday...or Baldwin Auditorium in Wailuku on Sunday... and bear witness to the power of the Tashi Lhunpo Monks’ healing energy and peaceful message. Word.
HIV TESTING Do yourself and all us a favor by starting the New Year with a clean bill of health. It’s fast, it’s easy, it’s anonymous, and it’s a big fat relief to your inner karmic demon. Call 984-2129.
JANUARY 2, 2003
Gandalf Lives! The Power of The Ring
) The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers ( Whether or not Peter Jackson's second installment in Tolkien's "Lord of the Rings" trilogy deservedly sweeps the Oscars for its mind-blowing union of story, clearly-defined characters and pitch-perfect use of visual effects, matters little for the shear magnitude of cinematic magic that the film series will offer audiences over time. The "Two Towers" starts off neatly with a dream sequence of Frodo's about the fate of his master Gandalf the Gray (Ian McKellan), after he was plunged into the depths of the mountain-enclosed Mines of Moria with the monstrous Balrog he had just slain when we saw him last. Gandalf wields his mighty sword against the fiery demonic beast even as he falls with it into a hellish abyss. That dramatic sequence is the only backward glance that Jackson gives before propelling the ring-bearer Frodo (Elijah Wood) and his loyal companion Samwise (Sean Astin) deeper on their quest to the Black Gates of Mordor to destroy the One Ring of Power in the fires from which it was forged. The two towers of the title refer to rival fortresses maintained by Sauron, and the Dark Lord Saruman (Christopher Lee). Sauron, who originally forged the Ring many ages ago, reigns power over his especially repugnant army of Uruk-hai, or Uruks, to conquer all of Middle-earth
from his tower in Barad-dur. Competing with Sauron for control of the Ring is Saruman, who makes his stand from his tower at Isengard, from which he commands his evil army of Orcs. Now travelling on separate paths across Middle-earth, the remaining members of the Fellowship travel in three groups. Aragorn the Ranger of Eriador (Viggo Mortensen) and the Elven-archer Legolas (Orlando Bloom) search with Gimli the Dwarf (John-Rhys Davies) for their two Hobbit friends Merry (Dominic Monaghan) and Pippin (Billy Boyd), who have been kidnapped by a group of vicious Uruk-hai mistaking them for keepers of the Ring. Meanwhile Frodo and Sam encounter the hopelessly pitiful Gollum "Smeagol" (Andy Serkis). The Gollum is a former Hobbit who at one time possessed the Ring for over 500 years and still lusts after its power. Frodo accepts Smeagol's suspicious offer to guide to them across the hills of Emyn Muil and over the Dead Marshes into the Land of Mordor, while Sam protests against travelling with the cunning creature that initially attacked them and tried to steal back the Ring. Although Smeagol is a computer-generated figure, the CGI was added after filming actor Andy Serkis performing his scenes in-character, and as such enables the Gollum to breath with a life that is uncanny and weirdly captivating. As Smeagol comically tortures himself over his conflicted loyalty to Frodo, or to the
Arwen (Liv Tyler) assures Aragorn (Viggo Mortensen) of his destiny as leader of men
Ring that he yearns for, he earns Frodo's sympathy, while Sam remains dutifully suspicious of the Gollum's true intentions. Smeagol is likely the first character in the brief history of GCI to possess such robust character-rich emotion that he functions seamlessly alongside the other actors. However it is Mortensen's capable Aragorn who willfully takes center stage for most of "The Two Towers." Once meeting up with a group of soldiers from Rohan who recently dispatched the Uruks who detained Merry and Pippin, Aragorn leads an effort to defend the people of Rohan from a quickly approaching army of 10,000 Uruks. Joined by a resurrected Gandalf, now known as Gandalf the White, Aragorn's group meets with Rohan's king Theoden (Bernard Hill), who must be freed of a spell that has kept him in a zombie-like state
Wormtongue (Brad Dourif) advises the bewitched King Theoden (Bernard Hill)
JANUARY 2, 2003
for some time. As a cataclysmic battle for the last of mankind approaches Rohan at the mighty fortress of Helm's Deep, Merry and Pippin seek refuge in the haunted Fangorn Forest, whose ancient trees are able to walk and talk. The two Hobbits are soon snatched up into the limbs of one such tree called "Treebeard' (voice by John Rhys-Davies), and spend most of their time trying to convince their leafy captor to join them in defending Middle-earth from the quickly approaching armies of Uruks and Orcs. J.R.R. Tolkien wrote The Lord of The Rings during World War II as a devout catholic drawing on Celtic and Norse mythology for inspiration to create a story about the enormous ability of a few good people to conquer the vanquishing efforts of vast evil. Frodo's gift lies is his ability to resist the terribly seductive temptation of power that he wears on a chain. It's a temptation that Germany was thoroughly saturated in at the time that Tolkien wrote the books, and it is currently a temptation that the American government has given itself over to completely in the name of oil. You will notice that, just as in Henri Cluzot's masterpiece of corporate greed "Wages of Fear," black oil pitches darkness and evil across the faces of all who come near it. Tolkien's Uruks and Orcs, whose greasy gray and black faces threaten to destroy all of mankind, are in our midst in numbers that far outweigh the few able to resist its disturbing allure. My only complaint about "The Two Towers" is that it could have stood another edit to take twenty minutes off of its three-hour running time. But perhaps a long metaphorical escape to the battle line between doom and future is just what audiences need to sufficiently contemplate opportunities for keeping our world safe from the power mongers who abuse it. And perhaps that's why Tolkien so brilliantly disguised his moral treatise as children's fantasy. Like the small Hobbit Frodo, it's the kids who can most easily deflect the dangers that adults and governments wield so selfishly.
MAUI FILM FESTIVAL Castle Theatre, 572-3456 4th Annual Firstlight: Academy Screenings Th-Sun - See Movie Caps for times & info!
4th Annual Firstlight: Academy Screenings on Maui at the Castle Theater
Maui Mall, 249–2222 D: Daily - Th-Fr, M-T About Schmidt - R - D (1, 4), 7:10, 9:55, Sa-Su (1), 4, 7:10, 9:55 Analyze That - R - D (1:55), 7:45, Sa-Su (1:55), 7:45 Die Another Day - PG13 - D (1, 4:05), 7:05, 10, Sa-Su (1), 4:05, 7:05, 10 Drumline - PG13 - D (1, 4:05), 7:05, 9:45, Sa-Su (1), 4:05, 7:05, 9:45 Empire - R - D (11:40, 4:25), 10, Sa-Su (11:40), 4:25, 10 Gangs of New York - R - D (11, 12:30, 2:30, 4), 6, 7:30, 9:30, Sa-Su (11, 12:30, 2:30), 4, 6, 7:30, 9:30 Harry Potter and The Chamber Of Secrets PG - D (12, 3:30), 7:20, Sa-Su (12, 3:30), 7:20 Hot Chick - PG13 - D (11:25, 1:50, 4:10), 7:30, 9:55, Sa-Su (11:25, 1:50), 4:10, 7:30, 9:55 Maid In Manhattan - PG13 - D (11:15, 11:30, 1:45, 2, 4:15, 4:30), 7, 7:15, 9:30, 9:45, Sa-Su (11:15, 11:30, 1:45, 2), 4:15, 4:30, 7, 7:15, 9:30, 9:45 Star Trek: Nemesis - PG13 - D (11, 1:15, 1:45, 4:15, 4:30), 7, 7:15, 9:35, 9:50, Sa-Su (11, 1:15, 1:45), 4:15, 4:30, 7, 7:15, 9:35, 9:50
Tickets: $10/film; 4 Film VIP FastPass $40
Thursday, January 2 SONNY ( ) - 5pm. Nicolas Cage makes his directorial debut with a Tennessee Williams kind of drama set in 1980's New Orleans about Sonny (James Franco - City By The Sea"), a 26 year-old man returning home after military service determined to go straight after his former life as a prostitute in his mother's brothel. Brenda Blethyn, Harry Dean Stanton and Mena Suvari do fantastic work in supporting roles to Franco's white-hot performance as a deeply conflicted New Orleans gigolo. Rated R. 110 minutes (IDP) NARC ( ) - 7:30pm. Writer/director Joe Carnahan ("Blood Guts Bullets and Octane") brings a "Reservoir Dogs" for the 21st century with this blistering cop drama set in Detroit. Gritty, brutal and seething with testosterone, "Narc" finds Ray Liotta at the height of his acting powers as a savage cop investigating his ex-partner's death, with Jason Patric burning up the screen as his skeptical and discerning partner. With Busta Rhymes and Chi McBride. Rated R. 107 minutes (Paramount Pictures)
Does Hanks Catch DiCaprio? Tune in and find out...
Friday, January 3 LUNG TA: THE FORBIDDEN TIBET - 5 & 7:30pm. Features exquisitely photographed images of one of the most beautiful areas on earth, contrasted with an evocative narration by Richard Gere recounting the cultural and political reality inflicted on the country and its people during more than forty years of Chinese occupation. The New York Times called the film "mesmerizing, stunningly beautiful and intimately revealing." Rated PG-13. 86 min.
EVELYN - 7:30pm. Pierce Brosnan plays Desmond Doyle, an Irish father of three whose cheating wife has just abandoned the whole family, who was the first man to gain custody of his children following a divorce in 1950's Ireland. Co-starring Alan Bates, Julianna Margulies, Aidan Quinn, Stephen Rea and Sophie Vavasseur. Directed by Bruce Beresford, best known for "Driving Miss Daisy" and "Breaker Morant." (MGM/UA)
Saturday, January 4
Sunday, January 5
LOVELY AND AMAZING - 2pm. An intimate family portrait of three resilient women and the bittersweet lessons learned “raising each other.” Starring Catherine Keener, Emily Mortimer, Brenda Blethy, Raven Goodwin, Jake Gyllenhaal and Dermot Mulroney. Rated R. 91 min. (Lions Gate)
ALL OR NOTHING - 2pm. Director Mike Leigh, of the Academy Award nominated "Secrets and Lies", revisits the lower middle class London life he knows so well, to tell this story of the intimate relationships between family and friends. "In the drama's best moments, scenes of easy intimacy make the film's characters, even in their South London housing project, look rich" (Entertainment Weekly). Rated R. 136 min. (MGM/UA) CROP CIRCLES - 5pm. You've seen them in “Signs” and read about them in Scientific American, now those mysterious geometric patterns have a film all their own, from Academy Award nominated director William Gazecki, that offers a "rare X-Files-like glimpse into the inner sanctum of crop circle experts. Unrated. 120 min. 8 WOMEN ( ) - 7:30pm. Some of the most breathtakingly beautiful actresses in French film history, including Fanny Ardant, Catherine Deneuve, Emmanuelle Beart, Virginie Ledoyen and Isabelle Huppert star in this kitchy musical mystery, set in an isolated rural mansion. Director Francois Ozon ("See The Sea") mixes elements from Douglas Sirk, Vincente Minnelli, Jacques Demy, George Cukor and Alfred Hitchcock to cook up a mixed bag of cinematic treats and favors. In French with English subtitles. Rated R. 113 minutes (Focus Features)
Benigni tells a lie
Wednesday, January 8 PERSONAL VELOCITY ( ) - 5pm. Poorly shot on crappy digital with a lighting design from Radio Shack, "Personal Velocity" is agonizing to endure. Kyra Sedgwick, Parker Posey and Fairuza Balk turn in passable work in this halfbaked three-vignette film by the gravely overrated writer/director Rebecca Miller (daughter of playwright Arthur Miller). The three stories play like unfinished sketch pieces individually, and never add up to any significant unifying theme together. Rated R. 86 minutes (MGM/UA) - Reviewed by Cole Smithey
Queen Ka`ahumanu Shopping Center, 875-4910 Catch Me If You Can - PG13 - D (12, 1, 3:15), 4:10, 6:15, 7:10, 9:15, 10:05 Lord of the Rings: Two Towers - PG13 - D (11:40, 3:15), 7, 9, 10:30 Pinocchio - G - Th-M (12:45, 3), 5:15, 7:30, 9:45 Two Weeks Notice - PG13 - D (12:40, 2:50), 5, 7:15, 9:30 The Wild Thornberrys Movie - PG - D (12:15, 2:30), 4:30, 7
METROPOLIS - 5 & 7:30pm. Not to be confused with the recent identically titled animated film, this 1927 Metropolis, directed by Fritz Lang, is the crowning achievement of silent cinema and awesome cinematic spectacle that is a gourmet 20-course meal "compared to the fast food 'eye candy' that passes for science fiction films today. "A time-bending experience and masterpiece of art direction” (SF Chronicle). Unrated. 120 min.
New This Week ABOUT SCHMIDT - (R) - Drama - Jack Nicholson plays a retired, widowed insurance man from Omaha whose idea of a wild adventure is to get into the Winnebago and drive to his daughter’s wedding.
Now Showing ANALYZE THAT - (R) - Comedy - Dr. Sobol (Billy Crystal) deals with his father's death while at the same time trying to help his client Paul Vitti (Robert De Niro), a ex(?)-mobster. CATCH ME IF YOU CAN - (PG13) - Drama - Frank Abagnale, Jr. (Leonardo DiCaprio) successfully cons his way into making millions posing as an airline pilot, a doctor, and a lawyer among other identities. Featuring Tom Hanks as an FBI agent. DIE ANOTHER DAY - (PG13) - Action/Adventure British special agent James Bond (Pierce Brosnan) teams up with an American spy codenamed Jinx (Halle Berry)). DRUMLINE - (PG13) - Comedy - A Harlem street drummer finds himself in the middle of the fast-paced, high stakes world of college marching bands. EMPIRE - (R) - Drama - A streetwise businessman whose made a small fortune selling drugs, Vic Rosa (John Leguizamo) looks to get out of the seedy business. GANGS OF NEW YORK - (R) - Drama - On the streets of 19th century New York City, a young immigrant named Amsterdam (Leonardo DiCaprio) seeks revenge on the city boss (Daniel Day-Lewis) who killed his father. HARRY POTTER & THE CHAMBER OF SECRETS - (PG) - Action/Adventure - Harry is confronted by strange voices that seem to eminate from the walls, a secret that relates to a historic mystery tied to House Slytherin. THE HOT CHICK - (PG13) - Comedy - A popular high school student is transformed by a curse into her worst nightmare - a slovenly auto mechanic (Rob Schneider). LORD OF THE RINGS: THE TWO TOWERS - (PG13) Epic - Frodo and Samwise join the treacherous Gollum and continue the journey to the land of Mordor. See Review. MAID IN MANHATTAN - (PG13) - Romance Marisa Ventura (Jennifer Lopez), a maid in a classy Manhattan hotel, falls for an up and coming, successful politician (Ralph Fiennes) in this fairy tale romance. PINOCCHIO - (G) - Comedy - The classic Italian fairy tale of a little wooden boy who is brought to life, from Life is Beautiful writer and director Roberto Benigni. STAR TREK: NEMESIS - (PG13) - Sci-Fi Action/Adventure - Captain Jean-Luc Picard (Patrick Stewart) and the Enterprise crew find themselves on a diplomatic mission to initiate peace with the Romulans. TREASURE PLANET - (PG13) - Animation - This film follows a 15-yr.-old's fantastic journey across a parallel universe as cabin boy aboard a glittering space galleon. 2 WEEKS NOTICE - (PG13) - Romantic Comedy - Lucy Kelson (Sandra Bullock) is a neurotic lawyer who cares for her fabulously wealthy client George Wade (Hugh Grant). THE WILD THORNBERRYS MOVIE - (PG) - Animation - The Thornberrys travel to Africa, where 12-year old Eliza discovers the gift of talking to the animals - only to find that poachers intend to kill a herd of elephants.
1819 South Kihei Road, 875-4910 Catch Me If You Can - PG13 - D (12:15, 3:15), 7, 10 Lord of the Rings: Two Towers - PG13 - D (12), 4:15, 8 Star Trek: Nemesis - PG13 - D (12:45, 3:30), 6:45, 9:30 Two Weeks Notice - PG13 - D (12:30, 3), 7:15, 9:45
FRONT STREET THEATERS 900 Front Street, 249–2222 Catch Me If You Can - PG13 - Th-F (1, 4), 7, 10, Sa-Su (1), 4, 7, 10, M-W (4), 7, 10 Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers - PG13 Th-F (12:15, 4), 7:45, Sa-Su (12:15), 4, 7:45, MW (4), 7:45 Star Trek: Nemesis - PG13 - Th-F (12:45, 3:45), 6:45, 9:55, Sa-Su (12:45), 3:45, 6:45, 9:55, M-W (3:45), 6:45, 9:55 Two Weeks Notice - PG13 - Th-F (1:15, 4:15), 7:15, 10, Sa-Su (1:15), 4:15, 7:15, 10, M-W (4:15), 7:15, 10
WHARF CINEMA CENTER 658 Front Street, 249–2222 D - Daily: Th-F, M-W Die Another Day - PG13 - D 9:15, Sa-Su 9:15 Hot Chick - PG13 - D (1:30, 4), 7:30, 9:55, Sa-Su (1:30), 4, 7:30, 9:55 Maid In Manhattan - PG13 - D (11:15, 1:45, 4:15), 7:15, 9:45, Sa-Su (11:15, 1:45), 4:15, 7:15, 9:45 Treasure Planet - PG - D (11), Sa-Su (11) The Wild Thornberrys Movie - PG - D (11:30, 2, 4:30), 7, Sa-Su (11:30, 2), 4:30, 7
JANUARY 2, 2003
Weeping Banyan: Sam Fukuhara, Thurs., Sun.-Tue.; Larry Gollis, Fri-Sat.; Stephanie Anderson, Wed. "Drums of the Pacific" luau by Tihati, 5:30-8 nightly. Ka’anapali Beach Hotel 2525 Kaanapali Parkway, 661-0011 Black Rock Illusions dinner show at 5:30pm Sun., Tue. & Thu. in the Kanahele Room; Ka’anapali Serenaders, 6-9:30pm Sat.; Free hula show 6:30-7:30 nightly; Auntie Aloha’s Breakfast Luau, 8:15am Mon.Fri.; Paniolo Barbecue w/ live music & dancing, 6pm Mon.; Sunday champagne brunch w/ Hawaiian music by Polinahe, 9am-1pm. Kapalua Bay Hotel / Kapalua Bay Hotel, A Luxury Collection Resort 1 Bay Drive, Kapalua, 669-5656 The Bay Club: Solo pianist from 6-9:30 nightly. Gardenia Court: Hawaiian guitar, 11am-1:30pm Sun.; Lehua Lounge: Hawaiian guitarist 5:30-9:30 nightly. Napili Kai Beach Resort 5900 Honoapiilani Highway, Napili, 669-1500 Sea House Restaurant: Kincaid Basques, Sun.Tue.; Albert Kaina, Wed.; Kincaid & Albert, Thu.; Napili Kai Foundation Polynesian Dinner Show, 6pm Fri.; Kincaid Basques, Sat.; All shows from 7-9pm unless otherwise noted. Ritz-Carlton Kapalua One Ritz-Carlton Drive, Kapalua, 669-6200 Lobby Lounge: Reiko, solo guitarist & vocalist beginning at 5:30pm nightly. Banyan Tree Restaurant: World fusion duo Ranga Pae 6:30-9:45pm Wed.-Sun. Royal Lahaina Resort 2780 Kekaa Drive, Kaanapali, 661-3611 "Eddie and Eddie" w/ Eddie Lilikoi & Eddie Sebala, 5-9:30 nightly in the Royal Ocean Terrace. Royal Lahaina Luau featuring authentic Hawaiian & Polynesian songs and dances at 5 nightly. Sheraton Maui Hotel 2605 Kaanapali Parkway, 661-0031 Lagoon Bar entertainment w/ hula dancers, 6-8 nightly: Bobby & Ralph, Thu., Mon. & Tue.; Ralph & Allan, Fri.; Fausto & Kawaika, Sat. & Sun.; Nathan & Ralph, Wed.; Torchlighting and cliff diving ceremony at sunset, 7 to 8 nightly. The Westin Maui Hotel 2365 Kaanapali Parkway, 667-2525 Tropica: Bobby Ingram Trio, Sun., Wed. & Sat.; JD Band, Tue.; Keoki Kahumoku, Mon., all 7-9pm; Fortunato’s magic 6:30-8:30pm Tue., Thu. & Sat.
Together Again: Tim Conway & Harvey Korman - Friday, Jan. 3rd. SHOW CANCELLED due to illness. For info, call 242-7469.
Imago Theatre in Frogz - Friday, Jan. 10th. A fantastic creature-theater performance bringing to life objects, animals and the absurd to entertain and mystify. Illusion, vaudeville and inventiveness create human slinkys, proud penguins, bouncing string, and leapeing frogs for an evening of fun for all ages. 7:30pm, Castle Theater, MACC, 242-SHOW. Maui’s Mozart Magic - Monday, Jan. 13th. Presented by Maui Symphony Orchestra. 7:30pm, Castle Theater, MACC, 242-SHOW. John Mayall & The Bluesbreakers - Jan. 16. British blues legend opening with The Colin John Band. 7:30pm, Castle Theater, MACC, 242-7469. 2003 Skins Games - Jan. 24-26.The 2003 ConAgra Foods Champions Skins Game (formerly the Senior Skins Game) will feature four of the greatest players in the history of the sport - Arnold Palmer, Jack Nicklaus, Hale Irwin and Lee Trevino - competing for a $600,000 money purse in an 18-hole skins competition. Wailea Golf Course, 875-7450. Spirit of the Dance - March 19-23. Irish in origin and bursting with raw energy, “Spirit of the Dance” is a heart pounding production featuring a spectacular blend of traditional culture. Powerful, show stopping Irish Dance combines with the passionate Latino rhythms of Flamenco and Red-Hot Salsa to produce a sensational international dance spectacular that has smashed box office records all over the world. Tickets: $10-$45, visit MACC box office or call 242-7469.
BJ’s Chicago Pizzeria – John Kane, Wed., Thurs. and Fri.; Harry Troupe, Sat.; Kaleo Phillips, Sun.; Benny Uyetake, Mon.; Maurice Bega, Tue.; All sets from 810:30pm. 730 Front St., Lahaina, 661-0700. Cheeseburger in Paradise – Brooks Maguire, Thurs., Sat., Sun. and Wed.; Harry Troupe, Fri.; Gail Swanson, Mon. and Tues. All sets from 4:30-7:30 and 8-11pm. 811 Front St., Lahaina, 661-4855. Fish & Game Brewing Co. & Rotisserie - Jazz, 7:3010:30pm Sunday. 4405 Honoapiilani Highway, 669-3474. Hula Grill - Ernest Pua’a and Brian Kaui Haia, Thurs.; Ernest Pua’a, Kawika Lum Ho & Brian Haia, Fri.; Maurice Bega, Da Ukulele Boys, Sat.; Kawika Lum Ho, Da Ukulele Boys, Sun.; Kawika Lum Ho, Albert Kaina & Brian Kaui Haia, Mon.; Jarret Roback, Don Kaulia & Albert Kaina, Tues.; Ernest Pua’a, Brian Kaui Haia & Roy Kato, Wed. Live music is from 3-5 and 7-9:30pm. 2435 Kaanapali Parkway, Building P, Kaanapali, 6676636. Java Jazz/Soup Nutz – Live music 6:30-9pm Mon., Wed., Fri. 3350 Lower Honoapiilani Rd., 667-0787. Kahana Terrace Restaurant – Harry Troupe, Tue., Thu.; Randy Reno, Sat.; Sets from 6-9pm. Sands of Kahana Resort, 669-5399. Kimo’s – Sam Ahia, 7-8:30pm Wed. thru Sun. 845 Front St., Lahaina, 661-4811. Leilani’s On The Beach – Classic rock with JD & Mario, 2:30-5:30pm, Fri.; Hawaiian music with Kilohana, 3:30-6pm Sat. and Sun. 2435 Kaanapali Parkway, Building J, Kaanapali, 661-4495. Maui Brews - Jonah Livin Band, 6-10pm, Fri. 900 Front St., Lahaina, 667-7794. Moose McGillycuddy’s - Damien Awai Band, 6:30pm, Fri.; Howard Ahia, 7:30pm, Sat. 844 Front St., Lahaina, 667-7758. Pioneer Inn – Ah-Tim Eleniki (Hawaiian Style), Thurs.; Greg DiPiazza (Classic Rock N Roll), Fri.; Ed Truthan (Versatile Contemporary Rock N Roll), Sat.; Erik Pietsch (if you like Jimmy Buffet, you will love Erik), Mon.; Ricardo Dioso (Flamenco Guitar), Tues.; Rene Alonzo (New Orleans Style Piano), Wed.; All 69pm. 658 Wharf St., Lahaina, 661-3636. Reilley’s Steak House - Dinner jazz with Eve Moffatt, 6-9pm Mon. and Tues. 2290 Kaanapali Parkway, Kaanapali, 667-7477.
JANUARY 2, 2003
Healing Energy & Peace the ancient Tibetan way Sea House Restaurant – Hawaiian music with Albert Kaina and Kincaid Basques, 7:30-9:30pm Wed. Napili Kai Beach Resort, 5900 Honoapiilani Road, Napili, 669-1500. Whale’s Tale Bar & Grill - Eric Pietsch, Thurs.; Ed Truthan, Fri.; Joe Benedett, Sat.; JD & Mario, Sun.; Patrick Major, Mon. & Tues.; Armadillo, Wed. All sets from 6-9pm. 672 Front St., Lahaina, 667-4044.
Capische? – Live piano music every night with Sal Godinez or Patricia Watson. Salvador Godinez, 6pm Fri. Call ahead for details. Diamond Resort, 555 Kaukahi, 879-2224. KKO Kai Ku Ono – Lono, Thu. thru Sat.; Kawika, Sun.; Howard Ahia, Mon.; Kenny Roberts, Wed.; all sets 6-9pm. 2511 S. Kihei Rd., 875-1007. Maalaea Grill – Benoit Jazz Works, 6:30-9pm, Thurs., Fri. & Sun.; Miguel Maldonado Quartet, Sat. Maalaea Village Shops, 243-2206. Marco’s Southside Grill – Mark Johnston solo piano, Wed. thru Sun.; Brian Cuomo solo piano Mon. & Tues. Sets from 7-10pm. 1445 S. Kihei Rd., 874-4041. Margarita’s Beach Cantina – Ah Tim, 5-7pm Friday. 101 S. Kihei Rd., 879-5311. Tommy Bahama’s Tropical Café – Latin guitar w/ Luis Diaz, Wed.-Fri.; Guitar & vocals w/ Brado, Sat.; Steel drums & sax w/ Brian Wittman, Sun., Mon. & Tue. All from 6-10pm. The Shops at Wailea, 875-9983.
Manana Garage – Neto & Friends, 6:30pm Thurs.Sat., Tues.; Fortunato’s Magic, 7pm Fri.; Bobby & Tula, 6:30pm Wed. 33 Lono Ave., Kahului, 873-0220.
Jacque’s - Greg DiPiazza & Tato Duo, 7-10:30pm Mon. 120 Hana Highway, Paia, 579-8844. Moana Cafe - Jazz w/ Eve Moffatt, 6:30-9:30pm Fri.; Bo Shores on guitar & Andrea Wells on violin, 6-9pm Sun.; Vintage Hawaiian tunes w/Ginger & Robin, 69pm Wed. 71 Baldwin Ave., Paia, 579-9999.
Embassy Vacation Resort – Kaanapali Beach 104 Kaanapali Shores, Lahaina, 661-2000 Ohana Bar & Grill: Ed Truthan w/ contemporary classics, Thurs.; Patrick Major, Fri.; Wayne & Friends, Sat.; Ed & Ron, Sun.; Ernest Pua’a w/ Hawaiian music, Mon.; Scott Baird & Friends w/ contemporary music, Tues.; Howard Ahia w/ Hawaiian music, Wed.; all 5:30-9:30pm. Torch lighting ceremony nightly. Hyatt Regency Maui 200 Nohea Kai Drive, Kaanapali, 661-1234 Torchlighting ceremony at 6:15 nightly followed by live Hawaiian entertainment 6:30-9:30 nightly in the
Four Seasons Resort Wailea 3900 Wailea Alanui, Wailea, 874-8000 Lobby Lounge, Hawaiian Music 5:30-7:30pm & hula 5:30-6:30pm Tue., Thu. & Sat.; Tiffany Lee & Josh 8:30-11:30pm Mon., Tue., Thu. & Sat. Ricardo Dioso & Margie Heart, 8:30-11:30pm Wed. and Fri. Grand Wailea Resort Hotel & Spa 3850 Wailea Alanui, Wailea, 875-1234 Botero Bar entertainment, 5:30-9:30 nightly: Larry Golis, Thu.; Brian Mansano, Fri.; Ricardo, Sat.; Luis Diaz, Sun.-Tue.; Mitch Kepa, Wed.; Strolling Hawaiian duo in the Humuhumunukunukuapua’a nightly. The Fairmont Kea Lani Maui 4100 Wailea Alanui, Wailea, 875-4100 Jazz entertainment from 6-9 nightly in the Lobby Bar. Outrigger Wailea Resort 3700 Wailea Alanui, Wailea, 879-1922 Hawaiian entertainment w/ hula 6-9 nightly in Kumu Bar & Grill. Hawaiian entertainment 9-11 nightly in the Mele Mele Lounge featuring Mitch Kepa & Raymond "Mundo" Medeiros. Paradyse & Ka Poe O Hawaii perform at the Luau, Mon., Tue., Thu., Fri. Renaissance Wailea Beach Resort 3550 Wailea Alanui, Wailea, 879-4900 Sunset Terrace; Jamie Lawrence, Tue.-Sat.; solo guitarist Sun. & Mon., 6-9pm Wailea Sunset Luau, 68:30pm Tue., Thu. and Sat. Maui Prince Hotel 5400 Makena Alanui, 874-1111 Molokini Lounge: Ron Kuala’au, Hawaiian &contemporary guitar & vocals, 6-10:30pm Sun., 68:30pm Tue., Thu. and Sat. Mele ‘Ohana duo, 6 -8pm Mon., Wed. and Fri., 8:30-10:30pm Mon.-Sat. and 9am-1pm Mon., Wed. and Fri.
DA KINECALENDAR Hotel Hana-Maui Hana, 248-8211 Hawaiian music in Paniolo Lounge, 6:309:30pm Thu.-Sun.; Hula show, 7:30-8:15pm every Thu. and Sun. in the Main Dining Room.
University of Hawaii Center Maui is pleased to be offering the Post-Baccalaureate Certificate in Secondary Education (PBSCE) and the Master of Education in Special Education (Med SPED) programs. For more information, call 984-3525. GED Foundations offered at Hui Malama Learning Center – Registration is open for students aged 14 and up and includes an assessment test and educational counseling. Call 244-5911 to register and to schedule an assessment test. Sing Your Heart out! with Louise Lambert Beginners to Karaoke singers to Grammy Winners! Gain range expansion,flexibility, power, stamina, breath control,harmonizing and the joy of singing! Weekly in Kihei and Pukalani. Call 875-1891.
THURSDAY, January 2
Free Country Dance Lessons - 7-7:30pm, at the Mayor Tavares Community Center in Pukalani. No partner is needed! Learn line dance basics and meet new people. Call 661-8639. Lahaina Arts Society’s Outreach Arts Program - 3-5pm, West Maui Boys and Girls Club, Lahaina. Also, Upcountry Boys and Girls Club, Makawao. Free public classes. All materials provided. Ages 5-18. For more info, call 874-3104.
FRIDAY, January 3
Painting Demonstration - 11am-1pm, at the Art Center, 1980 Main St., Wailuku. By watercolorist Mary Connell. Free and open to the public. For more info, call 243-0027. Modeling & Photography Workshops - 6-7pm,
Center, the Mayor Hannibal Tavares Community Center in Pukalani, and at the Maui Earth Compost Company behind the Kihei Wastewater Reclamation Facility off Piilani Highway. For info, call 270-7880. Whale Mania - Now thru March. Whale sculptures by local artists displayed island-wide to be auctioned off in March. Soroptimist of West Maui Fundraiser benefiting Maui Humane Society. Contact Louise Rockett at 669-6311 for more info.
at Pacific Custom Lab, 1787 Wili Pa Loop, Wailuku. Call 244-7733.
MONDAY, January 6
Country Line-Dancing Lessons - 7-8:30pm, at Lahaina Cannery Mall. Call Cynda Hearn at 661-5304. Intermediate Aluminum Plate Lithography 6:30-9:30pm, at Hui Noeau Visual Arts Center, Makawao. Taught by Nancy Skrimstad. Call 808-6560. Lahaina Arts Society’s Outreach Arts Program - 3-5pm, Central Maui Boys and Girls Club, Wailuku. Free public classes. All materials provided. Ages 5-18. For more info, call 874-3104.
Free Oral HIV Testing – By the Dept. of Health available by appointment only. Call 984-2129. CCC Camp Seeks Volunteers - To help paint or glaze the new windows. No experience needed. For more info, call Rosalind Thompson at 335-9975. NKFH’s Kidney Car Donation - The National Kidney Foundation of Hawaii encourages Maui residents to donate their cars for a tax deduction. For more info, call 986-1900. Kihei Youth Center Needs Adult Volunteers For health & fitness programs as well as cultural activites. Call Amber at 879-8698 for more info. Haiku Community Association Seeks Volunteers - Contact Tim Wolfe at 575-7474. Hale Kau Kau Volunteers Needed - 3:30-6:30pm, located at St. Theresa's Catholic Church, Kihei. Volunteers are needed for meal prep, serve, & cleanup. Donations of food and/or funds accepted. Contact Marie Osaki @ 875-8754. Maui Friends of the Library Used Bookstore 8am-4pm, Mon.-Sat. Central Maui. Accepts donations of books & can always use energetic volunteer help. Call 871-6563. Maui Artists Program - Many of Maui's finest resident artists display & discuss their original works at Four Seasons Resort Maui on Wed., Fri. & Sun. 8am1:30pm. For more info, call 874-8000. East Maui Animal Refuge - 9am Thu. at refuge, 25 Malu Aina Place, Haiku, for volunteer orientation meet-
TuESDAY, January 7
ABC's of Diabetes & Nutrition Class - 1011:30am, at Kaiser's Wailuku Clinic. Topics will include planning meals, shopping for food, eating out,weight management and physical activity. Kaiser members pay their usual registration fee; nonmembers pay $10. Support people are invited to attend for free. Call to register: 243-6000.
WEDNESDAY, January 8
Vegetarian Society of Hawaii Lecture - 7pm, at the Seventh-Day Adventist Church, 216 S. Puunene Ave., Kahului (entrance on Wakea Ave). Guest speaker; world renowned Cancer and Nutrition Expert T. Colin Campbell, PhD will discuss "Lessons From The China Project". Free to the public, and free food samples from Down to Earth. Hawaii Ballroom Dance Association - 7-9pm, South Maui. East Coast Swing and Rumba group classes. No partner necessary. Professional instruction by Rita O'Connor. Call 891-2949.
Christmas Tree Recycling Drop-Off - 8am-2pm Saturday & Wednesday, Jan. 4 & 8, at the Papa Avenue Soccer Field in Kahului, the Haiku Community
a n n a W e? Danc
ings & tours. Call Sylvan @ 572-8308. 9th Life Cat Sanctuary – 1pm Thu., Haiku. Volunteer orientation meeting. Call Lela; 573-7877.
Construction of Sand Mandala – Jan.3-6, at Kaahumanu Center, Kahului. Free. Bringing a healing energy and a peaceful message, seven Tibetan Buddhist monks from Tashi Lhunpo Monastery will come to Maui as part of their first tour of North America. For more info, call Irene Bowie at 268-0303. He U`i Cultural Arts Festival - 9am-5pm Saturday & Sunday, Jan.4-5, under the Banyan Tree in Lahaina Town. A gathering of Hawaiian artists and crafters display, sell, and demonstrate cultural arts & crafts. Hawaiian music is featured live, and community members give talks on their culture. For more info, call Theo Morrison at 667-9194. Schaefer Portrait Challenge - Jan.5-Feb.23, in the Schaefer Gallery of the Maui Arts & Cultural Center. The Schaefer Portrait Challenge aims to redefine the nature of portraiture by challenging Hawaii artists to create works that celebrate the ordinary heroes among us. This statewide, juried exhibit will itself offer a "portrait" of Hawaii's unique multicultural human landscape. Portrait subjects are people living in Hawaii who have distinguished themselves in the eyes of the artist. For info, call 242-2787. Whale Information Station - 8:30am-3:30pm daily, at McGregor Point Lookout. Staffed by Pacific Whale Foundation's knowledgeable naturalists. McGregor Point is on Route 30, Honoapiilani Highway, between Maalaea and Lahaina. Call 249-8811. "Tony n' Tina's Wedding" Play - 6:30pm, Monday thru Saturday, at the Hyatt Regency Maui. Comedy Dinner Show featuring an all-Hawaii cast and crew. To purchase tickets or for more info, call 667-4727.
THURSDAY, January 2
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JANUARY 2, 2003
DA KINECALENDAR Mayor Alan Arakawa's Inauguration Ceremony - 3:30-7pm, at the Ichiro "Iron" Maehara Baseball Stadium on Kanaloa Ave., Wailuku. Rain venue - War Memorial Gymnasium. Great entertainment, food & festivities. For info, call 893-2526. Maui Live Poets Society - 6:30-9pm, at Wailuku Public Library. Open poetry readings on the 1st Thursday of each month. For more info, call Melinda Gohn (“gawn”) at 661-0517. Rotary Club of Wailuku - 7am, at Maui Tropical Plantation. Cost of the breakfast is $9. Call Jennifer Bohlin @ 244-0908. Weekly Gathering of Maui's Top Artists 8:30am, on the grounds of Keolahou Hawaiian Church, in North Kihei. Call Michael Stark at 879-9337. Country Dance - 8-9:30pm, at the Mayor Tavares Community Center in Pukalani. Ballroom dancers and beginners always welcome. Call 661-8639 for info. Maui Okinawan Kenjin Kai Executive Board Meeting - 7:30pm, at the Maui Okinawan Cultural Center. For more info, call 242-1560. Maui Executive Association - 7:15-8:30am. Business to business lead generating organization. Breakfast meetings. Call Joni Brotherton at 244-1464. Kiwanis Club of Maui - 12pm, at Maui Beach Hotel. Call Kathy Suguitan @ 893-2088. Rotary Club of Lahaina - 12-1pm, at the Royal Lahaina Hotel's Alii Room. Contact Tanya Every, President, at 242-7882.
FRIDAY, January 3
Maui Hotel Assn & Maui Chamber of Commerce's Reception for Governor Lingle 11am, at Outrigger Wailea Resort Aulani Ballroom. Luncheon to Follow. For more info, call 871-7711. First Friday at Gallerie Ha -- An Inaugural Reading of "Madonna's Cloak" - 7pm, on Market Street, Wailuku. Relationships among women searching for love are contaminated by violence and its fallout. A remarkable painting points the way out of their
dilemma. Donations will be accepted. Call Pat Masumoto at 244-3993. Tashi Lhunpo Monks Special Appearance – 7pm, at Miracles Bookery, Makawao. Free. One of the four great monasteries of the Gelugpa school of Tibetan Buddhism, Tashi Lhunpo Monastery now operates in India after being brutally expelled from Tibet. Endorsed by His Holiness the Dalai Lama, the tour’s proceeds will aid the struggling Monastery which houses 250 monks. Call Irene Bowie at 268-0303. Rotary Club of Maui Upcountry - 7:15am, Pukalani Community Center. Guests are welcome. Call Rick Woodford at 877-0027. No Ka Oi Toastmasters Club - 12-1pm, at old MEO location on Kane Street. Communication training. Call 874-5263. Open to public. Friday Night is Art Night in Lahaina - 7-10pm. Stroll through dozens of art galleries in Lahaina Town for special gallery shows, featured artists-in-action, and refreshments, all free & open to the public! Call Theo Morrison at 667-9194. Aloha Friday Craft Fair - 9am-2pm, Outrigger Wailea Resort. Maui artisans display and sell their handcrafted island products, part of award-winning Ho'olokahi cultural program. For info, call 879-1922.
SATURDAY, January 4
Family Ocean Discovery Series - "Songs of the Sea" - 9-10:30am, at Pacific Whale Foundation offices, Maalaea. The oceans are alive with sound. Tiny shrimp scrape and tap along with the complex song of the humpback whale. Parents and children will meet the maestros of the sea while designing unique instruments. $8 per parent/child pair. Call 249-8811. Keiki Ocean Discovery Time - 10am, PWF Marine Resource Center at the Harbor Shops, Maalaea. Free program led by marine educators w/crafts, activities and stories. For ages 4 to10. Free Junior Naturalist bag for all participants. For more info, call 249-8811. Seaside Stories on "Marine Mysteries" - 11am,
Friday & Sat Jan. 3 & 4 at CASANOVA $18 adv Doors 8:30PM
Thursday Jan. 9 at HAPA’S, Kihei $18 adv Doors 8PM
Friday & Sat Jan. 10 & 11 THE BIG EVENT at the Ali`i Room Royal Lahaina Resort $22 adv • Doors 7PM, show 9PM
JANUARY 2, 2003
The oceans are alive with dolphins Children’s section at Borders Books & Music, Kahului. The program is free and is conducted by the marine education staff of Pacific Whale Foundation for kids age 4-10. For information, call 249-8811. Maui Marine C.O.R.E. Service Project Conserving Ocean Resources through Education is a free program for for all youth in grades 8 - 12. For information, call Pacific Whale Foundation at 249-8811.
SUNDAY, January 5
Performance of Ancient Tibetan Lama Dances – 7pm, at Baldwin Auditorium, Wailuku. Bringing a healing energy and a peaceful message, seven Tibetan Buddhist monks from Tashi Lhunpo Monastery will come to Maui as part of their first tour of North America. One of the four great monasteries of the Gelugpa school of Tibetan Buddhism, Tashi Lhunpo Monastery now operates in India after being brutally expelled from Tibet. Endorsed by His Holiness the Dalai Lama, the tour’s proceeds will aid the struggling Monastery which houses 250 monks. For more info, call Irene Bowie at 268-0303. Swap Meet at the Kihei Open Market - 9am4pm, on Piilani Highway past Tesoro, off Ohukai Street, Kihei. Call 283-0461 or 870-4011.
MONDAY, January 6
Gathering -
9:30am-12pm, at Rainbow Park off Baldwin Avenue. Welcoming all -- especially those families who incorporate principles found in Interest Initiated Learning, The Continuum Concept and Elimination Communication. Potluck from 9:30 a.m. to noon. Speaker from 10-11 a.m. Maui Peace Action Planning/Organizing Meeting - 5:30pm, in the Student Lounge of Maui Community College. At this meeting, we will make plans for Martin Luther King Day, as well as for the long term. Please bring your ideas for non-violent actions that our group can take, and events we can sponsor, to speak out for peace and to educate our community regarding the consequences of war on Iraq. Call Mele Stokesberry at 878-8015. Oral HIV Testing - 10am-1pm at Keolahou Church in Kihei. Call Takako @ Dept of Health @ 984-2129. Rotary Club of Kahului - 12-1pm, at the Dunes Restaurant. For more info, call David Cain @ 242-9350 or President Bob Yeager @ 244-1130. A Course in Miracles - A Study/Reading Group - 6:30-8:30pm, at Unity Church, Wailuku. By donation. For info, call Michael or Richard @ 2429327. Needlework-in-Progress - 6-8pm. Bring any piece of needlework (quilting, needlepointing, x-stitch) for help, encouragement, or technique instruction. Contact Dolphine or Ruth Ann at 662-8554.
TUESDAY, January 7
All Lingerie OPEN DAILY AT 10AM &Men’s Wear 25% Off The
Love Shack
Kihei Kalama Village 875-0303
Children Immunization Clinic - 9-11am, at Lahaina Comprehensive Health Ctr. For children without medical insurance up to age 18. Bring immunization records. Walk-in basis. Free. Call 984-8260. Brown Bag Lunch Series - "State Mental Health Services in Maui County" - 12pm, at the Cameron Center Auditorium. Free. Call 242-6461. Free Guided Whalewatching - 7:30-8am, from Wailea Ocean Path Shoreline by the Maui Outrigger (near the telescope). For info, call 249-8811. HIV Counseling & Testing Clinic - 8:00-11:30 a.m. and 1:00-3:30 p.m., Wailuku Health Center. Sponsored by State Dept. of Health. Call 984-2129. A Group of Our Own--Women's Group - 6-8pm, South Maui. For women who are committed to high level self-exploration & accelerated personal and spiritual growth. Contact Debra Greene, Ph.D. at 874-6441. Rotary Club of Lahaina Sunrise - 7am, Pioneer Inn's Snug Harbor Parlor. Call Brian Blundell @ 6672709. Rotary Club of Kihei/Wailea - 11:45am, Outrigger Wailea Resort. Call Greg Knue, President, at 871-8272. Kiwanis Club of Kahului - 12-1pm, Maui Beach Hotel room 282, Kahului. Open to anyone! Lunch may be obtained from the snack shop in the Maui Beach Hotel Lobby. Call 244-6042 for more information. Maui Toastmasters Club - 12pm, in the Maui Mall Merchants' Conference Room, Kahului. Open to public. Call 877-3894.
DA KINECALENDAR Maui Lions Club - 6:30pm, Maui Beach Hotel. Open to visiting Lions & general public. Call James Sato @ 572-8590. Kihei Toastmasters Club - 6-7pm. Toastmaster's is a club that provides a mutually supportive and positive learning environment in which every member develops communication and leadership skills, which aids in personal growth and self-confidence. It is a nonprofit organization and has been around for over 75 years. Contact Rita Mihaly at 572-3838.
WEDNESDAY, January 8
HIV Testing/Counseling Clinic – 9am-1:30pm, at Lahaina Comprehensive Health Center. Call 984-2129. Rotary Club of Kihei Sunrise - 6:45-8am, at the Five Palms Grill. Breakfast meeting with speaker. Visiting Rotarians and guests are invited. Call Leo Nikora at 879-0087. Pili Aloha Club - 9-9:30am, Kihei Community Center. For seniors 55 & older, over breakfast. New members welcome! Call Louis Gerdts @ 875-7854. Rotary Club of Maui - 12pm, at Maui Country Club in Spreckelsville. Lunch $10. Call President Amy Wasson @ 879-4414 for more info. Soroptimist International of West Maui 12pm, Westin Maui. Visitors welcome. For reservations, call Josette Naki @ 661-6932. Soroptimist International of Maui - 4-5pm, Hale Mahaolu Elima Community Hall, Kahului. Visitors are welcome! Call Jeanne @ 879-5913. Maui Filipino Chamber of Commerce Meeting - 7-8pm, at Litz Furniture, Kahului. Call Mrs. Carinio at 871-8359.
Alcoholics Anonymous - 12pm, Monday thru Friday at St Theresa Church, 25 West Lipoa Street at South Kihei Road. For info, call 244-9673.
THURSDAY, January 2
Not a Rain Dance, but the Spirit of the Dance United Self-Help Mental Health Support Group - 10am, at the Cameron Ctr. Call 879-7696.F Hana Women's Support Group - 5:30-7 p.m. Presented by Child & Family Service. Call 877-6888. Wailuku Noon Al-Anon Family Group - Noon at Hina Mauka, Wailuku. Call 242-0296. Bridges Youth Group – in Wailuku. Maui's gay, lesbian, bisexual transgender or questioning youth group. Call 242-6821 for more info. All calls are confidential. Cancer Talk Story - 6:30 p.m. at Cameron Center, Hui No Ke Ola Pono. Call 243-2967.
FRIDAY, January 3
Nicotine Anonymous - 6-7pm, at Hoololi Room of
e G T E Buzz D
the old MEO building on Kane St. Call Earl @ 879-5796. A Ho`omalu Ala Al Non – 12pm, at Lahaina Baptist Church. Group meeting. Call Kate @ 661-3906. Women's Al-Anon - 12-1pm, at St. Theresa's Church in Kihei. Call Fumi, 879-1432 or Pat, 875-1153.
SATURDAY, January 4
Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous - 6:30pm, at Trinity Episcopal Church By The Sea, 100 Kulanihakoi, north end of Kihei. Al Anon, Adult Children of Alcoholics - 9:3011am, at Good Shepherd Episcopal Church (room off lanai next to church hall) in Wailuku. Call 242-0296. Overeaters Anonymous - 8-9am, at Kamaole
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Maui Arts & Cultural Center, Castle Theater, Kahului, Maui $22, $25, $30 242-SHOW w/The Colin John Band a portion of the proceeds to benefit Arts Education in the Schools (Pau Hana Jam 5:30 pm Founders Court – FREE)
JANUARY 2, 2003
DA KINECALENDAR Beach Park III picnic tables in Kihei. Call 244-7572.
SUNDAY, January 5
Pattycake – 4pm. An infertility support group. For more info & location, call 280-0539. Sunshine Group - 1pm, at Sandalwood Restaurant. Fellowship among those who have lost a loved one. Call Carole @ 242-5583 or Paul @ 874-3063.
MONDAY, January 6
Sex A-holics Anonymous - 8pm, at St. Theresa's Church, So. Kihei Rd. & Lipoa St. in Kihei. Overeaters Anonymous - 7:30-8:30pm, Kealahou Church, 177 S. Kihei Road. Call Jill at 874-3486. Al-Anon - 12pm, Lahaina Baptist Church. 12-by-12 Study Group. Call Kate @ 661-3906. Hepsters Hepatitis-C Support Group – 6:30pm, at the Hannibal Tavares Community Center multi-purpose room. Call Lora- 573-6366, or Mark- 283-7427. P.A.R.E.N.T.S. - 6pm, old Kihei library. Videos & discussion on parenting techniques. Free. Child care also provided for free. Call Trudy @ 879-3595 Women Helping Women - 6-8pm in Kihei. For women whose lives have been affected by domestic violence. For more info, call 579-9581.
TUESDAY, January 7
Overeaters Anonymous - 6:00-7:30pm, Good Shepherd Church, 2140 Main Street, Wailuku. Call Kevin at 242-9511. H.E.A.L. (Help Ease a Loss) - 6-7:30pm @ Hospice Maui. Call 244-5555 for more info. Al-Anon – 12pm, at St. Theresa's Church St. Francis room. Call Ethel at 879-6597. Children's Support Group - 5:30-7pm in Kahului. For those who have been exposed to domestic violence. Call 877-6888. P.A.R.E.N.T.S. - 6-8pm, Montessori School, Makawao. Techniques. Free. Call Trudy @ 879-3595. Women's Support Group for Victims of Domestic Violence - 5:30-7:30pm, Kahului. Presented by Child & Family Service. Call 877-6888.
WEDNESDAY, January 8
Happy Day Al-Anon Family Group - 9am, at Iao Congregational Church, Wailuku. Call 242-0296. Overeaters Anonymous - 12-1pm, St. Theresa's Church, S. Kihei Rd/Lipoa St. Call Alice at 879-6725. Women's Anger Management Groups - 9-11am, Kahului. Call 877-6888.
Weekend Wahine Warrior Surf Clinics - Thru Jan. 6, at :auniupoko Beach Park. Maui Surfer Girls will be holding our surf clinics for girls and women of all ages and abilities! Call 250-2019 for more info. Maui Gymnastics Invitational - Jan. 3-5, at War Memorial Gym. For tickets and info, call 244-5414. Skateboarding - at Kalama Skatepark in Kihei, and Keopuolani Skatepark in Kahului. Open 2:30-6:30pm on weekdays except Wednesday (open at 1:30pm), weekends open 11am-6:30pm. For info, call 242-9007. Mercedes Golf Championship Tournament - at Kapalua Golf Course. PGA Tour’s season-opening event. Practice rounds Jan. 6 & 7, Pro-am Jan. 8, Competition Jan. 9-12. For tickets, call 1-877-8040472. For more info, call 669-0244.
33rd Annual Maui Marathon - entries now being accepted for Sept. 21, 2003 marathon. Call 871-6441. 5th Annual Hawaiian Moons Makena Applications being accepted and volunteers needed for half-marathon and 5-kilometer fun run to take place on Feb. 2, starting at 7am. Call Brian at 875-4105. Beginner Karate Classes - 7-8pm Mon. & Wed., 11am-12pm Sat., Maui Family YMCA. Call 242-9007. Free Fitness Classes - 6:30-7:30am & 8-9am, War Memorial Gym. Cardio/weights/stretching under instruction of Tom Burke. For more info, call 270-8031. Kihei Little League - Currently accepting registration for players 12-to-15 years old. Practices are from 4-6pm Mon., Wed. & Fri. For more info, call 874-0002. Maui Upcountry Little League - Registration forms available - practices start Jan. 6. Call 572-9660. Boys & Girls Club Basketball League Accepting teams until Jan. 8, for games to be played on Thurs. afternoons and Sat. mornings, beginning Feb. 6. Call Kelly or Tommy at 242-4363. Youth Basketball League - South Maui Dept. of Parks & Rec. is accepting applications for play beginning in January. Boys & girls, age 5-15. Call 879-4533. Kula Gateball Club - 5-8:30pm Sun. & Wed., at the Kula Community Center. Equipment is provided. for more info, call Ray Terada at 878-1500. Hawaii Swimming Club - seeking swimmers from ages 5 to 18. Call Rodney at 242-9110; Susie at 5738891; Reid at 244-4655. Kamalii Manaloa O Maui Volleyball Club - for registration and practice info, for girls ages 8 to 18, call Bonnie at 244-1030.
ThursDAY, January 2
Sportsmanship Meeting - 6:30pm, in the meeting room at the South Maui Community Center on Lipoa Street, Kihei. For Parents of Children in S. Maui Youth Basketball Program. Call 879-4533.
MonDAY, January 6
West Maui Table Tennis Club - 6:30-10:30pm, Lahaina Civic Center. Call Craig at 280-5056 for info. Maui Inline Hockey Association Women’s Games - 8-10pm, Kalama Park Skating Rink. For more info, call Deb Driscoll at 875-4038.
TuesDAY, January 7
Maui Inline Hockey Association Men’s A Games - 7:30-9:30pm, Kalama Park Skating Rink. For more info, call Deb Driscoll at 875-4038. Senior Softball Games - at Keopuolani Park. For players 50 years old and above. For info, call 877-5103.
WednesDAY, January 8
Maui Inline Hockey Association Men’s B Games - 8-10pm, Kalama Park Skating Rink. For more info, call Deb Driscoll at 875-4038.
Send your listings & photos for the Da Kine Calendar to calendar@mauitime.com or fax (808) 661-0446
ESCAPE ARTISTS: PLOT AGAINST THEME (Cathexis Records, www.escapingart.com) LA's Escape Artists collective, comprised of Aamir, Ahmuse, Amnesia,Trex and Xczircles, makes some dark, abstract hip hop. Plot Against Theme, an album "about itself," is a bunch of passionately delivered word and phrase collages over sadly beautiful music and driving beats. Along with guests 2Mex, Awol One, The Moth, and Ciphnautic, the Escape Artists paint a crazy abstract mural, transposing somberly delivered vocals over minimalist melodies and driving beats. [The Mole] Sort of uninspiring for most of the first half or so, but towards the end they actually sound like they are having a bit of fun. It won’t spend much time in my cd player, but it is not unlistenable. [Tang Li Wheebs]
LITTLE WINGS : LIGHT GREEN LEAVES (K Records www.krecs.com) Light Green Leaves exists in three different phases, one per format (cd, cs, and lp). All three releases consist of the same songs recorded in different situations with different producers. The cd version that I hold in my hands happens to be the only one of the three that I have to go on for this review, but this mellow collection of indie-country gems defiantly inspires me to seek out its brothers to see if they could make these cute pop gems any better. Rather sparse and laid back, and at times reminding me of New Zealand’s Chris Knox, this record is a nice, catchy late night or early morning listen.[Tang Li Wheebs] This guy is okay, I guess, but as usual with the stuff that Wheebs reviews, it kind of bores me. It's just some guy with a guitar and light percussion singing normal pop tunes. [The Mole]
BENDING MOUTH: BENDING MOUTH (Tinmen/Skyscrapers Collective, www.mp3.com/bending_mouth) Bending Mouth is a duo comprised of Thesis Sahib and Selfhelp, two rapper guys from Canada. Their self-titled debut album is possibly my favorite album this year. First of all, the album has a beautiful array of beats provided by Sixtoo, Timbuktu (of Toolshed), Jesse Dangerously, Kilgoure, Fester (of Dert Roads), Savillion and more, and secondly, Thesis Sahib and Selfhelp are some really good and unique-sounding rappers, complete with advanced verbal abilities and some subtly poetic and politically conscious lyrics like "their molding a future of innocent soldiers to fight for their rights which are wrong, conditioned intensely and stolen from family to live like a sacrificed pawn." I suggest you check it out. [The Mole] Sounds pretty darn good, and creative. A few steps up from most of the Mole's review choices.[Tang Li Wheebs]
IRVING: GOOD MORNING BEAUTIFUL (Eenie Meanie Records www.eeniemeenie.com) Upon first listen Good Morning Beautiful appears to be a compilation of 11 wonderful pop songs, but upon reading the liner notes you realize that it is all the work of one versatile group. After that you are hooked. Made up of five talented musicians (actually now four, being as keyboard player Shana had left soon after the record’s release) who all share songwriting and singing duties. The album is a fun ride. At times Irving reminds me of Blur, The Magnetic Fields, Clinic, Orange Juice, The Zombies, and numerous other groups that I love, yet they hold their own and forge a great indie sound that should gain them a lot of recognition in the months to come.[Tang Li Wheebs] I wouldn't say that this is bad - maybe it's even good - but I don't really enjoy it. It's too normal and slow for my tastes. [The Mole]
CAVEMEN SPEAK: WOODEN CAST (Shadowanimals, www.shadowanimals.com) From Belgium, Cavemen Speak, is a hip hop group that definitely stretches the boundaries of the genre. Comprised of three vocalists who rap and sing in English but with funny foreign accents, they rap about being unhappy and stuff. From the sound of their lyrics, it sounds like Belgium isn't a very bright and happy place. Their lyrics are perfectly complemented by dark and moody beats, often featuring dramatic piano loops. What I really love the most about this album is that this one guy, The Nomad, sings really funny. He sounds like he has a sore throat or something, but it's very pleasing to my ears, especially with the Belgian accent, because they pronounce words like "father" as "fodder" and it sounds cool to me. [The Mole] Nomad is totally rad, but the album let me down a bit upon first listen. Maybe it will grow on me.[Tang Li Wheebs]
Send music to be reviewed to Mole & Wheebs; 34 Ai St; Makawao, HI 96768. The Mole is an MC/producer and owner of Motion Recordings (www.motionrecordings.com). Tang Li Wheebs is a communist and owner of Snail On A Stick Records (www.snailonastick.com).
JANUARY 2, 2003
monday1/6 – wednesday1/8
Boca-Beats featuring Live DJs, No cover, 10pm
Neto Perraza & Guest, Latin music, No cover, 10pm
Kilohana, Island Reggae Music No cover, 10pm
Mon - Jay Molina & Gilbert Emata, Jam Session; Tu - Jaime Lawrence & Jay Molina, Contemporary & Hawaiian Music, Wed - Rhythm & Blues: ALL SHOWS- 10PM, NO COVER CHARGE!
1945 S. Kihei Road, Kihei - 875-0188
1279 S. Kihei Road, Kihei - 874-9299
D.U.H., No cover, 10pm
889 Front Street, Lahaina - 661-3111
Soulive, Funk & Soul from New York City, $18, 9:45pm
Wed - Ladies’ Night, $5, 9:45pm
Lawai’a, No cover, 10:30pm12:30am
Mon - Lawai’a, No cover, 10:30pm-12:30am
Salsa Night $5, 10pm
1188 Makawao Ave., Makawao - 572-0220
Fantuzzi, Mystical Reggae, $8, 9:45pm
Soulive, Funk & Soul from New York City, $18, 9:45pm
142 Hana Hwy, Paia - 579-9453
Lahaina Cannery Mall - 661-7189
Open Mic, No cover, 9pm
Karaoke w/Mistress Linda O., No cover, 9pm
Karaoke, No Cover, 9pm
Ladies Night Venus Party, Hip Hop DJs, 9:30pm
Sonic Party, 16&over w/ID, noalcohol party, $10, 8pm
Spanky, 9pm Flava Zone
2439 S. Kihei Rd., Kihei - 891-2200
41 E. Lipoa St., Kihei - 879-9001
Mon - Magic Show, $15, 8:30pm Club Hits, 70’s, 80’s, early 90’s, Mon - Uncle Willie K, $7, 10pm; Tue - Ultra Fab Tuesday, w/Chilltown Productions, 9pm; 8pm Wed - Aloha Nite, 9pm-1:30am
Nuff Sed, $3, 10pm
900 Front St., Lahaina - 667-7400
Twangers, No cover
41 E. Lipoa St., Kihei - 879-2849
Jose & the Josers, N/C, 5-7pm T-Ray Band, N/C,9p-12am
House of Dynasty Revue, w/DJ Fat Flashback Fridays, 70’s, 80’s, early Jo, No cover, 10:30pm 90’s, No Cover, 10pm
1280 S. Kihei Rd., Kihei - 891-0989
Hot Apple Pie, No cover, 9pm-12am Sinful Saturdays w/DJ Fat Jo, Sunday Sessions/KRASH, Funky Mon - Movie & Martini Night, No cover, 7:30pm; Tue - Video Dance Party, No cover, No cover, 10pm Haus & Prog.Trance, N/C, 10pm 9pm; Wed - Karaoke 2003, No cover, 9pm
Mon - Greg diPiazza & Tato Duo
120 Hana Hwy., Paia - 579-8844
Eclipse, No cover, 10pm
36 Keala Place, Kihei - 875-7711
355 E. Kamehameha, Kahului - 877-9001
Kenny Roberts, No cover, 5-7pm
El Nino, No cover, 7pm
Diamonds Are A Girls Best Howard Ahia band, No cover, Power Jam w/AZD featuring DJ Heat, $7, 10pm Friend/Ladies Night, $5, 10pm 9:30pm
845 Front St., Lahaina - 661-4811
Kilohana, No cover, 10pm-Midnight
Cry’n Out Loud, No cover, 10pm-Midnight
Crazy Fingers, No cover, 10pm-Midnight
info not available
info not available
info not available
1913 S. Kihei Rd., Kihei - 891-0822
Gina Martinelli Band, No cover, 6pm Karaoke w/James, No cover, 9:30pm
Tue-Wed - Da Hawaiians, No cover Mon - Karaoke w/James, No cover, 9:30pm; Wed - Karaoke w/James, No cover, 9:30pm
info not available
info not available
Thess Mistre
Rtuhilsens d! weeke
(808) 661-3111 On the Water at 889 Front Street Lahaina, Maui
Frida turday Sa M y OP VER N CO Sunda 9
e k o a r a The Ktress Mis A O. LIND y
Saturday, January 4th
JANUARY 2, 2003
1913 S. Kihei Rd., Kihei - 891–8010
Fine Line, Reggae, No cover
Prankster, No cover
Tony Ray Band, No cover
Lake Hosts Open Mic, No cover
monday1/6 – wednesday1/8 Mon - Open Mic, No cover; Tue - Super G; Wed - The Crunch Pups Acoustic
Crazy Fingers, $5, 9:30pm
888 Front St., Lahaina - 667-2288
Jonah Livin Band, 6-9pm Island Style, 10-close
D.U.H., No cover, 9pm
900 Front St., Lahaina - 667-7794
DJ Mackie Mac, No cover, 8:30pm
El Nino, No cover, 9pm
844 Front St., Lahaina - 667-7758
Beach Party w/DJ Boomshot, No Mon - Marty Dread, $5, 9:30pm; Tue - X-Mas Party, Open to the public, 10pm; Wed - DJ Live Latin Music w/Teknos, 9pm Jammin J, $5, 9pm cover, 9pm I’am the DJ Curty Morton, No Mon - DJ Mackie Mack, 8:30pm; Tue - DJ Mackie Mac, $5, 8:30pm cover, 8:30pm
Murray Thorne, No cover, 8pm
Vince Esquire Band $5, 9pm
Live Jazz, No cover, 9pm-Midnight
Live Jazz, No cover, 9pm-Midnight
100 Kaukahi St., Wailea - 874-1131
505 Front St., Lahaina - 667-4341
Deviltown for Music & info, visit www.morepleaseproductions.com
6 67-9653
(local music) cartoon monsterdemunehinte rlanderrussell greenl eaftang li wheebsthe moleturbo punxwill t he moore www.motionrecor dings.com www.snailonastick.com
The Soup Kitchen, w/DJ Handout, No cover, 10pm
Tue - Open Mic w/Whiteboy Johnny, No cover, 9pm; Wed - Karaoke w/Toby, No cover, 9pm
>FRIDAY 1/3 Tired of fly by night internet companies? Now there is...
...LIKO RESOURCES Dependable, Deadline driven, Professional. Print files translated to the internet. Internet Web Site Maintenance. LET LIKO RESOURCES GET YOUR PRINT FILES ON THE INTERNET CALL (808) 283-7171 FOR DETAILS!
Thursday Jan. 9th $18 adv • Doors 8PM plus special guest
dj logic
4:30pm “tootie’s”-pau hana
10pm bring in 2003 with
Progressive Dance Music
>MONDAY 1/6 Movie & Martini Nite $3 well Martinis • FREE Popcorn
VIDEO DANCE PARTY $3 Wells • $2 Domestic Drafts
from New York City on Blue Note Records
In Azeka Makai • 1280 S. Kihei Road
live jazz/hip-hop/soul/groove masters
JANUARY 2, 2003
(Next to Kihei Ace Hardware)
41 E. Lipoa St. Kihei • 879-9001
No cover $2 draft specials
No cover $3 shot specials
MARTY DREAD $5 cover $2.50 domestic drafts
DJ Jammin J $5 cover
900 Front Street Lahaina 667-7794
Information not available
Information not available
Information not available
Information not available
Karaoke, 10pm-1am
Karaoke, 10pm-1am
Karaoke, 10pm-1am
Karaoke, 10pm-1am
Karaoke, 10pm-1am
Leomana, No cover, 9pm
Mad Tonic, No cover, 9pm
DJ Dancing, $10, 9:30pm-2am
DJ Dancing, $10, 9:30pm-2am
2102 Vineyard, Wailuku - 244-7243
115 Bay Dr., Kapalua - 669-6286
Kihei Town Center - 879-0004
monday1/6 – wednesday1/8 Information not available
3850 Wailea Alanui Dr. - 875-1234
2411 S. Kihei Rd., Kihei - 879-0602
g i l a l ns’ u
Happy New Year and Thank you for your support!
Vince Esquire No cover before 9pm or with dinner
I r i s h B a n d C E L T I C T I G E R S 7 PM - 1 0 PM Followed by T h e S o u p K i t c h e n
and DJ Handout OPEN MIC NIGHT w i t h W h i t e b o y J o h n n y 8 PM
H A P P Y H O U R E V E R Y D A Y 5 - 7 PM 2 FOR 1 ALL PUPUS • $1 OFF ALL DRINKS 100 Kaukahi St., Wailea. 1ST left after Kea Lani Hotel • 874–1131
FOR INFO CALL 661-3786
HRC MAUI 900 Front St., Lahaina Info: 808.667.7400
Give New Bands a Chance Night! F e a t u r i n g E l N i n o 9 P M NO C O V E R “Taking the Island by Storm” M U R R A Y T H O R N E 8 P M NO C O V E R
h a r d r o c k . c o m
Body Piercing 10-10 Tues-Sat, 10-6 Mon, Closed Sun
193 Lahainaluna, Lahaina • 667-2156
JANUARY 2, 2003
visit us online at www.mauitimepersonals.com TO BECOME A MEMBER, CALL
WOMEN Seeking Men ADVENTURE AND AFFECTION Blonde, physically fit SWF, 49, seeks witty, unselfish, loyal, physically fit, younger man, for adventure, friendship, LTR. 861078 LULLABY Petite, local SAF, 44, mother, enjoys sailing, shopping, dancing, and more. Seeking financially secure, similar SWM, 35-45, with similar interests, for casual dating. Smokers and non-smokers welcome. (She’s a smoker.) 857744 @WWW - BEAUTIFULDANCER Health conscious, affectionate, confident SWF, 20, loves sports, cooking, reading, writing. Seeking romantic, sincere SM, 2232, for whatever comes naturally. 865676 HAPPY TOGETHER Fit and full of life, beach bunny, 38, 5’6”, 125lbs, blonde/brown, enjoys windsurfing. Seeking compatible adventurous man, 5’6”+, to share all that life has to offer! 713776 WISHING AND HOPING Petite SA mom, 42, with a good sense of humor, and independence. Wishes to share music, dining, dancing, movies with a secure man. 896457 NEEDS A BUDDY Active, fun SWF, 22, enjoys scuba diving, adventure, swimming. Seeking SM, 21-29, to hang out with, hike with, drink with, develop a friendship with, and possibly more. 584061 A GREAT MIX Portuguese, Japanese, Hawaiian, French SF, 52, wants to share the simple pleasures of life with a man. 898786
BRAINS BEAUTY CULTURE Well traveled, professional, educated, intelligent SCPF, 38, N/S, seeks athletic, health conscious, “white collar”, professional SPCM, 30’s, enjoys stimulating conversations, walks, arts, culture, tennis, dancing, movies, fine dining, humor. 669770
Men Seeking Women
MEN Seeking Women
I WANNA HOLD YOUR HAND SM, 33, short-black/brown, pretty goodlooking, loves going to clubs occasionally, the beach, long drives. Seeking a lady for a romantic relationship. 896345 BEEN THERE DONE THAT... and wants to do it over again. Fun-loving, active, talented man, 22, 6’1”, enjoys nature, kayaking, music. Seeking Christian SF, with similar passions to enjoy them with. Musician A+! 707613 @WWW - NKDSRFR SM, 42, former science teacher, likes dining out, sporting events, movies. Seeking SF, 38-48, with similar interests, for possible LTR. 780002 MY HEARTS DESIRE Clean, wholesome SWM, 46, Pisces, nonsmoker, therapist, seeks pretty WF, 35-47, with inner-peace, non-smoker, to grow with each other. 536194 LOVE FOR THE OCEAN Self-employed Hawaiian and Mayan male, 47, long hair, loves surfing, the beach. Seeking local Wahine, 35-50, race open, for casual relationship, friendship, etc. 474572
© 2002 TPI GROUP
LET’S ENJOY THE ISLANDS SWF, 52, Taurus, N/S, seeks WM, 44-55, N/S, for friendship first, possible LTR. Are you the one? 887450 IT’S ABOUT TIME Seeking refined gentleman of secure means. Must be good-natured, reasonable, and intelligent for a LTR. 837798 CREATE BEAUTY SWF, 5’4”, slim, very physically fit, pretty, Cancer, desires to with a SWM partner who mirrors my spiritual path. Spirit within more important. Become more loving in every way. 50-58? 866932 SEEKS A SPECIAL MAN Educated, slim, fit SF, 32, hardworking and adventurous, seeks SBM, who is honest and intelligent, creative and trustworthy, with gentle spirit and warm heart, for friendship first, possible life mate. 844170 STILL PRETTY AT 55 Cap./Sag., 5’7”, fit, brunette, healthy, adventurous, sensual, romantic, classy, spiritual, Italian woman, emotionally and financially stable. Looking for her complementary prince charming. 708749 ALL THIS AND MORE Sweet, gorgeous SF, 48, N/D, N/S, D/Dfree, looking for handsome, hardworking, ambitious Christian man, N/S, who enjoys concerts, dining out, walks, romance, for friendship, fun and LTR. 745040 EXOTIC BEAUTY Honest SF, 43, giving, romantic, spiritual, caring, fun, likes lahaina, nature, fishing, camping, travel, fine dining, dancing, good conversation and culture. Seeking SM, 3959, with similar qualities. 611337
LET’S ENJOY MAUI SWM, 35 likes wind surfing, tennis, photography, cooking, music, movies, picnics, dancing, anything on the beach. Seeking SF with similar interests to enjoy Maui with. 601414 HEALTHCARE PROFESSIONAL SM enjoys outdoor activities and dining out. Seeking healthy SF to casually date, possible LTR. 864595 SEA AIR AND SUN Multi-racial SM, 31, long hair and tattoos, employed, energetic, loves body surfing, boogie board, beach walks or mountain hikes. Seeking fun lady up for some adventure. 747853 EASYGOING SM, 18, likes sports, music, travel, dining out, movies. Seeking SF, with similar interests, for friendship, possibly more. 504597 LOST IN PARADISE Easygoing SM, 30, 5’8”, 175lbs, Portuguese-Hawaiian, Sagittarius, smoker, seeks real woman, 18-45, for new friends. 465634 SEEKS A SPECIAL WOMAN Educated, adventurous, hardworking, attractive SBM, 38, looks younger, honest and intelligent, creative and trustworthy,with gentle spirit and warm heart, seeks friendship, LTR. “No Players please.” 916679 PLEASE BREAK THE SHELL This self-reliant SWM, 28, student, sure to make you laugh, would be extremely happy to find a SF. 883386 YOU COULD BE MY LIFE This loyal, physically fit, 37-year-old SWM is ready to commit! Blondes a plus. Must be physically fit. Friendship first. Waipahu. 903510 SCIENCE AM, LOVE PM Researcher, SWM 46, seeks svelte SF, under 35, for LTR. Plenty of fun to be had, dancing, planting, telling stories. I’d like to start family. Same dream? 902019 MAUI MAN SEEKS.... Spiritual journey with another dear heart who is playful and alive, intimate and safe, spontaneous and free-spirited, relaxed and joyful, passionate and honest. Seeking someone who understands. 709828 I KNOW YOUR OUT THERE Friendly SWM, 44, seeks love and friendship. Asian or Islander girl, petite, athletic or average. Must love life and love to smile. 669779 HAWAIIAN STYLE 36-year-old (young-looking) enjoys clubs, bars, nice restaurants, and anything else fun with a female friend. Let’s talk and maybe hang out! Kihei. 869776 TRAVEL AND ADVENTURE W. Maui SWM fit and good-looking. Who is gainfully self-employed, seeks cute, trim and sexy W. Side SWF, 30-35. 464397 ESCAPE WITH ME Fun, good-natured, adventurous, playful SBM, 43, 5’10”, 170lbs, goatee, looking for a lady, interested in travel, friendship, dining, romantic nights and lasting relationship. Be my partner in crime. 618040 LOOKING FOR YOU SHM, 36, enjoys reading, movies, quiet evenings at home, sports, boating. Seeking sincere, nice female for friendship and more. 502222
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SLIM AND FIT Fun male, 34, 5’7”, Scorpio, smoker, father of two, seeks friendly, loving woman, 21-40, for LTR. 907109 LOVE MY LIFE... DWM, 55, business owner, no children, loves classic cars, rock-n-roll music, hiking, camping, golf, scuba diving, kicking back. Seeking SAF, who is passionate about music, for casual to permanent relationship. 442907 FAIRLY GOOD-LOOKING Slender, physically fit SWM, 49, 5’10”, 165lbs, Gemini, N/S, seeks AF, 39-49, N/S. Enjoys snorkeling. 833564 SEEKING PLUS-SIZED SWM, 46, 5’7”, Aries, smoker, seeks full-figured woman, 25-35. Would love to meet you. 832335 WE’RE BETTER TOGETHER! SM, 48, 6’, 190lbs, slim, athletic, originally from Texas, wants to make a new friend to share dinners, movies, and Hawaii living together! 795879 I WANT TO LOVE YOU Puerto Rican/Jamaican gent, 32, musician is looking for a charming lady, to hold and to cuddle. 779347 YOU AND ME SWM, 40, loves fishing, surfing, the beach, hiking, camping. Seeking a woman for fun times. 735976 IT’S YOU & ME BECOMING WE Me: 5’5”, 150lbs, hobbies include lifting weights, watching tv, fishing, beaches, relaxation. You: fit, into similar activities, 2130, ready for friendship and maybe more. 723363 I CAN SHOW YOU THE WORLD Shy, young, fun SWM, 23, open-minded and well-rounded. Seeking SF, 18-42, who’s compatible and ready to have a blast with me! Ready for a new perspective? 721552 ROMANTIC DAYS & NIGHTS Hawaiian and Chinese male, 36, likes outdoor sports, romance, beaches, cuddling, sunset walks. Seeking outgoing lady, 25-40, for casual dating. 701884 SEEKING MY FIRST MATE Fit, tan SWM, 32, dark hair/eyes, loves sailing. If you’re a SB/AF, 22-40, interested in living life on the edge, beautiful sunsets on the water, give me a call. 697900 HAPPINESS SAM, 36, loves dining out, movies, time with a special lady who has a vibrant personality and who loves the outdoors. 688812 LET’S GO OUT Beach sunsets, movies, etc. Long-haired, self-employed, 35-year-old SAM (5’8”, 170lbs). Looking for honesty. Must have a heart and a sense of humor. A lady any race, 18-40. 668943 THE BEACH & GOLF? How about visiting state parks? or kayaking? Hawaii is beautiful! SWM, 39, would like a lady who loves to swim in the ocean and enjoy the bright sun. 669687 NATURAL RELATIONSHIP SWM, 50, enjoys world music, the ocean. Seeking spiritual, comfortable, relaxed AF, 34-51, good personality. 666310 DOWN-TO-EARTH Attractive SA/WM, 43, looking to meet attractive, independent, adventurous lady, 18-50, for fun, friendship, dating. 442624
ATTRACTIVE MAN Polite, picky SWM, 45, blue eyes, fit, nice smile, many interests. Seeking well-rounded female for casual dating. 517450 NEW MAN ON MAUI SBM, 43, who’s fit, ready to explore, be free, willing to share in life, take chances, and just plain have fun. Life makes no promises/grantees. It’s all on you. 497674 PLAYS WELL WITH OTHERS SWM, 39, 6’1”, brown hair, N/S, with good sense of humor, enjoys golfing, jogging. Seeking smart, positive woman, 28-45, to travel to unknown places or shopping at the super market. 476538 MAKE ME SMILE Athletic, physically fit SWM, 37, 6’1”, 200lbs, Virgo, non-smoker, seeks beautiful, positive SWF, 18-40, to relax with, dine, play sports, and more. 457272 LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT Born and raised on Maui. SWM, 47, Pisces, loves the ocean, camping, fishing, plants. Seeking honest female, with similar qualities, for serious relationship. 442623 SHARE THE ADVENTURE SWM, 38, 5’10”, 145lbs, brown/brown, N/S, enjoys fishing, diving, boating. Seeking woman, 24-38, who wants to have fun and adventure, for compatible and nurturing relationship. 439907 SCUBA SWM, 36, N/S, seeks SWF, 21-38, N/S, who likes the water, the outdoors, scuba diving. 431575 MISSING SPECIAL PERSON Happy, hard-working SWM, 37, 6’4”, 220lbs, Pisces, non-smoker, enjoys outdoors, boating, fishing, scuba diving, tennis, golf. Seeking woman, 30-40, non-smoker, for LTR. 423935 CREATIVE ISLAND SPIRIT Healthy, slim, fair British SWM, 49, 6’, Pisces, non-smoker, enjoys landscaping, the Island life, nature, theater, arts, singing, music, hiking. Seeking woman, 28-48, for LTR. 422500 GOT FINS? Hello Maui mermaids! Having a wonderful life, wish you were here! Is there a real person out there who can surf, ski, dive, eat fish, lobster? We can have correspondence. 741031
Men Seeking Men
MEN Seeking Men
LET’S GET TOGETHER SWM, 45, D/D-free, enjoys movies, dining, time with a special man. If you are fun, happy, clean and affectionate, call. 844456 DON’T WAIT, CALL The phone lines are open! You can call anytime for this one time offer. SWM, 35, seeks older man, 50-68, for dating, laughter, friendship and more. 572694 SAN FRAN TRANSPLANT Male, 39, Scorpio, smoker, homeowner, seeks WM, 25-35. Enjoys dining out, cooking, the ocean, swimming. 418038 SEEKING WM Male, 20, 5’8”, 158lbs, brown hair/eyes, likes hiking, outdoor, traveling, movies. Seeking WM, who has the same interests. 654890
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ABBREVIATIONS: A-Asian; B-Black; C-Christian; D-Divorced; F-Female; G-Gay; H-Hispanic; J-Jewish; M-Male; N/S-Non-Smoker; P-Professional; S-Single; W-White GUIDELINES: The Maui Time Personals are for adults 18 or over seeking monogamous relationships. To ensure your safety, carefully screen all responses. First meetings should occur in a public place. Abbreviations are permitted only to indicate gender preference, race, and religion. We suggest your ad contain a self-description, age range, lifestyle and avocations. Ads and voice messages containing explicit sexual language will not be accepted. This publication reserves the right to revise copy containing objectionable phrases; to reject in its sole discretion, any advertisement on account of its text. This publication assumes no responsibility for the content or reply to any Maui Time Personals ad. The advertiser assumes complete liability for the content and all replies to any advertisement or recorded message and for any claims made against this publication and its agents as a result thereof. The advertiser agrees to indemnify and hold this publication, its employees and its agents harmless from all costs, expenses (including reasonable attorney fees), liabilities and damages result The Maui Time Personals agrees not to leave his/her phone number, last name or address in his/her voice greeting. Not all boxes contain a voice greeting.
JANUARY 2, 2003
CARS - LESS THAN $5000 1989 Isuzu Amigo- 4 wd, runs well, $1000 OBO. 661-1422
1986 Dodge Caravan -Parting outmake offer (no tranny) Call 280-0733 1980 Datsun Flatbed pick-up reliable w/ safety check, mileage 114 K, racks, toolbox, hitch, cass. player, nice interior, $1000 Firm. 269-2560
1989 Toyota Tercel $500 Engine needs work, no rust, A/C, new CD player/speakers. Call 283-7666 1996 Cutlas Supreme- Green, all leather, CD, no rust, power everything, moon & sun roof. NEED TO SELL $3800 250-0437 1996 Toyota Corolla DX 5 spd., 4dr., 95K, A/C, Runs great. $4500 OBO. 250-8967 1989 Subaru Wagon with a broken timing belt. OBO 283-1032 Early Model Bronco trans. & transfer case $250. 661-8618 1962 Triumph convertible, restoration project. V8-A.T. $300. OBO 6618618 1957 MGA convertible, restoration project $500. OBO 661-8618 1965 Corvair Convertible. 3L. Running time on rebuilt mtr. *needs bodywork & new top int. clean. $1,200 OBO 661-8618. 1973 Porsche 911-T Running/needs work/rebuilt engine. $3,500 OBO 661-8618
CARS - MORE THAN $5000 2002 Ford Ranger Edge 4x4, auto, A/C, CD changer, white, 4.0L V6, 4 dr., 19,500 OBO financing available. 870-1241
TRUCKS, MOTORCYCLES, RVS 24’ Fiber Foam Cabin Cruiser Fly bridge, fully refurbished inside, engine redone, bathroom, VHF, stereo/cd, $15,000 OBO 661-1919 1989 Sportster HARLEY DAVIDSON , Sportster, bored out engine, 12” ape hangers, stretch tank fenders, custom rims, 3 gtr drag custom paint. Must Sell., $10,000 OBO, 6611919
Moving Sale Teak dining table(48” round+24” leaf) $200, (4)Windsor chairs $100, orthopedic twin bed+hdbd. like new $150, more. 5796458
JEWELRY Wedding / Engagement two ring set, ladies size 6 1/2. Setting has seven diamonds, main diamond is 1/4 karat. Classic, delicate design. Appraised at $1000, asking $650. 6693866 West Maui.
MISC. Electric Reclining Wheelchair 10 yrs. old good cond. $600 Call 2800733 New Astralite Lumina III Deluxe table $560 Call 280-0733
Surfing Coach Nancy Emerson School of Surfing is looking for a surfing coach in Lahaina, starting P/T and possible F/T in future. Minimum of ten years surfing experience, need to be able to surf long and short board with excellent form. Must have own car and insurance for movement of equipt. maui res. at least one year. References important! Please Email Nancy at nancy@surfclinics.com or fax resume to 011-617-5590-7789 Learn Hawaiian Lomi-lomi mas- or on maui at fax 877-4922 attn. sage- Jan. 9-12th, 9am-5pm, 30 hr Nancy Emerson class $375. Call 242-9664 for reg. Need an after school job? Maui Dance classes for children and Time is looking for someone who is adults all levels now at Maui Fitness interested in earning a little extra cash Plus in Kihei. Teus-Sat. Hip-Hop, learning the newspaper biz, part-time pilates, Latin Beat cardio, belly dance after school. Opportunities abound & more w/ Nicole. Call 879-5588 for here so please call 661-3786 and ask for Jen. info. Tues. eve:Women’s Group- for women who are committed to high level self-exploration & accelerated personal/spiritual growth. Thur. eve:Growth Group- for those who are committed to discovering & transforming self-limiting beliefs & defense mechanisms that feed into keeping you stuck. Sun. eve:Study Group-study the esoteric teachings of Alice Bailey & the Tibetan Master DK.
Scuba Gear Blowout! Seaquest Isoflex woman’s 6.5.4 size 7-8 or men’s 6.5.4 size L, were $320, now Beyond Marketing Setting your Bodyworkers Needed $175. Scubapro Classic BCD Size S intention: How to Market & build your Looking for beautiful, playful, reliable, was $525 now $295. Used Scubapro Healing Arts practice. Take your work person. Work with a great team. Will Classic BCD XS $95. 283-8633. to a higher level. Learn innovative & train. 579-8825 Scuba Gear Blowout! Oceanic practical tools to distinguish yourself Datamax Pro air-integrated computer in a highly competitive market. was $599 now $295. Oceanic Devolop clarity & focus by designing a BUY & SELL Dataplus2 Nitrox computer was $599 personal marketing plan. Mon. classBICYLES Find your now $325. 283-8633 es held @ Beyond Heaven, 7-8:30pm. Mountain Bike by Bianchi, NY key players $10 fee. Private sessions avail. Call to ALA Model, New condition. $900. Moving Sale Windsurf:(1) F2 8’6’ reg. 573-1929. Christina Fisher with Brand New, Asking $400 Firm. 669- board $100, like new (1)Quatro 8’0 Mentoring Services MauiTime Looking for Deep Tissue Massage $800, (1)1-man ocean kayak+paddle 3866 Weekly’s Therapist in Kihei Chiro office to share $300. 579-6458 rent, must have own clients. Call Classified MauiTime Readers ELECTRONICS Daniel @ 280-0733 1972 Glastron 21’ Boat 4.3 L E m p l o y m e n t NIKON CAMERA, Nikomat blk. Love to Improve engine Volvo 290 Leg D.P. engine S e c t i o n body w/Nikkor 50mm lens + Nikkor Oral/HIV Testing/Counseling Their Lifestyles! needs work $3,500 661-8618 80/200mm zoom lens $390. Call661Clinic- @ Pukalani Community Get More 6793 Center 9-11am; Paia Hawaiian SPORTS EQUIPMENT Protestant Church 1-3:30pm; Wailuku Roping Saddle good cond. $350. People In FURNITURE Health Center 8-11:30am & 1Antique tree saddle/ only for display Your Class New Queen size bed, Serta Perfect purposes $25. 248-7725 3:30pm;Lahaina Compehensive Today… sleeper, used 1 month, bought $700 Health Center 9am-1:30pm. Results Marcy Exercise Station $200. OBO returned in 2 wks. Sponsored by State will sell $400 OBO. 283-2800 Buy 661-8618 Dept. of Health, for more info call An Ad Beige colored recliner chair, solid Takako 984-2129 in the MUSIC EQUIPMENT condition. $200. Please do not call Fender Strat Sunburst w/tortoise Is your child asking for an eduafter 7pm... 669-5911 Ext.#108 Classifieds! shell pick guard, 1 yr. old w/case and cational change? Sudbury Maui is Persian Rugs- hand- knotted, new, lock strap, paid $1100, $750/OBO. currently enrolling students ages 5 to 15. Come on Thurs. Jan. 16, 7-9pm never used 8x10, $650 & 4x6 $475, Fender Bassman 60, paid $250, EMPLOYMENT and hear about this innovative model: Also 100% wool persian rug runners $150/OBO. Casey 205-3843 Self-directed learning within a demoall new $180. 298-1195 S e n d r e s u m e , s a m p l e s o r i d e a s t o : TAKAMINE classic/electric EC- Maui Hands Gallery is seeking cratic setting. Call for more info and 6 5 8 F r o n t S t r e e t . # 1 2 6 A 7 2 7 8 2 Shoji doors- 7’ x 71/4” by 3’ x 132 C guitar $395. RANDALL RK100 exper. Sales People for our new directions: 572-3747 or 573-1819 Lahaina, HI 96761 100W Amp. $175. Call 661-6793 Kaanapali location. Call 579-9245 91/2”. Hardwood, excellent condition, Free Mammograms and pap $200. 667-6631 Yamaha Stage Custom drum set, Honolua Surf Company Maui’s screens to women aged 40-49 yrs MUSIC & ARTS 8”,10”,12”,14”,16” tom tom w/hard- premiere, active lifestyle retailer is who qualify. Call Community Clinic of Rattan dining room set, oval ware & tuxedo bags, 20” B.D. Call currently looking for talented people MUSICIANS AVAILABLE Maui and speak with Kathi Jones at glass top, 6 chairs, $500 OBO. 298Eugenio @ 280-0278 with outstanding customer service Versatile Pro Drummer, acoustic 872-4025. Call today, don’t wait. Take 9119 Moving Sale Marshall amp V565R skills for all levels of retail employ- and midi, available for gigs and record- care of yourself. Misc. Furniture for sale 6’ long L- 150W like new $350, Fender amp ment. We offer: Competitive salary, ings. Call JJ at 280-0278. shaped computer desk/formica/cloth, BXR 45W like new $80, Hohner Bass benefits, discounts & a fun atmosREAL ESTATE nice, could be receptionist desk. B2A Steinberger model $275. 579- phere. Pick up apps. at any store locaMUSICIAN SERVICES VACATION RENTALS $350. Rattan chair/stool $50. Teak 6458 tions. Hana Maui Botanical Gardensframe loveseat aqua vinyl cushion, 2 Whalers Village, Lahaina Cannery CLASSES & On the way to Blue Pools. Self guided World Class Vocalist & Pianist matching chairs, need new cushion Mall, Front St., Kihei, Honolua Keiki & walking tour. Open 9-5 $3/person. Solo or Band covers. $150.1960’s four strand rattan INSTRUCTION Honolua Wahine @ Whalers Village. Pop •Jazz •Swing •Rhythm & Blues 248-7725. Vacation Rental Available. davenport & 2 matching chairs. LESSONS & BOOKINGS Member Hawaii EcoTourism Assoc. Excellent cond. good cushion covers. Wellness Groups for Changing Paradise Spice Sing Your Heart Out Workshops Weekly www.ecoclub.com/hanamaui $1,200. 3 misc. dining chairs match- Times in Kihei by donation 874-6441 Maui’s Adult Super Store secreing covers of davenport $15. ea. 9 Mon. eve:Relaxercise- guided facilita- tary/office position. Immediate opention of slow, easy movements that ing. Apply in person. 101-B L. Main St. drawer long chest $40. 6 drawer short increase range of motion and release Wailuku chest $30. 248-7725 NOTICES habitual holding patterns in your body.
658 Front Street #126A-7278 Lahaina, HI 96761
Build the best team you can!
129 Lahainaluna, Lahaina
MauiTime Weekly seeks Freelance writers to cover stimulating & in-depth community interest stories.
Louise Lambert 875-1891
JANUARY 2, 2003
DOOM FOR IMPROVEMENT I’ve been dating a fabulous guy for about a
JANUARY 2, 2003
Imagine if people went on first dates looking and acting like they do after a year in a relationship. You’d see burping, farting, unshaven slobs with beer bellies wearing tattered remains of hockey jerseys -- unlaundered since purchase decades before, perhaps on the off chance the authorities demand forensic evidence of every meal the person’s ever eaten in front of the TV. Frightening, huh? And those are just the women. A breakup should always be on the table -- if you want to keep your relationship together. Perhaps you haven’t noticed, but relationships, these days, tend to have the tensile strength of a potato chip. Believing yours could crumble at any moment is the best way for you and your partner to keep from mistaking each other for oversized skin tags - benign, fleshy growths that go pretty much unnoticed until they get caught in a zipper. As a fringe benefit, it should also prevent the two of you from turning bathing into a ritual reserved for special occasions -- like leap year. Conflict is actually a good thing. You could consider it a navigational aid, much like those giant lights that help pilots land planes on the runway instead of in your spare bedroom. It points out areas in the relationship landscape that might call for an extra baggage handler or two. Or, perhaps, fire trucks and the bomb squad. To solve problems, don’t rely on gimmicky tricks like that "active listening" hoo-ha, in which you’re supposed to repeat your partner’s words back to him: "I’m hearing that you loathe me so deeply that your life dream has become watching me be gnawed to death, very slowly, by an extended family of rabid squirrels." The best predictor for relationship tenure, according to extensive research by psych professor John Gottman, isn’t total erasure of conflict but acting out of what he calls "deep friendship" -- truly liking and respecting your partner, and caring about their needs like they’re your own. This means that your boyfriend’s hissy fit isn’t necessarily a sign that it’s time to soap down the tarmac. It’s just conflict about not dealing well with conflict. It is time the boy came up with a communication style that isn’t modeled on a bottle of Coke shaken by a 10year-old. Encourage him to share issues as soon as they start burning and itching (especially any pending breakups), as opposed to bottling them up until his head hits DEFCON 1. (On a side note: As upsetting as his little tantrum must have been, it is refreshing that, these days, even little boys can grow up to be drama queens.)
Clean, Affordable accomodations in our vaction rental from $49 per day. Call Toll Free Wailuku Guesthouse SERVICES 877-986-8270 or www.wailukuhouse.com Free information on appliance TODAY’S the Day... Call 007 repair or purchase. 100% gauranteed $470,000 buys this OCVU 4B/ 3B Ross appliance & furniture. 395 Dairy home. View Maui Real Esate at Rd. #M Kahului, HI. 877-5655/For www.sylviacabral.com Emergency Repair 298-1795
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Beautiful Mermaid Love to pamper classy gentleman with sweet, sensual touch. Warm, tantric healing for the heart, mind, body and soul. Ariel 276-2712 Sculpt-U Bodyworks A deeply relaxing hour of exquisite bodywork 250-4817 Paradise Spice... Maui’s gay headquarters, huge selection of videos, toys & magazines. 249-2449 Art of Tantra- Experience your Tantric self with a Beautiful Goddess. Learn sexual secrets, increase vitality. Healing and sexy bodywork. You deserve it. 573-3406. Totally relax and let go. Come and experience my healing touch. Rejuvenating and pleasurable. 2504557
Tantric Loving Bodywork
INANNA Sensual Island Goddess to nurture your body, mind & spirit Unconditional love from the heart in or out call
B dess odywor∫ d o ALL
Jason Meyer
Phenomenally Healing
If your boyfriend is like a lot of guys, he’s got a mental video of himself wrinkling the sheets with haughty, pouting types whose faces sell magazines: you know -- Liz Hurley, Tyra Banks, Salma Hayek (sans mustache and uni-brow) – not Fidel Castro in a leather mini, fishnets, and Gucci boots. So, some girl’s talking trash about you. Big whoop. If you are indeed “everything she’s not -- slim, successful, happy, etc.,” this pretty much makes her “a lumpy, miserable, genetic error taking up space on the planet that would be better used to store misprinted tax forms.” Wringing your hands about this particular girl’s trash-talking is like worrying about getting knocked cold by a flying cracker crumb. Why does she hate you? Now there’s a mystery. You’ve got a boyfriend, she’s got Buffy reruns. Chances are, the boyfriend you’ve got is the boyfriend she wanted, and maybe for the second time around. That could be why your boyfriend, upon spotting her, manages to avoid donning riot gear and shouting into a megaphone, “Not a step closer, or I’ll release the tear gas!” “But,” you huff, “I wouldn’t talk to someone who dissed him!” Translation: “Why doesn’t he behave exactly as I would?!” Well, actually, for a very good reason: He. Is. Not. You. He does sound like the charitable type -- a regular “Boyfriend Without Borders.” Like the betterknown “Doctors Without Borders,” who see that unfortunates around the globe have access to adequate medical attention, perhaps he likes to see that unfortunates around your office have access to adequate men. (If you can’t give a little girl a new liver, give a lonely woman a Heineken and an hour of your donated charm.) The only hitch in the action is the girlfriend suffering from the delusion that she’s the bearded dictator of a small island relationship. A brilliant idea -- marching around his life, fencing out everybody who doesn’t salute your general fabulousness -- if you’re looking to get rid of him. There’s nothing like a girlfriend laying down martial law that makes a boyfriend want to throw himself into shark-infested waters and swim for freedom -- that is, if the firing squad’s got the day off.
year. The other day, he walked into my house and declared that we should break up. (We had been squabbling more than usual, and he was frustrated.) Well, when he announced this, I was devastated. We ended up talking the problems out and deciding to give the relationship another shot. I’m glad we didn’t break up, but now I feel that maybe he’s sticking around so he doesn’t hurt me. I’m also a little perturbed that his frustration would lead to such a drastic consequence (one he said he was glad didn’t actually come through). Once a breakup is on the table, is there a way to move past it? Or, by getting back together, are we just prolonging the inevitable? Breakup Limbo
! New
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A woman I work with used to hang out occasionally with my boyfriend (of three years) before he and I met and started dating. Their relationship was strictly platonic. Shortly after my boyfriend and I got together, I found out that this woman basically hated me, and that she’d said derogatory things about me to my boyfriend. He said she was jealous -- because I’d gone out with a guy she’d wanted to date a few years back, and because I’m “everything she’s not -- slim, successful, happy, etc.” The problem is, my boyfriend still speaks to her whenever he runs into her, and sometimes even sits down and has a beer with her. If one of my past or present friends disparaged my boyfriend, I wouldn’t continue having even casual communication with them. Am I wrong to ask that my boyfriend cut off all contact with this woman? Disloyaled Rotten
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Awaken shakti energies to attain longevity, freedom, enhanced creativity & vitality. For heartfelt bodywork call 281-0081... healing for the body, solace for the soul. Charles Chipps- TA CANUPA WAKEN At Beyond Heaven on January 7th from 7:30-9pm. Public Conversations, Workshops, and Healing Sweat Lodge Ceremonies. One on One available by appointment. For more info call John 280-0092 Divine Healing touch for body, heart & soul. Gentle, nurturing & deeply relaxing bodywork. Non-sexual, Solua Healing Arts practitioner w/ 15 yrs exp. 283-7255 Devi Rising- Learn to channel the Goddess’ inspiration & guidance to manifest your heart dreams. Supportive enviroment. 7-9pm Weds. Jan.15 thru March 19 @ Beyond Heaven. Indigo Ocean, M.A. 5734290 Upcountry Massage & Personal Fitness training- improve your health, re-align your posture, feel great! Call 281-2960. Kaamaina rates avail. Learn to meditate- Meditation on The Divine Inner Light and Sound as a way to lasting Peace and Joy and actual God (love) Realization.Tues, 7pm, Kihei. Call 879-0871 LIVING WATER PURIFIERS Used By the Army and in all US Embassy’s Purifies Water Plus Kills Bacteria Control the Water YOU DRINK Counter Tops and Whole House Units When it comes to your health, Seek the Best 874-5676
Psychic Readings Consultant Love, Marriage, Business Readings by phone. Call 575-4989. Visa/MC/Amex.
$20 GIFT
Amico’s Massage Therapy “Friendly, Professional & Affordable” By Eugenio Amico MAT 5582 email: eugenioamico@usa.net Islandwide outcall until midnight “Personalized sessions to fit your needs from deep massage to light energy work” Day spa avail. w/sauna & jacuzzi Double-Bookings ~ Save $10 Spiritual Couples Massage Lessons, Weddings, Birthdays, & Bachelorette Parties Rose 707Gift Certificates Available 280-0278
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Hands in Motion Maui Massage by Brooke Helgeson. Professional Theraputic Massage. Specializing in deep tissue massage. Enjoy the benefits of massage in your own room. Call 250-4515. MAT# 6120, member of AMTA 110175 Massages by supervised students- 6-9:30pm at MOA Church (by Cupies Drive-in) on Kamehameha Ave., Kahului. $25 or donation. Call Daniel Fowler, MAT#2765 at 2800733 Massage/Bodywork w/ Micheal Ahearn specializing in therapeutic, deep tissue, injury rehab or relaxation! Delivered to your door. $65 an hr. 250-0369 MAT2221. 19 yrs exp. Gift certs. avail. Massage Therapy w/Dan Fowler MAT 2765 now available in Wailuku, Kihei and Haiku $70 or sliding scale. Specializing in Therapeutic Lomilomi, Deep Tissue and Injury rehabilitation. Call 280-0733 Haiku Massage $40/hr mornings only In a quiet & professional setting, helping others for 15 yrs. Strong sensitive hands. From relaxing to specific deep tissue work. Roger Engel 283-8410 MAT#4863
Cat Lovers- We need you to help us w/ various tasks. Craft sale, fundraising, caretaker duties incl. feeding, trapping, transporting, etc. Please contact the Feline Foundation of Maui at 879-3059 or 891-1181.
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CHARLES CHIPPS T A C A N U PA WA K E N Coming to Maui to Teach the Ancient Ways, Build a Sweat Lodge and Perform Ceremony January 6-27, 2003
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED For more info, call John at 280-0092 or go to www.redroad.nl
VOLUNTEERS WANTED Maui Onstage is also accepting applications for technical crew and volunteer ushers for “TARTUFFE BORN AGAIN”. Please fax, email or mail your credentials to: Maui Onstage 68 N. Market St. Wailuku, HI 96793. 244-8680(office) 2427134(fax). onstage@maui.net
Float your cares away
Maui Time Weekly accepts credit cards for classified and display ads
Found in Kihei: Womens harness for windsurfing or kitesurfing, womens short sleeve wetsuit. Call8797918
The Hui Malama Literacy Outreach Program needs volunteet tutors to work one on one with adults wishing to improve their reading and writing skills. Volunteers also are needed to supervise & assist adult learners & volunteer mentors are needed for 13-18 yr old “at risk” kids. Orientation is slated for 6-8:30pm Mon. 01/06/03 @ Hui Malama Learning Center, 375 Mahalani St., above the hospital in Wailuku. For info about volunteering as a tutor, as a supervisor in the Multi-Media Literacy Center, or as a mentor call 249-0111.
Holiday Special
Take a vacation from your mind, Take a journey to your soul, Travel back to yourself....
The Maui Hero project seeks volunteers for our Maui myth, adventurebased program for middle school youth. Call AutumnLeaf at 572-4564 Women helping Women is in need of your help on Maui. We need volunteers for a few hrs. a week to help with grocery shopping, picking up & droping off of donations at various drop-off sites. For more info. please call Cindy or Deborah 5799696. Thank you for all of your support.
AARP Tax-Aide service seeks volunteers AArp Tax-Aide, the nation’s largest, free, volunteer-run tax preparation service is seeking volunteers of all ages who want to learn tax law and help prepare federal & state returns for their fellow citizens. Free training w/ Internal Revenue Service course will be provided in Jan. For more info on how to join, call Dorothy Hew @ 572-8633
Oh! I Wish I Had Found You First! Living Air Purifiers Over 4 Million Delighted Customers Used in the Pentagon One Unit Treats Whole House or Business. Greatly Reduce Indoor Air Toxins Smell the Difference for Yourself FREE 3 DAY TRIAL 874-5676
Happy New Year, A New You! It’s never too late, it’s never too bad, you’re never too old, you’re never too sick to start from scratch once again, to be born again.
658 Front Street #126A-7278 Lahaina, HI 96761
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Ta Canupa Waken Coming to Maui to Teach the Ancient Ways, Build a Sweat Lodge and Perform Ceremony Jan.6-27. For info 280-0092
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Mulligan’s on the Blue. Live entertainment six days a week. Happy hour every day 5-7pm. Open early for football. Wailea 874-1131
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Local original hard rock talent wanted! Some covers okay. Call Buckett at Deano’s 250-6733
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Send writing samples and resumes to PO Box 7278, Lahaina, HI 96761 or editor@mauitime.com
Hiring models for stock projects. $50/hour. Fitness, beauty, lifestyle. All ages. Mail photo: RC Studios, PO Box 1758, Kihei, HI 96753. Just visiting? Call 874-5755. For more info: www.ronchapple.com/model
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BOXES! SHIPPING! MAIL! NO LINES! Less Holiday Stress at Postal Plus Paia 579-8331 Kihei/Wailea 891-8585 Mailbox Rental-Voicemail-Email-Fax
Maui Time Weekly seeks dynamic professionals to join our deadline- driven, fast-paced display and classified advertising sales teams. A two year Associates Degree (AA, AS) or equivalent experience is required. Applicants must be positive, selfmotivated, disciplined, competitive, and have excellent verbal & written communication skills. Excellent earning potential and health
to Maui’s hottest new way to meet singles. See pg.28 introducing Maui Time Personals. A fully interac-
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