06.39 The Safety of Maui's Nighclubs, March 27, 2003, Volume 6, Issue 39, MauiTime

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Cold Calls! 6 • Baghdad 8 • The Eyeshadows 17 • Dreamcatcher 18


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MARCH 27, 2003

CONTENTS COVER STORY 10 Burning Down The House How Safe Are Maui’s Nightclubs? by Denise Laitinen

OP ED 8 How To Salvage The Iraq Debacle Postwar Suggestions for George W. Bush by Ted Rall

SURF & SPORTS 9 Maui Surf Ohana

It’s gettin’ hot in here - P. 10

HASA Contest #3 Results


by Jason Naylor

Dreamcatcher ( ) by Cole Smithey




17 this week’s picks


19 Movie Capsules & Times


20 Da Kine Calendar


25 The Grid

30 THE ADVICE GODDESS 32 BACK SIDE 658 Front St., Ste. 126A-7278 Lahaina, HI 96761 office (808) 661–3786 fax (808) 661–0446


Director of Advertising: Jeff Onderko jeff@mauitime.com Art Director: Rudi King rudi@mauitime.com Classified Advertising: Sara McDonald sara@mauitime.com

Contributing Writers: Ted Rall, Denise Laitinen, Jason Naylor, Jen Russo, Tommy Russo, Cole Smithey, Mat Seavey, Chuck Shepherd, Amy Alkon, Koz McKev, The Mole, Tang Li Wheebs, Travis Henderson Photography: Sean M. HowermauiphotoR4U@aol.com, Kirsten Guenther, Ric Larsen, Rudi King Distribution: Pacific Isle Circulation

Calendar Editor: Samantha Campos sam@mauitime.com

Web Design: Liko Resources webmaster@likoresources.com

Production Assistant: Lisa Lappe Student Interns: Kellie Holliday, Jaime Jackson

Publisher: Tommy Russo tommy@mauitime.com


Old Poi



Editor: Jennifer Russo jen@mauitime.com

Fine Shops

MauiTime Weekly is published every Thursday by MauiTime Productions, Inc. Its contents are Copyright © 2003 by MauiTime Productions, Inc. All rights reserved. Subscriptions are available at $70 per year. Reproduction or use without permission is strictly prohibited. Maui Time Weekly may be distributed only by MauiTime Weekly’s authorized independent contractor. MauiTime Weekly is valued at $.50 per copy and permits one complimentary copy per person. No person may, without written permission of MauiTime Weekly, take more than one copy of each weekly issue. All opinions expressed throughout MauiTime Weekly are those of the authors and not necessarily the same opinions as MauiTime Productions, Inc. and MauiTime Weekly. Deadlines: Display Advertising: Friday Noon Classified: Monday 4pm Calendar: Thursday 5pm

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MARCH 27, 2003



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MARCH 27, 2002


To Maui Time’s "Force-Fed" writer Travis Henderson: Do you read anything but your beer-bottle label or do you just watch the "wise" men on FOX and CNN for your "opinion"? Your "opinion" is a waste of space as it is only regurgitated spin. You defend NASA being questioned in Congress as: "Sounds to me like somebody is trying to make a name for himself by burning someone else at the stake... as long as there are puritan finger pointers . . . who would rather create fire than prevent more burnings . . ." yada, yada, yada (yeah, you are SOOOO fair and balanced). Then you go right on and do that "finger pointing" to the young, BRAVE female basketball player who has the nerve to stand up for what she knows to be right, unlike YOUR bravery of being out of range. Your question of "what is she turning her face toward" shows your breath-taking ignorance. That she is making a statement by not facing the flag is a brave and difficult thing to do because so many are like you, Travis. That is brainwashed. I would listen to this young patriot - she knows what is going on. Unlike you, Travis, and others in the media who have no true opinions of your own- only the dictated spin of the "powers that be". You don't even know enough about her to name her, so how could you possibly have an opinion of her action, unless you got it from some of the other brainwashed corporate media? Did you talk to her about what her reasons are before putting her down? Of course not, that might be mistaken for JOURNALISM, instead of "monkey hear, monkey think like this." Now that I know the Maui Time supports such heartless and ignorant writers as yourself I don't need to pick it up anymore, or visit any of your advertisers. How sad that to get any real news in Amerika [sic] now we must read Pravda. If you can't change your mind- are you sure you still have one. -Michael Abbey, Kihei MA, Isn’t it easy to rip on American policies from a safe, comfortable, beautiful place like Maui? However, if you think that America should be spelled the Russian way "Amerika" and if you think Pravda is your best choice for news, maybe you should go to the one place where it is widely distributed: Russia. At least nowadays you can hop on a plane and come back if you don’t like it – thanks to America’s democratic influence. Oh, and take that basketball player with you. Then maybe you’ll both have more respect for the flag that protects you while you rip it to pieces. -Travis





Dear Senator: I am writing to ask you to oppose HB 289. That bill only sets up councils that are advisory in nature. The Department of Education and the Board of Education are not required to follow any of the advice, rec-

ommendations or findings of the councils. We had advisory councils in the past. They ended up dying because people didn't want to join a board whose advice can be, and often is, ignored. I support real education reform that provides local districts with true control and local communities with true governance rights. HB 289 does not provide true reform and it will not improve our student achievement. Please vote against HB 289. Mahalo. Patti Thibaudeau, Kihei

PEACE SCARF Wear a White Scarf Around Your Neck, On Your Back Pack, or Fly a White Flag On Your Car. A spontaneous war protest has started in Montreal after a popular radio host here announced that Mrs. George W. Bush had canceled a meeting with a group of women at the White House because several of them planned to attend the meeting with a white scarf round their necks as a silent symbol of their desire for peace. This symbol had power, as it disturbed Mrs. Bush. This story has triggered a grassroots email campaign asking those committed to peace in the world to wear a white scarf. If everyone who disagreed with the war were to wear a white scarf around their neck, tie a white handkerchief to their back-packs, their attaché case, their school bags, white pennants from car antennas, white flags on balconies and hanging in front of houses the world over, would this not be a powerful message to send to our leaders? Sometimes images and symbols are more powerful than words. If you feel that this idea has any validity, please join the email campaign and pass this on to your network. Dr. Karen Hossfeld, San Francisco State University

KEEP PEACE IN YOUR HEART Mr. Bush has thrust us into a war, that I think, the better majority of people did NOT want to happen, and didn't HAVE to happen. He has forsaken humanity and its plea for peace, which by the way, has now become what we HAD... and began the wholesale destruction of a people’s way of life. People like us, with hopes and dreams. I come from a generation that saw Vietnam as small children, wondering why folks couldn't get along, but sadly at some point, becoming desensitized to the horror of war. It became the norm. "That's the way the world is..." became a catch phrase. I refuse to believe that. It's only one way things can be. I do believe that by simply keeping peace in your heart, always, everyday, especially to your enemies, that this thought resonance will one day become the "norm" to small children, and their children, and theirs... Conflict can be worked out without the loss of life. This is my dream, and my mission right now. Love and peace to You, and may God bless Planet Earth. -Dino Segovis, Kula Send your letters to the editor via email (letters@mauitime.com), regular mail (Letters to the Editor, Maui Time Weekly, 658 Front Street, Ste. 126A-7278, Lahaina, HI 96761) or fax (808-661-0446). All correspondence must include your full name, home town and contact phone number.



IN FOR THE LONG HAUL There's nothing like waking up on a Sunday morning, making some coffee, turning on the TV... and seeing American POW’s. Any thoughts that this was going to be as easy as the first Gulf War were dispelled the minute those pictures of executed and captured Americans were shown on TV. Sure, during the Gulf War we had POW’s but for some reason it seemed a little different then. Maybe it was the fact that Iraq and Saddam were so overwhelmed by the onslaught they didn't dare do anything drastic to American POW’s. This time though, there's a different feeling. Saddam is backed into a corner and he knows his time is up. He plans on going out in flames and taking as much of the world with him as possible. And if he were to get his hands on any American troops? It's a scary thought indeed. But does that, or should that, change anything? My answer is no. We knew this wasn't going to be easy. While the first Gulf War was a cakewalk, this time they're much better prepared. All along there have been reports that up to 30,000 troops remained loyal to Saddam and they would fight to the end. So, as scary as this may be, our continued commitment in the face of adversity shows that the intent of our mission was true from the beginning. As the protesters use these recent developments to thump their chests in vindication at the needless loss of American suffering, they ought to watch some of the footage on TV that isn't about the POW's or the protests. They should watch the interviews with soldiers here and abroad. They should watch the courage of these men ratchet up a notch as the reality of the situation sets in. Or listen to the mother of one of the injured sol-

diers say to Peter Jennings that she was honored her son was fighting for his country, even while peace protesters froth at the mouth at the mere sight of American blood. Or they should watch footage of Iraqi soldiers surrendering, or villagers treating U.S. soldiers like heroes. If our war is so unjust, how come these people are so thankful? Instead we get footage of protesters holding signs that say, "Bush is the real enemy." Or we tune in to the Oscars and see director Michael Moore use his acceptance speech to grandstand against the war and get a little extra attention for himself. If anything is to be found at fault here, it should not be Bush's motives. He is trying to rid the Middle East of a man who uses rape, public torture, and murder as a means of governing. Just because the fight is not on our back step, does that mean it is not just? I mean, after all, what is peace? Is it what goes on only in our own neighborhood? Do we ignore a fight down the street or in the house next door because it is not considered "our battle?" If you're walking down the street and you see a lady getting mugged or a child being kidnapped, and everyone turns their heads, does that make you arrogant and abrasive if you step in to help? We're not imperialistic, we just have a hard time turning our backs on people that need help. So no, the intentions of the American government are not at fault here. Our only fault will be that we're a little too aggressive in our campaign to root out evil. The true presence of evil sometimes requires a little respect in the fight against it. The belief that the power of honorable intentions will guide us through the darkness of evil intentions may blind us to the reality that Baghdad is Saddam's city and he is waiting for us.

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MARCH 27, 2002




COLD CALLS Cold Calls catches different perspectives on issues important to our island community.The following interviews were conducted on the spot and interviewees were not given advance notice or preparation time.

VANESSA KEKAHUNA Clinical Supervisor for IMPACT Maui What percentage of the population on Maui uses drugs on a weekly basis? I think maybe about 65%. What is Maui County’s most widely used illegal drug? Crystal Methanphetamine, next would probably be marijuana. How do you feel about the legalization of marijuana? Well let’s see, I don’t think it would be a good thing because, I understand the medical aspects of it, I do. But then once you start getting into legalizing it, then it kinda opens the door for other people to exploit that and use it for other reasons. Do you feel the state and county sufficiently handles drug treatment? Yes. Are drug laws in Hawaii tough enough? Yes.

ALBERT MURASHIGE Wardon at Maui County Correctional Center




MARCH 27, 2002


What percentage of the population on Maui uses drugs on a weekly basis? (Long pause) You know I don’t want to say I don’t know but, I don’t know. I mean I don’t want to say that in the newspaper. Let me think of an answer to give... No, I cannot begin to even estimate. Drug use on Maui is to such a degree that it is an epidemic that must be addressed. What is Maui County’s most widely used illegal drug? That would be crystal methanphedamine or “ICE.” Can I say that this is my opinion, that it would be crystal meth? How do you feel about the legalization of marijuana? It’s been said that marijuana is a gateway drug. Often times, it allows users to explore other illegal drugs. I’m not in favor of legalization. Do you feel the state and county sufficiently handles drug treatment? I would say the county of Maui has taken major steps to help the community to address the challenges of drug use. Maui County for the last four to five years, there have been aggressive steps taken. So is that a “Yes”? I’m sorry, I don’t know about “Yes.” Maybe I shouldn’t say that, and the reason why is that there is more to be done. You know. Are drug laws in Hawaii tough enough? I don’t know if it’s tough enough but, laws that are implemented must have provisions for treatment. Because if you want to incompacitate someone from doing drugs you must put funding in those bills so that treatment can be given. It’s one thing if you lock up somebody you got to get the treatment component. You make laws to put people out of circulation, you got to do something, you know. Anyways, that’s just off the cuff.

TOM PHILLIPS Chief of Police, Maui Police Department What percentage of the population on Maui uses drugs on a weekly basis? I don’t know. I have no clue. It is probably less than what people think. I just don’t have that information off the top of my head. The national trend is half of what it was twenty-five years ago. Education, treatment, and law enforcement is working. The number of users are going down, but it is still our (Maui Police Department) number one crime-related problem. What is Maui County’s most widely used illegal drug? Marijuana. If you’re looking at which drugs are seized the most, it is crystal methamphetamine, that is as far as felony drug cases go. Prescription drug use is also on the rise –just look to the national television commercial campaigns. Maui has the highest rate in the nation of crystal methamphetamine, the smokable form of methamphetamine. How do you feel about the legalization of marijuana? I am completely against it. It’s not the answer to our problems. The answer is the the pronged approach of education, treatment, and law enforcement. The people that deal need to be put away. Legalizing doesn’t do away with the problem. Do you feel the state and county sufficiently handles drug treatment? I spent ten years in narcotics vice. I can say it has gotten a lot better. Maui drug court is successful. But my answer is probably not because it (treatment) is very expensive. I think there is a lot of room for improvement. We need more money for treatment. Are drug laws in Hawaii tough enough? No. We’re on an island. Must of the illegal drugs are brought here. Our drug laws prevent us from doing our job. Our wire tap laws don’t conform with the federal wire tap laws. The penalty for drug importers is not stiff enough. Do away with parole and require drug offenders to do the time they are sentenced.

NEWSOFTHEWEIRD READER'S CHOICE Police called on a woman in Kent, Ohio, in February, asking her to make adjustments to a female snowman in her yard whose breasts had been made, according to a complainant, "inappropriate(ly)" large. The woman, Crystal Lynn, at first acceded to the officer's request and draped the snowman in a tablecloth, but after giving more thought about the mentality of a person who would, in the year 2003, call the police about protrusions of ice, she removed the tablecloth, and the officer dropped the matter.


Debra Letourneau of Long Hollow while she was at the home of another man, told her he had her upper plate of false teeth, and told her that if she did not pay him a ransom (amount not reported), he would stomp on them.

LEAST COMPETENT PERSON Ms. Selimy Mensah, 39, was hospitalized in Leonia, N.J., in February with second- and thirddegree burns. According to police, Mensah started a fire in her second-floor apartment when she, for some reason, tried to open a canister of spray paint with an electric can opener.



Officials at Nevada's Yucca Mountain repository for high-level nuclear waste are struggling with a Nuclear Regulatory Commission requirement that the site post signs warning intruders of its dangers, lasting as far into the future as the year 12,000 A.D., even though no one knows whether any language now spoken on Earth will be spoken then. (The oldest known writing, Sanskrit, is about 7,000 years old.) Among the suggestions (according to a February Wall Street Journal report): drawings of someone vomiting while drilling at the site; and simply making Yucca Mountain also a global feces dump, to discourage trespassers.

Last year, after a KORB personality in the Davenport, Iowa, radio market offered listeners $30,000 a year for up to five years to tattoo "93 Rock" (the station's ID) on their forehead, Richard Goddard Jr. took him up on it, and Goddard's grumbling about the station's subsequent, alleged reneging on the deal got wide newspaper coverage. In January 2003, according to police, John and Mary Rushman of Colona, Ill. (with whom Goddard had been temporarily staying), were charged with beating Goddard in the face with a ball peen hammer because he was severely getting on their nerves with all of his complaints and suicide threats.

THE MOVIE "GROUNDHOG DAY" COME TO LIFE British boatman Andrew Halsey, 45, set off from Peru last Nov. 28 with 260 days' food, intending to row solo across the Pacific Ocean to Australia (about 8,000 miles). According to a BBC progress report on Feb. 8, after 72 days of fighting winds and currents and rowing probably 2,300 miles out, back and in circles, he was still 8,000 miles away. (A March 7 update in a British weekly reported that he had closed to within 7,600 miles of Melbourne.)

PEOPLE DIFFERENT FROM US Gary Lee McMurray, 30, was arrested in February for grand larceny in Jonesville, Tenn. Police said McMurray telephoned

A NATION AT WAR South Dakota Highway Patrolmen made a guns-drawn stop of a motorist in February, as suspicious because he was driving his van on Interstate 90 while wearing a gas mask (but he said he was just making a restaurant delivery of food that had an unpleasant smell). And Mikhail Kalashnikov, 83, inventor of terrorists' favorite assault rifle, expressed remorse for his invention recently, said he wanted to rehabilitate his name, and signed on with a German company to manufacture Kalashnikov umbrellas. And North Korea's Kim Jong Il turned 61 in February, which was an opportunity for countrymen to give Christmas-type presents to their kids, for Kim to celebrate by turning on the electricity at government farms for a whole 24 hours straight, and for the official news agency to remind people of Kim's accomplishments, including 11 holes-in-one in his first-ever round of golf.

EH BRAH! Send anonymous thanks, confessions or accusations, 200 words or less, changing or deleting the names of the guilty and innocent to “Eh Brah!” c/o Maui Time Weekly, 658 Front Street, Ste. 126A–7278, Lahaina, HI 96761 or send an e-mail to

mauitime@mauitime.com Eh Brah, The other day when I was putting gas in my car, my girlfriend and I noticed an old woman who seemed very confused about how the pump worked. I saw you help her and make her smile. We both thought that you were such a gentleman, and wished that we weren't so shy. Wishing all the guys were as kind as you, Two ladies from Makawao













MARCH 27, 2002





WORDONTHESTREET How would you feel if you were a civilian on the streets of Baghdad?


Postwar Suggestions for George W. Bush The invasion of Iraq has deeply divided Americans. It has alienated our allies. It is already providing volatile new ammunition for Islamist terrorist groups searching for impressionable young men willing to blow themselves up just so they can take a few of us along with them. It's a grim situation, but it isn't too late for the Bush Administration to minimize the damage created by its reckless and illegal war, now that we're committed to it. A year and a half after invading Afghanistan, the United States is about to seize control of another volatile, strategically vital patch of Muslim real estate riven by ethnic and tribal fault lines. As it did before its war against the Taliban, administration officials are issuing grandiose assurances about noble intentions. "We will deliver the food and medicine you need," Bush promised Iraqis. "We will tear down the apparatus of terror and we will help you to build a new Iraq that is prosperous and free...The day of your liberation is near." Only a few hard-right Republicans really believe in Bush's newfound interest in liberating the oppressed peoples of the world. Antiwar Americans, most international leaders and the overwhelming majority of the world's population still hold that the war is motivated solely by lust for Iraq's vast oil reserves. One U.N. Security Council diplomat explains his colleagues' reasons for voting "no": "No one wants to alienate the United States but you can't ignore polls showing 80 percent opposition to the war," he said. Opinions of America are even worse among Arabs, who note that the only countries that Bush has invaded - Afghanistan and Iraq- and is thinking of attacking - Iran and Syria - are Muslim. Arabs conclude that Bush – a self-described "born again" Christian fundamentalist - is waging a 21st century Crusade against Islam. Only six percent of the Egyptian public holds a favorable view of the U.S. This in a country where scholars at the Islamic Research Academy declared that "if the enemy steps on Muslims' land, jihad becomes a duty on every male and female." Bush's clash-of-civilizations rhetoric, sprinkled liberally with Old Testament imagery, hardly reduces tensions. Nonetheless, both America's image abroad and Bush's popularity here could improve dramatically if the former Governor of Texas takes the following steps to make the war look more like liberation and less like exploitation: Promise to Lay Off the Oil. Aggressive elements in the administration suggest that a new post-Saddam government of Iraq - a toothless American puppet, similar to Afghanistan's Karzai - should rip up its oil


MARCH 27, 2002


contracts with France's TotalFinaElf and Russia's Lukoil in order to get even for the U.N. vote. Houston-based Halliburton Co., where Dick Cheney served as CEO, is reported to have already secured a $4 billion deal to put out well fires and rehabilitate sanctions-ravaged refineries. And Bush is already scheming to raid $40 billion in the now-defunct U.N. oil-for-food program to finance postwar reconstruction. "How do we protect the oil facilities and bring in companies and material to sustain and improve those facilities without being criticized for taking over oil or giving the appearance of somehow taking the oil?" asks Amy Myers Jaffe, an energy adviser at the Baker Institute for Public Policy at Rice University. Simple: Bush should pledge to honor all existing contracts, even – especially - with companies from countries that didn't support the war. More importantly for a leader whose top officials are nearly all former execs of big oil, Bush ought to prohibit sweetheart deals of any kind. Competitive bidding, not a cozy relationship with the White House, ought to determine which outfits get new contracts. And the people of Iraq, not the oil companies, ought to receive most of the proceeds in the form of direct payments. Guarantee Iraq's Territorial Integrity. On March 21 Turkish Foreign Minister Abdullah Gul warned that Turkish forces plan to invade the Kurdish zone of northern Iraq to eradicate "terrorist activity." If unchecked, a Turkish incursion could lead to a new war with the Kurds, and the beginning of the end for a unified Iraqi state. Bush must issue two declarations, one guaranteeing full autonomy for Iraqi Kurdistan and the other an intention of respecting and defending Iraq's present-day borders. Arabs will rightly blame the U.S. if one of their richest nations disintegrates into civil war. Any invader, whether it's Iran or Turkey, must be driven out by American forces. And we can't allow warlords and tribal chieftains to create fiefdoms within Iraq, as has occurred in Afghanistan. Let the Iraqis Choose Their Own Government. Bush claims that he wants to establish democracy in Iraq. Now he has to make good on that vow. That means creating the conditions that would allow free elections - peace and economic stability, reconstruction, a free press, open electioneering, recognition of political parties from across the political spectrum, including Saddam's Ba'ath Party - to occur. Bush shouldn't be tempted to repeat the Florida 2000-style backstage antics that manipulated the results of Afghanistan's loya jirga - after decades of strong central rule, Iraq needs a popularly elected president, not a puppet. Nothing would earn the U.S. more respect around the world than rebuilding Iraq, allowing an antiAmerican president to be elected, and then withdrawing our occupation troops. Rebuild Iraq. Few Americans understand how badly we botched our occupation of Afghanistan.

Chirag Desai, 20 California “I’d probably be worried about getting bombed. But I’d be excited about getting Saddam Hussein out and putting someone else in his place.”

Greg Constantino, 34 Wailuku “I would be scared of the future. No matter how bad things are (with Hussein in power); I would be used to it. I would also not know what would happen next.”

Paula Merl, 50 Kihei “I would feel generally afraid. I hope that US would do their part and do what they say by fulfilling their promise to help the people.”

Hardly any know that U.S.-occupied Afghanistan has been reduced to pre-Talibanstyle warlordism, that rape gangs rule the nights, that the stonings of adulterers continue, that not one house has been rebuilt with international assistance - not even in Kabul, the one city ruled by the central government. But the rest of the world knows - and that's why they'll be watching us in Iraq. We have a second chance to get things right - but it's going to take billions of dollars and several hundred thousand troops at least a decade to get Iraq back on its feet. But that's the least we can do after subjecting the country to 12 years of brutal economic sanctions.

Fred Grout, 82 Vermont “I sure as hell wouldn’t like to be one because of all of the stuff that is coming down on them. I’ve been through one war and I wouldn’t like to be there. It will all work out in the end.”

Tina Delatorre, 39, South Kihei “I would be looking forward to getting rid of the Hussein regime. It’s frightening to think of walking miles and miles into the mountains to stay away from the bombs. Eventually, it will lead to a better life.”

Sarah Clark, 21 Healy, Alaska “I would feel relieved knowing that the US troops are there to sacrifice themselves for the civilians.”

Get Out. If we're really going to be taken seriously as liberators and proponents of democracy, we'll allow the popularly elected leaders of Iraq to lead their country into the post-Saddam era, whether or not we care for their politics. And we won't tell them what to do or how to do it. (Ted Rall is the author of "Gas War: The Truth Behind the American Occupation of Afghanistan," an analysis of the TransAfghanistan Pipeline and the motivations behind the war on terrorism. Ordering information is available at amazon.com and barnesandnoble.com.)


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Junior Men

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Open Women

Open Longboard

1) Paige Alms 2) Rosalie Nolin 3) Lilia Boerner 4) Melissa Proud 5) Lipoa Kaheuahi 6) Moana Wietccha

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Open Men

1) Jonah Romero 2) Jacob Romero 3) Shea Sevilla 4) Travis Calvan 5) Keoni Long 6) Jonothen Velasquez

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Tides &times Tide-times set for Honolulu - adjust as follows: Kahului - 1hr 41min. Hana - 1hr 23 min. Makena - 0hr 32min. Kihei/Ma`alaea - 0hr 22 min. Lahaina - 0hr 40 min.

27 Sun R 6:29A Thur Set 6:45P

H12:55A +1.9 L 8:19A +0.0


Sun R 6:28A Fri Set 6:45P

H 1:41A +1.9 H 2:17P +0.9 L 8:19A - .1 L 7:33P +0.1


Sun R 6:27A Sat Set 6:45P

H 2:19A +1.8 L 9:07A - .1

H 2:50P +1.0 L 8:20P +0.0

30 Sun R 6:26A Sun Set 6:46P

H 2:52A +1.7 L 9:27A - .1

H 3:21P +1.2 L 9:02P +0.1

31 Sun R 6:26A Mon Set 6:46P

H 3:21A +1.6 L 9:46A - .1

H 3:51P +1.4 L 9:43P +0.1

1 Sun R 6:25A Tue Set 6:46P

H 3:47A +1.5 L 10:04A - .1

H 4:22P +1.5 L10:25P +0.1

H 4:14A +1.4 L 10:23A - .1

H 4:54P +1.6 L11:08P +0.2


Sun R 6:24A Wed Set 6:47P

H 1:40P +0.7 L 6:38P +0.1

100 HANA HIGHWAY, PAIA 579-8030





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MARCH 27, 2003



Searching through this dark and troubled existence isn't easy trapped beneath six feet of dirt. But this isn't the first time I've been trapped. When did it all begin? Oh yeah, a going away party. People are always coming and going on Maui so it makes a great excuse to frolic together for that proverbial "one last time." My job at the Mana Kai Hotel kept me in virtual indentured slavery with despicable hours. I don't even know when I thought I wanted to work in the travel industry for a corporation; we are always told these are the good jobs here. But I had traded my self-respect for benefits, and rent money, straining to fit in a mold that they supplied me with. I barely had time to enjoy the super-fabulous social life I was supposed to be having in the prime of my life. A party on my day off was just the therapy I required. I rented a room in a broken-down, roach-infested home, but to its credit, it was on the beach. I don't know how I slipped in among the six other tenants, people were always rotating in and out; it was like a co-ed fraternity at times. Four bedrooms and six people made the dwelling drama stifling at times, but we cut the tension in the household with alcohol and entertainment, it was the best we could do with our limited resources. This crazy evening, we hosted a shoving off party for Rachel. She was leaving for Colorado, to teach snowboarding and go back to school. She'll be back - that sounds like a temporary situation to me. The barbeque was providing us with a wealth of food, trying to soak up the consumption beer and liquor, steadfast this evening. A tequila bottle is challenged to a duel with several of my housemates, and was losing sorely, or maybe they were, it's a hard contest to call. The sunset was amazing, the sky

was painted a holy shade of hot pink and orange, highlighted with light clouds and a full round sun, dropping as if it were getting heavier and heavier. We stared into the sky making our own silent resolutions to the end of another day. I resolved to start on my inspired book idea, "365 Sunsets on Maui," a coffee table read that was going to liberate me as soon as I got a camera. Well, there is always another sunset. When some shenanigan began beating on the drum kit in my rockstar roommate’s part of the home, it was definitely time to go. I commanded the troops to get on their feet and beat it to the bars. The party moved out into town, heading for a watering hole. And “hole” we were heading to! We weren't settling for anything less than live music. Luckily, the Belltower Criminals were playing at The Can Can tonight, and the show was already underway as we arrived. We poured in with the other poor souls flicking identification at the door and making our way to the bar for drinks. The bartender feigning ignorance, as if he couldn't begin to feel our thirst, pretended to be too busy talking with a customer to serve us our precious drinks. His loss. Rachel had grabbed a table and we all ordered from the waitress, a round of shots for the going away girl, after all, she's leaving and we want her to feel shitty on the plane. The band is loud and everyone is screaming, some of us dance and others mingle. We never saw the guy fucking around balling up his napkins in the ashtray and lighting them on fire. It might have been funny except for his friend sprayed his lighter fluid on the whole thing lighting the tablecloth up. We only saw the skirmish of bouncers coming up and trying to put it out among a thick ring of rubberneckers. I might have even been

amused at the wildness of it all. But suddenly things got serious; people were screaming and running for the door. Only you couldn't run here, it was fucking crowded, and people were everywhere, pushing, yelling, and panicking. I tried to stay seated but I was quickly engulfed by bodies, torsos, and hands, my hair was pulled, my feet stomped on by this massive entity fueled by fear. I stood up unexpectedly gripped by my own terror, smoke was choking the visibility in the room but the crowd wasn't moving. People were stomping on other people and I thought about helping those folks on the floor, but I was afraid there wasn't any air down there. My only thought was claustrophobia as this room suddenly became tiny, and seemed to have no exit. Where were the exits? Why wasn't anyone getting out? It took less than five minutes for the smoke to engulf what little visibility and breathable air was left and I had no idea which way to go. I got on my hands and knees and began to move carefully and deliberately. I felt someone lying on the floor, limp, lifeless. It didn't seem possible. I couldn't move. I couldn't struggle, it only made me more disoriented and exhausted. I thrashed about for air like a fish out of water but in the end succumbed to the flames. I suffocated breathing the black smoke that filled the room quickly swallowing tablecloth, table, chair, human, wall, pool table, and anything else that stood in its path. I thought of nothing as that time came, as I burned into nothing. Now I contemplate the fate of that night that stole so much from everyone. My book from me, me from my mother, loved ones from family and much more from many others. I never considered that my life would hang in the balance, my whole existence so quickly snuffed out by an idiot in a crowded bar.



MARCH 27, 2003


You go out for a night on the town with your friends. Scouting for guys or girls. Have a few drinks and some fun. Aside from getting a DUI what's the worst that can happen? A lot, as recent nightclub tragedies in Chicago, Rhode Island, and New York demonstrate. In the past month, 21 people were trampled to death at the E2 nightclub in Chicago after someone sprayed a chemical - probably pepper spray - to break up a fight. At the Broadway City Club and Arcade in New York City, eight people were shot (despite the fact that the club has a policy of patting down customers before they're allowed to enter), two were stabbed, and two more were trampled in the ensuing stampede to flee the club. And then there's the now infamous Station in Rhode Island where 99 people died when pyrotechnics were set off during the first song of a Great White concert. Fire departments around the country have stepped up their inspections in the wake of these tragedies. A recent wave of inspections on Oahu found that 16 of 19 nightclubs had violations. Of course, Maui has a lot less nightclubs than Oahu. Most venues around here are restaurants that also provide dancing. And with an emphasis on island-style architecture, several places, such as Mulligan's on the Blue, Hula Grill, and Life's a Beach, have indoor/outdoor seating, which dramatically reduces the risk of being trapped in a building. Unlike Oahu, Maui did not conduct a reactionary sweep of nightclubs. "Maui Fire Department inspectors prefer to be proactive instead of reactive," says Deputy Fire Marshal Neal Bal, Captain of the Fire Prevention Bureau. "We've always held some pretty high standards with regards to inspections," he adds. Maui County adheres to the 1997 edition of the Uniform Building Code, (UBC) a national code covering multiple types of occupancies. The UBC stipulates that assembly occupancies (such as restaurants and nightclubs) must have an exit in the front and a second exit remote from the first one. "The number of exits determines the number of people allowed in a room," explains Captain Bal. For every 50 people in a restaurant or other assembly occupancy there must be two exits. For 300 or more people in an assembly occupancy, at least half of the occupants must be able to get out the front door, which must be three feet wide, and two-thirds must be able to get out the back door, which must be four feet wide. Requiring exits to accommodate more than 100 percent of the occupancy capacity ensures that all occupants can escape if need be. In addition to the number of exits, the UBC requires among other things, that assembly occupancies have clearly marked exit signs with emergency back-up power, panic hardware on the exit doors, fire extinguishers, and an evacuation plan. All assembly occupancies on island are inspected at least every two years, according to Bal. And it doesn't end there. "Clubs that are new or existing are required to have inspections," he says. Venues must pass a fire safety inspection in order to receive a liquor permit. In addition to these inspections, Maui County Liquor Control Department personnel visit clubs and restaurants around Maui nightly. "Liquor Department staff inspect clubs every night to check on capacity and see if people are being over-served," explains Captain Bal. "If they see a situation, such as over occupancy, they'll file a complaint with the fire department," he notes, even paging him late at night if the situation merits. "Depending on the violation, we [the fire department] might not let them continue to operate," explains Bal. "If it's a serious violation, such as a blocked or locked exit, that's not tolerated and would need to be complied with immediately," says Bal. "When it comes to overcrowding, if there's a disagreement with the club owner about the number of people in the venue, we'll empty the club on the spot and count people as they come out. Then we'll only let back in the number of people allowed for that occupancy load." Although Bal wouldn't name specific

clubs subjected to the empty and recount process, he did say it's been done more than once. "Most club owners are pretty cooperative after we've visited them a few times." But Bal doesn't think high code standards are enough to prevent fires. "I don't believe the problem lies with the clubs per se, because Maui County has pretty stringent regulations that require these places to be up to code. "The major problem lies with public education. I believe any club or venue should be advising their patrons that there are multiple exits. Unfortunately, when an incident occurs people's adrenaline starts pumping. Studies have repeatedly shown that people tend to try to exit the same way they came in," adds Bal. But could it happen here? Have local clubs changed their procedures in light of the recent mainland tragedies? Some have added new measures, but most have not, citing already high standards. "Safety should always be the owner's first priority," says Gus Hoeft, owner of Hapa's Nightclub in Kihei. "The fire department is on top of a lot of things." Echoing the sentiments of other club owners, he adds, "Captain Bal is pretty strict. He's firm about abiding by the fire code." In light of the Rhode Island nightclub tragedy, DJs at Hapa's have started making an announcement telling people to be aware of their surroundings and to look for exits. However, they seem to be the only club doing so. Managers at other venues, such as Casanova's and Tsunami's, say they do not feel the need to make such announcements. "We double-checked all our security and safety equipment (after the Station tragedy), including our fire extinguishers," says Stephen Burgelin, general manager of Casanova's. "We're a compact place and our three exits are clearly marked and pretty obvious." George Watson, district manager of Moose McGillicuddy's in Lahaina, says, " It's pretty obvious where to get out of here," noting that Moose's has three exits and a lanai with at least two door hosts on the floor to help with evacuation if needed. "We've always been in [code] compliance because of our high visibility during Halloween and we keep that up all year," adds Watson. Luke Callaghan, manager of Tsunami's, says they do not make a special announcement because they do not want to cause undue alarm among patrons. So why does Hapa's management feel the need to make such an announcement? "I think safety should come first whether it's fire or otherwise," adds Hoeft. Which is not to say Hapa's is any more or less safe than any other club. In fact, a tour of Maui's popular club venues found that they all pretty much have the same safety features. They have to. A fire safety violation can result in fines or in a worst case scenario, being shut down, and no club owner can afford that. However, I was surprised by the amount of fire safety precautions taken that the average club-goer doesn't even notice. Yes, the exit signs are obvious, well lit, and have emergency back up lighting in case of power failure. Panic hardware is on all exit doors. But there's more. The big burly guy standing next you at the bar could well be security staff trained in emergency evacuation. "Each establishment should train its staff," says Hoeft. "We go through safety fundamentals at our monthly employee meeting." Nancy Paliani, Assistant Food and Beverage Director at the Grand Wailea Resort and Hotel in Wailea, says that the staff at Tsunami's nightclub "goes through safety training every month at our regular staff meetings. The management team is constantly reviewing security measures." "We have pre-shift and post-shift meetings every day," adds Callaghan. Both venues also have staff positioned around the respective clubs to assist customers in case an incident occurs.

Hoeft says there are four bouncers positioned around Hapa's, one in each corner. I visited Hapa's on a recent Thursday night and asked a bouncer named Alika about these safety sentries. He said that the bouncer stationed near the bathrooms knows to check the bathrooms first to make sure people inside evacuate, while the bouncers at the front of the building open the two sets to double doors and the other bouncers help guide people to the exits. Across town, Tsunami's has no less than six "floor hosts"













MARCH 27, 2003


BURNING DOWN THE HOUSE stationed around the club at any given time and a greeter at the top of the stairs to assist club goers should a fire or other situation occur. Like Hapa's, they also have a staff person stationed near the bathrooms to make sure everyone gets out in case of an emergency. Callaghan points out that the floor hosts have been on a heightened state of awareness since the incident at the Station. In addition to the six floor hosts, he says he has a total of 20 trained staff people on the floor at any given time, should an incident occur. "When people think of nightclubs on Maui they think of Tsunami's, we have to maintain high safety standards." Both venues also have automated fire sprinklers, something the Station in Rhode Island did not. The Station was exempt from having a sprinkler system because it was built before regulations were passed requiring them. Now, some of the victims' relatives are calling for a nationwide sprinkler regulation. Fire sprinklers are advocated by fire department personnel and fire safety organizations nationwide. Sprinklers have been proven to save lives and often a single head can douse a fire that may otherwise turn deadly. Yet, when it comes to retrofitting older buildings, sprinklers often hit the hard wall of economy. Casanova's, which was built long before Hapa's or the Grand Wailea Resort, has no sprinklers. Burgelin says it would be cost prohibitive to retrofit such an old building. Given that the restaurant has several fire safety systems in place he sees little fire risk in the restaurant given the smoking ban. "We're a pretty dry place, especially in light of the smoking ban," he adds. Club owners I talked to don't think a tragedy like the Station fire could happen here on Maui, citing Maui County's strong code requirements, although they aren't taking any chances. "You have to stay safe," says the Grand's Paliani. "It just makes sense to have safety regulations," adds Hoeft. "[Clubs are] a gathering place where people will gather. They [the Station] only had a single door with no panic hardware. Our front doors are each four feet wide and they have panic hardware." "That fire accident was a reckless use of pyrotechnics," says Casanova's Bergelin. Noting that Casanova's is an older wooden building, he adds "we don't allow pyrotechnics in here." In fact, it would be an incredibly rare sight to see pyrotechnics in a club on Maui, because its use is so tightly regulated. "Pyrotechnics are allowed in a very, very limited production and nothing like what was allowed in Rhode Island and elsewhere," says Bal. "People have requested to use pyrotechnics many times and we've turned them down. We reject more requests than we grant, which is about three a year." A pyrotechnics show is carefully inspected and scrutinized by fire department personnel with months of preparation and planning involved. "The pyrotechnics themselves need to be inspected," says Bal. The facility where they are to be used is inspected and a trial run is conducted. What if a promoter tried to pull off a pyrotechnics show without permits? Captain Bal seriously doubts that would happen. The local club owners know the rules and know that they'll be held responsible if anything happens. Not only would the club lose their permits, but the club's insurance would become null and void since the permits would be violated. No club owner wants to take those risks. The promoters know, too. "I've received calls as far away as Australia from promoters who want to come to Maui and do pyrotechnic shows. They know they need to go through the permitting process," says Bal. While investigators prod what exactly went so wrong in


MARCH 27, 2003


Rhode Island and code developing organizations discuss strengthening safety regulations, people continue to pack clubs around the country and on Maui. Has the Station tragedy impacted people's club-going habits? An informal poll at local clubs indicates no. At the recent Na Kai 'Ewalu Canoe Club benefit concert at Hapa's, friends Leslie and Jesse, both of Kihei, and John, of Kahului, were checking out the bands. They said fire safety is something they don't think about when they go out. "People take it for granted that Maui's safe," says John, a Hapa's regular. "You never think something like that [the Station fire] can happen here but it can." Echoing Captain Bal's statement that people go out where they entered, all three, who ranged in age from early to late 20's, said that if a fire broke out they would rush to get out the front door they had entered. Patrons at other clubs, such as Tsunami's, would also head for the main door at the top of the stairway, in case of a fire. "I know I'd go out the same way I came in," says Tina of Makawao, during a busy Saturday night at Tsunami's. But when asked what she would do if the main stairway were blocked, Tina replied, "I have no idea how I would get out." Luckily for her, some of her companions knew of the other emergency exits in the room. Several Tsunami's patrons, tourists and residents alike, said they would use the main stairway to get out of the club in an emergency. Most were also aware of the other emergency exits, although residents who frequented Tsunami's on a regular basis were faster to point out additional exits than tourists. Jason of Kahului, was the only one who pointed out all three emergency exits without hesitation. These three additional exit doors at Tsunami's are all clearly marked and equipped with panic hardware (per code requirements). When I checked these doors, they opened easily. Except one. Like the other emergency exits, the door by the bathrooms should have opened easily with only two pounds of pressure. For some reason, I had difficulty opening this door. I knew that in addition to safety reasons, the floor host is positioned by this door to make sure people do not sneak in and out of the club. (The door count at the main entrance is closely monitored to make sure the club does not become overcrowded). Trying to open the emergency door garnered me the immediate attention of the concerned door host standing nearby, who wanted to know why I was trying to go out this exit. I explained my mission and tried to open the door again. No luck. Completely sober (unlike many of my fellow patrons), it took me four tries to open the door. The floor host opened it multiple times with no problem and pointed out that he would be there to help people in the event of an evacuation. However, I have spent years in the fire service industry and know from talking to fire department personnel around the world that Murphy's law can and will happen during a fire. The Grand's management takes fire safety very seriously, as well they should. I know the club's staff is well trained and alert. I also know I should have been able to open that door with my pinky instead of trying to hip-check it. I hope that when someone has to open that particular door in an emergency situation, they have better luck than I did. The Station tragedy woke people up to the fact that they need to be aware of their surroundings when they go out. Yes, Maui County has strict fire safety regulations. But accidents do happen. It's up to all of us to be aware of what's going on around us when we go out. The next time you go out with your friends for a few beers or a night on the town, take a look around and check out where the exits are. Do those doors work? Whether trying to dodge that icky person with bad breath that's been hitting on you or fleeing from a fire, it's good to have an escape plan.


The Best Place to Eat in Pa`ia is Now Your North Shore Night Spot


Wei Wei BBQ and Noodle House


71 Baldwin Ave. • Pa`ia • 579-9999

I’m feeling a bit blue this week as I ponder the peculiarities of human nature and watch our nation engage in war. While our world leaders feed their particular appetites, it is more important than ever for us to satisfy our own daily needs, for a well fortified body leads to the clarity of mind necessary in these times. My restless hunger today drives me to Wei Wei BBQ and Noodle House in Wailuku, an unassuming haven for wayward souls in need of nourishment. The aromas begin to soothe me right away as I push through the front door and step into a comfortable, modestly appointed dining room. Hints of ginger and garlic entice me toward the service counter where a large menu is posted overhead. I don’t mind the self-service format here because the savings have obviously been passed on to the customer; the menu ranges from $1.80 for a burger to $6.95 for an array of combination plates. I make some difficult choices from a formidable list of entrees, pay at the counter, receive my ticket number and settle into a deep, comfortable booth to wait. Did you know that restaurant chairs are rated according to the amount of time you can comfortably sit in them? Some places will actually use a 30 or 45-minute chair to ensure a good turnover rate, thereby increasing revenue. That’s certainly not the case here; my cushy booth seat doesn’t seem to want to release me. As I melt into its depths I realize that I have a perfect view back into the clean, professionally designed kitchen, which appears to be manned by real Chinese cooks. I keep my chopsticks close at hand in case they suddenly come streaming out





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yelling Chinese curses and kung fu fighting, though I probably couldn’t use them nearly as well as Bruce Lee. I guess the war is weighing more heavily on me than I realize. My reverie is interrupted by the arrival of my food, which looks and smells delicious. The House Cake Noodles are heaped high with shrimp, calamari, assorted morsels of meat, cabbage, green beans, and carrots in a light, mild sauce. The flavor is delicate and satisfying and perfectly complemented by the rich, semicrisp texture of the cake noodles. The Baby Pak Choi with Beef is similar to the widely done Beef Broccoli, but greatly enhanced by the substitution of this exotic Chinese cabbage, also known as Horse’s Ear and Chinese Celery Cabbage. It’s been lightly braised here, yielding a delightfully firm but giving texture and finishing with a slightly peppery bite, playing nice counterpoint to the tender, base flavor of the beef. My favorite dish tonight, however, is the combination of Roast Duck and Ginger Chicken, which I chose to have with steamed white rice. They are both served with the bones in, chopped sideways down the length of the breast in true Chinese fashion. The duck is just bursting with rich, juicy, duck-fatty flavor. Gout is surely headed my way, but it’s the furthest thing from my mind at this point. The chicken is served cold, which threw me for a second, but the pesto-like topping of ginger, garlic, and green onion lends a very distinct flavor to the incredibly moist, falling-off-thebone breast of chicken, and the combination





brings a smile to my lips and peace to my soul. And it’s only $5.95! My little sojourn into the depths of Wailuku has been a pleasant experience indeed, and I can’t help but think that if George Bush and Saddam Hussein could just share a meal at Wei Wei BBQ and Noodle House, all of their differences could be solved. A flight of fancy for sure, but the culinary magic here is certainly strong enough to cure your more mundane troubles, and I encourage you to pay them a visit and put a little Wei Wei into your day.


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MARCH 27, 2003


DININGLISTINGS CENTRAL MAUI Ale House - Wide selection of food with sports and games all around. 355 E. Kamehameha Ave. 877–9001 Aloha Grill - 22 different burgers including veggie styles, plus all the extras. kids meals. Dairy Road Marketplace. 893–0263 Ba-Le - French Vietnamese sandwiches, noodle dishes, pho, saimin & more. 270 Dairy Rd. 877-2400 Bangkok Cuisine - Casual setting featuring exceptional Thai food with plenty of crisp vegetables and fresh seafood. Lunch, dinner, or take-out. 395 Dairy Road, Unit F. 893-0026 Biwon Restaurant - Fresh and flavorful, authentic Korean food. Open 10am to 10pm, lunch and dinner. 752 Lower Main 244-7788 Cupie’s Drive-In - Local lunch take-out. Open Monday thru Saturday. 134 W Kamehameha Ave. 877-3055 Dragon Dragon Chinese Restaurant Excellent service and fair prices with dishes like Kung Pao Chicken, Crispy Gau Gee Mein, Sweet and Sour Pork, and Honey Walnut Prawns. Maui Mall 893-1628 Dunes Restaurant - Adventuresome revisions of local and American breakfast, lunch, and dinner favorites. Maui Lani Golf Course. 877–7461 Hale Imua Internet Cafe - Espresso bar, deli sandwiches, salads, real fruit smoothies, and iced blended coffees. 1980 Main St. Wailuku. 242-1896. Ichiban Restaurant and Sushi Bar Breakfast, lunch and dinner featuring modestly priced Japanese and Local cuisine. Kahului Shopping Center. 871–6977

Manaña Garage - Latin American cuisine. Chicken Tortilla Epozote, vegetarian enchiladas and paella. 33 Lono St., Ste 150. 873–0220 Maui Coffee Roasters - Ono grinds and freshly roasted coffee in a fun and casual atmosphere makes this the place to ‘take five’. 444 Hana Hwy. 877–CUPS Piñata’s - Fresh and wholesome Mexican food from the Kitchen Sink burritos to quesadillas ala carte. Casual dining, pinatas available too. 395 Dairy Rd. 877–8707 Ramon’s - Contemporary Mexican, full sushi bar, awesome desserts. Banquet area available. 2102 Vineyard St. 244–7243 Ruby’s - Walk down memory lane at this fabulous fifties cafe. Quintessential American dining morning to night. Queen Ka`ahumanu Center. 248-7829 Saeng’s Thai Cuisine - Vegetarian, meat, & seafood Thai entrees in a casual garden setting. 2119 Vineyard 244-1567 Saigon Cafe - Wailuku’s hidden secret! Delicious and affordable Vietnamese cuisine with excellent service. 1792 Main 243-9560 Shakalaka Fish ‘N Chips - Mahimahi, Ono, Shrimp & Calamari in a light, crisp batter with homemade tartar sauces. Yum! 2010 Main St. 986-0855 Sheik’s Restaurant - Local favorites including Loco Moco and Shoyu Chicken. 97 Wakea Ave. 877-0121 Stillwell’s Bakery & Cafe - Specialty cakes and desserts, breads and pastries, with sandwiches, salads and soups for lunch. Open 6am-4pm Mon-Sat. 1740 Kaahumanu Ave. 243-2243 Tasty Crust - Local style cuisine for Breakfast (try their famous hotcakes!), lunch & dinner. Serving Maui since 1944. 1770 Mill 244-0845 Tin Ying Chinese Restaurant - A Hong Kong style Chinese seafood restaurant. They have over 100 menu choices at reasonable prices. Buffet style lunch takeout, as well as sit down dining. 1088 Lower Main St. 242-4371 Tokyo Tei - Lunch and dinner featuring teriyaki beef

and fish, tempura, datsu, saimin and more. 1063 E. Lower Main St. 242-9630 Wow-Wee Cafe - Unique candy bars, ice cream shakes, bagels, coffees, great sandwiches, soups, and an oxygen bar. 333 Dairy Rd. 871-1414 <www.mauiwowwee.com>

SOUTH MAUI Antonio’s - Homemade Italian cuisine in a cozy atmosphere, extensive wine list and friendly service. 1215 S. Kihei Rd. 875-8800 BadaBing! - Homey Italian haven, award-winning thin crust pizzas, veal, calamari or chicken picatta. 1945 S. Kihei Rd. 875–0811 Bocalino Bistro & Bar - Affordably priced Mediterranean cuisine. Open for dinner, pupus served until 1am. Live entertainment and dancing 10pm ‘til 1am. 1279 S. Kihei Rd., #314. 874-9299 Bubba Burgers - Burgers and fries done the oldfashioned way, fresh & made-to-order. 1945 S. Kihei Rd. 891-2600 Capiche? - Contemporary Italian with a twist; extensive wine list. Commanding ocean views from every table. Diamond Resort. 879–2224 Cyberbean Internet Cafe - Gourmet coffee, espressos, cappucinos, lattes, sandwiches, smoothies & salads. 1881 S. Kihei, #112. 879-4799 DeanO’s Maui Pizza Cafe - Top quality pizza with traditional toppings, full menu with salads, pasta and sandwiches. 2439 S. Kihei Rd. 891–2200 Dick’s Place - Incredible all-you-can-eat food specials, free pool playing with purchase. 8 pool tables. 2463 S. Kihei Rd. 874–8869 El Restaurante Pasatiempo - Authentic homestyle Mexican food, with a wide range of dishes and meats to choose from. Azeka’s Plaza II. 879–1089 Ferraro’s - Gourmet Italian cuisine oceanfront with live violin & guitar, outdoor kiawe-wood-burning oven, all-day lunches and cucina rustica dinners. Four Seasons Resort Wailea, 874-8000.

Steaks & Seafood

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MARCH 27, 2003


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Five Palms Beach Grill - Local produce and fish featured in Pacific Rim cuisine. 2960 S. Kihei Rd. 879–2607 Greek Bistro - Moderately priced Greek and Continental Cuisine. Open for dinner 5-10pm. Kai Nani Village, 2511 S. Kihei Rd. 879-9330 Harlow’s Restaurant - Enjoy fine dining among the cozy and chic furniture and great sunset views. 2511 S. Kihei Rd. 879–1954 Horhitos Mexican Cantina - Burritos, salads, appetizers and “Food for Gringos”, too! Located next to Hapa’s Nightclub. Open 5pm to 2am Mon.-Sat. Lipoa St. 891-MEXI Humuhumunukunukuapua’a - Hawaiian and Polynesian cuisine oceanside. Grand Wailea Resort, 875-1234 ext. 4900 Kai Ku Ono - A tapas-style menu, where everything is ala carte, special late night menu. 2511 S. Kihei Rd. 875–1007 La Creperie - French cuisine in a stylish and comfortable atmosphere. Serving escargot, ratatouille, and many other dishes. 1913 S. Kihei Rd. 891–0822 Life’s a Beach - Food & drinks in a fun atmosphere. Best Mex, nachos, burritos, prime rib, and grilled mahimahi are just some of the specialties. 1913 S. Kihei Rd. 891–8010 Lobster Cove - Varied menu of seafood including fresh island fish. 100 Ike Dr. 879–7677 Longhi’s Wailea - Seafood, meat and pasta entrees with many not listed on the menu. Ask the server for details. 3750 Wailea Alanui Dr. 891–8883 Ma`alaea Grill - Reasonably priced fine dining overlooking the harbor from the Maui Ocean Center. Ma`alaea Harbor Village Shops. 243–2206 Ma’alaea Waterfront Restaurant - Seafood and Continental cuisine. Open for dinner daily from 5pm. Milowai Condominium, 50 Hauoli Street. 244-9028 Marco’s South Side Grill - A lavish and beautiful setting, compliments the hearty Italian food and excellent wines. 1445 S. Kihei Rd. 874–4041 Mulligan’s On the Blue - Maui’s authentic Irish pub, plenty o’Irish food, whiskey and beer. Breakfast is served till 3PM. 100 Kaukahi St. Wailea 874–1131 Nick’s Fishmarket - Fine dining in open air and elegance with amazing seafood dishes and fresh fish preparations. Kea Lani Hotel. 879–7224 Pita Paradise - Good food, fast. Serving up a mean Mediterranean-style “gyro”, salads or wraps, Kihei Kalama Village Center. 875–7679 Roy’s Kihei Bar & Grill - Mouth-watering Hawaiian Fusion entrees in a spacious and upbeat atmosphere. Open nightly from 5:30 to 10pm, Fine dining, reservations recommended. Piilani Shopping Center, 303 Piikea Ave. 891-1120 Sansei Restaurant - Japanese based Pacific Rim dining, sushi bar and late night menu. Award winning cuisine, early bird and late night specials. 1881 S. Kihei Rd. 879–0004 Sarento’s on the Beach - Contemporary dining near the water’s edge. Private VIP table available. 2980 S. Kihei Road. 875–7555 Sausage Shack - Homemade sausage in meats or veggie style on fresh baked buns, with every condiment you could desire. 1913 S. Kihei Rd. 874–6444 Spago - Gourmet cuisine as presented by worldfamous chef-owner Wolfgang Puck, oceanfront dining at its finest! Four Seasons Resort Wailea. 8748000 Spices - Steak, seafood & more! Open for breakfast, lunch and dinner. The Maui Coast Hotel, 2259 S. Kihei Rd. 891-8860 Stella Blues Cafe - Healthy, quality food in a casual, homestyle setting. Breakfast, lunch and dinner with daily specials. 1215 S. Kihei Rd. 874-3779 Taj Mahalo’s - The only Indian restaurant on Maui, homemade curries and naan, chicken tandoori, wraps, lots of vegetarian delights. Lipoa Center. 874–1911 Tommy Bahama’s Tropical Cafe - Relaxed island luxury in ambience and cuisine, with ocean views and live music. The Shops at Wailea. 875-9983

UPCOUNTRY Cafe Des Amis - Charming cafe with delicious sweet & savory crepes and Mediterranean fare. 42 Baldwin Ave. 579-6323

DININGLISTINGS Cakewalk Paia Bakery - High quality baked goods, sandwiches & specialty cakes. 2 Baldwin Ave., Paia. 579-8770 Casanova’s - First class service, first class food. Fine Italian dining at night and Makawao’s favorite deli by day. 1188 Makawao Ave., Makawao. 572–0220 Charley’s Restaurant & Saloon Hankering for some grub? Charley’s serves it hearty and healthy from breakfast to dinner. 142 Hana Hwy., Pa`ia. 579–9453. Cow Country Cafe - Homestyle breakfast and lunch in a decidedly bovine atmosphere. 7 Aewa Pl., Pukalani. 572-2395 Hali`imaile General Store - Gourmet dining in a charming atmosphere. Chef Beverly Gannon’s award-winning menu. 900 Hali`imaile Rd, Hali`imaile. 572–2666 Hana Hou Cafe - Hawaiian homestyle cooking with aloha-filled ambience and local musicians. 810 Haiku Rd., Haiku Cannery. 575-2661 Hokus Pokus - Vegetarian and Vegan cuisine. Open 3-9pm. 115 Baldwin Ave., Paia. 579-9144 Island Tacos - Taco stand with fresh, made-toorder fish, beef, and chicken tacos. Daily, from 11am-4pm. 810 Haiku Rd., Haiku Cannery Jacque’s Northshore Bistro - Tropical yet festive atmosphere, with a sushi bar, indoor and lanai dining. 120 Hana Hwy, Pa`ia. 579–8844 Kitada’s - Saimin for breakfast is a standard. Teri beef, hamburger steak, tofu and hekka all available. 3617 Baldwin Ave., Makawao. 572–7241 Kula Lodge & Restaurant - Upcountry’s family-style restaurant with sweeping views of the island. Open for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Haleakala Highway. 878-1535 Livewire Cafe - Gourmet desserts, coffee drinks, smoothies. Open 6am to 10pm Sun. thru

Thurs. - 6am to midnight Fri. and Sat. 137 Hana Highway, Paia. 579-6009 Lynne’s Cafe - Affordable homestyle local food including breakfast, plate lunch, chow fun & more! Catering available. 810 Kokomo Rd. 575-9363 Makawao Steak House - Classic and comfortable menu with daily fish preparations and salad bar. 3612 Baldwin Ave., Makawao. 572-8711 Mama’s Fish House - Fresh island fish with fresh local ingredients at “Maui’s favorite restaurant.” 799 Poho Pl., Kuau. 579–8448 Maui’s Best Tamales & Local Food - Authentic, fresh & tasty mexican cuisine along with local favorites. 81 Makawao Ave/Pukalani Square 573-2998 Milagros Food Co. - South American cusine with an island influence. Best people watching spot in Pa`ia! 3 Baldwin St. 579–8755 Moana Bakery & Cafe - Pacific rim dining for vegetarians and meat eaters. Bakery provides wonderful goodies for the sweet tooth. 71 Baldwin Ave., Pa`ia. 579–9999 Pa`ia Fish Market - By serving fresh local Hawaiian fish daily, they are the hot spot for seafood lovers without the upscale pocket. 100 Hana Hwy., Pa`ia. 579–8030 Picnics Restaurant - Home of the famous Spinach Nut Burger. Breakfast & Lunch. 30 Baldwin Ave. 5798021 Polli’s Mexican Restaurant - Paniolo country’s premier Mexican cantina, with nachos, burritos, ensaladas & more! 1202 Makawao Ave. 572-7808

WEST MAUI Athens Greek Restaurant - Affordable and authentic gyros, shish kebabs, falafels and more! Ya’Sou! Lahaina Cannery Mall 661-4300 A&J Kitchen, Deli & Bakery - Choose from American, Hawaiian, Korean and Chinese cuisines. Bakery with cakes & cookies. Lahaina Center. 667–0623

Ba-Le - French Vietnamese sandwiches, noodle dishes, pho, saimin & more. Lahaina Cannery Mall 661-5566 Banyan Tree - “Eclectic Pacific Cuisine with a Hawaiian Twist.” Lodge atmosphere, ocean views. Ritz Carlton Kapalua. 669–6200 BJ’s Chicago Pizzeria - Deep-dish specialty pizzas and homemade Pizookies with live music nightly. 730 Front St. 661-0700. Blue Lagoon - Casual dining with local grinds, surrounded by waterfalls and palm trees. Wharf Cinema Center. 661–8141 Bubba Gump Shrimp Co. - Fine Southern foods, with Forrest Gump movie memorabilia and logo wear. 889 Front St. 661–3111 Cafe O’Lei - Oceanfront dining featuring light and healthy yet hearty gourmet lunch and dinner. Delicious salads and Focaccia sandwiches. 839 Front St. 661–9491 Cafe Sauvage - Gourmet, hearty, satisfying fare in an unpretentious setting. Extensive beer and wine menu, after-dinner cordials, and desserts! 844 Front St. 661–7600 Canoes - Casual yet elegant dining serving a combination of island-inspired contemporary and traditional cuisine.1450 Front St. 661–0937 CJ’s Deli & Diner - Reasonably priced “comfort foods” such as Reuben sandwiches, pot roast, freshly baked pies, and more! Open daily from 5:30am6pm. 2580 Kekaa Drive Fairway Shops, Kaanapali 667-0968 Compadres Bar & Grill - Western cooking with a Mexican accent. Oceanview dining & Margarita bar serving breakfast, lunch & dinner. Lahaina Cannery Mall, 661-7189 David Paul’s Lahaina Grill - Fine dining in the intimate dining room on the ground floor of the Lahaina Inn building. 127 Lahainaluna. 667–5517 Erik’s Seafood Grotto - Fresh seafood and sushi

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The wine of this week is the 2000 Zinfandel, from Ravenswood winery in Sonoma County, California. Ravenswood’s motto is “No Wimpy Wines.” These guys get into it! With over 400,000 cases made, there is a slew of wines to choose from, but they are mainly focused on Zinfandel (70% of production). The winery has different categories, a selection for everyone. They start off with the vintner’s blend; Zinfandel, Merlot, Chardonnay, based with 40% of Ravenswood’s own crushed and aged wine, then blended just right. Then there’s the county series; made up from certain vineyards from the select county appellation this gives the wine its distinct origin of flavor. Lastly, the vineyard designates all single vineyard wines. These wines are from special select vineyards from Napa and Sonoma; all dryfarmed, 70-100 year-old vines that yield low crops so the grapes grow evenly, well and concentrated. The vineyards are marked on the bottles and are low production for great quality. This week’s wine pick is from the county series. The Sonoma County, old-vine Zinfandel is one of the more popular bottlings. This wine is aged in French oak for 16 months, has a full body, rich dark berry character with a spicy big finish. This is an ageworthy wine - drink now or set aside and let it age to see what fun will come. No wimpy wine here! That’s for sure.


MARCH 27, 2003


DININGLISTINGS - great steamers! Open nightly. BYOB. 843 Wainee St., Lahaina 669-4806 Gaby’s Pizzeria - Casual Italian dining with pizza and pasta from $6-$25. Open 11am to 12am daily. 505 Front Street, 661-8112. Gazebo Restaurant - Full breakfast and lunch menu, casual atmosphere, beautiful oceanside setting. 5315 Lower Honoapiilani Rd, 669-5621. Gerard’s - Fine French dining in Lahaina. Rich, flavorful yet light foods await your taste buds. 174 Lahainaluna. 661–8939 Fish & Game Brewing Co. & Rotisserie - Maui’s own restaurant brewery, with rotisserie grill, featuring steak, seafood, and ambience, Also, late-night menu served until 1:30am! 4405 Honoapiilani Hwy. 669-3474 Fleming’s On the Green - Fine dining, on the golf course. Delicate raviolis, to the Filet Mignon, wonderful sauces. 2000 Village Rd., Kapalua 665–1000. Hard Rock Cafe - Good American food at decent prices amongst rock ‘n roll memorabilia. Love All-Serve All. 900 Front St. 667–7400 Hecocks - Italian restaurant & cocktail lounge oceanside. Breakfast, lunch and dinner. 505 Front St., Lahaina 661-8810 Honokowai Okazuya & Deli - Gourmet plate lunches, sandwiches and pastas prepared as you order. Take out available. 3600-D Lower Honoapi`ilani Hwy. 665–0512 House of Saimin - Ono homemade Saimin, chicken sticks, and Haupia pie are just some of the local favorites here.Old Lahaina Center. 667–7572 Hula Grill - Barefoot Bar and beachside dining in a 1940’s style. Menu is a seafood lover’s delight. Whaler’s Village. 667–6636 i`o - Pacific Rim cuisine among awesome sun-


MARCH 27, 2003


set views, and indoor or outdoor dining. 505 Front St. 661–8422 Java Jazz - Coffee bar and restaurant with great food, ecclectic atmosphere, loungey ambience. Open for breakfast, lunch & dinner. 3350 Lower Honoapiilani Rd. 667-0787 Johnny’s Burger Joint - The greatest burgers on the west side, served late, with bar and pool table! 2395 Honoapiilani Hwy, Kaanapali. 661-4500 Kahuna Kabob - Healthy food, low prices! Soups, brown rice, veggies & kabobs, will deliver. Lahaina Marketplace. 661–9999 Karma Kafe - Coffee drinks, specialty smoothies, tea drinks and fabulous vegetarian food. Zen garden and internet access. Anchor Square. 662–1258 Kimo’s - Fresh fish, prime rib, and their famous Hula Pie, oceanside dining. 845 Front St. 661–4811 Kobe - Japanese Steak House and Oku’s Sushi Bar, featuring teppanyaki cooking and fabulous sushi. Dinner nightly from 5:30-10pm., Sushi 5:30-11:30pm. 136 DickensonSt., Lahaina 667-5555 Lahaina Coolers - Off the beaten path “surf bistro”, Good food, good quality, late night menu. 80 Dickenson St., Lahaina 661–7082 Lahaina Fish Co. - Chef’s Signature Pacific Rim Specialties prepared with fresh island fish, and seafood, dine on the oceanside lanai. 831 Front St. 661–3472 Leilani’s On The Beach - Relaxed beachfront dining, specializing in fresh seafood and Pacific Rim cuisine. 2435 Kaanapali Parkway. 661-4495 Lemongrass - Serving ala carte to the seven course traditional Vietnamese dinner. Reasonably priced and full of flavor. 930 Waine`e St., Lahaina 667–6888 Longhi’s - Elegant fine dining, freshest ingredients, pasta, seafood and steaks. 888 Front St. 667–2288 Mama’s Ribs & Rotisserie - Serving ribs and roasted chicken, BBQ baked beans, cole slaw, and

macaroni salad. Napili Plaza. 665–6262 Maui Brews - Daily specials, great appetizers salads and entrees in large portions. Lahaina Center. 667–7794 Maui Mama’s - A quaint shop serving coffees grown throughout the islands. Light food, souvenirs, internet access. 578 Front St. 667–7700 Moose McGillicuddy’s - Great value, large portions, all you can eat specials and merry atmosphere. 844 Front St. 667–7758 Nachos Grande - Fresh mexican food fast. Vegetarian too. Honokowai Marketplace. 662–0890 Nalu Sunset Bar & Sushi - Sushi rolls, sashimi, various Japanese appetizers, sandwiches and more. Maui Marriott, Kaanapali 667–1200 ext. 51 Outback Steak House - Quality steaks, shrimpon-the-barbie, and the Bloomin’ Onion in a casual and lively atmosphere. 4405 Honoapiilani Hwy, Kahana 665-1822 Pacific’O - Elegant oceanfront award-winning contemporary Pacific cuisine. 505 Front St. 667-4341. Pancho & Lefty’s - Delicious and spicy appetizers, traditional and specialty Mexican food. Wharf Cinema Center, Lahaina 661–4666 Penne Pasta - Mark Ellman’s inexpensive Italian bistro with homestyle pasta, pizza and salad. 180 Dickenson St., Suite 113. 661–6633 Pioneer Inn - Breakfast, lunch & dinner daily, with live entertainment nightly. 659 Wharf St., Lahaina 661-36362 Plantation House Restaurant - Hawaiian Mediterranean cuisine. Breakfast, lunch & dinner daily. 2000 Plantation Club Dr., Kapalua. 669-6299 Reilley’s - Known for their choice award winning beef. Gourmet steaks and seafood overlooking the Ka`anapali Golf Course’s 18th hole. 2290 Ka`anapali Pkwy, 667–7477 Roy’s Nicolina Restaurant - A quiet ambiance suffuses this dining experience, enhanced by the

Pacific Rim cuisine. 4405 Honoapi`ilani Hwy, upstairs. 669–5000 Rusty Harpoon Restaurant and Tavern Quench thirst, satiate hunger, and watch sports. Large parties welcome. Whalers Village. 661–3123 Ruth’s Chris Steak House - USDA Prime Steak, fine wines. Dinner served nightly. 900 Front St., Lahaina 661-8815 Sansei Seafood Restaurant and Sushi Bar D.K. Kodama has combined the highest quality sushi bar infused with Hawai`i’s cultural flavors. 115 Bay Drive #115., Kapalua. 669–6286 Sea House Restaurant - Looking out over incredible Napili Bay, dining is an amazing experience here under the direction of Chef Michael Gallager. 5900 Lwr. Honoapi`ilani Hwy. 669–1500 Sir Wilfred’s - Lahaina Cannery Malls gourmet coffee house and cafe. Soups, Salads and Sandwiches grace this simple menu. Lahaina Cannery. 667–1941 Spats Trattoria - Step into old Northern Italy. Tables are private, the Antipasti serves two. The Hyatt Regency. 667–4727 Sports Club Kahana Grill - Upscale, healthy restaurant inside Sports Club Kahana. Breakfast, lunch & take-out. 4327 Lwr. Honoapi`ilani Rd. 6693539 Swan Court - One of the top ten romantic restaurants in the world, extensive list of contemporary fine wines. Hyatt Regency Maui. 667–4727 Thai Chef - Thai food like you’ve never had it, curry, pad thai, summer rolls and more. Old Lahaina Center. 667–2814 Tropica - Enjoy the fire and ice-themed restaurant where the cold food and drink bar is tucked between two “volcanoes.” The Westin Maui. 667–2525 Whale’s Tale - All open-air lanai dining. Casual dining, specials, large portions. 672 Front St. 667–4044

A&E 17 • Film Critique 18 • Movie Times 19 • THE GRID 25-27 • Da Kine Calendar 20-23



The Eyeshadows A smashing tidal sound-wave will hit the island of Maui later tonight. The intensity is predicted to be off the scale, but authorities at Hapa's in Kihei where the impact will be centered assure residents and tourists alike that there is nothing to fear. An unconfirmed source at Hapa's has said that the only real danger is that anyone within the blast radius might dance his or her ass off. The wave was generated by an all-girl pop punk hurricane known as the Eyeshadows, and if you come properly prepared you'll ride their torpedo all the way into tomorrow morning. Originally formed at a jam party in Los Angeles in 2000 around the bassist and singer/songwriter Dawn Laureen, the Eyeshadows are what would happen if the Bangles got rear-ended by the Sex Pistols. Laureen cites the Ramones and Iggy Pop and the Stooges among the band’s musical influences. Based in Silverlake, on of Hollywood's oldest and freakiest neighborhoods, the band is better dressed than their down-anddirty comrades from behind the Orange Curtain. Their D.I.Y. sound has not been the least bit blunted by high society, however. Laureen describes the band, rounded out by Nicki Skistimas on drums, Kelly Wilson on fuzz bass, and Stephanie Fitch on guitar, as "like a bunch of sisters" who are "all about fun and charring eardrums." Laureen says she has been "lucky to hang out" with some of her heroes, including Frank Infante and Clem Burke of Blondie. Her good fortune has certainly informed her musical development. She notes that being in a band is more demanding than just songwriting and jamming around town, but it can also be more fulfilling. "If you love what you're doing, then do it!" The Eyeshadows have been doing just that. The band just finished a tour that included the South by Southwest (SXSW) festival in Austin, TX and a stint in Las Vegas, NV. Next they plan to pursue an indie label and record their new songs.





Their scorching bass-driven CD bodes well for their upcoming performances. Five of the seven tracks were co-written with Infante who also adds his deft guitar sparks to 'Pretend' and "Anything.' 'Pretend' dresses Kali, the Hindu goddess of destruction, in eye shadow, pink fishnets and fire-engine lipstick for a slamming expression of feisty feminine mystique. 'Anything,' a punk lover's testimonial, opens with a chewy bass line. Skistimas beats clean and decisive time with a musical character while Laureen delivers plangent devotion. The raw and tawdry sexuality of 'Bondage' and 'Get It' fairly bristles with bad-girl sensibility. Wilson's cotton candy pink Fender bass comes through a Russian pedal called the Big Muff. Laureen's vocals and lyrics have a playful but sharp edge. Fitch adds her shredding guitar to open up the melodic texture. Their combination of old school punk and new wave pop makes for pure partying pleasure. Steady pop hooks keep the band's cherry Cadillac from spinning out of control so the crazy joyride pumps your

adrenaline without scaring you silly. The Eyeshadows will play with Voodoo Suns at Hapa's in Kihei tonight, and with Anesthesia at the Hard Rock in Lahaina on Friday, and Casanova's in Makawao on Saturday. The welcoming spirit that the Maui scene has shown in organizing the tour has Dawn and the girls excited about coming to the island. Dawn was impressed by "how kind and super-cool everyone has been in setting it up." Fans of punk rock should be excited about their trip as well. In addition to the thrashing tunes each show will feature the girls' eye-popping stage-wear, reportedly including some costumes from the movie 'Moulin Rouge,' as well as a contest. The first fan to get onstage and put on Dawn's signature spiral bra will receive an 'Eyeshadows goodie bag.' The band wants to "come over, have some fun and spread the fun," and it sounds like they know how. The truly hardcore will make the island circuit with them, relishing a brief but cauterizing respite from Maui's endless output of reggae and lounge jazz. Come prepared to cut the rug, but be warned: these sexy punk kittens will not hesitate to scratch your ears out!




GIVING DANCE ANOTHER CHANCE Thursday (tonight) at 7:30pm, MACC. After last week’s dance in your pants debacle, I’m hoping the art of visual performance is not lost on Tamango’s Urban Tap. I’m anxious to see that the international influence is rediscovered in rich, cultural movement, not commercial-over-the-top, ice-capades-meets-theDallas-Cowboys-cheerleaders-routine song & dance. Urban Tap will be mixing cultures and styles ranging from Brazilian capoeira to freestyle world jazz and tap, influenced by hiphop street culture. Here’s hoping this dance groove will be “keeping it real” - heart & soul.

BEN IS THE MAN 5 &7:30pm Friday, in the Castle Theater, MACC. Alt-rocker Ben Harper is featured in this Maui Film Festival feature tour-de-force documentary: Pleasure & Pain. No sensitive musician can deny the impact on contemporary rootsfolk-rock, and the return of heartfelt songwriting Ben has had, nor can any female resist the urge to swoon in the shadows of his quiet passions (sigh).

GIRLS! GIRLS! GIRLS! (See A&E Feature story). You’ve got to be curious, at least. Or are you scared? Dawn and her pussycats have spunk-o-rama and spiral bras to match their pop-punk bravada. C’mon!

MUSIC FOR REAL PEOPLE 7:30pm Saturday, at Seabury Hall; 7:30pm Sunday, at Hapa’s. Do you remember when MTV played music videos, and had special concerts with musicians who could play their instruments? I have a feeling this Local Licks Benefit will capture the live magic of what I felt was an awe-inspiring combo of storytelling and music-making displayed in shows like “MTV Unplugged” or VH-1 “Storytellers”. Featuring Gail Swanson, and other respected musicians, along with some fresh new talent, in a show with real musicians playing real instruments.









MARCH 27, 2003




Bestiary of Bullshittery Kasdan Directed King Novel Isn't Worth A Toothpick ) Dreamcatcher ( There's a lot of blame to go around for this disastrous horror-cum-sci-fi-malebonding movie. The script for "Dreamcatcher" was co-written from Stephen King's 2001 novel by William Goldman ("A Bridge Too Far," "Marathon Man") and Lawrence Kasdan

(co-writer on "Raiders of the Lost Ark" and director on "Body Heat," and "The Big Chill" for which he also shared writing credit). "Dreamcatcher" contains huge gooey dollops of Stephen King's now familiar themes of boyhood bonding against bullies ("Stand By Me"), psychic power ("Carrie," "The Dead

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Zone"), secluded snowbound locations ("The Shining") and an infecting army of evil ("Salem's Lot"). Four friends since boyhood share a mixed bag of clairvoyant abilities bestowed on them by an autistic/retarded boy named Duddits, whom they rescued at the hand of bullies when they were boys. Joined together for a weekend reunion in a snowy cabin in Maine, Pete, Jonesy, Henry and Beaver battle a slew of alien creatures that explode from the rectums of the humans they briefly inhabit before maturing into more traditional big-headed, skinny naked aliens. The morasses of convoluted narrative threads resemble a bad network television miniseries with an added liberty of cable television vulgarity. The fact that schlock director Kevin Smith's glad-ham acting discovery Jason Lee ("Chasing Amy") has a major role, as a character named Beaver, is a tip-off to "Dreamcatcher's" limited scope of personality. Worst fears are confirmed when Beaver sits on a closed toilet containing a ferocious turd-like alien in a blood soaked bathroom with a fresh fat corpse only a few feet away. Beaver has an obsessive-compulsive disorder that makes it absolutely necessary for him to reach for a dropped toothpick that will cause him to abandon his post long enough to release the multifanged creature that will most surely kill him. When Jonesy (Damian Lewis - "Band of Brothers") returns to the bathroom with duct tape in hand, Beaver has succumbed to his own stupidity and the horrid toothed-vagina mouth of the slimy alien predator. Jonesy's body is shortly inhabited by an alien with a British accent who argues with our abstract protagonist, caught in the sepia tone of a "memory warehouse" inside his brain from which he hides pieces of his memory that enables him to fight the alien


MARCH 27, 2003


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enemy from inside. Thankfully, Jonesy doesn't suffer from the extreme flatulence that every other human alien host we see suffers. The movie digresses into an inexplicable fart-fest long enough to discredit any horrific edge the film may have had; but there are other equally disruptive devices that turn mockery into muddle. The film gets scornfully loopy when antialien mercenary and egomaniac Colonel Curtis (Morgan Freeman - "Deep Impact") sets out, with his team of heavily armed soldiers, to slaughter quarantined alien-infected humans, while bombing out of existence thousands of freshly hatched aliens who have taken over a vast area in Maine. The American Indian inspired "Dreamcatcher" macramé relic, which the movie loosely bases its image system on, bears no narrative significance except that the mentally disabled Duddits (Donnie Wahlberg - "The Sixth Sense") generated its creation by our four pseudo-heroes. Satire is sacrificed for commercially skewed dialogue about Viagra, Chevrolet and Wal-Mart. "SSDD" ("Same shit, different day") is a key catch phrase that Beaver, Jonesy, Pete and Henry use to express their unity. The aphorism might just as well be used to describe the monotonous droning dramatic pattern that the movie becomes as unsympathetic characters perish and an idiot savant in love with "Scooby Doo" is left to save the world. "Dreamcatcher" is destined for cult status as a failed movie of such gigantic proportions that it calls for close scrutiny to dissect every shard of abandoned plot and character elements. When Jonesy is struck by a speeding car early in the movie, it's very clearly Stephen King airing out the terrible accident he suffered when he was struck down while walking near his home. But there's no context given for the brutal event in the movie, and Jonesy's healing process is never addressed. The sudden violent strike comes with hot surprise like a scene from one of the far superior "Final Destination" films. From the look of this latest Stephen King based film, it seems that the writer has finally reached his last stop after a long series of great successes.



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MOVIECAPSULES MAUI FILM FESTIVAL’S CANDLELIGHT CAFÉ & CINEMA Friday, March 28 Pleasure and Pain: Ben Harper on Tour 5:00 & 7:30pm, Castle Theater "Music is the last true voice of the human spirit. It can go beyond language, beyond age, beyond color straight to the heart and mind of all people" Ben Harper. Pleasure & Pain is an in-depth look at the life and works of contemporary roots rock icon Ben Harper, who was featured in Standing in the Shadows of Motown. It offers an intriguing glimpse into Harper's travels, performances, songwriting, religion, and life in general. Along with a rare behind-the-scenes perspective of this enigmatic musician's life, it incorporates concert footage, backstage clips, and the efforts that go into producing his performances. Rock photographer Danny Clinch toured with Harper throughout the US and Europe, shooting in all sorts of formats-16 mm, Super 8, digicam, shooting from strange angles, later collaging all this together. Not just another self-indulgent music-omentary, Pleasure & Pain lives up to its name by showing the imperfect yet true humanity behind the performer that we place on a pedestal. Unrated. 93 min. Tickets: $7 w/MFF passport. $10 single.

Wednesday, April 2 Russian Ark 5:00 & 7:30pm, Castle Theater On more than 30 "Top 10" lists for 2002, this film is one of the most astonishing technical and aesthetic accomplishments in the history of cinema, this "one shot" film takes viewers on a tour of both 300 years of Russian history and the Hermitage as more than 2,000 actors interact, seemingly in real time, with the paintings in this world renowned museum. "A Visual Astonishment " (LA Times). "A tour-de-force of filmmaking magic" (Washington Post). "Has to be seen to be believed. A glorious experience" (Village Voice). "Unprecedented Virtuosity" (Time Magazine). In Russian with English subtitles. Rated PG. 96 min. Tickets: $7 w/MFF passport. $10 single.

New This Week BASIC - (R) - Suspense/Thriller - An Army Ranger drill sergeant and several of his men disappear during a training mission and a DEA agent is sent in to investigate. Stars John Travolta, Samuel L. Jackson, Connie Nielsen, Giovanni Ribisi, and Taye Diggs. THE CORE - (PG13) - Science Fiction - When the Earth's core stops spinning, it leads to global catastrophe - a situation that can only be solved by a group of terranauts who must drill to the center of the planet in order to save it. Stars Hilary Swank, Stanley Tucci, Delroy Lindo, and Aaron Eckhart. HEAD OF STATE - (PG13) - Comedy - When the head of their political party unexpectedly dies, the Democrats pick Washington, D.C. alderman Mays Gilliam (Chris Rock), as his replacement. Also stars Bernie Mac.

atone for the mistakes he's made in his personal life. CHICAGO - (PG13) - Musical - Based on the hit Broadway musical, Chicago is the story of Roxie Hart (Renee Zellweger) and Velma Kelly (Catherine ZetaJones), two murderesses and chorus girls who dance and drink their way to the top of fortune and infamy under the care of their 'razzle dazzle' lawyer, Billy Flynn (Richard Gere). CRADLE 2 THE GRAVE - (R) - Action/Adventure The daughter of a skilled thief (DMX) is kidnapped and held ransom for jewels, which the thief sets about stealing with the help of a Taiwanese Intelligence Officer (Jet Li). DAREDEVIL - (PG13) - Action/Adventure - Matt Murdock (Ben Affleck), is a lawyer blinded by radioactive waste that renders the rest of his senses highly powerful, allowing him to become the superhero Daredevil, the man who knows no fear. At his side is the sleek Elektra (Jennifer Garner), as they go up against the evil Kingpin (Michael Clarke Duncan) and the assassin Bullseye (Colin Farrell). DREAMCATCHER - (R) - Suspense/Thriller - Four old friends reunite on a camping trip and discover something alien and sinister lurking in the woods. Stars Morgan Freeman, Jason Lee, and Thomas Jane. THE HUNTED - (R) - Action/Adventure - A FBI deepwoods special agent (Tommy Lee Jones) must track down an assassin (Benicio Del Toro) he once trained, who is now making sport out of killing deer hunters. When the killer escapes, the agent has to team up with another agent to track him down. JUNGLE BOOK 2 - (G) - Animation - Continuing the classic story of The Jungle Book, as the boy Mowgli has now grown into a young man and longs to return to the jungle to see his old friends, including the loveable Baloo. Leaving behind his girlfriend Shanti, Mowgli sets off into the jungle not knowing that the sinister tiger Shere Khan is plotting his revenge. NIGHT MARCHERS 2 - (NR) - Action/Adventure - A fantasy action packed adventure of the mythological Hawaiian Ka’ai that are discovered in 1946 and recovered to present day. The Ka’ai are stolen for profit, and Menehunes help in the quest to return them to their sacred resting place. The Night Marchers rise from the dead of battle to waylay anyone who is disrespectful to the ‘aina. OLD SCHOOL - (R) - Comedy - A trio of thirtysomething buddies try to recapture the outrageous, irrepressible fun of their college years by starting their own off-campus fraternity. Mitch (Luke Wilson), Frank (Will Ferrell) and Beanie (Vince Vaughn) have all reached a crossroads in their lives. They can choose to be responsible adults, with wives, families and steady jobs.or they can postpone adulthood in favor of the reckless abandon of frat house living with all of the fun, and none of the education. No contest. THE PIANIST - (R) - Drama - Based on the autobiog-

raphy of Wladyslaw Szpilman, a man who survived the Nazi occupation of Poland in a desperate Warsaw ghetto. He struggled to stay alive and would eventually succeed in finding his artistic gifts once again. PIGLET’S BIG MOVIE - (G) - Animation - The tiniest member of the Winnie-the-Pooh gang leads his own adventure in the Hundred Acre Wood, as he finds his friends endangered and must set about saving them. THE QUIET AMERICAN - (R) - Drama - Set in Vietnam, a bitter British opium addict (Michael Caine) and a young American soldier (Brendan Fraser) compete for the love of a beautiful Vietnamise woman. Based on the novel by Graham Greene. SHANGHAI KNIGHTS - (PG13) - Action/Comedy - In this sequel to Shanghai Noon, Chon Wang (Jackie Chan) and Roy O'Bannon (Owen Wilson) head to England in pursuit of the man who killed Chon's estranged father. Meanwhile, Chon's sister Lin has also come to Britain for the same purpose, and discovers a plot to murder the Royal Family along the way. TEARS OF THE SUN - (R) - Action/Adventure - A Special-Ops commander (Bruce Willis) leads a group of men into the jungles of Nigeria in order to rescue a kidnapped doctor and 70 fellow refugees. A VIEW FROM THE TOP - (PG13) - Comedy - Donna Jensen (Gwyneth Paltrow) is an idealistic young woman from a sleepy desert town who dreams of upgrading her existence into the glamorous, jet-setting lifestyle of an international first-class attendant. Also stars Christina Applegate, Kelly Preston, Mike Myers, and Rob Lowe. WILLARD - (PG13) - Suspense/Thriller - Remake of the 70's horror film, about a lonely, cast off man (Crispin Glover) whose only friends are the rats that he raises at home. When one of the rats is killed at work, Willard releases his rage on those who have tormented him.

$7* ™ LMS = L GRE AT FI



* with MFF passport (5 films - $35) • $10 - single tickets Phone: 572-3456 • www.mauifilmfestival.com





Castle Theatre, 572-3456 Pleasure & Pain: Ben Harper On Tour - Unrated Friday 5, 7:30pm Russian Ark - PG - Wednesday 5, 7:30pm

MAUI MALL MEGAPLEX Maui Mall, 249–2222 (Showtimes) = Matinee $ Agent Cody Banks - PG - Th (12, 2:20, 4:45), 7:15, 9:40, Fr (11:45, 2:20, 4:45), 7:15, 9:40, Sa-Su (11:45, 2:20), 4:45, 7:15, 9:45, M-W (2:20, 4:45), 7:15, 9:45 Boat Trip - R - Th (11:50, 2:10, 4:30), 7:30, 10, Fr (11:50, 2:10, 4:30), 7:30, 10, Sa-Su (11:50, 2:10), 4:30, 7:30, 10, M-W (2:10, 4:30), 7:30, 10 The Core - PG13 - Fr (1, 1:15, 4, 4:15), 7, 7:15, 10, 10:15, Sa-Su (1, 1:15), 4, 4:15, 7, 7:15, 10, 10:15, M-W (1, 1:15, 4, 4:15), 7, 7:15, 10, 10:15 Daredevil - PG13 - Th (11:35, 2, 4:30), 7:10, 9:35, Fr (11:35, 2, 4:30), 7:10, 9:35, Sa-Su (11:35, 2), 4:30, 7:10, 9:35, M-W (2, 4:30), 7:10, 9:35 The Hunted - R - Th (11:30, 12, 1:50, 2:15, 4:15, 4:45), 7, 7:30, 9:20, 10, Fr (11:30, 2, 4:15), 7, 9:25, Sa-Su (11:30, 2), 4:15, 7, 9:25, M-W (2, 4:15), 7, 9:25 Jungle Book 2 - G - Th (11:45, 1:45, 3:45, 5:45), 7:45, Fr (12, 1:55, 4:25), Sa-Su (12, 1:55), 4:25, MW (1:55, 4:25) Night Marchers 2 - NR - Th (11:45, 1:45, 3:45, 5:45), 7:45, 9:45, Fr (11:45, 1:45, 4:45), 7:45, 9:55, Sa-Su (11:45, 1:45), 4:45, 7:45, 9:55, M-W (1:45, 4:45), 7:45, 9:55 Old School - R - Th (11:55, 2:05, 4:20), 7:15, 9:25, Fr (11:55, 2:05, 4:20), 7:20, 9:30, Sa-Su (11:55, 2:05), 4:20, 7:20, 9:30, M-W (2:05, 4:20), 7:20, 9:30 The Pianist - R - Th 9:30, Fr-W 6:30, 9:40 Piglet’s Big Movie - G - Th (11:30, 1:30, 3:30, 5:30), 7:30, Fr (11:30, 1:30, 3:30, 5:30), 7:30, Sa-Su (11:30, 1:30, 3:30), 5:30, 7:30, M-W (1:30, 3:30, 5:30), 7:30 Shanghai Knights - PG13 - Th (1:30, 4:10), 7:05, 9:50, Fr (1:30, 4:10), 7:05, 9:50, Sa-Su (1:30), 4:10, 7:05, 9:50, M-W (1:30, 4:10), 7:05, 9:50 Tears Of The Sun - R - Th (1:15, 4), 7, 9:30, 9:45, Fr (1:15, 4), 7, 9:45, Sa-Su (1:15), 4, 7, 9:45, M-W (1:15, 4), 7, 9:45 Willard - PG13 - Th (11:40, 2, 4:25), 7:25, 9:55, FrW 9:30

KA`AHUMANU 6 Queen Ka`ahumanu Shopping Center, 875-4910 Basic - R - Fr-W (12:45, 3), 5:15, 7:30, 9:45 Bringing Down The House - PG13 - Th (12:35, 2:55), 5:15, 7:40, 10, Fr, Su-W (12:35, 2:55), 5:15, 7:40, 10, Sa (12:35, 2:55), 5:15, 7:40, 10 Chicago - PG13 - D (1:15), 4:30, 7:20, 9:55 Cradle 2 The Grave - R - Th (12:35, 2:50), 5:05, 7:30, 9:50 Dreamcatcher - R - Th-Fr, Su-W (1), 4:05, 7:05, 10, Sa (1), 4:05, 10 Head Of State - PG13 - Fr-W (12:30, 2:45), 5, 7:15, 9:30 The Quiet American - R - Th (12:30, 2:50), 5:10, 7:35, 9:55 A View From The Top - PG13 - D (1, 3:15), 5:30, 7:45, 9:50

KUKUI MALL 1819 South Kihei Road, 875-4910 Agent Cody Banks - PG13 - Th (1:30), 5:30, 8 Bringing Down The House - PG13 - Th (1:45), 5:30, 7:50, Fr-Sa (12:45, 3), 7:45, 10:05, Su-W (1:45), 5:30, 8:10 Chicago - PG13 - Th (1:15), 5:10, 7:45, Fr-Sa (12:15, 2:45), 7:30, 10, Su-W (1:15), 5:45, 8:15 The Core - PG13 - Fr-Sa (12:30, 3:30), 7:15, 10:10, Su-W (1:30), 5:15, 8 Dreamcatcher - R - Th-Fr, Su-W (1), 5, 7:55, Fr-Sa (12, 3:15), 7, 9:55

Now Showing AGENT CODY BANKS (PG) Action/Adventure - Young teen Cody Banks (Frankie Muniz) has all the problems of a typical kid - he hates homework and loves to hang out with his friends. What they don't know is that he's also a special agent trained by the CIA, with a full arsenal of gadgets behind him. The agency recruits Cody and sends him undercover as a student at a private school, where he must befriend a young girl in order to get close to her scientist father. BOAT TRIP - (R) - Comedy - Two friends (Cuba Gooding, Jr. & Horatio Sanz) are duped into taking a singles cruise, unaware that it's meant for gay couples. As the two find themselves having to assume alternate identities, comic situations ensue and romantic entanglements abound at sea. BRINGING DOWN THE HOUSE - (PG13) Comedy - A divorced man (Steve Martin) finds love on the internet, but she (Queen Latifah) arrives it's evident she's not the woman he thought she was. Moving into his house and wreaking havoc on his life, she soon helps him to rediscover who he is and


FRONT STREET THEATERS 900 Front Street, 249–2222 Basic - R - Fr, M-W (4:30), 7:30, 10, Sa-Su (1:30), 4:30, 7:30, 10 The Core - PG13 - Fr, M-W (3:45), 6:45, 9:45, SaSu (12:45), 3:45, 6:45, 9:45 Dreamcatcher - R - Th (3:45), 6:45, 9:45, Fr, M-W (4), 7, 10, Sa-Su (1), 4, 7, 10 The Hunted - R - Th (4), 7, 10 Tears Of The Sun - R - Th (4:15), 7:15, 9:55 A View From The Top - PG - Th (4:30), 7:30, 10, Fr, M-W (4:15), 7:15, 9:55, Sa-Su (1:15), 4:15, 7:15, 10


Why are gay men often hanging with hot women? Boat trip ponders...








658 Front Street, 249–2222 Agent Cody Banks - PG - Th (11:45, 2:15, 4:45), 7:15, 9:30 Boat Trip - R - Th-Fr, M-W (12, 2:30, 5), 7:30, 9:50, Sa-Su (12, 2:30), 5, 7:30, 9:50 Bringing Down The House - PG13 - Th (11:30, 2, 4:30), 7, 9:40, Fr, M-W (11:30, 2, 4:30), 7, 9:30, SaSu (11:30, 2), 4:30, 7, 9:30 Head of State - PG13 - Fr, M-W (11:45, 2:15, 4:45), 7:15, 9:40, Sa-Su (11:45, 2:15), 4:45, 7:15, 9:40


MARCH 27, 2003


DA KINECALENDAR Sun.; Howard Ahia, Mon.; Kenny Roberts, Wed.; all sets 6-9pm. 2511 S. Kihei Rd., 875-1007. LuLu’s - Patrick Major, 4-7pm Thu. 1945-H S. Kihei Rd., 879-9944. Maalaea Grill – Benoit Jazz Works, 6:30-9pm, Thurs., Fri. & Sun.; Miguel Maldonado Quartet, Sat. Maalaea Village Shops, 243-2206. Marco’s Southside Grill – Mark Johnston solo piano, Wed. thru Sun.; Brian Cuomo solo piano Mon. & Tues. Sets from 7-10pm. 1445 S. Kihei Rd., 874-4041. Margarita’s Beach Cantina – Cool Steel, 5-7pm Friday. 101 S. Kihei Rd., 879-5311. Mulligan’s on the Blue – Celtic Tigers, 7-10pm Thu. & Sun. 100 Kaukahi St., Wailea, 874-1131. Seawatch Restaurant - Pianist Angela Carr, 6-9pm Fri.; Guitarist Luis Diaz, 6-9pm Sat. 100 Wailea Golf Club Dr., 875-8080. Tommy Bahama’s Tropical Café – Latin guitar w/ Luis Diaz, Thu., Fri. & Wed.; Guitar & vocals w/ Brado, Sat.; Patrick Major, Sun.; Steel drums & sax w/ Brian Wittman, Mon. & Tue. All from 6-10pm. The Shops at Wailea, 875-9983.


Manana Garage – Neto & Friends, 6:30pm Thu. & Fri.; Fortunato’s Magic, 7pm Fri.; Neto & Hot Salsa, Sat.; Neto Peraza, Tue.; Bobby & Tula, 6:30pm Wed. 33 Lono Ave., Kahului, 873-0220.


Jacque’s - Greg DiPiazza & Tato Duo, 7-10:30pm Mon. 120 Hana Highway, Paia, 579-8844. Livewire Cafe - Live music 7-10pm Thu. 137 Hana Highway, Paia, 579-6009. Moana Cafe - Jazz w/ Eve Moffatt, 6:30-9:30pm Fri.; Bo Shores on guitar & Andrea Wells on violin, 6-9pm Sun.; Vintage Hawaiian tunes w/Ginger & Robin, 69pm Wed. 71 Baldwin Ave., Paia, 579-9999.

RESORT SHOWS Ben is the man! If you love great music you’ll enjoy the documentary at the MACC this Friday. Go.


Urban Tap in Full Cycle - Thursday (tonight). A combination of Brazilian capoeira and American hiphop with tap and live music. 7:30pm, Castle Theater, MACC, 242-SHOW. The Eyeshadows - Thursday at Hapa’s (879-9001), Friday at Hard Rock Cafe (667-7400), Saturday at Casanova (572-0220). All-girl, party pop-punk rock group from California. Tickets: $10. Bomb Diggitty - Saturday. Hawaiian & Reggae extravaganza. Tickets: $20. 2pm, A&B Amphitheater, MACC, 242-7469. Local Licks II - An Evening of Acoustic Music - March 29-30. Featuring Singer/songwriters: Pat Simmons (Doobie Brothers), Norton Buffalo (Legendary harmonica player, songwriter), Barry Flanagan (Multi Hoku winner, Hapa), Steve Sargenti & Gail Swanson (Maui singers/songwriters). Seabury Hall (Sat.), Hapa’s (Sun.), 573-1239.


“East To West” Peace Concert - An evening celbrating peace featuring Maui Taiko Drums, Richard Hoopi’i, Lei’ohu Ryder, Richard Cray, and The Peace Pilgrims.7:30pm, Castle Theater, MACC, 242-SHOW. Ho’okena - April 5. The six-time Na Hoku Hanohano Award winning band is a group that “satisfies one’s thirst” for Hawaiian music new and old. 7:30pm, Castle Theater, MACC, 242-7469. Momix in Opus Cactus - April 11. An original fusion of ballet, gymnastics, and modern dance, “inspired by the flora, fauna and simple magic of the American Southwest.” 7:30pm, Castle Theater, MACC, 242-7469. Margaret Cho - April 13. Tickets: $45, $29.50. 7:30pm, Castle Theater, MACC, 242-SHOW. Ozomatl - April 22. All ages welcome. Tickets on sale Sat. March 15th: $20. 7pm, Pipeline Cafe, Oahu, charge by phone: 1 (877) 750-4400.


MARCH 27, 2003


Brothers Cazimero - May 3. Special May Day concert featuring hula, and the lush harmonies and offbeat humor of the island’s favorite duo. 7:30pm, Castle Theater, MACC, 242-SHOW. Sum 41 - May 5. All ages welcome. Tickets: $20. 7pm, Pipeline Cafe, Oahu, charge by phone: 1 (877) 750-4400.


BJ’s Chicago Pizzeria – John Kane, Wed., Thurs. and Fri.; Harry Troupe, Sat.; Kaleo Phillips, Sun.; Benny Uyetake, Mon.; Maurice Bega, Tue.; All sets from 810:30pm. 730 Front St., Lahaina, 661-0700. Cheeseburger in Paradise – Brooks Maguire, Thurs., Sat., and Wed.; Harry Troupe, Fri.; Gail Swanson, Sat., Mon. and Tues. All sets from 4:30-7:30 and 8-11pm. 811 Front St., Lahaina, 661-4855. Fish & Game Brewing Co. & Rotisserie - Nino Toscano, Thu. & Fri.; Kawiko Lum Ho, Sat.; Ernest Pua’a, Sun.; Brian Haia, Mon.; Kawika Lum Ho, Tue.; Ernest Pua’a, Wed. All sets from 6:30-9:30pm. 4405 Honoapiilani Highway, 669-3474. Hula Grill - Ernest Pua’a and Brian Kaui Haia, Thurs.; Ernest Pua’a, Kawika Lum Ho & Brian Haia, Fri.; Maurice Bega, Da Ukulele Boys, Sat.; Kawika Lum Ho, Da Ukulele Boys, Sun.; Kawika Lum Ho, Albert Kaina & Brian Kaui Haia, Mon.; Jarret Roback, Don Kaulia & Albert Kaina, Tues.; Ernest Pua’a, Brian Kaui Haia & Roy Kato, Wed. Live music is from 3-5 and 7-9:30pm. 2435 Kaanapali Parkway, Building P, Kaanapali, 667-6636. Java Jazz/Soup Nutz – Live music 6:30-9pm Mon., Wed., Fri. 3350 Lower Honoapiilani Rd., 667-0787. Kahana Terrace Restaurant – Harry Troupe, Tue., Thu.; Randy Reno, Sat.; Sets from 6-9pm. Sands of Kahana Resort, 669-5399. Kimo’s – Sam Ahia, 7-8:30pm Wed. thru Sun. 845 Front St., Lahaina, 661-4811. Leilani’s On The Beach – Crazy Fingers, 4-6pm

Thu.; Classic rock with JD & Mario, 3-6pm Fri.; Anastasia Gilliam & friends, 3:30-6pm Sat.; Kilohana, 3:30-6pm Sun.; Jarret Roback, 4-6pm Wed. 2435 Kaanapali Parkway, Building J, Kaanapali, 661-4495. Maui Brews - Jonah Livin Band, 6-10pm, Fri. 900 Front St., Lahaina, 667-7794. Moose McGillycuddy’s - Bruddah Damien, 6:30pm, Sat.; Jonah Livin, 6:30pm, Sun. 844 Front St., Lahaina, 667-7758. Pancho and Lefty’s Cantina & Restaurante Pianist Rene Alonzo & Friends play light rock, country, and blues, during happy hour on Thursdays from 3-6, and Saturdays from 6-9. 658 Front St., Lahaina, in the Wharf Cinema Center, 661-4666. Pioneer Inn – Ah-Tim Eleniki (Hawaiian Style), Thurs.; Greg DiPiazza (Classic Rock N Roll), Fri.; Ed Truthan (Versatile Contemporary Rock N Roll), Sat.; Erik Pietsch (if you like Jimmy Buffet, you will love Erik), Mon.; Ricardo Dioso (Flamenco Guitar), Tues.; Rene Alonzo (New Orleans Style Piano), Wed.; All 69pm. 658 Wharf St., Lahaina, 661-3636. Reilley’s Steak House - Dinner jazz with Eve Moffatt, 6-9pm Mon. and Tues. 2290 Kaanapali Parkway, Kaanapali, 667-7477. Sea House Restaurant – Hawaiian music with Albert Kaina and Kincaid Basques, 7:30-9:30pm Wed. Napili Kai Beach Resort, 5900 Honoapiilani Road, Napili, 669-1500. Whale’s Tale Bar & Grill - Eric Pietsch, Thurs.; Patrick Major, Fri.; Greg diPiazza, Sat.; Cryin’ Out Loud, Sun.; Eric Pietsch, Mon.; Patrick Major, Tues.; Armadillo, Wed. All sets from 6-9pm. 672 Front St., Lahaina, 667-4044.


Capische? – Joyce and Gord, Wed. & Thu.; Esther Godinez (vocals) Salvador Godinez (piano), & Ed Connors (bass) perform a mix of standards, bossa nova and original music, 7-10pm Fri. & Sat. Call ahead for details. Diamond Resort, 555 Kaukahi, 879-2224. KKO Kai Ku Ono – Lono, Thu. thru Sat.; Kawika,


Embassy Vacation Resort – Kaanapali Beach 104 Kaanapali Shores, Lahaina, 661-2000 Ohana Bar & Grill: Ed Truthan w/ contemporary classics, Thurs.; Patrick Major, Fri.; Wayne & Friends, Sat.; Ed & Ron, Sun.; Ernest Pua’a w/ Hawaiian music, Mon.; Scott Baird & Friends w/ contemporary music, Tues.; Howard Ahia w/ Hawaiian music, Wed.; all 5:30-9:30pm. Torch lighting ceremony nightly. Hyatt Regency Maui 200 Nohea Kai Drive, Kaanapali, 661-1234 “Tony ‘n Tina’s Wedding” 6:30pm Mon., Wed., Fri., & Sun. in the Swan Court. Torchlighting ceremony at 6:15 nightly followed by live Hawaiian entertainment 6:30-9:30 nightly in the Weeping Banyan: Sam Fukuhara, Thurs., Sun.-Tue.; Larry Gollis, Fri-Sat.; Stephanie Anderson, Wed. "Drums of the Pacific" luau by Tihati, 5:30-8 nightly. Ka’anapali Beach Hotel 2525 Kaanapali Parkway, 661-0011 Black Rock Illusions dinner show at 5:30pm Sun., Tue. & Thu. in the Kanahele Room; Ka’anapali Serenaders, 6-9:30pm Sat.; Free hula show 6:30-7:30 nightly; Auntie Aloha’s Breakfast Luau, 8:15am Mon.Fri.; Paniolo Barbecue w/ live music & dancing, 6pm Mon.; Sunday champagne brunch w/ Hawaiian music by Polinahe, 9am-1pm. Kapalua Bay Hotel / Kapalua Bay Hotel, A Luxury Collection Resort 1 Bay Drive, Kapalua, 669-5656 The Bay Club: Solo pianist from 6-9:30 nightly. Gardenia Court: Hawaiian guitar, 11am-1:30pm Sun.; Lehua Lounge: Hawaiian guitarist 5:30-9:30 nightly. Napili Kai Beach Resort 5900 Honoapiilani Highway, Napili, 669-1500 Sea House Restaurant: Kincaid Basques, Sun.Tue.; Albert Kaina, Wed.; Kincaid & Albert, Thu.; Napili Kai Foundation Polynesian Dinner Show, 6pm Fri.; Kincaid Basques, Sat.; All shows from 7-9pm unless otherwise noted. Ritz-Carlton Kapalua One Ritz-Carlton Drive, Kapalua, 669-6200 Lobby Lounge: Reiko, solo guitarist & vocalist beginning at 5:30pm nightly. Banyan Tree Restaurant: World fusion duo Ranga Pae 6:15-9:45pm Fri.-Tue.

DA KINECALENDAR Royal Lahaina Resort 2780 Kekaa Drive, Kaanapali, 661-3611 "Eddie and Eddie" w/ Eddie Lilikoi & Eddie Sebala, 5-9:30 nightly in the Royal Ocean Terrace. Royal Lahaina Luau featuring authentic Hawaiian & Polynesian songs and dances at 5 nightly. Sheraton Maui Hotel 2605 Kaanapali Parkway, 661-0031 Lagoon Bar entertainment w/ hula dancers, 6-8 nightly: Bobby & Ralph, Thu., Mon. & Tue.; Ralph & Allan, Fri.; Fausto & Kawaika, Sat. & Sun.; Nathan & Ralph, Wed.; Torchlighting and cliff diving ceremony at sunset, 7 to 8 nightly. The Westin Maui Hotel 2365 Kaanapali Parkway, 667-2525 Tropica: Bobby Ingram Trio, Sun., Wed. & Sat.; JD Band, Tue.; Keoki Kahumoku, Mon., all 7-9pm; Fortunato’s magic 6:30-8:30pm Tue., Thu. & Sat.


Four Seasons Resort Wailea 3900 Wailea Alanui, Wailea, 874-8000 Lobby Lounge, Hawaiian music w/Steve Repollo & Alan Villeran, 5:30-7:30pm, jazz with Sal Godinez & Marcus Johnson, 8:30-11:30pm Thu.; Contemporary music w/Clay Mortensen & George Tavoularis, 8:3011:30pm Fri.; Island Style Trio, 5:30-7:30pm w/hula dancer 5:30-6:30pm Sat. & Mon.; Pam Peterson & Rudy Baria, 8:30-11:30pm Sun.; Tiffany Lee & Josh 8:3011:30pm Mon. & Sat. Clay Mortensen & Gilbert Emata, 8:30-11:30pm Wed. Sunset torchlighting nightly. Grand Wailea Resort Hotel & Spa 3850 Wailea Alanui, Wailea, 875-1234 Botero Bar entertainment, 5:30-9:30 nightly: Larry Golis, Thu.; Brian Mansano, Fri.; Ricardo, Sat.; Luis Diaz, Sun.-Tue.; Mitch Kepa, Wed.; Strolling Hawaiian duo in the Humuhumunukunukuapua’a nightly. The Fairmont Kea Lani Maui 4100 Wailea Alanui, Wailea, 875-4100 Jazz entertainment from 6-9 nightly in the Lobby Bar. Outrigger Wailea Resort 3700 Wailea Alanui, Wailea, 879-1922 Hawaiian entertainment w/ hula 6-9 nightly in Kumu Bar & Grill. Hawaiian entertainment 9-11 nightly in the Mele Mele Lounge featuring Mitch Kepa & Raymond "Mundo" Medeiros. Paradyse & Ka Poe O Hawaii perform at the Luau, Mon., Tue., Thu., Fri. Renaissance Wailea Beach Resort 3550 Wailea Alanui, Wailea, 879-4900 Sunset Terrace; Jamie Lawrence, Tue.-Sat.; solo guitarist Sun. & Mon., 6-9pm Wailea Sunset Luau, 68:30pm Tue., Thu. and Sat. Maui Prince Hotel 5400 Makena Alanui, 874-1111 Molokini Lounge: Ron Kuala’au, Hawaiian &contemporary guitar & vocals, 6-10:30pm Sun., 68:30pm Tue., Thu. and Sat. Mele ‘Ohana duo, 6 -8pm Mon., Wed. and Fri., 8:30-10:30pm Mon.-Sat. and 9am-1pm Mon., Wed. and Fri.


Hotel Hana-Maui Hana, 248-8211 Hawaiian music in Paniolo Lounge, 6:309:30pm Thu.-Sun.; Hula show, 7:30-8:15pm every Thu. and Sun. in the Main Dining Room.


University of Hawaii Center Maui is pleased to be offering the Post-Baccalaureate Certificate in Secondary Education (PBSCE) and the Master of Education in Special Education (Med SPED) programs. For more information, call 984-3525. ESL Classes Offered - 9am-12pm Tues., Thur. & Fri., at Hui Malama Learning Center, Wailuku – English as a Second Language (ESL) classes offering multiskills instruction. For more info, call 244-5911. Sing Your Heart out! with Louise Lambert Beginners to Karaoke singers to Grammy Winners! Gain range expansion,flexibility, power, stamina, breath control,harmonizing and the joy of singing! Weekly in Kihei and Pukalani. Call 875-1891.

THURSDAY, March 27

Lahaina Arts Society’s Outreach Arts Program - 3-5pm, West Maui Boys and Girls Club,





Lahaina. Also, Upcountry Boys and Girls Club, Makawao. Free public classes. All materials provided. Ages 5-18. For more info, call 874-3104.

FriDAY, March 28

Informational Presentation on Foster Care and Adoption - 7-8:30pm, at Borders Books in Kahului. Licensing Specialists for Hawaii, along with seasoned foster and adoptive parents, will provide information and answer questions about foster care and adoption on Maui. For more info, call Jim St. James at 871-8418.

SaturDAY, March 29

Healing Yourself, Public Healings - 3pm, Kihei. With Master Yu Tian from China. Free. For more info, call Randolph at 875-7467 or Fred at 875-8820.

SunDAY, March 30

Real Tantra, Real Awakening - 3pm, Beyond Heaven in Makawao. Free workshop with Master Yu Tian from China. For more info, call Randolph at 8757467 or Fred at 875-8820. The Neurobiology of Addiction - 8am-4:30pm, at Cameron Center Auditorium. For more information, call 573-1929. Free Home Buying & Selling Seminar - 4pm, at Coldwell Banker Island Properties' West Maui Office in the Kahana Gateway Commercial Building (across from McDonald's) at 10 Hoohui Road, Suite 109, 1st floor, Kahana. For info, call 357-7777.

MONDAY, March 31

Heaven and Hell & Everything in Between 7:30pm, Kihei Community Center. Free lecture with Master Yu Tian from China. For more info, call Randolph at 875-7467 or Fred at 875-8820. Country Line-Dancing Lessons - 7-8:30pm, at Lahaina Cannery Mall. Call Cynda Hearn at 661-5304. Lahaina Arts Society’s Outreach Arts Program - 3-5pm, Central Maui Boys and Girls Club, Wailuku. Free public classes. All materials provided. Ages 5-18. For more info, call 874-3104.

TuESDAY, April 1

Brown Bag Lunch Series - "Dealing with Grief in Children" - 12pm, at Cameron Center, Wailuku. Free. For info, call 242-6461. Self Protection, Ohana Connection - 8:30am, MOA, Kahului. Free workshop w/Master Yu. For more info, call Randolph at 875-7467 or Fred at 875-8820. Mystery Schools - 7:30pm, Unity Church, Wailuku. With Master Yu Tian from China. Free. For more info, call Randolph at 875-7467 or Fred at 875-8820.


What is Enlightenment - 8:30am, Beyond Heaven in Makawao. Breakfast Speaker Meeting w/Master Yu. Free. Call Randolph at 875-7467 or Fred at 875-8820. The Coming Disasters - 7:30pm, Paia Community Center. Free lecture with Master Yu Tian from China. For more info, call Randolph at 875-7467 or Fred at 875-8820. The Art of Singing - 6:30pm, in Olinda at the Kapila Institute. All Ages, All Levels, all Styles. Call 572-7100.


Friends and art collectors of the late "Capt. Kenny" also known as Kenneth Roland Neizman, and sometimes called the "Picasso of the Pacific," are encouraged to bring their paintings to the Lahaina Banyan Tree on Saturday, March 29, from 9am-5pm for a retrospective, to view, display and talk story about the Captain's artwork. This tribute is hosted by the Lahaina Arts Society. For more information, please call Jerry Labb at 572-6548. Na Mele O Maui Scholarship Program Seeking Applicants - Its purpose is to provide financial assistance to students pursuing a college education for Hawaiian Studies. All applicants must be currently enrolled as a high school senior in Maui County. Submissions due by March 21. Call 661-3271. Maui Community Food Bank's 2003 Annual Food Drive - Thru April 19. We are accepting food donations during the food drive period at the warehouse location, 330 Hoohana St., Bay 17, Kahului, from the hours of 7 a.m. to 3 p.m., M-F or at any of the





Fire Stations on Maui. Call 877-4357. Camp Imua T-Shirt Design Contest - Due by April 1. For more information, call 244-7467 x152. SCA Conservation Crew Summer Volunteers - 4-weeks. Crew members will complete three weeks of trail work in the Haleakala backcountry and will participate in a Hawaiian cultural and natural history education week. Meals and lodging are provided during the work periods. Applications must be sent to SCA and received by March 1. For applications: 873-3101. The Art of Trash - at Queen Kaahumanu Center. The state's most environmentally conscious art exhibition celebrating recycling! Enter that art piece you've been thinking about for years. Start collecting materials today and finish your work of art by April 5th. Entry forms are at all Public Libraries and Queen Kaahumanu Center Customer Service Booth. Call 572-6668.


Free Oral HIV Testing – By the Dept. of Health. No appointment necessary. Call 984-2129. Free HIV Counseling and Testing by Drop In or by Appointment. Confidential and Anonymous. Testing hours are Monday thru Friday 8:30am-4:30pm and on Wednesdays until 7pm at 1935 Main Street, Wailuku, Call 242-4900 for information. The Maui AIDS Foundation HIV/AIDS Prevention and Education department offers free HIV/AIDS, STD and Viral Hepatitis training and education. If you have workplace, group or organization in need or this information, please contact Dean Wong at 242-4900 ext. 113. GE Issues Discussion - Would you like to help inform the Maui community about the dangers of genetically engineered foods? Would you simply like to become better informed yourself? A group of concerned citizens is forming to increase public awarness of the issues surrounding GE foods, pharmcrops (pharmaceuticals/industrial chemicals engineered into food crops such as corn), etc. Call 572-3779 to leave a message or 572-5831 to learn more. The Maui AIDS Foundation Asian & Pacific Islander Support Network invites local Hawaiian, Asian and Pacific Islander gay, bisexual or questioning men to join a weekly Na Kane Hula Halau with Kuma Hula Kekoa Yap, Wednesdays at 3pm. The Halau is free and open to beginners as well as experienced dancers. For location and information call Dean, John or Hale at 2424900. Kihei Youth Center Needs Adult Volunteers For health & fitness programs as well as cultural activites. Call Amber at 879-8698 for more info. Haiku Community Association Seeks Volunteers - Contact Tim Wolfe at 575-7474. Hale Kau Kau Volunteers Needed - 3:30-6:30pm, located at St. Theresa's Catholic Church, Kihei. Volunteers are needed for meal prep, serve, & cleanup. Donations of food and/or funds accepted. Contact Marie Osaki @ 875-8754. Maui Friends of the Library Used Bookstore 8am-4pm, Mon.-Sat. Central Maui. Accepts donations of books & can always use energetic volunteer help. Call 871-6563. Maui Artists Program - Many of Maui's finest resident artists display & discuss their original works at Four Seasons Resort Maui on Wed., Fri. & Sun. 8am1:30pm. For more info, call 874-8000. East Maui Animal Refuge - 9am Thu. at refuge, 25 Malu Aina Place, Haiku, for volunteer orientation meetings & tours. Call Sylvan @ 572-8308. 9th Life Cat Sanctuary – 1pm Thu., Haiku. Volunteer orientation meeting. Call Lela; 573-7877.


11th Annual East Maui Taro Festival - March 28-30, in Hana. Friday: Hawaiian food, taro symposium. Saturday: All day festival at Hana Ball Park, poi making demonstrations, ono Hawaiian food, hula, mele, music, and much more! Sunday: taro pancake breakfast, field trips. Free admission. Call 264-3236. Maui Raceway Park - 5-11pm Friday & Saturday, Central Maui. For more info, call Aimee at 281-1273. Art Maui 2003 - Thru April 5, in the Schaefer International Gallery, MACC. A unique and electrifying multimedia mix by established and emerging artists. Founded 25 years ago, Art Maui remains one of the most respected and prestigious juried exhibits in the




state. Gallery hours: Daily, 11am - 5pm & before Castle Theater shows and during intermission. Free. Whale Information Station - 8:30am-3:30pm daily, at McGregor Point Lookout. Staffed by Pacific Whale Foundation's knowledgeable naturalists. McGregor Point is on Route 30, Honoapiilani Highway, between Maalaea and Lahaina. Call 249-8811.

THURSDAY, March 27

“Art in the Village” - 6-10pm, Whalers Village in Kaanapali. Artist demonstrations, live Hawaiian and jazz music, hula and Tahitian dance, prizes contributed by each of the galleries, and complimentary champagne and pupus. For more info, call 661-4567. Waikamoi Hike - 9am, at Hosmer Grove shelter (6800 ft.) at Haleakala National Park Summit Area. 3hour, 3-mile hike. For more info, call 572-4400. Lahaina Toastmaster’s Meeting - 6pm, at the Lahaina Civic Center Auditorium. For more info, call 662-0455 or 875-1166. Rotary Club of Wailuku - 7am, at Maui Tropical Plantation. Cost of the breakfast is $9. Call Jennifer Bohlin @ 244-0908. Weekly Gathering of Maui's Top Artists 8:30am, on the grounds of Keolahou Hawaiian Church, in North Kihei. Call Michael Stark at 879-9337. Country Dance - 8-9:30pm, at the Mayor Tavares Community Center in Pukalani. Ballroom dancers and beginners always welcome. Call 661-8639 for info. Maui Executive Association - 7:15-8:30am. Business to business lead generating organization. Breakfast meetings. Call Joni Brotherton at 244-1464. Kiwanis Club of Maui - 12pm, at Maui Beach Hotel. Call Kathy Suguitan @ 893-2088. Rotary Club of Lahaina - 12-1pm, at the Royal Lahaina Hotel's Alii Room. Contact Tanya Every, President, at 242-7882.

FRIDAY, March 28

Artist Betty Hay Freeland Presentation - 69pm, Diamond Head Gallery in Lahaina. Call 661-8171. Sliding Sands Hike - 9am, Sliding Sands Trailhead (9740 ft.) at Haleakala National Park Summit Area. 2hour, 2-mile hike. For more info, call 572-4400. Rotary Club of Maui Upcountry - 7:15am, Pukalani Community Center. Guests are welcome. Call Rick Woodford at 877-0027. No Ka Oi Toastmasters Club - 12-1pm, at old MEO location on Kane Street. Communication training. Call 874-5263. Open to public. Friday Night is Art Night in Lahaina - 7-10pm. Stroll through dozens of art galleries in Lahaina Town for special gallery shows, featured artists-in-action, and refreshments, all free & open to the public! Call Theo Morrison at 667-9194. Aloha Friday Craft Fair - 9am-2pm, Outrigger Wailea Resort. Maui artisans display and sell their handcrafted island products, part of award-winning Ho'olokahi cultural program. For info, call 879-1922.

SATURDAY, March 29

Annual Breakfast Meeting of the Lahaina Restoration Foundation - 8:30am, at Hale Pa`ahao on Prison Street in Lahaina. Cost: $15. Call for more information and/or to reserve a seat: 661-3262. Food Drive "Celebration Day" - 10am-3pm. Drop off food donations at the following locations: Queen Kaahumanu Center, Lahaina Cannery Mall, Piilani Shopping Center, Maui Food Bank Warehouse. For info, call 877-4357. Maui Humane Society's Mobile Adoption 11am-2pm, in Queen Kaahumanu Centercourt. Find out how you can give a pet a good home. Call 8773680 for more info. Artist Betty Hay Freeland Presentation - 122pm, Pictures Plus in Kahului. For info, call 893-0632. Kiwanis Club of Kahului's Kids Day - 12-5pm, at Queen Kaahumanu Center. Free Keiki I.D., childseat stickers& more! Call Keith Regan at 357-6009 for info. Whale Fest Dinner & Auction - 6-9:30pm, Royal Lahaina Resort Alii Room. Rotary Club of Lahaina annual dinner & auction open to the public, great bargains on golf, hotel stays, activities, art and jewelry. $20.00 buffet dinner, no host bar. Live music and dancing. For more info, call Nane Aluli at 669-6205.


MARCH 27, 2003


DA KINECALENDAR AARP's Annual Free Tax-Aide Program - 9am12pm, at Kahului Union Church Hall. Free income tax assistance to the elderly and others with low to moderate incomes. For info, call Dorothy Hew at 572-8633. Keiki Ocean Discovery Time - 10am, PWF Marine Resource Center at the Harbor Shops, Maalaea. Free program led by marine educators w/crafts, activities and stories. For ages 4 to10. Free Junior Naturalist bag for all participants. For more info, call 249-8811. Seaside Stories on "Marine Mysteries" - 11am, Children’s section at Borders Books & Music, Kahului. The program is free and is conducted by the marine education staff of Pacific Whale Foundation for kids age 4-10. For information, call 249-8811. Maui Marine C.O.R.E. Service Project Conserving Ocean Resources through Education is a free program for for all youth in grades 8 - 12. For information, call Pacific Whale Foundation at 249-8811. Maui's Swap Meet - 7am-1pm, Puunene Ave. in Kahului. Maui's largest flea market is a great place to shop for unique, home-made, hand crafted, quality products at reasonable prices. Admission is 50 cents and free after 12:30pm. For more info, call 877-3100.




900 Front Street Lahaina 667-7794 22

MARCH 27, 2003


SUNDAY, March 30

Talks at Sea VIP Whalewatch - "Whalewatch with The Research Team" - 12:30-2:30pm, on the double-deck power catamaran Ocean Odyssey out of Maalaea Harbor. Call 249-8811 or 1-800-942-5311. A Gathering For World Peace - 8pm, upcountry. A Healing Event of Peace, Song & Dance. Call 2838754 for more information. Maui’s Best Gift & Craft Show - 9am-4pm, Lahaina Civic Center. $1 Admission benefits South Maui Learning ‘Ohana. For info, call 879-7594. Brian Mansano on Acoustic Guitar - 5:30-8:30pm, in the East Wing of the Shops at Wailea. Swap Meet at the Kihei Open Market - 9am4pm, on Piilani Highway past Tesoro, off Ohukai Street, Kihei. Call 283-0461 or 870-4011.

MONDAY, March 31

Waikamoi Hike - 9am, at Hosmer Grove shelter (6800 ft.) at Haleakala National Park Summit Area. 3hour, 3-mile hike. For more info, call 572-4400. Maui Camera Club - 6pm, at the Hale Mahaolu Elima Community Meeting Room, Kahului, off of Kamehameha Avenue. Call Carolyn Pavloff at 2421033 for more info. Oral HIV Testing - 10am-1pm at Keolahou Church in Kihei. Call Takako @ Dept of Health @ 984-2129. Rotary Club of Kahului - 12-1pm, at the Dunes Restaurant. For more info, call David Cain @ 242-9350 or President Bob Yeager @ 244-1130. A Course in Miracles - A Study/Reading Group - 6:30-8:30pm, at Unity Church, Wailuku. By donation. For info, call Michael or Richard @ 2429327. Needlework-in-Progress - 6-8pm. Bring any piece of needlework (quilting, needlepointing, x-stitch) for help, encouragement, or technique instruction. Contact Dolphine or Ruth Ann at 662-8554.

TUESDAY, April 1

Kapahu Farm Taro Patch Tour - 1pm, at Haleakala National Park. Join a Native Hawaiian guide from the Kipahulu 'Ohana on a hike to active lo'i (taro patches). For more info, call 248-8974. Children Immunization Clinic - 9-11am, Lahaina Comprehensive Health Ctr. For children without medical insurance up to age 18. Bring immunization records. Walk-in basis. Free. Call 984-8260. AARP's Annual Tax-Aide Program - 9am-12pm, at Lahaina Civic Center. Free income tax assistance to the elderly and others with low to moderate incomes. Call Dorothy Hew at 572-8633 for more info. MAUI TALKS - TV - 7pm, Channel 53. Live, onehour Public Affairs talk show, hosted by Nikhilananda, where the community is invited and encouraged to telephone into the show at 873-3430, [888-577-6240 on Molokai and Lanai] and comment upon various issues of the day. Sliding Sands Hike - 9am, Sliding Sands Trailhead (9740 ft.) at Haleakala National Park Summit Area. 2hour, 2-mile hike. For more info, call 572-4400. Free Guided Whalewatching - 7:30-8am, from Wailea Ocean Path Shoreline by the Maui Outrigger (near the telescope). For info, call 249-8811. HIV Counseling & Testing Clinic - 8:00-11:30 a.m. and 1:00-3:30 p.m., Wailuku Health Center. Sponsored by State Dept. of Health. Call 984-2129. A Group of Our Own--Women's Group - 6-8pm, South Maui. For women who are committed to high level self-exploration & accelerated personal and spiritual growth. Contact Debra Greene, Ph.D. at 874-6441. Rotary Club of Lahaina Sunrise - 7am, Pioneer Inn's Snug Harbor Parlor. Call Brian Blundell @ 667-2709. Rotary Club of Kihei/Wailea - 11:45am, Outrigger Wailea Resort. Call Greg Knue, President, at 871-8272. Kiwanis Club of Kahului - 12-1pm, Maui Beach Hotel room 282, Kahului. Open to anyone! Lunch may be obtained from the snack shop in the Maui Beach Hotel Lobby. Call 244-6042 for more information. Maui Toastmasters Club 910's Annual Table Topics Contest & International Speech - 121pm, at MOA True Health Center, 164 Kamehameha Ae., Kahului. Public is invited. For info, call 877-3894. Maui Lions Club - 6:30pm, Maui Beach Hotel. Open to visiting Lions & general public. Call James Sato @ 572-8590.

Catch some air and rip it up at Volcom Skate Tour Demo, April 1st Kihei Toastmasters Club - 6-7pm. Toastmaster's is a club that provides a mutually supportive and positive learning environment in which every member develops communication and leadership skills, which aids in personal growth and self-confidence. It is a nonprofit organization and has been around for over 75 years. Contact Rita Mihaly at 572-3838.


Animal Control Board Meeting - 9am, at Hale Mahaolu Elua Board Room, 200 Hina Avenue, Kahului. For more info, call 270-7855. County Council Budget & Finance Committee Meeting - 6pm, at Lahaina Civic Center Social Hall. Purpose: To review the proposed FY 2004 Budget. For info, call 270-7838. HIV Testing/Counseling Clinic – 9am-1:30pm, at Lahaina Comprehensive Health Center. Call 984-2129. Kahului-Maui Airport Lions Club - 7am, at Naska Club House on Kahale Street, Kahului. Meets on the 2nd & 4th Wed. of each month. Open to visiting Lions & general public. Call Joseph Frye @ 244-0796. Rotary Club of Kihei Sunrise - 6:45-8am, at the

Five Palms Grill. Breakfast meeting with speaker. Visiting Rotarians and guests are invited. Call Leo Nikora at 879-0087. Pili Aloha Club - 9-9:30am, Kihei Community Center. For seniors 55 & older, over breakfast. New members welcome! Call Louis Gerdts @ 875-7854. Rotary Club of Maui - 12pm, at Maui Country Club in Spreckelsville. Lunch $10. Call President Amy Wasson @ 879-4414 for more info. Soroptimist International of West Maui 12pm, Westin Maui. Visitors welcome. For reservations, call Josette Naki @ 661-6932. Soroptimist International of Maui - 4-5pm, Hale Mahaolu Elima Community Hall, Kahului. Visitors are welcome! Call Jeanne @ 879-5913. Maui Filipino Chamber of Commerce Meeting - 7-8pm, at Litz Furniture, Kahului. Call Mrs. Carinio at 871-8359.


Alcoholics Anonymous - 12pm, Monday thru Friday at St Theresa Church, 25 West Lipoa Street at

DA KINECALENDAR Overeaters Anonymous - 12-1pm, St. Theresa's Church, S. Kihei Rd/Lipoa St. Call Alice at 879-6725. Women's Anger Management Groups - 9-11am, Kahului. Call 877-6888.


Gail Swanson, part of the “Local Licks” Benefit this weekend South Kihei Road. For info, call 244-9673.

THURSDAY, March 27

Maui Parkinson Support Group - 10:30am, at 172 Kualapa Street in Lahaina. For info, call 244-3734. United Self-Help Mental Health Support Group - 10am, at the Cameron Ctr. Call 879-7696.F Hana Women's Support Group - 5:30-7 p.m. Presented by Child & Family Service. Call 877-6888. Wailuku Noon Al-Anon Family Group - Noon at Hina Mauka, Wailuku. Call 242-0296. Bridges Youth Group – in Wailuku. Maui's gay, lesbian, bisexual transgender or questioning youth group. Call 242-6821 for more info. All calls are confidential. Cancer Talk Story - 6:30 p.m. at Cameron Center, Hui No Ke Ola Pono. Call 243-2967.

FRIDAY, March 28

Nicotine Anonymous - 6-7pm, at Hoololi Room of the old MEO building on Kane St. Call Earl @ 879-5796. A Ho`omalu Ala Al Non – 12pm, at Lahaina Baptist Church. Group meeting. Call Kate @ 661-3906. Women's Al-Anon - 12-1pm, at St. Theresa's Church in Kihei. Call Fumi, 879-1432 or Pat, 875-1153.

SATURDAY, March 29

Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous - 6:30pm, at Trinity Episcopal Church By The Sea, 100 Kulanihakoi, north end of Kihei. Al Anon, Adult Children of Alcoholics - 9:3011am, at Good Shepherd Episcopal Church (room off lanai next to church hall) in Wailuku. Call 242-0296. Overeaters Anonymous - 8-9am, at Kamaole Beach Park III picnic tables in Kihei. Call 244-7572.

at the Hannibal Tavares Community Center multi-purpose room. Call Lora- 573-6366, or Mark- 283-7427. P.A.R.E.N.T.S. - 6pm, old Kihei library. Videos & discussion on parenting techniques. Free. Child care also provided for free. Call Trudy @ 879-3595 Women Helping Women - 6-8pm in Kihei. For women whose lives have been affected by domestic violence. For more info, call 579-9581.

TUESDAY, April 1

Overeaters Anonymous - 6:00-7:30pm, Good Shepherd Church, 2140 Main Street, Wailuku. Call Kevin at 242-9511. H.E.A.L. (Help Ease a Loss) - 6-7:30pm @ Hospice Maui. Call 244-5555 for more info. Al-Anon – 12pm, at St. Theresa's Church St. Francis room. Call Ethel at 879-6597. Children's Support Group - 5:30-7pm in Kahului. For those who have been exposed to domestic violence. Call 877-6888. P.A.R.E.N.T.S. - 6-8pm, Montessori School, Makawao. Techniques. Free. Call Trudy @ 879-3595. Women's Support Group for Victims of Domestic Violence - 5:30-7:30pm, Kahului. Presented by Child & Family Service. Call 877-6888.


Happy Day Al-Anon Family Group - 9am, at Iao Congregational Church, Wailuku. Call 242-0296.

Wailuku Spring Junior Novice Tennis Tournament - March 27-29, at the Wells Park courts. Entry fee: $17 per player for one event or $29 for two events. For info, call 242-0069. The Kihei Canoe Club is now accepting applications for teams of novice and experienced paddlers to compete in the 20th Annual Maui Paddlers Open canoe race set for April 5 at Ka Lae Pohaku beach, across the road from Suda's store in North Kihei. Individuals, groups and local businesses are invited to sponsor teams in this popular annual tradition. Registration forms are available from any member of the Kihei Canoe Club or by calling the club message line at 879-5505. The YWCA of Kauai will be holding its second annual charity golf tournament on April 6, 2003 at the Kauai Lagoons - Mokihana Course. Call the YWCA at (808) 245-5959 today for more info or to register. Skateboarding - at Kalama Skatepark in Kihei, and Keopuolani Skatepark in Kahului. Open 2:30-6:30pm on weekdays except Wednesday (open at 1:30pm), weekends open 11am-6:30pm. For info, call 242-9007. 33rd Annual Maui Marathon - entries now being accepted for Sept. 21, 2003 marathon. Call 871-6441. Beginner Karate Classes - 7-8pm Mon. & Wed., 11am-12pm Sat., Maui Family YMCA. Call 242-9007. Free Fitness Classes - 6:30-7:30am & 8-9am, War Memorial Gym. Cardio/weights/stretching under instruction of Tom Burke. For more info, call 270-8031. Kihei Little League - Currently accepting registration for players 12-to-15 years old. Practices are from 4-6pm Mon., Wed. & Fri. For more info, call 874-0002. Maui Upcountry Little League - Registration forms available - practices start Jan. 6. Call 572-9660. Boys & Girls Club Basketball League - Games to be played on Thurs. afternoons and Sat. mornings, beginning Feb. 6. Call Kelly or Tommy at 242-4363. Youth Basketball League - South Maui Dept. of Parks & Rec. is accepting applications for play beginning in January. Boys & girls, age 5-15. Call 879-4533. Kula Gateball Club - 5-8:30pm Sun. & Wed., at the Kula Community Center. Equipment is provided. for more info, call Ray Terada at 878-1500. Hawaii Swimming Club - seeking swimmers from ages 5 to 18. Call Rodney at 242-9110; Susie at 5738891; Reid at 244-4655. Kamalii Manaloa O Maui Volleyball Club - for registration and practice info, for girls ages 8 to 18, call Bonnie at 244-1030.

SaturDAY, March 29

Sealand Challenge Triathlon - Swimming, Paddling & Running - 8am, at Kam One Beach, Kihei. After the event, there will be a pot luck bbq beach party! Everyone please bring fruits, beverages, and items for the BBQ. For info, call 874-0908.

MonDAY, March 31

West Maui Table Tennis Club - 6:30-10:30pm, Lahaina Civic Center. Call Craig at 280-5056 for info.

TuesDAY, April 1

Volcom Hawaii Skate Tour - 3-4pm, at Shapers in the Queen Kaahumanu Center; 4:30-6pm, Keopuolani Skate Park in Kahului. Pro skaters team (Geoff Rowley, Mark Appleyard, Rune Gliffberg, Alan Peterson, and Aaron Suski) autograph signing, followed by a skate demo. For more info, call 250-5560. Maui Inline Hockey Association Men’s A Games - 7:30-9:30pm, Kalama Park Skating Rink. For more info, call Deb Driscoll at 875-4038. Senior Softball Games - at Keopuolani Park. For players 50 years old and above. For info, call 877-5103.

WednesDAY, April 2

Maui Inline Hockey Association Men’s B Games - 8-10pm, Kalama Park Skating Rink. For more info, call Deb Driscoll at 875-4038.

Send your listings & photos for the Da Kine Calendar to calendar@mauitime.com or fax (808) 661-0446






SUNDAY, March 30

Pattycake – 4pm. An infertility support group. For more info & location, call 280-0539. Sunshine Group - 1pm, at Sandalwood Restaurant. Fellowship among those who have lost a loved one. Call Carole @ 242-5583 or Paul @ 874-3063.

MONDAY, March 31

Sex A-holics Anonymous - 8pm, at St. Theresa's Church, So. Kihei Rd. & Lipoa St. in Kihei. Overeaters Anonymous - 7:30-8:30pm, Kealahou Church, 177 S. Kihei Road. Call Jill at 874-3486. Al-Anon - 12pm, Lahaina Baptist Church. 12-by-12 Study Group. Call Kate @ 661-3906. Hepsters Hepatitis-C Support Group – 6:30pm,













MARCH 27, 2003


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SJ THE WORD BURGLAR: THE WORD BURGLAR EP (independent, wordburglar@frogshit.com)

single use needles every client

sterile experienced friendly

First of all, this is actually an album, not an EP as the title suggests. I guess he called it an EP cause he's just zany like that. Zany is actually a perfect way to describe this guy. Once again, the twisted woods of Canada have parted to expose a complete weirdo. The common reaction from guests when I played this album was, "What the hell is this?...This is stupid!" This was my reaction too, but like my guests, I sat through the entire album with a big, dumb grin. As an example of this guy's extreme level of buffoonery, one of the choruses has him rhyming "Word Burglar" with "turd gurgler [sic]". Contributing to the overall absurdity of his sound, SJ also has a really wacky voice and delivery, like an excited clown or something. For me, the highlight of The Word Burglar EP comes at the end, when the Burglar belts out his lengthy ode to minor Simpsons character, Disco Stu. With this song, SJ has created perhaps the dumbest, corniest rap song ever, and that is a feat to behold. [The Mole] Wheebs would probably like this ‘cause he likes silly, cute things. But maybe this wouldn't be cute enough for him - I don't know. How can I possibly speak for Tang Li Wheebs? [The Mole filling in for Tang Li Wheebs]

CIRCUIT SCARECROW: CIRCUIT SCARECROW EP (deletememory, www.deletememory.com)

large body jewelry selection kama’aina rates with i.d. mon-sat 11am-8pm & sun 12pm-6pm 143 lahainaluna rd. • lahaina • 808/661-1369

These guys caught me by surprise. Circuit Scarecrow, from southern California and comprised of Tim Cosner on programming and Mario Nieto on vocals, is crazy. If it had to be categorized I would call it industrial hip-hop. There are lots of buzzes, distortion, bangs, and general abrasiveness comprising the music. Some cranky old person might argue with me whether it's music at all. Some would call it noise. I wouldn't play this if I was trying to lull a baby to sleep, but I do find it quite enjoyable. While the music is somewhat harsh on the ears, Nieto's warm and human voice rapping on top of it makes it all very pleasing to me. The guy raps pretty cool. The meanings of his lyrics are hard for me to comprehend, but I like the sound of them. He says stuff like "tear drop from a cloud's eye at the sound of a mother's cry.” Neat. I'm really looking forward to the release of these guys' full-length album. For now, you can purchase this CD for $4 at www.deletememory.com - go get it. [The Mole]

CURSIVE: THE UGLY ORGAN (Saddle Creek, www.saddle-creek.com) The Ugly Organ is my first exposure to Cursive and it leaves me wanting more. They are quite a bit different from almost any rock band that I have heard in awhile. Heavy with cutting guitars, fun rhythms and good use of their new cello player, they make many a well-crafted song. Fans of the Fugazi/DC sound would most likely welcome Cursive to be their new friends and enjoy a fruitful relationship. But beware, this album is pretty darn catchy. [Tang Li Wheebs]

Seafood Restaurant & Sushi Bar Late Night Specials 10pm to 1am – 21 & over with I.D.




Kapalua 669-6286 • Kihei 879-0004 The Shops at Kapalua


MARCH 27, 2003


Near Foodland

SAUL WILLIAMS: NOT IN OUR NAME (Synchronic Records, www.notinournamemusic.com) A fitting release for the times, Saul Williams latest EP is based on the recent issues of terrorism and U.S. government policies and actions. The general message is that Williams and many other card-carrying Americans are pissed about our government's actions and they want the world to know that they don't support this greed-based war, even though it has been waged in their name. As far as lyrics go, this little recording is packed to the brim with cutting declarations such as, "If we only see what they want us to see we'll only be what they want us to," and "You want to put me on your blacklist? You can use my blood for ink," and Williams' intense delivery, backed by equally forceful and driving beats, makes for a very powerful listening experience. The only downpoint in the EP lies in one of the remixes of the title track, which, musically, doesn't really do it for me. The rest of the music is very energetic, driving, and dramatic, with much more of a street/hip-hop tone than most of the music on Williams' debut album, 2001's Amethyst Rockstar. You can download this entire release for free at www.notinournamemusic.com [The Mole]

Send music to be reviewed to: Mole & Wheebs; 34 Ai St; Makawao, HI 96768. The Mole is the owner of Motion Recordings (www.motionrecordings.com) Tang Li Wheebs is the owner of Snail On A Stick (www.snailonastick.com)




DJ Blunt, No cover, 10pm

“EXODUS”: DJs Forrest, Ed V, Mr. G, No cover, 10pm

Neto Perraza, Latin Night, No cover, 10pm

Kilohana, Island Reggae, No cover, 10pm


1945 S. Kihei Road, Kihei - 875-0188

Boca Beats w/DJ Boomshot, Disco Funk Night, N/C, 10pm


1279 S. Kihei Road, Kihei - 874-9299



monday3/31 – wednesday4/2


Mon - Cryin’ Out Loud, Retro Rock; Tu - Jay Molina & Gilbert Emata, Jam Night; Wed - Soul Concepts, R&B: ALL SHOWS- 10PM, NO COVER CHARGE!

D.U.H., No cover, 10pm

889 Front Street, Lahaina - 661-3111

The Eyeshadows, All girls pop rock, $10, 9:45pm

Wed - Ladies’ Night, $5, 9:45pm


Lawai’a, No cover, 10:30pm12:30am

Mon - Lawai’a, No cover, 10:30pm-12:30am; Tue - Ben Meyer, No cover, 8-11pm


Salsa Night $5, 10pm


1188 Makawao Ave., Makawao - 572-0220

Dr. Nat & Rio Ritmo, samba salsa y ritmo latino, $7, 9pm

Marty Dread, Maui’s Reggae Master, $8, 9:45pm

142 Hana Hwy, Paia - 579-9453

Lahaina Cannery Mall - 661-7189

Karaoke Mistress Linda O, No cover, 9pm

DEANO’S MAUI PIZZA CAFE 2439 S. Kihei Rd., Kihei - 891-2200

Vybe Universal w/DJ, all ages, no-alcohol party, $10, 6:30pm

Flava Zone

The Eyeshadows, California poppunk-rock, $10, 10pm

Voodoo Suns, 10pm

The Edge, No cover, 9pm

Live music, N/C, 5-7pm Mad Tonic, N/C, 9p-12am

T-Ray Band, No cover, 9pm-12am

Da Hawaiians, No cover, 10pm

Kenny Roberts, No cover, 57pm

El Nino, No cover, 5pm

The Eyeshadows, California pop-punk-rock, $10, 9pm


41 E. Lipoa St., Kihei - 879-9001


900 Front St., Lahaina - 667-7400


41 E. Lipoa St., Kihei - 879-2849

KAHALE’S BEACH CLUB 36 Keala Place, Kihei - 875-7711

355 E. Kamehameha, Kahului - 877-9001

Voodoo Suns, No cover, 10pm-Midnight


845 Front St., Lahaina - 661-4811

KOBE JAPANESE STEAKHOUSE 136 Dickenson St., Lahaina - 667-5555

Gail Swanson & Friends, “Local Licks” Benefit, $30, 7:30pm Mon - Uncle Willie K, $7, 10pm; Tue - Club Nuveau; Wed - Aloha Nite, 9pm-1:30am

Gina Martinelli Band, N/C, 6pm Mon-Wed - Da Hawaiians, No cover

Q103 Friday Night House Party, w/DJ Heat, $10, 8pm


Karaoke w/James, No cover, 9:30pm

Karaoke w/Auntie Toddy Lilikoi, Karaoke w/Auntie Toddy Lilikoi, Ata Damasco & Friends, No cover, 9:30pm No cover, 9:30pm Hawaiian music, No cover, 9pm Wed - Live jazz, No cover, 9:30pm

180 Dickenson St., Lahaina - 661-7082



Ladies Night CALENDAR OF E V E N T S E .

Hip Hop DJs



S T R E E T ,

Sunday, March 30th

41 E. LIPOA ST., KIHEI • 879-9001









Drink Specials ALL Night!


with Pat Simmons, Norton Buffalo, Barry Flanagan and Steve Sargenti. Proceeds benefit the Children’s Justice Center & The Seabury Hall Music Program.





Benefit for Childrens Justice Center & The Seabury Hall Music Program

C E N T E R ,






Mon - Karaoke w/James, No cover, 9:30pm; Tue - Brew & View, No cover, 7pm; Wed Karaoke w/James, No cover, 9:30pm

Crazy Fingers Dance Party, No cover, 10pm-Midnight


4 1

Mon - Magic & Comedy w/Al Loha, $15, 7pm; Tue - Blues Jam w/Charlie Hard, No cover, 9pm

with Chilltown Productions

Willie K OWNS Mondays!


8 7 9 - 9 0 0 1






MARCH 27, 2003






Kelly Covington, $5, 9:15pm

Pat Watson, $3, 9:15pm

Bobby Ingram, $5, 9:30pm


Fine Line, Reggae, No cover

Tony Ray Band, No cover


Jazz w/Sal Godinez & Marcus Johnson, 8:30-11:30pm

Clay Mortensen & George Tavoularis, 8:30-11:30pm

1913 S. Kihei Rd., Kihei - 891-0822

1913 S. Kihei Rd., Kihei - 891–8010

Four Seasons Resort, Wailea - 874-8000



monday3/31 – wednesday4/2

DJ Forrest Mask Party, $2, 9pm Mon - Pat Watson, $3, 9pm; Tue - Opera Night, 7pm/ DJ Rich, $3, 10pm; Wed - Pat Watson, $3, 9pm Oliver’s Karaoke Party, No cover

Tiffany Lee & Josh, 8:3011:30pm

Mon - Lake Hosts Open Mic, No cover

Pam Peterson & Rudy Baria, Mon - Tiffany Lee & Josh, 8:30-11:30pm; Wed - Clay Mortensen & Gilbert Emata, 8:308:30-11:30pm 11:30pm

Crazy Fingers, $5, 9:30pm

888 Front St., Lahaina - 667-2288

Jonah Livin, 6-9pm Kupa’a & Lahaina Grown

Weekend blowout w/DJ Boomshot

Trevor Jones, 2-4pm DJ Boomshot, No cover, 9pm

Mon - Reggae with Marty Dread, $5, 9:30pm; Tue - DJ Boomshot, No cover, 9pm; Wed - DJ Jammin J, $5, 9pm


DJ Mackie, No cover, 9pm

DJ Mackie, No cover, 9pm

Damien Awai, No cover, 6-9pm DJ Steve, 9pm-close

DJ Tex, No cover, 9pm

Mon - DJ Mackie Mac, No cover, 9pm; Tue - DJ Mackie Mac, $5, 9pm; Wed - DJ Mackie Mac, No cover, 9pm


Murray Thorne, No cover, 8pm

Kanekoa, No Cover, 9pm

Vince Esquire, $5, 9pm

The Soup Kitchen w/DJ Handout, No cover, 10pm

Mon - Industry Night, 7pm, No cover; Tue - Open Mic w/Whiteboy Johnny, No cover, 9pm Wed - Karaoke w/Toby, No cover, 9pm

900 Front St., Lahaina - 667-7794

844 Front St., Lahaina - 667-7758

100 Kaukahi St., Wailea - 874-1131











F R I D A Y , M A R . 2 8 TH 9 PM



with Vince Esquire on Ukulele NO COVER

900 Front St., Lahaina Info: 808.667.7400

S A T U R D A Y , M A R . 2 9 TH 9 PM

Vince Esquire Band



193 Lahainaluna, Lahaina • 667-2156


MARCH 27, 2003




Maui’s own Stevie Ray Vaughan


VOODOO SUNS h a r d r o c k . c o m


10-10 Tues-Sat, 10-6 Mon, Closed Sun



FOR INFO CALL 661-3786

Pain Free




Custom Tattoos


g i l a ’ l n u s M




Trevor Jones, 2-4pm The Playaz, 9:30pm


NO COVER before 9pm or with dinner Come early for seating

Maui’s Only Irish Band! TUESDAY

S U N D A Y , M A R . 3 0 TH 7 P M

Celtic Tigers Followed by “The Soup Kitchen” & DJ Handout 10pm NO COVER

OPEN MIC NIGHT w i t h W h i t e b o y J o h n n y 9 PM


H A P P Y H O U R E V E R Y D A Y 5 - 7 PM 2 FOR 1 ALL PUPUS • $1 OFF ALL DRINKS 100 Kaukahi St., Wailea. 1ST left after Kea Lani Hotel • 874–1131

thursday3/27 PACIFIC’O

505 Front St., Lahaina - 667-4341



Live Jazz, No cover, 9pm-Midnight

Live Jazz, No cover, 9pm-Midnight


monday3/31 – wednesday4/2

Midnight Blues Band, w/Tommy Hall, No cover, 9pm-12am


658 Front St., Lahaina - 661-4666


2102 Vineyard, Wailuku - 986-8550

Information not available

Information not available

Information not available

Karaoke, 10pm-1am Karaoke, 10pm-1am

Karaoke, 10pm-1am Karaoke, 10pm-1am

Karaoke, 10pm-1am

SANSEI 115 Bay Dr., Kapalua - 669-6286 SANSEI Kihei Town Center - 879-0004

Information not available

Information not available

SPORTS PAGE GRILL & BAR 2411 S. Kihei Rd., Kihei - 879-0602


Leomana, No cover, 9pm

1127 Makawao Ave. - 572-1380


DJ Dancing, $10, 9:30pm-2am

3850 Wailea Alanui Dr. - 875-1234

a n n a W e? Danc


Jus Us, No cover, 9pm

DJ Dancing, $10, 9:30pm-2am





Wild Wahine Wednesday


• $5 cover after 9:30PM House DJ Ged & Guest DJ B Boy Rob! TH


T 7 2 . ar T M O m , y R I tino da O R I U a R Th T & ritmo l

. NA

a& sals , a b sam



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T Yds IN CON R A M frien PEACE and

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Make it a Memorable Evening • Dine and Dance at Casanova For reservations and information, call 572–0220 • Log on! casanovamaui.com LETTERS












MARCH 27, 2003





90 Mitsubishi Montero Automatic, AC, Power Everything, MARINE 4X4, Hitch, New Off Road Tires, 6-10 Bic Composite, great travel Legal, CD Player. $3,000 O.B.O. board, no dings, new condition, $250 Contact Amanda 283-1922 or 669AUTOMOTIVE 2531 SERVICES


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laptop $450.

IBM Laptop- Dell Laptop Latitude Pentium 2, 128 MB, 4GB, 16 bit snd, DVD/CD ROM, 56K Modem, Windows 98, $599. Compaq P1/150/128 2GB, 56K, Windows XP, CD ROM $399. 298-1195 or 2430133.

FURNITURE Persian Rugs- hand- knotted, new, never used 8x10, $600 & 4x6 $389. Also 100% wool persian rug runners all new $140. Beautiful wall hangings, sm. $35 lg. $65. Must see to appreciate. 298-1195 or 243-1900.


129 Lahainaluna, Lahaina SURF

Moving Must Sale Music studio gear, PA, instruments, futon, etc., available 3/30, leave message 6698384

BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Indoor Air & Water Pollution Is Bad Stuff! Help People “Ecologize” Their Homes & Businesses Inc. 500, 15 yr. Old Manufacture Company Sales Managers average $6000 per month after training. Offer America’s #1 Most Desired Air Purifiers FREE 3-DAY TRIAL Few people know about this amazing technology We Promise Not to Waste Your Time! Managers and Leaders Wanted 874-5676

EMPLOYMENT Mountain Bike, GT brand, Timberline model, 22 in. frame, new Therapist Needed tires, new shifting mechanism & Opening for Massage Therapists and derailler. Solid condition, $125 West other therapists to be part of alternaMaui. 669-3866 tive healing center in Paia. Call 5796368. COMPUTER Compaq Presario 661-5352



Ibanez GB10 George Benson guitar w/case. Blonde finish, great action. $1750. Tom 875-1083












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SERVICES Roman Beauty! Let me introduce you to Elegance. Creme/brown marble tiles 12” squares $4-$5 each. 242 squares for countertops $35 each. Experienced tile craftsmen $20 hour. Call for details. Don 572-0510.

USE THE INFORMATION HIGHWAY! Get your classified ads on the internet at www.mauitime.com. No Extra Cost. Call 661-3786

SERVICES Maui Recycling Service Picks up all your glass, plastic, aluminum, tin, mixed paper, & cardboard. Home Pickup; a convenience for $15/mo! Bimonthly pick up. Commercial accounts avail. Call Now! 244-0443


MARCH 27, 2003





ARIES: You reign supreme on your home turf.

What's the right response when a woman asks, "Will you still love me if I get fat?" Is it true that, if you love someone, it doesn't matter what physical shape they're in? I keep myself in extremely good condition. I run the Boston Marathon every year, and exercise at least five times a week. Seven years ago, when we met, she knew how important exercise was to me. She took up running, and even did half-marathons with me. I love her, and we have a wonderful life together, but I'm concerned that she's asking this. I'm very attracted to her in her current slim state, but I'm not attracted to heavy women. How do I respond without sounding like a self-centered jerk? -Don't Want a Fat Wife

By Monday the Aries moon will put you in a powerful place. Social obligations need to match up with future goals. Adventure is the name of the game and you are the star of the show. TAURUS: Tactics may have to be altered or changed. The party isn’t over yet; it's a good time to move in another direction. Secrets are only for wise and trustworthy people. Don't force any situations into happening. Patience wins out. GEMINI: Your ideas are now ready to be received. Keep your eyes on the road and your hands upon the wheel and you will survive this wild-ass ride. Your workload is likely to change. The new moon inspires your social life and helps you to meet people. CANCER: Responsibility will be your key word this week. Are you ready to accept your own authority? Your talents, skills and challenges will be before you. You will rise to the occasion and take control of a potentially bad situation. LEO: Discovery is at every corner. Take a new perspective on your living season. An excursion into the natural world, or into a world of different cultures is about to commence. Good luck is with you in spite of the many obstacles you face. VIRGO: Once you've had a taste of your favorite thing to do you will return to do it over and over. Even a prude like you is entitled to some good oldfashioned lust. Be a kind and respectful flirt. There's enough meanness in the world. LIBRA: Only you can cool the jets of a tyrant. Music tames the savage beast. Your words come out like music and poetry. Even criminals have some respect for cultural beauty. We all can use a good lesson on diplomacy. You believe in fairness. SCORPIO: Feed your body the best food you can find. Most people treat their cars better than their body. Don't make that mistake. The exercise you do now will lead to the body that people will be admiring this summer. SAGITTARIUS: The sun is shining on your life. You can invoke the artist within. You're ready to create things, love people, and have fun. This is a good time for you to find a sense of direction. Keep a close eye on your children if you have any. CAPRICORN: You're about to take on some major domestic adjustments. Family issues will take a more important roll in your life. Social grace will come to you with ease. You're somewhat obsessed with that which distinguishes you from others. AQUARIUS: Skip through your neighborhood with childlike innocence. Make a poem about the people and things that are closest to you. Close friends need to be visited or called upon. Thursday and Friday feature an Aquarius moon. It's a good time for intellectual conversations. PISCES: Brace yourself for the rugged and wild world of finances. Property value and value in general is on your mind. Saturday and Sunday are your power days with the moon in Pisces. You're in an easily excitable situation. Practice deep breathing. HAPPY BIRTHDAY: Shirley Jones 3/31/34, Jimmy Cliff 4/1/48, Mariah Carey 3/27/71 kozmickev@sunset.net

The right response, when a woman asks you anything about her weight -if you're unable to evaporate, disintegrate, or spontaneously combust - is to make a mad dash for the men's room and flush yourself down the toilet. If there's a line for the john, maybe a sympathetic waiter will rush you a glass of water so you can try to drown yourself. Your wife's inquiry isn't necessarily a sign that she's preparing to merge into the fat lane. That's why you should do a little investigative work before you take your happily married life in your hands and answer her question. She's asking for one of several reasons: - There's imminent danger that the two of you will soon be living in three zip codes: your present one, and two new ones - one for each of her thighs. - Some woman she knows just got dumped by her husband because she "let her figure go a little" (like, from hourglass to holding tank). Naturally, the husband took up with a 21-yearold indie rocker chick who could get steady work as a med-school skeleton. - She thinks you're running too much and paying too little attention to her. Getting you to picture her beached on the couch, chocolate smeared around her lips, surrounded by a little graveyard of empty cupcake boxes - might be just the thing to make you sit down, untie your running shoes, and take notice. - She just wants reassurance that you love her - and thought her best shot at an honest answer would be floating the idea that her butt might someday get so big, she'll be required by state law to attach trailer brake lights to her Levi's. If she's simply looking for a declaration of love, she's making the same mistake you are - confusing Love (tender appreciation for her sweet heart, searching intellect, and saintly disposition) with Hot, Burning Love (panting, screeching wild monkey lust). The truth is, if she tubbed out, you would most likely continue to love her - you just wouldn't want to hot, burning love her. Unless you're reasonably sure your wife has expansion plans, avoid the temptation to be completely honest. Instead, be partially honest. Tell her you'll always love her - even if she supersizes her thighs until they squeeze under airline armrests and get friendly with other passengers. Follow up by expressing (frequently, please) how eminently jumpable she is in her current condition - thus communicating how important it is that she keeps herself looking more suitable for the catwalk than the livestock auction.


MARCH 27, 2003


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TwâÄà fxÜä|vxá Pleasure Heals Feel The Sensuous Sensations of a Beautiful Woman’s Touch. Bask in the Blessed Bliss. You’ll Be Glad You Called. 891-2700. Magdalene’s Garden- Specializing in the art of sacred sexuality. Erotic dance performances, sensual bodywork, sexual healing. Sessions avail. for men, women & couples. Intimacy coaching & relationship skills. Education & Instruction for young adults. 250-2979

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relaxing hour of exquisite body-

HIV COUSELING AND TESTING If you feel that you have been potentially exposed to HIV and would like Free, Confidential and Anonymous testing call the Maui AIDS Foundation at 242-4900. It is important to know your HIV status so that you do not unknowingly pass the virus to others, also early detection is vital to your health and treatment. The Maui AIDS Foundation now offers Drop-In HIV Counseling and Testing (No appointment necessary) Drop in hours are Mon.-Fri. 8:30am to 4:30pm, Wed. 8:30am to 7pm 1935 Main Street, Wailuku For more information on HIV/AIDS, STD’s including Viral Hepatitis and HIV Counseling and Testing call the Maui AIDS Foundation at 242-4900. In Hana call 248-7801, Lanai 5656722, and Molokai 553-9086. A public health message provided by The Maui AIDS Foundation.

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Morning Cafe at Beyond Heaven in Makawao. A speakers Breakfast Club. Weekly speakers talk on Body, Mind & Spirit topics, every Wednesday 8:30-10 am. $10. Call for The Maui Hero project seeks volun- this week’s guest speaker. 573-8828 teers for our Maui myth, adventureFREE 3-DAY TRIAL based program for middle school That’s right. You must love it to keep youth. Call AutumnLeaf at 572-4564 it. Women helping Women is in need of your help on Maui. We need volunteers for a few hrs. a week to help with grocery shopping, picking up & dropping off of donations at various drop-off sites. For more info. please call Cindy or Deborah 579-9696. Thank you for all of your support. Cat Lovers- We need you to help us w/ various tasks. Craft sale, fundraising, caretaker duties incl. feeding, trapping, transporting, etc. Please contact the Feline Foundation of Maui at 879-3059 or 891-1181. Hawaii Nature Center is now recruiting individuals to serve as volunteer teaching docents for Spring 2003. Will work outdoors & teach exciting enviromental education lessons to visiting elementary school groups at field sites in ‘Iao Valley. JanMay 1 weekday per week, 4 hrs. in am. Orientation & training provided. Please contact Education Program Manager Denby Freeland 244-6500, ext.16. Volunteers needed to help build a unique community-built REGIONAL playstructure at the Haiku Fourth Marine Park. We need volunteers now to help organize this. We need: fundraiser coordinators, grant writers, childcare coordinators & anyone who wants to help! Pickets on sale also. Call 573-6516. www.mauiplayground.org

MIND, BODY & SPIRIT PEACE CIRCLE Centered at The Gateway for Healing is a weekly radiance of Healing Light, sent out for all nations & all peoples of the world. EVERY SUNDAY at 5. If you would like to play an active part in the Peace Circle, there are 2 ways to participate: Call for directions & come join us; or link up spiritually from wherever you are in the world, to help spread the Light, Peace, Love & healing throughout the globe. If you want to receive the Light for self-healing, e-mail us with your name & your request. Call (808) 268-8853 OR e-mail: info@thegatewayforhealing.com Elevate, rejuvenate and supremely enjoy an hour of pleasurable, sacred bodywork that enhances longevity and opens the door to greater flow of pure shakti energy. 572-2623.



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658 Front Street #126A-7278 Lahaina, HI 96761

MauiTime Weekly seeks Freelance writers to cover stimulating & in-depth community interest stories.


Send resume, samples or ideas to: 658 Front Street. #126A-7278 Lahaina, HI 96761

129 Lahainaluna, Lahaina








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Benefit for Childrens Justice Center & The Seabury Hall Music Program

C E N T E R ,






Willie K OWNS Mondays!


with Chilltown Productions •

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