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OCTOBER 2, 2008
Calendar Editor/Staff Writer: Kate Bradshaw Bill Cosby’s sweater
Our election coverage continues with a look at some presidential party crashers. Rob Report talks about water use and change. A sleazy commuter is thrown under the bus in Eh Brah! News of the Weird gives ink to a rapping granny. We turn to an expert for the financial crisis lowdown in The Business End. Corn syrup advocates are sour in Coconut Wireless.
Contributors: Jessica Armstrong, Caeriel Crestin, Lloyd Dangle, Rob Parsons, Chuck Shepherd, Ynez Tongson, Barry Wurst II
THIS WEEK’S QUESTION With what ‘80s TV star would you most want to share a flight to the Mainland? Editor: Jacob Shafer Estelle Getty
From state regulators to big cable, community access station Akaku fights the powers that be and flies the flag for free speech.
Illustration: Ron Pitts Photographer: Sean Michael Hower Mr. T Art Director: Brittany Shaw Paul Reubens
Graphic Designer: Travis Keenan Tiffin John Ritter
Carnivores delight: RB Steakhouse delivers the beef.
Advertising Executive: Brad Chambers Dana Plato General Manager: Jennifer Russo Luke and Bo Duke
17 A&E
Administrative Executive: Judy Toba ALF
Thoughtful ska rockers Black Square take shape on Maui.
Administrative Assistant: Jennifer Brown
Web Design: Linear Publishing
Barry Wurst II throws a holy water-soaked blanket on Religulous.
Publisher: Tommy Russo Mr. T
19 Movie Listings
MauiTime Weekly is published every Thursday by MauiTime Productions, Inc. Its contents are Copyright © 2008 by MauiTime Productions, Inc. All rights reserved. Subscriptions are available at $70 per year. Reproduction or use without permission is strictly prohibited. Maui Time Weekly may be distributed only by MauiTime Weekly’s authorized independent contractor. MauiTime Weekly is valued at $.50 per copy and permits one complimentary copy per person. No person may, without written permission of MauiTime Weekly, take more than one copy of each weekly issue. All opinions expressed throughout MauiTime Weekly are those of the authors and not necessarily the same opinions as MauiTime Productions, Inc. and MauiTime Weekly.
photo by: Matt Farrintton
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20 DA KINE CALENDAR Kate previews the week’s choicest diversions, including a Michael Moore doc and a rockin’ breast cancer benefit.
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Deadlines: Display Advertising: Friday Noon Classified: Monday 4pm Calendar: Monday Noon Circulation: 18,000 copies of the MauiTime Weekly
ON THE COVER: Photography by Sean Hower
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OCTOBER 2, 2008
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As McCain and Obama duke it out, the presidential longshots take aim ne of the first big surprises I encountered after arriving on Maui was the number of Ron Paul supporters who apparently call the island home. Seeing evidence of support for the long-shot Republican presidential candidate in Kahului or Wailuku wasn’t too shocking; bring enough people together and you’ll get all kinds of opinions. Plus there were plenty of Obama and a few McCain decals as well. But when I traveled outside the major population centers, the level of Paul mania really hit home. I think it was after spotting a street sign in Paia plastered beyond the point of readability with “Ron Paul ‘08” bumper stickers that I sensed a genuine phenomenon. Of course, Mauians aren’t alone in their rabid love of the shoot-from-thehip Texas Congressman who earned few delegates but did energize a previously dormant segment of the GOP base—fed up, anti-tax Libertarian types who basically just want the government to leave them the hell alone. I guess it’s not all that surprising some of those folks live on a tiny island in the middle of the Pacific. Paul hung on as long as he could, even after his chances of winning the nomination dwindled to a mathematical impossibility. Eventually he dropped out of the race as a formality, but instead of going the conventional route and grudgingly endorsing McCain he became a champion for third party candidates. (Paul himself ran as a Libertarian in 1988.) Arguing that the two-party system is broken beyond repair, Paul held a televised event September 10 to spotlight some of the other contenders/pretenders vying to be leader of the free world—or, failing that, to get their names in the news. In his impassioned but rather rambling introduction, Paul argued that third party supporters are “actually the majority” if you factor in those who don’t vote because they don’t like the two major parties and those who vote for the “lesser of two evils.” When it comes to candidates, Paul said his take is, “the more the merrier.” Who are these merry men and women? Let’s a look: Ralph Nader: Yes, he’s running again. Love him or hate him (and these days most people seem to fall into the latter category) you’ve got to
admire old Ralph’s tenacity. Accused by many of costing Gore the 2000 election when he ran on the Green Party ticket and siphoned votes in swing states, Nader’s campaigning this year as an Independent. Though he looks unlikely to make much of a splash (even dyed-inthe-wool liberals are pretty gun shy after eight years of Bush/Cheney), the rabble rousing consumer advocate’s still got vim and vigor aplenty at age 74; we’d love to see his cantankerous influence in the debates.
Chuck Baldwin: The nominee of the Constitution Party, Baldwin has the distinction of being the candidate to send me the most e-mails (three more arrived just today). In addition to being a prolific e-mailer, Baldwin’s apparently won over TV commentator Lou Dobbs, meaning he’s got the cranky old anti-immigration white dude vote shored up. Plus, if we can elect a president named Barack, surely we’re ready for one named Chuck. MTW
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Nothing to Wear? ...We ...We Know Know Do Barack and John make you wanna Ralph? Bob Barr: One of two former legislators from Georgia mounting a third party challenge, Barr’s presence on the ballot will likely offset any gains McCain might have made from Nader’s run. The Libertarian nominee, Barr could snag a few of the crusty old fiscal conservative votes and maybe win over a share of those Ron Paul-loving Mauians. Cynthia McKinney: Also a former Congressperson from Georgia, McKinney gained notoriety as an outspoken critic of the Bush administration and for an altercation with a security guard on the steps of the capitol. After defecting from the Dems, she won the Green Party nomination. I interviewed her in California earlier this year, and though I was impressed by her passion and grasp of history and foreign affairs, she’s far too much of a pull-no-punches contrarian to make any noise, even on the far left fringe.
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OCTOBER 2, 2008
Flowing with the changes A watershed decision for streams and other major shifts “Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or the present are likely to miss the future.” —John F. Kennedy wo days of meetings convened by the state Commission for Water Resource Management (CWRM) filled the Haiku Community Center with an overflow crowd. Toward the back of the room, a few dozen redshirted employees of Hawaiian Commercial & Sugar (HC&S) listened to staff recommendations and testimonial pleas to return waters diverted to the plantation’s sugar cultivation for more than a century. Dozens of native Hawaiians and taro growers rallied their cause of right versus might, while more than a dozen uniformed officers (both Maui police and state Department of Conservation and Recreation Enforcement officers) watched the proceedings. After an epic 11 hour meeting on Wednesday, the CWRM heard more testimony on Thursday, and then began to deliberate on recommended interim Instream Flow Standards.
Maui’s last remaining sugar plantation, last week’s ruling changes the water outlook seven years after Native Hawaiian Legal Corporation took up a petition filed by Na Moku Aupuni O Koolau Hui and three East Maui taro growers. Yet Wailuanui taro farmer Ed Wendt reminded the commissioners that Uncle Harry Mitchell had begun a contested case over Waiokamilo Stream in East Maui back in 1985. Commission staff revealed that plantation diversions have been an ongoing issue for much longer, noting petitions filed by native Hawaiians in both 1881 and 1897 over decreased stream flows, or “stolen water” as many testifiers noted. Two days later, Mauians gathered at rallies in Kihei and Kahului to hear Barack Obama’s sister, Maya Soetoro-Ng, talk about another kind of change—political change. Hundreds of people showed up to hear Soetoro-Ng address Obama’s platform of “Change We Need.” Supporters were asked to redouble their efforts to reach out to friends and relatives in swing states and to elect local Democrats to help reverse the Republican legacy of the past eight years that has eroded American democracy. At press time, it also seems apparent that the U.S. Congress will not succumb to a last gasp White House effort for an unprece-
Hawaiian Commercial & Sugar employees listen to testimony at a meeting of the Commission for Water Resource Management. and locally. If legislators can be dissuaded from oil industry-led ploys for more drilling, both offshore and in sensitive wildlife reserves, we can begin to steer our economy in a new direction, toward green jobs in renewable energy.
Charles Darwin once wrote, “It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change.” Hours later, the CWRM board members voted unanimously to return at least 12 million gallons daily back into five stream systems on Maui’s windward slopes, stretching from Honopou to Wailuanui. The decision represents the most significant change in water use allocation since the Waiahole decision on Oahu that returned water from defunct sugar plantings on the Ewa Plain to streams and taro growers. That ruling has been tied up in court appeals for the past dozen years. hange rarely happens overnight. It is more commonly measured over time, be it months, years, decades, centuries or eons. In the case of
C 6
OCTOBER 2, 2008
dented $700 billion bailout of teetering financial institutions. That represents a welcome change in the status quo of elected officials paying the tab for any number of cockamamie schemes that cross their desks, including an estimated $3-$4 trillion tab for the ongoing war in Iraq. Nevertheless, it sent the Dow Jones daily average plummeting to a record loss of nearly 800 points, the largest drop in history. It’s clear that the economy is in flux, but it’s much more difficult to see where all this will lead us. Perhaps more people will be on street corners looking for change—spare change. Alternatively, there may be a sufficient groundswell to begin to turn the tide against the heavy corporate influence on politics and the economy, both nationally
With airlines failing, local businesses folding, vacation rentals getting shut down and layoffs at Molokai Ranch and Maui Land & Pineapple, jobs are paramount in discussions of the local economy. The recent Hawaiian Congress of Planning Officials conference at the Grand Wailea Hotel brought in keynote speaker Michael Shuman—attorney, economist and author of Going Local and The Small-Mart Revolution. Shuman presented a variety of strategies for reinvigorating the local economy and helping offset the $11 billion that leaves the state each year to import fuel and food.
estimony at the CWRM hearings in Haiku also included pleas for protecting the 800 jobs at HC&S by
ensuring the amount of water the plantation would receive. Willy Kennison, Maui division director of the International Longshore and Warehouse Union Local 142 wondered, “What is the long-term viability of HC&S? It’s tied to water availability.” He asked the commission to be sure their actions did not cause a “damaging or disastrous impact” on HC&S. But other testifiers noted that HC&S employees would be eligible for unemployment benefits, while taro growers would not. Upcountry County Council candidate Michael Howden, who serves on the Maui Board of Water Supply, called the matter, “Fundamentally an issue of social justice. It resembles a feudal system based upon class and race.” Howden also addressed another argument for maintaining water diversions to the plantation—Maui Electric Company’s (MECO) claim that they provide necessary firm power through bagasse burned at the Puunene Mill, with the excess sold to MECO. Howden noted that in order to combust the fibrous cane trash in their boilers, HC&S also burns 60,000 tons of coal yearly. He inquired whether this should indeed be considered renewable energy, as it is derived from an imported fossil fuel. While water availability plays a part in the long-term viability of HC&S, surely there are other factors. The collapse of every other plantation statewide over the past two decades wasn’t merely due to water issues. The state’s other surviving sugar plantation, Gay & Robinson on Kauai, recently announced they will be leasing their lands
for a venture to convert sugar to ethanol for fuel. HC&S has studied the potential for converting from commodity sugar production to a biofuel plantation, but has no immediate plans to change. Perhaps it’s time to get with the program. Charles Darwin once wrote, “It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change.” With murmurings to shift our dependence on imports and to build local sustainability, HC&S would be wise to engage in strategic planning to overhaul their operation and diversify. Jobs could be preserved, even created by adapting their existing monoculture agribusiness to a mix of food and energy production, to fuel our local economy and feed our communities. t the CWRM hearings, Seth Raabe, who holds a degree in tropical agriculture and manages a 13-acre farm in Kipahulu, testified that his small farm has 10 employees, or nearly one job per acre. By contrast, the 800 HC&S jobs on the 37,000-acre plantation means only one job per 46 acres. Pauahi Ho`okano, a Hawaiian language teacher with the immersion program at King Kekaulike, also farms taro in Wailuanui with her husband Steven. “It’s not right,” she said, “pitting Kula farmers’ rights against traditional Hawaiian farmers.” She was referring to testimony by Warren Watanabe of the Maui County Farm Bureau, who opposed the interim stream flow recommendations because of questions of the “process” for determining amounts to return to the streams. Council aide Jock Yamuguchi read testimony from Council member Michelle Anderson, who chairs the Water Resources Committee. “It is the diverter [East Maui Irrigation/ HC&S] who has the burden of proof under state law to justify that their diversions are not causing injury to downstream users.” Pauahi Ho`okano agreed. “The [commission] staff put the burden of proof on the taro growers,” she exclaimed. “It’s unfair. Completely unfair! It’s ridiculous!” She also questioned the validity of EMI’s “holdover permit,” which she stated, “does not even exist in law.” She also asked that a taro farmer be allowed to sit on the commission rather than Meredith Ching, a senior Vice President to Alexander & Baldwin, parent company of EMI and HC&S. Ching was present at the hearings, but recused herself from voting and sat in the audience. Steven Ho`okano said there is not enough water being released in Waiokamilo to bring cool water to keep his taro from rotting, and he complained that the state-appointed monitor was not fulfilling his duty. He said that growing taro and having sufficient water, “Is an inherited right, through my koko,” (Hawaiian blood quantum).
Hana resident Joseph Villarimo, one of the youngest testifiers, said, “It’s an art form being a Hawaiian, because they were so in-synch with their surroundings.” He said a spring on their property in Ulaino is now dried up. Last week’s momentous decision is a starting point to revitalize stream and ocean ecosystems and cultural practices for food production that have spanned many generations. Much vigilance will be needed to ensure that other waters statewide are allocated fairly, and in accordance with not only state law but with common sense for survival of the land and all who live here. The times they are a-changin.’ MTW
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OCTOBER 2, 2008
Send anonymous thanks, confessions or accusations, 200 words or less (which we reserve the right to edit), changing or deleting the names of the guilty and innocent to “Eh Brah!” c/o Maui Time Weekly, 33 N. Market St, Ste. 201, Wailuku, HI 96793 or send an e-mail to
OCTOBER 2, 2008
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I S T H E R E R E A L LY A N U P S I D E T O A L L T H I S M A D N E S S ?
Out of all the empty seats on the Maui Bus, why the fuck did you have to go and sit next to me? I can understand if the bus is crowded and/or all the other seats are filled, but what express reason made you think that sitting next to me, with your bad B.O. (or was it that item you had?) and pseudoHunter Thompson look was OK? Even when people went off and emptied seats, you still sat next to me like you had a wet dream fantasy or something. If it was an attempt to steal from me or try to do something far worse, then you have failed royally in that regard. Next time, sit somewhere else.
NEWSOFTHEWEIRD OLD RHYMER Angela Pusateri, 79, may be unconventional, but, according to Jenna, 13, “She really is a cool grandmother.” The Hallandale Beach, Fla., woman is a rap-music singer with a new CD (Who’s Your Granny?) and occasional playdates, where she shows up in hockey jersey, jewels, sunglasses and baseball cap. Sample rap: “I can bring the noise better than P-Diddy / I am older and wiser, I ain’t a disguiser / I am condo commando in a high-riser, Who’s your granny?” Also, “Move over, Trick-Daddy, ‘cause this is my town / I gotta shuffleboard posse and we’re known to get down.” Actually, conceded Jenna to the South Florida Sun-Sentinel in September, “Sometimes it’s embarrassing.”
DEAD SERIOUS “In many ways,” reported the Los Angeles Times in August, the Torajans of Indonesia’s Sulawesi Island “spend a lifetime preparing for their demise,” in that the most glorious highlight of their existence appears to be planning the elaborate celebration of the end of it. In fact, taking one’s last breath is only the beginning of a lengthy tribute, such as the one for Toraja’s last king, who died in 2003 but has not been put away yet, pending completion of the necessary ritual animal sacrifices. (In the interim, the deceased is considered more “sick” than “dead.”) Said one local (“cheerfully,” according to the Times), “Torajans! (We) live to die!”
WHORE OR LESS About 250,000 women in the southern India states of Karnataka and Maharashtra are self-
‘CLICK’ OF Hell hath no fury like David Letterman scorned, as John McCain learned this week. After “suspending his campaign” to address the economic crisis, McCain cancelled an appearance on Letterman—only to sit down with Katie Couric, also of CBS. Letterman dedicated a large portion of his show to lambasting the GOP hopeful, repeatedly saying McCain’s actions “didn’t smell right.”
described “elite” sex workers whose impoverished, or devoutly pious, parents “dedicated” them as children to the Hindu goddess Yellamma, according to an August dispatch in The New Yorker. Despite the state’s outlawing the practice in 1982, the women’s fate as “devadasis” remains an attractive alternative to ordinary marriage (which would usually be to poor and abusive men) and provides a degree of status, in that they dress nicely and can inherit family property, while street prostitutes cannot. However, devadasis still fall victim to the region’s rampant HIV rate.
RECKLESS ABANDONMENT The Nebraska legislature’s new “safe haven” law for unwanted babies, like other states’ laws, allows them to be dropped off anonymously at hospitals to discourage abortions (and neglect by unfit parents). However, unlike other states’ laws, Nebraska’s applies not just to infants, but “minors,” because, said Sen. Tom White, “All children deserve our protection.” In September, the first two non-infants were abandoned, as exasperated parents gave up on rebellious sons aged 11 and 15, and critics say the law could apply to those up to age 19.
PEE MYSELF AND I In August, the U.S. Department of Transportation unveiled new rules for train and bus drivers returning to work from drug-use suspensions. They must now be tested first by a strip search to detect devices for cheating (such as artificial penises), and if none is found, they may re-dress themselves, but a monitor must still “directly watch the urine as it goes from the employee’s body into the collection container.” Not surprisingly, several unions have challenged the rule in court. MTW
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OCTOBER 2, 2008
the Business End A look at the week’s economic winners and losers... To help make sense of the economic crisis that’s dominating the headlines, we asked local CPA Doug Levin of Levin & Hu, LLP to weigh in… So how did we get into this mess? On a smaller scale this has been happening periodically for years. The problem this time is that the extent of the bad loans is so much greater. This is primarily due to three almost simultaneous changes in the mortgage industry that started happening around the turn of the millennium. These were the sudden growth of subprime loans and exotic mortgages, as well as the lowering of interest rates by almost 3 points. The first two are now going bad at much higher rates than were predicted, and the third (with help from the first two) created an overpriced real estate market that can no longer be supported. Let’s step back for a second and discuss each of these. Subprime loans have taken most of the heat in the press, but in reality they’re only one part of the problem. These are loans to people with bad credit and little or no down payment made at a larger than average interest rate to help those making the loans cover the higher risk. The term exotic loans covers a wide variety of products including mortgages like interest only, adjustable APR and stated or even no documentation loans. Like the subprime loans, a
new segment of the population that previously couldn’t buy a house could now qualify for a loan. Finally, the lowering of interest rates gave all buyers much more buying power than they had previously. These three factors, by tremendously increasing the pool of available buyers as well as their buying power, are what drove that huge run up in home prices that occurred between 2000 and 2006. Now those same factors have reversed to calamitous results. The subprime and exotic loans went bad at a much, much higher than predicted rate, forcing the almost complete removal of these products from the marketplace. Now with so many people unable to qualify to buy a house, house prices have suffered. If you’re a bank holding any of these mortgages, you’re getting doubly worked right now. The loans are going bad much more often, and if you foreclose on the loan, the property you get is worth less than the face value of the loan. Thus banks that did a lot of mortgage lending, like Washington Mutual, have collapsed. How does what’s happening impact the average citizen, as opposed to bankers and Wall Street traders? Think 1929 all over again. Some historians have argued the entire financial collapse wouldn’t have happened then if the Federal Reserve had stepped in and saved a few banks before the huge bank run started. It’s quite possible we’re facing a similar situation. Back in college the most
amazing thing I learned when I took economics was how $1,000 in one bank almost magically becomes $10,000 of capital in the community; and this rule is at the heart of why we must always step in and save banks if there’s a major problem. Here’s how this works. Banks don’t sit on that money. They are required to hold back a 10 percent reserve, but the other 90 percent is loaned out to the community. The 90 percent then gets paid to someone, who puts it in their bank, which then holds back 10 percent of the $900 deposited and loans $810 out to the community. This occurs again and again until the $1,000 is increased by a factor of ten. What’s happening now is that banks have pulled back on credit because they’re concerned about their very survival. This is bad because of the way it gains momentum in the economy. Every bank that stops lending has a tenfold effect on the community, which then forces other banks to do the same. This is what the term credit crisis means when you see it in the news. It’s a bad thing. Should Congress pass a bailout deal? In my opinion the rejection [earlier this week] was one of worst decisions that could possibly have been made, but fortunately Congress didn’t adjourn to go home (and campaign) as scheduled and have decided to stay in Washington D.C. to fix it. Here’s why we need this. If you’re a banker and you’re holding questionable mortgages as some of your assets, you’re worried sick about staying solvent. If the value of your portfolio drops any more, you’re going to go out of business. So what do you do? Well, as a protecting measure the first thing you do is pull in and stop issuing credit in your own community simply because you cannot handle any more losses. Instead you invest your
Visit My Store & Showrooms 133 Makawao Avenue • Pukalani • Cell: 870-1112 Open Mon.-Sat.: 10 ‘til 6, Sun.: 10 ‘til bored, Evenings by Appointment Delivery • Major Credit Cards • House Staging • Prop Rentals
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OCTOBER 2, 2008
Is there any cause for optimism going forward? Lots actually. Henry Paulsen the Treasury Secretary, Ben Bernanke the Fed Chairman, the FDIC, the SEC and others are catching some hell in the press but are actually doing a stupendous job of keeping this thing from collapsing. They clearly have studied both history and economics and understand the crisis we’re in. Now we just need Congress to catch a clue and get onboard with some stiffer medicine for Wall Street. MTW
free funds in T-bills since these cannot go down. That way you just might be able to survive a further weakening of your mortgage portfolio. When banks stop lending, we all suffer. The deal that just failed would have provided a means for banks to turn their mortgage portfolios into T-bills, so they would no longer have to be concerned about going out of business. Right now they can’t do that because no one is buying mortgages. The reason the deal didn’t pass is because the average voter called their Congressional representatives like crazy over the weekend demanding they not bail out Wall Street. I think they did this for two reasons. One, they don’t realize just how important this is; and two, the press has been misleading when they say it has a $700 billion dollar price tag. The reality is the U.S. Treasury, if it’s done right, is going to make a fortune off of this. Uncle Sam is going to be trading its own debt and buying mortgages at a steep discount secured by American homes. Remember, most of those mortgages are still good and even if some of the loans are bad, they can foreclose on the house—or better yet offer terms to your average homeowner that just may allow them to stay in their home. It will not cost us, and will most likely actually help feed the Treasury if run right.
WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 24 When I left California to assume journalistic duties on Maui, I imagined I’d be dealing with a whole new slate of issues. And for the most part that’s been the case, with one unexpected exception: Both places face an ongoing, and burgeoning, illegal immigration problem. As reported in The Maui News, the feds arrested 21 undocumented workers—to use the euphemism of our time—at a Honokowai construction site. Last month, 23 illegal laborers were nabbed at the same site. Both raids were spearheaded by the Immigration and Customs Enforcement Agency, which totally made up that name just so its acronym could be ICE. Sounding less like a government employee and more like a futuristic bounty hunter speaking in the third person, an agency rep said that “ICE will use every enforcement and investigative tool against employees and employers who fail to heed our warnings.” THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 25 Looking for a fun way to kill a little time online? How about helping Hawaii’s Department of Education slash its budget? In what is actually kind of a cool move toward transparency and open participation, the DOE is inviting the public to check out a draft of proposed cuts and weigh in with ideas and suggestions. The site ( will be open until 5pm September 29. After that, officials will review the input and present a finalized budget on
October 2. Bottom line: no matter what, painful cuts are coming, possibly to the tune of nearly $70 million over two years statewide.
formative experience in my life and for that alone I owe Mr. Newman a debt of gratitude. The salad dressing is pretty good, too.
FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 26 Whatever your opinion of Joe Souki, the picture on the front page of today’s Maui News that shows the District 8 Rep. riding a bicycle on the newly widened Haleakala Highway is pretty awesome. Props to Joe for strapping on the helmet and taking the plunge. (And, of course, he’s wearing a lei—something that is apparently required of all Hawaii’s elected officials under state law).
MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 29 Maui’s first big TVR test case has been settled. Actually, it was settled back in July, but the details were just made public. As reported in The Maui News, a California woman who was operating a four-bedroom transient rental unit in Kihei without the requisite conditional use permit agreed to pay $35,000 to put the matter to rest. That’s a chunk of change to be sure, but it’s considerably less than the $214,000 she would’ve had to cough up had she been slapped with the maximum penalty. What, if any, effect will this have on future TVR cases? Remains to be seen, but officials say they hope it’ll help serve as a deterrent.
SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 27 A few impressions from the presidential debate: First and foremost, how ridiculous was it of McCain to pretend skipping the debate was somehow putting country first? This is the best—and in some cases only—opportunity many voters have to see these guys face off and present their ideological platforms. Not saying there aren’t issues with the format (more on that in a moment) but these things have become an indelible part of the process. And come on, John—do you really expect us to believe that a couple hours on a plane and a couple more at the podium were going to be the difference between a binding solution and total economic collapse? I’m sure the other 98 members of your legislative body managed to muddle on without you and your opponent for a day. Now, as for the event itself: I watched on CNN and was pretty disgusted by their whole “scorekeeping” system, which was at best a distraction and at worst a completely misleading ploy to make people think of the whole thing as a sporting event (which it sort of is, but let’s not encourage that aspect). OK, OK, enough beating around the bush (a phrase that, come to think of it, pretty well sums up Obama’s debate strategy if you capitalize the “B”): Who won? I’m calling it a draw. Both guys landed a few jabs, but no knockout blows (there I go with the sports analogies). Both were able to semi-effectively insert their stump speech applause lines. Obama stayed cool without appearing detached; McCain got riled without going into full-on Yosemite Sam mode. My guess is not many minds were changed. Now we await the Palin/Biden bout, which should at least provide some quotable non-sequiturs. Stay tuned. SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 28 RIP Paul Newman, who died yesterday at age 83. His acting and philanthropic exploits have been documented enough to not need rehashing here. Let me just say that watching Cool Hand Luke was a
TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 30 Boy oh boy do the corn syrup people have their eyes on the ball. Attentive readers may recall that last week we ran a photo in this space featuring Halloween candy with a caption reading, “Fear high fructose corn syrup, not razor blades.” It was in reference to a list of Halloween “safety tips” that perpetuated the paranoid, unsubstantiated myth about evil goodie-givers handing out tainted treats; really it wasn’t about corn syrup at all. But don’t tell that to Audrae Erickson, president of the Washington D.C.-based Corn Refiners Association, who fired off two separate e-mails calling me out for disseminating misinformation re: the ubiquitous sweetener. Wrote Audrae: “High fructose corn syrup, sugar and several fruit juices are all nutritionally
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Corn syrup, just as bad as sugar. the same. High fructose corn syrup has the same number of calories as sugar and is handled similarly by the body.” She went on to cite some sources that didn’t look totally bogus. So, despite the fact that her role as queen of the nation’s corn peddlers makes her something less than an impartial authority on the subject, I’m willing to allow that the real problem isn’t corn syrup per se, but the massive quantities of sugar in all its forms that Americans consume (as much as 150 lbs. (!) a year according to the USDA). I now await an indignant message from Ralph P. Saccharine, CEO of the National Alliance for the Promotion of Sugar Consumption. MTW
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OCTOBER 2, 2008
PIRATES OF PUBLIC ACCESS Akaku fights for free speech—and survival By Jacob Shafer
he first thing you notice is the pirate flag. Flapping defiantly on the roof of Akaku’s Kahului offices, its white-on-black skull and crossbones framed against the backdrop of the bright blue Maui sky, the iconic banner has to be a statement. And it is, though not necessarily a premeditated one. “Some of the kids put it up and I let it stay,” says Jay April, president of the community access station. “Our technical director brought it in and then he died. So it was hanging around and one day the kids said, ‘Hey can we put the flag up? Can we put the flag up?’ And I said, ‘Sure.’ So it still waves to this day.” Mounting it above the entrance might have been a spur of the moment decision, but April doesn’t discount the flag’s inherent symbolism. “The pirates challenged imperial rule,” he says. Even if they’re not sailing the high seas plundering and looting, Akaku is fighting its own swashbuckling battle against the business and government forces that want to blow community access television out of the water. Referring to mainstream commercial TV as a “cacophony of bullshit” and dismissing PBS as “the Petroleum Broadcasting System,” April says public access channels are the last vestige of truly independent media in an ocean of corporate control. “Akaku is Maui’s television station,” he says. “It’s not ours. The people of Maui own it.” That’s true in more ways than one. Much of Akaku’s programming is community generated; anyone who wants to get on the air can do so, no extensive media training or Hollywood grooming required. The station’s funding also comes from Maui’s citizens, through their cable subscriber fees. As part of its franchise agreement, Oceanic Time Warner is required to give 3 percent of its cable revenue to Akaku (a quarter of that goes to the Department of Education and Maui Community College per a 2005 agreement). Akaku makes the most of its limited resources. Operating on three channels—52, 53 and 54—its community-produced offerings range from silly to serious to sub-
President Jay April at the controls Photos by Sean Michael Hower
OCTOBER 2, 2008
lime. (One recent entry that encompasses all three: April says a Hawaiian man came in to record a soliloquy claiming Barack Obama is ineligible to become president because he was born on Hawaii, which was stolen by the U.S. and is therefore not legally a state.) The station also dedicates a portion of its programming to government affairs. It broadcasts public meetings and recently provided live coverage of the primary election, featuring updated results mixed with candidate interviews and previously recorded segments. As with much of Akaku’s programming it was lively and unfiltered, a mix of polished professionalism and off-the-cuff, rougharound-the-edges spontaneity. Though no formal training is required to get on the air, Akaku does offer classes in everything from basic camera operation to editing to studio production, plus tips on its Web site. And community involvement doesn’t end on the production side. Akaku was the first station in the country to offer an on demand, viewer programmed channel. Visit, find the segment you want to see, select the next available airtime and presto—the show will appear on channel 54. April says the services they provide are of greater value in a place like Maui, where rural outliers such as Hana,
body here only works because they have full-on passion for what they do. Then you sit back and really think about it. Look at how all voices are controlled and managed. We’ve seen homogenization of media to the point where it’s all the same—we have a corporate media, there’s no other way to put it.” April calls public access channels “little beacons of uncontrolled speech.” And he believes that, however small and relatively insignificant they may be, they’re a threat. They’re unpredictable; they’re freewheeling; they’re beholden to no one but the communities they serve. They speak truth to power. Though he returns several times to the pirate analogy, April admits there’s a key difference between those maritime scofflaws and public access stations—the former actively fought the powers that be, the latter is just trying to survive. What exactly is threatening Akaku’s survival? The answer is complex and multifaceted, but the most current and serious threat stems from a ruling by the state Attorney General that could put Hawaii’s public access stations up for bid. In 2005, the Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs, the agency that oversees and regulates publicly funded entities, began to push for other service providers to be allowed to bid for the right to operate public channels. In 2006, Akaku sued and the matter
Akaku is fighting against business and government forces that want to blow community access television out of the water. Molokai and Lanai are in danger of being isolated and forgotten. “It’s a way for people to connect, particularly local people,” he says. “They tune in and see their own faces and their neighbors’ faces.” Given the diverse, trail-blazing services it provides and the high level of community involvement it fosters, you’d think Akaku would be universally celebrated. Or, at the very least, that the station would be left alone, allowed to operate without interference. You’d be wrong. “In February of 2005, Governor Lingle said that Akaku was one of the best public access stations in the United States of America,” says April. “By May of 2005 the ship almost sank because of meddling by state officials, developers and people who wanted to control this resource, to diminish the public voice.”
shake my head all the time and ask ‘why?’” says April, who took the helm in 2007 amid tumultuous circumstances after serving on the station’s board as vice chair. “A little channel like this, budget under $1 million a year, everything’s done on a shoestring, every-
remains in legal limbo. (Earlier this week Akaku won a significant victory when the circuit court ordered the Attorney General to unseal his 2005 opinion, the details of which had previously been kept secret.) From Akaku’s perspective, the issue essentially boils down to the old saw, “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” The station is—by most any objective standard— doing an excellent job as steward of this public resource, so why change? Why open things up and allow another organization, possibly one with more nefarious intentions, to step in? “You can look at the other side of it,” April acknowledges. “What’s wrong with competition? You’re going to get the best operator if you put it out to bid, right? Well, maybe. But at the end of the day, what this means is that the person who will decide who runs public access on Maui isn’t anybody on Maui. It’s the director of the DCCA on Oahu.” April views the whole thing as a blatant takeover attempt. “What they want to do is come in here and say, ‘OK Jay, everybody who works here, all you people who have spent the last 15 to 20 years building all this social capital in the community—get out. Leave the cameras, leave the building, we’re going to decide who’s going to run it. You can apply, by the way. But you’re just going to be another applicant.’” “We are prisoners of our own success,” continues April, his voice rising. “They’re after us because we’ve succeeded at what we were supposed to do, which is empower the voices of everybody who walks through that door.” April invites the state to bring in a third party to judge whether the station is being run well. “Get the best public access consultants in the county and have them in here to create a report card, give us marks in every category you can think of,” he challenges. “We’ll be fine.”
Web Administrator Ka’eo Kepani behind the camera
Despite the daunting hurdles the station faces, April says Akaku isn’t going down without a fight. “I described it to somebody as a David versus Goliath thing,” he says. “We’re pretty good with a slingshot.”
ublic access programming was first mandated by the Federal Communications Commission in the 1970s. The argument was essentially that cable companies were running their wires through public land but weren’t paying rent. That “rent” was officially instituted in 1984, when Congress passed the Cable Communications Policy Act, which allowed states, counties and cities to levy franchise fees of up to 5 percent to pay for Public, Educational, Government (PEG) programming. Predictably, many cable companies have been fighting ever since to regain that small but significant slice of the pie. They’ve been joined by other interests, public and private, with a stake in curbing unfiltered free speech. The travails of Akaku are not unique; access channels across the country are struggling to survive, operating under the constant specter of direct and indirect censorship or downright annihilation. In Hawaii, where Oceanic Time Warner has operated as a de facto monopoly since it took over Kauai’s Garden Isle Telecommunications in 2002, pressure from the resident cable giant is especially strong. Some might ask: Why should I care? With all the other options out there—on the Internet as well as TV—why does it matter if a few local access channels are swallowed up by big cable? April offers an instructive metaphor, likening the media landscape to a city. The telecommunications giants are the office buildings and skyscrapers; community access is the public park. “Anything can happen in the park,” says April. “Someone might get up and deliver the Gettysburg address; someone else might piss in the bushes. But either way, you need the park.” MTW
MAKE YOUR VOICE HEARD! The DCCA will hold two public meetings in Maui County to help determine the future of community access TV: October 7, 3-5pm, Kulana`Oiwi DHHL/OHA, Conference Room, 600 Maunaloa Hwy., Molokai; October 8, 4:30-6:30 pm, Cameron Center Auditorium, 95 Mahalani Street, Wailuku. For more information, call 871-5554 or visit
OCTOBER 2, 2008
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OCTOBER 2, 2008
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Meat of the matter Chef Bermudez’s new steakhouse offers carnivorous delights here’s something about eating meat that is so satisfying. I get these really primal cravings that drive me to search out a macho culinary experience. It was during one of these moments that I headed to RB Black Angus Steakhouse in Kahana, Chef Raul Bermudez’s third restaurant on Maui, which opened in the newly
RB Black Angus Steakhouse 4465 Honoapiiani Hwy #218, Kahana, 669-8889
renovated Kahana Gateway location that used to be an Outback. There’s a lot of versatility at RB. You can bring the family, you can sit at the bar or you can do a romantic dinner for two. The dimly lit dinning room is enhanced with dark wood, highlighted by white tablecloths topped in white butcher paper. Kids are welcome. It doesn’t have to be a fancy event, it can be a casual dinner out—the difference is getting to eat Chef Bermudez’s creations, which set this steakhouse apart. Chef Bermudez happens to be a local boy from the west side, and that
lends a unique perspective to the restaurant and its extensive menu. There are appetizers, salads, soups, a multitude of different meats, cuts and preparations and a terrific dessert menu. There was going to be a lot for my stomach to process so my strategy was to take my time. The big surprise on the menu for me was the escargot appetizer, served with toasted hot bread and a delicious aioli. Chef Bermudez personally recommended that dish and it was so good I haven’t stopped thinking about it since. Another rich and satisfying pupu is the lobster fritters served with both a creamy and a spicy dipping sauce. I love that the dinner menu allows you to create your own meal. You choose your meat and cut, choose any sauces and preparations with it, and select your sides. Those who want an alternative can opt for seafood, pork or chicken. But this is Maui’s first certified Black Angus steak house, in fact the first in the state, so I’d recommend giving the beef a try. Certified Black
Angus beef is the cream of the crop, representing less than 8 percent of the U.S. beef market. What that means to you and me is a really tender, juicy, properly aged, flavorful piece of meat. I had the New York cut served medium rare with asparagus and a baked potato. The potato comes trimmed with whatever you like from butter to sour cream to chives. It was very high quality, completely delicious. Although quite full, I still ordered coffee and chocolate cake, offering a sweet conclusion to my carnivorous night. MTW Photos: (left) country apple cobbler with caramel sauce and vanilla bean gelato; (top) artichoke lobster fritters; (bottom) surf and turf special
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OCTOBER 2, 2008
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Genius. Some of use can’t stomach Manhattans or dirty martinis. Then again, the sticky alterna-tinis—appletinis, chocotinis and the like—can approach the taste of cough medicine mixed with high fructose corn syrup and food coloring. The first I have seen of its kind, the ginger martini offers a slight bite and only hints at sugariness with its sugared rim and the cube of crystallized ginger that serves as a garnish. Sour mix and triple sec balance each other out as not to overpower the ginger juice or the vodka. My friend Sarah says it tastes like ginger ale. I concur.
NONI/GINGER/PAPAYA SOAP Hawaiian Herbal Blessings, Islandwide I’ve seen it in other places, but tracked it down at Alice in Hulaland in Paia. This Maui-made soap has a clean, sweet but not nausea-inducing scent. The noni aspect may throw you off, especially if you’ve ever tasted noni juice. Yuck. (Yeah, yeah, yeah, miracle fruit, etc.) But the noni is included in the formula here for topical purposes, as it is said to have healing and/or soothing properties.
GINGER TURMERIC SHOT Abundant Aina Cafe, Kahului This seems like a pretty solid fix for what ails you, be it aches and pains, the common cold or a hangover. Ginger root is said to be something of a cure-all and is used to treat nausea, inflammation and everything in between. Turmeric is a widely used natural remedy for inflammation as well, so mixed with ginger it makes a pretty powerful tonic. It doesn’t taste bad, either. It’s not exactly ginger ale, but the two herbs together pack a decent—but not too strong—bite. Plus it’s one of the most vibrantly hued things you can get that wasn’t made in a laboratory.
Valid HI ID Required • May not be combined with any other Promos/Offers
$1 TACOS 4-8pm Sonny B
GINGER VEGETABLES Bangkok Thai, Kahului You can probably find a variation on this at nearly any Thai joint on-island. The secret to this type of dish seems to lie not in the sauce, but rather in the tender and thin spears of ginger root featured throughout.
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OCTOBER 2, 2008
GINGERBALLS Islandwide Okay, so it’s not produced on Maui, but I had to find a way to mention Flight of the Conchords. This cult HBO comedy series chronicles a novelty music duo from New Zealand as they attempt to make it big. My favorite episode is “Bowie,” wherein David Bowie visits one of the characters in his sleep. Gingerballs refers to their delightfully clueless (and redheaded) manager, Murray. The first season of FOTC is available on DVD, and can be acquired via Netflix. You can check out clips of the show on the HBO Web site. MTW
Hip to be Square Black Square brings politically charged ska to Maui ne can use seafaring as a metaphor for almost anything. Yet no modern pursuit seems to parallel the exploits of saltsoaked explorers (imperialistic and psychotic as some of them might have
Black Square 10pm Friday at Life’s a Beach, Kihei 10pm Saturday at Charley’s, Paia
been) as that of art, and specifically music. While early navigators had the stars, primitive maps and perhaps a compass to guide them, musicians have scales, instruments, form and inspiration. And while seafarers had deadly storms and ornery sea creatures to contend with, musicians have economic and cultural climates that often do not favor those who have the guts to be original. Honolulu-based punk/ska/reggae band Black Square, which will play two
shows on Maui this weekend, is aware of this parallel; their latest album Onward features a tattoo-like rendering of a 19th century clipper ship. “The clipper sailing ship to us represented a metaphor for new discovery and a swift and direct route to something new,” says Josh86, the band’s guitar player and lead vocalist. Black Square formed in 2002 as a three-piece with Josh86 on guitar and lead vocals, Nick Danger on bass and Little Brian Kim on drums. They were essentially hardcore, but they borrowed elements of reggae and punk rock and later added a horn section. The band derived its name from Russian painter Kasimir Malevich’s 1915 painting of a black square and Suprematism, the art movement it inspired. Suprematism’s thrust is that a work of art is less important than the response it invokes in the observer. Josh86 relates the obscurity, uniqueness and ambiguity of Malevich’s black square to the band’s style. “We hope for our music to be something that people can listen to without needing to categorize into a genre,” Josh
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86 said. “We want them to hear our message and respond, react and be affected by it.” Nearly every track on Black Square’s third release harbors a message of social consciousness, though each holds down a different front. “Change,” Onward’s eighth track, for example, asks, “where the punk rockers/where the protesters/where the rebelers and where the song singers?” Incredibly melodic and assisted by harmony as well as call and response, the song urges the listener to talk politics, write a poem, do something other than pretend thinking is uncool. Track one, titled “Ego,” looks inward: “I lie to myself to pick up the slack/I’m afraid of who I’ll be when no one is around.” While the band’s lyrics are brutally honest—even when they get surreal as they do in sea-shantyesque “Virgin Glance”—the message and instrumentation are wholly optimistic and bright.
Even the tunes that unfold in a minor key are upbeat. When Josh86 sings about crack dealers and hookers in “China Town,” the sunny walking bass line and reggae-inspired guitar upstrokes make you want to sway. Black Square has come to Maui four times in the past two years; this time they make the trip with new bass player Kat. Haiku-based Order of the White Rose will open the show with a set of hard-hitting, political punk rock. Let’s all raise our glasses, brimming with rum, to the hope that Maui will prove a safe harbor for Black Square as they venture onward. MTW
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OCTOBER 2, 2008
Unintelligent design Anti-religion doc winds up in purgatory n their already-controversial documentary, talk show host Bill Maher and Borat director Larry Charles travel the globe in order to undo and belittle everything involving religion. But rather than fully explore a complex sub-
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ject, this frustrating film goes for pat answers and easy laughs. Charles goes the Michael Moore route and inserts jokey film clips between the interviews, just in case Maher, the undisputed King of Snark, doesn’t have you in stitches. A running joke on how Maher really isn’t that funny or talented only underlines how a better host or comedian could have made so much more of the opportunities presented. Maher is in good form on his HBO show Real Time; here he’s sometimes subdued, but mostly just smug and out of his element discussing theology. I frequently had answers to Maher’s pointed ques-
tions that he and his loopy interview subjects seemed to miss (some pretty practical stuff, really) and a number of the “facts” he brings up aren’t true (whether you believe he was the son of God or merely a politically driven carpenter, Jesus Christ was indeed a real person). A smarter movie would approach the positive and negative aspects of religious faith with sharp probing but without mockery. (Unlike Traitor, here’s a movie that makes total monsters out of Muslims and, for that matter, anyone who believes in God.) Occasionally, this long, tacky doc makes thoughtful points that support Maher’s declaration of “doubt,” but most of his goofy interview subjects have no grasp on who they are, let alone what they believe. It’s one thing to demonize religion, which is what the film is after. But Charles’s film falls apart at the end, when the lighthearted tone is abruptly replaced by a ridiculously heavy-handed epilogue that derails the entire movie. On top of Maher declaring “religion must die,” you get an angry montage of mushroom clouds and, for no reason and to the movie’s shame, a shot of the Challenger space shuttle exploding. This touch, I felt, went completely over the line and, unlike the rest of the film’s dime store blasphemy, was beyond tasteless. The movie is preaching to its choir (fed up atheists) but instead of illuminating, the result is insulting to anyone’s intelligence. MTW
Bill Maher doesn’t believe in God. Playboy Bunnies on the other hand...
OCTOBER 2, 2008
Maui Film Festival’s Candlelight Cinema
give up on his marriage when he finds that...okay, I’ll let you guess what happens here. 122 min.
EVERYBODY WANTS TO BE ITALIAN - R - Art, Foreign - A dude is obsessed with his ex, even though she is married with three children. Somehow this is tied in with Italian culture. 93 min.
GHOST TOWN - PG13 - Comedy - The Office (UK) and Extras star Ricky Gervais stars as a dude who dies on the operating tabble for seven minutes. When he is revived he is able to see and communicate with the dead, which ends up being kind of a pain in the ass. 102 min.
New This Week
THE HOUSE BUNNY - PG13 - Comedy - A recently-ousted Playboy Bunny somehow ends up living among a sorority of dumpy girls. Determined to bestow hotness upon them, she learns a few lessons of her own. Hmmm. 97 min.
AN AMERICAN CAROL - PG-13 Comedy - An ultra-liberal film director (your basic Michael Moore caricature played by Kevin Farley) gets visited by three ghosts while he tries to have the Fourth of July holiday abolished. That is so 2004. And at least our satire doesn’t need to rely on tired secondhand story lines. 83 min. APALOOSA - R - Drama - Two men of the law who happen to be romantic rivals (played by Ed Harris and Viggo Mortensen) must work together to help their town overcome some kind of crisis. 96 min. BEVERLY HILLS CHIHUAHUAS - PG Comedy - A film that just absolutely needed do be made (didn’t it?) involving a spoiled chihuahua named Chloe who gets lost while on vacation in Mexico and sets out to try to find her way home. 91 min. BLINDNESS - R - Thriller - A disease that causes victims to go blind is spreading. A small group of rebels bands together and is led presumably to freedom by a woman (Julianne Moore) who is only pretending to be blind. 118 min. FLASH OF GENIUS - PG13 - Drama - On of those inspirational David and Goliath deals that’s based on a true story. This one involves an innovation that the auto industry suppressed due to its potential implications for the biz. 119 min. HOW TO LOSE FRIENDS AND ALIENATE PEOPLE - R - Comedy Based on Toby Young’s memoir of the same title, this film charts a disillusioned writer’s descent into the world of celebrity and glamor when he takes a job at a shallow magazine. 110 min. NICK AND NORAH’S INFINITE PLAYLIST - PG13 - Comedy - Anything with Michael Cera is a pretty safe bet. Two music geeks inadvertently end up having the most insane night of their lives after Cera’s character asks a random girl (Kat Denning), to be his girlfriend for five minutes to make his ex jealous. 90 min. RELIGULOUS - R - Comedy - Bill Maher examines the ridiculousness of various belief systems (which often readily lend themselves to comedy) in a rational way. 101 min.
IGOR - PG - Animation - A twist on classic monster tales, this flick tells the story of a young mad scientist’s assistant who is aspiring to overcome his fate and become an evil scientists himself. Only, the super monster he attempts to make doesn’t turn out the way he thought it would. John Cusack, John Cleese, and Steve Buscemi provide a few character voices. 86 min. LAKEVIEW TERRACE - R - Thriller - A young couple attempts to find bliss in their new suburban home only to find that their new neighbor, a severe cop played by Samuel L. Jackson, is one bad mothafucka. 110 min. MIRACLE AT ST. ANNA - R - Drama - This, the latest Spike Lee joint, follows four African American soldiers during WWII who get trapped behind enemy lines while in Italy. They cross every boundary imaginable - abstract or otherwise - in order to save a young Italian boy. 145 min. MY BEST FRIEND’S GIRL - R - Comedy - So basically, a dude (Jason Biggs) is a bit too into the chick he’s been dating (Kate Hudson), who as a result dumps him. Dude then calls on a friend who is an expert at driving girls back into the arms of their exes. Creepy. 101 min. NIGHTS IN RODANTHE - PG13 - Drama Devotees of sappy romantic what-have-yous rejoice! This flick depicts an unlikely pair - half of which is married - that ends up stuck riding a storm out together in North Carolina. Richard Gere and Diane Lane star. 97 min. RIGHTEOUS KILL - R - Drama - DeNiro and Pacino team up once again to play a pair of aging cops on the trail of a serial killer who goes after criminals who have fallen through the cracks of the justice system. 101 min. TROPIC THUNDER - R - Comedy - The cast of a ‘Nam flick in-the-making finds itself having to go from fantasy to reality after a series of mishaps. Plenty of room for brilliant satire. 106 min. THE WOMEN - PG13 - Drama - A bunch of hot, catty high society women talk about shopping and men. Plot strikes when one of said men gets caught cheating. 114 min.
Now Showing BURN AFTER READING - R - Comedy With films like Raising Arizona, The Big Lebowski and No Country for Old Men under the Coen Brothers’ belt it’s hard not to get one’s hopes up for this one. The cast, which includes John Malkovich, Brad Pitt and Tilda Swinton, also raises the bar. The premise: two bonehead gym employees stumble upon a draft of a former CIA agent’s memoirs, then attempt extortion. 97 min.
Maui Film Festival Castle Theater, 572-3456 Everybody Wants to Be Italian - R - 5, 7
Front Street Theater 900 Front Street, Lahaina, 249-2222 (Matinees: M-F until 6:30pm, Sa-Su until 3:30pm, Discount Tue), Beverly Hills Chihuahuas - PG - F-W 3:45, 6:45, 9:15 ex. Sa-Su 1:15, 3:45, 6:45, 9:15. Burn After Reading - R - Th only 3:45, 6:45. 9:15 Ghost Town - PG13 - F-W 4:15, 7:15, 9:45 ex. Sa-Su 1:45, 4:15, 7:15, 9:45. Lakeview Terrace - R - Th only 4, 7, 9:30 My Best Friend’s Girl - R - 4:15, 7:15, 9:45 Nick and Norah’s Infinite Playlist - PG13 - F-W 4, 7, 9:30 ex. Sa-Su 1:30, 4, 7, 9:30. Righteous Kill - R - Th 3:30, 6:30, 9. F-W 3:30, 6:30, 9 ex. Sa-Su 1, 3:30, 6:30, 9.
Ka’ahumanu 6 Queen Ka’ahumanu Shopping Center. 875-4910 (Matinees: everyday until 4pm), Fireproof - PG - 12:05, 2:40, 5:20, 8 Ghost Town - PG13 - Th 12:35, 2:45, 5:05, 7:20. F-W 11, 3:40, 6, 8:15. The House Bunny - PG13 - Th 12:25, 2:35, 4:40, 7:10. F-W 1:20, 10:30. How to Lose Friends and Alienate People - R - 12, 2:25, 4:50, 7:15, 9:45 Nick and Norah’s Infinite Playlist - PG13 - FSu 11:40, 1:45, 3:50, 5:55, 8, 10:05. W 12:30, 3:05, 5:10, 7:15, 9:20. M-W 12:30, 3:05, 5:10, 7:15, 9:20. Nights in Rodanthe - PG13 - Th 12:30, 2:55, 5:20, 7:50. F-W 11:05, 1:15, 3:25, 5:35, 7:45. Religulous - R - F-W 11:10, 1:20, 3:30, 5:45, 8:05, 10:15
Kukui Mall 1819 South Kihei Road, 875-4910 (Matinees: everyday until 4pm), Beverly Hills Chihuahuas - PG - F-Sa 12:05, 2:10, 4:15, 6:20, 8:25, 10:30. Su 12:05, 2:10, 4:15, 6:20, 8:25. M-W 2:10, 4:15, 6:20, 8:25. Burn After Reading - R - Th 1:20, 3:30, 5:40, 7:50. F-W 11, 1:40, 4:20, 7, 9:40. Eagle Eye - PG13 - Th 2:30, 5:05, 7:40. F-Sa 12, 2:30, 5:05, 7:40, 10:15. Su-W 12, 2:30, 5:05, 7:40. M-W 2:30, 5:05, 7:40. Nick and Norah’s Infinite Playlist - PG13 - F-Sa 12, 2:05, 4:10, 6:15, 8:20, 10:25. Su 12, 2:05, 4:10, 6:15, 8:20. M-W 2:05, 4:10, 6:15, 8:20. Nights in Rodanthe - PG13 - Th 1:15, 3:30, 5:45, 8. F-Sa 12:15, 2:35, 4:45, 7, 9:15. M-W 1:15, 3:30, 5:45, 8. Righteous Kill - R - Th only 1:05, 3:15, 5:30, 7:45
Maui Mall Megaplex Maui Mall, 249-2222 (Matinees: M-Th until 6pm, F-Su until 3:30pm), An American Carol - PG13 - F-W 1, 3:10, 5:20, 7:30, 9:40. Sa-Su 3:10, 5:20, 7:30, 9:40. Apaloosa - R - F-W 1:30, 4:15, 7, 9:45 Beverley Hills Chihuahuas - PG - F-Su 12, 1:45, 2:15, 4:05, 4:35, 6:25, 7:05, 8:45. M-W 1:45, 2:15, 4:05, 4:35, 6:25, 7:05, 8:45. Blindness - R - F-Su 12:30, 3:30, 6:30, 9:30. MW 3:30, 6:30, 9:30. Burn After Reading - R - Th 2:20, 4:40, 7, 9:30. F-W 12:05, 2:20, 4:40, 6:55, 9:15. F-W 2:20, 4:40, 6:55, 9:15. Eagle Eye - PG13 - Th 1:45, 4, 4:30, :45, 7:15, 9:30, 10. F-W 1:15, 1:45, 4, 4:30, 6:45, 7:15, 9:30, 10 ex. Sa-Su 1:45, 4, 4:30, 6:45, 7:15, 9:30, 10. Flash of Genius - PG13 - 1:40, 4:25, 7:10, 9:55 Igor - PG - Th 2:15, 4:30, 6:45, 9. F-W 12:05, 2:15, 4:30. Lakeview Terrace - R - Th 2, 4:40, 7:20, 10. F-W 2, 7:20. Miracle at St. Anna - R - Th 1:30, 5, 8:30. F-W 1:30, 5, 8:30. My Best Friend’s Girl - R - Th 1:50, 4:20, 6:50, 9:20. F-W 4:40, 10. Righteous Kill - R - Th 2:20, 4:45, 7:10, 9:35. FW 6:50, 9:35.
Wharf Cinema Center
EAGLE EYE - PG13 - Action - A mysterious woman wreaks havoc on the lives of two strangers. The two are forced to work together to find out what the hell is going on. 118 min. FIREPROOF - PG - Drama - This heaping helping of Jesus stars Kirk Cameron (of both Growing Pains and Left Behind series fame) as a firefighter. Yeah. He is about to
Wed.. 10/8 5 :000 & 7:30pm m $100 w/pass
658 Front Street, 249-2222 (Matinees: Tue all shows, until 6pm every other day), Eagle Eye - PG13 - Th 10:45, 1:30, 4:15, 7, 9:45. F-W 1:30, 4:15, 7, 9:45 ex. Sa-Su 10:45, 1:30, 4:15, 7, 9:45. Igor - PG - Th 1:15, 4, 6:30, 9. F-W 1:15, 4, 6:30, 9.ex. Sa-Su 11, 1:15, 4, 6:30, 9. Nights in Rodanthe - PG13 - Th 2, 4:30, 7:15, 9:40. F-W 2, 4:30, 7:15, 9:40 ex. Sa-Su 11:30, 2, 4:30, 7:15, 9:40.
OCTOBER 2, 2008
Romancing the slacker
No ‘Stairway’? Denied!
Thursday (Oct 2), 7pm, Ka Lama 103
Friday (Oct 3), 5pm, Market St, Wailuku
If you’re like most people, you keep a list of your Ten Favorite Canadians on your person at all times, and you update it each month. Neil Young and Joni Mitchell have held steady at the top of my TFC list for as long as I can remember, and Michael Moore usually holds a spot somewhere between seven and nine. Moore’s free distribution of his latest film, Slacker Uprising, catapults him to my #5 spot this month (after Seth Rogan and Geddy Lee). The film, which Maui Peace Action will screen Thursday night, features speeches by Moore as well as performances by Eddie Vedder, R.E.M., Joan Baez and others. It documents Moore’s drive to register Americans aged 18-29 to vote just ahead of the 2004 election…Okay, so we still got ripped off again that year, but let’s not get too discouraged this time around, eh? Free.
So, why should you come to the Maui Time Weekly Rock Band Party? Well, why shouldn’t you? The consensus among MTW moms is that the staff here is the coolest, bestlooking, smartest and funniest alt-weekly staff in the whole school. Plus we have awesome video games. Come try a hand at Rock Band. It’s kinda-sorta like playing in a real band, except not. The rocking will take place in the courtyard of our building at 33 Market St. in Wailuku. This month’s MTW Rock Band Challenge: if you hit every one of Geddy’s Lee’s high notes on “Today’s Tom Sawyer” I will buy you a Pabst. Hazah! As if you needed another reason to head to Get Wailuku on First Friday. Free.
your Band together & come
Pupshuments Refre
Get your pic taken with Obama & McCain
JAM! Come
with us on Friday October 3rd @ 5
MauiTime Office
during the Wailuku First Friday Celebration
33 North Market St. Wailuku
➤➤➤➤➤ FRIDAY ➤➤➤➤➤ SATURDAY ➤➤➤➤➤ SUN
In the heart of Olde Makawao Town
LADIES NIGHT Q103 and the Big Hawaiian present ‘808 dopest djs’
Dj Styles & DJ Jammin J
“BEST LATE NIGHT IN MAUI” and “BEST SINGLES SCENE IN MAUI” Music Starts at 10:00pm $10 cover Saturday October 4th B.U.B.Z. PRODUKTIONZ PRESENTZ:
COUNTRY ROOTZ featuring:
TEOMON & B.U.B.Z. with the KRYPTONEZ Music Starts at 10:00pm $10 cover
Friday October 3rd
AFRICAN BEATS Music Starts at 10:00pm $10 cover Sunday October 5th MANA’O RADIO PRESENTS:
FEATURING: Maui’s All Time Favorite
FULTON TSHOMBE & FRIENDS Also: Karen B (singer songwriter) & Dick Tilton (piano maestro) SHOW at 2pm- 5PM $7 Donation
Make it a memorable evening. Dine and dance at Casanova. For dinner reservations call 572-0220
OCTOBER 2, 2008
THURSDAY OCT 2 Music 10 PM -Close
Music 10 PM -Close SATURDAY OCT 4
Music 10 PM -Close TUESDAY OCT 7
Music 10 PM -Close
• The BEST Pizza on the North Shore! • Our own BBQ Smoked Ribs & Meats! • Nightly Dinner & Drink Specials
Monday Night Football • $4.95 Chicken Nuggets & Fries BREAKFAST • LUNCH • DINNER
Nothin’ but the breast
Dispatches from the Motherland
Friday (Oct 3), 10pm, Hard Rock Café, Lahaina
Friday (Oct 3), 10pm, Casanova, Makawao
Think that every time you buy something pink you’re helping in the fight against breast cancer? Not so, according to For example, you may buy a Lean Cuisine because of the pink ribbon on the box (I mean, seriously, why else would you?), but when you get the thing home you discover that you actually have to buy a pink Lean Cuisine “lunch tote” from the company’s Web site before they will give your money to the cause. This month, Hard Rock Café Maui is holding a series of shows in the hope of raising $10,000 for the breast cancer division of the Pacific Cancer Foundation (a Mauibased nonprofit). Tonight’s goal is to raise $500. Kihei’s Byron Brown and the Derelicts, whose funky sound is a must-hear, will play with support from Guerilla Jazz. $8.
What do you associate with the word “marimba”? I imagine equatorial breezes, fried plantains and the Dark and Stormy, a drink that involves concentrated ginger and rum. But that’s my lack of knowledge on the instrument and its history talking. According to, the instrument originated in South Africa, and is believed to have once consisted of a hole in the ground overlaid with wooden bars that were struck with sticks; a far cry from the rosewood and brass that now typically constitutes the instrument and its sound. Anyway, Kenyan-born singer Zuni and her nine-piece marimba band Mapenzi (which is both Zimbabwean for “crazy” and East African for “love”) will heat up Casanova with their bouncy, bright tunes. This is definitely one for the Little Beach crowd (note: wear clothes). $10
Photo by: Miquel Angel
OCTOBER 2, 2008
Free Beading Classes - Have fun and make something beautiful. Basic earring, 11 a.m.; Quick cluster, 3 p.m.; Silk knotting, 6 p.m. Maui Bead Shack, Queen Ka`ahumanu Center. 873-8080.
SUNDAY, OCT 05 Orchidland - Come see this amazing spectacle that shows the many, many varieties and capabilities of family orchidaceae. Party of the Maui County Fair. Think, like, a 9-foot orchid volcano spewing with flaming orchid lava. 10 a.m.-8 p.m. Maui County Fair, Kahului. Hula Show - Get a taste of Hawaiian history and culture. Free. 1 p.m. Maui Mall, Kahului. 877-8952.
Big Shows Black Square/Order of the White Rose - Fri, Oct 3. Oahu-based ska outfit comes to Maui to play some new tracks off their killer third release, Onward. Maui punk rock band Order of the White Rose performs as well. This is a must-see show, hands down, and you’ve got two chances to do so. Call for cover charge details. Fri., 10 p.m. Life’s A Beach, Kihei. 891-8010; Sat., 10 p.m. Charley’s, Paia. 573-8085. Byron Brown and the Derelicts - Fri, Oct 3. These mega fun-kay Maui rockers will set the stage for a month-long series of shows that will benefit breast cancer research at the Pacific Cancer Foundation, a local nonprofit. Guerilla Jazz opens. $8. 10 p.m. Hard Rock Cafe, Lahaina. 667-7400. Country Rootz Show - Sat, Oct 4. A chance to boogie down to some killer roots acts including Teomon, B.U.B.Z. and the Kryptonz. 21 & over. $10. 10 p.m. Casanova, Makawao. 572-0220.
Stage Calling All Readers - Mon-Fri. Want to read for Maui On Stageís Bare Essential Theater? Roles are announced at monthly readings and scripts are given out in advance. Call Kristi. 244-8680 x23.
Tickets on Sale DJ Mark Farina - Fri, Oct 10. Legendary house music DJ and Mushroom Jazz pioneer Marik Farina come to Maui as part of his national tour. He shares the stage with Deelight’s Lady Miss Kier and DJ Sparx. Tickets are available online at, by calling 877-87-GROOVE or at Requests Music in Wailuku. $15. Longhi’s, Lahaina. Styx - Fri, Oct 10. It’s rare for a band of such stature to perform on Maui. This classic prog rock band’s well-known tunes include “Come Sail Away” and “Lady.” Can’t miss it. Tickets go on sale 9/8. $55/$65/$75/$85. 7:30 p.m. Castle Theater, MACC. 242-7469. Island Jamz II - Sat, Oct 11. A must-see celebration of the local music tradition. Features Leokani, Jason Sadang and others. $15/$10 seniors & children. 7:30 p.m. Iao Theater, Wailuku. 242-6969. Kahekili - Sat, Oct 11. Hula master Hokulani Holt will the story of Mauiís great chief Kahekili in an original hula drama that includes chant, traditional hula kahiko, Hawaiian martial arts, and dramatic storytelling. $12/$25/$40. 7:30 p.m. Castle Theater, MACC. 242-7469. Full Moon “Maui Magic” Cruise - Tue, Oct 14. A full moon at sea, expert narration by professional astronomer Harriet Witt and great hot and cold pupus and drinks: all ingredients for a truly magical evening. Includes up to 3 alcoholic beverages for adults with valid i.d. $49.95/Keiki ages 3-12 $34.95; Internet and member discounts available. 8-10 p.m. Lahaina Harbor. 808-294-8811 ext. 1. Kool & the Gang - Wed, Oct 15. This R&B/funk/jazz group is more than an ultra-cool name. It’s hard to tell whether they will bust out with “Jungle Boogie,” but if you are jonesin’ for a dose of the funk this is your best bet. $55/$65/$75/$85. 7:30 p.m. Castle Theater, MACC. 242-7469. Lulu Washington Dance Theatre - Thu, Oct 16. This act includes an exciting hybrid of African, modern, and other types of dances that has captivated critics wherever it has performed. 7:30 p.m. Castle Theater, MACC. 242-7469. The Wau Wau Sisters - Fri, Oct 17. Did you catch these broads when they came here last year? They were phenomenal. Their act incorporates unabashed sexuality, biting satire, audience participation, and probably a trapeze. Be prepared; these chicks are limber. $20. 7:30 p.m. Castle Theater, MACC. 242-7469. Obake: Japanese/Hawaiian Ghost Lore - Sat, Oct 18. Four storytellers (Cathy Spagnoli, Lopaka Kapanui, Jeff Gere, and Kathy Collins) bring to life some of the most disturbing, bone-chilling stories you’ll ever hear. No one under 13 is allowed. $10. 7:30 p.m. Iao Theater, Wailuku. 242-6969.
OCTOBER 2, 2008
Mad Professor & Friends - Fri, Oct 24. The unique bill features the Mad Professor, Ariwa Dub Posse (w/ Susan Cadogan), Marty Dread, Super Dub 5 and Bubz & Teomon. Find tickets at The Wine Shop, Bounty Music, Requests Music, Wokstar, West Side Vibes, and 21 & over. $20 advance/$25 door. 9 p.m. Charley’s, Paia. 579-9668. Te Vaka - Fri, Oct 24. Eclectic and award-winning pan-Polynesian band Te Vaka (“The Canoe”) mixes electric guitars and funky keyboards with traditional Samoa and Tokelau rhythm and dance for a unique sound and spectacular show. $12/$30/$40’ kids half price. 7:30 p.m. Castle Theater, MACC. 242-7469. Urinetown: The Musical - Daily, Oct 24. This Tony Award-winning musical tells the story of greed and corruption in a town where water is worth more than gold. Show runs Oct. 24 through Nov. 9. Steppingstone Playhouse, Queen Kaahumanu Center. 891-8020. Kumu Kahua Threatre: Da Mayah - Daily, Oct 25. An election year cautionary tale written by Maui’s Lee Cataluna that will give you a good dose of political satire with a local flavor. $20/$10 keiki. 7:30 p.m.; Su Matinee, 4 p.m. McCoy Studio Theater, MACC. 242-7469. Mohala Mai/To Blossom Forth - Sat, Oct 25. A can’t miss night full of both traditional and contemporary hula, oli and mele that embodies the beauty of Hawaii’s landscape as well as its culture. Some of Hawaii’s finest musicians and groups will take the stage for this rare event. $30. 7:30 p.m. Castle Theater, MACC. 242-7469. Halloween Spooktacular - Sun, Oct 26. The Maui Pops Orchestra will play songs from the spookiest films and TV shows, including Harry Potter, Star Trek, and more. Conducted by Stuart Chafetz. $10/$21/$26/$36. 3:30 p.m. Castle Theater, MACC. 242-7469. Stargazing Cruise - Tue, Oct 28. Join Pacific Whale Foundation for a celestial stargazing cruise featuring professional astronomer Harriet Witt. Includes hot and cold appetizers, refreshments, and up to 3 alcoholic beverages for adults with valid i.d. $49.95/keiki ages 3-12 $34.95. 8-10 p.m. Lahaina Harbor. 294-8811 ext. 1. DJ Logic/Bill Kreutzmann/Papa Malia - Sat, Nov 1. Also will feature Ron Johnson & Matt Hubbard. Tickets available at The Wine Shop, Bounty Music, Requests Music, Wokstar, West Side Vibes and $25 advance/$30 door. 9 p.m. Charley’s, Paia. 579-9668.
Events THURSDAY, OCT 02 Come Out and Play - Elizabeth Ann Brandon, MA wants to make friends with your inner child using cognitive therapy, hypnosis and transactional analysis. Free. 12-3 p.m. Dragon’s Den, Makawao. 573-2424. Free HIV/Hepatitis C Testing and Counseling - Available from the Hawaii Dept. of Health. Free Hepatits A & B Vaccines also available. Times and locations vary around the island. 984-2129. Maui County Fair - Come check out the 86th annual Maui County Fair. There will be great grinds, fabulous carnival rides, booths from local vendors and craftspeople, and more! Parade starts at 4:30 p.m. $5/$2 keiki 5-11. 5-11 p.m. War Memorial Complex, Kahului. 280-6889. Orchidland - Come see this amazing spectacle that shows the many, many varieties and capabilities of family orchidaceae. Party of the Maui County Fair. Think, like, a 9-foot orchid volcano spewing with flaming orchid lava. 5-11 p.m. Maui County Fair, Kahului. Free Film - Maui Peace Action sponsors this screening of Michael Moore’s latest, Slacker Uprising. The film documents Moore’s 2004 drive to get young Americans registered to vote. Free. 7 p.m. MCC Ka Lama 103. 579 9249. Free Beading Classes - Have fun and make something beautiful. Sugar cube, 11 a.m.; Dazzling daisies, 3 p.m.; Hawaiian quilt, 6 p.m. Maui Bead Shack, Queen Ka`ahumanu Center. 873-8080.
FRIDAY, OCT 03 Orchidland - Come see this amazing spectacle that shows the many, many varieties and capabilities of family orchidaceae. Party of the Maui County Fair. Think, like, a 9-foot orchid volcano spewing with flaming orchid lava. 5 p.m.-12 a.m. Maui County Fair, Kahului. HMSA Flu Shot Clinic - Come get your inoculation on. Free. 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Long’s Drugs, Kahului. 1800-776-4672. Biofeedback - Mary Higgins, QXC/SCIO practitioner, helps you energetically rebalance after living yet another day in a toxin-filled world. Walk-ins only. Sliding scale pricing. 2-5 p.m. Dragon’s Den. 573-2424. Job Club - Get help preparing resumes, contacting prospective employers and interviewing. Free. 3-5 p.m. Job Connections of Maui. 871-4143. Shakin’ Keiki - Come see little hula dancers in adorable outfits doing the cultural dance of their ancestors. Free. 3:30 p.m. Lahaina Center, 900 Front St. 667-9216. Maui County Fair - Come check out the 86th annual Maui County Fair. There will be great grinds, fabulous carnival rides, booths from local vendors and craftspeople, and more! $5/$2 keiki 5-11. 5-11 p.m. War Memorial Complex, Kahului. 280-6889. RoboTech Maui Expo - If you are not scared of robots like I am this may be a pretty darned interesting thing to check out. 6-9. Baldwin High School. 9845656. Free Beading Classes - Have fun and make something beautiful. Charm bracelet, 11 a.m.; Bouquet ring, 3 p.m.; Wire wrapping, 6 p.m. Maui Bead Shack, Queen Ka`ahumanu Center. 873-8080.
SATURDAY, OCT 04 Rosh Hashana Celebration - Rabbi David J. Vargas leads this celebration of the Jewish New Year. 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Kahului Union Church, 101 W. W. Kamehameha Ave., Kahului. 214-2156. Orchidland - Come see this amazing spectacle that shows the many, many varieties and capabilities of family orchidaceae. Party of the Maui County Fair. Think, like, a 9-foot orchid volcano spewing with flaming orchid lava. 10 a.m.-midnight. Maui County Fair, Kahului. Swap Meet - I’ve always wanted to unearth some totally awesome treasure at a random flea market. This might be a good place to start. Admission: 50 cents. 7 a.m.-12 p.m. Pu`unene Ave., Kahului. 877-3100. Habitat for Humanity - Spend a few hours helping a family in need get secure shelter. 9 a.m. Call for details. 893-0334. Hula Classes - Hula Classes - Every Sat. Halau Kawaianuhealehua holds open hula classes for children, teen and adult wahines and kanes. 9 a.m. Maui Waena School. Hawaiiana Book Sale - The Maui Historical Society will be hosting this sale. Book prices start at a dime. Not bad. Author Jill Engledow will also be on hand to sign her book Island Life 101 A Newcomerís Guide To Hawai`i. 9:30-11:30 a.m. Bailey House Museum, 2375 A Main St., Wailuku. 244-3326. Hula Show - Get a taste of Hawaiian history and culture. Free. 1 p.m. Maui Mall, Kahului. 877-8952. RoboTech Maui Expo - If you have an irrational fear of robots becoming sentient and enslaving the human race this might not be the event for you. 129 p.m. Baldwin High School. 984-5656. Maui County Fair - Come check out the 86th annual Maui County Fair. There will be great grinds, fabulous carnival rides, booths from local vendors and craftspeople, and more! $5/$2 keiki 5-11. 5-11 p.m. War Memorial Complex, Kahului. 280-6889. Megan Song Birthday Bash - The music and wine will be a-flowing at this, the 24th birthday celebration of Cafe Marc Aurel’s own Megan Song. Song will perform an acoustic set or two, as will Ryan Vice and Kate Bradshaw. Free. 7 p.m. Cafe Marc Aurel, 28 N. Market St., Wailuku, HI, 96793. 244-0852.
RoboTech Maui Expo - A hands-on science and technology fair that may or may not include baking soda volcanoes, but it will definitely include robots. Not the rebellious kind, we hope. 12-5 p.m. Baldwin High School. 984-5656. Israeli Dance - Learn traditional and modern International and Israeli dances. Free. 4:30-6 p.m. Grace Church, Kulu. 264-5214. Maui County Fair - Come check out the 86th annual Maui County Fair. There will be great grinds, fabulous carnival rides, booths from local vendors and craftspeople, and more! $5/$2 keiki 5-11. 5-11 p.m. War Memorial Complex, Kahului. 280-6889. Meet Ramon Madden - Come have a cuppa and see what this candidate for Maui’s fightin’ 10th House District has to say. 6-8 p.m. Java Jazz, Lahaina. Line Dancing - Practice your tush push ya’ll and come on down for some line dancing by the Maui Paniolo Posse. Lessons: 6:30 p.m.; Dancing: 7 p.m. Lahaina Cannery Mall. Paia Mantokuji Mission Daruma Sama Picnic - Time to be announced. Paia Mantokuji Mission. 579-8051. Atlantis Submarine Adventure! Julie’s Hope Fundraiser - Atlantis Submarines will offer their afternoon Submarine Adventure as a Julieís Hope Fundraiser. Donations in any amount will be gratefully accepted for tour tickets. All proceeds will go to ìJulieís Hopeî fund to help cover cancer treatment costs for Julie Wood, Maui Police Departmentís Criminalist (CSI Scientist). Reservations suggested. . 2:30 pm. Slip #18, Lahaina Harbor. 283-7910. Free Beading Classes - Have fun and make something beautiful. Learn basic crimping methods, 11 a.m.; Wire wrapping: 2 p.m. Maui Bead Shack, Queen Ka`ahumanu Center. 873-8080.
MONDAY, OCT 06 Neuro Cognitive Differences Anonymous - A support group for people with memory, attention, concentration, organization, language, learning, or similar cognitive impairment. 10:30 a.m.-11:30 a.m. St. Theresa Church, Kihei. 879-2649. Senior Line Dancing - Line dance lessons for people 55 or better. 8:30-10 a.m. Kaunoa Senior Center, Sprecklesville. 270-7313. Friends of the Library - Anyone interested is invited to attend this monthly meeting. 1-2 p.m. Kahului Public Library. 573-9028. Honoapiilani Widening Project Meeting - A public meeting gives residents a chance to find out about the proposed project to widen the highway in West Maui. 5-7 p.m. West Maui Senior Center, Lahaina. 661-9432. Pipe Up - No experience is needed for drummers and bagpipers at these open, free lesson and practices for the Isle of Maui Pipe Band. 6 p.m. Call for Direction. 876-0154. Death and Dying Support Group - A monthly support group for those who are dying, caregivers to the dying, those interested in exploring their own approaching death, and those engaged or interested in end-of-life care. 6:30-8:30 p.m. Temple of Peace, Haiku. 283-5950. Breast Cancer Support Group - Come together for friendship, support and healing of body and soul. 7 p.m. The Studio Maui, Haiku. 575-9390. High Hopes Square Dance Club - A place for beginners to pick up some steps and seasoned square dancers to show off their moves. Free. 7 p.m. Hannibal Tavares Community Center, Pukalani. 572-0671. Free HIV/Hepatitis C Testing and Counseling - Available from the Hawaii Dept. of Health. Free Hepatits A & B Vaccines also available. Times and locations vary around the island. 984-2129. Free Beading Classes - Learn new skills and be creative. Hawaiian quilt, 11 a.m.; Charm bracelet; 3 p.m.; Basic earrings, 6 p.m. Maui Bead Shack, Queen Ka`ahumanu Center. 873-8080.
DA KINE CALENDAR TUESDAY, OCT 07 Non-Profit Polynesian Dance - Support the kids of the Napili Kai Foundation by watching their Polynesian dance show. $10 adults, $5 kids. 5:30 p.m. 669-6271. Al Anon/Alateen - 5:30 p.m. Iao Congregational Church. 242-0296. Maui Singles Investment Club - This event gives Maui singles a chance to mingle while learning about investments. 5:30-7 p.m. Cary & Eddie’s Hideaway, Kahului. 579-9249. Ukulele Lessons - Learn some strumming techniques to impress you friends with. Free. 5:45 p.m. Lahaina Cannery Mall. 661-5304. Maui Quilt Guild - Meet other quilters in this monthly open meeting. 6 p.m. Hale Mahoalu Elima Community Center, Kahului. 572-1168. Maui Puerto Rican Association - This monthly meeting is open to the public. 7 p.m. Cameron Center, Wailuku. 579-8503. Folk Dancing - Shake it folk style with the Maui Israeli Fold Dancing group. Free. . 8 p.m. Jewish Congregation of Maui, Kihei. 280-1051. Speed Dating - Sit down for a round of threeminute dates. Who knows, you could find true love... or at least someone you might want to spend a whole second date with. Registration: $5. 8 p.m. Wow-Wee Maui Kava Bar & Grill, Kahului. 871-1414. Free Beading Classes - Have fun and make something beautiful. Bouquet ring, 11 a.m.; Sugar cube, 3 p.m.; Basic crimping, 6 p.m. Maui Bead Shack, Queen Ka`ahumanu Center. 873-8080. Free HIV/Hepatitis C Testing and Counseling - Available from the Hawaii Dept. of Health. Free Hepatits A & B Vaccines also available. Times and locations vary around the island. 984-2129. Toastmasters - Perfect your public speaking skills in this community club. 9 a.m., Kapalua Land Co. training center, 665-5485; 6 p.m., St. Theresa Church, Kihei, 298-3966.
WEDNESDAY, OCT 08 Ayurvedic Consultations - Margo P. Uma Gal, CAP., offers up wisdom on diet and lifestyle from over 20 years of experience as an Ayurvedic Practitioner. Walk-ins only. Free. 10:30 a.m.-1 p.m. Makawao. 572-2424. Shakin’ Keiki - Come see little hula dancers in adorable outfits doing the cultural dance of their ancestors. Free. 2:30 p.m. Lahaina Center, 900 Front St. 667-9216. WOW! - Every Wed. Wailea on Wednesdays presents live island music, gallery receptions, artist appearances and more. . 6:30-8 p.m. 897-6770 x2. Free HIV/Hepatitis C Testing and Counseling - Available from the Hawaii Dept. of Health. Free Hepatits A & B Vaccines also available. Times and locations vary around the island. 984-2129.
Free Beading Classes - Have fun and make something beautiful. Quick cluster, 11 a.m.; Silk knotting, 3 p.m.; Basic earring, 6 p.m. Maui Bead Shack, Queen Ka`ahumanu Center. 873-8080.
Keiki Infant Support Group - Sat. A chance for parent to meet other parents of infants and take a break from their parenting duties. 1-3 p.m. Eddie Tam Pavilions, Makawao. 242-2583. Pacific Whale Foundation Fall Ocean Discovery Camp for Kids - Mon. Parents of children ages 6-12 are invited to enroll their keiki in Reservations required. Daily rate is $67 ($56 for members), weekly $284 ($227 for members). . 8 a.m.-4 p.m. Pacific Whale Foundation Discovery Center, Ma’alaea Harbor Shops. 808-294-8811 ext. 1. After-School Help - Mon-Fri. Hui Malama Learning Center offers after-school homework help and classes. Call for directions and hours. 244-5911. Athletic Club Outreach - Every Tue & Thu. Got tough kids? Get them instruction on Olympic weightlifting, power lifting, body building and sportsspecific weight training by an experienced team of coaches. Ages 11-19. Free. 4:45-6 p.m. St. Mark Weightlifting Hall, Good Shepherd Episcopal Church, Wailuku. 244-4656. Free Keiki Art Classes - Every Mon, Tue, Wed & Fri. Lahaina Arts Society offers free children’s art classes island wide. MON - Lahaina Surf Hawaiian Housing, 3-5 p.m. & Baha’i Faith Maui Center, Makawao, 9 a.m.-12. TUE - Kehekili Park Terrace, Wailuku, 3-5 p.m. WED - Baha’i Faith Maui Center, 9 a.m.-12 p.m.; Honokowai Kau Hale, 2:30-4:30 p.m.; Ka Hale A Ke Ola, Wailuku, 4-6 p.m. FRI - Haiku Boy’s and Girl’s Club, 3-5 p.m. For more info call 661-0111. Kids Love Stories - Tue. So bring them down to listen at Lahaina’s biggest bookstore. Free. 10-10:30 a.m. Barnes and Noble, Lahaina. 662-1300. West Side Storytime - Every Tue & Sat. Lahaina’s newest bookseller is hosting keiki story time, so get them hooked on reading early. Tue., 10 a.m.; Sat., 11 a.m. Barnes and Noble, Lahaina. Keiki Issues? - Thu. The Parent Project, a program for parents of strong willed children. Wrestle the phone away from the child and make that call. Free. 6:30-8:30 p.m. Hui Malama Learning Center. 289-5050. Keiki Shots - Thu. (West Maui) Bring children up to the age of 18 without medical insurance in for vaccinations. Bring all immunization records. Walk-in basis. Free. 9-11 a.m. Lahaina Comprehensive Health Center. 984-8260. La-ti-Da Music for Families - Thu. La-ti-Da Toddler classes are specially designed for ages 5 months - 5 yrs and the people who take care of them. Discover how creative musical movement enriches physical strength, builds self confidence, and encourages natural curiosity. Every Thursday Sept. 25- Nov. 20th. 9 a.m. The Studio Maui, Haiku. 280-2784.
Story Time - Thu. Keiki story time and crafts. Free. 10 a.m. Hawaiian Village Coffee, Kahana. 665-1114. Toddler Story Time - Thu. Brush up on the latest in children’s books with your little one. Free. 10 a.m. Makawao Public Library. 573-8785. Keiki Shots - Fri. (Central Maui) Bring children up to the age of 18 without medical insurance in for vaccinations. Bring all immunization records. Walkin basis. Free. 12-3 p.m. Wailuku Health Center. 984-8260. Premature Babies - Sat. Imua will hold a support group for parents of premature babies. Parent education, info and skills. 5:30 p.m., Imua Family Services Anuenue Room, 870-0115. Saturday Stories - Sat. Bring the kids down to Lahaina’s biggest bookstore for stories and special events. Free. 11 a.m. Barnes and Noble, Lahaina. 662-1307. Yu-Gi-Oh - Sat. Little gamester get out your cards and get ready for a Yu-Gi-Oh tournament! Free. 3 p.m. Lahaina Cannery Mall. 661-4766. YoYo Workshop & Demo - Sun. Yo Yo’s are silent, so encourage your kids to learn how to use them and finally get some peace and quiet! Free. 4-5 p.m. Maui Toy Works. 661-5304. Keiki Chess Club - Mon. For little masterminds age 7-12. Free. 2:30-4 p.m. Makawao Public Library. 573-5313. Junior Golf Clinic - Wed. Provides pointers for golfers aged 7-17. Call to reserve; space is limited. $65/student. 4-5:30 p.m. Wailea Golf Course. 875-5111.
Lecture All-Inclusive Care Talk - Fri. Learn about the Maui PACE program, which supports elderly individuals’ ability to remain in their homes for as long as they wish. 5-6 p.m. Cameron Center, Wailuku. 442-4555. Medicare Luncheon - Tue. Learn about the process of obtaining health care coverage through Medicare from someone who has recently gone through it. Please RSVP. 12-1 p.m. Cary & Eddie’s Hideaway, Kahului. 579-9249. Smart Pack & Go Lunches - Tue. Learn how to pack a lunch that will sustain your brain power throughout the day. Susan Campbell of Teton Productions will give you the basics of nutrition and how it’s connected to awareness and vitality. Free. 12-1 p.m. Maui County Business Resource Center, Maui Mall. 873-8247. Branding Your Business - Wed. Find out the benefits of creating an authentic identity for your business, and find out the best ways to go about doing so. Free. 3:30-5 p.m. Maui County Business Resource Center, Maui Mall. 873-8247. Maui Tech Ohana - Wed. A chance to find out about Maui’s tech industry and network with like minds. This month’s speaker will be International Underwater Explorations CEO Joe Breman. $25/$35. 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Stella Blues, Kihei. 875-2300.
844 FRONT ST., LAHAINA • 667-7758
2511 S. KIHEI RD., KIHEI • 891-8600
Families With Mental Illness Course - Wed. Course aims to help families of individuals with serious mental illness. Free. 5-7:30 p.m. Cameron Center, Wailuku. 572-3757.
Environment Reef Check Hawai`i Volunteer Training - Thu. Learn how to help monitor the health of Hawai`i’s coral reefs!. 5-9 p.m. Sanctuary Education Center, 726 South Kihei Rd. 953-4044. Nene Awareness Day - Fri. An effort to help spread awareness about the endangered Hawaiian nene (Hawaiian goose), today’s events include an information table and display at the Queen Kaahumanu Center, an informational talk and nene display at the Haleakala park headquarters and an open house at the Maui Bird Conservation Center in Olinda. 8 a.m.-3 p.m. Locations island wide. 572-4400. Solar Home Tour - Sat. October is Energy Awareness Month. Check out some of the ways in which island residents are cutting back on fossil fuels. Part of the National Solar Tour. Free. 9 a.m. to 12 a.m.; 1-4 p.m. Call for location. 579-8288. Haleakala National Park Service Trip - Sun. Help pull invasive weeds at Haleakala National Park through the Pacific Whale Foundation’s Volunteer on Vacation program. Free transportation from Ma’alaea and Pukalani, free park admission and free t-shirt provided. Sponsored by County of Maui Office of Economic Development and Hawaii Tourism Authority. 7:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m. Haleakala National Park. 294-8811 ext. 1. Hoaloha ‘aina - Mon. Join South Maui Volunteers and group leaders Bob & Lis Richardson to help maintain a new oceanside trail, pick up litter and remove invasive species. Meet at 7:30 a.m. at Kihei Boat Ramp in South Kihei. Bring water, snacks and sunscreen and wear long pants and closed-toe shoes. 7:30-9:30 a.m. South Kihei; meet at Kihei Boat Ramp. 808-294-8811 ext. 1. Save Honolua - Tue. Meeting to inform, educate and involve the community on the proposed development of Honolua Bay. 6:45 p.m. Lahaina Civic Center. 870-0052. Smarter than a Sand Crab? - Mon-Fri. Get free info about marine life and answers to all those pesky questions that keep you up all night. The Pacific Whale Foundation Marine Naturalists are definitely smarter than a fifth grader. The question is, are you?. 8 a.m.-1 p.m. Ulua Beach, Wailea. 249-8811. Building supplies - Every Wed, Thu, Fri & Sat. Spring cleaning! Donate new and nearly new building materials or purchase them at reduced prices. Volunteers needed to stock, display and price merchandise. Reduce the amount of usable building materials going into the landfill. 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Habitat for Humanity, Market St., Wailuiku. 986-8050. Daily Onsite Coral Reef Naturalist Program - Mon-Fri. Learn names of fish youíve seen while snorkeling and how to protect Mauiís reefs at Pacific Whale Foundationís free Coral Reef Information Station. Sponsored by Hawaii Tourism Authority and
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DA KINE CALENDAR County of Maui Office of Economic Development. . 8 a.m.-12 p.m. Ulua Beach, Wailea. 808-294-8811. Weed and Pot Club - Wed. Did that get your attention? Push up your sleeves and rake, hoe and pull weeds in a beautiful garden setting. Tools, gloves and drinking water provided. Bring sunscreen and tennis shoes. 8:30 a.m. Maui Nui Botanical Gardens, Kahului. 249-2798. Kanaha Beach Project - Every Tue & Thu. Join group leader Val Magee in removing invasive species, clearing marine debris and planting native species at Kanaha Park. Meet at the Canoe Hale at Kanaha Beach Park in Kahului. . 8:30 a.m.-11:30 a.m. Kanaha Beach Park. 808-294-8811 ext. 1. Coastal Restoration - Fri. Habitat restoration at Waihe`e coastal dunes with Maui Coastal Land Trust. 8 a.m.-12 p.m. Waihe`e. 244-5263. Maui Coastal Land Trust Service Project - Fri. The Pacific Whale Foundation’s Volunteering on Vacation program gives you a chance to help save unique ecosystems at Maui Coastal Land Trust in Waihee. Be prepared to help weed out invasive plants or help with other tasks. Get a free t-shirt for your efforts!. 7:45 a.m.-12 p.m. Maui Coastal Land Trust, Waihee. 808-294-8811 ext. 1. Honokawai Valley Restoration Project - Sat. Come help remove invasive species while learning
about some of the area’s archaeological sites. Wear close-toed boots and bring water, snacks, lunch, sun screen and bug spray. Group will meet at the Kaanapali Sugar Cane Train Station, which is on the mauka side of Puukoli Road. 9 a.m.-2 p.m. Honokawai Valley. 249-8811.
Ohana Farmers & Crafters Market - Every Tue, Wed & Fri. 8 a.m.-4 p.m. Queen Ka’ahumanu Shopping Center. 877-3369.
Save the Forest - Sun. The Pacific Whale Foundation is hosting a group of ten volunteers to pull invasive pine trees near Hosmers Grove. Transportation is provided. Bring warm clothes, long pants and closed boots. Pick ups: 7:30 a.m., Harbor Shop, 300 Ma`alaea Rd; 8:15 a.m., Upcountry Tavares Community Center. RSVP 856-8341.
Honokowai Farmers Market - Every Mon, Wed & Fri. Lots of fresh local produce plus baked and canned goods. 7-11 a.m. Lower Honopiilani Hwy.
Walk Waihee - Mon. Take an educational guided tour of the Waihee Coastal Dunes. Free. 9 a.m. Call to register. 244-5263.
Sports Women’s Golf Tournament - Sun. Lady golfers, come be a part of the 35th annual Panasonic Lester Hamai Memorial Women’s Golf Tournament. A mere $75 covers your greens fee, rental car, and seat at the awards luncheon that will follow. $75. Call for time. Maui Country Club, Paia. 877-7893.
Poetry Open Mic - Every night is open mic night at Hawaiian Village Coffee. Kahana Gateway location, call 665-1114.
Maui Croquet Club - Every Sun, Tue & Thu. You could be an amazing croquet player and not even know it. No mallet? No problem. 2-5 p.m. Waipuilani Park, Kihei. 879-0087.
Poetry Reading - Every second Tue, read your original work, your favorite poem, or just come to be inspired. Free. 6:30 p.m., Lahaina Public Library, 6623950.
Pool Hours - Daily. Pool Hours - Besides the fear of contracting super-strain ukuís, I really enjoy a good swim in a public pool. Sometimes the thought of dealing with sand is just too much to bear. Kahului, Kihei, Lahaina, War Memorial, Pukalani, anthe Old and New Wailuku Pools: M-W, F, S 9 a.m-4 p.m.; Th 10 a.m.-4:30 p.m.; Sun 12-4:30 p.m. These hours can change due to events. To double check you can call, 270-6135.
Open Mind Open Mic - Every Mon. Open Mind Open Mic with spoken word, poetry, comedy— whatever you have to say here’s your chance. Free. 6 p.m., Moana Bakery, Paia, 244-9091.
Sunset Yoga - Thu. Beginners are welcome for this free oceanfront yoga session, which is happening every Thursday in September. 6-7:30 p.m. Blue Lotus Room, Kihei. 280-5378. Tai Chi - Every Mon & Fri. Get your Tai Chi in during your lunchbreak with Dr. Lorrin Pang. Free. noon12:45 p.m. State Building Plaza, Wailuku. 984-8200.
Express Yourself - Every Mon. Open Mic Night with music, song, poetry! Free. 7 p.m., Cafe Marc Aurel, Wailuku, 244-0852.
Open Mic - Every Saturday the Maui Media Lab hosts an open mic night for poets, muscicians and others who want to be heard. Sessions are recorded and fed to the internet. All ages are welcome. Free. 6-9 p.m., Maui Media Lab, Baldwin Ave, Poetry Reading - Every second Thu Maui Live Poets Society hosts an open poetry reading on the West side. Free. 6:30- 9 p.m. Lahaina, 661-0517
KARAOKE Isana Restaurant - Daily, 9 p.m. 515 S. Kihei Rd., Kihei, 874-1811. Kobe Japanese Steakhouse - Fri-Sat, 9:30 p.m., 136 Dickenson St., Lahaina, 667-5555. Lulu’s - Wed, 7 p.m., 1941 S. Kihei Rd., 879-9944.
Volleyball Day - Sat. Bump, set, spike! Free. 1 p.m. Kamaole III Beach Park, Kihei.
Sansei - Thu-Fri, 10 p.m., 600 Office Road, Kapalua, 669-6286; Thu-Sat, 10 p.m. Kihei Town Center, 8790004.
Speed Dating - Mon. Dance party to follow. 8 p.m. Wow-wee Maui’s Kava Bar, Kahului. 871-1414.
Tiffany’s - Daily, 9:30 p.m., 1424 L. Main St., Wailuku, 249-0052.
Tip Up’s Tavern - Mon, 9:30 p.m., 1279 S. Kihei Rd., 874-9299.
Native Species Art Exhibition - Sat. Malama Wao Akua host this showcase of adult and keiki art pieces that focus on Hawaii’s natural beauty. Partial sale proceeds will benefit the East Maui Watershed Partnership. 5-8 p.m. Viewpoints Gallery, 3620 Baldwin Ave., Makawao, HI, 96768. 572-5979.
Unisan - Thu-Sat, 9:30 p.m., 2102 Vineyard St., Wailuku, 244-4500.
Student Art Exhibit - Daily. Maui students exhibit works of art that reveal their visual arts knowledge, skills, creativity and talent, and for the community. . War Memorial Gym. 280-6689. Art Night - Fri. Stroll through dozens of art galleries in Lahaina Town. Special gallery shows, featured artists-in-action and refreshments. This week’s featured artist is Ronald Macedo. Free. 6:30 p.m. Lahaina. 661-6284. Art Bistro - Mon. Local artists display their wares, from photography and painting to jewelry and sculptures. Live music, too. 5-10pm. Jacques Northshore Bistro, 120 Hana Hwy. Paia. 808-269-0961.
Farmers market, Art/Craft Fairs Ho`olokahi Arts & Crafts Fair - Every Tue & Fri. Fresh flower lei-making classes from 9-11 a.m. on Fridays. 9 a.m.-2 p.m. Wailea Beach Marriott Resort south lobby. 879-1922.
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Resort Craft Fair - Every Wed & Fri. Hawaiian arts and crafts. 8 a.m.-2 p.m. Renaissance Wailea Beach Resort. Aloha Craft Fair - Fri. 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Maui Mall. 872-4320. KBH Craft Fair - Fri. Cultural crafts and live demos. 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Ka`anapali Beach Hotel lobby. 6675978. Organic Farmers Market - Sat. Fresh produce that’s cheaper than the grocery store. 6:30 a.m.noon. Eddie Tam Memorial Center.
Tommy Bahama Golf Tournament - Mon. Tommy Bahama and Golf: together for the first time, ever! Jokes aside, this is a benefit for Habitat for Humanity. Cocktails, dinner, awards and silent auction to follow. Registration begins at 11 a.m. Wailea Golf Club - Old Blue Course. 875-3450.
Paddling for Breast Cancer Survivors - Every Mon & Wed. Get together with other survivors for canoe paddling. Free. 6:45 a.m. Kihei Canoe Club. 243-2999.
Farmers Market of Maui - Every Mon, Wed & Fri. Sample the goods at this local market for fresh produce. 10 a.m.-4 p.m. 61 S. Kihei Rd.
DINNER MUSIC WEST MAUI BJ’s Chicago Pizzeria - Wed-Fri, John Kane; Sat, Harry Troupe; Sun, Greg DiPiazza; Mon, Tue, Marvin Tevaga. All sets 7:30-9:30 p.m. 730 Front St., Lahaina, 661-0700. Cheeseburger In Paradise - Mon, Tue, Scotty Rotten; Wed, Fri, Harry Troupe; Thu, Sat, Sun, Brooks McGuire. All sets 4:30-10:30 p.m. 811 Front St., Lahaina, 661-4855. Cool Cat Cafe - Thu, Erin Smith; Fri, Sat, Dave Carroll; Sun, Wed, Whale Sharks; Mon, Mickie Moore; Tue, Jazz; . all sets 7:30-10 p.m. Wharf Cinema Center, Lahaina, 667-0908. Hard Rock Cafe - Sun, Marty Dread, 6:30-8:30 p.m. 900 Front St., Lahaina, 570-7400. Hula Grill - (Early sets) Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat Ernest Pua’a; Sun,Mon, Kawika Lum Ho; Tue, Jarret Roback. Early sets 3-5 p.m. (Followed by) Thu, Braddah Brian & Roy; Fri, Brian, Roy & Kawika;. Sat, “TBA”; Sun, Ryan Tanaka & Friends; Mon,Damon; Tue, Roy & Friends; Wed, An Den. Late sets 7-9:30 p.m. 2435 Ka`anapali Parkway, Building P, 667-6636.
Java Jazz/Soup Nutz - Mon-Sat, Acoustic music. All sets 7 p.m. 3350 Lower Honoapi`ilani Rd., Honokowai, 667-0787. Kimo’s - Mon- Wed, Sat, Sun, Sam Ahia. Fri, deAquino Bradaz. All sets 6:30-8:30 p.m. 845 Front St., Lahaina, 661-4811. Leilani’s On The Beach - Fri, Scott Baird;. Sat, JD and Harry; Sun, Kilohana. All sets 2:30-5 p.m. 2435 Ka`anapali Pkwy, Building J, 661-4495. Moose McGillycuddy’s, Lahaina - Fri, Llayne & Pro Ed; Sat, Mark & Mike. All sets 6-9 p.m. 844 Front St., 667-7758. Mulligan’s on the Wharf - Fri, AnRil. All sets 7 p.m. Wharf Cinema Center, Lahaina, 661-8881. Pioneer Inn - Thu, Ah-Tim Eleniki; Tue, Captain Billy Bones; Wed, Greg Di Piazza. All sets 6-8 p.m. 658 Wharf St., Lahaina, 661-3636. Santa Fe Cantina - Tue, Ryan from Silky Ringo; 48 p.m. 900 Front St., Lahaina, 667-7805. Sea House Restaurant - Thu & Fri, Kincaid Basques; Sa,-Coelho Morrison; Su, Andrew Kaina; Mon, Albert Kaina, Tue, Kincaid Basques; Wed, Albert Kaina. All sets except Sat. 7-9 p.m. Sat set is 6:309p.m. Napili Kai Beach Resort, 5900 Honoapi`ilani Rd., Napili, 669-1500.
SOUTH MAUI Life’s A Beach - Thu, Erin Smith. 1913 South Kihei Rd., 891-8010. Longhi’s - Sat, acoustic music. 10:30-11 p.m. 3750 Wailea Alanui Dr., 891-8883 Ma`alaea Grill - Thu, Fri, Sat, Benoit Jazz Works. All sets 6:30-9 p.m. Maalaea Harbor, 243-2206. Mulligan’s on the Blue - Fri, Gail Swanson; 6-8 p.m.; Sat, Sun, Celtic Tigers; Mon, Gypsy Pacific; 7 p.m. Tue, Randall Rospond; 6:30-8:30 p.m. 100 Kaukahi St., Wailea, 874-1131. South Shore Tiki Lounge - Thu, Sun, Tue, Tony; Fri, Erin Smith; Mon, Kanoa; Wed, Kenny Roberts. All sets 4-6 p.m. 1913 Kihei Rd., Kihei Kalama Village, 874-6444. Tommy Bahama’s Tropical Café - Sun, Mon, Brittany; Wed, Sat, Merv Oana Thu; Fri Margie; Tue Jamie Lawrence. All sets 6-10 p.m. The Shops at Wailea, 875-9983. Tradewinds Poolside Cafe - Thu, Kawika Lum Ho; Fri, Kaleo Cullen; Sat, Louise Lambert; Sun, Mon, Kenny Roberts; Tue, Ramen & Cora; Wed, Keoki Ruiz. All sets 6-9 p.m. The Maui Coast Hotel, 2259 S. Kihei Rd., 874-6284.
CENTRAL MAUI Café Marc Aurel - Tue, Live Music; Mon, Open Mic Night. 7:30 p.m. 28 N. Market St., Wailuku, 2440852. Main Street Bistro - Th-Fri, Rhythm & Blues with Freedom. 5-7:30 p.m.. 2051 Main St., Wailuku, 2446816. Sushi Go - Wed, Live music. 4-8 p.m. Queen Ka`ahumanu Center, Kahului, 877-8744. Wowee-Maui’s Kava Bar & Grill- Th, Hawaiian Jazz & Fusion w/ Robbie Ray. 6-9 p.m. Fri, Hawaiian Raggae, 6-9 p.m. 333 Dairy Rd., Kahului, 871-1414.
UPCOUNTRY MAUI Hana Hou Cafe - Wed, Dorothy Betz and Les Adam with Vince Esquire. Thu, Haiku Hillbillys. Sat, Live music. All sets 6:30-9:30 p.m. 810 Haiku Rd, Haiku Cannery, 575-2661. Jacque’s - Mon, Live Jazz. 5 p.m. 120 Hana Hwy, Paia, 579-8844. Morning Glories Organic Internet Cafe - Fri, Elaine Ryan, 3-4 p.m.; Mon, Karen B, 1-2 p.m.137 Hana Hwy, Paia, 579-6009. Moana Cafe & Bakery - Wed, Benoit Jazzworks; Thu Mark Johnstone, Fri, Classic Hawaiian with Jocelyn, all sets 6:30-8:30. Sat, Live jazz music with Mark Johnstone & Friends, 12:30 -2:30 p.m. 71 Baldwin Ave., Paia, 579-9999.
Send your listings and photos for the Da Kine Calendar to Kate Bradshaw at or fax (808) 244-0446
The Grid lists nightly entertainment at bars, clubs, cafes, other non-dinner serving establishments, as well as restaurants with entertainment after 9pm.
AMBROSIA 1913 S. Kihei Road, Kihei - 891-1011
CAFE MARC AUREL 28 N. Market St. Wailuku - 244-0852
Thursday 10/02
Friday 10/03
Saturday 10/04
Sunday 10/05
Monday 10/06– Wednesday 10/08
DJ Blu Sol No cover, 9:30pm
Estee Graham No cover, 10pm
Erin Smith Band No cover, 10pm
Call for details
MON - Call for details; TUE - Kahala & Indo of LAWA, 9:30pm ; WED - Bamboo Blues 9:30pm
Lonnie Williams No cover, ‘til 11pm
Randall Rospond No cover, ‘till 11pm
Groove Addict No cover, 9pm
MON - Open Mic w/ Ryan Vice, ‘til 11pm
Mapenzi Marimba w/ Zuni $10, 10pm
Country Rootz $10, 10pm
WED - Wild Wahine Wednesday w/DJ Styles & DJ Jammin J; $10, 10pm
Coyote Ugly $10, 10pm
Marty Dread Cover TBA, 10pm
Black Square/White Rose Cover TBA, 10pm
TUE - Kanoa of Gomega, $5; WED - Paia Town Pau Hana, 10pm
Orin & Junior No cover
Dave Carroll No cover
Dave Carroll No cover
Alex C No cover
MON - Erin Smith; TUE - Jazz Night; WED -Howard Ahia, No cover
Quiz Night No cover, 8pm
Dance music 10pm
Live Music 10pm
Erin Smith No cover, 9pm
MON - Jordan, 10pm; TUE - Scott Baird/Dart Tournament
CASANOVA 1188 Makawao Ave., Makawao - 572-0220
CHARLEY’S 142 Hana Hwy., Paia - 579-9668
COOL CAT CAFE Wharf Cinema, Lahaina - 667-0908
DOG & DUCK IRISH PUB 1913 S. Kihei Rd. - 875-9669
Ultra Fabulous Girly Girlz Diva Show
1445 S. Kihei Rd. - 874-4041
HARD ROCK CAFÉ 900 Front St., Lahaina - 667-7400
HENRY’S BAR & GRILL 41 E. Lipoa St., Kihei - 879-2849
Silky Ringo 9pm Live Music No cover, 9pm
JACQUES 120 Hana Hwy., Paia - 579-8844
KAHALE’S BEACH CLUB 36 Keala Pl., Kihei - 875-7711
Vince Esquire No cover
KAHULUI ALE HOUSE KIMOS 845 Front St., Lahaina - 661-4811
LIFE’S A BEACH 1913 S. Kihei Rd., Kihei - 891–8010
Byron Brown & the Derelicts; $8, 10pm Live Music No cover, 9pm
MON - Marty Dread, $10, $5 Kama aina Live Music No cover, 9pm
Rampage 10pm
Gina Martinelli No cover
DJ Del Sol $10,10pm
DJ CIA No cover, 10pm
Kenny Roberts No cover
Way Back Machine No Cover
DJ Shaka Rock No Cover, 10pm
355 E. Kamehameha, Kahului - 877-9001
WED -Wii Wednesday
Orrin & Junior No cover, 9-11pm
Sam Ahia
Black Square 10pm
Silky Ringo 10pm
Kahala No cover
TUE - Da Ha-Y-ans, No cover WED - Chico & Da Kine, No cover
DJ Boomshot No cover, 10pm
MON - DJ Boomshot, 10pm; TUE - Kilohana, No cover; WED - Celtic Music, No cover MON-WED - Sam Ahia MON - Kanoa of Gomega, 10pm; TUE - DJ Razor, 10pm; WED - Crunch Pups, 10pm
Industry Night 9:30pm
No Cover $5 Cover
Comments section is
...coming Fri. Oct. 3rd!
& The Derelicts
Sat. Oct. 11th • $8
sound off!
A Benefit for the Pacific Cancer Foundation
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OCTOBER 2, 2008
Daily Sushi & Sashimi Specials!
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SEVEN NEW Hi-Definition FLAT SCREEN TV’s featuring
ALL Your Favorite Sports Programs
744 Front St. • Lahaina • 661- 9090 • 26
OCTOBER 2, 2008
The Grid lists nightly entertainment at bars, clubs, cafes, other non-dinner serving establishments, as well as restaurants with entertainment after 9pm.
Thursday 10/02
Friday 10/03
Saturday 10/04
Sunday 10/05
Monday 10/06– Wednesday 10/08
Neto Latin Salsa No cover, 9pm
The Willy’s & DJ Malik No cover, 9pm
Shaka Saturdays $10, 10pm
DJ Mike 9pm
DJ Mike 9pm
ADD Twins No cover, 9pm
ADD Twins No cover; 9pm
Pole Dancing No cover, 9pm
MON - Hazmatt, No cover, 9:30pm; TUE - Dollar Drink Night, $5, 9pm; WED - Latino Late Night, No cover, 9pm
Wee D’ono No cover, 10pm
Silky Ringo No cover, 10pm
Hazmatt No cover, 10pm
Silky Ringo No cover, 10pm
MON - Dub Boyz, No cover, 10pm; TUE - Unifires, No cover, 10pm; WED - Open Mic, No cover, 10pm
Trike Races/DJ Skinny Guy 10pm
DJ Styles/DJ Jammin J $5, 10pm
Flavazone $8, 10pm
Karaoke No cover, 9pm
MON - Karaoke No cover, 9pm ; WED - Industry Night, No cover, 10pm
Ladies/80s Night w/DJ Bud; $5, 10pm
DJ Blast $10, 10pm
DJ Blast $10, 10pm
Live Music Until 10pm, No cover
MON-WED - Live Music, Until 10pm, No cover
Sonny B & Kapahaki No cover, 10pm
WED - Junior, No cover, 10pm
Kanoa of Gomega No cover, 10pm
MON - DJ Blast; TUE - Astro Boys (DJs); WED - DJ Decca; All no cover, 10pm
DJ Shark in da Water No cover, 10pm
MON - Karaoke, 9:30pm; TUE - New Project, No cover, 10pm; WED - Off Tomorrow, No cover, 10pm
LONGHI’S 888 Front St., Lahaina - 667-2288
LULU’S 1945 S. Kihei Rd., Kihei - 879-9944
MAI TAI LOUNGE 839 Front St., Lahaina - 661-5288
MOOSE MCGILLYCUDDY’S 844 Front St., Lahaina - 667-7758
MULLIGAN’S ON THE BLUE 100 Kaukahi St., Wailea - 874-1131
MULLIGAN’S AT THE WHARF Cinema Center, Lahaina - 661-8881
OCEANS BAR & GRILL 1819 S. Kihei Rd. - 891-2414
OYSTER BAR 744 Front St., Lahaina - 661-9090
Velvet Decadence No cover, 9pm Live Sketch Comedy $10
SANTA FE CANTINA 900 Front St., Lahaina - 667-7805
SOUTH SHORE TIKI LOUNGE 1913 S. Kihei Rd., Kihei - 874-6444
SPORTS PAGE GRILL & BAR 2411 S. Kihei Rd., Kihei - 879-0602
DJ Slackin No cover, 10pm
DJ Sonny No cover, 10pm
Crunch Pups No cover, 9:30pm
Vince Esquire No cover, 9:30pm Jerry Caires, Jr. $3, 9pm
STOPWATCH SPORTS BAR 1127 Makawao Ave., Makawao - 572-1380
TIP-UPS TAVERN 1279 S. Kihei Road, Kihei - 874-9299
UNISAN 2102 Vineyard St., Wailuku - 244-4500
WOW-WEE MAUI’S 333 Dairy Rd., Kahului - 871-1414
MON - Na Hoku, Crazy Fingers; WED - Way Back Wednesdays, 10pm
Kilohana No cover, 10:30pm
Maui Underground No cover, 10pm
Karaoke ‘til 11pm
80s/90s/Today Club No cover, 10pm
Robbie Ray No cover, 9-10pm
Ekolu & Keola No cover, 9-10pm
Kihei Condo for
Off Tomorrow No cover, 10pm
TUE - WED - Karaoke
MON - Monday Night Football
Kihei Villages, 2 BR/1.5 Ba, two parking stalls! Very clean, upstairs unit with A/C, W/D, dishwasher, large shower, pergo floors, ceiling fans in all rooms, covered lanai, views of Haleakala, the West Mauis and ocean, basic cable and water provided. 5 minute walk to beach. $1350 + deposit. No smoking/pets.
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OCTOBER 2, 2008
PLACING A CLASSIFIED AD IS EASY! CLASSIFIED We would like to let (AAN LINERS know that we try to sc
our ads. We read back to ensure that it is the mation that advertis you see the acronym that ad is a national ad $ MODELS WANTED $ submitted directly to magazine print work. $250have a question dire Ages 18 to 35. 573-3712 ing AAN CAN, pleas *AWESOME CAREER** nment Postal Jobs! $17.80 to YOUR CLASSIF 0/hour Entry Level. No printed in more than ence Required/NOW HIR- tive papers like this Green Card O.K. Call 1-866- $1,200.00! To run your FROM JUST 954 ext. 93 Closed Sundays. with a total circulation million copies per w CAN) Association of Newsweeklies at 80 0 WEEKLY POTENTIAL$$$ No adult ads. (AAN CA g the Government PT. No FREEPER ANDWEEK! ANONY ence No Selling
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OCTOBER 2, 2008
Oh Holy St. Jude Apostle and Martyr, great in virtue and rich in miracles, near kinsman of Jesus Christ, faithful intercessor of all who invoke your special patronage in time of need, to you I have recourse from the depth of my heart and humbly beg to whom God has given such great power to come to my assistance. Help me in my present urgent petition. In return, I promise to make your name known and cause you to be invoked. Say three Our Fathers, three Hail Marys and Glories. Publication must be promised. St. Jude, pray for us all who invoke your aid. Amen. This Novena has never been known to fail. This Novena must be said for 9 consecutive days.
until 10% DISCOUNT ON Sept PARTS & LABOR 30th, 2008
ISLAND WIDE SERVICE AMERICAN • ASIAN • CARS • SUVS • TRUCKS 3135 Lower Kula Road • Behind Kula Hardware
BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES POST OFFICE NOW HIRING. Avg. Pay $20/hour or $57K/yr. includes Federal Benefits and OT. Offered by exam services, not affiliated w/USPS who hires. 1-866616-7019 (AAN CAN)
JOIN OUR FIVE-STAR TEAM! ASSISTANT MANAGERS (HONOKOWAI) Customer service oriented individuals needed for our Honokowai Store in Maui. Excellent benefits. Flexible shifts available. Please send resume to An Equal Opportunity Employer
MEDIA MAKE-UP ARTISTS Earn up to $500/day for television, CD/videos, film, fashion. One week course in Los Angeles while building portfolio. Brochure 3103 6 4 0 6 6 5 http://www.MediaMakeupArtists.c om (AAN CAN) HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA! Fast, Affordable & Accredited FREE Brochure. Call NOW! 1-888583-2101 (AAN CAN)
BUBBA GUMP SHRIMP CO. Now Hiring for ALL POSITIONS Apply in person 889 Front St. Lahaina
DATA ENTRY PROCESSORS PREGNANT? CONSIDERING COMPUTER Needed! Earn $3,500-$5,000 Weekly ADOPTION? Working from Home! Guaranteed EQUIPMENT Talk with caring agency specializPaychecks! No Experience Necessary! A NEW COMPUTER NOW! ing in matching Birthmothers with Brand Name, Bad or NO Credit - Positions Available Today! Register Online Families nationwide. LIVING Now! No Problem EXPENSES PAID. Call 24/7 Abby’s (AAN CAN) Smallest weekly payments avail. One True Gift Adoptions866-413Call NOW - Call 1-800-816-2232 6293 (AAN CAN) GET A NEW COMPUTER Brand Name laptops & desktops $ MODELS WANTED $ Bad or NO Credit - No Problem For magazine print work. $250Smallest weekly payments avail- $900. Ages 18 to 35. 573-3712 YOUR CLASSIFIED AD able. It’s yours NOW - Call 800printed in more than 100 alterna803-8819 (AAN CAN) $$$HELP WANTED$$$ Earn Extra income assembling CD tive papers like this one for just cases from Home. CALL OUR $1,200.00! To run your ad in papers LIVE OPERATORS NOW! 1-800- with a total circulation exceeding 6 405-7619 ext. 150 million copies per week, call the h t t p : / / w w w . e a s y w o r k - Association of Alternative SLEEP IN with SHAKA DIVERS! (AAN CAN) Newsweeklies at 808-264-8039. Daily SCUBA Diving Tours at 9am, No adult ads. (AAN CAN) 2pm, and 6pm. (11am on $600 WEEKLY POTENTIAL$$$ Weekends!) Hit ‘snooze’ and call Helping the Government PT. No ALOHA VALUED READERS (808) 250-1234. Beginners Experience, No Selling. Welcomed. Diving with Call: 1-888-213-5225 Ad Code L-5. We would like to let our readers ‘Shaka~Doug’ is Shakarific! VOID in Maryland and South know that we try to screen most of our ads. We read back the ad copy Dakota. (AAN CAN) to ensure that it is the correct inforATTEND COLLEGE ONLINE mation that advertisers want. If SPICES RESTAURANT From Home. *Medical, *Business, you see the acronym (AAN CAN) *Paralegal, *Computers, *Criminal that ad is a national ad and was not Justice. Job placement assissubmitted directly to us. If you tance. Computer available. •PM Kitchen Staff have a question directly concernFinancial Aid if qualified. Call 8668 5 8 2 1 2 1 Fax 891-8862 or Apply in ing AAN CAN, please check out person at 2259 S. Kihei Rd.
TESTING OFFERED THROUGH YOUR HAWAII DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH Kihei-Mondays at Keolahou Church 11am-2pm. Wailuku-Monday thru Tursday at Wailuku Health Center 8:30 am-12pm. Paia-Wednesdays at Paia Community Center 12:30pm-3:00pm. LahainaThursdays at Lahaina Comprehensive Health Center 9am-12pm. Results returned in 2 wks. Sponsored by State Dept. of Health, for more info call 984-2129
REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Paia, on the Beautiful Island of Maui Over half an acre (24,480 sq.ft.) of level land zoned R-1 near popular Windsurfing spot, Hookipa Beach Park....$779,000 (FS) Call Listor for more info....Arquette Properties, Inc. 808 - 732-9494 or 808 - 222-7343. KIHEI VILLAGES Top floor 2bed/1.5ba condo with ocean views. Across the street from Maui’s longest beach. Stop paying rent - Invest while the market is soft. Pets allowed. Only $199,000 Josh Jerman, Broker (808) 283-2222 Century 21 All Islands CENTRAL MAUI CONDOS Five 1 and 2 bedroom condos across the street from the blue Pacific ocean and walking distance to Maui Community College, the MACC, shopping, and restaurants. Investors, these units rent for $1100 - $1250/m. Price from $75,000 to $99,000. Josh Jerman, Broker (808) 283-2222 Century 21 All Islands DISTRESS SALE Lowest priced 2bd/1.5ba condo in Southpointe, Kihei. Bamboo floors and marble floors, Granite bathroom countertops, new designer fans and lighting. Two parking stalls. Only $191,000 Josh Jerman, Broker (808) 283-2222 Century 21 All Islands
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OCTOBER 2, 2008
LIBRA (SEPT. 23-OCT. 22)
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You haven’t exactly pulled the sword from the stone. You have good reason to be proud of your accomplishments, but expecting them to be celebrated through the ages isn’t exactly realistic. In fact, dwelling on them overmuch will only keep you from doing more great stuff. Stop waiting for recognition that you may never receive. Most people aren’t likely to notice how awesome this stuff is, or why it’s awesome. You could spend time educating them, or simply accomplishing more cool shit that’ll also probably do a lot more good than it ever gets credit for. One option serves your ego, one serves the world. Guess which one I’m hoping you’ll choose?
SCORPIO (OCT. 23-NOV. 21) Your recent efforts have fallen short of brilliance because they’ve either been great ideas with crappy execution, or decent concepts with fantastic follow-through. Obviously, the only way you’ll manifest the genius you’re capable of is if you take the time to refine your design before you put it into play. Make sure your idea is good! Then ensure that you put in the time and make the effort to really do it justice. For months now you’ve more or less slacked on one or the other. Perhaps you’re taking on too much? Whatever the reason, give yourself the time and space to ensure that you’ll do both right this week.
SAGITTARIUS (NOV. 22-DEC. 21) The greatest gift you could give right now is the benefit of the doubt. The person you’re being so careful of isn’t as fragile as you think; in fact, they’re probably getting a bit bored at your overly ginger treatment of them. You can’t have a relationship of equals unless the other person is actually your equal, and you’ll never figure that out if you don’t give them an opportunity to step up and prove themselves. Take a step back, even if that means there’s a risk that someone might fail or suffer because of it. That’s also the only way they’ll have a chance to step out of your shadow and shine as you always hoped they could.
CAPRICORN (DEC. 22-JAN. 19) The missing ingredient here is joy. So much of your life is doing what you think “you have to do.” The reality is you have more choice than you allow yourself to believe. Even if you let yourself consider the alternatives, I feel pretty sure that in most cases you’d choose as you do. Since what you’re up to is really for the greater good in your life, can’t you consciously choose to do it with more joy than you’ve been demonstrating recently? When all of your life starts to feel like one endless obligation, something’s wrong. Either free yourself, or acknowledge that you’re more or less where you want to be, and just be happy, already.
AQUARIUS (JAN. 20-FEB. 18) You’re pretty competitive, but sometimes you allow your competitive spirit to get channeled in traditional, unimaginative, and ultimately unproductive ways. I know there’s a certain level of satisfaction in roundly trouncing someone and achieving something through intelligent decisions, determination and raw talent. However, instead of focusing so much on being better than someone, or “beating” them somehow, can you be more visionary in how you channel this impulse? Perhaps focus on being more loving, more generous, or simply having more fun than everyone around you? That kind of game rocks; when you win, everyone benefits.
PAIA • 579-8979
PISCES (FEB. 19-MARCH 20) Go on, laugh at yourself. So much of what you’re up to is potentially embarrassing, but only if you get caught up in ego bullshit you’ve mostly evolved beyond. So what if you make a fool of yourself? It’ll be funny, and if you can have fun doing it, more power to you. Worrying about your image is not something that usually inhibits you, so what’s the problem now? Oh, you’re worried about what one person in particular will think about you. I get it now. Well, it ought to help to know that the less seriously you take yourself, the more endearing that person will find you.
Please call for appointment
ARIES (MARCH 21-APRIL 19) Stop barking up the wrong tree. The person you’re interested in actually doesn’t know you exist and wouldn’t be all that impressed if you forced your way into their awareness. You’re just in different worlds, and if you’re honest with yourself, a lot of their appeal is their unavailability. Perhaps you just need something to fixate on, but there are quite simply better things for you to obsess over; this particular one isn’t worth your time and energy. It’s alright to be a little focused and driven, but you might want to channel your attention in a direction that will ultimately do you some good. Right now you might as well be throwing it into a bottomless pit out of which nothing will ever emerge.
– – “Na– ‘Oiwi ‘Olino – People Seeking Wisdom” 6:30a.m. – 9a.m. weekday mornings on
– – “Na– ‘Oiwi ‘Olino – People Seeking Wisdom” is a morning drive-time radio program presented by the Office of Hawaiian Affairs, with hosts Brickwood Galuteria and Kimo Kaho‘a–no.
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Community guests Classic Hawaiian music Hawaiian news and issues OHA programs and updates
OCTOBER 2, 2008
GEMINI (MAY 21-JUNE 20) Forget all your other goals for a while. Most of them need to ripen before you can see them progress. In the meantime, while you’re waiting, attend to the most noble and pleasurable pursuit available to you right now: making people laugh. You’re in a great position to bring more joy, levity, and laughter to most situations right now; please exercise it. People are feeling tense and need that kind of lightness. It’s more important than making progress or money. A chuckle trumps a buck right now; it may not actually make you richer, but it’ll make you feel richer.
Empowering Hawaiians, Strengthening Hawai‘i
I’d like to think kindness, sensitivity, confidence, and a sense of humor can compensate for virtually any shortcomings as far as superficial crap like appearance or financial status. I think most of the time, with all but the most shallow and judgmental of people, they do. Unfortunately, you don’t always get a chance to show them off. All too often, people don’t get to see that stuff about you. Luckily, this week, you’ll have more opportunities than usual to show off that there’s more to you than your looks or the thickness of your wallet, to exactly the person or people who’d appreciate that most.
Paranoid, much? Sometimes you just get into this mood where no one can win, not even you. When someone smiles at you across the room, you assume they’re having a chuckle at your expense, not that they find you adorable. You’re smart and experienced enough to recognize this negative filter as pure selfsabotage, but you’re not always able to ditch it accordingly. Thus I encourage you to enlist the aid of your most consistently happy friend this week. Let them be the filter that cancels out yours, and point out when you’re being ridiculous. Hopefully, that’ll help you keep self-torture to a minimum.
LEO (JULY 23-AUG. 22) An ego-bruised Leo is never a pretty sight. Unfortunately, when your ego is as big as most Leos’ are, then it’s fairly hard for some people to avoid bumping into it occasionally. Accept that unless you achieve rock star status, most people will never quite think you’re as special as you think you are, even if they do consider you pretty great. Some people will learn to handle you, by humoring you a bit, and giving you more attention. Your ego is a tremendous source of power and shine, so I don’t think you need to work on suppressing or ditching it, but making it a little less bruisable seems to be in order.
VIRGO (AUG. 23-SEPT. 22) When you’re juggling this many puzzle pieces, things could either work out really well (i.e. they all fall perfectly into place, revealing the heretofore obscured big picture), or tumble into absolute chaos and disaster. This is quite an ambitious setup you’ve created for yourself. I admire your vision and courage, but I worry what will happen to you if you’re not able to pull it off. I believe it’s quite possible you will, but I don’t want you to fall apart if your plan does. I’d like to think that you’ll be able to pick up most of the pieces and carry on and create something good, anyway, even if it’s not quite the masterpiece you’d hoped for. This week, see if you can set yourself up to do just that.
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Hard Rock Cafe Breast Cancer Benefit Month! Its Pinktober! Come support breast cancer research by partying at the Hard Rock! 10/3 Byron and the Derelicts. 10/11 Licker Commission and Order of the White Rose. More to come! Proceeds from the door go to Pacific Breast Cancer. Call 667-7400 for info.
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