Portfolio Maura Argiolas

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Maura Argiolas

Via Col d’ Echele 25, 09125, Cagliari, Italy 49 India Street,11222 Brooklyn, New York,NY +1(631)306-6001 +39 (393) 99 13 897 maura.argiolas@gmail.com Born in Cagliari 01-03-1988 Italian Citizenship Recently graduated with the highest honors at the Roma Tre University, faculty of Architecture, MS Urban Design, with a Masters Thesis concerning the field of landscape design in a derelict territory: Mining Landscapes. A project for Masua. I had the chance to spend a year abroad studying at the Hafen City University Hamburg through the Erasmus Scholarship. I have attended several international workshops in Europe, Ukraine and Brazil, having the possibility to work in a multicultural context. I’ve been working as a collaborator for the Library of Roma Tre University, Faculty of Architecture and for the CROMA (Center for Rome Urban Studies). I have also been part of a competition team, headed by C. Andriani architect and PROAP, in which we won first price. I have also had an experience as assistant director and boom operator for a short documentary and some commercials. I have recently completed an internship at the United Nations, (UNHQ) in New York at the Department of Management, engaged in diverse projects from inventory to archiving, from drawing management to office assessment projects. I am currently working as an Architect Team Assistan for the OSAU Office Space and Assets Unit, within the Departmen of Management at the UNHQ. I practice ceramics, watercolors, photography, and I love to travel and organize architectural itineraries. I am building a personal herbarium and I am passionate about plants, vegetation, geology and geography.

INDEX 1 Mining Landscape 2 via Latina 3 Piacenza City Wall Park 4 Bugerru waterfront 5 Casale del Cavaliere 6 Spinaceto 7 Frunze 35 8 Amamontagnola 9 Parco Boschetti


MINING LANDSCAPE. A PROJECT FOR MASUA Mining activity has been, for the Sulcis- Iglesiente region, the only positive parenthesis of a century long deep economic crisis. Mining has shaped the geography of this territory at the physical and social level. Each mine carrys a particular charater, given by several factors. University: Roma Tre University Professor: Arch. Annalisa Metta Course/ Year: Thesis Project/ July 2014 Individual Project

MINES IN TIME AND SPACE Diagram representing Sulcis-Iglesiente mines’ life. On the left they are geographically identified and represented by their morphology. On the right the diagram tells the life course of each mine by importance.

MINES IN TIME AND SPACE A narrative chronicle of mining activity in Sardinia. Main events and protagonist animate the collage , building a series of map that describes the transformation and the involvement of the territory in this activity.

TERRITORIAL STRATEGIC PLAN of the Sulcis Region according to Government founding and Region developemen programs, it has been created a strategic matrix distribution of all possible intervention for each former mine.

GEOGRAPHIC SURVEY Five maps of the entire Sulcis-Iglesiente region describe different aspects of the territory. Each map it is made with a GIS program, selecting layers and combining them through thematic scripts in order to describe the palimpsest of this landscape. Drawing the morphology of this territory stresses the double presence of natural topography and the anthropic transformation as tunnels and open pit mines.

MASUA PHYTORECLAMATION RESEARCH CENTER Masua, former lead and zinc mine , turned through this project into a phytoreclamation and botanical research centre. The masterplan provide both the restoration of some valuable buildings and the construction of new ones. Pond waste are transformed in experimental fields where different species are planted. Together with this new productive activity run the restoration of the former “work routes“ into a new museum track to discover the memory of the place.

A PROJECT FOR MAUSA. DECONSTRUCTION AND RECONSTRUCTION PHASING. TIME AND CONSISTENCE. Signs and scars of the antHropic manipulation of this territory need to be cured through a deeply respectful process of remediation, that aim to keep the memory of the hard work that build this landscape. In this page is described the reconstructive process carried out by the vegetation. In the next page different phyto-habitat are shown in the small maps and throughout a sample view. A seasonal chromatic agenda gives an additional idea of the vegetation of this landscape.

VIA LATINA Aqueduct Park and Public space project Alongside the ancient via Latina, between the two aqueducts and the via Appia, there is a master plan for new housing and linked facilities. The aim of the project is to organize the already existing green area into a public park in order to serve the new neighborhood with public space, leisure and sport facilities. The motif of the park is the Roman countryside, hence a variety of local cultures alternate with the sacred Quercus ilex trees. Some stretches of the via Latina are brought out organizing around them little squares and observatory points to view the ruins and archaeological elements.

University: Roma Tre University Professor: Arch. Francesco Ghio Course/ Year: Open spaces project/ 2nd yr. MA Team: Maura Argiolas- Emma Biscossa- Francesca Ferlicca- Beatrice Santoro

PARCO DEGLI ACQUEDOTTI NEW URBAN PARK On this page is an overview of the masterplan for the new settlement and park. On next page a plan of one of the squares that faces the Aqueduct park . The ancient via Latina is emphasized by an excavation that highlights the original level. A pattern of different local threes is settled to develop a particular diversity of three densities. Section through the via Latina dig and on the bottom along section of the overall park.

PIACENZA CITY WALL PARK Challenging history and production. The project includes all the open spaces, mainly public, but also residual spaces, abandoned lands, and lost spaces. The main challenge is to exploit the existing net of built and cultural infrastructure that has its base in the agricultural production. An ideal matrix to share knowledge, leisure and productivity, reclaiming an entire ecosystem through native plants and healthy habits.

Architects: Arch. Carmen Andriani, Joao Ribeira Nunes Year: October 2012 Team: Alessio Agresta, Maura Argiolas, Francesca Ferlicca, Michelangelo Vallicelli, Veronica Moretti.

TERRITORY OF PLACES Rethinking Buggerru waterfront, between sea and mining ruins.

In a postindustrial landscape , where mining industry has left huge skeleton of the great production time, the purpose was to rethink the waterfront of a small, shrinked, Sardinian town. The idea was to create an “alive� wall, recalling somehow the tunnels once excavated to find the metals, where men used to work, and giving a new meaning to the waterfront.

University: University of Cagliari Professor: Arch. Lorenzo Pignatti Course/ Year: International Summer School Waterloo University Cambrige-Cagliari University-TU Wien/2012 Team: International team- Julian GomezBiagi- Laura Landgrige- Carlo Contu- Anna Beznogova- Silvia Chiavoni.

CASALE DEL CAVALIERE Restoriation of an historical residence in Rome’s countryside.

Study of the building’s architecture from origin to late modern transformation, through a deep photo and drawing analysis. Verification of conditions of the structural and decorational elements and restoraion proposal.

University: Roma Tre University Professor: Prof. Arch. Michele Zampilli Course/ Year: Project of Architecture Restoration/ 2011 Team: Maura Argiolas- Alessio Agresta- Francesca Ferlicca

SPINACETO Library and Sport facilities at Spinaceto, Roma

Spinaceto, pensavo peggio! Non è per niente male! Spinaceto, I thought it was worst! Not bad at all!

cit( Caro Diario. Nanni Moretti) In a problematic post-modern suburbs of Rome, the aim of the project was to create a multipurpose center with library, media-center, sport hall and much more. Whereas the surroundings are facing the street in a rough manner, the small intervention wants to attract the visitor into a multiple corner inner yard where it is possible to find a break space, a meeting place and a common ground for the neighborhood.

University: University of Roma Tre Professor: Arch. Valerio Palmieri Course/ Year: winter/2013 Team: Maura Argiolas- Francesca Ferlicca

SKETCHES AND DIFFERENT REPRESENTATION OF THE STRUCTURE AND 3 VOLUMES Next page: plan for the different levels, cut throughout the swimming pool and the media volume, plan of the 1st level and the inner yard.

FRUNZE 35 Collaborative urban design approach to brownfield recovery.

In the second center of Kiev, Podyl, you can find a mixture of pleasant 19th century buildings, former Soviet manufacture sites, brownfield, some square and free spots with hight potential. A vast panorama of a great heterogeneity. One of the former factory, at the number 35 of Frunze street is the site where a multidisciplinary team of 15 people from all over the world has challenged itself trying to capture public attention by calling the building to new opportunities, new uses, new ideas. We set a plan of action in terms of time, activities, and economic strategy. The project was accepted by the owner and supported by the municipality until the beginning of the Ukraine crisis in 2014.

Institution: Heinrich Bรถll Foundation Team: International multidisciplinary team. Place: Kiev Date: May 2013 Team: International team-Maura Argiolas- Dmitry Sivaev- Gabor Nandor Tolnai- Olga Konovalova- Toni Karge- Joonwoo Kim- Iana Kozak- Azadeh BadieeHanna Lutz.

POSSIBLE BOARD OF ACTOR AND ECONOMIC/ FUNCTIONAL PROSPECT On this page: diagram of the economical and programmatic board. Funcions and activities distribution along F35. Next page: sequence of phasing for the project’s development.


AMA MONTAGNOLA Neighbourhood regeneration, housing and mixed use services.

Rome have a complex urban structure. Along with a magnificent historical center, you find everywhere urban voids, wrecks of mis-urbanization. There is an always increasing demand for low price housing. Here in an urban void left from the urban waste companies former depot, take place a project for social housing and relative facilities.

University: Roma Tre University Professor: Prof. Arch. Luca Montuori Course/ Year: Project of the Urban Space/February 2012 Team: Maura Argiolas- Emma Biscossa- Francesca Ferlicca


EX BOSCHETTI New Urban Public Park in the former Bus-Hub Boschetti. Padua, public idea design competition May 2015 Facing the precious Capella degli Eremitani, the former Bus≠Hub Boschetti, is going to have a new face. The object of the competition was to create a public park that could enhance all of the site’s qualities. The project articulates the area with bike and pedestrian paths, boat pier, new bus shelter, water features and a pedestrian bridge in order to create a connection with the Historic Parco dell’Arena.

Competition: Nuovo Parco Urbano Area Ex Boschetti Padova / May 2015 Team: Maura Argiolas- Emma BiscossaValentina Andreazzo

DRAWINGS Samples of freehand sketches. Tecnique: mixed tecnique, watercolor, pencil, crayons.

CURRICULUM VITAE EDUCATION Maturità Classica 82/100 Liceo Ginnasio S.G. Bosco, Cagliari


Bachelor of Architecture 110/110 Science of Architecture, Roma Tre University, Rome


Erasmus Hafen City University, Hamburg


Master of Architecture 110/110 cum laude Urban Design, Roma Tre University, Rome


Professional abilitation in Italy and EU

Jenuary 20015

WORKSHOPS Una città un piano. Napoli. Eddiburg, Edoardo Salzano

Brazil research trip. Common spaces in Brazil’s main cities. HCU, Prof. Michael Koch, Dipl.Ing. Martin Kohler

Rome. The accidental city.

Urban Transcript, Roma Tre University.

International Summer School. Sardinia the Territory of Places. Univeristy of Cagliari.

Strasbourg-Kehl. Connecting Europe. LLP Erasmus, Stuttgart University, ENSAS Strasbourg, Dokuz Eylül University Izmir, Roma Tre University

Frunze 35. Heinrich Böll Foundation – Kiev

April 2009 June 2011 December 2011 September 2012 October 2012

May 2013

PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Competition collaborator, Carmen Andriani Architect and PPROAP team Revitalization of the citywall Park of Piacenza, 1° Prize

Collaborator at CROMA, Center for Rome Urban Studies Librarian at Roma Tre University, Faculty of Architecture Library Freelance activity for Competition and private consultancy I nternship at the Department of Management, UNITED NATION HEADQUARTIER, New York City Architect Team Assistant at Department of Management, UNHQ, NYC

October 2012 2013 2012, 2014 February 2015 Jun-Oct 2015 Nov 2015-pr


Drawings of casale del Cavaliere in

Aracne Editrice, Roma, 2013

Casali delle Campagna Romana. Esperienze di Ricerca per la Didattica.

Geremia, Francesca. Zampilli, Michele. SI, Stuttgard, 2013

Strasboug- Kehl I Connecting Europe vol. 1 Städtebau Institut der Universität Stuttgart Lehrstuhl Städtebau und Entwerfen LLP Erasmus groups

Sole24Ore, 2013 Archilovers, 2013

Revitalization of the citywall Park of Piacenza http://www.ediliziaeterritorio.ilsole24ore.com/art/progetti-e-concorsi/2013-01-29/Art_ piacenzaConcorso-181808.php?uuid=AbH8TIPH http://www.archilovers.com/projects/80498/valorizzazione-parco-delle-mura.html

Heinrich Böll Foundation-Kiev, 2013

Frunze 35. The site of continuing innovation http://www.ua.boell.org/downloads/Frunze_final_Report_430h.pdf http://www.boell.de/de/2013/11/15/dokumentation-frunze-35-ein-eindrucksvolles-beispiel-fuer-partizipatives-planen

Drawings in

Geography and Spatial Planning Journal, 2013

Collaborative urban design, a promising approach to brownfield recovery – FRUNZE 35, Kiev UA GOT, nr. 4 – Geography and Spatial Planning Journal,

First Prize for the Best Master Thesis regarding Sulcis Region’s former

Mines, Premio Tesi Di Laurea Cgil Sulcis-Iglesiente 2015 LANGUAGE SKILLS Italian Sardinian English German Spanish

cgil Sulcis October 2015



mother language fluent upper-intermediate pre-intermediate basic

mother language mother language advanced intermediate intermediate

COMPUTER SKILLS AutoCAD Illustrator Photoshop InDesign Rhinoceros qGIS Artlantis V-Ray ARCHIBUS Revit

advanced advanced advanced intermediate advanced beginner beginner beginner advanced intermediate

OTHER RELEVANT SKILLS Good skills on hand sketching, photography, public relation, ceramic works, model making; attitude to work in group and in complex and dynamic environment, available for work’s travel and mobility.

Dipartimento di Architettura

Rome, the 17th of October 2015

About Maura Argiolas I met Maura Argiolas in 2013, when she asked me to be advisor for her final work in Architecture Degree at Roma Tre University, where I'm assistant professor in landscape architecture. It was a very hard period for me, with lots of final thesis for degree to follow and I had decided to not take more students for the semester. But when I met Maura and she shown me her initial work and her yet unripe ideas, I immediately understood she was not a common student. She very positively impressed me and I willingly accepted to accompany her, making an exception to my intention. She proposed me the terrific topic of reclaiming the previous mine of Masua, in Sardinia, her homeland, a very delicate place in terms of ecological, economics, social, aesthetic and ethic terms. Maura soon demonstrated a not common awareness and sensitiveness, using perfect words and images to show her peculiar point of view. It was a sort of gamble, but I think the final work is very impressive for quality, in terms of arguments and in terms of communication. Maura shown a keen interest in landscape architecture, working with great involvement, proposing original and mature interpretations of the topics we found out from her work. She was able to manage the multiplicity and complexity of relations among several questions, at different scales. Her work was marked by maturity and effectiveness; her proposals were reasonable, measured, inspired and never ordinary. This experience confirmed and strengthened my initial impression of her very good attitude to landscape project and I truly think Maura has a deep talent in design. She impressed me for her being analytic and poetic as well. She has a reflexive attitude and tends to assume a rational point of view, able to verify and expose her proposals with a systemic approach, understand very complex questions, solving them by always clear and simple reasoning, but never oversimplifying problems. Meanwhile, she has a great sensibility about perception and emotional qualities of places, as you can see in her photographs, for example. The clearness and richness of her way of thinking are also evident in her drawings: clean, exact, simple, effective, well-refined, appropriate, essential and substantial. Maura is very meticulous, self-confident but with a great critical sense about her own work. Generally never completely satisfied about her work, she tends to do always better and more, with a not so common generosity of work. She has great listening skills and a curious nature: speaking with her is always for me a great opportunity to focus new questions and learn something more. Maura has an elegant mind, a very particular allure, a kind sensitiveness appearing at every smile of hers. For all these reasons, I deeply recommend her.

Annalisa Metta

Annalisa Metta

Assistant Professor in Landscape Architecture

UniversitĂ degli Studi Roma Tre - Dipartimento di Architettura Via Madonna dei Monti, 40 - 00184 Roma annalisa.metta@uniroma3.it T +393403547588

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