004 oxford 50 natural english tips

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natural English Tips

1. “Meeting new people”


natural English Tips

1. “Meeting new people”

What’s the context? Look through the natural English boxes above. Find natural English phrases that you could use in each of the following contexts:

• at a party • in class • on holiday • at work Example: in class: I’ve forgotten your name.

Study the natural English phrases Choose a suitable response from B for each question or statement in A.

Example: I really like this kind of music: Yes, me too. A 1. Have you studied here long? 2. I never go clubbing. 3. I’m really sorry, I don’t remember your name. 4. I really like this kind of music. 5. Do you know Susanna? 6. I’m single. How about you? 7. Do you fancy a coffee? 8. We’ve met before, haven’t we? 9. I love this hot weather.

B a. It’s Simon. b. Yes, me too. c. I’m married. d. Yes, on the plane. e. Hello. Nice to meet you. f. Yes, about 18 months. g. Really? I don’t. h. No, me neither. i. Good idea!

Activate the natural English phrases Role play ‘Office party’ You work for SmartPhones. You are at the SmartPhones office party, and you are meeting lots of people who work for the same company.


First prepare your character for the role play. Choose the answers to the following questions to build your character profile.

Example: Your name is… You work...


at reception / in the sales department / in the accounts department / in the research and design department / in the canteen

Your name is… You work... at reception / in the sales department / in the accounts department / in the research and design department / in the canteen You forget people’s names...

often / sometimes / never

You’ve worked at SmartPhones for...

six years / three years / about a year

You’ve been at the party for...

two hours / half an hour / a few minutes

You are...

married / separated / single

You’ve got...

two children / one child / no children

You like... (choose 3) swimming / playing computer games / dancing / tennis / golf / painting / reading / working at SmartPhones You don’t like... (choose 3) swimming / playing computer games / dancing / tennis / golf / painting / reading / working at SmartPhones After the party you fancy... going for a coffee / going dancing / going for a midnight swim


Now prepare some questions that you would like to ask other people at the party, based on the information in the table.

Example: Are you married? Have you been here long?


Role play

Have conversations with at least three other people at the party. Use your character profile, the questions you’ve prepared… and lots of natural English phrases!

Example: A: We’ve met before, haven’t we? B: Yes, I’m Andrea. I work in the sales department. A: Oh yes, nice to meet you again. I’m Sam. Do you know Anton? B: Hi Anton. Have you worked here long?

These tips are brought to you by natural English, the course where students use English naturally.


natural English Tips

1. “Meeting new people” ANSWER KEY

Study the natural English phrases 1. Have you studied here long? f. Yes, about 18 months. 2. I never go clubbing. h. No, me neither. 3. I’m really sorry, I don’t remember your name. a. It’s Simon. 4. I really like this kind of music. b. Yes, me too. 5. Do you know Susanna? e. Hello. Nice to meet you. 6. I’m single. How about you? c. I’m married. 7. Do you fancy a coffee? i. Good idea! 8. We’ve met before, haven’t we? d. Yes, on the plane. 9. I love this hot weather. g. Really? I don’t.


natural English Tips

2. “Excuse me!”


natural English Tips

2. “Excuse me!”

What’s the context? Look through the natural English boxes above. Find natural English phrases that you could use in each of the following contexts:

• at work • on public transport (bus, train, plane…) • in the street • at a party • at school • at a friend’s house • in the library, shop, swimming pool… • in the street Example: at work: Do you mind if I close the window? Sorry to bother you, but could I just ask you something?

Study the natural English phrases Which natural English phrases could you use in the following situations?

Example: Someone’s just thanked you for helping them. Don’t mention it. a. Someone’s just given you a very expensive present. b. Someone’s talking loudly in the library. c. You’ve forgotten your pen and you need one for five minutes. d. You want to ask your teacher a few questions after class. e. You’re starting a long journey on a busy train. f. Someone wants to ask you some questions. You don’t have time. g. Someone wants to ask you some questions. You are happy to help. h. A friend has just thanked you for helping him. i. You want to interview people in the street. What do you say to each person first? j. You are on the bus. You want to know what time it is.


natural English Tips

2. “Excuse me!”

Activate the natural English phrases You’ll need a dice for this. Work with a partner. Roll the dice to get a PLACE, then again to get a WANT OR NEED. Use your imagination to prepare short dialogues using those ideas. Include natural English phrases in your dialogues. (If you don’t have a dice, you could write the PLACES and WANT OR NEEDS on pieces of paper and pick them at random.)

PLACE 1. at a party 2. on a bus 3. in the street 4. at a friend’s house 5. at school 6. at work

YOU WANT OR NEED ... 1. ...to ask permission to do something 2. ...to start a conversation with a stranger 3. ...to start a conversation with someone you know a little 4. ...to ask someone for help 5. ...to thank someone for something 6. …to ask someone to be quiet

Example: PLACE 6: at work YOU WANT OR NEED 1: … to ask permission to do something A: B: A: B: A: B: A: B:

Excuse me, have you got a moment? Sure. Do you think I could come in late tomorrow? Why’s that? Well, I need to go to the doctor. OK, that’s no problem. Thanks very much. That’s OK.


Choose one dialogue to practise and perform to other students.


Listen to the other students’ dialogues. Can you tell what the PLACE and WANT OR NEED are? How many natural English phrases did you hear?

These tips are brought to you by natural English, the course where students use English naturally.


natural English Tips

2. “Excuse me!” ANSWER KEY

Study the natural English phrases Example answers only: others are possible. a. Someone’s just given you a very expensive present. That’s very good / kind of you. b. S omeone’s talking loudly in the library. Shh! Could you be quiet please? c. You’ve forgotten your pen and you need one for five minutes. Do you mind if I borrow your pen? d. You want to ask your teacher a few questions after class. Excuse me, are you in a hurry? e. You’re starting a long journey on a busy train. Excuse me, is anyone sitting here? f. Someone wants to ask you some questions. You don’t have time. Sorry, I’m late already. or It depends what it is. g. Someone wants to ask you some questions. You are happy to help. Sure. Go ahead. h. A friend has just thanked you for helping him. No problem. i. Y ou want to interview people in the street. What do you say to each person first? Excuse me, can you spare a minute or two? j. You are on the bus. You want to know what time it is. Sorry, have you got the time, please?


natural English Tips



natural English Tips


What’s the context? Look through the natural English boxes above. Find natural English phrases that you could use in each of the following contexts:

• with friends • with someone you don’t know • when communication is a problem • when asking for information • when giving your email address Example: with friends: Is that you, Akiko?

Study the natural English phrases These phrases are NOT polite, natural, or correct. Replace them with natural English phrases from the natural English boxes in this email.

Example: I’m David.

This is David.

1. I want to speak to Yuri. ✘ 2. Are you Peter? ✘ 3. I’m called Pascal Blanc. ✘ 4. Good. You? ✘ 5. I can’t hear you! ✘ 6. You’re speaking too fast! ✘ 7. Yes, I will. ✘ 8. OK. That’s enough information. ✘ 9. Thanks. You helped me. ✘ 10. BROWN is written in big letters. ✘ 11. Yes, I’m Richard Carlton. ✘ 12. (saying ‘jimblack.com’) It’s jim black put the words together point com.


natural English Tips


Activate the natural English phrases Telephone role plays


Student A

Choose one of the following website addresses, and one of the following email addresses. Be prepared to say them aloud. Don’t tell your partner which ones you have chosen. http://smartphone/europe.co.uk http://SmartPhone/Europe.co.uk www.smartphone/EUROPE.co.uk

jerrybaker@easymail.com jerryBAKER@easymail.com JERRYBAKER@easymail.com

Student B will call you to ask for information. Have a formal conversation on the phone. Include some of the natural English phrases from this email.

Student B

You need the SmartPhone website address and Jerry Baker’s email address. You are going to call Student A to ask for this information. How will you introduce yourself and ask for this information? How will you say thank you and end the conversation? Call Student A. Have a formal conversation on the phone. Include some of the natural English phrases from this email.


Student B

Choose one of the following website addresses, and one of the following email addresses. Be prepared to say them aloud. Don’t tell your partner which ones you have chosen. www.LEARNENGLISH/ONLINE.co.uk http://learnenglish.online.co.uk www.learnENGLISHonline.co.uk

robert@martin.fastmail.com robmartin@fastmail.com ROBERTMARTIN@fastmail.com

Student A will call you to ask for some information. Have an informal conversation on the phone. Include some of the natural English phrases from this email.

Student A

You need the LearnEnglish website address and Rob Martin’s email address. You are going to call Student B to ask for this information. How will you introduce yourself and ask for this information? How will you say thank you and end the conversation? Call Student B. Have an informal conversation on the phone. Include some of the natural English phrases from this email. Extension: Do the two conversations again, but this time include a problem: one of you speaks too quickly; one of you speaks too slowly. Use the natural English phrases from box 3.

These tips are brought to you by natural English, the course where students use English naturally.


natural English Tips

3. “On the phone” ANSWER KEY

Study the natural English phrases Example answers only: others are possible. 1. I want to speak to Yuri. 7 Could I speak to Yuri, please? 2. Are you Peter? 7 Is that (you,) Peter? 3. I ’m called Pascal Blanc. 7 My name’s Pascal Blanc. 4. Good. You? 7 Fine, thanks. And you? 5. I can’t hear you! 7 Could you speak up, please? 6. You’re speaking too fast! 7 Sorry, could you speak slowly, please? 7. Y es, I will. 7 Yes, of course. 8. O K. That’s enough information. 7 OK. I think I’ve got all the details I need. 9. T hanks. You helped me. 7 Thanks. You’ve been very helpful. 10. BROWN is written in big letters. 7 BROWN is written in upper case / capital letters. 11. Yes, I’m Richard Carlton. 7 Yes, this is Richard Carlton. 12. (saying ‘jimblack.com’) It’s jim black put the words together point com. 7 It’s jim black (one word) dot com.


natural English Tips

4. “getting to know you”


natural English Tips

4. “getting to know you”

What’s the context? Look through the natural English boxes above. Find natural English phrases that you could use in each of the following contexts:

• at a job interview • at a party • on holiday • at work • at school Example: at a job interview – My proudest moment was...

Study the natural English phrases What’s wrong with these natural English phrases? Correct the grammar error in each sentence.

Example: My father and brother together work. My father and brother work together. a) I love music from the 60’s like as The Beatles. b) That’s really? c) I’ve always dreamt of write a book. d) I know a few words in German. e) I’m coming from a big family. f) I’m fluent at Korean. g) I like skiing, snowboarding, and that sort. h) I’ve always wanted run my own company. i) Can we have together lunch some time? j) I was brought up and born in India. k) I can get by on Spanish. l) My proudest moment was won a writing competition at school. m) I speak Japanese, but it’s a bit rusting. n) I wish I can speak Turkish.


natural English Tips

4. “getting to know you”

Activate the natural English phrases Write 10 sentences about yourself, some true, some not true. Try to use different natural English phrases from each of the first four natural English boxes in this email. Write about your background, your family, your language ability and your likes and dislikes.

Example I come from a musical family. (False – my family isn’t really musical) I speak French reasonably well. (True – my French is good)

Work with a partner. Read out your sentences to each other. Can your partner tell which sentences are true and false? Try to show interest in what your partner tells you, using the natural English phrases in box 5 (showing a lot of interest).

These tips are brought to you by natural English, the course where students use English naturally.


natural English Tips

4. “Getting to know you” ANSWER KEY

Study the natural English phrases Example answers only: others are possible. a) I love music from the 60’s like as The Beatles. 7 I love music from the 60’s such as The Beatles. or I love music from the 60’s like The Beatles. b) T hat’s really? 7 Really? c) I’ve always dreamt of write a book. 7 I’ve always dreamt of writing a book. d) I know a few words in German. 7 I know a few words of German. e) I’m coming from a big family. 7 I come from a big family. f) I ’m fluent at Korean. 7 I’m fluent in Korean. g) I like skiing, snowboarding, and that sort. 7 I like skiing, snowboarding, and that sort of thing. h) I’ve always wanted run my own company. 7 I’ve always wanted to run my own company. i) C an we have together lunch some time? 7 Can we have lunch together some time? j) I was brought up and born in India. 7 I was born and brought up in India. k) I can get by on Spanish. 7 I can get by in Spanish. l) M y proudest moment was won a writing competition at school. 7 My proudest moment was winning a writing competition at school. m) I speak Japanese, but it’s a bit rusting. 7 I speak Japanese, but it’s a bit rusty. n) I wish I can speak Turkish. 7 I wish I could speak Turkish.


natural English Tips

5. “what did you do at the weekend?”


natural English Tips

5. “what did you do at the weekend?”

What’s the context? This language could be used for telling people:

• long stories • short and simple stories • about your weekend, your holiday, your exam…anything! • how you feel about things that happened to you Look through the natural English boxes above. Find natural English phrases that you could use in each of the following contexts:

Example: short and simple stories – We had an amazing Chinese meal, and then we went to the cinema. After that we went for a romantic walk through the city, but it rained, which was a bit disappointing.

Study the natural English phrases 1. When telling stories, it’s good to link your ideas into long sentences. Use natural English words, phrases and structures from this email to join two (or three) sentences into one. You’ll need to study the natural English boxes carefully first.

Example: I didn’t close the windows. I remembered this later. I suddenly remembered (that) I hadn’t closed the windows. a) We won the football match. We had a really big party to celebrate. We won ... ______________________________________________ b) I forgot to ask him for his phone number. I realized this when I got home. When I got home I ... ______________________________________ c) Tatiana came round and helped me paint the flat. That was really kind of her. Tatiana ... ______________________________________________ d) I did my homework. I checked my emails. I called my uncle. I did ... _________________________________________________ e) Paul broke his leg in two places. I found this out later. I found out ... ____________________________________________ f) He gave me a lift on his motorbike. It was really exciting. He gave me ... ___________________________________________ g) We talked a lot about what to do. Anyway, we eventually decided to go back home. We talked ... _____________________________________________ 2. Which weekends in exercise 1 do you think were: • lovely? • terrible? • a bit boring? • nice?

Example: I think the weekend in g) was terrible.


natural English Tips

5. “what did you do at the weekend?”

Activate the natural English phrases ‘Weekend stories’ Work with a partner. Look at the weekend story ‘skeletons’ below. Choose one of them: this is what happened to you at the weekend. A shopping trip

A party

On Saturday night you went to a party. People looked at you in a strange way. When you got home you suddenly realized... (What?) How did you feel? What did you do on Sunday? A phone call You went to bed at 11.30pm on Saturday night. The phone rang at midnight. You answered it. (Who was it?) The person on the phone told you something. (What did you find out?) How did you feel? What did you do on Sunday?

On Saturday you went shopping. You paid £50 for a shirt. Later when you got home you found out something. (What?) How did you feel? What did you do on Sunday? A journey On Saturday you drove 150km to see your sister on her birthday. When you got there you remembered (what?) What did you do? How did you feel? What did you do on Sunday?

Plan your weekend story with your partner. Turn your story skeleton into a full story by using your imagination, adding details and answering the questions in brackets. Include some natural English phrases from this email. Practise telling your story with your partner. Decide with your partner what you will say when someone asks you ‘How was your weekend?’ • It was nice. • A bit boring. • It was terrible. • It was lovely. Work in small groups with people who have prepared different stories. Tell your stories. Start the conversations like this:

Example: How was your weekend? It was terrible. Why? What happened? Well, on Saturday night I watched the football on TV and then I went to bed at 11.30pm... Extension: Use the same story skeleton, but add completely different details, so that your weekend changes from lovely to terrible or from a bit boring to nice.

These tips are brought to you by natural English, the course where students use English naturally.


natural English Tips

5. “What did you do at the weekend?�

ANSWER KEY Study the natural English phrases 1. a) We won the football match, and after that we had a really big party to celebrate. b) W hen I got home I suddenly realized I had forgotten to ask him for his phone number. c) Tatiana came round and helped me paint the flat, which was really kind of her. d) I did my homework, and then I checked my emails, and after that I called my uncle. e) I found out later that Paul had broken his leg in two places. f) He gave me a lift on his motorbike, which was really exciting. g) W e talked a lot about what to do, and then we eventually decided to go back home.

2. Probable answers: a) b) c) d) e) f) g)

lovely terrible nice a bit boring terrible nice, lovely terrible or a bit boring


natural English Tips

6. “being helpful”


natural English Tips

6. “being helpful”

What’s the context? These natural English phrases could be used:

• at home • at a friend’s house • in a city or other place that you don’t know • at work • in a hotel Look through the natural English boxes. Find natural English phrases that you could use in each of the different contexts above.

Example: at home – Shall I take the dog out?

Study the natural English phrases 1. Complete the gaps in these natural English phrases.

Example: Could you do me a _________? favour Could you do me a _________? a) _______________ help you with the washing-up. b) Can you _______________ any places to see? c) You _______________go and see the Museum of the Sea. d) Could you give me a _______________? e) I’ll _______________ someone to have a look at it. f) _______________ I make the drinks? g) Could you _______________ something for me? h) It’s _______________ going to the Botanical Gardens. i) “Thank you very much.” “You’re _______________ .” j) The Blue Mosque is well worth a _______________ . 2. Look at the natural English phrases again. Mark them O = offer, REC = recommendation and REQ = request.

Example: Could you do me a favour? (REQ) 3. Which natural English phrase in exercise 1 is not an offer, request, or recommendation?


natural English Tips

6. “being helpful”

Activate the natural English phrases Role play Practise using the natural English phrases in this email by doing these role plays with a partner. It’s a good idea to spend a few minutes preparing what you want to say before you begin, and finding useful natural English phrases that you can use. Don’t forget to use natural English phrases for saying ‘Thank you’ when someone is helpful! (See natural English box 5.) Role play 1 Friends Student A Your friend has just come out of hospital, and you are staying with him / her for the weekend while he / she gets better. You have never been in this city before. Of course, you want to help your friend with jobs around the house, but you also want to get out and see the city. a) Offer to do these things: • Get some books and magazines • Clean the bathroom • Go to the supermarket b) Ask for recommendations about what to do in the city. Student B You have just come out of hospital, and your friend is staying with you for the weekend while you get better. There are some things you want to request your friend to do to help you. You also want to be on your own a bit as you feel very tired. Your friend doesn’t know the city very well, so recommend lots of things your friend can do in town. a) Ask (request) your friend to do these things: • Make the coffee • Get some DVDs • Call a plumber to fix the kitchen tap b) Make recommendations about the following things in your city • The Music Café • Going on a city tour • The Art Museum • The Black Tower You could begin your conversation like this: A How are you feeling? B Not very good, actually. I’m tired, but I’m bored too. A Shall I get you some books and magazines?


natural English Tips

6. “being helpful”

Role play 2 At a hotel Student A You work at reception in a hotel. You want to give good service and make sure that your guests are all happy. When a guest speaks to you: a) Offer to solve any problems the guest has. b) Make recommendations about these things in the city: • The Silver Bridge • Going on the Tour Bus • The Toy Museum • The City Park

Student B You are a guest in a hotel. You’ve got some problems with your room. You also want some recommendations about what to do in the city. Ask the receptionist for help. a) Ask for (request) help with these problems: • The TV doesn’t work • You don’t understand how to use the air conditioning • There’s no hot water b) Ask for recommendations about what to do and see in the city

You could begin your conversation like this: A Can I help you? B Yes, could you get someone to look at the TV in my room? It doesn’t seem to work. A Sure. Remember to say ‘Thank you’ when someone is helpful. (See natural English box 5)

These tips are brought to you by natural English, the course where students use English naturally.


natural English Tips

6. “Being helpful” ANSWER KEY

Study the natural English phrases 1. and 2. a) I’ll (O) help you with the washing-up. b) Can you recommend (REQ) any places to see? c) You should (REC) go and see the Museum of the Sea. d) Could you give me a hand (REQ) ? e) I’ll get / ask (O) someone to have a look at it. f) Shall (O) I make the drinks? g) Could you do (REQ) something for me? h) It’s worth (REC) going to the Botanical Gardens. i) “Thank you very much.” “You’re welcome.” j) The Blue Mosque is well worth a visit (REC).

3. i) “Thank you very much.” “You’re welcome.”


natural English Tips

7. “what’s the plan?”


natural English Tips

7. “what’s the plan?”

What’s the context? These natural English phrases could be used:

• making social plans with people you don’t know well • making social plans with good friends • discussing hopes and plans Look through the natural English boxes. Find natural English phrases that you could use in each of the different contexts above.

Example: Discussing hopes and plans – I’m going to stay with my uncle.

Study the natural English phrases Use natural English phrases to complete the conversation maps below. Invite someone for coffee after the meeting. Example: Would you like to go for coffee after the meeting? Make an excuse. a) __________________________________ Accept the excuse. b) __________________________________ Invite someone to the cinema on Saturday. c) ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Accept. d) __________________________________ Suggest meeting at the Jungle Café first. e) ___________________________________ Agree, and ask about your meeting time. f) ___________________________________ Suggest 7.30. g) __________________________________ Accept. h) __________________________________


natural English Tips

7. “what’s the plan?”

Invite your colleague for a walk in the sunshine. i) ___________________________________ Make an excuse. Explain you can’t go because you’re busy finishing a report. j) ___________________________________ Suggest they finish the report tomorrow. (Why don’t you…?). k) ___________________________________ Say that you want to finish the report tonight. (I’m hoping to…) l) ___________________________________ Accept the excuse. m) __________________________________

Activate the natural English phrases Work with a partner 1. Practise reading out the dialogues from the conversation maps above. 2. Read the same dialogues, but change the natural English phrases where possible. 3. Read the same dialogues, but change key items of information (eg places, times, excuses.) 4. Create your own dialogues without using the conversation maps!

These tips are brought to you by natural English, the course where students use English naturally.


natural English Tips

7. “What’s the plan?” ANSWER KEY

Study the natural English phrases Example answers only: others are possible. Dialogue 1 a) I’d love to, but unfortunately I’m going to the dentist. b) Another time, maybe. Dialogue 2 c) Would you like to go to the cinema on Saturday? d) Yes, great. e) Shall we meet in the Jungle Café first? f) Yeah, ok. When shall we meet? g) How about 7.30? h) Great. Dialogue 3 i) Do you want to go for a walk in the sunshine? j) Sorry, I’m a bit busy. I’ve got to finish this report. k) Why don’t you leave it until tomorrow? l) I’d be a bit reluctant to do that. m) That’s a shame.


natural English Tips

8. “giving your opinion”


natural English Tips

8. “giving your opinion”

What’s the context? These natural English phrases could be used:

• planning something (a project, a party, a trip…) • advising a friend • shopping with a friend • choosing something (a holiday, a mobile phone, a new car...) Look through the natural English boxes. Find natural English phrases that you could use in each of the different contexts above.

Example: when planning a project – I think it would be better to hire a manager.

Study the natural English phrases Complete the dialogues using the natural English phrases I prefer that one.

Which one do you like?

Anita There are lots of hats here, look. What do you think?

I quite like this one.

Which one do you like? Example: _________________________

Bella a) ______________________ It’s a nice blue colour. Anita b) Oh, do you think so? ______________________. It’s more colourful. Have you thought about

You could try

We could

Hmm, I’m not sure about that.

Carol I feel really stressed and unfit at the moment. Dave c) ______________________ yoga. Carol d) ______________________ Dave e) ______________________ trying the new open-air swimming pool? It looks very relaxing. Carol Yes, that’s a good idea. f) ______________________ go together. Dave Great! Have you thought about No, maybe not. I think we should I’m not sure about that. a priority I think the most important thing is Ed

So, any ideas on how solve this problem? I think we need a completely new strategy.

Fiona g ) __________________ do a survey in the street, to see what people think about the TV adverts. Ed

h) __________________.

Gary Why not? Sounds like a great idea to me. Ed

Well, getting this sorted out quickly is i) ______________________ for me.

Hank Yes, I agree. j) ___________________ saving money: market research will simply cost too much. Gary k) ______________________ changing the time the TV ads are shown?

Maybe it’s as simple as that, and we don’t need to change our strategy altogether.


l) ______________________


natural English Tips

8. “giving your opinion”

Activate the natural English phrases ‘A summer party’ You and your friend are planning a big summer party with your friends. You have different opinions about what is important to make this party a success. Look at the information below. There are some things that you have a strong opinion about, so think carefully about what your opinion is, and how you will present it. What natural English phrases can you use in your conversation? Student A You definitely want the party to be outdoors. (Where? In the park? On the beach? By the river?) You think the number of guests is very important. ( How many people? A small group of close friends? A really big party with lots of people?) You have strong opinions about the food and drink. (What? Hot food? Cold food? People bring their own?) You also need to think about

• The time of day for the party • The music

Student B You definitely want the party to be indoors. You think the time of day is very important. You have strong opinions about the music.

(Where? In a nightclub? In a hotel? At your house?) (When? Afternoon? Evening? All night?) (What? Classical? Rock? Dance?)

You also need to think about

• The number of guests • The food and drink

When you are ready, discuss the party with your partner. Give your opinions, but also listen carefully to your partner’s opinions. Be prepared to change your ideas. What is your final plan? Place Time of day Number of guests Food and drink Music

These tips are brought to you by natural English, the course where students use English naturally.


natural English Tips

8. “Giving your opinion” ANSWER KEY

Study the natural English phrases

Anita There are lots of hats here, look. What do you think? Which one do you like? Bella a) I quite like this one. It’s a nice blue colour. Anita b) Oh, do you think so? I prefer that one. It’s more colourful. Carol Dave Carol Dave Carol Dave Ed Fiona Ed Gary Ed Hank Gary Ed

I feel really stressed and unfit at the moment. c) You could try yoga. d) Hmm, I’m not sure about that. e) Have you thought about trying the new open-air swimming pool? It looks very relaxing. Yes, that’s a good idea. f) We could go together. Great! o, any ideas on how solve this problem? I think we need a completely S new strategy. g ) I think we should do a survey in the street, to see what people think about the TV adverts. h) I’m not sure about that. Why not? Sounds like a great idea to me. Well, getting this sorted out quickly is i) a priority for me. Yes, I agree. j) I think the most important thing is money: market research will simply cost too much. k) Have you thought about changing the time the TV ads are shown? Maybe it’s as simple as that, and we don’t need to change our strategy altogether. l) No, maybe not.


natural English Tips

9. “what’s the gossip?”


natural English Tips

9. “what’s the gossip?”

What’s the context? These natural English phrases could be used:

• at a school reunion • at work • at school • with family Look through the natural English boxes. Find natural English phrases that you could use in each of the different contexts above.

Example: at a school reunion – Do you still play tennis?

Study the natural English phrases Match the gossip with the response.

Example: What’s he like?

He’s very ambitious.

Gossip 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

What happened to your friend Mike? What’s the new boss like? Do you think she’s going to be happy with Wayne? Look at his job! Apparently, Donna’s new neighbour is really, really noisy. Does she still like rock climbing? Have you heard about Vanessa’s problems at work? I’ve heard his girlfriend is really horrible to him, despite her job. Is he still good at tennis?

Response a) Yes, terrible. If that were me, I’d definitely leave my job. b) Well, people often say that traffic wardens are very reliable, so she should be ok! c) Yes, she still does it whenever she can. d) Oh, he got a job in Canada. We still keep in touch. e) I know. In her shoes, I’d probably say something to him. f) Really? But nurses are said to be very kind and gentle. g) Yeah, he’s still quite good. h) Well, she’s very organised, but quite serious and not very friendly.


natural English Tips

9. “what’s the gossip?”

Activate the natural English phrases ‘School reunion’ You are at a school reunion. You are going to have a conversation with an old school friend (or two). You have information and gossip about some of your old school friends, and you want to know about others who you have lost contact with. Study your card information below. Based on the prompt question and natural English phrases, prepare what you are going to say and ask your partner. You want to tell and find out as much gossip as possible! Student A You know that ... • ANTONIO has just come out of prison. (Why was he in prison?) • OLGA has just been offered a good job in Hollywood. She can’t decide whether to leave Britain and take the job or not. (What would you do? In her shoes, I’d... • MARTIN has become a clown. (People often say that clowns are...) You want to know about... • FRANK, who wasn’t very ambitious. (What’s he like now?) • SARAH, who loved plants and animals. (Does she still…?) • BERNADETTE, who was very good at maths. (Is she still…?) Student B You know that ... • FRANK married a doctor. (Doctors are supposed to be ... ) • SARAH moved to Australia 5 years ago. (What does she do there?) • BERNADETTE is a millionaire at the age of 35. She’s trying to decide whether to retire. (What would you do? In her position, I’d...) You want to know about... • MARTIN, who was very serious and hardworking. (Is he still...?) • ANTONIO, who enjoyed spending time on his own. (Does he still...?) • OLGA, who loved watching films. (Does she still...?) Student C You know that ... • OLGA has just fallen in love with an accountant in London (Accountants are said to be...) • BERNADETTE is thinking of giving all her money to charity (Why? What would you do? If that were me, I’d definitely...) • FRANK is just starting university, at the age of 35. (What’s he studying?) You want to know about... • SARAH, who hated flying. (Does she still...?) • MARTIN, who didn’t know what he wanted to do. (What happened to Martin?) • ANTONIO, who was very interested in cars. (Is he still...?) When you are ready, have your conversation in pairs (or groups of three).Try to tell and find out as much gossip as possible!

These tips are brought to you by natural English, the course where students use English naturally.


natural English Tips

9. “What’s the gossip?” ANSWER KEY

Study the natural English phrases 1. What happened to your friend Mike? d) Oh, he got a job in Canada. We still keep in touch. 2. What’s the new boss like? h) Well, she’s very organised, but quite serious and not very friendly. 3. Do you think she’s going to be happy with Wayne? Look at his job! b) Well, people often say that traffic wardens are very reliable, so she should be ok! 4. Apparently, Donna’s new neighbour is really, really noisy. e) I know. In her shoes, I’d probably say something to him. 5. Does she still like rock climbing? c) Yes, she still does it whenever she can. 6. Have you heard about Vanessa’s problems at work? a) Yes, terrible. If that were me, I’d definitely leave my job. 7. I’ve heard his girlfriend is really horrible to him, despite her job. f) Really? But nurses are said to be very kind and gentle. 8. Is he still good at tennis? g) Yeah, he’s still quite good.


natural English Tips

10. “Join the debate”


natural English Tips

10. “Join the debate”

What’s the context? These natural English phrases could be used:

• with friends • at school, college, or university • in an interview Look through the natural English boxes. Find natural English phrases that you could use in each of the different contexts above.

Example: with friends I don’t see any problem if people want to make themselves look younger. So are you saying it’s ok to pretend to be something you’re not?

Study the natural English phrases Make three mini-debates by putting the sentences below into the correct order. Dialogue 1 Is it ok to break the speed limit? Giving an opinion


Dialogue 2 What’s the best age to have children? B

Giving an opinion

Dialogue 3 Is it ok to lie at a job interview? Giving an opinion

Rephrasing an idea

Rephrasing an idea

Rephrasing an idea

Clarifying your position

Clarifying your position

Clarifying your position

Agreeing or disagreeing

Agreeing or disagreeing

Agreeing or disagreeing


Giving an opinion

Clarifying your position

a) I don’t think it’s right to punish people for driving a little bit over the speed limit. b) I don’t see any problem if people have children when they are older. c) I think it’s ok to lie in a job interview.

g) Well, what I’m trying to say is, sometimes you’re driving along and there’s nobody around, and it seems stupid to drive slowly just because the sign tells you to. h) That’s not what I meant. I mean, it’s ok to have a baby in your thirties. i) No, what I meant was it’s ok to exaggerate a bit about your experience, if you know you can do the job.

Rephrasing an idea d) So what you’re saying is, it’s ok to be a new parent when you’re fifty? e) So you mean people should be able to drive at any speed they like, even in towns? f) So are you saying that you’d be happy to be employed to do something you weren’t really qualified to do?

Agreeing or disagreeing j) I think it depends. You might find you have real problems later on. k) Well, I agree with that. Thirty’s not too old. l) Sorry, I don’t agree with you. There are just too many accidents on the road. We have to respect the rules.


natural English Tips

10. “Join the debate”

Activate the natural English phrases


Practise reading the dialogues above aloud with a partner. Concentrate on your pronunciation of the natural English phrases.


Discussion What do you think about the situations below? Mark them 1-5 according to how you feel. 5 4 3 2 1

= = = = =

I (really) don’t see any problem if someone does this. I think it’s ok to do this. I (mostly) agree with this. I really don’t know how I feel about this. I think it depends. I’m not sure. I don’t agree with this. I (really) don’t think it’s right to do this.

a woman in her twenties has cosmetic surgery to make herself more attractive a man in his forties has cosmetic surgery to make himself more attractive a student makes illegal copies of CDs, DVDs, and computer software for his friends a student makes illegal copies of CDs, DVDs, and computer software and sells them to other students a fifteen-year-old boy pretends to be eighteen a forty-five year-old woman pretends to be thirty-nine a woman carries a knife for self-protection a man carries a gun for self-protection someone goes fishing for sport someone goes fishing for supper

These tips are brought to you by natural English, the course where students use English naturally.


natural English Tips

10. “Join the debate” ANSWER KEY

Study the natural English phrases Dialogue 1 Is it ok to break the speed limit? a) I don’t think it’s right to punish people for driving a little bit over the speed limit. e) S o you mean people should be able to drive at any speed they like, even in towns? g) Well, what I’m trying to say is, sometimes you’re driving along and there’s nobody around, and it seems stupid to drive slowly just because the sign tells you to. l) Sorry, I don’t agree with you. There are just too many accidents on the road. We have to respect the rules.

Dialogue 2 What’s the best age to have children? b) d) h) k)

I don’t see any problem if people have children when they are older. So what you’re saying is, it’s ok to be a new parent when you’re fifty? That’s not what I meant. I mean, it’s ok to have a baby in your thirties. Well, I agree with that. Thirty’s not too old.

Dialogue 3 Is it ok to lie at a job interview? c) I think it’s ok to lie in a job interview. f) So are you saying that you’d be happy to be employed to do something you weren’t really qualified to do? i) No, what I meant was it’s ok to exaggerate a bit about your experience, if you know you can do the job. j) I think it depends. You might find you have real problems later on.

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