Pez Caribe - Juan Valdez Perez

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Pez Caribe



PezCaribe |

Copyright Š 2014 Juan Valdez Perez. All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner without the express written permission of the copyright owner and publisher.

Por que pintar peces?


Nací y crecí al lado de un río. Desde entonces aprendí a sobrevivir del mar y la pesca - forjando un vínculo que ha sido de gran importancia para mi creación artística. Durante el transcurso de los años, tras experimentar con las formas y colores, surgió la idea de recrear peces multiplicandolos en un lienzo hasta poder desarrollar un estilo propio. De esta manera, mi trabajo se ha convertido en un constante esfuerzo por transformar lo cotidiano fusionando peces con la cultura y region caribeña - descubriendo siempre algo nuevo en el proceso. Como podrán ver el pez evolucionó. Y hoy se caracteriza como PEZ CARIBE. ! Espero que disfruten nadar a su lado!

Why paint fish? I was born and raised by a river. Learning from an early age to fish and gain sustenance from the sea, which has served as the essential influence for my artistic creation. During the course of the years after experimenting with shapes and colors - the idea emerged of recreating ​​ fish by multiplying them on canvas to develop a unique style. As a result, my work has become a constant effort to transform the ordinary - combining fish with the culture and Caribbean region - in the hopes of discovering something new in the process. As you can see the fish evolved. And today is represented as PEZ CARIBE. Hope you enjoy swimming alongside it!

Color Caribe La búsqueda de una expresión auténtica como pintor me llevó a conducir un análisis introspectivo hasta llegar a descubrir mi propio estilo. Como artista dominicano, crear algo que representara mi esencia caribeña era de suma importancia. Así que me propuse hacer estudios de las formas y colores propios de las culturas Taína y Afroantillana. De estas investigaciones nace COLOR CARIBE - colección que les presento como introducción a mi trabajo. The search for an authentic form of expression as a painter led me to an introspective analysis, until discovering my own unique style. As a Dominican artist, creating work that represented my Caribbean heritage was of significant importance. So I decided to examine the distinct use of shapes and colors by the Taino and Afro-Caribbean cultures. From these investigations, COLOR CARIBE is born. I present you this collection as an introduction to my work.

Reencuentro, 2010 - Acrylic on canvas, 18 in x 24 in

Balance, 2009 - Acrylic on canvas, 18 in x 36 in

Construcci贸n, 2009 - Acrylic on canvas, 24 in x 28 in

Fabrica de Sueños, 2013 - Acrylic on canvas, 24 in x 36 in

Reyes Ocre | Artista Dominicano JUAN VALDEZ PEREZ: su obra es original en el sentido de que huye de la concepciones tradicionales y busca planteamiento geométricos, esferas libres sin barreras que flotan en el agua como si fueran protagonistas de un mundo creado sin intención de ser dominante. Excelente colorista y amante del caribe.

Espacio Caribe (Vision), 2013 - Acrylic on canvas, 38 in x 38 in

Expresion Caribe, 2013 - Acrylic on canvas, 16 in x 20 in

Celebracion Caribe, 2013 - Acrylic on canvas, 16 in x 20 in

Color y Vida, 2012 - Acrylic on canvas, 36 x 48

Pez Caribe Tras la creacion de Color Caribe, se me ocurrió la idea de agregar un elemento que fuera el protagonista de mis creaciones, es cuando entonces aparece PEZ CARIBE. Con este pez mi trabajo ha madurado, porque he logrado una comunicación más directa - gracias a una evolución entre colores, líneas y diversas técnicas. Sin duda el pez me lleva a una terapia interactiva entre el desdoblamiento de líneas, trayendo en si transparencias que logran siempre un colorido equilibrio - haciendo sentir cómodo no solo al que pinta, sino también al que observa la obra. After developing Color Caribe, I was intrigued by the idea of including an element as the protagonist to my work - this is when PEZ CARIBE emerged. With this fish my work was able to mature, reaching a distinct sense of communication - thanks to the evolution of colors, lines and diverse techniques. Undoubtedly, the fish brings me to an interactive therapy that takes place through the unfolding of lines, creating transparencies that achieve a colorful equilibrium - transmitting comfort not only while painting, but also to those who view the work.

Pez Angel - Acrylic on canvas, 18 in x 36 in

JULIO SUSANA | Maestro del Arte Dominicano PEZ CARIBE: estas son las obras mรกs impresionantes de Valdez - donde sus dibujos crean un movimiento musical a la vida. El maestro juega con el dibujo en sus creaciones y composiciones libres y fuertes, propio de un artista que triunfa en la vida del color.

Danza de los Peces 1, 2011 - Acrylic on canvas, 18 in x 36 in

Mutacion Caribe, 2011 - Acrylic on canvas, 32 in x 40 in

El Gran Pez, 2013 - Acrylic on canvas, 16 in x 48 in

Pez Picassiano, 2011 - Acrylic on canvas, 24 in x 48 in

Percepci贸n del Artista Insight into the artist

Pez Picassiano es un homenaje al gran maestro Pablo Picasso. Pez Picassiano is a tribute to the great master Pablo Picasso.

Origen Pez 1, 2011 - Mixed media on wood, 18 in x 24 in

Origen Pez 2, 2011 - Mixed media on wood, 18 in x 24 in

Marcos Jorge Pintor / Painter

Juan Valdez hace galas, una vez más, de su particular manera de expresarse a través del color y la forma. Artista de vocación y pintor de oficio, se nos muestra como un buscador incansable de los tesoros que oculta el arte. Con su ojo visor, va siempre detrás de formulaciones esteticas gratmente inconclusas. De ahí, que no se detiene en su andar hace cambios en un discurso que trasciende la auto imposición de un estilo que muchas veces resulta en limitante para la libertad del arte mismo. Pero en Juan Valdez la coherencia es una constante a pesar de la diversidad de temas que aborda este pintor vegano residente en EE.UU. La obra de este artista, que muchas veces nos refiere al cubismo, al surrealismo y al constructivismo, está cargada de signos y símbolos que van de lo particular-cotidiano a lo universal; en un juego de colores y formas, donde el trazo diestro del dibujante sagaz se hace notar de manera simple y sin esfuerzo. El pez bíblico aparece multiplicado entre las formas y en ocasiones aparece oculto invitando al ojo que mira a descubrirlo. De este ejercicio lúdico nace la fascinación de estas obras del colorido alegre y de facturación exquisita, donde los matices del Caribe Insular se mezclan con la luz. Muy a pesar del frío del Norte, donde Valdez vive y trabaja en la actualidad. Estos cuadros nos remontan al gráfico milenario tallado en la pared de una caverna, o a los dibujos indigenistas tatuados en las pieles de las tribus precolombinas, sin dejar de ser contemporáneos y fiel reflejo del quehacer de estos días.

Once again, Juan Valdez creates spectacles in his distinctive manner of expression through form and color. Artist by vocation and painter by occupation, he presents himself as a tireless seeker of the hidden treasures in art. With an all-seeing eye, he creates pleasantly ambiguous aesthetic formulations. He does not stop in his journey to make changes in a discourse that transcends the tendencies of a style that often limits the freedom of art for art’s sake. But in Juan Valdez, coherence is a constant because of the diversity of themes tackled by this artist hailing from La Vega who now resides in the United States. The work of this artist, which often alludes to cubism, surrealism and constructivism, is full of signs and symbols that range from the everyday to the universal; in the play of color and forms, where the skilled brushstroke of the expert craftsman is executed simply and effortlessly. The biblical fish appears multiplied throughout the forms and occasionally appears hidden, inviting the eye to find it. The fascination of these works is born through this playful game filled with cheerful color and exquisite details, where the hues of the insular Caribbean combine with light, despite the cold weather in the North, where Valdez lives and works today. These paintings take us back to millennial carvings found on cave walls, or indigenous drawings tattooed on the skins of the pre-Colombian tribes, while remaining contemporary, and faithfully reflecting modern times.

Pez Santo, 2013 - Acrylic on canvas, 18 in x 24 in

Pez Mistico, 2011 - Acrylic on canvas, 20 in x 24 in

Carnaval Fish - Acrylic on canvas, 16 in x 20 in

Hermano Fish, 2007 - Acrylic on canvas, 14 in x 18 in

Fernando Díaz Infante Periodista e investigador artístico

En la obra de Juan Valdez se advierte la meticulosidad de las líneas, las pinceladas sueltas que nada tienen que envidiarle a los maestros dominicanos del pasado reciente. Hay en todos sus cuadro precisión y justeza y una voluntad muy creativa. Como puede notar en sus obras, hay un trasfondo clasicista en su pintura, conociendo los límites de la luz y la sombra. De modo, pues, que el mundo pictórico de este artista es un mosaico indivisible, donde los signos y colores responden a una historia viva, fantástica, donde lo irreal resulta posible en su creación. Y es que Juan Valdez es un maestro en el empleo de las composiciones y la magistratura del color.

In the work of Juan Valdez, we encounter such meticulous lines and flowing brushstrokes, easily placing him among a cadre of recent Dominican masters. Each of his paintings exhibits a tremendous precision and creative ability - along with an underlying classic structure that is well aware of the limitations imposed by light and shadow. The pictorial world of this artist is an indivisible mosaic, where symbols and colors react to a living history, mythical, where the unreal becomes possible as part of his creation. It is undeniable, Juan Valdez is a master when it comes to the use of composition and color.

Pez Mutante, 2009 - Acrylic on canvas, 15 in x 36 in

Danza de los Peces (Diptych) 2 - Acrylic on canvas, 32 in x 40 in

Pez Caribe - Acrylic on canvas, 38 in x 48 in

Danza de los Peces 3, 2010 - Acrylic on canvas 30 in x 40 in

Ana Cabassa Coleccionista / Colector

Por más de una década he disfrutado de la belleza del arte caribeño y su cultura, plasmados en lienzos por la inspiración del artista Juan Valdez. Durante los años he podido presenciar la transformación de su trabajo para así crear obras llenas de color, fuerza y movimiento que con mucho orgullo adornan las paredes de mis hogares en New Jersey y Puerto Rico. For more than a decade, I have enjoyed the beauty of Caribbean art and culture brought to life by the hands of artist Juan Valdez. Over time I have witnessed his transformation, creating work so full of color, strength and movement that proudly adorn the walls of my homes in New Jersey and Puerto Rico.

La hora del lonche, 2011 - Acrylic on canvas, 32 in x 42 in

Evolucion de Pez Caribe PEZ CARIBE es un pensamiento pictórico que evoluciona constantemente. Algunos símbolos, líneas inciertas - trazos incoherentes tal vez - se encuentran mezclados entre colores cálidos y fríos sobre diversos materiales, dando paso a una creciente creatividad de interesantes proporciones. Lo que antes fueron simples dibujos o estudios, ahora se han convertido en una fuente de comunicación personal con el mundo que me rodea. Utilizando la pintura para crear propuestas visuales que surgen de la imaginación. Hoy PEZ CARIBE es comunicación, vida y pensamiento, en búsqueda de brindar un humilde aporte a nuevas generaciones que ven en el arte una forma de vida. PEZ CARIBE is a pictorial thought that is constantly evolving. Some symbols, uncertain lines - perhaps incoherent strokes - are intertwined between warm and cool colors on different materials, leading to an ever expanding creativity of interesting proportions. You may notice what were once simple drawings or sketches have now developed into a source of personal communication with the world around me. Using paint to create visual proposals arising purely from imagination. Today PEZ CARIBE is communication, life and a way of thinking, in hopes of providing a humble contribution to new generations who see in the arts a way of life.

Expresion Pez Padrino, 2013 - Acrylic on canvas, 12 in x 16 in

Series: Peces en Carnaval 1, 2013 Mixed media on paper, 14 in x 16 in

Series: Peces en Carnaval 2, 2013 Mixed media on paper, 14 in x 16 in

Series: Peces en Carnaval 3, 2013 Mixed media on paper, 10 in x 12 in

Series: Peces en Carnaval 4, 2013 Mixed media on paper, 10 in x 12 in

Pez Padre, 2013 - Acrylic on canvas, 30 in x 40 in

Series: Peces en Carnaval 5, 2013 Mixed media on paper, 14 in x 16 in

Series: Peces en Carnaval 6, 2013 Mixed media on paper, 14 in x 16 in

Series: Peces en Carnaval 7, 2013 Mixed media on paper, 14 in x 16 in

Series: Peces en Carnaval 8, 2013 Mixed media on paper, 14 in x 16 in

Olga Mercedes Bautista Curator, Artist and Educator / Curadora, Artista y Educadora

El estilo de pintura de Valdez es de naturaleza alegórica. El ímpetu de su obra surge de un deseo por explorar su identidad caribeña. A través de su iconografía personal, fusiona símbolos afrocaribeños, taínos y europeos. Esto lo logra presentándolos como una expresión espiritual de su propia vida en términos abstractos, no materiales. En ocasiones, Valdez asigna alusiones a instrumentos musicales que, sin ser tocados y sólo por intuición, sonarían en armonía el uno con el otro. La devoción de Wassily Kandinsky por lo abstracto y el no-objetivo uso de los colores han influenciado el estilo de Valdez. Su propia propuesta pictórica da a luz naranjas y rojos como coros dominantes que suenan a notas graves, con frescos azules y verdes que suenan a memoria melódica. En su obra, Valdez se dispone a usar el color como lenguaje directo de la emoción. Valdez’s painting style is allegorical in nature. The impetus for his oeuvre extends from a desire to explore his Caribbean identity. Throughout his personal iconography he fuses Afro-Caribbean, Taino, and European symbols. He does this by presenting them as a spiritual expression of his own life in abstract, non-material terms. At times, Valdez appropriates allusions to musical instruments that, without being touched and just by intuition, would sound in harmony with one another. Wassily Kandinsky’s devotion for abstract and nonobjective use of color influences Valdez’s style. His own painting overture brings to life bright oranges and reds as dominant choirs like bass notes, with cool blues and greens as melodic memory. In his work, Valdez sets out to use color as a direct language of emotion.

Series: Peces en Carnaval 9, 2013 Mixed media on paper, 14 in x 16 in

Series: Peces en Carnaval 10, 2013 Mixed media on paper, 14 in x 16 in

Series: Peces en Carnaval 11, 2013 Mixed media on paper, 14 in x 16 in

Series: Peces en Carnaval 12, 2013 Mixed media on paper, 14 in x 16 in

Gran Pez Azul, 2013 - Mixed media on canvas, 20 in x 24 in

Series: Peces en Carnaval 13, 2013 Mixed media on paper, 14 in x 16 in

Series: Peces en Carnaval 14, 2013 Mixed media on paper, 14 in x 16 in

Series: Peces en Carnaval 15, 2013 Mixed media on paper, 14 in x 16 in

Series: Peces en Carnaval 16, 2013 Mixed media on paper, 14 in x 16 in

Fabrica de Peces, 2013 - Acrylic on canvas, 30 in x 40 in

Series: Peces en Carnaval 17, 2013 Mixed media on paper, 14 in x 16 in

Series: Peces en Carnaval 18, 2013 Mixed media on paper, 14 in x 16 in

Series: Peces en Carnaval 19, 2013 Mixed media on paper, 14 in x 16 in

Series: Peces en Carnaval 20, 2013 Mixed media on paper, 14 in x 16 in

Human Fish (Diptych), 2013 - Mixed media on canvas, 36 in x 48 in

LIS MERY RAMIREZ | Director of Perth Amboy Gallery Center for the Arts In Pez Caribe, Valdez transforms lines into exquisite shapes that swim freely across a sea of vibrant colors. Showcasing the meticulous care that can only be found in the hands of a modern master.

Series: Peces en Carnaval 21, 2013 Mixed media on paper, 14 in x 16 in

Series: Peces en Carnaval 22, 2013 Mixed media on paper, 14 in x 16 in

Series: Peces en Carnaval 23, 2013 Mixed media on paper, 14 in x 16 in

Series: Peces en Carnaval 24, 2013 Mixed media on paper, 14 in x 16 in

Red Fish, 2013 - Acrylic on canvas, 30 in x 40 in

Series: Peces en Carnaval 25, 2013 Mixed media on paper, 14 in x 16 in

Series: Peces en Carnaval 26, 2013 Mixed media on paper, 14 in x 16 in

Series: Peces en Carnaval 27, 2013 Mixed media on paper, 14 in x 16 in

Series: Peces en Carnaval 28, 2013 Mixed media on paper, 14 in x 16 in

Series: Fiesta Caribe 1, 2013 - Mixed media on canvas, 20 in x 24 in

Series: Fiesta Caribe 2, 2013 - Mixed media on canvas, 10 in x 24 in

Series: Fiesta Caribe 3, 2013 - Mixed media on canvas, 16 in x 20 in

Series: Fiesta Caribe 4, 2013 - Mixed media on canvas, 20 in x 24 in

Atrapados, 2013 -used Mixed canvas, 40 in x 50 in Untitled - Materials on media canvason - 2014

Gracias Todo proceso creativo requiere de gran esfuerzo, no solo por parte del artista, sino también de un sin número de personas y entidades que ayuden a cultivarlo. Quisiera tomar el momento para reconocer el apoyo de: Carlos Sanchez - 360 Staffing Agency, Enrique Hernandez - Petra Realty, Beato Gonzalez - Beato Auto Repair, Dr. Gregorio J. Guillen, MD - Gregorio J. Guillen MD PC, 400 State Street Suite 2, Perth Amboy, NJ Son ellos ejemplos verdaderos de trabajo y honestidad al servicio de la ciudad de Perth Amboy. Mil gracias por su gran aporte para la publicación de este catálogo artístico.

Thanks The creative process requires a significant amount of effort, not only by the artist, but also by countless individuals and institutions that help to cultivate it. I would like to take a moment to recognize the support from: Carlos Sanchez - 360 Staffing Agency, Enrique Hernandez - Petra Realty, Beato Gonzalez - Beato Auto Repair, Dr. Gregorio J. Guillen, MD - Gregorio J. Guillen MD PC, 400 State Street Suite 2, Perth Amboy, NJ They are a true example of hardwork and honesty working to serve the Perth Amboy community. My deepest gratitude for your extraordinary support in the making of this catalogue.

Pez Caribe 2014

Juan Valdez Perez Biografia | Biography

Inclinándose hacia las artes desde pequeño, Valdez empezó a desarrollar habilidades artísticas en su natal República Dominicana. Cursando estudios en la reconocida Escuela de Bellas Artes de la Vega y la Universidad Autónoma de Santo Domingo (UASD). La influencia caribeña ha hecho que Valdez llegue a cultivar un excepcional manejo de las líneas, formas y texturas, complementados por su increíble maestria del color. En las manos de este artesano, símbolos de la tradicional iconografía caribeña son de gran importancia, demostrando su extraordinario talento para crear un estilo propio. La increíble fluidez de sus trazos, junto con su espléndida gama de colores, son elementos esenciales para la creacion de un trabajo que no deja de tan dinámico como interesante. Valdez ha participado en numerosas exhibiciones de grupo e individuales a través del Caribe, America Latina, Europa y los Estados Unidos. Sus trabajos han sido comisionados para colecciones privadas y empresariales a nivel mundial, incluyendo murales para la Ciudad de Perth Amboy, NJ.

Durante su extensa carrera, Valdez ha formado parte de la facultad del Centro Nacional de Artesanía en la República Dominicana; Director de los Departamentos de Cultura y Artes Gráficas de la Universidad Tecnológica del Cibao - donde desarrolló el currículo para las Artes Plásticas; y ha sido instructor de la Perth Amboy Gallery Center for the Arts en New Jersey. Tambien es miembro fundador de ARTIPLAS, colectivo de artistas plasticos, y miembro del Colegio de Artistas Plasticos Dominicanos. Valdez ha sido reconocido por la Organización de Estados Americanos; el Presidente del Condado del Bronx - Adolfo Carrion Jr.; Harlem Hospital, NY; Essex County College, NJ; Middlesex County College; y la Ciudad de Perth Amboy, NJ. Valdez continúa desarrollando Pez Caribe - serie inspirada por los vibrantes colores y texturas de su país natal.

Gifted with a unique sensibility from an early age, Valdez began to develop his creative abilities while growing up in the Dominican Republic. He later studied at the renowned Escuela de Bellas Artes de la Vega and the Universidad Autonoma de Santo Domingo (UASD). Influenced by his Caribbean heritage, Valdez has been able to cultivate an effortless use of lines, shapes and textures, complemented by a superb mastery of color. Traditional Caribbean iconography takes central stage for this artisan, who commands extraordinary skill to develop his signature style. The incredible fluidity of his brushstrokes, along with a splendid palette, have become essential to the creation of a body of work that never ceases to be intriguing and vibrant. Valdez has participated in numerous group and solo exhibits throughout the Caribbean, Europe and the United States. In addition, his work has been commissioned for private and corporate collections around the world.

During his extensive career, Valdez has served as faculty professor at the Centro Nacional de Artesania in the Dominican Republic; Director, Arts and Culture Department, Universidad Tecnologica del Cibao - where he developed the Fine Arts curriculum; and Regional Director of Training and Communications for the Department of Agriculture, Dominican Republic. He is also a founding member of the ARTIPLAS art collective and member of the Colegio de Artistas Plasticos Dominicanos. His work has been recognized by the Organization for American States; Bronx Borough President - Adolfo Carrion Jr.; Harlem Hospital, NY; Essex County College, NJ; Middlesex County College, NJ; City of Perth Amboy, NJ; among many others. Valdez continues to work on Pez Caribe - a series inspired by the vibrant colors and textures of his native land.

Juan Valdez Perez b. 1955 - La Vega, Dominican Republic Education 1985 1984 1983 1982 1982 1976

Universidad Autónoma de Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic Calligraphy, Centro Nacional de Artesanías (CENADARTE), Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic Screen Printing and Batik Workshop, Centro Nacional de Artesanias (CENADARTE), Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic Handcrafted Natural Dyes, Spain Crafts and Folkloric Arts Workshop, Spain Escuela de Bellas Artes, La Vega, Dominican Republic

Solo Exhibitions 2012 - Juan Valdez: Retrospectiva, Two Rivers Theater, Red Bank, NJ 2011 - Pez Caribe, Perth Amboy Gallery Center for the Arts, Perth Amboy, NJ 2009 - Creando Espacios, Colores y Vida, Universidad Católica del Cibao (UCATECI), La Vega, Dominican Republic - A Dos Aguas, Asociación La Vega Real de Ahorros y Préstamos - La Vega, Dominican Republic 1985 - 1998 - Retrospectiva Romántica, Asociación La Vega Real de Ahorros y Préstamos La Vega, Dominican Republic - Color Vegano, Cooperativa Vega Real, La Vega, Dominican Republic - Costumbrismo Dominicano, AT&T, NJ - Imaginería Taina, Casa de la Cultura de la Vega, Dominican Republic - Sueños, Imagenes y Color, Casa de la Cultura de la Vega, Dominican Republic - Sueños, Imagenes y Color, Asociación La Vega Real de Ahorros y Préstamos, Constanza, Dominican Republic - Juan Salvador Gaviota, Instituto Tecnologico del Cibao, Dominican Republic

Group Exhibitions 2014 - RED2, Perth Amboy Gallery Center for the Arts, Perth Amboy, NJ

2013 - Roberto Clemente Celebration, Puerto Rican Association for Human Development, NJ - Reyes & Valdez, Middlesex County College, Edison, NJ - Coffee Festival, Cornucopia Cruise Line, Perth Amboy, NJ - 6th Annual BarronFest, Woodbridge, NJ - Art After Dark, Business Improvement District, Perth Amboy, NJ - PEZ Caribe: Exposici贸n Colectiva, Casa de la Cultura, La Vega, Dominican Republic - Color Caribe, Raritan Bay Coffee, Perth Amboy, NJ - Red Exhibit, Perth Amboy Gallery Center for the Arts, Perth Amboy, NJ 2012 - A Pop Up! Art Exhibit, Perth Amboy Gallery Center for the Arts, Perth Amboy, NJ - Latin Fusion: Jersey Style, Barron Arts Center, Woodbridge, NJ - A World of Colors, Perth Amboy Gallery Center for the Arts, Perth Amboy, NJ - 5th Annual BarronFest, Woodbridge, NJ 2009 - 2011 - Junebug Festival, Metuchen, NJ - Reopening Exhibit, Perth Amboy Gallery Center for the Arts, Perth Amboy, NJ - Hispanic Heritage Month Exhibit, Mercy College, Manhattan, NY - Hispanic Heritage Month Exhibit, Boricua College, Bronx, NY - Hispanic Heritage Month Exhibit, Harlem Hospital, Bronx, NY - Essex County College, Newark, NJ 2003 - Opening Exhibit, Perth Amboy Gallery Center for the Arts, Perth Amboy, NJ 1988 - 1990 - ARTIPLAS Collective Exhibit, Ayuntamiento de San Francisco de Macoris, Dominican Republic - ARTIPLAS Collective Exhibit, Centro de la Cultura de Santiago, Dominican Republic - ARTIPLAS Collective Exhibit, Castillo Central de La Vega, Dominican Republic - Rueda entre dos mundos, Banco de Desarrollo del Valle - La Vega, Dominican Republic

Murals - Alianza Dominicana, Bronx, NY - City of Perth Amboy, NJ - Federación de Estudiantes Cubanos, Santiago, Cuba - Various commissioned murals throughout New Jersey. Awards/Recognition 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 1996 1992 1986 1983 1982 1976

Mayor’s Citation, RED2 Exhibit, Perth Amboy, NJ Mayor’s Citation, Red Exhibit, Perth Amboy, NJ Mayor’s Citation, World of Colors Exhibit, Perth Amboy, NJ Mayor’s Proclamation for Outstanding Work, Honorable Mayor Wilda Diaz, Perth Amboy, NJ Community Recognition Award by Adolfo Carrion, Bronx Borough President Harlem Hospital Cultural Recognition Award 1st Prize for Painting, Concurso Vega Real, Cooperativa Vega Real, Dominican Republic Representative, Dominican Republic: Caribbean Art Festival, Cuba Outstanding Faculty Award, Centro Nacional de Artesanias (CENADARTE), Dominican Republic 1st Prize, Best Traditional Doll for the Eastern Region, Dominican Republic Dominican Republic Representative, Organization of American States, Madrid, Spain 1st Prize for Sculpture, Escuela de Bellas Artes, La Vega, Dominican Republic

Collections - Banco de Reservas de La Vega, Dominican Republic - Casa de la Cultura, La Vega, Dominican Republic - Cesar Arturo Abreu y Asociados, La Vega, Dominican Republic - City of Perth Amboy, NJ - Universidad Católica y Tecnológica del Cibao, Dominican Republic

Teaching Experience 2012 - 2013 Perth Amboy Gallery Center for the Arts, NJ Handbuilding with Clay for Kids Sculpture for Adults 2006 Perth Amboy Adult School, Perth Amboy, NJ Introduction to Painting for Adults 2006 Puerto Rican Association for Human Development, NJ Arts and Crafts for Children 1995 - 1997 Universidad Tecnológica del Cibao, Dominican Republic Fine Arts Course (Cátedra de Artes Plásticas) 1990 Casa de la Cultura de la Vega Arts and Crafts for Children 1980 - 1985 Centro Nacional de Artesanias (CENADARTE), Dominican Republic Handicrafts Workshop Ceramics and Sculpture Folkloric and Decorative Doll Making Jewelry with Amber Hand Crafted Shoes Natural Fiber Crafts Cow Horn Carving and Craft-Making Woodworking and Carving Leather Working, Hand Stitching and Carving Artisanal Hand-Loom and Weaving Professional Appointments 2012 - 2013 Instructor, Perth Amboy Gallery Center for the Arts, Perth Amboy, NJ 1995 - 1997 Director, Arts and Culture Department, Universidad Tecnológica del Cibao (UTECI; Now UCATECI), Dominican Republic 1990 - 1992 1990 1989 - 1990 1986 - 1989 1980 - 1985

Director, Audiovisual Resources, Universidad Tecnológica del Cibao (UTECI; Now UCATECI), Dominican Republic Faculty, Casa de la Cultura de la Vega, Dominican Republic Creative Director, Publi-Imagen Creative Agency, Dominican Republic Regional Director, Training and Communications, Department of Agriculture, Dominican Republic Faculty, Centro Nacional de Artesanías (CENADARTE), Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic


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