This is the base sketch for the costume, but color scheme & minor details would be taken from the in game version!
As characters are customizable in MK11, i’ve decided to base the whole costume on this custom variation i’ve created in game with my very favorite accessories
The whole body was shaped by using a “moulage” technique with 2mm EVA foam & the hot air gun, as the original costume looks like it’s composed by leaves, the slighty burned foam would have the right weight and touch for it!
Details where made out of EVA clay, then everything was covered with a few layers of liquid latex!
The whole inside part of the costume was then, covered with fabric for comfort
Exoskeleton parts
As it looks like it’s a kind of a stone/metal skeleton armor, i’ve decided to shape it out of EVA clay then layer with latex before painting
Wig & Helmet
Went for fake leaves (plastic & fabric) for the whole hair, over a casquette made out of paper & wire shaped on my head, then attached the front helmet (this model would be later substituted for a different model with a “crown-ish” design, as i’ve unlocked it in the game and felt like it was prettier!)
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The helmet choosen for the final version was then, entrirely crafted out a polypropylene plastic sheet!
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For this i’ve used decorative wicker branches shaped with a bit of heat & bracers, on the horn shaped details, EVA clay.
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Cut from 4mm EVA foam then attached to a wire harness with the Halo.
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A few lavander flowers for extra detailing, as Cetrion is somewhat a goddess of life & nature in this outfit.
Body painting & make up
Pat McGrath’s “Mothership” Palette “Blitz Blue” for eyes & contour.
Suva Beauty “Acid Trip” Hydra Liner for eyes & “lava-ish” details (glow in the dark).
Jeffree Star “Ice Cold” & “Supreme Frost” for eyes & highlight.
ColorMake Blue pancake for base skin tone.
NYX “Oh Put it On” lipstick
Unicorn Skin chunky glitter for Crystal details.
Extra details
Something i really appreciate in cosplay, is to add my personal touch to the characters, for Cetrion i’ve decided to add a few wristbands & metal nail extensions to match the eastern deity flow of the character!
Also went for a bolder make up, as it’s a crossplay and i need to make my manly face a bit more delicate via countour & highlight techniques; i’ve also decided to go for a darker lipstick instead her skin tone lips, so people on the audience will see my lips moving better while performing no matter how close to the stage they are.
The Orange make up is supposed to be something like molten lava between the rocks, so i’ve went for a ‘glow in the dark’ make up from Suva Beauty, as for the armors it was the same, a glow in the dark deep pink tone to keep up with this effect both on face and body.
Same bolder make up theme for the eyes to make it more dramatic.