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vrijdragend poortsysteem

Vrijdragend poortsysteem data tabellen




Datatabel 9999 Big / 399 - B (A-Symmetrisch)

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Datatabel 9999 Medium / 399 - B (A-Symmetrisch)


Datatabel 395 Big / 399 - A (Symmetrisch)


Datatabel 395 Big / 399 - B (A-Symmetrisch)


Datatabel 395 Medium / 399 - A (Symmetrisch)


Datatabel 395 Medium / 399 - B (A-Symmetrisch)


Datatabel 395 Small / 399 - A (Symmetrisch)


Datatabel 395 Small / 399 - B (A-Symmetrisch) (A Symmetrisch)


Datatabel 395 Medium EKHO / 399 - A (Symmetrisch)


Datatabel 395 Medium EKHO / 399 - B (A-Symmetrisch)


Datatabel 395 Small EKHO / 399 - A (Symmetrisch)


Datatabel 395 Small EKHO / 399 - B (A-Symmetrisch)










Instelbare opvangmuilen



Datatabel 9999 Medium / 399 - A (Symmetrisch)

395 EKHO

Datatabel 9999 Big / 399 - A (Symmetrisch)





1 t +31 (0)73 - 646 11 00 e

All the technical and dimensional cards described in the catalogue are for reference. Changes can be made at any time without notice. All the data are given and checked very carefully. However, we cannot take on the responsability for any possible errors and omissions.

Belangrijk: De rail heeft een geleidende functie, waarop een correct geconstrueerd hekwerk dient te worden geplaatst voor een juiste werking van het systeem. De vorm, uitvoering en indirecte factoren zoals onder andere windbelasting kunnen aanzienlijke invloeden hebben op het systeem, waardoor cijfers uit de tabellen kunnen afwijken. afwijken

Datatabel 9999 Big / 399 rail - A

Š Copyright 2012 M Mauriks Group B.V. The Netherlands - All rights reserved.

Š Copyright 2012 M Mauriks Group B.V. The Netherlands - All rights reserved. Š Copyright 2012 Mauriks Group B.V. The Netherlands - All rights reserved.

Datatab bel 9999 Big / 399 9 rail - A

All the technical and a dimensional cards desc cribed in the catalogue are for reference. Changes can n be made at any time with hout notice. All the data are given g and checked very carefully. However, we cannott take on the responsability y for any possible errors and d omissions.


Š Copyright 2012 M Mauriks Group B.V. The Netherlands - All rights reserved. Š Copyright 2012 Mauriks Group B.V. The Netherlands - All rights reserved.

Datatab bel 9999 Big / 399 9 rail - A

All the technical and a dimensional cards desc cribed in the catalogue are for reference. Changes can n be made at any time with hout notice. All the data are given g and checked very carefully. However, we cannott take on the responsability y for any possible errors and d omissions.


Š Copyright 2012 M Mauriks Group B.V. The Netherlands - All rights reserved. Š Copyright 2012 Mauriks Group B.V. The Netherlands - All rights reserved.

Datatab bel 9999 Big / 399 9 rail - A

All the technical and a dimensional cards desc cribed in the catalogue are for reference. Changes can n be made at any time with hout notice. All the data are given g and checked very carefully. However, we cannott take on the responsability y for any possible errors and d omissions.


Š Copyright 2012 M Mauriks Group B.V. The Netherlands - All rights reserved. Š Copyright 2012 Mauriks Group B.V. The Netherlands - All rights reserved.

Datatab bel 9999 Big / 399 9 rail - A

All the technical and a dimensional cards desc cribed in the catalogue are for reference. Changes can n be made at any time with hout notice. All the data are given g and checked very carefully. However, we cannott take on the responsability y for any possible errors and d omissions.


Š Copyright 2012 M Mauriks Group B.V. The Netherlands - All rights reserved. Š Copyright 2012 Mauriks Group B.V. The Netherlands - All rights reserved.

Datatab bel 9999 Big / 399 9 rail - A

All the technical and a dimensional cards desc cribed in the catalogue are for reference. Changes can n be made at any time with hout notice. All the data are given g and checked very carefully. However, we cannott take on the responsability y for any possible errors and d omissions.



1 t +31 (0)73 - 646 11 00 e

All the technical and dimensional cards described in the catalogue are for reference. Changes can be made at any time without notice. All the data are given and checked very carefully. However, we cannot take on the responsability for any possible errors and omissions.

Belangrijk: De rail heeft een geleidende functie, waarop een correct geconstrueerd hekwerk dient te worden geplaatst voor een juiste werking van het systeem. De vorm, uitvoering en indirecte factoren zoals onder andere windbelasting kunnen aanzienlijke j invloeden hebben op p het systeem, y waardoor cijfers j uit de tabellen kunnen afwijken.

Datatabel 9999 Big / 399 rail - B

Š Copyright 2012 M Mauriks Group B.V. The Netherlands - All rights reserved.

Š Copyright 2012 M Mauriks Group B.V. The Netherlands - All rights reserved. Š Copyright 2012 Mauriks Group B.V. The Netherlands - All rights reserved.

Datatab bel 9999 Big / 399 9 rail - B

All the technica al and dimensional cards de escribed in the catalogue arre for reference. Changes can be made at any time without w notice. All the data are e given and checked very carefully. c However, we cann not take on the responsability for any possible errors and a omissions.


Š Copyright 2012 M Mauriks Group B.V. The Netherlands - All rights reserved. Š Copyright 2012 Mauriks Group B.V. The Netherlands - All rights reserved.

Datatab bel 9999 Big / 399 9 rail - B

All the technica al and dimensional cards de escribed in the catalogue arre for reference. Changes can be made at any time without w notice. All the data are e given and checked very carefully. c However, we cann not take on the responsability for any possible errors and a omissions.


Š Copyright 2012 M Mauriks Group B.V. The Netherlands - All rights reserved. Š Copyright 2012 Mauriks Group B.V. The Netherlands - All rights reserved.

Datatab bel 9999 Big / 399 9 rail - B

All the technica al and dimensional cards de escribed in the catalogue arre for reference. Changes can be made at any time without w notice. All the data are e given and checked very carefully. c However, we cann not take on the responsability for any possible errors and a omissions.


Š Copyright 2012 M Mauriks Group B.V. The Netherlands - All rights reserved. Š Copyright 2012 Mauriks Group B.V. The Netherlands - All rights reserved.

Datatab bel 9999 Big / 399 9 rail - B

All the technica al and dimensional cards de escribed in the catalogue arre for reference. Changes can be made at any time without w notice. All the data are e given and checked very carefully. c However, we cann not take on the responsability for any possible errors and a omissions.



1 t +31 (0)73 - 646 11 00 e

All the technical and dimensional cards described in the catalogue are for reference. Changes can be made at any time without notice. All the data are given and checked very carefully. However, we cannot take on the responsability for any possible errors and omissions.

Belangrijk: De rail heeft een geleidende functie, waarop een correct geconstrueerd hekwerk dient te worden geplaatst voor een juiste werking van het systeem. De vorm, uitvoering en indirecte factoren zoals onder andere windbelasting kunnen aanzienlijke j invloeden hebben op p het systeem, y waardoor cijfers j uit de tabellen kunnen afwijken.

Datatabel 9999 Medium / 399 rail - A

Š Copyright 2012 M Mauriks Group B.V. The Netherlands - All rights reserved.

Š Copyright 2012 Mauriks Group B.V. The Netherlands - All rights reserved.

Datatabel 9999 Me edium / 39 99 rail - A

All the technical and dimensional cards described d in the catalogue are a for reference. Changes s can be made at any time without notice. All the data are a given and checked very carefully. However, we can nnot take on the responsab bility for any possible errors s and omissions.


Š Copyright 2012 Mauriks Group B.V. The Netherlands - All rights reserved.

Datatabel 9999 Me edium / 39 99 rail - A

All the technical and dimensional cards described d in the catalogue are a for reference. Changes s can be made at any time without notice. All the data are a given and checked very carefully. However, we can nnot take on the responsab bility for any possible errors s and omissions.


Š Copyright 2012 Mauriks Group B.V. The Netherlands - All rights reserved.

Datatabel 9999 Me edium / 39 99 rail - A

All the technical and dimensional cards described d in the catalogue are a for reference. Changes s can be made at any time without notice. All the data are a given and checked very carefully. However, we can nnot take on the responsab bility for any possible errors s and omissions.



1 t +31 (0)73 - 646 11 00 e

All the technical and dimensional cards described in the catalogue are for reference. Changes can be made at any time without notice. All the data are given and checked very carefully. However, we cannot take on the responsability for any possible errors and omissions.

Belangrijk: De rail heeft een geleidende functie, waarop een correct geconstrueerd hekwerk dient te worden geplaatst voor een juiste werking van het systeem. De vorm, uitvoering en indirecte factoren zoals onder andere windbelasting kunnen aanzienlijke j invloeden hebben op p het systeem, y , waardoor cijfers j uit de tabellen kunnen afwijken.

Datatabel 9999 Medium / 399 rail - B

Š Copyright 2012 M Mauriks Group B.V. The Netherlands - All rights reserved.

Š Copyright 2012 Mauriks Group B.V. The Netherlands - All rights reserved.

Datatabel 9999 Me edium / 39 99 rail - B

All the technical and dimensional cards described d in the catalogue are a for reference. Changes s can be made at any time without notice. All the data are a given and checked very carefully. However, we can nnot take on the responsab bility for any possible errors s and omissions.


Š Copyright 2012 Mauriks Group B.V. The Netherlands - All rights reserved.

Datatabel 9999 Me edium / 39 99 rail - B

All the technical and dimensional cards described d in the catalogue are a for reference. Changes s can be made at any time without notice. All the data are a given and checked very carefully. However, we can nnot take on the responsab bility for any possible errors s and omissions.



1 t +31 (0)73 - 646 11 00 e

All the technical and dimensional cards described in the catalogue are for reference. Changes can be made at any time without notice. All the data are given and checked very carefully. However, we cannot take on the responsibility for any possible errors and omissions.

Belangrijk: De rail heeft een geleidende functie, waarop een correct geconstrueerd hekwerk dient te worden geplaatst voor een juiste werking van het systeem. De vorm, uitvoering en indirecte factoren zoals onder andere windbelasting kunnen aanzienlijke invloeden hebben op het systeem, waardoor cijfers uit de tabellen kunnen afwijken. j

Datatabel 395 Big / 399 rail - A

Š Copyright 2012 M Mauriks Group B.V. The Netherlands - All rights reserved.

Š Copyright 2012 Mauriks Group B.V. The Netherlands - All rights reserved.

Datatab bel 395 Big B / 399 rail - A

All the te echnical and dimensional ca ards described in the catalo ogue are for reference. Cha anges can be made at any time t without notice. All the data are given and checked very carefully. However, we w cannot take on the respo onsability for any possible errors e and omissions.


Š Copyright 2012 Mauriks Group B.V. The Netherlands - All rights reserved.

Datatab bel 395 Big B / 399 rail - A

All the te echnical and dimensional ca ards described in the catalo ogue are for reference. Cha anges can be made at any time t without notice. All the data are given and checked very carefully. However, we w cannot take on the respo onsability for any possible errors e and omissions.


Š Copyright 2012 Mauriks Group B.V. The Netherlands - All rights reserved.

Datatab bel 395 Big B / 399 rail - A

All the te echnical and dimensional ca ards described in the catalo ogue are for reference. Cha anges can be made at any time t without notice. All the data are given and checked very carefully. However, we w cannot take on the respo onsability for any possible errors e and omissions.


Š Copyright 2012 Mauriks Group B.V. The Netherlands - All rights reserved.

Datatab bel 395 Big B / 399 rail - A

All the te echnical and dimensional ca ards described in the catalo ogue are for reference. Cha anges can be made at any time t without notice. All the data are given and checked very carefully. However, we w cannot take on the respo onsability for any possible errors e and omissions.



1 t +31 (0)73 - 646 11 00 e

All the technical and dimensional cards described in the catalogue are for reference. Changes can be made at any time without notice. All the data are given and checked very carefully. However, we cannot take on the responsibility for any possible errors and omissions.

Belangrijk: De rail heeft een geleidende functie, waarop een correct geconstrueerd hekwerk dient te worden geplaatst voor een juiste werking van het systeem. De vorm, uitvoering en indirecte factoren zoals onder andere windbelasting kunnen aanzienlijke invloeden hebben op het systeem, waardoor cijfers uit de tabellen kunnen afwijken. j

Datatabel 395 Big / 399 rail - B

Š Copyright 2012 M Mauriks Group B.V. The Netherlands - All rights reserved.

Š Copyright 2012 Mauriks Group B.V. The Netherlands - All rights reserved.

Datatabe el 395 Big / 399 rail r -B

All the te echnical and dimensional ca ards described in the catalo ogue are for reference. Cha anges can be made at any time t without notice. All the data are given and checked very carefully. However, we w cannot take on the respo onsability for any possible errors e and omissions.


Š Copyright 2012 Mauriks Group B.V. The Netherlands - All rights reserved.

Datatabe el 395 Big / 399 rail r -B

All the te echnical and dimensional ca ards described in the catalo ogue are for reference. Cha anges can be made at any time t without notice. All the data are given and checked very carefully. However, we w cannot take on the respo onsability for any possible errors e and omissions.



1 t +31 (0)73 - 646 11 00 e

All the technical and dimensional cards described in the catalogue are for reference. Changes can be made at any time without notice. All the data are given and checked very carefully. However, we cannot take on the responsibility for any possible errors and omissions.

Belangrijk: De rail heeft een geleidende functie, waarop een correct geconstrueerd hekwerk dient te worden geplaatst voor een juiste werking van het systeem. De vorm, uitvoering en indirecte factoren zoals onder andere windbelasting kunnen aanzienlijke invloeden hebben op het systeem, waardoor cijfers uit de tabellen kunnen afwijken.

Datatabel 395 Medium / 399 rail - A

Š Copyright 2012 M Mauriks Group B.V. The Netherlands - All rights reserved.

Š Copyright 2012 Mauriks Group B.V. The Netherlands - All rights reserved.

D Datatabel 395 Med dium / 39 99 rail - A

All the te echnical and dimensional ca ards described in the catalo ogue are for reference. Cha anges can be made at any time t without notice. All the data are given and checked very carefully. However, we w cannot take on the respo onsibility for any possible errrors and omissions.


Š Copyright 2012 Mauriks Group B.V. The Netherlands - All rights reserved.

D Datatabel 395 Med dium / 39 99 rail - A

All the te echnical and dimensional ca ards described in the catalo ogue are for reference. Cha anges can be made at any time t without notice. All the data are given and checked very carefully. However, we w cannot take on the respo onsibility for any possible errrors and omissions.



1 t +31 (0)73 - 646 11 00 e

All the technical and dimensional cards described in the catalogue are for reference. Changes can be made at any time without notice. All the data are given and checked very carefully. However, we cannot take on the responsibility for any possible errors and omissions.

Belangrijk: De rail heeft een geleidende functie, waarop een correct geconstrueerd hekwerk dient te worden geplaatst voor een juiste werking van het systeem. De vorm, uitvoering en indirecte factoren zoals onder andere windbelasting kunnen aanzienlijke invloeden hebben op het systeem, waardoor cijfers uit de tabellen kunnen afwijken.

Datatabel 395 Medium / 399 rail - B

Š Copyright 2012 M Mauriks Group B.V. The Netherlands - All rights reserved.

Š Copyright 2012 Mauriks Group B.V. The Netherlands - All rights reserved.

D Datatabel 395 Med dium / 39 99 rail - B

All the te echnical and dimensional ca ards described in the catalo ogue are for reference. Cha anges can be made at any time t without notice. All the data are given and checked very carefully. However, we w cannot take on the respo onsIbility for any possible errors and omissions.


Š Copyright 2012 Mauriks Group B.V. The Netherlands - All rights reserved.

D Datatabel 395 Med dium / 39 99 rail - B

All the te echnical and dimensional ca ards described in the catalo ogue are for reference. Cha anges can be made at any time t without notice. All the data are given and checked very carefully. However, we w cannot take on the respo onsIbility for any possible errors and omissions.



1 t +31 (0)73 - 646 11 00 e

All the technical and dimensional cards described in the catalogue are for reference. Changes can be made at any time without notice. All the data are given and checked very carefully. However, we cannot take on the responsibility for any possible errors and omissions.

Belangrijk: De rail heeft een geleidende functie, waarop een correct geconstrueerd hekwerk dient te worden geplaatst voor een juiste werking van het systeem. De vorm, uitvoering en indirecte factoren zoals onder andere windbelasting kunnen aanzienlijke invloeden hebben op het systeem, waardoor cijfers uit de tabellen kunnen afwijken.

Datatabel 395 Small / 399 rail - A

Š Copyright 2012 M Mauriks Group B.V. The Netherlands - All rights reserved.

Š Copyright 2012 Mauriks Group B.V. The Netherlands - All rights reserved.

Datatabe el 395 Sm mall / 39 99 rail - A

All the te echnical and dimensional ca ards described in the catalo ogue are for reference. Cha anges can be made at any time t without notice. All the data are given and checked very carefully. However, we w cannot take on the respo onsIbility for any possible errors and omissions.


Š Copyright 2012 Mauriks Group B.V. The Netherlands - All rights reserved.

Datatabe el 395 Sm mall / 39 99 rail - A

All the te echnical and dimensional ca ards described in the catalo ogue are for reference. Cha anges can be made at any time t without notice. All the data are given and checked very carefully. However, we w cannot take on the respo onsIbility for any possible errors and omissions.



1 t +31 (0)73 - 646 11 00 e

All the technical and dimensional cards described in the catalogue are for reference. Changes can be made at any time without notice. All the data are given and checked very carefully. However, we cannot take on the responsibility for any possible errors and omissions.

Belangrijk: De rail heeft een geleidende functie, waarop een correct geconstrueerd hekwerk dient te worden geplaatst voor een juiste werking van het systeem. De vorm, uitvoering en indirecte factoren zoals onder andere windbelasting kunnen aanzienlijke invloeden hebben op het systeem, waardoor cijfers uit de tabellen kunnen afwijken.

Datatabel 395 Small / 399 rail - B

Š Copyright 2012 M Mauriks Group B.V. The Netherlands - All rights reserved.

Š Copyright 2012 Mauriks Group B.V. The Netherlands - All rights reserved.

Datatab bel 395 Small / 39 99 rail - B

All the te echnical and dimensional ca ards described in the catalo ogue are for reference. Cha anges can be made at any time t without notice. All the data are given and checked very carefully. However, we w cannot take on the respo onsIbility for any possible errors and omissions.


Š Copyright 2012 Mauriks Group B.V. The Netherlands - All rights reserved.

Datatab bel 395 Small / 39 99 rail - B

All the te echnical and dimensional ca ards described in the catalo ogue are for reference. Cha anges can be made at any time t without notice. All the data are given and checked very carefully. However, we w cannot take on the respo onsIbility for any possible errors and omissions.



1 t +31 (0)73 - 646 11 00 e

All the technical and dimensional cards described in the catalogue are for reference. Changes can be made at any time without notice. All the data are given and checked very carefully. However, we cannot take on the responsibility for any possible errors and omissions.

Belangrijk: De rail heeft een geleidende functie, waarop een correct geconstrueerd hekwerk dient te worden geplaatst voor een juiste werking van het systeem. De vorm, uitvoering en indirecte factoren zoals onder andere windbelasting kunnen aanzienlijke invloeden hebben op het systeem, waardoor cijfers uit de tabellen kunnen afwijken.

Datatabel 395 Medium EKHO / 399 rail - A

Š Copyright 2012 M Mauriks Group B.V. The Netherlands - All rights reserved.

Š Copyright 2012 Mauriks Group B.V. The Netherlands - All rights reserved.

Datatabe D el 395 Me edium EK KHO / 3 rail - A 399

All the te echnical and dimensional ca ards described in the catalo ogue are for reference. Cha anges can be made at any time t without notice. All the data are given and checked very carefully. However, we w cannot take on the respo onsIbility for any possible errors and omissions.


Š Copyright 2012 Mauriks Group B.V. The Netherlands - All rights reserved.

Datatabe D el 395 Me edium EK KHO / 3 rail - A 399

All the te echnical and dimensional ca ards described in the catalo ogue are for reference. Cha anges can be made at any time t without notice. All the data are given and checked very carefully. However, we w cannot take on the respo onsability for any possible errors e and omissions.


Š Copyright 2012 Mauriks Group B.V. The Netherlands - All rights reserved.

Datatabe D el 395 Me edium EK KHO / 3 rail - A 399

All the te echnical and dimensional ca ards described in the catalo ogue are for reference. Cha anges can be made at any time t without notice. All the data are given and checked very carefully. However, we w cannot take on the respo onsability for any possible errors e and omissions.



1 t +31 (0)73 - 646 11 00 e

All the technical and dimensional cards described in the catalogue are for reference. Changes can be made at any time without notice. All the data are given and checked very carefully. However, we cannot take on the responsibility for any possible errors and omissions.

Belangrijk: De rail heeft een geleidende functie, waarop een correct geconstrueerd hekwerk dient te worden geplaatst voor een juiste werking van het systeem. De vorm, uitvoering en indirecte factoren zoals onder andere windbelasting kunnen aanzienlijke invloeden hebben op het systeem, waardoor cijfers uit de tabellen kunnen afwijken.

Datatabel 395 Medium EKHO / 399 rail - B

Š Copyright 2012 M Mauriks Group B.V. The Netherlands - All rights reserved.

Š Copyright 2012 Mauriks Group B.V. The Netherlands - All rights reserved.

Datatab bel 395 Medium M E EKHO / 399 raiil - B

All the te echnical and dimensional ca ards described in the catalo ogue are for reference. Cha anges can be made at any time t without notice. All the data are given and checked very carefully. However, we w cannot take on the respo onsability for any possible errors e and omissions.


Š Copyright 2012 Mauriks Group B.V. The Netherlands - All rights reserved.

Datatab bel 395 Medium M E EKHO / 399 raiil - B

All the te echnical and dimensional ca ards described in the catalo ogue are for reference. Cha anges can be made at any time t without notice. All the data are given and checked very carefully. However, we w cannot take on the respo onsability for any possible errors e and omissions.



1 t +31 (0)73 - 646 11 00 e

All the technical and dimensional cards described in the catalogue are for reference. Changes can be made at any time without notice. All the data are given and checked very carefully. However, we cannot take on the responsibility for any possible errors and omissions.

Belangrijk: De rail heeft een geleidende functie, waarop een correct geconstrueerd hekwerk dient te worden geplaatst voor een juiste werking van het systeem. De vorm, uitvoering en indirecte factoren zoals onder andere windbelasting kunnen aanzienlijke invloeden hebben op het systeem, waardoor cijfers uit de tabellen kunnen afwijken.

Datatabel 395 Small EKHO / 399 rail - A

Š Copyright 2012 M Mauriks Group B.V. The Netherlands - All rights reserved.

Š Copyright 2012 Mauriks Group B.V. The Netherlands - All rights reserved.

Datatabe el 395 Sm mall EKH HO / 399 rail - A

All the te echnical and dimensional ca ards described in the catalo ogue are for reference. Cha anges can be made at any time t without notice. All the data are given and checked very carefully. However, we w cannot take on the respo onsIbility for any possible errors and omissions.


Š Copyright 2012 Mauriks Group B.V. The Netherlands - All rights reserved.

Datatabe el 395 Sm mall EKH HO / 399 rail - A

All the te echnical and dimensional ca ards described in the catalo ogue are for reference. Cha anges can be made at any time t without notice. All the data are given and checked very carefully. However, we w cannot take on the respo onsIbility for any possible errors and omissions.



1 t +31 (0)73 - 646 11 00 e

All the technical and dimensional cards described in the catalogue are for reference. Changes can be made at any time without notice. All the data are given and checked very carefully. However, we cannot take on the responsibility for any possible errors and omissions.

Belangrijk: De rail heeft een geleidende functie, waarop een correct geconstrueerd hekwerk dient te worden geplaatst voor een juiste werking van het systeem. De vorm, uitvoering en indirecte factoren zoals onder andere windbelasting kunnen aanzienlijke invloeden hebben op het systeem, waardoor cijfers uit de tabellen kunnen afwijken.

Datatabel 395 Small EKHO / 399 rail - B

Š Copyright 2012 M Mauriks Group B.V. The Netherlands - All rights reserved.

Š Copyright 2012 Mauriks Group B.V. The Netherlands - All rights reserved.

Datatab bel 395 Small EKH HO / 399 raill - B

All the te echnical and dimensional ca ards described in the catalo ogue are for reference. Cha anges can be made at any time t without notice. All the data are given and checked very carefully. However, we w cannot take on the respo onsIbility for any possible errors and omissions.


Š Copyright 2012 Mauriks Group B.V. The Netherlands - All rights reserved.

Datatab bel 395 Small EKH HO / 399 raill - B

All the te echnical and dimensional ca ards described in the catalo ogue are for reference. Cha anges can be made at any time t without notice. All the data are given and checked very carefully. However, we w cannot take on the respo onsIbility for any possible errors and omissions.


uw partner in hekwerk- en poortonderdelen AFBEELDING




Onderdelen vrijdragende poorten


Wielenset BIG, 9-wiels, verzinkt




Wielenset MEDIUM, 9-wiels, verzinkt





Wielenset BIG, 5-wiels, verzinkt



Wielenset MEDIUM, 5-wiels, verzinkt




Wielenset SMALL, 5-wiels, verzinkt



Pag. 1-3

52 Versie 2012-02 (pag. 30/59)

voor meer specificaties kijk op bel +31 (0)73 646 11 11 of mail *geen voorraad artikel

uw partner in hekwerk- en poortonderdelen AFBEELDING




Wielenset MEDIUM EKHO, 5-wiels, verzinkt


Wielenset SMALL EKHO, 5-wiels, verzinkt







Looprail BIG L=3000 mm, onbehandeld




Looprail BIG L=3000 mm, verzinkt




Looprail MEDIUM L=3000 mm, onbehandeld




Looprail MEDIUM L=3000 mm, verzinkt




Looprail SMALL L=3000 mm, onbehandeld




Looprail SMALL L=3000 mm, verzinkt



Looprail L=6000 mm op aanvraag leverbaar.

Pag. 2-3

53 Versie 2012-02 (pag. 31/59)

voor meer specificaties kijk op bel +31 (0)73 646 11 11 of mail *geen voorraad artikel

uw partner in hekwerk- en poortonderdelen AFBEELDING





Geleidingswiel BIG, verzinkt




Geleidingswiel MEDIUM, verzinkt




Geleidingswiel SMALL, verzinkt




Opvangmuil BIG, verzinkt




Opvangmuil MEDIUM, verzinkt




Opvangmuil SMALL, verzinkt




Instelbare opvangmuil BIG, verzinkt




Instelbare opvangmuil MEDIUM, verzinkt




Instelbare opvangmuil SMALL, verzinkt



Pag. 3-3

54 Versie 2012-02 (pag. 32/59)

voor meer specificaties kijk op bel +31 (0)73 646 11 11 of mail *geen voorraad artikel

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