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According to the American Academy of Dermatology, we each have approximately 100,000 hair follicles on our scalp, and it is very normal to lose between 50 and 100 hairs per day. Whether you see hair in the shower drain after you have taken a shower or in your hairbrush, do you ever wonder if your hair is thinning and what can be done if that is true?

Most people don’t realize that anyone can have thinning hair, and the realization you may be losing your hair can be quite traumatic. Baldness is more common in men; however, women can experience hair loss too. There are different types of treatments and many ways to treat thinning hair, but once you know what is causing the issue, it is a lot easier to manage.

Lydia Fowler, a registered dietician and co-founder of Climb Performance Therapies, shares with us her nutritional expertise as well as her own struggle with thinning hair. She reveals the nutritional components and how nutrition plays an important role in maintaining a healthy head of hair.

If you are experiencing hair loss or if the condition of your hair has become dull and brittle, you are not alone. My genetics have been very clear — I will continue to struggle with thinning hair as I age. There is no way to completely avoid it but, BY GOLLY, I will fight it the best way I know how — with nutrition!

Causes of hair loss or thinning include genetics, poor nutrition, high-stress levels, damage from dyes and bleaching, hormonal imbalances, and thyroid conditions. Other causes may stem from the side effects of certain medications and diseases. There are natural remedies for hair loss and essential nutrition options for healthy hair. Here I will share some of the nutritional components that can help improve the health and volume of your hair.

Vitamin A is imperative for the growth and health of all cells, including hair and scalp. To make sure you get enough vitamin A, pick yellow and orange-colored produce, as well as plenty of dark green leafy vegetables. Animal products such as milk, eggs, and liver are also high in vitamin A. Please remember moderation, since too much vitamin A can also cause hair loss.

The B vitamins that affect hair growth are vitamin B6, vitamin B12, and folic acid. These vitamins are important for the proper formation of red blood cells, which carry oxygen to the tissues, including the hair. Vitamin B6 is found in fish, liver, pork and eggs, wheat germ, beans, peas, oats, peanuts, green leafy vegetables, bananas, avocados, and cauliflower. Vitamin B12 is found only in animal products. Folic acid is found in green leafy vegetables, fortified cereals, citrus, beets, broccoli, whole grains, and tomatoes.

Vitamin B6 is found in fish, liver, pork and eggs, wheat germ, beans, peas, oats, peanuts, green leafy vegetables, bananas, avocados, and cauliflower.

The deficiency of vitamin C leads to hair breakage because vitamin C is necessary for collagen production. Vitamin C is found in citrus fruits, berries, peppers, dark green leafy vegetables, broccoli, cabbage, sweet potatoes, and tomatoes. I don’t know about you but so far this is sounding like a very colorful way of eating and we are only three vitamins in!

Hair loss is a classic symptom of iron deficiency anemia. The best source of iron is heme iron, which is only found in meat. Non-heme iron is found in spinach, dried fruits, beans, and bran. Unfortunately, non-heme iron is not absorbed as well. Helpful note: Vitamin C helps with the absorption of iron, so try including a vitamin C food with your iron-rich foods.

Zinc is a mineral that promotes cell reproduction, tissue growth, and repair. Zinc deficiency can lead to hair shedding. Zinc is found in some meats, eggs, milk, nuts, seeds, legumes, and whole grains. Too much zinc can also lead to hair loss, so it is best to get your zinc intake from foods rather than taking it in supplement form.

Isn’t hair made of proteins? Absolutely! People who do not eat enough protein will have dry and brittle hair. Protein is found in many foods, including meat, seafood, dairy foods, soy, beans, seeds, and nuts. Try to get in protein consistently in each meal (and even snacks).

Take some time to evaluate your nutrition to find ways to diversify your intake, and include some foods mentioned here for a healthy head of hair!

Eating healthy is always a good thing and will impact one’s overall health in a very positive way. However, sometimes it is simply genetics or other environmental factors causing thinning hair and you are looking for options to get a full head of hair again without any invasive procedures. We asked Jessie Mobley, owner of 931 Beauty Co., what alternatives are available at the salon and this is what she shared with us.

When you have done everything you can health-wise, but are still experiencing hair loss, there are other treatment options available. There is no one-size-fits-all solution since each person struggles with a different hair loss pattern and root cause. Stress, postpartum, changes in hormones and chemical damage are just a few contributing factors to hair loss. Most recently, we have seen a large number of clients with post-Covid hair loss.

Whatever the reason for the hair loss, there are many nonsurgical treatments available. These range from tape-in extensions to sew-in wefts of hair, and for more comprehensive coverage, a hair topper is typically used for balding. These are all noninvasive types of coverage to fill in the areas of the scalp that are missing volume and length of hair — the results are often undetectable! For hairline loss, some options create the look of a natural and beautiful head of healthy hair. Tape-in hair extensions can fill in the front of the hair with a smaller section of hair, a full sew-in weft can add length and volume, and a topper covers the crown of the head when a genetic or medical condition has left a less concealable bald patch.



In conjunction with these treatments, we recommend high-quality, sulfate-free, and professionally-formulated hair care products to treat and rejuvenate the hair and scalp. A large portion of hair loss can be attributed to the use of products that create build-up, thus causing irritation to the scalp and hair follicles. Removing this build-up can be achieved by using one of the product lines available at 931 Beauty Co.

Oribe is a best-selling, award-winning brand we offer — they have several product lines to treat many hair types and conditions. We have seen amazing success in hair health and regrowth from Oribe's Serene Scalp treatment line, used in combination with the Serene shampoo and conditioner. Oribe's Gold Lust repair and restore line is amazing for rebuilding the health of the remaining hair; and a new line, Alchemy, can work wonders in strengthening hair in as little as one week. These products are all dermatologist-tested and free of parabens, sulfates and sodium chloride.

You are not alone in your struggle with hair loss — there is a custom solution for everyone, as well as a stylist that is ready help guide you through the journey to a fuller, healthier head of hair!

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