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Oversteer: Letter from the Editor

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Pr oTecht t

Pr oTecht t

by Kurt Scaggs, Managing Editor

Scottsdale Ferrari recently listed Max Verstappen’s 2019 Porsche 911 GT2 RS Club Sport for $795,000. A run of the mill 2019 GT2 RS with similar miles goes for around $400,000 these days. So you’re almost buying two to enjoy the feeling of owning a car that arguably one of the most famous current F1 drivers and youngest race winner in F1 history once owned. I say owned, because he didn’t drive it much. It has 2,185 miles on it, or roughly equivalent to a busy weekend in the Hill Country. He also signed the hood. I understand collecting, which I have to imagine is where this car will wind up. I happen to be the proud owner of a photo that Vic Elford once signed. Cue polite applause.


I’ll skip past the observation that the photos are terrible and there are water spots everywhere, and move to the part where it’s listed as a used 2019 Porsche GT2 RS. It makes me laugh that more care has not been taken when asking for a $395,000 markup for a care solely based on previous ownership. I might be a little salty because I know the market will bear said asking price (and probably exceed it), and also that I’m not even remotely in the market. As I mentioned, I also enjoy collecting things. I can confidently say that I’ve never paid more than 200% what something was worth in order to obtain it. Most likely. Probably. Moving on.

To me collector cars are funny things though. Especially when they are so new and have so little history. I will say, if this is your thing, I think that’s great. Old race cars used to be sent to the wrecking yard when they were finished with them so I’m glad we see the value in preserving this kind of thing now. What strikes me as odd though is owning an object designed to do something other than look at and not using it for it’s intended purpose. Especially when it’s something as good at what it does as Porsches are. Please collect all the AMC Pacers you can and polish them until your heart is content. I know I am thinking too small, but I sure hope this one gets driven. I hope you drive your special car(s) soon and often. Enjoy the Drive.

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