2 minute read
A brilliant year
It’s going to be a brilliant year in Mawson Lakes. Signs of prosperity and wellbeing abound.
New businesses are opening up, our university campus is pushing the frontiers of research, our population is expanding, our children are growing and gaining knowledge, more houses are being built and a variety of events are on the calendar. All these things are reported in the pages that follow.
From this issue the Mawson Lakes Directory takes on a new look and name to become Mawson Lakes Living . The primary mission of this community magazine is to report on local things that are of interest to you.
There’s also a new community website. Go to www.mawsonlakesliving.info where you will find a smorgasbord of information on shops, facilities and businesses in ML and how to connect your business to the website.
Living , as the magazine is called, will be hosting a number of community events this year with the assistance of volunteer enthusiasts. If you’d like to be involved give me a call. In the meantime, tentative dates are listed for your diary.
Mawson Lakes Living is an independently owned community magazine and website published by: Lenross Pty Ltd ABN 55 067 901 508 43 Parkview Drive, Mawson Lakes 5095
Owner/Editor: Linda Vining Ph/Fax 08 8260 7077 office@mawsonlakesliving.info
Design by: Lynette Eggins Design 0438 893 390 lynette@mawsonlakesliving.info
Website Manager: Elizabeth Christie 08 8121 7744 elizabeth@mawsonlakesliving.info
Living Photographic Exhibition and Competition - Opening Cocktail Party on Friday 20 July with the exhibition open to the public on Sat 21 and Sun 22 July at The Denison Centre.
Living Pets on Sunday 9 September in Mobara Park and The Denison Centre.
Living Open Gardens on Sat and Sun 10 & 11 November. This is a fresh take on the garden competition.
Just a taste of brilliant things to come in 2012. Keep tuned for more details as the year unfolds.
Linda Vining Editor
What readers are saying:
“We love this little magazine and use it all the time to find products and services because we like to support local business” - Noel and Kathy Levi.
“I read the magazine from cover to cover. The articles are interesting and answer the questions I have about our neighbourhood since we moved here from Canberra” - Catherine Ormsby.
“I keep copies so I can go back and find businesses when I need them”
- Damien Griffen, DJG Building Designs.
Mayor Gillian Aldridge commented at the Business Women’s Networking meeting . . .
“The is a superb booklet and I use it all the time. I look up services and use them, and when I see a new business I go and try it out. I buy my seafood here, get my hair cut, enjoy a coffee, shop for clothes and food and even get my keys cut by the locksmith who advertises in the magazine.”