2 minute read
The Denison Centre
Situated between Mawson Lakes School and Mobara Park is The Denison Centre, a facility for community, learning and leisure.
The modern, attractive building is surrounded by parkland and framed by hardy, low-growing Knock-Out rose bushes.
The versatile space consists of a hall, two community rooms called the Mobara Rooms, a kitchen and a foyer.
The Centre has accommodated some exciting community events, including the annual Japanese Festival held in October, several handmade markets and the Festival of Dance in March. See story page 36.
In July this year it will be the venue for the Mawson Lakes Photographic Exhibition on 21 and 22 July . See page 26.
On 9 September it will be a central location for the community event, Dogs Day Out (more about this in upcoming issues).
When set up as a gymnasium, the hall can be used for basketball, volleyball, badminton, netball and martial arts.
Opened in 2011, funding to build the Centre came from the Australian Government ($3 million) and the Mawson Lakes Community Trust Fund ($1.1 million).
Mawson Lakes School manages The Denison Centre and the management committee is composed of the school principal plus representatives from the City of Salisbury, the school’s governing council and a community representative.
The hall is for school use between 8am-5pm. It is available for community use at other times, including evenings and weekends, along with the Mobara meeting rooms.
Bookings are necessary and hire charges apply. For bookings and further information contact 8260 1681
Active Brains
KENKEN® is a new mind game invented by a Japanese man Tetsuya Miyamoto. In Japanese “Ken” means wisdom, so “KENKEN” is wisdom squared.
For more info go to www.kenken.com
The rules are simple:
For a 3x3 puzzle, each row and each column must have the numbers 1-3.
For a 4x4 puzzle, each row and each column must have the numbers 1-4.
Do not repeat a number in any row or column.
The numbers in each heavily outlined set of squares, called cages, must combine (in any order) to produce the target number in the top corner of the cage using the mathematical operation indicated.
Cages with just one box should be filled in with the target number in the top corner.
This puzzle is at Master’s Level Solution on page 43.
National Year of Reading 2012
Nearly half the population struggles without the literacy skills to meet the most basic demands of everyday life and work. There are 46% of Australians who can’t read newspapers, follow a recipe, make sense of timetables or understand the instructions on a medicine bottle.
A campaign called the National Year of Reading 2012 is designed to encourage people to read books and use their local libraries.
Get a copy of the Good Reading
Magazine (pictured) available from the Mawson Lakes Library in Main Street (opposite the lake). The magazine showcases new books, including children’s books, has book reviews, stories about writers, who’s reading what . . . and more.
If the Mawson Lakes Library does not have the book you want, the librarian may be able to get it in for you via an inter-library loan. Just ask. Ed.
How many words can you make from these letters? Words must contain 4 or more letters. There is one nine-letter word. Each letter may be used once only. No plurals. Each word must contain the centre letter.
Solution page 43.