A Guide to Grey Parrots as Pet and Aviary Birds ePub
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Author : Rosemary Low Pages : 168 pages Publisher : ABK Publications 2006-07-30 Language : English ISBN-10 : 0975081756 ISBN-13 : 9780975081754
Description This title, authored by prolific avicultural author, Rosemary Low, stands alone when compared to many other books on the Grey Parrot. Rosemary presents interesting and diverse snippets gathered from various keepers personal experiences in pet and aviary situations. Supported by numerous colour images, topics examine the Grey Parrots in the wild as well as their housing, management, feeding, nutritional requirements, behaviour, enrichment, breeding, handraising, training and veterinary aspects in captivity. A must-read for anyone contemplating to keep or currently keeping this highly intelligent species.