Trinity College Rugby Annual 2011

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From the Headmaster Mr Ivan Banks

Contents Headmaster’s Address........................... 3 Head of Rugby Report........................... 4

It gives me great pleasure to be invited to write an introduction to the 2011 Rugby Year Book. It has been wonderful to see the continued resurgence in Rugby in recent times – the passion and commitment displayed by all involved is testament to the impact that this sport has in the life of our College. It has been an exciting season with a number of highlights; I know that for many of our Rugby players the 2011 tour to Singapore will be forever etched in their memories.

Coaches................................................... 5 Year 12s 2011.......................................... 6 Captain’s Report..................................... 7 1st XV Photos..................................... 8-9 2nd XV Photos................................. 10-11 Tour to Singapore............................. 12-13

I congratulate our rugby students who are so committed to their sport that they train long hours but still try to balance their love of rugby with their academic commitments. I hope that they see this hard work as worthwhile for many of life’s best lessons are learnt through sport.

Team Photos..................................... 14-17

I would like to thank our coaches that give up countless hours to train our boys and also thank the large support crew that look after so many other aspects of the sport; without these people our rugby program would not be as successful as it is.

Year 8 Photos.................................. 22-23

The rugby parents must also be acknowledged for their tireless efforts to ensure that the boys are transported, catered for and supported in all their efforts. I know that Trinity College rugby could not exist without the assistance of parents.

Year 7 Photos.................................. 26-27

I thank the Trinity Rugby Club Committee because it is through their hard work that many “extras” are provided for the players.


Finally, I trust that our rugby players look back on the 2011 season with a sense of accomplishment and achievement. I pray that the friendships created on the field will be with you forever.


Best Wishes Ivan Banks Headmaster

Many thanks to all our sponsors. Their support made this publication possible for the Trinity College Rugby Club.

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Year 10 Photos................................ 18-19 Year 9 Photos.................................. 20-21

President Report.................................. 24 Parent Photos....................................... 25

Junior School Photos..................... 28-29 Our Representative Players................ 30

EDITOR Kathryn Taggart

Niamh Taggart Paola Ferrari Billie Fairclough Hugh Gillespie John Eastman Greg Owens Debbie Hogg Bindy Hammond Heather Albonico Luke Rees

GRAPHIC & LAYOUT Max Fairclough PRINTING Picton Press (Rob Lush)

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2011 Rugby Season Review

The 2011 season started with a good pre-season program including a live-in camp and a successful International tour. As a sport Rugby assists boys to develop those traits which we admire in well balanced youth. The Rugby Club at Trinity College has a priority to attract greater numbers of boys from the school community through quality coaching and good parent support. Indications in 2009 that there were promising signs of a return to the halcyon days of the 90’s have not eventuated. The number of regular participants in the senior school is insufficient to fill the two teams. Encouraging greater participation will lead to increased competition for places in the team and an improved skill level. Training started for all boys on the Tuesday after the Head of the River without some senior players who needed time to recover and to catch up on schoolwork after a long first term and an intensive rowing program. It took a few games for the team to settle into some patterns with the 4th game against Christ Church being notable for the 5 tries Trinity scored. This was a radical improvement over the earlier games and was an indication of the quality of play we had developed going into the next few games. The team has played some exciting rugby with a high level of competence for long periods. The patterns and structures in both defense and attack are obvious. However a few minutes lapse of concentration and urgency in each game has allowed the opposition to rack up large scores. The enemy within our own ranks is poor execution. Simple errors in implementation devastate team patterns and breaks rhythm. The scrambling that occurs after a dropped ball or missed tackle allows the opposition time to capitalize and we are slow to re-group. Congratulations to Alec Wilson who has become a powerful ball runner mowing down opposition players with gay abandon and stopping runners in their tracks with his bone jarring tackles. Alec was selected in the WA Schools Division 2. Tomas Hovane has once again been selected as a representative player in the National Indigenous Championship. Tomas has impressed as a very good defender and strong runner. Tomas’s defense was in some ways instrumental in assisting the defeat of Aquinas in the second round. He and Chris Corder made many impor-

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tant covering tackles in that game. This season we had several players who have limited experience in rugby. Matthew Dondas, a year 11 student is playing rugby for the first time. During the season he has developed new skills and an understanding with every game. This is Rugby at its best giving boys a positive experience, developing skills and honourable behaviour. Experience is a vital commodity in successful players. A number of regular 1st XV team members this season are year 11 students. The experiences from 2011 should give them some proficiency in their positions which they will carry on into next season’s competition. Captain Mitch Boros has led by example and played well all season. Mitch played out of his preferred position of flanker at fly half for most of the season for the benefit of the team. He has recently also swapped positions with Chris Corder and has had a successful stint as a scrum half. Chris has shown his superior experience at fly half and improved the flow in the backline in the last few games. Luke Fogliani, a very strong illusive runner was selected as the team’s Vice Captain. Luke has scored many tries with his side stepping skills. It is a pleasant challenge to mould the team pattern and style to incorporate the talent of these types of players. The Rugby teams are indebted to the drive and dedication of the support committee. These parents have banded together and worked hard to improve conditions and purchase equipment for the benefit of the school throughout the year, not only during the season. The off field efforts of the parents have enriched the Rugby experience for the boys of the school. With the committee’s implementation of the assistant coaches’ scheme from the Old Boy network the boys are getting good intensive training. The middle and primary schools coaches have been doing some excellent work throughout the season working on improving skills and fitness. Hopefully this will return dividends in the way of improved results in future teams. Richard Trend Head Coach, 1st XV

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Jack Connelly (‘10)

Will Singer (‘10)

Corey Williams (‘10)

Troy Bonnett (‘10)

Sam Harris (‘09)

Kurt Penney (‘10)

Declan Shortt (‘10)

Peter Oliver

Liam Burke (‘10)

Sean Taggart (‘09)

Ian Hailes

Steve Gardner

Tim Shanassy

Tony Webb

Justin Samulski

Richard Trend (‘69)

Coaches 2011

Trinity Rugby 2011

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Captain’s Report The season of 2011 has been a thoroughly testing period for all those involved. It may seem that despite the endeavour and aspiration of so many, Trinity College rugby has achieved so little. However, to view the season in such a way would do a great injustice to those who served their college honourably in the toil for success, and would overlook the dedication and perseverance of many more than simply the player group. It is indeed true, that the 1st XV of 2011 were in no way superstars, nor did we pretend or even wish to be. What epitomised the character of our team was not found in fancy footwork, elaborate plays, or dazzling ball handling skills. Nor could it be found in a supreme level of fitness, strength or conditioning of the players. Where character flourished was in the minds of the individuals that comprised our team; in a never ending resolution to improve. This resolve to improve became physically evident in how the team conducted themselves on the pitch. By the end of the first round of fixtures, after a number of heart breaking defeats, games were being played with conviction synonymous to an experienced and developed side, which was reflected in noticeable improvement against our opponents. This improvement paved the way to some of the highlights of the season, and demonstrations of fluent, structured rugby not yet seen by the squad. The nail biting victory over Wesley in the first round is a moment that many boys are sure never to forget. Following this match was a well deserved victory over Aquinas, a special occasion for the many seniors in the group who will sorely miss beating our arch rivals given their departure from the college at the end of this year. Whilst the performances of the team are noteworthy, the contributions of some outstanding players must be acknowledged, as they have been integral to the development of the team over the course of the season. The leadership of Vice-captain Luke Fogliani has been commendable in the forwards. His dynamic style of play and attitude towards training and matches has made him a strong influence and role model for other players to follow. Front rower Alec Wilson had an outstanding season and has been a real asset to the forward pack in leading from the front. His efforts were also rightfully acknowledged outside of Trinity in his induction to the under 18’s state schoolboys team after admirable performances in PSA matches. Another player who must be mentioned is Chris Corder who has been highly influential in the co-ordination of on field patterns and plays, as well as his flawless performance in the defensive aspect of the game. On a personal note, I would like to take time to acknowledge and thank the coaching staff for this


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season; Mr Richard Trend, Mr Tony Webb and Mr Justin Samulski whose expert knowledge has allowed the players and the team to grow in their knowledge of the game. I am aware that it has not always been easy to coach this team, just as it has been testing to play in it, and so the player group and I are all the more grateful and appreciative of their contributions. I would also like to take the time to thank my team mates; especially my fellow year 12s who have toiled along this journey with me. It has not always been an easy road to follow, we have had our ups and downs, our successes and failures, but through all of this are the everlasting friendships and memories which I will hold dear in my time after Trinity. To the remaining year 11’s of the 1st XV and 2nd XV squad, I wish you all the best for your future endeavours in the club and college. Finally I will take the opportunity to thank the wider Trinity College Rugby Club community. It is those who do not take to the field who are the rock of this club, and the foundation for which success will come in the future. Foremost I would like to thank the parents and family of the 1st XV squad members, many of which have supported my fellow year 12’s and I since our debut as Trinity sportsmen so many years ago. Whilst on the topic of the wider community, I would also like to take the time to address the new custodians of the club; the future players. The future holds great promise for the rugby community; it is becoming more apparent that the club is on the edge of creating an era resembling the 90’s, where Trinity College was rightfully considered the premier rugby school of the PSA. For this era to resound once more, I do however feel that further changes must still be made within the club. The changes I refer to must occur not in administration, but in the player groups themselves. A distinct culture must be established that sets a new and higher standard of presentation, attitude, effort and conviction which will allow for the desired successes of this club. There must be an increased sense of maturity in the way individuals conduct themselves, and an even greater sense of professionalism that will open up the opportunity to close the gap between us and the leaders in our competition. So I urge the new custodians of the Trinity College Rugby Club; the future lies with YOU, the ascendency of the club we all love is in YOUR hands. Finally I would like to comment on the extreme pleasure I have had in not only captaining the 1st XV of 2011, but to represent Trinity as a member of the rugby club. To conclude I wish fellow team mates and the rest of the club the very best in their future endeavours, and eagerly await the restoration of Trinity’s rightful place as the “ones to beat” in the PSA competition. Mitchell Boros 1st XV Captain 2011

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“Aspire not to have more, but to be more.”

Oscar Romeo

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Thomas Bourke

Connor O’Neill

Dominic Princi

Sean Ferrinda

Will Massam

Mitch Boris

luke Fogliani

Joshua Mapstone

Jonathan Fiore

Jack Mackintosh

Gerard Ryan

Declan McGann

Chris Corder

Alexander Blunt

Alec Wilson

Aaron Dooley

Year 12s of 2011

Trinity Rugby 2011

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First XV “If everyone is moving forward together, then success, takes care of itself.� Henry Ford

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1st XV Results DATE


May 7 TC 14 v AC 60 May 14 HS 78 v TC 0 May 21 GG 54 v TC 0 May 28 TC 32 v CC 37 June 2

SC 24 v TC 12

June 18

TC 24 v WC 20

June 25

AC 22 v TC 32

July 2

TC 5 v HS 67

July 7

TC 19 v GG 39

July 30

CC 35 v TC 15

Aug 6

TC 15 v SC 47

Aug 20


v TC

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“Accept the challanges so that you feel the exhilaration of victory.”

General George Patton

Trinity Rugby 2011

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Tour to Singapore

The rugby tour to Singapore will definitely be one of the highlights of my school days at Trinity. The main objective of the tour was to improve the Trinity rugby players’ skills and cohesion before the start of the PSA season, and this was definitely achieved. Including the two warm up games in Perth, and the rugby camp, the first team had a long pre-season, which undoubtedly heightened our skills, altogether we played five games before our first PSA game against Aquinas. Playing rugby so close to the equator was a new experience for all of us, and the nice Mediterranean climate we were used to was soon coveted after we exited the arrivals hall at Changi airport. Without even doing anything we were soon all in a sweat, but the sense of occasion drove us on to ignore the humid weather. That was until our first training session, we have all had hard training sessions in the past, but this training session definitely took the cake, the humid conditions were unbearable and soon we were out of water, along with that the surface of the pitch we were training on was hard and rocky, but both of these were things we would have to adapt to later. However our efforts did not go un-noticed as we were rewarded after training with a swim on the beach. PAGE 12

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We had several training sessions before our first game, which allowed us to become adjusted, as much as we could, to the new conditions, and to try players out at new positions. All our training paid off when we played our first game, against Tanglin Rugby Club. Both the year ten team and the open team dominated their opponents, both physically and ball skills, with a try fest all around. Our second set of games was against Saint Andrew’s College, a school that had a population of about 5,000, this school is the premier rugby school in Singapore, but after our victory against Tanglin the teams went into the game full of confidence. The game was played on Astro turf, which made the game much faster than our previous game which was played on a muddy field. Unfortunately we did not adapt to the game style that was needed in order to win the game, and we lost. Playing on the Astro turf caused many injuries, and the touring first XV team captain, Josh Mapstone was ruled out of playing the next game, due to infectious grazes. Many others, whose injuries were not as severe, went on to play, despite being physically sore and tired. The second school we played provided a game for the combined first and second team only. This game was

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also played on Astro turf, and was played around midday on a boiling hot day. It was the 7th day of our tour, and by now most of the boys were exhausted and ready to go home, however the tenacity of the men who played showed how good Trinity rugby could be. We ended up winning the game quite comfortably and many year tens were able to have a run, all of whom showed guts by playing guys that were two years older. The tour was not all just rugby, there were many moments where we could roam the streets of Singapore and enjoy the sights of a foreign country. Every night we were able to go out and find our own dinner and experience the tastes of a different culture. There were also organised activities including visits to; Clark Quay, Changi war museum, Sentosa Island (Universal Studios), the Raffles hotel, China town, Marina Bay Sands and an ANZAC dawn service at Kranji War Memorial. The tour was a great success and all the boys, and I’m sure, (hopefully) the coaches had a great time. Thanks must be said to all the coaches; Mr Trend, Mr Webb, Mr Hailes and Justin. Also, the tour would not have been possible without the great efforts of Mr Taggart and the Rugby Club, so I would like say a great big thankyou to all of them. Chris Corder

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Trinity Rugby 2011

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Back Row: Jack Mackintosh, Stephen Sertorio, Matthew Dondas, Jonathan Fiore, Joshua Mapstone, Mitchell Boros (Captain), Tomas Hovane, Chris Corder, Alexander Blunt, Gerard Ryan Front Row: William Massam, Lucas Purnell, Alec Wilson, Luke Fogliani, Jaron De Klerk, Declan McGann Absent Conor Spence

Back Row: Mr. Webb, Dakota Gear, Thomas Burke, Lucas Purnell, Mitchell Scott-Rogan, Vinh Nguyen, Austin Connelly, Philip Stirling, Joshua Collier, Taylor Wellstead, Aaron Dooley Front Row: Sean Grogan, Thomas Fairclough, Jason Fogg, Jacob Rees, Jordan Bozich, Michael Hammond, David Ferrari, Dominic Princi Absent Sean Ferrinda, Matthew Hortin, Connor O’Neill, Rhys Fox PAGE 14

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Back Row: Conall Taggart, Mitchell Guy, Declan Yardley, Luke McLaughlan, Simon Nicoli, Nicholas Di Michele, Noah Harris (Captain) Jackson Scott-Rogan, Peter Fitzgerald, Jakob Phoebe, Joshua Campbell, David Chilcott Front Row: Mr. Hailes, Frank Mannel, Liam Bisschops, Keenan Meade, Alex Pensini, Angus Gillespie, Luke Hutcheson, Marc Bormolini, Finlay Koenig-Luck, Sam Harris (‘09), Kevin Tran

Back Row: Steve Gardner, Lachlan McLeod, Samuel Watson, Alexander Bogunovich, Nicholas Butler, Mathew Fonte De Vos, Matthew Youens, Luke Farrell, Luke Salerno. Front Row: Stephen Polomka, Michael Guerrini, Rory Devlin, Thomas Rigoll, Joseph Halpin, Jeremy Mullally, Jack Fidock, Tyler Kavanagh. Absent: Matthew Hailand, Benjamin Drew, Aaron Dondas. Trinity Rugby 2011

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Back Row: Tim Shanassy, Max Collett, Dakota Epton, Jules Chillcot, Chris Sparzi, Liam Johnson, Jack Perry, Jessie Vivante, Alex Cicchini, Braydon Murphy Middle Row: Willem Boudville-Baltinas, Nick Albonico (vice Capt), Josiah Von Perger, Tom Whelan, Nick Gillespie (capt), Declan Mayo , James Godfrey, Alex Hoang, Connor Black, Alex Gordon Front Row: Nick Vale, Kieran Munrowd-Harris, Rory O’Neil, Jethro Sherrell, Adam Ralph, Jordan Sassanelli, Absent: Shannon Carey-Smith, Vincent Ipsaro-Passione, Giordan Prosper, Isaiah Walley-Stack, Dion Zverk

Back Row: Oliver Betts, Mitch Muscat, Jonah Saliba, Lachlan Carvey, Josh Naylor, Tom Kavanagh, Kyle Sullivan, Nathan Scott, Charles Owens, Kobi Winmar, Michael Ferrari, Mr Oliver Front Row: Liam Crevola, Liam Loveridge, Chas McGill, Declan Gooch, Peter Pannizza, Mitch Aspinall, Lachlan Hogg, Daniel Carter, Tim Davidson, Michael Duckworth, James Biagioni Absent: Loucas Starkie, Callum McClure, Jarrod Italiano PAGE 16

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JUNIOR SCHOOL RUGBY Back Row: Conall Taggart Keenan Meade (Assistant Coaches) Cooper Walsh, Stefan Hovane, Ethan Taylor, Connor Rees, Carl Braut, Jamie Bonner, Liam Devlin, Ben Pagano, Steven Miller, Jack Kannis, Sean Taggart (‘09) Front Row: Tom Jansen, Dylan Salvia, Alex Jasper, Rhys Bormolini, Tavish Meade, Joshua Stops, Jamie Kinnimont, Callum Lauriston, Hamish Gilespie, Alexander Pennefather Absent: Joshua Colton, Joseph Eng, Timothy Feasey, Declan O’ Hurley, Matthew Bray, Lachlan Duff, Michael Nicoli

Happily supported by

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“The whole point of rugby is that it is first and foremost, a state of mind, a spirit.� Jean-Pierre Rives PAGE 20

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“We may affirm that nothing great in the world has been accomplished without passion.� G. Willhelm Friedrich Hegel


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President Report The Trinity College Rugby Club (TCRC) is now into its third year and continues to grow from strength to strength with the generous support of our Headmaster, Mr. Ivan Banks, the College, coaching staff and much needed off-field support by the parent body. Successful sporting clubs require more than just skilful players and good coaches. They need the financial resources required to match it with other successful colleges. Money does not guarantee success but it does make achieving that success just that little bit easier. I would like to extend a big thank you to our major sponsor, BankWest, for their generous support of the TCRC in a real and tangible manner. The generous financial support of the College and its sponsors meant the TCRC were able to purchase the same model Enforcer Pro scrum machine as used by most of the Super 15 teams. This highlights the lengths the TCRC will go to in order to provide the best support possible to its players. The purchase of a new scrum machine and a significant amount of new equipment meant the TCRC required a larger storage facility. Again, with the financial backing of the College, a storage facility was constructed under the Pavilion and dedicated to the exclusive use of the TCRC.

There are so many members of staff that need to be thanked. The coaches, of course, for providing their time so generously, freely and willingly to coach our boys. There are, however, two people I would particularly like to thank; our Headmaster Mr. Ivan Banks and our Director of Sport, Mr. Steve Leahy (’76). These gentlemen have provided constant and unwavering support of the TCRC offering guidance and assistance to me in trying to nurture a winning culture around our Club.

Our weekly e-Newsletters were again a great source of communication for the TCRC. I would like to thank Kathryn Taggart for organising, Old Boy Max Fairclough (’09) for his assistance and to the many Mums and Dads who kindly organised the photos for all the other teams in the TCRC.

Now for a special thank you to our outgoing Year 12 parents. Your tremendous attitude to all things rugby has been truly invaluable. Good luck in the future and I hope to see you around the TCRC, supporting the current crop of players, for many years to come.

The TCRC Award Presentation Dinner is always a special night marking the end of the season and paying tribute to all the boys. I would like to thank Jackie Connelly who, as always, was instrumental in ensuring the occasion was a major success.

In closing I would like to say that we have achieved much again this year. I would also like to warn against complacency. There is still much work to be done if we are to win the Br. Redmond Cup in 2012 but I am confident that with the support of parents, coaching staff and the College achieving that goal is well within our grasp.

The TCRC organised a very successful tour to Singapore in April 2011 attended by sixty Year 10, 11 and 12 boys, staff and parents. Again, the touring party were kitted out with bags, polo tops, shorts and socks, the cost of which was subsidised due to the financial support of our sponsors.


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“The most important thing about winning is believing that you can win no matter who you are playing.� Lawerence Dalagis


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“Be not afraid of greatness: Some men are born great, some achieve greatness and some have greatness thrust upon them.� PAGE 28

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Shakespeare Twelfth Night

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Our Representative Players Western Australian State Schoolboys was an exceptional experience in which I made some strong friendships and also developed both my rugby and people skills. I was approached by Richard Trend after our first fixture of the season with the news that the Western Australian Schoolboys coach would like me to attend training. On the Monday of training I arrived, was greeted by the coaching staff and told to get ready for “conditioning”. Conditioning turned out to be 30 minutes before training of extreme physical exercise, designed to strengthen body and mind. As the time went by I was ever extended. I started knowing more players, more plays and am grateful to have been given the opportunity to play with such a high calibre of player. Five of these players were later chosen to represent Australia or Australia A. Sooner than expected the day of departure had arrived. Unluckily I had gashed my foot open two days prior and was struggling to walk, however, with the aid of painkillers and heavy bandaging I managed to get it under control.

Trinity had two other 1st XV players selected in representative teams. Tomas Hovane was selected to play for the Combined States Indigenous Under 16 team at the National Indigenous Under 16 Championships which was held on the Gold Coast. Conor Spence was selected for the WA Under 16 State team and hopes to travel to the National Championships in Sydney in September. The Rugby Club hopes to see more Trinity players join the ranks of these young men in striving to play rugby at a representative level.

Our first fixture was against South Australia. This was our worst result of the tournament. We went down 17-10. (Coincidentally, I didn’t play). The next game was much closer and far more disappointing as we lost 10-12 to the National Indigenous team. They scored a late intercept try to take the match. I started in the starting line-up in this and all the following matches. The third game was our last actual competition game, which saw us beat Tasmania in a spectacular fashion 46-0. The final game we played was against Northern Territory who were in the same position in the other pool of teams. This is the game that the spectators voted as the best game of the series due to the physicality of both the teams and a final margin of only one point. WA prevailed 8-7. All in all the trip was an amazing experience. However, one of the best things to happen was that I received messages while I was away TC had defeated both Wesley and Aquinas. Alec Wilson PAGE 30

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Peter Ferrari


Furniture and Cabinetmakers Pty Ltd

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