Congratulations. You made it through the chaos of the holidays and now you can relax into the beginnings of a successful 2016. The feature writers spent time over their holidays writing enlightening suggestions and insights on how to make changes in our lives to better our health, businesses and lifestyles. I’ve made a significant change in my lifestyle with a move to San Diego to be closer to my wonderful grandchildren. This photo is of Blake, my 6 year old, who is now experiencing what it means to be a part of the school system as a first grader. His brother, Gavin, turned 5 in January and the energy and love the two of them exude is amazingly contagious. They bring a great deal of balance into my life.
right to our own opinions and actions even if others don’t agree with our decisions. In his book, Dare to Be Yourself, Alan Cohen says, “You are almost sure to rub some people the wrong way when you make a stand for who you are. But that’s not a good enough reason to stop and all the more reason to continue.” My New Year’s resolution is to believe in myself, be who I am, express my opinions and share my knowledge. We all have the right to have fun, play, jump around, sing and be ourselves just like my darling grandchildren. You are here on Earth to grace us with your knowledge, opinions and insights too. Never underestimate the power that you bring to the planet when you choose to be who you are.
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
I’m reminded that this is a time when I count my blessings and bring thoughts of gratitude into my life even when events don’t go my way. It’s a time to refresh and focus our thoughts on what it means to be here in Earth School and how we can reach out to others in support with love in our hearts. Going through the holidays with family is not always easy and is sometimes met with our own resistance. Some families seem to be a blend of unusual, difficult personalities who get rattled with anger and negativity, causing discomfort for everyone except the children who remain in a state of bliss. Maybe you chose to hang out with friends to avoid getting involved in yet another excruciating family confrontation.
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. Marianne Williamson I would love to hear your thoughts and stories about your holidays. Did everything go as planned? Were you subject to the crowds of craziness or did you stay at home, order online, and have gifts delivered to your doorstep like I did? Many blessings and Happy New Year!
I believe that we all need to be forgiving and supportive of others who are struggling to “get it right.” We have the
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Click Audio
Letter from Publisher Shirlene Reeves
Page 3
Interview with author Kimberly Zink Kathy Fairbanks
Page 6
It All Comes Together With One Answer Shirlene Reeves
Page 8
Naturally Balancing Hormones Page 10 Lorri Kay Lockyer
Serve Thousands Make Millions Page 12 Cynthia Stott
How I Found Myself on Mad-Body Mountain Page 14 Deb Dutcher
Practical Spirituality Page 16 Suzanne Ross
Six Ways to Love Your Money in 2016! Page 20 Sally Domingo
The Power of Commitment Page 24 Lauren Perotti
A Little Big Thing Page 26 Christina Marlett
In Pursuit of Perfection Page 28 Huda Baak
Are You Interested in a Soft-Boiled Egg? Page 30 Mai Vu
Improving Business and Income Through Organization with... Page 32 Deborah Wiener
Your Website is Not Attracting Your Tribe Page 34 Julia Stege
Ask Rebecca! Page 36 Rebecca Hall Gruyter
Handshake Deals Get Shaky Page 38 Nancy Greene
Directory of Advertisers Page 41
than was important for my survival until I discovered the tools that Klemmer & Associates offered.
What did these tools offer from the minute you walked into your first Klemmer & Associates seminar?
Kimberly: In my twenties, I was diagnosed with a life-threating illness, and as a single mother of three
knew I was in for an inspiring read when tears ran down my face by page 18. “I Love Me…I Love Me Not” is the life story of Kimberly Zink, the president and CEO of Klemmer and Associates Leadership Seminars, Inc. Essentially her story models a life of falling down nine times and getting back up ten times. Kimberly shares the tools utilized along her path of poverty and hopelessness to one of abundance and giving back to the world.
Kimberly, you’ve titled your new book, “I Love Me…I Love Not”, what’s the meaning behind this title?
Kimberly: Growing up, I only did what I was taught to do. I only did what I saw my family do. So anytime
there was any type of tragic event or painful event, I made it about me. And so I did what every normal person does, I made it mean something bad about me; it had to be my fault, I was the bad apple, and I was the evil one. When I looked in the mirror, I saw an evil, dirty, bad human being. I saw a guilt- ridden broken little girl. That’s all I could see. I hated looking in the mirror. I hated my physical body and hated everything about me and I thought I deserved for everybody else to hate me as well.
So how did you pull out of this cycle of self-hatred?
Kimberly: When I attended my first K&A training called
Personal Mastery, I was introduced to several seemingly simple tools, but they were lifestyle tools that introduced choices. These tools were simple, so it wasn’t the kind of thing that overwhelmed me. At first I didn’t know how to use them. I wasn’t good at using them, but I was committed to changing, and over time, I got better at using the tools and was able to transform my self-hatred to forgiveness.
Please share with us how this transformation spilled over into your financial life?
Kimberly: I can remember walking from my house to
the grocery store and praying that I had enough money to buy formula for my newborn baby. I know what it’s like to be in survival mode. I pride myself on the fact that I just kept going, kept making things happen. I thank taxpayers all over the United States in helping to support my family when I didn’t have the funds to do so myself. I was grateful, and as a 17-year-old, I was very clear that I didn’t want to remain dependent.
What’s your timeline for generating wealth in your life? Not only financially, but also abundance in family and friendships worldwide?
Kimberly: At 17, I moved from south Texas to Covington, Louisiana to an un-wed maternity home. I was told
to either get an abortion or move away from my family in Texas if I wanted to have the baby. My mother did the best she could and she couldn’t sacrifice the entire family for my choices. She made the right decision for the family and me. I was in a position where I was broke, alone, and about to have a baby. Financially, I’d always been committed to working hard enough just to get by. When you are somebody who can literally claim that you loathe yourself and have low self-esteem, where you don’t see yourself as worthy, finances are not the things that you tend to specialize in because you don’t think you deserve it. I was smart enough; talented enough, yet large amounts of wealth frightened me. I bought into the lie that money was the root of evil. Well, if I was already evil, adding money to that could only mean that I’d destroy others and myself. So staying less
young children, I was also $90,000 in debt. After, a friend asked me, “Kimberly, now that you’re going to live, would you like to have a life?” I committed to a big yes, and along my journey with Klemmer & Associates, I literally thought, ”you mean the more I help people get what they want, the more space I provide for myself to have everything I want?” I started to be able to look myself in the eye and respect that I wasn’t junk; that I was created to do something. One of the wisest things Brian Klemmer said to me was, “if I wanted to be wealthy, the cleanest way for me to be wealthy was to help other people to be wealthy and have what they wanted, and in doing so, I would create my own. I learned a long time ago that money follows joy. Joy doesn’t follow money, not energetically.
You mentioned that you were $90,000 in debt and had just emerged from a life-threatening illness over a two-year period. What’s your timeline on eliminating the debt?
Kimberly: After the workshops, I became fiscally solvent within 12 months and shifted from $90,000
of debt to just over a net worth of $300,000. That shift was not even a possibility prior to Klemmer & Associates. I knew that if I allowed my programs or belief systems to run me, which constantly said, “you’re not worthy, you’re not smart enough”, and if I was constantly buying into the “need to be liked”, I would not go after my goals and dreams. The tools I’ve mentioned help circumvent all of those negative belief systems that blocked income and opportunities. Each time I was willing to do the work, I’d peel back another layer of that proverbial onion and move further toward my goals and dreams. For the first time in my life, I was able to be in an authentic relationships with my husband, children, family, co-workers and friends. I love them where they are at, and they too are able to love me where I am.
What does “giving-back” look like?
Kimberly: Recently, I was training with a single
mother of two who had no money for Christmas and had borrowed money to get everything done to this point. She’s functioning at the level where she loves what she does as a profession, yet because of limiting beliefs, she has created a scenario where she’s in lack. Part of my gift on this planet is to help her get what she wants, and if that means that her children can get into our Teen Programs through our scholarship fund, I’ll support her to create a life of opportunity for her children.
This is an example of putting action behind your mission statement of “creating bold ethical leaders in the world that works for everyone with no one left out”. Kimberly, as we close for today, is there anything you’d like to share with our readers?
Kimberly: Yes. Remember that, every day, the
story you tell yourself, the story you believe is true, is exactly the one you will live. It’s your choice.
s a Certified Financial Educator, I’ve spent years interacting with entrepreneurs and small business owners and found that many have the same challenges in common. They work very hard with lots of long hours, but there is little, if any, money left in their bank account at the end of the month. Some are even considering going back to work part-time for supplemental income to support their businesses. You might be asking, why isn’t their business supporting them? The fear and anxiety that surfaces around sales can paralyze and doom your business. There are entrepreneurs that are afraid of sales but instinctually believe that bringing their mission and their message to the world is why they are participating here in earth school. They power through the uncertainty and push themselves
so hard that they become ill, overworked and physically hit the bottom, no longer able to run. Others who have enough modalities, credentials, knowledge and experience to paper the walls are searching for the answer to who they are and have no idea how to blend everything they know and do into one business. Members of this group usually have searched for years for the answer to this one very important question, and, after paying expensive coaches, they still haven’t arrived at the answer. The question is, “With everything I know how to do, how do I say what I do?” This one question is the platform for the next steps in your business success. Without this answer, you will feel paralyzed. After all, how can we sell what we do without the answer to who we are? Two clients came to me last week with this baseline question. One had already spent over $10,000 on her quest with no results. The other had been working with 2 coaches for 6 months but still hadn’t found her answer. I worked with each of these women for no longer than 2 hours one-on-one to discover their Business Identity. Today they feel a sense of peace and excitement in stepping forward confidently into who they proclaim they are. They say that now when clients ask them what they do, they explain their business identity easily with joy, relieved to be beyond the challenge of answering that one deep, undeniably important question. Stedman Graham shared in his talk, during #YouthSuccessWeek, that we live in a skillbased age and if not constantly learning and innovating, we become obsolete. He says that if you don’t know what to do with your mind,
others will control your time. It’s important that we are always moving forward, one step at a time, toward our intended goal, purposely building the skills we need the most and relate to the least. Sales may be one of those skills, and once you have answered the question and begin evolving into your Business Identity, it will be time to begin thinking about how to make your business support you. The problem is that there is a great divide between knowing what our mission is and the developed skill of sharing that information, service or product with others who don’t even know that they need it. Herein lies the dividing line between those who remain in business and those who become obsolete.
“What do I say?” They always ask. Some business owners choose to use memorized scripts that don’t work because they can’t relate to the words in the script as their own. Some are pushy, repeatedly asking for the sale until potential clients hide out when they see them coming. Some give glorious descriptions of what they do but are afraid of asking for money because they don’t know how to handle objections. Some don’t even try to sell because they fear rejection or fail miserably because when asked what they do they go into stun mode, not knowing how to respond. For more than 30 years I’ve been researching, developing and refining the methodology and heartfelt guidance shared in the Compel Don’t
Sell Courses. There are easy answers to these painful challenges and learning how to compel your clients to work with you rather than sell them is the answer to this life lesson. I love the words of my Maui friend, the late Wayne Dyer, ““When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.” Take the FREE Compel Don’t Sell Quiz. Find out today, do you compel or do you sell to your perfect clients? compelquiz.
Now that you have seen this list, do you see how it is possible to get one or more of these foods in every meal?
ave you ever had one of those days where your body had a different agenda than your mind? Your body wants to rest, it hurts, it keeps expanding (especially the waist and belly), it is hot, cold, hot, hotter, still hot! Your mind’s agenda includes a “to-do” list, which must get done. It is expecting your body to participate, listen and perform. Your mind is telling your body, “Work with me!” Have you ever experience a break in your mindbody connection? I certainly have. This article is going to give you natural ways that you can re-unite the mind-body connection by balancing hormones naturally with food and essential oils. This is one path to a “New You.” We know that hormonal imbalance causes chaos throughout our bodies. Our hormones (Progesterone, Estrogen, Insulin, DHEA, Testosterone, Thyroid and Cortisol) are constantly changing. This change is really obvious after the age of 40. In the last issue of Wealthy Women, we talked about the damaging effects that stress has on our bodies. (see Wealthy Woman, Oct 2015, article titled, “Reducing Belly Fat and Mastering Your Moods”) We know that our hormones go wonky with stress and from toxins in our food, environment and skin care products. Hormonal imbalance can make us feel anxious, fearful, angry, withdrawn, have sugar cravings, decreased libido/sexual function and gain weight. This list alone convinced me to eat organic and read ingredient labels of everything that I eat or put on my body. What if you could support hormone balance with healthy food choices? Here is a list of foods
Another way to naturally balance hormone is applying essential oils. that naturally balance hormones and reduce inflammation. Foods That Balance Hormones Once I started incorporating these foods in my daily diet, my hot flashes decreased, my energy increased and I lost weight. In order for these foods to naturally balance your hormones, it is imperative that you are supporting your digestive tract with digestive enzymes at every meal and taking probiotics daily. [If you are not sure what enzymes or probiotics are best for you, schedule a free wellness consult with me at] Be sure to read food labels and buy organic (non - GMO) whenever possible. • Chickpeas, garbanzo beans, hummus and lentils (These must be fermented in your body to support hormonal balance. This is where taking digestive enzymes and probiotics come into play.) • Whole Soybeans, tofu – must be organic, otherwise soybeans are mostly genetically modified (in the USA) and have toxins that have a negative effect on estrogen. Stay away from soy isolates. • Flaxseed, Linseed, Sesame and Sunflower (seeds and oil) • Kale, spinach, microgreens, brussel sprouts, broccoli and carrots These greens also play an important role in having good estrogen metabolism. Having “good” estrogen metabolites decreases your risk to breast and ovarian cancer.
Essential Oils That Help Balance Hormones Clary Sage Ylang Ylang Lavender Geranium BergomotBergamot Fennel Roman Chamomile Carrot Seed and Vitex All of these oils are available in doTERRA’s roll-on ClaryCalm blend. Simply roll over your abdomen and ovaries once or twice a day. Let’s take a quick look at what foods make your hormones go wonky and can cause inflammation. Try to reduce or avoid these items. • white sugar, artificial sweeteners and high fructose corn syrup • hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated fats (margarine) • white bread, gluten • too much omega 6 fatty acid (vegetable oils, processed foods, fast food, chips) • wine, beer, spirits (alcohol) • whole milk or 2% • MSG Put simply, a diet that is high in Omega-6 but low in Omega-3 increases inflammation, while a diet that includes balanced amounts of each reduces inflammation. Soybean and Olive oil have more omega 6 than omega 3, canola (has 3-6-9). Nuts are good, but these all have omega 6 fatty acid (almonds, cashews, hazelnuts, pecans, pistachios). See the list of foods below to add omega 3 fatty acids into your diet.
Omega 3 fatty acids - Balance Hormones & Reduce Inflammation If you truly want to be proactive in preventing disease, have a balance of omega-3 fatty acids and omega-6. • Oily Fish: salmon, trout, tuna, mackerel, halibut, herring, oysters, sardines • Flaxseed and walnut oils are the highest in omega 3 • Walnuts (always soak raw walnuts in water for a couple hours or overnight before eating so they are easier to digest) • Chia seeds • eggs from chickens fed flaxseed or algae You are now equipped to start gradually changing your eating habits and look for specific items in the grocery store. The “New You” starts with a change in mindset and awareness of what you eat.
for $500 – a very reasonable price for the transformation you offer your people.
re you an Expert? Do you love what you do and are really great at it? Whether you’re a financial service provider, life coach or fitness instructor, if you’re an expert, you can create on-line programs that will serve your people. You are a storehouse of information that would benefit the people you are meant to serve most.
Serving your people is probably not your problem. In fact, you might serve them so well, they might not need to continue working with you, or so they might think. But you know better. You know you can serve them at deeper and deeper levels, but your clients might not understand that. They might think, “She gave me so much, how could she possible have more?” What if they knew that you were prepared to serve them at a greater depth? How about finding your ideal clients to serve? Are you struggling to get your 1:1 practice filled? Are you exhausted running from one networking event to the next, only to come home with 1 new client or 3 people for your next group program?
If 20 people a month signed up, that’s $10,000 per month or $120,000 a year. A 6-figure business with only 2 calls a month! What if you could have a steady stream of clients coming in? What if you could educate them so that when you work with them, they were well informed and could more easily follow your recommendations? What if you could find your ideal clients easily and have them wellprepared to work with you at a deeper level? Have you considered creating a teleseminar, telecourse or on-line program? Maybe you’ve thought, “That would be great! But I don’t know how!” Or maybe you thought, “I don’t have the time to create an on-line course.” Once you see these numbers – the number of people you will serve and income you will create – maybe you will decide that on-line programs are for you. With 6 pre-recorded calls and just 1-2 live group calls a month, you could create a program bringing in over $100,000 a year! Take it deeper – with a second and third level – with only half of your people “graduating” to your next level, you could create a 7-figure business. The key to these programs is automation and volume. What if you could invite 500, 600, 800 or more to your free call? What if you could do it in 20 clicks or less? And in ways Facebook COULDN’T hide your posts? I have degrees in Statistics and Economics, so I actually like numbers, but maybe you don’t. I GUARANTEE you’ll like these numbers…I call it The Win-Win 7-Figure Blueprint™. Level 1: 6 pre-recorded modules and 2 live group calls a month. A 6-week program
You are an Expert. You’re great at what you do! You have a wealth of knowledge. I’m sure you have more than just one 6-week, $500 program in you. Level 2: Create a next level $500 program with 6 more pre-recorded modules and 2 more live calls a month to go deeper with your people. Even if only 50% of your people decided to move on with you from Level 1 to Level 2, that’s another $5,000 or total of $15,000 per month and $180,000 annually. Level 3: How about a Level 3 $500 program to serve your people even more? If only 50% of your Level 2 group moved on to this program, that’s another $2,500 for a total of $17,500 per month or $210,000 a year. Ok, I hope you’re with me so far – are you liking this math? That’s a Level 1, 2 and 3 program with 18 prerecorded modules and 3-6 live group calls a month for over $200,000 a year. Is that doable? Maybe you’re thinking, that’s only 6-figures. Let’s kick it up to 7-figures. Ready? If 50 people a month sign-up for your program (with 3 levels), that’s over half a million dollars! If 100 people a month sign-up, that’s over $1 million! With only 3-6 calls a month! How much is it costing you NOT to
create your virtual and automated program? Delay one month and it could cost you $10,000$50,000. That’s over $1000/hour! Delay 6 months and it could cost you $60,000$300,000. Delay a year and it could cost you $120,000$600,000. What are you waiting for? Like this Win-Win 7-Figure Blueprint? Want to find out more? Join me at DYRFreeCall. You can do this Math!
pick-me-up, suffering with a migraine an hour later, and never connecting the two. It turned out that I had a sensitivity to sugar and was not drinking enough water. Did you know that you don’t know when you are dehydrated? If you are thirsty, you are actually past dehydration. Two percent dehydration means fifteen percent less function in the brain. If you are a high-powered individual with deadlines and critical decisionmaking, you cannot afford a fifteen percent decrease in your brain function.
hen I was a VP in Silicon Valley, working long hours, commuting and taking care of my family, I just neglected myself. I would get up, rush to get ready and get my kids out the door, blowing a kiss at my husband. At work, I went from meeting to meeting, hardly taking time to eat. I had to have my secretary schedule in biobreaks. My stress level was intense and I would soothe myself with ice cream and chips. I often missed meals and then gorged when I finally sat down to eat. I ate late at night and then could not sleep because my stomach was trying to digest all the food. At 51, I finally stopped, looked down and thought, “Where did this shapeless, tired, blob of a body come from? How did I get up on this “Mad-Body Mountain” and, “How do I get down?”
If your company does not have an extensive cafeteria and healthy eating options, it is most important that you keep healthy snacks and meal components on hand. It is so easy when under pressure to grab a sandwich from a deli, or out of the lunches someone has ordered. But, for many like me, too much starch, bread and gluten is not a good idea. If you cannot make the time to fix a healthy, veggie-laden meal for lunch, you are stuck with whatever is being offered. It is so frustrating to try to stay lean, strong and off the “mad-body mountain” when you have no time to prepare a healthy meal. At least, that is what I told myself and what many of my clients today tell me. So, my tip is: Don’t cook. Acquire, Assemble, Consume. I don’t cook much, but I eat very healthy every day, every meal. (At least 90% of the time.)
For me, it became a quest to figure out how to take a post-menopausal, tired, complaining body carrying 24 extra pounds, and get it off the mountain, back to sexy, lean and strong. I did not know much about nutrition, having made it a daily practice to eat a Snickers for an afternoon
The trick is to keep the components on hand. I buy the prepared salads or bags of greens. I buy some vegetables and cut them up. I keep little containers of chopped veggies, fruits, nuts, and lean protein so I can just grab and go. Those salads you layer in a jar and bring with you are a
great solution! Fast food should not be a choice. There is too little oversight and too many questionable ingredients. It really only takes five minutes to put together a healthy lunch or snack. Think of it as your investment in your future. If you take care of your body now, aging will not look so bad! Another key is breakfast. But, here is the interesting thing: if you are not giving your body a full twelve hours to rest after dinner, before your next meal, then you are overloading the liver and will put on belly-fat. I used to eat a late dinner after I got home from my commute. Then, I would hit the bed, tossing and turning, on a full stomach. I would get up eight hours later and eat breakfast, but it would be too soon. Now I advise my clients to drink water on rising, wait till they feel good and hungry, and eat something healthy and light. A protein shake with greens is a good strategy if you have very little time. Hard-boiled eggs or glutenfree bread with nut butter. All of these are a good breakfast alternative for someone on the run. If you are lucky enough to be able to get home for dinner with the family, then you have to decide if you are going to serve your kids the healthy foods you know you should be eating – salads and vegetables -- or take the easy way out and eat what they like. When I ate what my kids liked, I put on 24 pounds in one year! When I served them a compromise, something that was healthy for me, plus had a side that they would love but that I could pass on, I was able to get control of the weight.
It is now twelve years since I left my high-tech job and became a Health Coach. As a Health Coach and Corporate Wellness Consultant, my job is to help you find a way to get good nutrition into your body, every day. I know how to fit it into your crazy schedule and map it to your lifestyle and job demands. You have to make it one of the top priorities in your life to stay “sexy, lean and strong, at any age!” Please check out my new book on Amazon: “Sexy, Lean and Strong After 50!”. I share some key information about the “Mad-Body Syndrome” and how to get off Mad-Body Mountain.
I am __________ enough.
I am __________ enough.
10. I am __________ enough.
o be prosperous in any aspect of your life, you must let go of any limiting beliefs you may have about yourself and others. This will empower you to move forward with the true perceptions of your highest self and leave behind the false perceptions of your ego. We all have the innate capacity for complete happiness and perfect health. The only thing that can possibly prevent us from being totally happy and perfectly well is the limiting beliefs we have about ourselves. While we may point to outer circumstances, this divine potential is within each and every one of us. There is nothing outside of ourselves that can limit our inherent potential. Unconditional love, peace and joy belong to the human spirit by virtue of the divine source from which we came. When we are connected to this source, we are tapping into our unlimited potential for happiness, success, health and well-being. So why do we limit ourselves? Why do we see ourselves as separate from the divine source of pure love by not loving ourselves and others unconditionally? Why are we limiting ourselves by being disconnected from the unlimited abundance of the source? How do we reconnect and then, stay connected to it? These are the questions that we are going to explore. We are going to dig deep within to discover why we don’t firmly believe that we are anything less than perfectly divine beings capable of tapping into our highest self at any and all times. To enhance our ability to connect with our highest self and overcome these limiting beliefs, we are going to start by engaging in the following practice. Simply fill-in the blanks:
I am not __________ enough.
I am not __________ enough.
I am not __________ enough.
I am not __________ enough.
I am not __________ enough.
I am not __________ enough.
I am not __________ enough.
I am not __________ enough.
I am not __________ enough.
10. I am not __________ enough.
I am __________ enough.
I am __________ enough.
I am __________ enough.
I am __________ enough.
I am __________ enough.
I am __________ enough.
I am __________ enough.
Now perform the following “ Mirror Practice”. This practice will help to liberate you from the false beliefs of your ego and allow you to merge your ego-identity with your highest self. By merging ego and spirit, you can apply the virtues of your highest self to your everyday roles and activities. In this way, you can learn to re-direct limiting thoughts and behaviors to higher ones that activate your divine potential.
THE MIRROR PRACTICE Stand in front of a mirror. Look yourself square in the eyes and smile. Realize that the light behind your eyes is the spirit of your highest self. Know that the source of this light is the pure unconditional love of the infinite spirit and that it is within you and all around you always. It transcends your ego and you can always draw upon it. Greet your higher self and say, “Thank you for loving me unconditionally.”
Now recognize your ego-identity and say, “I love my skin and hair. I love my face and neck. I love my mouth, tongue and esophagus. I love my brain. I love my chest and shoulders. I love my heart and lungs. I love my stomach and intestines. I love my back and spine. I love my central nervous system. This control center operates on the energy of pure love. I love my kidney and liver. I love my bladder. I love my hips and thighs. I love my knees and calves. I love the feet that support me and the hands that feed and care for me. I love every bone, muscle and joint, I love every cell of my being.” Now envision every cell of your being illuminated by the light and love of your spirit. Know that your higher self always resides within you and the love of the infinite spirit is always around you. Make a commitment to honor your spirit at all times. Practical Spirituality e-Book, audio downloads and Online Workshop Modules at: Free Online Workshop Module especially for you!
e’ve all been there…That slow walk from the mailbox with a handful of bills. That pile of relentless bills waiting to be paid. Don’t let money bring you down! The money you make is yours. You can learn to embrace it, love it and stop stressing about it! Women particularly are taught as children to be afraid of money. We are taught that money is evil, and that having money can turn us into bad people. And as a result, we grow up feeling good about the things that we do for free, and we are afraid of being labelled ‘selfish’ or ‘greedy’. We easily give our money away to our family and our community, and we stress about having to deal with it in every way. We feel ashamed when we get behind
in our bills or incur debt. We feel unworthy if we don’t get a raise at work. And we are afraid to spend it on ourselves for even small things like massages or good quality food. As women, we have been programmed to give
of ourselves freely, and we feel good about buying things for others. On the other hand, we feel bad about spending money on the very things we need to stay healthy and happy. How can we change this mindset? What would change if we started to embrace and love our money? What if we were to begin thinking of our money as a tool for nurturing and loving others and ourselves? When we foster a good relationship with our money, we become happier and wealthier, our stress level goes down, and our lives and those whom we love improve! So let’s dive in to how we can learn to LOVE our money! First, make it feminine! Go out and buy yourself a new wallet. Make it pretty, sexy, feminine! Think to yourself, “What would Audrey Hepburn buy?” Make it red, or pink, or furry, or studded with sparkly gems! From now on, when you reach for your wallet, you will smile, maybe even giggle. Second, go to the bank and take out a $100 bill. Place it in your new pretty wallet. It will make you feel secure, even powerful. You don’t have to spend it, just keep it there in case you ever need it. Always keep a $100 bill in your wallet, and even a couple more at home in case you need to replace it. You will never feel poor or unworthy again, as long as your wallet is always full of money!
Third, go out and get yourself a beautiful little jewelry box. Keep this on your dresser or nightstand and fill it with bills in various denominations—1’s, 5’s, 10’s and 20’s. Whenever you find some extra cash in a pocket or in the bottom of your purse, place it in your special jewelry box. When it is full, you can move that money into a savings account at the bank and start all over again. Whenever you need money for small things like tip money or food money for a trip, it will be there waiting for you. You will never run out of money again! Next, you can reinforce your happy relationship with money by placing a picture of something that represents feminine wealth on your dressing table. This can be a picture of a woman in a diamond necklace, or a picture of a pretty pair of expensive shoes. The idea is to feel in alignment with your feminine power around feminine wealth. Each morning while you dress, you can look upon this picture and feel confident and “wealthy”! Now that you are feeling more confident and empowered around your money, let’s explore your feelings around paying those bills. Do you know that you can make your money-paying environment feminine too? Set up an area where you are most comfortable paying bills and managing your finances. Place candles, flowers and other soft, pretty things around you. Make it colorful with a tablecloth, pictures, or a beautiful vase. Make everything you do around your money fun and pretty, and you will stop stressing and start enjoying it. Pick a regular day and time for paying bills, and make it consistent. Once you’ve set your intention make these changes in your life, everything about your money
situation will start to become clean and feel good; no bill will go unpaid and that trip to the mailbox will be easy! The last piece that you can set in place to cement your newfound joy around your money in 2016 is to reward yourself! The stage has been set for you to enjoy making, saving and spending money— YOUR money. Feel good about it by using your money to reward yourself. Every month, when all the bills are paid and your money is organized, go out and buy yourself something small and special just for you. This can be a necklace, or a pair of shoes, or a bouquet of flowers—Whatever makes you feel beautiful. And begin to enjoy your wealth every day of the year!
Kathy Fairbanks Kathy Fairbanks - Speaker, Consultant, Director of Client Solutions & Master Connector, leads the corporate team at Klemmer & Associates Leadership Seminars providing experiential training and business solutions to clients worldwide. Prior to this position, she experienced a 20-year successful career in the financial services industry with CitiGroup and GE Capital. Connecting her strategic business skill sets with the 10 traits of the “Compassionate Samurai” insures a perfect match of deliverables from the Klemmer & Associates Leadership team in order to make a real difference in the way organizations and people operate to produce WIN-WIN results. Prior to entering the financial services arena, Kathy earned a Bachelor’s of Science degree fromIndiana University Kelley School of Business. Contact: Kathy Fairbanks– Director of Client Solutions - - 415-250-4444.
Lauren Perotti
Christina Marlett Christina Marlett believes that if each human being danced everyday, the world would be completely different. As the creator of Dance Ugly Dance Awkward, she invites people to move with freedom and courage to transform their lives. Christina is an International Speaker, Workshop Facilitator and Embodiment Coach. To learn more about her unique approach, visit www.danceuglydanceawkward. com, or click here to watch a quick video
Cynthia Stott Cynthia Stott, International Speaker Mentor, guides mission-driven entrepreneurs to hear from their Heart and Soul and deepen into their most compelling message. Reach the people your are meant to serve most, share from bigger stages and grow your business from 6- to 7-figures and beyond. Find out more at
Deb Dutcher Deb Dutcher is an Executive Health Coach and Corporate Wellness Consultant. Prior to her career in nutrition, Deb spent 20 years in management positions at some of the top companies in Silicon Valley. Her company, Energy Unlimited Coach, supports career women and men who have neglected their health while building a business and career. Deb has been working in nutrition for over fourteen years, and has helped hundreds get leaner, stronger and to enjoy healthier lifestyles. She is a Certified Integrative Health Coach through the Institute for Integrative Nutrition and author of the soon-to-be-published book: “Sexy, Lean and Strong, After 50!”
Lauren Perotti - Life Purpose and Prosperity Speaker, Author and Coach, Tapping 30 + years of expertise in transformation, spirituality and business, I guide executives, professionals and visionaries who want to make a bigger difference in the world – and in the adventure of their own lives! If you feel disconnected from your inner fire - it’s time to be energized, empowered and enlightened so you can up-level your success without sacrificing your Spirit. To get my free eBook or have me speak at your next event go to To learn more about my 7 Spiritual Pillars Program, watch this video
Lorri K. Lockyer Lorri K. Lockyer, The Science of Health Coach - Lorri has helped hundreds of women achieve mental clarity, hormonal balance, reduced belly fat, increased energy, restful sleep and live at a joyful weight through her Science of Health System. Lorri is a Nutritional Biochemist, certified John Maxwell speaker/coach, competitive bodybuilder and author. Learn more about working with Lorri Lockyer by watching a 1-minute video watch?y=LUKo5RAUsp8 – Visit her website at
Mai Vu, MA, CPPC Mai Vu, MA, CPPC - Mai works with busy business moms to attract and create their new lasting love, while raising healthy kids, and rocking their business. Mai has a successful 6 figure coaching practice serving over 1000 women worldwide for the past 20 years. She has also trained and certified over 1000 life coaches. Mai Vu has been described as playful, funny, bold, and is a stand for your Hot Life, Hot Business, and Hot Love.
Nancy Greene, Esquire Nancy Greene, Esquire ensures while you’re out doing what you love and growing your business, you aren’t always watching your feet for landmines. An Amazon best-selling author, a member of the National Association of Professional Women, a NAPW Woman of the Year 2012/2013, and a member of the EWomen Network and the Women’s Speaker’s Association, Nancy loves helping other women business owners thrive in today’s litigious society.
Rebecca Hall Gruyter
Deborah Wiener I have utilized my passion for organization and Feng Shui to start and grow our family business from zero to millions annually over the last 28 years. Along with my training in six Feng Shui disciplines, I also hold a degree in Business Management.
Huda Baak
Rebecca Hall Gruyter, founder of Your Purpose Driven Practice, and Creator of the: Women’s Empowerment Series, Speaker Talent Search, Talk Radio Show Host and Guest Training Programs, and Rebecca’s Money Summit. She is an in-demand speaker, Expert Money Coach and a frequent guest expert on success panels, tele-summits, TV and radio shows. Rebecca is a popular Voice America Radio Show Host and bestselling author with over 14 years’ experience in the financial industry growing multiple 6-figure businesses and practices. She has received awards for her: sales expertise, networking skills, and transformational coaching. Rebecca is committed to helping line up your business and finances with your values, so that YOU can impact the world powerfully!
Huda Baak is an award-winning image consultant, international speaker and author. She has appeared on numerous radio and television business talk shows in the San Francisco Bay area. For 25 years, Huda has been dedicated to creating a unique signature style for women that reflects their inner beauty so that they can be seen as the best version of their authentic self. Her sense of style comes from experience working in the fashion industry and from having lived and worked in the Middle East, Europe, Canada and the US. You can reach her at (925)989-4729 or
Sally Domingo
Julia Stege
Suzanne Ross
Julia Stege is called The Magical Marketer because she helps spiritual business women and conscious entrepreneurs to share their purpose through branding and websites that attract their true Soul Tribe online. Hers is a magical process that helps you attract divinely aligned clients by being authentically you. When you share your deepest essence with the world, you become a magnet for the right people to forward your purpose. Get Julia’s revolutionary ebook Branding from the Heart at
Suzanne Ross is an Inspirational Author, Motivational Speaker and Integrative Wellness Specialist. From her books to her workshops and coaching, Suzanne is here to show you that you absolutely have the unlimited potential to be, do and have everything you ever dreamed of. Once you overcome the limiting self-chatter, you can tap into your unlimited potential and create a reality in which the possibilities are endless. Get started on your 10-day life lessons workshop today and begin experiencing the powerful difference it will make in your life and in the lives of those around you. Live your passion, love your life! To find out more about Suzanne and the transformational mind/body/spirit workshops and coaching services she offers, please visit her website at:
Sally Domingo is a Wealth Empowerment Expert and speaker. She loves to help successful women to master their money in order to create the life of fun and travel that they truly desire. Featured in 2015 Continental Who’s Who as the Pinnacle Financial Professional, and leader of her own “Lean-In Circle”, Sally is a driving force in the women’s empowerment movement. Now a widow and a single mother of two, she has sustained a 25-year career as a 6-figure entrepreneur in three industries. She is founder of Women Wealth Mastery, and is creator of the popular program, “Master Your Money in 90 Days”, through which she helps her clients catapult their lifestyles through personal growth and financial strategies. You can find her online at
on any progress or goal achievement in your business and life. It’s as if you’re sitting on the fence. Isn’t it time you jumped off and joined your life? How you can be more decisive and committed
t’s a bit past that New Year time when we usually start sizzling with energy, enthusiasm and high intentions to set goals and resolve to achieve them. Isn’t it funny how as the weeks of January pass into February and beyond, sometimes that drive and focus is fizzling, even for those Type-A personalities among us? There are many reasons for why that may happen. The good news is that you have the power to keep moving forward to realize your goals and dreams. Have you reflected lately on the power of commitment - of making firm decisions and taking regular actions to see them through? What does it mean to be committed, and can your decision to commit to your goals impact your life in a visible way? Commitment is an act of entrustment to give entirely to a specific person, activity, or cause. When you commit to your dreams through actions, you communicate to yourself, the universe and others that you intend to realize them and you create the movement forward necessary for them to manifest. It is a mental activity that activates, and engaging it can propel you down your success path! The mental ability to make wise, sound decisions is one of the most fundamental skills any person can develop in order to maximize personal or business success. Bob Proctor, considered by many to be a master teacher of the Law of Attraction, has said the powerful
mental faculty of deciding, when engaged, can help nearly eliminate conflict and confusion and maximize success and income. All you need to do is look at your results to get a gauge on your decision-making strength. When you decide, you bring order and integration to your mind, both of which are energies that create. When you vacillate in indecision, doubt or ambivalence, you literally facilitate disintegration. One challenge is that it’s easy to say yes to many things and many people. This often generates a lot of busyness, and can create the sense or appearance that you are accomplishing things, which may truly be the case - sometimes. But too often, you may commit to situations, projects or events that are not really connected to your goals, dreams or highest good. On the other hand, there are those times when you DON’T commit to that which you may be the most passionate about being involved in, or becoming. Let’s explore some factors that may impair your decision-making ability. Fear – of the unknown, of making the wrong decision, or of losing the choices you pass up once a decision is made – may be top on the list. Another may be information overload, or being faced with too many choices. Fear and overwhelm are frequently related to the specific behaviors of escape and avoidance, so both of these conditions can induce a paralyzing effect
One of the most powerful antidotes to fear, overwhelm and anxiety is to maintain regular contact with sources and resources that not only promote centeredness and reason, but wisely guide direction and decision-making. What resources can you consult to inform your decisions? Your Self. When you keep in contact with yourself, your decisions and business direction will reflect your own higher wisdom. Ground your Body. Engage in regular practices that cultivate being grounded, present to the moment and in your body. When your spirit resides in your body, and your body is grounded to the earth, you get a more full sense and feeling of who you are, what you’re here to do and the power to carry it out. Track your Thoughts. The average person has thousands of thoughts per day. Thoughts can be visionary, open and possibility oriented and they can just as easily be limiting, judgmental, fear inducing and downright negative. Are you aware of the predominant nature of your thoughts, and if so, what if you made a decision to adopt a practice to consciously shape them? Your Higher Power. Your belief in and connection with
some power greater than yourself – a Higher Power, God, the universe, nature, whatever is most meaningful to you – can provide another powerful source of greater wisdom to inform your decisions. I am not talking about any particular church or religious dogma, but rather a connection on an energetic level. All matter is energy on some vibrational level, and in order for any new idea or goal to come into material being, it is essential that you connect to “all that is” is in some way. When cultivated regularly, that connection becomes a conduit that enables the flow to deliver wisdom, guidance and your desire directly to you. Your Community. We all need community, an accountability partner or even a life coach! It is often in collaboration of a group mind that new dreams emerge. Geniuses such as Edison, Ford and Einstein studied, understood and employed this concept, enabling them to expand their patterns of thoughts – and realize great dreams! It’s time to jump off the fence! Make a decision to commit to what will keep you moving forward to realize your goals and dreams.
become a person who wouldn’t settle for being uncomfortable or for letting a little something hold me back from full self-expression.
feeling uncomfortable, uneasy and ungraceful in their bodies so that they feel fully alive, joyful and graceful. I do this through a process I’ve developed called Ugly Awkward Dancing.
The action of taking off the earrings was Little. Noticing who I had become in order to take that action was really Big. So Big that I shared it with the workshop participants. They nodded their heads and I could tell that they identified with my experience.
The workshop I was facilitating, Free Yourself to Be Yourself, involved lots of explorative movement. I always love to dance along with the participants at my workshops. I was really going for it, reveling in the freedom I felt in my body as I brought the music to life. However, there was something holding me back.
A few weeks later, I was having a private Full Bodied Freedom Session with a client who had attended the workshop. I asked her what she would like to share with me.
I was wearing big, black, dangly earrings, and after a few minutes of dancing, I noticed that they were banging against my head. I toned down the movement so that they wouldn’t hurt me. Then I really got into the dancing again, and the earrings resumed bashing against my neck and skull. I didn’t really feel so free after all.
She shared that she had been hiking, one of her favorite pastimes. She was enjoying her walk but noticed that her boot was bothering her. In the past, she said that she would have tried to ignore it, fought threw the pain and settled for the discomfort. This time, something different happened.
When I first encountered the world of personal development, I thought it was most beneficial to experience big, significant transformations. It took me a few years, but I eventually learned that those gigantic Aha moments were awesome at the time but then took months to integrate.
An older version of me would have put up with the discomfort and modified my movement. Then I had a moment that showed me how I had changed. A brilliant idea popped into my head. I could take off the earrings! Even more notable was the fact that I took action and removed the jewels.
She said that she remembered my story about my earring and how taking it off allowed me to move much more freely so that I could enjoy the experience. She decided to pause her hiking and investigate the boot problem. In all her years of hiking, this was a first.
What I’m more interested in now, for both my clients and me, are Little Big Things. These are little incidents or moments when you notice that you’ve had a major shift, but it happened so gradually that it was painless.
Talk about Freedom! Once I took off the earrings, there was nothing holding me back and my movement became really delicious and enjoyable. I was able to complete the exercise without distraction or regret.
She sat down, removed her boot and found that her sock was wrinkled. She adjusted it, put her boot back on and was delighted to find that the problem was solved. She enjoyed the rest of the hike with an enhanced awareness of how good it felt to be walking pain-free.
I noticed a Little Big Thing recently at a workshop I was facilitating. A teeny bit of background: I love to help people who are
This is an example of a Little Big Thing. It wasn’t rocket science to take off my earrings. However, in that moment, I realized that I had
The Little Thing was that my client stopped and fixed her boot. Doesn’t sound like much, right? The Big Thing was that she chose to listen to her
ave you ever experienced a Little Big Thing? Perhaps you need to know what that term is before you answer that question. Let me explain.
A big grin spread across her face and she said, “I had my own Little Big Thing!”
body, which was a skill we had been working on with Ugly Awkward Dancing. She chose to pause and honor the message the pain was sending her. In the past, she would have tried to overcome her body and fight through the pain. This time, she realized that taking a moment to investigate ended up making the rest of the hike exponentially more pleasurable. Not all personal transformation has to be dramatic. In fact, I’ve noticed that it’s much more delightful and sustainable to have Little Big Things pop up into my awareness. They are indications that something significant is happening just under the surface. Now you can be on the lookout for your Little Big Thing too. CLICK HERE
to Order the Book Now!
to get more info
ou know the old belief that children should be seen and not heard? Growing up, I excelled at the “being seen” part. Creating an image was easy for me! From early on I was told to just sit there, be quiet and look pretty.
life around us is chaotic, we want to feel some sense of control. And the only way I knew how to feel in control was by mastering perfection. I became the perfect student, the perfect child, and the perfect caretaker. I excelled in everything I touched - and I remained quiet. I developed the perfect image. It wasn’t because I had perfect looks, but I learned how to create the perfect facade. When everything was crumbling inside, no one could tell, because I always looked poised and polished on the outside. Just like Barbie.
You see, my family moved around so much growing up, that by the 9th grade, I had attended 9 schools in various countries and languages. I never lived in a home for more than a year or two until high school. For someone who’s naturally shy, you can imagine it wasn’t easy being the new kid in school every single year! Whether I was learning a new language or a new dialect, I had to learn the nuances and culture of that country or that school as well. So I would sit there, be quiet and observe everyone and everything around me. Not one to rock the boat, I learned how to hide my feelings, and to pretend that everything was ok. That’s when I learned to be perfect. Because when
That is why I do the kind of work that I do. As an image professional, I am passionate about reminding women that we don’t need to live a life of pretense and falsehood, hiding behind the ‘mask du jour’. That’s as crazy as building a house on sand vs granite. It’s unstable and will fall apart eventually.
This pursuit of perfection is a fallacy.
It Does Not Exist. Yet we live in a world of Photoshop where it certainly IS all about perfection. We’re bombarded by images of beauty that are completely unattainable, and bodies that are largely computer-generated. I have seen someone photoshop a 350-pound woman and whittle her down and turn her into a Playboy Bunny. So you can just imagine what it can do to an already gorgeous model! Photoshop can change the shape of her nose, lift her cheekbones, alter the shape of her eyebrows, and change the color of her eyes. It can lighten her skin color and change her ethnicity altogether!
It can also take inches off of her already emaciated body, give her bigger boobs, and remove any traces of imperfections that are only visible under a microscope. When that’s all done, THEN she’s perfect enough to be placed on the cover of a magazine! So when you and I are at the checkout line, we look at her and begin to deflate a little bit. We notice that we’re not quite as chipper as we were a moment before. We may unconsciously think, “I don’t look like that. I don’t have boobs like hers. My skin isn’t flawless like hers. Heck, I’ll never look like that”. Then here it comes: “I’m not that pretty, or that thin. Therefore, I’m a loser... I mean, I can’t afford the dress she’s wearing, my hair never looks like hers, and there’s no way I can measure up!” That’s just from looking at a photograph on a magazine cover. Later that evening, you want to unwind and watch TV. The program you’re watching shows the lead character to be this loving, infinitely patient and wise mother. Or she’s the perfect looking, extremely successful, rich executive with a gorgeous wardrobe who always says the right thing at the right time. She’s never at a loss for words, and doesn’t miss a beat. And that’s not all! After she leaves the office, she becomes the perfect goddess at home AND in bed. And let’s not forget that during ALL of this, her lipstick never smears! She even wakes
up looking more glamorous than most of us on our best day!
So is THIS what we aspire to? Maybe,
maybe not. But I know it’s what most of us unconsciously COMPARE ourselves to. It’s what we’ve come to expect from ourselves. That unless we have the perfect outfit and the perfect body under it, the right man, the right job, and lots of money in the bank, WE are not good enough.
So here’s a thought: How about we replace the word perfect with powerful? I’m not here today to write the perfect article, but a powerful one. I’m not going to pretend to be the perfect role model for my daughter and the girls in our Girl Scout troop, but I strive to be a powerful one. Do you see how that takes the pressure off? Perfection is not possible, but powerful IS. It’s more realistic and gives you something to strive for without making you feel like you don’t measure up. So can you do that? Are you ready to try this out? I’d love to hear your comments on this very important topic!
t’s 12:19pm, and my sweetheart asked from the kitchen, “Are you interested in a softboiled egg
demographic) are bombarded with decisions to make in a day, and the more successful we are, the more complex decisions we have to make.
[for breakfast]?”
I see a very common mistake that my clients make due to this decision-making fatigue condition. They ALWAYS put love last, behind building their business and taking care of their children. The mindset is automatic: “I don’t have time for that” or “I don’t need that right now.”
I am cranking away on my laptop with a million thoughts going on. I am frozen at the question. It feels like too much to have to answer that. I have to decide… “Do I want to eat?” “Do I want to eat a softboiled egg?” then becomes “Do I want to make a healthy smoothie instead?” “Do I want to quit writing to feed myself?” I read an article recently called
“Why Steve Jobs only wears jeans and a black T-shirt”. They
talked about Decision-Making Fatigue. Yup, it is a real term, a real condition. When we have to make so many decisions in a day, we can experience fatigue -- where it actually stops us from making good decisions. It makes me think of divorced moms who are dating again while building a business and raising children. WE (I am in this
This leaves them depleted and angry. They don’t know why they are angry. Sometimes they don’t even know that they are pissed off. They just get frustrated at random things. It’s because they are not making good decisions. They are making decisions to cope with life instead of making decisions to build a hot life, to have life be yummy and fun. They are just coping. In their coping mechanism, they unknowingly push love and support away. Back to my kitchen: After a full minute of “Duh… I
don’t know,” I said to him, “Yes please. And I don’t like it runny.” The next thing I know, I was able to finish this article while two soft boiled eggs, half a grapefruit, and a piece of toast were served up to me. YAY!!! I am fed and off to the next thing on my long list of to-do’s. My sweetheart felt like my hero.
Everybody wins. My wish for you in 2016 is that you make yummy decisions that involve letting love in, that you don’t have to wear the same black t-shirt and jeans everyday in order to make good decisions, and that you have a hot man in the kitchen making you breakfast whether you recognize you need it or not. International Speaker and Master Coach, Mai Vu works with women entrepreneurs
who are divorced & dating again. She helps you build a hot business while attracting your hot love, so you can live your hot life. Mai has a successful six-figure coaching business, serving over 1000 women worldwide for the past 20 years. Look for Mai’s upcoming book due to be released in February on Amazon: To Be Loved, Adored, and Cherished - The Divorced Mom’s Guide to Dating. You can find Mai at
he first step to having abundance in our lives is to have energy flowing. I have been trained by six Feng Shui professionals, and after spending thousands of dollars, I realize that a great deal of the philosophy is intuitive. I have a gift and eagle eyes to see what is out of place, not working and needs change to create prosperity and positive relationships.
abundance. Through proper placement, use of color and other elements, you will experience ideal shifts in your business, prosperity, relationships and health.
I have 28 years of experience running our family business. My husband and I started and developed a company that went from zero to millions. We are growing our company exponentially as we invent, patent and trademark new products. I have a Business Management Feng Shui is defined in many ways; its origin is based in the Chinese philosophy degree. that everything has energy. Clutter Organization has been a passion of mine stagnates energy and blocks the flow of since I started doing it in my own life.
Bad Storage Area
Imagine the feeling of walking into your office and sensing how good you feel being there. Decluttering and organizing can be a challenge for many of us, and that is where I can be of service to help either work with individuals or do the project for you. I start with an initial consultation to determine your needs.
Good Reception Area
each of their personality traits, strengths and weaknesses, learning styles, human • The entryway of your business is the designs, and how to communicate with first thing your customers see. them effectively. It wasn’t always easy • Storage areas and warehouses are places and I am still making efforts to make that can be a challenge. sure that I am a good listener and clear • Happy employees are key to creating communicator. high sales and profit. 3 Quick Tips for Organizing: • The office environment requires 1. Clean your Space. organization. 2. Evaluate your technology. • Maintenance of your facility is important and sometimes overlooked. 3. Find a place for everything. I have raised three successful, educated, This is what a Wealthy Woman created! healthy, happy boys, and during those And You Can Too! years, made diligent efforts to learn about Keys to Your Financial Abundance:
My Office Entry
Clutter inhibits the flow of energy. It is so important to be organized in our business. Everything has its place. Security is important; things like locked cabinets, a security system with cameras and motion sensors, a timeclock to monitor when employees enter and leave the building. My previous home 1989
marketing and not from your heart, your tribe will not recognize you when they find your site. The old paradigm encourages you to figure out what will sell and who to sell it to without considering your soul’s purpose. This results in generic, hypey marketing that may attract generic people, but not your tribe.
Wildly Attractive Tip: Make sure your
f you have experienced frustration around your website not attracting and engaging ideal customers, you are not the only one. I speak with lots of people each month who have websites that are not working for them. Over the past 18 years that I’ve been designing websites, I have learned what causes the horrifying dilemma of “I paid good money for this site, why isn’t it working?!!!” and how to fix it. I’ve worked out the five most common reasons heart-centered entrepreneurs are having trouble attracting their tribe through their websites. Here they are, along with tips on what to do to fix the problem.
Reason #1: The Site Message is Not Clearly Defined Lack of brand clarity is a key reason why websites fail to attract. If your site does not clearly and memorably express who you are and what makes you and your offerings different and special, your site visitors will not be inspired to connect with you. They also will not remember you later, even if they do spend some time on your site.
Wildly Attractive Tip: Clarify your brand
message to include your mission, the results you offer, how you help people, and what makes you unique. If you include words and phrases that reflect your true life’s purpose,
what is most important to you in the whole world, this will help your brand identity to authentically represent you.
Reason #2: The Site Design is Not Reflective of Your Unique Brilliance If you had a programmer put together your site without great branding to guide them, or if you used a standard website template to put your message out online, chances are your site is not reflective of your unique brilliance and may even be ugly! Yes, I know of several multi-millionaires who made their fortunes with horribly designed sites. However, this is no longer acceptable to the sophisticated conscious customer you are seeking. They want to feel your resonance coming through the site so they can have an experience of you when you are not there in person.
Wildly Attractive Tip: For a site that reflects the beauty and magic within you, make sure you have a clear brand visual aesthetic. Select imagery that you love, that resonates with you, and if you are not a designer, work with a designer who gets you and who can capture your essence in your site design.
Reason #3: The Site Operates from Old Paradigm Marketing Strategies If your site was well planned and even branded, but was created in the old paradigm of target
site copy is written from the heart. Share authentically how you serve people and what your gifts are. Don’t try to ‘sell’ your visitors, but rather inspire them to interact with you. They want to interact with you because they are aligned with you and your authentic marketing helps them recognize you as the one they’ve been seeking.
Reason #4: The Site Cannot Be Found Even the best sites can languish in cyberspace never to be found if they are not Google-friendly and if they are not listed on the popular Social Networks. You want your site to come up on the searches your peeps are making to find you.
Wildly Attractive Tip: Choose your
keywords wisely based on what your customers say they would search to find you and what words are a true reflection of your essence and gift. Include these words in your titles, headlines, links and tags on your site. And most importantly make sure you link to your site from multiple social networks like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Digg, Pinterest, Squidoo, etc.
Reason #5: They’re Visiting But Not Engaging I remember the old days when I used to resist the need for an opt-in box on every website. What was I thinking? I have
come to realize that having a clear, compelling and easy way for site visitors to give you their information is the MOST important element for engaging with your potential clients.
Wildly Attractive Tip: If you want to make
sure your site visitors have a way to stay in touch when they’re ready to move forward, make sure you have a compelling free offer that visitors will gladly give you their contact info for. For extra effectiveness, design the offer and the sign-up area to be Wildly Attractive. Most people have all five of these problems, so it’s best to tackle one at a time. Don’t allow yourself to get so overwhelmed by what you have to do that you wind up doing nothing. Take on the tips above in order and seek the assistance of a professional when you get stopped.
his powerful column provides you with an opportunity to ASK REBECCA™ those business questions, money questions, leadership, speaker, personal growth, and empowerment questions you have. Rebecca wants to help you overcome fear and bring your message forward. In each issue, Rebecca will select 1 to 3 questions to answer.
You went from being “visibility shy” to becoming visible in a big way. What are your top three ways to make this shift? ~Cynthia Stott, International Speaker Mentor Dear Cynthia, Thank you so much for your question. I believe the top three ways to make this shift are: 1. Be willing to be seen. Say “yes” to being seen. We need to have a willingness to be seen on the same level that we have to serve. Many of us are very quick to jump in and serve and help, but shy around being seen and truly letting people in. However, it is critical to be willing to be seen, letting others know who we are and how we can serve. We have to stop being the best-kept secret,
and step out into center stage and serve. 2. Discover how to dance with fear. Fear is an emotion and an indicator that you are stepping into a new space in a new way, and your body isn’t sure if it’s safe yet. So frequently you will experience fear as it tries to protect you in the new arena. In truth, generally you are not in danger, so be willing to step forward in a new way that you haven’t before; which can cause discomfort, simply because it is not familiar. So, be willing to experience some discomfort as you move and adjust to a new level of visibility. 3. Remember your why and be authentically you. Your “why” is the reason you are stepping forward into visibility - to serve more people will encourage and spur you on. Being authentically you, perfect in your imperfections, is absolutely needed and desired in the world. No one else can take your place or serve in exactly the same way. I like to always remind my clients and colleagues: “It’s about connection, not perfection.” So, be willing to say yes, be seen, move with and through fear and authentically share the gift of you. Cynthia, keep shining your beautiful light!
How do I increase my visibility? ~Karen Broderick, Consultant with Mary Kay Dear Karen,
Thank you for your question and desire to be seen on a greater level. The short answer to this it to have a plan, get support, and be consistent in how you implement the plan. It is critical to have a plan around visibility so that we make sure to do the activities needed to help ourselves be seen. Just like we have business plans, goals, and activities we do, we can do the same thing around visibility. We typically aren’t looking for visibility for visibility sake, but usually there is a reason and purpose for us wanting to be more visible. So, work with a coach/mentor to develop a plan to help you strategically build your visibility while accomplishing the goals for what you hope increased visibility will bring to you, your message, and your business. I like to remind you and everyone reading this that life is not a solo journey. We need coaches, mentors, community and friends on the journey, especially as we are stepping into a higher level of visibility. Consistency is key. We need to make sure on a consistent basis that we are doing the things we need to do to increase our visibility and respond to the increased activity and interaction increasing our visibility can bring. We need to make sure we are consistent in how we are showing up in the world. Not being visible, then not responding or hiding, only to get ready to be visible again - you need to be all in, willing to be seen, consistent, and responsive as you are growing your sphere of inf luence. Karen, I look forward to seeing you stepping out further and further into your visibility.
How do I find your TV Channel, Empowered ConnectionsTV™?
~Lorri Lockyer, Nutritional Biochemist Dear Lorri, Thank you for asking. I’m always happy to share where to find my TV channel. J But first, I wanted to share quickly what one can expect on this channel. We are broadcasting uplifting and transformational programming to the world. We are looking to impact the international market in a positive way; heart by heart, TV Show Host by TV Show Host, and weekly show by weekly show. This powerful channel on the internet can be found at: www. I hope you will enjoy the channel, Lorri! We hope you have enjoyed ASK REBECCA ™ and if you would like to submit your questions to Rebecca, please email her at Rebecca@YourPurposeDrivenPractice. com. In the email, indicate if you are okay with her using your name and business with the questions or if you prefer to have it submitted anonymously. To learn more about Rebecca, go to www.
rarely can afford the time away from the business, lost revenue, the emotional toll of litigation, and the expense. Everyone loses when the problem could have been avoided or, at least, the edges muted if a written agreement existed.
n the “good olde days” (note the extra “e” so you know it’s a long time ago) a man’s word was his bond. Yet, I often litigate what the parties actually agreed to. Outside some limited exceptions, a verbal agreement is technically as enforceable as a written one.
How do you avoid heartbreak? GET IT IN WRITING. EVERY TIME.
But wait! I said “technically.” Yup, I pulled out a lawyer-ism.
start a business. They have a connection (family, spouses, friends, or a friend And that’s why handshake deals get of a friend or church group) so there’s shaky. trust. Then the business relationship hits a bump. Disagreements arise about With a verbal agreement there can be arguments about the agreement’s terms. who’s entitled to what, or even whether they were partners. Now, they aren’t so You may not convince a jury that your friendly. If the parties can’t drain the understanding of an oral agreement emotion from the situation (and it’s very is right. Worse, you might not have difficult), a “corporate divorce” is likely. a contract because the parties never agreed to the same terms. Vagueness is the enemy. Piecing
The other side’s performance is optional without a written agreement. Handshake deals get even shakier with a business partner. Many of my cases fall into the same pattern. Two people
together years of interactions is difficult, time consuming and expensive. The parties’ conduct will have more weight than either side’s recall of the agreement. Most small to mid-sized businesses don’t survive “corporate divorces” because they
Written contracts don’t magically prevent all litigation. But signed contracts make disputes less likely and may reduce the issues saving time, energy and money. Also, American law limits when you can recover legal fees. You often can’t recover these expenses without a written contract. Recovering your legal fees may make the difference between whether the cost/benefit of litigation is worth the risk, or not. Clarity is your friend. Lawyers put agreements in writing so any outsider can understand what each side is expected to do and get from the relationship. We make you answer the tough questions you don’t want to think about (what happens when a business partner steals from the company, or stops showing up to
work, or dies). And sometimes the best thing you can do in an agreement is say what you won’t be doing. Are all your agreements in writing? Are your agreements providing your business with the best protection? Are the agreements clear? Don’t worry. We can help. If you need advice in relation to a contract, or would like assistance in preparing a contract, please contact the Greene Law Firm, business consultants at (703) 539-0333,