Wealthy Woman Magazine September 2016

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Welcome to the September issue of Wealthy Woman Magazine. This is a time when the leaves are turning beautiful colors and the apples come into season along with the chilly crisp air. What I love most is Halloween with my grandchildren, in their cute little scary costumes, running from door to door. What I’m not fond of though, is that we’re quickly rolling into the holiday shopping season coupled with long lines, scarce parking, overeating and a true test of patience. This is a time to focus on the beauty that surrounds us, and the love of family, while stuffing ourselves full of turkey and the goodies that accompany it. We here at Wealthy Woman Magazine hope that you enjoy and discover new ideas and useful information that will inspire and support you during our busiest season of the year.

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The Feature Writers have really outdone themselves in the articles that follow. These include how to reduce belly fat and keep your stylish figure during the holiday eating festivities. You’ll also discover that you may think differently when it comes to choosing a spiritual partner. Maybe our movement and dance article will help you shake away your stress and overwhelm during holiday shopping. And there’s so much more! We have an exciting Wealthy Woman Magazine Red Carpet Fashion Show event, sponsored by Macys Walnut Creek, California coming up on October 7, 2015 from 9:00am to 12:00pm located at the Macys Walnut Creek store. Click here to purchase your tickets online at: https://www.signup4.net/ public/ap.aspx?EID=REDC24E&OID=50 This exciting event serves two purposes. Since October is ‘Domestic Violence Month’ we’ve chosen The Center for Domestic Peace in Marin County, California as our charity, and we’re very excited that Macys is awarding the center a surprise grant in addition to the funds we receive from our silent auction.

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We are also celebrating a public launch for Wealthy Woman Magazine. Each of the Feature Writers, in the magazine, are excited about walking the red carpet runway while modeling Macy’s newest fall/holiday fashions. We are all about Massive Visibility and this opportunity gives each of these powerful women entrepreneurs a spotlight and a chance to shine. Many of our ‘Feature Writers’ are graduates of the Celebrity Guest Expert TV Training classes. Fashion show guests will be able to view their 30-second promotional videos while waiting their turn to have a photo taken on the red carpet. You won’t want to miss this awesome opportunity to see and be seen while enjoying a fresh continental breakfast during this awesome networking experience. I wish you peace, joy and wonderful memories during your 2015 holiday season. We would love to hear your thoughts and comments. Please stop by, say hi and engage with me, and our Feature Writers on our Facebook page at Wealthy Woman Magazine w/ Shirlene Reeves. Happy holidays and many blessings for a very happy new year. Shirlene Reeves is a Transformational Educator blending business, finance, and media with Universal Principles. She expands your knowledge and develops your business mindset to prepare your company for massive visibility so you can make money while you sleep. Shirlene is also one of only 253 Certified Financial Educators in the nation, and has 25 years of financial experience. She is the Publisher of Wealthy Woman Magazine, CEO of Maximize Your Wealth Now and Founder of the Celebrity Guest Expert TV Training, as well as the Compel Don’t Sell Workshops. For 17 years Shirlene was the CEO of her own company, which she bootstrapped from zero to millions with 23,000 independent contractors working under her. Shirlene has a Masters Degree in Metaphysical science and trained under Wayne Dyer and Ram Dass. More info at: www.maximizeyourwealth.com

Letter From the Publisher Shirlene Reeves

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Are You a Master or Servant to Money? Kathy Fairbanks

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I Pray that You Play to Stay Shirlene Reeves

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Reduce Belly Fat & Master Your Moods Page 10 Lorri K. Lockyer

Harness Your Personal Power Name, Claim and Page 12 Aim Your Inner Authority Lauren Perotti

Poe-tay-toe or Poe-tah-toe: When is an Independent Page 14 Contractor really an Employee? Nancy Greene

Entrepreneurs Step up to Success with Massive Visibility Page 17 Shirlene Reeves & Cynthia Stott

Practical Spirituality The Golden Dream Page 18 Suzanne Ross

Work Less and Travel More! 3 Easy Tips Page 20 That Will Get You There Sally Domingo

Want to Monetize Your Message? Magnetize It First Page 24 Cynthia Stott

How Ugly Awkward Dancing Builds Courage Page 26 Christina Marlett

Uncovering Your Signature Style Page 28 Huda Baak

Why You Don’t Want To Attract a Spiritual Partner Page 30 Mai Vu

uthentic Branding ~ The Key to Attracting Your Soul Tribe Page 34 A Julia D. Stege, MFA

Energize Your Body, Energize Your Business! Page 36 Deb Dutcher

Ask Rebecca™! Page 38 Rebecca Hall Gruyter

The steps listed below are not for people who say they’ll give it a try, or succumb to pressure compliantly from outside influence. These steps are meant for those who are truly committed to discipline and a warrior-like mindset to create evidence of abundance and welcome bold action on their goals. Step 1: Write out your financial goals, sign, date and recruit a witness to sign-off of them as well. This witness will serve as not only your cheerleader, but also as your accountability partner. Revisit your written goals frequently to celebrate the wins and course-correct the misses.


ach day, we are bombarded with multiple opportunities to invest, spend, save, and lose money. Sorting through the research, programs and advisors available on the subject can be daunting, but a necessity. I recall a head turning, attention getting question that was posed during a recent Klemmer & Associates Leadership Seminar I attended. The simple question of, “am I a master or servant to money? Wow, I hadn’t thought of money in those terms and the circumstances created if I’m living life as a servant to money. Does money determine what kind of house you live in, if you take a vacation and where, how you contribute to causes you believe in, what schools your children attend? If so, then you’re a servant to money. Are you earning money in order to feel more secure in life? If so, then you’re a servant to money. So let’s change gears and work toward mastery of money. It’s said that money makes a very good servant, but a terrible master.

This leads us to a discovery ­journey of our very own relationship with money. Action is the key. Making a plan is a great start, but taking ­action on that plan is a key to mastery. People act according to their fundamental belief systems – always. We do not necessarily do what we are told or what we know is good for us. We know how to save money or stop procrastinating, yet we keep behaving the same way. Finding the “why behind the why” is the entire premise of our Compassionate Samurai Leadership Training. Our students become detectives around what is moving them forward and holding them back in life relative to money as well as other dynamic aspects of family, health, education, spirituality and work. ­Exploring beliefs in the areas of: ­commitment, ­responsibility, keeping your word, honesty and accountability. Insure that you know why you want financial freedom. What’s that ­burning passion behind your ­desire to be a master of your money. ­Remember it’s the strong “why” that pulls you over the obstacles when things get ­challenging. One of the biggest gifts of my life has been working with and

learning from various ­mentors. As ­President and CEO at ­Klemmer & Associates, Kimberly Zink is one of my mentors. She is consistent with her lessons around abundance and shattering a scarcity mindset where there’s ­never enough resources, time, talent, ­money, etc. Taking these lessons on today will literally transform your relationship with money and support the shift from ­servant to master.

Step 2: Track every penny spent for the next 60 days. Most people find this step boring and tedious but it’s ­absolutely essential. This important step separates you from the ­average “servant”. Since most will track ­expenditures for only a couple of days and then move onto the next shiny object. It takes true commitment to honor your word, not only to the world, but also to yourself. Sixty days of tracking is a mere drop in the bucket compared to a future lifetime of ­f inancial ­mastery. Step 3: Create a Financial Statement reflecting your Net Worth. You must know your starting point in order to see the finish line. If you don’t already have this software tool, there are several templates available at no charge on the Internet. Review often, celebrate wins and course-correct as needed. Step 4: Be mindful about the company you keep. This translates to putting yourself in the presence of those high integrity people who already have what you want. They are masters to their money and have the means to finance your great ideas, have the contacts within their circle of influence who can finance your great ideas and often don’t have enough time to oversee all the great ideas that hit their desks. That saying, “he who knows why will always employ he who knows how” rings true for this topic. Step 5: Find a way to be of service to those who agree to mentor you. The average person tends to fall into the “taker” category and the Compassionate ­Samurai ­mindset is not based on “what can I learn from my ­mentor”. Instead, cultivate a mindset of “what can I do for my mentor(s) to be of service to them? All people have needs and wants. Find something that fits a need and provide the solution. Step 6: Fine-tune your “beingness” not your “­d oingness”. Wealthy women have at least six traits

in common when it comes to “being”. Check in with ­yourself r­ egarding these traits to promote your ­m astery of m ­ oney: ­m entality of abundance versus scarcity, v­ alue versus cost, opportunity versus problem, worthy of having and making money, thinking long-term ­versus myopic, and giving to others because no one does it alone. What if you were provided multiple opportunities to explore your own “beingness” and discovered how to DO what’s required and HAVE the capacity to BE a master of your own money. This BE, DO, HAVE module is contrary to what most average people believe as they first want to have something, so they can do ­s omething, then they’ll be something. In reality, the HAVE, DO, BE process is backwards and will forever keep you on the gerbil wheel of being a servant to your money. I love the wise words of Jim Stovall who says, “In the end, a person is only known by the impact he or she has on others”. My intention for you is to become a master to money and generate a big impact in this world with your own success.


n the last issue I shared with you a story about a young woman who would ­dumpster dive to feed her two small children. She then went on to make and lose a fortune three times. A Course in Miracles says that we are all here to love one another, learn the lessons we came here to learn in Earth School (a term I use) and then teach others who are looking for the answers in what we’ve learned. The Course teaches that this is the real answer to why we are experiencing the peaks and valleys we call life.

Clarity leads you gently to the next step with revelations and big ah ha’s. You see clearly what led to this moment and what that small next step might be. With clarity we realize that there are no mistakes. We only did the best we could, with what we knew, in that moment. Clarity is a gift from the universe that gives you a second chance.

Basically everyone is experiencing the same thing you are, just in a different way. We’re all working together to take one day at a time. I am that young woman who gained and lost a fortune 3 times and today I’m one of only 253 Certified Financial Educators in the nation, licensed by a consortium of colleges. Through my transformative lessons in Business and Finance I was able to build a business from ‘0’ to 2.3 million and run it successfully for 17 years.

It was Clarity that brought me out of confusion and lit the way into confidence. Few believe me when I say that I was terribly shy throughout the majority of my life. But as Cynthia Stott says, “Your people are waiting for you.” And because I’m a student of A Couse In Miracles I know they are waiting to hear what I’ve learned through my lessons in Earth School.

This company was my baby and it grew into a powerful machine that fed the families of 23,000 independent ­contractors ­nationwide. It wasn’t easy to stand in the middle of my office, on the afternoon of ­October 30, 2010, and ­announce to my staff we were closing the doors on the business. The message was clear. The orders had f­ allen from 90 a day to 6 ­overnight.

It was the combination of the 3 C’s, Clearing, Clarity and ­Confidence that guided me to grow a business full of Massive Visibility while teaching ­Celebrity Guest Experts how to show up in the world on the internet and web TV. I now hold a container and a stage for entrepreneurs who want to learn how to market their life lessons to an audience broader than their own backyard.

As I stood in the unemployment line, with my team ­members, I said to myself, “This time I have to work smarter”. ­Later I discovered the secret of the Three C’s. ‘Clearing’ is ­always the first step. We need to clear all negativity from our thoughts, breathe, and look for

the pattern of lessons in our experience. I could never have ­predicted that the banks would no longer be making loans at that time. But it was how I chose to ­perceive what I was experiencing. A Course in Miracles says it’s all in how you choose to view the circumstances. When implementing ‘Clearing’ there are only two choices. We can both accept and learn from them with forgiveness, or we can become ­sullen and angry, telling the same soulful, sad story over and over again. If your friends and family run when they see you coming, you now know why. Wayne Dyer says, “When you change the way you look at things, the things you look

at change.” This statement is a constant reminder to look for the good in even the scariest and most difficult challenges. Clearing is the healing and recognition of that which I experienced in losses and pain. Throughout my life it all came from within me, the Course says. It was how I perceived and reacted to circumstances that caused either discomfort or delight and peace. I gained ‘Clarity’ by realizing and understanding a life changing universal principle. What I spoke and believed was what I received. This is a universal spiritual law. We get what we focus on most powerfully. Often we don’t realize how powerful we are at manifesting success or our own demise through the power of free will.

Together our community is gifted, talented and excited about the mission and the messages we

share. Our visibility is quickly rising to the level of highly paid coaches, by appealing to a worldwide audience, looking for solutions specific to our areas of expertise. We are on the cutting edge, much like Steve Jobs and Bill Gates, in a new industry at its infancy. Statistics show that this year 89 ­million people will be watching 1.2 million videos. Mine will be among them. Will yours? Let’s grow together, speak our message and change the way the world thinks.

To learn more and receive the 10 Tips to Massive Visibility, register to become a Free VIP Member: http://www.maximizeyourwealthnow.com/member-login/ Listen: Celebrity Guest Expert TV Call My Article Video https://youtu.be/NrDOnz20M3g


here is this belly fat coming from and why can’t I get rid of it? This article will explain how to reduce belly fat and master your moods, by balancing your hormones naturally. I often hear the frustration that women have with their changing bodies after the age of 40. As girls, we’re educated in school about our menstrual cycles starting, the symptoms of PMS and the responsibilities of being sexually active. I still remember the long conversation with my best friend after we had the sex education class in 5th grade. We experienced feelings of excitement and anticipation with the thoughts of maturing to young women. We were prepared for our bodies to change and I had an open discussion with my mom about developing breast, hormonal changes, dating boys and birth control. There was no preparation or explanation when my mom went through menopause. I thought some alien had invaded my mom’s body. I had no idea why she was so emotional, dripping, depressed, gaining a lot of weight and was stressed all the time. The menopause alien left my mom after several years, she was back to normal, but there was no discussion as to what had happened to her. As a scientist and a woman, I wanted to know more about perimenopause

and menopause. There wasn’t much information 20 years ago and women did not want to talk about it. That is starting to change. There are books, information online and health coaches, like myself, that give women the tools and knowledge to go through perimenopause and menopause with mental clarity, energy, and joyfulness. Let’s start with the monster – STRESS. Stress causes hormones to go ‘wonky’ and lead to weight gain. This is especially evident after the age of 40, when women tend to take on more responsibilities in life. The added stress with the natural decline of hormones can have devastating effects on the body. When you are stressed, your adrenal glands produce adrenaline and cortisol. The adrenaline keeps you going and multi-tasking. The cortisol can turn to fat under your skin and has other negative health effects. At the same time, your adrenal glands stop producing DHEA (dehydroepiandosterone). When DHEA decreases, you may notice a decrease in your sexual interest, response to sex and sexual function.

Adrenal Glands


Adrenaline & Cortisol

stress Turns to fat under the skin - you can pinch it Decrease in DHEA (converts to estrogen & testosterone) Decrease in sexual interest, response to sex/sexual function. (Oh no, you don’t want that!)

Fat cells swell with toxins from the environment, food and skin care products, causing cellulite to form. Poor diet will cause sugar cravings to increase and your energy level will decrease. All this can sound pretty depressing, but there is hope. Scientific research has shown a healthy diet, nutritional supplements, and essential oils are supportive to balance hormones, reduce stress and inhibit the cortisol from turning to fat. Here are some tips I give to woman over 40. Every woman’s body chemistry is unique and what may work for one woman, may not work for another. 1. Essential oils are very powerful in supporting your body during stressful times. I recommend Lavender, Blue Chamomile, Frankincense, Basil, Cypress, and Peppermint. It is also important to look at your schedule and see where you can schedule breaks and refueling time. 2. Balancing hormones starts with your diet. Increasing vegetables/fruit and reducing sugar, caffeine, alcohol, and processed food. There are essential oils such as; Clary Sage, Lavender, Bergamot, Roman Chamomile, Ylang Ylang, Geranium, and Fennel that support hormonal balance whether you have a monthly cycle or are in menopause. I have these blended in a roller bottle that is easy to apply to your skin twice a day, where your ovaries are located and your lower abdomen. 3. Grapefruit oil helps to inhibit cortisol from turning to belly fat, helps you emotionally honor your body, and it helps you overcome eating disorders and a poor self-image. Apply 1-2 drops directly to your belly morning and night. Breathe in.

4. Citrus essential oils (Lemon, Lime, Bergamot, and Wild Orange) help pull toxins out of your fat cells, resulting in smaller fat cells and reduction of cellulite. Apply 1-2 drops directly on the skin and breath in for joyful mood shift. All citrus oils can make you burn easily if exposed to sunlight. Try to avoid exposing your skin to sunlight for at least 12 hours or cover up with clothing. Your body is a reflection of the choices you make every day. If you make the right choices, this can lead to unlocking your prosperity and fueling your passion. Lorri K. Lockyer Nutritional Biochemist

encouraging me to chime in. When I invariably started to wiggle and tell her to hurry, she’d first tell me to just stay still a little more, and if I responded with “I can’t”, she launched right into the story of The Little Engine That Could.


ower is the ability to do something, to produce an effect, to influence a course of events, to mobilize energy in a direction – and to simply make a decision.

Finally, your power comes from knowing your purpose, talents and gifts – even your signature style - and confidently owning and using them.

Of course, power can come from energy sources in the material world outside of us – e.g., electricity or other people. When you give your personal power away to other people as a regular habit of being, you tend to see yourself as a powerless victim. You blame your inability to discover or activate your desires on others or society or even the world.

People who can harness their inner authority are clear about their core values and then align their choices and actions with those values. They are decisive and willing to be accountable for their actions rather than blaming others for their problems. Because of this, they earn respect from their peers and those they lead. These masters of power are less interested in exerting control over others, but rather in influencing and empowering right actions toward desired results with others.

But you have immense power within, and when you are able to name and then claim your right to access and use it, you can aim it in any direction of your choosing. Where does this inner authority come from? Your power comes from multiple sources. First, since you are a spark of the Divine, it comes from your connection with that source the Universe, God, light, however you define it. Second, it comes from your own energy field and life force energy. The more you learn how to connect through all of your chakras, the more powerful you feel. Your third chakra particularly relates to your drive and authority. Fire is the element of power. Third, there is huge power in your emotions, which are energy in motion. Therefore, it is crucial to recognize and express your feelings as they arise and then move through them so you don’t become overwhelmed or stuck in them.

There is also personal power in mastering the ability to live your passion, discovering what you want and having the courage to pursue it. My transformational program, 7 Spiritual Pillars to Light Your Path to Prosperity, guides you to be energized, empowered and enlightened so you can connect to your highest vision, and easily design a life and livelihood you LOVE. When I was a little girl, my mother engaged me in a morning ritual for the arduous task of brushing my long, thick mane of hair. In order to quell my impatience and fidgeting – and to make it fun – she would sing songs and tell stories,

This classic symbolic story is about a little blue engine that had the courage and inner power to haul a stranded train up and over a mountain. When the little engine reached the most challenging part of the journey, it kept chanting “I think I can, I think I can . . .” all the way up that steep side of the mountain. When my mom got to that part of the story, she urged me to chant along, “I think I can”. When the little engine made it over the summit, it happily exclaimed, “I thought I could, I thought I could” all the way down the other side. I learned how to embody that story and essentially become my own Little Engine That Could. Decades later, I still carry it within me, knowing that I can do anything I think I can do! Magnify Your Power in Body, Mind and Spirit Here are some tools to help you shore up your personal power in any or all realms of your life. Prepare: Start with a grounding meditation so you can sense your body connected to and drawing in earth energy. Then, do a “Breath of Fire” exercise for a minute, which is rapid breathing from the solar plexus. Visualize a fiery ball of energy in your belly as you breath in and out through your nose only, with mouth

closed, and see it expanding with each exhale. Name it: I AM is who you are! Write a list of as many positive “I AM” statements as you can, allowing whatever comes to you to flow onto your page. One of my “I AM” statements is “I Am a published author, transforming a million lives through my divinely-channeled messages”. When you feel you’ve exhausted your list, face yourself in the mirror and read it out loud. Do this as often as you want to transform your thoughts about who you are. Claim it: If you created a vision board as I suggested in my last article, immerse yourself in it anew or create one now. Then, brainstorm a list of your core values, and hone it down to those that are most integral to your “I AM” and your vision for the life you love. Aim it: Make a decision to align your life with your purpose and your core values. When you engage your mental faculty of deciding, you gain clarity of focus and direction because you literally cut away choices and actions that won’t work as well for you. Then, list 5 action steps you can take in the direction of any aspect of your vision, and commit to a timetable for taking them. And remember - you are powerful beyond imagination!

Useful, right? Not. Let’s make that definition more user friendly.


ou can’t grow your business unless you can reproduce yourself, which means hiring employees or contractors. Workers build your business, but come with legal landmines. Some businesses are tempted to classify workers as independent contractors to save on taxes. But when that classification is wrong you’ve cracked the foundation of your business and risk significant liability. Let’s debunk some misconceptions. The document you have the worker sign DOES NOT MATTER. The worker asking to be an independent contractor DOES NOT MATTER. Who do you think reported the company to the IRS? Yup. Your worker. Usually after getting a large tax bill he can’t pay or by filing for unemployment. Now the IRS is looking to your company to pay the taxes and penalties. So what makes a worker an employee rather than an independent contractor? The IRS looks at three “areas of control” in its 20 factor-test to determine if a worker is an employee or contractor: Behavioral, Financial, and Type of Relationship. The more control the company has, the more likely the worker is an employee. Behavioral factors include

the instructions given by the company, the discretion used, the right to control how the results are reached and the training provided. Financial control centers on the extent of a worker’s unreimbursed business expenses and fixed costs, and the extent of the worker’s investment in facilities or equipment. Using company equipment may make a worker an employee rather than a contractor. Financial control often boils down to whether the worker is at risk for losses and if she is able to make a profit. ‘Type of Relationship’ factors look at whether the company provides benefits (leave, insurance, pension plans), and if restrictions exist on the worker’s ability to provide similar services to others. Noncompetition or nonsolicitation of clients agreements are likely to make the worker an employee. The IRS defines an independent contractor as: People such as doctors, dentists, veterinarians, lawyers, accountants, contractors, subcontractors, public stenographers, or auctioneers who are in an independent trade, business, or profession in which they offer their services to the general public are generally independent contractors. However, whether these people are independent contractors or employees depends on the facts in each case. The general rule is that an individual is an independent contractor if the payer has the right to control or direct only the result of the work and not what will be done and how it will be done. The earnings of a person who is working as an independent contractor are subject to Self-Employment Tax. http://www.irs.gov/Businesses/ Small-Businesses-&-Self-Employed/ Independent-Contractor-Defined

An employee only works for one company. The employee works the hours set by the company at the company’s office or worksite and with the company’s equipment. The company pays certain benefits and taxes on employee compensation. The company withholds income tax and Social Security and Medicare tax under the Federal Insurance Contributions Act (“FICA”), and is liable for matching contributions. The employee receives net wages, and can qualify for worker’s compensation for a work place injury and unemployment compensation when his employment ends with the company. An employee is also covered by state and federal employment laws such as minimum wages and overtime rules and antidiscrimination laws. On the other hand, an independent contractor generally provides consulting services to more than one company, sets her own hours and uses her own equipment. An independent contractor receives gross wages and handles the payment of her own taxes. The company pays no matching tax, and isn’t responsible for any work-related injury or unemployment. Independent contractors have the potential for profit. It’s tempting to call an employee an independent contractor to save money. But misclassifying a worker (even unintentionally) is a huge long-term mistake. If the company filed an IRS form 1099 declaring the amounts paid for an unintentionally misclassified contractor, the company with no ability to recover any money from the worker will owe: •  Federal Income Tax Withholding of 1.5% of the wages; •  20% of the employee’s share and 100% of the company’s share of FICA taxes •  Interest and penalties. •  Unemployment taxes

If the company didn’t file an IRS form 1099 for an unintentionally misclassified contractor, these amounts double with no ability to recover any money from the worker. Intentionally misclassifying the worker makes the expenses even worse! There, the company without the ability to recover any money from the worker will owe: •  100% of the Federal Income Tax Withholding; •  100% of the employee’s and company’s share of FICA taxes •  Interest and penalties •  Unemployment taxes •  Back taxes •  Criminal and civil penalties. Misclassifying a worker is simply not worth risking the penalties that could destroy your business and your life. When in doubt, seek professional advice from an attorney.


o many with a deep soul need to share their message and serve are saying “YES” to massive visibility for massive income. They’ve found the answer to worldwide business exposure knowing that it’s nearly impossible to make massive income staying in their own backyard. Because of the worldwide web and web TV, business owners are choosing a broader medium for very little investment, compared to other mediums. They are also noticing and experiencing the value of being seen in a big way and the doors that open automatically to their success. There are 3 vital steps to opening those doors for you: First, business owners need to speak directly to their perfect clients by using their client’s pertinent phrases. Many entrepreneurs believe they need to market the masses to reach just a few, when in reality not everyone is a great client for your specific area of expertise or the service you provide. Design your presentations to be received by only those you want to serve, and then you’ll have more business and happier clients who send you referrals. This simple technique elicits “lean in” and a “she gets me” response. Second, deepen your message. This technique of speak from your Heart and Soul will not only be satisfying to you, it will act like a magnet to bring the people you are meant to serve directly to you. Knowing the answer to these questions will completely change your business and prepare you for massive visibility. What if you spoke to your clients with these questions in mind? What is Message your soul wants to share?

What makes You Uniquely Qualified to deliver this message, in this way, to these people? Third, think about how you can be massively visibility to make massive income by asking yourself, how can I make massive income if I’m not massively visible? What’s the point of working so hard to play small? What if you knew exactly how to win? Becoming a Celebrity Guest Expert, on Google Hangout and Web TV, may be your next step. Wouldn’t you love to know how to build a bigger exposure, develop your camera ready image, build confidence with engaging, informative interview skills and speak in 3-minute sound bytes? If you know you are called to create a movement and have a big impact for the benefit of society the Celebrity Guest Expert TV Training class is for you. To find out more about deepening your message and creating massive visibility for massive income, dive in deeper with these two articles in this months issue: I Pray that You Play to Stay and Want to Monetize Your Message? Magnetize It First. We hope to see you at our Red Carpet Fashion Show, to Benefit Domestic Violence, on October 7, 2015 with a Deeper, more Magnetic Message so You can be Massively Visible for Massive Income in 2016.

Go to www.maximizeyourwealthnow to learn more about becoming a Celebrity Guest Expert

Who is it meant to serve?

Deepen Your Message at www.deepenyourmessage.com

How will it serve them?

Shirlene Reeves & Cynthia Stott shared video

Why does it Matter to You Personally? (Don’t skip this one!)


Say it like you mean it because it’s the truth of who you are – powerful and unstoppable.


e all have the potential to do, be and have anything we desire. All that’s required is focus on what we truly want in our lives and a clear plan of how to get there. It’s really that simple. The key is to start tapping into our highest potential right here and now. Ask yourself: “What more can I do on a daily basis to be the best entrepreneur or coworker, the best wife or mother or the best friend I can be?” Most importantly, ask yourself: “How can I be my own best friend? Do I value myself enough to make the effort it takes to be healthier and have more balance in my life? Not just for my own benefit, but for the benefit of those around me. Do you believe you are making the most out of your life every day? Are you bringing your best self forth at work and at home? If not, why? What is standing in your way? What barriers are limiting you? What is preventing you from getting everything you want out

of your life? We all have to ask ourselves this question: “What is it that we truly want and why don’t we already have it?” In my book, Wake Up! Awakening through Reflection, I help you find the answers to these important questions. You come to know more about who you really are by reflecting on your life and exploring what has ignited your spirit and caused you to grow and flourish. Together, we develop effective strategies for transforming your passions into an ideal lifestyle while overcoming the limiting beliefs that may be holding you back. Using a cause and effect analysis, along with a current self/ideal self profile, you begin to draw a bridge between where you’ve been, where you are and where you want to be. Along the way, what you come to realize is that you already have the power within you to unleash your highest potential. There is nothing standing in your

way except those things that you created in your mind. The tools, visualizations and daily practices will liberate your mind from any lingering fear and self-doubt. As you cross the bridge limiting thoughts are replaced by more empowering thoughts. With each step you develop more self-love, gain more courage and begin to develop an unshakeable belief in your own feminine power. You come to believe there is no obstacle you can’t overcome and no barrier you can’t climb over. Ultimately you realize that you owe it to yourself, and to those who depend on you, to cross the bridge to the ideal you. Start each day by saying: I am an amazing woman with unlimited potential. I can do anything I desire and be anything I wish. Every time you encounter a barrier, and self-doubt starts to creep into your mind, simply repeat, “I am, I can, I will.”

Let’s do a visualization I call “The Golden Dream.” The golden dream is your fantasy reality. In this fantasy, you have everything you ever wanted and have achieved everything you ever dreamed of. What do you see? Do you picture wealth and riches? Are you thinking, "Well if I had lots of money, I could have everything, be anything and go anywhere. Then I'd really be happy!" How about the golden dream of you? What does the “fantasy you” look and feel like? Do you picture yourself taller, thinner, more attractive, more successful, more popular – admired and respected by everyone? Stop and consider for a moment: why aren't you all of these things and more? Not just on the surface, but on a deeper level. Think, “Why aren’t I more compassionate and loving, kinder and more generous, more openminded and less judgmental.” In a world where anything is possible, why aren’t you living your fantasy reality as your highest self? Ask yourself, “Why am I limiting myself and accepting the belief that I am only capable of achieving a certain level of success, having a certain level of abundance and looking and feeling only moderately well? I am here to show you that you absolutely have the unlimited potential to be, do and have everything you ever dreamed of. You’ll overcome the limiting

self-chatter, tap into unlimited potential and create a reality in which the possibilities are endless. Once you Wake Up to your valuable life lessons the transformation you’ll experience will be remarkable. Your life will take on a new meaning and purpose and you will clearly see what you are meant to achieve in this lifetime. It’s time to engage in powerful practices that give you the strength, confidence and courage to manifest abundant health, wealth and prosperity! To find out more about me and the transformational mind/ body/spirit workshops and the coaching services I offer, please visit my website at: www.suzannerosswellness.com.


magine yourself on a white sandy beach on a tropical island while an afternoon breeze plays with your hair. This is the best day of your life. No worries, no stress, just tranquility and pleasure. You ask yourself why you were never able to get to this place before. What stopped you? Isn’t this what life is really all about?

spend all of these weekends in a variety of places that are 2 to 4 hours away from home.

Clients tend to come to me in a state of exhaustion and stressed. These are hard working, successful women who take pride in building their businesses and caring for their families. They also find time for volunteering and make appearances at social events.

SECOND, make two lists. The first list will consist of 5 to 10 places or events within 2 to 4 hours from home that you’d like to attend. These might be wine tours, music festivals, beaches, fine hotels, mountain retreat, or art fairs. Whatever sounds like fun.

These same women often experience chronic fatigue, anxiety, depression, headaches and serious health problems without realizing why. The key to ending this cycle has a lot to do with simply giving them permission to take time off for travel and relaxation. I love to help women master their anxiety around money to create real change in their lives. It’s as easy as 1-2-3. FIRST, grab your calendar and circle 4 to 5 weekends in the next twelve months. Next, set an intention to

Next, circle at least one full week for a trip 1 to 2 days away from home. Label all of these items “VACATION”, and make a commitment to honor these dates above all other commitments.

The second list will consist of 5 to 10 far-away travel destinations that you’ve always dreamed of visiting. These might be restful resorts, quiet islands, relaxing cruises, beautiful beaches or anywhere that takes you 1 to 2 days travel from home. Keep these lists in a handy place and refer or add to them regularly. Next, begin putting your destination ideas into the circled dates on your calendar for a whole year. Once they’re there, you’ve set the INTENTION to go. And you will go! This action gives you the PERMISSION you needed to begin living for fun. Suddenly your work and your money

revolve around your vacations, rather than your fun revolving around work and money. Wondering where the money will come from? Here’s an idea. Find yourself a COOKIE JAR. Visualize this cookie jar filled with money; 1’s, 5’s, 20’s, 50’s, even 100 dollar bills! What if your jar was full of money? Wouldn’t it be easier to take a vacation? Why, of course! So now let’s explore some easy ways to fill the jar up. THIRD, save with INTENTION. Every time you take cash out of the bank, take out a little extra for the cookie jar. If you take out $200, put $10 in the jar. If you deposit a check for $1000, hold out $50 for the jar. Better yet, have funds direct deposited into a “travel” account every month. If you never see the money, you’ll never notice it’s missing.

FIND THE EXCESS: Rather than ordering coffee or pizza, skip it and put that money in the cookie jar instead. TAX REFUND, BONUS: Put some into long-term savings, and put the rest aside in your cookie jar. END-OF-YEAR DIVIDENDS? Put them in your “travel” account. It’s really amazing how much money we let trickle through our fingers. If we catch and save it on a regular basis it can amount to something very valuable, like our sanity. Here’s a thought. Trade your sick days for vacation days. They don’t have to know at work. Spend your fun money on fun, not doctor bills. Check yourself in for a cruise instead of the hospital. You don’t have to quit working and retire in order to travel and have fun. And you don’t have to be wealthier, either. You need only set your INTENTION to save, plan, and give yourself PERMISSION to travel. Walla, you’ll be waving goodbye to your neighbors. See you on the island!

Kathy Fairbanks Kathy Fairbanks - Speaker, Consultant, Director of Client Solutions & Master Connector, leads the corporate team at Klemmer & Associates Leadership Seminars providing experiential training and business solutions to clients worldwide. Prior to this position, she experienced a 20-year successful career in the financial services industry with CitiGroup and GE Capital. Connecting her strategic business skill sets with the 10 traits of the “Compassionate Samurai” insures a perfect match of deliverables from the Klemmer & Associates Leadership team in order to make a real difference in the way organizations and people operate to produce WIN-WIN results. Prior to entering the financial services arena, Kathy earned a Bachelor’s of Science degree fromIndiana University Kelley School of Business. Contact: Kathy Fairbanks– Director of Client Solutions - kathy@klemmer.com - 415-250-4444 See her ad on Page 7.

Lauren Perotti

Christina Marlett Christina Marlett believes that if each human being danced everyday, the world would be completely different. As the creator of Dance Ugly Dance Awkward, she invites people to move with freedom and courage to transform their lives. Christina is an International Speaker, Workshop Facilitator and Embodiment Coach. To learn more about her unique approach, visit www.danceuglydanceawkward. com, or click here to watch a quick video https://youtu.be/aBA-H5rgTeg - See her ad on Page 27.

Cynthia Stott Cynthia Stott, International Speaker Mentor, guides mission-driven entrepreneurs to hear from their Heart and Soul and deepen into their most compelling message. Reach the people your are meant to serve most, share from bigger stages and grow your business from 6- to 7-figures and beyond. Find out more at www.DeepenYourMessage.com

Deb Dutcher Deb Dutcher is an Executive Health Coach and Corporate Wellness Consultant. Prior to her career in nutrition, Deb spent 20 years in management positions at some of the top companies in Silicon Valley. Her company, Energy Unlimited Coach, supports career women and men who have neglected their health while building a business and career. Deb has been working in nutrition for over fourteen years, and has helped hundreds get leaner, stronger and to enjoy healthier lifestyles. She is a Certified Integrative Health Coach through the Institute for Integrative Nutrition and author of the soon-to-be-published book: “Sexy, Lean and Strong, After 50!” “See her ad on Page 9.

Gayle Bode

Lauren Perotti - Life Purpose and Prosperity Speaker, Author and Coach, Tapping 30 + years of expertise in transformation, spirituality and business, I guide executives, professionals and visionaries who want to make a bigger difference in the world – and in the adventure of their own lives! If you feel disconnected from your inner fire - it’s time to be energized, empowered and enlightened so you can up-level your success without sacrificing your Spirit. To get my free eBook or have me speak at your next event go to www.LaurenPerotti.com To learn more about my 7 Spiritual Pillars Program, watch this video https://youtu.be/WY17AYVAYiQ See her ad on Page 13.

Lorri K. Lockyer Lorri K. Lockyer, The Science of Health Coach - Lorri has helped hundreds of women achieve mental clarity, hormonal balance, reduced belly fat, increased energy, restful sleep and live at a joyful weight through her Science of Health System. Lorri is a Nutritional Biochemist, certified John Maxwell speaker/coach, competitive bodybuilder and author. Learn more about working with Lorri Lockyer by watching a 1-minute video https://www.youtube.com/ watch?y=LUKo5RAUsp8 – Visit her website at www.LorriLockyer.com - See her ad on Page 11.

Mai Vu, MA, CPPC Mai Vu, MA, CPPC - Mai works with busy business moms to attract and create their new lasting love, while raising healthy kids, and rocking their business. Mai has a successful 6 figure coaching practice serving over 1000 women worldwide for the past 20 years. She has also trained and certified over 1000 life coaches. Mai Vu has been described as playful, funny, bold, and is a stand for your Hot Life, Hot Business, and Hot Love See her ad on Page 31.

Nancy Greene, Esquire Nancy Greene, Esquire ensures while you’re out doing what you love and growing your business, you aren’t always watching your feet for landmines. An Amazon best-selling author, a member of the National Association of Professional Women, a NAPW Woman of the Year 2012/2013, and a member of the EWomen Network and the Women’s Speaker’s Association, Nancy loves helping other women business owners thrive in today’s litigious society. See her ad on Page 15.

Gayle Bode helps business owners get more comfortable with their day-to-day Money-IN Money-OUT relationship, and have a more realistic conversation around their money, without judgment or fear. Her extensive business experience ranges from working in-house for local and international CPA firms, to working for businesses of all sizes, in multiple industries, like healthcare, auto repair, architecture and construction. Gayle is a Certified QuickBooks ProAdvisor, and enjoys public speaking and training. She recently taught a recordkeeping class for Women’s Initiative, to help empower new entrepreneurs to better understand their financial situations.

Rebecca Hall Gruyter

Huda Baak

Sally Domingo

Huda Baak is an award-winning image consultant, international speaker and author. She has appeared on numerous radio and television business talk shows in the San Francisco Bay area. For 25 years, Huda has been dedicated to creating a unique signature style for women that reflects their inner beauty so that they can be seen as the best version of their authentic self. Her sense of style comes from experience working in the fashion industry and from having lived and worked in the Middle East, Europe, Canada and the US. You can reach her at (925)989-4729 or www.HudaBaak.com See her ad on Page 29.

Rebecca Hall Gruyter, founder of Your Purpose Driven Practice, and Creator of the: Women’s Empowerment Series, Speaker Talent Search, Talk Radio Show Host and Guest Training Programs, and Rebecca’s Money Summit. She is an in-demand speaker, Expert Money Coach and a frequent guest expert on success panels, tele-summits, TV and radio shows. Rebecca is a popular Voice America Radio Show Host and bestselling author with over 14 years’ experience in the financial industry growing multiple 6-figure businesses and practices. She has received awards for her: sales expertise, networking skills, and transformational coaching. Rebecca is committed to helping line up your business and finances with your values, so that YOU can impact the world powerfully! Sally Domingo is a Wealth Empowerment Expert and speaker. She loves to help successful women to master their money in order to create the life of fun and travel that they truly desire. Featured in 2015 Continental Who’s Who as the Pinnacle Financial Professional, and leader of her own “Lean-In Circle”, Sally is a driving force in the women’s empowerment movement. Now a widow and a single mother of two, she has sustained a 25-year career as a 6-figure entrepreneur in three industries. She is founder of Women Wealth Mastery, and is creator of the popular program, “Master Your Money in 90 Days”, through which she helps her clients catapult their lifestyles through personal growth and financial strategies. You can find her online at www.womenwealthmastery.com - See her ad on Page 21.

Julia Stege

Suzanne Ross

Julia Stege is called The Magical Marketer because she helps spiritual business women and conscious entrepreneurs to share their purpose through branding and websites that attract their true Soul Tribe online. Hers is a magical process that helps you attract divinely aligned clients by being authentically you. When you share your deepest essence with the world, you become a magnet for the right people to forward your purpose. Get Julia’s revolutionary ebook Branding from the Heart at http://www.brandingfromtheheartbook.com

Suzanne Ross is an Inspirational Author, Motivational Speaker and Integrative Wellness Specialist. From her books to her workshops and coaching, Suzanne is here to show you that you absolutely have the unlimited potential to be, do and have everything you ever dreamed of. Once you overcome the limiting self-chatter, you can tap into your unlimited potential and create a reality in which the possibilities are endless. Get started on your 10-day life lessons workshop today and begin experiencing the powerful difference it will make in your life and in the lives of those around you. Live your passion, love your life! To find out more about Suzanne and the transformational mind/body/spirit workshops and coaching services she offers, please visit her website at: www.suzannerosswellness.com. View her ads on pages 2 & 19.

Many people are surprised by the answers they receive.


our talents, gifts and message are not meant to serve everyone. They are meant to serve the people you are uniquely designed to serve. All of the twists and turns in your life were not mistakes. Everything you’ve ever done or has happened to you, happened for a reason. Your education, certifications, careers, passions, skills, everything you’ve experienced - good,

Speak the message that inspires you and your people will find you. The truth is, Your People Are WAITING for YOU! In fact they are praying for someone just like you, with your unique skills, passions and journey. You are the answer to their prayers. Let them find you through the message that comes from deep within your heart and soul. Three ways to deepen into your compelling message:

bad, ugly, beautiful – led to where you are and who you’ve become. Now they lead to your unique message and how you serve the people you are meant to serve most in your business.

•  Get Curious. Find out what inspires you most and speak this message. •  Tap into your Heart and Soul. Walk in nature, meditate, dance until you become the dance, whatever works best for you. •  Ask compelling questions. We humans can’t resist a question. That’s why the best advertising uses questions. Where’s the Beef? Got Milk?

If you want to find a needle in a haystack, don’t dig through the hay, grab a magnet!

See what questions to ask in this issue’s article Entrepreneurs Step up to Success with Massive Visibility.

Your message is NOT for everyone. Trying to reach everyone with a watered-down message will get you nowhere. Imagine if you spoke a message that drew your most ideal clients to you. The people you are meant to serve and need to reach. What if you touched the hearts of people who are excited to experience your Work and pay you well? Deepening into the message you were born to deliver – the one life taught you – creates a powerful magnet to draw your people to you.

Some journeys are easier and more interesting with a guide. Finding the answers to these questions can sometimes be difficult and take you on a long journey of discovery. It’s worth the journey, but do you have time to wait? What if you could hear directly from your Heart and Soul the answer to each question? What if you could ask followup questions and get detailed answers about your message and the people you are meant to serve?

Some found they could serve a new market with a new message. Linda, who served women after divorce, saw herself working with couples before divorce. While meditating, she heard a man in her audience say, “I have been married to my wife for over 17 years and I have never felt closer to her than I do right now.” Others see themselves delivering the same message but to completely different markets. Susan, who spoke about energetic protection to small groups, saw herself conducting a workshop to over 300. She asked, “How do I make this my reality?” and received names of people to connect her to a very different audience - police officers and investigators. Imagine if homicide investigators had tools to protect themselves from the negative energy that goes along with their important work. Many receive specific names of people to invite to their programs or connect them with whole new groups. Like Susan, who got names to bring her work to completely

different markets, many get names of people they already know and others they have never met.

Others see themselves doing things they never thought they could do. Quite a few have seen themselves giving a TED Talk. Mary was told, “You have everything you need for your TED Talk.” Now, every talk she gives is her TED Talk! Some see themselves getting paid more than they ever imagined. Jennifer saw herself making an offer to hundreds of people for 10 times what she was charging. In her meditation, people were excited to sign-up for her program at this price! Seeing this gave her courage to raise her prices and create more VIP programs. Who will you touch when you Deepen Your Message? Stay tuned for the next issue! Find out how your “Passion Quilt” leads to your deeper message. Sharing your message is important. As you share it, it grows! Come share it with us at the Wealthy Women Magazine Red Carpet Celebration and Fashion Show. See you on the Red Carpet! Video Link for Cynthia’s article https://youtu.be/kb0l4MKZBZI

has had a turn, the facilitator asks if anyone has an insight or an Aha they would like to share. Several hands go up.


magine a quiet room with a circle of chairs set up in the centre. Strains of peaceful music float through the air. The lights are low. People begin to arrive. They are tentative, nervous, uncertain. They don’t really know what will happen in the next few hours and they are hopeful that it will be something special and worthwhile. They are guided through a meditation. A poem is shared. It puts the participants at ease and peaks their curiosity. New thoughts creep in… “She’s giving me permission to show up as exactly who I am? I’m supposed to move freely in my body? Hmmm. I don’t know how to do that.” A weathered stone is passed around, each participant sharing her reasons for attending. For some people, tears are released. The facilitator reminds them that all emotions are welcome. What’s the point of hiding them? The courage building has begun. “That’s enough sitting for now,” declares the facilitator. She explains that our relationship with learning is broken. Movement, especially unstructured movement, is an integral part of learning, but these days, we do most of our learning while sitting. “It’s unnatural,” she goes on, “the human body is made to move!” The participants are instructed to begin walking around the space to explore tempo or speed.

“Find your own path. Tune into where you want to go. Go a little faster now… and twice as fast… Change to a slow tempo… and now as slow as you can possibly go. This time choose your own tempo… Now go the speed at which you’re living your life… Pause here.” The facilitator explains that how you do anything is how you do everything. “How you just did that exercise is a perfect reflection of how you’re living your life.” She invites participants to find a partner for some dyad work. “A dyad,” she explains, “is the perfect opportunity to say whatever needs to be said, with no fear of the listener trying to solve problems or offer advice. The speaker speaks. The listener listens. That’s it. The listener just holds space. It’s very refreshing.” “Let’s unpack what just happened in the tempo exercise. For 1 minute, the speaker will share with the listener the answer to this question: What did you notice during the exercise? That’s it. What did you notice? Then you’ll switch roles and answer the same question. Go.”

One woman says, “I realized that when I rush, I cause myself a lot of unnecessary stress;particularly in my car. I tend to speed and worry about getting caught. Doing this tempo exercise made me realize that I’m only saving a few minutes by speeding but I’m sacrificing so much more. I’m making the whole trip stressful. What I will now do instead is focus on being calm and peaceful in the car.” The facilitator is delighted. “See what our bodies can tell us when we choose to listen carefully? What a fabulous insight! You’ll be reducing so much stress in your life and replacing it with peace and presence. I love it! Thank you for sharing that.” And so the workshop unfolds. The participants are given a simple movement task. They explore the exercise with curiosity and courage. Then in dyads, they unpack the learning. Insights are shared. Some are powerful epiphanies. There is a participant who’s had MS for many years. Through the movement and discussion, she discovers that it’s actually been her mind that’s been limiting her, not her body. It’s a complete shift for her and she is liberated. Another woman shares that she thought her sensuality was dead, a thing of the past. However, because she tuned into the music and her body, she rediscovered that she is still a sensual being. In one 5-minute song, she awaked her senses, her self-worth and her connection to feeling really, really good. Powerful stuff!

The participants follow the instructions until the facilitator stops them. “Next question. Now we’ll dive into the metaphor that relates to this tempo exercise. At what tempo are you living your life? Is it serving you?”

One participant, who is 80 years old says, “The doctors told me I should never put all my weight on my left leg because they said it’s not strong enough to support me. Well, I felt like I should just try it and guess what? My leg is strong enough to support me! The doctors were wrong. I feel tremendous freedom.”

The participants fall into deep discussion, willingly revealing deep truths about themselves because they feel utterly safe. Once each partner

The hours fly by. The participants share the deepest, most vulnerable part of themselves. They tread courageously into the unknown. The results?

They feel more connected to their bodies, to themselves, to their spirit and to other human beings than they have felt in a long, long time. They gather in a closing circle. In one afternoon, they’ve gone from strangers to soul sisters. One woman says, “I have never, ever, ever, in my whole life, felt this good in my body.” Grateful. Peaceful. Connection. Release. Alive. Whole. Love. Complete. They all stand shoulder to shoulder, a new, tightly connected energetic circle of love. There are smiles, shining eyes, warm expressions. And no one wants to leave. This is the immense power of ugly awkward dancing. Because actually, when we are courageous enough to share our vulnerability and put it in motion, what we thought would be ugly and awkward, turns out to be exquisitely beautiful.

These are all valid, and it’s where most of us start, but once you’ve established yourself as a professional, then it’s time to take a good long look at your style and become more conscious of the image you’re wanting project. To start creating your Signature Style, find a distinctive look that’s truly your own. It could be a specific color, style or trend that speaks to you. Whatever it is, find a way to incorporate that into your dress everyday. For example, I have a client who loves zebra patterns. Zebras have a special meaning to her and she explains it during her talks, so now she always has something with that print on her as her trademark. It doesn’t have to be big, but a scarf, earrings or other accessory like shoes can do the trick.


eveloping a sense of style is more than selecting the right fabric, color or fit. It starts by knowing your strengths and playing them up. Do you have beautiful arms and shoulders, or long, toned legs? Maybe you have a smile or eyes that light up a room. Those of you shaking your heads thinking you don’t, remember that EVERYONE has at least one great feature, so what’s yours?

When I’m with a new client, one of the first things I do is look through her wardrobe. It’s the perfect way to get a sense of her style and her buying habits. I can also see if it aligns with the image she wants to project or the look she wants to ‘grow into’. I can’t tell you the number of times I’ve perused through someone’s closet and felt like four different people lived there! Recently I supported a client with everything from flannel shirts and cowboy boots to buttoned-up preppy shirts and khakis. She also had 2 baby-doll dresses and stilettos in the far corner. That’s quite an assortment! We know that variety is the spice of life, and I’m not suggesting that you stick to one style and nothing else. Far from it! But here’s my rule of thumb: Find your personal style, then vary your style within that. For example, when you look at photos of the late Princess Diana, you’ll see she had grace and poise no matter what the occasion. Her style was feminine, yet elegant, and she carried it through in her formal wear, work clothes and even her more casual ensembles. She even dressed up her jeans with a blazer and tall boots to give them more elegance. The first step in creating your own unique look is to uncover who you really are inside. Many women tend to express themselves the way they think they SHOULD look versus the way they really want to. I want to challenge you to expand your thinking and dress in a way that truly expresses who you are today and who you’re becoming. Include your strengths and passion, and don’t stick with what’s known and comfortable. Some questions to get you thinking are: what’s the motivation for your current look or for changing it? Are you in a leadership position at work? Are you climbing the corporate ladder or seeking a promotion? Are you an entrepreneur and want to stand out from everyone else around you, or are you looking for prestige and more credibility? Some women inherited their sense of style from their mothers, previous mentors or bosses. Even characters on TV or a movie can influence women as they begin to create a look of their own.

Whatever you choose, it must feel authentic, and not like you’re putting on a facade. Make sure it looks great on you and flatters your body shape; that it’s congruent with your personality and your inner essence and is appropriate for your line of work or the situation. Authenticity is key. Fifteen years ago the majority of my business came from the banking industry and other financial institutions. So in order to look more the part, I bought a beautiful designer silk navy blue suit. It didn’t look like anything else in my closet. I finally gave it away years later - with the tags on! I never wore it because it wasn’t true to me essence or my style. I realized that even though I was working with bankers and with women in wealth management, I was not a banker, and I shouldn’t dress like one! If they had wanted a banker to teach them to how to increase their professionalism and credibility, then they would’ve done the job themselves. But they hired me instead to work with them and my personal style is not that of a banker! It just would’ve looked like the suit was wearing me, not the other way around. The challenge is to choose the style that best suits you and to keep that same thread throughout your wardrobe, regardless of the occasion. It makes shopping easier, you’ll save on time and it’ll cost less in the long run because things will mix and match more easily. Remember that no matter what style you choose, it has to be Authentic, Aligned with your essence, (and not a pretense) and Appropriate for the occasion. Bottom line is to uncover who you really are inside, and decide how you want to show up in the world starting now!

3. Fully realize yourself and your capabilities. E.g. Your partner becomes really ill, and now, you have become the caretaker, which is the last thing you ever wanted to be. The journey is long and arduous; you are drained and exhausted by the daily grind, but you are committed and you stay till the end. He passes away, and you discover an incredible strength in you that you never knew you had if you hadn’t taken that relationship on. It is important to be clear with what you hope to attract because you will get exactly what you want. Unless you strive to undergo incredible personal growth, a spiritual partner might not be the best for you. It’s 11:30P.M and Melissa has just arrived home after another unfulfilling date, baffled that she still can’t seem to find the partner she actually wants. It shouldn’t be this hard to find someone, she thinks to herself, who is both trustworthy and loyal, who loves to talk and hold hands during long walks in the park. As she sits down, Melissa begins to wonder why she keeps attracting the wrong man. She knows she’s tired of men whose idea of foreplay is watching sports and drinking beer every night, and she knows she’s tired of playing the endless on and off again game with this same man for the past four years. She’s ready to stop feeling like she can’t get over him, this man who drained her bank account and left her for some younger woman. She feels tied to the love she has for him even though she knows he’s not good for her. Despite that, she realizes that she longs for someone who is supportive and loving, someone who gets along well with her kids. This time, she tells herself, it’s going to be different. I am not going to settle until I find the right partner. If only I can find a spiritual partner. Everything will be better then!

*** My coaching clients share this story time and time again. What they fail to understand is that they have been with a spiritual partner. Their no good relationship partner, like Melissa’s, makes them grow like crazy.

What Is a Spiritual Partner? Melissa is experiencing exactly what it means to be with a spiritual partner, someone who helps you grow spiritually. Giving up her role of being a doormat in this crappy relationship, Melissa has been inching forward in life. Now, four years later, Melissa is ready to leave that role and this relationship behind. This readiness she experienced is that guy’s purpose. He gave Melissa the opportunity to discover her selfworth and learn to walk away from something that is substandard. With him, she had experienced a spiritual relationship for the last four years without recognizing how much she had grown from it. Spiritual growth tends to involve stretching into unknown territory or overcoming a great trial or test. The goal is not defined by having a sweet romantic relationship, but rather by having a relationship that will bring forth lots of personal growth and challenges where you have to evolve into a more powerful self.

Therefore, a spiritual partner is one who could help you: 1. Reclaim or heal parts of yourself that were lost when you were a child. E.g. Your current partner might be everything you ever wanted, but his uncontrollable anger issue scares you to the point of losing your voice, reminding you of your dad when you were growing up. It is time for you to reclaim how you interact with this man through his anger so that you don’t lose yourself in the relationship. 2. Finish out some old contract that you came into this life to complete. E.g. You notice that you have had a certain pattern with men throughout your life. And finally with this relationship you changed that pattern. You broke the “curse” so it seems.

Spiritual Partners are Different from Ideal Companions Personally, I do not want a spiritual partner. The truth is that I have had plenty of spiritual partners in all of my relationships, including that in business and even in friendships. I have also grown spiritually as I strive to help my daughter through her teens, be present for my aging parents, and learn to grow my wealth. I don’t need more spiritual growth or personal challenges, especially in my intimate relationship. I am guessing you might not want it either. What I want is an ideal companion: someone who will support me; makes me feel good and safe; we laugh a lot; and he makes everything feel easier. It’s an ideal condition, unlike that with a spiritual partner. As you are thinking about your next relationship, ask yourself two simple questions, and try to be honest with your answers. 1. What do I really want and need in a man? 2. Why do I want a new relationship? The answers to these questions will give you clues to what’s manifesting in the next phase of your life. Now, create an appropriate title for what you are going to call this new person in your life. This will be the essence of your new relationship. In the next issue, I will address what it takes to sustain a hot and yummy relationship with your ideal companion! https://youtu.be/TCFsRIIpGkg Mai Vu Coach helps busy, exhausted career moms to attract their ideal companion and learn how to trust and receive the ease, joy, and sweetness that these men have to offer us. If you are thinking an ideal companion is the way to go, apply for a private one-on-one session with Mai by sending her an email at Mai@HotLifeHotLove.com with the keywords, “Pick Me,” in the subject line. You can also join Mai in person at her Hot Life Hot Love two-day live event. Visit www.HotLifeHotLove.com for more details.


s entrepreneurs we are constantly seeking new clients. As Conscious Entrepreneurs, we are specifically seeking those clients who are aligned with our mission and purpose. I call these clients our Soul Tribe. The problem arises when we ask, “Who are my perfect clients?” and “How will they find me?” we stop short of, “Will they realize I’m the perfect answer for what they’re seeking?” How will they know you’re the right expert to support them? The answer is, they’ll recognize you when your marketing is authentic and comes from the heart. If your marketing is superficial in any way, your perfect customers will not recognize you as the person they are seeking. If you are coming from the heart, your Soul Tribe will get a strong intuitive hit when they see your marketing and will be compelled from within to connect with you for the answers to their struggles. Beginning your heart-felt marketing campaign Our journey into the heart begins with that strange little question, “What makes you and your perfect customers tick?” The Law of Attraction says, “like attracts like.” When we consciously employ this principle to our marketing we understand that our Soul Tribe shares our passion and purpose in life. They are truly aligned with us. They resonate with our Soul’s purpose. So it follows that sharing our purpose in our marketing will help our Soul Tribe to recognize us. To begin crafting your Branding from the Heart, write from the heart. Step 1: Writing a Stream of Consciousness For this exercise you’ll need to find a quiet place to sit down with a pad of paper and a pen. Ask yourself what your passion and purpose are, what truly moves your heart, what resonates with your Soul, and lastly write out whatever comes to mind. When we write a stream of consciousness, we aren’t thinking about the end result. Instead, we’re focusing in the moment and bringing our message out from inside. There’s no need to be witty or strategic. We’re simply expressing our authentic self and what’s most important to our soul. In this simple exercise you’ll discover what you’re passionate about, what you love about life, what makes you get out of bed in the morning and what is your strongest desire? If something unexpected comes to mind, don’t judge it, just write it down. Don’t worry about making complete sentences or punctuation because nobody will see it but you. Write it all down until you have 2 or more pages. Step 2: Select Your Passion Words As you look over your stream-of-consciousness writing, notice when certain words or themes come up more than once. For example, you may notice a repetition of words like freedom,

contribution and love. You may find inspiring theme words like helping others, teaching, learning, creating new systems or transformation, etc. Circle the words and phrases that resonate most deeply with you. These are your “Passion Words” Using these words in your marketing will help your Soul Tribe recognize you when they find your website, your blog posts or social media. Step 3: Write a List of your Offerings and Results Make a list of your offerings and the results you produce in the world. For example, my offerings are Marketing, Branding, and Websites. The Results I produce are Clarity and Transformation. What are your results and offerings? Write them all down. These are your Offering Words. Step 4: Create Authentic Titles To create authentic titles that reflect your purpose and your gifts, combine the words from your passion words list with words from your offering words List. You can even do this randomly with your eyes closed. Take note of the combinations you come up with. 
I just did this as a presentation for a Genius Bar at the Conscious Business Network and came up with two titles I’d never used before: Conscious Websites and Authentic Clarity. Here are some Blog Post ideas utilizing these titles: What Makes a Website Conscious? Consciously Create your Website Websites that Foster Consciousness Clarifying your Authentic Voice How Focusing on Authenticity Brings Clarity Step 5: Expand Your Authentic Voice Using your new authentic titles and phrases, start a real conversation that has meaning to you and your Soul Tribe. Your words become like little magnets that attract your Soul Tribe to you. To learn more about this Authentic Process, visit my website and download my e-book, Branding from the Heart: How to Share Your Purpose through Marketing that Attracts Your Tribe and Inspires a Revolution. http://www.brandingfromtheheartbook.com


o you sometimes feel like you’re just slogging through the day? When you can sustain your energy all day and into the evening you can address more issues faster and with a clearer head, than someone who is dragging through the day, using caffeine and sugar to keep going. How do you sustain your energy, maintain weight and keep a demanding schedule? Here are seven tips that will give you continuous energy and focus for all the key activities you need to do, while keeping you lean and strong: Tip 1: Eat Enough Food! Take a tip from elite athletes – stay fueled on high-powered foods, stay balanced nutritionally and never let yourself get famished or faint because you “forgot to eat”. This means eating lean protein, and nutrient-rich foods, at least every three to four hours. If you forget to eat, you need to carry little bites of food with you – nutrition bars, trail mix, nuts, apples. Staying fueled helps you keep focused on the job at-hand and not on a growling or upset stomach. Plus, your brain uses up 25% of everything you eat, so you need to stay fueled to keep it focused and strong. Tip 2: Eat the right stuff at the right time! Too many execs will get through the day on a muffin and coffee for breakfast, sandwich for lunch, then realize they are famished by dinner. But dinner may not come until late – after 8:00 p.m. usually. Eating heavy foods too late makes it hard to sleep. Try to get most of your calories earlier in the day, even if you need to carry some protein powder and make a shake at your desk. Here the ruleof-thumb is to eat five to six small meals a day – 180 to 350 calories per meal/snack.

More if you are working out. Ask me if you are not sure how many calories are your recommended amount. Tip 3: Get enough sleep! Once you do that, the rest falls into place. Most adults need a minimum of 7 hours per night, all the way up to 9. To lose weight, the body needs the down-time to detox and repair or your bellyfat will just hang-around. Many of my clients miss out on needed sleep due to nerves, anxiety, or hot-flashes. There are good supplements that can make a big difference. For example, melatonin is herbal support for a natural sleep-aid and an excellent remedy for hot flashes. It’s also important to cease all electronic usage at least one hour before you want to go to asleep and keep your room DARK!

two times a day. The key is to burn calories all day long and get at least 30 minutes of movement daily. My preferred ratio is 20 minutes of cardio (fast-walking, treadmill, elliptical, dancing, jogging, running, and swimming) plus 10 minutes of strength-training and toning. Stretching at the start and end is even better. Missing just one day will slow-down your metabolism, so

make it happen every day! Tip 5: Stay hydrated! The rule-of-thumb is to drink half your weight in ounces of water, daily. Tea and coffee are diuretics, so they don’t really count. If you are even 2% dehydrated you will lose 15% of your brain function, and what high-powered professional or busy parent can’t afford to do that?

Tip 4: Exercise – Daily! Most execs and professionals find it hard to pull away from important meetings and activities for the 90 minutes most gym-based activities take. I advise my clients to build-in bursts of movement, in 15-minute segments, at least

Tip 6: Take Probiotics! Probiotics are essential for immunity and for pulling nutrition from your food. (A side benefit is they help you lose weight.) Probiotics have to be replenished at least every 48 hours and unless you eat fermented vegetables or probiotic-laden yogurts daily you’ll likely need probiotic supplements. The recommended

maintenance dose is a minimum of 4B live bacteria, daily. Some strains live longer in the small intestine than others. Two strains well-known for surviving are: lactobacillus rhamnosus and bifidobacterium. If you have been on antibiotics, exposed to toxins or undergone surgery or chemo, you must replace these bacteria to restore the immune system. Tip 7: Claim Me-time! Whether you are doing yoga, getting some fresh air, listening to music, reading, bathing, journaling – UNPLUG! The world/your business/family can spare you for 30 minutes!!! (One hour is even better, but, not everyone can manage that.) The most important thing is to not answer a phone, get on a computer, turn on a TV. Tune-in to you and what you are feeling and see what your body/mind/heart tells you. Breathe! Take stock of any tension and stretch to release it. Think happy thoughts and elevate your mood, naturally. You may not be able to get going on all seven of these tips at once but, if you try adding just one a week, you will find that your energy will improve exponentially as the list grows and the pounds will drop away. We live in an extremely fast-paced world and too often this means we are letting the tasks of the day drive us, without making sure our bodies are getting everything they need to keep going. Do not take your body for granted, or you may not have the energy to keep up with the demands of your business. An energized body and mind means an energized business!

We’ll burn out and not be able to sustain the course. Secondly, it’s important to have a sustainable model so we can keep giving, serving, and growing into a whole, balanced person. We do this by developing boundaries, and honoring our limits. Carving out time to nourish and sustain ourselves will change the way we do business. When we have time, energy, and resources to take care of ourselves, then we are able to more fully (and in a sustainable way) serve others.


his powerful column provides you an opportunity to ASK REBECCA™ those business questions, money questions, leadership, speaker, personal growth, and empowerment questions you have. Rebecca wants to help you overcome fear and bring your message forward. In each issue, Rebecca will select 1 to 3 questions to answer.

We need to learn to serve/give from overflow, not from core time and energy we need to be whom we are called to be in life. This is the secret to balance….make sure that you are putting into place what you need to be the best you can be first, then serve your clients from the overflow.

How important is it for people to find their life purpose?

What’s the most effective way I can reach more women in the corporate world, when I have not worked myself in that world? (My experience is more in the educational institutions.)

~Margaret Child, Women’s Empowerment Coach of Let Your Brilliance Shine

~Michael Anne Conley, Creator of Habits Into Health

Dear Margaret, thank you so much for your question. I believe it’s critical. We are each beautifully and wonderfully made on purpose and with purpose. No one else can do exactly what we can do. There isn’t a “back up” one of you waiting in the wings if you or one of us chooses to not fully lean in, discover your purpose, and bring it forward. When we know our purpose in life and business we can then build our life and business around our purpose. Your purpose gives you clarity, direction and focus. It becomes easier to know what to say yes or no to….because it becomes a question of: Is this on purpose? Yes or No. This clarity will give you a more direct path for your business, life and finances.

Dear Michael Anne, I would say, as with any market that one is looking at breaking into and serving is to first start with Market Research. By studying your ideal prospects/clients, learn where they gather, how they like to learn about services and support, discover who they are, what they like, and what they say their needs are.

To expand on this, I believe we make discovering our purpose harder than it needs to be. I believe living our purpose is actually being fully who we are and who we are made to be. Doing more of the things that energize and awaken us, and fewer of the things that drain and dis-empower us. It’s a day by day choice to be more fully who you are….and sharing the gift of who you are with others. As an Entrepreneur it’s so easy to work 24 hours a day. How do you create work/life balance? ~Debbie Hoffman, President of Empower Your Results Now Dear Debbie, this is a great question and I agree, it is easy to work or keep ourselves busy with commitments and obligations 24 hours a day. In fact we can fill those hours and forget to leave time for ourselves. First, remember that if we are constantly giving, serving, and investing in others without investing time and energy in ourselves it’s NOT a sustainable model. This is because if we are giving to the point of depletion.

It’s really easy to make assumptions about groups of people that we want to or feel like we could serve powerfully. I’ve found, a much better way to start is researching them, and discover who they are, and what they feel their needs are and where they gather. When I start seeking, I learn a new perspective and can actually use words that are meaningful to them. Once you know where they gather or learn about experts, services and support…you can start to develop a plan to reach your clients by actually using words and expression that they will recognize and lean into. I look forward to you building these powerful connections and serving powerfully. We hope you have enjoyed ASK ­REBECCA ™ and if you would like to submit your questions to Rebecca please email her at Rebecca@YourPurposeDrivenPractice.com and in the email indicate if you are okay with her using your name and business with the questions or if you prefer to have it submitted anonymously. To learn more about Rebecca go to www.YourPurposeDrivenPractice.com


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