Make an Easy Extra Income ($1000+) with AMAZON!

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==== ==== $100s Extra per MONTH! Become a Kindle Author - No Writing Required! ==== ====

There are many ways to write for money online, but they all fall into two basic approaches. The first is to write for yourself--for your own web properties. The second is to write for others who need content for their websites and businesses. Let's look at the advantages and disadvantages of both approaches. To make money writing for yourself you can create web pages and monetize them with advertising or affiliate links. You can blog and do the same. You can promote your websites or blogs with articles that you write and distribute. Other ways to make money with your writing online include creating and selling ebooks, or giving them away and making money from affiliate links in them. You could also sell a how-to course that you put together. You can write an email newsletter and sell subscriptions to it. You can write books that you sell through Amazon Kindle or other e-readers. All of these ways to write for money involve you being marketer as well as writer. You might make great money--or none at all. A fully monetized page makes nothing, after all, if you can't get people to visit it and click those links. So with this kind of writing you get more freedom (you can write on any topic you choose), but more risk. You might hit it big or spend a lot of time writing for no financial return. When you write for others you get paid right away. You can write ebooks for others, and let them worry about whether the book sells or not. You can go to sites that connect freelancers like yourself with buyers of web content and make money by the page or article. The advantages? Making money without much risk is one. You also get to work from anywhere. I have hired people in Israel and India to write for me, for example. Disadvantages? You are limited in what you can make. I can write a keyword-optimized article of 500 words (like this one) in about 40 minutes. That translates into at least an hour per article once you add the time spent dealing with sending articles to clients, answering emails, collecting the money and so on. Since most buyers are paying from $5 to $20 per article, that means you will be limited to a maximum of $20 per hour for your efforts. That's not so bad if you've never made money writing before, but it's still a limit. If you write for your own website and it does well, it might keep producing hundreds of dollars monthly for years, even if you only add a page every month. Build more sites and the sky is the limit. So if you want to write for money online should you write for your own web properties or for other people's? It isn't always an easy decision. Perhaps doing both is a good way to get paid now while

still having some possibility of a larger income in the future.

Copyright Steve Gillman. For more on how to Write for Money, and to get the Internet Income Newsletter and other free gifts, visit:

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==== ==== $100s Extra per MONTH! Become a Kindle Author - No Writing Required! ==== ====

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