Maximum Yield Modern Growing | Vol. 21 Issue 01 2019

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You NEED to KNOW About


FILM TECHNIQUE Troubleshooting and Maintaining

pH CONTROL SYSTEMS What the #@$% is an

ENDOPLASMIC RETICULUM? Detecting and Controlling


14 NEW

PRODUCTS Are Good to Grow!

January 2019


How to Select the Correct

LIGHTING BALLAST Professional Tips for Better


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Electrolyzed Water Treatment System Treat and Prevent Plant Diseases without Damaging the Environment Ushio’s NaOClean™ Electrolyzed Water (E-Water) system is a cost-effective solution and a worthwhile investment in the long term for treating and preventing plant diseases. The NaOClean E-Water system produces neutral water with pH 7.0 - 7.5 levels to improve plant growth and potentially suppresses certain diseases, powdery mold and mildew that are harmful to plants.


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N A F W O L F D E X I M L A T I DIG Empowering Growers Since 1977 |

NFT, being a solution culture method, often captures the imagination of many indoor and hobby gardeners, as well as those planning a commercial venture as a method of growing plants with minimal requirements with efficient water usage.”



Maximum Yield

by Dr. Lynette Morgan

Developed more than 50 years ago, NFT systems can quickly produce large yields of produce with minimum water usage. However, these systems can present problems — for both home and commercial growers — if they aren’t monitored properly.

40 10

Understanding and Using Nutrient Film Technique Hydroponic Systems

Hydroponic Nutrient Management by Monica Mansfield

When you choose to grow hydroponically, it becomes your responsibility to ensure your plants are receiving what they need to be healthy and productive. Follow Monica Mansfield’s tips and your plants will think Mother Nature is working her magic.


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First Feed

Grow Cycle

14 From the Editor

44 pH Control Systems

16 Bare Roots 18 Branching Out 20 Ask a Grower 22 Max Facts 26 Good to Grow

Groundbreakers 64 Monterey Lawn Products 70 Distribution List


Maximum Yield

50 Pythium Root Rot 54 Choosing the Right Lighting Ballast 60 The Importance of Growroom Hygiene 82 Ten Facts on Endoplasmic Reticulum

No matter what technology we use to grow, how plants grow will never change. The basic biology remains constant, as do the problems growers encounter, such as pests, nutrient deficiency, and pH control.”

from the EDITOR TG Toby Gorman


Maximum Yield


e’re returning briefly to our roots in this issue of Maximum Yield. Over the past couple of years, we’ve focused on the innovation that has taken place in the indoor growing space. There has been a lot. From robotic bees to personal food computers, artificial intelligence to growing hydroponically in space, how we grow our food is constantly changing. These days, indoor farms that employ just a couple of robots and a cloud-based brain are at the leading edge of farming. No matter what technology we use to grow, how plants grow will never change. The basic biology remains constant, as do the problems growers encounter, such as pests, nutrient deficiency, and pH control. This month, we’re featuring stories that every grower needs to know, starting with long-time contributor Monica Mansfield’s “Hydro Nutrient Management: What Every Grower Should Know” on page 40. As Monica states, “You are taking on nature’s role and are responsible for putting together the correct nutrients, in the right amounts,

with the right pH, at the right time. You must also manage your water’s quality more strictly and be aware of any chemical incompatibilities that could hurt your plants.” Of course, before you establish plants inside, it’s essential to have your grow space clean and disinfected to prevent heartbreak down the road. For tips on keeping your grow space as clean as can be, check out Alan Ray’s tips in “The Importance of Growroom Hygiene” on page 60. “Growing indoors definitely holds some advantages over traditional outdoor patches when it comes to weather and varmints, but it also comes with its own set of issues and enemies,” says Alan. Finally, Philip McIntosh’s “Maintaining and Troubleshooting pH Control Systems” on page 44 identifies what can go wrong with a pH control system. For growers employing a control system, it’s a must read. As always, thanks for reading Maximum Yield and if you have any questions or just want to drop us a line feel free to contact us at


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bare ROOTS VOLUME 21 – NUMBER 1 January 2019

Featured Contributors

LM Dr. Lynette Morgan holds

a B. Hort. Tech. degree and a PhD in hydroponic greenhouse production from Massey University, New Zealand. Lynette is a partner with Suntec International Hydroponic Consultants and has authored several hydroponic technical books. Visit for more information.

MM Monica Mansfield owned an

indoor garden store for 5 1/2 years, sold the business and started a seven-acre homestead with her husband, Owen. Monica is passionate about gardening, sustainable living, and holistic health. She writes about these topics and her homestead adventures on her blog



Philip McIntosh Chris Bond Frank Rauscher Alan Ray

Maximum Yield is published monthly by Maximum Yield Inc. No part of this magazine may be reproduced without permission from the publisher. If undeliverable please return to the address below. The views expressed by columnists are personal opinions and do not necessarily reflect those of Maximum Yield or the editor.

Publication Agreement Number 40739092 Printed in Canada

2339 A Delinea Place, Nanaimo, BC V9T 5L9 Phone: 250.729.2677; Fax 250.729.2687

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DL Wholesale Hydrofarm


Parts Per Million (PPM) and Electrical Conductivity (EC)

Parts per million (PPM) and Electrical conductivity (EC) are both measurements of the total dissolved salts in your solution. EC is the measurement of a solution’s ability to conduct an electrical charge. Pure water (H2O with nothing dissolved in it) does not conduct electricity. The higher the solution’s salt concentration, the better it conducts electricity. A grower can easily measure EC with an EC meter. While this measurement will not tell you exactly how much nitrogen, phosphorus, or potassium is in your solution, it will give you an idea of the overall nutrient concentration. You can use this number to add nutrients to a recirculating system in between reservoir changes. Most feeding schedules will tell you what the PPM or EC should be at each week’s stage of growth. Check out Monica Mansfield’s article on page 40 for more information.


Maximum Yield





COMMON PESTS WITH GUARD 'N SPRAY REASONS TO USE GUARD ‘N SPRAY: 1. Organic, OMRI Listed Insecticide 2. Approved for use in OR, CA, WA 3. No Re-Entry Time 4. Deployable in Atomizers, Foggers, Sprayers, and usable as a root-drench for soil-borne pests. 5. Ultra Concentrated: 1 Gallon makes 128 Gallons of spray. 6. 1oz per 1 Gallon of water for full strength spray.






Guard ‘N Spray is your solution for organic pest control. Guard ‘N Spray is an organic insecticide derived from food-grade oils that are regarded as a safe alternative to traditional chemical insecticides. Guard ‘N Spray provides a safe solution for controlling spider mites, broad mites, aphids, fungus gnats, whiteflies, beetles, and thrips, as well as powdery and downy mildew. The unique combination of oils and citric acid ensures multiple methods of action to prevent generational resistance in quick-reproducing species such as aphids and whiteflies. Guard ‘N Spray is produced by Rhizoflora Inc., the same company who brought you Terpinator, and is exclusively distributed by Left Coast Wholesale.

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branching OUT

Article Archives

Maximum Yield Some of our favorite responses from our annual reader survey of 2018

“ I love what you guys are about! So many helpful tips from the app even though it’s hydroponics based I’ve still found great use from your app. Thank you” “ I’m a disabled combat veteran and since I can’t work I grow our foods. It means a lot to be able to contribute to my family still and y’all have helped me do that by your educational articles. Thank you!”

“ Maximum Yield magazine is a great magazine for people interested in growing anything” “ Thank you Maximum Yield for all your years of dedication. Without you I’d suck!!!!”

“ You guys are super informative. I always get excited when my new copy arrives. Keep up the good work. Educate and cultivate!”

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@activedutyoutdoorsman So that’s what that plant is all over my mountain!

@GreenBoxGrown Always stoked to be apart of the @Max_Yield community! Thank you for sharing and as always… happy growing!

@dylanl_7 What I like about Maximum Yield is they do actually cover other plants and cater to all growers. “Tomatoes” are helpful and fun too, but I hope you guys keep covering everything even with the rise of the “tomato” industry.

Ray L. Yes, I agree with you. Not long ago I also bought a grow tent. The quality is really good and easy to grow at home.

Do you want to be featured? Send your email or post to: @maximumyield @max_yield @maximumyield @maximumyield maximumyield


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all photos provided by dewey mister with permission

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DO YOU HAVE A QUESTION FOR A GROWER? Email to get an answer.

ask a GROWER Q

What would be the best way to plant a sprouting seed in aquaponics? Mesh pot with stonewool? Or just clay pebbles surround the seedling? Thanks, Toefur


Hi Toefur, Great question! I take it to mean that you have a seed that has already germinated and is ready for transplant into your system versus successfully sprouting a seed that is directly sown into the media. The “easy” answer is that if you have a healthy seedling and a clean system, you should be able to plant your sprout into any of the media that you have mentioned. I personally prefer stonewool for starting out plants for hydroponics (both for direct seeding and transplanting), because I like the support the plant gets before it has fully rooted out and can support itself. Many growers have luck directly sowing into clay pebbles, but unless you do this routinely or until you have enough practice setting the transplants in without damaging the roots, I would suggest wrapping a small wad of paper towel or other absorbent material, even a wad of cotton, to help hold the seedling in place until it roots into its new home.



Maximum Yield

Don’t be alarmed if there is a delay in noting any growth for even a few weeks while your transplant adapts to its new home, so long as everything else is in balance (light, temperature, pH, and electrical conductivity). If you are, however, looking for quicker turnarounds, such as for commercial production, direct sowing will usually reduce the time from seed to harvest. If you are just starting out or are a hobby grower, starting with transplants is a good way to get your “feet wet,” or rather, your plants’ roots wet. Best of luck! Chris Bond

Chris Bond’s research interests are with sustainable agriculture, biological pest control as well as alternative growing methods. He is a certified permaculture designer and certified nursery technician in Ohio and a certified nursery professional in New York, where he got his start in growing.



• The high yield flowering light for commercial grows

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max FACTS Harnessing Genetic Resistance in Beans to Battle Weevils

Weevils, a small beetle, can infest beans in the field or in storage, leading to massive loss of bean crops. Developing bean varieties that are resistant to weevils is a long-term solution for researcher Kelvin Kamfwa, a University of Zambia bean breeder who authored a study that narrowed down the genetic locations of several weevil-resistant genes in common beans. Kamfwa confirmed weevil resistance in beans is genetic and can be transferred to bean plants with different seed types and colors. “This will allow breeders in different countries to introduce weevil resistance into bean varieties adapted to local conditions,” says Kamfwa. His research also shows that weevil resistance is inherited separately from seed size in beans. Earlier studies suggested a relationship between weevil resistance and seed size. If true, that would prevent plant breeders from developing larger-seeded beans with weevil resistance. Bean varieties resistant to weevils can help farmers in the field and when it’s time to store harvests. —

Study Shows Manure Improves Soil Quality Compared to Fertilizer A 12-year study has concluded long-term yearly application of manure improved most soil quality properties compared with an inorganic fertilizer. A research team from the University of Wisconsin-Madison conducted the study in South Dakota. Soil samples were collected at various depths using a push probe auger. The analyzed samples showed manure helped soil maintain a healthy pH for crops, while inorganic fertilizer made the soil more acidic. Manure boosted soil organic carbon at all measured depths compared to fertilizer. Manure also significantly increased total nitrogen (which is key for plant growth) compared with fertilizer. Additionally, manure boosted water-stable aggregates (groups of soil particles that stick to each other, while inorganic fertilizer decreased these aggregates. On the negative side, manure did increase the electrical conductivity in soil which means higher salt levels. The takeaway from this study for the backyard gardener is composted manure is the way to go for healthy soil, plants, and vegetables. —

Symbiotic Relationship Helps Crops Thrive in Drought-stricken Africa A companion plant in food-insecure parts of West Africa has proven to be a huge boon for millet production. A study published in Frontiers in Environmental Science showed a 900 per cent increase in millet (a grain crop) production after growing it beside woody shrubs (notably Guiera). The shrubs are able to share the scarce water they draw in and boost production of millet, a primary grain in providing nutrition to West Africans. “People in this part of Africa rely on locally grown crops to survive. Finding ways to increase food production, especially during times of severe drought, is critical,” says Richard Dick, a professor of soil microbial ecology at Ohio State, who helped conduct the study. Dick developed a system to optimize Guiera with millet that increases shrub density in farmers’ fields from less than 300 shrubs per 2.5 acres to 1,500 shrubs. Along with better yields, the system improves soil quality, boosts crop nutrients, and reduces harvest time. —


Maximum Yield

Powerful, Efficient, Cost-effective Horticultural Lights Made in the USA!

HLG Leads the Way. Horticulture Lighting Group, designers of the first high-density modular light engine for horticulture, have created a REVOLUTION in the horticultural lighting industry. HLG’s High Intensity LED Grow Lights featuring Quantum Boards have not only improved the efficiency standard of white light in the horticulture industry, but have also set the landmark on efficiency affordability.

HLG550 V2 High Intensity LED Grow Light The HLG550 V2 indoor horticulture LED Lamp utilizes FOUR of our custom-designed, high-efficiency, white light Quantum Boards made by Samsung. These 500 Watt, 1152 LED units offer the highest output LED available. • Replaces 1000W HID • High-efficiency Quantum Boards • White Light Full Spectrum • Passively-cooled design

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max FACTS Research Shows Mycorrhizal Fungi Not Always Beneficial

Many horticulturalists know the beneficial relationship between arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) and crop and plant roots. However, research by ecologist Adam Frew published in Soil Biology and Biochemistery shows that in some cases, these fungi can harm crops. Many companies sell AMF as biofertilizers but the effects of these products are highly variable and there is little proof they are necessarily beneficial in every situation, according to Frew. The research shows different species of fungi on the growth of wheat and its resistance to plant-parasitic nematodes that attack the roots. Frew found fungal inoculation actually reduced plant growth and suppressed important defence-related compounds in the roots. He also observed an increase in nematode populations in the soil, potentially due to lowered plant defences. Frew notes the study was not done in the field and more research needs to be done to properly understand the relationship between AMF and crops. —

Chocolate First Consumed Far Earlier Than Originally Thought

A new study shows the cacao plant — from which chocolate is made — was grown for food and drink some 1,500 years earlier than previously thought. Published in Nature Ecology & Evolution, the research found cacao was first domesticated in South America, not Central America. “This new study shows us that people in the upper reaches of the Amazon basin, extending up into the foothills of the Andes in southeastern Ecuador, were harvesting and consuming cacao that appears to be a close relative of the type of cacao later used in Mexico — and they were doing this 1,500 years earlier,” said Michael Blake, study co-author and professor in the University of British Columbia department of anthropology. Evidence to show the Mayo-Chinchipe culture used cacao between 5,300 and 2,100 years ago includes the presence of starch grains specific to the cacao tree inside ceramic vessels and broken pieces of pottery. —

Could Rising CO2 Levels Trigger More Mosquito-related Diseases?

There is concern that as CO2 levels rise as a result of human activity, so too will the diversity of disease-carrying mosquitos. Female mosquitos can identify sources of blood-meal from the CO2 levels that mammals release from their bodies. A new study shows for the first time the impact climate change is having on the rate in which mosquitos diversify, and what this mean for human health in the future. Study participant Dr. Katie Davis, from the University of York’s Department of Biology, says: “We constructed an evolutionary tree of mosquito species, and then mapped it against past climate change. We then used a mathematical model to look at direct cause and effect, which revealed that rising CO2 levels over time has increased species of mosquito. With increased speciation, however, comes the added risk of disease increase and the return of certain diseases in countries that had eradicated them or never experienced them before.” —


Maximum Yield

Study Finds Liverwort Weed Contains Painkiller Similar to THC

An interesting discovery shows liverwort, a small, mosslike plant, contains a compound with similar structure to tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) in cannabis plants. The molecule, called perrotetinene, was tested with both mice and human brain cells. Researchers reported in Science Advance that perrotetinene, like THC, attaches to the brain’s cannabinoid receptors and dampens pain signal effects without the high of THC. In 1994, a group of Japanese scientists discovered perrotetinene in liverworts, but the new study is the strongest evidence yet that the compound is a psychoactive cannabinoid. So far, only three species of liverwort in the Radula genus — found in Japan, Costa Rica, New Zealand, and Tasmania — are known to produce the compound. Tests on mice showed perrotetinene may be slightly less psychoactive than THC and may also have fewer negative side effects like memory loss and loss of coordination. Liverwort generally grows as a common weed. —

Plant Hormone Could Make Growing Veggies in Space a Reality

With minimal nutrients and weak gravity, growing carrots on the moon or other planets seems impossible. But the plant hormone strigolactone could make it possible, biologists from the University of Zurich have shown. Strigolactone supports the symbiosis between fungi and plant roots, thus encouraging plant growth. In looking for a means to grow on other planets, the research group focused on the process of mycorrhiza, a symbiotic association between fungi and plant roots where the fungal hyphae supply plant roots with additional water, nitrogen, phosphates, and trace elements from the ground. In return they get access to sugar and fat produced by the plant. This symbiosis is stimulated by strigolactone hormones, which most plants secrete into the soil around their roots. Interestingly, strigolactone functions in microgravity and plants were able to thrive in low-nutrient soil despite the harsh microgravity conditions. —

Maximum Yield


good TO GROW

2 1



1 | FloraGarden

2 | Secret Jardin

3 | Anden AV-Series


FloraMax Soil A+B

Just like peanut butter and jelly, Soil A+B is a two-part nutrient that combines ridiculous ease-of-use with professional-level performance and results. Balanced and buffered specifically for soil mediums, Soil A+B is designed to unlock and express your strain’s true genetics with fuller flavors and enhanced aromas. This base nutrient requires no pH maintenance and is so easy to use that even the greenest of horticulturists will reap maximum yields from their plants.

Maximum Yield

Daisy Reflectors

New Secret Jardin Daisy reflectors are a costeffective solution for every grower’s lighting needs. Featuring an advanced umbrellatype design, Secret Jardin Daisy reflectors provide unbeatable lighting performance and reduced heat output when close placement to plant canopies is needed. Provided as a small package for ease of shipping, Daisy reflectors will take only five minutes to assemble. They can increase your light efficiency by 20-40 per cent compared to standard reflectors (2,000 μmol/m²/s).


Anden AV-Series dehumidifiers range from 210-300 pints per day of moisture removal. Components utilize materials designed for the most extreme conditions and demanding enterprises, while sensors and controls can be customconfigured for each facility. Anden AV-Series units are recommended for large, high volume industrial facilities. Anden dehumidifiers are designed to prevent humidity spikes when lights are turned off and temperature drops by utilizing a TXV valve to achieve full capacity quickly and hold capacity until lights are turned off.

4 | Cutting Edge

Solutions pH Up & pH Down

The new CES pH Up and CES pH Down from Cutting Edge Solutions are more concentrated, and don’t contain those unwanted dyes. The pH Down is an acidic buffer that lowers water and nutrient solution pH. It contains both phosphoric acid and citric acid. The pH Up product is an alkaline buffer for raising nutrient solution pH. Both are highly concentrated, yet can be shipped without HazMat fees. These products are potent, so add to nutrient solutions carefully.





5 | Reiziger

Root Booster

Norwegian sea kelp contains many rootsustaining properties and is a proven organic booster to maximize root function and generate maximum yields. Reiziger Root Booster has been a staple of many professional gardeners and growers for more than 20 years to activate, revive, and stimulate indoor hydroponic plants, outdoor plants, seedlings, trees, flowers, bulbs, natives, and more. This nutrient-rich, organic root stimulator has the power to save, revive, or help newly-potted plants and transplants grow early white healthy roots, give more uniformity, and improve survivability.

6 | Mint LEDs

Mint LED lights are an affordable, quality product featuring Samsung and LG diodes combined with UV-A and UV-B diodes for more production and resin in your indoor garden. Featuring chip-on-board (COB) technology, growers get amazing efficiency with less wiring and solder points. With wands, sceptres, panels — as well as COB — Mint lights have the versatility to maximize grow room lighting and plant yields. Check out the Mint COB 460W LED panel for a great grow light.

7 | Xtrasun LT1

8 | Southern Cascade

Lighting Controller

The Xtrasun LT1 provides dual-zone lighting control for use with Xtrasun double-ended fixtures. Xtrasun DE systems offer reliable technology at a reasonable price, and the LT1 can control up to 160 of these fixtures (80 per zone). It is specifically designed to be used with the Xtrasun XTDEKT1 and XTDEOKT1 fixtures, which use 0-10V dimming and have proper RJ14 ports for compatibility. The LT1 controller offers temperature-based dimming, auto shutdown for extreme temperature situations, sunrise/sunset simulation, and connections for external equipment such as dehumidifiers and A/C systems.

Organics SLF-100

SLF-100 is a 100 per cent organic OMRI-Listed and Clean Green-certified enzymatic formula designed with system health in mind. The goal with SLF-100 was not to produce an enzymatic product that would target one specific material but to provide a well-rounded plant product that would tackle many different obstacles. Some enzyme products can damage microbial populations, however, SLF-100 will not and the shelf life of this product is unlimited. It will keep your hydroponic system running smoothly and free of toxic buildup.

Maximum Yield


good TO GROW



12 11

9 | Nanolux CMH

1,000W Fixture and Lamp

This is the first 1,000W ceramic metal halide (CMH) fixture on the market. Nanolux helped develop the dual arc tube 1,000W CMH lamp. The ballast is a low-frequency unit designed specifically to run low-frequency CMH arc tubes. This fixture can be used as a standalone flowering fixture. The reflector is optimized and photometrically designed for an even commercial overlap pattern with a 136-degree aperture. It’s designed for 5-ft. on-center spacing commercial overlap grid, is NCCS/0-10V-ready, and ETL listed.


Maximum Yield

10 | Reiziger Grow

11 | VividGro GroMax

12 | Remo’s Roots

Food A&B

Grow Food A&B is a twopart nutrient designed for use in all hydroponic growing media including both recirculating and non-recirculating systems. It contains no sulphates, chlorides, carbonates, excess soluble salts, or other undesirable elements to damage plants or the environment. Reiziger Grow Food A&B is a balanced, fast-acting formula to instantly promote healthy, energetic new growth, and root development. Maximum nutrient absorption and water penetration is guaranteed with large quantities of rapidly absorbable nitrate nitrogen and high-grade magnesium and calcium.

LED Grow Lights

VividGro’s latest groundbreaking grow light offers a quality, costeffective alternative to CMH, fluorescent, or metal halide. It’s lightweight, slim-width design allows for customized uniformity and PPFD, as well as easy installation and the ability to grow within inches of the canopy. With an energy efficient, passively cooled LED light engine, GroMax delivers 240 watts of high-quality light that increases yield while decreasing operating cost. It’s available in 3,000K, 4,000K, and 5,000K.

Propagation Gel

Start your plants off the right way with Remo’s Roots. This blue-colored gel packs a big punch into a small container and the unique formula is one of the only propagation gels to contain two different rooting hormones: IBA and NAA. Normally, these two hormones repel each other and won’t bind together in a gel format, but Remo’s proprietary mixing method successfully binds the two together for maximum rooting potential. Remo’s Roots is registered with the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA).


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good TO GROW


FORMULA FOR SUCCESS ACF-420 is a unique bacterial formula designed to inoculate greenhouse soils and hydroponic mediums, enhancing the biological activity in all of the various media and hydroponics flow systems.


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Advanced, All Natural, Organic Soil Enhancement Our unique Plant Growth Promoting Bacteria (PGPB) combination broadens your plant’s photosynthetic capabilities, improves nutrient uptake making nitrogen and phosphorus more accessible, promoting faster germination and better growth all while improving your plants ability to resist stress caused by disease, pest and drought.



Maximum Yield

13 | Jungle Control


Ferocious is a premium plant-optimizing additive that delivers concentrated forms of hydrogen and oxygen, which helps plants produce more energy while strengthening their cell structure. With more energy, plants gain more vigor, become larger and stronger, and make for greater harvest yields. Ferocious is a liquid concentrate that can be added to your nutrient-water mixture to feed your plants. It’s a nutrient enhancer that shouldn’t be used as a nutrient substitute.

14 | Age Old Nutrients

Hydrofarm now offers Age Old Nutrients brand products. Age Old Nutrients strike the beautiful balance between the natural and synthetic worlds — embracing the “Age-Old” ways of growing, while weaving in specific technologies that enhance the growth of plants in a sustainable way. With a profound respect and appreciation for the old ways, along with a culture that thrives on research and innovation, Age Old continues testing and developing plant nutritional products that bring solutions for growers.

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Developed more than 50 years ago, NFT systems can quickly produce large yields of produce with minimum water usage. However, these systems can present problems — for both home and commercial growers — if they aren’t monitored properly.


Maximum Yield


utrient film technique (NFT) was the world’s first method of crop production that didn’t use a solid rooting medium. Developed in the 1960s by Dr. Allen Cooper at the Glasshouse Crops Research Institute in England, the system was initially met with skepticism until studies proved NFT was not only viable but had considerable potential for many crops. Nowadays, NFT systems have gained worldwide acceptance, mostly in producing small-framed, rapid-turnover crops such as lettuce, herbs, strawberries, green vegetables, fodder, and micro greens, although longer-term plants like tomatoes will grow in these systems in larger channel sizes. NFT allows for producing ‘living greens’ crops — those harvested and sold with roots intact and wrapped in plastic sleeves to prolong shelf life post harvest. NFT, being a solution culture method, often captures the imagination of many indoor and hobby gardeners, as well as those planning a commercial venture as a method of growing plants with minimal requirements with efficient water usage. However, NFT is a system that needs to be well understood for maximum growth rates and yields with minimal problems.

THE PRINCIPLES OF NFT As the name suggests, NFT is a system of solution culture where a thin film (a quarter inch depth) continually flows along the base of small channels in which the root systems sit. Channels are often constructed of rigid materials such as high-density polyethylene, specifically designed and manufactured for hydroponic crop production, or formed from thick plastic film which is folded up to form a triangular shaped channel. With NFT, the objective is that part of the developing root mat is in the nutrient flow, but many of the other roots are sitting up above this in the moist air, accessing oxygen without being submerged. Seedlings or young plants in NFT are typically supported by either propagation cubes of stonewool, oasis or coconut fiber, or in small lattice pots which slot into the top surface of the growing channels. A central nutrient reservoir holds the nutrient solution and from there it is pumped up into the growing channels, flows past the root systems, and is piped back to the reservoir for monitoring and adjustment either manually or automatically via electronic doser units.

Maximum Yield


One of the main advantages of NFT, apart from the cost and labor savings of not requiring large volumes of a growing substrate, is it allows production of salad greens, lettuce, and herbs without the risk of grit contamination which can occur in soilless substrate systems. NFT systems may incorporate heating or cooling of the nutrient solution as is required for year-round cropping and allow a very ‘clean’ system to be run, with sterilization of equipment between crops if necessary. The main disadvantage of NFT is that power outages, which halt the continual flow of nutrient, can quickly result in crop death, particularly under warm growing conditions.

“NFT systems may seem more complex than substrate-based types of hydroponics, however, they are extremely flexible with regards to size, design, and equipment.”

FLEXIBILITY OF NFT SYSTEMS NFT systems may seem more complex than substrate-based types of hydroponics, however, they are extremely flexible with regards to size, design, and equipment. A small basic system can comprise a single growing channel for production of a few plants, a plastic bucket or bin for a nutrient reservoir, and a small aquarium pump to circulate the nutrient solution. NFT growing channels with a flat base profile can be purchased, however, over the decades many innovative materials have been used where these are not available. These include rainwater down pipes, large diameter bamboo, channels formed from timber, metal, or concrete and lined with plastic and long rolls of plastic film itself folded into channels. These types of basic NFT systems require manual checking and adjustment of the electrical conductivity (EC) and pH of the nutrient solution, and regular water level adjustments. Commercial NFT systems are typically far more automated than hobby systems and make use of electronic and computer-controlled EC, pH adjustment, and float valves to replace water used in the system. Advanced commercial NFT systems may also utilize dissolved oxygen and solution temperature measurements to monitor these root zone variables. An NFT-based growing operation often has both seedling and finishing NFT benches through which the plants progress during production. Seedling systems have plants at a much higher density, which are moved to a wider spacing in the finishing system to maximize the growing area inside greenhouses. Other NFT systems include moveable channel systems where the distance between adjacent channels is increased as the plants grow. Vertical NFT systems are also popular and optimize growing space for lower-light crops such as lettuce and some herbs. NFT systems can also be installed outdoors or under basic shade covers.

IMPORTANT NFT FACTORS TO CONSIDER Constructing and running a successful NFT system is reliant on a few vital factors. These include slope, flow rate, nutrient Top: Multi-level NFT systems maximize reservoir size, channel volume, and pump capacity. For those growing space. purchasing an NFT system kitset, choose a reliable supplier with a good reputation and these variables will already have been Bottom: Vertical systems are ideal for lightweight NFT channels. factored into the design. For home-built systems, some consideration needs to be given to all components and equipment. The channels must be positioned on a slope so the nutrient solution flows steadily down at a good flow rate, which for most systems is around 0.26 gallons/minute. Some systems allow the channel slope to be adjusted and increased as the root system develops and expands inside the channels, ensuring nutrient ponding does not occur. The dimensions of the NFT channels are dependant on the type of plants being grown. Small lettuce and herbs may be grown in standard NFT channels of four inches wide and two inches high made from UV stabilized FDA approved high density polyethylene. Larger plants like cucumbers and tomatoes require a wider and taller channel to accommodate their considerably larger root system. 34

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Reservoir size is also important and many smaller NFT systems are set up with undersized nutrient tanks. A buffer capacity volume of at least 50 per cent is a good rule when selecting a reservoir. This means when all the channels are carrying nutrient solution at the desired depth, sufficient nutrient remains in the tank to half fill it or the tank is large enough to hold twice the amount of nutrient in the gullies. This is considered a minimum and many systems have larger tanks than this, as a greater volume slows the rate of change in EC, pH, and temperature in the reservoir nutrient solution.

“NFT is a system that needs to be well understood for maximum growth rates and yields with minimal problems.” NFT pumps are pieces of equipment that are often misjudged and don’t provide the capacity required. Not only is it important to consider the capacity of the pump in terms of liters or gallons per hour, but also the head height which is the pump’s ability to move nutrient solution up to a certain height (i.e. the top of the NFT system). Most NFT systems use centrifugal pumps capable of producing constant flow of nutrient solution. These pumps will either pump a small volume of nutrient solution to a high head, or a large volume of nutrient to a low head height. In between the two extremes the characteristics of the pump will vary and ‘pump performance’ curves should be used to select the pump with the correct head height verses flow rate characteristics for a particular NFT system.

MANAGING NFT NUTRIENT SOLUTIONS NFT systems continually recirculate nutrient solution, thus they are more prone to nutrient imbalances, build up of unwanted elements, and changes in nutrient ratios over time as compared to ‘drain to waste’ substrate-based systems. For this reason, a high-quality, low-mineral water supply is required that doesn’t contain high levels of unwanted elements, like sodium, which may accumulate over time. Where plant-usable elements such as calcium, magnesium, and some trace elements are present in the water supply, these can be adjusted with a customized nutrient solution. A build-up of unwanted minerals or a significant change in the nutrient balance over time requires the NFT solution to be regularly changed either partially or completely to maintain good growth rates. NFT systems also require regular monitoring and adjustment of pH and EC as changes in these can occur rapidly with some crops. For smaller systems, once-daily checking and adjustment is usually sufficient for manually monitored systems. For systems automatically adjusting EC and pH, the system still requires occasional manual checks as a backup to equipment failures and errors.

POTENTIAL PROBLEMS NFT systems, like all hydroponic methods, are not without their potential problems. While disease outbreaks do sometimes occur in NFT, as they can in all hydroponic systems, careful management and following the principals of NFT with a high Bottom: An NFT garden can provide a rate of oxygenation, minimal flow depth, and solution temperasurprising volume and variety of fresh greens. ture control all assist with minimizing these issues. An area of increasing research and understanding with NFT, particularly with the relatively new development of organic NFT systems, is the role that microbial populations, present in the root system, growing channels, and nutrient solutions, play in disease prevention and crop health. Beneficial microbes develop in NFT systems just like in soil and soilless substrates. Growers may choose to increase these microbes via slow sand filtration or the use of inoculant products. Top: Larger NFT channels can be used to produce fruiting crops such as tomatoes.


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“Beneficial microbes develop in NFT systems just like in soil and soilless substrates.�

NFT systems are well-suited to herb production with basil being the most commonly grown crop.

Nutrient management is also an area of potential problems as it is possible for a rapidly growing crop to strip out an essential element from the recirculating system (often nitrogen or potassium) faster then it is being replenished via stock solution additions. Use of nutrient solution analysis is a common practice with commercial growers; it allows rapid adjustment of the recirculating solution as required so imbalances are prevented. Growth may be slowed when NFT solutions start to get out of balance and may go unnoticed until a severe and visible deficiency becomes obvious, so being proactive with solution monitoring and adjustment for larger growers is also recommended. Smaller growers who don’t want to pay for solution analysis testing can simply carry out regular partial or complete solution changes to ensure all nutrient elements remain in balance.

NFT is a great learning tool for students and inexperienced growers as it allows the root system to be viewed as plants develop and allows for gaining skills in nutrient control and running an efficient system. While NFT can seem complicated with the equipment required, a basic system can be easy and quick to set up with the added benefit of not requiring large volumes of substrate to be regularly brought in and disposed of.


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PRO-MIX® PUR™ Advanced inoculants aiming for professional growers who seek growth enhancement and protection for high-value crops.


PRO-MIX® is a registered trademark of Premier Tech Ltd. or its affiliated companies © Premier Tech Ltd. All rights reserved.

by Monica Mansfield


Nutrient Management What Every Grower Should Know When you choose to grow hydroponically, it becomes your responsibility to ensure your plants are receiving what they need to be healthy and productive. Follow Monica Mansfield’s tips and your plants will think Mother Nature is working her magic.


ne of the keys to a successful hydroponic garden is having a solid nutrient management plan. Plants grown hydroponically are much more sensitive to the nutrients you give them simply because they don’t have the soil to buffer any mistakes you may make. You are taking on nature’s role and are responsible for putting together the correct nutrients, in the right amounts, with the right pH, at the right time. You must also manage your water’s quality more strictly and be aware of any chemical incompatibilities that could hurt your plants.


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“Too much nitrogen can cause extremely green leaves, excessive vegetative growth, and reduced fruiting.”

Essential Nutrients

First things first, you must understand the importance of the nutrients you are feeding your plants. They can be broken down into three categories: primary, secondary, and micronutrients. In hydroponics, instead of receiving these nutrients from the soil, plants get these nutrients from the nutrient solution they grow in. Primary nutrients include nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. These are needed in large quantities for plants to thrive. The secondary nutrients are calcium, magnesium, and sulfur. They are needed in smaller quantities than the primary nutrients, but in much larger amounts than the micronutrients. Micronutrients include iron, molybdenum, boron, copper, manganese, sodium, zinc, nickel, chlorine, cobalt, aluminum, silicon, vanadium, and selenium. Plants also need carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, however, they receive these from the air and water. If a plant takes in too much or too little of these nutrients, they will suffer from deficiencies or toxicities. Plants will show signs to help you figure out what they need. For example, a nitrogen deficiency will cause yellowing of the older leaves and slowed growth. Too much nitrogen can cause extremely green leaves, excessive vegetative growth, and reduced fruiting.

Understanding Ratios and Formulas

When you go into a hydroponic shop, it is easy to be overwhelmed by the hundreds of fertilizers lining the shelves. There are many different formulas and ratios to choose from. There will be three numbers on the front of the fertilizer bottles. This is the NPK, which stands for nitrogen,

phosphorus, and potassium, respectively. These numbers represent the percentage of each nutrient in the bottle. A 7-9-5 fertilizer will have seven per cent nitrogen, nine per cent phosphorus, and five per cent potassium in that bottle. The back label will tell you the percentage of other nutrients in the fertilizer. These ratios will vary a little by brand, what kind of formula it is, and what stage of growth it is meant for. Fertilizers formulated for the growth stage of plant development will have more nitrogen, while the bloom stage formulas will have less nitrogen and more phosphorus. You will also see one-part, two-part, and three-part formulas. One-part formulas have one bottle for the growth stage and one bottle for the bloom stage of growth. While they contain all the nutrients needed, they likely have smaller amounts of calcium to keep the formula stable and will need to be supplemented. One-part formulas are ideal for beginners who don’t yet understand how to adjust recipes for their plant’s specific needs. Two-part formulas have an A and B formula for growth, and an A and B formula for bloom. By separating some of the chemicals, the manufacturer has created a more stable and complete formula that can be mixed at different rates throughout the growth cycle. Specifically, higher amounts of calcium and phosphorus can be included in the base nutrients by separating them instead of putting them together in one bottle. Three-part formulas include a separate grow, bloom, and micro formula that will be mixed together at different ratios throughout a plant’s life. This allows for much more flexibility so that the grower can tailor nutrient recipes to their plant’s specific needs and fix deficiencies more quickly.

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One of the most important things to consider in a hydroponic nutrient management program is your water. It is essential to test your water before designing your program. You will want to test for alkalinity, electrical conductivity (EC), and contaminants. Alkalinity is measured from near zero to more than 300 parts per million (PPM). If your water’s alkalinity is high, then the pH will tend to rise in your nutrient solution. Ideally, you want your alkalinity as close to zero as possible, as it is in reverse osmosis-treated water. It is important to note that alkalinity is not the same as pH. While pH can be measured at a certain point in time, alkalinity is a measure of your water’s longer-lasting pH effect. Knowing your water’s alkalinity can help you choose the proper fertilizer program. For example, you may want to use a fertilizer with greater amounts of acidic nitrogen to counter the pH rise. Your water's EC can be a rough measurement of your water’s purity. Electrical conductivity measures the total dissolved salts in your water. If your EC is high, then you will want to use a drain-to-waste hydroponic system. Electrical conductivity should be low, ideally less than 0.25 mS/cm for closed systems. You can also filter your water using reverse osmosis if you would like to use a closed system but have a high EC. Your lab analysis should tell you what other elements or contaminants are already present in your water. This is helpful when designing your fertilizer program. For example, if your water already has calcium or magnesium then you will not have to add as much to your nutrient solution. If your water has high levels of sodium or chloride, you know that you may need to purify your water or flush your soil more often to prevent salt build-up.


Monitoring and maintaining a proper pH is crucial in a hydroponics nutrient management system. The solution’s pH measures how acidic or basic it is. The scale ranges from zero to 14, with 7.0 being neutral. Different nutrients are available at different pH levels. In general, nutrient solutions for hydroponics should have a pH between 5.0 and 6.0, which will create a pH in the root environment of between 6.0 and 6.5. In this range, more nutrients are readily available to plants. You can measure pH with either pH strips or a pH meter. If you use a meter, be sure to calibrate it on a regular basis, about once every week or two. Depending on your hydroponic system and your plant’s stage of growth, you may need to adjust your pH often. A drain-to-waste system does not reuse water, so you will adjust your pH when you mix it initially. However, recirculating systems will need more frequent adjustments. As roots respire, the pH will decrease as carbon dioxide reacts with water to create carbonic acid. This will happen much more towards harvest when roots are their largest.


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To adjust your pH, you will add acids and bases to your nutrient solution. Add a little at a time and measure with your meter as you go. Common acids used to decrease pH include sulfuric acid, phosphoric acid, citric acid, and nitric acid. To increase your pH, potassium hydroxide and sodium hydroxide are commonly used. It is important to consider which acids and bases you use to adjust your pH, as they will add nutrients to your solution. For example, nitric acid will add nitrogen and phosphoric acid will add phosphorus.

“One of the most important things to consider in a hydroponic nutrient management program is your water.”


“Although you can simply follow the measurements on the bottle, your solution will be more precise if you mix it using a PPM or EC meter.�

When mixing your nutrient solution, you have the option of creating your own program from scratch or following a pre-designed program from a fertilizer company. Commercial operations usually design their program from scratch so that they can adjust their solution as needed. To save money, many commercial operations use recirculating systems and lab-test their nutrient solution regularly so they can add only the elements that have been depleted. For the hobby grower, however, it is much easier to follow a feeding plan that has been designed by a fertilizer company. Most companies have feeding schedules available to go with their products. Although you can simply follow the measurements on the bottle, your solution will be more precise if you mix it using a PPM or EC meter. Parts per million and EC both measure the total dissolved salts in your solution. While this measurement will not tell you exactly how much nitrogen, phosphorus, or potassium is in your solution, it will give you an idea of the overall nutrient concentration. You can use this number to add nutrients to a recirculating system in between reservoir changes. Most feeding schedules will tell you what the PPM or EC should be at each week’s stage of growth. If you are a hydro grower, follow these principles to create an effective nutrient management plan for a successful harvest.

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For horticulturists using pH control systems, any type of failure can be devastating to a crop. Philip McIntosh looks at what can go wrong with these systems and ways to troubleshoot solutions. by Philip McIntosh 44

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he chemical makeup of a nutrient solution is a critical factor in the success of any hydroponic installation. The nutrient element concentrations and the acid-base chemistry of the solution should be well controlled. This is needed for several reasons: optimum conditions for plants, lowest cost, and minimized waste. The acidity of any nutrient solution is a critical parameter. Too much acid (low pH) and the roots will get damaged and may even leak cytoplasm into the nutrient solution. If the low pH persists, the plants will wilt and die. Not enough acid (high pH) and nutrients may not be as available for uptake by plants. Of course, a very high pH will also severely damage plant roots. The bottom line is controlling the pH of a nutrient solution is of prime importance if one wants best results. It is possible to manually test and adjust the pH of a nutrient solution. Often, this is how small or prototype systems are initially set up. If the pH is tested several times per day (at least once is recommended) and an adjusting solution added accordingly, this is generally an adequate approach. However, medium-sized and larger commercial operations invariably use (or should use) automated pH control systems. Although automated systems reduce labor and, when operating well, give the grower one less thing to worry about day to day, they can, and do, present problems. This article is concerned with those systems that include a measuring component and a dosing component to automatically control the solution pH in a nutrient reservoir. Loss of pH control can be caused by many defects, but usually is either caused by the pH sensing part of the system, or the pH adjusting part of the system. Incorrect instrument readings can result in improper operation of the adjusting system, even though there is nothing wrong with the adjusting hardware or software. On the other hand, if the adjusting solution is not well controlled, the system can be unstable with wider-than-desired fluctuations in the pH. Not all malfunctions fit neatly into either of these two possible failure modes, but many do, and they provide a good starting place for troubleshooting procedures.

“The bottom line is controlling the pH of a nutrient solution is of prime importance if one wants best results.�


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Troubleshooting pH Control Systems

When troubleshooting a pH control system, no matter what the problem is, it usually pays to go through a few simple checks before getting too far involved, just to make sure there is not a simple solution. Do the following first: 1. Confirm that any circuit protection devices are not tripped and make sure there is electrical power to the system. 2. Check all electrical connectors for tightness. Look for damaged wiring.

3. Check all plumbing fittings for tightness, breaks, or leakage. 4. Check the location of the pH electrode. Make sure it hasn’t come loose.

5. Check the supply of adjusting chemicals (acid and/or base) to make sure they haven’t run out and that they are the correct concentration. These checks should take only a minute or two. How many times in the world will something not work only because it’s not plugged in or the power switch is turned off? Many, many times, to be sure.


To calibrate simply means to check a measuring device against a standard to determine its accuracy and precision. Contrary to popular belief, it does not mean “adjust the system” to improve its performance, although that is often done. If there is a discrepancy between the measured value and the true value, if the amount of error is known, it can be compensated for.

Also, pH controllers are either of the single-point (tested and adjusted at one pH value) or two-point (tested at two pH values and adjusting one and the slope between them) calibration type. Either method works with two-point preferred for better accuracy and precision. Calibration solutions should be fresh (used before their expiration dates) and proper techniques must be used to avoid cross contamination of solutions which will slowly degrade the accuracy of the calibrations.


Pumps used to inject acid or base into a nutrient tank do not run continuously so they should last for many years before failure. Occasionally, a pump may need to be partially disassembled and cleaned. Most pumps are lubricated for life but check the manufacturer’s recommendations on that. Peristaltic pumps are sometimes used for liquid injection. The internal parts of a peristaltic pump never contact the fluid itself and use a roller squeezing action on flexible tubing to move fluid. For these pumps, the tubing should be moved periodically (if possible, depending on design) to avoid wearing out the same section of tubing as the pump does its work. If the tubing cannot be moved, inspect and replace it before it wears out.

“Pumps used to inject acid or base into a nutrient tank do not run continuously so they should last for many years before failure.”


Electrodes, commonly called probes, submerged in a nutrient solution are exposed to a relatively harsh chemical environment of dissolved ions. Solution constituents can precipitate out of solution onto the probe, which will degrade probe performance after a while. Probes should be inspected regularly and cleaned as needed in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations. Electrodes don’t like to be operated in air, so make sure the solution level does not drop below the level of the installed probe. Automatic fluid level control and a low-level warning system are good ideas. It is not unusual to have to replace an electrode every few years or so.


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“Periodic calibration, inspection, and cleaning do much for system reliability.”

monitoring and control system, but the entire facility. Periodic calibration, inspection, and cleaning do much for system reliability. No one in charge of pH control wants a failure of their system to be the cause of a of major loss. For operations where crop failure would have great economic consequences, spare parts should be kept on hand (unless it can be assured they are available locally) so a serious defect can be quickly corrected. Systems that interface with the internet or cellular networks to send out emergency notices are a good idea. Litmus-type pH paper should be on hand in case all else fails. Test paper can also be used to informally check against the electronic reading to see if they agree. If they don’t, further investigation is warranted. Loss of pH control and crop destruction is one of the most dreaded scenarios imaginable to any horticulturist. Get to know and love your pH control system and maintain it well.


The good news is semiconductor components (transistors and integrated circuits) have a low failure rate and are probably the least likely parts of a system to fail. This is especially true of microprocessors, which are designed to operate reliably for many years (decades even). If there is to be a failure in a controller it is most likely to be in the power supply or electrical connections. Connectors can come loose or be fouled with contaminants if they are in an exposed location. Occasionally, an internal relay used to turn the pump on and off may fail. Power supplies in controllers do most of the hard work as far as electronics go. The power supply provides all the current used by every part of the circuit and generates the most heat. So, if a controller fails, the power supply is a good starting point for isolating the problem. Unless you have good documentation (schematics and circuit descriptions), it is difficult to make much progress on troubleshooting an electronic controller and, in most cases, you are better off replacing a defective controller with a new one. High-end controllers can often be returned to the factory for repair, but unless you have a spare unit, your system will be down for the repair period.

Update the Software

Most pH controllers are not easily modifiable after purchase and installation. What you have is what you’ve got. However, some systems may have firmware that can be periodically updated. If the system interfaces with a PC-based software package for data display and system control, it is likely this software will be updated periodically. If software updates become available, install them.

Planning for Maintenance

A preventive maintenance routine should be scheduled and diligently adhered to — not only the nutrient

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by Frank Rauscher


Microorganisms are routinely introduced and cultivated in our hydroponic setups and gardens, but one such organism you don’t want to see is Pythium. It’s difficult to eradicate and it kills everything in its path.

Pythium RootRot

previously classified as fungi, Pythium is an Though oomycete and an absorptive, parasitic microorganism.

Pythium feeds on dead or decaying organic matter and is on the pathway to disease and plant death. Nature has an assignment for Pythium — to help completely decay and digest dying organic matter. Pythium can also be very difficult to control or eradicate, so it is far better to prevent this organism than it is to cure. Pythium root rot is a persistent cause of trouble in constantly wet soil. Root rot multiplies rapidly by producing tiny, spreading spores. These grow and multiply in the soil or grow media until all plants in the area are infected. In systems where water is recirculated to more than one section, the disease can spread throughout all interconnected areas. Prior to being able to establish itself, however, Pythium is very selective about what plants it attacks. This is key toward winning the battle against Pythium.


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Though Pythium is not mentioned in horticulture literature as a disease likely to be spread through airborne means, there are many other root rot diseases that are. So, in addition to contamination from containers, tools, and old soil, airborne contamination from many other soil diseases is an issue. This information is very important in developing a controlmanagement program to protect your crop from root rot diseases. Most often, soil-borne disease microbes flourish because the soil or grow media is constantly wet. The spores leading to an infection capable of harming your crop have many avenues from which to come and, with wet soil, they have the environment to help these pests thrive. Fungus gnats are often a source or vector for Pythium. These tiny insects thrive in moist soil and lay their eggs there. Because of this, not only do they The healthy roots on the plant to the left are key to the healthy foliage seen. The plant to the spread their populations throughout right is the most severely diseased, while the one in the center is progressing in severity. your home or greenhouse this way, they become contaminated by Pythium spores (when present) and can easily spread them to other plants. DETECTING PYTHIUM Using old potting mixes and recirculating irrigation The effects of Pythium continue beyond the initial plant onto water are two common ways Pythium gets introduced to the developing mature plants long after transplanting. The some of your plants. When water is recirculated through symptoms need to be viewed separately from their impact a common reservoir and even one plant becomes on plant function. Early symptoms will appear at the stem infected, they are all exposed to these same microbes. base and, if inspected, the roots. Roots will show widespread Smaller groups of plants sharing water reservoirs will browning and new whitish rootlets will be sparse or missing help reduce the expanse of crop that may be damaged. altogether. Dark lesions often develop on the stem base and Aeration of the reservoir water will also help reduce the these moist looking spots will likely be your first clue of proliferation of these microbes in your reservoir. Other an infestation. Damping-off is another clue for identifying contamination sources include garden equipment and the presence of Pythium. This is seen in young plants and containers or raised bed structures. Even the clothes you seedlings, and most often in soilless cultures. wear into your grow area may be contaminated.

“ Using old

potting mixes

and recirculating irrigation water are two common ways Pythium gets introduced to some of your plants.�




Sparse and darkened roots






Small and stunted plants






Collapsed plants






Crowns with decay






Yellowed leaves






Wilted leaves






Roots with brown bands






Vascular discoloration






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For more information on various microbial pests causing root rot disease, scan the QR code at the end of the article and follow an appropriate link. Knowing which soil disease is likely causing the decline of your crop is critical towards knowing how to attempt control the issue. Please look at the chart for spotting these causal agents.


It is not very practical to physically isolate your crop to try and prevent pathogen microbes like Pythium. There are simply too many things that can eventually creep into your greenhouse or tent to infect the soil or foliage. There are, however, steps to reduce and minimize your crop’s exposure. The recommendation for not reusing old potting mix is primarily focused on prevention of root rot. In the old soil there are dead roots, which need to decay and go away. But those roots are an invitation and sustenance for pathogenic microbes that cause root rot. Soil sterilization, either through solarization or other high-temperature methods, will kill off the pathogens, which is a good start. Even if this old soil is subjected to 170˚F for 30 minutes to try kill off any pathogenic microbes, the existence of all the dead organic matter in that soil would predispose it towards being an incubator for these disease organisms. A complete cycle of composting is likely the most practical method for reusing old soil. Be wary of internet information advocating for reusing potting mixes when pathogenic microbes, weed seeds, and insects are not accounted for. When using water from a reservoir, the temperature is very important. Warm water over 76˚F promotes the growth of harmful microbes. Where the water is recirculated, the presence of organic matter (old roots for instance) is food for these microbes. So, controlling the temperature and filtering out organic matter to keep the water clean goes a long way towards a healthier root system. Allowing soils and grow medias to adequately dry in between watering is very useful in maintaining an environment where the pathogenic spores do not multiply so rapidly. It’s not the simple presence of small colonies of harmful microbes that kills plants. When massive colonies exist due to optimum conditions for their growth, this overwhelming force of harmful germs will bring an otherwise healthy plant to its knees.


The root disease must be identified early for most chemical treatments to be effective. Sometimes particular pathogenic diseases become resistant to certain chemical remedies, and for this reason rotating between at least two chemicals can be a better long-term treatment option. Use the QR code at the bottom of the article to check out a link for specific chemical options and associated concepts for controlling Pythium and other root rot diseases. Review some of the ideas in the detection section of this article for getting a head start on identifying root disease. To reasonably confirm root disease, you will need to pull a plant or two up from the soil and examine the roots. You can only truly confirm root rot through the examination of a stunted and damaged root system.


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Symptoms “ Early will appear at the stem base, and, if inspected, the roots.”

The presence of disease-producing microbes in the soil or grow-media is difficult to completely prevent. As these organisms can do so much damage to your crop, it is vital to keep your greenhouse or growing areas clean. Grow media that become at all anaerobic due to overly wet conditions are highly likely to produce vast colonies of pathogenic microbes, so proper irrigation cycles and grow media that drains well is a must in this battle. In water-culture grows, making certain that aeration of the water is always above the minimum level is key. Temperature control is a major factor in nearly every type of growing setup. The best way to manage Pythium in your crop’s soil is to prevent its introduction and proliferation. Start clean and stay clean! Chemicals are available to help control the disease and work best when used early. Be aware of the health and vigor or your crop; don’t just water and move on. Keep an eye on the health of your crop and check often for signs of trouble.

choosing the right



by Chris Bond

Selecting the right ballast for your grow set-up can be a daunting task with many variables to consider. But if you follow Chris Bond’s ballast breakdown, it won’t be long until you see the light.


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here is a lot to learn and consider in the world of plant lighting systems. Knowing the differences between fluorescents, high intensity discharge (HID), and light emitting diodes (LED) will help you make an informed decision and potentially save you time and money by not selecting the wrong type for your growing situation. One key aspect of this decision is selecting ballasts for your lights. Not all ballasts are created equal and they won’t all work with all types of grow lights (although some bulbs can work in different ballast types). Once you have selected the type of grow light you are going to use, it’s time to select the appropriate ballast.

Ballast Basics

Though any expert in grow lighting might cringe at the comparison, ballasts for grow lights are akin to the sockets you screw light bulbs into. They are a requirement for any grow light to work. They operate on either a 120- or 240-volt power connection (commercial applications can operate at 22v, 347v, 400v, or 480v) and may be hardwired or, more frequently, can plug in to any standard home outlet. Ballasts are usually specific to the type of bulb being used, such as high pressure sodium (HPS) or metal halide (MH), and some are capable of switching between more than one type, though there isn’t a ballast currently available that can power all types of grow lights. Ballasts help to jumpstart your bulb. When you turn your lights on, the ballast sends a high-voltage surge to create an arc between two electrodes. The ballast will regulate this energy so that when the bulb is warming up, there is less current. More current is available and steadily and reliably delivered to the bulb when it’s ready to shine at full capacity. Make sure to properly match the wattage of a ballast to the wattage rating of the bulb type you intend to use to get the longest useful life out of your bulbs. To spread the light more evenly across your crops, a reflector is often used. A ballast is generally connected into a compatible reflector before the bulb is installed. Ballasts create a certain amount of heat, depending on the type.

Magnetic Ballasts

Magnetic ballasts have been around for a while and are the largest and least efficient of the three types. Magnetic ballasts can be thought of as electromagnets inside of thick metal or heavy plastic canisters or boxes. They generate the needed energy by way of a large spool of wire surrounding steel sheets. The current created is then sent to a single induction coil. Capacitors then regulate and maintain the voltage at the level needed by each light. These are the types of ballasts often found in greenhouses that have been in operation since the middle of the 20th century, especially those using fluorescent grow lighting. They are usually the cheapest of the three systems as well.

General Ballast Types

There are generally three broad categories of ballasts: magnetic, digital, and electronic. These categories relate to how the ballast keeps your type of light aglow. Don’t get too caught up in the mechanics of it, but the basic differences and explanations of the different types follow below.

Electronic Ballasts

Electronic ballasts, as the name implies, do not require a magnet, but rely on semiconductors, microchips, and other electronic components to regulate and supply the required voltage and watts needed. They are usually considered superior to magnetic ballasts for these reasons: Weight — These ballasts, because of their inner circuitry, weigh far less than their magnetic counterparts. They are easier to install and place less stress on the physical structure where they are mounted.

“not all ballasts are created equal and they won’t all work with all types of


Efficient — Electronic ballasts produce less heat than magnetic ballasts, which in turn results in longer useful lives of bulbs. They also usually produce a better-quality light spectrum than magnetic ballasts. Operating Cost — Electronic ballasts are dimmable and require fewer watts than a magnetic ballast to operate the same bulb. Some electronic ballasts can run a wide range of wattages because of their dimmability. It follows that fewer bulb changes equals a lower operating cost.

Maximum Yield


“a digital ballast can be thought of as a smart electronic ballast as it is governed by


Digital Ballast

The digital ballast is often confused with the electronic ballast. A digital ballast can be thought of as a smart electronic ballast as it is governed by microprocessors. Digital ballasts can perform the same functions as electronic ballasts but are able to offer a higher level of precision as to when and how much power to deliver. They also ensure a more reliable and consistent operation and can log information like temperature, lamp voltage, etc. Digital ballasts, like electronic ballasts, are dimmable, but where electronic ballasts are dimmable in 100- to 400-watt increments (though they can be built to have more steps), digital ballasts can be dimmed to land at any point between 400 and 1,000 watts to achieve a more appropriate amount of illumination for the crop being grown. These are often the most expensive type of ballast. It should be noted that electronic and digital ballasts are not interchangeable. Switching to one or the other type of bulb will usually require an entire system upgrade.


Maximum Yield

Bulb-specific Ballasts

Now that we got the technical stuff out of the way, let’s look at the ballasts used for different types of grow lights. If you are using LEDs, then the lights are built into a board and the following information is not relevant. If, however, you are using any type of high intensity discharge (HID) bulb or fluorescents, the differences outlined below may help inform your decision about which type of ballast to look for. Within the range of HID ballasts are those that accommodate HPS, MH, and ceramic metal halides (CMH). Ballasts for any of the HID lights can regulate current very precisely.

HID Ballasts

Ballasts for HID lighting are complex and dynamic. They are built to perform a range of tasks specific to the smooth operation of HID bulbs. They are also built to avoid overheating while turning on and off thanks to the special circuitry installed within HID ballasts. These facilitate the cooling of xenon gas before getting the jolt of high voltage needed to turn the light back on.

CMH Ballasts

Ceramic metal halide bulbs are a special type of MH bulb and require a different type of ballast. These ballasts put out very low frequencies and, therefore, are not often found on electronic ballasts. This is not always the case, however. Some higher end electronic ballasts can support CMH lights because they have been installed with microprocessors to avoid problems with the interference. Most CMH ballasts, however, come as a kit with the bulb and a reflector so the problem of matching bulb to ballast is avoided.

“double-ended lighting and ballasts are popular with


incandescent lamp and more light on the spectrum of natural light than HPS lamps. Double-ended lighting and ballasts are popular with many growers due to their longevity, reliability, and efficiency.

Double-ended Ballasts

Double-ended (DE) ballasts are a type of ballast for HPS and/or MH bulbs. These ballasts support bulbs that produce highly luminous light as a result of the combination of mercury gas and metal halide. This combination produces up to five times the light of a similarly sized

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TA I L O R E D © 2018 Venture Lighting International, Inc.

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Ballasts for Fluorescent Bulbs

Ballasts for fluorescent lighting come in numerous types as well to expand the array of available choices. There are programmed ballasts, rapid start ballasts, and instant start ballasts for fluorescent lighting. In all cases, the ballast supplies the needed voltage to start and regulate the current to ignite and keep the light output steady. Without a fluorescent ballast, the useful life of the bulb would be greatly reduced as it would draw too much power and burn out. Programmed Ballasts — These ballasts supply energy to the bulbs once the electrodes or cathodes inside have warmed enough to power the light. This gradual start prolongs the life of not only the bulbs, but the entire fixture. The programmed ballast follows a sequence to start and operate the bulbs. With little variation, the ballast will first initiate a preheating stage. After sufficient current is present, the next step is to supply higher voltage throughout the lamp to establish an arc that produces the glow from the bulb that we are all familiar with. Some high-end programmed ballasts can go from step one to step two in well under one second. The main advantage to the programmed start ballast is the ease in which the bulb is activated — it will allow for many tens of thousands of starts per bulb. The cost of this longevity is that they take longer to light up and may flicker in the process, meaning that your plants will not get the full spectrum of light at the first flip of the switch. Rapid Start Ballasts — These ballasts are not vastly different, but as the name implies the lamp lights up sooner than with programmed ballasts. In rapid start ballasts, the electrodes are preheated in the starter, which still reduces the voltage needed to start the light, but it can essentially light up almost as soon as it is turned on without risking the bulb’s longevity. Bulbs in a rapid start ballast will not last quite as long as with programmed start ballasts, but will last longer than with instant start ballasts. Instant Start Ballasts — These ballasts require higher voltage than either the programmed or rapid start ballasts but will allow for fluorescent bulbs to light up (you guessed it) instantly. These types of ballasts can be more efficient than other types, but only in applications where the bulbs are not frequently turned off and on. Growers that only turn their lights on once per day may do well with instant starts, but if the photo periods are micromanaged with numerous starts and stops, the instant start ballast will go through bulbs much quicker than its counterparts.


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“There are programmed ballasts, rapid start ballasts, and instant start ballasts for


If all of this still serves only to confuse you instead of giving more clarity on the choices of ballasts out there, don’t fret. Decide what you want to grow first. Determine the characteristics of your grow space. Decide what aspects appeal to you most. Is it initial start-up cost? Prolonged energy savings? The quality of the light that you want? Once you have these figured out, the choice of ballast may fall into place more easily. Visit your local garden, hydro, or grow store with the answers to the above questions and they will most certainly be able to help you select an appropriate ballast for your light type, grow space, and crop.

The Importance of

growroom hygiene If you’re going to start growing produce and flower indoors, keep one thing in mind: cleanliness is next to holiness. Alan Ray details some of the things to remember when keeping your growroom clean. | by Alan Ray


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owerless against the whims of Mother Nature, many home growers are bringing their gardens indoors where they are afforded easier access and more control over the entire process. First-timers tend to trend toward inside gardening as they can experiment in private and learn as they grow. Plus, there are no seasons. Growing indoors definitely holds some advantages over traditional outdoor patches when it comes to weather and varmints, but it also comes with its own set of issues and enemies. Indoor plants can be negatively impacted by spider mites, mold, heat stress, and overwatering along with nutrient deficiencies. That’s why growroom hygiene is worth the elbow grease it requires to make your growroom a showroom. Or at least a room that’s really clean.

Protect Your Investment

Monies expended upfront for your growroom, coupled with your time, talent, and effort, are investments toward a payoff on the back end that may well be worth their weight in gold. Don’t risk having to watch everything you have worked for, including your dream, wither and die before your eyes weeks down the road from some unaddressed and preventable misfortune. Lay as the foundation of your garth — one of the first tenets of indoor gardening — growroom hygiene.

Clean Leads to Green

It has been said “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” In today’s vernacular that old saying may translate to read “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cured.” Especially when preventive measures have been taken from jump street to protect your crop. Grow clean, reap green. A healthy growroom is pivotal to a healthy harvest. Much has been written and the standard already set by successful indoor growers as to what constitutes a clean growroom. Absolute cleanliness. So, unless you are operating out of a cleanroom that formerly made semiconductors, you’ll need to completely clean and disinfect your growroom and all the gear in it before introducing your plants to their new home.

“Never start

your new plants in previously used soil or plain dirt from your yard.”


Maximum Yield

Making Your Green Room a Clean Room

Growroom hygiene is of paramount importance for good garden performance. To begin your cleaning, pick up and remove all dead or decaying plant matter like leaves, sticks, and stems that may have remained from a previous grow. You want none of that material anywhere near your growroom. Burn it if safely possible. Next, give the room a good sweeping to get up any dirt or grow medium that may have spilled. Afterward, take a vacuum to the entire area. Sweeping gets up the visible materials, while vacuuming takes up the finer bits as well as dust and tiny insects. Next comes disinfecting. Essentially, you want to wipe down everything in your growroom with a good disinfectant, including the walls.

Natural Alternatives

There are many efficacious disinfectants on the market but in today’s more health-conscious society, many growers are choosing to make their own solution using natural ingredients that sidestep the use of harsh chemicals. Vinegar and/or eucalyptus oil mixed with water is a natural and excellent alternative to chemical cleaners but there are many others. Recipes are accessible online. White vinegar is good and kills salmonella and E-coli. With your disinfectant of choice, thoroughly wipe down all surface areas on which your plants will be sitting. Disinfecting kills off the harmful bacteria, mold, and other microorganisms waiting to attack your newbies. If using old containers or pots (or even new) it is imperative you wash them well with hot soapy water before they come in contact with your plants. And don’t introduce those items into your growroom until the room is clean and dry.

Clean and disinfect the floors by mopping, if relevant. Make sure to wash and disinfect all tools such as scissors, clippers, tweezers, and any other instruments you may have in the room before using. Clean them afterwards to avoid cross contamination. Isopropyl alcohol will work nicely for that task.

The Dirt on Clean Soil

Never start your new plants in previously used soil or plain dirt from your yard. These mediums can contain many bad actors such as parasites, microorganisms and fungus, weed seeds, and a shovel-full of other pathogens that can cost you time and cause you unnecessary aggravation. Always begin your grow with clean soil that has been sterilized. There is some debate whether sterilized soil is any better than regular potting soil, so it’s your call. Either one is superior to home dirt. Just a few more growroom hygiene tips and you should be good to grow. • Don’t enter your growroom if you’ve come in contact with outdoor plants. Spores and microorganisms easily attach to clothing. Change clothes first. If you can’t change, throw your clothes in the dryer on high heat for 10-15 minutes. • Always wash your hands before touching your plants. Germs and bacteria can cause contamination. • Keep all pets out of your growroom. Their coats and paws harbor numerous hitchhikers. • Clean and disinfect your garden tools after every use.

Vinegar and/or eucalyptus oil mixed with water is a natural and excellent alternative to chemical cleaners.”

• Quickly remove all dead or discolored leaves including twigs, sticks, and any clippings from inside your growroom. Once things are up and running smoothly, the hardest work is in the rearview mirror. Your duties will be reduced to general garden maintenance. Established plants will pretty much grow themselves with the proper amount of light, food, and water, and the occasional snip or bend from you. Follow these guidelines and you shouldn’t have to worry about pathogens and mites infesting your growroom and destroying all your hard work.

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CA 93745 | 1 , Fresno, -559 -499 5000 3 x o -21 B 00 PO ex t. L



onterey Lawn & Garden Products is a distributor of plant protection chemicals and fertilizers. Based in Fresno, the heart of California’s agricultural region, the company first emerged in 1963 as Monterey Ag Resources. Twenty-five years later, Monterey Lawn & Garden was established with the goal of offering home gardeners the same professionalgrade technology available to the ag industry. Its growing line of products provide economical and effective solutions to yard and garden problems and are properly registered and labeled to be sold to and used by the home gardener. Monterey’s Jennifer McNulty explains where the company came from and where it’s going.


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What did your founding partners do before starting Monterey Lawn & Garden?

Our founding partners sold fertilizers, weed, and pest control products for agricultural use growing crops.

How did they get into this industry? They felt there was a need for professional-grade products in smaller package sizes for home garden use. After years of selling to agribusinesses, the Lawn & Garden Products division of Monterey was launched in the late ‘80s.

When and where did the company begin?

“ We have always focused on introducing high-quality products for home garden users so they have access to the most advanced and safe technology being developed and introduced into the

marketplace .

Fresno, CA.

How did Monterey Lawn & Garden gain market share and recognition?

In the early years our president, Tom Thomson, started with professional-grade products that were used in production agriculture. These products were packaged in pint and quart sizes for home garden use. He began using the slogan “Products That Work!” He began promoting these products to nurseries and garden centers.

Has your company moved or expanded since the beginning?

The company is still based in Fresno, CA, where the warehouse, office, and production facility remains.

What is your current product line?

We are a leading pest control and nutrient company. We supply both products based on organic and synthetic chemistries into the marketplace. We have a complete product line including insecticides, miticides, fungicides, herbicides, plant growth regulators, iron products, and fertilizers. We also distribute Monterey Sluggo, Sluggo Plus, and Monterey Ant Control organic ant bait.

Where do you distribute?

All over the United States including Hawaii, Alaska, and Puerto Rico.

How many people now work for the company?

Employee numbers fluctuate depending on the season, but we have dedicated support staff and a production facility located in the Fresno office as well as a talented group of sales staff located throughout the US.

What are Monterey Lawn & Garden’s strengths?

Our biggest strength is our longevity in the fertilizer and pest control business. Together with our parent company, Brandt Consolidated, we have 60 years of experience helping people grow plants. This knowledge base allows our company to assist today’s


Maximum Yield

grower with the best tools to combat insect and disease pressures while providing the right balance of nutrients to maximize plant health and growth.

What are some of your proudest moments?

Monterey Lawn & Garden Products was the first to introduce iron phosphate into the home garden market under our Sluggo brand. This was the first organic snail and slug bait that was approved to use around pets and wildlife that did not have a risk of poisoning animals. Monterey Lawn & Garden has always focused on introducing high-quality products for home garden users so they have access to the most advanced and safe technology being developed and introduced into the marketplace.

What significant things have you learned so far about the industry?

The grow market is evolving and changing as it matures. People are looking for high-quality products to protect their plants and help them grow.

What have you learned about staying competitive in this industry?

Being able to adapt to new market interest and demand are key to growth in this business.

What makes your employees so awesome?

Our sales team has a tremendous background in all areas of the lawn and garden market. We have employees with years of experience working in the manufacturing and distribution segments of the industry. We have good relationships with companies that are on the cutting edge of developing the latest in pest control and fertilization programs.

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distribution LIST

retail stores are listed alphabetically by city in each state




Hydroponic & Organic Supplies of Alabama 5124 Pinson Valley Pkwy. BIRMINGHAM, AL 35215 205-681-1840 Alabama Organics 3348 Bethel Rd. HAMMONDVILLE, AL 35989 256-635-0802 Hydro-Ponics Inc. (of Birmingham) 3025 Pelham Pkwy. PELHAM, AL 35124 205-358-3009

Arizona Hydroponics 3900 E. Western Dr. #D COTTONWOOD, AZ 86326 928-649-1138

Colt’s Mountain High Garden Supply 42300 Hwy. 49 AHWAHNEE, CA 93601 559-683-7645

ALASKA AK Garden & Pet Supply 114 N. Orca St. ANCHORAGE, AK 99501 907-222-2047 Alaska Jack’s Hydroponics and Garden SupplyAnchorage 331 E. 87th St. ANCHORAGE, AK 99504 907-349-2200 Alaska Mill, Feed and Garden Center 1501 E. 1st Ave. ANCHORAGE, AK 99501 907-276-6016 Fairtrade Organic Gardens 6120 Old Seward Hwy. ANCHORAGE, AK 99518 907-770-5675 Southside Garden Supply AK 2809 Arctic Blvd. ANCHORAGE, AK 99503 907-562-9997 Green Thumb Garden Center Fairbanks 409 College Rd. FAIRBANKS, AK 99701 907-347-3420 Holmtown Nursery Inc. 1301 - 30th Ave. FAIRBANKS, AK 99701 907-451-8733 ----------------------------------------------

Panama Reds Indoor Gardening Supply 3585 E. End Rd. HOMER, AK 99603 907-235-7337 ---------------------------------------------Forget Me Not Nursery 480 Indian Rd. INDIAN, AK 99540 907-653-7673 ----------------------------------------------

Panama Reds Indoor Gardening Supply 38792 Kalifornsky Beach Rd. KENAI, AK 99611 907-283-6010 ---------------------------------------------Alaska Jack’s Hydroponics and Garden Supply 1150 S. Colony Way, Ste. 9 PALMER, AK 99645 907-746-4774 Alaska Jack’s Hydroponics and Garden Supply 244 S. Sylvan Way, Unit 25 WASILLA, AK 99623 907-373-4757 Green Thumb Garden Center Wasilla 5431 E. Mayflower Ln. #1 WASILLA AK, 99654 907-888-2290 Far North Garden Supply 300 Centaur St. WASILLA, AK 99654 907-376-7586 Southside Garden Supply AK 449 W. Parks Hwy. WASILLA, AK 99654 907-357-9997


Maximum Yield

Sea of Green - Flagstaff 204 E. Rte. 66 FLAGSTAFF, AZ 86001 928-774-7643 Desert Sun Hydro 4350 S. Hwy, 95 Ste. C FORT MOHAVE, AZ 86426 928-758-3982 ----------------------------------------------

Green Life Hydroponics 10798 N. 75th Ave. Ste. A4 PEORIA, AZ 85345 623-487-0148 ---------------------------------------------Hydroponics Depot 10225 N. Metro Pkwy. E. PHEONIX, AZ 85051 602-993-5116 PHX Hydro 2446 East Thomas Rd. PHOENIX, AZ 85016 602-840-2080 The Grow Shop LLC 1733 E. McDowell Rd. PHOENIX, AZ 85006 602-340-7591 A B Growing Supplies & Hydroponics 5 Kiji Dava Dr. PRESCOTT, AZ 86301 928-227-2831 A Greener World Hydroponics 6350 East Hwy 69, Ste. A PRESCOTT VALLEY, AZ 86314 928-237-1114 Sea of Green - Tempe 1828 E. University Dr. 11 TEMPE, AZ 85281 480-967-2045 EcoGro LLC 657 W. St. Mary’s Rd. TUCSON, AZ 85701 520-777-8307 Green Lady Hydroponics 3384 E. River Rd. TUCSON, AZ 85718 520-299-9471 ----------------------------------------------

Growers House 1501 E. 21st St. TUCSON, AZ 85719 520-314-4840 ---------------------------------------------MJGreen Hydroponics TUCSON, AZ 85750 844-465-4733

ARKANSAS Growfresh Organics & More 5724 S. 29th St. FORT SMITH, AR 72908 479-648-8885 Fermentables 3915 Crutcher St. LITTLE ROCK N., AR 72118 501-758-6261 The Water Buffalo 106 S Rodney Parham Rd. LITTLE ROCK, AR 72205 501-725-5296 Anuway Hydroponics 2711 W. Walnut St. ROGERS, AR 72756 479-631-0099

Vertical Hydro Garden #2 1676 W. Lincoln Ave. ANAHEIM, CA 92801 714-254-0005 ----------------------------------------------

Grass Roots Hydroponics & Organics 56040 Hwy. 371 ANZA, CA 92539 951-744-0415 ---------------------------------------------High Desert Hydroponics 13631 Pawnee Rd., #7 APPLE VALLEY, CA 92308 760-247-2090 Valley Hydroponics 36 East Duarte Rd. ARCADIA, CA 91006 626-898-0087 American Hydroponics 286 S. G St. ARCATA, CA 95521 707-822-5777 Humboldt Depot 5201 Carlson Park Dr. ARCATA, CA 95521 707-825-0269 ----------------------------------------------

Northcoast Horticulture Supply 639 6th St.. ARCATA, CA 95521 707-826-9998 ---------------------------------------------Sweet Harvest Hydroponics & Organics 1041 E. Grand Ave. ARROYO GRANDE, CA 93420 805-473-0004 ----------------------------------------------

Quail Mountain Ranch 1775 Grass Valley Hwy., Ste. B AUBURN, CA 95603 530-889-2390 ---------------------------------------------Hands On Hydroponics 1340 Roberts Ln. BAKERSFIELD CA, 93308 661-399-7770 Kern Hydroponics 2729 Brundage Ln. BAKERSFIELD, CA 93304 661-323-7333 Berkeley Indoor Garden 844 University Ave. BERKELEY, CA 94710 510-549-2918 Good To Grow & Global Garden Supply 1350 Rollins Rd. BURLINGAME, CA 94010 650-733-4420 ----------------------------------------------

Nineteen Hydroponics 10501 Yale Ave. CALIFORNIA CITY, CA 93505 760 373-2711 ----------------------------------------------

Orchard City Garden Supply 132 Kennedy Ave. CAMPBELL, CA 95008 408-866-8176

Valley Gardening Supplies 9888 Stephens St. DELHI, CA 95315 209-668-2178

Dirt Cheap Hydroponics 17975 H Hwy. 1 FORT BRAGG, CA 95437 707-964-4211

Global Garden Supply Santa Cruz 1655 38th St. CAPITOLA, CA 95010 831-854-7890

Constantly Growing Diamond Springs 6200 Enterprise Dr. Ste. A DIAMOND SPRINGS, CA 95619 530-642-9710

Mendocino Hydrogarden 1240 North Main St. #1A FORT BRAGG, CA 95437 707-962-9252

Swain’s Flat Outpost 20300 State Hwy. 36 CARLOTTA, CA 95528 707-777-3513

Watch It Grow Hydro 9453 Firestone Blvd. DOWNEY, CA 90241 562-861-1928

The Greenhouse Garden Supply 7619 Fair Oak Blvd. CARMICHAEL, CA 95608 916-515-9130

Dublin Seed Bank and Aquaponics 7071 Village Pkwy. DUBLIN, CA 94568 925-828-4769 ----------------------------------------------

The Hydro Shop of Cerritos 15961 S. Piuma Ave. CERRITOS, CA 90703 562-653-0700 LA Garden Supply Chatsworth 9019 Oso Ave., Unit B CHATSWORTH, CA 91311 747-998-2095 ----------------------------------------------

Chico Garden Center 3028 Esplanade Ave. Unit E CHICO, CA 95973 530-345-8400 ---------------------------------------------Garden Connection, The 629 Entler Ave. #32 CHICO, CA 95928 530-342-7762 Green Fire Chico 2725 CA-32 CHICO, CA 95973 530-895-8301 312 Otterson Dr., Ste. D CHICO, CA 95928 888-815-9763 San Diego Hydroponics N. 651 Anita St., #B-1 CHULA VISTA, CA 91911 619-737-9272 Green Thumb Hydroponics 6412 Tupelo Dr. CITRUS HEIGHTS, CA 95621 916-721-6969 Nottingham Nursery & Garden Supply 3360 Old Hwy. 53 CLEARLAKE, CA 95422 707-994-2605 Big Bear Store & Nursery 1534 S. Canyon Way COLFAX, CA 95713 530-346-9193

The Lucky Garden 7071 Village Pkwy. DUBLIN, CA 94568 925-828-GROW ---------------------------------------------Dream Garden Hydro Inc. 2701 Merced Ave. EL MONTE, CA 91733-1907 626-442-8808 The Hydro Store 10750 Lower Azusa Rd. EL MONTE, CA 91732 626-542-3820 Green Acres Nursery & Supply - Elk Grove 9220 E. Stockton Blvd. ELK GROVE, CA 95624 916-714-5600 Encinitas Hydroponics 463 Encinitas Blvd. ENCINITAS, CA 92024 760-943-1300 GrowLife 15721 Ventura Blvd. ENCINO, CA 91436 818-990-1198 ----------------------------------------------

GREENCOAST Escondido LLC 2402 Auto Pkwy. ESCONDIDO, CA 92029 760-747-1292 ---------------------------------------------Bayside Garden Supply 4061 Hwy. 101 Ste. 6 EUREKA, CA 95503 707-826-7435 ----------------------------------------------

Sierra Horticulture - Colfax 158 Whitcomb Ave. Unit 7 COLFAX CA 95713 530-346-6000 Emerald City Garden - Concord 1776 Arnold Ind. Way, Ste. N CONCORD, CA 94520 925-822-3713 ----------------------------------------------

The Hydro Spot 21785 Temescal Cyn Rd. CORONA, CA 92883 951-683-5554 ---------------------------------------------The GrowBiz - Cotati 7611 Redwood Dr. COTATI, CA 94931 707-584-2384 Covelo Building & Farm Supply 76420 Covelo Rd. COVELO, CA 95428 707-983-6424 The Hydro Source 671 E. Edna Pl. COVINA, CA 91723 877 HYDRO 82; 626-915-3128 Twisted Lily Garden Store 275 L St. CRESCENT CITY, CA 95531 707-218-5456 Pacific Coast Hydroponics 4147 Sepulveda Blvd. CULVER CITY, CA 90230 310-313-1354

Humboldt Hydroponics 1302 Union St. EUREKA CA, 95501 707-443-4304 ----------------------------------------------

Northcoast Horticulture Supply 852 W. Wabash Ave. EUREKA CA, 95501 707-444-9999 ---------------------------------------------Everything Green Hydroponics 4229 Lozano Ln. FAIRFIELD, CA 94534 707-432-0774 Green Haven Garden Supply 469 Lopes Rd. Ste B FAIRFIELD, CA 94534 707-863-7600 The GrowBiz - Felton 5980 Hwy. 9 FELTON, CA 95018 831-335-9990 Green Acres Nursery & Supply - Folsom 205 Serpa Way FOLSOM, CA 95630 916-358-9099

Eel River Hydroponics & Soil Supply 164 Dinsmore Dr. FORTUNA, CA 95540 707-726-0395 ----------------------------------------------

Northcoast Horticulture Supply 126 Dinsmore Dr. FORTUNA, CA 95540 707-725-5550 ---------------------------------------------Fremont Hydroponics 45461 Fremont Blvd. #1 FREMONT, CA 94538 510-573-0873 Nature’s Secret Garden & Supply 41451 Albrae St. FREMONT, CA 94538 510-623-8393 ----------------------------------------------

California Green Hydroponics 1330 N. Hulbert Ave. #101 FRESNO, CA 93728 559-228-9929 ---------------------------------------------Fresno AG Hardware 4590 North First St. FRESNO, CA 93726 559-224-6441 Full Scale Soil & Hydro 3865 N. Ann Ave. FRESNO, CA 93727 559-292-4769 ----------------------------------------------

Gro More Garden Supply & Hydroponics 2686 Clovis Ave., Ste. 109 FRESNO, CA 93727 559-348-1055 ---------------------------------------------Hand’s On Hydroponics - Fresno 3320 N. Cedar Ave. FRESNO, CA 93726 559-222-7770 Super Roots Hydroponics 1922 W. Belmont Ave. FRESNO, CA 93728 559-840-0122 Valley Hydroponics 207 E. Sierra Ave. FRESNO, CA 93710 559-449-0426 Grow Wurks Hydroponics 765 S. State College Blvd., Ste. J FULLERTON, CA 92831 714-253-Grow (4769) Hydroponic Discounts 10372 Trask Ave. Unit F GARDEN GROVE, CA 92843 800-88-YIELD & 714-643-9574 Golden Gecko Garden Center 4665 Marshall Rd. GARDEN VALLEY, CA 95633 530-333-2394 GrowBigOGH 320 Kishimura Dr. Unit 3 GILROY, CA 95020 408-848-0884 All Seasons Hydroponics 17614 Chatsworth St. GRANADA HILLS, CA 91344 818-368-4388 530 Hydro & Soil 10021 Wolf Rd. C-16 GRASS VALLEY, CA 95949 530-268-0859


AG Natural 403 Idaho Maryland Rd. GRASS VALLEY, CA 95945 530-274 0990 ----------------------------------------------

Grass Valley Hydrogarden 12506 Loma Rica Dr. GRASS VALLEY, CA 95945 530-477-2996 ----------------------------------------------

Growing Wild Garden Supply 10 North Oak Ave HAYFORK, CA 96041 530-628-5336 ----------------------------------------------

La Habra Hydroponics 1301 S. Beach Blvd., Ste. O LA HABRA, CA 90631 562-947-8383 ----------------------------------------------

Grass Roots Hydroponics 31875 Corydon Rd., Ste. 170 LAKE ELSINORE, CA 92530 951-245-2390 ---------------------------------------------San Diego Hydroponics East County 11649 Riverside Dr., Ste. 141 LAKESIDE, CA 92040 619-562-3276 Room to Grow Greenhouses & Supplies 43511 13th St. W LANCASTER, CA 93534 661-940-5599 Redwood Farm and Garden 66150 Drive Thru Tree Rd. LEGGETT, CA 95585 707-925-6420 Root Solutions Hydroponics 851 N. Sacramento St., Ste A LODI, CA 95240 209-368-7668

Growing Wild Garden Supply 3260 Hwy. 3 HAYFORK, CA 96041 530-628-5331 ---------------------------------------------American Ave Hydroponics 1208 W. Winton Ave. HAYWARD, CA 94545 510-785-4376 Eden Garden Supply 23358 Clawiter Rd. HAYWARD, CA 94545 510-940-8469 Growers Choice Hydroponics - Hayward 24089 Watkins St. HAYWARD, CA 94544 510-278-6200 Thrive Hydroponics 30-A Mill St. HEALDSBURG, CA 95448 707-433-4068 Hydro Zen 3518 Tanya Ave. HEMET, CA 92545 951-392-5016 Mark’s Hydroponics & Organic Gardening 114 N. Harvard St. HEMET, CA 92543 951-652-5784 ----------------------------------------------

Bear Valley Hydroponics & Homebrewing 17455 Bear Valley Rd. HESPERIA, CA 92345 760-949-3400 ----------------------------------------------

GREENCOAST Hesperia LLC 11920 Mariposa Rd. HESPERIA, CA 92345 760-947-2070 ---------------------------------------------Sow Cal Hydroponics 17204 Beach Blvd. HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 92647 714-848-4078 Sky High Hydro 2727 Slauson Ave. HUNTINGTON PARK, CA 90255 323-835-6699 ----------------------------------------------

Orange County Hydroponics & Organics 15801 Rockfield Blvd, Unit C IRVINE, CA 92618 949-837-8252 ----------------------------------------------

Sweet Leaf Hydroponics 200 N. Beckman Rd. LODI, CA 95240 209-365-6100 Valley Rock Landscape Supply 2222 North H St. LOMPOC, CA 93436 805-736-0841; 805-735-5921 ----------------------------------------------

GREENCOAST Hydroponics 2405 Mira Mar Ave. LONG BEACH, CA 90815 562-627-5636 ---------------------------------------------The Hydro Shop of Long Beach 1732 Clark Ave. LONG BEACH, CA 90815 562-498-9525 Bay Hydro LLC 5950 Key Ct., Ste. A LOOMIS, CA 95650 916-824-1556 Atwater Hydroponics 3039 Roswell St. LOS ANGELES, CA 90065 323-254-3400 Crop Supply - Los Angeles 2317 S. Santa Fe Ave. LOS ANGELES, CA 90058 213-625-1323 Downtown Hydroponics 443 E. 16th St. LOS ANGELES, CA 90015 213-742-8817 ----------------------------------------------

GREENCOAST DTLA LLC 2211 E. Olympic Blvd. LOS ANGELES, CA 90021 213-439-9051 ----------------------------------------------

GREENCOAST LAX LLC 5200 W. 104th St LOS ANGELES, CA 90045 310-337-6995 ---------------------------------------------LA Garden Supply - Los Angeles 13310 S. Figueroa St. LOS ANGELES, CA 90061 213-536-9603 Sunland Hydroponics 4136 Eagle Rock Blvd. LOS ANGELES, CA 90065 323-254-2800 Superior Hydroponic Supply 5651 Hollywood Blvd. LOS ANGELES, CA 90028 323-465-GROW (4769)


Green Giant Hydroponics 7312 Hwy. 49, Unit B LOTUS, CA 95651 530-622-4465 ----------------------------------------------

Agro Lake Garden Supply 11455 Clayton Creek Rd. LOWER LAKE, CA 95457 707-994-1788 ----------------------------------------------

California Green Hydroponics 16850 Rd. 26 MADERA, CA 93638 559-674-1400 ---------------------------------------------Hands on Hydroponics - Madera 1475 Country Club Dr. MADERA, CA 93638 559-674-7771 Monterey Bay Horticulture Supply 218 Reindollar Ave., Ste. 7A MARINA, CA 93933 831-38-HYDRO Four Seasons Landscape Materials 4413 Hwy 20 MARYSVILLE, CA 95901 530-742-0442 Two Chix Garden Supply 1230 Yuba St. MARYSVILLE, CA 95901 530-923-2536 ----------------------------------------------

Northcoast Horticulture Supply 1580 Nursery Way, Ste. Q MCKINLEYVILLE, CA 95519 707-839-9998 ---------------------------------------------Mendocino Garden Shop 44720 Main St. (at Hwy. 1) MENDOCINO, CA 95460 707-937-3459 A1 Hydroponics 2954 Beachwood Dr. MERCED, CA 95348 209-725-1710 ----------------------------------------------

Hydro Bros 1665 West Hwy. 140 MERCED, CA 95341 209-233-9606 ---------------------------------------------Valley Gardening Supplies 1501 W. Main St. MERCED, CA 95340 209-580-4425 Lovie’s Garden Euphorium 21373 Hwy. 175 MIDDLETOWN, CA 95461 707-987-8200 The Urban Farmer Store 653 E. Blithedale Ave. MILL VALLEY, CA 94941 415-380-3840 ---------------------------------------------


Oak Hills Hydroponics & Aquaponics 13312 Ranchero Rd., Ste. 23 OAK HILLS, CA 92344 760-205-2614

Hydro Bros. 521 Winmoore Way, Ste. A MODESTO, CA 95358 209-537-8220 ----------------------------------------------

Absolute Hydroponics 1230 East F St. Ste. B OAKDALE, CA 95361 209-845-1000

Hydroponics Max 664 Bitritto CT MODESTO, CA 95356 209-491-2816 Valley Gardening Supplies 1903 Yosemite Blvd. MODESTO, CA 95354 209-577-4769 Valley Gardening Supplies 509 Winmoore Way Ste. T MODESTO, CA 95358 209-537-4769 ----------------------------------------------

Hydroponics Inc. 5458 Moreno St. MONTCLAIR, CA 91763 909-946-7100 ---------------------------------------------Murphys Hydroponics & Organics 969 CA-4 MURPHYS, CA 95247 209-728-8058 ---------------------------------------------

Grass Roots Hydroponics 26539 Jefferson Ave. MURRIETA, CA 92562 951-296-1090 ---------------------------------------------Redwood Garden Supply 55 Myers Ave. MYERS FLAT, CA 95554 707-943-1515 ----------------------------------------------

Endless Green Hydroponics 55 Enterprise Ct., Ste. 3 NAPA, CA 94558 707-254-0200 ---------------------------------------------Wyatt Supply 4407 Solano Ave. NAPA, CA 94558 707-251-3747 ----------------------------------------------

Vital Garden Supply 204 Gold Flat Ct. #7 NEVADA CITY, CA 95959 530-273-3187 ----------------------------------------------

Agro Lake Garden Supply 2581 Stokes Ave. NICE, CA 95464 707-274-8386 ----------------------------------------------

Hydroponics Inc. 3811 Wacker Dr. MIRA LOMA, CA 91752 951-685-4769 ---------------------------------------------Central Valley Hydroponics 664 Bitritto Ct. MODESTO, CA 95356 209-567-0590 Growers Choice Hydroponics - Modesto 1100 Carver Rd. #20 MODESTO, CA 95350 209-522-2727

Foothill Hydroponics 10705 Burbank Blvd. NORTH HOLLYWOOD, CA 91601 818-760-0688 One Stop Hydroponics 12822 Victory Blvd. NORTH HOLLYWOOD, CA 91606 818-980-5855 Sweetland Garden Supply 29435 State Hwy. 49 NORTH SAN JUAN, CA 95960 530-292-9000 Marin Hydroponics 55 Frosty Ln. NOVATO, CA 94949 415-233-4104

Western Sierra Nursery 49266 Golden Oak Dr. OAKHURST, CA 93644 559-683-8476 Back To The Roots 424 2nd St. OAKLAND, CA 94607 510-922-9758 Bloom Hydro 1602 53rd Ave. OAKLAND, CA 94601 707-980-0456 RG Florist and Hydro 4933 San Leandro St. Unit D OAKLAND , CA 94601 510-261-8881 Occidental Hardware 3799 Bohemian Hwy. OCCIDENTAL, CA 95465 707-874-3441 Hands On Hydroponics 311 Airport Rd. OCEANSIDE, CA 92058 760-547-5426 San Diego Hydroponics North County Coastal 1024 S. Coast Hwy. OCEANSIDE, CA 92054 760-420-8934 ----------------------------------------------

GREENCOAST Ontario Unit 102-103 1920 S. Rochester Ave. ONTARIO, CA 909-605-5777 ----------------------------------------------

Beyond Hydro Inc. 12639 San Fernando Rd. PACOIMA, CA 91331 818-899-1444 Palm Springs Hydroponics 1301 Montalvo Way, Ste. #8 PALM SPRINGS, CA 92262 760-327-7668 ----------------------------------------------

America’s Best Hydroponics & Gardening Center 641 W. Palmdale Blvd., Unit D PALMDALE, CA 93551 661-266-3906 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Hydroponics Unlimited 641 W. Palmdale Blvd. D PALMDALE, CA 93551 661-266-3906 ----------------------------------------------

Palmdale Hydroponics 3020 E. Palmdale Blvd., Ste. B PALMDALE, CA 93550 661-274-7940 ---------------------------------------------Palo Cedro Garden Supply 22070 Palo Way PALO CEDRO, CA 96073 530-547-3047 Alternative Hydro 3870 East, Colorado Blvd. PASADENA, CA 91107 626-449-6006

Palm Tree Hydroponics 2235 E. 4th St., Ste. G ONTARIO, CA 91764 909-941-9017 ----------------------------------------------

GREENCOAST Orange 496 W. Meats Ave. ORANGE, CA 92865 714-974-4769 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

BetterGrow Hydro 1271 E. Colorado Blvd. PASADENA. CA 91106 855-476-2653 Boldly Grow Hydro 1271 E. Colorado Blvd. PASADENA, CA 91106 626-200-1021 Dubs Green Garden 1615 Wade Dr. PASO ROBLES, CA 93446 805-286-5987 Garden All Year Inc. 3850 Ramada Dr., Unit D2 PASO ROBLES, CA 93446 805-434-2333

Advanced Soil & Garden Supply 350 Oro Dam Blvd. OROVILLE, CA 95965 530-533-2747 ---------------------------------------------Amazon Garden Supply 521 Cal Oak Rd. OROVILLE, CA 95965 530-534-4769 ----------------------------------------------

Oroville Garden Center 5967 Lincoln Blvd. OROVILLE, CA 95966 530-534-1288 ---------------------------------------------Oroville Organic Gardens 5372 Oro Quincy Hwy. OROVILLE, CA 95966 530-589-9950 In House Hydro 1730 Teal Club Rd. OXNARD, CA 93035 805-312-3983 US Orchid & Hydroponic Supplies 1621 South Rose Ave. OXNARD, CA 93033 805-247-0086

Anything Green Hydroponics 17551 Penn Valley Dr. PENN VALLEY, CA 95946 530-432-GREEN (4733) ----------------------------------------------

Four Seasons Landscape Materials 17115 Penn Valley Dr. PENN VALLEY, CA 95946 530-432-9906 ---------------------------------------------Humboldt Direct 1622 Illinois Ave., Ste. #10 PERRIS, CA 92571 951-928-1100 ----------------------------------------------

Hydrofarm, Inc. 2249 South McDowell Ext. PETALUMA, CA 94954 800-634-9990 ---------------------------------------------Wyatt Supply 1016 Lakeville St PETALUMA, CA 94952 707-762-3747

Maximum Yield


JNJ Hydroponics 4774 Phelan Rd., Ste. 2 PHELAN, CA 92371 760-868-0002 Kirk’s Hydro 23605 State Hwy. 88 PIONEER, CA 95666 209-295-3500 Emerald City Garden - Pittsburg 543 Bliss Ave. PITTSBURG, CA 94565 925 500 8010 ----------------------------------------------

Appleseed Horticulture, Inc. 560 Placerville Drive PLACERVILLE, CA 95667 530-622-5190 ---------------------------------------------Hangtown Hydroponics 4470 Pleasant Valley Rd. PLACERVILLE, CA 95667 530-644-2222 Outback Garden & Feed Inc. 240 Main St. POINT ARENA, CA 95468 707-882-3333 Best Yield Garden Supply 3503 W. Temple Ave., Ste. A POMONA, CA 91768 909-839-0505


Mendocino Greenhouse & Garden Supply 960 East School Way REDWOOD VALLEY, CA 95470 707-485-0668 ---------------------------------------------Hydro Hills Hydroponics 19320 Vanowen St. RESEDA, CA 91335 818-343-8300 The Urban Farmer Store 2121 San Joaquin St. RICHMOND, CA 94804 510-524-1604 WC Garden Supplies 5327 Jacuzzi St. Ste. 2D RICHMOND, CA 94804 510-280-5652

Ramona Hydroponics & Organic Gardening Supplies 760 Main St. RAMONA, CA 92065 760-789-4769 Galactic Garden Center 22755 Antelope Blvd. RED BLUFF, CA 96080 530-527-9166 Bare Roots Hydroponics 1615 East Cypress, #5 REDDING, CA 96002 530-244-2215 Big Daddy’s Garden Supply - Redding 18673 Old Oasis Rd. REDDING, CA 96003 530-241-1734 Norcal Hydro Gardens and Organics 9626 Tanqueray Ct. REDDING, CA 96003 530-223-1000 Northern Roots Indoor Garden & Hydroponics 4580 Westside Rd. REDDING, CA 96001 530-244-7891 The Harvest Company 2420 Athens Ave. REDDING, CA 96001 530-605-4511 ----------------------------------------------

Dazey’s Supply 3082 Redwood Dr. REDWAY, CA 95560 707-923-3002 ----------------------------------------------

The Growbiz - Sacramento 3127 Fite Circle SACRAMENTO, CA 95827 916-GROW-BIZ Grower Supply House 1537 Fulton Ave. SACRAMENTO, CA 95825 916-934-2476 Hydro Seasons 6715 Stockton Blvd. SACRAMENTO, CA 95823 916-476-3524 Hydro Seasons 5885 Stockton Blvd. SACRAMENTO, CA 95824 916-451-5751 Hydro City 8510 Morrison Creek Dr. Ste 200 SACRAMENTO, CA 95828 916-388-8333

Root 101 Nursery 770 Wildwood Ave. RIO DELL, CA 95562 707 506 3071

Indoor Sun Hydro 6060 Warehouse Way SACRAMENTO, CA 95826 916-281-3090

All Ways Hydro 2220 Eastridge Ave., Ste. C RIVERSIDE, CA 92507 888-HYDRO98 ----------------------------------------------

J Street HydroGarden 2321 J St. SACRAMENTO, CA 95816 916-444-4473

Mission Hydroponics 1236 E. Mission POMONA, CA 91766 909-620-7099 Hands on Hydroponics 1309 S. Main St. PORTERVILLE, CA 93257 559-784-7770

Green Thumb Hydroponics 15 Quinta Ct., SACRAMENTO, CA 95823 916-689-6464

Cheapest Hydro 263 West La Cadena Dr. RIVERSIDE, CA 92501 951-341-9223 ---------------------------------------------Discount Hydroponics 4745 Hiers Ave. RIVERSIDE, CA 92505 877-476-9487, 951-689-4575 ---------------------------------------------Green Forest Hydroponics Inc. 570 E. La Cadena Dr., Ste. #D1 RIVERSIDE, CA 92507 951-784-5733 Green Acres Nursery & Supply - Rocklin 5436 Crossings Dr. ROCKLIN, CA 95677 916-824-1310 Green Garden Store 4447 Granite Drive Ste. #701 ROCKLIN, CA 95677 916-968-1375 The Growbiz - Rocklin 4391 Granite Dr. ROCKLIN, CA 95677 916-476-9249 Monstergardens 235 Classic Ct. ROHNERT PARK, CA 94928 855-476-9272 Green Acres Nursery & Supply - Roseville 901 Galleria Blvd. ROSEVILLE, CA 95678 916-782-2273 Regreen Solutions 19506 Pilario St. ROWLAND HEIGHTS, CA 91748 909-594-6318 Future Green Hydro 6235 Belleau Wood Ln #3 SACRAMENTO, CA 95822 916-633-0888

World of Hydro 8550 Younger Creek Dr. SACRAMENTO, CA 95828 916-456-1888 Central Coast Garden & Farm Supply 61 Tarp Circle SALINAS, CA 93901 831-676-0246 ----------------------------------------------

Greenmile Hydroponic Garden Supply 1520 South E. St., Unit C SAN BERNARDINO, CA 92408 909-885-5919 ----------------------------------------------

The Hydroponic Connection San Francisco 1549 Custer Ave. SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94124 415-864-9376 The Urban Farmer Store 2833 Vicente St. SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94116 415-661-2204 Urban Gardens 1394 Lowrie Ave. SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94080 650-588-5792

SCV Hydro Garden 21444 Golden Triangle Rd. SANTA CLARITA, CA 91350 661-255-3700

Rasa Hydroponics 5725 Winfield Blvd., Ste. 8 SAN JOSE, CA 95123 408-227-7272

The GrowBiz - Santa Cruz 2450 17th Ave. Ste. 100 SANTA CRUZ, CA 95062 866-509-4339 ----------------------------------------------

Sunny Tool 580 Parrott St. SAN JOSE, CA 95112 408-278-1800 The GrowBiz - S. Bascom 1185 S. Bascom Ave. SAN JOSE, CA 95128 408-292-4040 San Jose Hydroponics 1999 Monterey Rd., #100A SAN JOSE, CA 95112 408-298-8081 Beach Cities Hydroponics 33155 Camino Capistrano Unit F. SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO, CA 92675 949-493-4200 D&S Garden Supplies 130 Doolittle Dr., #17 SAN LEANDRO, CA 94577 510-430-8589 Hydrogarden Delight 13708 Doolittle Dr. SAN LEANDRO, CA 94577 510-903-1808 Lewelling Garden Supply 540 Lewelling Blvd. Unit C SAN LEANDRO, CA 94579 510-895-8088 Mack’s Gardening Supplies 2089 E. 14th St. Ste. E SAN LEANDRO, CA 94577 510-351-3900 The GrowBiz - San Luis Obispo 933 Buckley Rd. SAN LUIS OBISPO, CA 93401 805-596-0430

City Farmers Nursery 3110 Euclid Ave. SAN DIEGO, CA 92105 619-284-6358 ----------------------------------------------

Top Shelf Supply 3249 Broad St. SAN LUIS OBISPO, CA 93401 805-439-0353

Miramar Hydroponics & Organics 7570 Trade St. SAN DIEGO, CA 92126 858-549-8649 ----------------------------------------------

Oracle Garden Supply 5755 Oberlin Dr., Ste. 100 SAN DIEGO, CA 92121 858-558-6006 ----------------------------------------------

HomeGrown Garden Supply 841 Racheros Dr. Ste. B SAN MARCOS, CA 92069 760-746-0875 San Diego Hydroponics North County Inland 802 N. Twin Oaks Valley Rd. #108 SAN MARCOS, CA 92069 760-510-1444 WC Garden Supplies 2846 El Portal Dr. SAN PABLO. CA 94806 510-283-5667 Marin Hydroponics 721 Francisco Blvd. East SAN RAFAEL, CA 94901 415-482-8802 Green Gopher Garden Supply 679 Redwood Ave., Ste. A SAND CITY, CA 93955 831-899-0203 55 Hydroponics 1727 Boyd St. SANTA ANA, CA 92705 714-259-7755 ----------------------------------------------

Genesis Hydroponics 6047 Power Inn Rd. SACRAMENTO, CA 95824 916-330-1658

San Diego Hydroponics Beach Cities 4122 Napier St. SAN DIEGO, CA 92110 619-276-0657

Sylvandale Gardens 1151 Evergreen Rd. REDWAY, CA 95560 707-923-3606

Green Acres Nursery & Supply - Sacramento 8501 Jackson Rd. SACRAMENTO, CA 95826 916-381-1625

Sunwest Hydroponics 7327 Canoga Ave. SAN FERNANDO VALLEY, CA 91303 818-999-5600

GREENCOAST Hydroponics - Santa Barbara 135 Nogal Dr. SANTA BARBARA, CA 93110 805-967-7602 ----------------------------------------------

Orsa Organix 111 Willow St. REDWOOD CITY, CA 94063 650-369-1269

Green Fire Sacramento 3230 Auburn Blvd. SACRAMENTO, CA 95821 916-485-8023

SF Garden Supply 1035 Missippi St. SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94107 415-529-2397

Planet Earth Garden Supply 228 East Cota St. SANTA BARBARA, CA 93101 805-560-0000

Redway Feed Garden & Pet Supply 290 Briceland Rd. REDWAY, CA 95560 707-923-2765


Maximum Yield

Urban Grow Systems 204 N. Quarantina St. SANTA BARBARA, CA 93103 805-687-6699 ----------------------------------------------

Evergreen Supply 2984 Monterey Rd. SANTA JOSE, CA 95111 408-225-4186

GrowGeneration San Bernardino 453 S. I St. SAN BERNARDINO, CA 92410 909-454-7003

Mighty Garden Supply 4780 Mission Gorge Pl. #A-1 SAN DIEGO, CA 92120 619-287-3238 ----------------------------------------------


Nursery Garden Hydroponics 967 Airport Blvd. S. SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94080 650-741-6971 ----------------------------------------------

Orange County Hydroponics & Organics 12797 Beach Blvd. STANTON, CA 90680 714-893-9493 ---------------------------------------------Always Sunny Hydroponics 2511 West Ln. STOCKTON, CA 95205 209-939-0660 Golden Harvest Hydroponics & Garden Supply 1810 Field Ave. Ste. #4 STOCKTON, CA 95203 209-951-3550 ----------------------------------------------

Hydrofarm Southwest 12991 Leffingwell Rd. SANTA FE SPRINGS, CA 90670 800-634-9990 ---------------------------------------------Spectrum Hydroponics 15421 Carmenita Rd. E. SANTA FE SPRINGS, CA 90670 562-229-3900 The Hydro Source 11760 Slauson Ave. SANTA FE SPRINGS, CA 90760 562-698-7722 Deep Roots Hydroponics - Santa Rosa 3715 Santa Rosa Ave. Ste. A2 SANTA ROSA, CA 95407 707-540-0773 Garden Spout, The 1026 Petaluma Hill Rd. SANTA ROSA, CA 95404 707-528-3500 GrowGeneration - Santa Rosa 3535 Industrial Dr. SANTA ROSA, CA 95403 707-544-3383 ---------------------------------------------

Santa Rosa Hydroponics 4180 S. Moorland Ave. SANTA ROSA, CA 95407 707-584-9370 ---------------------------------------------The GrowBiz - Santa Rosa 13 W. 3rd St. SANTA ROSA, CA 95401 831-466-9000 Wyatt Supply 747 Yolanda Ave. SANTA ROSA, CA 95404 707-578-3747 Deep Roots Hydroponics Sebastopol 2661 Gravenstein Hwy. S. Ste. G SEBASTOPOL, CA 95472 707-829-7668 The GrowBiz - Sebastopol 6731 Sebastopol Ave. #110 SEBASTOPOL, CA 95472 707-829-1510 We Grow Hydroponics 3350 East Los Angeles Ave. SIMI VALLEY, CA 93063 805-624-4566 Motherlode Hydroponics and Organics 759 W. Stockton St. SONOMA, CA 95370 209-532-2022 The GrowBiz - Soquel 4000 Cordelia Ln. SOQUEL, CA 95073 831-475-9900 Advanced Garden Supply 2719 Lake Tahoe Blvd. S. LAKE TAHOE, CA 96150 530-541-4769

HomeGrown Indoor Garden Supply 681 A Grider Way STOCKTON, CA 95210 209-477-4447 ----------------------------------------------

Hydro Bros 4099 Callaway Ct. STOCKTON, CA 95215 209 337 3614 ----------------------------------------------

GREENCOAST North Hollywood LLC 11360 Sherman Way SUN VALLEY, CA 91352 818-530-4498 ---------------------------------------------Green Valley Hydroponics 10949 Tuxford St., Ste. 17 SUN VALLEY, CA 91352 818-394-9057 Sunland Hydroponics 8300 Foothill Blvd. SUNLAND, CA 91040 818-352-5300 Beyond Hydro Inc. 12639 San Fernando Rd. SYLMAR, CA 91342 818-362-5373 Farmers Choice Hydro 32785 Temecula Pkwy., Ste 110 TEMECULA, CA 92592 951-303-9353 ----------------------------------------------

GREENCOAST Temecula LLC 26201 Ynez Rd., Ste 102 TEMECULA, CA 92591 951-296-2281 ---------------------------------------------Inland Empire Hydrogarden 28061 Jefferson Ave #1 TEMECULA, CA 92590 951-695-4800 Los Angeles Hydroponics & Organics 3007-3009 W. Artesia Blvd. TORRANCE, CA 90504 310-323-4937 SB HYDRO 800 Carson St. Ste. 31 TORRANCE, CA 90502 424-757-5133 Growers Choice Hydroponics - Tracy 470 W. Larch Rd. #1 TRACY, CA 95304 209-833-1212 Truckee Horticultural Center 11084 West River St. TRUCKEE, CA 96161 530-587-7645

Garden Depot Hydroponics 1460 Freitas Park TURLOCK, CA 95380 209-250-0101

No Stress Hydroponics 7543 Santa Monica Blvd. WEST HOLLYWOOD, CA 90046 323-845-9874

The Grofax Parker 13726 Quincy Ave. AURORA, CO 80015 303-680-2337

AG Unlimited Organics 4550 El Roble Rd. UKIAH, CA 95482 707-468-8154

Art of Hydro 5740 Corsa Ave. #102 WESTLAKE VILLAGE, CA 91362 818-865-2227

GrowGeneration - Boulder 1001 Lee Hill Rd., Unit 2 BOULDER, CO 80302 720-808-0050

Big Daddy’s Garden Supply - Ukiah 310 Mason St. UKIAH, CA 95482 707-467-9234 ---------------------------------------------

Big Daddy’s Garden Supply - Willits 330 E. Commercial St. WILLITS, CA 95454 707-456-0600

Way To Grow - Boulder 6395 Gunpark Dr. BOULDER, CO 80301 303-473-4769 ----------------------------------------------

Hydro Pacific Garden Supply 351 C Hastings Ave. UKIAH, CA 95482 707-467-0400 ----------------------------------------------

Sparetime Supply 208 E. San Francisco Ave. WILLITS, CA 95490 707-459-6791 Willits Garden Supply 1569 S. Main St. WILLITS, CA 95490 707-456-9382

Wyatt Supply 2200 N. State St. UKIAH, CA 95482 707-462-7473

Trinity River Garden Center 39509A Hwy. 299 WILLOW CREEK. CA 95573 530-629-2399

Sweet Leaf Hydroponics 3463 Double Springs Rd., Building 3 VALLEY SPRINGS, CA 95252 209-754-9660 ----------------------------------------------

Jolly Rancher Hydroponics 399 Business Park Ctr., Ste. 205 WINDSOR, CA 95492 707-838-0842

\ GREENCOAST SFV 16705 Roscoe Blvd. VAN NUYS, CA 91406 818-672-8880 ---------------------------------------------Blazzin Hydroponics 6650 Cresent St. VENTURA, CA 93003 805-644-9376 Discount Hydroponics of Victorville 15208 Bear Valley Rd. Ste. B200 VICTORVILLE, CA 92392 442-242-7994 Kinney’s Nursery & Top Soil 4115 Rowles Rd. VINA, CA 96092 530-839-2196 All Valley Garden Supply 1441 Mineral King Ave. VISALIA, CA 93292 559-372-8931 ----------------------------------------------

BWGS - CA 7530 W. Sunnyview Ave. VISALIA, CA 93291 888-316-1306 ----------------------------------------------

Lil’ Shop of Growers 40 N. East St., Ste F WOODLAND, CA 95776 530-668-4420 Green Acres Hydroponics 20946 Victory Blvd. WOODLAND HILLS, CA 91367 818-887-4769 ----------------------------------------------

Golden Valley Hydroponics 870 W. Onsott Rd. Ste. F YUBA CITY, CA 95993 530-763-2151 ----------------------------------------------



Hands On Hydroponics 1345 N. Plaza Dr. VISALIA, CA 93291 559-802-3782

Green Spot Garden Center & Antiques 711 State Ave. ALAMOSA, CO 81101 719-589-6362

Hi-Tek Hydro 1919 E. Mineral King Ave. VISALIA, CA 93292 559-733-9300

South Park Hydroponics 13 S. Main St. ALMA, CO 80420 719-836-1533

Kaweah Grower Supply 1106 1/2 N. Ben Maddox Way VISALIA, CA 93293 559-625-4937


Super Ti-Tek Hydro 6420 S Mooney Blvd. VISALIA, CA 93277 559-372-8474 Discount Indoor Garden Supply 761 E. Vista Way VISTA, CA 92084 760-612-4486 Greentrees Hydroponics Inc. 2581 Pioneer Ave., Unit D VISTA, CA 92081 760-598-7551 Specialty Garden Supply 7 Hangar Way, Ste. B WATSONVILLE, CA 95075 831-768-0420 Evergreen Farm Feed & Garden 1131 Main St. WEAVERVILLE, CA 96093 530-623-2884

Valley Wide

Hydro and Garden Center

Mile High Hydroponics 37 Strong St. BRIGHTON, CO 80601 303-637-0069 ----------------------------------------------

ACME Hydroponics 300 Nickel St., Ste. 3 BROOMFIELD, CO 80020 720-524-7306 ---------------------------------------------GrowGeneration - Cañon City 1181 Fremont Dr. CAÑON CITY, CO 81212 719-275-3784 ----------------------------------------------

Advanced Hydro Gardens 2476 Waynoka Rd. COLORADO SPRINGS, CO 80915 719 591 6932 ----------------------------------------------

Grotools 2408 E. Platte Ave. COLORADO SPRINGS, CO 80909 719-475-7699 ---------------------------------------------Gro Monster 4174 Austin Bluffs Pkwy. COLORADO SPRINGS, CO 80918 719-308-2176

Alamosa Garden Supply 0711 W. US Hwy. 160 Ste C ALAMOSA, CO 81101 719-206-3336 ----------------------------------------------

Aurora Hydroponic LLC 4250 S. Chambers Rd. AURORA, CO 80014 303-400-6941 ----------------------------------------------

The Big Tomato Indoor Garden Supply 695 Billings St. AURORA, CO 80011 303-364-4769 ---------------------------------------------The Grofax Aurora 1702 S. Chambers Rd. AURORA, CO 80017 303-751-7033

The Grofax 3 25797 Conifer Rd. #A-8 CONIFER, CO 80433 303-838-5520 GrowGeneration - Conifer 26591 Main St. CONIFER, CO 80433 303-838-8700 Colorado Hydroponics & Organics 725 E. Main St., Unit B CORTEZ, CO 81321 970-560-8848 ----------------------------------------------

Grow Warehouse East 1015 Valley St. COLORADO SPRINGS, CO 80915 719-574-4162 Grow Warehouse West 1855 Reliable Cir. COLORADO SPRINGS, CO 80906 719-576-0241 Purple Mountain Hydroponics LLC 1109 S. Tejon St. COLORADO SPRINGS, CO 80903 719-635-5859 ----------------------------------------------

Roots and Rocks Hydroponic and Organic Garden Supply 1014 S. 21st St. COLORADO SPRINGS, CO 80904 719-634-1024 ---------------------------------------------Way To Grow Colorado Springs 4215 Sinton Rd. COLORADO SPRINGS, CO 80907 719-602-3000 ----------------------------------------------

High Tech Garden Supply - Commerce City 6025 Parkway Dr #125 COMMERCE CITY, CO 80022 720-222-0772 ---------------------------------------------

DHL Garden Supply 178 Bodo Dr. Unit B DURANGO, CO 81303 970-247-1090 Front Range Hydroponics & Organic Gardening 29017 Hotel Way, Units B03C & B04C EVERGREEN, CO 80439 720-787-7983 ----------------------------------------------

ey W Vall ide

Valley Wide Hydro 110 Andreas Cir. CRESTED BUTTE, CO 81224 970 349-0144 ----------------------------------------------

BWGS-CO 11685 E. 55th Ave. DENVER, CO 80239 888-316-1306 ----------------------------------------------

Florida Garden Supplies 3771 Monarch St., Unit 4 FREDERICK, CO 80516 (720)287-3099 --------------------------------------------Colorado Growers Supply 2016 E. Lincoln Ave. FORT COLLINS CO, 80524 970-484-3042 The Grow Shop LLC 1711 S. College Ave. FORT COLLINS, CO 80525 970-484-1042 Way To Grow - Fort Collins 3201 E. Mulberry St. Ste. K FORT COLLINS, CO 80524 970-484-4769 Hydro Shack, The 842 N. Summit Blvd. #30 FRISCO, CO 80443 970-668-0359

Chlorophyll 3801 Mariposa St. DENVER, CO 80211 303-433-1155 ---------------------------------------------Cost Plus Hydro 2530 W. Barberry Pl. DENVER, CO 80204 303-790-2211 Crop Supply - Denver 4501 Wynkoop St. DENVER, CO 80216 303-339-2402 Cultivate Denver 666 Butchel Blvd. DENVER, CO 80210 303-954-9919 Cultivate Stapleton 6400 Stapleton Dr. Ste. D DENVER, CO 80216 720-420-7599 The Grofax 7540 E. Colfax Ave. DENVER, CO 80220 720-328-2127 GrowGeneration - Denver 1000 W. Mississippi Ave. DENVER, CO 80223 303-386-4796 ----------------------------------------------

Grow Your Own 2118 S. Bellaire St. DENVER, CO 80222 303-990-1929 ----------------------------------------------

Hydrofarm Mountain 4200 E. 50th Ave. DENVER, CO 80216 800-634-9990 ---------------------------------------------The Grofax West 1832 S. Sheridan Blvd. DENVER, CO 80232 303-728-9493 Ultimate Hydroponics & Organics 2380 S. Broadway DENVER, CO 80210 303-282-0034 Way To Grow Central Denver 1051 S. Platte River Dr. DENVER, CO 80223 720-310-1984 Way To Grow - Denver 301 East 57th Ave. DENVER, CO 80216 303-296-7900

Forbidden Fruit Garden Supply 3940 Youngfield St. GEORGETOWN, CO 80033 720-498-0260 ----------------------------------------------

Indoor Garden Supply 50633 Hwy 6 & 23 #3 GLENWOOD SPRINGS, CO 81601 970-945-2469 ---------------------------------------------2 Mile High Garden Supply 52 4th St. GRANBY, CO 80446 970-557-3031 ----------------------------------------------


The Grow Store 8644 W. Colfax Ave. LAKEWOOD, CO 80215 888-510-0350 ---------------------------------------------GroWize 3200 S. Wadsworth Blvd. Unit J LAKEWOOD, CO 80227 303-986-2706 ----------------------------------------------

MileHydro 355 S. Harlan St. LAKEWOOD, CO 80226 303-935-4769 ---------------------------------------------Way to Grow - Lakewood 11989 W. Colfax Ave. LAKEWOOD, CO 80215 303-546-3600 Mountain Lion Garden Supply 3212 W. County Rd. 54G LAPORTE, CO 80535 970-419-4769 Grow Big or Grow Home 5856 S. Lowell Blvd., #26 LITTLETON, CO 80123 303-798-4605 Grow It Big - Littleton 133 W. County Line Rd. LITTLETON, CO 80129 303-284-3447 Greenhouse Hydroponics 813 Main St. LONGMONT, CO 80501 303-651-0845 The Flower Bin 1805 Nelson Rd. LONGMONT, CO 80501 303-772-3454 Victory Hydro Gardening 1387 E. South Boulder Rd. LOUISVILLE, CO, 80027 303-664-9376 Grow Shop LLC, The 240 S. Cleveland Ave. LOVELAND, CO 80537 970-619-8678 WarHammer Supply 1112 Munroe Ave. LOVELAND, CO 80537 970-635-2602

Desert Bloom Hydroponics 445 Pitkin Ave. GRAND JUNCTION, CO 81501 970-245-6427 ---------------------------------------------Natural Order Supply 2493 Hwy. 6 & 50, Unit 5 GRAND JUNCTION, CO 81505 970-242-3648 Sustainable Hydroponics & Organic Garden Supply Grand Junction 2936 North Ave A & B GRAND JUNCTION, CO 81504 970-373-3786 Grow Shop LLC, The 1701 Greeley Mall Rd. GREELEY, CO 80631 970-352-5447 ----------------------------------------------

Valley Wide

Hydro and Garden Center

Valley Wide Hydro 650 S. 11th St. GUNNISON, CO 81230 970 641-0144 ----------------------------------------------

Greenworks Hydroponics 2731 Commercial Way MONTROSE, CO 81401 970-252-7450 The Green Mountain Company 1414 Hawk Parkway Unit D MONTROSE, CO 81401 970-240-6165 Grow In Peace 176 Hwy. 119 S. NEDERLAND, CO 80466 303-258-3520 Grow Depot 970 W. 104th Ave. NORTHGLENN, CO 80234 303-459-7878 The Grofax North 466 Malley Dr. NORTHGLENN, CO 80233 720-389-8413

ey W Vall ide

Four Corners Organics & Hydroponics LLC 68 Bastille Unit #3, PO Box 627 PAGOSA SPRINGS, CO 81147 970-731-1685 Grow It Big - Parker 17894 Cottonwood Dr. PARKER, CO 80134 720-524-7303 Grow Warehouse Pueblo 4231 N. Elizabeth St. PUEBLO, CO 81008 719-225-8675

Maximum Yield


GrowGeneration - Pueblo W. 609 E. Enterprise Dr. Ste. 150 PUEBLO W., CO 81007 719-647-0907 ----------------------------------------------

Grow Your Own - Pueblo 500 West 3rd St. PUEBLO, CO 81003 719-696-9220 ---------------------------------------------Sustainable Hydroponics & Organic Garden Supply - Rifle 1424 Enterprise Ct. RIFLE, CO 81650 970-625-2103 Salida Hydroponic Supply 1242 C St., SALIDA, CO 81201 719-539-4000 Little Shop of Growers 2560 Copper Ridge Dr. STEAMBOAT SPRINGS, CO 80487 970-879-8577 Telluride Hydroponics and Organics 714 South Park Dr. TELLURIDE, CO 81435 970-728-5001 GrowGeneration - Trinidad 2012 Freedom Rd., Ste. #65 TRINIDAD, CO 81082 719-846-8592 Hydro Planet 5022 Kippling St. WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033 303-279-6090

CONNECTICUT CT Home Grown 23 N. Canterbury Rd. CANTERBURY, CT 06331 860-546-6161 ----------------------------------------------

Grow Crazy 11 Berlin Rd., Unit 2 CROMWELL, CT 06416 860-788-2519 --------------------------------------------Harvest Moon 777 Silver Ln. EAST HARTFORD, CT 06118 860-568-4067 LiquidSun® CT 10C South Main St. EAST WINDSOR, CT 06088 860-254-5757 --------------------------------------------] High Tech Garden Supply - Orange 367 Boston Post Rd. ORANGE, CT 06477 203-672-1324 --------------------------------------------Mr. Nice Guys Hydroponic Accessories 1248 Merden-Waterbury Tpke. PLANTSVILLE, CT 06479 860-426-2452

Boca Hydro LLC 18507 Anchor Dr. BOCA RATON, FL 33498 561-672-1708 East Coast Hydroponics & Organics 461 Forrest Ave., Ste. 105 COCA, FL 32922 321-243-6800 Growers Toolbox 1825 Ponce De Leon Blvd. #146 CORAL GABLES, FL 33134 305-964-7403 The Future Farms 3332 Griffin Rd. DANIA BEACH, FL 33312 754-208-2262 Greener Touch Hydroponics 5011 S. State Rd. 7, Ste. 104 DAVIE, FL 33314 954-316-8815 ----------------------------------------------

Biofloral 6250 NW 27th Way FORT LAUDERDALE, FL 33309 877-735-6725 ---------------------------------------------Gator Hydroponics 4460 SW 35th Terrace, Ste. 310 GAINESVILLE, FL 32608 352-301-5383 ----------------------------------------------

Florida Garden Supplies 2692 W. 79th St. HIALEAH, FL 33016 305-556-9099 ---------------------------------------------Oasis Garden Hydroponics - Hialeah 8200 W. 33rd Ave. #8 HIALEAH, FL 33018 305-819-3675 ----------------------------------------------

Fresh Health Hydroponics & Organics 1738 Kings Ave. JACKSONVILLE, FL 32207 904-398-8012 ----------------------------------------------

Grower’s Choice & Hydroponics 11855 North Main St. JACKSONVILLE, FL 32218 904-683-4517 ----------------------------------------------

DELAWARE 1st State Seed And Garden Supply People’s Plaza Ste. 950 NEWARK, DE 19702 302-834-0440

DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Capital City Hydroponics 821 Upshur St., NW WASHINGTON , DC 20011 202-758-2572 Let’s Grow DC! Good Hope Hydroponics 1113 Good Hope Rd. SE WASHINGTON, DC 20020 202-525-4115

FLORIDA Keys Organic & Hydroponic Supply 85 Industrial Rd., Unit 182 BIG PINE KEY, FL 33043 305-872-7277


Maximum Yield

Growers Choice & Hydroponics - South 8535 Baymeadows Rd., Ste. 13 JACKSONVILLE, FL 32256 904-647-7156 ---------------------------------------------Urban Gardens of Jax 1185 Talbot Ave. JACKSONVILLE, FL 32205 904-466-4746 Grow Giant 811 E. Donegan Ave., KISSIMMEE, FL 34744 407-964-3233 Westockit Inc. 1635 Land O' Lakes Blvd., Ste. 1 LUTZ, FL 33549 813 949-3179


Hydrofarm Southeast 12600 NW 115th Ave. Medley, FL 33178 877-780-4567 ----------------------------------------------

High Tech Garden Supply - Melbourne 2975 West New Haven Ave. MELBOURNE, FL 32904 321-821-0853 ----------------------------------------------

Advanced Hydro Gardens 4960 NW 165 St., Ste. B-4 MIAMI, FL 33014 305-474-4376 ---------------------------------------------All Star Hydroponics Inc 8901 SW 129th St. MIAMI, FL 33176 786-255-3282 ----------------------------------------------

Florida Garden Supplies 14025 SW 143 Ct. MIAMI, FL 33186 305-598-4311 ----------------------------------------------

Florida Garden Supplies 12811 SW 42nd St. MIAMI, FL 33175 305-559-0309 ---------------------------------------------Future Farms Inc., The 22700 SW Krome Ave. MIAMI, FL 33170 305-382-2757 Oasis Garden Hydroponics - Miami 4241 SW 71st Ave. MIAMI, FL 33155 305-666-0774 TD Supply Corp. 7207 NW 54th St. MIAMI, FL 33166 305-805-4382 New Smyrna Beach Hydroponics & Organic Garden Supply 630 N. Dixie Freeway NEW SMYRNA BEACH, FL 32168 386-410-4956 Green Thumb Hydroponics Supplies 17031 N. Cleveland Ave. NORTH FORT MEYERS, FL 33903 239-997-4769 ----------------------------------------------

Florida Garden Supplies 8442 Tradeport Dr., Unit 200 ORLANDO, FL 32827 407-855-8282 ---------------------------------------------Grow Giant 1360 N. Goldenrod Rd. #11 ORLANDO, FL 32807 407-613-5998 Oasis Garden Hydroponics - Orlando 9521 S. Orange Blossom Trail #119 ORLANDO, FL 32837 407-704-8929 Root Grow Bloom 6100 Hanging Moss Rd., Ste 500 ORLANDO, FL 32807 407-647-4769 ----------------------------------------------

Florida Garden Supplies 8020 Belvedere Rd.,Unit 4 WEST PALM BEACH, FL 33411 561-333-1083 ---------------------------------------------Healthy Harvest 911 NW 209th Ave., #129 PEMBROKE PINES, FL 33029 954-538-1511


Eden Garden Supply 8419 Shaw Ave. PENSACOLA, FL 32534 850-439-1299 ---------------------------------------------Healthy Harvest 590 SW 9th Terrace #3 POMPANO BEACH, FL 33069 954-786-7997 Bliss Feed II and Hydroponic Supply 3669 Paul Buchman Hwy. PLANT CITY, FL 33565 813-752-0011 Hydroponic Depot II 2395 S. Tamiami Trail #209 PORT CHARLOTTE, FL 33952 941-255-3999 Verti-Gro 15000 US-441 SUMMERFIELD, FL 34491 352-347-9888 Avid Brew Company 1745 1st Ave. S. ST. PETERSBERG, FL 33712 727-388-6756 Mr. Nice Guy Hydroponics 1800 NW. Federal Hwy. STUART, FL 34994 772-934-6785 Esposito Garden Center 2748 Capital Cir. NE TALLAHASSEE, FL 32308 850-386-2114 Grace’s Hydro-Organic Garden Center 8707 Temple Terrace Hwy. TAMPA, FL 33637 813-514-9376 Oasis Garden Hydroponics - Tampa 5011 W. Hillsborough Ave. TAMPA, FL 33634 813-443-5017 Schiro’s Barn-N-Garden Supplies Inc. 7812 Causeway Blvd. TAMPA, FL 33619 813-626-0902 Urban Roots Garden Supply 11780 North Dale Mabry Hwy. TAMPA, FL 33618 813-962-7668


Garden City Hydroponics and Organics 101 Maple Drive MARTINEZ, GA 30907 706-814-5656 ----------------------------------------------

HAWAII Haiku Hardware & Garden 375 W. Kuiaha Rd. HAIKU, HI 96708 808-575-9360 Ohana Greenhouse and Garden Supply 797 Kanoelehua Ste. A HILO, HI 96720 808-961-3111 Green Hands of Aloha 500 Alakawa St. #120-1001 HONOLULU, HI 96817 808-847-4263 Hawaiian Hydroponics and Garden 4224 Wailae, Ste. 1A HONOLULU, HI 96816 808-735-8665 Ohana Greenhouse and Garden Supply 2014 Republican St. HONOLULU, HI 96819 808-841-GROW Ohana Greenhouse and Garden Supply 73-5581 Lawehana St. #4 KAILUA, HI 96740 808-331-8710 Ohana Greenhouse and Garden Supply 320 Hoohana St. #13-16 KAHULUI, HI 96732 808-871-6361

ILLINOIS Aerogro - Bloomington 502 N. Prospect Rd., Ste. 18 BLOOMINGTON, IL, 61704 309-663-5628

Palm Beach Hydroponics 968 N. Congress Ave. WEST PALM BEACH, FL 33409 561-296-6161

Chicago Roots Hydroponics & Organics 4020 W. Irving Park Rd. CHICAGO, IL 60641 773-545-4020 Aerogro - Peoria 127 N. Main St. EAST PEORIA, IL 61611 309-694-0368 ----------------------------------------------

Atlantis Hydroponics 1422 Woodmont Ln., #4 ATLANTA, GA 30318 404-367-0052

Savannah Hydroponics & Organics 4107 Eighth St., Ste. C GARDEN CITY, GA 31408 912-349-4030

Brew and Grow - Roselle 359 W. Irving Park Rd. ROSELLE, IL 60172 630-894-4885 Organic Garden Center 9223 Skokie Blvd. SKOKIE, IL 60077 847-675-2722 Kreation’s Indoor Garden Center 3427 Old Chatham Rd. SPRINGFIELD, IL 62704 217-341-0821 Simply Soil Hydroponics Unit 15 - 401 E. North Ave. VILLA PARK, IL 60181 630-903-6775

INDIANA B-Town Botanicals 339 E Winslow Rd. BLOOMINGTON, IN 47401 812-822-0755 Goldleaf Hydroponics LLC 5081 S. Production Dr., Ste. B BLOOMINGTON, IN 47403 812-500-0423

Brew and Blooms 7205 Calumet Ave. HAMMOND, IN 46324 219-595-BREW (2739)

The Garden Shoppe 1528 S. Vista Ave. BOISE, ID 83705 208-344-3053

Brew and Grow - Chicago 3625 N. Kedzie Ave. CHICAGO, IL 60618 773-463-7430

Growtopia Hydroponics 4155 S. Lee St., Ste. #200 BUFORD, GA 30518 678-288-9890

Rock Valley Garden Center 785 N. Bell School Rd. ROCKFORD, IL 61107 815-398-9419


Happy Planet Hydroponics 1179 E. Alfred St. TAVARES, FL 32778 352-253-1001

Taproot Hydroponics 2111 Faulkner Rd. ATLANTA, GA 30324 404-464-8313

GroUp Gardening 229 Court St. PEKIN, IL 61554 309-349-4407 ----------------------------------------------

Hops & Harvest 10812 Coldwater Rd. Ste 100-200 FORT WAYNE, IN 46845 260-918-3035

Brew and Grow Bolingbrook 181 W. Crossroads Parkway BOLINGBROOK, IL 60440 630-771-1410


There It Grows 1531 Fort Jesse Rd. NORMAL, IL 61761 309-808-4545 ----------------------------------------------

Pahoa Feed & Fertilizer 15-2754 Keaau-Pahoa Rd. PAHOA, HI 96778 808-965-9955

Tampa Hydroponic Company 4412 North 56th St. TAMPA, FL 33610 813-621-1792

365 Hydroponics 13054 W. Colonial Dr. WINTER GARDEN, FL 34787 407-656-GROW (4769)

Grow Big Hydroponics 5024 Willow Creek Rd. MACHESNEY PARK, IL 61115 815-637-4769

Goldman’s Grow Shop 910 Greenwood Rd. GLENVIEW, IL 60025 847-657-7250 ----------------------------------------------

Harvest Moon Hydroponics 1234 N. Capital Ave. INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46202 317-780-8070 Magic Bulb Garden Center 3156 Shadeland Ave. INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46226 317-202-2852 ----------------------------------------------

Maximum Grow Gardening 6117 E. Washington St. INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46219 317-359-GROW (4769) ----------------------------------------------

Maximum Grow Gardening 140 Frontage Rd. Ste. D LAFAYETTE, IN 47905 765-464-6689 ---------------------------------------------The Wine-N-Vine Inc. 1524 East McGalliard Rd. MUNCIE, IN 47303 765-282-3300 ----------------------------------------------

Growmasters Urban Gardening & Home Brewing 4641 Old Grand Ave. GURNEE, IL 60031 224-399-9877

BWGS-IN 1400 Hancel Pkwy., MOORESVILLE, IN 46158 800-316-1306 ----------------------------------------------

Big Grow Hydroponics 9225 Trinity Dr. LAKE IN THE HILLS, IL 60156 847-854-4450

Five Point Gardens 56555 Oak Rd. SOUTH BEND, IN 46619 574-287-9232



KANSAS Year-Round Garden 117 S. Mur-Len Rd. OLATHE, KS 66062 913-397-0594 Johnson’s Garden Center Inc. 2707 W. 13th WICHITA, KS 67203 316-942-1443 Johnson’s Garden Center Inc. 6225 E. Shadybrook WICHITA, KS 67208 316-687-5451 Well Garden Industries 1440 W. Douglas Ave. WICHITA, KS 67203 316-927-2370

KENTUCKY Modern Farm Concepts 552 Wilson Childress Rd. CAVE CITY, KY 42127 270-999-5743 Garden Grove Organics 701 Scott Blvd. COVINGTON, KY 41011 859-360-1843 Healthy Roots Hydroponics 1360 Donaldson Hwy. Ste. A ERLANGER, KY 41018 800-669-2088 New Earth Organcis and Hydroponics - JeffersonTown 9806 Taylorsville Rd. JEFFERSONTOWN, KY 40299 800-462-5953 ----------------------------------------------

Success Hydroponics 139 E. New Circle, Ste. 130 LEXINGTON, KY 40505 859-294-4769 ---------------------------------------------Louisville Hydroponics 3471 Taylor Blvd. LOUISVILLE, KY 40215 502-366-4000 New Earth Organics and Hydroponics - Louisville 1906 Bardstown Rd. LOUISVILLE, KY 40205 502-409-9410 Bluegrass Organic Grow Shop 125 Quinn Dr. NICHOLASVILLE, KY 40356 859-887-0677 Paducah Hydroponics 3845 Benton Rd. PADUCAH, KY 42003 270-558-5186

LOUISIANA Grow Wiser Garden Supply 2109 Decatur St. NEW ORLEANS,LA 70116 504-644-4713 Laughing Buddha Nursery 4516 Clearview Parkway METAIRIE, LA 70006 504-887-4336 Ourcrazydeals Hydroponics 201 East Angus Dr. YOUNGSVILLE, LA 70592 337-437-1087

MAINE Liquid Blue Organics 505 Benton Rd. ALBION, ME 04910 207-437-1087 ----------------------------------------------

Grow Depot 245 Center St. AUBURN, ME 04210 207-312-5535 ----------------------------------------------




Infinite Season 1501 NE Broadway Ave., Ste. 5 DES MOINES, IA 50313 515-975-9358

Grow Depot 171 Capitol St. AUGUSTA, ME 04330 207-213-6852 ---------------------------------------------Salsbury Organics 1501 State Hwy. 102 BAR HARBOR, ME 04609 207-288-5182 All Ways Green Hydroponics - Belfast 100 Seasport Ave. BELFAST, ME 04915 207-338-4294 Greenlife Garden Supply 380 Elm St., #4 BIDDEFORD, ME 04005 207-571-9455 ----------------------------------------------

High Tech Garden Supply - Portland 178 Rand Rd. PORTLAND, ME 04102 207-899-4387 ----------------------------------------------

The Urban Garden Center - Portland 659 Warren Ave. PORTLAND, ME 04103 207-347-2350 ---------------------------------------------Here We Grow 686 Main St. PRESQUE ISLE, ME 04769 207-554-8797 ---------------------------------------------

\ The Urban Garden Center - Brewer 685 Wilson St. BREWER, ME 04412 207-989-2020 ----------------------------------------------

A2Z Grow Supplies 172 Pleasant St. BRUNSWICK, ME 04011 207-725-6400 ---------------------------------------------All Ways Green Hydroponics - Ellsworth 138 High St. ELLSWORTH, ME 04605 207-412-0190 ----------------------------------------------

Full Bloom Hydroponics 502 Wilton Rd. FARMINGTON, ME 04938 207-860-2808 ---------------------------------------------Four Seasons Horticulture Supply 235 Bridgton Rd. FRYEBURG, ME 04037 207-935-5444

HighWire Hydroponics 1 Murray Dr. RAYMOND, ME 04071 207-655-2072 ---------------------------------------------

The Urban Garden Center - Topsham 235 Lewiston Rd. TOPSHAM, ME 04086 207-373-0990 ----------------------------------------------

The Urban Garden Center - Waterville 107 College Ave. WATERVILLE, ME 04901 207-660-4751 ---------------------------------------------Greenlife Garden Supply 611 US Rte. 1 YORK, ME 03909 207-363-0844



Northern Roots Grow Supply 3 Bird Hill Rd. GREENWOOD, ME 04255 207-875-2089 Hy-Grow Organics 355 North St. HOULTON, ME 04730 207-521-5009 Maine Hydroponic Supply 50 Rockland Rd. JEFFERSON, ME 04348 207-390-0857 ---------------------------------------------

The Urban Garden Center - Lewiston 790 Sabattus St. LEWISTON, ME 04240 207-333-3696 ---------------------------------------------Inside/Out Indoor Garden Supply, LLC 1766 Federal Rd. LIVERMORE, ME 04253 207-897-2221 ----------------------------------------------

A2Z Grow Supplies - Portland 306 Warren Ave. PORTLAND, ME 04103 207-536-7506 ----------------------------------------------

High Tech Garden Supply - Beltsville 11602 Baltimore Ave. BELTSVILLE, MD 20705 240-965-1733 ---------------------------------------------

Aquarius Hydroponics 65 Springfield St. AGAWAM, MA 01001 413-732-3300 ---------------------------------------------Superior Garden Supply 25 Oakland St. AMESBURY, MA 01913 800-680-6667 ----------------------------------------------

New England Hydroponics - Auburn 6 Johnson St. AUBURN, MA 01501 508-407-8397 ---------------------------------------------Grow It Green LLC 122 Pulaski Blvd. BELLINGHAM, MA 02019 508-883-GROW (4769) Greenlife Garden Supply 481 Boston Rd., Unit 4 BILLERICA, MA 01821 978-262-9966 Boston Gardener 2131 Washington St. BOSTON, MA 02119 617-606-7065 GYOstuff – Grow Your Own 2400 Massachusetts Ave. CAMBRIDGE, MA 02140 617-945-1654 ----------------------------------------------

East Coast Hydro 365 Kilburn St. FALL RIVER, MA 02724 704-464-9376 ---------------------------------------------Harvest Moon Hydroponics 29 Washington St., Rte. 1 FOXBORO, MA 02035 508-660-6966 ----------------------------------------------

New England Hydroponics Framingham 855 Worcester Rd. Rte. 9 FRAMINGHAM, MA 01701 508-405-2525 ---------------------------------------------Western Mass Organic Garden Supply 12 Kenwood St. GREENFIELD, MA 01301 413-774-4769 Here We Grow 123 Russell St. (Rte. 9) HADLEY, MA 01035 413-584-FARM (3276) ----------------------------------------------

Urban Organics 6360 South Hanover Rd., Ste. M ELKRIDGE, MD 21075 443-938-9449 --------------------------------------------Perpetual Harvest 273 Hanover St. Rte. 139 Ste.14 HANOVER MA, 02339 781-829-6900 ---------------------------------------------All Good Garden Supply 3150 A Baltimore Blvd. FINKSBURG, MD 21048 443-273-3273 --------------------------------------------GF Agriculture 18113 Maugans Ave. HAGERSTOWN, MD 21740 240-347-7072

LiquidSun MA 8 Lynwood Ave. HOLYOKE, MA 01040 413-539-6875 Cape Cod Hydroponics 195 Ridgewood Ave. HYANNIS, MA 02601 508-737-2555

Potomac Hydroponics 23 East Oakridge Dr. HAGERSTOWN, MD 21740

Rootdown Hydroponics Indoor Garden Center 236 Mystic Ave. MEDFORD, MA 02155 781-874-1693

Purple Mountain Organics 7120 Carroll Ave TAKOMA PARK, MD 20912 877-538-9901

Growing Point Garden Supply 466 Lowell St. METHUEN, MA 01844 978-655-3173


RI Hydroponics 140 Worcester Providence Turnpike SUTTON, MA 01590 508-865-4276

Green Matters - Middleboro 592 Wareham St. MIDDLEBORO, MA 02346 508-923-2800 ---------------------------------------------Matt’s Hydroponics 206 E. Main St., Unit 5 MILFORD, MA 01757 508-478-0710 Project Grow 898 Mount Pleasant St. NEW BEDFORD, MA 02745 774-202-6383 NewFarm 225 Cranberry Hwy. ORLEANS, MA 02653 508-255-0205 LiquidSun RI 1179 Central Ave. PAWTUCKET, MA 02861 401-722-2724 Green Harvest Hydroponics 82 Newbury St. PEABODY, MA 01960 978-278-5898 ----------------------------------------------

Hydro-Earth 65 Swansea Mall Dr. SWANSEA, MA 02777 508-646-0300 ----------------------------------------------


High Tech Garden Supply West Springfield 1458 Riverdale St., Unit D WEST SPRINGFIELD, MA 01089 413-726-9023 ----------------------------------------------

Emerald City Indoor Gardening 51 Main St. WESTMINSTER, MA 01473 978-668-5393 ----------------------------------------------

LiquidSun Worcester 143 Southwest Cutoff WORCESTER, MA 01640 508-459-1200

H2Grow Hydroponics 194 Washington St. PEABODY, MA 01960 978-977-GROW (4769) ---------------------------------------------Berkshire Hydroponics 1450 East St. PITTSFIELD, MA 01201 413-464-7875 ----------------------------------------------


Green Matters, Pocasset 4 Barlows Landing Rd. POCASSET, MA 02559 508-392-9249 ----------------------------------------------

Get Growing Urban Garden Centre 142 S. Main St. ADRIAN, MI 49221 517-920-4833 ----------------------------------------------

East Coast Hydro 1470 New State Hwy., Rte. 44, Ste. 5 RAYNHAM, MA 02767 508-499-7220 ---------------------------------------------RI Hydroponics 495 Central Ave SEEKONK, MA 02771 508-915-6172 ----------------------------------------------

Albion Hydroponics 110 W. Watson St. ALBION, MI 49224 517-343-2130 ----------------------------------------------


High Tech Garden Supply - Shrewsbury 502 Boston Turnpike (Rte. 9) SHREWSBURY, MA 01545 508-845-4477 ----------------------------------------------

Gardin 137 Bay State Dr. BRAINTREE, MA 02184 781-277-4887 ----------------------------------------------

Barrett’s Garden Center 1033 W. Beecher St. ADRIAN, MI 49221 517-265-5595 ----------------------------------------------

Cultivation Station - Allen Park 6540 Allen Rd. ALLEN PARK, MI 48101 313-383-1766 Hydroponics and More Inc 3519 Vandyke Rd. ALMONT, MI 48003 810-798-2524 Cultivation Station - Ann Arbor 1948 W. Stadium Blvd. ANN ARBOR, MI 48103 734-213-7740 The Grow Show 4095 Stone School Rd. ANN ARBOR, MI 48108 734-677-0009 Indoorganics 3021 E. Walton Blvd. AUBURN HILLS, MI 48326 248-364-4769 ----------------------------------------------

New England Hydroponics Southampton 15 College Hwy., Rte. 10 SOUTHAMPTON, MA 01073 413-529-9025 ---------------------------------------------Nor’easter Organic Life 515 College Hwy. Unit J SOUTHWICK, MA 01077 413-998-3951 ----------------------------------------------

Western Mass Hydroponics 1760 Boston Rd. SPRINGFIELD, MA 01129 413-372-5309 ----------------------------------------------

BIG Green Tomato 478 Main St. BATTLE CREEK, MI 49014 269-282-1593 ----------------------------------------------

The Indoor Grow Store 912 North Ave. BATTLE CREEK, MI 49017 269-753-1998 ---------------------------------------------Homelight Gardens 3471 S. Huron Rd. BAY CITY, MI 48706 989-922-0088

Maximum Yield


Hydro Magic 120 N. Ross St. Unit 4 BEAVERTON, MI 48612 989-394-8004 Premier Hydro 11820 Belleville BELLEVILLE, MI 48111 734-325-6210 Inner Glow Garden Supply 420 E. Main St. BENTON HARBOR, MI 49022 269-925-8420 Indoor Grower’s Edge 805 Maple St. BIG RAPIDS, MI 49307 231-629-8177 ----------------------------------------------

Downriver Hydro 19280 Allen Rd. BROWNS TOWN, MI 48183 734-301-3745 ---------------------------------------------Happy Gardening 21949 Telegraph Rd. BROWNSTOWN CHARTER TWP., MI 48183 734-486-4115 ----------------------------------------------

Growers Outlet 7720 Clyde Park SW BYRON CENTER, MI 49513 616-878-4444 ---------------------------------------------Happy Harvesters Hydroponics 4410 S. Saginaw St. BURTON, MI 48529 810-496-3005 ----------------------------------------------

The Indoor Grow Store 3009 S. Dort Hwy. BURTON, MI 48529 810-228-3962 ---------------------------------------------Greenway Gardens 916 W. 13th St. CADILLAC, MI 49601 231-775-7075 Indoor Grower’s Edge 8998 E. 34 Rd., Ste. B CADILLAC, MI 49601 231-468-3343 Green Iguana Hydroponics 303 N. Broadway CASSOPOLIS, MI 49031 269-445-3205 ----------------------------------------------

The Great Lakes Hydroponics Co. 5998 US.31 South CHARLEVOIX, MI 49720 231-237-9153 ---------------------------------------------Cultivation Station - Chesterfield 46912 Gratiot Ave. CHESTERFIELD TWP., MI 48051 586-949-7453 ----------------------------------------------


Sun & Soil Hydro 882 E. Chicago St. COLDWATER, MI 49036 517-227-5245 ---------------------------------------------H2O Grow Supply 3364 Arent Ct. COLOMA, MI 49038 269-468-3890 The Local Indoor Garden Store 4979 N. Lapeer Rd. COLUMBIAVILLE, MI 48421 810-793-5064 ----------------------------------------------

Growco Indoor Garden Supply - Comstock Park 4640 W. River Dr. NE COMSTOCK PARK, MI 49321 877-939-6900 ----------------------------------------------

All Seasons Organic Garden Supply 721 S. State Rd. DAVISON, MI 48423 810-412-4025 ----------------------------------------------

Hydro Giant - Dearborn 14455 Ford Rd. DEARBORN, MI 48126 313-216-8888 ---------------------------------------------Cultivation Station – Eastern Market 2518 Market St. DETROIT, MI 48207 313-394-0441 ----------------------------------------------

Hydro Giant - Detroit 21651 W. 8 Mile Rd. (8 Mile & Lahser) DETROIT, MI 48219 313-387-7700 ---------------------------------------------Total Hydroponics Center LLC 24930 Gratiot Ave. EASTPOINT, MI 48021 586-777-2528 GroMart Indoor Gardening Solutions 68991 M-62 Ste. Q EDWARDSBURG, MI 49112 269-414-4385 All Season Garden Supply 833 N. Lincoln Rd. ESCANABA, MI 49829 906-553-7191 ----------------------------------------------

Fenton Hydroponics & Garden Center 1380 N. Leroy St. FENTON, MI 48430 810-714-1719 ----------------------------------------------

Granny Greenthumbs Soil & Hydroponics 103 W. Grand River Ave. FOWLERVILLE, MI 48836 517-223-1302




Happy Hydro 1261 Main St. GAYLORD, MI 49735 989-448-8877

High Tech Garden Supply - Kalamazoo 1745 W. Main St. KALAMAZOO, MI 49006 269-978-8697 ----------------------------------------------

Superior Growers Supply, Inc. 5716 S. Pennsylvania Ave. LANSING S., MI 48911 517-393-1600 ----------------------------------------------

Green Grow LLC 9046 N. Dort MT. MORRIS, MI 48458 810-687-9500 ----------------------------------------------

Edenz Hydro 560 Oak St. LAPEER, MI 48446 248-291-6691 ----------------------------------------------

Greens Indoor Garden Supply 9384 N. Saginaw Rd. MT. MORRIS, MI 48458 810-564-8700

Florida Garden Supplies 28190 Schoolcraft Rd. LIVONIA, MI 48150 734 655 9222 ---------------------------------------------

Green Lantern H2O 1383 E. Laketon Ave. MUSKEGON, MI 49442 231-722-0420

ProGro Growing & Gardening Supplies 414 S.Otsego Ave. GAYLORD, MI 49735 989-731-4447 Grand Rapids Hydroponics Inc. 520 Leonard St. GRAND RAPIDS, MI 49504 616-454-2500 ----------------------------------------------

Growco Garden Supply Grand Rapids 1042 Michigan St. NE GRAND RAPIDS, MI 49503 616-454-6900 ----------------------------------------------

Horizen Hydroponics 2200 Alpine Ave., NW GRAND RAPIDS, MI 49504 866 791 1664 ---------------------------------------------Greenville Gardens 11500 Morgan Mills Rd., NE GREENVILLE, MI 48838 616-745-0500 Smith Indoor Garden 309 W. Main St. HARTFORD, MI 49057 269-621-2498 HydroHarry’s- HP 24047 Dequindre Rd. HAZEL PARK, MI 48030 248-541-0099 ----------------------------------------------

Plainwell Indoor/Outdoor Garden Center 8201 Douglas Ave. KALAMAZOO, MI 49009 269-532-1167 Zoo City Grower Supply 3514 S. Westnedge KALAMAZOO, MI 49008 269-903-2450

Superior Growers Supply Inc. 29220 W. Seven Mile Rd. LIVONIA, MI 48152 248-473-0450 ----------------------------------------------

Halms Hydro 2368 S. Huron Rd. KAWKAWKLIN, MI 48631 989-402-1296 Capital City Growers 2208 E. Michigan Ave. LANSING, MI 48912 517-853-9988 Extreme Grotronics 521 East Grand River Ave. LANSING, MI 48906 920-627-1063 H2O Hydroponics 5210 W. Saginaw Hwy. LANSING, MI 48917 517-703-8120 ----------------------------------------------

Plant Paradise 4593 W. US 10 LUDINGTON, MI 49431 231-843-3000 ---------------------------------------------Edenz Hydro 1411 W. 14 Mile MADISON HEIGHTS, MI 48071 248-291-6691 ----------------------------------------------

Northern Lights Hydroponic & Garden Supply 29090 Campbell Rd. MADISON HEIGHTS, MI 48071 248-439-6269 --------------------------------------------The House of Gardening 29245 Dequindre Rd. MADISON HEIGHTS, MI 48071 248-206-7427

Grow It Again Hydroponics 840 N. Black River Dr., Ste. 70 HOLLAND, MI 49424 616-772-9421 ----------------------------------------------

Horizen Hydroponics 5425 W. Saginaw Hwy. LANSING, MI 48917 517-323-ROOT ---------------------------------------------

Hypnotic Hydroponics 321 Deer St. MANISTIQUE, MI 49854 906- 341-GROW

The Indoor Grow Store 4929 S. Cedar St. LANSING, MI 48910 517-203-5100 ---------------------------------------------

Northern Hydroponics 401 W. Washington St. MARQUETTE, MI 49855 906-228-4769

Holland Hydroponic Outlet 587 E. 8th St. HOLLAND, MI 49423 616-298-7395 ----------------------------------------------

HGR Garden Supply 15231 N. Holly Rd. HOLLY, MI 48442 248-369-8333 ---------------------------------------------Indoor Grower’s Edge 705 S. Loxley Rd. HOUGHTON LAKE, MI 48629 989-366-1474 ----------------------------------------------

HydroMaster 36345 Grosebeck Hwy. CLINTON TWP, MI 48035 586-792-0277

Grow Maxx 1220 S. Stephenson Ave. IRON MOUNTAIN, MI 49801 906-221-2111 ----------------------------------------------

Garden Depot 4506 W. Pierson Rd. FLINT, MI 48504 810-820-8110

Hydro Capitol 258 Cooper St. JACKSON, MI 49201 517-795-2633

Clio Cultivation 12196 N. Saginaw Rd. CLIO, MI 48420 810-686-4769

Urban Garden Supply 3410 S. Dort Hwy. FLINT, MI 48507 810-875-9580

Mighty Grow 2418 W. Michigan Ave. JACKSON, MI 49202 517-962-4822

The Indoor Grow Store 644 Migaldi Ln., Ste. 500 LANSING, MI 48917 517-731-6967 ---------------------------------------------

The Indoor Grow Store 16999 US Old 27 Hwy. LANSING, MI 48906 517-580-8272 ----------------------------------------------

Superior Growers Supply Inc. 3928 W. Saginaw Hwy. LANSING, MI 48917 517-327-1900 ----------------------------------------------

Indoor Grower’s Edge 2410 S. Leaton Ste. 5 MT. PLEASANT, MI 48858 989-317-0944

Let's Grow Garden Supply 4319 E Apple Ave. MUSKEGON, MI 49442 231-767-2015 Harbor Country Hydro 17648 US Hwy. 12 NEW BUFFALO, MI 49117 269-469-2242 ----------------------------------------------

Flo-N-Grow Hydroponics Co. 214 N. 2nd St. NILES, MI 49120 269-683-1877 ----------------------------------------------

High Tech Garden Supply - Lansing 2815 E. Grand River Ave. LANSING, MI 48917 517-580-0555 ----------------------------------------------

Green Thumb Garden Center 22963 Woodward Ave. FERNDALE, MI 48220 248-439-1851

Maximum Yield

Kalamazoo Indoor Garden 450 W. Maple St. KALAMAZOO, MI 49001 269-344-2550

Flower Factory Hydroponics 2223 E. Highland Rd. HIGHLAND, MI 48356 248-714-9292 ----------------------------------------------

Hydro Pro’s Indoor Garden 30504 23 Mile Rd. CHESTERFIELD, MI 48047 586-741-8805 ----------------------------------------------


Horizen Hydroponics 4606 W. Main St. KALAMAZOO, MI 49006 269-567-3333 ----------------------------------------------

Big Creek Hydroponics 555 Old Little Lake Rd. MARQUETTE, MI 49855 906-249-5297

Grow Masters 2900 10th St MENOMINEE, MI 49858 906-863-2083 ---------------------------------------------

The Indoor Grow Store 4538 Page Ave. MICHIGAN CENTER, MI 49254 517-513-3902 --------------------------------------------Cultivation Innovations 15223 S. Dixie Hwy. MONROE, MI 48161 734-682-5819 ----------------------------------------------

Cedar Garden Wholesale 138 N. Bound Gratiot MT. CLEMENS, MI 48043 586-738-0030 ----------------------------------------------

Gro-Pro Depot 8235 Mason Dr. NEWAYGO, MI 49337 231-519-9987 HomeGrown Garden Supplies 407 West Center St. PO Box 132 OMER, MI 48749 989-653-2141 Healthy Harvest Garden Supply 733 N. State St. OSCODA, MI 48750 989-569-3565 Happy Hydro 1691 US Hwy 131 PETOSKEY, MI 49770 231-348-3000 ----------------------------------------------

Green Earth Hydroponics 9651 Portage Rd. PORTAGE, MI 49002 269-342-4190 ----------------------------------------------

Ultra Green Hydroponics 9300 Telegraph Rd. REDFORD, MI 48239 313-534-9376 ---------------------------------------------4 Seasons Grow System 145 S. Livernois, Ste 271 ROCHESTER HILLS, MI 48307 248-613-6190 Green Thumb Hydroponics & Organic Indoor Supply 8460 Algoma, Ste. G ROCKFORD, MI 49341 616-884-5500 ----------------------------------------------

Growers Edge 4444 14 Mile Rd. ROCKFORD, MI 49341 616-863-9095 ----------------------------------------------


High Tech Garden Supply - Roseville 28000 Groesbeck Hwy. ROSEVILLE, MI 48066 586-435-2335 ---------------------------------------------GrowMart 2135 Warwick St. SAGINAW, MI 48603 989-799-6330 Tri City Grow Supply LLC 8075 Gratiot Rd., Ste. C SAGINAW, MI 48609 989-327-1248 ----------------------------------------------

Hydro Giant - Southgate 19363 Eureka Rd. SOUTHGATE, MI 48195 734-281-8888 ---------------------------------------------Holland Hydroponic Outlet 1220 Phoenix Rd. SOUTH HAVEN, MI 49090 269-637-5941 Cultivation Station of Michigan Inc., The 23529 Little Mack Ave. ST. CLAIR, MI 48080 586-775-9485 Horti-Toad Hydroponic Supply 21323 Harper ST. CLAIR SHORES, MI 48080 586-944-0650 ---------------------------------------------Ideal Growing Solutions 1331 W. Cedar St. STANDISH, MI 8658 800-322-0527 ---------------------------------------------Hydro City LLC 34863 Schoenherr STERLING HEIGHTS, MI 48312 586-883-9075 CBP Farmers Market 2451 S. Derby Rd. SIDNEY, MI 48885 989-328-6065 ----------------------------------------------

High Tech Garden Supply - Taylor 7889 Telegraph Rd. TAYLOR, MI 48180 313-908-7554 ---------------------------------------------Hydro Grow, The 8210 Telegraph Rd. TAYLOR, MI 48180 313-633-0641 Cultivation Innovations 6652 Lewis Ave. Ste. 7 TEMPERANCE, MI 48182 419-725-4769 Unigrow Hydro 140 W. MICHIGAN THREE RIVERS, MI 49093 269-718-7309 Cultivation Station 1990 US-31 N. Ste. C TRAVERSE CITY, MI 49686 231-421-8118 Grow Store, The 90 N. U.S. Hwy. 31 S. TRAVERSE CITY, MI 49685-7923 231-421-5191 ----------------------------------------------

High Tech Garden Supply - Traverse City 1029 Hannah Ave. TRAVERSE CITY, MI 49686 231-668-6913 ----------------------------------------------

High Tech Garden Supply - Troy 3914 Rochester Rd. TROY, MI 48083 248-275-1739 ----------------------------------------------


Hydro Pro’s Indoor Garden 45410 Van Dyke Ave. UTICA, MI 48317 586-803-0966 ---------------------------------------------Forever Green 340 S. Main St. VASSAR, MI 48768 989-882-9177 H2 Hydro 702 N. Pontiac Trail WALLED LAKE, MI 48390 248-669-6063 Beste’s Hydroponic Supply 21410 Schoenherr Rd. WARREN, MI 48089 586-776-1794 Greco’s Nursery & Garden Supplies 12219 E. 11 Mile Rd. WARREN, MI 48093 586-759-1335 Hydro King Indoor Garden Supply 32000 Van Dyke Ave. WARREN, MI 48093 586-939-0518 ----------------------------------------------

The Indoor Grow Store 4206 E, 9 Mile Rd. WARREN, MI 48091 586-619-7643 ---------------------------------------------Happy Harvesters Hydroponics 5720 Highland Rd. WATERFORD, MI 48327 248-599-9761 Indoor Garden Superstore 2570 Dixie Hwy. WATERFORD, MI 48328 248-673-2200; 877-22-HYDRO Light Green Water 3661 Highland Rd. WATERFORD, MI 48329 248-681-0001 OG Hydro, Inc. 1027 S. Cass Lake Rd. WATERFORD, MI 48328 248-481-7019 ----------------------------------------------

Hydro Giant - West Bloomfield 7480 Haggerty Rd. WEST BLOOMFIELD, MI 48322 248-661-0034 ---------------------------------------------B&B Hydro Supply 28974 Warren Rd. WESTLAND, MI 48185 734-469-2805 ----------------------------------------------

Hydrospot 2777 S. Wayne Rd. WESTLAND, MI 48186 734-722-1285 ----------------------------------------------

Ultra Green Hydroponics 8067 N. Wayne Rd. WESTLAND, MI 48185 734-425-1000 ----------------------------------------------

Grow Green MI 9197 M36 WHITMORE, MI 48189 810-299-2900 ---------------------------------------------Indoor Eden 9281 E.-M 36 WHITMORE, MI 48189 810-355-1465 Cultivation Station – Grand Rapids, The 5812 S. Division Ave. WYOMING, MI 49548 616-855-4440

MINNESOTA Extended Seasons Indoor Gardening 614 Central St. W. BAGLEY, MN 56621 218-694-2002 Duluth Hydroponics 26 W. 1st St. DULUTH, MN 55802 218-341-7253 ----------------------------------------------

Indoor Gardening 10 NE 3rd St. FARIBAULT, MN 55021 507-209-1546 ----------------------------------------------



Dr. GreenThumbs 111 S. Broadway BELGRADE, MT 59714 406-388-2424 ---------------------------------------------Harvest Tech 1415 S. 32nd St. W. BILLINGS, MT 59102 406-656-1156 Planet Natural 1251 N. Rouse Ave. BOZEMAN, MT 59715 406-551-2240

Happy Sprout Brew & Grow 31 Main St. N. HUTCHINSON, MN 55350 320-583-2337

Harvest Tech 3103 Harrison Ave. BUTTE, MT 59701 406-494-4222

Interior Gardens 115 -1620 Central Ave. NE MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55413 800-498-4178; 612-870-9077 ----------------------------------------------

Alpengrow Indoor Gardening 855 2nd Ave. E. EUREKA, MT 59917 406-297-7722

Brew and Grow 8302 Hwy. 65 NE. SPRING LAKE PARK, MN 55432 763-780-8191 ----------------------------------------------

Midwest Hydroponics 5825 Excelsior Blvd. ST. LOUIS PARK, MN 55416 888-449-2739 ----------------------------------------------

Box of Rain Inc. 860 N. Meridian Rd., Ste. B #19 KALISPELL, MT 59901 406-755-RAIN (7246) ----------------------------------------------

Outside In Garden & Greenhouse Supply 2302 McDonald Ave, #B MISSOULA, MT 59801 406-274-3017 ---------------------------------------------Bizzy Beez LLP 5785 Hwy. 93 S. WHITEFISH, MT 59937 406-863-9937

NEBRASKA Bodhi Organic Garden Supply 1438 S1 St., Ste. 6 LINCOLN, NE 68502 402-438-6785 ----------------------------------------------

Eco Garden Supply 800 Transfer Rd. Ste. 3 ST. PAUL, MN 55114 651-647-1896 ----------------------------------------------

MISSOURI Versaponics LTD 879 S. Kings Hwy. CAPE GIRARDEAU, MO 63703 573-450-5401 Advanced Garden Supply 1414 Rangeline St., Ste. E COLUMBIA, MO 65201 573-214-2794 Grow Your Own Hydroponics 1117 S. Fuller Ave. INDEPENDENCE, MO 64050 816-241-2122 River Market Hydroponics 12 E. Missouri Ave. KANSAS CITY, MO 816-421-1840 The Sharper Edge 610 E. 135th St. KANSAS CITY, MO 64145 816-941-3343 Sho-Me Hydroponics 1873 N. State Hwy. CC NIXA, MO 65714 417-714-4875 Fendler Nursery and Garden Center Inc. 1803 Lemay Ferry Rd. ST. LOUIS, MO 63125 314-892-1150

Paradigm Gardens 8949 J St., Ste. 5 OMAHA, NE 68127 402-339-4949 ----------------------------------------------

NEVADA 2 Green Thumbs Hydroponics 135 W. Clearview Dr #143 Carson City, NV 89701 775-461-3858 Phoenix Pharms 803 Spring Valley DrGARDNERVILLE, NV 89410 530-386-5630 Advanced Gardens Hydroponics 7850 Dean Martin Dr., Ste. 506 LAS VEGAS, NV 89139 702-247-4769 Advanced Gardens Hydroponics 3111 S. Valley View, Ste. V-103 LAS VEGAS, NV 89102 702-247-GROW Best Hydroponic Supply 6818 W. Cheyenne LAS VEGAS, NV 89108 702-750-9300 ----------------------------------------------

Happy Hydro 5521 S. Lindbergh Blvd. ST. LOUIS, MO 63106 314-842-2090

GREENCOAST Las Vegas LLC 2901 S. Highland Dr. LAS VEGAS, NV 89109 702-522-9599 ----------------------------------------------

U-Grow 1724 N. 13th St. ST. LOUIS, MO 63106 314-452-6368

GrowGeneration - Las Vegas 5885 S. Valley View Blvd. LAS VEGAS, NV 89118 702-478-7059

St. Louis Hydroponics Company 1225 N. Warson Rd. ST. LOUIS, MO 63132 314-994-3900

Anything Grows 190 W. Moana Ln. RENO, NV 89509 775-828-1460

Grow Shop LLC, The 1030 E. 4th St. RENO, NV 89512 775-501-5633

Heavy’s Grow Supply 1325 San Mateo Blvd. NE. ALBUQUERQUE, NM 87110 505-315-4573


Dr. Green Hydroponics 129 E. Idaho Ave. LAS CRUCES, NM 88005 575-524-6751

Greenlife Garden Supply 885 Second St. MANCHESTER, NH 03102 603-782-8233 ----------------------------------------------

Natural Roots Hydroponics 295 DW Hwy., Ste. 8-B NASHUA, NH 03060 603-204-5528 ---------------------------------------------Plaistow Harvest Hydroponics 23 Plaistow Rd. PLAISTOW, NH 03865 603-378-9400 ----------------------------------------------

Southwest Hydroponics & Lighting 1300 El Paseo Rd. LAS CRUCES, NM 88001 575-524-5963 ----------------------------------------------

All Seasons Gardening 3201 Rufina St., Ste. C SANTA FE, NM 87507 505-438-GROW ---------------------------------------------New Mexico Hydroponics 923 W. Almeada St. SANTA FE, NM 87501 505-930-5264

Blue Seal Feeds 275 Portland St. ROCHESTER, NH 03867 603-332-4122 ---------------------------------------------In Grown Gardens 40 Interchange Dr. WEST LEBANON, NH 03784 603-790-8063

NEW JERSEY ----------------------------------------------

Dambly’s Garden Center 51 W. Factory Rd. BERLIN, NJ 08009 856-767-6883 ---------------------------------------------77HYDRO 37 Fairfield Pl. CALDWELL W., NJ 07006 973-227-8048 Green Dragon Hydroponics 57 Crescent Blvd. GLOUCESTER CITY, NJ 08030 856-456-5000 Bergen County Hydroponics 70 Essex St. HACKENSACK, NJ 07601 201-342-2001 Creative Hydroponics 379 Amwell Rd. HILLSBOROUGH, NJ 08844 908-359-7171 ----------------------------------------------

Shore Grow LLC 3329A Doris Ave. OCEAN, NJ 07712 732-531-7600 ---------------------------------------------Cleatus Farms 236 Livingston St. NORTHVALE, NJ 07647 201-768-3099



AHL Year Round Garden Supply 1051 San Mateo Blvd. S. ALBUQUERQUE, NM 87108 505-255-3677 ----------------------------------------------

All Seasons Gardening 7900 Lorraine Ct., Ste. B ALBUQUERQUE, NM 87113 505-508-4292 ----------------------------------------------

Earthgoods 120 Bertha TAOS, NM 87571 575-758-9131

NEW YORK Organica: Garden Supply & Hydroponics 484 Central Ave. ALBANY, NY 12206 518-729-5950 ----------------------------------------------

Green Zone Hydroponics 2850 Niagara Falls Blvd. AMHERST, NY 14228 716-693-9663 ---------------------------------------------The Grow Room 32-32 49th St. ASTORIA, NY 11103 718-545-GROW (4769) ----------------------------------------------

Saratoga Organics & Hydroponic Supply 998 Rte. 50 BALLSTON LAKE, NY 12019 518-930-0057 ----------------------------------------------

Indoor Outdoor Gardener 8223 5th Ave. BROOKLYN, NY 11209 718-836-2402 ---------------------------------------------Natty Garden 636 Washington Ave. BROOKLYN, NY 11238 718-483-8833 Buffalo Roots Hydroponics and Organics 3231 Main St. BUFFALO, NY 14214 716-240-9075 Hydroponics of Buffalo 1471 Hertel Ave. BUFFALO, NY 14216 716-838-3545 Mother Earth Hydroponics 9135 Sheridan Dr. BUFFALO, NY 14031 716-634-9376 ----------------------------------------------

Harvest Moon Hydroponics Airport Plaza, 4204 Union Rd. CHEEKTOWAGA, NY 14225 716-634-8290 ---------------------------------------------O.G. Green Thumbz Hydroponics 4356 Rte. 31 CLAY, NY 13041 315-622-0200 Upstate Hydroponics 3931 West Rd. (plaza) CORTLAND, NY 13045 607-423-4704

Maximum Yield


Sunset Hydroponics & Home Brewing 830 Country Rd., Rt.64 ELMIRA, NY 14903 607-796-2603 Planted Earth Hydroponics 120 Vestal Ave. ENDICOTT, NY 13760 607-239-6207 Hippo Hydroponics & Organics 37 Elm St. #5 FISHKILL, NY 12524 845-202-7444 ----------------------------------------------

R & K Garden Supply 186 Riverside Dr. FULTONVILLE, NY 12072 518-853-6036 ----------------------------------------------

Saratoga Organics & Hydroponic Supply 10 Saratoga Ave. GLEN FALLS S., NY 12803 518-798-8200 ---------------------------------------------Dans Pro Grow Indoor Growing & Hydroponics 2653 Rte. 17M GOSHEN, NY 10924 845-294-GROW Sunset Hydroponics & Home Brewing 133 Balta Dr. HENRIETTA, NY 14623 585-475-0011 Gotham Hydroponics 143 Rte. 59, #2M, PO Box 525 HILLBURN, NY 10931 845-504-5723 Upstate Hydroponics 3092 Lake Rd. HORSE HEADS, NY 14845 607-483-9199 ----------------------------------------------

LI Hydro 3104 Expressway Dr. S. ISLANDIA, NY 11749 631-651-8281 ---------------------------------------------Greentree Garden Supply 606 Elmira Rd. ITHACA, NY 14850 607-272-3666 Planted Earth Hydroponics 2255 N. Triphammer Rd. ITHACA, NY 14850 607-319-0918 Jamestown Hydroponics 211 N. Main St. JAMESTOWN, NY 14701 716-640-9460 Organica Garden Supply & Hydroponics 1094 Morton Blvd. KINGSTON, NY 12401 845-481-4009 Mike’s Nursery & Grower Supplies 199 E. Fairmount Ave. LAKEWOOD, NY 14750 716-763-1612 TJ’s Hydroponics 4205 Long Branch Rd. Ste. 5 LIVERPOOL, NY 13090 315-314-6776 ----------------------------------------------

Roots to Bloom Hydroponics 5714 South Transit Rd. LOCKPORT, NY 14094 716-491-8999 ---------------------------------------------Harvest Moon Hydroponics New Paltz 217 NY-32 NEW PALTZ, NY 12561 845-255-3633 Crossroads Hydroponics and Organics 47 S. Plank Rd. (Rte. 52) NEWBURGH, NY 12550 845-561-4769


Maximum Yield

The Grow Room 8 Bridge St. NYACK, NY 10960 800-449-9630 ----------------------------------------------

Green Zone Hydroponics 2928 Southwestern Blvd. ORCHARD PARK, NY 14127 716-677-9663 ----------------------------------------------

Mor Gro Hydroponics 5680 State Rte. 104 E OSWEGO, NY 13126 315-877-8725 ---------------------------------------------All Season Hydro 2159 Buffalo Rd. ROCHESTER, NY 14624 585-247-8001 ----------------------------------------------


L.O.T.U.S. Urban Farm and Garden Supply 455 N. Louisiana Ave, Ste. 8 ASHEVILLE, NC 28806 828-505-3533 ---------------------------------------------Fifth Season Gardening Company 106 S. Greensboro St. CARRBORO, NC 27510 919-932-7600 American Beauty Garden Center 4400 E. Independence Blvd. CHARLOTTE, NC 28205 704-334-8651 ----------------------------------------------

BWGS-NC 4045 Perimeter W. Dr., Ste. 400 CHARLOTTE, NC 28214 800-316-1306 ----------------------------------------------

Campbells Indoor Gardening Supplies 1721 Greenville Rd. BRISTOLVILLE, OH 44402 330-889-0049 Magic Home Gardens 209 Cemetery Rd. CANAL WINCHESTER, OH 43110 614-837-2440 Dumont Seed Co. 619 30th St. NW. CANTON, OH 44709 330-492-0204 Green Garden Indoor Garden Center 1664 N. Main St., Ste 25 CANTON N., OH 44720 330-494-1234 ----------------------------------------------

The Bubbling Bucket 11156 Kenwood Rd. CINCINNATI, OH 45242 513-469-2825 ----------------------------------------------

Hydro Garden Center 1069B Lyell Ave. ROCHESTER, NY 14606 800-277-1322 ---------------------------------------------Sunset Hydroponics & Home Brewing 777 Culver Rd. ROCHESTER, NY 14609 585-654-8766 Sunset Hydroponics & Home Brewing 1590 West Ridge Rd. ROCHESTER, NY 14615 866-395-9204 LiquidSun of New York 1702 Fiero Ave. ROTTERDAM, NY 12303 518-952-4654 Little Heck’s Hydroponics & Organics Supply 615 Maple Ave. SARATOGA SPRINGS, NY 12866 518-306-4992 Hydroponic Shops of America 2606 Erie Blvd. E SYRACUSE, NY 13224 315-251-2516 Hydrotek East 27 Corporate Circle SYRACUSE E., NY 13057 315-432-9387; 866-411-0865 Big Bloom Hydroponics 1864 Colvin Blvd. TONAWANDA, NY 14150 716-83-BLOOM M&M Hydroponics & Garden Supply 2222 Oriskany St. W. UTICA, NY 13502 315-790-9825 Sunset Hydroponics & Home Brewing 8053 Rte. 96 VICTOR, NY 14564 585-223-3410 Sunset Hydroponics & Home Brewing 40 Cobblestone Ct. Dr. VICTOR, NY 14564 585-223-3410 Eastern Ground Organics 7 W. Main St. WEBSTER, NY 14580 585-228-6092 Follow The Sun 1185 B Yonkers Ave. YONKERS, NY 10704 914-237-2760

NORTH CAROLINA Asheville Hydroponics & Organics 44 Buck Shoals Rd. F6-7 ARDEN, NC 28704 828-676-2111 Fifth Season Gardening Company 4 S. Tunnel Rd. ASHEVILLE, NC 28805 828-412-3200

High Tech Garden Supply - Charlotte 2712 Freedom Dr. CHARLOTTE, NC 28208 704-697-0911 ---------------------------------------------Flow & Grow Hydroponics & Organic Garden Center 4521 Cumberland Rd. FAYETTEVILLE, NC 28306 910-423-FLOW (3569) Indoorganics Plus 914 E. Franklin Blvd. GASTONIA, NC 28054 980-522-8544 Fifth Season Gardening Company 1616 D-3 Battleground Ave. GREENSBORO, NC 27408 336-271-3373 Fifth Season Gardening Company 5619-A Hillsborough St. RALEIGH, NC 27606 919-852-4747 New Age Gardens 2236A US Hwy. 70 SWANNANOA, NC 28778 828-299-9989 GreenSpirit Hydrogardens 3114 Market St. WILMINGTON, NC 28403 910-769-0082 LiquidSun East 12 Bay St., Unit 105 WILMINGTON, NC 01887 978-447-5442

OHIO Akron Garden Center 434 W. Wilbeth Rd. AKRON, OH 44314 330-724-2700 ----------------------------------------------

Indoor Gardens 2076 Romig Rd. AKRON, OH 44320 234-678-5820 ----------------------------------------------

Ohio Hydroponics and Indoor Gardening 1474 Brittain Rd. AKRON, OH 44310 330-615-7857 ---------------------------------------------Summit Hydroponics 1030 Kenmore Blvd. AKRON, OH 44314-2114 330-753-5222 Cool Digs 6 Euclid Dr. ATHENS, OH 45701 740-249-4270

Cincinnati Hydroponics 834 Ohio Pike #130 CINCINNATI, OH 45245 513-528-4769 ----------------------------------------------

Dayton Hydroponics 4920 Provident Dr. CINCINNATI, OH 45246 513-942-7111 ---------------------------------------------Kissed by the Sun Hydroponic 10740 Reading Rd. CINCINNATI, OH 45241 513-769-0159 Hydro Garden and Lights 24497 State Rte. 23 CIRCLEVILLE, OH 43113 740-420-9376 Cleveland Garden Center Inc. 727 E. 185th St. CLEVELAND, OH 44119 216-481-7868 ----------------------------------------------


\ Indoor Gardens 4720 Indianola Ave. COLUMBUS, OH 43214 614-262-1600 ---------------------------------------------Magic Home Garden 4538 Indianola Ave. COLUMBUS, OH 43214 614-263-2440 TeeHee Co. 491 Georgesville Rd. COLUMBUS , OH 43228 614-929-5604 ----------------------------------------------

Dayton Hydroponics 3856 Miamisburg-Centerville Rd. DAYTON, OH 45449 937-859-3999 ---------------------------------------------USA Hydrogarden 542 Griswold Rd. ELYRIA, OH 44035 440-324-4769 --------------------------------------------Ohio Hydroponics 2108 Tiffin Ave., Ste. 1 FINDLAY, OH 45840 567-525-3680 ----------------------------------------------

Hydro Innovations 5425 Roberts Rd. HILLIARD, OH 43026 614-319-4934 ---------------------------------------------Hygrowponics 3914 Brown Park Dr. HILLIARD, OH 43026 614-363-4995 Sweet Greens 5540 Brecksville Rd. INDEPENDENCE, OH 44131 800-421-7084 ----------------------------------------------

The Indoor Gardener Store 6583 Pearl Rd. PARMA HEIGHTS, OH 44130 440-253-8001 ----------------------------------------------

Trinity Hydro Organics 465 Woodman Dr. RIVERSIDE, OH 45431 937-252-GROW ---------------------------------------------Cultivation Innovations 1564 S. Byrne Rd. TOLEDO, OH 43614 419-214-GROW (4769) Hot Hydro 855 S. Holland-Sylvania Rd. #2 TOLEDO, OH 43615 419-866-1266 Toledo Hydroponics Ltd. 855 S. Holland-Sylvania Rd., Ste. 2 TOLEDO, OH 43615 877-893-0716 ---------------------------------------------

Toledo Indoor Garden 5614 Secor Rd. TOLEDO, OH 43623 419-725-2450 --------------------------------------------Plant Lighting Hydroponics 2201-A Pinnacle Parkway TWINSBURG, OH 44087 888-258-0670 Greenleaf Hydroponics 556 High St. WARREN, OH 44483 330-646-6046 ----------------------------------------------

Gardening-Indoor 9215 Market St. YOUNGSTOWN (NORTH LIMA), OH 44452 330-758-0272 ---------------------------------------------Indoor Garden Worx 304 W. Monroe St. ZANESVILLE, OH 43701 866-900-9679


Indoor Gardens 5304 Fleet Ave. CLEVELAND, OH 44105 216-415-5344 ---------------------------------------------The Grow Wizard 5700 Denison Ave. CLEVELAND, OH 44102 216-961-2500 Herb-N-Garden Center 14901 Puritas Ave. CLEVELAND, OH 44135 216-252-2001 The Indoor Gardener Store 4900 Pearl Rd. CLEVELAND, OH 44109 216-795-5056 The Indoor Gardener Store 23005 Sprague Rd. #5 COLUMBIA STATION, OH 44028 440-532-7722 ----------------------------------------------

Indoor Gardens 5705 Chantry Dr. COLUMBUS, OH 43232 614-866-5180 ----------------------------------------------

Hydro Gardens Wholesale 1144 N. Memorial Dr. LANCASTER, OH 43130 740-654-9376 ---------------------------------------------CropKing 134 West Dr., LODI, OH 44254 330-302-4203 ----------------------------------------------

Urban Gardens 3665 Likens Rd. MARION, OH 43302 740-375-2800 ---------------------------------------------Campbell’s Indoor Gardening Supplies 8226 Warren Sharon Rd. MASURY OH, 44438 330-978-6200 Top Garden Products 8600 East Ave., Ste. C MENTOR, OH 44060 440-290-8773 ----------------------------------------------

Gardening-Indoor 5851 Youngstown-Warren Rd. NILES, OH 44446 330-932-1023 ---------------------------------------------Pet Finatics LLC 3150 Navarre Ave., Ste. A OREGON, OH 43616

Organics OKC Garden Supply 2800 N. Pennsylvania Ave. OKLAHOMA CITY, OK 73107 405-528-GROW

OREGON Samurai Greenhouse Supply 2300 SW Ferry St., Bldg. 6 ALBANY, OR 97322 541-928-3431 Indoor Hydroponic Garden & Lights 5990 SW 185th Ave. ALOHA, OR 97078 503-848-3335 ----------------------------------------------

Aqua Serene 465 Applegate Way ASHLAND, OR 97520 541-482-7600 ---------------------------------------------Fullbloom Hydroponics 415 Williamson Way, Ste. #3 ASHLAND, OR 97520 888-725-4769 ----------------------------------------------

Paradise Supply 1409 Hwy. 99 N ASHLAND, OR 97520 541-552-1037 ----------------------------------------------

Astoria Indoor Garden Supply 487 W. Marine Dr. ASTORIA, OR 97103 503-468-0606 ----------------------------------------------

Suburban Garden Wholesale 18968 SW Shaw BEAVERTON, OR 97078 503-268-1803 ----------------------------------------------

Bend’s Indoor Garden Station 20794 High Desert Ln. BEND, OR 97701 541-385-5222 ----------------------------------------------

Advanced Indoor Gardens 17831 SE 82nd Dr. GLADSTONE, OR 97027 503-305-6341 Paradise Superstore 543 NE East St. GRANTS PASS, OR 97526 541 955 7224 ----------------------------------------------

NLG Pro Shop LLC 1203 Rogue River Hwy. GRANTS PASS, OR 97527 541-474-1700 ---------------------------------------------Redwood Nursery 1303 Redwood Ave. GRANTS PASS, OR 97527 541-474-2642 Grow World 1561 NE 181st Ave. GRESHAM, OR 97230 503-477-9351

Gorillas Garden Supply 2011 Union Ave. BEND N., OR 97459 541-756-5005 ----------------------------------------------

Green Leaf Garden Center 610 SE 9th St. BEND, OR 97701 541-306-4505 ----------------------------------------------

Urban Garden Supply 12115 SE 82nd Ave, Ste. B HAPPY VALLEY, OR 97086 503-305-6531 Healthy Harvest Indoor Garden Ste. 1, 1635 SE Tualatin Valley Hwy. HILLSBORO, OR 97123 503-640-0995 Gorge Garden Center 1203 12th St., Ste. H HOOD RIVER, OR 97031 541-386-4769 Healthy Harvest Indoor Garden 3837 River Rd. KEIZER, OR 97303 503-393-2901

Boring Original Seed Supply 12410 SE 282nd Ave., Unit C BORING, OR 97009 503-512-7710

Basin Indoor Gardening 417 N. Spring St. KLAMATH FALLS, OR 97601 541-273-2023

The Good Earth Organics 30088 Redwood Hwy. CAVE JUNCTION, OR 97523 541-592-4496

Green Zone Garden Center & Hydroponic Supplies 1845 SW Hwy. 101 Ste. 3 LINCOLN, OR 97367 541-994-7070 ----------------------------------------------

Urban Garden Supply 9069 SE Jannsen Rd. CLACKAMAS, OR 97015 503-305-6879 Corvallis Hydroponics & Organics 5490 SW Philomath Blvd. CORVALLIS, OR 97333 541-738-2820 ----------------------------------------------

Aqua Serene 2836 W. 11th Ave. EUGENE, OR 97402 541-302-9073 ----------------------------------------------

Aurora Innovations PO Box 22041 EUGENE, OR 97402 866-376-8578 ---------------------------------------------Emerald Valley Gardens Inc. 88680 McVay Hwy. EUGENE, OR 97405 541-636-3763 ----------------------------------------------

Vital Organics Northwest 453 River Ave. EUGENE, OR 97404 541-688-0028 ----------------------------------------------

Ladybug Indoor Gardens The Shoppes at Exit 24, 205 Fern Valley Rd., Ste. X PHOENIX, OR 97535 541-618-4459 ---------------------------------------------The Grateful Harvester 35855 Hwy. 58 PLEASANT HILL, OR 97455 541-731-0224 American Agriculture 9220 SE Stark St. PORTLAND, OR 97216 800-433-6805 Bloom Garden Supply 518 NE 20th Ave. PORTLAND, OR 97232 971-255-1336 ----------------------------------------------

BWGS-OR 18201 NE Portal Way, Ste. 104 PORTLAND, OR 97230 888-316-1306 ---------------------------------------------Evergreen Garden Supply 3393 SE 21st Ave. PORTLAND, OR 97055 503-206-5670 Evergreen Garden Supply 10415 NE Sandy Blvd., Unit C PORTLAND, OR 97220 503-408-6635 Garden Spout, The 4532 SE 63rd Ave. PORTLAND, OR 97206 503-788-GROW ----------------------------------------------

GREENCOAST Portland LLC 3365 SE 17th St. PORTLAND, OR 97202 503-235-8040 ----------------------------------------------

Oregon’s Constant Gardener 2053 Laura St. SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 541-747-8170 Moonshine Park Farm 135 SE 62nd, Unit F SOUTH BEACH, OR 97366 541-444-2298 Rogue Farmers 1007 S. Pacific Hwy. TALENT, OR 97540 541-512-4600 Portland Hydroponics & Organics 11564 SW Pacific Hwy. TIGARD, OR 97223 503-746-4303 The Green Future Garden & Hydroponics 25999 SW Canyon Creek Rd., Ste. I WILSONVILLE, OR 97070 503-685-9200

Home Hydroponics of Pittsburgh 19th & Mulbury Way PITTSBURGH, PA 15222 412-232-7030 ----------------------------------------------

High Tech Garden Supply - Prospect Park 746-A Chester Pike PROSPECT PARK, PA 19076 610-619-0441 ---------------------------------------------The Barn at Lemont 201 Elmwood St. STATE COLLEGE, PA 16801 814-954-4667


Organic Garden Center 1307 Park Ave. WILLIAMSPORT, PA 17701 570-322-3120

Pocono Hydroponic Solutions 3280 Rte. 611 BARTONSVILLE, PA 18321 570-730-4544 ----------------------------------------------

Home Hydroponics of Pittsburgh 404 N. 3rd St. YOUNGWOOD, PA 15697 724-836-1118 Hydro-Ponics Inc. (of Lancaster/York) 4464 Lincoln Hwy East, Ste. 1 YORK, PA 17406 717-668-8641 ----------------------------------------------

Lehigh Valley Hydroponics 7576 Beth Bath Pike BATH, PA 18014 610-837-7500 ---------------------------------------------422 GROW 1631 N. Main St. Ext. BUTLER, PA 16001 724-561-3777 ----------------------------------------------

High Tech Garden Supply - Cranberry Twp 20232 Rte. 19, Unit 6 CRANBERRY TWP., PA 16066 724-473-1113 ----------------------------------------------

National Garden Wholesale/ Sunlight Supply 450 Grim Ln. YORK, PA 17406 877-779-7111 (Northeast) ----------------------------------------------

PA Hydroponics & Home Gardening Supply 20 Quaker Church Rd. YORK SPRINGS, PA 17372 717-528-4175 ----------------------------------------------


---------------------------------------------Applegate Soils & Hydroponics 610 Rossanley Dr. MEDFORD, OR 97501 541-952-2378 ---------------------------------------------Green Thumb Hydrogarden & Organic Supply 2021 W. Main St. MEDFORD, OR 97501 541-779-8600 The Greenway Hydroponics 1010 Fisher Ave. MEDFORD, OR 97504 541-622-8097 ----------------------------------------------

In & Out Gardens 1574 Skypark Dr. MEDFORD, OR 97501 541-858-3333 ---------------------------------------------Advanced Organics & Garden Supply 215 Galice Rd. MERLIN, OR 97532 541-955-3220

Oregon’s Constant Gardener 990 Garfield St. EUGENE, OR 97402 541-636-4220 ----------------------------------------------


Hydrofarm Northwest 15311 NE Airport Way PORTLAND, OR 97230 800-634-9990 ---------------------------------------------Roots Garden Supply 6850 N. Interstate Ave. PORTLAND, OR 97217 503-285-4768 VM Indoor Garden Supply 7720 SE 82nd Ave. PORTLAND, OR 97266 503-774-2300 Oregon Indoor Organics 210 B St. Hwy. 30 RANIER, OR 97048 503-556-5565 BIGS Warehouse 2606 SW 4th St., Unit B REDMOND, OR 97756 541-504-8886 Green Solutions Garden Supply 628 SW Glacier Ave. REDMOND, OR 97756 541-504-2604 DC Hydroponics & Organics 1775 Green Siding Rd. ROSEBURG, OR 97471 541-679-3700

Indoor Garden Depot 5409 SE International Way #B MILWAUKIE OR 97222 503-786-2445

Roseburg Hydroponics 853 SE Stephens St. ROSEBURG, OR 97470 541-229-1420

Indoor Garden Depot 3260 SE Oak Grove Blvd. OAK GROVE, OR 97267-1421 503-786-2445

Northern Light & Garden Salem 1915 Lancester Dr. SALEM, OR 97305 503-364-4769

Four Seasons Garden Supply 329 S. Oregon St. ONTARIO, OR 97914 541-889-6499

Grow Big Inc. 16572 SE 362nd Dr. SANDY, OR 97055 503-826-8277 Greener Side of Life 623 W. Centennial Blvd. SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 541-636-3552

Green Thumb Garden Supply 144 S. Oregon St. ONTARIO, OR 97914 541-881-9935

Hydrofarm East 270 Canal Rd. FAIRLESS HILLS, PA 19030 888-780-4567 ---------------------------------------------

A&G Botanical Supply 965 New Holland Rd. KENHORST, PA 19607 610-777-6919 --------------------------------------------Buds to Blooms Garden and Supply Co., LLC 952 E. Baltimore Pike KENNETT SQUARE, PA 19348 610-388-0100 Hydro Ponics of Harrisburg 310 S. 10th St. LEMOYNE, PA 17043 877-684-3808 Esbenshades Greenhouses 546A E. 28th Div. Hwy. LITITZ, PA 17543 717-626-7007 Always Green Garden Supply 4400 Old William Penn Hwy., Ste. 106 MONROEVILLE, PA 15145 412-646-1243 ----------------------------------------------

EZ Grow Supply 477A Tiogue Ave. COVENTRY, RI 02816 401-822-4769 ----------------------------------------------

Chelsea’s Trading Post & Garden Supply 151 Danielson Pike FOSTER, RI 02825 401-647-4637 ---------------------------------------------GrowRI 184 Admiral Kalbfus Rd. NEWPORT, RI 02840 401-619-0776 Liquid Sun RI 1179 Central Ave. PAWTUCKET, RI 02861 401-722-2724 Hydro-Earth 1243 Mineral Springs Ave. PROVIDENCE N., RI 02920 401-305-5520 Rhode Island Hydroponics 420 Atwood Ave. CRANSTON, RI 2920 401-942-5490 Good to Grow - North 300B George Washington Hwy. SMITHFIELD, RI 02917 401-233-0500

Root 22 Hydroponics Garden Center 7993 State, Rte. 22 NEW ALEXANDRIA , PA 15670 878-295-4227 ----------------------------------------------

East Coast Hydroponic Warehouse 380 Jefferson Blvd. WARICK, RI 02886 855-EZ-HYDRO Grow With Us 709 Warwick Ave. WARWICK, RI 02888 401-270-6998 ----------------------------------------------

Home & Hydro 21 Riverdale Ct. WARWICK, RI 02887 401-738-1414 ---------------------------------------------Live to Grow 719 Bald Hill Rd. WARWICK, RI 02886 401-615-5122 Good To Grow 34 Nooseneck Hill Rd. WEST GREENWICH, RI 02817 401-392-3100 Ocean State Hydroponics 105 Franklin St., Unit # 38 WESTERLY, RI 02891 401-596-0904 RI Hydroponics 85 Front St. WOONSOCKET, RI 02895 401-356-1899 ----------------------------------------------

Growin’ Crazy 93 Kingston Rd. WYOMING, RI 02898 401-284-0810 ----------------------------------------------

SOUTH CAROLINA GreenSpirit Hydrogardens 1864 Meeting St. CHARLESTON, SC 29405 843-225-1GRO Skyes the Limit 455 B Fleming Rd. CHARLESTON, SC 29412 843-566-2121 247 Garden Supply 535 D Clemson Rd. COLUMBIA, SC 29229 803-788-4445 The Urban Garden Hydroponics 9557 Two Notch Rd., Ste. E COLUMBIA, SC 29223 803-788-9313 Future Gardens LLC 3110 Wade Hampton Blvd., Ste 11 GREENVILLE, SC 29687 864-603-3916 Green Thumb Unique Gardening & More 1230 Rutherford Rd. GREENVILLE, SC 29609 864-271-8830 ----------------------------------------------

L.O.T.U.S Urban Farm and Garden Supply 1259 S. Pleasantburg Dr., Ste D GREENVILLE, SC 29605 864-412-5296 ----------------------------------------------

SOUTH DAKOTA Green Earth Products Inc. 5700 Hwy. 79 S., Unit 1 RAPID CITY, SD 57702 605-342-1307 Steins and Vines 2307 W. Madison St. SIOUX FALLS, SD 57104 605-274-7002


The Organic Grow Hut 375 Putnam Pike, Ste. 13 SMITHFIELD, RI 02828 401-349-4141

Jackson Organics & Home Brew 350 Carriage House Dr. JACKSON, TN 38305 731-501-6373

Good To Grow 51 Old Tower Hill Rd. WAKEFIELD, RI 02879 401-783-1733

Downtown Farming 221 Cherry St., Ste. 120 JOHNSON CITY, TN 37604 423-929-3833

Maximum Yield



Grow Green Garden Shop 4644 NE Walker Blvd. KNOXVILLE, TN 37918 865-249-8259 ---------------------------------------------Innovative Hydroponic Supply Inc. 3308 Old Knoxville Hwy. MARYVILLE, TN 37804 865-984-0280 Sun City Hydroponics 2235 Whitten Rd., Ste. 104 MEMPHIS, TN 38133 901-372-8100Wet-Werk 584 Tillman St., Ste 8 MEMPHIS, TN 38117 901-529-7722 ----------------------------------------------

National Garden Wholesale/ Sunlight Supply 126 Belinda Parkway MT. JULIET, TN 37122 888-265-9005

Texas Hydroponics & Organics (Ft. Worth) 2501 Airport Frwy. FORT WORTH, TX 76111 817-834-4769 The Caged Tomato 2732 Shamrock Ave. FORT WORTH, TX 76107 817-850-9700 ----------------------------------------------

Hydrofarm Central 915 Ave. S. GRAND PRAIRIE, TX 75050 800-634-9999 ---------------------------------------------Aggressive Garden 3582 W. T.C. Jester Blvd. HOUSTON TX 77018 713-681-7764 Botani Hydroponics and Organics 15106 Bellaire Blvd. HOUSTON, TX 77083 281-575-1999


Houston Discount Hydroponics 9380 Richmond Ave. HOUSTON, TX 77063 713-464-9406

MidTN Hydroponics & Gardening 1370 W. Clark Blvd. MURFREESBORO, TN 37129 615-900-3781

Hydroponic Nation 9001 Frey Rd. HOUSTON, TX 77034 713-943-1115

---------------------------------------------All Seasons Gardening and Brewing Supply Co. 924 8th Ave. S. NASHVILLE, TN 37203 800-790-2188 Indoor Growers World 401 E. Trinity Ln. NASHVILLE, TN 37207 615-729-0015 Grow Your Own Garden Store 4722 Old Hickory Blvd. OLD HICKORY, TN 37138 615-678-7259

TEXAS Abundant Harvest Hydroponics & Organics 3101 Ave. E. ARLINGTON, TX 76011 817-649-0100 Hydro-Mart 4353 Green Acres Cir. ARLINGTON, TX 76017 972-475-6114 Brite Ideas Hydroponics & Organics 4201 S. Congress Ave., Ste. 310 AUSTIN, TX 78745 512-444-2100 Brite Ideas Hydroponics & Organics 2521 Rutland Dr. Ste. 475 AUSTIN, TX 78758 512-495-4353 ----------------------------------------------

BotaniCo. Indoor Garden Store 5888 Everhart St., Ste. A CORPUS CHRISTI, TX 78413 361-334-1612 ---------------------------------------------Lone Star Hydroponics and Organics 8330 Director’s Rd. Ste. 200 DALLAS, TX 75247 214-63-HYDRO (4-9376) Texas Hydroponics & Organics (Dallas) 2606 Manana Dr. DALLAS, TX 75220 214-744-4769 Urban Garden Hydroponics & Organics 14462 Midway Rd. DALLAS, TX 75244 972-770-3182


Maximum Yield

HydroShack 1138 W. 20th St. HOUSTON, TX 77008 713-292-1921 JSH Hydroponics 15255 Gulf Fwy., Ste 191-B HOUSTON, TX 77034 281-501-9748 Righteous Roots Hydroponics 13940 Bammel N. Houston Rd. Ste 228 HOUSTON, TX 77066 281-271-6604 Texas Growers Supply 5750 N. Sam Houston Pkwy. E. Ste. 703 HOUSTON, TX 77032 281-442-3739 Ultimate Hydroponic Garden Supply 6125 W. Sam Houston Pkwy. N. #206 HOUSTON, TX 77041 713-856-8425 Downtown Farming 221 Cherry St. Ste. 120 JOHNSON CITY, TN 37604 423-929-3833 World of Organics 230 W. Parker Rd. PLANO,TX 75075 214-570-0631 Brite Ideas Hydroponics & Organics 3412 Copeland Dr. SAN ANTONIO, TX 78219 210-248-9309 Texas Hydroponics & Organics (San Antonio) 3412 Copeland Dr. SAN ANTONIO, TX 78219 210-226-4769 Texas Hydroponics & Organics (San Antonio West) 6729 Bandera Rd. SAN ANTONIO, TX 78238 210-684-4769



PowerGrow Systems & Utah Hydroponics 523 E. 1750 N. Ste. 500 VINEYARD, UT 84057 801-588-7099 ----------------------------------------------

Moonlight Garden Supply 1572 S. State St. SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84115 385-227-8110


Blue Ridge Hydroponics & Home Brewing Company 5327 D Williamson Rd. ROANOKE, VA 24012 540-265-2483


I Love Hydroponics 368 Newtown Rd. #105 VIRGINIA BEACH, VA 23462 757-490-5425

Greenthumb - Vermont 394 Rte. 15 JERICHO, VT 05465 802-899-4323 ----------------------------------------------

Hydroponic Growlights & Organics 13400 Occoquan Rd. WOODBRIDGE, VA 22191 703-490-0700



How’s It Growing 193 Rte. 15 W. JOHNSON, VT 05656 802-635-9931 ---------------------------------------------Johnson Farm & Garden 1442 Rte. 15 W. JOHNSON, VT 05656 802-635-7282 The Green Mountain Grow Store 101 Depot St. LYNDONVILLE, VT 05851 Peak Hydro 802-427-3310 Southern Vermont Hydroponics 51 Belmont Rd. MOUNT HOLLY, VT 05758 802 259 2003 ---------------------------------------------Peak Hydroponic Garden Supplies

Peak Hydroponic Garden Supplies 20 School St. PLAINFIELD, VT 05667 802-454-8000 ---------------------------------------------LiquidSun® VT 1 Bellows Falls Rd. (Rte. 5 N.) PUTNEY, VT 05158 802-387-1100 ----------------------------------------------

Endless Spring Organics and Hydroponics 1835 VT Rt. 7A SHAFTSBURY, VT, 05262 802-681-7419 ---------------------------------------------Green Valley Gardening 2934 Waterbury-Stowe Rd. WATERBURY CENTER, VT 05677 802-241-4199 ----------------------------------------------

White River GrowPro 230 S. Main St., Ste. A WHITE RIVER JUNC.., VT 05001 802-281-6186 ----------------------------------------------

VIRGINIA Fifth Season Gardening Co. 900 Preston Ave. CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 22903 434-293-2332 Groundworks Garden & Hydroponic Supply Co. 1600 Roanoke St., Ste C CHRISTIANSBURG, VA 24073 540-251-7679 ----------------------------------------------

Lucky Roots 612 N. Sheppard St. RICHMOND, VA 23221 804-377-3020 ----------------------------------------------

Panhandle Hydroponics & Homebrew 35 Monroe St. MARTINSBURG, WV 25401 304-240-7587 ---------------------------------------------Almost Heaven Hydroponics 3476 University Ave. MORGANTOWN, WV 26505 304-598-5911


The Indoor Sun Shoppe 160 N. Canal St. SEATTLE, WA 98103 206-634-3727

Indoor Tropics 801 N. Prospect ELLENSBURG, WA 98926 509-933-4441 ----------------------------------------------

Lucky Greenhouse & Light 3223 3rd Ave S. SEATTLE, WA 98134 206-682-8222

Indoor Garden & Lighting 714 S. Central Ave. KENT, WA 98032 253-373-9060 ---------------------------------------------Hefty Harvest Garden & Hydroponic Supply 2629 Reinhardt Ln. NE Unit M LACEY, WA 98516 360-628-8964 ----------------------------------------------

Indoor Gardening 851 California Way LONGVIEW, WA 98632 360-353-3851 ----------------------------------------------

WASHINGTON AJ’s Indoor Gardening 1317 Summit St. ABERDEEN, WA 98520 360-533-1170 Island Horticulture Supply 12729 Quantum Ln. ANACORTES, WA 98221 360-293-0000 Mike’s Indoor Garden Supply 6121 172nd St. NE #A ARLINGTON, WA 98223 360-474-1900 Pro Grow Horticulture Supplies 3411 169th Pl. NE Ste. C ARLINGTON, WA 98223 360-925-6358 ----------------------------------------------

Belfair Garden & Lighting Supply 24090 NE State Rte. 3 #F BELFAIR, WA 98528 360-275-2130 ----------------------------------------------

Hoagtech Hydroponics 2025 James St. Bellingham, WA 98225 360-820-4112 ----------------------------------------------

Northern Lights Gardening 4159 Hannegan Rd. BELLINGHAM, WA 98226 360-715-8585 ---------------------------------------------Groco Supply, LLC 1454 127th Pl. NE BELLVIEW, WA 98005 425-998-7212 Kitsap Garden & Lighting 2130 6th St. BREMERTON, WA 98312 360-377-1277 ----------------------------------------------

Indoor Tropics 5970 Sunburst Ln. Bldg. 4 CASHMERE, WA 98815 509-470-7782 ----------------------------------------------

Indoor Garden & Lighting 20505 Hwy. 99 LYNNWOOD, WA 98036 425-673-2755 ----------------------------------------------

Living Earth Grow Supply 930 E. Johns Prairie Rd. SHELTON, WA 98584 360-426-3022 Eco Enterprises 1240 NE 175th St. #B SHORELINE, WA 98155 800-426-6937 509 Grow 2718 N. Division SPOKANE, WA 99207 509-327-GROW (4769) Discount Soil & Hydroponics 6813 N. Division St. SPOKANE, WA 99208 509-315-9920 River City Hydroponics 1514 E. Francis Ave. SPOKANE, WA 99208 509-464-0246 Rootz Indoor Garden Supply 923 E. Hoffman SPOKANE, WA 99207 509-443-5999 Grow Gear 16124 E. Euclid Ave. SPOKANE VALLEY, WA 99216 509-626-5823 ---------------------------------------------

Homegrown Hydros 1241 State Ave., Ste. #102 MARYSVILLE, WA 98270 360-386-8230 Mike’s Indoor Garden Supply 1204 E. Wheeler Rd. MOSES LAKE, WA 98837 509-766-5856 ----------------------------------------------

Growers United 6516 E. Sprague Ave. SPOKANE VALLEY, WA 99212 509-315-5501 ----------------------------------------------

Northern Lights Gardening 1524 Riverside Dr, #2 MT. VERNON, WA 98273 360-982-2217 ----------------------------------------------

Spokane Organic & Hydroponic Supply - Sprague 3712 E. Sprague Ave. SPOKANE VALLEY, WA 99202 509-534-4055 ---------------------------------------------

Indoor Tropics 18 E. Apple Ave. OMAK, WA 98841 509-846-7087 ----------------------------------------------

Indoor Garden & Lighting 8606 Preston Fall City Rd. S.E. PRESTON, WA 98050 425-222-9661 ---------------------------------------------Green Thumb Indoor Garden Supply 10120 128th St., CT E. PUYALLUP, WA 98373 253-460-GROW ----------------------------------------------

Spokane Organic & Hydroponic Supply - Greenacres 15916 E. Sprague Ave. SPOKANE VALLEY, WA 99037 509-290-5313 --------------------------------------------All Green Garden LLC 6409 6th Ave. Ste. 8 TACOMA, WA 98406 253-564-2767 Green Thumb Indoor Garden Supply 6240 S. Tacoma Way TACOMA, WA 98409 253-460-GROW ---------------------------------------------

Heavy Harvest Wholesale 113 Cherry St., Ste 68221 SEATTLE, WA 98104-2205 415-758-2852

Indoor Garden & Lighting 3839 6th Ave. TACOMA, WA 98406 253-761-7478 --------------------------------------------Waterworks Hydroponics 5039 S. Washington TACOMA, WA 98409 253-301-4343

HydroTech Hydroponics 2121 Aurora Ave. N. SEATTLE, WA 98109 206-547-2202

Indoor Garden Depot 6400 NE Hwy. 99, Ste. H VANCOUVER, WA 98665 360-993-7779

GrowGeneration - Seattle 917 NW 49th St. SEATTLE, WA 98107 206-784-2161 ---------------------------------------------

--------------------------------------------National Garden Wholesale/ Sunlight Supply 4525 NW Fruit Valley Rd. VANCOUVER, WA 98660 888-478-6544 (Northwest) ---------------------------------------------

National Garden Wholesale/ Sunlight Supply 5408 NE 88th St., Building A VANCOUVER, WA 98665 888-478-6544 --------------------------------------------VM Indoor Garden Supply 2903 NE 109th Ave. VANCOUVER, WA 98682 360-256-2933 ---------------------------------------------

Urban Grow Systems 1605 E. Isaacs Ave. WALLA WALLA, WA 99362 509-876-4015 --------------------------------------------Urban Garden Specialty 1415 S. Wenatchee Ave. WENATCHEE, WA 98801 509-888-7620

wherever you are, whatever you’re doing,

Indoor Garden Supply LLC 1350 Atlantic Ave. WOODLAND, WA 98674 360-841-8055 Horticulture of America 701 S. 1st St. YAKIMA, WA 98901 509-307-2003


we’ll come

to you.

Grow BIG Hydroponics 938 S. Westland APPLETON, WI 54914 920-749-4769 H2oGrow 1164 1/2 Madison Rd. BELOIT, WI 53511 608-289-1852 Spread Eagle Garden Center 4413 N. Lake Rd. FLORENCE S., WI 54121 715-696-3910 Garden Supply Guys 752 Memorial Dr., Ste. A GREEN BAY, WI 54303 920-857-9493 ---------------------------------------------

Paradigm Gardens 2025 S. Stoughton Rd. MADISON, WI 53716 608-241-3800 --------------------------------------------Brew and Grow 2246 Blue Mound Rd., Ste. B WAUKESHA, WI 53186 262-717-0666

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Tecno-Hydro Ave Campo Rico GJ17, PO Box 1450 CAROLINA, PR 00982 787-752-8252 ---------------------------------------------

The Hydro Zone Plaza Pradera, Ste. 5 TOA BAJA, PR 000949 787-941-4769 ---------------------------------------------

the magazine to grow with

Maximum Yield




Has there ever been a cellular structure with a cooler name than “endoplasmic reticulum?”

ENDO MEANS “inside.” “Plasmic” has to do with the cytoplasm inside cells (it also derives from “thin” or “flattened”). A “reticulum” is a threadlike or veiny network. All terms describe the appearance of the endoplasmic reticulum pretty well. ENDOPLASMIC RETICULUM is fun to say, but

not too many times in a row. So, it is often abbreviated as simply “ER.”

THE ER is a membranous structure

found enveloping and stretching out around the nucleus of eukaryotic cells. This is a good place for it, given its role in protein synthesis and processing.

THERE ARE two kinds of ER: rough ER and smooth ER.


Maximum Yield

ROUGH ER is usually more prevalent than the smooth kind. It is called that because it looks “rough and bumpy.” The bumps are ribosomes (sites of protein synthesis) embedded in the membrane. SMOOTH ER consists of regions where there are few, if any, ribosomes in the membrane. Membrane vesicles bud out from the smooth ER carrying proteins to various places in the cell, especially to the Golgi apparatus. CELLS THAT are specialized for secretion tend to have a lot of smooth ER because the secretions are delivered in vesicles that emanate from the ER.

PROTEINS DON’T work if they are not folded into their correct shape. A lot of the folding happens in the ER with the help of proteins called chaperonins which assist the amino acid chains in getting into the correct three-dimensional conformation. ONLY CORRECTLY folded

proteins are allowed to be transported out of the ER in vesicles. Too many improperly folded proteins induce a stress response that accelerates the disposal of malformed proteins. Defects in the stress response are implicated in diabetes and neurological disorders in people, and growth and developmental abnormalities in plants.

ALTHOUGH THE ER is most well-known for its role in protein synthesis, smooth ER is also where glucose-6-phosphate is converted into glucose, a critical substrate for energy production in cells.

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