Drive Innomazement Plansbook

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TableofContents 01 | EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 03 | CHALLENGES 04 | RESEARCH DESIGN 05 SWOT 06 | BRAND PERCEPTION 07 | THE COMPETITORS 08 | TARGET MARKET 10 | KEY INSIGHTS 1 1 | THE BIG IDEA 12 Creative Testing 13 Objectives 14 Media Objectives 15 Media Strategy 16 Campaign Roll Out 1 7 | AMAZEMENT 18 Traditional Media 19 Story Board 20 Website 22 | ENGAGEMENT 23 Non-traditional 24 Social Media 26 Mobile App 27 Dealership Experience 28 Partnerships and Sponsorships 29 | BUDGET 30 | ACCOUNTABILITY 3 1 | WHY CAPITOL ADVERTISING 32 | APPENDIX AND SOURCES

ExecutiveSummary Innovation + Amazement = Innomazement Capitol Advertising’s “Drive Innomazement“ reaches Multicultural Millennials (MCMs) with a unique, targeted, and quirky campaign. It breaks through the advertising clutter to gain awareness, favorability and ultimately market share for Nissan. Our research shows that once MCMs learn about Nissan’s innovations, they consider buying a Nissan because they think the brand is amazingly innovative and thus simplifies their lives. Nissan’s current advertising does not command attention because MCMs do not see Nissan’s advertising tactics as innovative. Capitol Advertising’s solution is to generate a fully integrated campaign that reaches MCMs with striking visuals of target market members. These copies are bold and convey Nissan’s innovations. Drive Innomazement will create brand awareness and lasting favorability. Ultimatley, MCMs will know that Nissan offers the most amazing innovations in its class because they understand MCMs and innovate with them in mind. Our Drive Innomazement campaign is strategically unconventional. Through bold and innovative executions, we will command the attention of MCMs so they are forced to notice Nissan and their amazing innovations. Vivid emotion, bold colors, and a quirky tone captivate MCMs and distinguish Nissan from its competition. Once MCMs become aware of Nissan and their amazing innovations, they will be engaged through digital, mobile, and other non-traditional media. They will learn more about Nissan’s innovations through engagement tactics such as putting together their own virtual car on the website, encountering Nissan at unique installations, and learning how affordable and amazing Nissan is. Lastly, Drive Innomazement improves the dealership experience in a way that meets the desires of MCMs and eventually leads to increasing market share. So sit back, buckle up, and prepare to be left Innomazment.

01 Drive Innomazement

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TheChallenge Capitol Advertising has been challenged to help Nissan increase its total MCM market share. Nissan ranks third in the total multicultural market, and their current position reflects low brand awareness and weak perception of Nissan as an innovative brand. As a result, brand favorability and intent to purchase amongst MCMs remains stagnant.

INCREASE brand awareness

MCMs have low unaided recall of the Nissan brand and their advertisements

CONVEY innovation

MCMs lack knowledge of Nissan’s innovations

CREATE lasting favorability

GAIN market share

Brand favorability is low because MCMs do not distinguish Nissan from its competitors

Most MCMs do not place Nissan within their consideration set

03 Drive Innomazement

ResearchDesign Capitol Advertising used traditional and proprietary research techniques to understand MCMs, their motivations, and what makes them want to own a car. We spoke to MCMs who were at various stages of the car purchasing process and discovered what features are most relevant to them. We also questioned what online and dealership changes would make them more likely to consider, interact with, and ultimately purchase a Nissan.

Secondary Research Hours

Social Media Fans

In-Depth Interviews

Nationwide Survey

Focus Groups

Observations The Nissan League

Creative Testing








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SWOTAnalysis S E S


S H T the top five Japanese car G One ofbrands in the U.S.






Most innovation per dollar spent on cars

High level of customer satisfaction

Current advertising campaigns do not captivate MCMs

CEO Carlos Ghosn’s leadership

Lack of association with innovation


N U Increase in sales across the industry RT


Low brand recognition

Lack of consumer knowledge about Nissan

Innovative features provide tangible benefits to MCMs





Multiple tag lines create confusion



Increase in car sharing

Nissan’s unknown innovations amaze MCMs

Decrease in motivation to own a car

MCMs are growing in number and in buying power

MCMs’ frequency of exposure to advertisments creates selective attention

High brand affinity among current Nissan owners Hyundai’s aggressive efforts to target MCMs MCMs crave cutting edge technology

Increase in the cost of gas

MCMs are a force in defining trends Delay of car purchases Social media reduces need to travel

05 Drive Innomazement

BrandPerception MCMs have limited awareness of the Nissan brand and its amazing innovations. Although they view the brand as ordinary, when introduced to Nissan’s superior innovations, MCMs are amazed.

“That’s a Nissan? I just saw that in a Mercedes!” Danielle R., 22 Hispanic American

“I’m so jealous of the Bose system in my friend’s Altima. Did you know it has nine different speakers? Incredible.” Erin L., 26 African American

“It blows my mind that the GTR is faster than a Porsche.” Alicia C., 21 Chinese American

PositioningStatement Nissan is the only automotive brand in its class that offers amazing innovations that enhance the lives of Multicultural Millennials. Capitol Advertising 06

TheCompetitors Toyota, Honda, Ford, Chevrolet, and Nissan account for 75% of the total MCM automotive market share. Hispanic Americans are currently buying the most non-luxury vehicles, followed by African Americans, and subsequently Chinese Americans. Toyota and Honda are Nissan’s strongest competitors because of their reputation among MCMs. Additionally, Hyundai poses an increasing threat by positioning themselves as an affordable luxury brand for MCMs.

Toyota Perception: Reliable Recent Campaign: Moving Forward Why It Works: The campaign highlights consumers’ current beliefs, propelling them into the future.


Perception: Best Value Recent Campaign: Leap List Why It Works: The campaign shows how consumers are idealistic and excited to explore the unknown, appealing to their adventurous side.


Ford Chevy Perception: American Recent Campaign: Chevy Runs Deep Why It Works: The campaign highlights the brand’s performance history and gives the brand a more youthful image.

Perception: Tough Recent Campaign: Go Further Why It Works: The campaign demonstrates how Ford as a company has transitioned over time and doesn’t take “no” for an answer, just like our MCMs.

07 Drive Innomazement

TargetMarket MCMs have different cultural backgrounds but similar fast-paced lifestyles. They work hard and have strong aspirations for respect and recognition. They want their cars to reflect their success, enhance and simplify their lives, and reflect their personal style. Our data shows that Hispanic Americans are our primary market, African Americans are our secondary market, and Chinese Americans are our tertiary market.

HispanicAmericans 16.3% population growth by 2015 72.8% never been married 36.1% work full-time 58.1% are female buyers


7% population growth by 2015 75% never been married 70.8% work full-time 68.4% are female buyers

ChineseAmericans 4% population growth by 2015 66.9% never been married 47.5% work full-time 62.5% are male buyers

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CharacteristicsofMCMs Passionate about music and art Favorable to brands that relate to their values


Attracted to humorous ads but base purchasing decisions on reliability, quality and reputation

09 Drive Innomazement

KeyInsights Our research revealed the following insights: For a brand to be perceived as innovative, the advertising and purchasing experience must be just as innovative.

MCMs want to stand out and pave their own paths. They look for unique brands that offer surprises.

Nissan and MCMs embrace a culture of innovation and are not afraid to take risks.

Innovations change how MCMs perceive themselves and the world around them.

For MCMs, ethnicity is not the single determinant of culture; it’s about shared values.

Technology is what MCMs know they want; innovation is what they unknowingly crave.

MainInsight Since MCMs lead busy lives and are constantly bombarded by advertisements, they have selective attention toward advertising. Advertisements that have conventional tones will not capture their attention.

Therefore, Capitol Advertising introduces... Capitol Advertising 10




Our Drive Innomazement campaign, much like Nissan and Multicultural Millennials themselves, is strategically unconventional. In order to increase awareness, build lasting favorability, and increase Multicultural market share, Drive Innomazement addresses the root of Nissan’s problem: its failure to command MCMs’ attention. Drive Innomazement eliminates the disconnect that exists between Nissan and MCMs by breaking through the advertising clutter in order to connect with MCM consumers and compel them to engage with the brand.

Our creative execution is bold and nontraditional. The primary focus of our advertisements is not the cars themselves, but instead, we capture the spirit of innovation and amaze MCMs through quirkiness, vivid emotions, bold colors, and a playful tone. Our departure from conventional car advertisements serves mainly to catch the MCM consumer’s eye, but repeated exposure throughout the year will also communicate Nissan’s innovation to MCMs. Drive Innomazement creates an advantage for Nissan over its competitors because it applies our understanding of how to best command the target’s attention, and as a result, we expose opportunities to communicate with this hardto-reach group.

Drive Innomazement Multicultural Millennials have difficulty distinguishing Nissan from its competitors, but when Nissan’s innovations are made clear to them, MCMs are genuinely amazed, differentiating Nissan in their minds. Discovering Nissan’s amazing innovations excites MCMs. This revelation immediately increases their favorability toward the brand, and they feel compelled to learn more about Nissan.

A combination of familiar faces, culturally relevant references, witty messages and amazing innovations will intrigue MCMs and compel them to engage further with the brand. Each Drive Innomazement advertisement contains a “You’re welcome” directive that draws consumers’ attention to the featured vehicle and compels them to visit Nissan’s web site, Facebook, and Twitter. There, they will have the opportunity to create a virtual car, join a discussion, discover Nissan’s affordable innovations, and they will be invited to test drive a vehicle.

Multicultural Millennials’ busy, fast-paced lives and constant exposure to advertisements leave them selectively attentive to targeted messages. Unless an advertisement is distinctive enough to command their attention, MCMs will disregard it.

Drive Innomazement’s advertisements draw MCMs in, spark greater interest in the brand, and direct them to engagement executions, where they learn about and interact with the Nissan vehicles.


11 Drive Innomazement

CreativeTesting Drive Innomazement resonates with MCMs because they can relate to the experiences, people, and innovations featured in the ads. MCMs feel they can directly benefit from these innovations because they enhance and simplify their lives. Capitol Advertising conducted 153 interviews. Our findings showed that MCMs:

Like humorous and clever advertisements... So, we’ve created ads intended to make people laugh “I think Innomazement is clever and the ad is very funny ” -Alana M., Hispanic American, 24

Like to know about practical innovations... So, we highlighted the benefits Nissan’s innovations offered them “I can definitley see myself using that feature.”

- Ian W., African American, 23

Like advertisements that acknowledge heritage... So, we designed in-language ads. “I can relate to these ads because, they appeal to the person I want to be.” -Christian L., Chinese American, 26

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TheObjectives CommunicationObjectives By the end of the campaign we want:

MarketingObjectives By the end of the campaign we want to increase:

13 Drive Innomazement

MediaObjectives Capitol Advertising amazes and engages MCMs through high reach and frequency. Media and creative work together in two phases:

Amazement The amazement phase generates brand awareness and acquaints MCMs with Nissan’s innovations and Innomazement. Principle media includes traditional, digital, social, non-traditional and guerilla techniques. Amaze them with high reach and frequency through all media to get them to know Nissan and love them through all media.

Engagement The engagement phase draws the consumer through the purchase funnel. They begin to create their own virtual cars, visit alternative dealerships, and engage more online. Ultimately, they visit the dealership and engage in new dealership activities we’ve developed. Engage them so they begin to interact with Nissan and eventually consider it and buy. Here they also learn more about individual car makes such as Rogue, Leaf etc. We emphasize reach to show that Nissan is an innovative brand. Frequency ensures that the Drive Innomazement message is top of mind. Continuity will increase MCM market share.

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MediaObjectives To reach 95% of Hispanic Americans 1,425 times / year To reach 93% of African Americans 1,499 times / year To reach 90% of Chinese Americans 1,588 times / year

MediaStrategy Media vehicles are chosen to specifically attract the three target markets.

Television We launch our campaign on national and cable networks most frequently watched by MCMs.

Digital&InteractiveBannerAds The site already has over 10,000 more MCM visitors than Toyota and Honda. In order to leverage this advantage we redesign the site to convey innovation as the #1 takeaway. High banner ad repetition placed on other MCM specific sites that interactively follow MCM’s field of vision forces Nissan to be top-of-mind.

Mobile We use our mobile app as a pull strategy to entice MCMs to willingly engage with Nissan.

OutofHomeAds We use 30 billboards and 50 shuttle advertisements in metropolitan areas with high concentrations of MCMs.

Non-traditional&Guerilla We chose unique approaches to reach MCMs in their local communities and encourage the theme of amazing innovations.

Pandora&Digital We create a Nissan branded channel to communicate that Nissan understands the interests of MCMs. YouTube viewers can watch exclusive video content to increase brand familiarity.

Magazines We use print and digital publications to reach out market through their unique interests and language.

Facebook&Twitter We target 95% of MCM Facebook users by consolidating the Facebook page into one easy to navigate page with interactive tabs. We use Twitter (@NissanNews) to increase brand awareness with personalized hashtags (#Innomazement) and sponsored celebrity tweets. A customer service handle (@NissanUSACustomerService) makes it easier to address consumer inquiries in a convenient way.

15 Drive Innomazement

CampaignRollout The Innomazement campaign will launch in Atlanta, GA, the location for the 2013 NCAA Final Four Tournament. After this event, the campaign will disperse to strategic DMAs with the highest concentration of MCMs. These states include: New York, New Jersey, District of Columbia, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Texas, Nevada, California, Illinois, and Michigan. The guerilla marketing and live events begin in the summer 2013. This will build hype for the release of new 2014 models during the holiday season, when sales volume is the highest. Population Density ILLINOIS


Hispanic American: 2 African American: 1.8 Chinese American: .09

Hispanic American: .75 Chinese American: .08

MICHIGAN African American: 1.4

NEW YORK Hispanic American: 3.4 African American: 3 Chinese American: .53

PENNSYLVANIA African American: 1.3

NEW JERSEY Hispanic American: 1.6 African American: 1.2 Chinese American: .12

WASHINGTON, DC Hispanic American: .305 Chinese American: .11

NORTH CAROLINA African American: 2

CALIFORNIA Hispanic American: 14 Chinese American: 1.1

SOUTH CAROLINA African American: 1.2

NEVADA Hispanic American: .72

GEORGIA African American: 2.9

TEXAS Hispanic American: 9.5 African American: 2.9 Chinese American: .14

Numbers in Millions

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FLORIDA Hispanic American: 4.2 African Amercian: 2.9 Chinese Amercian: .06


Creative testing showed that MCMs respond strongly to the people in the ads. The ads communicate that Nissan is a company that views MCMs as more than just car buyers. It makes the brand accessible and conveys authenticity.

Why it works 17 Drive Innomazement


Why it works Capitol Advertising 18

This set of print ads acts as a link between the amazement and engagement phases. Our research showed that each group enjoyed seeing people from their ethnicity in ads as long as it was not done in a “token� fashion. MCMs also appreciate inviting faces of any ethnicity and are still able to relate to other MCMs.


Shot 1: “The word is...Innomazement.”


Shot 2: The spotlight beams onto the young boy. He looks nervous as he gulps in fear. He asks, “Can I have the definition please?” After the definition is given, he asks for it to be used in a sentence. The judge says, “Don’t just drive. Drive innomazement.”

Shot 1: A beautiful woman approaches Shot 2: “Hey, remember me?” says the the valet after exiting her Nissan Versa, valet. “We met a couple times at Sofia’s and tosses him the keys. place.” “Oh yeah, I remember...” she replies. They flirt and end up in the back seat of the Nissan Versa.

Shot 3: After the boy successfully spells Shot 4: The tagline with the Nissan logo the word, the scene cuts to him being appears on the screen. photographed as the winner with his othVoiceover: Drive innomazement. er ribbons. Nissan. Innovation for today. Innovation Voiceover: At Nissan, we live innomaze- for tomorrow. Innovation for all. ment.

Shot 3: They exit the Versa. He adjusts his uniform and has lipstick kisses all over his face. Then he snaps out of his daydream, and standing there he stares at the car. He says “wow, great leg room.”

Shot 4: The tagline with the Nissan logo appears on the screen. Voiceover: Drive innomazement. Nissan. Innovation for today. Innovation for tomorrow. Innovation for all.

MCMs are frequent viewers of media on the internet as well as on television. Having these quirky ads that showcase the car features, develops a personality for the brand and creates a relatable image for MCMs.

Why it works 19 Drive Innomazement

TheWebsite The current Nissan website lacks innovative technology, personality, and a focus on innovation, all of which MCMs desire. The following are our findings and suggestions:


AmazingTechology “When I see a company use innovative technology on their website, it makes me think they are on the cutting edge.” -Matt G., 22 African American

Insight: The technology of the website should match the innovation the company wants to convey. Solution: An innovative technology called “Moving Image Technology” will be used to animate characters and backgrounds.

RealPeople “I don’t feel this site relates to me as an individual, which makes me think the company doesn’t know me.”

-Suzie K., 26 African American

Insight: The site is not user friendly, and real authentic consumers need to be displayed. Solution: Real people will be displayed on the web page. When the user clicks on the yellow lightbulb, a virtual tour will pop up on the screen.

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“ You say your main focus is innovation, yet I don’t see it anywhere on your site.” -Nicole N., 25 Hispanic American

Insight: Nissan’s innovations are hidden away on the site instead of being shown up front. Solution: Nissan’s website is so busy that MCMs do not know where to focus their attention. The new website will be simple to navigate so users can find exactly what they are looking for.

AmazingColorGuerilla The website is the home for the projection mapping initiative. It shows the car as piece of art and ask consumers to customize the car of their choice.

AmazingConnectionsSocialMedia The “Your Innomazement” tab is a digital portal for a customizable experience. A Nissan score is calculated from interactions with Nissan’s social media. The page provides MCMs with a State Farm payment calculator to simplify the car buying process.

AmazingExperiencesDealership Innovation stations are shown on the website. When the consumer hovers their cursor over the innovation, an explanation is displayed. They are then prompted to give their zip code to find an innovation station near them.

MCMs relate to brands that are unique like themselves. The website reflects MCMs’ need to have the latest technology, personalization and social media integration.

Why it works 21 Drive Innomazement

EngagementPhase TestYourDrive Test Your Drive gives extended test drives to MCMs who are influential on social media via Klout scores. MCMs will be given a Nissan for one week under the consideration that they talk about their Innomazement experiences on social media platforms.

GenerationInnovationTour The Generation Innovation Tour gives MCMs the opportunity to interact with innovative leaders of their generation through TEDx talks. CEO Carlos Ghosn will launch the Generation Innovation Tour by being the lead speaker. The tour visits 10 major DMAs and highlights how leaders take unpredictable approaches in their careers and provides a forum for MCMs to network.

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The Innomazement Tour, a free concert series, is a Nissan sponsored concert series that will travel through major DMAs. Prior to the event, clues will be disclosed through Nissan’s social media pages that, when pieced together, hint followers to the concert location.



AMC movie theatres will feature Nissan seats allowing movie attendants to experience the comfort of Nissan. There will be advertisements, cups, and popcorn bags with QR Codes promoting Nissan. These will be placed in AMC theatres with high concentrations of MCMs.

ProjectionMapping Projection mapping is an innovative technique that uses software to turn any surface into a video screen. White Nissan models will be placed in strategic areas with high MCM population density. At night, light will be projected onto the white cars to create beautiful, artistic images and videos to upload to YouTube and social media outlets. Users can design projections on the website.

VirtualInstallationsTour The Nissan “Virtual Installations” tour is a blend of a travelling show and dealership. This nationwide tour will display Nissan’s 2014 models and concept cars. There will be a virtual reality driving station. Attendees can experience the thrill of test driving one of Nissan’s 2014 models before they are released to the general public. The virtual reality simulators will allow selection of courses which will allow MCMs to experience driving Innomazement.

These marketing tactics appeal to MCMs because they are spontaneous, authentic, and eye-catching. Each focuses on increasing Nissan’s favorability and image as well as engaging consumers with the car, and moving them through the purchasing funnel.

Why it works 23 Drive Innomazement

SocialMedia ConsumerAutomotiveResearchFacebook Page Social media is an integral component of MCMs’ lives, and this led us to create the CAR Facebook page. Questions and contests assess how MCMs interact on social media. Our media strategy is led by the following insights: 71% of MCMs use social media daily 42.2% of vehicle purchasers are influenced by social media

Pandora Nissan’s Pandora radio station is created to highlight the personality of the brand. It also features artists that are part of the Innomazement Concert Series. MCMs can also create their own station, which can be accessed anywhere including the dealership.

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PerspectivesBlog This blog highlights CEO Carlos Ghosn. Here, his experiences with Nissan and its innovations will be shared.

YouTube The YouTube page will display videos from the Generation Innovation Tours, projection mapping, and other aspects of our non-traditional media to educate people about Nissan.



“I recently tweeted to Nissan and I got a generic response back two days later”

-Reese B., 23 African American

Insight: Tweets need an authentic response within two hours.

“The current Facebook page is disorganized. I can’t find what I’m looking for.” -Simon L., 21 Chinese American

Insight:Tabs are necessary for organizing information

Instagram Allows Nissan and the public to interact through pictures. Nissan posts images from behind the scenes of design and concept car sneak peeks. The public can post pictures about their Innomazement moments with Nissan.

MCMs interact with Nissan on an authentic level. Social media websites promote dealership events as well as educate MCMs on the dealership environment. MCMs become comfortable with the dealership environment which ultimately leads to an increase in visitation.

Why it works 25 Drive Innomazement

MobileApps NissanMobileApp


LaunchStrategy Innomazement mobile applications, Nissan Mobile and Innomazement Station, run simultaneously with the social media campaign. Promotions for both applications will be featured on Nissan’s revamped Facebook page. Incentives such as free media downloads are implemented to drive application downloads, linking them to artists in the Innomazement concert series and speakers on the Generation Innovation Tour.

MobileAppEnhancements The revitalized Nissan Mobile app has a car blog aggregator, allowing users to search and compare cars across various car blogs. Additional features include a dealership locator, test-drive scheduling, live chat with dealership and a maintenance appointment system. These features are meant to simplify the most difficult part of the purchase funnel for MCMs. Finally, the application Nissan Recognition system prompts users to take a picture of a Nissan model on the street and compiles information from the Nissan website and car blogs such as gas mileage, features, and user reviews.

Why it works Capitol Advertising 26

This application creates brand engagement regardless of consumers’ place in the purchase funnel. It allows them to experience Innomazement even before they get into a Nissan vehicle. This application features: 1.“Racing Innomazement” A game that simulates driving in Nissan core models and the GTR. It has various levels to keep users playing and expose them to Nissan’s innovations. 2. “Amaze My Space” A locator assist that helps current car owners find where they parked their car. 3. “Innovate Rush Hour” A constantly updating system that tracks traffic records and warning drivers of hazards on their route.

We provide MCMs with useful applications to enhance the driving experience. By having mobile applications, MCMs will be able to have continuous interactions with the Nissan brand.



To better understand how MCMs perceive the dealership experience, we observed their behavior and interactions in a dealership environment. We conducted 15 observations in five states that revealed the following insights for improving the dealership experience: Worry about being able to afford the purchase and concerned about being duped Question the intentions and honesty of the car salesperson

Fear they’ll go to the dealership and won’t be noticed

Feel out of their digital element where they usually have access to unlimited information

InnovationStation Technology Dealerships will feature an innovation room, with iPads for potential buyers to have a self guided tour of the Nissan dealership without a salesperson. Our research has shown that MCMs are intimidated by the dealership environment and this will therefore create a more positive experience.

StateFarm State Farm kiosks will be added to the dealerships to assist MCMs in understanding the financial process of purchasing a car. The service will help Nissan build trust and credibility among MCMs.

CRMIntegration CRM software and customer lifecycle processes such as Siebel and Oracle will track customer preferences and interactions at customer touch-points. Dealership salesmen will undergo customer service training to improve customercentricity.

MillionMileProject For every mile during a test drive, Nissan will donate $1.00 towards an educational scholarship for MCMs until $1,000,000 is raised.

The dealership experience is one of the most crucial aspects of engagement. By adding fundamental changes to the dealership, we are able to communicate that Nissan truly cares about their consumers during the entire buying process. Ultimately, MCMs will view Nissan as the most innovative car brand.

Why it works 27 Drive Innomazement

PartnershipsSponsorships Nissan will foster an alliance through the following partnerships and sponsorships during the Innomazement campaign. These relationships will build brand awareness and create favorability by focusing on factors most important to MCMs. We plan on promoting these partnerships and sponsorships online through various social media platforms during the one-year campaign to create buzz and PR attention.


What They Do?



Benefit To Partner

Why it Works

Insurance Provider with highest Hispanic market share

To obtain representatives to be placed at Nissan dealerships

Show MCMs that Nissan is willing to guide them through daunting financial decisions

This will help Nissan build trust and credibility among MCMs

State Farm will obtain increased awareness in the multicultural market

2nd largest theater group in United States

To obtain a venue for Nissan’s movie theater promotion

Associate Nissan with fun and relaxing experiences, since it captures MCMs attention and makes them think favorably about the brand

Consumers are 157% more likely to see advertisements at the movies than on TV

AMC will receive PR through this unexpected campaign

Non-profit organization committed to “ideas worth spreading”

To obtain speakers for Generation Innovation tour

Align Nissan with innovative speakers and thinkers, boosting Nissan’s core message

TED is known for a global culture of innovation, just like Nissan

TED will obtain access to the MCMs, a segment that TED currently does not widely target


This will directly engage our primary market involved with in-language media. This expresses Nissan’s understanding of the market-the importance of music.

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An event for Latino trendsetters and innovators that helps launch creative endeavors. Nissan will sponsor the “Latinovator Award” because it aligns with Nissan’s core belief of constant innovation.

Concert features African A merican artists and entertainers that span a wide range of interests for our secondary market.

An Asian American television network that appeals to millennials. It combines music and entertainment to celebrate Asian American cultural heritage.

This expresses Nissan’s understanding of the importance of music.

This demonstrates Nissan’s global knowledge to a domestic market.

Budget&Media The chart below explains our budget allocations for our year long campaign. We have accounted for all forms of media tactics including traditional, non-traditional, digital, social and guerilla marketing. This chart shows the exact allocation of money and insures that we will not go over budget.


Digital/Social Media

Traditional Media

Media NEWSPAPER Print Online MAGAZINE Print Online TELEVISION Network Television Cable Television March Maddness Advertisement RADIO Online Streaming (Pandora) OUT-OF-HOME Shuttle Wrap Billboard TOTAL TRADITIONAL MEDIA SOCIAL MEDIA Twitter Online Banner Ads Redesign: Facebook Page Instagram Interlude DIGITAL YouTube Page Redesign: Redesign: Nissan Mobile App "Innomazement Station" Mobile App" TOTAL DIGITAL/SOCIAL MEDIA Innomazement at the Movies

April ('13)

31 7 14 21 28


5 12 19 26



9 16 23 30


7 14 21 28


4 11 18 25

Media Flow Chart



8 15 22 29

Guerilla Marketing


3 10 17 24



8 15 22 29

January ('14) 5 12 19




9 16 23



9 16 23 30

Campaign Pricing

Total Gross Impressions

Gross Impressions/$1 Spent













$3,332,007 $7,268,280 $21,500,000 $13,360,000 $3,600,000


$10,400 $200,000 $600,000 $46,538,680 $4,500,000 $10,750,000 $0 $0 $500,000 $250,000 $0 $0 $150,000 $16,150,000 $1,750,000

"Generation Innovation" Tour


Virtual Installation Tour



Dealership Environment


6 13 20 27


Innomazement Concert Series


Projecting Mapping


Test Your Drive




1,000,000 Mile Project


Nissan Dealership Technology


CRM Integration



$3,150,000 $6,458,820





29 Drive Innomazement

Accountability&Metrics INCREASE brand awareness

CONVEY innovation

CREATE lasting favorability

GAIN market share

Replicate baseline survey at regular intervals to assure that awareness and favorability are being achieved. Monitor website and social media activities by web traffic and Lithium social media monitoring. Measure attendance at Nissan live events. Measure number of people who visit dealership and test drive Nissan’s

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We are not your average, run-of–the- mill team. We are a select group of individuals from distinctly different backgrounds who have come together to bring this campaign to life. More importantly we not only understand the target market, we are the target market. Our campaign works because Innomazement captures the essence of Nissan and MCMs. Capitol Advertising recognizes that marketing must be authentic and innovative to capture the attention of MCMs. Through Innomazement, we will amaze them through brand awareness and engage them through the use of unique, quirky advertisements that directly relate to MCMs’ ever-changing lives. Innomazement is bold and different just like us. By exposing all the amazing innovations Nissan offers we make Nissan relevant to the lives of MCMs. Give us the opportunity, we are confident you will be Innomazement.

OurTeam Jenna Brettschneider Meshach Cisero Sebastian Flores Vandana Iyer Soni Jaiswal Maxime Jallifier

Nora Kelleher Katherine Lenihan Nicholas Mejia Caitlin Mermelstein Amanda Mizrahi Bianca Mombrun

Alix Montes Frederick Peavy Heidi Penna Phil Reynolds Brittni Salvati Alison Tager

Faculty Advisor Lynda Maddox

Special Thanks Darshan Mehta

Project Director Raycha Jagroep

31 Drive Innomazement

TheAppendix To determine which ethnic segments should serve as our primary, secondary, and tertiary markets, we developed a unique index to measure the relative likelihood that each group will be receptive to our campaign. When determining relevant factors, we considered the given campaign objectives, time, and budgetary constraints as well as the campaign’s focus on innovation. We ultimately decided that we needed to use a combination of quantitative and qualitative factors. Our research led us to identify the most relevant factors and determine the relative importance of each factor in consideration. Below is an excerpt of our Innomazement Receptiveness Index, the results of which defined our market segmentation strategy.

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