Goodlab 500 Days 首五百天

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由空間開始 The story starts with a space

Good Lab創辦於2012年9月,當時的香港缺乏一個讓社會企業家和社會創新者相會、共同工作和分享經驗的空 間,遑論促進不同界別的合作和創新。 Good Lab是一個社會企業,它的出現回應了空間的需要。 Good Lab由五個機構共同發起,分別是:對話體驗(香港黑暗中對話)、香港社會創業論壇 、 社企民間高峰 會、MaD創不同,以及香港社會創投基金;在Good Lab開幕後,仁人學社和言論自由行也進駐成為創辦機構。 他們都是在香港推動社會創新和社企發展的先鋒,在Good Lab走在一起,為香港的社會創新生態系統帶來了新 的文化和活力。 轉眼間,一年半已過去,越來越多人關注社會創新,並開始了不同的嘗試。Good Lab更獲邀進駐香港第一家具 有社創理念的酒店,因而有了Good Lab@Prince的誕生。

這份報告,是我們對Good Lab首五百天的回顧及對未來的思考。 Amidst much anticipation for a space for social entrepreneurs in Hong Kong to meet and collaborate, Good Lab was born in September 2012 as part of an answer to this problem. Five organizations kickstarted Good Lab together, they are:

Dialogue Experience (by Dialogue in the Dark HK) Hong Kong Social Entrepreneurship Forum (HKSEF) Social Enterprise Summit (SES) Make A Difference (MaD) Social Ventures Hong Kong (SVHK)

Subsequently Education for Good (EFG) and Solutions on Wheels (SOW) also became founding organizations of the Good Lab ecosystem. 500 days after our opening, a lot has changed in Hong Kong. There is growing interest in social innovation among people from different sectors. Even in the traditional business of hotels, there is an interest in combining social inclusion with running a business. Good Lab was invited to start an outpost in the Prince Edward area thanks to such an opportunity.

This report is a brief overview of these stories.

營造Good Lab Building the Good Lab Community 在首五百天,累計200多人,包括7個創辦機構,逾15支創業 團隊及百多名個人會員,加入Good Lab社群。 In the past 500 days, over 200 people joined the Good Lab community, including 7 founding organizations, over 15 startup teams and 100+ individual members.

創辦機構 Good Lab Founders

「對話體驗.無聲」團隊在Good Lab 支持下啟動了「藝宴坊」。這是全球 首個無聲劇場晚宴,由聽障朋友編、 導及演,並有多媒體配合,整個過程 在無聲的環境中進行,觀眾參與其 中,有深刻的反思和體驗。 Working with a group of hearing impaired people, the DiD HK team developed “Silence Le Cabaret” at Good Lab. It is an interactive experience directed and performed by the hearing impaired, enhanced by multimedia. The experience takes place in silence, with input and reflection from the audience.

對話體驗 Dialogue Experience (by DiD HK Ltd)

創不同 MaD MaD在2013年6月舉辦了第二屆亞洲社會創新交 流會(Social Innovation Exchange Asia),有數 十位來自亞洲的社會創新實踐者參加。英國Nesta 基金會的行政總監Philip Colligan是這次活動的主 題講者。 此外,賽馬會“創不同”學院也在Good Lab舉辦 多項課程,涵蓋氣候變化、公民社會及公共空間 等議題。其中,累積學習計劃也在Good Lab拉開 序幕,共有6隊參加者獲得了種籽基金及其他支 持,開展他們的社會創新項目。

In June 2013, MaD hosted the second Social Innovation Exchange Asia conference. Philip Colligan from NESTA in UK was a keynote speaker. On top of this, there were a number of feature programmes run by the Jockey Club MaD School in 2013, covering topics such as climate change, civil society, and public space. The MaD Accumulator Scheme was also launched at Good lab, with seed funding and other supports, six project teams to start their social innovation projects.

社企民間高峰會是亞洲地區最大的推動社會創業和社 The SES is an annual conference held in Hong 會企業家交流的平台。Good Lab是高峰會秘書處的辦 Kong with attendees coming from all over Asia. 公地點,也是眾多會議和首個良心消費聯展的空間。 The secretariat of SES is based at Good Lab. They also organized the first Ethical Consumption Bazaar at Good Lab.

社企民間高峰會 Social Enterprise Summit (SES)

香港社會創業論壇繼續推動社會企業家精神,在 2013年7月在Good Lab舉辦第三屆青年社會創業 家大賞,也安排了香港的社企界人士參訪深圳及 廣東省的社會企業和公益機構。 As the first organization in Hong Kong to promote social entrepreneurship, HKSEF has been running the Young Social Entrepreneurs Award for the third consecutive year. Their event in 2013 was held at Good Lab. A tour of social enterprises in Guangdong Province and Shenzhen was also organized by HKSEF for a selected group of Hong Kong social entrepreneurs.

香港社會創業論壇 Hong Kong Social Entrepreneurship Forum (HKSEF)

香港社會創投基金 Social Ventures Hong Kong (SVHK)

香港社會創投基金是香港首個慈善 創投基金,培育了十幾個社會創新項 目,提升了市民對社企的認受程度。 其中一個項目是Green Monday「綠 色星期一」(。 Green Monday除了與知名人士、媒 體大規模推廣素食文化,他們亦與企 業合作:超過1,000家食店加入推出 更多素食餐單;與午餐供應商聯手推 廣到500家中小學;還有更多大企業 參與合作綠色策略,包括商場、金融 機構、零售,甚至香港機場。 另一個項目是「光房計劃」 (,聯繫有心業主將 物業按照租客可負擔的價格分租給單 親媽媽和小孩。計劃不但能夠為參與 的家庭提供合適的居所,更為他們建 立了鄰舍關係,解決物質和關係貧窮 的問題。

SVHK is the first venture philanthropic organization in Hong Kong. SVHK has incubated more than 15 social innovation projects, raising the public’s awareness on the importance of social innovation and social enterprises. One of the projects is Green Monday (, a public campaign to enable baby steps to go green, especially through a green diet. Green Monday has gained widespread support from celebrities and media. They are also partnering with mainstream corporates: over 1,000 restaurant outlets have participated and created more vegetarian options; lunchbox suppliers have helped to spread the campaign to 500 primary and secondary schools; corporates such as malls, banks, retailers and the HK Airport have partnered with Green Monday to adopt green strategy. Another project by SVHK which was started at Good Lab is Light Be (, a project aimed at providing affordable housing for low-income single parent families, connecting socially conscious house owners with people in need, and building community in the same process.

仁人學社與香港的多所大學合作, 開辦與社企相關的課程,舉辦間隔 年計劃、社會創業經理證書課程以 及社會創業者孵化計劃。在Good Lab也經常舉辦公開講座。

Started in 2012 by KK Tse, EFG has been running different courses on social entrepreneurship in partnership with a few universities in Hong Kong. They also organize gap year programes and​ Certified Entrepreneurial​ Manager for Social Enterprise program​​ at Good Lab. More recently, EFG launched an incubator program for social entrepreneurs, the very first of its kind in Hong Kong.

仁人學社 Education for Good (EFG)

言論自由行 Solution On Wheels (SOW) 於2013年4月成立,目標是在香港填補解困新聞學的真 空。SOW每天都開着一輛經改裝的流動錄影車到香港不同 的社區採訪報道社區議題,並利用4G LTE技術進行直播, 是香港第一家此類型的新聞媒體。 Founded in April 2013, SOW is the first solution journalism practice in Hong Kong. It has both a live TV room inside a revamped truck and a website where livestreaming of the programme could be accessed. Vincent Wong is host of the daily show, and he will go to different communities in Hong Kong to interview people around issues that matter.

初創團隊 Good Lab Startup Team Members 移動科技催化項目 an incubator program for mobile startups

網絡營銷公司 a digital marketing company

亞洲工藝及手作平臺 a platform for craftswork from Asia

新創團隊,透過雲端服務 替礦主提供便捷的分析 及諮詢 a data analytics company for the mining industry 電子營銷公司 a digital marketing company

網站設計公司 a web solutions company

網站設計 a web production company

本港首個以兒童及青少年作 為演出團隊的藝團 the first theatre in Hong Kong that empowers children and teenagers to take centre stage at musical theatre productions

源自美國哥倫比亞大學,目標 是在各地建立平台,讓非政府 組織獲得免費的法律服務 a network of lawyers providing pro-bono service to NGOs and social enterprises

家長培力(Empowering)機構。 目標是建立家長的自信,讓他們 與孩子並肩成長。 a parent empowering institution hoping to build up parents’ confidence through courses and consultation services

專注東亞學術著作翻譯的出版公司 a publishing house with a focus on East Asian academic works

香港首個開放數據倡導平台 the first open data advocacy group in Hong Kong

在香港推動城市耕作 的社會企業 a social enterprise with the goal of fostering urban gardening in Hong Kong

設計暨行銷公司,旨在協助 非政府組織及社企宣揚理念 a design and marketing studio for social enterprises

會員 Featured members Julie是Verybite味力派創辦人。她於2013年參加Startup Weekend Hong Kong並且獲得了大獎。其後進入AcceleratorHK的孵化計劃,創立了一 個專門提供健康住家食物的平台──Verybite。 Julie is founder of Verybite, an online platform for fresh made food from homecooks in Hong Kong. She won the first prize at Startup Weekend Hong Kong in April 2013 and was later admitted into the AcceleratorHK programme.

Julie Ng Verybite旨在將家庭主婦及商業區的白領連繫起來,讓家庭主婦為上班族 提供健康有益的食物,讓大家賞識媽媽的廚藝之餘,也為她們帶來收入。 Verybite aims at connecting houswives to office workers in business districts so that the mothers could provides healthy and nutritious food to them. And this helps to create income and a sense of sharing and satisfaction for these mothers.

Paul於2012年抵達香港,開展互聯網創業孵化項目,先後組織了兩個 孵化系列。Paul在Good Lab舉辦創業分享,並邀請導師到Good Lab為 AcceleratorHK項目的團隊提供指導。 Paul arrived in Hong Kong in late 2012. He started AcceleratorHK with Steve Forte, which was the first accelerator programme in Hong Kong that is modeled after the “lean startup” methodology. Paul also hosts regular talks for entrepreneurs at Good Lab, where AcceleratorHK was based.

Paul Orlando

AcceleratorHK協助了十多個Startup團隊在短時間內完善他們的創業念頭,聯繫 導師指導,以及接觸不同的天使投資者。他同時也在Good Lab辦了好幾場創業 分享會,把精實創業(Lean Startup)的方法論介紹給更多本地的創業者。 AcceleratorHK helps more than 10 Startup teams to polish their business ideas within three months, and connect them to different mentors and angel investors for their further growth. Paul has also organised several talks on starting up a business and try to introduce the idea of “Lean Startup” to the local Startup community.

Roundtable Community發起人之一,曾是食物衛生局政治助理。去年創辦 「活現香港」文化旅遊社企。在Good Lab,他找到了網頁設計以及公司形 象設計的幫助。 As one of the cofounders of Roundtable Community, Paul started Walk in Hong Kong in 2013 at Good Lab, where he finds help from his fellow Good Lab members in design and website development.

陳智遠 Paul Chan Walk in Hong Kong致力帶給旅客截然不同的旅遊經驗,讓他們來到香港除 了飲食和購物外,也能多知道一些散佈於香港橫街窄巷的歷史故事。在初創 期Paul在Good Lab找到不少夥伴,幫助他建立網站,以及擬定營銷策略。 Walk in Hong Kong hopes to bring a brand new travel experience to tourists by walking in streets and alleyways, and hearing its history and stories.

軟件工程師,剛與拍檔啟動一個開源微型3D打印機項目,名為TinyBoy,藉此 喚起中學生對動手創作的熱忱。 Ben is a software engineer, who is also active in the opensource community. In 2013, Ben started a 3D printing project called TinyBoy with a friend. They hope that this could ignite school kids’ interest and enthusiasm in designing and making stuff.

劉煒強 Ben Lau

透過Tiny Boy,他們希望能將立體打印以廉宜的價錢帶入中小學校園,讓莘莘 學子接觸到這種先進科技。 Ben and his partner want to give young students access to 3D printing with this low-cost and open-source printing machine.

日間是網頁設計師,夜間是運動狂熱者。先後加入Bridge21及Myflat.hk的創業 團隊,業餘創辦運動資訊分享平台。 A web designer in the day, and sports enthusiast at night, Chi Wai joined Good Lab in 2013 as part of the Bridge21 team. He then joined and started as a side project which hopefully would become an online community to promote health and fitness for all in Hong Kong.

Chi Wai Li Getfit.hk網羅香港大大小小不同類型運動課程的資訊,方便一眾運動愛好 者。 aims to be a hub for all the sport and exercise classes in Hong Kong, so that every sport lover could make informative decisions before subcribing to these classes.

培育活動 Good Lab events Good Lab 每天都有大大小小的討論、工作、體驗和會議。 這些交流,促進了香港的創新氛圍。 The daily encounters and ongoing learning experiences at Good Lab have sparked interest in creativity and social innovation in Hong Kong.

「三方合作」社會創新工作坊 Tri-sector Workshops 作為社會創新的基地,Good Lab是促進者和連結 者,讓不同界別人士走在一起,尋求解決方案,讓 社會更美好和更有公義。 自2013年中起,Good Lab設計了推動社會創新意念 的「三方合作」工作坊,每次活動均有來自政府、 商界及民間組織的參加者。「三方合作」將是Good Lab 培育項目的重要理念。 Starting from May 2013, Good Lab has been experimenting with tri-sector social innovation workshops. We invited people from government, business and civic sectors to come and participate in two-day workshops. It has since attracted many people to join to get inspiration on impact of social innovation. Cross-sector and tri-sector mindset is a major discourse at Good Lab.

創業 Startup events Good Lab鼓勵有志者創業,定期舉辦創業相關活 動及工作坊。曾在Good Lab舉辦的創業活動,包 括「創業週末」及「精益創業」分享。 Different kinds of startup events, from Startup Weekend to talks on lean startup, have been hosted at Good Lab.

社會創新 Social innovation events 為加強會員及大眾對社會創新的認知,Good Lab 邀請英國UnLtd行政總裁Cliff Prior及美國《Life Entrepreneurs》作者Christopher Gergen等講者到 來分享。 Social innovators from around the globe including Cliff Prior (CEO of UnLtd UK) and Christopher Gergen (Author of Life Entrepreneurs) have shared their work at Good Lab.

文化藝術活動 Arts / Culture events Good Lab與CNEX基金會合作,每兩週一次舉辦 紀錄片放映活動及映後座談。 Facilitating cultural and creativity exchanges among documentary filmmakers and interested public, selected documentaries are shown at Good Lab in collaboration with CNEX Foundation with post screening talks every two weeks.

Good Lab網絡 Good Lab network 共用工作空間護照計劃

Coworking visa scheme

通過計劃,Good Lab 與亞洲各城市的獨立共 用工作空間結成網絡,以此促進不同城市的 共用工作空間使用者之間的交流。

Good Lab has been working with different cities in Asia to form coworking partnerships which will benefit members of coworking spaces involved, and help with the exchange of ideas among cities.

台北 Taipei 廣州 Guangzhou

台中 Taichung MakerBar Taipei 好伴 Happen

一起開工社區 Yi-Gather

Good Lab統計 Good Lab statisitcs 已開放 OPENED FOR 日 DAYS

500 200+


個社會創新平台 為創辦機構 social innovation platform, as founding organizations


6700+ 訪客






享用了 250+ Consumed 120+












20+ 10+

擁有 OWN


Good Lab生活 Good Lab daily life 細看Good Lab用的主要木料,你會被Kokoboard那些好看的紋路吸引。Kokoboard來自泰國,原料是椰殼 和農業廢棄物,經過一位有心設計師花了近兩年的時間研發,現以社會企業方式生產。Good Lab的主裝修 都是以它製造。支持循環再用,支持亞洲的社會企業,減輕對環境的負擔,是Good Lab的使命和宗旨。 Take a closer look at the wood used for the Good Lab’s major decoration, you will be immediately attracted to the beautiful pattern of Kokoboards, made in Thailand out of coconut shells and agricultural wastes. A good-hearted Thai designer did research for over two years and now manufactures Kokoboards as a social enterprise.

留起用過的塑膠杯,把會員從家中摘下來的香草和富貴竹養在水 裡,也不必特地打理,它們就著窗邊的陽光,自會慢慢長葉生根。 大家一起煮飯的時候,捏幾片鮮香草下來,伴意大利粉或沙律, 都好吃。 來到Good Lab首先注意的,必然是鮮活的橙色,但在大家一起栽培 下,溫柔的綠色也愈來愈多了呢。 Keep the used plastic cups and put the herbs and bamboo brought by our members in water. Without much care, they would just grow with the sunlight. It is great to add some fresh, madein-Good Lab herbs into the meals when we cook together. The first colour you encounter at Good Lab must be vivid orange, but with our effort, gentle green starts to play a role too!

這是我們一起做的廚餘酵素。把果皮和菜葉風乾,放到膠樽裡,加糖加水,醃泡 三個月,就可用來清洗碗盤和施肥,這比用洗潔精和化學肥料環保得多。 These are the garbage enzymes we are using. Mix dried peels and vegetables with sugar and water, ferment them for 3 months, then it could be used for cleaning dishes and fertilising. It is much more environmentally friendly than chemical detergent.

Good Lab的King-size黑板面積就算沒有冠絕港九新 界,至少在西九一帶應有機會獨領風騷。每逢月初,都 會見到我們同事擔著長木梯,爬上好幾米高處,換上新的 活動資料,辛苦晒!不時也會看見會員駐足黑板前面,商 量該一起參與哪些活動。 We have a king-size blackboard here at GoodLab and it is probably one of the largest in West Kowloon! Thanks to our teammates who climbed up and down to stick event updates on the blackboard at the beginning of every month. It is great to see our members stopping by and marking down events they like!

Good Lab時間表 Good Lab timeline

TEDx Happy Valley


Good Lab 開幕 Opening 維基托邦 WIKITOPIA

SEPT 2012 良心消費聯展 Ethical Consumption Bazaar




Good LabX主場新聞-博客對談 Good LabXHouse NewsBlogger Sharing




Global Service Jam 2013



Good Lab@Prince 開幕 Opening

兩岸四地首屆共用工作空間研討會 Coworking unconfernece

JUN 社會創新亞洲年度交流 SIX Asia 2013







Good Lab的下一步:往哪方? What’s next for Good Lab?

超越共用工作空間 More than a coworking space 2012年Good Lab 剛開業的時候,香港只有四家共用工作空間。五百天後,香港已有超過15家面向不同社 區和社群的空間,而Good Lab 是唯一的社會創新平台。 作為香港首家致力於透過coworking方式推動社會創新的社會企業,Good Lab 將面對不少挑戰,也面臨着 非常難得的機遇: There were just four coworking spaces in Hong Kong, when Good Lab started up in 2012. 18 months later, the number of coworking spaces in Hong Kong has mushroomed, while Good Lab is the only coworking space for social innovation. As the very first such platform in Hong Kong, Good Lab will face challenges, and at the same time, there are also quite a number of opportunities: 香港政府已公佈「社會創新與創業發展基金」,推動創業及社會創 新。與此同時,創效投資者也開始對社會創新有興趣,讓集資有更 多的可能。 The government announced the Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship Development Fund in 2014, which is a fund dedicated to building of a vibrant ecosystemfor social innovation. At the same time, impact investors are interested in funding socially innovative ideas, and there are more opportunities in raising capital.

Good Lab將與UnLtd Hong Kong合作,把Good Lab的空間成為孵 化器,推動社創精神,讓有心於推動社會創新的人士從小項目做 起,走上社會企業之路。 The much anticipated UnLtd Hong Kong has been launched in 2014 with Good Lab as partner. The UnLtd model is proven to be successful in nurturing social entrepreneurs to start from small ideas to impactful businesses in UK, India, South Africa and Thailand.

開放數據以及公民新創企業(civic startup)近年開始成為歐美創業 以及社會創新領域的新方向。這是一個融匯科技、設計、公民社會 等跨界元素的領域,能為不少社會問題帶來全新的解決方案。Good Lab 期待成為香港此類創新企業的孵化器。 We have witnessed the rise of open data and civic startups in recent years in Europe and the US. These are often started by people who care about social and civic issues, and they work in cross-disciplinary approaches to solve social issues. Good Lab will work more closely with open data groups in Hong Kong to help nurture the growth of this field.

香港首家具社會使命的酒店已在太子附近開業。Good Lab進駐這 家酒店並開設第二據點,藉更為便利的交通優勢,吸引更多人加入 Good Lab 社群。我們期待未來有更多類似的協同效應。 In February 2014, Hong Kong’s first socially conscious hotel, Le Prabelle Hotel, opened for business. Good Lab was invited to open its second space on the fifth floor, providing more convenience for people to come to Good Lab for coworking. We hope there will be more such synergies in the future.

讓我們一起共創Good Lab的未來500天 Please help us to shape and co-create the next 500 days at Good Lab.

Good Lab董事與團隊 Good Lab directors and team 董事 Directors 黃英琦女士(召集人) Ms Ada Wong (Convenor)

MaD創不同平台、香港社會創業論壇 Make A Difference (MaD), Hong Kong Social Entrepreneurship Forum

張瑞霖先生 Mr Patrick Cheung 對話體驗、香港社會創業論壇 ialogue Experience, D Hong Kong Social Entrepreneurship Forum

伯康先生 黃 Mr Vincent Wong 企民間高峰會、言論自由行 社 Social Enterprise Summit, SOW Ideas

謝家駒博士 Dr K K Tse 仁人學社、社企民間高峰會 Education for Good, Social Enterprise Summit

魏華星先生 Mr Francis Ngai 香港社會創投基金 Social Ventures Hong Kong

團隊 Team 湯蒨彤


Janis Tong

Oliver Lam

Head of Administration and Development

Host and Assistant Community Curator



Max Leung

Kwong Sham

Head of Marketing and Information

Host and Innovation Lead



Tony Yet


Community Curator

Office Assisant

謝姬雪 Etienne Tse Administration and Accounting Officer

兼職助手 Part time helpers 天祐



Ah Wah

阿豆 Ah Dou

駐場創業家 Resident Entrepreneur 張凌瀚 Kelvin Cheung

顧問及永久會員 Advisor and Life Members 藍列群女士


L K Lam

Denis Chang

陳麗雲教授 Prof Cecilia Chan

導師 Mentors 劉鳴煒 Lau Ming-wai

陸耀輝 Joy Luk

John Sayer

Cheung Sha Wan Rd 長沙灣道 Cheung Sha Wan Station Cheung Sha Wan Rd 長沙灣道 長沙灣站

Cheung Sha Wan Station 長沙灣站

Hang Cheung St 幸祥街

Cheung Sha Wan playground Cheung Sha Wan 長沙灣遊樂場

Hang Cheung St 幸祥街

playground 長沙灣遊樂場

Fortune St 幸福街

Asia golf club 亞洲高爾夫球會

The Sparkle 星匯居 The Sparkle

Cheung Sha Wan vegetable Cheungwholesale Sha Wan vegetable wholesale market market 長沙灣蔬菜批發市場



Tung Chau St 通州街

Tung Chau St 通州街

Ying Wa Ying Wa College College 英華書院


Tonkin St W 東京街西

Lai Chi Kok Rd 荔枝角道

Asia golf club 亞洲高爾夫球會

Tonkin St W 東京街西

Lai Chi Kok Rd 荔枝角道

Fat Tseung St 發祥街

Fat Tseung St 發祥街

Fortune St 幸福街

Fu Cheong Estate Fu Cheong Estate 富昌邨 富昌邨

Sham Mong Rd 深旺道

Sham Mong Rd 深旺道

Nam Cheong Station 南昌站 Nam Cheong Station 南昌站

C2 C2

Prince Edward Station Prince Edward Station 太子站 太子站

Good Lab@Prince Good Lab@Prince

Prince Edward Rd太子道西 W 太子道西 Prince Edward Rd W

Metropark Metropark HotelHotel Mongkok Mongkok 旺角維景酒店

太子砵蘭街372號 Le 太子砵蘭街372號 LePrabelle PrabelleHotel Hotel5樓 5樓 (太子站旁) (太子站旁)


Le Prabelle Hotel

Le Prabelle Hotel 儷凱酒店 儷凱酒店

Nathan Rd 彌敦道

Nathan Rd 彌敦道

i La

i Portland St 砵蘭街 Ch

Portland St 砵蘭街

Goldne Plaza

Goldne Plaza 金都中心 金都中心

5/F, Le 5/F, Le Prabelle Prabelle Hotel Hotel 372 Portland Street 372 Portland Street Kowloon Kowloon (2-min walk from Prince Edward MTR) (2-min walk from Prince Edward MTR)

Allied Plaza

Allied Plaza 聯合廣場 聯合廣場

ad Ro

ok iK


k Ko

i La

ad Ro

角 道 Pioneer Centre 始創中心 Pioneer Centre 始創中心

聯絡我們 聯絡我們 Contact Us

Contact Us TheGoodLab


+852 3996 1933 +852 3996 1933







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