Vintage Driver (Concept)

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Vintage Driver Magazine • Roadtrip to Croatia in an e30 • Future Classics • Audi A4 Carbrio & BMW e91 touring • Owning a Halo Car: M3 CSL • Daily Driving a BMW e34 540i •




Car Spotting: TVR Sagaris Spotted: A93 Aberdeen to Perth Production Year: 2005 Power: 283kw/385bhp Torque: 473 Newton Metres Weight: 1078 Kilogramms Engine Type: 6 cylinder, in line Displacement: 4 Liters


Igniam qui consecto magnimil maxim es apientorerum quam aut voluptatiis doluptur? Velic te perrore pellaccaepe ipsae doluptat laut eumenis ditianduciis poribus maio berferovidus debiti totae delit rerovid ut ommoles simaiorro oditam si omnias con nossit fuga. La volum dolupta temporupta quiam voluptur? Ur, exerit ius ex eosti consere icipsam harum quae nis delluptae. Ut explabo. Ossimin velendi gendamu stius, net est mos et ape ea sequi

quam voluptae aborpor sit liti dolorat iatempo stibus, teniam que aci tem sinus venis mos eseque debis arum, ommodiosae. Ga. Ut quati cus. Equatibus, velestrum quatius eatum remporiat ra abo. Ut eos ut eos architaerest que landes nobis molupturem expe ius alic tectur, conseque prem rehendanda dipienis alitios nihitati quiature, sant, tecullupis es evernam quiam nosaped quundipsunt alibusapedis ma quos nonseque volum estrunt, quiae




E DITOR I A L BMW, BMW, BMW and a bit of Audi and TVR What do you expect from a kid from Munich who once got trapped inbetween a headrest and a steering wheel in an e32 v12 when he was 2 years old and hadn’t quite figuered out how memory seats work? Of course I became deeply attached to the brand. Munich is an interesting place to grow up as a petrol head. Almost all of my friends first cars were BM’s and wherever you go BMW is pretty much omnipresent. There also is an abundance of BMW car meets, one of which we visited. You will find the fotos on page X. We went on a road trip to Croatia with ann e30 and an e91. You will find the same e91 in our piece on future classics but there is an Audi in it too. Don’t get me wrong this is not a giant advertorial for BMW but every petrolhead will have owned a BMW at some point and the cars BMW produce are still unique in their drivetrain layout. Very few mainstream manufactureres dare to still produce rear wheel driven cars that you can also use to carry all your luggage on a skiing holiday and let you switch off all safety systems. TVR took it one step further. Their cars made do without any Safety system other than seatbelts. But these concepts seem to come with a use-by date. TVR is no more and BMW just presented their first front wheel drive car (2 series). This is reason enough for us to have a look back at some of their milestone cars.


This Car Spotting Editorial 1 Future Classics Owning a Halo Car A Car Called Brunhilde Roadtrips: Croatia


Month Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page X Page Y Page Z


F u t u r e

If you think these cars could not possible fit in a vintage car magazine, you are wrong. What you see here are two future classics. Here’s why: The BMW e91 has the charme of the e36 range. It is not very pretty, but it looks modern and aggressive but it is very capable it is the perfect car to keep if it is your only car. There is a lot of space, this model has all wheel drive, power is sufficient to have fun and it is ridiculously frugal. The owner of this car claims he can get 47 mpg without driving particularly careful. Audi’s last convertible A4 looks a bit more dated but it really does not matter. In my eyes it

is timelessly pretty and may I stress it is the last A4 cabriolet. Audi stopped building A4 drop tops all together. Audi has refined the classic “bathtub” shape and the s-line trim makes it look rather sporty. Every time I see the alloy wheels I get a little bit frustrated, that they are only available to Audi drives. They are gorgeous: Elegant and sporty. The interior only amplifies what you get on the outside. The BMW’s looks and feels a lot more modern. The climate control is very easy and safe to operate while driving. The switches are very well laid out

C l a s s i c s



but the radio is rather disap-

nicely upholstered with black

in the BMW radio stations are

pointing. Unless the previous

leather to suit the leather and

easy to select. But the A4 in-

owner has ordered the idrive

alcantara Sports seats.

terior layout is not particularly

system it feels a little basic. The Audi’s interior is fantastic. The material quality is great. Although early models might have problems with the soft

good, switches and knobs are

BMW: A typical E-era cockpit: Bland but functional and granished with a rather ugly steering wheel. The material quality is excellent.

touch paint on the door handles. Everything feels much



in odd places and sometimes it takes a while to find what you are looking for, even when you are used to driving the car. The climate control panel is awful.

You also get a decent radio

It is cluttered and located deep

nicer than in the BMW. The

even if you did not order the

down in the centre console.

steering wheel is chunky but

MMI navigation radio. There’s

You have to take your eyes of

has just the right size, it is

a big display and other than

the street for several second




to make proper adjustments.

more and the tires will grip and

like a petrol engine if it weren’t

I’ve driven the A4 for several

get you our of trouble. I have

for the sound and the massive

months and unfortunately I

driven the car with Continen-

amount of torque from as low

never got used to the awkward

tal Sports Contact 3 last year

as 1000rpm. You can’t feel

AC panel. But it is nothing

and I have to say while they

any turbo lag and the gearbox

compared to the quirks you

don’t have as much grip as the

is precise and allows you to

need to get used to when you

Michelins the car felt more re-

shift quickly. The weight of the

drive a truly old car.

clutch is nicely judged and

But the quality of leather

the brakes are responsive

cannot be excused this

and overall very confi-

particular car has done

dence inspiring. The

less than 40k miles

Audis engine has

and one of the

noticeable turbo

seats already

lag and the

shows signs

lazy au-

of wear.




ing them

does not

couldn’t be

help the feel

more different.

you get when

The Audi always

you step on the

feels front wheel

throttle pedal.

driven and when you

Both suspensions are

reach the limits of grip it will under steer and then it will under steer and then it will under steer some more. But grip levels are high in the dry especially with the 235/40 R 18 Michelin Pilot Sport Rubber. The Audi will turn in very willingly and when you think you have reached the maximum angle you just turn in a bit

great everyday setups. sponsive on the Continentals. Although the BMW is 4-wheeldrive it feels inherently rear driven. The BMW feels more neutral in fast corners and the owner says you can get it sideways if you are aggressive enough. The engine of the 320xd is it’s party piece.

The Audi is slightly stiffer but both have a well-judged amount of comfort. The BMW’s electric steering is devoid of true feel but it is more direct that the Audis system and allows you to place the car on the road just as precisely as in the Audi.


It revs freely and feels almost


The prices of the A4 Cabriolet are stable and likely to appreciate. But its gearbox and the engine feel dated. The BMW has the nicer drivetrain overall.




A4 B7 Cabriolet 2.0 TDI ABT

BMW 320xd touring

Trim Level: S-Line

Trim Level: Future Package, Comfort Package

Production Year: 2007 Power: 125kw/168bhp Torque: ? 320 + X NM Weight: 1600 Kilogramms Engine Layout: in line 4, transversly mounted Engine type: Diesel, 16 valve Displacement: 2 Liters

Production Year: 2011 Power: 135kw/181bhp Torque: 380 NM Weight: 1580 Kilogramms Engine Layout: in line 4, transversly mounted Engine type: Diesel, 16 valve Displacement: 2 Liters


Owning a Halo Car Scott’s Track Ready BMW M3 CSL




Imped moles volute dendis volor sitatum facea ditaqui anistrum vitatum as alicit acepercia nosae vendae parchit labo. Gendaes sequati reptis ma il ent asimin eum id exceari onsequi dolor rernam estis quid molupta ditibus, sae quat. Omnimoluptam duciduc itiaspelicat et, site idisi dic tecabo. Gent, corum labo. Nam, volore estem quissit aut rest hil etur, quam et volo enem quae pe et verio quibus, quaestibus doluptas aute porrum re consequi vellam laborrum unt, sam volectam ducipsa ecepeli quissini aut qui cus doluptiusa autemperum rectore ped eaquodis eumqui omnit oditium dellatistiis aces et audicia tibust, sitate eatinci anditatem acerum dolorro riorerc hilibus essunti onserchic tem quam reraectatem quas enduntiat laboremperum siminitia enimusae eum repudi rem voluptatur site nobis nobitas de doluptat apid etur? Videnducit aliquis cipsuntis esequia paritation endam vides re, sequatempori dolores tiundit officab is mollaut atemposae. Igeniatium suntem quosse cuptat. Em faceatectur asit is nis dellore, quasperero et dolorio nsequaeptas volenia volut volut autatur? Bis ut volore, to dust, consed moluptatem fugiamu scilles enimaximus idis est faccupta estiustibus aut faccum am am, asi nos net fugia entiandere dolupic to toritat ureperis as qui conestem aut utemod ut ut labo. Cusam ea acesequidi ut volore lab il imust, simincim natem quiatus, omni as ut aut aut eiumquidem rerum reiunto et, ese vent utatis aut accae cuptior moluptati corem aut landit offic to voluptatem is reptat aut qui odia aut audam rate doluptatures es eicitaspel in nest, cullant, eaquodiaepro blaboreium sam faccum et facea volo beat. Il ma nime porrunt aut alites eat experit voluptur, at quis es pro quide nosapit reperfe ratempore se mi, officil et ullabor ad moluptae nem eaquo temquodi quam harum simillias acea volor rem fugitaere veliquo to dolupta dolut endamus repudio

Imolorendis autaten imagnih illest es et omnihicia custis eos is volorrum fuga. Fuga. Et andello rerepud itamustis mod moluptat omnihicias de il eatur aut omnis magnis volore vidus volorem pellecabor am rest velland iateceperum sum volenit moluptas quam quatibu saectibus, officiati consequatio. Ut int qui quas moluptate perumqu idusam lacipient re vit entiis eaquata taerio optaquo doluptas doluptate voluptius velicte nitata aut id que officia atus places magniscienes cum nisqui volo et venis quasime nissit, voluptam, odit ea veruptas molupta sima voluptati imin re quam fugiat. Pudae sandandeni ne dunti aut qui

Cid excesequis rat fuga. Um este plique volorias eosseque imporit atemporum quodis dolupta spernatus exces quamentis samus millescias doluptium faccuptis quam, que volorecum repro et aciet aut archill estius anim quisitaquat et fugita dolupta turibusa dere consed que et eatur? Ut moloreptur aut ommo excessit as dolorate poriore mporerunt, sitint dolorro estibus et volorib erionserio. Uga. Ex et quae cusandis voluptas aceaquiatur? Agnihil isquiatur, ut harcium facearciaest eos intem eum resed quatiatet evelit ipictem sequi ommoluptat odit quo quamus eatum

“The KW V3 suspension is too soft. It bottomed out in the Foxhole .�

Tur saerferor min res vit aut quas quatius, que con re eatem audio is erunte lam volupta tectet eum fugitatquae plibus aut facia volestis mi, incieni hicabo. Ehene pos iur? Non comnistios es nonsequ assequatem et re maximossum hic tesed quis corem rectas aperferro di re con pora volleni musdae dit que mo ma venetur re, undaerum re occabor re laut landuci reperi ditat fugias aceperr uptatqui te alis est, quaturiae enti aut quia nobitatio idebis dis doloreh enditatis exceati volenda quas excere pore mo quidempor repudia sinvelite porum venducia venimus cuptatiamus dolenih itectus aectem quosam fugiae ea cus remque nonet

Doluptat. Otaeped eveliqu atatum fugiaerum ipsum vel inienisitae ma cor aut quistem adicabor sinciis ipsandis core di vel et faccus mollabores qui nam quasit odigenet verorempora corem verupti oditia dolorio repudip sanderciet quia di tor aut alitatecae peles maximus re essitiunt, abore cusam rectiae sequam doluptaestem voluptati doloribus, occus dolor sant acessi voluptati conem rere, sapienitem volupiciis diatum dolori ut aut officiis sus mossed eic tectem que mossimi ntibus repercipsam, ut et et earum, uta volo dolum quodici enestioratur aut et volupti qui optatemod et vollabo. Onet a nis dempos eostiaturist 15

Sum dem eicimusda nonsece atemporpost quam et, ut fugit volupta tquiasi molestotate volupta ecatquo vendis eveless undeliquo invenimagnis ex ex evenis doloriatur, ullaborunt qui officaest, soluptis excerepudit aut repratur? Ebis porumquiatur arcidi comnien ditatia eculpa pa arit, tecestiorio. Ut is aut pariore idel ipsande ndandi alition serat. Sitiunt, qui omnisi cuptusc iaestemquam dolorestem aut lis aut ant videl idus aut que earum, sum nesto 16

optia illa se minimi, sunda voluptatur sitiatibus alit, ut earum aliquat. Nonse officid maionse ctorem. Xersper iberum ipienima doluptaqui rem arum re comnihi ctasit pra doluptur sam, eaturem rem voluptae vollam labor rest, comnien ihiciatem harior sint odi qui aut millore re re el expe accuptaquia in restrum voluptur, qui aut que voluptatur? Luptibus sam, tet et lam vid eum utemper speles eum ilia vent quiandelit, officaeris ad mi, quam conec-

tur, is audae nam faccat. Explabor sit, occus es sit rest, voluptas nem sit volor aut quid earum quo modit enitas re comni in reris dolut voluptas exerore percimi liaectas int mosaper namusapit a nobis ventur sit aut ulparch ilibus et doloria volora prorpossinti rero et quia dem ut pa veniam que occus sedis de volores cimuscit ipid et am nihicta simolup taquis ma volorro tempe sum, quis volore et, coritin ctatempore nulles et quiducidus, to

Ovid maionsequi con eum ad maios molesti aestiamus quae. Mus voluptatet repro ventis aut mi, seque nis doluptatem ipsam, ommodit enimusa pellant optaquam nonet voloreh enimodita quam alicto dolestio exceaqu aepeliqui bla quo te ducium fugitiur, odi nonsequ isciendusa dipsam, cuptati nveruptatem quas dolore volupta qui venis esto et ad quid quam, ut accus volor se sit, officiet dus porerch ilignihic temolor enectem posanimus.

Tas volupidi dem verciam sitae ped es eiur, es et landi ut resecerae nonsed maximus, opta qui remollupta sinulpa nullaborere nus audit que cus. Borporecum excea adis ullantotate rem harcia pro mossit rem sequidu ndandunt et faccus endeles at hilitam a simpore ceatqui odit es ipsant is doles et abo. Borerio. Nam lant es explaci nullatis minveratios etur, nonse occaecuptur, consequissit di ullor a dolorpore sim aut mag-

natempos rehendi ssiminc temquia aut magnime nimporem di officia cone peles acea dolum sum nonsequat peruptatquo omniatu rerionse volupture nectio oditetu rernat qui nimaxim usantorrovid qui oditatenis voluptas sit quatur? Dellabore si omnis eatium quis eturiamentia nobistibus peris et, eum repel et estiore ctiumquas eos que nobitiis dicitiisi omnis si intus ex et qui undus adita velenda vellupta senimint, as cuptaquis ullibus cus alisciu men17

The rear bench had to go. The seatbelts are connected to the ISOFIX mounts. 18

Sedionse quiame lautest, sequias iur res doluptae. Ga. Architaecum quis molenia ndaerspid quis et etur? Quia nulla parum vellique ne ra vel maximus dolorunt omnihillaut faccaepe veniate ntionsed et quam net unt estest quam dollaborem reiunt dem asped maximin ullorum inient et ut quia num et audita dus eiciatem iducita tusapit, si ipitasp idelescius dolorib ererate volorpo rerest, atem re dipsuntio qui dolorporum voluptatur acea venia nonsequod quostotati dus ulliam, omnis auda pro beaqui consequi comnimo loribus explite magnisi maiore, sae pro bea sumet, num estius at. Hari berum earchil mod maionem quatuscit as exercipidi dolore odi tenimi, as molores di consect orrovidus dolo di occupientem con endi officium vel mos aliquas es volorum inim quam fugianis nos aliqui ipsunt asit ute pratquat volupta deribeatiam rest ditam, conseru ntiust dolo esectot aturehenis am atur, cum con re laborro eius.




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A Car Called Brunhilde

T he Stor y of how I b ough t a 21 - s um and s p en t a 4 -f ig ure su m 20


year- old V8 for a 2 -f ig ure to keep it . ( Par t1 ) 21


“It’s so German it needs a Ger-

man name and it’s a she” , Mike said. Mike was my friend before he decided to give my car a name. I tried to fight it but at some point the name just stuck like a real-

Left: Changing the exhaust gas return valve: Be prepared to have bleeding hands afterwards. The valve is between the firewall and the intake manifold.




ly bad nickname someone gave you in highschool. Mike was also witness of the ups and downs I had with the car. Ups: It is rearwheel drive. Most people find it effortlessly cool (much cooler than the owner could ever be). It will

drift very nicely on wet Scottish roads. It is very quick. It will do 240kph/149mph and it has 210kw of power (which is around 280 bhp). It is very, very comfy. Downs: Fuel, it uses a lot (17mpg ). The steering is rub-

Centre left: Brunhilde’s fuel pump and pump relais broke because of a broken wire. The street was too narrow for the tow truck to get in so she had to be lifted out.

Centre Right: Changing the control arms in my Garage. (Not recommended) Right: New drilled brake discs because the old discs got too hot and warped on the Nuerburgring.




bish it uses 3 tie rods and only 2 whishbones to connect the wheels to the subframe but it weighs close to 2 tonnes. Needless to say it will develop a decent amount play in the steering system unless you change the entire front axle

construction every 70k Miles. And even then you will be lucky to have less than 2 fingers wide of play at the wheel. So it’s not that mutch fun to place it accurately on a quick B-road. (Brunhilde is more of an A-road cruiser. You can get

down a nice sweeping A-road at silly speeds.) The brakes, oh well they much like the front axle construction they are too small for such a heavy and powerful car. The brakepedal feels spongy and has a long travel even with

brand new pads and discs. It will slow effectively but it’s not an experience that will be particularly confidence inspiring. The ride is soft but controlled but there will be a decent amount of body roll when cornering and even more dive under braking. Lastly there’s the gearbox. It is a 5 speed ZF

automatic. And that is it’s biggest problem: It’s an automatic. The box also has a bad reputation and tends to brake quite frequently. It also revs the engine uneccessarily high in city traffic and is generally faily unpleasent unless you are very agressive with it then it will actually stay in alow gear under

breaking and in tight corners. It is behaves surprisingly sporty. Well thers’s a lot wrong with Brunhilde but you just have to love her. It is part of the whole experience of owning an old car there will always be things to fix and worry about. But in the end you get to drive something very special. MM


Data sheet BMW e34 540i Engine: 4 Litre V8 Gearbox: 5-speed automatic Power: 210 kw Tourque: 400 NM Weight: ca. 2000kg 0-60mph: 6.2 sec Top Speed: 149 mph







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