Max Marschall MaxCVMarschall ComputationalArchitecturalIntegrated DesignDesignDesign CV 1/8
Max Marschall CV
and computational designer with extensive knowledge on advanced 3D and parametric modelling, BIM and computer programming, as well as environmental and building performance simulation. I have worked in a variety of contexts, from architectural sketch design, detailed design and construction documentation, to sustainability and engineering consulting.
I have a PhD from RMIT University, focusing on simulating the impacts of occupant behavior on indoor climates, human comfort and energy consumption. My current role at Aurecon is within the Integrated Design Lab, where my responsibilities range from giving data-driven environmental design advice to the development of custom digital tools for Aurecon's Built Environment sector.
Visa Conditions
• I currently hold a Temporary Graduate Visa (subclass 485) which grants full-time working rights until 30 November 2025 I am currently applying for Permanent Residency
Gap (Melbourne)SemesterSubmission31stAugust 4th Prize (Grasshopper)TrainerSo�wareAssistantStudent Work Experience ConsultantSpecialistDigital Senior Consultant Work Experience Lecturer DesignComputa�onal InternResearch Computa�onal Design Uni-Preparatory Art Class Assistant Architect DesignInteriour StudiesArchitecture Best Short Paper "Hybrid WorkshopTower" Tutor AssistantResearch& PhD Defense (EN/GER)Transla�onsLecturerArchitectAssistant PhD Candidate WorkshopLearningMachine 1st Prize ArchitectAssistant 3D Modelling Gradua�on BIM Modelling STIL Studio RMIT Aurecon "To be a Student" Paul Morgan Architects Part-�meFreelance / Casual Abbonacci Compe��ons / Awards EventsConferences/Workshops Schiller High School Architects archinoah.deRMITUdK DMS Full-�me Descloux House Painters Architects SimAUD UdK Architecture Atelier Balzer ICWE Event Management IASS CAADRIACAADRIADLA CASANZ22 Bollinger + Grohmann Ingenieure Solar Decathlon 6M4M9M 4M 10M1Y 10M + 3W 11M3M 5M 2.5Y 1M 6M5.5Y3.5Y 2Y4M8M5M 6M 4M 2006 2007 2005 2008 2009 2020 2019 2022 2021 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 Gap (Melbourne)SemesterSubmission31stAugust 4th Prize (Grasshopper)TrainerSo�wareAssistantStudent Work Experience ConsultantSpecialistDigital Senior Consultant Work Experience Lecturer DesignComputa�onal InternResearch Computa�onal Design Uni-Preparatory Art Class Assistant Architect DesignInteriour StudiesArchitecture Best Short Paper "Hybrid WorkshopTower" Tutor AssistantResearch& PhD Defense (EN/GER)Transla�onsLecturerArchitectAssistant PhD Candidate WorkshopLearningMachine 1st Prize ArchitectAssistant 3D Modelling Gradua�on BIM Modelling STIL Studio RMIT Aurecon "To be a Student" Paul Morgan Architects Part-�meFreelance / Casual Abbonacci Compe��ons / Awards EventsConferences/Workshops Schiller High School Architects archinoah.deRMITUdK DMS Full-�me Descloux House Painters Architects SimAUD UdK Architecture Atelier Balzer ICWE Event Management IASS CAADRIACAADRIADLA CASANZ22 Bollinger + Grohmann Ingenieure Solar Decathlon 6M4M9M 4M 10M1Y 10M + 3W 11M3M 5M 2.5Y 1M 6M5.5Y3.5Y 2Y4M8M5M 6M 4M 2006 2007 2005 2008 2009 2020 2019 2022 2021 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 Max MarschallCV 3/8 EmploymentEducation/Research

My other role is an Initiative Lead position within the Computational Design team and includes the development (and management thereof) of custom digital tools and methodologies, and overseeing their business integration.
Scholarship RMIT Vice-Cahncellor's PhD Scholarship
March 2017 - August 2019 | Casual
Consultant, Computational Design
September 2020 - November 2021 | Full-time
September 2019 - August 2020 | Part-time
Chair Spatial Information Architecture Lab School Architecture & Urban Design

Partner Aurecon
I currently also hold the "Built Environment Digital Coordinator" role across Aurecon’s Victorian region. This role comes with a range of interdisciplinary responsibilities to drive our service group's digital strategy, incouding digital enablement and upskilling initiatives - both in design and project delivery.
Thesis Title Humans in the Loop: Incorporating Occupant Behaviour in Building Performance Simulation
PhD Candidate
ActionProbability Max
In this PhD thesis, I argued for the need to consider the effects of occupant behaviour on the environmental sustainability of buildings, and proposed methods to incorporate it in building performance simulations during the architectural design
The contribution of my research was twofold: firstly, I developed a digital toolkit that incorporates several probabilistic models of occupant behaviour, enabling architects and engineers to simulate the impact of several human factors on building performance. Secondly, I demonstrated the design implications of behaviour modelling on architectural design, in a series of design
Digital Specialist, Computational Design
Industry-Embedded Research Intern
March 2017 - January 2021
I have a split role at Aurecon; one of my responsibilities is within the Sustainability team, where I help deliver bespoke sustainable design concepts through advanced, parametric building performance modelling. More recently, I have taken on a project manager role for sustainability projects.
RMIT University
building design generally requires digital simulations. While current simulation software can be used to accurately model deterministic physical systems, it only offers limited capacity to model human factors. Human behaviour is often misrepresented, leading to large discrepancies between simulation and reality.

November 2021 - Present | Full-time
Senior Consultant, Computational Design
Researchstudies. & Current Employment
• Computational design & advanced modelling
Paul Morgan Architects Assistant Architect
• Algorithmic modelling, design and visualisation
CV 5/8
• Building performance simulation
2011 - 2015 (about 9 months total)
ComputationalArchitects&Sustainable Designer
• Environmental site analysis
• Briefings / geometry workshops with clients

March 2012 - February 2016 (about 11 months total)
Bollinger+Grohmann Ingenieure
von Gerkan, Marg & Partner
• 3-week work experience stint at age 16
• Preparing 3D models for visualization
Davide Abbonacci 3D-Visualisierung
• Detailed design of an interior fitout for RMIT
• Exposure to design competitions as well as construction documentation for large projects

• 3D Modeling
• Frequent student jobs thereafter
• The custom acoustic wall panel design was tested at the Beuth School of Applied Sciences in Berlin

January 2014 - February 2014
Student Assistant
• Independent design, development and realisation of an interior fitout for a voice recording studio

BIM Modeller | Computation Designer
October 2016 -February 2017
• Geometry workshops with clients
3D Modeller (Freelance Associate)
September 2011 - December 2011
Past Employment
October 2018 - March 2019 | March 2016 - October 2016
STIL IndependentHörspieleInterior Design Project

Max MarschallHENN
• BIM Modelling for construction documentation
• My role was specifically the design, documentation and preparation for tendering of the acoustic envelope

DungBeetle An Aurecon-developed plug-in to query the EPiC database on embodied energy.
Overall Grade 1.4*
• Humans in the loop: incorporating occupant behaviour in building performance simulations.
Other Activities
Degree German “Diplom” (equivalent to MA)
• Can the Use of Stochastic Models of Occupants’ Environmental Control Behavior Influence Architectural Design Outcomes?
Graduation April 2016
Teaching Experience
A plug-in for modelling stadium stands. The toolkit comes with a range of custom components to evaluate viewing conditions specific to each design.
• Understanding occupants’ behaviour, engagement, emotion, and comfort indoors with heterogeneous sensors and Doctoralwearablesdissertation, RMIT University | 2021
Winter Semester 2016/2017
Bollinger + Grohmann Ingenieure
University Studies
September 2015
October 2014 - September 2016
• Supporting research projects via student workshops
3-part workshop teaching Rhino und Grasshopper to structural
A university-wide elective to learn algorithmic modelling and design in Grasshopper
1 & 2 2017
CASANZ 2022 | Adelaide 2022
Design Modelling Symposium | Berlin 2019
Thesis Title Alternative Means of Navigating Parameter Spaces
Scientific Publications
In my masters thesis, I developed custom digital workflows and tools to facilitate the design of sports stadia. This was inspired by previous work I had done at gmp Architects, and resulted in a scientific paper presented at the IASS conference in Tokyo.
*Grading scale: 1.0 (“very good”) to 5.0 (“fail”)
Thesis Grade 1.0* (Winner of a “Max-Taut-Preis”)
BerlinengineersUniversity of the Arts (UdK)
Research assistant, tutor, and teacher of Rhino and Grasshopper classes
4th Prize Solar Decathlon Europe 2012
• A Global Building Occupant Behavior Database
• Alternative means of navigating parameter spaces

• Impacts of COVIDsafe practices and CO2 feedback devices on CO2 levels in classrooms (under review)
Journal of Digital Landscape Architecture | 2018
Grasshopper intro for mechanical engineers
Berlin University of the Arts (UdK)
Best Short Paper SimAUD Conference 2019
Scientific Data | 2022
• Adaptive Occupancy Scheduling: Exploiting Microclimate Variations in Buildings
• Immersive interfacing in large-scale design
Software Plug-In Development
IASS Annual Symposium | Tokyo 2016
• Including Occupant Behavior in Building Simulation: Comparison of a Deterministic vs. a Stochastic Approach
• Aerial Weather Stations and the Quest to Understand Built Environments
• Simulating Natural Ventilation in Early Stage Design: Combining an Occupant Behavior Model with an Airflow Network Approach
Conduction of a 'Generative Facade Design' class accompanied by computational design lectures
SimAUD Conference | Atlanta 2019
1st Prize “To be a Student” design competition, Royal Porcelain Manufactory Berlin
24th CAADRIA Conference | Wellington 2019
personality with a conscientious and outcome-oriented work approach. My strengths lie in analytical thinking and using performance-based methodologies to tailor efficient and novel results. I value reliability and drive in myself and others, and bring an enthusiastic and optimistic attitude to the teams I work in.
• Detailed design and construction documentation Tooling / Automation

I have an eagerness to constantly extend my knowledge base and skills. This led me to pursue a PhD, which has honed my organisational skills and ability to work in a self-directed manner.
• Sensor prototyping and data capture
• Descriptive data analysis and visualisation
Communication•Graphicdesign for internal and client deliverables
French ISelf-AssessmentLanguageshaveaproblem-solving

• Process management and workflow design

• Contributions to bid writing for winning projects
• Development of custom digital toolkits

• Computer coding
Native Advanced GermanEnglish
• Working in a team and fostering transdisciplinary collaboration
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Data Science
My strong computational skills have allowed me to work across several fields and build a transdisciplinary knowledge base. My industry experience has taught me how to work under pressure, and has given me the ability to distinguish between when a detail-oriented approach or a lowresolution approach is most suitable. I have shaped my communication skills through experience in client meetings and lecturing. My development of several digital toolkits is emblematic of the proactive approach I take to identifying and solving problems.
• Environmental analysis
• Resource management, governance and forecasting
• Predictive statistical modelling and basic machine learning skills
• Evolutionary optimisation

ConceptualisationProcesses•Architectural sketch design
• Automated design optioneering and meta-analysis
Project Management
Max Marschall Expert Advanced Proficient IllustratorInDesignColibriOctopusLadybugPythonGrasshopperRhinoTools PandasNumpyButterflyEnergyPlusPhotoshopDynamoRevitArchiCADAutoCAD

• Sustainable design conceptualisation Planning•Building information modelling
• Building performance simulations (including daylighting, energy and comfort analysis)
• Data post-processing, cleaning and interpolation

Modelling•Advanced 3D and parametric modelling
• Client relations and compliance
• Presenting work to clients and receiving feedback
Max Marschall Dean,Prof.ReferencesDr.JaneBurrySchoolofDesign,SwinburneUniversity of Technology Prof. Dr. Christoph Gengnagel Partner, Bollinger+Grohmann Ingenieure Giovanni Betti Assistant Professor, University of California, Berkeley Prof. Dr. Norbert Palz President, University of the Arts, Berlin Davide Director,KristianAbbonacciAbbonacci3D-VisualisierungenUthe-SpenckergmpArchitekten CV8/8