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In Conversation With…Cardgains

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“It’s time for a change, as we restructure the team at Cardgains, ensuring we have a solid plan in place for the years ahead,” wrote Chris Dyson, joint managing director of Cardgains in his swansong column of the buying group’s December newsletter, confirming his retirement and announcing that Penny Shaw, the company’s long time marketing director is taking up the role of managing director from the start of 2023.

PG pays a fond farewell to Chris while asking ‘a Penny for her thoughts’ on taking up the hot seat, which accounts for 1,000 independent retail rooftops.

It’s all change at the top of the Cardgains buying group, as from 1 January 2023 joint managing director Chris Dyson is retiring after almost three decades with the business, and Penny Shaw, the company’s marketing director is to take on the role as its managing director. While it was not exactly a secret, Chris officially shared his retirement news with members and suppliers in Cardgains’ recent newsletter, writing: “It’s time for me to regroup, take things easy and enter the world of retirement.

I have had nearly 30 years with Bridewell UK and Cardgains and loved every minute, getting to know hundreds of members and numerous suppliers as we carried on the fight on behalf of the independent retailer.”

The managing director baton passes to Penny, who having spent the last 25 years with the company, latterly as marketing director, is certainly no stranger to the industry or the needs of indies.

“I am delighted to have this opportunity to further develop Cardgains and futureproof it for our members and suppliers. I remember when I first joined Cardgains all those years ago asking Chris “why isn’t every retailer a member of Cardgains?” as it has so many advantages,” Penny said of the buying group’s premise which enables retailers to take advantage of terms and benefits (financial and administrative) that otherwise would not be open to then, while securing payment to Cardgains’ official suppliers. “I still hold that view, and the coming years will hopefully see us encouraging more independent retailers to join us.”

Paying tribute to his long-time colleague and friend, Chris said: “I know that Penny, along with the recent appointment of Miles Robinson [co-owner of House of Cards] as chairman and Aga Marsden [owner of Highworth Emporium], as our new nonexecutive director, will continue to move the company forward in the years to come. I’m obviously privy to some of the changes that are planned and can tell you, it’s in good hands and there are exciting times ahead.”

Top: The refreshed Cardgains logo. Above: Penny Shaw takes over as md of Cardgains on 1 January 2023. Below: The Cardgains Village, on which several suppliers will have a pod, will be part of Spring Fair again in February and Chris will be lending a hand.

The expanded portfolio

While every year sees additional companies joining the bedrock of Cardgains suppliers including many leading card, gift and party companies, the 2023 list is kicking off with a bang, with ten companies being welcomed into the portfolio, reflecting the changing shape of the Cardgains membership. These are Bexy Boo, Boxt, Depesche, Fountasia, Padhome, Peers Hardy Group, S66 Sportwear, Smart Games, Something Different and University Games.

With a refreshed logo, ‘Together more than ever’ as its marketing strapline for the 2023 thrust, a bolstered supplier portfolio that has swelled by the addition of 10 new companies, the return to the fold of Ian Doyle into the member support team, a new Charity Challenge and a whole programme of marketing activity for members to be unveiled in the first quarter, Penny is already fully embracing her new role. “Cardgains, like all businesses needs to develop and grasp new opportunities, but I am certainly mindful to maintain the stability it has enjoyed and provided for our members and suppliers for over 30 years,” said Penny, adding “I will of course very much miss working with Chris, but I aim to do him and the members proud by taking Cardgains onto its next stage of development”.

Right: Chris Dyson has been a man of many guises for Cardgains various marketing ‘spins’ over the years. Left: A cake to celebrate Cardgains’ 30th anniversary and evolution a few years ago.

Reflections on the past

When Chris Dyson left United Biscuits to join the national accounts team of greeting card publisher WN Sharpe’s back in 1989, little did he know that this was to lead him in to the Cardgains team four years later, initially as sales and marketing director before becoming joint managing director, sharing the role with its financial maestro, Steve Grocott.

In a moment of reflection, Chris said: “Throughout my time at Cardgains, £millions of turnover and member bonuses have moved through our system. Suppliers and members have also constantly evolved as new products have been launched and created and retail has changed. This period through history has seen eight prime ministers, six US presidents and a Covid rollercoaster to name but a few of the events, appointments and struggles!”

Citing some of the product “boom times”, Chris highlighted “Tatty Teddy, Ty Beanies, Yankee Candle, Willow Tree and the arrival of many small house card publishers - as they used to be known - growing into brands we now know as major players in the greeting card industry. I am sure we [Cardgains] have played our part with the development of many of these.” Summing up the changing retail landscape and Cardgains’ enduring place within it, Chris added: “Over the years, our competition has changed and will continue to do so. Clintons, Birthdays, WHSmith, supermarkets, Card Factory and, of course, latterly we have the online options!

Ultimately however, the spirit of the independent retailer, the supplier support and the part we play still makes our group of independent Cardgains members a major player in the industry with turnover this year expected to reach £25million.”

Chris explained how the membership - which accounts for around 1,000 rooftops across its 650 members - has also changed dramatically since its inception, evolving out of the Bridewell CTN base.

“The Cardgains vision started offering the same Bridewell UK concept to card shops which was an immediate success. Over time, gifts were introduced, which expanded our appeal and changed the makeup of the membership. Today we have card shops, gift shops, convenience stores, garden centres, art galleries, bookshops and florists all enjoying the many membership benefits on offer.”

Of his personal highlights, Chris said that being presented with the Honorary Achievement award at The Henries in 2006 was a key moment. “I was thrilled to be recognised in this way, while among my colleagues, peers and friends,” said Chris.

He also stressed, quite rightly, how rightly proud he was of Cardgains’ charity work over the last 22 years. “I have met some great people along the way while at the events, making friends for life and, between us, raising over £350,000 for various charities, and covering around 800 miles! A personal message to everyone who has ever taken part in a Cardgains Charity Challenge and walked shoulder to shoulder with myself and others, often stretched to personal limits…it’s been a pleasure.” Chris will be at Spring Fair on the Cardgains Village (February 5-8)

Left: Chris has worked in the industry, man and boy! Below: A happy scene at the end of the 2022 Cardgains Charity Challenge, the Ultimate Ullswater which saw retailers, suppliers and Cardgains teamsters raise over £22K for Alzheimer’s Society.

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