Summer Shape Challenge Prep Package

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Summer Shape: Preparation Plan


Step 1. Get Your Mind Right

Most people fail because of the way they think. Change your thoughts and change your outcomes. Learn to think like a champion! Discover the 7 Steps to a Maximized Mindset.

Step 2. Nutrition

You are what you eat! Learn the principles of healthy nutrition and discover many practical tips to make a healthy nutrition plan a regular part of your lifestyle. There are several key components that need to be addressed to set yourself up for success.

Step 3. Prepare Your Body

Before engaging in a fitness program that can get you in the shape of your life in less than 20 minutes a d ay, it is essential to prepare your body to move! This is especially true if you have not exercised in years. Also, be sure to take the time to learn the proper form for fundamental movements.

Step 4. Understand Neurospinal Fitness

This is the cornerstone to optimal health and puts all other essentials of health in their proper perspective.

Step 5. Toxicity 101: Basic Awareness

We live in an incredibly toxic culture that is impacting the health of North Americans in ways that most are unaware. By simply becoming aware of this problem, you can begin to take simple steps to a healthier future.

Step 6. Three Point Assessment: Fitness Assessment, Body Composition, Nutrition Questionnaire

This appointment must be scheduled at the maxT3 Fitness Center prior to the start of the challenge and serves as a baseline to measure progress. The assessment will give you a fitness baseline, determine your percent body fat/lean muscle, and how you are doing with your nutrition.

Step 7. Neurospinal Analysis

This is a very important and serious appointment that is performed at the local Maximized Living office. This is a separate appointment that is optional for those w ho want to take their health and fitness to the highest level. It is particularly recommended to those who have had injuries in the past or those w ho know they have biomechanical issues of the spine or any joint. Really, every participant should take advantage of this opportunity. This analysis is included in your 30-­‐Day Challenge.

Step 8. Register On The maxT3 Member Website

The maxT3 w ebsite offers a large volume of member exclusive information. Take advantage of this content to optimize your efforts.

Step 9. Get Familiarized With The Summer Shape Resource Calendar

In conjunction with the local Maximized Living affiliate office, maxT3 offers a plethora of opportunities to be successful in your journey to amazing health and fitness. This includes health related workshops, shopping tours, recipe nights, lunch & learns, and makeovers to name a few. The more you plug in the better results you get!

copyright maxT3 2017 5087 Dallas Highway, Suite 100 Powder Springs, GA 30127 | 770.528.3200 |

Summer Shape: Maximized Mindset


q Identify Your Big Why

If you find a big enough W HY then you’ll find a way. If not, then you’ll find an excuse. There is nothing more powerful than the power of conviction. If you are fully committed to something then you can move mountains. Reflect on WHY you started this challenge. If your W HY is not big enough then change your thought process so that it is. NO: I want to lose 30 lbs…Not big enough. I want to look better in the mirror…All about you. I need to get healthy…Not specific enough. YES: I want to be here for my kids, grand kids, and great grand kids. I want to serve my purpose as a ______________________ (wife, father, accountant, teacher, etc.) I want to leave a legacy for my family. List your BIG W HY (you may have more than one) ________________________________________ / ________________________________________ / _____________________________________

q Set Reasonable Goals

Setting goals is a critical component to o utrageous results. Goals provide you with a destination to your journey. For example, it is d ifficult to get d irections to a location unless you know w here you are going. Also, make sure the goals you do set are reasonable and specific. Setting unattainable goals sets you up for nothing more than failure and may perpetuate limiting beliefs. List your GOALS ________________________________________ / ________________________________________ / _____________________________________

q Get Buy-­‐in

Success is far more obtainable w hen those around you are supporting you, even better, if they are joining you on the journey. Consider those who may impact or influence your o utcome. Communicate to them what you are looking to do, let them know how important this is to you, and ask them to support you. List the people in your life that are close to you who may have the most influence in your day-­‐to-­‐day activities. ________________________________________ / ________________________________________ / _____________________________________

q It’s As Good As Done

This is a very powerful mindset to have. Seeing your success before it even happens future paces you. Within this process, mentally and spiritually strengthen your commitment to be successful. Adopt the “do whatever it takes” attitude and tell yourself (over and over again) that you w ill be successful!

copyright maxT3 2017 5087 Dallas Highway, Suite 100 Powder Springs, GA 30127 | 770.528.3200 |

q Manage Your Life

Manage your calendar and manage your life! It will be difficult to be successful, especially if you are trying to make changes in your life (change can be difficult), if your life is in chaos. In other words, you must plan your changes into your schedule so that they receive their fair attention. Plan w hen you are going to w orkout, shop, attend resource meetings, etc. Failing to plan is planning to fail! Write down the times you are most likely to w orkout each d ay. You will be far more successful if you plan your workouts. Mon. ____________________ Tues.


Wed. ____________________ Thur.






q Overcome Obstacles

One of the greatest reasons that people fail is because they are blindsided by unexpected challenges. Again, change is not easy and this would not be called a challenge unless it was challenging. Far too often, many fall apart the minute they face adversity. Review the “Most Common Obstacles” handout, think through the challenge that you are about to participate in, think of the adversities that you feel that you will be facing, and mentally overcome them. Figure out the solutions to your problems before you ever face them. By doing this, when you are blindsided by an adversity you will not fall apart, but you w ill handle the matter exactly like you rehearsed it in your head.

q Identify Limiting Beliefs

You are who you say you are! Unfortunately, most of us let past failures and poor outcomes define who we are. If you say that you are weak, uncommitted, undisciplined, etc. then that is w ho you become. If you label yourself as someone who never follows through, is not someone w ho works out, can’t give up soda, etc. then you never break out of those old habits. It is said that it takes 3 0 days to develop a new habit. Over the next 30 days you must reprogram your thinking and commit to making change. Every day reaffirm your new belief systems

Identify and list any limiting beliefs that you might have that you are committed to overcoming in this 30-­‐day intensive. On the second line, write d own your new belief systems. These will be your affirmations for the next 30 days. OLD:________________________________________ / ________________________________________ / _____________________________________

NEW:________________________________________ / ________________________________________ / _____________________________________

copyright maxT3 2017 5087 Dallas Highway, Suite 100 Powder Springs, GA 30127 | 770.528.3200 |

Summer Shape: Maximized Fitness


q Start Moving

For now, simply get your body moving to prepare for the Summer Shape Intensive. Below are several options to choose from to prepare for the 30-­‐day challenge. Option 1 Fitness Center The Summer Shape Intensive includes an opportunity to w ork out in the fitness center from the time you sign up for the challenge all through to the end of the challenge. This is highly recommended because you become familiar with the style of the workouts, the instructors, the instructions, and the fitness center in general. Option 2 maxT3 DVD This 2 DVD set can be used at home and w alks you through two maxT3 modules. (Stability ball and resistance band required) This is good to have on hand if you can’t make it to the fitness center. Option 3 maxT3 to Go ( maxT3 W ebsite) There are dozens of workouts that represent about 10 different maxT3 modules. These workouts can be done just about anywhere. There are options to use equipment or do body weight only workouts. Option 4 Two-­‐Week Basic Training (home)-­‐ This can be done virtually anywhere and features very fundamental movements for the upper body, lower body, and core. The only necessary equipment is a resistance band, which can be purchased at any sporting goods store, Target, or Wal-­‐Mart. Please see a maxT3 trainer for any special instructions and modifications. Week 1 Part A (10 reps x 3 sets of each movement) Part B (30 sec work/30 sec rest x 3 sets)


Push Ups, Lat Pulls, Shoulder Press, Crunches



Squats, Lunges, Good Mornings,

Foot Fires or March in Place, Box Steps


Push Ups, Lat Pulls, Shoulder Press, Crunches


Foot Fires or March in Place, Box Steps

Thur: Squats, Lunges, Good Mornings,


Push Ups, Lat Pulls, Shoulder Press, Crunches



Squats, Lunges, Good Mornings,

Foot Fires or March in Place, Box Steps

Part B (60 sec work/60 sec rest x 3 sets)

Week 2 Part A (10 reps x 5 sets of each movement)

* Week 2 uses the same movements only the amount of reps in Part A and the work/rest time in Part B increases. Also, it recommended to increase range of motion and intensity in week 2 if able.

copyright maxT3 2017 5087 Dallas Highway, Suite 100 Powder Springs, GA 30127 | 770.528.3200 |

Summer Shape: Maximized Nutrition


q Understand the Major Premise of Maximized Nutrition

Once you understand the major premise of maximized nutrition, it becomes easy to wade through the sea of nutrition misinformation and discern w hat is good advice and what is bad.

Major Premise-­‐ the more naturally occurring and the more wholesome a food is, the healthier it is!

There has been food that has existed on the planet earth that has sustained the human race for thousands of years. Eat that food! Unfortunately, over the past 100 years or so, man in his infinite wisdom, decided he could do better. In an effort to make food last longer on the shelves, look more appealing, control flavors, and increase profit margins, man decided to chemically alter, genetically modify and massively process our food supply. The result…a culture of people that is sicker, more diseased, more obese, and more depressed than any culture that has existed in the history of mankind.

q Get Your Resource-­‐Chapter 4

If you don’t already have one, pick up a copy of the Maximized Living Nutrition Plans (MLNP) book. This book is an easy read and is filled with everything you need to know to be successful with this 30-­‐day intensive and beyond. In particular, it is important to read chapter 4, which concisely describes the Advanced Nutrition Plan.

q Prepare to Shop For the Advanced Plan

Read Chapter 7 in the MLNP. Over the next two weeks, when you go to the store to food shop, begin to increase your awareness as to how to shop in accordance to the MLNP. Also, sign up for the Publix shopping tour on May 27th or June 24 th.

q Prepare Your Pantry

Read Chapter 8 in the MLNP. Begin to stock your pantry with the staples of the Advanced Plan. Don’t wait until June 1st to figure out w hat you need.

q Check Your Kitchen

Read Chapter 9 in the MLNP. Take inventory of your kitchen and make sure that you are prepared for the challenge

q Meal Suggestions

Review the Summer Shape Meal Suggestions Sheet at the end of this booklet. This is an excellent resource that helps to break down the recommended food choices based on the different meals of the day; breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks.

q Download Printable Resources

Go to to find a 4-­‐week meal plan and shopping lists, and a downloadable Passion Planner to schedule your life.

copyright maxT3 2017 5087 Dallas Highway, Suite 100 Powder Springs, GA 30127 | 770.528.3200 |

Summer Shape: Neurospinal Fitness


A clear understanding of the nervous system and the spine in regards to their role as the primary control system of the body, truly helps one grasp the ideals of optimal performance and optimal health. Ideal neurospinal fitness is the cornerstone to overall health; however, it is also the most unknown and misunderstood of the essentials of health. Only by grasping the following concepts, can one fully understand the necessities of achieving amazing health.

q Understand the Basic Role of the Nervous System The nervous system is the master control system of the body. It directly or indirectly controls every cell, tissue, and organ. For your heart to beat, for your lungs to breathe, for a wound to heal, the nervous system is ultimately responsible. Upon conception, it is the first organ to be formed and drives development of all other organs. It adapts you to your environment and maintains the body in a state of homeostasis (balance). It literally is the conduit of life! If you sever the nerves to a body part, then that body part instantly dies. If you compromise in any way, nerve flow to a body part, then dysfunction to that body part results. Dysfunction over time leads to disease and disease kills! The nervous system is the key to health!

q Understand the Role of the Spine

The Primary Role of the Spine: The spine has many purposes, but the single most important role of the spine is to house and protect the nervous system. The spine is comprised of 24 freely moveable bones called vertebrae. As long as these bones are in their normal alignment, the nerves exit the spine free of any interference and the body can function and heal in an ideal state. However, w hen a vertebrae goes out of alignment, damaging compromise to the nervous system results. The Significance of Normal Spinal Biomechanics: Compromise to the normal global biomechanics of the spine results in a compromise to spinal mobility. It also negatively impacts the strength of the spine and greatly increases the risk of injury. If you workout, it is imperative to fully understand the condition of your spine. This allows you to approach your workouts appropriately. This includes an understanding of compromised areas and an understanding of associated modifications. Many issues of the spine go virtually undetected until the individual gets injured. Many issues may never be detected and working out with these problems may accelerate a progressive, degenerative condition. The only way to know the condition of the spine is via an x-­‐ray. Everyone, regardless of symptoms or lack there of, should participate in a full biomechanical analysis of the spine before working out. A biomechanical analysis of the spine is a unique o ffer that you w ill never find associated w ith any other fitness facility other than maxT3. This is unique offer extended by the local Maximized Living office associated w ith the fitness center.

copyright maxT3 2017 5087 Dallas Highway, Suite 100 Powder Springs, GA 30127 | 770.528.3200 |

Summer Shape: Toxicity 101-Be Aware


q Establish a Basic Awareness of the Prevalent Dangers of Toxicity

We live in one of the most toxic cultures that has ever existed in the history of the planet. From the air you breathe, to the food you eat, we are exposed on a daily basis to a toxic onslaught. These toxins slowly bio-­‐accumulate in the body and begin to wreak havoc on your health. Many of the toxins are potent neurotoxins and attack the very system that controls and coordinates all function, health, and healing in the body. This results in dysfunction, which over time leads to disease. Many of the toxins are hormone disruptors and greatly compromise the system that is second in command for controlling how the human body operates, the endocrine system. It gets worse…Many of the toxins are powerful carcinogens and play a large role in the cancer epidemic that w e face today. Toxicity is being largely linked to a plethora of epidemic conditions such as cancer, auto-­‐immune disease, Alzheimer’s disease, autism, allergies, depression, o besity, diabetes, and much more. At a minimum, it is critical to develop an awareness of these hidden dangers.

q Understand the Role of Toxicity in regards to Hormone Dis-­‐regulation & Weight Loss

Hormones are chemical transmitters that help to regulate important body functions such as metabolism. It is your metabolism that coordinates energy systems in the body. It also controls fat burning and muscle building. Since many toxins are hormone disruptors they wreak havoc on important hormones such as leptin. Leptin is also known as your “fat burning” hormone. Leptin tells the brain to stop eating when you’re full and also is responsible for telling your brain to initiate fat burning. Toxicity burns out leptin receptor sites in the brain and as a result, the brain does not receive the communication from the hormone. Leptin dis-­‐regulation leads to weight gain issues and obesity. Furthermore, the body will protect itself against toxicity by holding on to fat. In fact, it will be very difficult to lose any weight, no matter what you eat or how you exercise if you are severely toxic.

copyright maxT3 2017 5087 Dallas Highway, Suite 100 Powder Springs, GA 30127 | 770.528.3200 |

Summer Shape: 3 Point Assessment


q Schedule Your 3-­‐Point Assessment

The 3-­‐point assessment is the primary tool to measure progress through the 3 0-­‐day Intensive. This assessment will be done before the beginning of the challenge and at the end. The appointment MUST be scheduled at the FITNESS CENTER during the two week period prior to the start of the challenge. 1. The Barometer Workout-­‐ The barometer workout w ill measure your level of fitness 2. Body Composition Analysis-­‐This test will measure your percent body fat, percent muscle mass and your hydration. 3. Nutrition Assessment-­‐ This simple assessment w ill measure the progress of your diet through the course of the 30-­‐day challenge.

Special Instructions 1.

Fully Hydrate the day prior to the assessment


Wear fitness attire


Arrive 1 5 minutes early


Check in at the front desk


Immediately start your w arm up after your body composition test.


Bring a water bottle if you choose (no glass please)


Bring a small towel

3 Point Assessment: Date___________________ Time___________________ Please show u p to the fitness center 1 5 minutes early

Summer Shape: 3-Point Assessment

Name________________________________________________________________________________________ Phone _____________________________________

Circle a first & second choice for your 3 -­‐Point Assessment

Saturday May 20th

Saturday May 27th

8:00 AM

8:30 AM

9:00 AM

8:00 AM

8:30 AM

9:00 AM

9:30 AM

10:00 AM

10:30 AM

9:30 AM

10:00 AM

10:30 AM

11:00 AM

11:30 AM


11:00 AM

11:30 AM


copyright maxT3 2017 5087 Dallas Highway, Suite 100 Powder Springs, GA 30127 | 770.528.3200 |

Summer Shape 30 Day Challenge A d va n ced Pl a n M ea l Su g gesti o n s Breakfast Suggestions 1. Protein Smoothies-­‐If you have access to a refrigerator/freezer then I would suggest buying some frozen berries and making smoothies. Buy a blender to bring w ith you, some Perfect Protein and some cans of coconut milk. Place about a cup of frozen berries in the blender, add a scoop of Perfect Protein, some coconut milk and maybe some water. Push the button on the blender and your done. 2. Eggs-­‐Invest in a dozen free range eggs. Worst case scenario…if eggs are on the menu and you don’t have free range eggs then just do your best. 3. Mini omelet muffins – just mix free range organic eggs, tomatoes, onions, spinach, etc. and bake in greased muffin tins 4. Grapefruit-­‐Maybe buy 1 or 2 especially if you can’t do the smoothies. Remember this is a moderation food. 5. Salad-­‐Don’t be afraid to have a salad for breakfast 6. Avocado-­‐Add to eggs, salad, smoothies or eat alone. 7. Turkey Bacon (nitrite free, sugar free) 8. Grainless granola (recipe on

Lunch Suggestions 1. Salad-­‐Mix and match your favorite Advanced Plan approved ingredients. I suggest buying a bottle of extra-­‐virgin olive oil and bottle of Bragg’s apple-­‐cider vinegar. Top with a protein-­‐ free range organic eggs, free range organic chicken, grass fed steak and add some healthy fats-­‐avocado, walnuts, etc. 2. Protein Source 3. Vegetables and lots of them 4. Breadless Sandwich – chicken salad, turkey, chicken, steak, wrapped in a lettuce leaf w / veggies 5. Organic Deli Meat Wraps – pickle or other veggies wrapped in a slice of turkey or chicken and eaten whole or cut sushi-­‐style 6. Soup in a Thermos if you are on the go

Dinner Suggestions 1. 2. 3. 4.

Salad-­‐Topped with source of protein. Again, try to add a healthy fat. Protein Source Vegetables and lots of them Soups – check ingredients or make a couple of batches before you leave

Snacks 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Coconut Flakes Raw Almonds (other nuts and seeds are also an option) Celery sticks w/ oil and vinegar o r with almond butter Avocado (whole or smashed with organic salsa) Granny Smith Apples(moderation) alone or with almond butter Raw veggies w/ or w/o dip Kale Chips In your o ven or dehydrator. Store bought versions are available but expensive.

“If you are what you should be, you will set the whole world on fire!”

~ St. Catherine of Siena

Summer Shape 30 Day Challenge A d va n ced Pl a n M ea l Su g gesti o n s 8.

9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17.

Grass-­‐fed beef jerky-­‐homemade is easy just slice grass fed beef very thin and marinate in tamari or liquid aminos, garlic powder, red pepper flakes, and any other spices you like. Lay them in a dehydrator and let them go until done) Or purchase from US W ellness Meats. Follow the link on the right on Almond Power Bars-­‐Must keep cool Chocolate B ark-­‐Must keep cool Trail M ix – combine raw nuts/seeds, coconut flakes, etc Organic yogurt or raw cheese (in moderation) Olives Hummus w ith veggies (if you buy hummus, just check ingredients) Hard boiled eggs Grainless Crackers or Cereals (Lydia’s brand-­‐ can order at or they are at Nature’s Corner Market) Apple Flax Muffins

Drinks 1. Water-­‐Can flavor with flavored stevia, lemon, lime, etc. 2. Coconut Water 3. Unsweetened Iced-­‐Tea (Moderation) Can sweeten with stevia

Tips for Eating Out • • • •

Scan the menu – look for substitutions or items you can pull together for a meal Skip the Sauce – sometimes there are things on the menu you can order without the sauces, sugars, etc. Ask for olive oil or butter – often restaurants will have these items but cook their food in vegetable oil, shortening, etc. Simply ask them to cook your food in olive oil or butter. Good Restaurant Ideas o Ask for a grilled chicken breast w/ no sauce and 2 vegetables o Salads – build your own. Just look through the menu and build your own concoction o Make your own lemonade – ask for w ater and lemons and add stevia o Use o live oil and vinegar for dressing or olive oil and lemons. o Ask for extra lemons to squeeze over your food. If you are eliminating sauces, etc this is a great way to add extra flavor. o Always ask for avocado – many restaurants have them and they are a great w ay to get good fats in while you are out and will fill you up as w ell. o Make friends with your waiter/waitress – tell them w hat you are trying to do and they can often come up with creative ideas and can work with the chef Keep stevia, a good quality salt (like H imalayan salt), and a small container of olive oil/vinegar for dressing in y our purse or in y ou car

“If you are what you should be, you will set the whole world on fire!”

~ St. Catherine of Siena

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