IDENTIFICATION, DESCRIPTION AND LOCATION OF STRUCTURAL MATERIALS a) CONCRETE - walls are pre-cast, reinforced, slab is built in situ as are the pad footings. b) STEEL - hot-rolled universal beams, PFC, or cold-formed bracing.
STRUCTURAL FIXINGS a) WELD - to secure the cleat to columns and other members b) CONCRETE - fixing steel plate to concrete columns. Forms pre-cast walls c) BOLT - secures PFC beam to existing brick wall
c) TIMBER - pine rafters. d) NAIL - secures timber rafters to non-load-bearing walls d) BRICK - pressed brick, existing walls.
STRUCTURAL JOINTS Pre-cast panel joint - ‘Achtech’ corners and Type A Cast in plate (far right) Typical steel beam to pre-cast panel joint. Cleat plate (bottom left) Rafter to non-load-bearing or freestanding wall (top left)
Constructing Environments Maxwell Bracher 636699