‘Off Campus’ PPP, Carlton North
Constructing Environments Maxwell Bracher 636699
Public Private Partnership, Corner Rathdowne and Princes St. Carlton A public-private partnership to develop Victoria’ first multi-storey Aged Care facility and further development of private apartments. Shares Crown Land with Housing Commission flats, built circa. 1960. Foundations of the new apartments are currently at half of their intended depth.
Top: North - eastern corner of the site, corner of Rathdowne and Princes Streets. This will be sthe site of a pair of six-storey apartment blocks. Right: Foundations of the two apartment blocks, currently under construction. Included are the in-situ reinforced concrete piles, concrete header, Concrete is yet to sprayed between the piles.
Constructing Environments Maxwell Bracher 636699
CONCRETE FOUNDATIONS: Apartment blocks - In-situ reinforced concrete piles. Once set, soil is excavated from around piles - Concrete header / pile cap - steel reinfocing mesh - spray-on concrete to stabilise remaining soil - drainage
Constructing Environments Maxwell Bracher 636699
With 160 beds, the aged care facility will be one of the largest in the state. Servies are located in the basement. Including food preparation, laundry, heating and cooling. The walls are of pre-cast concrete, and contribute to the structural elements of the block. An aggregate is mixed with the concrete to colour the walls. This has largely failed to produce the desired effect. The benefits obtained by the private developer are sales made in the private apartments (seen top right)
DHS, 2013
Right: the area highlighted yellow is our area of interest, and is part one of a greater three-stage plan for public hosing redevelopment in Carlton.
Constructing Environments Maxwell Bracher 636699
DHS, 2013
PROJECT HISTORY The housing commission of Victoria was established in the 1930s The North Carlton towers were originally constructed in the late 1960s. The first stage of the public-private partnership in North Carlton was completed in 2011. The aged-care facility will be the first multi-storey facility in Victoria. The final concrete slab was laid in the week beginning Monday 9th September, 2013. The Rathdowne Street Site is the first stage of a threestage redevelopment of public housing in Carlton. All will become a mix of public and private residences.
Constructing Environments Maxwell Bracher 636699
Steve, 2010
BIBLIOGRAPHY Carlton Housing Redevelopment picture 2013, 7/2/2013-last update [Homepage of Department of Human Services], [Online]. Available: http://www.dhs.vic.gov.au/about-the-department/plans,-programs-andprojects/projects-and-initiatives/housing-and-accommodation/carlton-housing-redevelopment [2013, 19/9]. Foundations 2013, [Homepage of MPA - The Concrete Centre], [Online]. Available: http://www. concretecentre.com/technical_information/building_solutions/foundations.aspx [2013, 19/9]. History of Public Housing 2012, 19/10/2012-last update [Homepage of Department of Human Services], [Online]. Available: http://www.dhs.vic.gov.au/publichousing75years/history-of-public-housing [2013, 19/9]. Landmark development underway 2012, 14/8/2012-last update [Homepage of Australian Ageing Agenda], [Online]. Available: http://www.australianageingagenda.com.au/2012/08/14/article/Landmark-developmentunderway/SQYHSNLZFX.html [2013, 19/9]. ?, S. 2010, 10/6/2010-last update, Housing Commission Lygon Street Picture [Homepage of WordPress], [Online]. Available: http://moremelburnian.com/2010/07/17/lygon/ [2013, 19/9].
Constructing Environments Maxwell Bracher 636699