BASE-user Manual

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Contents. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

System requirements. Installation and deinstallation of a game. Start of a game. Controls. The beginning of game. A manual to game. Advice on game. Increase of game performance and solution of problems. Technical support.

1. System requirements. Before installation of game be sure, that your computer fits the minimal system requirements described below. Be sure, that your operational system has last version of the videocard drivers. Operational system: Windows XP (rights of administrator are required for installation of game) CPU (Processor): Intel Pentium 4 1.7 Ggz, or equal (recommended Intel Pentium 3.0 Ggz, или or equal) RAM: 256 Mb (recommended 512 Mb). HDD space: 1 Gb (for a game saves and installation of DirectX 9.0 the additional space is required) CD-ROM: 16x. Videocard: 128 Mb VRAM, support of vertex shaders v1.1 (recommended 256 Mb VRAM). Soundcard: DirectX 9.0 compatible DirectX: 9.0c Input devices: keyboard, mouse Attention! For game “B.A.S.E.” is required a videocard both 128 Mb of videomemory and support of vertex shaders v1.1. Game supports the following marks of videocards: NVidia GeForce Fx5200 (AGP) NVidia GeForce Fx5700 (AGP) NVidia GeForce Fx5900 (PCIe) NVidia GeForce Fx6200 (PCIe) NVidia GeForce Fx6600 (PCIe)

Ati Radeon 9600 (AGP) Ati Radeon X800 GTO (AGP) Ati Radeon X600 XT (PCIe)

Attention! In some cases the installation of updated version of drivers of videocard can solve problems with the image and start of game. Note. Videocards of portable computers can be supported by game, but in case of problems with the image or start of game, D3 will technically support owners of such systems. 2.Installation and deinstallation of a game.

Note, that you can install this game only if you have administrator account. First, run the setup application and follow the instruction of installation wizard. Select installation folder, and setup sharing for multiple user.

Installation requires certain space on your system disk, so if it is will be insufficient, setup program informs you about it by special dialog box:

To continue installation, you should obtain required free space, using Windows services, like “Disk Cleanup�. You can uninstall game from Windows Control Panel. Also, you can repair and uninstall game by running setup program again. 3.Start of a game.

1. Finish work of all applications and background tasks, including antiviruses. 2. Run “BASE.” shortcut from “BASE Jumping” folder of Windows program menu. 3. Press “Start” button. 4. Controls. Comera controls. First person view “F1”. Third person view “F2”. Third person view (movinf camera) “F3”. Move camera nearer “Mouse Left Button”. Move camera farther “Mouse Right Button”. To rotate camera move the mouse. Character controls. Exit point mode. Walk forward - “W”. Walk back - “S”. Turn to the left - “A”. Turn to the right - “D”. Run -”Left Shift”. Jump - “Space”. Pause - “Esc”. Character control. Free falling mode. Rotate head downwards - “W”. Rotate head upwards - “S”. Rotate to the left - “A”. Rotate to the right - “D”. Rolling to the left - “A+Q” (wingsuit only). Rolling to the right - “D+E” (wingsuit only). Track - “Left Shift”. Pull - “Space”. Pause - “Esc”. Character control. Acrobatics. Note, that you can use acrobatic jumps only after corresponding training program. You should experience various locations and event to look for these programs. Jump from run - “Left shift” + “W” + “Space”. Front flip - “W” + “Space” (standing a face to the abyss). Back flip - “S” + “Space” (standing a face to the abyss). Front flip by back forward - “W” + “Space” (standing a back to the abyss). Back flip by back forward - “S” + “Space” (standing a back to the abyss). Parachute controls. Draw left brake line - “A”.

Draw right brake line - “D”. Draw both brake lines - “A+D”. Skew rig to the left - “Q”. Skew rig to the right - “E”. Sharp maneuver to the left “A+Q”. Sharp maneuver to the right “D+E”. Flat maneuver to the left “A+E”. Flat maneuver to the right “D+Q”. Draw canopy down - “Q+E”. Pause - “Esc”. Use WLO Toggles “1”. Use hook knife “2”. Gadget controls. Increase warning altitude “]“. Decrease warning altitude “[“. Switch tone signal “P“. Other controls. Switch HUD in mission mode “H”. Accelerate time flow “+” (flight mode only). Decelerate time flow “-” (flight mode only). Increase music volume “Num9”. Descrease music volume “Num3”. 5. The beginning of game.

5.1. Creation of career. To create new career, enter a name of the character into a field (1) and press button "Create" (2). 5.2. Management of careers. You can simultaneously play several characters. To choose existing career, press button "Select" (3) in a field of the corresponding character. You can remove unnecessary career, by pressing button "Delete" (4) in a field of the corresponding character. You can look results of all completed careers, by pressing button "Fatality-list" (5). "Quit� button (6) terminates the game. 5.3. Creation of the character.

You can specify height and weight for the character, in a field "Height" (1) and "Weight" (2). These parameters will influence physical model of free falling and flight. You can choose appearance for the character, using for this purpose buttons (3) and (4). You can change character predisposition to one of four skills, using sliders (5): • "Perception" allows to use effects of time, actually, increasing your reaction to events. Completely having removed predisposition to this skill, you will rely only on own reaction. • "Endurance" shows character sensitivity to strong overloads, traumas and a pain. Strong overloads appear at the moment of canopy deployment, and the subsequent painful syndrome weaken abilities of the character. Therefore, this skill is very important even for a simple survival in this sports! • "Tracking" reflects ability of of free falling control. On this skill depends, how it will be effective to track (that is to move horizontally during free falling). • “Rigging” is a set of skills intended of use and improvement of parachute system. This skill is very important even for a simple survival in this sports! You can disable malfunctions simulation, by switching off a check box (6). You can finish creation of the character, and proceed in a career mode of game,by pressing the button (7). You can cancel creation of career, by pressing the button (8). 6. A manual to game.

6.1. Placing the native location (dropzone). All your career will depend on a site of your dropzone (or a native location). You will spend the most part of your time in this location: • Here you will train your skills, expecting big sports events, • Only here you can restore health, • Here, and only here you can earn money to pay charges on BASE jumping. 6.2. Dynamic career.

In this mode you can manage your career: • You can observe sports events, such as festivals or boogies, • You can travel from one location to another • You can buy and sell equipment On the career screen you will find: • The control panel of career (1), • Icons of events (2), • An icon of a display mode events (3), • Text messages (4), • Icons of locations (5,6), • “Close career” button (7). 6.3. The control panel of career. Press the panel with the image of the character (1), and you will see in where the character is at

present. Exception is a case when the character travels from one location to another. Pictograms (2) are amount of your credits in this career. Credits are spent during the most critical moments of game - for interruption of mission, and for reanimation of the dead character. When these credits come to an end, your career also comes to the end. The button (3) opens the information screen of parameters and skills. The button (4) opens the information screen of the funds. The button (5) opens the panel of virtual shop where you can both to buy, and to sell equipment. There is an information about the current date and time in the panel (6). There is an information about the current cash in the panel (7). Buttons (8) operate a time scale. 6.4. The main events of dynamic career. Event "Night" (1). While this event is active, you cannot enter a location, but can travel from one location to another. Event "Travel" (2). Means, that you travel from one location to another. It is necessary for you to wait end of this event before you can enter a location.

Event "Regular work" (3). During this event you should be in native location (dropzone) to earn money. When this event will end, the earned money will be added in your virtual account. Event "Festival" (4). If you will be in a location where there is such event, you can participate in various festival missions with other characters. Event "Boogie" (5). If you will be in a location where there is such event, you can participate in various BASE jumping missions with other characters. The icon (6) switches display mode of events: • Mode of active events (displays the events occuring at present) • Mode of coming events (displays events which will take place in the near future). 6.5. Mission selection mode.

The screen of missions will consist of the two-level menu where events (the first level) and the missions concerning to these events (second) are listed. From the second level to the first you will return by pressing the uppermost element of the menu (1). Having pressed once on the button (2) you will see the description of the chosen mission (5). The second pressing the button (2) or on the button (6) will start the chosen mission. In a text window (3) you can see the current weather conditions in a location. In a window (4) is displayed: • the rest of day time, which you can spend for participation in missions (green level), • and time, which will be spent for participation in the chosen mission (red level) As soon as you will spend all day time, you should leave a location, pressing the button (7), and to wait, while event "Night" will end. 6.6. Экран бэйс-миссии.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Altimeter. Variometer. Wind pointer. Timer. Character state:. • The green level is a level of health • The red level is a level of pain • The blue level is a level of adrenaline 6. Equipment functions. 7. Advice on game. In career mode, you can disable a pause at events, pressing and keeping pressed “Left shift”. Improvement of skill occurs automatically, during that moment when you use this skill. So, for example, improvement of endurance occurs during the moment when the character experiences a painful shock after deployment a canopy. The effect of slow timeflow depends on a level of adrenaline. You can raise a level of adrenaline, having stood some time near edge of an exit-point. The delay is the time of free falling beginning from the moment of a jump. Duration of a delay determines how to stow a parachute system. The slider exists to stage the opening of your canopy and henceforth make the openings softer. In

general, all freefall delays that are less than three or four seconds are done slider down. Beyond four seconds, the use of a slider (slider up) becomes a necessity in order to soften the opening. Pilotchute is a small auxiliary parachute used to deploy the main. The choice of the sizeof a pilotchute, as a rule is done depending on duration of free falling: • 0–2 sec delays: 48”, 45” • 2–4 sec delays: 42”, 40” • 4–7 sec delay and wingsuit deployment: 38” • 8+ sec delays: 36”, 32” Attention! Installation of the pilotchute which is not corresponding to conditions of a jump can lead to malfunctions of parachute system. 8. Increase of game performance and solution of problems.. In case you had problem with display of characters in game, redefine the skin-shader in the "Launcher" application. "4x" shader is compatible with all videocards, supporting vertex shaders of v1.1. You can increase game performace, having switched off post-effects, and also having lowered details of the image, in the "Launcher" application. 9. Technical support. E-mail you problem to service of technical support “”. Attention! Our specialists do not give gameplay advices.

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