Energy Solutions for the Grid
The future of power is here. Today.
Over the next decade and beyond, power sources and utility providers such as yours will be required to achieve dramatic, and at times formidable, improvements to satisfy increasingly demanding industry standards and practices. At the same time, consumer demand for more effective, efficient and environmentally conscious utilities continues to drive research and development to transform and transition the power utility marketplace, and the grid as a whole.
and actions of all users connected to it – generators, consumers and those that do both – in order to ensure an economically efficient, sustainable power system with low losses and high levels of quality and security of supply and safety.”
Due to environmental concerns, the recent trend towards environmentally friendly and green-energy generation, coupled with the general need to improve efficiency without decreasing reliability of electricity distribution, there will be an increase in the interconnections between geographical regions, and a rapid rise in the number of distributed generation plants.
As a result, several applications for smart solutions continue to emerge in the everevolving grid ecosystem, where the market is being driven by an insatiable and irreversible demand for reliable, available and clean power.
To meet these emerging challenges, innovative systems such as intelligent monitoring and control are being developed to create a smart grid, defined by the European Union as, “an electricity network that can cost-efficiently integrate the behavior
Maxwell’s proven high-voltage products are already deeply embedded in the grid – where they have worked diligently and intelligently to achieve smart results for the past century. And our innovative ultracapacitor technology is at the very forefront of the exciting new developments that are helping to shape the future of the smart grid.
How Ultracapacitors Work PRIMARY ENERGY SOURCES, like internal combustion engines and fuel cells, work well as a continuous source of low power. However, they cannot efficiently handle peak power demands or recapture energy in today’s applications because they discharge and recharge slowly.
ULTRACAPACITORS deliver quick bursts of energy during peak power demands, then quickly store energy and capture excess power that is otherwise lost. They efficiently complement a primary energy source in today’s applications because they discharge and recharge quickly. In addition to enabling increased energy efficiency, they help customers reduce emissions and lower costs.
We’ve been on the grid since day one.
Here at Maxwell, we’ve been on the grid for a long time. And we don’t ever plan on going off the grid. We’re in it for the long haul. And we’re proud of our history here. We began by building high-voltage products a century ago. Products that remain extremely active and effective in the marketplace today. Along the way, we’ve had a hand in crafting creative engineering solutions. Solutions that span not just the grid, but the globe. Of course, we’re more than just established support partners with extensive experience on the grid. We’re world-renowned leaders in quality, reliability and production. And we feel like we’re just getting started, because the future holds so much in store, for all of us.
That’s why we continue to invest in and revolutionize our technologies and production capacity. Expand our global footprint. Commercialize products in new high-growth markets. And retain the world’s leading minds in the design, implementation and perfection of high- and mid-voltage capacitors, as well as ultracapacitor technology. We invite you to take some time to get to know us better. And we look forward to helping you define the future of the grid.
We are Maxwell.
Our world-class research and product development teams have established Maxwell Technologies as a global leader in developing, manufacturing and marketing energy storage and power delivery solutions for heavy transportation, the automotive industry, renewable energy, backup power, wireless communications and industrial and consumer electronics applications. Maxwell products are designed and built to provide consistently superior performance. As a market leader and innovator, we are committed to providing cost-effective and energy-efficient energy storage and power delivery products that extend the limits of current conventions. Our success is built on teaming with our partners and customers to provide optimized solutions that deliver superior performance, reliability and value, backed by extraordinary application engineering and field support.
Our goal is to build long-term customer relationships by listening, understanding customer-specific requirements and exceeding expectations for value and performance.
The grid demands. Maxwell delivers.
We’re already on the grid. Here. There. Everywhere. Maxwell ultracapacitor and high-voltage products are ideally suited to meet the performance and lifetime demands of grid applications around the world. Maxwell is the world leader in ultracapacitors, with more than 35 million of our ultracapacitor cells in operation worldwide. First installed on the grid in 1999 and in transportation systems in 2004, our ultracapacitor cells are now powering an array of applications, including innovative and extra-efficient transportation and grid systems. And our high-voltage product line is already deeply embedded in the grid, with more than 100 years of extensive experience to draw from. We’re continually investing in order to expand our technology leadership, production capability and global footprint. It’s all part of our plan to meet the rapidly growing demand for energy storage in global grid and transportation applications. We’re also endlessly and strategically leveraging our core advantages in innovation, manufacturing and quality to provide the highest value possible to our customers, clients and partners. Simply put, we’re ready for more. And we’re ready for whatever’s in store.
Ultracapacitors = Ultra availability for Grid Energy Storage Maxwell ultracapacitor products are uniquely suited to deliver excellent cost-of-ownership value by providing a long service life and excellent reliability.* Within the context of a hybrid ultracapacitorplus-battery energy storage solution, ultracapacitors perform fast response functions and extend battery performance, efficiency and operational life. Combining the power of ultracapacitors with the energy of batteries provides superior performance, operating range and life. It also dramatically increases the overall performance and safety of your grid system and overall organization. Ultracapacitors ease or eliminate the need to overhaul your grid infrastructure on a regular basis.
*Results may vary. Additional terms and conditions, including the limited warranty, apply at the time of purchase. See the warranty details and datasheet for applicable operating use and requirements
Today, ultracapacitor energy storage provides a wide range of benefits to independent energy generators and utilities alike including traditional fuel energy generation and renewable generation such as solar and wind.
Renewable generation applications may include: • Wind Pitch Control • Frequency Regulation • Voltage Control and Power Quality • Renewables Capacity Firming/Ramping • Peak Shaving and Load Leveling • Spinning Reserve
Change is in the wind.
Trust in the wind. Trust in Maxwell. Utility providers want to know that their equipment is not only reliable, but also long-lasting. When it comes to questions of real change today – and well into the future – many real answers can be found blowing in the wind. The benefits of wind pitch control systems are many, and include reduced maintenance, greater reliability and fail-safe operation. The value derived from wind pitch control systems is not just immediate, it is longlasting. Not only do they boost power and provide fail-safe backup power, but they reduce the total cost of ownership over the life of a wind turbine. Ultracapacitors have been used in wind turbines since 1999, and more than 30,000 turbines across the world rely on ultracapacitors to maintain peak performance and longevity. In fact, ultracapacitors can dramatically reduce battery-related costs over the life of a turbine (including replacement, maintenance and downtime).
In the years since, we’ve continued to refine our insight and expertise in wind pitch control systems. And we look forward to even more growth and development to come.
When the sun takes a break, Maxwell goes to work.
Solar and wind firming and ramp rate control solutions. Solar and wind firming and ramp rate control are equally impactful, and invaluable solutions to employ on the grid. Solar and wind firming and ramp rate control provide increased power quality from intermittent renewable resources. Added value comes in the increased ability to add even more renewable assets to the grid, thereby complying with legislative mandates and incentives. Of course, with great opportunity comes great challenge. As an increased amount of intermittent solar and wind renewable energy penetrates the grid, output becomes increasingly unstable. And handling this increased intermittency can lead to a spike in peak power reserves along with an increased capacity charge for the ratepayer.
Maxwell was recently awarded a project by the California Energy Commission to address this exact issue, demonstrating an energy storage system that showcased the capability of ultracapacitors to fill in short-term solar power intermittencies and provide ramp rate control for longer intermittencies. A more detailed case study can be found on our website at
By the wayside.
When talk turns to something “falling by the wayside,” it’s not often that a very positive conversation ensues. But when it comes to wayside rail brake energy recovery, power stabilization and frequency regulation, there are a wide range of positive charges an organization and grid provider can plug into. The benefits of wayside rail brake energy recovery, power stabilization and frequency regulation are many, and include reduced grid-energy consumption. Immediate and enduring values of implementing these practices include lower electricity charges to customers and grid upgrade cost deferral for the utility provider. In other words, you’ll be able to get more mileage out of your existing grid structure even when more customers are using your rail services. And your satisfied and everincreasing customer base will have to pay less to use those services. Talk about a win-win.
Maxwell recently joined forces with ABB for a project at the Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority (SEPTA) to help the time-honored transit authority recover lost braking energy – and thereby reduce system-wide energy consumption. The development and implementation of a hybrid ultracapacitor-battery storage system allowed SEPTA to recycle the braking energy from many of its trains, optimize the use of their energy storage and decrease the payback period for their equipment among many other benefits. In fact, the cooperative effort resulted in a 10-20% reduction in SEPTA rail vehicles’ consumption of grid-supplied electrical energy. You can read more about this compelling case study on our website at
We put the new in renewables.
Maxwell ultracapacitor energy storage delivers a wealth of benefits to independent energy generators and utilities that make the move to implement our resource- and cost-efficient ultracapacitor technology. This is especially true when it comes to renewable generation applications such as solar and wind.
Renewable generation applications on the grid today may include: • Wind Pitch Control • Frequency Regulation • Voltage Control and Power Quality • Renewables Capacity Firming/Ramping • Peak Shaving and Load Leveling • Spinning Reserve
From reduced maintenance and lower total cost of wind turbine ownership in wind pitch control applications to a reduction in both fuel consumption and emissions in peak shaving and load leveling applications, implementation of our ultracapacitors will continually renew your confidence and investment in renewable generation applications.
Traditional values.
Renewables aren’t the only generation applications that stand to benefit from the implementation of Maxwell ultracapacitor energy storage solutions. Traditional fuel energy generation applications, such as combustion turbine and diesel generators, can also expand their power bases with our help. Genset starting with ultracapacitors mitigates battery failure during startup and lowers the total cost of ownership. Ultracapacitor usage as spinning reserves reduces fuel consumption, operating costs and the need for traditional peaker plants. Frequency regulation with ultracapacitors also reduces fuel consumption and operating costs, and lessens the overall dependence on traditional generation resources.
These are just some of the many ways that Maxwell’s ultracapacitors help energy generators, utilities and grid providers restore faith in traditional values – and kick-start entirely new traditions on the grid.
CONDIS high-voltage products. 速
Generation. Distribution. Transmission. At Maxwell, our high-voltage products have been helping define and drive the grid for the past century. We classify our renowned CONDIS ÂŽ products into three distinct categories and classifications. Generation. Distribution. Transmission. The following is a closer look at each category and the Maxwell CONDIS products contained within.
Power Generation and Voltage Transformation: CONDIS high- and medium-voltage capacitors serve as key components in multiple applications for electrical power generation systems and their local substations.
Electrical substations, which transform voltage from high to low (or the reverse), must sustain severe voltage conditions. CONDIS high-voltage grading capacitors enable multi-chamber circuit breakers to equalize voltage distribution across the breaking-unit during normal and fault switching operations. CONDIS transient recovery voltage (TRV) capacitors enable circuit breakers to raise switching power, and CONDIS capacitive voltage dividers (CVDs) used in capacitive voltage transformers (CVTs) enable voltage measurement of high-voltage overhead lines within the electrical substation.
In the field of power generation, CONDIS coupling capacitors are used in partial discharge (PD) measurement systems sensors to evaluate the condition of generators’ insulation systems. CONDIS high-voltage capacitors are a dependable choice for network operators seeking to improve the efficiency of their electrical power generation and voltage transformation systems.
Grid stability. Grid reliability.
Integration of Distributed Power Grids: The shift from centralized power grids to distributed power grids is creating new challenges for electric utilities at the distribution level. Power generation from renewable energies must now be integrated into systems that were primarily designed for larger and more predictable power plants – such as nuclear or coal power plants. To guarantee the stability of such distributed power grids, the main challenge will play out at the boundary (or “grid edge”) and on the mid-voltage existing network of traditional stable and well-understood territories. CONDIS high- and medium-voltage products are placed at these boundaries, or grid edges, for metering or power line communication (PLC) systems. Coupling capacitors for PLC applications are used with onboard electronics, where the supply of distributed generation (such as solar and wind plants) into the grid can be disconnected by the network utility for
maintenance and repair without introducing risks to grid stability. The PLC couplers are additionally used for broadband power line communication for smart grid deployment and enable data transmission rates of up to 30 mbps for network communication. As an added advantage, CONDIS damped voltage dividers are part of lightning overvoltage monitoring systems, which monitor the grid to improve power quality in smart grid systems. Reliability, high electrical performance and resilience in extreme temperature (Arctic Technology) environments are the main features of CONDIS products, providing our customers with first-class capacitors in the power grid market.
in wider networks at a continental or intercontinental scale. The reliability of the transmission lines and their ability to deliver high-quality power are major challenges in the operation and development of networks. In the field of power transformation, Maxwell’s CONDIS capacitors improve power quality and guarantee reliable AC/DC conversion.** CONDIS capacitors are key components in many different applications, such as circuit breakers, voltage metering and PLC systems.
High-voltage transmission lines transport electrical energy – from large power generation plants to the substations linking
In high-voltage direct current (HVDC) power transmission, CONDIS capacitors filter high frequency harmonics due to power electronic converters, and therefore improve power quality of the transmission line. CONDIS dry MV capacitors are used in HVDC converter stations as thyristor valve capacitors for reliable function of the HVDC conversion.
these lines to the medium-voltage distribution system. Operating in either AC or DC, highvoltage transmission lines are interconnected
**Results may vary. See the warranty details and datasheet for applicable operating use and requirements.
High-Voltage Transmission Lines:
Flexible. Reliable. Solutions.
Emerging energy storage solutions and products must fit seamlessly into the equally conservative and conscious environment of the energy marketplace. Energy storage products and infrastructures must provide multiple solutions and serve as truly flexible and dynamic resources. They must provide power where and when it is needed. At any and all times. That’s where Maxwell and our industryleading ultracapacitor and high-voltage products plug in. Maxwell ultracapacitor products have been meticulously and brilliantly designed to increase efficiency and reliability across all areas of the grid.
Cells (W): 1-3400 F capacitance range • -40 to 65°C operating temperature • K2 3400 F cell - typical specific power = 8500 W/kg; typical specific energy = 7.7 Wh/kg • Weldable or threaded terminals for flexibility or integration into packs • ISO 16750-3 Table 12-compliant: highest shock and vibration specification •
Introducing our Ultracapacitor and High-Voltage Product Lineup Maxwell ultracapacitor products are uniquely suited to deliver excellent cost-of-ownership value by providing an extensive service life and excellent reliability, and our CONDIS high-voltage capacitors continue to lead the way in utility infrastructure usage across the globe.
Modules (kW): Application-specific, from 12 V to 160 V • -40 to 65°C operating temperature • Configurations to integrate into racks and subsystems • Passive or active balancing
Capacitors (kV): High-end capacitors including thyristor valve • Power line communication devices • Electronic voltage transformers
Thank you.
Thank you for taking the time to get to know all of us here at Maxwell a little bit better. Of course, this is just the beginning of the empowering and electrifying journey we can embark upon together. Our engineers stand ready to work with your engineers – to maximize the value of energy storage on the grid.
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MAXWELL TECHNOLOGIES, MAXWELL, MAXWELL CERTIFIED INTEGRATOR, ENABLING ENERGY’S FUTURE, BOOSTCAP, C CELL, D CELL, CONDIS and their respective designs and/or logos are either trademarks or registered trademarks of Maxwell Technologies, Inc. and may not be copied, imitated or used, in whole or in part, without the prior written permission from Maxwell Technologies, Inc. All contents copyright © 2015 Maxwell Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved. No portion of these materials may be reproduced in any form, or by any means, without prior written permission from Maxwell Technologies, Inc.