eal Women Magazine is the brain child of Pastor Meg, a renowned Christian scholar who looks at the different challenges faced by adolescence and adults in today’s society. One of her primary intentions in this magazine is to generate positive energy and outlook on life by overcoming and dealing with the dynamic hardships that today’s women face. Pastor Meg helps women deal with challenges associated with their relationships by addressing their problems through lessons from the bible to help families overcome their struggles through God’s divine scriptures. In every household, the woman is the central figure that can see the family to success and
From her first issue it is evident that Pastor Meg, through Real Women Magazine, shares experiences of people’s day to day living and gives an account of personal encounters to help other readers cope with similar situations that they may find themselves in. Unfortunately our communities are plagued by divorce, extra-marital affairs and domestic violence, all of which contradict the teachings of peace and harmony which the bible emphasizes upon. This being said, Real Women Magazine wants to remind us about the teachings from the bible and aids in keeping those teachings in our fore minds to avoid
making decisions that could have a negative effect on our lives.
The diverse nature of this magazine is also that it extends to the male audience. With articles that give insightful business advice as well as providing biographies of our sporting stars. Some of these articles have included, ‘A real man’ (issue 2 and issue 3) and ‘The role of a man in the house’ (issue 5) can be of interest to our male readers. For your daily dose of inspiration and advice, Real Women is your go-to magazine to peace and harmony with the assistance and guidance of Pastor Meg.
EDITORS NOTE Editorial Director & CEO Pastor Meg
Dear Readers
Contributing Journalist Chukwuemeka Muo Ehiosu Stanley Pastor & Mrs Azuka Morgan Dr. Robert Akande Gcobani Mufuku Anthony O.C
I hope this issue finds you and finds you well. It seems like just a few days ago we were putting on our party hats and waiting for that clock to hit midnight so that we could bring in the new year with renewed hopes, believes and prayers of abundant success and happiness.
Contributing Columnists Pastor Meg Admin, Sales & Circulation Manager Audrey Bading Mve
Turn the clock forward four months with the beginning on the year officially behind us and mid-year begins. While the standard rule is never to look back but rather to look ahead, the exception has to be when one wants to reflect and contemplate a way forward. As you glance through the last four months, I want you to ask yourself: ‘did I smile often, did I find joy in my life and did I make someone else smile.’ In truth, life is a collection of predetermined choices, and I find the best way to make these decisions is to find the path to happiness. Everybody’s journey is unique and their destination different. What we all share is the overwhelming feeling of happiness when it is experienced. It can be in a moment you wish to replay, a dream you wish to achieve or a special someone who adds that sense of completion to your life. My advice is once you have experienced the sensation that is happiness, remember it, and now multiply it. Multiply it by searching for this sensation in all aspects of your life, from work, to love, to family and everything in-between. Turn moments of dread, like sitting in traffic to moments of enjoyment by playing your favourite song. Make a conscious decision to finding that path to happiness in every aspect of your life. You deserve it. This year has been marked with great changes for the Real Woman team who have now been joined on their quest to bring you the best magazine they can by the CreativEdge team and there experience in the magazine
Photographer Nobert Kelvin Crave Studio (We’ve got the edge ) Nobert Kelvin Photography Tel: 073 878 1303 nobkev@gmail.com Business Development Manager Loveline Abinokhauno P.R.O & Online Manager Patience Ogedengbe
industry. We can only hope this relationship grows from strength to strength, along with Real Woman Magazine. In this issue of Real Woman, we tackle some challenging topics that can cloud the road to happiness as well as look at some heart warming personal stories. We would like to offer a special gratitude to all our contributors, who add the true voice to Real Woman Magazine. Let me also take this opportunity to thank you the reader for allowing us to shed some light on topics that we feel needs to be spoken about. In this issue, articles that should not be missed include: ‘Joys of fatherhood’, ‘peer pressure’ and ‘before I say I do (Part 2). As always, we welcome your feedback and comments. We hope to hear from you soon. Find that happiness.
From The Editor & Real Woman Team
Publishers Pastor Meg Published by Real Woman Magazine 19 Dartford Drive Parklands, Table view Cape town 7441 www.realwomanmagazine.co.za Maryrose.rwm@gmail.com Tel: +27 21 828 2598/ + 27 730 991 608 Printed by Raptor Print kingsley@raptorprint.co.za Johannesburg Executive Editor Creativedge info@edgecorp.co.za Content Manager Raheema Vahed Copy Editor Mohammed Dockrat Designer Maxwell Thabethe Letters to the editor info@realwoman.co.za Distribution EZWENI Distribution (Pty) Ltd Copyright@RWM. All rights reserved Disclaimer: Reproduction in whole or in part is prohibited without prior permission from the publisher. The views expressed in this RWM are not necessarily those of the editors, staff or publishers.
Contents 10
Cover Features 26 Praise & Appreciation:
Magazine 6 Tweeting for Christ
important 24 Enough reasons to abandon a child 34 The journey of June 16 to millennium youths 42 Helping your child cope with exam stress 44 Effects of peer pressure on teenagers
News & Events
The truth about apologising
10 Who is a Real Woman 3 Editors note 2 Review of Real Woman
12 Rekindling the passion and romance in your marriage
Lifestyle 26
17 Why is reputation so
15 Before I say I do (part 2) 16 Unity in marriage 19 Meet us 20 What happens to love after the marriage 30 The joy of fatherhood 39 Meet the Fathers
Feature Articles 8 Easter He has risen 15
22 The kingdom of Swaziland
Business on the go 36 The rise & fall of a business
Health & Fitness
46 Losing weight 50 Basic exercises & stretches for the workplace
48 Sport! Bringing home the cup 52 Hidden towns in the Bible 53 Brain Test 54 Poem: Thirst
Tweeting fo Dear RW Magazine readers, how pleasant it is of you to look forward to every issue from our desk. You know the saying, ‘show me a man who is successful and I will show you a man who reads without end’. I wish to extend my gratitude to you, our esteemed readers, for reading each of our Real Woman Magazine issues. Your participation and suggestions are highly welcome so we can improve on how to please you more. Let’s tweet together on realwomantwitt. Looking forward to hearing from you soon. John 3:16 says; “For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten
or Christ son that whosoever believes in him shall not perish but have an everlasting life.� Just remember, Jesus Christ is our Lord and personal saviour. He knows your name and your every need. God bless you.
By : Pat Philips Ogedengbe.
Easter E
aster to many people is just the Easter bunny, a day of food and celebration. For some it is an obligatory church-attending holiday, after which life goes on as usual. It is sad that we have so quickly forgotten the true meaning of Easter. Our God reigns! Jesus Christ died, yes, but even more importantly, He rose again and is now seated at the right hand of God, the Father, as we say in the Lord's Prayer. Easter is the celebration of Christ’s resurrection from the dead. It bears witness to God’s enduring promise of an eternal life. As the climax of Holy week, Easter is a time of hope and assurance. It is humanity’s turning point from destruction to glory and salvation. Jesus Christ had literally defied death; He did more than just a ‘magical’ thing that we are quick to exclaim. We know that Jesus Christ is greater than all the other magicians because even those daredevil magicians, whom we are quick to marvel over, are all going to die someday. Our Jesus defied death forever. Jesus Christ lives and reigns for eternity, whether we believe that fact or not. “And He has reclaimed life for all those who believe in Him”, this is the second miracle of Easter. Through God's work on the cross, we have access to eternal life as well. This is the main purpose of Easter. Jesus gave His life for each and every one of us and will rise on the third day to reconcile us back to our maker, who
“And He has reclaimed life for all those who believe in Him” is the Almighty God, to enable us to have the hope of eternal life hereafter. The best way to understand the real meaning of Easter would be from Jesus. As is recorded in the twelfth chapter of John, Jesus was welcomed to Jerusalem by a large crowd singing praises to Him, carrying palm branches and hailing Him as the king of Israel the Messiah. They were gathering to celebrate the ’Passover’, such an outpouring of adoration made the Pharisees seeth with anger and disgust. They did not believe Jesus was their long-awaited king.
Jesus replied, "Now the time has come for the son of man to enter into his glory. I tell you the truth, unless a kernel of wheat is planted in the soil and dies, it remains alone but its death will produce many new kernels, a plentiful harvest of new lives. Those who love their life in this world will lose it. Those who care nothing for their life in this world will keep it for eternity. Anyone who wants to be my disciple must follow me, because my servants must be where I am. And the Father will honour anyone who serves me." John 12:23-26. Without a doubt, Jesus wants us to remember His great love and sacrifice
He has risen By: Ehiosu Stanley
“Without a doubt, Jesus wants us to remember His great love and sacrifice for us by taking communion” for us by taking communion. He was getting ready to be betrayed by one of the disciples, publicly humiliated and mocked, beaten beyond recognition and hung on a cross to die, when he made his special request for us to remember that He gave his body for us and poured out his blood as a sacrifice for us. The heart of Easter lies in his words, "the new covenant between God and his people." What is the real meaning of Easter? Because of Christ's death and resurrection, we have been given victory over death and eternal separation from God, a covenant promise of forgiveness and grace:
“Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures, and that He was buried, and that He rose again the third day according to the scriptures”, 1 Corinthians 15:3. “If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.” Romans 10:9. So, when we are dancing and in jubilation over the Easter turkey and chicken, we need to search within our hearts and remember the suffering that Jesus’ body went through for us. Are we remembering how His blood was shed so that our souls could be spared? Let’s thank Jesus this Easter
for giving us life and for giving us the Holy Spirit as our comforter before He ascended back to Heaven. There is however a real connection between Easter and Pentecost on which Christians of various persuasions can agree. The resurrection of Christ opened the door for the salvation of every people on earth. As new stormy clouds are gathering on top of existing ones in the Middle East, this is something about which we can truly rejoice. How good to know that amidst strife and conflict, the church remains steadfast and offers hope to all who enter. Christ has risen; He has risen indeed.
Who is a rea
real woman is a woman who controls the atmosphere of her home positively. She controls her means by making sure that the environment is conducive for both her husband and children and by not being superior over the man. This is achieved by being controlled by a higher authority which is the Holy Ghost. Every woman needs to be directed by the Holy Ghost to be able to control the environment at home. Without doing that, her feelings will override her and she will make a lot of mistakes. The home consists of parents and children, it is not an easy task to carry everyone along and still have time for yourself, but remember the ability is already within you, that is why God has said that you are a helpmate. All you need is to recognise the place of the Holy Spirit, the higher helper, and you will be helped. The Holy Spirit directs, teaches, guides and comforts. These are all your roles in your home. Every woman’s first priority is her home, until you put that in order, your life will be in disorder. To Direct: Your values direct the path of your children at home. I mean the Godly nature in your conduct and actions. Children learn faster from what they see you do than from what you say, therefore cut down some excesses in your behaviour and have a positive influence in your home. By teaching children you begin: i) Doing what you want them to do (involve them in what you want them to learn) i.e. teaching. ii) Showing them how to do it (explaining the whole process). iii) Doing it with them (put actions to your words). iv) Watch them do it (assign them to do it).
“It is amazing to see how young ladies are over excited to quickly become women and dream of what their lives will be like when they are called women.�
al Woman?
By: Pastor Meg
The process of teaching may take longer than expected, but you must do it all the same to give them a good foundation for their future.
To Guide: This is the period to watch them by making sure they don’t deviate from what they were taught. Refreshing their memories and bringing to their understanding the set standard at home. Growing up comes with a lot of fantasies, but proper guidance helps to call them to order. To Comfort: A woman must be available to her children and her husband. Proverbs 14:1 states that “Women are builders of the home”, therefore you must be available physically, spiritually and mentally. You are the coordinator of your home and God counts so much on you. God gave you the power of influence to see your husband and children through challenges and bring them out comforted. Your positive influence on your husband’s mentality and your prayers can defeat any form of challenge set against him, the same goes for your children. Words of comfort are powerful; they can turn in your favour that which the devil meant for evil. Encourage your husband and children to rely and confide in you and victory shall be yours in your home. Remember woman, your husband is your first baby, be there for him and God, who brought you as his helper, will bless you. Without the Holy Ghost you cannot achieve this. Therefore ask him to come forth and he will empower you and fill you with the right knowledge. He must live within you because you cannot give what you don’t have. God bless you.
mood for the evening. It was a night of celebration, love, laughter and happiness as couples were seen holding hands, laughing together and enjoying themselves. RWM: How was your night? “I really enjoyed myself, I had time to unwind and do something special with my husband without worrying about the kids”. “It helped me remember all over again why I fell in love with my husband”. “It created a platform for me to say I love you to my wife, something which I have not said to her in a long while”.
omance is incredibly important in relationships. It creates opportunities for intimacy unlike anything else can. Without it, the intimate connection you have with your spouse tends to wither. It was a time of fun and laughter, as the Real Woman Magazine team, as part of our mission statement, took time out to celebrate with married couples from Glory Restoration Assembly at the beginning of this
year. The purpose of the evening was to rekindle and reignite the passion and romance in their marriages. There was an array of couples; both young and old, who seized the opportunity to tell their partners “I love you”, in a special way. The evening began with cocktails and a rendition of golden oldie love songs, by a popular artist, which set the
It was a night of celebration, love laughter and happiness as couples were seen holding hands, laughing together and generally enjoying themselves.
There was an array of couples; both young and old, who seized the opportunity to tell their partners “I LOVE YOU� in a special way.
BEFORE I SAY I DO (TIPS FOR WOMEN) PART 2 POSSIBLE WAYS OF FINDING A FUTURE PARTNER In issue 6 we discussed how to identify a woman to marry. This issue we will talk about how to identify a man to marry.
roverb 18:22: “He that finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains favour”. Finding is of two ways, a man finds to decide and a woman finds to agree. As a woman; what do I find out in a man before I say I do? TIPS FOR WOMEN: How to identify a man to marry. 1. Responsibility: Responsibility makes you dependable and a good partner. A responsible man has a vision; he is not a man that wastes all that he earns. His immediate responsibility is to take care of himself and his family then he is ready for marriage. He is disciplined and must have a means of livelihood. Adam was occupied with work in the garden before Eve came, Genesis 2:15, “And the Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to tend to and keep it”. 2. Maturity: Marriage is for men and not boys. He must be mentally matured and able to decide on what he wants, Matt 19:5. This means that he has a mind of his own, is independent and is not influenced by other people. 3. Compatibility: Are you compatible with him? Do you really understand each other? Do you agree with each other’s opinion and ideas? If yes, then you are compatible. However, if you
are always in doubt, disagree and quarrel at all times, please think twice. 4. Love of God: Discover if he truly loves God. God is the head of a man and for him to do well he must be controlled by God. The love of God will make a man to fear Him, obey Him, and shower you with the best love because God is love. If you need the best husband on earth, discover God in him first.
“His immediate responsibility is to take care of himself and his family then he is ready for marriage”
5. Flexibility: Look for a man that loves you for who you are. A man that can accept you with your mistakes and patiently waits for the change he wants. A man that can correct you in love without destroying your values. A man that is open minded and can also accommodate your family.
Written by:
Pastor Margaret Nwachukwu
arriage can be defined as the state of being united to a person of the opposite sex as husband or wife in a consensual and contractual relationship recognised by law. Unity on the other hand is the state of being in agreement or in harmony. It therefore means that unity is a principal platform for success in marriage. Marriage cannot be successful without the force of unity being in place.
I am sure you have heard that popular saying ‘United we stand, divided we fall’. Man is a three-in-one being. Man is a spirit, he has a soul (mind) and he lives in a body. The force of unity in marriage must be put to work in all the three aspects of man. Spiritually we must belong to the same spiritual kingdom, same faith and beliefs, Unity in the Soul (mind) is by being in agreement with each other in our thoughts, decisions, dreams, ambitions and united in the body by acting and speaking in oneness and of course performing our conjugal rights to one another and not restraining our bodies from one another unnecessarily. 1 Cor 7:3-5. “Let every married couple begin to speak with one voice, be united in all areas and begin to enjoy signs, wonders and miracles in a new way on a daily basis”.
The joy of marriage will be lacking without unity. There is no true marriage where there is no unity. In Matthew 19:5-6, God said: “And said, for this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife: and they two shall be one flesh? Wherefore they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God has joined together, let not man put asunder”. Amos 3:3 says “Can two walk together, except they be agree”. Unity which basically means oneness is therefore none negotiable. Any two people trying to walk together where there is no unity are flogging a dead horse. God paints the picture of how powerful the force of unity is in the story of the tower of Babel in Genesis chapter 11. A group of people had a great dream and ambition to do what has never been done before on earth. They wanted to build a tower that will reach up to heaven.
Genesis 11:6 “And the Lord said, Behold the people is one, and they have all one language; and this they begin to do and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do.” This just shows how important and powerful unity is in marriage and in any other area. The realm of unity is the realm of possibilities. IT IS THE REALM WHERE MIRACLES HAPPEN.
As a husband for over twenty years, I have witnessed and proven the benefits of unity in marriage, I can tell you that with the full understanding of the merits of unity and the demerits of disunity, determination by the couple is the secret to unity in marriage. We were committed from the onset of our marriage that we will remain united and so we have remained this way despite the various agents and temptations presented to disunite us. Go fore, stay united, and I can assure you that it will begin to be a brand new experience in your home. All the best. Dr. Robert Akande.
f you think that it takes only talent and hard work to get ahead in your career, think again. What will really take you places is your reputation.
Why is reputation so important? Because what people say about you when you are not in the room can make or break your career. One executive who genuinely thought his colleagues hung on his every word was shocked to discover that they found him long-winded, arrogant and insensitive. Remember, perception is
reality. SIMPLE STEPS TO GET STARTED: 1. Keep your promises, this helps to build credibility and trust. 2. Don't make lame excuses. If you've made mistake or missed a deadline, apologise and do what you can to correct it. 3. Don't say ‘I'll try’. You either will, or you won't. 4. Be responsive. Return calls and emails promptly. 5. Make your English teacher proud, check your spelling. 6. Volunteer. Put your hands up for
cross-team projects and you could learn new skills and showcase your talents to new people. 7. Speak publicly. Find an opportunity to speak to others in your organisation (or outside of it) about your area of expertise. 8. Do not be the wallflower. Speak up in meetings but be brief and to the point. 9. Broaden your skills set. Learn a little more about technology, design, sales and psychology. You don't have to be an expert, but with these skills you will be a welcomed addition to any team. 10. Increase your social intelligence.
Personal branding is not about pumping up your ego and putting yourself ahead of others.
Connect to people and commit to self-improvement. REMEMBER, nobody else gets up in the morning to sell your image. You're the only person on earth with that responsibility and if you don't take that seriously, no one else will." CREATING YOUR PERSONAL BRAND: Personal branding is not about pumping up your ego and putting yourself ahead of others. Rather, it's an honest, considered exploration of what makes you tick, the benefits you offer to those around you and how to communicate them in a way that is clear and consistent. The biggest mistake people make is by not taking time to establish what makes them special, different and better. HERE ARE SOME QUESTIONS TO ASK YOURSELF TO GET STARTED: 1. What does success look like to you ? 2. What is different about you? 3. What inspires you?
4. What are you naturally good at? 5. What do you want to be known for? 6. What makes you smile? 7. Which activities make you lose track of time? 8. What do you spend your disposable income on? 9. If you had to teach something, what would that be? 10. What causes interests you? YOUR PERSONAL MISSION STATEMENT: In the words of Stephen Covey: 'Creating a mission statement is not something you do overnight. It takes deep introspection, careful analysis and thoughtful expression. It may take you several weeks or even months before you feel it is a complete and concise expression of your innermost values and directions.
Meet us I
n this issue of Real Woman Magazine, we would like you to meet Mr. and Mrs. Ugochukwu Ani, a striking couple, totally devoted to the service of God and humanity, and learn from them the reason behind their successful marriage. RWM: How long have you been married Mr. & Mrs. Ani? RESPONSE BY MR. & MRS. ANI: We have been married for five years now. RWM: What was the striking quality your saw in your spouse that prompted marriage? RESPONSE BY MR ANI: Firstly, I was in love with her because she is a very beautiful and a lovely lady; secondly, she is very caring and attentive to little details, which makes her an excellent wife and mother. RESPONSE BY MRS. ANI: He is humble, slow to anger, responsible and above all God fearing. I could never have asked for a better man than my husband. RWM: How many kids do you have? RESPONSE BY MR. & MRS. ANI: We have two lovely kids Chloe (4) and Jason (2). We are hoping for more. RWM: What are you passionate about?
RESPONSE BY MR. & MRS. ANI: We are passionate about our life, being fair and happy, our family, because they motivate us, make us happy and we feel fulfilled. Also, we are passionate about our service to God, reading the bible and educational books. We strive everyday to be a better people.
“I was in love with her because she is a very beautiful and lovely lady; secondly, she is very caring and attentive to little details, which makes her an excellent wife and mother” RWM: How will you describe your marriage? RESPONSE BY MR. & MRS. ANI: Our marriage is blessed, happy, protected by God and still developing because everyday we try to do things to make the marriage better. RWM: What skills help create a successful marriage? RESPONSE BY MR. & MRS. ANI: Togetherness, good communication, positive comments about your spouse, forgiveness, doing things as a family and been open to one another and above all, patience is the greatest skill to help create a
Mr & Mrs. Ugochukwu Ani.
successful marriage. RWM: How have you thrived through difficult times? RESPONSE BY MR. & MRS. ANI: We have scaled through by the help and grace of the almighty God, the love we have for each other and the desire to make the marriage work. We encourage and support each other and as Christians we also pray for God’s intervention and guidance. RWM: What would you like to share with other couples? RESPONSE BY MR. & MRS. ANI: Couples should understand that marriage is not courtship and should not compare their marriages with others because there is no such thing as a perfect marriage. Each couple is unique and have their own way of dealing with issues, couples should also strive hard to listen to each other and do things to make each other happy. Finally, the man and woman must know their respective roles in the marriage and play their part.
ne day, I was sitting in a park after a long walk with my dogs. I received a call from a colleague to discuss this magazine. As soon as I dropped the phone, a man turned in my direction smiling and asked, “What kind of work do you do?’’ “I am a writer for Real Woman Magazine, I write about marriages, relationships and marriage enrichment articles.” I said “I wanted to ask someone this question for a very long time”, he said. “What happens to the love after you get married?” At that moment I was blank but managed to regain my thoughts and replied, “What do you mean?”
“Well I have been married three times, and each time, it was wonderful before we got married but somehow after the wedding it all fell apart and the total opposite becomes the case. All the love we thought we had for each other had disappeared. I am a very intelligent person,” he said looking directly into my eyes, “I operate a successful business, I am well educated and yet I don’t understand it.” “How long were you married?” I asked. “The first one lasted about twelve years. The second time I was married for only two years and the last one, almost five years.” “Did your love disappear almost immediately or it was a gradual process?” I asked. “In my first marriage, we had four to
“The desire for romantic love in marriage is deeply rooted in our psychological makeup. Almost every magazine has at least one article on keeping your marriage alive and healthy” five awesome years together before we started a family. After the first baby came, I felt neglected, my wife gave all her attention to the baby and I felt like I no longer mattered. Two years
later we had another baby and my wife’s life was complete. I was no longer needed” Trying to find the right words, I
asked, “Did you tell her that”? “Oh, yes, I did. She said I was crazy and only acting childish and selfish and that I did not understand the stress of being a twenty-four-hour nurse, teacher, chef and a maid. She said that I should rather be more understanding and be more helpful in the house. I really tried, but it didn’t seem to make any difference. With each passing day we grew further apart. After a while there was no love between us. It seemed the love, respect, feelings and romance was lost. So we agreed it was better we stayed apart.” “Well, the second marriage went wrong from the very beginning, I really thought we loved each other, but I don’t know what happened. The honeymoon was a disaster, and we never recovered, until the marriage ended. We dated for six months, we were what anyone would call the perfect couple, and it was a whirling romance. It was really exciting! But after the marriage, it was war from the beginning. “My last marriage, I thought this was it. A time to recover all I had ever lost. The perfect one, we dated for two years. For the first time I thought that perhaps I knew what it meant to be loved and to love someone. I truthfully thought that she had loved me.” “After the wedding, I don’t think I changed. I continued to express my love in so many ways, like I use to before marriage like buying her gifts and taking her out., I told her several times if not on a daily basis how pretty and beautiful she looked, and how much I still love her. I told her how proud I was to be her husband and how much I want to grow old with her. A few months after the marriage, she started complaining about little and unnecessary things; at first it was me not taking the garbage out for collection every tuesday, or not hanging up my clothes. Later, she went on to attack my character, telling me that she can’t trust me although I have never given her any reason not to trust me, accusing me of being unfaithful at every instance. She became a totally negative person. Before marriage, she was one of the most positive people I ever met, which was one of the things that attracted me to her.
She never complained about anything, to her everything I did was wonderful, but once we were married, it seemed I could not do anything right. I honestly don’t know what happened.” As he reached for a white handkerchief from his pocket to wipe his tears, he managed to continue. “Eventually, I lost my love for her and began to resent her. She on the other hand, obviously didn’t love me anymore and we became enemies living together. So we agreed it was better we split.” “That was six months ago. So my question is this, what happens to love after the wedding? Is my experience common or am I the one with the problem? Is that why we have so many divorce cases in the world? I can’t believe it happened to me three times. Those who don’t get divorced, do they eventually learn to live with the emptiness, or does love really stay alive in some marriages?” I thought for a few moments about these questions that a total stranger was asking. These are the questions a million married and divorce people are asking today? Some are asking friends, some are asking parents, some are asking counsellors and some are asking themselves. Sometimes the answers are couched in psychological research jargons that are almost incomprehensible, and sometimes couched in humour and folklore. Most of the jokes and pity sayings contain some truth, but they are like offering headache medication to a person with kidney failure. The desire for romantic love in
marriage is deeply rooted in our psychological makeup. Almost every magazine has at least one article on keeping your marriage alive and healthy. Television and radio talk shows deals on the same subject and lots of books revolve round it. Keeping love alive in our marriages is an important issue. With all the books, magazine, talk shows and practical help available, why is it that only but a few couples seem to have found the secret to a healthy marriage and relationship after the wedding? Why is that a couple can attend a communication workshop, hear wonderful ideas on how to enhance their marriage, return home and find themselves totally unable to implement the communication pattern demonstrated? To be able to keep the love alive after marriage we need to refer to the word of God daily, the bible, and know that marriage is for better or for worse. Define marriage according to God’s plan in Genesis. “The minute you enter a marriage without proper foundation it would collapse like a bag of cement in a bowl of water. God is the origin of love and until you truly know God you can’t operate in true love. Don’t expect to attract love that you can’t give”. (1 Corinthians 13:13). In conclusion, be ready to forgive, sacrifice the things that cause you arguments, forgive genuinely and above all pray together because a family that prays together stays together.
Discover The King By: Pastor & Mrs. Azuka Morgan
he Kingdom of Swaziland, named after the 19th century king Mswati II, is Africa’s only monarchy. It is located in Southern Africa, bordered by South Africa to its north, south, south-east and west and to the north-east lays Mozambique.
They established their kingdom in the mid 18th century under the leadership of Ngwane III. The present boundaries were drawn up in 1881, after the Anglo-Boer War. Swaziland was a British protectorate from 1903 until 1967 and gained independence on 6 September 1968.
Swaziland is one of the smallest countries in Africa. It is no more than 200 kilometres north to south and 130 kilometres east to west. The country is divided into four districts, which areHhohho, Lubombo, Manzini and Shiselweni. Regardless of its small size, the country has a very diverse topography of varying climate with a cool and mountainous highveld and a hot and dry lowveld. The population is primarily ethnic Swazis whose language is siSwati.
Swaziland is a monarchy, currently ruled by King Ngwenyama Mswati III. The king is the head of state and appoints the prime minister and a number of representatives of both chambers of parliament. Elections are held every five years to determine the majority of the house of assembly. The current constitution was adopted in 2005. Swaziland is a member of the Southern African Development Community, the African Union, and
“The king is the head of state and appoints the prime minister and a number of representatives of both chambers of parliament”.
the Commonwealth of Nations. Swaziland’s history dates back to the very earliest of days, artefacts can be found from the Stone Age about 200,000 years ago.Other prehistoric rock art paintings date to 25,000 B.C. ECONOMY Swaziland's economy is diversified, with agriculture, forestry and mining
gdom of Swaziland
The most important cultural event in Swaziland is the Incwala ceremony. It is held on the fourth day after the full moon nearest the longest day, 21 December. Incwala is often translated in English as 'first fruits ceremony', but the King's tasting of the new harvest is only one aspect among many in this long pageant. Incwala is best translated as 'Kingship Ceremony’: when there is no king, there is no Incwala. It is high treason for any other person to hold an Incwala. Swaziland's most well-known cultural event is the annual Umhlanga Reed Dance. During the eight-day ceremony, girls cut reeds and present them to the Queen mother and then dance (There is no formal competition). It is done in late August or early September. Only childless, unmarried girls can take part. The aim of this ceremony is to preserve the girls' chastity, provide tribute labour for the Queen mother and to encourage solidarity by working together. It is also a time the king choses a new wife. Swaziland is an exciting tourist destination with its arts and craft soutlets, traditional markets and
accounting for about 13% of GDP, manufacturing (textiles and sugar-related processing) representing 37% of GDP and services – with government services in the lead, constituting 50% of the GDP. The majority of the population, about 75 percent, are employed in subsistence agriculture on Swazi National Land (SNL), which, in contrast, suffers from low productivity and investment. This dual nature of the Swazi economy; with high productivity in textile manufacturing and in the industrialised agricultural
TDLs and declining productivity subsistence agriculture (on SNL) on the other, may well explain the country's overall low growth rate and high inequality and unemployment. The Swazi economy is very closely linked to the South African economy, from which it receives over 90% of its imports and to which it sends about 70% of its exports. Swaziland's currency is pegged to the South African Rand, subsuming Swaziland's monetary policy to South Africa. CULTURAL EVENTS
Swaziland's most well-known cultural event is the annual Umhlanga Reed Dance wildlife reserves. The country offers many scenic drives. Places like Pine Valley have a series of waterfalls on the Black Umbeluzi River and the granite heights of "Bald Rock". The drive to Piggs Peak in the north is one of the most scenic in the country. The Malolotja National Park lies to the west of the road and here, after a stiff walk, you can view the Malolotja Falls which are the highest in Swaziland, a number of thermal springs ensure that visitors can relax and unwind
Enough reasons to abandon a child.
Written by: Audrey Bading-Mve
here are no specific case studies to be analysed in this article as this is a sensitive topic. People have different views and personal reasons to react or approach certain situations. However it is important for us to go back to the bible and find out what God commands us to do. It is stated in the book of Genesis 1:27-29, “God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female, He created them. God blessed them; and God said to them, ‘Be fruitful and multiply, fill the earth and subdue it; and rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds in the sky and over every living thing that moves on the earth’. Then God said, ‘Behold, I have given you every plant yielding seed that is on the surface of all the earth, and every tree which has fruit yielding seed; it shall be food for you…”
are the answers we received:Anybody that abandons his/her kids doesn't have any love; even if there is something wrong in their marriage, it is not a good reason to do so. As a human
(Randy Ossiba, a 14 years boy in Grade 7). 4- Firstly, the people who do such things are psychologically unstable. Some of them said that they abandoned their kids because they don’t have money, some say it was a mistake for them to have a child or they are too young to be parents; some people say that they also have their own lives to live and regret having a child. Because they can‘t go back to the past, the only choice they have is to abandon the child. (Karen Nzoghe, a student at CPUT).
‘There is no state of mind, unless declared clinically instable that will allow anyone way to get rid of their kids or to decide to abandon them…’
From the beginning God blessed us and commanded us to be fruitful, to multiply and fill the earth. He did not only command us, he also blessed us by giving us provisions to take care of ourselves and our descendants. Having said that, we wonder what the reasons could be to drive a man or a woman to wake up one day and decide to abandon their kids. 1- We conducted a survey and these
being you don't just have the right to abandon another human being , especially not your kids.(Jude Young, a businessman). 2- There is no reason for a father or a mother to abandon their kids, no matter what their reasons are. Really there are not enough reasons to sustain this decision as a parent. (Inés Marlene, a student). 3- Some people abandon their kids because they often don’t have enough resources to take care of them, if the kid misbehaves or if he/she does not perform well at school.
5- There are lots of reasons why people decide to abandon their kids. For economic, cultural and social reasons. Culturally, if both partners are from different tribes; parents of the woman may not accept the man. Most of the kids born in this type of relationships are now being raised by grandparents or some other relatives and bear those relatives’ names, instead of their own parents. Economically and socially; because the father will run away from his responsibilities due to the lack of work or lack of money, he cannot support himself, so he found it very difficult to support an extra load. In some cases, especially men, will behave this way if they are having extra marital homes and they wouldn’t want their wives to know about their outside kids. All of them need guidance and I think what
they lack most in their live is Jesus. (Rock Pambou, a preacher). 6- Sometimes poverty is one reason and the lack of love is the other. However, these reasons are not enough to abandon your children. (Herman Rodrigue, Music manager). 7- Poverty and the lack of confidence. People abandon their kids when they are not certain of what the next day holds. They fear that they will not be able to meet their kids’ expectations, so they will rather run in the opposite direction while they still can.(Godelive Bendje, a travel assistant). There is no state of mind, unless declared clinically unstable, that will
allow anyone to get rid of their kids or to decide to abandon them far away from their environment. As believers, we know that there are no excuses to justify such behavior. God taught us in the book of Titus 2:34 that women shall love their children, “That they teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children”. The Bible also says in the book of 1 Timothy 5:14, "The younger women marry, bear children, guide the house, give none occasion to adversary to speak reproachfully. "We are called to bear children and to love them, these are God’s commends for us; and He himself have made provision for us to sustain us”.
It is left for us to wake up and work towards those promises and God will surely meet us at the point of our needs. It is difficult to understand that after nine months of pains, discomfort and delivery, as a mother you find the strength to abandon your own child. Fathers may not feel the pains to go through the same process; every human being has the right to live and to live equally, to be loved and to be taken for. Therefore no matter how tough life could be, no matter how bad life may seems at that time, no matter the circumstances under which you had that child ; there is no reason to abandon your child. God bless you.
Praise and Appreciation: The Truth about Apologising you should keep your words sweet because you never know when you would have to eat them. The compliment, on the surface, is a straight forward expression, that is mainly designed for the sole purpose of making someone smile and feel better about themselves or something, but beneath the surface lays a ceaselessly chaotic obstacle course. It’s loaded with assumptions, misinterpretations,
y friend once said, “I can live for three months on a good compliment." If we take Jason, my friend, literally, four compliments a year would have kept his emotional love bucket at the operational level. Your spouse will probably need more. To express love emotionally is to use words that build up and not destroy. Proverbs18:21says; "Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it would eat its fruit." Many couples have never learnt the
tremendous power of verbally affirming each other, Proverbs 15:1 says; "soft words turns away wrath, but a harsh words stirs up anger”. “Verbal compliments, or words of appreciation, are powerful communicators of love”. Proverbs 15:2; “the tongue of the wise uses knowledge rightly, but the mouth of fools pours forth foolishness". With the use of compliments, apologises, criticisms, body language, tone, looks and even silence serve ‘meals’ that are either tasty or repulsive emotionally. There is a saying that
Remember some people are hard to apologise to, as they take the opportunity to drive home how wrong you were and how right they were.
suspicion and even duplicity. So suddenly, the seemingly simple process of paying of compliments becomes far more complicated. So many couples believe compliments sound perfect in their minds, but as often surprised the ‘abusive words’ comes out more easily than ‘affirmative words’. You have to be extra careful when choosing your words and delivery. Deliver it with the wrong tone and expression and you could be sitting alone in the room wondering what went wrong. There are words that would just
be the best ‘lunch’ or ‘dinner’ your spouse needs for that day, words like; “you look very nice”, “you are a good cook”, “you are a blessing to me in this union”, “your contribution to this project really helped me”, “thank you”, “I could talk to you all day”, and so on. Apologising is accepting responsibility for difficult things we have said or done. Most times we turn simple tasks of saying “I’m sorry” into a chicken and egg game. Or worse, we use it to guilt others or withhold the apology to hurt our significant others.
Do you find yourself actually taking the gift of apology, whether given or received, as your opportunity to ‘win’? If the word ‘but’ is anywhere near the words “I’m sorry”, you aren’t apologising but trying to justify your act. Why? Because you are missing the fundamental components of the foundation you need to build for a heartfelt apology that can be felt by the other person and by you. If you are like most people, your perception of the situation is clouded by the hurt you feel when someone you love is upset with you.
It also might be difficult for you to acknowledge and accept your reaction to any situation as being out of your control. Unfortunately, we live in a left-brain-logic controlled world, where the right side of the brain passion, creativity and love is locked up in a prison camp of right and wrong and only engaged when the left brain says, “hey we need to be upset here!” When we ‘see’ with our hearts, we get side-tracked, applying meaning to every action and inaction, weakening our ability to accept responsibility for the words we chose to use whilst we were under stress or feeling angry. By seeing instead with our minds, we lose our vulnerability and gain a capacity to receive. Try using statements like “I’m sorry my reaction hurts you”. “I was feeling unimportant to you”. “I chose the wrong words
that made the situation worse”. “I love you very much, I value you”. “I’m deeply sorry my reaction pushed your buttons”. Remember some people are hard to apologise to, as they take the opportunity to drive home how wrong you were and how right they were. Your ability to hold your space and stay focused on the sincerity of your apology is determined only by the strength of your emotional fitness and balance. However, just because you are ready to say “I’m sorry” doesn’t mean your spouse is ready to hear it just yet. A sincere apology does not need a response, nor wants one. It’s about you apologising for your contribution to the situation. Why is it so hard to say the words we so desperately want to hear? Because you are missing two
fundamental components you need to build for a heartfelt apology that can be felt by the other person and you. Respond to any negative comments by staying true to yourself. Try these words again, “I understand, I hear you when you say my actions or words hurt you, and I’m sorry for hurting you. I love you and only want to find a way to move past this. I understand you may not be ready to talk, so know how important this is for me to resolve, and please let me know when you feel better and can guide me to a better place with you”. This does not mean you have to forgive and forget in an instant as it would be pretence. You need to heal your hurt too from the inside. However, acknowledge your contribution to the situation, this would free you from the residue caused by
the conflict. The easier way to let go is ask yourself one question, which is more valuable? Ideas can have many meanings and you shouldn’t protect them with your life or at the expense of those you care about. The rules and meanings you put with your actions and words are not always the same ones used by those close to you. Avoid seeing other people’s actions through your filter of right and wrong. Remember none of these apologises will work until you are able to see the part you played in the situation.
“Verbal compliments, or words of appreciation, are powerful communicators of love”.
Criticism is the practice of judging the merits and faults of something or someone. The act of passing severe judgement, severe disapproval and fault finding is what a number of us engage in all in the name of showing concern and telling the truth in a relationship. If administered on a daily basis, the relationship you care so much about can become poisonous and the esteem of the individual or spouse receiving the constant criticism is bruised or damaged resulting in low self-respect.
When you try to interpret body language, you must say it in relation to what is being said and how it is being said with words; otherwise there is great tendency to be misunderstood. Many elements must agree in order to draw a total conclusion about a person. In order to reach a
proper conclusion, you must also pay attention to facial expressions including the mouth’s position, eye movements and the pupil dilation and retraction. It has been shown by so many researchers that the speakers face is the most reliable source of information about the mood of a person. We see happiness, smiles, surprise, sadness, anger and dissatisfaction, through visual cues. In order to predict the mood of the speaker you must observe the facial muscles. Some features express anger and rage, while softer features are taken to express kindness and friendliness.
I conclusively say that praise, appreciation and apologies are the foundation of a palatable emotional menu. The trick is to serve what is called praise and appreciation sandwich, a layer of compliments and praise for what has been done well, a spread of the criticism or observation and then round off the sandwich with another layer of praise, served with a joyful, kind and smiling attitude and with the right body language.
ith profound openness to God’s plan and by an act of love, husbands and wives cooperate with God to bring new life into the world. The process that follows is called parenthood. Words cannot even begin to describe how wonderful it feels to be a father. I did not start a family early like most people around me, hence I did not realise what I had been missing out on until I became a father. From the day my wife showed me the test kit that had two red lines signifying a positive result for pregnancy to the gynaecologist confirming it is so; the excitement from there on was tremendous. Seeing the little one in the mother’s womb through the latest technology, the simple moves they make brings an unexplained smile to one’s face. The joy of knowing that God has given us a gift in the form of a new life, proves how wonderful God is and how worthy He is to be praised. I made sure that I went to all doctors visits; I was up to date with the stages to a point that I would remind my wife how far she was and also the expected date of delivery. The entire journey was remarkable and an experience that every married man should have. The excitement built up to the day of delivery where I was so excited when they told my wife that she is in labour and taken to the delivery room where I accompanied her. I had a mixture of emotions; happiness, fear, confusion and anxiety. I remember being so confused that when I was given theatre clothes, I tried wearing the
trouser as a shirt. As they began the process of delivery I stood there in total amazement, I kept praising God that even some of the doctors in the delivery room assumed I was a pastor. That day marked the next stage of fatherhood for me. Apart from the joy, I discovered that fatherhood is a big responsibility, it requires wisdom and time. Just being there for your child as a father is huge for me; I know it’s the same for other dads out there. Fatherhood is one of the most difficult jobs anyone can have but the fulfilment and the rewards are worth it. I know I still have a lot to discover, learn and gain because my kids are still young. One thing I’m sure of is that the honour of serving, caring and living with my children will never diminish no matter how old I live here on earth. My children are my greatest gifts and joy. A man who
becomes a father is eternally blessed and entrusted with the care of a precious soul. I'm confident to say that fatherhood is a vacation of love. Before I became a father, I placed a high value on my time. If anyone messed with it, I was ready to fight.
I had my hobbies and my vices but my life didn't revolve around either. It was just that my time was important with no compromise. Upon learning of the inevitable arrival of a child into my life, I was initially resistant for all the obvious reasons like how will I afford or manage or handle this change.
“The entire journey was remarkable and an experience that every married man should have.”
“My children are my greatest gifts and joy. A man who becomes a father is eternally blessed and entrusted with the care of a precious soul”
I knew that if kids required anything, they would required time. Not only do they require it, they deserve it! Now that I have my kids, I can barely remember what I did with all that time I had as a single, kid-free man. I don't regret the ‘freedom‘ that I've traded in to become a father. I've gained just as much as I've experienced, by being a protector, a teacher and a super hero to my young sons because I have three of them. I now know when to hold them by the hand and when to let them fend for themselves. Hearing, "Daddy", screamed with excitement when I come home each day and being the recipient and giver of the most genuine
hugs in the world is precious to me. No life coach, psychologist, doctor or any other life experience teacher would have been able to teach or provide me with all the tools required. It is just amazing. These are just a few of the unexpected joys that have come my way since I became a father. My boys make the hard work of being a parent feel like a walk in the park. On the challenging days when it's not so rosy I think of the joy, privilege and honour of it all and then I'm okay. Becoming a father has thought me to appreciate the simple things in life. The other day my son made a painting for me, even though the painting didn’t make sense, it made me feel so good and happy so much so that it brought tears to my eyes. With all the great perks fatherhood has, it also requires discipline, consistency, strength of character, patience and understanding. I did not realise that
I possess these characteristics until I was required to use them to parent my children. I also learnt about the hidden talents, such as making crafts for home work, drawing pictures and makeshift toys to pacify or to entertain the boys. These hidden talents turn into new interests for me. Being a father is extremely important to me. From the onset I vowed I would be the best dad ever for my children because my dad was the best to me and my sibling. I wanted to carry on like him. As much as it brings joy, it brings challenges. I always assumed that whenever I would tell my children what to do they would joyfully do it, I was wrong. I realised that it requires consistence and patience. You talk until they understand, and they will finally understand. It is my prayer that every married man experiences the greatest roller- coaster ride on earth, called fatherhood.
Hearing, “Daddy�, screamed with excitement when I come home each day and being the recipient and giver of the most genuine hugs in the world is precious to me
By: Gcobani Mfuku
A scenario of but a sector, perhaps a gross generalisation, but definitely a township opinion I possess until coerced otherwise.
outh as defined in the South African context are persons from the age of 14 to 35. Naturally in the year 2000, those that were 14 years of age were born in 1986 and the 35 year olds were born in 1965. The former was not in existence during the infamous 1976 uprisings, but their parents most likely were, whether within the borders of the republic or in exile, whereas the latter were of a school going age. Amongst many others, Hector Peterson, a pupil wearing a school uniform was barely 13 when he was fatally shot on the 16th of June 1976 peacefully marching for a decent education in his land of birth and the right not to have a foreign language like Afrikaans forced upon him. Alas! The African child could not even find refuge in being a child, a shrewd initiation for children into politics; that bred a generation of defiance and ‘stone throwers’. Political guidance
“The African child could not even find refuge in being a child, a shrewd initiation for children into politics”
imprisoned and exiled these young activists and most were left bewildered to politically fend for themselves. Amazingly a great proportion remained in school against all odds and thrived in that sub-standard education to fit their skin colour.
the alternative to education. I’ll leave that to your imagination. Some of the township 1986 born black children are in model-C schools partaking in swimming galas whilst their rural peers are yet to taste these liberties, perhaps it is the coincidence of their geographic location. Without dampening the spirit let us allow those that can ride on the Mandela/RDP wave joy. “Sshhh! Patience!”
1985-UDF, Defiance campaigns, Consumer Boycotts. Atempo! This stone thrower is the parent of the 1986 child. The revolution is rapidly brewing like an upset stomach with intermittent spasms and sustained cramps. Like the teenagers of 1976 have seen and experienced the onslaught and injustices of 1976, ironically the toddlers and infants of around 1976 are sucked into this systemic vicious cycle and are taking to the streets in the footsteps of the preceding generation. UDF and Cosatu have taken the baton from the banned political structures, solidarity and resistance prevails.
confusion is in the air. Impatient and urgently with limited coherence typical of teenagers, take to the streets as “self defense units” (SDU) only to untimely perish without much regard of their cause. To no surprise, the school failure and dropout rate is compounding. This new dispensation needs the youth to be equipped with education, but the youth is caught up in an ANC, IFP and 3rd parties war that is not theirs nor was it necessary for their political elders to spark. The 1986 child is only 4 years old having the first access to model-c kindergartens, how nice? In those ‘special’ hired taxis/transport packed like Sardines. “Afore ye go and better come back with that education…”
The marginalised are determined by and large to some great underground extent; political education and awareness do reach intended audiences in townships and some rural areas. Behold! After all it isn’t that much of a leadership vacuum, for the likes of the renowned Winnie Mandela, Desmond Tutu, Alan Boesak and many others are still around.
1994-First democratic elections, political freedom finally! The formerly marginalised stone throwers of 1976 become bureaucrats. Affirmative action is the buzz phrase and there’s work for graduates and/or professionals. For those that BEE opportunities arose, they took with both hands as they were somewhat armed with education and curiosity.
1990-Mandela is released, political parties are unbanned. The stone throwers of 1976 born between 1958 and 1965, give or take, are in their thirties comprehending fully their role in a new dispensation. They successfully take their place in society and civic structures and so do their ‘exile’ counterparts.
At the crossroads is the 1976 toddler, hand in hand with the infant. They are finishing high school at this stage, some just managed to access model-C schools in their latter teens, whilst some have just enrolled into tertiary institutions. They are free, corporal punishment is banished for those in high school. Society is transforming at an enormous rate and in the midst of this hard earned liberation are sex, booze and narcotics. Enter the tenders! Viewed by many as
Most infants and toddlers of 1976 are in high school during this sad time of black on black political violence,
Fast forward to 2000, the millennium (imini yenyama) -Thabo Mbeki is President. 1976 stone throwers are middle aged and have amassed political wealth and are key. Those that didn’t make it educationally are either in abject poverty and isolation or are pleading with their age/school mates for favour of a job or tender. Some are entrepreneurs from informal trading to government tenders faced with the stark reality of yearning to yet achieve economic freedom as promised by their liberators with whom they fought side by side after all the years. Some have generally made it, whether by hook or by crook. That is a story for another day. Ag shame! The struggled orphans (1976 infants and toddlers): The good ones “barries” went on to complete their studies and didn’t get caught up in that lengthy adolescence immoral never ending jackrolling/house music/ VR6 craze. Most dropped out and became comrades, hustlers, divas and tenderpreneurs. Some are still trying to correct their lives, yet some just give up along the way, feeling entitled and on occasion resort to crime. The 1986 child is in sync with the new world of Hip Hop. Possessing a sub-consciousness of political history they are the new economy of the present day. They are the greater majority of “black diamonds” equipped with the new professions like I.T. etc. The millennium youth (1986 child) and the so-called ‘born free’ have an immense task of safe guarding the liberties that were fought for with blood, sweat and tears. Most importantly the youth of today ought to achieve economic freedom in this lifetime. The South African youth should be God fearing, respect man and be better organised and not act in silos so as to achieve the greater ideals that Mandela stood for.
Business T
The rise and fal
his is what Brian Tracy had to say about business “All successful people, men and women, are big dreamers. They imagine what their future could be, ideal in every respect, and then they work every day toward their distant vision, that goal or purpose.” Joseph in the bible had a dream of what his life would be, what his vision of the future would look like and subsequently realised his dreams were not allowing the trails of slavery, pitfall and more-so prison. Joseph as our ideal man after his tribulation suddenly became in charge of the business affairs in Egypt which if I may add was the trade center of the world. The same Joseph envision the future and systematically predicted the deliverance from their “TASK” masters and requested that after his death his bones should be carried out of Egypt and be taken along to the promise land. As we go further, I would plead that you allow me to ask this questions. What are your dreams? What business are you currently engaged in? Where do you see your business 10 years from now? How would your life be alongside your business in those 10 years? Would you say you have achieved God’s purpose? What would you say is your driving force? Are you driven by sight, material things and/or by divine purpose? On the one hand, people think that life is supposed to start big, however in reality, this ideal is an illusion. On the contrary most businesses start small and we have a reference point in the book of Job 8 vs 7, which says, “though your beginning is small but your end shall be greatly increased”. The glory of every small venture is to become the great and the great to
become small; if you employ investigative reasoning and findings of all iconic firms or businesses, they all have a story of humble beginnings. Apple computers, the brainchild and vision of Steve Jobs, started in his father’s garage, I also would like to cite Bill Gate, who had a humble beginning. Remember he dropped out of Harvard University but now controls an empire of over $75 billion. What is in your hand right now? This is the same question God asked Moses; Moses responded, “The Rod”, and God said use it interestingly, that same rod in the hands of Moses divided the Red Sea, produced water from the rock, turned into a magnificent snake that swallowed three snakes from the Egyptians magicians”, see
Exodus 7. Having said that, the pertinent question is, what is in your right hand now? To some, it could be the words in their mouth, the ability to write, the strength in the hands, the ability to reason, to read and understand, however, whatever ‘Rod’ God has place in your hands endeavor to use it to reach the goal set before you. Someone said, if you are not prudent enough to manage what is in your hands; how then would you manage an organisation or the capacity to oversee the work of our Father! It is proven that sluggards are the Oliver Twists of all times. They are never filled, always wanting more, what can I say, life is a battle and must be faced squally and courageously. In
on the Go
ll of a business
By: Anthony O.C.
“Someone said, if you are not prudent enough to manage what is in your hands; how then would you manage an organisation” doing this one will be able to attain the aforementioned set of goals in life. “My advice in this subject matter thus states, shun laziness, procrastination, negligence and slothfulness for it is also written that show me someone that has been diligent in his business and I will show you someone that will soon stand with kings and not be found with obscure people”. In the resent past, we have found both in secular and spiritual settings a large number of obscure people whose conduct has endangered the micro and macro society respectively. To this end, life, business, quest, pursuit, adventure and whatsoever inspiration you aspire, answers to one single word Life or Death. For
every beginning there is always an end, therefore it is very correct to say; the foundation of any business determines the supposed end. Now ask yourself this question. What is the foundation of the business you are currently engaged in? Is it craftily originated or should one say my business is a life taker or giver, does it impact positively on the person you are dealing with, or has it encouraged many? Today in our current location there are many types of businesses that have been rooted deep in social vices and vice versa. To mention a few, hard drugs is a war lodged against humanity and its creed, obtaining by false pretense (419) an unearthly activity launched by the evil one to undo the blessings
of God to humanity. Anyone whose business falls to one of these, even those that have not been mentioned here clearly is working against God and his divine purpose for our existence. Therefore heed to what Galatians 6 vs 7 says, “do not be deceived for God is not mocked, whatsoever a man sow, he will surly reap”. Think about it, do not indulge in ungodly acts to make money, pursue fame, and gain recognition at the expense of others thereby attracting damnation and the eternal wroth of God. Be wise, for the business of the fool troubles all for it does not know the way to the city.
MEET THE FATHERS Although Real Woman Magazine is a woman based magazine, we do think about men from time to time and we screen their environment to find out what they think and what their opinions are on certain topics. Today we are curious to know how they feel about being a father. We randomly sent out questionnaires to a few men and here are some of our responses:
Mr. Bruce Dilindi
RWM: Good day sir, could you please introduce yourself to our readers? Father: I am Mr. Bruce Dilindi, I’m an IT support manager at Exterran and I’ m from Gabon. RWM: Are you married with or without kids? Father: I am not married, I have one baby girl. RWM: what does it mean for you to be a father? Father: Being a dad means never being afraid to openly share your weaknesses and mistakes with your children so they can learn and grow from hearing them. RWM: How does it feel to be a father and what is your best experience so far as a father? Father: It helps me to accept the fact that it’s really no longer about me anymore and the experience so far has been a good journey. RWM: What do you do to make your kids happy? Father: I provide them with all they need for their well being. RWM: What advice will you give to fellow fathers out there? Father: Being a father means that just as soon as you’ve figured some aspects of parenting out, you have to learn something new.
Mr. HervĂŠ Sery
RWM: Good day sir, could you please introduce yourself to our readers? Father: I am HervĂŠ SERY, a senior consultant and communication coordinator at a Tour Operating
company. RWM: Are you married with or without kids? Father: I am happily married, with two kids RWM: What does it represent to you
to be a father? Father : Being a father is a true blessing. God has put in our hands the life and the education of these little creatures. It is a full time job, with no off days, but the reward is huge and immeasurable. RWM: How does it feel to be a father and what is your best experience so far ? Father: I am having a great time being a father. My lexical suitcase cannot even find the right words to describe how I feel. I passionately love it. My best experience is the memory of my little baby coming into the world, it was amazing! RWM: What do you do to make your kids happy? Father: I talk to them a lot, it helps me to keep track on what they like or not. They are like my friends. I am on a mission to make them happy. I spoil them when they deserve it and I make sure that they learn a life lesson whenever they are wrong. In that case, there is always a benefit in every situation. RWM: What advice will you give to fellow fathers out there? Father: This advice goes for me as well. We must pray to God to give us strength, ambition, courage, intelligence and money to take good care of these little ones that He has given to us. We must love our kids with no limits and take an active role in every single path of their lives. Fathers and kids, we are in it together.
RWM: Good day sir, could you please introduce yourself to our readers? Father: My name is Rodrigo Ambeyon and I am a flight attendant. RWM: Are you married with or without kids? Father: I’m getting married very soon and I have a son. RWM: What does it mean to you to be a father? Father: Being a father means a lot, it’s a great responsibility and should be experienced by every man. RWM: How does it feel to be a father and what is your best experience so far as a father? Father: It is so gorgeous for me to be called dad, and I like playing my role in every occasion. I always create an occasion to spend time with my family. Every day is a new experience to enjoy. For example, to do his homework, see him going or coming back from school and just by sitting all together for dinner. RWM: What do you do to make your kids happy? Father: To make my child happy I provide him with wellness, good food, provide good education for him and a warm and nurturing home. RWM: What advice will you give to fellow fathers out there? Father: My advice to other fathers is to prepare and educate our kids, so that when we depart from this life,they will not struggle to continue on their own.
Mr. Rodrigo Ambeyon
hese days, our busy schedule and stressful working conditions leaves little or no room for quality conversation between parents and kids. The more you talk, even if it’s just trivia and random discussion about other kids in school, the more your kids feel comfortable talking to you about their problems. If you already communicate regularly, they are more likely to confide in you while there is still time to fix their worries. REWARD EFFORT NOT THE RESULTS. Experts warn against trying to motivate your kids with the promise of a gadget or cash if they do well. Imagine if they worked as hard as they could but still didn’t get the grades they wanted? Instead, reward your child for the amount of effort they put in. You can mark the end of each exam with a treat that everyone can look forward to, such as a meal in a restaurant, an outing to a theme park or buying a favourite video game or toy.
DONT MAKE COMPARISONS Always resist the urge to compare your child with other kids no matter what, Pastor Meg once said, “comparison destroys a child’s confidence and puts him/her in fear. Every child has a different ability, some learn fast
whilst others are slow to learn. Just learn to treat them according to their level of assimilation”. Never compare them even with their other siblings; saying, “your brother worked hard and got destinations”, won’t motivate them but rather make them feel inadequate even before they have started.
By : Pat Philips Ogedengbe.
Anxiety will then hinder their ability to learn and improve. LEAVE LABELS OUT OF IT Labelling your child as no good at a subject can be a self-fulfilling prophecy; they think they can’t do it so they fail. SCHEDULE SOME FUN These days children get lots of homework, after school activities and being away from all academic stress is just as vital as working hard. Make sure your child is getting regular breaks to do something they love, whether skating, skipping, playing cricket, football, dancing, or listening to music. Study your child to know what they love to do and encourage them to do it. Schedule that ‘down time’ into their diary to ensure that it happens. HELP THEM TO REST Relaxation and rest are also key to stop stress levels from soaring. Ensure your child switches off his or her mobile phone an hour before bed as there is evidence that handsets can impair sleep. This also goes for the TV, computer activity and games, as the brain needs to unwind before dozing off. Encourage your child to get plenty of rest, no all-night cramming sessions, and to take regular breaks while revising. The brain works better if it is rested. FIND THEIR WORKING STYLE Some kids work best amid the buzz of a family kitchen, others in silence in the remotest room in the house, some under the dining table, and some in the toy room and so forth. Study your kids and find out where they feel they can work best and ensure they have what they need to do so. You don’t have to impose on them all the time. ORGANISE THEM Don’t neglect them. Find out when their exams would be, what coursework they have and when it needs to be handed in. That way you can help them to organise their work. On a calendar, mark a schedule for revising specific topics and cross them off once they are done.
Also, mark the exam dates. This would make your child know there is an end and that they are achieving something as they go along. Plus make sure your child keeps his or her books and bedroom in a tidy state. Feeling organised about little things helps to cut down stress. Don’t leave them totally to the domestic worker and make yourself a stranger in their lives. Just the way you can never be too busy or too tired to bring them to the world never be too busy or tired to raise them and help them cope with examination stress. You are the best tutor they can ever have.
eer pressure is a social pressure by members of ones peer group to take a certain action, adopt certain values or otherwise conform in order to be accepted. It could also be seen as an influence of a group that encourages teenagers or people to act in a certain manner, change their attitudes, behaviour and values in order for them to be fully accepted in their group. It is common with the youth because they are the ones who spend more time with their friends or classmates in school. Some people cannot stand alone or can’t stand by themselves, so they search for a group of people that they can be with or they can rely on. Peer pressure is all about being accepted by the group. Just like adults, teenagers too, get caught in the mesh of this urge to fit in. In the process they often fail to realise that they might be indulging in activities that is either directly or potentially harmful to their wellbeing. There are different forms of peer pressure; direct, indirect and individual. Direct peer pressure is a teenager or group of teenagers actually telling another teenager what he/she should be doing or what is okay to do. Indirect peer pressure is not necessarily verbal peer pressure but optical peer pressure. Optical peer pressure is when one teenager is hanging out with a group of friends that smokes or does drugs is exposed to this kind of negative behaviour and may think it is acceptable. Individual peer pressure is trying too hard to fit in by doings things because other
By: Maryrose Okuonghae
people are doing them. Peer pressure can be positive or negative, but more commonly it is negative. Nowadays, peer pressure is portrayed as negative and really has bad effects on teenagers. Positive effects of peer pressure could include; adopting good habits: Positive peer pressure can help you reflect on your actions and amend your ways to become a better individual. Observing others: How they work hard to achieve their goals will definitely encourage you to step up your game and strive towards something positive. For example, when a teen knows that his/her team-mates are practising hard to become a better basketball player, that will directly affect his own willingness to practise harder as well. He will put in twice the time and energy to raise the level of his game and ensure he has a place in the team. Similarly, a kid who knows that his best friend aces English because he regularly reads story books will feel compelled to read as well. Having a group that exerts positive peer pressure can also help you give up bad habits and pick up healthy ones that can shape both your personality and your future. A change in perspective about life and motivation to do well because of pressure from your peers can actually become an inspiration. Positive effects of peer pressure also include doing well in school, eating healthy, exercising, joining after school programs and much more.
Negative effects of peer pressure on the other hand include; shoplifting, we hear it on the news, on the radio and television that many teenagers are involved in this crime. They do it because their friends are doing it and they think that is the way to “fit in”. Some do shoplifting because of initiation into a group. Based on what I have researched, initiation is a rite of passage ceremony to enter or be accepted into a group. Teenagers are now in trouble because of doing this crime. Parents should be aware in guiding their children. The next is cutting classes; it has to do with education. Students are cutting classes because they want to escape school work and do it with their friends, they go to computer shops to play computer games, some go to malls or any other place away from their school. Their parents give them money for school, but they spend it on other things. Cutting classes is really a bad effect on the student as this can really affect their grades. Another negative aspect of peer influence is the possibility of addiction
“Having a group that exerts positive peer pressure can also help you give up bad habits and pick up healthy ones that can shape both your personality and your future”. to prohibited drugs, smoke and alcohol abuse. This is the major negative effect of peer pressure to teenagers; it can ruin their lives and their relationships with other people. This happens when their friends ask them to join a party without knowing that there are drugs, alcoholic drinks and smoke involved. Their friends will push them to use drugs or drink alcohol for them to be accepted in the group. If they become addicted to these things, it can really affect their studies and lives. Smoking can cause various diseases and it is very hard to cure a person who’s addicted to prohibited drugs. Peers can influence their friends to do absolutely anything. That is why the majority of teenagers base their decision on their friend’s actions. The more time teenagers spend with their peers, the more they trust them. If a teenager trusts a friend, they will most likely follow that friend’s example. Many teenagers want to feel accepted by their peers, so they do certain things to try and fit in with everyone else. Teenagers think that by following what their friends do, like smoking, drinking alcohol, they will seem “cool” or they fear that they will look clueless or completely out of it if they don’t. Although many people think otherwise, peer pressure can affect a teenager by more than just influencing them. Peer pressure can cause depression, drug abuse, alcohol abuse and smoking addiction that can lead to lifelong problems. Teenagers can begin to feel lonely, helpless and even more hopeless because they realise that their efforts to gain acceptance aren’t working.
Teens that feel rejected feel powerless and unimportant. These feelings can trigger depression. Depression can be expressed in anger, agitation and sometimes suicide. Negative peer pressure has straight out consequences. As a minor smoking, drinking alcohol, doing drugs, cutting classes and having sex are all felonies. The teenager performing these acts can be in serious trouble to the point where they can be arrested and put into juvenile hall. It is true that we can’t live alone or we cannot live without friends, but it is our choice to be on the right path. In order to deal with negative peer pressure first, really think of why you are doing what you are doing. For example, lots of teens smoke because their peers do it. We should choose the people who can be trusted and will be a good influence. We should be strong enough to say no if someone’s asking us to do bad things. Teenagers should be independent enough and responsible. They should always have self discipline. Parents should also be responsible enough in guiding their child. They should be aware about what their child is doing and who their friends are. On a final note, we should know what’s right and what’s wrong. We are the ones who make or break our future (everyone is the architect of his/ her own destiny), so we should be wise enough in making decisions. We should make the right decisions in our lives so that we can have a successful life in the future.
Personal Trainer and Sports Conditioner
urning fat and losing weight comes down to a lifestyle change - eating well and exercise is the combination that works. A training program which includes strength training and cardio helps to burn fat and good eating habits helps to bring the number on the dreaded scale down. It is difficult at first to change your habits and ways, but anything successful is worth working for in my experience. It seems as though a lot of women worry too much about the scale and do not consider their fat percentage and body measurements. In other words, the scale only tells you if you are getting lighter, it doesn't show if you are looking better. The reality is: if you want something you have never had, you need to do something you have never done. In this article I will give you practical advice in how to lose weight and
Eating: cut out starchy foods from your diet. Example: rice, pasta, pap and bread. Increase protein intake inland include green vegetables. Eat smaller portions, every 3-4 hours, 5-6 times a day. Don't eat for two hours prior sleeping and don't miss breakfast. When training, it is important to mix your workout between cardio and resistance training. Weights will not make you look like a bodybuilder. I always find that the best kind of resistance training is with ‘Compound / Explosive’ exercises. These are exercises which use more than one muscle or muscle group in a specific movement. For example: burpies, squat and press, clean and jerks.
burn fat, and what to include in your training program. You no longer need to over exert yourself at the gym, or run for hours on the treadmill. That is old school training! Gone are the days where "no pain, no gain" or "train for hours" is needed. In today’s busy life, short high intensity training is the way to go. Cardio helps to lose weight and burn fat, your heart rate needs to increase. By Running, cycling or rowing for
extended periods of time (like a marathon runner or cyclist) does close to nothing if you want to lose weight. I prefer to have a client walk up a hill or use an incline on the treadmill and change every minute between a fast paced walk and a slow paced walk. Strength training mixed with cardio and resistance training will help burn fat and increase your body's ability to function better.
“It is important to mix your workout between cardio and resistance training. Weights will not make you look like a bodybuilder”
With these resistance exercises you can mix isolated exercises in one set to keep up the intensity. I usually plan four specific exercises in one set to do after one another with my clients. Keep the repetitions high with the resistance exercises. Try to select a weight which you can do. Start with 10-15 repetitions at first, then try to increase to 15-20 reps. Try to repeat 3-4 of these reps. if you are unable to do a specific amount of reps than try to train within a 30 to 40 second timeframe, then increase to 30 to 45 seconds as you are able. Try to do as many reps in that time frame and try to match the amount of reps you do each time. My clients are trained for 30-45 minutes each session on high intensity and rest for about 1 minute inbetween each set. As you get fitter, you will find yourself not resting as often. To see visible results train for I3 months (12 weeks). Remember, it’s not about how long it takes you; it is about changing your mindset and lifestyle. Treat yourself once a week to your favourite meal. Even if your progress is slow, slow progress is still progress. Be yourself; don't compare yourself to other people! You are your only obstacle. 0796308331 ngagefit@gmail.com
Bringing Home the Cup
By: Saneliswe Sokhela
Mignon Du Preez is geared up for the World Cup.
Bangladesh will compete for first place in Group B. With this exciting tournament ahead we decided to take a closer look at the captain of our team, Mignon du Preez. Du Preez has proven to be a captain that leads by example. Currently she is ranked 12th on the Reliance ICC Women’s Player Rankings as a T20 Batswoman, the highest ranked female South African cricket player. Her personal goal is to be in the top five of the ICC rankings for batswomen. She has played in 37 T20 games for South Africa and holds an average of 20.53 with a strike rate of 92.29. Her highest score is 53 not out and she has scored two other half centuries on other occasions. Du Preez was announced as the national captain by Cricket South Africa (CSA) in October 2011 at the age of 22. She made her debut as captain against England and since then has been taking the team from milestone to milestone. The Proteas have claimed many victories under her leadership. They won the T20 and ODI series against the England Academy in April 2012, as well as their first away series against Bangladesh that same year.
very kingdom has its kings and queens, so does the world of cricket. In less than a month our kings and queens are going to battle it out with the rest of the cricketing world to see who is the best in T20 cricket. The women will be competing for the ICC Women’s World Twenty20 Cup
from 23 March to 2 April 2014 and the men for the ICC World T20 Trophy from 16 March to 9 April 2014. Both tournaments will be hosted by Bangladesh. Mignon Du Preez and her team will be taking on Australia, New Zealand, Pakistan and Ireland in Group A. The rest of the 10 participating countries; England, West Indies, Sri Lanka and
The team reached the super six stage for the first time during last year’s ODI World Cup. They also won against Bangladesh and Sri Lanka on home tours. Earlier this year, the Proteas won the Qatar 50over Tri-Series in Doha and played in the final of the T20 series. When we asked this 24 year old Pretoria girl what she thinks their chances are of winning the T20
“As a capta are not supp wait and exp served, yo supposed to others
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important people in her life. They are also her biggest supporters and the most special being her little cousin. Du Preez is not only a talented and beautiful sportswomen, she has also successfully obtained an Honours degree in Marketing at the University of Pretoria. Her advice to the youth is to dream big, “If your dream does not scare you, it is not big enough” – says du Preez. She also advises to learn from your mistakes, “What matters is to bounce back and to turn your stumbling blocks into stepping stones”.
World Cup, she modestly replied that realistically the main goal for now is to reach the semi-finals. Due to the fact that there are no playoffs, the Proteas have to end up in the top two of Group A to play in the semi-finals. Mignon believes in leading by example, both
on and off the field. Her Christian values are important to her thus she promotes a servant-leadership style in her captaincy. “As a captain you are not supposed to wait and expect to be served, you are supposed to serve others.” Besides leading our Protea Queens, Mignon loves to spend time with her family. She regards them and her boyfriend, of eight years, as the most
Winning a World Cup has always been one of Du Preez goals for the team. We want to wish her, her team and the managing team all the best during this T20 World Cup. May it be a goal achieving tournament! Du Preez is joined by a 14 women squad who is fired up and ready for the battle that lies ahead. The squad consist of Trisha Chetty, Moseline Daniels, Shandre Frits, Shabnim Ismail, Marizanne Kapp, Lizelle Lee, Marcia Matshipi Letsoalo, Sunette Loubser, Sune Luus, Nadine Moodley, Cloe Tryon, Yolandi van der Westhuizen and Dane van Niekerk.
tretching at work can help you relax, reduce muscle discomfort and perhaps reduce the risk of injury. Performing basic exercises can help you strengthen your body and loosen tight muscles. An exercise and stretching routine can also help you save money if you treat yourself to some physical activity instead of a visit to the vending machine during your breaks.
At Your Desk Turn your work desk into a workout zone with basic exercises that can help you get stronger. While seated, start with your knees bent and your feet planted on the floor, extend one leg at a time until it’s parallel with the floor, then return to the starting position. Switch sides and continue your leg lifts.
For a core stabalising exercise place your hands on your armrests, engage your core and lift your body a few inches from the seat. Hold for 10 to 20 seconds, then lower and repeat. To work your triceps, stand with your back to the desk and rest your palms on its surface, bend your arms and lower until your elbows reach a 90-degree angle. Around the Office
Get some extra exercise by moving your printer a distance away from your desk, if possible. This way, you’ll have to walk more throughout the day when retrieving documents from the printer. Take the long way to the restroom. Take your phone calls while standing up or pacing. Park farther away from the office and take the stairs when possible. If your office has a gym or a workout room, do basic exercises such as ab crunches, pushups, pull-ups or rope jumps without necessarily having to change into full workout gear. Stretching While Seated Stretch your upper back and shoulders with shoulder rolls. While seated, inhale and slowly bring your right shoulder up to your ear, then exhale and roll the shoulder back into place. Repeat on each side. You can also bring both shoulders up at the same time, exhaling to roll them back into place. To stretch your neck, sit up straight in your chair and then slowly tilt your right ear toward your right shoulder. Allow your head to return to neutral position, then slowly tilt your left ear toward your left shoulder. Stretch your chest while seated by sitting up straight, interlacing your fingers behind your back and then lifting your sternum. Stretching While Standing If you’ve been seated all day, standing stretches are a particularly effective way to relax and rejuvenate your body. While standing, extend your arms overhead and then grasp your left wrist with your right hand. Engage your core, then lean to the right to get a stretch through the left side of your body. Switch arm placement and repeat on the other side. You can also stand with your hands on your hips and your feet
planted shoulder-width apart. Press your hips forward and your shoulders back, hold the stretch for up to 10 seconds. Most important, remember that any
movement is better than none, so don't feel like you have to do sprints all day long. Adding short bouts of exercise throughout the day will help you burn more calories and reduce stress.
Hidden Towns in the Bible In the following short story there are ten hidden towns and cities from the Bible. Can you find them? One day, the King of Gaza called his people and informed them of a vision he had concerning the future of Joppa; in the dream, he felt confused as he was to give charge of the Three Taverns to one of his sons. According to his own law, the ruler of these areas should be born from a woman originally from Tarsus, which was not the case, as she was from Samaria. The King requested his best magicians to come up with a suitable solution, and promised the Chief commander position to the one with the best approach. It was during the same period that King Peer, King of Athens, called his people and informed them that he would like to marry a new wife. On his journey, he met a beautiful woman, her skin was soft and fragile from the milk and honey she applied on her body. Her name was Kadidja, she was born on the river side of Capernaum and was well educated from Bethany’s women school. During those days, all wedding matters were disputed in Apollonia where no local laws could interfere. Kadidja’s father, a great farmer, called the oldest leader from Tiberius to conclude the terms and conditions of the wedding. This one indicated that if King Peer wished to marry Kadidja, he should bring a sheep that was neither male nor female. King Peer then replied that he had so much of love for Kadidja that he had found the requested sheep. However, her father should fetch it during the daylight not at night.
The End
Answers 1
By : Audrey Bading-Mve
Brain Test Let’s do some brain testing ! Soft level 1)
Can you tell us which two Nigel’s have won the Premier League winner’s medals?
Do you by any chance know the names of the four English managers who have won the UEFA Cup ?
Medium level 3)
Give the name of the following footballers based on their nicknames : Divine Ponytail Romford Pele Incredible Sulk White Feather Black Tulip Crazy Horse
4) Who were the host countries of the 2010 FIFA tournament ? a) Gabon & Angola b) Gabon & Equatorial Guinea c) Gabon & Guinea d) Gabon & Nigeria Answer: Hard level 5) Who is the only player to have been named the tournament’s most valuable player twice? a) Ahmed Hassan b) Abedi Pele c) Roger Milla d) Jay-Jay Okocha Answer:
6) Who was John the Baptist’s father? a) Joseph b) Zechariah c) Malachi d) Thaddeus Answer:
By : Audrey Bading-Mve