If there is an in-depth story, I want to know about it. Character and narrative development is what I strive to do, whether through concept art or level design.
ZOE LIMBERT limbert-z@hotmail.co.uk yoyocrayon.wordpress.com
My dream is to be able to visualise whats in my imagination, through concept art or 3D models, and enjoy it!
STEPHEN CUSDIN stevecusi@hotmail.com cusicusi.wordpress.com
Concept art has been my main focus for some time. Visual design sets the tone for everything that follows in a project, you might as well make it look good.
JAKE NEAL jake557@gmail.com jakeneal.wordpress.com
Everyone loves a great character. I make it my aim to create the most adventurous, compelling and epic individuals through concepts for others to immerse themselves in.
CORAL BAKER coralannbaker@yahoo.com anni-lee.deviantart.com
Games have never had any problems capturing my imagination. An unique, 3D world only you could make. What’s not to like? It’s reality on steroids. Besides, reality is boring anyway...
freddie pitcher freddiepitcher@gmail.com ferdthenerd.com
Jack of all media trades, trying to master a couple. Watch this space‌
BILL CLAY bill.clay@hotmail.co.uk
Animation is one of the few escapisms of life that can captivate and inspire an audience of all ages, genders and creed. Why pursue anything else?
JADE HODGSON jh96429@students.leeds-art.ac.uk vegtableseverywhere.wordpress.com
I have developed my skills into becoming a Video Games designer focusing on designing both 2d and 3D environments.
WILL FARRELL will_farrell@hotmail.co.uk willfarrelldfga.blogspot.comv
I’ve developed my skills as a concept artist considerably along the way and have more confidence in unfamiliar software thanks to the fantastic tutors here.
KEN MCFARLANCE kennethmcfarlane@hotmail.co.uk credequodhabes.blogspot.com
Games allow me to create an interactive world where anything is possible. I am aspiring to become a concept artist and 3D modeller.
IFRAZ MOHAMMED iffyinc@hotmail.co.uk iffyinc.blogspot.com
I am a Video Games designer focusing on designing for 2D and 3D environments and levels for a variety of different audiences.
THOMAS NEWTON divinitywithin@hotmail.co.uk
I came from a graphics background wanting to broaden my design skills on all levels. After these 3 years I am now aiming to work as a 3D modeller in games and films.
CHRIS RHODES crhodesdesign@gmail.com crhodesdesign.com