Mp3 Owen - Hanging Out At Harv's Joint
Just Owen, his big voice, a hundred year old piano and 13 great original songs full of energy and emotion. It's refreshing to hear someone stepping out of the usual guitar-bass-drums format. 13 MP3 Songs BLUES: Piano Blues, JAZZ: Smooth Jazz Details: Being a 'blues piano player' had been a passion of mine from a very early age. When it comes to playing the swinging grooves and hearing the raw tones that emerge from a standard 12 bar blues piano tune, it's like I end up travelling to some place else and suddenly realising that this is exactly where I'm meant to be. To be truthful, all of my previous music had been created for a particular market or what I was told to write and play by my management and publishing company. During this time though, I had to ignore my inner feelings. Maybe one aspect of myself that I have finally dealt with, is that I'm now prepared to let people hear the real me. The lyrics on "Hanging Out at Harv's Joint", are a clear indication of where and who I am. Each of the songs were written in a very short space of time and I have tried to put a message behind the lyrics. In short, what I am trying to achieve is a form of teaching that will awaken people's thoughts and make us think about the way we treat each other. I feel that if enough people hear a music that has passion and depth, then this will lead to a better style of communication and sharing between all of us. Hang on a minute! Every song on the album isn't about a life's lesson. I also believe that life is about learning to laugh AND even taking time to stop and smell the flowers. I love a joke and having a bit of fun too, so I couldn't resist throwing in a couple of pure high energy and fun songs like 'Dog and Bone Boogie' OR 'Rock Steady'. I suppose you really need to hear exactly what I'm talking about don't you? Well why don't you click on one of the MP3 links above to actually do it! Enjoy keep in touch. If you'd like some more info please don't hesitate to contact me. Stay happy Owen
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