Mp3 Sita Stuhlmiller - Shakti: Kirtan & Chants To Divine Mother
Heartfelt chanting from East and West inspires meditation, devotion and peace. Traditional kirtan chants from India and original compositions to Mother Divine, accompanied by acoustic guitar, piano, keyboards, tablas and kartals. 12 MP3 Songs in this album (59:01) ! Related styles: SPIRITUAL: Mantras, SPIRITUAL: Praise Worship People who are interested in Deva Premal Snatam Kaur should consider this download. Details: Divine Mother in Her various forms has been worshiped since time immemorial. In India the Goddess is worshiped with chants and mantras, devotional offerings, pujas, prayers and garlands of fragrant beauty. The songs on SHAKTI evoke the presence of Mother Divine as a child reaching out to touch her Mother. Sung alternately in Sanskrit and English, these chants bring the listener into a state of sweet serenity and devotion to the Mother of us all. Sita Stuhlmiller's chanting was graced by the guidance of her Guru, Swami Amar Jyoti. These chants were recorded live in the Temple of Light at Sacred Mountain Ashram and retain that blissful absorption, when the devotee and the Deity become one.
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