Mp3 Strik & Krusal - We're Next
This is head-bangin, bass-knockin, somethin to ride too and kick it music. Something for the hott chicks and playas 18 MP3 Songs HIP-HOP/RAP: Rap, HIP-HOP/RAP: West Coast Rap Details: About Way Out Records WayOutRecords was created in 1997 by F. Jerome Davis (J.D) and Marcus D. Kennon (Shank) who has since pasted away and is very much missed. The first project released on WayOutRecords was the compilation album Its Rainin Dope which featured some of Tacomas most talented artist Young Krime, Awall, YZE, and Young Gangsta Dog. Several different producers contributed to this compilation like JC, Jonathan, Alex Big Squigg Davis and JD. Its Rainin Dope had a tremendous impact on the local music scene and attracted attention from major radio stations and record labels (Sony). But this album was not the album to bring the nationwide success sought after by every Independent Record label. Next was the release of Ananize What Would You Do? this album featured Yuk Mouth formally of the Luniz, Kazy D 187 click, and Pimpsta from Texas. Also featured on this album was a host of talented producers like Alex Big Squigg Davis, Jacob Jay one Bellamy and J.D. Now with their third release WERE NEXT featuring Strik Krusal the new future of WayOutRecords, we wonder if WayOut will achieve that sought after pot of gold, nationwide success. Each year the company seems to grow with their focus remaining the same. Lead by CEO J.D I had a chance to ask him a few questions. Writer: So after 8 years of pushing at this do you ever feel like giving up? J.D: Good question. times things dont seem to go the way you planned them, but if you give up how will you ever know how close you were? At one point I was ready to give it all up and I came across this scripture in the Bible and it read; Lose not what you have worked for less you receive your full reward. I took it like, if I quit now Ill never get what I deserved from all the hard work I put in. Ive been told that one of the worse things to live with in life is what if? So Im not going to have the what ifs. Writer: So how do you feel about the new album WERE NEXT from
Strik Krusal. J.D: These youngstas is hott! Weve been working with them for awhile, their style, stage performance, and music is tight! Sounds like the perfect combination for that good ole fashion blow up! Writer: So what are your plans for these two? J.D: Work, Work, Work. With the right amount of hard work and planning these guys can make a major impact on the industry. Writer: Last time we spoke you were talking about praying is it still apart of your make up? J.D: Whhhaaat! How could it ever change? Im still here aint I? If it wasnt for God it would have been over for me along time ago. Just a word to the wise; Give thanks to God in everything you do, even when you feel you aint right. Repentance is the key, and hard work is a must. Holla at ya later, oh yea check out that Strik and Krusal album its hott like grits. Gone, J.D Krusal Biography Rolondo Berring a.k.a. Krusal is a heavy hitter, the strong force behind his voice is what grabbed the attention of WayOutRecords. Krusal brings his own flavor to the mic, his unique style clears a place for him in a class all by himself. Just like most Krusal started out rapping at a young age but never took it serious. Not recognizing his skills he would just sit around and watch his friends. Then one day while they were all in a circle free styling Krusal let loose. Everyone was shock including Krusal, he never knew his natural talent for rapping. Once it was recognized Krusal started practicing daily. In the morning he would rap, at lunch he would rap, in the evening he would rap, at night he would rap. But all this rapping wasnt getting Krusal where he wanted to be. So one day Krusal was sitting down talking to his mother about his dreams and how he really wanted to be a rapper. The whole time Krusal never knew that his uncle had an independent record label (WayOutRecords) based right out of Tacoma. Soon after their talk Krusals mom brought him over to the studio to speak to his uncle J.D and submit his demo tape. Now for those of you who think Krusal got on just that easy, you are wrong. J.D didnt like the demo and told Krusal to keep up the rapping and contact him later. Krusal being the young soldier he is didnt take it personally and just got back to rapping. About a year later tragedy struck the family and Krusal and J.D met up again. This time Krusals delivery and lyrics were a lot tighter and this began his ride down the road of stardom with WayOutRecords. Krusal has been working on his solo songs for the up coming compilation album Its Still Rainin and will surely shake the rap world with his style. Strik 9 Biography Jmicheal Spencer a.k.a. Strik 9 born May 14th 1984 has a very unique style. At times he tongue twists his lyrics (which means he says them at high speed) and other times he just kicks back and let the rhymes flow. Strik has been rapping since the age of twelve and started performing at about thirteen. But it wasnt until years later that he would get his chance to showcase his skills. The opportunity
was presented when Strik was performing at a local talent show put on by WayOutRecords. His performance sparked the interest of WayOuts producer Bigg Squigg and soon Strik was on his way to the studio. Finally Strik got his chance to prove himself and featured on the WayOutRecords release Ananize What Would You Do? album with Ananize and Yze. WayOutRecords was so impressed that soon after that Strik began to work on his solo songs for the up coming compilation Its still Rainin a follow up from the first compilation the Its Rainin Dope. When we asked Strik what are some of his hobbies he sat back in his chair, gave a grin, and said, girls, rapping, sports, and hanging out with the famm. So watch out world Strik 9 is one hot item and will be sure to blaze the industry with his heat. People who are interested in 2Pac Eightball Lil Wayne should consider this download.
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