Imagine Globalfest (Disemination)

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Dissemination GLOBALFEST 2012

Sharing the imagination IMAGINE art encounter was a youth arts event bringing young people together to explore and express their ideas about a better future for themselves, their communities and their world. The young people were exploring important questions:

What kind of future can you imagine for yourself, your community and your world? What problems do we need to challenge to create this future? What values are important in shaping the future you imagine? It was important to the project that we found ways to communicate the messages and ideas the young people developed and expressed to as many people are possible - other young people - the general public - Stakeholders and decision makers

Making waves is a very useful resource that provides an array of tips, tricks and information about how to make the most out of your project and create the best waves possible! You can download it at this link MakingWaves/

This pamphlet includes some of the methods used to get the word out there!

PUblIc workshops As the young people shared their visions it was important that the public had the opportunity to interact and respond to the themes . The activities including: -chalk boards -postcard activities -clay activities -drawing globe exercises -Graffiti wall

The festival Globalfest The young people presented all their creative work and outcomes at Globalfest youth arts festival. The work was presented on stage and the visual art was on public display outdoors.

All over the city! As well as presentation of work at the main event, work was dispersed across the city to attract public attention and interest in the themes

The calendar IMAGINE art encounter was a youth arts event bringing young people together to explore and express their ideas about a better future for themselves, their communities and their world. You can find out more about the who project in the introduction pamphlet. This pamphlet shares ideas about how young people can share their voices with others. A calendar was made with a strong image..... statements for each month. On the back of each page were ideas about steps that could be taken towards the future the young people imagined. These were posted to policy makers, decision makers and those who have responsibilities for issues raised by the young people.


Example of calendar page

The DVD DVD included: •

short documentary of visual arts project

the music written by young people with lyrics clearly presented

documentation of dance piece

documentation of theatre piece

text of creative writing piece

documentation of showcase at Globalfest

Printed media Radio It was important that the voices of young people were heard by the general public as well. We sent press releases to local and national newspapers and sound files to local radios as well as making ourselves available for interviews.

SPecial events Culture Night Youth Council The Lord Mayor hosted a youth council as part of culture night for young people to present the outcomes from their seminar to city councillors and the public. Participants of the seminar presented video documentation of creative work accompanied by a live rap. They delivered key statements on the theme of ‘Imagine’ which were followed by discussion, debate and a Q&A with the Councillors.

Other platforms This material was also submitted to the ‘Being Young and Irish’ seminar for review by President Michael D. Higgins. The seminar was asking the following questions • What is your vision for Ireland? • What can you and other young people do to achieve this? • What else needs to happen to make your proposals possible? Three representatives from the young people attended the Cork session of the seminar.

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